#Chez Moon
suicidalgamergirl · 2 years
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GameStop finds and a cute Sailor Jupiter plush from #OtakuPlanete.
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claricedream · 2 years
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[It’s time for some poolside therapy]
Head : Lelutka ceylon 3.1 head Skin : MUDSKIN : Yuki skin @mainstore Hair : Moon nectar hair @equal10 Face Tattoo :Lady bird ethel tattoo @equal10 Eyeshadow : Top1salon cucci eyeshadow @equal10 Pose : Lyrium momou static pose @equal10 Headband : LaGyo_Esel Headpiece @mainstore Necklace : TETRA - Vanity necklaces @mainstore Outfit : Gaia - demi micro set and demi waist chain @Whore Couture
decor : Pitaya - Tropical Bar Cart  @The Fifty CHEZ MOI Samoa Rattan Bench @collabor88 [IK] Spring Patio Set - Lemon mousses , Bamboo planter , Cupcakes @Arcade Puddle planet planters @The farmer market Duvet Day - Bucket of narcissi @The farmer market
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
hi! i wanted to ask something about yeosang
since he's a werewolf, would he change in full moon? would he have ruts? how would the family take care of it?
now, yeosang may not transform when the full moon hits, but he certainly acts more primal. even after he’s grown used to being around the family and coddled by darling, he can’t help himself when it comes to that time of the month.
the day before, he’s always a little grumpier. seonghwa can’t ruffle his hair without yeosang snarling at him, hongjoong can’t make a snarky comment without getting a snooty remark in return, and darling can’t irritate him as much as she usually does without him pinning her to the floor like a disobedient pup. not that she particularly minds being pinned; it only adds to her fun when he’s leaning above her, anger racing through his expression as he reprimands her.
but the day of the full moon is when the three of non-werewolf residents really need to watch out. if his mood is bad leading up to it, it’s absolutely foul when it actually hits. yeosang will go back to his old biting habits, baring his teeth if anyone does anything even vaguely in his vicinity. if seonghwa accidentally steps on that creeky floorboard whilst walking to his favourite spot on the chez, yeosang will snap his jaws. if hongjoong puts a chess piece down a little too loudly, yeosang will snarl. if darling dares to touch him, we’ll, let’s be real, he won’t do much more than pin her and bare his teeth, but it’ll still be much meaner than usual. the scolding will actually feel real for once, even more so than those empty threats he chucked her way during the first few weeks he was there. safe to say even she tries to avoid him when it’s that time of the month.
as for ruts, yeosang does experience them but it’s nowhere near as painful and violent as media makes it out to be. sure, it’s unpleasant to have a permanently hard dick for a week, three times a year, but he’s not bed bound or anything. he can still get up and move around and interact with the rest of the family without jumping darling’s bones. he’s just a little more… desperate… in a way that makes him completely and utterly submissive. like sure, he wants to breed but he’ll beg for it first. and yes, he wants darling to be in his arms 24/7, but if that means he needs to act as her personal teddy bear for a week then goddammit he will. he hates his ruts for this specific reason; he can hardly pretend to be the big bad wolf when every bone in his body is telling him to do whatever it takes to have his precious pup curled up nice and safely in his arms.
and hongjoong and seonghwa let him have what he wants, if it suits them. during the day when they’re both busy, he has to be good; keep his dick in his pants and stick solely to cuddling her by the fire. of course, yeosang will obey. in the state he’s in, he’s so desperate to keep darling with him that he’ll listen to whatever it is seonghwa and hongjoong tell him.
but as soon as one or both of them are free to monitor that he doesn’t go too far, and providing darling is okay with it, yeosang has free reign. the poor thing is so desperate that he barely lasts long, but it doesn’t really matter because it’s just as much about getting his partner off as it is himself. he explained it as ‘proving himself’ when hongjoong had asked why he was so desperate to make darling cum too. the man supposes that’s as good of a reason as any…
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queer-dinos · 3 months
Some marauders headcanons;
Remus is tallest, he’s 6’2
James is 5’10-5’11
Regulus is 5’7
Sirius is 5’6
Lily is 5’5
Peter is 5’2
- Lily makes a habit of keeping chocolate in her bag, both for herself and Remus
- Lily’s period actually syncs with the full moon (our most even-keeled members becoming moody messes together every month)
- Lily was originally friends with Remus and Remus only, it took her years to warm up to the Marauders
- Lily is the first person Remus comes out to. She’s his safe space
- Lily and Remus refuse to do chores magically. It drives their pure-blooded boyfriends insane
- Remus likes to take Sirius to muggle record shops. Sirius loves Queen and AC/DC
- one day, Sirius and Regulus decide to switch uniforms for fun. By the end of the day the marauders have managed to convince half the school that Sirius had always been Slytherin and that Regulus had always been Gryffindor. it gets even better when they can easily switch quidditch uniforms as well, as both simply say ‘BLACK’ on the back
- Lily’s last name is actually Evans-Potter, but no one outside of the marauders and Minerva McGonnagal really acknowledges that.
- Jily and Wolfstar buy flats next door to each other. It’s not uncommon to find Sirius and James sleeping on the couch at Chez-Wolfstar, or Remus and Lily having tea in the kitchen of the Evans-Potter house on early mornings.
- Regulus has his own room in Chez-Wolfstar
- Sirius and Regulus are French. They’re both fully bilingual and often have conversations completely in French for privacy purposes. Sirius likes to flirt with Remus in French
- Remus is Welsh on his mum’s side, and Polish on his dad’s
- James is 1/2 Indian from his dad’s side, but the Potters had lived in the UK for at least 3 generations before James was born. His mother is British
- Lily is Irish and Dutch, with a little bit of German and French in there too. Her family has lived in Britain for two generations before Lily
- Peter is 1/4 Belgian and 3/4 Dutch
-Lily spent years teaching herself BSL, and taught basic signs to the Marauders
- James is super ADHD
^^^so are the Black brothers, just less severe
- Sirius has severe trauma/PTSD from his parents. There are times where he hides in his bed for 2-3 days. He’s sensitive to loud noises
-Regulus, however, hates silence. It reminds him too much of the times he had to magically soundproof his bedroom when Sirius and their parents got into screaming matches, or worse, to cancel out Sirius’ screams and cries as their mother tortured him
-Sirius and Regulus have tattoos of their constellations
- James: pan, he/him
- Sirius: gay, he/they
- Regulus: bi, they/he
- Remus: bi, he/him
- Peter: aro/ace, he/him (doesn’t mind they/them tho)
- Lily: pan, she/they
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
20th Anniversary Map, with commentary by Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen
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The frustrating thing about this map, is that nobody who got it has decided to scan or transcribe it, for documentation's sake. So I had to complete this list of all the commentary using tweets and unboxing videos.
But, at the very least, we now have documentation of what this thing actually says.
Joris and Kerubim's text is colour-coded for your convenience, and this post includes both the French transcription, and English translations.
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La carte du Monde des Douzes. par Joris Jurgen et Papycha
The map of the World of Twelve. by Joris Jurgen and Papycha
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J: Chez Papycha ♡ / Papycha's home ♡
J: Les Araknes, c'est dégueu-monstrueu! / Arachnees are icky-creepy !
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J: Je pari que la tour du Xélor fou est par ici. / I bet the Mad Xelor's tower is here.
K: Perdu, mon Jojo ! / You lost the bet, my Jojo!
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J: de lourds secrets sont enfouis dans ses profondeurs... / dark secrets lay buried deep within this place...
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K: Croyez-le ou non, le Minotoror est terriblement chou... / Believe it or not, but the Minotoror is awfully cute...
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K: Ma meilleure partie de pêche aux koin-koins ! / My best quaquack fishing experience ever!
J: Lorko -> 🚶‍♂️
(personal note: i have no fucking idea what a Lorko is.)
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J: contacter en cas de besoin 👍 / contact him should the need arise 👍
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J: Là où j'ai taqiné la boufballe avec le giga gran Khan Karkass!! / Here I playd boufball with the supa-duper cool Khan Karkass !!
(personal note: This means that Kerubim and Joris started work on this map while still living in Astrub, but kept working even after the movie. Cute.)
(personal note: A French person who helped me decipher this part, said that Joris makes quite a lot of spelling mistakes here. I'm sure there are more that I didn't catch in other parts of the post. He's very wonderful, very cute.)
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J: autochtones sympas. ne pas rester pour le dîner. / nice locals. don't stay for dinner.
K: Bashy, mon pote d'enfance, semait la terreur aux ces flots ! / Bashy, my childhood friend, sowed terror among these waves!
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J: Les cadeau sont mortels! (vraiment!) / The gifts are deadly ! (really !)
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J: Bienvenu chez le Yech'ti! / Welcome to Yech'ti's !
K: Passe-lui le bonjour de ma part ! / Say hello to him for me!
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J: commander de la chichala à zato / order chichala from zato
(Personal note: this suggests Joris might be just as heavy of a drinker as Kerubim. Or at least into very intense drinks, similarly to Keke. He's so real for this.)
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J: éviter le wa... / avoid the wa...
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J: L'île de La Likrone... Par là d'apré la légende. / The Unikron Island... This way, acording to the legend.
K: T'es à l'ouest, mon Jojo ! / It's to the west, my Jojo!
(Personal note: Joris wrote "d'aprés" with a mistake. I'll try to translate his little mistakes, if I notice them, or can come up with a way to do that.)
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K: Le réceptacle des Dofus / The Dofus Receptacle
X Traverser le pont / Cross the bridge X Parler au chaman / Talk to the shaman X Boire un coup / Have a drink
(personal note: this is a reference to the quest "The Dofus Receptacle". The bridge referenced here is the bridge to Pandala.)
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K: Je suis sûr qu'Indie a pris ce bateau ... / I'm sure it's Indie, who's on that boat...
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K: Contre Grozilla, je me suis dépensé sans compter ! / I gave it my all, while fighting Grozilla!
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Dessinée à l'ancre de Kralamour. / Drawn using Kralove eenk.
Propriété de Joris © / Property of Joris ©
Ne pa toucher / Dont touch
(Surtou si vous vous apelé Lilotte) / (Espeshaly if you're name is Lilotte)
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 27, vol. 29, 7 juillet 1907, Paris. La Femme-Papillon. Dessin de A. Willette. Advertisement. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
A votre marche aérienne Qui semble vouloir voltiger. On s’aperçoit, ô Parisienne Que vous avec le cœur léger. Compris! vous vous sentez légère Et la lune en sait la raison.
Mais vraiment Willette exagère Vous n'êtes pas un papillon — Si fait, mon cœur s’empapillonne Et je plane entre terre et ciel… — Pas possible! Auriez-vous, mignonne, Pris de la Poudre Géraudel.
On your aerial walk Who seems to want to flutter. We see, oh Parisian May you with a light heart. Understood! you feel light And the moon knows the reason.
But really Willette is exaggerating You are not a butterfly — If done, my heart is stuffed And I hover between earth and sky…
Not possible! Would you, dear, Took Géraudel Powder.
Quelle femme voyant le délicieux dessin ci-dessus ne songera, qu’en effet, bien heureuse est celle qui peut ainsi, légère, fraîche et souriante, aller et venir, l’esprit lucide le corps dispos, grâce à ce nouveau et merveilleux produit la Poudre Géraudel surnommée le véritable régulateur des fonctions intestinales.
Cette poudre est contenue dans de petits sachets rigoureusement dosés réunis en un coffret minuscule, élégant et coquet. Le contenu d’un sachet dans un demi-verre d’eau absorbé immédiatement avant le déjeuner du matin, tel est le secret de la transformation miraculeuse qui se produit chez les êtres les plus rebelles. Pour comble, le goût délicieux de cette Poudre Géraudel constitue une friandise dont raffolent les enfants les plus difficiles à purger. Ajoutons que jamais aucune colique ne se produit. Le coffret contenant cinq sachets ne coûte que 1 fr. 25 dans toutes les pharmacies. Envoi franco poste en s’adressant à Géraudel, à Sainle-Menehould (Marne).
What woman seeing the delicious drawing above will not think, indeed, very happy is the one who can thus, light, fresh and smiling, come and go, with a lucid mind and a relaxed body, thanks to this new and wonderful product Géraudel Powder, nicknamed the true regulator of intestinal functions.
This powder is contained in small, rigorously dosed sachets brought together in a tiny, elegant and pretty box. The contents of a sachet in half a glass of water absorbed immediately before breakfast in the morning, such is the secret of the miraculous transformation that occurs in the most rebellious beings. To top it off, the delicious taste of this Géraudel Powder is a treat that even the most difficult-to-purge children love. Let us add that no colic ever occurs. The box containing five sachets costs only 1 fr. 25 in all pharmacies. Sending free of charge by contacting Géraudel, in Sainle-Menehould (Marne).
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Best (Standard) Phineas and Ferb Episode Tournament | Round 2
June 10
My Sweet Ride vs. Moon Farm
Gaming the System vs. When Worlds Collide
The Lemonade Stand vs. The Ballad of Badbeard
Picture This vs. The Doonkelberry Imperative
June 12
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem! vs. Tree to Get Ready
Lotsa Latkes vs. Lost in Danville
Magic Carpet Ride vs. Greece Lightning
Journey to the Center of Candace vs. Elementary, My Dear Stacy
June 14
I Scream, You Scream vs. Hip Hip Parade
Troy Story vs. Sipping with the Enemy
We Call it Maze vs. Bad Hair Day
Got Game? vs. Traffic Cam Caper
June 17
Tri-Stone Area vs. Nerdy Dancin'
Just Our Luck vs. Swiss Family Phineas
It's No Picnic vs. Where's Pinky?
Great Balls of Water vs. Road to Danville
June 19
Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story) vs. The Inator Method
Let's Take a Quiz vs. Knot My Problem
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror! vs. Perry Lays an Egg
The Belly of the Beast vs. Happy Birthday, Isabella
June 21
Escape from Phineas Tower vs. La Candace-Cabra
Monster from the Id vs. Flop Starz
Candace Disconnected vs. Ready for the Bettys
Day of the Living Gelatin! vs. Out of Toon
Bullseye! vs. Steampunx
Attack of the 50-Foot Sister vs. Bowl-R-Ama Drama
Split Personality vs. Isabella and the Temple of Sap
Just Desserts vs. Happy New Year
Doofapus vs. Crack that Whip
Toy to the World vs. Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers!
Mom's Birthday vs. Tour de Ferb
The Best Lazy Day Ever vs. Vanessassary Roughness
Bully Bromance Breakup vs. Robot Rodeo
Oh, There You Are, Perry vs. Finding Mary McGuffin
Interview with a Platypus vs. Thaddeus and Thor
Backyard Hodge Podge vs. A Real Boy
Rollercoaster vs. Gi-Ants
Bubble Boys vs. Comet Kermillian
Cheer Up Candace vs. Drusselsteinoween
She's the Mayor vs. The Baljeatles
Phineas and Ferb Interrupted vs. Misperceived Monotreme
Fireside Girl Jamboree vs. Are You My Mummy?
Does this Duckbill Make Me Look Fat? vs. The Bully Code
Run, Candace, Run vs. Hail Doofania!
Ferb Latin vs. That's the Spirit!
Candace Loses Her Head vs. Brain Drain
At the Car Wash vs. Minor Monogram
The Lizard Whisperer vs. Doof 101
Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon vs. Voyage to the Bottom of Buford
Skiddley Whiffers vs. Blackout!
I Was a Middle-Aged Robot vs. Candace's Big Day
Make Play vs. Unfair Science Fair
Undercover Carl vs. Phineas and Ferb-Busters!
One Good Turn vs. Norm Unleashed
Cranius Maximus vs. Delivery of Destiny
Last Train to Bustville vs. Road Trip
Chez Platypus vs. Meatloaf Surprise
Thanks But No Thanks vs. It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World
Agent Doof vs. Put That Putter Away
Hide and Seek vs. Ferb TV
Doof Dynasty vs. The Doof Side of the Moon
Don't Even Blink vs. I, Brobot
Tip of the Day vs. What Do It Do?
Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face! vs. Remains of the Platypus
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didierleclair · 3 months
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L'écrivain Paul Auster me manque beaucoup. Il est décédé le dernier jour d'avril 2024. J'ai adoré certains de ses livres mais ce vide mérite une explication.
Permettez-moi de commencer par dire que comme la plupart des lecteurs qui aiment son travail, j'ai commencé avec « La Trilogie New Yorkaise » (1987). Je l'ai lue quand j'étais étudiant. J’ai trouvé l'œuvre mystérieuse. Toutes ces coïncidences inexpliquées, le pastiche d'un roman policier et la venue d’un personnage appelé Paul Auster. Tout cela m’a donné une bonne idée de l’homme derrière le livre. C’est un écrivain audacieux et curieux.
Cependant, je ne l'ai jamais suivi dans les labyrinthes qu'il a souvent créés dans plusieurs de ses livres. Par exemple, « Voyages dans le Scriptorium » est un livre dans un livre. La spirale a un effet claustrophobe sur moi et je n’aime pas une pièce pleine de miroirs.
Pourtant, j’ai adoré « A Man in the dark », « The Brooklyn Follies », « Moon Palace » et quelques autres dans une certaine mesure.
Maintenant, ce que j’ai le plus apprécié chez lui, ce sont ses interviews. L’homme était un magnifique communicateur. Il donnait tout ce qu’il pouvait à chaque fois qu’un micro était allumé. La franchise, l'honnêteté et la simplicité m'ont conquis. J'écoutais ses interviews sur ses livres, sur la vie ou la politique depuis des années.
Ses conseils aux jeunes écrivains n'ont pas de prix. « Oubliez votre ego ». J’aurais pu utiliser ce conseil dans ma jeunesse. « Ne soyez pas trop attachés aux choses que vous jugez intelligentes dans ce que vous faites. N'attendez rien de personne car le monde ne vous doit rien. »Il le dit avec affection, avec tendresse.
Lorsqu'on lui demande ce qui l'empêche de dormir la nuit, il admet que c'était autrefois savoir s’il pouvait payer le loyer. Est-ce quelque chose que de nombreux écrivains ont vécu ? Bien sûr. Il avait une manière simple de transmettre ses idées, ses pensées. C’est ce qui me manque chez lui et pour très longtemps. La capacité de viser l’essentiel de la vie et de vous le donner directement et sans méchanceté.
Je redoute le discours alambiqué des auteurs, le discours de vente du type égoïste ou celui de l’intellectuel torturé. Ils existent tous, mais Paul Auster n’en fait pas partie. Je suis toujours impressionné quand il parle des parties complexes et mystérieuses de la vie. Son écriture est louable. Mais ses conversations sont mémorables.
Grâce à la technologie, je peux reculer le temps, l'écouter et apprécier son approche humble de la vie. Humble mais audacieuse à la fois. Il partageait sa curiosité de la vie avec tous ceux qui voulaient bien l'écouter.
Dans le roman « Moon Palace », il dit : « Et maintenant, nous arrivons à la partie la plus difficile. Les fins, les adieux et les fameux derniers mots. Si vous n’avez pas souvent de mes nouvelles, n’oubliez pas que vous êtes dans mes pensées.
Vous êtes aussi dans les miennes, Paul.
Didier Leclair, écrivain
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ifishouldvanish · 6 months
I was tagged by @red-hot-moon to list five songs and tag ten people! So here goes:
1. Carnavoyeur by Queens of the Stone Age
Little known fact I am obsessed with Queens and I adore the new album! This is my favorite track off of it–It's funky, it's catchy, it's groovy, it's sexy, it's nihilistic, it's Josh Homme at his best 👌
2. No Heart No Pain by OOMPH!
This one has just been coming up on my shuffle a lot lately and I'd forgotten how awesome this album is? The beat and synth here keeps the energy going here from start to finish. Wir lieben Neue Deutsche Härte 🤘
3. Mary On A Cross by Chez Kane
Unless you have been following me for like, 10+ years, you may not know that 80s Hard Rock is very dear to me? There are so many great artists in the revivalist movement and this song is an absolute banger 🙏
4. Hot Cherie by Hardline
Okay so, some original flavor 80s-90s hard rock/hair metal. This song has such a great buildup and chorus? It's just such an ear worm to me, I love it, no notes.
5. Beyond the Wheel by Soundgarden
Chris Cornell is an absolute fucking legend?? The vocal performance here just puts you in a chokehold and refuses to let go?? It's like some old god is rising from the earth and it gives me chills every time. I was lucky enough to hear it performed live shortly before he passed and it was an experience I'll never forget 🙏
Tagging... @mareyshelley @killingkueen @queen-mabs-revenge @ruiniel @starlightbards @morgana-lefay @ghostlysweetnight @zeco5000 @feuxx @sanguivorouscorvid or anyone else who sees this and wants to flex their flawless taste in music (yes, that means you, reading this! 🫵)
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
Weird question but do you know Joanna's fave foods?
I absolutely LOVE this question. SO MUCH. I need a moment, you made my ill night better just by making me think about it. Thank you. Joanna has actually talked so much about loving food and cooking but she hasn’t been too specific. One thing that she interestingly mentioned multiple times is blackberries (she talked about loving homemade blackberry ice cream from blackberries that used to grow on her property and also her wedding cakes were both with blackberries in some form haha (when you love something you LOVE it to bits, you know)). As Joanna said, p-corn is the meaning of life haha. She also likes fried chicken, bacon cheeseburgers with horseradish, southern bbq, clambakes, lobster rolls and s'mores. When she talked about cooking she said, at least, 10-15 years ago, that she was a little weary preparing meat. But she loves cooking a big feast for her family and friends. Also, as we know, she's a grill master now. So, she probably feels more confident cooking meat. They like spicy food. Since she hasn't given too much details about specific foods she likes, I'll give you a couple fun facts that might shed a light on what kind of food she likes. Joanna has mentioned Chez Panisse in Berkeley, New Moon Café in Nevada City and Schwa in Chicago as her favorite restaurants (Schwa is the most she ever loved a meal anywhere). She talked about loving slow food movement, farm to table, local, organic meals. And a thing that always makes me giggle is how she said she "would definitely allow a song on a food ad. [She] can wholeheartedly stand behind foods, food products." Joanna Newsom is a real foodie. And very importantly we have to remember that Joanna hates bananas (and is meh on mayonnaise).
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marie-swriting · 12 days
On Y Va Ensemble - Stiles Stilinski
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Drabble Masterlist
Résumé : Avec Stiles, vous faites une soirée films d'horreur, mais vous le regrettez plus tard quand vous entendez un bruit bizarre.
Warnings : mention de films d'horreur, sentiment de peur, dites-moi si j'en ai loupés d'autres.
Nombre de mots : 883
Version anglaise
Prompt utilisé : "Please tell me that was the wind" (S'il te plait, dis-moi que c'était le vent) de cette prompt list faite par @the-moon-dust-writings
Le titre La Nonne apparaît sur l'écran d'ordinateur de Stiles. Pop-corns en bouche, vous commencez à regarder le troisième film d'horreur de la soirée. Comme pour les précédents, vous n’êtes pas tant effrayés. Vous sursautez seulement à quelques moments, mais rien de grave. Cependant, quand le générique défile, tu sens l'angoisse prendre possession de ton corps en repensant aux différentes histoires. Par fierté, tu ne montres rien à Stiles. Il n'a pas l'air d'avoir peur donc tu ne vas pas te dégonfler. Autrement, tu sais qu'il va te taquiner jusqu'à ta mort.
     Fatigués par votre soirée films d'horreur, Stiles pose son ordinateur avant d'éteindre la lumière. Enlacés, vous êtes prêts à vous endormir. Enfin, c'est le cas pour Stiles. Tes yeux sont grands ouverts, tes sens à l'affût de la moindre menace. Tu essayes de te rassurer en te rappelant que ce n'est pas la réalité. Tu tentes de penser à des moments drôles pour oublier la Nonne et autres monstres. En vain. Tu t'éloignes du corps de ton petit ami pour te tourner. Peut-être que dans une autre position, tu arriveras à dormir ? Mais encore une fois, tu restes éveillée. Tu soupires en te retournant dans le lit.
- Tu ne dors pas ? te demande Stiles, te faisant sursauter car tu pensais qu’il dormait.
- Je n'arrive pas à trouver ma place.
- Moi non plus.
Tu grognes de frustration. Tu te colles de nouveau à Stiles quand un bruit retentit. Vous vous regardez, complètement paniqués.
- S'il te plait, dis-moi que c'était le vent, chuchotes-tu.
- Oui, c'était sûrement ça, te rassure-t-il, mais un nouveau son se fait entendre.
- C'était quoi ça ? Va vérifier !
- Quoi ? Mais pourquoi moi ? rétorque Stiles, outré et en allumant sa lampe de chevet.
- Parce que c'est chez toi.
- Et alors ? Tu devrais y aller.
- Pour quelle raison ? le questionnes-tu, choquée.
- C'est pas toi qui dis que pour tuer le patriarcat faut détruire les normes de genre ? Dans ce genre de situation, logiquement c'est l'homme qui y va et bah, on change. Va voir, s'exclame-t-il en tentant de te sortir du lit.
- Vous, les hommes, le combat pour l'égalité c'est que quand ça vous arrange ! Allez, Stiles, descends. T'as une batte, je te rappelle ! tentes-tu de le convaincre.
- Je peux très bien te la passer.
- Ton père est shérif. Tu t'y connais mieux en sécurité.
- Ça ne veut rien dire.
- Stiles, si je meurs à cause d'un démon, je reviendrai te hanter.
- Y/N, les démons n'existent pas, te contredit Stiles en tentant de cacher sa peur.
- Ouais, et on pensait pareil pour les loups-garous. Et puis, si t'es si sûr, va vérifier.
- Je bouge pas d'ici, proteste-t-il et tu lèves les yeux au ciel.
- Bon, tu sais quoi ? On y va ensemble. Prends ta batte.
Vous sortez du lit, totalement apeurés. Stiles se saisit de son arme de fortune et te regarde, attendant tes indications :
- Passe devant, je te suis.
- Pourquoi je passerai devant ? s'indigne Stiles.
- Si tu m’aimes vraiment, tu voudras te sacrifier pour me sauver, affirmes-tu avec un grand sourire.
Stiles te regarde, exaspéré par ton argument, avant de rouler des yeux. Tu pouffes avant de lui embrasser la joue.
- Je rigole, tu sais bien que je ne te sacrifierais pas, ajoutes-tu plus sérieusement. Allez, tu as l'arme et je suis juste derrière toi, t'inquiète.
      Stiles soupire avant de s'exécuter. Il ouvre doucement la porte pendant que tu t'accroches à son haut de pyjama. C'est ridicule, mais tu te sens plus rassurée. En haut des escaliers, vous remarquez de la lumière venant de la cuisine, signalant la présence d'un inconnu. La panique devient de plus en plus forte. Tu fais mentalement ta dernière prière quand vous descendez les dernières marches. Stiles lève un peu plus la batte alors que vous vous rapprochez de la cuisine. Il te fait signe de ne pas faire de bruit. Vous vous apprêtez à entrer, mais vous lâchez un cri quand, par surprise, la personne apparaît. L'intru porte sa main sur sa poitrine en sermonnant Stiles. En ouvrant les yeux que tu avais fermés sans t'en rendre compte, tu vois seulement Noah, devant vous, désespéré.
- Mais qu'est-ce que vous fichez, bon sang ?
- On...
- Bah, en fait...
Stiles et toi balbutiez quelques secondes avant que Stiles informe en essayant de paraître naturel :
- On voulait te faire peur.
- Me faire peur ? Il est quatre heures du matin, vous devriez être en train de dormir.
- Bah, je suis totalement d’accord, on devrait. Notre blague n'a clairement pas marché en plus.
- Ouais, peu importe. Je vais me coucher. Et vous aussi, dit Noah en faisant un pas en avant. Au fait, Stiles, ta batte de baseball n'est pas une arme, ajoute-t-il en regardant son fils de haut en bas.
Vous attendez que Noah soit monté dans sa chambre avant de reprendre une respiration normale. Vous restez silencieux pendant une seconde, vous sentant complètement idiots.
- Tu ne te rappelais pas que ton père rentrait maintenant, toi ? le réprimandes-tu.
- Ça va être ma faute maintenant ?
- Oui ! Si tu avais réfléchi deux minutes, on n'aurait pas paniqué pour rien.
- C'est toi qui m'as fait paniquer, à parler de démon, rétorque-t-il.
- Oh, s'il te plait ! T'étais déjà en flippe avant.
- Bref, coupe Stiles, plus jamais de films d'horreur après minuit. Et personne ne doit jamais savoir pour ce soir. 
- Je suis d’accord. 
Drabble Masterlist
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“Ce que je veux dire par vivre en toi, c'est que je suis chez moi quand je suis en toi.„
“What i mean by living in you is that i am at home when i am in you.„
— Jules Frédérick Baudelaire « A thousand nights and one moon » | Voluptuous confidences #allrightsreserved
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krispyweiss · 6 months
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Rewind: The Who - Who’s Next (1971)
Though it has no filler, Who’s Next is an album that today is unworthy of playing straight through.
For despite its essential perfection, the Who’s second-consecutive masterpiece - Who’s Next followed 1969’s Tommy - is a victim of its own success, rendering the LP’s bookends, “Baba O’Riley” and “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” unnecessary, despite their exquisite composition, arrangement and performance.
Which leaves the hi-fi at Chez Sound Bites to play “Bargain” through “Behind Blue Eyes” almost exclusively, although the latter, too, is a song classic-rock disc jockeys have seen fit to overexpose. But the bridge - When my fist clenches, crack it open …, is impervious to unimaginative radio playlists.
In any event, guitarist/second lead vocalist Pete Townshend wrote eight instant classics for the album, while bassist extraordinaire John Entwistle contributed one with “My Wife,” on which he also plays the brass and piano. It’s songs such as this that serve to remind listeners that while there is no Who without Pete Townshend, the Who was also a band of, if not equals, then equally essential players, something that’s become more evident in the wake of drummer Keith Moon and Entwistle’s deaths in 1978 and 2002, respectively.
The singular Moon is at his looney peak on such songs as “Bargain” and “Going Mobile,” on which he transforms the drum set into a lead instrument without soloing. The kinetic energy in his playing is the Who’s engine and when Moon switches on the turbo, the band takes off in a way few others have been able to match.
Nicky Hopkins drops in to play piano on the balladic “The Song is Over” and the more-aggressive “Getting in Tune,” the latter being a rare song that leans heavily on a cliché - gettin’ in tune to the straight and narrow - without sounding clichéd. This is Townshend’s genius - as are “Love Ain’t for Keeping” and the other compositions the guitarist cranked out for the group’s fifth studio release.
For a band with the staying power of the Who - and the not-quite-authentic post-1982 lineups that played under its banner - it’s perhaps shocking to remember this classic lineup made only eight albums and just 12 have been released since the band’s 1965 formation. But when records like Who’s Next, not to mention Tommy and Quadrophenia, are among them, quality is the key; quantity an unrealistic dream.
Grade card: The Who - Who’s Next- A
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gorbalsvampire · 5 months
hello~ I have many questions!
🖊️, ❤️, 💘, and 😓 for Sorcha
🍎 and 🎂 for Alistair
and 🔺, 💛, 🤩, 🍛 for Penny~ (you can interpret the last one as whatever fit from her mortal life, or her feeding preferences as a vampire now)
what time is it? SORCHA TIME
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
There are phases of the moon tattooed across her pelvis - they're strictly for OnlyFans subscribers. There's now a much larger and stylised half moon, with a mask superimposed over it, in the middle of her chest - she was branded as the price for getting out of Venice earlier this year.
She wants more, and now she's learned alchemical tattooing is a thing; she's going to go full e-girl, build up sigils and shit across her collar so the brand doesn't stand out as much, maybe get a labyrinth sleeve, maybe one of Chez's lyrics on her somewhere...
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
So we know Sorcha is generous...
She's also surprisingly sensible. She's called her friend Cali out (rightly) for not having something in place to avoid frenzying and killing your ghoul - some sort of safety net! She's pretty big on those in general - your plan has to have a fallback, your haven has to have an escape route, you have to have an answer to the question how do I get out of this?
I'm gonna use the next one as part of this:
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
Sorcha's got her core values and she sticks to them: the least worst version of what I am, my drugs don't kill people and my rent doesn't break them and only the worst ghosts are for binding. In that respect she's quite stubborn, but for a Hecata she's very outgoing - she wants to engage with the sects and clans and find out what their whole deal is, and she's not superior about it. She is what she is, they can't do what she does, she can't do what they do, it's fine. Sorcha wants to turn over every rock in the savage garden of Kindred existence... but she'll always find herself underneath them. She does have her limits, and her lens is smoked through with Oblivion.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Her father... was the centre of her world. She still adores him. She is much more prepared to call him out and challenge him. That's partly down to Chez, whose faith in her has turned her energy outwards and made her confident enough to come out as a thinblood and not hide behind Dad Blood. It's partly down to the thinbloods she knows - the sheer pride Hazel and Beetlejuice have in what they are has shamed her into rejecting her fake-Hecata failed-diablerist strategy and be openly Duskborn. That matters to her. She's part of a sisterhood now - a family outside her beloved clan and name - and she loves someone who's not part of any of that.
Uncle Ally facts
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Glaswegian to his bones, mate. Alistair's a Gorbals boy, born in the thirties when it was really bad down there. He's moved up and down in the world since then, but barring a spell at St. Andrews University and a summer in Venice he's always lived in Glasgow. He knows those streets and the blood that's spilled on them better than he knows anything else; it's something deeper than love or hate, something that goes right down through his boots and into the stone and the earth and yeah, even the tarmac.
If he wasn't a Hecata he'd make a fantastic Tzimisce.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
Twenty-third of November, 1935. Alistair is eighty-nine years old, and died at sixty-four.
Sagittarius sun (and Jupiter in Sagittarius), Libra moon, Scorpio ascendant: and that ascendant is all most people get to see. Passionate, incisive, cunning, strategic, and perceptive; intense, tenacious, intimidating and powerful if not malicious or aggressive; that's kind of a word picture of Alistair. Underneath that is an indecisive people-pleaser who needs to be relevant and respected to feel good about himself, part of a family and community but distinct from them, independent and morally assertive - and Alistair tries to serve those needs in himself while passing it off as what his city needs.
penny penny penny penny [gets my face obtenebrated]
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Penny usually has a tactical knife and a 9mm handgun about her person. She's not bad with either (two dots), but her main strength as a combatant is her stealth and shadow play - she's a vicious ambush predator. She's also a combative driver, very willing to throw the weight of her SUV around...
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
Fluent Spanish, competent French, Italian and Latin, passable German (she reads it perfectly but her speech is a bit marble-mouthed), and fragments of Greek, mostly from things she's read and memorised - she can't hold a conversation in it. She keeps meaning to pick up more, but she struggles with different alphabets.
🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions?
Oh, Penny always has a plan. Every time. It's usually concocted after the fact to make her look clever in hindsight and when she's reporting to Yvette, but still, a plan is definitely present. She's very goal oriented, she knows what she wants to achieve, but the hows and whyfores of getting there tend to be quite... situational.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Edwardian Penelope wasn't a big eater, but she liked hearty stick-to-the-sides food; small portion of everything in the Sunday roast, that kind of deal. She had a sweet tooth, and dimly remembers being weak for sticky toffee pudding (with custard, do not be shy with the custard, please and thank you).
All that survives of her preferences is the somewhat ritualised way she feeds, the fussiness of her environment: when she was Bagging I think she decanted it and let it breathe, even if that did make it clag up a little in the glass.
Now... oh, god, she sets a table, doesn't she? She's sitting there with her silver spoon and her soup bowl and her corpse blood with a garnish of basil mint for form's sake, and probably a dead girl's torso under a cloche. Thanks for making me think about that.
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the-ninth-moon · 6 months
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✧ ———–– 𝐒𝐘𝐑𝐀𝐍
↝ clémence (sentinelle) pv ⸺ charliepaume.e ↝ brasier (conseiller) pv ⸺ E. ↝ gémeaux (troupe du verseau) ⸺ (halv)måne ↝ cyclone (conseillere) pv ⸺ ptit_biscuit
✧ ———–– 𝐋𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐒
↝ cerbère (ailes carmines) pv ⸺ morghulis ↝ corsaire, voiles noires (+ immortel) ⸺ leriz
✧ ———–– 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋
↝ étoile (dirigeante immortels) pv ⸺ meryl
✧ ———–– 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋
↝ braise (Jour chez les Hérauts) ⸺ deflecktorr
Banida Sandhu ⸺ ptit_biscuit
Choi Soobin ⸺ leriz
Cillian Murphy ⸺ morghulis
Elizabeth Debicki ⸺ meryl
Emma d'Arcy ⸺ mcmads (t)
Greta Lee ⸺ parcae
Nyané Lebajoa ⸺ charliepaume.e
Sobhita Dhulipala ⸺ (halv)måne
Travis Fimmel ⸺ E.
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newt-n-abbey · 1 year
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Hail, noble Hearts Club.
Hail, valiant defenders of their sworn domain. Hail, warrior minstrels, may your fame be eternal.
I introduce myself to you as Newt, of the Line of Yorak. A childe of Tzimisce's Ancient Clan. Metal-shaper, flesh-crafter, world-walker. Many are my years on this world, many are my friends, but always the Dragon in me hungers for more.
So that you know i am true-hearted, than this is no dark ruse , i speak to you of my friendship with the Sire of Santino. T'is She whom i had send this letter, as i knew not where you haven, and did not think it polite to ask before we had yet met.
T'was many years past, on the summer-scented Isle of Gibraltar when first i met Luciana, finest product of Giovanni blood. Under sweet moons we made our acquaintance, and over sweet letters did we continue it. But my aged head did grow weary of the world, and my aged blood grew thick, and a great sleep came upon me. Although my correspondence was ended, my fondness for that Belledame did not. And, great fortune!, neither did hers for me. We have rekindled our friendship, and now i seek to spark new one friendships in her decedents, and their beloveds.
Payment i offer, for my bold intrusion upon you valued time. Sweet morsels to whet your appetite for our coming friendship.
Greetings to bold Santino; well-favoured Childe of Luciana, cunning inheritor of the legacy of Riccardo (my solemn commiserations to you on his loss), world feted songster.
For you: a Chelys i grew myself. As Golden Apollo was gifted by Hermes, and so good feeling was kindled between them, the same i hope for us.
Greetings to sweet Chez; gentle childe of Malkav's clan, white-armed welcomer, sweet-eyed quester.
For you: three Beefalo. The gift of sustenance, to one who's pale brow creases with worry for the Kine. May the warmth of their blood echo in our friendship.
Greeting to wild Beetlejuice; fierce Scholar, fierce Lover ...
i am sorry to break the flow here, but i'm having a little trouble with your Clan. i thought you a Brujah by temperament, but then the term "Duskborn" was bandied about. Is that simply a new name for an old clan? Or is it a term for what i would call a Paharnic - and i have seen referred to in current parlance as a Ghoul ? There's been mention of a Prince you are beholden to (obviously My Greetings to them as well) are they your Domitor? Or your Sire? Please excuse the ignorance of this Old Wyrm and except my gift to you in the spirit of learning and understanding.
For you: these Bear Claws. You seem something of a bearcat, my dear, if you'll pardon my wild language! And after you recent battle, i thought you might appreciate them.
Anyway, i have taken the liberty of "following" you all on Tumblr.com. Hope to hear from you soon. :)
+ The Newt +
// @everybodys-wounded @duskbornbitchqueen @djchezzychez
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