#China Eastern
chinaeasternvn · 17 days
Đổi vé máy bay China Eastern Vietnam
Việc thay đổi vé máy bay China Eastern Airlines có thể thực hiện một cách dễ dàng, nhưng cần tuân thủ quy trình và các điều kiện cụ thể từ hãng. Dưới đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết:
1. Kiểm tra điều kiện đổi vé
Trước tiên, bạn cần xác định xem loại vé mình đã mua có được phép thay đổi hay không. Một số loại vé khuyến mãi hoặc giá rẻ có thể không được hỗ trợ đổi vé, hoặc chỉ được phép thay đổi trong những điều kiện nhất định. Điều này tùy thuộc vào chính sách vé mà bạn đã chọn lúc mua.
2. Chuẩn bị thông tin cần thiết
Trước khi thực hiện đổi vé, hãy chuẩn bị sẵn các thông tin sau:
Mã đặt chỗ: Đây là mã bạn nhận được khi mua vé. Nó thường gồm các ký tự và số, và là thông tin cần thiết để hãng kiểm tra lịch trình của bạn.
Thông tin cá nhân: Tên hành khách, số hộ chiếu hoặc giấy tờ tùy thân cũng cần được cung cấp để xác minh.
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3. Liên hệ với hãng
Có hai cách để liên hệ với China Eastern Airlines nhằm thực hiện việc đổi vé:
Qua điện thoại: Gọi đến tổng đài chăm sóc khách hàng của hãng để yêu cầu thay đổi.
Trực tuyến: Truy cập trang web chính thức của China Eastern Airlines và sử dụng tính năng "Quản lý đặt chỗ" hoặc "Thay đổi vé". Điều này cho phép bạn thực hiện thay đổi vé trực tiếp thông qua hệ thống của hãng.
4. Chọn ngày và chuyến bay mới
Khi đã liên hệ với hãng, bạn có thể yêu cầu thay đổi lịch trình bay theo nhu cầu cá nhân. Lựa chọn chuyến bay và ngày bay mới sao cho phù hợp với kế hoạch của bạn. Hãy nhớ rằng các chuyến bay vào những ngày cao điểm hoặc mùa du lịch có thể có mức phí chênh lệch cao hơn.
5. Thanh toán phí đổi vé
Hầu hết các trường hợp đổi vé sẽ yêu cầu bạn thanh toán một khoản phí đổi vé. Ngoài ra, nếu giá vé cho chuyến bay mới cao hơn so với vé ban đầu, bạn sẽ phải thanh toán khoản chênh lệch này. Phí đổi vé và mức chênh lệch thường được hiển thị rõ ràng khi bạn thực hiện thay đổi trực tuyến hoặc được nhân viên hỗ trợ thông báo khi đổi vé qua điện thoại.
6. Nhận xác nhận
Sau khi hoàn tất quy trình thanh toán và thay đổi, bạn sẽ nhận được một email hoặc tin nhắn xác nhận với thông tin về chuyến bay mới. Hãy kiểm tra kỹ để đảm bảo thông tin đúng với yêu cầu của bạn.
7. Lưu ý quan trọng
Hãy đảm bảo bạn thực hiện việc đổi vé ít nhất 4 tiếng trước giờ khởi hành dự kiến.
Phí đổi vé có thể khác nhau dựa trên hành trình, thời gian và loại vé.
Một số loại vé, đặc biệt là vé khuyến mãi, có thể không được phép đổi.
Kết luận
Thay đổi vé máy bay China Eastern Airlines có thể dễ dàng thực hiện nếu bạn làm theo đúng quy trình và tuân thủ các điều kiện của hãng. Đừng quên kiểm tra kỹ thông tin vé và chuẩn bị sẵn sàng các khoản phí cần thiết để việc thay đổi vé được diễn ra suôn sẻ và nhanh chóng.
Hy vọng những thông tin trên sẽ giúp bạn dễ dàng hơn trong việc thay đổi vé China Eastern Airlines
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salsaworldtraveller · 2 months
CAAC Crickets - MU5735 Accident Report Update
Maybe this post should be saved for Silent Sunday because it refers to the total silence from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on the most important aspect of the MU5735 accident investigation. You may remember the curious case of China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735 that mysteriously crashed on March 21, 2022 while enroute from Kunming, China to Guangzhou. While cruising at its…
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theancientwayoflife · 8 months
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東漢(鮮卑文化) 鎏金翼馬紋銅飾板
~ Plaque with a Winged Horse.
Period: Eastern Han dynasty (25–220), Xianbei culture
Date: 1st century
Culture: North China
Medium: Gilt bronze
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chinesehanfu · 7 months
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 A.D.) Traditional Clothing Hanfu with Actor Liu Tao/刘涛
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【Historical Artifacts Reference ��:
▶China Han Dynasty Murals<Part of the person holding the halberd and sword>, Luoyang Museum Collection.
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▶China Jin Dynasty Painting By Gu Kaizhi (Chinese: 顧愷之,344–406)
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pretty-little-fools · 1 month
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Sultan orders to cut off Aladdin's head by Albert Robida
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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A Bronze Tiger Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period
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teenageascetic · 7 months
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“When the holy Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara had truly grasped the transcendent wisdom, he realized that visible form is only illusion. The same applies to its perception, to its names and categories, to discriminative intellect and finally even to our consciousness. They are all illusion. With this realizaton he was beyond all sorrow and bitterness.
Disciple Sariputra! The material is not different from the immaterial. The immaterial and the material are in fact one and the same thing. The same applies to perception, concepts, discriminative thinking and consciousness. They are neither existing nor not existing.
Sariputra! All things therefore they are in themselves not good and not bad, they are not increasing and not decreasing.
Therefore one may say there are no such things as form, perception, concepts, thinking process, and consciousness. Our senses such as eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind are misleading us to illusion; thus one may also say there is no reality in visible form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mindknowledge. There are also no such things as the realms of sense from sight up to mind, and no such things as the links of existence from ignorance and its end to old age and death and their end. Also the caturāryasatyāni are nonexistent, just as there is no such thing as wisdom and also no gain.
Because the holy Bodhisattva who relies on transcendent wisdom knows that there is no gain, he has no worries and also no fear. Beyond all illusion he has reached the space of highest Nirvana.
All Buddhas of the past, present and future, found highest perfect knowedge because they relied on transcendental wisdom.
Therefore we ought to know that the great verse of the transcendent wisdom is unsurpassed in its splendor, and that it appeases truly all pain. It reads:
-The Heart Sutra.
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 months
Worth noting that the transphobic nonsense being lobbed at Imane Khelif also has a basis in racism (as all transphobia does). I looked at the photo of her on her Wikipedia page and was literally like "oh, so she's a typical North African woman. so what?" God forbid a woman have a large nose or prominent cheekbones, or literally any other facial feature common to various peoples of color. God forbid a woman be tall or muscular, as Khelif appears to be.
I hope she's having a good day and has decided to throw her phone in a blender.
oh, DEFINITELY. there's actually an interesting little pattern if you go on the wikipedia page for "sex verification in sports", where if you scroll down the 21st century? strangely it's all women of color. every single one. wild how that works.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
So like. I'm not a centrist. I'm NOT. Okay? I am a solid socialist. Socialism rules. Are we clear on that? Literally just yesterday I referenced CommunismKills in a mocking way because I actually personally traded insults with her a decade ago.
I think part of the allure of being a tankie is that it handwaves the problems with the examples we have of large-scale implementation of pure ideological communism. Like if you believe the Eastern Bloc did nothing wrong, then there you go, your ideology was implemented on a huge scale and they did nothing wrong. That, I imagine, is very reassuring and grand for morale. It gives you not only an unwavering belief in your preferred system of government but also historical precedent - it's easier to foresee a leftist utopia if it's been done before.
Well, the Eastern Bloc was really bad. There was no point in time, not one, where they didn't make the lives of a much higher percentage of people much worse than the West and successful political action in the West slowly widened that gap with every passing year all the way until the end of the Cold War.
The reaction to things like inevitably goes to "just supporting the lesser evil is bad", but we're talking about historical perspective. You're not supporting Western Imperialism to admit these countries that don't even exist anymore (in their communist form - yes, including China) were just as much shames. You wouldn't have been doing that in the eighties, either. Supporting them was not helpful to anyone then or now, even if you don't want to support the lesser evil you don't support the greater evil out of spite.
But recognizing that means that there's more to our leftist utopia than just reading Marx. Theory alone can't ensure everything goes off without a hitch and, most importantly, only good people with truly benevolent desires get into power. Christianity has, for more than two thousand years, preached that everyone will be happy with them and their ideas, yet had people in authority abuse the hell out of it for their own satisfaction or take zeal to a horrifying place.
It's scary that even if we achieved all our goals, that's not the end of it. We have to actually make it work. Why would communism be any different than any other ideology that claimed benevolence or seemed reasonable if everyone could agree to follow the rules? Being a tankie is the answer to that question.
"Because it worked so well the first time!"
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amurleopards · 1 year
“More frequent appearances by wild animals have been observed in the part of the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park located in Hunchun, Northeast China's Jilin Province, by a comprehensive air, space and land system, showing an increase in the amount of wildlife in the area and an improvement in the ecological environment after years of efforts to protect Siberian tigers and Amur leopards in northeastern China, the Global Times learned from the park on Tuesday. Now Siberian tigers can be seen nearly every day, according to Li Wanlu who works at the monitoring center and observes wildlife in the park via an air-space-land comprehensive monitoring system. The more frequent appearance of Siberian tigers captured by the system demonstrates the improvement of the ecological environment in the park, which has led to an increase in the number of wild animals in the area, Li told the Global Times. According to data released in October 2021, the number of wild Siberian tigers in the park has increased from 27 to 50 since the start of the pilot program, while that of Amur leopards has increased from 42 to 60, with more than 10 tiger cubs and seven leopard cubs discovered. As one of the first national parks in China, the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park started pilot operation in January 2017, covering a planned area of 14,065 square kilometers.”
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fragment of a wool rug or garment, patterned in stripes and wang 王 (king) characters crossed by contrasting colors. taken from the ruins of niya 尼雅 (recorded in han records as jingjue 精絕), a former oasis state near khotan in modern xinjiang. excavated in 1900 or 1901 by british archeologist aurel stein. three kingdoms era or western/eastern jin dynasty, 3rd century-4th century.
white s-plied two-ply warp, single-ply z-twist weft in yellow, blue, green, red, and rose. the green and red stripes are done in plain weave with single weft; the 王 crosses and the staggered boxes (lower left photo) are done in double weft. the crosses use discontinuous tapestry weave. the british museum notes that this textile may have been produced in india.
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chinesehanfu · 6 months
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 A.D.) Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoot<神女之江/River of Goddess>
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artifacts-archive · 8 months
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Pigsty with Tower
China, Eastern Han dynasty (A.D. 25–220)
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starboy-squeakers · 6 months
Again not a dungeon meshi reader/watcher but every time I hear about that laois guy I get reminded of how my system had/has a hyperfixation on dragons so intense that we got that big fancy dragonology book and we treated it like the damn dragon Bible for like years
Now, obviously, we understand that there's different interpretations on mythical creatures, and no one interpretation on a dragon is necessarily gospel, but that multiple interpretations on the classic tale of beasts of scale and fire are completely valid and to be expected!
however if you call an Eastern dragon a coatl I'm going to come to your house and slaughter your family
#THEY'RE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT#yes they have similarities but coatls have WINGS typically and dont usually have other limbs. they're more serpentine birds#meanwhile Eastern dragons (Chinese depictions for example) don't typically have wings and are more lizard-like#like Mushu !!!!!!!! Mushu is an Eastern dragon#and then there's drakes and wyrms. which are entirely different bc they can't really fly#drakes are more like draconic horses or dogs. no wings but four limbs and a tail with a reptilian appearance#wyrms are more serpentine with no limbs and no wings. though i think some interpretations of wyrms give them like.. two forelimbs#then there's wyverns. wyverns have two legs and two wings instead of the typical eight limbs (four limbs two wings)#(i also perosnally hold true to the interpretation of wyverns with poisonous stingers for tails but that's just me cause i think its cool)#..... how much of this is just me talking abiut dragons#explodes.#oh yeah and obv there's the HTTYD interpretations which i adore! they're interesting#the designs are so fascinating and from what ive seen seem to have some science behind them#and arent just the typical western style of dragons. which nothing wrong with the western style it's a classic ofc#but it's still fun to see some variation!!#and ofc there's WOF#which holds true to Western dragons in simple anatomy but has its own variations and of course its own lore#then there's. fuck i forget the name but it's a fantasy story based in China i believe#i loved it so much it was so cool#anyways it had a dragon character named Seryu. I love Seryu. he my favorite#anyways i liked the interpretation of dragons there bc iirc it held true to ummmmm some Chinese mythology involving dragons#cause Eastern mythology of drahons is . so much diffetent than Western#Western dragons are commonly very monstrous creatures‚ usually very animalistic#they tend to embody the Christian concept of greed/gluttony hence why they're so typically monstrous/villainous#which i find interesting but i wont get into that#meanwhile. i wanna say Eastern dragon legends more revolve around the idea of a dragon as more of a godly/fae-type creature?#that's probably a poor comparison but that's how i interpreted it. agian im probahly wronf about all of this#im some weirdo rambling about dragons on the internet. dont trust me explicitly#i need to get more dragon mythology books#HELP I REACHED THE TAG LIMIT I DIDNT THINK THAT WAS POSSIBLE GOOD LORD OKAY I'LL SHUT UP NOW
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like it’s possible to be both bad at geography and aware of the fact that like Africa has multiple countries and generally what regional areas exist
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