#Cherokee because my friend A is half Cherokee and I'd love to see how shocked that'd make them
my-mt-heart · 4 months
Hi - I was at Tribeca and while I tried to post nothing got posted to the tags (damn hellsite). Here are some impressions:
Tribeca Film Festival - DD: TBOC
So I just got home and really enjoyed the first episode of TWD: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol. The show runners asked people not to spoil too much about the episode or the discussion, and since I work in a creative field, I'm going to adhere to their wishes although I realize people are going to people. Super minor spoilers ahead, so ignore if you want to wait until September.
Key takeaways in no particular order:
Episode 1 is heavy on Carol which is SUCH a relief as I find the French cast a bit dull at times
Carol does something so morally...questionable that I get why people don't love her but damn it was great to see Melissa McBride act her ass off
I'm fairly certain (spoiler here) that Cherokee roses don't grow in Maine
The talk afterwards only lasted a half hour and not much was revealed.
Norman spoiled that Caryl meet up in Episode 2, but in such a way who knows if that is true...
Norman and Melissa did a lot of communicating via eyes and mouthed words - it was too cute to watch
There was talk of "thing being resolved" and about how the original series left things unsaid that gave my little shippers heart some hope
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Here are my takeaways from your takeaways haha
I was really hoping the episode would be Carol heavy. We know she/Melissa can easily carry a show and we need some quality time with her, not just because we missed her, but to establish that this is going to be her story too.
Based on another anon's comment, I think I know what you're referring to that's "questionable. I suspect she's being driven by her desperation to find Daryl. She's the character who always makes the hard choices "nobody else will" for the people she loves, but I need to see how it's shaded.
I don't know about the roses specifically as an example (it sounds like it was a sweet scene at least), but Zabel and co. are all about cheap gimmicks. Nostalgia/shock/convenience come first, logic last.
I got the impression he was joking. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to a reunion in the back half, but also, who knows. I don't like Caryl being separated because they have been for so long already, but if it's clear they're both trying to get back to each other, if they stay spiritually connected and we get the payoff we've been waiting for, I'll be okay.
The status of Caryl's relationship was definitely left unsaid in S11, even with their "I love yous" and Melissa even said that Carol was feeling "unsettled" watching Daryl ride away. So, yes, I really want that resolved by 206. Aka, I want canon. I'd actually love to hear how Carylers who saw 201 interpreted that element of the story. Forget about Zabel's saying "friends" a million and one times. Forget about the synopsis. You can be as specific or as vague as you want. Going off of Carol's moments of reflection and Melissa's performance, does it seem like the romantic undertones we've always seen are still there? Like it could lead somewhere? I'm asking because I'm picking up on multiple discrepancies between what the male EPs are preaching and what's actually making it onscreen according to fans.
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