#Cheryl Casone
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justinspoliticalcorner · 6 months ago
Gideon Taaffe and Chloe Simon at MMFA:
Following Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, some in right-wing media are launching a desperate attack on Walz, claiming he misrepresented his role as a coach with his high school football team.   The attacks tried to minimize Walz’s role in taking a struggling high school football team to state championship by highlighting that Walz was a volunteer and bizarrely claiming he was “never a football coach” but an “assistant coach.”
The attacks on Walz, which started earlier this month, show how little right-wing media know about football
Walz accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president on Wednesday in a speech that highlighted, among other things, his role on the coaching staff at the high school where he taught. At no point did Walz claim to be head coach, and he even alluded to his role as a defensive coordinator in his speech, saying, “I wound up teaching social studies and coaching football at Mankato West High School. Go Scarlets! We ran a 4-4 defense, played through the whistle every single down, and even won a state championship.” [CBS News, 8/22/24]
Right-wing media had previously been attacking Walz for supposedly misrepresenting his coaching role, and then during the DNC, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump attacked Walz with the same claim. Right-wing journalist Raheem Kassam wrote on August 8, “Was Tim Walz even the head coach? Some records suggest otherwise” and called him “Water Boy Walz!” Newsmax’s Bianca de la Garza claimed the same day that Walz “was an assistant coach, a defensive coordinator, actually, not the championship-winning, banner-hanging head coach that the media wants you to believe he is.” Trump ally Laura Loomer posted, “Why is the media allowing this lie to continue? … He was an ASSISTANT COACH.” Then on August 22, Trump posted to Truth Social: “Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH.” [NBC News, 1/14/24; Twitter/X, 8/8/24; Newsmax, Prime News, 8/8/24; Twitter/X, 8/9/24; Truth Social, 8/22/24] 
SBNation: “Slamming Tim Walz’s football resume is a weird way to say you don’t know ball.” SBNation pointed out that defensive coordinators are essential to a team’s success, concluding, “We can disagree about a lot of things in the country. We can argue over how government is supposed to operate. We have to be united in giving defensive coordinators the respect they deserve.” [SBNation, 8/22/24]
Trashy right-wingers whine about Tim Walz’s coaching status.
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pupsmailbox · 3 months ago
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mineofilms · 2 years ago
Down is the new Up
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A bulk of this BLOG is more a summary of the former White House Press Secretary, current Fox News Contributor and host of their debate segment “Outnumbered,” Kayleigh McEnany’s comments on 6/9/2023 to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece saying gender-affirming treatments are an ‘experiment’ on kids. I will not be inserting my own opinions on top of the opinions that are already here in that summarization, but will make a statement at the end full of my opinions. This is more/less just a summary of what was discussed during that segment.
President Biden has recently reaffirmed his commitment to safeguarding gender-affirming surgeries for children, despite efforts by lawmakers to prevent such procedures. He has criticized those he perceives as, "hysterical and prejudiced people," who are promoting bills that target children, distress families, and criminalize doctors. The President firmly believes that denying children access to life-changing surgeries and puberty blockers is unjust, and he condemns extreme officials for their cruelty towards our youth and communities.
A newly published opinion piece by the Wall Street Journal that critiques the left's lack of understanding regarding gender-affirming care for children, labeling it as a human experiment that disregards the long-term risks associated with the off-label dispensing of potent hormone blockers. The author of this piece argues that the widespread diagnosis of minors with gender dysphoria borders on child abuse. The article also reveals that 68% of individuals oppose the use of puberty-blocking medications for teenagers, while 58% are against such treatments altogether.
According to Pete Hegseth, a Fox News contributor of their news segment “Outnumbered” the concept of gender-affirming care is a fabricated term that falsely implies that 13-year-olds can autonomously opt for surgery and powerful blockers. He asserts in sarcasm that this belief is akin to suggesting that 13-year-olds should be permitted to smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, and open gambling accounts due to societal pressure. Pete also criticizes President Biden for endorsing the words of radical individuals and groups without possessing a proper understanding of the subject matter.
It should be noted here that most people that argue against Biden on this topic agree that Biden lacks a proper understanding of the subject matter at hand conceptually.
Another contributor on the segment, Cheryl Casone emphasizes the risks associated with Lupron and Advian, two drugs administered to children as part of gender-affirming care. She reveals that there have been 10,000 reports of adverse effects from these drugs, including hair thinning, fibromyalgia, and degenerative spinal disc conditions. Furthermore, she notes that some states are permitting children to undergo these treatments without parental guidance, potentially leading to lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies producing these drugs.
The last opinion came from another contributor, Dagen McDowell, where she points out that the push for children to undergo gender-affirming care is driven not by political motives but financial interests groups. Her opinion reveals that these children become multimillion-dollar patients, for life, due to the irreversible effects of surgery and medication, resulting in a lifetime of medical interventions. Dagen also highlights that countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway have banned the use of these drugs on minors due to their side effects and the phenomenon of social contagion.
Recently, Britain's National Health Service shut down the Tavistock clinic for diagnosing autistic and mentally ill children as transgender. Where my opinion starts… That to me is a major transgression of medicine, science, common sense, logic, breaking the promise to heal and care for the sick. As I said, the above portion of this BLOG is more a summary of this discussion during the FOX News segment “Outnumbered,” and is not of my own opinions. Now we can discuss what I think on the subject, unless where it is clearly stated otherwise. As I am labeled as, right wing, MAGA, crazy, unhinged or whatever term the Radical Extreme WOKE or EOA’s, Extreme Outrage Actors want to project onto me this day. I am sure tomorrow it will be some other label. What I actually am is an Independent/Independent thinker who will lean sometimes Right because at the moment Right is the lessor of the two evil party system we are currently in.
Extreme Outrage Actors are both a Subculture and Internet Subculture that attempts to hijack other cel groups or political ideologies to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS…’ Try to take a bad idea, that is already widely accepted as a bad idea, change some of the attributes that define the idea as bad and make that seem good and chastise others who do not follow suit. Examples of these groups would be: WOKE, incel, femcel, MGTOW, Volcel, Blackpill, Kevin/Karen, Trolls, Tweakers (Twitter Users), Binary, Non-Binary, Ally's, Cisgender, Panexual, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Hindi, Middle-Eastern, Twitch Gamers, Otakus, Anime Cosplayers, Otherkins, Antigun Groups, Neo Nazis, Environmental Activists, Scene Kids, Religion, Conspiracy Theorists, Flat Earthers, Hollow Earthers and Racists. You will notice I did not mention LGBT as these are real people, with real issues with for/against this law/that law/right/non-right. Where the others I mention are more actors, or internet subculture “cel” groups than real people with real problems.
You will find these subcultures on smaller, not well known platforms like SpaceHey.com, a MySpace clone with little to no administrative monitoring where these users will harass, bully and dox other users with opposing views. Breaking their TOS and Privacy Policy with no accountability from admins for the platform. With the self-destruction of Reddit as of late you will see just as many groups/users on Discord where they do much of the same but in private chat groups, to where, who knows what/who is monitoring them and their mostly extreme and blind progressive ideologies.
The Word Self-Projection Comes to Mind…
Self-projectionist, where a person or group project their own flaws, beliefs, and support onto the person they're trashing. In other words, a person that trashes other people and the details of that trashing are things the trasher actually is, supports, believes in and attempts to paint onto the person they are trashing. They just cannot help themselves. They want others to know these things but not necessarily do they want people to know it is them… It is a way for them to find out how the general public looks at people that practice such social activities to see if they themselves could be accepted by the lot. The lot would never accept people who do this to other people. Like I said, they cannot help themselves. They are addicted to outrage and the responses that come from that outrage.
A fact, by definition, is a theory which is (unproven datasets, an educated guess without verified testing by the scientific method), that is later tested to such a level of accuracy that it cannot be said to be NOT FALSE and cannot be debated as a non-fact till there is real data to suggest the fact is not a fact. It is all about data. The whole point is these actor-cel-groups do not care if they are right or not or their data is accurate or not, but you will believe what they believe or you are a canceled, a transphobe, racist, sexist, bigot and other unsavory labels. Media and social media can and will influence us indirectly. First, it whispers in the ears of trendsetters. Then they bust the moves, spreading the beat among their crew. It's all about who you follow and them use made up titles like, “Influencer,” in the hopes they gain your support. According to the two-step flow theory, a concept in the field of communication, the majority of these trendsetters lack original thinking abilities. In today's society, where it is expected to have an opinion on everything, people tend to adopt the viewpoints of their preferred thought leaders instead of engaging in original thought and conducting thorough research themselves.
  Descendit est novum Sursum (Latin for Down is the new Up) By David-Angelo Mineo 6/16/2023 1,314 Words
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shiontokyo · 6 days ago
#FOX 'GOLD CARD VISA': Trump considers new financial pathway for US citizenship
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vub840rT1E ‘GOLD CARD VISA’: Trump considers new financial pathway for US citizenship FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone discusses President Donald Trump’s proposal, which he claims will attract wealthy investors, during ‘Fox & Friends First.’ #FoxNews Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: https://ift.tt/ac6IpRi Watch Fox News Channel…
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ericalto · 2 months ago
California insurance crisis: Here are the carriers that have run away from or reduced coverage in the state
FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone joined ‘FOX and First Friends’ to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about the industry moving forward. I wildfires ravaging Southern California they are expected to add fuel to ongoing government insurance, as residents’ options to pay for property continue to dwindle or disappear. Many insurance companies…
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third-new · 2 months ago
California's insurance crisis: Here are the carriers that have fled or dropped coverage in the state
FOX Business Cheryl Casone joins Fox & Friends First to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about how the industry is moving forward. particle for direct object Wildfires are raging in Southern California They are expected to add more fuel to the state's insurance crisis as residents' options for property coverage dwindle or even…
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newtras · 2 months ago
California's insurance crisis: Here are the carriers that have fled or dropped coverage in the state
FOX Business Cheryl Casone joins Fox & Friends First to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about how the industry is moving forward. particle for direct object Wildfires are raging in Southern California They are expected to add more fuel to the state's insurance crisis as residents' options for property coverage dwindle or even…
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satrthere · 2 months ago
California's insurance crisis: Here are the carriers that have fled or dropped coverage in the state
FOX Business Cheryl Casone joins Fox & Friends First to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about how the industry is moving forward. particle for direct object Wildfires are raging in Southern California They are expected to add more fuel to the state's insurance crisis as residents' options for property coverage dwindle or even…
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newsmatik · 2 months ago
Wildfire backlash: State Farm and other insurers criticized for dropping California coverage
FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone joined ‘FOX & Friends First’ to discuss the insurance crisis in California as the wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about the industry’s future. The deadly wildfires that swept through Southern California this week destroyed dozens of homes after some major insurance companies pulled back from offering policies in the Golden State in recent years due…
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Chloe Simon at MMFA:
After President-elect Donald Trump selected venture capitalist Sriram Krishnan as his senior policy adviser for artificial intelligence in December and Trump ally Laura Loomer publicly criticized Krishnan for his position on immigration, an intense debate erupted in MAGA world over the H-1B visa program. Some right-wing media figures defended the program, arguing that H-1B visas are “not enough” to replace American workers or pointing out that less than 1% of the “high-skilled tech workforce” are visa holders. Others criticized the program as a “total and complete scam” or even the replacement of “White Americans through legal loopholes.”
Trump’s selection of Sriram Krishnan as AI adviser sparked controversy within MAGA media
In December 2024, infighting erupted in right-wing media over the H-1B visa program following Donald Trump’s selection of venture capitalist Sriram Krishnan as senior policy adviser for artificial intelligence. According to The Washington Post, right-wing activist and podcaster Laura Loomer criticized Krishnan over his support for “making it easier for skilled foreign workers to come to the United States” and the tech industry’s dependency on H-1B visas. This sparked Trump adviser Elon Musk to advocate for the visa program, claiming that the “reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.” Former GOP presidential candidate and current Trump adviser Vivek Ramaswamy initially expressed support for the visa program as well, claiming that “a culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian [the top student in a class], will not produce the best engineers.” He later clarified, however, that he believes “the H-1B system is badly broken & should be replaced.” [The Washington Post, 12/30/24; The American Prospect, 1/2/25; Business Insider, 12/31/24; BBC, 12/28/24; The Independent, 12/26/24]
After Musk advocated for the visas, Trump expressed his own support for the program in apparent contradiction of his previous position. Trump stated, “I didn't change my mind. I've always felt we have to have the most competent people in our country, and we need competent people.” He further emphasized the need for “smart people coming into our country.” During his 2016 presidential campaign, however, Trump advocated for the complete elimination of the H-1B program, and his administration suspended H-1B visas in 2020. [Newsweek, 12/31/24; MSNBC, 1/2/25]
MAGA-aligned media pundits are fighting over H1-B Visas.
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printhaysrobert · 2 months ago
Incendies de forêt en Californie : quoi apporter lors de l'évacuation
Cheryl Casone de FOX Business discute de l’impact économique potentiel des incendies de forêt à Los Angeles alors que les flammes continuent d’engloutir les communautés locales. En cas d’incendie de forêt, la Croix-Rouge implore les résidents de disposer d’un plan d’évacuation comprenant plusieurs voies d’évacuation depuis leur domicile et leur communauté. Ils doivent également être équipés d’un…
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jahsirasgotthejuice · 3 months ago
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It Might Be A Man's World, But It's Casone's Morning
We could all take a lesson from Cheryl Casone; she’s survived 20 years in the journalism game with plenty of heart. “I know I’m going to wake up and learn something new,” she states.
There’s so much to say about the state of the economy; turn on Mornings with Maria and watch Casone work. She’s a moderate voice of reason in the otherwise tough city mediascape. Even Fox News and its subsidiaries are no stranger to controversy.
What has the Arizona born and raised Casone learned amid a changing world? “The world is not one thing, it’s 50 things.” She packed up her sunny life in San Francisco for the promise of two shifts — the gruesome 10pm-6am — at MSNBC, only to lose her job less than a year later.
From working 2-3 jobs while at Northern Arizona University, to handling the grumpy and/or drunken travelers of the world as a flight attendant, Casone evolved to interning at a local news station during the week while flying on the weekends.
As a young hustler, Casone’s story shines as an example of those who “make it.” Even brighter and more interesting than merit is her courage as a young woman to make a great leap across the continental USA. She endured the massive credit card debt to break even, and faced rejection because she was a woman reporter aiming for that elusive anchor position.
So, after being laid off at MSNBC, she watched the great Janice Huff reporting during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. Her passion was revitalized to strike again.
Two years after being laid off, Casone helped to launch Fox Business Network as an anchor.
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55bestbilly58 · 1 year ago
Cheryl Casone, 👑 Kennedy, Emily Compagno and Kaylee McGhee White Sep 5 2023
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 years ago
“The cost is too expensive, both short and long term, to let them operate in a vacuum without showing that one, we know how to fight; two, that we will fight; three, we fight with facts and not with some flaming lies of information,” said Antjuan Seawright, a Democratic strategist.
Early in Biden’s presidency, the White House was careful not to weigh in on controversial comments from the likes of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), hoping to avoid elevating her words and giving the far-right congresswoman more of a platform.
When McCarthy was struggling in January to get enough votes to be Speaker of the House, they sat back and watched it unfold. 
Biden gently knocked the vote series at the time, saying, “It’s a little embarrassing it’s taking so long,” but also added, “that’s not my problem.” The White House had also insisted that Biden would not “insert himself” into the election, which ended up taking 15 ballots for McCarthy to finally clench enough votes.
But this week, when the Speaker signaled that the House could move forward with an impeachment inquiry, the White House came out with multiple statements and highlighted quotes from fellow Republicans in his conference pushing back on the idea.
It also released a memo about Republicans’ slams against the president overall, reflecting the Biden argument that the GOP is stepping up attacks on Hunter Biden and talk of impeachment because the economy is getting stronger and is now a less effective avenue for attack.
The White House this week touted “Bidenomics” after gross domestic product (GDP) numbers showed surprisingly strong economic growth. It rebuked GOP lawmakers for not embracing the data, pointing to Fox Business anchor Cheryl Casone, who said Thursday, “There goes that recession talk, right?” 
“Even Fox Business is welcoming today’s blockbuster economic growth numbers, the latest in a long line of proof points that Bidenomics is delivering for middle class families,” spokesman Andrew Bates said in a memo. “That’s because this strong growth report is objectively good news for the American people, which elected officials should support regardless of their political party.”
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third-new · 2 months ago
Wildfire backlash: State Farm and other insurers have come under fire for dropping California coverage
FOX Business Cheryl Casone joins Fox & Friends First to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about how the industry is moving forward. particle for direct object Deadly fires that hit Southern California this week after some leading insurance companies pulled back from offering policies in the Golden State in recent years due to…
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newtras · 2 months ago
Wildfire backlash: State Farm and other insurers have come under fire for dropping California coverage
FOX Business Cheryl Casone joins Fox & Friends First to discuss the insurance crisis in California as wildfires ravage Los Angeles and broader concerns about how the industry is moving forward. particle for direct object Deadly fires that hit Southern California this week after some leading insurance companies pulled back from offering policies in the Golden State in recent years due to…
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