#Chef Gino Delicioso
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bundys-boys · 2 months ago
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simstorian · 2 years ago
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This upscale gated community offers its residents all the warm, wild benefits of living in the desert along with the luxury of endless green grass.
Still working on my savefile here and there and I have had some real CAS inspiration lately, so here are the sims from my version of the Skyward Palms neighborhood in Oasis Springs! Head-canon lore and mini-rant about the Calientes below lol:
At Sulty Springside, we have the Caliente household. On the latest Behind the Sims summit, the Sims team tried to retcon the existence of Katrina as Nina's and Dina's mother instead of/besides Nighat as Katrina being a clone they made bc they wanted a mom that was like them? So many question marks about that and so many other pieces of lore that don't really make sense if that is the case, but ok... My headcanon mostly places Sims 4 after Sims 2 in the timeline, even though I know that it is just an alternate timeline. In my mind, things got too messy in Pleasantview for the twins and for Don so they both moved away. Being the slow-aging alien-blooded gurlies that they are they partied and romanced around for a while before creating Katrina as the family matriarch to make the family seem more normal in their new environment of Oasis Springs, Cullen family style if you will. Two Calientes to romance and have drama is bad enough so I imagine Katrina moved out for a while bc it got messy, started dating Don, moved back in and brought him with her to mixed reactions from Dina and Nina, and that is where the save starts. In my mind Dina is more focused on romance as a way to get wealth whereas Nina finds enjoyment in all kinds of intrigue and drama, even with her clone-mothers boy-toy lol. This reflects in Katrina's new jealous trait and Don, well he is just Don lol.
In the middle we have the resident of Rio Verde, Gino Delicioso. Gino is in a similar way to the BFF household and DJ Candy inspired by a MySims character of the same name. I actually plan on including quite a lot of MySims characters in the savefile! He does not have a lot of lore of his own, so I made some up for him! Gino Delicioso is a world-famous pizza chef who has started pizzerias all over Simnation. He has the wealth and the fame, but has yet to be as successful in the romance department. Settling down in Oasis Springs and with a clear focus on his local Gino's Pizza and Pitstop restaurant, will Gino find a true love to eat pizza with forever or get stuck in the web of the ladies across the street?
Last but not least, living at Granada Place is the Aspir family. The Aspir's are a family from Desiderata Valley in Sims 2 Freetime I used to interact with a lot when I played Sims 2 as a child! I added some extra lore, did a little time-jump and wanted some extra toddlers in town so I added the little brother Darius, named after one of his great-grandfathers just like Pauline seems to be named after a relative. The Aspir family seems like the perfect multi-generational family from the outside, but in reality, they are falling apart. Crumbled under the pressure of her husband and stepfather Elizabeth had another child with Victor just like he wanted, but Elizabeth still secretly dreams of leaving it all behind to pursue her dream of becoming a famous actress. Victor still wants a bigger family and can not for the life of him understand why his wife keeps drifting further away from him. In the mids of this the couple's oldest daughter Pauline feels lonely and eager to grow, good thing she now has a brother to keep her company, as well as Victor's eccentric gadget-making father, Luis.
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rosymiel · 2 years ago
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made chef gino delicioso, stephen albright, poppy, and violet nightingale from mysims in ts4 (as best as i could 🫶)
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poppy-nightshade · 1 year ago
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levellex · 6 years ago
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This is Gino Delicioso an inspiring chef in the city of Oasis Springs (not in this photo lmao) 
I was unable to restore my save of my old MySims Legacy Challenge but since then some of the rules have changed and I didn’t get that far so it is ok! 
I still wanted to have my sim represent the MySim figurine and a while ago I made Chef Gino in CAS so I decided to age him down, etc. He has the required traits for the first generation:
I moved him onto a lot in Oasis Springs, it is not the biggest one but it is 30x by 40x. I started off with 0 simoleans. And started right on collecting, I figured I would go to different areas to get them to start spawning I also took advantage of the first food stall I found so I got 1 out of 26 recipes..
This is the link to the updated rules:
I will be posting every once in a while, I have some post ready to be written but it is very difficult for me to find time between being in college, working, etc. 
I would love to see people also try this challenge so tag your post with #MySimsLegacyChallenge or #MSL I hope you enjoy!
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flavioximenes-blog · 4 years ago
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Chef Gino Contin ensina a preparar seu delicioso PIC NIC Feito com massa de longa fermentação, petisco combina queijo canastra, copa lombo, folhas frescas de espinafre e pinoles Especialista em produzir autênticas pizzas napolitanas, o chef Gino Contin tamb��m assina outras criações especiais como o PIC NIC, um tipo de pastelão feito com massa de longa fermentação que pode ser recheado com várias opções, desde queijos, carnes e embutidos até versões vegetarianas. Para quem quer preparar essa sugestão que é perfeita para compartilhar com a família e amigos ou até para ser servida servir numa pizzaria ou restaurante, o chef destaca sua última criação, o PIC NIC de Espinafre e Copa Lombo que ainda leva queijo canastra e pignole para darem um toque especial a essa preparação. Para ensinar a fazer essa delícia, Gino disponibilizou a receita abaixo e gravou um vídeo com passo a passo e dicas para facilitar seu preparo - https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbkO6oDhVR/0 . Já, os interessados em aprender a fazer pizzas com massa de longa fermentação e receitas tradicionais como a Rondinela, o Pão Napolitano e a Girella, poderão participar do Workshop de Pizzas para Microempreendedores - A Magia da Pizza Napolitana - Edizione Mooca que vai acontecer nos dias 10 e 11 de agosto no Espaço Gastronômico Le 5 Stagioni, na Moóca (SP). Voltado para pessoas que querem aprender a fazer massas usando técnicas italianas, esse curso é destinado tanto para iniciantes quanto profissionais, onde todos vão aprender a preparar massas de longa fermentação e as pizzas incríveis do Chef. (em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpAgTmN5Kl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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recetas-peruanas · 6 years ago
El plátano es el protagonista del desayuno de nuestra amazonía en Fiestas Patrias
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Cada ciudad del Perú festeja las Fiestas Patrias a su manera. De hecho, en algunos lugares disfrutan de comidas creadas especialmente para la fecha. Por ejemplo, en la selva, el plátano es la estrella de la cocina.
Sí, así como lo lees, esta fruta tiene un lugar muy bien ganado en la mesa matutina en esta región. Esto se debe a que nuestros compatriotas del oriente consumen mucho, no solo por sus valores nutricionales, sino por su versatilidad.
Es muy probable que estés acostumbrado a tomar avena o quinua en el desayuno, muy comunes en la capital. En la selva, la preparación más famosa por las mañanas es el chapo, hecha de plátano.
El rico chapo
De textura delicada y sabor adictivo, el chapo se toma caliente para llenarse de energía y comenzar las labores diarias. Son tres ingredientes que lleva esta receta: plátano maduro, leche y si deseas, azúcar. Insumos que son cocidos lentamente a la leña.
“El chapo es delicioso, nutritivo y a todos les gusta, incluso a los niños que lo toman antes de ir al colegio. Es la bebida mañanera de toda la selva”, dice Gino Cárdenas, un joven cocinero experto en gastronomía selvática.
Un vaso con este néctar será suficiente para tener las pilas cargadas durante todo el día y si lo acompañamos con una porción de plátano frito con huevo revuelto y cecina, el desayuno estará completo. Una opción perfecta para festejar las Fiestas Patrias.
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El chapo tiene como ingrediente principal al plátano maduro. (Foto: Antonio Melgarejo)
Los acompañantes perfectos
Pero esto no es todo, Gino nos cuenta que el desayuno se complementa con el clásico tacacho con cecina. Otro platillo a base de plátano que es escoltado por huevo revuelto y que probarlo por la mañana junto al chapo, será una experiencia única.
“El plátano está presente en toda la comida de la selva desde la mañana hasta la noche. Lo podemos utilizar en cualquier preparación y el resultado será sabroso”, agrega el chef de la La Patarashkita.
Así es un desayuno de la selva donde el plátano es el protagonista, una fruta que no solo podemos consumirla en jugo o con leche condensada, también es ideal para preparar potentes bebidas y ricos complementos matutinos.
Si deseas probar más de la cocina amazónica visita el Mercado 28, ubicado la cuadra 7 de la avenida Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Miraflores.
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Plátano frito con huevos, una combinación de sabores matutinos donde el pan dio un paso al costado. (Foto: Antonio Melgarejo)
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Ver Video Aquí
Desde Peru.com https://peru.com/estilo-de-vida/gastronomia/fiestas-patrias-platano-protagonista-del-exotico-desayuno-nuestra-amazonia-nndc-noticia-612397
de El plátano es el protagonista del desayuno de nuestra amazonía en Fiestas Patrias
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insolente-revista · 5 years ago
Gino’s te reta a degustar su exquisito Chile en Nogada
A un precio de 215 pesos, podrás encontrar un platillo completo y delicioso.
Chiles en Nogada ya hay muchos: algunos chefs se atreven incorporar ingredientes e incluso a cambiarlo de forma. Pero la realidad es que, en este tipo de platillos con tradición, siempre se agradece lo original.
Gino’s lo sabe. Por eso es que, para esta temporada del Chile en Nogada, este restaurante se dio a la tarea de reunir los ingredientes de cajón para preparar este peculiar platillo, y…
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simstorian · 1 year ago
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The Calientes, Gino Delicioso & the Aspirs for Skyward Palms in my version of Oasis Springs!
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rosymiel · 2 years ago
Hiii! Hope its okay that I ask a wcif?
I’m just wondering where I can find the eyes you used on your sims in the post with caption ”made chef gino delicioso, stephen albright, poppy, and violet nightingale from mysims in ts4 (as best as i could 🫶)” please? i’m always looking for new pairs of eyes and these looked beautiful!
Thanks a lot!! I hope you have the best day 🌸
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hi hi!! it is plenty okay, thank you for being so kind!! 💞 i hope you have the best day as well!
violet's eyes (#88)
gino's eyes (#101)
stephen's eyes (#79)
poppy's eyes (#108)
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flavioximenes-blog · 4 years ago
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Chef Gino Contin lança pizza La Bella Páscoa com as cores da Itália Para deixar a data mais gostosa, a novidade com toque napolitano combina chocolate, morangos e merengue Que pizza é uma deliciosa tradição italiana todo mundo sabe. Agora imagine transformar essa redonda em uma divertida receita para a Páscoa.... Para inovar na sobremesa do almoço de domingo, o chef Gino Contin criou a pizza La Bella Páscoa, que além de chocolate cremoso, morangos suculentos e um delicioso merengue leva ainda muito brilho e as cores da bandeira italiana. “Depois da pizza de chocolate com marshmallow, decidi homenagear a data com mais chocolate e merengue com o frescor do morango e, para deixar essa pizza mais festiva, usei glitters comestíveis vermelho e verde para deixar a receita mais especial", explica o chef Gino Contin, que pilota o forno da Maverick Thematic Music Bar. Há três opções de base, se você não tem forno pode comprar uma massa pré-assada, usar a receita de massa tradicional de pizza ou ainda fazer uma massa de chocolate com a receita que esta abaixo. Para quem quer aproveitar a data para colocar a mão na massa o chef dá a receita e ensina como prepara-la no vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc1egXDSkK4 (em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDXGJnjtTP/?igshid=1jmai9f7sey01
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