#Chi la Sow
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ladiesofdesicinema · 10 months ago
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sciatu · 2 months ago
Ti sembra di essere in un altro tunnel. Uno senza uscita, come l’egoismo degli altri di chi non ti chiama, o non ti ama, o non ti vede o ti parla. Un luogo fatto di nulla, come a volte sembrano i tuoi giorni, senza colore o sapore, come spesso sono i tuoi amori, senza passione o desiderio. Poi d’improvviso il sole, che ti abbaglia e stordisce, l’azzurro mare, l’intenso e immenso cielo con qua e la fiori e piante. Il tempo incomincia a scivolare via senza che nulla possa fermarlo, come un viaggio senza fermate. D’improvviso luce e suoni, il fischiare del vento, le voci del mondo che accarezzano i tuoi sensi. Scopri le emozioni, che segnano i tuoi giorni e seminano i tuoi ricordi. Senti la vita scorrere via, finire alle tue spalle, mentre davanti hai altri giorni con colorate emozioni e oscure delusioni, altre voci o dolori, infinite catastrofi, inattese felicita, tutto il bagaglio con cui la tua anima attraversa il tempo, quello che nutre il tuo cuore e sfida la tua ragione. È un viaggio. Per quanto tu resti immobile in te stesso, ed ogni istante è un fermo immagine che s’imprime nella tua anima per poi sparire in un sorriso o una lacrima, tu ogni giorno cambi, in modo sottile, impercettibile, mentre continui, curioso e impaurito, in questo tuo viaggio infinito.
You feel like you're in another tunnel. One with no exit, like the selfishness of others, of those who don't call you, or don't love you, or don't see you or talk to you. A place made of nothing, as your days sometimes seem, without color or flavor, as your loves often are, without passion or desire. Then suddenly the sun, which dazzles and stuns you, the blue sea, the intense and immense sky with flowers and plants here and there. Time begins to slip away without anything being able to stop it, like a journey without stops. Suddenly light and sounds, the whistling of the wind, the voices of the world that caress your senses. Discover the emotions, which mark your days and sow your memories. You feel life slipping away, ending behind you, while ahead of you are other days with colorful emotions and dark disappointments, other voices or pains, infinite catastrophes, unexpected happiness, all the baggage with which your soul crosses time, what nourishes your heart and challenges your reason. It's a journey. As much as you remain still in yourself, and every moment is a still image that imprints itself on your soul and then disappears in a smile or a tear, you change every day, in a subtle, imperceptible way, while you continue, curious and scared, in this infinite journey of yours.
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lunamagicablu · 1 year ago
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Nascere in questo periodo, per quanto duro possa essere a chi oggi ha tale consapevolezza, direi che è un privilegio. Ci è data la possibilità di cominciare la semina. Siamo i contadini della Terra, di una Terra che non è più solo uno sterile campo da arare, ma è un bio-sistema in cui ogni componente ne è linfa vitale. Chi ha tale consapevolezza sa che dovrà faticare, come un contadino che si sveglia all'alba per andare a zappare e sa che ha gli strumenti della saggezza spirituale così come il contadino ha la sapienza del suo lavoro. Ditemi se questo non è magnifico! (Valentina Genchi) art by Rose Zabelle ************************ Being born in this period, however hard it may be for those who have this awareness today, I would say is a privilege. We are given the opportunity to begin sowing. We are the farmers of the Earth, of an Earth that is no longer just a sterile field to be plowed, but is a bio-system in which every component is its lifeblood. Whoever has this awareness knows that he will have to work hard, like a farmer who wakes up at dawn to go hoeing and knows that he has the tools of spiritual wisdom just as the farmer has the wisdom of his work. Tell me if this isn't great! (Valentina Genchi) art by Rose Zabelle
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voidsteffy · 11 months ago
namaskaram andi!! just discovered your blog, i cant believe how it took me so long to find the telugublr community, but I'm glad I'm here now!
i love the movie references everywhere (as you can probably tell by the mass reblogs lol)
I'm absolutely going to learn written telugu from your posts so thank you!! (mataladatam vocchu kaani i never learnt the alphabet) ( I've learnt kannada alphabet though, so i can make out some letters, but I'm veeeerry slow in reading telugu lol)
i just finished hi nanna and loved it, some all time favourite telugu movies are son of sathyamurthy, dookudu, ala vaikuntapurramulo, oh baby, ninnu kori, nani's gentleman, ready, orange, bommarillu, oopiri and sitamma vakitlo sc (stopping here bc the list is getting long)
tell me about your favs!! I'm supposed to be neck deep in study season right now, but i cannnot wait to discuss telugu media with you
Hi amma! It's ok, you're here now and that's what matters! Hope you're strapped in because we're generally a calm community but some people *glares at me* are feral about some Telugu vishayalu.
Love me a fellow reference fan! Meedi Tenale maadi Tenale! I use them so much irl that I think others feel like I'm speaking in a new language or something. The disadvantages and advantages to being witty.
I'm glad you want to learn written Telugu. It's such a "vinasompu" language already and learning to read just makes me feel at peace.
Chittamma, I made an entire google doc about the films I liked (linked in my intro post), you need NOT stop with yours believe me. Because I'm full of love and opinions about telugu cinema. (I feel like S/O Satyamurthy and A... Aa! are the last Trivikram movies I could stomach. I bawled my eyes out in Oh! Baby like Buddy in Manam with DDLJ. I can practically recite Bommarillu, I'm just that talented. Nani's films are mostly good in my eyes and I wish I was in the writer's room for Hi Nanna. Ready and Dookudu are always on my dad's list and mine for comedy.
My favs are all over the place really. *pulls out a really long list* Let's see what we have... We have Malliswari- old and semi-old, Mayabazaar (only and only the old one, the old one), Missamma (ditto), Oh Baby, Shyam Singha Roy, ANAND, GODAVARI!!!, Julayi, A... Aa! because I have a cousin like Anasuya, Pushpakavimanam aka Pushpak, Aravinda Sametha, Chi La Sow, Bommarillu, weirdly Race Gurram, KICK (now *I* need to stop because the list is going on and on)
Studyyyyy talli, lemme know if you need any help💛
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xwhitepolar · 2 years ago
Speak Your Language Day 2023: Sim di Bellavista (The Sims 2) come proverbi italiani ✨
// Pleasantview (The Sims 2) sims as italian proverbs ✨
Ciao amici!! Non ho potuto pianificare molto per questo evento ma spero apprezzerete questo post! Sono un po' malaticcia quindi non è molto, ma ehi 😆 // Hello friends!! I couldn't plan much for this event but I hope you'll appreciate this post! I'm a bit sicklish so it's not much, but hey 😆
Dina Caliente: Non è tutto oro quel che luccica. "not all that glitters is gold". I can't explain why it reminds me of her, it's the vibes
Nina Caliente: Da cosa nasce cosa. the italian equivalent of "one thing leads to another", in Italy is often said about dating. Nina 🤝🏽 ACR
Brandi Broke: A mali estremi estremi rimedi. "To extreme misfortune, extreme remedies". When a situation gets tough, sometimes we need to use strong means to get where we want. You know why I chose Brandi, right? ;)
Skip Broke: Uomo avvisato mezzo salvato. literally, "a warned man is half saved". One who's warned about some danger can save themselves. Sorry Skip 💀
Dustin Broke: Fidarsi è bene, non fidarsi è meglio. "Trusting is good, not trusting is better". You just KNOW this teenager is an angsty boy who refuses to trust people lmao
Coral + Herb Oldie: Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito. "it's better not to mind a couple's business". You don't know how Coral and Herb are together, and as soon as you open their family they have a fight. But you don't question it ;)
Don Lothario: Il lupo perde il pelo, ma non il vizio. "A wolf loses its fur but not its habit." Referring to how people rarely lose their vices. Don just loves dating around a bit too much to ever stop after marriage, no?
Darren Dreamer: Chi la dura la vince. "who persists, wins". Does Darren still think Cassandra will reciprocate his love at some point?
Mortimer Goth: Chi si fa i fatti suoi, campa cent’anni. "who minds their own business, lives a hundred years." Given how he reacts when people look through a telescope, you know this man strongly believes in this proverb.
Cassandra Goth: A buon intenditor, poche parole. "Few words are needed for one who understands". Cassandra made this her life motto, I'm sure.
Bella Goth: È meglio essere uccel di bosco, che uccel di gabbia. Literally, "it's better to be a bird in the woods than a bird in a cage". Taking risks and choosing freedom has its own disadvantages, but at least you're not caged. So, did Bella run away, or?
Daniel Pleasant: Il diavolo fa le pentole, ma non i coperchi. "The devil makes pots but not lids". Truth and nasty secrets always come up. Daniel be ready >:(
Angela Pleasant: Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta. Literally, "One who sows wind reaps a storm". Who spreads negativity and ill intentions will get them back even more powerfully. Now, if only she stopped picking fights with her sister...
Lilith Pleasant: Chi la fa l'aspetti. "Who does [something bad] can expect it in return". Twin proverb of the previous one :D will they ever get along?
Ed è tutto per ora!! Spero vi siano piaciuti 😆 potrei farne altri in futuro, chissà.. intanto, felice giorno Parla La Tua Lingua!! // And that's all for now!! I hope you liked these 😆 I may make more in the future, who knows... in the meantime, happy Speak Your Language Day!
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
The west sows war everywhere, but this time it will reap defeat, observe the weak points of the Taiwan regime and how the pla can crush it!
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
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🇨🇳 Nell'ambito di un'ipotetica Operazione Militare dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione nello Stretto di Taiwan, un tema fondamentale, che merita d'esser discusso, riguarda la cattura delle isole periferiche del regime-fantoccio ⚔️
🤔 Può essere che qualcuno non lo sappia, ma il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan non è costituito da una sola isola, ma anche da:
🏝 Arcipelago di Kinmen | Un funzionario statunitense, mesi fa, disse che le Isole Kinmen e le Isole Matsu sarebbero particolarmente difficili da difendere contro un possibile attacco dell'Esercito Cinese, a causa della loro posizione geografica - Fonte 📄
🏝 Isole Pratas | Si tratta di tre piccole isole, disabitate, perlopiù visitate da scienziati, naturalisti e biologi marini che vogliono studiare la flora e la fauna locali - Fonte 📄
🏝 Isola di Taiping | Citando Ni Yongjie, Vice-Capo dell'Istituto di Studi su Taiwan di Shanghai: "L'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione potrebbe simulare un'esercitazione militare a fuoco vivo sull'Isola di Taiping, controllata dal regime-fantoccio di Taiwan" 🤔
🏝 Isole Matsu | Vale il discorso per l'Arcipelago di Kinmen 🐰
🏝 Isole Wuqiu | Vale il discorso per l'Arcipelago di Kinmen e delle Isole Matsu 🐰
🏝 Isole Penghu | Il 15/08/2022, l'EPL inviò dei Caccia di Superiorità Aerea J-11 e un Aereo da Sorveglianza KJ-500 nell'area delle Isole Penghu 🔥
🇺🇸 Gli USA, invece, approfittando dell'espansione della Cooperazione Militare con le Filippine e il Giappone, potrebbero schierare le loro truppe presso:
🏝 Isola Itbayat [Filippine] - 160KM a Sud-Est del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan 🇹🇼
🏝 Yonaguni [Giappone] - 110KM a Nord-Est del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan 🇹🇼
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi al Master-Post Militare del Collettivo Shaoshan 🌺
🪖 Immagini prese da China Army.
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 In the context of a hypothetical Military Operation of the People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait, a fundamental issue, which deserves to be discussed, concerns the capture of the outlying islands of the puppet regime ⚔️
🤔 It may be that some don't know it, but the Taiwan puppet regime is not made up of just one island, but also of:
🏝 Kinmen Archipelago | A US official said months ago that the Kinmen Islands and Matsu Islands would be particularly difficult to defend against a possible attack by the Chinese Army, due to their geographical location - Source 📄
🏝 Pratas Islands | These are three small, uninhabited islands, mostly visited by scientists, naturalists and marine biologists who want to study the local flora and fauna - Source 📄
🏝 Taiping Island | Quoting Ni Yongjie, Deputy Head of the Taiwan Studies Institute in Shanghai: "The People's Liberation Army could simulate a live-fire military exercise on Taiping Island, controlled by Taiwan's puppet regime" 🤔
🏝 Matsu Islands | The speech is valid for the Kinmen Archipelago 🐰
🏝 Wuqiu Islands | The speech is valid for the Kinmen Archipelago and the Matsu Islands 🐰
🏝 Penghu Islands | On 15/08/2022, PLA sent J-11 Air Superiority Fighters and KJ-500 Surveillance Aircraft to Penghu Islands area 🔥
🇺🇸 The USA, on the other hand, taking advantage of the expansion of Military Cooperation with the Philippines and Japan, could deploy its troops at:
🏝 Itbayat Island [Philippines] - 160KM SE of Taiwan puppet regime 🇹🇼
🏝 Yonaguni [Japan] - 110KM NE of Taiwan puppet regime 🇹🇼
🔍 For those who want to learn more, they can refer to the Military Master-Post of the Shaoshan Collective 🌺
🪖 Images taken by China Army.
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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aungolo · 3 months ago
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Ho notato che il mondo e' fatto di persone giuste e ingiuste. Le persone giuste seminano cose giuste e raccolgono cose giuste, gli ingiusti il contrario finendo male. Dio lo permette perche' prima di morire si ravvedano per il bene del creato. Il malvagio con la sua perversione risulta provvocante per chi e' corretto. La cosa migliore da fare per evitare risse controproducenti e educarli con l'esempio lasciando che la loro perversione produca su di loro, per la legge di causa ed effetto, l'inevitabile ravvedimento.
I noticed that the world is made up of just and unjust people. The right people sow the right things and reap the right things, the unjust do the opposite, ending badly. God allows it so that before dying they repent for the good of creation. The wicked with his perversion is provocative for those who are correct. The best thing to do to avoid counterproductive fights is to educate them by example, letting their perversion produce on them, by the law of cause and effect, the inevitable repentance.
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daniela--anna · 10 months ago
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Many think that vulgarity makes you likable.
Instead it's just a way to
sell off one's dignity.
And not even in an original way.
“Do not be misled: God is not to be mocked.
For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap;
for whoever sows to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but whoever sows to the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit.”
(Galatians 6:7, 8) jw.org
Molti pensano che la volgarità renda simpatici.
Invece è solo un modo per
svendere la propria dignità.
E in maniera nemmeno originale.
“Non siate sviati: Dio non è da beffeggiare. Poiché qualunque cosa l’uomo semini, questa pure mieterà; perché chi semina in vista della sua carne mieterà la corruzione dalla sua carne, ma chi semina in vista dello spirito mieterà la vita eterna dallo spirito”.
(Lettera ai Galati 6:7, 8) jw.org
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unclescurvy · 1 year ago
2023 Rookies By Round
At the end of every NFL season, I rank the rookie performances within each round. Of course, this is not a prediction about future performance - just an acknowledgement of how much promise each guy showed in his first year.
QB C.J. Stroud (HOU - Pick 2)
2. DT Jalen Carter (PHI - Pick 9)
3. CB Devon Witherspoon (SEA - Pick 5)
4. WR Jordan Addison (MIN - Pick 23)
5. WR Zay Flowers (BAL - Pick 22)
6. CB Christian Gonzalez (NE - Pick 17)
7. TE Dalton Kincaid (BUF - Pick 25)
8. RB Jahmyr Gibbs (DET - Pick 12)
9. LB Will Anderson, Jr. (HOU - Pick 3)
10. RB Bijon Robinson (ATL - Pick 8)
TE Sam LaPorta (DET - Pick 34)
2. S Brian Branch (DET - Pick 45)
3. WR Rashee Rice (KC - Pick 55)
4. WR Jayden Reed (GB - Pick 50)
5. DT Keeanu Benton (PIT - Pick 49)
RB De’Von Achane (MIA - Pick 84)
2. WR Tank Dell (HOU - Pick 69)
3. DT Kobie Turner (LAR - Pick 89)
4. DE Byron Young (LAR - Pick 77)
5. DE YaYa Diaby (TB - Pick 82)
OT Dawand Jones (CLE - Pick 111)
2. QB Aidan O’Connell (LV - Pick 135)
3. S Chamarri Connor (KC - Pick 119)
4. G Sidy Sow (NE - Pick 117)
5. DE Colby Wooden (GB - Pick 116)
WR Puka Nacua (LAR - Pick 177)
2. WR Dontayvion Wicks (GB - Pick 159)
3. CB Terell Smith (CHI - Pick 165)
4. RB Chase Brown (CIN - Pick 163)
5. LB Henry To’o To’o (HOU - Pick 167)
DT Karl Brooks (GB - Pick 179)
2. DT Dante Stills (ARZ - Pick 213)
3. WR Demario Douglas (NE - Pick 210)
4. CB Kei’Trel Clark (ARZ - Pick 180)
5. RB Chris Rodriguez, Jr. (WAS - Pick 193)
CB Jaylon Jones (IND - Pick 221)
2. P Ethan Evans (LAR - Pick 223)
3. CB Carrington Valentine (GB - Pick 232)
4. CB DeMarco Hellams (ATL - Pick 224)
5. WR Ronnie Bell (SF - Pick 253)
LB Ivan Pace, Jr. (MIN)
2. RB Keaton Mitchell (BAL)
3. S Ronnie Hickman, Jr. (CLE)
4. QB Tommy DeVito (NYG)
5. S Christian Izein (TB)
Runner-Up: TE Sam LaPorta (DET)
Runner-Up: CB Devon Witherspoon (SEA)
BEST DRAFT: Detroit Lions
Runner-Up: LA Rams
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sciatu · 2 years ago
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Non si può non parlare d’amore, quando pensi alla guerra dietro l’angolo, i campi arati dalle bombe, il nero delle case bruciate, il fango delle trincee, il rosso dei corpi dispersi nei cortili. Non puoi non parlare d’amore quando pensi alla terra che si è aperta, squarciandosi come offesa dagli orrori degli uomini, divorando i semplici e i ladri, i puri e i peccatori, i colpevoli e gli innocenti, scrollandosi di dosso vite e città come i purosangue fanno con la pioggia. In entrambi i casi case distrutte, orfani piangenti, donne disperate, lacrime di ghiaccio, fiori di sangue e speranze recise ovunque si guardi. Ogni morto è un crocifisso, ogni ferito un lazzaro che non sa resuscitare e tra la disperazione e il dolore, solo l’angelo della morte incede sicuro con le braccia colme di vite finite come un bracciante che porta un fascio di spighe di grano durante una mietitura senza fine. Ma non è per amore che il soldato muore? Non accetta forse orrori e sofferenze per difendere chi ama e quanto ritiene giusto per loro? Non è amore quello rimasto sotto le macerie su cui si piange, non per le finestre o i mattoni rotti ma per gli affetti rimasti tagliati a mezzaria come i fili sottili di una ragnatela rotta per divertimento? Non è amore disperato quello che si prova per chi è rimasto, amore trasformato in dolore perché non si può più donare certezze e speranze, sicurezza e serenità? Non è l’amore quanto ci spinge a seminare i campi squarciati, a costruire la vita in nuove case, a cercare quella pace che dell’amore è l’unica difesa? Per questo l’angelo della morte non ha potere su versi e canzoni, su stagioni e maree, sulle albe e sulle stelle, perché essi possano nutrire d’amore i bambini di domani cosi che sappiano cancellare le guerre e il male degli uomini e l’indifferenza della natura. Per questo ogni tramonto porta nuove rime, ogni stella è la prima nota di una nuova canzone e nel buio di questi giorni, sono l’unico arcobaleno che indica la pace.
You can't not talk about love, when you think of the war around the corner, the fields plowed by bombs, the black of the burnt houses, the mud of the trenches, the red of the bodies scattered in the courtyards. You cannot not speak of love when you think of the earth that has opened up, tearing itself open as if offended by the horrors of men, devouring the simple and the thieves, the pure and the sinners, the guilty and the innocent, shaking off lives and cities like thoroughbreds they do with the rain. In both cases destroyed homes, weeping orphans, desperate women, tears of ice, flowers of blood and dashed hopes everywhere you look. Every dead person is a crucifix, every wounded man a lazarus who cannot resurrect and between despair and pain, only the angel of death walks safely with his arms full of finished lives like a laborer carrying a bundle of ears of corn during a endless harvest. But isn't it for love that the soldier dies? Doesn't he accept horrors and sufferings to defend those he loves and what he thinks is right for them? Isn't that love left under the rubble on which we cry, not for the broken windows or bricks but for the remaining affections cut in mid-air like the thin threads of a spider web broken for fun? Isn't it desperate love that one feels for those who are left, love transformed into pain because one can no longer give certainties and hopes, security and serenity? Isn't it love that drives us to sow torn fields, to build life in new homes, to seek that peace which is love's only defense? For this reason the angel of death has no power over verses and songs, over seasons and tides, over dawns and stars, so that they can feed the children of tomorrow with love and hope so that they know how to erase wars and the evil of men and the indifference of nature. That's why every sunset brings new rhymes, every star is the first note of a new song and in the dark of these days, they are the only rainbow that indicates peace.
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ntvtelugu-blog · 7 years ago
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lunamagicablu · 1 year ago
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Oltre alle Anime Indaco, Arcobaleno, Cristallo vi sono anche gli Esseri Royal Blue per sostenere questo importante cambiamento vibrazionale ascensionale. Le Anime del Raggio Blue, prediligono le tonalità del Blu notte, Blu elettrico o Blu Reale e sono qui per co-operare e preparare le basi del Nuovo Mondo che si sta manifestando sempre più visibilmente.
Conosci i Bambini Indaco, Cristallo, Diamante, Arcobaleno?
Le Anime del raggio Blu sono Esseri particolarmente sensibili, come gli indaco, che provengono da diversi pianeti ascesi per elevare le coscienze degli umani. Trasformano il DNA danneggiato e spesso non sono riconosciuti, ma la missione delle Anime Blue Reale é sempre più evidente, si INCONTRANO e si RICONOSCONO!
Hanno un importante scopo qui sulla terra; infiltrarsi nel sistema con normali capacità, ricordandosi sempre chi sono, e da dove vengono, per seminare pace, amore, luce e soprattutto consapevolezza. Essi hanno capacità intuitive e strumenti spirituali per guarire e vedere oltre con la luce divina.
Hanno un'età media tra i 30 e 60 anni. Nella vita sono alchimisti e trasmutano le energie di terza dimensione, inizialmente lavorando su sé stessi e poi aiutando gli altri. Sono in grado di comunicare con le dimensioni superiori ed hanno un'innata saggezza, che va oltre la conoscenza.
Spesso vengono confusi con i bambini Indaco, ma sono molto più empatici e mistici. Sono più eterei, essendo Semi stellari che si esprimono attraverso le arti creative.
Sono attratti dal blu con tutte le sue sfumature fino al blu elettrico e reale, poiché la loro Aura contiene tantissimo blu per cui entrate in risonanza con oggetti di colore blu intenso. La maggior parte di queste Anime hanno intrapreso un percorso da guaritori energetici o spirituali per aiutare a guarire gli altri.
Entrano in risonanza anche con l'Acqua pertanto sono molto fluidi, emotivi e femminili, mentre la musica, la danza e la Natura sono essenziali e da rispettare inesorabilmente.
Le Anime del Raggio Blue Reale hanno imparato a nascondere le loro abilità sopra naturali e regali, in quanto sono stati preparati per quando gli eventi e la conoscenza interiore si attiveranno, in sintonia con la vera Essenza e nel momento giusto per fluire negli obiettivi e le relazioni. Silvia-Sophia art by Karhaym ************************ In addition to Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal Souls there are also Royal Blue Beings to support this major ascension vibrational shift. The Souls of the Blue Ray, prefer the shades of Midnight Blue, Electric Blue or Royal Blue and are here to co-operate and prepare the foundations of the New World which is manifesting itself more and more visibly.
Do you know the Indigo, Crystal, Diamond, Rainbow Children?
Blue ray Souls are particularly sensitive Beings, such as indigos, who come from various ascended planets to raise the consciousness of humans. They transform damaged DNA and are often not recognized, but the mission of Royal Blue Souls is increasingly evident, they MEET and RECOGNIZE each other!
They have an important purpose here on earth; infiltrate the system with normal skills, always remembering who they are, and where they come from, to sow peace, love, light and above all awareness. They have intuitive abilities and spiritual tools to heal and see beyond with divine light.
They have an average age between 30 and 60 years. In life they are alchemists and transmute third dimensional energies, initially working on themselves and then helping others. They are able to communicate with the higher dimensions and have an innate wisdom that is beyond knowledge.
They are often confused with Indigo children, but are much more empathetic and mystical. They are more ethereal, being Starseeds expressing themselves through the creative arts.
They are attracted to blue in all its shades up to electric and royal blue, as their Aura contains so much blue that you resonate with deep blue objects. Most of these Souls have taken a path as energetic or spiritual healers to help heal others.
They also resonate with Water therefore they are very fluid, emotional and feminine, while music, dance and Nature are essential and to be inexorably respected.
Royal Blue Ray Souls have learned to hide their above natural and regal abilities, as they have been prepared for when events and inner knowing will activate, in tune with true Essence and at the right time to flow into goals and pursuits. relations. Silvia-Sophia art by Karhaym
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news24fresh · 5 years ago
The ‘relatable’ women of Telugu cinema, from ‘Pelli Choopulu’ to ‘Krishna and his Leela’ and ‘Bhanumathi & Ramakrishna’
The ‘relatable’ women of Telugu cinema, from ‘Pelli Choopulu’ to ‘Krishna and his Leela’ and ‘Bhanumathi & Ramakrishna’
For the many who do not follow Telugu cinema, any mention of this industry will bring up a larger-than-life imagery, one where hero-centric movies reign supreme.
But there is another side to Telugu cinema where a new generation of directors are ushering in classy, urban romances, and in which the characters reflect reality. Recent films like Krishna and his Leela (KAHL), and Bhanumathi…
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arab-moviez · 5 years ago
فيلم الكوميديا والرومانسية Chi La Sow 2018 مترجم اونلاين
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فيلم الكوميديا والرومانسية Chi La Sow 2018 مترجم اونلاين
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miauwing · 3 years ago
chiranjeevi lakshmi sowbhagyavathi is already so much fun to say, but then shortening it to chi la sow?!?
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vennilave · 4 years ago
8 and 25 for the spotify thing!
8: Cheli Vinamani from Alaa Modalaindi
25: Mellaga Mellaga from Chi La Sow
[pls im so jdjsk not every number you guys choosing being telugu LMAO]
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
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