#Chesterfield Property Management
taraulysse · 1 year
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Tara Ulysse - Richmond, VA Luxury Real Estate
Tara Ulysse Real Estate is one of the best property management companies in Central Virginia. Get help today, click here for details.
A lifelong resident of Chesterfield, Virginia, working in the Virginia real estate market since 2005. I’m committed to providing the resources and information homeowners, and aspiring owners need for their transactions. For any questions about buying or selling properties in the area, please don’t hesitate to contact me today.
Address: 14321 Winter Breeze Dr, Ste. 31, Midlothian, VA 23113, USA Phone: 804-944-2326 Website: https://propertymanagementrichmond.com
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"FURTHER ATTEMPT TO RAID RADIO CAR HALTED BY POLICE," Toronto Globe. October 5, 1933. Page 1 & 2. --- Four Arrests Made as Others Make Getaway-Peace Efforts Under Way ---- MEN TO BE CANVASSED ---- (Canadian Press Despatch.) Stratford, Oct. 4. - An attempt to cripple a box car in which radio cabinets were being loaded at the McLagan Furniture Company plant today was thwarted by police after a raiding party of 18 furniture strikers or sympathizers had made a surprise attack on the company's property. Four of the "raiders" were seized by police as the others made their get-away through near-by fields. Charges will be laid against the four men, police stated tonight.
Following the edict of the radio manufacturers after fire had damaged a carload of cabinets at Kitchener early today, carloading started simultaneously this afternoon at the Preston-Noelting and McLagan plants. The radio manufacturers had declared they would have removed to- day every bit of work they had placed in Stratford and would immediately cancel all future orders. They claim the burning of the car was aimed at the radio manufacturers, and not at the Stratford furniture manufacturers, against whom the strike is being waged.
City and Provincial Police stood guard at the Preston-Noelting plant, but the small crowd was quiet. At the request of the management no police were stationed at the McLagan plant, but they were subject to call.
"Spot" the Car. As operations progressed at the factory, however, a raiding party entered the property, some scaling and others crawling under a high board fence surrounding the plant. Unseen by the carloaders, they crawled under the loading shed and commenced pushing the car out of the siding. But before doing so the waste had been removed from the axle boxes of the car and cinders substituted, the intention, ap- parently, being to cause a "hot box" when the car got under way. A white rag was also spiked to the top of the car, police believing this being placed to enable strikers to "spot" the car.
As the car began to move down the siding a hurried call was sent for the police, and on their arrival the raiders made a break. Four were arrested. Following the burning of the box- car at Kitchener early today, extra precautions are being taken by the Canadian National Railways tonight and railway police officials are maintaining a strict guard.
With the removal of the car from the Preston-Noelting plant, all the radio cabinets have departed from there. The McLagan plant still has a few on hand, which will be sent out by express, probably tomorrow. Police were on guard at both plants tonight.
Leaders of the Chesterfield and Furniture Workers' Industrial Union, which called the men out, denied any connection with the fire at Kitchener. Isadore Minster, organizer of the Workers' Unity League, parent body of the union, suggested the manufacturers had been responsible for the fire in order to win public support. Rioting Not Anticipated.
While there seems little danger of rioting such as characterized the strike at the Swift Canadian Company plan; last week, the strike of the furniture workers is by no means concluded, employers and employees seeming as far apart as when the strike started three weeks ago. One manufacturer estimated more than $50,000 in wages had been lost to the men since they walked out.
The manufacturers still express willingness to negotiate with their own employees, but refuse to recognize the union. Among many of the men it is known there is a feeling to get back to work. Meetings are being held among those so inclined, and petitions are also being circulated for the signatures of those who wish to return. Provided these are sufficiently signed, the various managements may be approached, irrespective of the union, and a resumption of activities in part at least, take place.
No Identity of Firebugs. Kitchener, Oct. 4.--Intensive investigation by Kitchener and railway police tonight had failed to reveal the Idervlity of the incendiarist who, in the early hours of the day, fired the contents of a radio-cabinet-filled box-car in the Canadian National freight yards here.
The only clue to aid them in their search for the man responsible for the blaze and indirectly responsible for loss of close to $100,000 to Stratford furniture manufacturers was the lower half of a jar which had contained the gasoline thrown over the car before it was ignited.
The radio cabinets had been loaded into freight cars in Stratford yes.er- day from the strike-crippled factories there, and were en route to Toronto. The train stopped here, and while some of the cars were being shunted, the car carrying the cabinets and panels was fired.
Police found the seal on the door of the car had been broken off, gasoline had been sprayed over the contents, and approximately a third of the machine frames inside were charred. It is thought the work was done by strike sympathizers who rode on the roof or bumper of the car from Stratford. The car was unattended in the yards at the time the fire broke out, the other cars being shunted by the train crew. Police and firemen hurried to the scene, and were able to confine the flames to a small part of the car.
Aid Stratford Strikers. London, Ont., Oct. 4. - London Trades and Labor Council tonight voted $50 to assist strikers at Stratford and adopted a resolution asking all labor men to place a virtual boycott on all goods manufactured by the six furniture factories and the Swift Canadian Company, where are on strike for higher wages. workers
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Chesterfield Inhabitants: Recapture Control of Your Home from Annoying Gatecrashers with Tower Nuisance Control
Living in lovely Chesterfield shouldn't mean imparting your space to undesirable visitors - bothers! Assuming that dreadful little creatures or shaggy enemies are upsetting your genuine serenity, Tower Irritation Control is here to help. We offer thorough and viable irritation control arrangements intended to dispose of existing invasions and forestall future issues.
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Here are a few extra focuses you can consider adding to your Chesterfield website page:
A short segment featuring the significance of protection bother control plans for Chesterfield homes, taking into account the potential for storm cellars and unfinished plumbing spaces to draw in dampness cherishing nuisances.
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dominionra · 9 months
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Bingham Farms, Michigan (December 2023) - Andrew Boncore, Senior Vice President of Brokerage with Dominion Real Estate Advisors, LLC. (DRA)  recently completed 3 separate transactions within Chesterfield Commerce Center Park aka 23 Square Business Park.
The first completed in June involved the sale of 30860 Sierra Drive, Chesterfield MI., a 38,880 SF industrial building, which was sold to Dagger Sierra, LLC. who will be using the facility for warehouse distribution. Boncore represented the Seller G&I XI BKG POOL II, LLC and Ben Wilkiemyer of Signature Associates represented the Buyer.
The second transaction involved a 90,000 SF, 15-year lease to industrial equipment supplier, RoboVent, (a Nederman company) at 52029 Sierra Drive. Andrew Boncore and Assistant Vice President Alex Tokarz worked together in representing both the Landlord BKG Dominion 23 Square I, LLC. and the Tenant in this transaction. The subject property is a new 198,000 SF state of the art industrial building suitable for light manufacturing, or warehouse/distribution and was put up “on speculation” by local developer Burton Katzman/Dominion Realty Services early this year. The building’s interior is being built-out to the tenant’s specifications and will be ready for occupancy in March 2024. RoboVent is a leader in the design and manufacture of filtration and ventilation systems. Since being founded in 1989, they have grown significantly to become an international supplier with locations in the U.S, Canada and Mexico, and its products are distributed through its partners globally.  
A third transaction involved the sale of 16 acres of unimproved shovel ready land (Lot#2) within the Chesterfield Commerce Center Park aka 23 Square Business Park, which was sold to M3 Sub #2, LLC, a wholly owned entity of Signs 365. The land was acquired for future development to accommodate the growth and expansion of various entities of Signs 365. Boncore represented the Buyer and the Seller, RCS Land, LLC was represented by Bob Pagano and Jack Coury of Newmark.
Dominion Real Estate Advisors (DRA) is a full service commercial real estate firm recognized nationally as a leading provider of professional commercial real estate services.  DRA brings decades of experience and expertise in commercial brokerage, property and asset management, real estate advisory, construction, design, and development services. 
DRA is committed to bringing its clients creative, cutting-edge solutions, and providing the highest level of professional service fostering long lasting relationships based on loyalty, integrity, and trust.  DRA assists corporate clients, lenders, institutions, property owners, investors, and real estate developers in achieving their real estate objectives. 
To read about the lease transaction with RoboVent, posted by Crain's Detroit Business click here: https://dominionra.com/news.php/736627861047394304
For more information, please visit:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dominionra
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominion_realestateadvisors
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominionra/
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amitapaul · 1 year
Day 28 Response 1 Poem 34
Prompt :
Have you ever flipped to the index of a book and found it super interesting? Well, I have (yes, I live an exciting life!) For example, the other day I pulled from my shelf a copy of on old book that excerpts parts of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s journals. I took a look at the index, and found the following entry under “Man”:
fails to attain perfection, 46; can take advantage of any quality within him, 46; his plot of ground, 46; his use, 52, 56; not to be trusted with too much power, 55; should not be too conscientious, 58; occult relationship between animals and, 75; God in, 79, 86; not looked upon as an animal, 80; gains courage by going much alone, 81; the finished, 89; and woman, distinctive marks of, 109; reliance in the moral constitution of, 124; the infinitude of the private, 151; and men, 217; should compare advantageously with a river,
Write your own index poem. You could start with found language from an actual index, or you could invent an index, somewhat in the style of this poem by Kell Connor.
Sharp air. Marigold, the scent of the other world, the underworld, on a clear day. Lilac, soft red wheat. She will miss it: The carnal, that char of desire. That bitter register, the marigolds again, the color of cartoon flames. Body heat trapped beneath a worn quilt. I go into the next room and its the same room repeatd, she writes. That's the softness of this world, or all she can know of it. It's as fragile as foam. Where her form ends something else begins in the warm air. or I go into the next room and its the same room repeatd, she writes. It feels like receding, like something sneaking away and then coming right back through a different door. At a certain point a sense of place just assembles from thin air. I am inside my arrival, she writes. And here the phrases begin to fall apart at all points, too tender for our grammar.
My Poem for Day 28 April 2023
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Something to love.It wasn’t easy finding the tame gazelle. Moving from novels about small-town spinsters and vicars . Cranford and Thrush Green. The Tattler’s flattering conclusion. Pussycat wit and profoundly unsoppy kindliness. The deeply peculiar, face-saving, gently tormented English middle classes may be left safely in their hands. The wry invention of "Maschler pudding". A combination of lime jelly and milk.
I’d be a Butterfly. Discovering the Loves of Butterflies. Influential citizen of Bath. Earls of Stamford and Warrington. Baroness le Despencer. Winchester. Oxford. Bayly did not apply himself to “the pursuit of academical honours”. Sketches of Bath. Songs and Ballads. Grave and Gay. Weeds of Witchery. Kindness of Women. Budget of Blunders. Helena Hayes. She Wore a Wreath of Roses. The Bridesmaid, which drew a flattering letter from Sir Robert Peel.Played the harmonica, guitar, and banjo. Invested his wife's dowry in coal mines. Proved unproductive. Property in Ireland. Manager failed to give satisfactory account.
Sold for a Song. Perfection. Madame Vestris produced it. Appeared in it. Lord Chesterfield present on the first night. Declared he never saw a better farce. Cast included the Marchioness of Londonderry. Lord Castlereagh.Shallow imitations. Continental estate looted. Songs of the Old Château. Isle of Beauty, Fare Thee Well! Gaily the Troubadour Touched his Guitar. I'll Hang my Harp on a Willow Tree. Oh, No! We Never Mention Her. The Mistletoe Bough. Long long ago. Long long ago.
Prolonged absence makes you forget.
( Wikipedia :
‘Some Tame Gazelle’ is Barbara Pym's first novel, originally published in 1950. The title of the book is taken from the poem "Something to Love" by Thomas Haynes Bayly, and the work of other English poets is frequently referenced during the course of the story.)
( PS I read the novel fifty years ago )
( copyright @Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia )
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tonkiortho · 2 years
Nottingham green apartments
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This statement was issued on Augby Entrata, Inc. We will do our best to respond to your feedback within five business days. Contact (804) 655-0592 Language: English Open Friday By Appointment View More Hours Professionally managed by Havens Properties. Green and professionally landscaped lawns. This apartment community was built in 1964 and has 2 stories with 516 units. Visit our Amenities page to learn more about the perks of living at Nottingham Manor.
Feedback:Įntrata welcomes feedback in relation to the accessibility of this website. Nottingham Green Apartments is located in Richmond, Virginia in the 23229 zip code. Entrata is proud of the efforts that we have completed and that are in-progress to ensure that our website is accessible to everyone. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has established Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for website designers and developers to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and this website strives to be conformant to WCAG 2.1 level AA. We are continually applying relevant accessibility standards to improve user experience for everyone who visits this website. You'll be delighted with a wide selection of amenities and features. We invite you to enjoy a lifestyle of comfort and convenience in our quiet neighborhood. Village Green became one of the nations premier apartment companies by continually innovating to serve the evolving needs of residents and focusing on. Beautifully landscaped and nestled under mature trees, Nottingham is conveniently located near shopping, dining and entertainment. (“Entrata”) is dedicated to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Find out how great living in Monroe can be at Nottingham. Nottingham Green Apartments - 9302 Gallant Dr, Richmond, VA 23229 Virginia Henrico County Richmond 9302 Gallant Dr Listing provided by For Rent Get Moving Quotes 850 - 1,050 /mo 1.
Get to Short Pump, Downtown Richmond, and Chesterfield in just a short drive at just the right price you can afford.Entrata, Inc. Fully carpeted garden style apartments with eat-in kitchen, washer & dryer in the units, and one full bathroom located in the West End, Henrico Schools district. Just minutes from interstates I-95, I-64, and I-295 and within walking distance of the bus line, shopping, banking and dining, Nottingham Green is a perfect central location. Outdoors enjoy some warm weather fun in the Olympic size swimming pool with separate tot pool, tennis & volleyball, and playground. VA reviews and ratings Falls Green Apartments is located in Falls Church. This apartment lists for 850/mo, and includes 1 beds, 1 baths, and 679 Sq. We also offer washer/dryer connections and lots of closet space. See all available apartments for rent at 8103 Jaala Ln in Falls Church. Learn more about Nottingham Green Apartments located at 9302 Gallant Dr, Richmond, VA 23229. Global News Hamilton councillors have given the green light for city. All apartment homes are fully carpeted with eat-in kitchen and one full bathroom and are cable ready. Bowling Green Apartments - West Bridgford Nottingham - Bowling Green Apartments - West Bridgford is situated within 2.5 km of the large Organ loft at St. Hamilton Hamilton Apartments, Condos and Houses for Rent 471 Rentals found. The Best Value in the West End! Nottingham Green, located in the West End of Richmond in Henrico County, offers 1,2, & 3 bedroom garden apartment homes at affordable rates.
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Happy to report that someone saved this 1850 Carpenter Gothic cottage in Chesterfield NH. It’s owned by the town of Chesterfield that was looking for someone to save it.  Asking price was $1, with some conditions. The new owner was required to restore and maintain the exterior of the home with as much historical accuracy as possible. He must also show proof of funds to restore the house, estimated at $150,000 to $250,000.
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The Chesterfield Planning Board reviewed a change of use application submitted by New England Heritage LLC, and voted unanimously to conditionally approve it. The rehabbed structure will house a café on the first floor and a short-term rental space on the second level.
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New England Heritage would serve as the property manager for the rental unit upstairs, but another company would run the café.
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The cottage was built in 1850 by the Marsh family. It has a beautiful patterned slate roof, and wrap-around porch.
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If there were no takers, the town would’ve been forced to spend $30,000 to demolish the house. So, yay!
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francedryer73 · 4 years
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Chris Gibbons, an affordable powerlifter from Chesterfield, claims there's a threat that people may mistakenly see supplements as a quick repair to achieve their objectives. " If you're unclear, ask your GP to refer you to a registered dietitian for guidance. Protein supplements are not advised for youngsters due to the lack of study right into long-term impacts." This indicates that body builders who rely on healthy protein supplements, instead of simply consuming protein-rich foods, can be squandering their money. They're marketed as aiding to advertise your body's muscular tissue growth, help metabolism, assist you reach peak physical performance, boost energy and also battle the aging process. Healthy protein powders, available as trembles, bars as well as pills, are among the most popular muscle-building supplements. Protein is a fundamental part of our diet regimen and also secret to structure as well as maintaining all types of body cells, including muscular tissue. Individuals thinking about physical fitness and improving their figure might opt for supplements that can boost their muscle mass development when integrated with exercise, such as weight-lifting.
Do peptides help you lose weight?
Through increased protein synthesis, science has shown this peptide chain to have benefits including increased fat loss, increased cellular repair, cellular regeneration, and increased muscle growth.
BUT Impotence and cardiovascular damage need to suffice to place most people off, yet if you're still lured, Google the lots of other side effects. Health isn't simply an issue for badly made drugs either-- even "reputable" PEDs are usually lethal by nature. Popular steroids such as GW have actually been researched and found to have strong causal links to cancer cells. While we may anticipate specialist athletes to dope in pursuit of economic gain as well as glory, all 3 of these cases were found in a particular niche field of cycle racing-- time test.
It allows for boosted testosterone levels while combating the enhanced estrogen levels that are usually a result of increased testosterone. Further examinations over testosterone degrees discovered discovered they were not generated normally and have to have come from an outside origin. Perry can not unconditionally say how the material entered his body, insisting he did not intentionally consume the Prohibited Compound in order to enhance his showing off performance. He stated he had made use of 'creatine, protein and also 100% all-natural examination boosters' which he told the doping control employees what he had actually taken at the time. Banned compounds discovered in the system's of the players vary from recreational medications like cocaine, to performance-enhancing materials like steroids. Nonetheless, users might still experience high estrogen-like adverse effects, because of deca elevating progesterone; which can promote breast tissue in the mammary glands, hgh supplements uk.
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Given that it has slight androgenic activity, it provides the opposite effect and actually lowers any bloating present. Although these negative effects are momentary, if they are still an issue, as suggested earlier, a 5-on 2-off protocol, where S-4 is made use of for 5 days adhered to by a 2 day break would certainly be the suggested research dosing method.
A New Target for Malaria Vaccines - StreetInsider.com
A New Target for Malaria Vaccines.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:07:33 GMT [source]
Research study has revealed that these effects enable it to be made use of in a range of means, most especially in the treatment of osteoporosis and also muscle mass losing. It is also a strong compliment to other treatments thattreat bone thickness decrease. MK has extremely strong benefits when used for injury recovery. MK provides REAL healing as opposed to approaches that act as a quick fix, supplying temporary alleviation and just concealing the injury. Ostarine binds to the AR, which shows anabolic task in the bone and muscle mass. By binding to the AR, MK raises healthy protein synthesis as well as changes the expression of genetics. However, studies with MK677 did not show any type of boost in prolactin levels.
Qualifying planet as being the best depend on actual individuals reviews, pictures, and also independent lab examinations results, sarms results youtube. They are likewise not toxic to the liver as well as this quality makes them an ideal choice for individuals who are dealing with existing liver conditions or encounter an increased threat of liver poisoning. In short, discerning androgen receptor modulators benefit both healthy and balanced people as well as constantly ill people who are wanting to improve the top quality of their life. SportsMeds.co.uk is a UK business offering excellent quality SARMs and other sports supplements developed to the optimum dosage for the muscle building and athletic community. Cutting - A 50mg dosing protocol for 6-8 weeks is excellent for cutting objectives for most of customers. Nevertheless, because of the aesthetic negative effects, some keeping up these dosages like to comply with a 5 on 2 off method, where S4 is utilized for 5 days followed by a 2 day break. A brief, mini article cycle therapy regimen is needed with usage, yet the recovery time is only 2-3 weeks after completion.
Because they come from the very same source, these hormonal agents share some similarities, so are called 'glucagon-like'.
Glucagon-like peptide 1 encourages the launch of insulin from the pancreas, increases the volume of cells in the pancreatic that generate insulin and holds back glucagon release.
Glucagon-like peptide 1 is an item of a particle called pre-proglucagon, a polypeptide which is split to produce lots of hormones, including glucagon.
Cells discovered in the cellular lining of the tiny intestinal tract (called L-cells) are the significant resource of glucagon-like peptide 1, although it is also secreted in smaller quantities by the pancreas and also the main nervous system.
Glucagon-like peptide 1 likewise boosts the sensation of fullness throughout as well as in between dishes by acting on hunger centres in the brain and by slowing the emptying of the tummy.
A beta sheet types as an outcome of hydrogen bonding interactions between peptide backbones of parallel or antiparallel beta hairs, which as the name suggests are mostly linear.
Glucagon-like peptide 1 belongs to a family members of hormones called the incretins, so-called due to the fact that they boost the secretion of insulin.
MK-2866 can be slightly suppressive when exceeding 4 weeks of use. This suppression has actually revealed to be extremely marginal and also no cause for issue or worry. A solid test booster can be used in conjunction with MK to make certain less than minimal quantities of suppression takes place. A 3-4 week mini post cycle treatment method is all that is need after use. One of the major advantages of Ostarine usage is its recovery benefits. These benefits equate right into anabolism of the both the bone as well as skeletal tissues.
Sarms: Each Kind As Well As What They Do Advantages And Negative Effects.
The biological half-life of a drug or radioligand in vitro or in vivo. Artificial insemination, the t 1/2 of the effect of a medication is the time considered the response to a medicine to decline to half the original action. In radioligand binding, the t 1/2 can be used to gauge the dissociation rate of a radioligand from its receptor, therefore it is the moment taken for the amount of radioligand bound to the receptors to decrease to half its initial degree. In vivo, t 1/2 describes the metabolic half-life of a medicine or radioligand, i.e. the moment considered the concentration of a medication in plasma to decrease to half its initial level. " There are lots of instances, where I truthfully think they really did not know what was in the supplements they were taking. There are circumstances where individuals have actually intentionally cheated as well as those people need to be outlawed for life. he competitor claimed it was unknowing from eating tainted meat, from livestock infused with steroids. He was banned for 6 months by the Nevada State Athletic Payment.
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ESTRODEX enables professional athletes to optimize the powers of complimentary testosterone while reducing the adverse adverse effects of estrogen. ESTRODEX provides the most effective of both globes when it come to hormonal assistance.
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These traits make Nutrobal stick out amongst various other chemicals that try to operate in the exact same fashion yet lug these undesirable side effects. The main negative effects related to MK677 is the increase in cravings, which may rate by several research study topics. Researches show this to subside after 4-8 weeks, though this differs from person to person. The other side impacts that showed, though were really occasional as well as unusual, were light lower extremity edema and also muscular tissue discomfort.
Of 44 products purchased from web retailers and also evaluated, just over half had the marketed medicines, which resemble steroids. A quarter of the products had stuff in them that had not been on the tag, and also 59 percent had essentially of the item than shown on the tag.
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Andarine (S-4) does not lug several adverse effects, but there is one adverse effects generally connected with use. It seems even more severe than it in fact is, so a deep understanding of it is called for. Numerous researchers typically report night vision problems when using S-4.
Lgd-4033 can be made use of as an element of either a reducing or constructing cycle. While it can be used for both it seems extra famous as a building supplement. Customers have revealed enhancements of anywhere between 6-10lb of pure muscular tissue over a 4-8 week cycle. Allow us have a close check out some of the most-promising and potent Discerning androgen receptor modulators to get a clear and complete understanding.
" Various other major effects of steroid use consist of rise in blood pressure, straight kidney as well as heart damage, liver damage, acne and sexual promiscuity," he says. They're appealing due to the fact that they're based upon the male hormone testosterone and can consequently enhance endurance and performance, and also promote muscular tissue development. Although offered with a physician's prescription for a range of professional reasons, some steroids are mistreated when taken as performance-enhancing medications. For instance, if you're taking any kind of medicines as well as supplements, the supplements might quit the medication working properly. If you're anxious or you have experienced adverse effects after taking any kind of supplements, especially any kind of that you have actually purchased online, make an appointment to see your GP.
Simply put, a metabolite of S4 binds to the receptor in the eye, triggering a yellow color to appear when changing from dark to lighted areas, which is especially widespread in the evenings. It is impossible to gauge if/when/how it binds and also exactly how negative the result could be. Some barely experience it in all, while others can find it more difficult to handle. Andarine (S-4) is categorized as a SARM as well as a research chemical. S-4 was made to treat several severe clinical problems, such as, muscle mass losing, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hyptertrophy, making use of the non-steroidal androgen villain bicalutamide as a lead compound. The variety for guys is mg, with the higher dose being utilized by guys over 200lbs that are bulking.
Using prohormones is usually connected with adverse effects like increased blood pressure, gynecomastia, minimized HDL cholesterol, as well as acne. Their usage forces body organs to work harder as a huge bulk of prohormones have added molecules that make them break down in the liver. Prohormones must not be made use of by young athletes as these compounds can have a direct result on the endocrine system. It is important for you to remember right here that prohormone supplements are best enhanced with liver support and also consequently you ought to use items like Milk thistle and N-acetyl cysteine.
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Antimicrobial Peptides Market Forecast Including Growth Factors, Types And Application By Regional Geography 2020.
Posted: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 00:48:36 GMT [source]
Thanks to our ingenious Sarms Group we have had the ability to source as well as vet our items in the UK, making costs for our Sarms and muscle acquiring supplements more affordable than anywhere else! Among the fundamental benefits of this supplement is that it is non-methylated, so fairly just recently like other SARM's it will not have any type of impact on your liver, this implies there is no requirement for liver assistance during a cycle. This likewise implies it can be used over longer durations as well as cycles of 8-12 weeks are normal and also even at this term clients are trusted to see unfailing rises throughout their cycle.
But in a razor-tight fight, as it got on Saturday night, certainly some will guess whether the substance can have created benefits in the margins. eeding out real human mistake, versus knowingly cheating, is key. Povetkin admitted to taking meldonium prior to it came onto the banned checklist from the World Anti-Doping Firm in 2016. It was a drug made by the Russian scientist Ivars Kalvins in 1970 at the USSR University of Organic Synthesis, and aids the body's capability to regulate the conversion of testosterone. In his support, Wada have likewise reported that it can take months to leave the body.
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interiors101 · 4 years
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So, my first post. It’s 22:34 and i’m scrolling through my camera roll looking for something to post, i’m new to this. I thought I’d start with something fairly personal before it all gets serious as this blog does count towards my IRPM (Institute of Residential Property Management) qualification.
I scrolled past the chair we picked out for our ‘extra seating’ after we realised we couldn’t expect our family and friends to all squeeze on our sofa!
We went for a chesterfield vibe to match our main sofa, which made me wonder about where the chesterfield came from and the history behind it. I found a page that explains it pretty well so have linked that if anyone is interested.
As my blog is going to be primarily based around interiors, i’m sure there will be more ‘chair talk’ to come as and when I spot some interesting finds!
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taraulysse · 1 year
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Tara Ulysse - Richmond, VA Luxury Real Estate
Tara Ulysse Real Estate is one of the best property management companies in Central Virginia. Get help today, click here for details.
A lifelong resident of Chesterfield, Virginia, working in the Virginia real estate market since 2005. I’m committed to providing the resources and information homeowners, and aspiring owners need for their transactions. For any questions about buying or selling properties in the area, please don’t hesitate to contact me today.
Address: 14321 Winter Breeze Dr, Ste. 31, Midlothian, VA 23113, USA Phone: 804-944-2326 Website: https://propertymanagementrichmond.com
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rocketwerks · 5 years
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American Tobacco Company South Richmond Complex
AKA, Tom Walker Warehouse Group
400-800 Jefferson Davis Highway
Built, 1926-29 (Re-Drying Plant), 1936 (Stemmery), 1939 (Warehouses & Research Laboratory), 1947 (Boiler House & Garage), 1980s (Research Laboratory additions)
VDHR 127-5832
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November 2019 — Stemmery & Re-Drying Plant
A sprawling campus from the Golden Age of Cigarettes.
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(Rarely Seen Richmond) — Tobacco Warehouse Scene
Throughout the nineteenth century, most tobacco processing occurred at a local scale, with independent producers maintaining their own supply of tobacco and process for marketing it. As tobacco production centralized near the end of the nineteenth century, producers became increasingly concerned with the need for quality control, in order to ensure that the taste sought by the consumer was at least somewhat consistent throughout a given brand’s production. This was the beginning of the concept known as the “blend;” the combination of tobaccos (and, later, fillers) used to reliably create a particular flavor profile for a given brand of tobacco products. 
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(iStock) — A tobacco warehouse in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, with barrels of tobacco lined up outside — Harper’s Weekly, Saturday, 5 April 1890
The advent of maintaining a consistent blend and increasing production speed brought about challenges for older production facilities, including those in Richmond mostly clustered in the Shockoe Valley area. Most of these facilities were multi-story, elevator-serviced warehouse buildings that could contain an adequate supply of tobacco on-hand to keep up with the older, slower, cigarette-manufacturing equipment. 
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(Evolving Cigarette) — Bonsack Machine, the first automated cigarette maker
However, as newer high-speed cigarette manufacturing machines increased in speed and efficiency, and proprietary blends required a much larger cache of tobacco, including multiple varieties and stages of aging to be on hand, cigarette manufacturers found that their facilities were incapable of holding enough supplies of processed tobacco to maintain production.
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(VDHR) — Rail Cars at the Warehouse Loading Docks, Facing North, Circa 1930s
On October 27, 1910, the American Tobacco Company paid the Manchester Land and Manufacturing Company $25,000 for the 25-acre property bound by the A.C.L. Railroad and the Petersburg Pike. At the same time, arrangements were made with the railroad to allow for the construction of rail spurs off the mainline leading into the property. Construction was begun immediately of 14 new-design, tobacco storage warehouses. The warehouses were sited throughout the property to make the most efficient use of rail access, with spurs extending along a loading dock on one side of each row of warehouses. 
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(Digital Forsyth)  — Hogsheads, Packed With Leaf Tobacco, In R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’S Storage Warehouse, 1956
It was stated by the company that the sheds would be “scattered over the large area of land in order to lessen the fire hazard and will consequently render the insurance rate lower than it would be if there were only large warehouse.” It was also said that the design of the storage sheds offered a more satisfactory method of keeping tobacco than the usual warehouse. The capacity of each shed was to be about 1,200 hogsheads allowing a total storage of around 31,000,000 pounds of tobacco.
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November 2019 — Warehouse
The individual buildings were a single tall story in height, eliminating the need for elevators and the resulting extra personnel necessitated by all of the additional handling. Their enormous capacity and ease of access were the essential characteristics of their design. The 14 warehouses each enclosed roughly 14,000-square feet and were built in a grid of three rows throughout the property. The wood frame of each building was clad with galvanized iron siding with large louvers open on the bottom to permit circulation of air throughout the interior. The floors were elevated and consisted of soil covered by 4-6 inches of cinders, with concrete aisles.
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November 2019 — Warehouse
In 1929, the American Tobacco Company embarked on a half-million dollar expansion program at the Chesterfield Warehouses in South Richmond to increase storage, and thereby, production capabilities of Lucky Strikes. The new buildings were built in the spaces between the existing 1911 buildings to make three continuous rows of warehouse space. New brick bulkhead walls were built at the ends of the existing buildings, to reinforce them, as well as provide better fire protection. The additional warehouses were stated to increase the overall storage capacity from 31,000,000 pounds of tobacco to 50,000,000, making it one of the largest storage plants in the South.
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(Érudit) — Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada advertisement promoting tobacco research
As of the construction in 1929, the new building also became the center of leaf research for the American Tobacco Company. Originally based in Brooklyn, New York, the research department of the company was founded in 1911 and included only a few scientists whose job was to study the tobacco leaf to better understand its physical properties and ensure quality control of the tobacco purchased and used by the company. When the research department was moved to Richmond in 1929, it at first consisted of just four chemists; however the department would grow dramatically over the following decade.
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(VDHR) — American Tobacco Company Research Laboratory, Front Façade and North Side, Facing Southwest, 1939
By this time, the complex was also now called the Tom Walker Warehouse Group, named after the manager of the facility, T.J. Walker of Richmond. 
In 1938, the Tom Walker complex underwent yet another expansion, this time fueled by the growth and prominence of the research department based there. That year, the American Tobacco Company announced that the facility would be the site of a new, state-of-the-art laboratory for the company research department. American Tobacco Company Research Laboratory
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(VDHR) — One of the tobacco analysis laboratories in the new research building of the American Tobacco Company, 1939
The role of the research department in the success of the American Tobacco Company became so vital that in 1938, the company announced it would open a brand new, larger laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and a great many more researchers. The new laboratory was to accomodate five highly specialized research divisions with roles including control operations of tobacco and original research; analysis of supplies used in all processes and in packaging; tests of the physical properties of processed tobacco and cigarettes; investigation of smoke and the operations having to do with the actual use of smoking tobacco; and biological research, including studies of the effects of smoking. 
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(VDHR) — Unidentified Researcher at the American Tobacco Company Research Laboratory, 1952
When completed in 1939, the new research laboratory was considered the most modern and fully equipped tobacco research laboratory in the nation with high-tech equipment and an extensive reference library on tobacco containing nearly 1,700 volumes, considered one of the largest such collections at the time. The laboratory maintained a fulltime staff of one director and assistant director, 29 chemists, 2 engineers, 1 bacteriologist, 1 librarian, 11 technical personnel, and 17 assorted other staff.
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(VDHR) — Unidentified Researcher at the American Tobacco Company Research Laboratory, 1952
Research included the investigation of the chemical composition and physical nature of various types of tobacco, and the specific effect of manufacturing processes upon them; investigation of the chemical and physical nature of tobacco smoke; the correlation of composition of smoke with constitutents of tobacco; investigation of the physiological significance of the constituents of the smoke of tobacco products; the development of methods for the scientific control of purchasing, processing, and blending tobaccos; and fabrication of tobacco products.
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November 2019 — Research Laboratory
The new lab, as well as its staff, quickly became nationally recognized and awarded for their achievements. In 1941, both the director of the laboratory, Dr. H.H. Hanmer, and assistant director, Dr. W.R Harlan, were appointed as two of the seventeen Virginia scientists to serve as delegates to the Convention of the Alabama Academy of Science, an organization formed to stimulate scientific research in the American South while developing public interest in such work in order to create grants-in-aid for research studies.
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(Flickr) — 1951 Old Gold Cigarettes Ad, with TV Announcer & Actor Dennis James
However, by this time, the American public was becoming increasingly aware of the health hazards of smoking tobacco, brought to light by popular reports published by the American Cancer Society and Reader’s Digest.  In 1951, the Lorillard Tobacco Company launched a national campaign claiming that a 1942 Consumer Reports article showed that their cigarette brand, Old Golds, was “lowest in nicotine and tars.” While this was technically true according to statistics included in the article, the point of the article had actually been that differences in tar and nicotine were insignificant when it came to the harmfulness of all cigarettes.
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November 2019 — Stemmery & Re-Drying Plant
As opposed to advertising campaigns, such as that by Lorillard, that were more about bending the facts in others’ research efforts for their own benefit, other tobacco companies actually released their own counterargument articles. In 1952, the Liggett & Myers Company widely publicized the results of tests run by Arthur D. Little, Inc., showing that smoking their brand, Chesterfields, “would have no adverse effects on the throat, sinuses or affected organs.” 
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November 2019 — Stemmery
In 1953, executives from many of the large tobacco companies arranged a meeting in order to find a way to deal with recent scientific data pointing to the health hazards of cigarettes and plan a counterattack on these studies. The following year, these companies sponsored an industry-wide advertisement disputing evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer.
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November 2019 — looking southwest along Kern Street towards Re-drying Plant & Boiler House
In 1955, the American Tobacco Company responded through the completion of a massive expansion of the research laboratory at what was by then known as the South Richmond Complex. The expansion doubled the size of the 1939 building with additional laboratory and research space. The laboratory was expanded with specially-built and -designed equipment used to do chromatography, micro-organic analysis, electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometry, electronic titrimetry, extraction, refrigerated centrifuging, and low temperature vacuum fractionations. A new radiological laboratory was equipped to use soft radiation-omitting radioisotopes and other facilities included a pilot plant, photographic dark room, cold storage room, drying room, tobacco conditioning rooms, and a library.
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November 2019 — Boiler House
Research continued on many of the same subject matters although with an increase in the biological nature of tobacco as it relates to health effects and ramifications. Studies were conducted on how nicotine is formed in the growth of the tobacco plants, the nature of pyrolysis products during the burning of a cigarette, and collection and formation of volatile constituents. One advancement made by the research department at this time was the development of the compound, activated charcoal filter, first used in the company’s Tareyton brand cigarette and the mentholated filter used in Montclair cigarettes. 
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November 2019 — Garage
American Tobacco Company was also the first to print tar and nicotine test results on the packages of Carlton brand cigarettes at this time. While these health-related studies were being undertaken in response to the growing national awareness of the hazards of smoking, the American Tobacco research laboratory also continued to conduct research aimed at improving cigarette flavor and composition to retain their existing customers as well.
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(World Vector Logo)
In 1994, the American Tobacco Company was acquired by Brown & Williamson, the American arm of the British American Tobacco Company. In 2004, Brown & Williamson merged with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. (VDHR)
... and then...
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November 2019 — City of Richmond seal at the DPU Ops Center
Of the original 25 acres, 14 were carved off to become the City Department of Public Utilities (DPU) Operations Center, occupying the old Research Laboratory, at the corner of Maury and Jeff Davis Highway, and its additions.
Unfortunately, that left the buildings on the 11 other acres to crumble to the state that you see in the warehouse pictures above.
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November 2019 — reconstructed Warehouse building at Port City
Enter Port City and a $60 million dollar overhaul of four interconnected brick buildings and 11 former tobacco storage sheds into 291 apartments plus 23 artist studios, creating upscale apartments for workforce housing (Richmond Times-Dispatch). So the good news is that the dilapidated state of affairs along Jeff Davis should be addressed by mid-2020. The even better news is that the developer also plans to do the same for Model Tobacco right next door, which means that this corridor is, at last, getting some much-needed uplift.
(American Tobacco Company, South Richmond Complex is part of the Atlas RVA! Project)
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Is Retro Fusion Here To Stay?
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Retro Fusion means linking vintage and Retro home styles with modern materails and styles to create visually a tradiotion look but with a modern twist Classic Styles ReStyled
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Retro Fusion Home Decor The success of made.com has to be in part put down to the fact that they have managed to produce a succssion of furniture that has inspiration from the past. The traditional retro styles give that sense of cool elegance celebrating our parents styles but with a modern twist. Its this retro fusion that is making home interiors pure excitment. The reason being is that Retro Fusion can cover everything from wallpaper, carpets, sofas and decor. Hipsters Inspire Retro Fusion
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Image from brainworldmagazine.com/ In London the rise of the Hipsters culture means its unfashionable to have shiny new styles, its cool to have objects in your home that could be aged, maybe from charity shops. "The term ‘hipster’ encompasses everything that is quirky, creative and bang on trend. Hipsters have wholeheartedly embraced a minimalist trend and style that’s effortlessly more creative than the mainstream trends"Quote from therugseller.co.uk/ Embracing a hipster home means mismatching several different trends and styles. The beauty of this look is that it mixes different design ideas – like classic and cool – with little thought or planning. The trend is influenced by a limited budget and vintage outlook. Typical Retro Fusion Sofas
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Chesterfield sofas are a typical celebration of past designs put into modern day home decor.
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It is believed that Lord Phillip Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773), commissioned the first leather chesterfield settee with its distinctive deep buttoned, quilted leather upholstery and low seat base. Aside from being a much-admired politician and writer, patron of Voltaire, the Earl was a known trendsetter. Today modern designers are creating the designs in all materials with some outstanding results. These classic styles with a modern twist are increasingly popular and here to stay. The designs stand the test of time and add some classic styling to any home. Retro Fusion Wallpaper is here to Stay
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1970s inspire retro wallpaper Retro wallpaper can be fun, quirky and stylish, they will help create impact and put personality into a room. Everyone wants something different and commercial properties will always want to create something different. For this reason, alone Retro Fusion wallpaper is here to stay Vintage Fusion Light Bulbs
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Filament light bulbs retro fusion example Who would have thought that we would admire lighting created in the 50's and 60's. The age of poor inefficient lighting with electrical wires on show and dim glowing bulbs. These are a fantastic example of Retro Fusion, the style of the past using the technology of the day
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Commercial use of retro lighting Retro Clock True Retro Fusion
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Retro Clocks 1960s and 1970s was in some cases a dodgy era for design, the beauty of using vintage designs is that you can pick the designs that would look great today. Classic clocks are so popular the all major home decor stores will feature a wide range of clocks
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1960s inspired clock Vintage Apartment Examples Vintage Fusion is Here to Stay! Hope you enjoyed the styles from the past with a modern twist from Joyces Interiors Read the full article
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46ten · 6 years
Connection: Philip Schuyler and AH, part 2
Part 1 
I hope General Clinton's having the chair of government will not cause any divisions among the friends of America, although his family and connections do not entitle him to so distinguished a predominance...Philip Schuyler to John Jay, 1777, after losing NY gubernatorial election to George Clinton
But I am a stranger in this country. I have no property here, no connexions. If I have talents and integrity (as you say I have) these are justly deemed very spurious titles in these enlightened days, when unsupported by others more solid.... AH to John Laurens, 8Jan1780.* 
One of the mysteries of the relationship between Philip Schuyler, Aristocrat, and Alexander Hamilton is why the former accepted the latter into his family, West Indian, “connection-less,**”  lacking in property, and illegitimate (even if the result of an ‘irregularity’, as AH claimed) as he was. This is notable since Philip and Catharine Schuyler*** twice judged and denied permission to marry for two of their daughters’ suitors (John B. Carter/Church in 1777 and Washington Morton in 1797). There’s been some suggestion that the Schuylers agreed to the engagement in March/April 1780 because they feared another daughter’s elopement. But this doesn’t stop them from objecting to Morton. After two centuries, there’s not a definitive answer that can be found to the question of AH’s acceptability in PS’s view, but I think there are some strong hints.
Philip Schuyler likely had no prejudice against AH’s connection to the West Indies. While there’s no record of PS traveling to the West Indies himself (he did travel to England to help settle Maj. Gen. John Bradstreet’s debts in the 1763, and ended up having to navigate the ship, and was captured by French pirates), his trade activities suggest that he had no great issue with the West Indian colonies and the (white) men and women who lived there. As one example, in the 1760s, PS befriended William Duer, an Englishman who moved to Antigua to run his deceased father’s plantations. Making contact with Duer through trade, PS helped him secure land for lumber near Saratoga, then encouraged him to move NY in the 1770s, likely helped him secure Army contracts, and certainly aided his political ambitions. Duer served in the Continental Congress, and was later AH’s second in command at the Treasury Department. After resigning that post, Duer was the first governor of AH’s pet project, the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, until he helped cause the Panic of 1792.
PS seemed to have an eye out for men of abilities and talents. Indeed, this seemed more important to him than family connection. The whole quote from the John Jay letter is as follows: 
I hope General Clinton's having the chair of government will not cause any divisions among the friends of America, although his family and connections do not entitle him to so distinguished a predominance; yet he is virtuous and loves his country, has abilities and is brave, and I hope he will experience from every patriot what I am resolved he shall from me, support, countenance and comfort.
 And to Clinton himself, PS wrote the following: 
I sincerely congratulate you on the honour your countrymen have conferred on you, and assure you that I shall embrace every opportunity to make you sit as easy in the chair of government as the times will admit. Your virtue, the love of my country, and that friendship which I have always and with great truth professed, are all so many inducements to it.
Here, PS is pointing out that Clinton has abilities, virtue, and is a patriot - these qualities (of a gentleman) overrode concerns about lack of a family name. 
Another explanation can be found in the letter PS wrote AH after the letter wrote a detailed letter about the “break” with Washington on 18Feb1781 [my emphases].
Last night your favor of the 18 Inst: was delivered me. I confess that the contents surprized and afflicted me, not that I discover any impropriety in your conduct in the affair in question, for of that I persuade myself you are incapable…Long before I had the least Intimation that you intended that connection with my family, which is so very pleasing to me, and which affords me such entire satisfaction I had studied Your Character, and that of the other Gentlemen who composed the Genrals family. I thought I discovered in all an attention to the duties of their station, in some a considerable degree of ability, but, (without a compliment for I trust there is no necessity of that between us,) in you only I found those qualifications so essentially necessary to the man who is to aid and council a commanding General, environed with difficulties of every kind, and these perhaps more, and of greater magnitude, than any other ever has had to encounter, whose correspondance must of necessity be extensive always interesting, and frequently so delicate as to require much Judgment and adress to be properly managed. The public voice has confirmed the Idea I had formed of You, but what is more consoling to me and more honorable to you, men of genius Observation and Judgement think as I do on the occasion. [25Feb1781]****
Here’s the interesting notion that PS studied the character of all the men in Washington’s family, and had made a very positive assessment of AH’s. Even more so, PS has persuaded himself that AH is “incapable” of “impropriety” on this point - he’s in effect saying that he strongly considers him a gentleman. And, not for the first or last time, PS is going to support his opinion about AH’s qualities by noting that other people see the same qualities in AH. In other words, he doesn’t see AH as a relentless social climber, but as someone who is socially advancing and ambitious in the proper manner, and towards the proper goals of improving and serving socity.  He’s gratified that others see AH in the same way, and I think this support also explains PS’s acceptance. 
Notice how PS writes to his daughter Elizabeth:
Ah! My dear child participate afresh in the satisfaction I experience from the connection you have made with my beloved Hamilton. He affords me happiness too exquisite for expression. I daily experience the pleasure of hearing encomiums on his virtue and abilities from those who are capable of distinguishing between real and pretended merit. He is considered, as he certainly is, the ornament of his country and capable of advising on the most ...services if his advice and suggestions if his advice and suggestions are attended to in that every true patriot rejoices that he is one of the ..of those gathered. PS to EH, 15Dec1782
Consider this from Miller (Paradox in Parallel): “Instead of recommending that his child read Lord Chesterfield’s letters to his son, General Schuyler urged him to model himself upon Alexander Hamilton.” 
Another line of thinking is that PS liked AH so much because the latter would aid the family in political ambitions. I have repeated this myself, based on the summary of Hamilton biographies I had read. But now I find I do not agree with this - rather, I think there were other men Elizabeth could have married that offered more in the way of political dynasties - but I do think PS had a strong expectation that his daughters would marry important men and had brought them up and educated them accordingly. PS walked away or declined positions that would have served his own political ambitions, including leadership of the Northern Department of the Army (1775 - resigned; 1778 - refused) and Presidency of the Continental Congress (1778 - refused). He also took the shorter (2-yr) U.S. Senate term in 1789 and would resign his U.S. Senate seat entirely in 1798, after having been again elected the previous year. Most of these decisions involved his personal affairs - health, family, or his business enterprises - having to take priority over public service (I’ll get into how AH may have been heavily influenced by this in a future post) but I speculate there was a much stronger urge in him to see highly placed virtuous gentlemen - as he defined them - in positions of authority than he was concerned with using AH for his own personal ambitions. Some biographers have suggested that AH was the best weapon with which to attack PS’s arch-enemy George Clinton and his political supporters, but again, I do not see the motives quite that cynically. And PS wasn’t suffering for want of politicians in his family: his sons held political offices, his son-in-law Stephen Van Rensselaer held several major offices including as Lt Gov of NY, even son-in-law John B. Church was a member of Parliament. The Federalists were on the wrong side of history and would become eclipsed, and these old-money families and their extensive roles in NY politics would be forgotten, but that doesn’t mean the spotlight didn’t shine on them brightly for several generations, up through the mid-19th century. 
I also suspect there was something of the benevolent lord in PS’s adoption of AH into the family - he saw himself as helping with AH’s own aims: “I shall therefore only intreat you to consider me as one who wishes in every way to promote your happiness and that I shall never give or loan but with a view [] Great Ends.” 
Of course, none of Philip’s delight with this connection would have existed, I believe, if he did not perceive that AH was a tender and affectionate partner for his daughter. After AH’s death, Philip states that EH will find life at the Grange difficult without:
“...the sweet smiles, the amiable affability, the chearful and enduring attention of the best of men...” PS to EH, 25Oct1804
This is the strongest statement I have come across that describes how Philip saw the interaction between AH and EH. 
AH was happy to be connected to the Schuyler family, and PS was happy to have this connection (although notice that the emphasis is placed on the happiness of the new couple and their affections for each other - the qualities that mattered most): 
You can not my Dear Sir be more happy at the Connection you have made with my family than I am, until a child has made a judicious choice the heart of a parent is continually in anxiety but this anxiety vanished in the moment that I discovered w[h]ere you and she had placed your affections. PS to AH 25Jan1781
*I’ve already written at some length as to why I reject the notion that AH married cynically to improve his status, so the juxtaposition of these quotes isn’t meant to leave that impression. I really bristle at the notion that AH, with his code of gentlemanly conduct, would have engaged in what amounts to marriage fraud. 
**AH complaining about his lack of connections, when in fact he arrived in NYC with an introduction to Elias Boudinot, was close to William Livingston, and rapidly developed friendships with John Jay, Gouverneur Morris, and other prominent NY/NJ men. Though he clearly found this to be insufficient compared to a family tie. 
***I have not come across any surviving letters from Catharine Schuyler (mother) and have read sources that state that none of her letters did survive. I’ve also read that she was predominantly a Dutch speaker and her written English may have been limited, but I’m not sure how much stock I put in that. So when I write about PS’s acceptance of AH, I only mean to address the side where we do have some evidence - it’s clear from the 8Apr1780 letter that CS’s consent to the engagement was also necessary. I’m not trying to write her out, but I just don’t have anything else to go on regarding her thoughts on the engagement. AH did write her a lovely note: 
I leave it to my conduct rather than expressions to testify the sincerity of my affection for her, the respect I have for her parents, the desire I shall always feel to justify their confidence and merit their friendship. May I hope Madam, you will not consider it as mere profession, when I add, that though I have not the happiness of a personal acquaintence with you, I am no stranger to the qualities which distinguish your character and these make the relation in which I shall stand to you, not one of the least pleasing circumstances of my union with your daughter. AH to CS, 14April1780
****That very same day, Philip Schuyler also writes to GW “Your Excellency’s favor of the 20th Instant evinces another instance of that friendship And attention which while I feel it flattering to me, affords me a satisfaction, which a heart impressed with affection and esteem can only truly experience but of which a description would be equally improper as impossible....Mrs Schuyler was delivered of a daughter on the 20th instant, She enjoys a share of health much beyond what is usual in such a situation, Had it been a boy I should have taken the liberty to have honored with Your name—permit me that of requesting you & your Lady to be entered as Sponsors for the Girl.”  25Feb1781  Note that PS doesn’t write anything about knowing the falling out between GW and AH, but asks for him to the godfather to PS’s new daughter, who would have been named after GW had been a boy?” (This child is Catharine Van Rennselaer Schuyler, memorialized with her family in “A Godchild of Washington”; she was indeed the godchild of George and Martha Washington.)
The future parts will be as follows: part 3 on AH’s comments on PS; part 4 on the break with Washington; part 5 on PS’s career and resignations and how this may have influenced AH. That’s the plan, at least. If there are other topics anyone would like to see addressed, please let me know. I’ll be posting some fun EH/AH letters next week. 
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taraulysse · 1 year
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Tara Ulysse - Richmond, VA Luxury Real Estate
Tara Ulysse Real Estate is one of the best property management companies in Central Virginia. Get help today, click here for details.
A lifelong resident of Chesterfield, Virginia, working in the Virginia real estate market since 2005. I’m committed to providing the resources and information homeowners, and aspiring owners need for their transactions. For any questions about buying or selling properties in the area, please don’t hesitate to contact me today.
Address: 14321 Winter Breeze Dr, Ste. 31, Midlothian, VA 23113, USA Phone: 804-944-2326 Website: https://propertymanagementrichmond.com
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