#Child Haircare
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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo
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theworldisyonces · 6 months
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Beyoncé, her mother Ms. Tina, and Blue Ivy at the Cécred launch party in LA (2/20/24).
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I think everyone regardless of sex and gender and who doesn't belong to a culture where hair actually has a personal and/or spiritual meaning beyond shallow societal expectations dictating what an upstanding member of society should look like and that Mandate will be enforced by Peer Pressure, should buzz/shave all their hair off at least once in their lifetime. I don't know the statistics of "male pattern baldness" or alopecia or stress-induced hair thinning or post-partum hair loss or how many people are on chemo or other hair-destroying medications on any given time compared to the 8 billion+ human population of the Earth as a whole, but there is every chance that YOU–regardless of chromosomes or genetics or the overall health you have right now that you're convinced will last forever–will experience hair thinning, hair loss, or flat out baldness, and we need to disabuse ourselves that it's shameful or disgusting or unfortunate, and I think the best way to do that is to take matters into your own hands and take clippers to your hair just to get any possible anxiety over your hair's future out of the way now rather than dreading how you'll look as you grow older
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menswellnessclub · 3 months
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Boothill x SingleParent!Reaer: Lassos and Lullabies Chpt. 1
When Boothill helps find a lost child's mother at the grocery store, he'll end up finding a hell of a lot more than he bargained for.
Next part
Even though Boothill was mostly made of metal, he still had need of basic necessities. He’d never admit it to anyone, but taking care of his hair was especially of importance to him. Not that he cared much about his appearance, but as one of the only human parts of him left, he’d be careless to let it fall into disrepair. So that led him to the supermarket, browsing the aisles of haircare products. Seriously, how many different kinds of shampoo could there be? It seemed unnecessary to him.
Just as he’d grabbed the simplest-looking bottle he could find, he felt a little tug on his pant leg. He looked down, and his breath caught in his mechanical lungs. Looking up at him with big, teary eyes was a little girl, her tiny fist clutching at his pant leg. She couldn’t have been much older than two, if that. Her dark curls framed her chubby, tear-stained face in a little halo, and if he still had a heart in his chest he knew it would have clenched painfully. She looked so much like his little girl, even down to the way she wobbled slightly on her feet. She must have just learned how to walk. It tugged at his nonexistent heartstrings to see her snotty nose and forlorn look in her big, dewy eyes.
He knelt down to her level, his gruff voice uncharacteristically gentle as he said, “Hey there, little lady. Where’re yer parents?”
She hiccupped, letting go of his pant leg to grip at his metal fingers. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight, despite his concern—she could barely wrap her whole hand around one of his fingers. “M-mama… Mama…”
Oh if that didn’t just break his heart. He couldn’t leave her to wander around the store by herself. “You’re lookin’ for yer momma, eh? Don’t worry, I’ll help ya find her.” He stood back up, but the moment he did the little girl started sobbing, reaching her little hands up towards him. “You want up, little lady?” She nodded her head, so he leaned down and scooped her up into his arms, propping her up on his hip. It’d been a long, long time since Boothill had held a child, but his muscle memory didn’t fail him, even in his cybernetic body.
She calmed down a little once she was secure in his arms, but she still sniffled and cried out for her mom every once in a while as they walked through the store. He didn’t know how long it would take to find her mom, so he started wracking his brain for ways to cheer her up while they looked. He bounced her up and down in his arms as he hummed an old tune he’d heard who-knew when. He didn’t fancy himself much of a singer, but his daughter always loved it whenever he'd sing or play the guitar for her.
The little girl giggled, so he figured he must’ve been doing something right. As he continued humming, he scanned the store for anyone who appeared particularly frantic, peering down each aisle as they passed. He almost didn’t notice the little girl reaching her hands up until she babbled out something that sounded suspiciously like “Hat!”
He chuckled as he peeked down at her, seeing how she reached up towards the brim of his hat. “You like cowboys, little lady? Here.” He took off his hat and placed it on her head. He snickered at the sight of how it almost completely engulfed her face, tipping it back so it didn’t cover her eyes. “Looks better on you than it does on me anyways.”
She squealed happily, clapping her little hands together. A soft smile grew on his face. Interacting with this little girl made him feel nostalgic in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time, in a way he deliberately tried to avoid feeling. But it wasn’t awful, even if his chest ached as he couldn’t help but think of his own little girl, another lifetime ago.
“Charlotte? Oh my god, Charlotte, there you are!”
The little girl’s eyes lit up, and she reached her hands out. “Mama!”
A plump young woman came running up to Boothill, tears in her eyes that looked strikingly similar to the little girl’s in his arms. He could see the outline of her soft tummy through her modest but flattering dress, the fabric hugging her full hips. Despite himself, he couldn’t help the light flush on his face as he took in the sight of her, and it only got worse when she looked up at him with those dewy eyes. He cleared his throat. “Are you this here little lady’s momma?”
Instead of the trepidation he expected to see on her face from seeing a cyborg holding her daughter, her face melted with relief and gratitude. “Yes, I am. Thank you so so much for finding her, I was worried sick! I set her down for just one second and the next thing I knew she was gone!” She gently took the little girl from him, cradling her in her arms. The little girl cooed and cuddled up in her mother’s embrace, content as could be. The woman sighed deeply. “I can’t believe I lost sight of her…”
A smile made its way onto Boothill’s lips. If his hat was still on his head, he would’ve tipped it at her. “S’no problem, ma’am, don’t beat yerself up ‘bout it. Second they learn howta use their legs they’re all over the place. She’s a mighty brave little lady you’ve got there, askin’ a stranger for help.”
The woman’s brow furrowed. “Actually, Lottie’s rather shy. She came up to you, you said?” She looked down at her daughter with a gentle smile. “Did you make a friend, Lottie?”
“Is that right?” He grinned, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Well I’d be mighty pleased to be friends with such a pretty young lady.” His eyes flicked back up to the woman’s face. “Or her momma, for that matter.”
The woman’s eyes widened, and a shy smile played at her lips. “O-oh, why thank you, sir.”
“The name’s Boothill. Pleasure to make yer acquaintance.” He took his hand out of his pocket and held it out towards her.
She took his hand and shook it. Damn, her hands were soft. Slightly calloused, but that was kind of nice too. He was glad he’d had those touch receptors installed. “Y/N,” she said. “Nice to meet you too. And this—” She bounced her daughter on her hip, causing her to giggle. “Is Charlotte.” Y/N looked back up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude. “Really, thank you so much for finding her. She doesn’t usually like new people, she doesn’t even like the daycare workers, and she sees them almost every day. You must be some kind of toddler-whisperer or something. Do you have one of your own?”
His servers stalled. “…No.” It wasn’t a lie, he didn’t have a child. Not anymore.
He pushed the thought out of his mind, plastering a grin on his face. “But I’ll take that as a compliment. I quite liked little Lottie’s company as well.”
If Y/N noticed his hesitancy, she made no indication of it. She just smiled at him, those pretty eyes of hers crinkling at the edges. “Well, you’re just a natural then.” She was quiet for a moment, and he could practically see the gears turning in her head. “Hey, I, um, I know I have no right to ask you for anything more than you’ve already done, but I was wondering… would you maybe be willing to babysit Lottie sometime? She just seems so taken with you, and it’s been so hard to find a babysitter she isn’t shy or nervous around. I can pay you too! You absolutely don’t have to, I know we just met and everything, but I thought I’d ask.”
Boothill blinked. Him, babysit? It was true he liked being around the little tyke for the short time they were together, but was he really cut out to babysit? On the other hand, he was somewhat touched that she’d trust him enough to look after her child, as ill-placed as that trust might have been.
But as he looked down at Charlotte, with her dark curls and bright eyes and his hat perched precariously on her head… something in his chest stirred. And even though it might’ve been a bad decision, he’d made a lot bad decisions in his life, and it couldn’t possibly be any worse than those.
He flashed her a grin. “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. An’ ya don’t gotta pay me. I’d be happy enough just to see this pretty little lady again.” He took his hat off Charlotte’s head and ruffled her hair, making her let out a torrent of giggles. He placed the hat back on his head and tipped it at Y/N, giving her a little wink. “And her pretty momma too.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed red. He could’ve laughed at the way she blinked rapidly, obviously flustered. “O-oh, um… thank you. I’d… be glad to see you again too.”
His grin widened. “Well ain’t that just peachy, then. I travel around a lot for work, but if you need someone to watch the young’un when I’m in town, I’d be happy to help.
The smile she gave him could’ve powered thirty starships. “Thank you, Boothill. Here.” She pulled out a scrap of paper from her purse and scribbled something down on it, handing it to him. The fans in his chest whirred loudly. It was her phone number. “So we can get in contact with each other. Maybe we could do a test drive first—you can come over and I can show you around the place and everything. And we can get to know each other better, you know?”
“Sounds like a plan.” He took out a napkin from his pocket and scribbled down his own phone number before handing it to her.
She folded it up delicately and tucked it away in her purse. “Alright then, we won’t take up any more of your time. It was nice meeting you, I’ll shoot you a text. Say ‘bye bye,’ Lottie!” she cooed down at Charlotte.
Charlotte waved her hand enthusiastically. “Bye bye!”
Boothill raised his hand in a wave. Then they turned and left, leaving him alone to marvel at what the heck just happened.
He whipped out his phone and added a new contact called ‘Hot Momma.’ He’d be looking forward to that text.
Boothill had half expected to never hear from Y/N again, but to his surprise he received a text from her about a week later. And lo and behold, she actually did invite him over to her apartment. Either she was just the most trusting woman in the whole galaxy, or he must’ve left a really good impression during their brief meeting. He didn’t leave those very often.
No sooner than he’d knocked on the door did it open, and he was met with Y/N’s bright smile and slightly flushed cheeks. “You’re here! I was just making lunch, come on in! Would you like something to drink?”
As she ushered him into the apartment, he took in the sight of the living space. Small, but cozy. He decided he liked it There were a few framed photos sitting on the mantel, and he took note that there wasn’t a man in any of them. “Nah, I’m all good. Thank you, though.”
Y/N scurried into the kitchen and stirred a pot of something. He smiled at the sight of Charlotte sitting in a highchair at the kitchen table, light blue bows dotted across her dark hair. She clapped her hands and babbled happily at the sight of him. “Hat! Hat!”
Y/N laughed, peering at them from over the counter. “Lottie’s been so excited to see you, Mr. Boothill.”
“Eh, none of that ‘Mister’ crap, just ‘Boothill’ is fine.” He leaned down to Charlotte’s level. Immediately, she reached out and grabbed ahold of one of his fingers, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched the way the light glinted off of his metal hand. He chuckled, his chest warming at the sweet sight. “I’ve been real excited to see her too.”
Y/N came out of the kitchen, balancing three plates of pasta, one significantly smaller than the others. “Please, come eat with us. Oh, um, if you can eat, that is. I made plenty for all of us.”
He didn’t have to eat, but he knew better than to turn down a pretty lady. He tipped his hat at her. “Aw shucks, ya didn’t haveta do that for little ol’ me. But thank you kindly.”
She sat one of the larger plates down in front of him, a bright smile on her face. “Of course I did! You’re doing me a huge favor by offering to watch Lottie, it’s the least I can do.” She sat down on the other side of Charlotte, stabbing a piece of pasta with a fork and offering it to her.
“It’s no problem, really. She’s a sweet little lady.” The sight of Y/N feeding her daughter like that made his chest constrict painfully. It reminded him all too much of evenings at the dinner table with his own little rascal, where she’d end up with her face and hands all covered in sauce.
He pulled himself out of the memory before he could get too wrapped up in it. “How old is she, by the way?” he asked.
“She’s two and a half,” Y/N said proudly, feeding Charlotte another couple forkfuls of pasta. She sighed wistfully. “She’s already growing up so fast.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, they do that. Best to cherish ‘em while they’re cute an’ little like this.”
“Very right you are. But she’ll always be my little Lottie, no matter how big she gets, won’t you, sweetheart?” she cooed at Charlotte, to which she babbled happily.
Boothill took a couple bites of the meal she’d prepared for him. His sense of taste wasn’t quite as good as it had been when he was fully human, but he could still tell that it was delicious. “Dang, darlin’, this is really good. You a chef or somethin’?”
She laughed, a pink flush dusted across her cheek bones. She waved her hand dismissively. “Oh no, nothing like that. That’s very sweet of you to say, though, I’m glad you like it.”
They finished up their lunch, and Y/N stood up to collect the dishes. Boothill stopped her with a raised hand. “Lemme take care of it, sugar. Can’t let a pretty little thing like you runnin’ yerself ragged on my account.”
Her cheeks turned rosy again as he stood and took the plates from her. “O-oh, um… Thank you.”
“No problem, doll.” He winked at her before heading into the kitchen and washing the dishes. He may have been laying the charm on a little thick, but what could he say? He liked her. And he knew how touch it was raising a kid, especially if she didn’t have anyone to help her.
Once the dishes were all washed and on the drying race, he returned to the dining room, finding that Y/N had picked Charlotte up out of her highchair and perched her on her hip. Her cheeks were still a little pink, but she flashed him a sweet smile. “So, would you like a tour?”
He nodded his head, and she showed him around her small home. There were a couple more photos in her bedroom, once again with a distinct lack of an adult male. She told him everything he might need to know if he were to watch Charlotte: her bedtime, how she liked to take her baths, emergency contacts, the whole shebang. A part of him couldn’t believe he’d actually agreed to this, but he couldn’t deny that the thought of getting to spend time with a child again made him feel… something. He didn’t quite have the words to describe it, but it was soft and warm and healing somehow.
And it also didn’t hurt that her mom was such a cutie.
When they got to the end of the tour, Boothill leaned up against the wall and put his hands in his pockets, trying to look casual as he searched for the words to ask what’d been on his mind since the moment he saw her. “So… You have a… a partner? A husband or a boyfriend or somethin’?”
Y/N stilled, a shy smile on her face. “Ah… no. I don’t.” But before he could celebrate, her smile turned somber. “Charlotte’s father… isn’t in the picture anymore. When I told him I was pregnant, he packed his things and left. I haven’t seen him since.”
Boothill’s smile fell. So she was a single mom. He placed his hand on her shoulder, suddenly serious. “That ain’t no man, darlin’. Those there’re the actions of a boy, who ain’t willin’ to take responsibility for what he’s done. An’ he’s a damn fool for lettin’ a sweet little thing like you go.” He smiled down at Charlotte, who just looked up at him with big doe eyes. “An’ he’s missin’ out on seein’ this pretty little lady grow up. He’ll regret it one day.”
He heard Y/N take in a shaky breath, and he noticed her eyes were a little misty. “…Th-thank you, Boothill. That means a lot to me to hear that.”
“I’m just sayin’ the truth.” He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze before letting his hand fall back down to his side. His regular cheeky grin made its way back onto his face. Now, when can I start watchin’ this little cutie?” He tickled Charlotte’s tummy, causing her to squeal in delight.
Y/N smiled at the sight. “Actually, I have this important work conference out of town Sunday night. I know it’s kind of last minute, but I’d really appreciate it if you could watch her while I’m gone. I’ll be back on Monday morning, so it’d just be for that evening and night. I don’t have a guest room, but you’d be welcome to sleep in my room!”
He chuckled. “Ya don’t gotta sell it so hard, I’d be happy to help. You’ve got my number, just let me know when to be here.”
She let out a long, relieved sigh. “Really? Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I’ve been stressing trying to find a sitter for her. You’re a life saver.” That might’ve been the first time Boothill had been called that, and he’d been called a lot of things. Typically, he was said to be the opposite. But the way Y/N smiled up at him really made him feel like a hero, even though it was really no skin off his nose. It was a nice feeling
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Ninjago Headcanons from an elder fan
Part 1
There is a group chat, and it pops off all hours of the day. And often the conversation is being texted in all caps, or voice messages of the ninja yelling at each other.
Skylor was added to it but left because there were too many notifications while she was working.
Zane will take selfies in the middle of the battle and send it to the group chat
Nya begs him to stop doing it but Zane thinks it's hilarious
Kai is a material girl; he does his skincare, haircare, and body care and will often pester Nya about where she goes to fix herself up for dates.
Ninjas who ride cycles also wear helmets, which increases their attractiveness by 200%.
Lloyd has taken on the man bun. Yes, it does work out for him.
Jay is severely underrated. He's strong, average-sized, and has freckles all over. This dude is a ninja and commonly climbs high places to practice his element. He's got to have that nice upper body strength.
Cole's the tallest, heaviest, and strongest. He's pure muscle, but he's also a gentle giant when he's not in battle. Even sparring, he'll go easy in an effort to not hurt his friends.
He will, however, pick Jay up and just carry him out of the room if he gets too aggravating.
Nya will still tinker with mech, and often spends time with Pixal doing so. They're lesbians, and Nya taught Pixal how to be more self-assured and independent.
Pixal's life revolved around serving other people, and she had to be taught how to serve herself.
Zane and Pixal are similar to how the D:BH androids function. They can download any file, and research anything, but once it comes to human experiences and emotions, they have to take their time and learns from being hands-on.
That's why it took so long for Zane to catch on to simple emotions and phrases, and why he still has trouble even if he's made improvements.
Zane and Nya are close friends, they were the oddballs before Lloyd showed up.
Nya and Lloyd are also really close because of this, and while as a child he loved to annoy her, he actually really looked up to her.
Babysit isn't the proper wording, but Nya definitely looked after Lloyd and taught him the basic functions of how to take care of himself.
Kai as well, the Smith's were the closest thing to a pair of siblings Lloyd could've had growing up, and their bond still stays strong.
Lloyd still clings onto remnants of his short childhood. He will do things to heal his inner child.
There's articles and social media posts catching him swinging on a swingset with Cole, or getting icecream with Kai. He'll even go to a comic-con or two...or ten.
While the ninja aren't necessarily paid for their efforts, the city will give them a check every so often whenever Ninjago is saved by a big baddie.
However, if there are casualties or if the city is destroyed (Ex. The Great Devourer), that money will go back into repairing the city.
But, Nya keeps the finances in check, and knows how to haggle for anything the team may need (she threatens the salespeople).
But even with the extra money, some will seek a second responsibility. Pixal will do hybrid part-time jobs, and Jay will pick up a delivery contract for example. Something to take a break from daily training and punching bad guys.
They still have their golden weapon vehicles because I said so, and I like people on motorcycles. They also have spare backups that Nya has built from scratch. She almost strangled Jay for crashing that one.
And yes, Nya has a motorcycle, too.
But all in all, they've found each other as family, and it's ride or die with all of them. Especially Zane.
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dr3amfyr-e · 2 months
modern!jace thoughts ( wc. 600-ish )
i have a jace parasite living in my brain <3 i’m cooking up a part two ( i cooked it up )
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jacaerys who studies literature and linguistics at university — on the pre-law track. he’s such a diligent student, a frequenter of libraries and study rooms. ( but he doesn’t really have to try that hard, it comes easy, it’s aggravating )
he lives in the nicest dorm on campus, probably private housing.
jacaerys who wears glasses :3 but only when he must, makes an effort to put contacts in every day. but some days are just glasses days. ( they’re the sliver squoval wire framed ones )
jacaerys who prioritizes hygiene, he’s so clean. (i’m a jon girl at heart, i can acknowledge that he is not squeaky clean. jace is squeaky clean) jace has a skincare routine and a haircare routine. he’s using olaplex and cerave and that super expensive moisturizer. he knows how to defuse and gel cast his curls, he’ll happily do yours too! i firmly believe he uses an electric toothbrush AND HE TAKES CARE OF HIS NAILS
jacaerys who attended a private school until university, and started playing competitive football ( ⚽️ ) at age 10. he plays in college too, but he’s not as serious about it.
lucerys attends the same private school and plays for the same team, so jace practices with him ( it usually ends with a physical altercation, think the sword fight scene ‘what. was. THAT?’ )
jacaerys who likes animals, and LOVES his dog. vermax lives at home while he is off at school, but when jace gets a place of his own the dog will come with. he walks him every morning and evening and takes him for runs most days over the summer. vermax sleeps in jace’s bed, and he takes up a good portion.
jacaerys who is SO oldest daughter coded. he’s driving his siblings around. taking joffrey to pediatrician appointments and picking him up from school. going to all of luke’s football games and rhaena’s violin concerts.
chronic over achiever, he has to be his mothers favorite daughter- what, who said that?
mama’s boy jacaerys who looks up to her more than anyone. he’s bragging her up to anyone who will listen: in his gender and women’s studies class like, “my mom is a ceo! 🙋” “my mom is married to a woman! 🙋”
he would defend his mother’s name with his life. he’s getting into fist fights at social events, ryan atwood style. ( no he’s not, but he really wants to )
jacaerys who can be mean. he doesn’t mean to be, he doesn’t want to be — he hates it. but the world he grew up in was exclusive, and cliquey, and competitive.
he’s good at controlling it, thinking before he speaks. because he’s not a mean person. he’s good, and kind, and gentle. but, it comes to the surface when he goes into defense mode.
he made luke cry once, and started journaling to channel his emotions.
english/history person jacaerys. he’s hopeless at helping his brothers with their math homework.
when his mother married his late grandfather’s former wife he started reading lesbian theory to cope. and he liked it! he borrows baela’s feminist theory books, they bookclub.
jacaerys who, unfortunately, does participate in performative reading. omg nooo don’t come talk to me while i’m reading didion and wearing pearls and mewing 🧏
jacaerys who has a really expensive digital camera and also a really expensive film camera. he likes to post his pictures on his instagram ( no one cares )
all of his social media accounts are private because he doesn’t want to be the internet’s next eligible bachelor.
jacaerys who cries when he’s frustrated.
jacaerys who tolerates his step-brothers, but not very well or with much enjoyment. he has way more in common with alicent than he’d like to admit ( quintessential horrifying step-child experience of being mistaken for your step-parents biological child ) he likes helaena, though! they’re kind of bestie
he separates puzzle pieces by colour for her and looks at all of her art and knows all of her favorite bugs. ( he’s always wanted a sister )
jacaerys who is a fantastic boyfriend ( i’ll get into this later ) (( i got into this ))
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Steve is always considered to be the spoiled rich boy of the group, and no one corrects this. They frequently pester him for rides or snacks or movie nights, and Steve always comes through with the best of the best for them, so absolutely everyone in the Party believes that he's this incredibly spoilt only child in a big fancy house, footing the bill for bonding nights because it's the least he can do.
On the first Christmas after Vecna, Steve goes a little overboard getting gifts.
Will gets a premium art kit, high quality paints and new brushes and a few canvases, along with three sketchbooks. The first page of one is covered with a drawing Steve spent weeks perfecting. It looks pretty mediocre, but it's just a cute little picture of Will as his DnD character saving the party from a monster.
Mike gets an electric guitar and amp, along with sheet music to the songs that Mike had been gushing about since meeting Eddie.
Lucas gets a new basketball, a case of New Coke, and tickets to a Pacers game on January 2, 1987. There's two, but Steve insisted that it was for Lucas and Max. He was just the driver.
Dustin makes out like a bandit. He gets a new game console (the NES he had been ranting about for months; Steve has already told Ms. Henderson that it was a gift), a brand new home computer, a full set of haircare products, a new hat, and Steve's house key.
Max gets a fancy dagger. It's beautifully made, inlaid with a starburst-cut emerald, and small enough to fit snugly in her winter boot, so she can feel protected everywhere. She also gets a new skateboard, which is probably her favorite gift.
Eleven gets a thick notebook, half-filled with recipes that Steve's noticed she likes. He promises to teach her how to make them, and how to come up with her own, whenever she wants.
Robin gets about a hundred different little gifts, just trinkets that reminded Steve of her. She also gets a promise that Steve will help her find her own car.
Argyle and Nancy both get less personal gifts; Argyle receives a stack of comfortable, soft sweaters, and Nancy gets a few books written by female reporters.
Jonathan gets another new camera, and enough film to last him until next Christmas.
Joyce gets handmade blankets, soft and fuzzy, and about fifteen different trinkets that Steve insists remind him of her. Every single one of them has to do with motherhood.
Hopper gets a case of beer, a pack of cigarettes, and the deed to the land surrounding his cabin. Steve also promises to help make some additions to the cabin, to make it just as spacious and homey as they need.
Eddie gets a little bit of everything: haircare products, clothes, records, tapes, a new amp, a plastic container full of the cookies he always asks Steve to make him, socks, cigarettes, anything Steve can think of to get him.
Steve doesn't expect anything, and he's not being a self-pitying, spoiled little rich kid convinced that nothing these common folk could get him would be worth it. Steve hadn't received Christmas gifts since he was seven, he knows he's not worth it, and really, he likes seeing how happy everyone is at his gifts; it makes him feel good to see that he can make his family so happy.
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momochiikawa · 1 year
includes: cyno, heizou, kaeya, scara, childe, ningguang, kazuha
content: fluff, kys jokes in scaras part
gn!reader ♡
pro gamer!!!
plays lots of different games but his favourites are "the witcher 3" and "Identity v"
takes part in tournaments!
probably streams at ungodly hours
great at roleplaying and getting into the lore
sometimes, he does "silly streams" where he, tighnari, kaveh, and alhaitham play uno.
lord they curse so loudly
once they woke you up from a nap and cyno ended the stream to cuddle you back to sleep, because he felt so bad :((
the chat knows you as "choo choo boo boo"
when you're beside him while he streams, he tries so hard to win so you can compliment him ♡
tells unfunny jokes on twitter
mainly plays games like "ABZU" or "life is strange"
great at puzzles in games
probably has a youtube where he posts tutorials
if he can't solve something, he starts screaming into the mic (press f for the chat)
sometimes he just streams with you cuddled into his side, commenting whatever he's doing
a variety streamer
he mainly plays horror games, loves the adrenaline .
makes you sit with him during the scariest moments, so you'll hug his arm when you're scared
(it ends up being him cuddling into your arm)
when you two are actually playing a multiplayer game, he makes you take his chair (super comfortable!!) and just sits on a stool (rip)
will play your favourite game on stream!!
did a cooking stream on valentines day, where he was making a cake for you ♡
plays league of legends, and valorant
swears so much, you're scared he'll get banned
the chat loves you because you made him meow after a big donation once
also plays tournaments and won many
doesn't like playing lol or valorant with you, he prefers things like minecraft or stardew valley (you collect flowers, he fights for his life in the caves)
there's so many clips of him being soft for you, and then instantly telling tartaglia to kys
when you two first kissed on live the chat went insane, and it was trending on twitter
was canceled so many times on twitter
plays w/ scara!
he often does cooking streams in that god awful apron with the text "kiss the cook"
doesn't swear as much, he keeps it family friendly when his brother is watching his stream
but his late night streams. LORD. the amount of dirty jokes...
plays roblox with you
likes having you on his lap while preparing for tournaments ♡
her voice is perfect for it ♡
you always appear in her skincare/handcare/haircare/makeup streams
you know those east asian channels where they just put so much expensive stuff on you?
yeah thats her
will give you a lil kiss afterwards the stream as a reward ♡
if you had problems falling asleep, now you feel completely relaxed while she gently messages your face ♡
plays minecraft, stardew valley, animal crossing and stray
has a very warm voice so his chat are either simps, or people who want to fall asleep.
you often bring him snacks and drinks while saying hello to the chat!
you consider the chat your kids basically. (kazuha is the mom btw)
always gifts you flowers in stardew/minecraft
you kissed you once on stream and chat watched him gradually get redder by each second.
he's scared of twitter (i dont blame him lmao)
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milaisreading · 9 months
Crossdresser!Yn after being picked for Rin's team during 2nd selection:
Crossdresser!Yn, trying to warm up to everyone: So... want to eat together?
Aryu: Of course! We can exchange some haircare tips
Tokimitsu: Sure... sounds great!
Rin: No. Your lukewarm mediocrity will just hinder my further development.
Crossdresser!Yn:... Was your brother the favorite child?
Rin: Shut the hell up!!
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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo.
Embrace the Magic of Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings: Where Gentle Care Meets Unforgettable Curls.
Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings collection: Expertly crafted by African hair specialists for optimal daily care for your child’s hair and scalp.
Experience the Best Protection: Beautiful hair starts with Dark and Lovely, ensuring your child’s locks are well-guarded.
Benefits of Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo:
Specifically designed for delicate hair and scalp of children.
Infused with nourishing Aloe Vera and strengthening Coconut Oil to combat dryness and prevent breakage during combing.
Experience the combined power of cleansing, detangling, and nourishing in one convenient product.
Say goodbye to knots and hello to hassle-free grooming.
Leaves hair refreshed, silky-smooth, and easier to manage.
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i23kazu · 1 year
characters. xiao zhongli kaeya diluc childe alhaitham kaveh x reader genre. romantic fluff! an. drowning in work n assignments, apologies for the late posts + 2k event posts! they'll take some more time to come out pls be patient w me ueueue | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
runs his fingers through it with incredible gentleness that you never thought could come from the conquerer of demons. he really enjoys playing with your hair though — there’s a soft smile on his face as he denies liking anything of that sort.
likes to comb your hair for you at night with a hairpiece he got with childe’s money. the comb is made with a delicate mix of wood and jade, the colours bleeding into each other. he rubs the comb with rosemary oil before brushing your hair and kissing you goodnight.
ties your hair for you so that you can finish your skincare routine. he loves tying it in the exact same spot as his, so that the two of you match. it’s really very cute and he takes pictures with his kamera of the two ponytails swinging side by side.
brushes your hair for you while you have your bath that he sweetly prepared for you. the water is warm to the touch as you dip your toes in, your muscles relaxing with the amount of salt and oils there are in the bath. he brushes all the tangles out for you and blow dries your hair after.
he learnt how to braid hair at an early age, so trust him to do the same for you. if you have short hair, he prefers to run his fingers and detangle your hair — but if you have long, he’d braid it such that the wisps of baby hairs don’t fall out of place. invests in haircare products for you as well.
late nights are spent with him running his fingers through your hair to help you fall asleep — the hums of the sumeru nightlife can never soothe you to subconsciousness. he kisses your forehead as he smiles at you softly, and runs his fingers still his body goes lax as well.
loves to braid your hair. he absentmindedly starts to untangle your locks, his fingers daintily twining them through until he mades a semi-neat braid. there’s strands of baby hairs poking through but it’s obvious that he made some sort of effort — it looks pretty either way.
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiy @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @lemonswriting @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @softcosmixs @ineshapanda @babypetuniaa @aimynx @smokipoki (send ask to be added to taglist)
reblogs with tags + comments are appreciated! if you like my content, consider giving me a follow too hehe ^^
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cursedkeyboard · 9 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.4)
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What does Jason do as he raises his kid lovingly like he wished he'd been raised? Try his best and fail spectacularly to keep his nosy family away, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader / Batfamily & Jason Todd
After about a year and quite a few months, maybe around the second christmas Jason spent with you, Jason became antsy
The problem wasn't with you two, no
You were his angel and almost never caused him any trouble, even if he'd always call you brat and squirt
The problem was Bruce and Dick and his entire nosy ass family trying to find out why hadn't he come home for christmas a second year in a row
Not only that, he also had cut back on many other activities he'd usually do with friends or his family
Like taking over patrol shifts for others, hanging out with Roy, visiting the manor to see Ace and Alfred, and gossiping with Babs
C'mon, you know he's totally the type to think his kid is so much better than everyone
You're his damn best friend, his confidant, the person he trusts most in the world and would die for in a blink
So Jason wouldn't even notice he was neglecting every other person in his life until they started blowing up his phone and trying to break into his apartment
Like the fucking demon brat did
Damian tried, at three in the morning, with his katana and everything
His excuse? He was tired of everyone talking about why Jason was growing distant and decided to solve the mystery by infringing his privacy
Jason's excuse to grabbing him by the collar and throwing him out of he window before he could take another step inside? You had classes that day
And children are supposed to sleep a lot to grow
He thought that'd be the end of it, after properly threatening every single one of them into staying the fuck away from his home
but then again, Jason should've never put faith in people who are nosy for a living
So he started having to hide you during the day when the two of you hung out
Jason took you to Bat Burger after a rough day at school? Dick conventionally shows up minutes later! And you hide under the table
Jason and you were taking a morning walk to start the day? Surprise! Cass is suddenly coming your way. And you're jumping into a bush (he helped you take the twigs out of your hair later but laughed the entire time)
You finally convinced Jason to watch the latest superhero movie that just came out? Ho, boy! Look, Duke just so happened to also have been wanting to see it! Aaand you have to pee real bad
For you it's like a game, never let the Waynes catch you
The rewards are many; head pats, Jason's laughter, a hardcover book that you had been eyeing
The consequences of failing...?
That was the scary part for Jason
He'd spend nights thinking about it after tucking you in bed
Would they take you away? Would they think he's abusing you? Would they be disappointed in him for thinking he could be anything else but a disappointment?
Irrational and emotional, those thoughts were, but you were the life of Jason's life
Fuck, you're the one person he hadn't let down yet
The one person he didn't disappoint or hurt
You thrived every day, growing up and putting on weight, learning more every moment because you had a thirst for knowledge just like him
God, every time you looked at him like he was your whole world
Like he was your damn hero
It gave his life a little more meaning
He wanted to keep you safe, watch you grow into a beautiful person, better than he could ever hope to be
But he also wanted you to stay being his
His kid
Not taken away by protective services or recruited into Bruce's little army of children
So imagine how his stomach dropped when during one fateful night, as he helped you with your haircare routine
–Jason sitting on the couch and you between his legs on the floor, your back to him–
his door opened up, was picked open, and a good portion of his family (Dick, Damian, Stepth, and Bruce) waltzed in like they fucking owned the place
There was no way to hide, both of you caught off guard
"Jason! Games' over, buddy, we're here now–"
"Is– Is that a child?"
"What the fuck."
Jason was torn between taking them on on a 4v1 or pulling you in his arms and jumping out of the window
You chose for him, quickly climbing on the couch and hiding away under his arm, almost completely covered by his bulky form
You're not a coward but you're also not good with people like you are with Jason
You also don't exactly like the big bat after everything he did to your da–
To Jason
"Tell me you didn't kidnap a child, Jay."
"No, Steph, I didn't fucking kidnap anyone–"
"Is this why you didn't let me in? I expected better from you, Todd."
"You fucking brat– Can you just leave–"
"No, no, hang on, am I an uncle? Oh, my god, am I? Holy shit, I am!"
"You're not a fucking uncl–"
"Jason, explain."
And oh, how that terrified Jason
He hated the way Bruce was staring at you, like you were a puzzle, something he needed to figure out before he could ultimately collect
It almost made Jason snarl like a wounded dog
You were his kid, god damn it, and Jason would be damned if he let Bruce take you
So he swallowed his fear and clenched his trembling hands and made everyone sit down before he explained
He asked you if you wanted to go to your room, just in case you didn't feel comfortable around them, but you shook your head
"I don't wanna leave you alone."
"...Okay, okay, squirt, what you say goes."
None of them missed the way Jason easily wrapped his arm around you, tucking you close, and how you hid you face partially in his shoulder, glancing at them with one eye
And so, he began telling his tale
Interrupted only a few times because Dick couldn't shut the fuck up to save his life and Damian thinks being insufferable is a good personality trait, Jason finally let the cat out of the bag after about two years of keeping it hidden
"Why didn't you come to us? We could've helped."
"Helped? Bruce, look at the demon spawn, he sleeps with a knife under his pillow and he's, what? Thirteen? This kid here sleeps with a Garfield plushy, like children should."
At that, you slapped his shoulder (it still didn't hurt) and all Jason did was chuckle and kiss your forehead
It was jarring for all of them to see such a soft version of their most volatile family member
In fact, they could now see how the entire apartment had changed
No longer was it a... mojo dojo casa house of sorts, but a cozy and welcoming environment
Shit, the fridge even had cute magnets on it to hold all of your drawings
Frames with pictures of you two were placed everywhere, along with your awards from school and his own additions like a couple of plants and vinyls on the walls
It stung a little to know he'd kept a whole child away from them for so long, to know he didn't trust them enough
It especially hurt Bruce, since technically this was his first grandchild
All in all, everyone eventually fell silent, one fuming, some curious, and others brooding
Until you broke it by finally speaking, tilting your head until you were looking directly into Batman's glowing eyes
"I don't care if you're Batman or Bruce Wayne, if you hurt Jason again, I'll kill you myself."
To say Jason was proud was putting it mildly
He was so ecstatic he could make that day a national holiday
Jason ignored the rest of his family freaking out about how you knew Batman's identity and hugged you close, squeezing you gently
"Fucking love you, kiddo."
To be continued...
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moonbyunniee · 1 year
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put your head on my shoulder
characters ➵ kaveh, diluc, ayato, wanderer, thoma, gorou, tighnari, cyno, childe, kaeya, venti, heizou, xiao, zhongli, kazuha, albedo, itto, bennett, xingqiu, chongyun
synopsis ➵ your tired head falls on the stranger's shoulder on the train to work...
a/n ➵ hello again everyone! i haven't been posting any writing in almost four whole months!! i hope you missed me heheh :)) also, i hope it wouldn't be too much to ask for a reblog from your end? it really helps a small blog like mine :D love you all <33
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he'd been minding his own business on the train to work, lost in thought about something or the other, when a warm feeling on his right shoulder had broken his train of thought. he'd looked over, and...well, he'd seen...you. he hesitates, glancing at your sleeping body resting on his shoulder. it's not as though he can't bear your weight on him, it's just...the touch is unfamiliar, something he's not used to, something he hasn't felt in what feels like an eternity. he sighs softly as you stir, not knowing whether he should wake you up or let you be. Well...it wouldn't hurt to be accommodating, now, would it?
xiao, zhongli, kazuha, albedo, ayato, diluc
a frown, or a scowl of some sort, is this man's reaction to most everything that happens to him, and he isn't giving this situation a free pass. the second he feels his neighbor seatmate's head drop onto his shoulder, he strikes his signature scowl. curse you for having the audacity to sleep on public transport anyway...why couldn't you just sleep at home? as he turns to shove you off his shoulder, though, he suddenly pauses, seeing your innocent, tired face. he curses himself internally for being so uncharacteristically soft today, but nevertheless changes his mind about shoving you off his shoulder. he'll just tell you to bring an actual pillow next time you choose to sleep on public transport. for now, he automatically stiffens himself, and prepares to lend you his shoulder until he gets to work. but this is only a one-time thing, of course...unless...
kaveh, wanderer
he blinks as he feels your head drop onto his shoulder. he already knows who you are - the tired-looking passenger who always, coincidentally, ends up sitting next to him. still, though, it's not like he knows you at all. he just pays attention to his surroundings better than most. so he finds it as almost second nature to shift himself a little, so you can be comfortable. sure enough, you unconsciously nuzzle your head into the crook between his shoulder and neck, your hair tickling his neck ever so slightly. he smiles softly, before yawning a little himself and resting his head on yours. maybe, he thinks, i could ask for their number when they wake up? just for their haircare products, nothing else...right?
childe, kaeya, venti, heizou, thoma
it takes him quite some time to process what's happening. head...pretty person...my shoulder? then it all comes to him in a tidal wave, and he gasps. ask anyone around the two of you what he acted like, and they'd likely respond with, "just like a high school boy finding his sweetheart!" he immediately went all red, his blush spanning from the back of his neck to his nose. as nearby passengers send him curious glances, he stammers and tries to clarify the situation - a fruitless attempt, really, as it seems he can't even manage to get a single word out. if only you were awake to see the impact your mere touch had on this man...he does, though, eventually calm down enough to let you have a good, undisturbed nap.
gorou, tighnari, cyno, itto, bennett, xingqiu, chongyun
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taglist ➵ @melshome @pearlygraysky @whipped-for-fictionals @genshinparty @cosmicgeohoe
send an ask to be added to my taglist!!
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altocat · 8 months
Imagine some very important people abandoning you, as a small child, and it's so traumatic you're left with lifelong irrational fear that no matter how good you are, how hard you try, everyone you love will eventually abandon you.
It actually keeps happening.
Again and again and again
And again.
Fans chant your name, paparazzi try to sneakily take your photos, fanclubs discuss your haircare routine.
But everyone you care about eventually, inevitably, stops caring about you
Fuck 😭
Seriously Sephiroth's story is an endless cycle of abuse/abandonment. Just one disaster after another. Doesn't excuse his actions, but it does explain why he stops trusting people altogether.
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visenyasdragon · 4 months
My brilliant and correct headcanons about Laena Velaryon 💞🌊🐉
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She thinks the tradition of putting dragon eggs in cradles is not entirely a good idea because it leaves and older dragons riderless and then they can get lonely!!! Can't allow that. Also who would want a hatchling when you can just claim an older bigger dragon. Doesn't really understand that those are usually more picky when choosing riders and she just got incredibly lucky with Grandma Vhagar </3
She would not be happy with her daughters being betrothed to obvious bastards and their own claims to Driftmark and the Iron Throne bypassed
Thinks she actually would make a better Lord of Driftmark than Laenor, but she loves her older brother so she only teases him about it sometimes, she would never dream of usurping him
Thinks Laenor's marriage to Rhaenyra was a huge mistake and low-key resents Corlys for arranging it. She thinks Laenor should just have stayed unmarried. She agrees with her mother on that point
Sometimes when she was a child her father would rant that Viserys was stingy in not giving her and Laenor a princely title as was their right as children of royal blood, but she doesn't give a fuck. She has Vhagar so all princesses are automatically less slay than her 👑
She loves seafood, and fish of all kinds, and prefers them far more than roasted game and fowl served in the capital
She's bisexual but we all know that so let's move on
She has a stellar haircare routine funded by her dad. She owns the best hair soaps, oils scented and unscented, jewelled ivory combs, ironwood/mahogany/weirwood/oak combs and brushes, so her silver curls always look PERFECT, glossy and shiny and springy. Her maids (often of Summer Islander descent) are chosen partially based on their expertise in caring for curly hair. The miserable wigs on the show were a psyop
She loves shopping trips to Spicetown and Hull for new clothes and hair products (she's just like me fr)
Daemon was in love with her so help me god
She loves to listen or read about the Conquerors and is very proud to ride Visenya's dragon, but would probably not consent to be a polygamous wife unless she knew for sure that she would retain her position and not be sidelined at all
Huge girl mom. Her daughter's must have the best dresses, toys, nursemaids, servants, guards, tutors, books, of everythingggg just like she had as a child
Knows that some day Rhaena will have a dragon of her own
Loves dragons, especially old and huge ones, but dislikes horses. She thinks they're stupid, unreliable, and much too slow. She hated her horse riding lessons as a child because she lives on an island, what's the point? Why can't mother or Laenor just take her on dragonback whenever they need to go somewhere they can't get in foot? But Corlys insisted they learn to ride the best horses because he wanted that status symbol. So when she claimed Vhagar at 12, she never rode her horse again
Loves to dance, knows all the old Valyrian dances and Westerosi reels
She finds court jesters annoying and unfunny
The more she learns of Alicent's marriage as she grows up the happier she is she dodged that bullet oof. To be so disrespected constantly!!! Couldn't be her
Prefers silver to gold jewelry. But obviously Corlys made sure she has plenty of both bc he's Corlys
Loves to swim in the sea like any Velaryon
Speaks fluent High Valyrian because that's the language Velaryons speak most of the time, especially in private
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