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diamondsaregold · 8 years ago
Drake Walker x MC - A Playlist
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#ChoicesCreates Round 24 Prompt: “Movement of the Stars” @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc​. A lot of the songs in this playlist use motifs of stars and light, so I was really, really happy to see that this was the prompt! As always, thanks to our wonderful hosts. Background Info: “His pain, his loneliness, is laid stark against the inky backdrop.” ✨  The second playlist for TRR I’ve been working on for the past few months, aka how I’ve been getting my feels out every week.   Click on each song title for the link. I highly recommend listening while looking at the visuals, lyrics, and analysis. 😉
If you’re interested, you can find Maxwell x MC here and Zig x MC here.
1) “Halfway Gone” Lifehouse An exhilarating alt-rock anthem to rocky memories and bold decisions.
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I'm hanging on but growing cold While my mind is leaving ----- You got one foot out the door And choking on the other Always think there's something more It's just around the corner ----- Talk, talk is cheap Give me a word you can keep Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
Stepping into the bar that night, Drake is no less cynical than he was back in Cordonia. When he sees the way that the Prince looks at us—the waitress with the pretty eyes and penchant for quips—he’s reminded that this is not the place for him to dare dream of a future. Not in New York, and not anywhere else.
So back at the palace, he wastes no time telling us the truth: that this is not a land of fairytales. To us, he’s brusque, colder than the night air.
Inside, he’s suffocating. His rebellion against this institution of lies and gilded smiles allows him to stay safe, in a world where his walls keep all hopes out. Just the way he wants it.
2) “God Put a Smile Upon Your Face” Coldplay A guitar riff-driven, alt-rock song that twists and turns with the observations of a jaded mind.
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Where do we go, nobody knows? I’ve gotta say I’m on my way down ----- Now, when you work it out I’m worse than you Yeah, when you work it out I wanted to Now, when you work out where to draw the line Your guess is as good as mine
Granted, we’re much tougher than we seem—among other things. He reminds himself that his watchful gaze on us is only because his best friend has fallen head over heels for us, of course.
But when he slips back into the tent with drinks in hand, he’s taken aback by our beaming smile, directed just at him. Questions begin swirling through his mind, all centered on this strange churning in his stomach, as the three of them laugh together.
After years of letting rolled eyes and offhand insults fester, camaraderie sure is a strange pill to swallow.
3) “Amsterdam” Imagine Dragons An introspective indie-rock tune for the nights we spend reminiscing and gravitate toward truth.
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I'm sorry, mother... I'm sorry, I let you down Well, these days I'm fine - No these days I tend to lie ----- Kinda thought it was a mystery and then I thought I wasn't meant to be You set yourself fantastically, "Congratulations you are all alone." ----- Your time will come if you wait for it, if you wait for it It's hard, believe me... I've tried But I keep coming up short ----- No I won't wait much longer 'cause these walls they're crashing down
That night, we stroll along the sidewalk, surrounded by the soft glow of street signs and the echo of conversation. More bold than we’ve felt in months, we tease him shamelessly, until he’s tossing his head back and laughing heartily. 
When the palace comes back into view, the bitter twinge in his chest creeps back in; yet at our bright smile by his side, it soon dissipates.
As the night wind whips through our hair, Drake ponders what we might see the next time we look at him, a man veiled by a stony barrier that has begun to crumble, and what magic that future moments may reveal. 
4. “Holes” The Paper Kites An atmospheric, indie-folk ballad that rings with aching vulnerability.
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Never did I find all the answers I’ve untied But then you always pushed the light in your way And your voice was trembling At the thought of “you couldn’t win” But it’s the only race I’m in, running strong ----- Till you did, I faded out of sight All my days and nights You never leave my mind ----- Holes let in the light
With his gaze lost in the twinkling constellations above, all of his past comes rushing out. His pain, his loneliness, is laid stark against the inky backdrop. Somehow, he feels strangely whole. When his shoulder presses firmly against ours, all we can think of is how alive this night feels. How we yearn to let this moment fade into infinity. With only the swaying trees to bear witness, we want nothing more to press against this wavering space between us. As we walk through the snow, hand in hand, he knows now that somewhere along the way, we set off a spark in him—a glow that leaves him craving more.
5. “little light” Lewis Watson An uplifting folk-rock ode to seeing the world renewed through bright eyes.
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Staring at the clouds, looking for a silver lining I was caught in a cocoon but now you got me feeling butterflies Dreaming in the lows, I never thought I'd see this high ----- And all the plans that I've been chasing are always fading But ever since I found you A little light is breaking through ----- I was longing for the rain, you were the flood that made me overflow A stranger to my skin, but now I'm braver in my bones You see I'm shooting for the moon, you're painting me in indigo
It’s as if he’s floating on air, yet still anchored to the earth—with the purpose, and the beauty, that our presence brims with. As the weeks unfold, he basks in the afterglow of all our times together.
There’s no denying it any longer: he feels deeply for us. It takes all his willpower to hold himself back from sweeping us into his arms on the dance floor, to remind himself to look away after smiling for too long.
He prays that these golden moments will stay, for just a little longer.
6. “Stall Out” Mutemath A trancelike, alt rock track that brims with the apprehension of a moment, or a future, that could shatter all at once.
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Racing on a faultline Bracing for a landslide Conscious of every move getting harder Has the race gone underwater?
I keep stalling out; I just can’t keep up There’s alarming doubt; am I good enough? But you keep coming around to convince me It’s still far from over
All we hear is the wind whistling through the open window, as we stare at him in disbelief. In pain.
After falling through the cracks of his walls, we’ve burned slow trails around his heart. One step closer and this distance may very well disintegrate into the passion that we crave every night. 
We have gone too far.
And so, he pushes us away. As he trudges out the room, his hands forced behind his back to prevent himself from reaching for us, for one last touch, he bitterly thinks of the dreams he’s learned to deny himself of. 
Neither of us sleep well that night.
7. “Illuminate” The Kite String Tangle, Dustin Tebbutt A stirring, electro-indie number to surrendering to desire and letting the light in.
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As the words fade away, I still believe what your eyes say I still see you illuminate, as I drop my guard. ----- Time slows for the last breath While everything is shattering ----- We won't make it keeping to our own No, it's not easy Through the long shadow, you can’t see the road ----- Can you just let us grow?
Alone in the study, we summon the bravery that we’ve learned over the past weeks. The courage that we’ve found in loving him. When we place a gentle hand on his arm and lift our face to meet his, we have no request. Simply a question. Is he willing to open himself up once again to risk, to possibility? To finally let himself breathe, free?
Desire swirls through his eyes like whiskey. As he presses his mouth against us, hard and lets his hands roam unrestrained, fiery, we have our answer. 
He understands now; all along, we needed him just as much as he needed us.
8. “WALLS” Kings of Leon A moving, soft rock ballad to one man’s heartbreak and bare confessions.
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I can get there on my own You can leave me here alone I'm just trying to do what's right ----- I could never point you out Waste of space in a faceless crowd ----- Oh, a man ain't a man unless he has desire ----- The western girl with eastern eyes Took a wrong turn and found surprise awaits Now there's nothing in the way When the walls come down
As Drake watches us twirl about in the ballroom, attracting adoring smiles wherever we flit, there is an undeniable heaviness in his chest. When it becomes too much to bear, he escapes to the cool night air, and attempts to catch his breath. Soon, we follow. In the minutes that we spend lost in each other’s eyes, he can’t help but move closer to our warmth. As he presses his lips to us and pours all his sorrow into simply feeling this one, glowing moment, he silently begs it, and us, to stay. But moments, as precious as they are to him, as much as he wishes to deny it, are fleeting. And so with one last desperate gaze, we slip back into the castle, our hearts aching with the thought of stolen touches and endings we didn’t dream of.  He sits at the bar until his hands turn cold. Until it’s finally time.
“Holes” is my favorite, favorite song out of this entire playlist. It just screams Drake x MC and that legendary stargazing diamond scene to me. I also wanted to take a moment to say that seeing all your lovely faces on my dash made my day. You all are beautiful, and I hope you all have a wonderful week! Now, it’s time for me to hit the books...again...😢
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hhiggs · 8 years ago
The Wish I Wish Tonight
Liam x MC  / The Royal Romance
For Choicescreates24 with prompt: MOVEMENT OF THE STARS. This week for Choices Creates, take inspiration from the skies, whether it’s astronomy related such as a solar eclipse or astrology related such as zodiac signs. @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc
Star Light. Star Bright.
First Star I see Tonight.
I Wish I May.
I Wish I Might,
Have the Wish
I Wish Tonight
"Look Momma! I saw a shooting star!"
 "I saw that baby! That's extra special so your wish will really come true!  What did you wish for MC?"  Little 4 year old MC climbs onto her mothers lap and whispers, "I wanna be a pwincess.  And live in a castle!" She answers excitedly. 
Oh, mom... the prince broke my heart.  I could really use a hug from you right now... MC's thoughts from her childhood were interrupted by someone yelling her name from the other room.  Hana appears in her bedroom door, "MC! You have to come see this!"  MC senses the urgency in her voice and crawls out of her comfy bed, shuffling into the living room to see what is going on. Maxwell, Hana and Drake are huddled around the television.  The announcer is attempting to speak over the loud voices in the background.  
...Breaking News exclusively from BCC, The Better Choices Channel.   Cordonian royal insider known only to us as Tariq has given us exclusive access to the scandal rocking the small country. You can see the full interview on our website. This comes just as protest erupt in Cordonia and around the world in support of what some are calling the scandal of the century involving the American who was recently a front-runner of the competition to Prince Liam's heart...
Shocked, MC sits between Hana and Drake, "What is going on?" After three days of nursing her broken heart and then two days of allowing the anger to take over, MC was confused as to what Tariq could be saying and how this 'scandal' of her being in her underwear with another man could reach other continents!  She looked over at Maxwell, who immediately looked away.  MC frowned thinking of how she had acted yesterday. She became so angry with Liam for not standing up for her that she had taken it out on her sweet friends.  She had screamed at Maxwell for bringing her to this country in the first place. She pounded on Drake's chest through her tears as she yelled at him just for being friends with Liam!  She even got loud with poor Hana, growling, "And you! Why couldn't he just have picked you?!  I could have dealt with that! But Madeline?!" After her fit, Drake had ushered her back into her room where she continued to go from sad tears to angry tears throughout the night.  She would have to remember to apologize for that.
The news returns. 
...We've just been informed that Prince... I'm sorry, KING Liam, will be addressing the press shortly....
"Liam?"  MC whispers, then shakes her head, still confused, "What did Tariq say in the interview?"  Maxwell looks up from checking his phone, "He admitted that someone told him you wanted to hook up with him and that he thought it was his room when he went in there. He came across as a jackass of course and he refused to say who told him that was his room or that you wanted him."  
... According to Twitster, superstar TayTay Quickly, has canceled her Cordonian stop on her world tour in response to the scandal....
"I... I don't understand.  Why is everyone so mad at me? I didn't even do anything."
"It's not against you, MC," Drake answers quietly, "They are in support of you.  There are protests all over condemning victim-shaming and demanding that Liam allow you back into the competition."
"I don't want to be in the competition! He broke my heart when he chose Madeline and allowed me to be thrown out of his home like a.. like a... pest!  He SHOULD have believed me from the beginning.  Oh excuse me, he should have LISTENED to me from the beginning.  I don't want to go back there."
... and now, from the Palace in Cordonia...King Liam Rys...  
You watch as Liam stands tall at the podium,  several others she recognized were to his right, showing their support.  MC stood up from the couch and walked behind it, willing herself to look away from him, summoning her anger.  
"Thank you all for being here. I was planning on making this announcement later in the day after talking to the appropriate people, but due to the recent events, I felt it was better for me to clear things up before they get blown up.  First I would like to say that Cordonia and the Royal Family do not condone victim-shaming or victim-blaming.  What happened the night of the sexual assault was just that, assault and in no way was MC's fault.  What happened to her that night as well as the night of the coronation was wrong and I feel completely disgusted by what MC has had to go through.”  Cheers came from the audience of protesters.    
“Secondly, the night of the coronation, I found out that my family, as well as several other members of the court, including the ladies that were here for the season, were being blackmailed.  Although my initial reaction was swift retribution, my steadfast advisers as well as the security council offered another plan.  This plan involved getting MC out of the palace and into a secure location while the investigation wrapped up.  I sent her away to save her life and I hope with all my heart that she can realize this and forgive me someday. I am madly in love with MC and want her to be my queen."  The crowd in front of Liam sounded shocked and then cheers erupted.  
"Thirdly, I chose Madeline at the time because she was the one perpetrating the blackmail scheme.  Along with Queen Regina,"  The crown grew silent, cell phones flashed and cameras zoomed around the podium looking for signs of the Queen, but she was not there. "I will be putting out a full statement later this evening however, in the interest of full disclosure, I will now inform you that Madeline was pregnant... with my fathers child."  After the shocked crowd settled down, he continued.  MC could tell he was struggling but only because she knows him so well. To everyone else he was strong and commanding. " Madeline and the queen devised a scheme to blackmail the king, get me to choose Madeline and then ultimately get rid of me so that the child would be the remaining heir to the thrown.  I'll take a few questions before I go and again I will be putting out a more detailed press release later tonight."   "King Liam!"
"King Liam!" 
"Do you know where MC is? and do you think she will forgive you and come back?"
"I do know where she is and I have attempted to speak to her to no avail. I hope to be able to speak to her after I leave here.  And I hope and pray she will forgive me."
"Are you going to have another competition?"
"There is no need for that. I've found the love of my life... my soulmate." "What if she refuses?"
"Then I...I will continue to be the best King I can be, but I refuse to marry for any reason other than love."  This was the only time his voice faltered.  He walked off the podium.  MC released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding and looked over at Drake, "Has he been trying to call me?"  Drake nodded, "All day."
"Did you know?  About him 'protecting' me?"  
"No.. I ... I didn't. But it makes sense now that I know.  The Liam I know would never have just stood there and let you go." Hana finished his thought, "He knew YOU would protect her Drake."
They all looked at MC to see what she would do.  She looked like a wild animal caught in a trap, unsure of where to go or what to think.  On one hand she wanted to run to him but on the other hand, she was badly hurt by his actions, or lack of actions. 
Her friends smiled as she made up her mind, "I have to go to him".  
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alwaysanotherooc · 8 years ago
Choices Creates Round 24 Masterlist - Movement of the Stars
The Crown and the Flame
“Consume This Fire” by @hollyashton (Dom/Sei) (NSFW)
“Written in the Stars” by @misha726author (Kenna/Diavolos)
“Can’t Stop” by @violetflipflops (Kenna/Diavolos) (NSFW)
The Royal Romance
“Solar” by @skymagick17 (Drake/MC)
“Signs” by @ladyashtonofcordonia (Drake/MC)
“No Matter How Far” by @kittenmusicals (Drake/MC)
“The Wish I Wish Tonight” by @hhiggs (Liam/MC)
“Drake Walker x MC - A Playlist” by @diamondsaregold (Drake/MC)
“As You Wish” by @gobi04 (Drake/MC)
“When All The Stars Align” by @bethanyplayschoices (Maxwell/MC)
Endless Summer
“Stargazing” by @endlessflame (Jake/MC)
“Just For Tonight” by @livinthefandommlife (Jake/MC)
“When the Night Was Full of Stars” by @sophie-summer (No Pairing)
“The Eagle” by @50shadesofjakemckenzie (Sean/MC)
“Pareidolia” by @peace-coast-island (No Pairing)
The Freshman
“Without You Near” by @hartfeld (James/MC) (NSFW)
“Following The Sun” by @boring-grayson (Becca/MC and Chris/MC)
“The Roof” by @texanhusker (Kaitlyn/MC)
Rules of Engagement
“Answers in the Sky” by @tooobsessedfan (Leo/MC)
Thank you to everyone who participated, this was so much fun! I love you guys lots and lots. Have fun reading!
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parkershawss · 8 years ago
When All the Stars Align
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“We can meet in the middle,  Bodies and souls collide, Dance in the moment, When all the stars align For you and I For you and I” - You and I by PVRIS (the music video has some flashing images/lights in it like most of their other videos so be careful)
Book: The Royal Romance (Book One) Pairing: Maxwell x MC Word Count: 2,091 words!!!! Summary: The stars align for MC and Maxwell on the night of the Coronation Ball Warnings: Some swearing so M for mature! also it might make you sad, sorry! Notes: This is for this week’s choices creates, which has the prompt of movement of the stars. And as a big space nerd, this is my kinda prompt :D The song I used for the title makes me think of a couple who have been trying to be together for so long but the universe is always against them, and then one night, the stars align, and they can finally be together, even if it’s just for that one night. And idk about you guys, but to me, that just pERFECTLY describes Maxwell x MC, so here we are! also pvris are so good check them out, and they have a new album which just came out on Friday!!! (and i need to listen to it)
Also, shoutout to @gayforgayle, who requested a fic where Maxwell and MC dance to So Close from Enchanted together, and I had to oblige, so look forward to reading that in this fic!
@hollyashton & @alwaysanotheroc 
“Uh, Maxwell?” I ask as he leads me through the palace gardens. It was late in the evening, and a few stars were appearing in the night sky. Normally the gardens were quiet, but as it was the night of the Coronation Ball, they were full of nobles and press trying to gain an exclusive story about who the Prince would choose before anyone else did. “Where are you taking me?” As I was one of Prince Liam’s suitors (even though I was no where near as excited about it as everyone else, as I didn’t even love Liam), I had spent most of the night talking to nobles, and trying not to die of boredom. That was where Maxwell came in.
He had approached me at the ball, and offered to take me out of the ballroom to hang out, explaining that I looked a little tired, and that I could use a break. Of course, I graciously accepted. And so, here I was. Being lead through the palace gardens by Maxwell, with no idea where we were going, and hoping that wherever we went, I got there in one piece. Knowing Maxwell for as long as I had, that was a legitimate worry. I loved him, but he was clumsy and impulsive.
“Don’t worry. We’re almost there.” He replies, peering around the palace wall.
“Yes, but-” I begin, but he cuts me off, turning back to face me. 
“Don’t worry. I promise I’ll have you back before midnight, princess.” He smiles at me. My cheeks flush. Maxwell reaches over and holds out his hand. “We have to run now to avoid the press. Do you trust me?” Without a doubt. I nod, placing my hand in his. “Okay...three...two...one!” And then, the two of us set off, running through the gardens together. As we run, I feel my hastily constructed up do falling out, and I almost step on the hem of my dress a few times, but I don’t care. If I was back in the palace, I would care, because everybody would be looking at me, and I’d feel so self conscious and embarrassed. But with Maxwell, it was different. I could be myself, the totally unladylike commoner that I was, around him, and he gave me a sense of freedom that nobody, not even Drake, could provide. It was part of the reason why I loved him so much.
Maxwell and I run hand in hand for a while, laughing, until we reach a maze. Without even stopping, Maxwell walks through the entrance, pulling me along with him. 
“Maxwell? Are you sure you know where we’re going?” I ask as we walk through the maze, and he seemingly picks the way to go without a second thought. Maxwell stops.
“Do you not trust me anymore? I’m hurt!” He places his free hand over his heart. “I told you little blossom, don’t worry.” I start smiling. He gave me that nickname weeks ago, when we were at the Apple Blossom Festival. He probably meant it as a one off nickname, but I loved it so much that it stuck. “I used to come here all the time when I was at the palace.” He squeezes my hand. “Don’t worry. You’re safe with me little blossom." He smiles down at me, before we set off again. Sure enough, we reach the centre of the maze without any problems. “See! And you didn’t even trust me!” He feigns being hurt.
“Fine. I’m sorry Maxwell.” I giggle, knowing he was just teasing. He shakes his head.
“Nuh-uh. You’re laughing! Apology not accepted!” He lets go of my hand and crosses his arms. “You have to do better.” Rolling my eyes, I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his cheek. Maxwell’s mouth drops open, and his eyes widen.
“I’m sorry Lord Beaumont.” I tell him. “Is that better?”
“Oh..uh..y-yeah, apology accepted.” He stammers, making me giggle. "So, how about we grab a seat over here, next to the fountain?” He asks. I nod, and the two of us sit down. Suddenly, the importance of the night weighs down on me again. Tonight, I might be chosen to be Prince Liam’s bride. I’d be the Queen of Cordonia...me! Just a waitress from New York, in charge of a country...with all these new responsibilities. Of course, if I was picked, I’d have Liam beside me, but I- “You okay?” Maxwell asks, cutting off my thoughts. He looks over at me, his blue eyes filled with concern. But I didn’t want to be picked. I wanted someone else.
“Oh, um...yeah, I’m fine.” I lie. Maxwell raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t lie to me little blossom. You’re an awful liar. I know something is wrong.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand. “Tell me. It’s okay.” I sigh. 
“Maxwell...I’m scared. Scared of all these responsibilities and burdens that I might have to face and I-”
“Oh that’s understandable!” He butts in, talking over me. “But don’t worry because I know you-”
“Don’t want to be Queen.” 
“Will be a great Queen.” Maxwell and I finish our sentences at the same time. He’s silent for a minute, taking in what I said. “You...what?” He asks.
“I’m sorry Maxwell.” I shake my head. “I just can’t. I can’t be the Queen of a Country when I don’t even want to be one, and I know it’s awful because I need to be Queen, and I need to win to help you and Bertrand survive but I just can’t!” I stand up from the bench and walk towards the corner of the maze. Tears spill from my cheeks. “And I can’t say yes to Liam, when I’m in love with someone else.”
“You’re what?” He asks from behind me, making me jump and spin around.
“I’m in love with someone else Maxwell.” I admit. “I truly am.” I had brought it up a few weeks ago, but Maxwell brushed it off to me being confused due to the social season, and he told me that I couldn’t trust how I felt. But I knew it was true. Even more so now.
“Who?” He demands. “Who is it? Hana?” I shake my head. “Drake?” I shake it again. “Oh god.” He suddenly groans and I think he knows who I mean, until he exclaims: “Oh god, please tell me you’re not in love with my brother.” I frown, and he flashes red. “I-It’s not Bertrand is it?”
“No...it’s you Maxwell.” I admit. Maxwell stands there, staring at me. “I want you to know that I don’t expect you to love me back, and that I don’t think you do...But I just had to tell you.” Maxwell still doesn’t say anything. “Say something...please.” I chuckle nervously. Maxwell just stands there in silence, until:
“I-I can’t...” He begins. That’s enough for me. 
“Look Maxwell, it’s obvious you don’t feel the same, so I’ll just go back to New York and we can-” I’m cut off by Maxwell pulling me closer.
“I was going to say, I can’t believe how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” He tells me. And then, he bends his head down....and kisses me. Shocked, it takes me a moment to react. Holy shit, Maxwell is kissing me. Maxwell Beaumont is kissing me. I then decide to shut up and kiss back. 
“Wait..what about the coronation? They’ll be wondering where we went.” I ask, breaking apart.
“Oh, fuck the coronation.” Maxwell responds. “Liam’s a nice guy, but fuck, I’m fed up of hearing about it.”
“Me too.” I agree. And then, our lips are back on each other’s.
“Maxwell?” I ask. The two of us had abandoned the coronation a long time ago, and were sitting on the bench again. My head was on Maxwell’s shoulder and his arm was around my waist.
“What’s going to happen to us? I mean, you’re going to be bankrupt because of me abandoning the competition, and Bertrand isn’t going to be happy about us being together either. Maybe it’d be better if I just left and went back home to New York, like this never even happened. It’s like the universe is against us.”
“Don’t say that!” Maxwell protests. “I mean, sure, Bertrand might take a little...convincing, and we’d need to be a bit more frugal for another few years. But the way I see it isn’t so bad. Because right now I’m under the stars with a beautiful girl, who just told me she loves me as much as I love her. And I feel like the stars have aligned just for us right now, because oh man she’s a special one. And I never, ever thought I’d be sitting here with her right now.” I smile. “She’s smart, she’s kind, she’s funny, she’s just...perfect. And even though she doesn’t want to be a Queen, she’s one to me. And maybe we’re going to run into trouble before our happily ever after, but if it means I’m going to be with her for the rest of my life...I’ll take those odds.”
“Oh Maxwell...” I sniffle. Nobody had ever said things like that about me before. He unwraps his arm from my waist and stands up, holding out his hand to me. 
“May I have this dance, my lady?” I take his hand and stand up. He begins to play some music on his phone, before he pulls me close. His free hand goes around my waist. My free hand goes on his shoulder.
click here.
You're in my arms, and all the world is calm. The music playing on for only two. So close, together. And when I'm with you So close, to feeling alive.
A life goes by, Romantic dreams must die. So I bid my goodbye And never knew. So close, was waiting, Waiting here with you. And now, forever, I know All that I wanted to hold you so close.
Maxwell and I begin to waltz to the music. As we dance, I remember being back in Olivia’s estate, when we danced together for the first time. I think that was the first time I realised that I have feelings for Maxwell. But of course, he was my sponsor, and I was in the runnings to win the heart of a Prince. It wasn’t like I could just drop everything and be with him. So instead, I kept pining for him. 
So close to reaching That famous happy end. Almost believing This one's not pretend. And now you're beside me, And look how far we've come. So far we are. So close...
Whenever I spent time with Liam, waltzing, playing croquet or even just having a fancy dinner, I wished I was with Maxwell. And I daydreamed about what would happen if things were different, if Liam was more likely to choose Olivia or Madeline than me, would Maxwell and I be together? Would Bertrand be more accepting? Or would we run back to New York and elope? But now I didn’t have to daydream anymore. Because here I was...dancing with Maxwell, after we confessed our love for each other.
“What are you thinking about?” Maxwell asks, twirling me under his arm. 
“About when we danced together in Olivia’s estate. That was the first time I realised I had feelings for you.” 
“For me it was much sooner than that. Probably a week or so after I met you for the first time. I would’ve said something, but I was too scared that you didn’t like me. I mean, there was Liam! A prince! Whilst I was just a bankrupt Lord.” He explains. I lean over and gently kiss his lips. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I smile. Maxwell smiles back.
“And look at us now.”
Oh how could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now? We're so close to reaching that famous happy end, And almost believing, this one's not pretend.
“But we still have a long way to go.” I remind him, sighing. “There’s Liam, Bertrand, the press and-”
“Hey, hey.” Maxwell stops you, pulling me even closer. He kisses my forehead. “Let’s not worry about that just now. Right now, I just want to dance with you.”
“I can do that.” I nod. Maxwell wraps his arms around me, and the two of us sway til the song ends. And in that moment, I believed that maybe, just maybe, we would turn out alright.
Let's go on dreaming for we know we are... so close, so close and still so far...
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hufflepuff-morganne · 8 years ago
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Movement of the Stars
“I don’t trust anyone, Monroe. But if I did… I’d start with you.”
“Drake, that’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to anyone.”
“Heh. Maybe.”
The two of you stare at the sky silently for a moment, watching for shooting stars…
This is the first thing I’ve painted in a long time. After being inspired by all of your beautiful art and with the push of a friend, I decided to pick up my brush and give this a go and I had so much fun doing this. Thank you all for being such a kind and encouraging fandom; it really means a lot to me. 
@hollyashton @alwaysanotheroc
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sarenyaschild · 8 years ago
When the night was full of stars
First of all, I know that I already told this, but again, thanks so much for helping me with this @fxnix, what you did means a lot to me. I can’t thank you enough.
Tagging : @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc
Universe : Endless summer
Pairing : None… for now
Words : 1342
Prompt : Movement of the Stars
Author’s note: Well, this is my first time in #ChoicesCreates. I started writing this as a Jake x MC story, but I saw the prompt so I adapted. Then I realized the story was too long, because of that I decided to cut it. However I may post the second part soon. I hope you like it. 
Second part : https://sophie-summer.tumblr.com/post/164694400372/when-the-night-was-full-of-stars-second-part 
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I don’t know how everything ended like that. In one moment, we were seated, eating and drinking what Raj had prepared for us. Finally “making peace” after all those instants of hostility and tension; and suddenly, we were all dancing, sweaty, but glad –I suppose much of it was due to the alcohol that ran through our veins–.
Being sincere, I think it was Craig’s idea, but I’m not sure. I was just aware of the moment when, from the speakers began to pour out one of those catchy pop songs that make everyone dances. 
Quinn was the first to get up, with her red hair waving, moving her body to the beat of the music, alongside with that distinctive giggle of hers. The next one was Michelle who, taking advantage of the peaceful and lively environment, she approached to Sean, pulled his hand, and then both were in motion.
Diego turned in his seat and looked straight at me, with a smile on his lips and a silent question in his eyes. I smiled him back. I didn’t even know why he bothered to ask, he knew me better than anyone, what made him aware of how much I loved to dance. Without losing another second, I took his hand, and we both walked with the others, between laughter and tripping.
We danced all night, together, separated, with a girl, with a boy, with whoever was closer, just to share the energy that vibrated through us. We danced until we lose ourselves, drunk, smiling, sweaty, tired… just happy to live the moment.
Despite all the things that happened on the island, that the next day we would have to venture into the forest to get to the Observatory… none of that mattered in those instants, the only important things were the music and the heat of the bodies colliding with each other and our shared emotions. Even Grace succeeded in persuading Aleister -and I must add that I had no idea how- to join to our joy.
It had been so long since I felt like that, a totally unequal group united by the simple desire to have fun, to dance, to free ourselves from our bonds. It was one of the most amazing things I’d ever experienced. We were all in harmony and fused by the melodies.
One by one, those of less resistance retired or took a seat, either to recharge or because they no longer wanted to get up again. When I couldn’t stand my feet anymore, but I didn’t feel tired enough, I walked away from the group towards the beach. 
The night was cold, which was perfect because my sweaty skin dried up as  I moved, wiggling my hips to the beat of the music. I walked along the edge between the sand and the water, where the tide only came with great effort. The rolling of the waves made me feel dizzy –well, more than I already was- yet it was nice, making me feel light as if I could fly with the slightest breath of breeze.
Attracted by the softness of the sand at my feet, I stopped my walk, and I laid down there myself. In the sky everything was stars, radiant and dancing. Even the presence of the moon wasn’t necessary to illuminate the place, while the sea returned the reflection with the same intensity.
“I think you need this much more than I do.” I opened my eyes. I wasn't aware of the moment when Diego arrived, much less when he’d laid down beside me. “I’ve never seen you that drunk.”
“Hey, I’m not drunk.” I leaned on an elbow to look at him and the world took several turns before settling again.
“Sure, whatever you say.” He rolled his eyes and handed me a bottle of water.
I drank half of its content, because I knew he was right and if I didn’t do it, the next day I was gonna have the worst hangover of my life. I fell back again. Above us, stars were still shining. The music a pulsating echo still audible.
“Have you heard of the love story between two stars?” I asked him.  
“No.” He just said.
“A legend tells that a princess of exceptional beauty, named Orihime, who was the star Vega, fell in love with a shepherd named Hikoboshi, who was the star Altair.
Orihime was a magnificent weaver, and she was daughter of Tentei. She wove splendid cloths on the bank of the river Amanogawa, which was the Milky Way, and because of her work, she could not know anyone to fall in love with, since she worked since sunrise to sunset. The king then arranged a meeting between his daughter and Hikoboshi, who was the shepherd of the stars… and when they met, both fell in love immediately and soon afterwards, they got married.
However, after the wedding, Orihime neglected his textile work and Hikoboshi did the same with his flock of stars, which scattered throughout the sky. Furious, King Tentei separated them in the sky, leaving one on either side of the Amanogawa River. Desolated by the separation of her husband, Orihime implored his father to allow her to see him again.
The king, touched by the tears of his daughter, allowed them to see each other on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month through a bridge stretched across the Amanogawa River.”
“I didn’t know you were interested in that sort of thing,” he said, gesturing to the sky.
“Oh, I don’t, it’s just a story my mom used to tell me as a child… I can’t even find those stars.”
We both fell into a pleasant silence. Each caught in our own thoughts. If I tried a little, it was as if we were back in our dorm again. Just another Friday. My best friend and me. Curled up together on the couch, eating ice cream, watching old movies, laughing at nonsense, complaining about our lives. Just being young…
“Do you think we can contact someone who can help us out of here?” He asked suddenly. I looked him out of the corner of my eye, he was serious all of a sudden.
“I suppose so, after all that satellite can communicate with any place.” I leaned on my side to face him.
“You suppose?” He rose an eyebrow.
“Do you want me to be honest?”
“Always.” She gave me a forced smile.
“I do not know, but I have the feeling that this is only the beginning.” We were silent for a few seconds, I squeezed his hand and then I said. “At least I’m glad we’re in this together.
"Me too.” Then the smile that returned to his lips was entirely genuine.
In the distance, we heard the change of the song. I recognized those sweet and sad notes immediately. To tell the truth, I was a little surprised, it was more the kind of song you would hear at a high school dance than at a beach party, although considering all the alcohol we’d ingested, I guess it wasn’t surprising at all. But I was very curious to know who was the one that chose it. I closed my eyes to enjoy it to the fullest before the lyrics began. The music seemed to float right towards me. I savored each accord as if it were a caress. And I allowed it to take over my body and flood my senses. Before I knew it I was already standing rocking in the wind.
“Let’s go Diego, this last one.”
“Naaah, I think it’s time for me to leave.
"What a friend, letting me to dance alone.” He gave me a quick hug.
“It isn’t my time to shine with you, little star.” He whispered into my ear, and left me alone, still dancing with my eyes shutted.
And finally the lyrics began.
“…I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I’ve been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met…”
 “Not alone Princess…” said a voice behind me.
To be continued.
Final Note:  The myth is the explanation of a phenomenon that is appreciated at that time, in which the light conditions make it dim the Milky Way’s brightness, looking like a bridge between the two stars.
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livinthefandommlife · 8 years ago
Just for Tonight [Choices Create #24]
Based on: Endless Summer
Pairing: Jake X Female!MC (Myra) Rating: PG-13 (Just to be safe) Words: 1,011
Tagging: @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc​ Summary: Myra feels heavy with the burden of witnessing her friends’ futures. But Jake has a solution for her. A/N: Written for #ChoicesCreates24 Prompt: Movement of the Stars. This is my first ever work in the Choices fandom, and I am nervous. I hope it’s alright. Also, I am assuming, just for this one-shot, that the stars in the La Huerta skies move, just as the normal stars in our normal world do. Can’t be seen by the naked eye that much, but they are constantly moving. I think? Ugh. I am terrible at this. Please keep reading.
Everyone gathered around the fire the Vaanti have built, Taari dancing around it with the other Vaanti kids, Seraxa being forced to dance with them, and her friends briefly forgetting the dire situation they’re all in and having the time of their lives – all of this should make her happy. It should make her want to join in, sing (with terribly pitch) and playfully irritate Michelle. At the very least, it should make her feel safe, just for the time being.
But Myra was feeling far from that. The idols she had collected, the pasts, and the futures of her friends she had witness was rather…off-putting. As her eyes fell on each of the face that has now become so familiar it hurt, she only remembered what they had been through, and what they are possibly going to go through. It has already happened with Quinn. How long more till the next one went down? What was she going to do then to save them? Will she even be able to save them on time?
Suddenly, she was struggling to breath. With a meek excuse, Myra got to her feet and scurried away before anyone noticed her. She found a small clearing, thankfully void of any Vaanti, human, or ice fox, and she took a seat in the wet grass patch. With a sigh, she lay back, staring up at the sky. She lay there for quite some time, hoping if she stared at the stars and the constellations long enough, the uncomfortable heaviness on her heart, and mind, would at least decrease, if not cease to exist.
Tough luck.
Myra took a deep breath, and was just about to get up and return to her friends before they got worried, when she heard him.
“Got tired of us already, Princess?”
With a chuckle, she looked to her right to see Jake already lying down next to her, so that he was soon face to face with her.
“With the way you were singing, I was surprised I lasted that long before I had to get away,” she quipped back, and Jake snorted.
“Alright, alright. I should’ve warned you about my raucous vocal chords beforehand, but it’s too late now, Princess. You are stuck with me,” he pointed out. With that, he slipped an arm under her back and pulled her to him, so that her head was resting on his chest.
Smiling, Myra snuggled in a little more, and stared up at the sky, her head now rising and falling with every breath Jake took.
“Everythin’ alright, Myra?” Jake asked after a few long moments of silence, and Myra felt herself blink in surprise.
“I…yeah. As alright as it can be given the circumstances,” she tried to joke, but it didn’t seem like Jake was buying her lie.
“I am not going to force you to tell me anything you don’t want to say…but I am here. If there is anything you want to share, at any point, I am here,” he whispered, and the resolution in his voice almost made her break down then and there. If only he had seen what she had seen. If only he had seen the graves…
Not trusting herself to speak, Myra only nodded her head.
They stayed that where for a long time, before Jake spoke again.
“You know, back when I was younger, I used to do this thing every time I was upset: I’d look up at the stars, think really hard about my problems for a minute or two, and then close my eyes. When I open my eyes again, I felt better,” he shared.
“Why do you do that?” Myra asked him, genuinely curious. And pleasantly surprised at how adorable that memory was.
“The stars, they always move, right? Constantly. So, when you focus all of your problems on one star, eventually, it takes your problems far, far away from you. Out into the space. Your problem is gone. Poof,” he simply said, shrugging.
“…Jake, that’s not the way to deal with your problems.”
“Yeah, yeah…I know. Stand up, be a man, face your problems, blah blah blah…”
Myra buried her face in his chest and laughed silently, failing to notice the smile on Jake’s face.
“I mean, as a kid, it worked well. And I sorta followed through with it over the years,” Jake went on to explain. “Every time I was nervous about exams, or relationships, or flying for the first time…I literally wished my problems away, along with the stars. And, well, as far as I’m concerned…they take ‘em away. It was just a coping mechanism, y’know. When I was young.”
Myra shifted, resting her chin on his chest to look at him. He was looking into the night sky, focusing hard on just one particular spot.
“Are you doing that now?” Myra whispered.
She burst out laughing again, and leaned in to press her lips against his softly.
“Let’s do that together, then. Let’s dump our problems on one star, and let it take it away,” Myra offered, sitting up and forcing him to do so as well. Her eyes flitted across the night sky before settling on one bright star, one that looked big enough to withstand all of her troubles.
And with her hand in his, she focused on the star, pouring all of her doubts and fears of their future, her friends, their lives, into that one, bright star. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, she was looking into Jake’s bright, blue ones.
“Poof,” he whispered, his lips curving into an uncharacteristic, yet warm and gentle smile.
“Poof,” Myra repeated, truly feeling much, much lighter than she has in the past few days.
As both of them leaned in for a kiss again, at the back of her mind, Myra was still very aware of the looming dangers that awaited each and every one of her friends and herself. But perhaps, just for tonight, she’d let the stars carry her troubles away.
Just for tonight.
A/N: I…hope it’s not lame? *runs away*
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texanhusker · 8 years ago
The Roof
This is my little story for Choicescreates 24 hosted by @alwaysanotheroc and created by @hollyashton Just Kaitlyn x mc on the roof of the suite at the end of freshman year. 
Sitting here at the end of freshman year with Kaitlyn. I don't know if I could have scripted it better. Kaitlyn and I were lying next to each other just looking at the stars. "I don't know all of the constellations names like Abbie and Tyler but, they sure are pretty," Kaitlyn said. To be honest, I was spending more time looking at my girlfriend than the stars. I said, "I know one thing that is prettier." "Flatterer," she laughed. “Always going do that to you,” I said.
We were silently staring at the stars when there was a shooting star going across the night sky. Kaitlyn said, “Make a wish.” Being here with Kaitlyn was a good enough for me. I just want this relationship to last with Kaitlyn. I guess I know what I wish for and I turn towards her and gently kiss her lips. “So, what did you wished for?” Kaitlyn asked.  
“Isn’t that bad luck or something?” I asked her. “It is just little old me what harm would that do by telling me,” She teased me. She got up, and I was already missing her beside me. “Get back next to me, babe,” I pleaded with her. She had a smirk on her face as she walked down to me. She lowered herself on top of me. As her face was blocking the view of the stars, I said, “I like this view better.”
She smiled at me it brightens her whole face. I wanted to keep making her smile after the year she had. She looked at my lips, and she closed the gap between our lips. For a moment it felt like we were the only one that matter. I didn’t think about the summer without her. That next school year we might be heading in different directions. I had her now and for this moment underneath the stars that was all the matter.  
She pulled away, and I licked my lips sub consciously just to taste her again. She asked again, “So what did you wish for?” I shook my head at her but said, “You and me forever.” “That is a great wish. That is the same thing I wanted,” She confessed. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her down to kiss her again. Maybe if we both want this to last perhaps, it will. 
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50shadesofjakemckenzie · 8 years ago
The Eagle (Sean X MC)
Summary: In which Sean is deciphered by the stars.
@hollyashton @alwaysanotheroc
Rating: T/M, I don’t really know whoops.
Word count: 863
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The air was humid and the stars bright. I sat on the beach, my arms wrapped around myself as the sea breeze enveloped me. My gaze rested on the heavens above. Before La Huerta, the little time spent with my father was used to familiarize myself with many constellations. As a child, I found the process of star gazing quite boring. Now, I’ve come to realize those moments were possibly the most precious memories I had. I don’t know what became of my father. I was always told it was a car crash, but as we continue to uncover the mystery surrounding this island, I was no longer sure of anything about my past.
It was hard here. I put up a front that I was brave and fearless, and I’d do anything to get us off this island. Realization later struck me that I don’t have much to return to. I was terrified, not because I was fearful of being trapped on La Huerta; I feared letting down those who had so much courage in me. 
My toes dug in the sand as I looked towards the sky once more, finding comfort in the stars. “Penny for your thoughts?” A voice suggests, tearing my focus from the sky. I turn towards Sean, forcing a smile to my features. I can only shake my head in response, not finding the energy to lie to the man I’ve fallen for. 
He chuckles lightly as he takes a seat closely beside me, immediately wrapping an arm protectively around my waist. “You’d think by now you’d be aware that I know you well enough to tell when you’re upset,” Sean states, pulling my body closer to his. A smile plays at my lips causing me to glance towards him. His gaze meets mine and I find myself intoxicated by his chocolate brown eyes. I press my forehead to his before gently connecting our lips, wanting him to truly understand how much I appreciated his thoughtful and caring nature.
We pull away after a moment, my attention moving towards the night sky once again. “One of the only memories I have with my father is star-gazing. We’d spend hours upon hours pointing out constellations and talking about the stories and mythology behind each of them. Sitting here, I’ve just realized I don’t have much to go home to. I mean, this island is technically my home, right?” I don’t look towards Sean to see his reaction, I can’t bear to see the look of pity written across his face.
Instead, I find myself doing what I do best, telling the stories of the stars. “In your file, your Hadean Zodiac was Aquila. If you look up there-” I pause to point my finger towards the stars, tracing over the constellation. “They make up what looks like a bird flying, or in Greek mythology, an eagle. Aquila was the bird of Zeus and carried his thunderbolts to strike upon his enemies. But some believe Aquila is guarding the arrow of Eros, which made Zeus love struck,” I explain, recalling the story from a late night spent with my father. 
“And what do you believe about Aquila?” Sean whispers in my ear, his warm breath fanning over my neck. My bare skin immediately raises with goosebumps as his fingertips brush the area while pushing my hair back.
His lips quickly attach to my neck, pressing gentle kisses across the exposed skin. I gasp aloud before continuing, “I believe the eagle was one of Zeus’s most loyal companions. Aquila was intelligent and always had his master’s best interests in mind,” My mind races as Sean moves to kiss my jaw, my cheek, my forehead, all before turning my chin towards him.
He presses his lips to mine hungrily, desperate for dominance and control. I grip his neck, in attempt to pull his body closer to mine. I have come to rely on the man so much, he seemed to be some of my only strength on this island. As Sean pulls away once more, “Does that make you my master?” A laugh escapes my throat as I shove him away, causing him to chuckle as well.
“No, but, it makes you extremely loyal, intelligent, and courageous. All qualities I admire deeply,” I smile proudly, hoping to express to Sean what I saw in him. He smiles in response before gently pushing my shoulders, causing my back to press against the cool sand. His body hovers over mine, his eyes seeming to take in all of me, just as I was. He made me feel safe, he made me feel accepted.
“I believe Aquila was all of those things because of those he loved. If I’m all of those things to you, then I’m doing a pretty damn good job of loving you,” He states confidently. My mouth falls agape at his confession, causing the man above me to laugh. 
“Sean, I’m so incredibly in love with you,” I return quietly, our lips reuniting once more. As we melted together, I couldn’t help but think we had something beyond extraordinary. What we shared, it was a love written among the stars. 
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tooobsessedfan · 8 years ago
Answers in the sky    rules of engagement fanfic #choicescreates24
This fanfic is about Mc doubting her engagement but her fiancé comes to the rescue 
This is my entry for the #choicescreates 24
@hollyashton  @alwaysanotheroc
Pairing: Leo x Mc
Word count:624
Rating: E (Everyone)
I’ll also recommend this song from my favorite band which i listened to while writing (which mentions stars)
I looked at the angry red numbers on the alarm clock 11:20, I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep.
 Without thinking my feet started walking on the coarse carpet until they were on the cool floor of the balcony.
 The night was chilly but I didn’t care, immediately my eyes were searching the sky.
 I looked for the constellation Nana showed me, maybe she could help me?
 “Nana….. I need help” my voice was low, just in case someone in a room near here also stood on their balcony “am I doing the right thing? Maybe I shouldn’t marry Leo? What if this just ends in heartbreak?” I paused looking right into to the night as if the stars could give me answers, “is this what you wanted?” my voice was barely a whisper and I could feel tears start to gather in my eyes.
 I felt the tear roll down my cheek, it was almost comforting, I never cried but right now I didn’t care if people saw, if they judged me.
I let the tears stream down my cheeks as I stared into the night, it at least helped me get my mind off all the doubts I had about my life, everything else just went into background noise, my mind was a blur.
 I finally snapped out of it when I felt a soft blanket being wrapped around my shoulders, but I was too tired to care maybe I grabbed it without thinking.
  “Can’t sleep?” I jumped when I realized I wasn’t alone, when I looked beside me I met a pair of beautiful blue eyes, they were worried, searching hers.
  “How did you know I was awake? I asked without even thinking about the question he had previously asked, “ I couldn’t sleep either and went to get some fresh air and saw you standing here”
 When our eyes met again he saw the red lines down my face and his face grew worried.
 “Why are you crying, princess?” Instead of answering the question I started sobbing, he quickly pulled me into his arms and kissed me lightly on the head while my tears were soaking his shirt.
 He put his hand on my face and tilted my head up to meet his eyes, “ is this about the wedding?” shit, how did he always know what was wrong, I nodded, “what if I'm making a mistake?”
To my surprise he grew a smile “Then I'll spend every day trying to prove that you’re not making a mistake” I cupped his face and kissed him passionately, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer.
  When we finally separated he pointed to the sky, ”you see that constellation? My mom taught me that one night when I couldn’t sleep, it’s the only one I know” I looked at him with big eyes “what?” His smile was bright and even his eyes sparkled a little bit, “my nana showed me that one it’s also the only one I know” even I grew a smile, “maybe that’s our constellation?” “I think it is” his voice was reassuring and sweet.
 After a couple beats of silence I let out a yawn,”let’s get to bed” he said before picking me up and carrying me to the bed, when he laid down beside me i gave him a tired smile “thank you for cheering me up” my pleasure” he wrapped an arm around me before going to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning I noticed something on my bedside table, a beautiful bouquet and a card next to it.
Meet me at the main deck at 11:00 xoxo Leo
She smiled to herself as she went to get ready for their next adventure
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peace-coast-island · 8 years ago
#ChoicesCreates: Movement of the stars
Title: Pareidolia (Hero) Summary: Pareidolia - the instinct to seek familiar forms in disordered images like clouds or constellations; the perception of random stimulus as significant. Finley Sayavong (MC) comes to term with his new life as a hero.
@alwaysanotheroc @hollyashton
Change can hit you in two ways. It can come crashing down before you realize it like a meteor mistaken for a shooting star. Or it can creep up on you slowly, the stars shifting ever so slightly until one day you realize that you’re looking at a completely different sky.
Lately I've been hit by both at the same time.
I can't remember the last time my head wasn't spinning from everything that's going on. Nothing but chaos ever since the city turned upside down.
How the hell did I get dragged into it?
Being a superhero is nothing like in the movies. You’d think that once you have powers you know exactly what to do, right? Wrong. I’m flying blind, throwing whatever I have even though I don’t really know what I’m capable of and not knowing what my enemies can do. It’s a surprise that I even made it out alive.
Funny how quickly your world shifts when you’re looking at them through new lenses. Or in my case, a cheap mask tat is a poor attempt at concealing your identity. Good thing most people don’t recognize me anyway, a perk of being a nobody for the most part.
Everything’s moving faster these days. New threats, enemies, possible allies, imminent danger, difficult decisions, lives at stake, it’s a lot to think about. I’m spinning out of control and I can’t stop or else I’ll crash. It’s terrifying.
Things are changing, that’s the obvious. I’m seeing things, signs, foreshadowing, looking out for something that could help. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know, but whatever it is, I hope I got the message. This chaos is only the beginning and from there, anything could happen.
Usually when something big like this happens, someone says the stars have aligned for this event. I’ve been looking all right, and not just at the stars, but the clouds, the smoke, the sun, a bird, an airplane, whatever, just any sign that can tell me what the hell is going on. The stars are not aligned but they’re moving, taking shape, burning, fading, and they’re not going to stop for quite a while.
Around the city I see destruction. But underneath, I see hope. It’s one of those things you just know and you really don’t know why but you just do. There may be villains running around making a mess but there are also heroes running around to save lives. They always say when disaster falls, heroes rise.
There’s probably be a reason why some of us were affected by the prism gate, or maybe there isn’t. Could be luck, chance, probability, proximity, destiny, anything is possible Somehow I was one of those people and whether I like it or not, my powers are a part of me now. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing but I know for sure that I have never felt so alive.
And because of that I think I found my purpose. Fulfilling it though, will be a work in progress. A long and frustrating one if I’m being honest.
It’s a whole new world out there and whatever happens next, I really hope I know what I’m doing.
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shelivesinthewoods · 8 years ago
Here’s my entry for ChoicesCreates24! Thanks to @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc for hosting! 😊
Kind of short, but I also challenged myself to write something with zero dialogue and I at leas accomplished that.
Of all times for there to be a solar eclipse, it had to be during Liam’s social season. Right on the cusp of his coronation. Only a couple weeks before he was to be crowned king. Before he was expected to choose the woman to whom he’d be bonded the rest of his life. Weird things happened around the eclipse, worse than a full moon.
Before the social season had started; before Maxwell had brought the American waitress to Cordonia from New York, the potential for romance or love hadn’t ever occurred to him. His fate and future were tied to the crown… that had never been so clear as when Leo abdicated. When Alix had come to his country; surprised him at the first event of the season, he could not possibly have been more pleased. He had taken an immediate liking to her whilst she took care of them at the restaurant, and more so on their adventures after.
In truth, he hadn’t expected her to last entirely long; losing interest or faith. The social season was long, drawn out and quite honestly a little exasperating when one got to thinking about it. Jealously played a large role in how the ladies treated one another. If it were perceived that one was receiving more attention they gained favor. Madeline had played that game well with the press. She catered to them and of course, to the queen. Olivia had been in the public eye of nobility since she’d been a wee babe and used that to the fullest extent. She wasn’t friendly, was a bit abrasive, but she knew how to handle the others. Alix on the other hand had come in blind… managed to befriend several of the ladies (Olivia had even managed to be nice once or twice!), charm the press and not completely put off the queen; in itself impressive as she was both a commoner and a foreigner.
Perhaps other men in his place would have more enjoyment? After all, how many men ever would have a flock of beautiful talented women actually competing to marry them? Apart from that ridiculous American show he’d hear about called The Bachelor, or some rubbish. Women with titles and pedigrees and connections. Excellent matches. Well rounded. Many he’d known for ages. He soon was going to be king…
And he’d fallen in love with a waitress.
One of the events that had been planned was a lawn party for the viewing of the eclipse. Liam could never truly be accused of showing much interest in space and the stars, he had always daydreamed or wandered away during astronomy lessons. It was too abstract. There were too many questions that couldn’t always be answered to the extent he wanted. He knew though that his best friend and his waitress both loved the sky more nearly more than anything. They had spent much of the viewing party waiting, eagerly talking with Hana and Maxwell. Both spouting off ridiculously obscure facts that really while he’d never admit it, could bore him to tears. He nodded and smiled at the appropriate times, but it was just like it was during his studies. Once the even came closer, he did not so much watch it as he did his friends. Most of the ladies sat politely with their little cardboard glasses, the king and Queen sat beneath a tent, as both were slightly older, neither wanting to risk their vision. The last that he focused on… now that…
His best friend and his waitress shared a pair of glasses, one taking a turn and looking up, her giggling, Drake ‘heh'ing before they’d switch and talk happily about the sun disappearing. Liam held up his glasses to look at the sun, looking like a thumb nail before he looked back down and over at them. She handed Drake the glasses and when the dark haired man looked up away from her was when Liam saw it. She smiled. Grinned, in fact. The first real one Liam had seen in ages. At his best friend. The one whom he himself had asked to watch out for her. Her eyes sparkled, clearly enjoying Drake’s pleasure. When Drake handed the glasses back to her, Liam knew. Any chance that he and his waitress might have, was gone. The image of them smiling at each other like they were the only ones in the world would be forever burned in his minds eye. Watching the full eclipse with a naked eye couldn’t possibly do more damage to him.
They were in love.
Maybe they didn’t even know it yet. They had become fast friends surprising for Drake, though not really because Alix was Alix; persistent and fun, full of happiness and light. Sure, he’d noticed a slight temperament difference in Drake… and Alix… maybe Alix did know. It clicked into place. She’d withdrawn from him. Regardless of if she intended to or even realized she had. She claimed tiredness or fatigue instead of joining him for “dates” that she should be honored to have!
And yet. Drake didn’t open up to people. Particularly not the people in court. Alix brought change with her. She’d changed Drake, she’d changed the mentality of much of the court and she’d changed Liam. He was in love with her too, but he had already seen what his love and life had done to her. It attempted to snuff her flame and passion for life. Could he tie her to that? To him? If it meant that he changed the woman? He didn’t want her to be miserable; and a marriage to someone that she didn’t love would certainly make her so. He wouldn’t wish that for Drake either. He seemed happy. For the first time since Savannah had left, he’d returned to his slightly less bitter, more genuinely amusing self. He didn’t want them to be, but they were good for each other.
His happy ending, his tale of romance… his hope for a beautiful relationship built on mutual love and family went up in smoke. His gaze went to the other suitors. Hana and her talents, Penelope and her poodles, Kiara and her languages, Olivia and her attitude or Madeline with her underhandedness. None would be a great fit for a ruler, but with one he knew what he would get. She loved him, even if he wasn’t sure he could love her back. His heart belonged to a waitress who didn’t want it. He tilted his head back as he put the glasses back on, it wouldn’t do for the crown prince; the almost king to be seen crying over a broken heart he shouldn’t even have… when the coronation came, when he had to select which of the suitors would be his best match, he would choose Olivia.
His happiness for theirs, just as a true ruler should.
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