#Cheapest electric car
ainews18 · 1 year
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rockyy133 · 1 year
Revealed The Dark Side Of Electric Cars And Their Environmental Impact | Caractics
Electric cars have been touted as the future of transportation, but this new technology may have an unexpected environmental impact. Discover how electric cars could be doing more harm than good and what can be done to reduce their negative environmental impact. Watch the video Revealed The Dark Side Of Electric Cars And Their Environmental Impact by Caractics
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monicascot · 1 year
Revealed The Dark Side Of Electric Cars And Their Environmental Impact | Caractics
Electric cars have been touted as the future of transportation, but this new technology may have an unexpected environmental impact. Discover how electric cars could be doing more harm than good and what can be done to reduce their negative environmental impact. Watch the video Revealed The Dark Side Of Electric Cars And Their Environmental Impact by Caractics
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evindias · 9 months
Top 5 cheapest electric car under 10 lakh launch in 2024
 Electric vehicles market is rapidly growing day by day. We have shortlisted  five india cheapest electric cars which are available under 10 lakh. 1.Eva-solar electric car   Eva is India’s first solar electric car which was unveiled at an automobile show in 2023 in India. It is directly with a battery pack that charges the battery and increase the range.The EVA car made by VAV…
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rangriwaj · 1 year
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ersatz-anomaly · 1 year
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I love Direct Action
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cargarge · 2 years
Top 10 electric cars under 10 lakhs में Tata Tiago EV, Citroen C3 EV, Tata punch EV, MG Air electric और
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techqanswerdotin · 2 years
Tata's cheapest electric car is going to be expensive, know when and how much the price will increase
Tata’s cheapest electric car is going to be expensive, know when and how much the price will increase
Highlights The increase in the price of Tata Tiago EV has been announced by the company. It is believed that the price of Tiago EV may increase by up to Rs 35,000. The Tata Tiago EV accounts for around 30 to 35 percent of the total sales of the Tiago brand. Tata Motors has announced an increase in the price of its cheapest battery car Tata Tiago EV. The Indian carmaker has revealed that it will…
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amitsingh223 · 2 years
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
You can’t buy the Seagull in the US. But I bet you wish you could.
A small hatchback around the size of a Mini Cooper, the Seagull is a fast-charging electric car and claims a range of up to 250 miles [...] BYD, its Chinese manufacturer, claims it can go from 30 percent to 80 percent charged in a half-hour using a DC plug. It’s hardly a luxury car but it’s well-equipped, with a power driver’s seat and cruise control. “If I were looking for an inexpensive commuter car … this would be perfect,” veteran car journalist John McElroy said after taking a drive.
The best part? Its base model costs about $10,700 in China.
That’s about a third of the cost of the cheapest EV you can buy in the US. In South America, it’s a little pricier, but still fairly affordable, at under $24,000 for a top-trim version. Even in Europe, you can get an entry-level BYD for under €30,000. These are absolutely screaming deals — exactly the kind of products that could turbocharge our transition away from gas and toward electric vehicles.[...]
The problem for Americans? The Biden administration is hell-bent on preventing you from buying BYD’s product, and if Donald Trump returns to office, he is likely to fight it as well.
That’s because the BYD cars are made in China, and both Biden and Trump are committed to an ultranationalist trade policy meant to keep BYD’s products out. [...] Shipments to Europe have increased astronomically; Chinese companies sold 0.5 percent of EVs in Europe in 2019 but they’re already over 9 percent as of last year. Companies like BYD make cheap, reasonably good-quality cars people are eager to buy.
In 2018, Trump imposed, and Biden has since continued, a special 25 percent tax on Chinese-made autos, on top of the ordinary 2.5 percent tax on foreign-made cars.
That has so far prevented BYD and its Chinese peers from trying to enter the US market. US customer tastes are different enough that Chinese manufacturers would probably prefer to make cars tailored to them — but US policy has been so hostile toward cheap Chinese EVs that so far, the companies haven’t wanted to bother.
So, the result is that we’re left out of the bounty of cheap EV options created by BYD and others. “If you’re a consumer right now, the best place to be right now is China, because you have the best choice of EVs,” Ilaria Mazzocco, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and an expert on Chinese EVs, says.[...]
Still, China’s price advantage is big enough that even the extreme Trump-Biden import tax might not be enough to deter companies like BYD from entering the US market. Even with the tariffs, Chinese cars might be cheaper than their rivals. “​​Subsidies most likely won’t be enough; Mr. Biden will need to impose [more] trade restrictions,” climate journalist Robinson Meyer predicted recently. The Biden administration is already making noise about imposing even more draconian taxes or trade restrictions against these vehicles. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has described Chinese-made cars as a national security threat, and recently announced an investigation into the vehicles’ data collection abilities and the possibility they could send movement data to Beijing.
On the one hand, Biden is offering Americans up to $7,500 per vehicle to buy EVs (provided they meet certain made-in-North America rules). On the other hand, he’s imposing massive taxes to keep Americans from buying EVs. It’s a bizarre policy that makes no sense from a climate perspective.[...]
[The Biden Administration] has proven shockingly willing to sabotage its own climate policy if it gets to stick it to the Chinese in the process.
“There’s almost an across-the-board apprehension about Chinese EVs, even though they would make an important contribution to [lower] CO2 emissions,” Gary Clyde Hufbauer, a veteran trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, says.[...]
Realistically, Helveston argues, BYD might not sell something like the Seagull in the US because it’s smaller than most cars Americans buy. They’d probably build plants in the US instead, or its free-trade zone partners Canada and Mexico, to build vehicles tailored for Americans. “If you’re going to really enter a market, you have to make it locally,” Helveston explains. “US automakers like GM sell and make millions of cars in China to sell in China.” BYD would do the same. Indeed, it’s already reportedly scouting sites for factories in Mexico.
If they ever were to set up shop in North America, BYD and other Chinese car companies would still have a major price advantage versus American EVs. They have years more experience and a much more successful track record of building batteries and EVs at low cost.
“Part of why they’re so successful is they’ve been thinking outside the box on cost reduction for a long time,” Mazzocco says. They took the “opposite of the Tesla approach”: starting not with luxury vehicles but ultra-cheap cars fit for taxi fleets and not much else, and constantly improving their early inexpensive prototypes. The result is that Chinese firms have gotten extremely good at making inexpensive EVs, at a time when Ford, by contrast, lost $28,000 for every EV it sold in 2023.[...]
“If you have more affordable EVs in the United States, no matter where you come from,” Gopal says, “that’s better for the climate.”
Still, the Biden administration reportedly wants to restrict Chinese car companies’ access to the US even if they do set up shop in North America. Bloomberg reported earlier this month that the Biden administration is formulating rules that would limit US sales of Chinese-made parts, even if they’re in vehicles ultimately assembled in the US or Mexico.[...]
But the Biden administration’s objections to Chinese EVs are also ideological. The Biden administration represents the victory of a protectionist, trade-skeptical wing of the Democratic party that was relegated to the sidelines during the Clinton and Obama years.[...]
[O]ver 90 percent of American households have a car, and surging car prices were a huge contributor to the 2021–2023 rise in inflation.
Barriers to importing cheap cars make inflation worse and reduce the real incomes of the middle class.
Not only are the administration and other left-leaning institutions opposed to Chinese EVs, but hardline conservatives at places like the Heritage Foundation are calling for outright bans on Chinese EVs as well. Their rationale is security, another theme the Biden administration evokes often. On Thursday, the Commerce Department announced it was beginning a process to “investigate the national security risks of … PRC-manufactured technology in [internet-connected] vehicles.”
6 Mar 24
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stupittmoran · 5 months
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This is a Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car. To manufacture it you need:
--12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also be extracted from sea water) -- 5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is made as a byproduct of processing copper and nickel ores. It is the most difficult and expensive material to obtain for a battery.) -- 3 tons nickel ore -- 12 tons of copper ore You must move 250 tons of soil to obtain: -- 26.5 pounds of Lithium -- 30 pounds of nickel -- 48.5 pounds of manganese -- 15 pounds of cobalt
To manufacture the battery also requires: -- 441 pounds of aluminum, steel and/or plastic -- 112 pounds of graphite
The Caterpillar 994A is used to move the earth to obtain the minerals needed for this battery. The Caterpillar consumes 264 gallons of diesel in 12 hours.
The bulk of necessary minerals for manufacturing the batteries come from China or Africa. Much of the labor in Africa is done by children. When you buy an electric car, China profits most.
The 2021 Tesla Model Y OEM battery (the cheapest Tesla battery) is currently for sale on the Internet for $4,999 not including shipping or installation. The battery weighs 1,000 pounds (you can imagine the shipping cost). The cost of Tesla batteries are: Model 3 -- $14,000+ (Car MSRP $38,990) Model Y -- $5,000–$5,500 (Car MSRP $47,740) Model S -- $13,000–$20,000 (Car MSRP $74,990) Model X -- $13,000+ (Car MSRP $79,990)
It takes 7 years for an electric car to reach net-zero CO2. The life expectancy of the battery is 10 years (average). Only in the last 3 years do you start to reduce your carbon footprint, but then the batteries must be replaced and you lose all gains made.
And finally, my new friend, Michael, made some excellent points: I forgot to mention the amount of energy required to process the raw materials and the amount of energy used to haul these batteries to the U.S. sometimes back and forth a couple of times.
But by all means, get an electric car. Just don't sell me on how awesome you are for the environment. Or for human rights.
Credit: @Hanna Roth
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batfamscreaming · 5 months
Once again trapped in trying to figure out what Wayne Industries actually Does. "Everything!" yeah sure but they had to get there somehow. Amazon was an online bookstore at first there was a lot of very rapid growth between then and now.
Usually I hear that they started as a shipping business which makes sense when Gotham is 90% waterfront, but at some point they had to transition from just shipping other people's things to shipping things they made as well. I suppose if they started making their own transports for shipping (starting with their own steamboats and later trains and cars) that would make sense. Maybe in the industrial revolution they even bought their own steel mill upon getting tired of having fluctuating prices or a steel shortage and just deciding they were going to get their own damn steel and sell the extra instead. If they chose to manufacture higher quality steel instead of cheapest possible steel that's also laying the groundwork for them to be well liked by their customers. Not railroad barons but making the steel to lay the railroad and build the trains. It's the 1800s so they have a couple patented medicines by then as well that are.... not really medicine but no one has officially noticed yet. They ship their own chemicals out west for a good time.
In 1880s Alan Wayne makes the building that becomes Wayne Tower?? Which I think is much too early, but apparently we were building sky scrapers in 1888 so business must have been booming I fucking guess. This is also the man that has them go corporate.
Of course the railroads start to fall out with the growth of cars and car lobbying. They are still used along with boats for transport but with railroads not being built as much and not being maintained and the union wars, Wayne Industries has to make a pivot somewhere to stay in the race. The family can have a lot of personal money but the business itself is still going strong in Gotham even before Bruce takes over.
I guess if they're already in shipping, they're probably importing as well by then. They may have started with steamboats but then in WWI and WWII all steel factories started producing things for the war efforts, surely they made a couple big ships by then capable of crossing the Atlantic, if they weren't already in oceanic shipping by then. It lets them ride out the great depression because of government maritime subsidies that were a little out of control until the new deal kicked in. That would've also presumably kept WI employees working in the depression and cemented them harder in the city as smaller businesses closed around them.
The patented medicine starts shifting to actual generics that are a little less Heroic post 1918.
Maybe at around that point was when WI started manufacturing... sort of everything. You get your ships, and all the things on board that you need to run a ship. You get your ovens and stoves and big pots and your radar and hell your sailors can even buy their boots and uniforms from us.
When WWII ends they shift back to transporting other people's goods but also maybe more luxury vehicles as well. Cruise services. Some nicer kitchen installations. Kitchens on land even. Get a nice WI electric mixer. Get your waterfront boots. Get your generic ibuprofen.
At that point we're closer to Martha and Thomas' era and they're just... Along for the ride I guess. Thomas is a figurehead CEO. He's off doing medical school and mostly just shows up for formalities, while Martha works in the Wayne Foundation (either the only thing Thomas really made or opened in the 60s to try and get Gotham really booming) as a charity liason. They're still not really celebrities as much as a charismatic couple in high circles. WI doesn't need them to function. It's basically just funding them as they do their own things.
And then the murders happen
And then Bruce, over eighteen, shows up having inherited the figurehead CEO title and his entire family's controlling stock in WI, and announces they're going to be doing things his way now.
The CEO/Board of directors is supposed to do things in the best interest of their stock holders.
If Bruce is the controlling stock holder, they do what he says his best interest is.
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I do not believe that any modification ever could make a Honda civic 'cool'
I want your opinion on this
I think I can find a way to squeeze out some mental gymnastics by which I can technically agree. Oh, I've got it!
There's a stock EG Civic I see around sometimes, and it's the most basic spec that can be found - not the rarer, imperceptibly better looking facelifted model, not equipped with any cool option nor modification nor even alloy rims, preserved too poorly to be mint and not poorly enough to be heroic. Exactly like this picture I found looking up "civic" in a used car ad aggregator and sorting by cheapest.
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And every time I see it I go "Civic! :D", like in one of my main's greatest posts.
Maybe the surprising rarity of hatchbacks of this generation is a factor (though local popularity hasn't quelled my fondness of Suzuki jeeps), but whatever the case, one arguably cannot modify that Civic in a way that makes it cool to me, per the logic by which something cannot become what it already is.
But regarding the intended meaning of "Civics aren't cool cars and no modification could make them such", well, not only could we be touching their bare metal and still not have a common ground (It's an electrics pun. It's devastating. You're devastated right now.), I disagree so hard that I am willing to go over every Civic and not just show a cool modified example, but even argue that the factory itself churned out something cool.
That's right. I'm doing a SERIES. That's how wrong you are.
Note for the poor-watersporting audience: Just because I'm not the type to cowardly shield myself from criticism by rattling out "i personally believe"s and "in my opinion"s doesn't mean I have the delusion to be dishing out statements of fact. Assertive statements the likes of the line above are to be taken as the friendly jest they are. Someone beat you to taking it seriously anyway, and community feedback about it was starkly negative.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question: if you liked this post, you might like those - or the blog’s Discord server, linked in the pinned post!
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tiktaalic · 11 months
The crazy dean criterion collection: curated by ME!
Crazy in this parlance. means. “sam gives dean a strange look" natural. recommendations welcome. i dont read a lot of fic so there are maybe 5 on here. here we go.
“It was an accident,” Dean insists, as soon as they hear from Bobby. They’re sitting at a diner halfway back to the hotel room and these are the first real words Dean has spoken. “I know it was. He didn’t mean to.” Sam stares at him. “He?” “Castiel?” Dean says, shrugs. “Boy name, right?” “Are you insane?” Sam blurts out.
“Why is the app on Dean’s phone? Why is someone messaging you on Dean’s phone?” Sam asks and Dean knows Sam’s staring at him even as he stares at the page in front of him with an intensity he hasn’t had all afternoon. When no one answers, Sam tries again. “What –?” Irritation flares like electricity through Dean and it’s only that spark of anger that gets his words out. “I’m just helping him out, Sam! Jesus, he’s – he was – he’s an angel. Celestial intent! How is he meant to know what Grindr is? How to – how to – to talk to guys, how is he –” “Dude,” Sam says emphatically, placating him with wide eyes, holding his hands up. “Okay, okay. Listen, I know you’re not –”
Sam snorts and puts down his phone. His bed creaks as he gets comfortable. “So, what’s up with Cas?” “What do you mean?” Dean says. “Nothing. Just, like, what’s his deal?” For all the fretting he did over this trip, Dean never once thought to prepare an answer for this question. So when he blurts out, “Well, he’s gay,” the only person he can be disappointed in is himself. “Uh, okay,” Sam says. “I was looking for more of a big picture type-thing, but I guess we can start there, too.”
They both throw the ball, Cas controlling Dean’s swing with his own arms and his own legs, strong and firm at his back. If he’s a shifter, he could kill me right now, Dean thinks, and stays put right where he is. He releases the ball and they both watch as the ball travels straight towards the pins, hitting them with a good amount of force and knocking them all down. no sam pull quote for this one. but trust he would have things to say about the bowling alley.
"Nah, there's nothing wrong with it, if you like H&R Block chic. I'm just saying, if I was reborn as a hot chick I'd want to show off a little." The matching looks Sam and Cas give him make his cheeks burn. "What?" Dean tosses his hands indignantly. "You're telling me if you were a woman you wouldn't want to look hot?" "I can honestly say I haven't give it much thought, Dean," Sam says, looking like he's about to ask Dean if there's anything else he wants to admit to, and Dean doesn't want to give him the satisfaction, so he climbs inside the car and turns the music up before Sam can open his pinched little mouth again.
that's all i got boss. if you've read something where dean is Crazy drop it in my inbox.
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What if a common element rather than scarce, expensive ones was a key component in electric car batteries? A collaboration co-led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher is hoping to spark a green battery revolution by showing that iron instead of cobalt and nickel can be used as a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries. The findings, published today in Science Advances, are important for multiple reasons, Oregon State's Xiulei "David" Ji notes. "We've transformed the reactivity of iron metal, the cheapest metal commodity," he said. "Our electrode can offer a higher energy density than the state-of-the-art cathode materials in electric vehicles. And since we use iron, whose cost can be less than a dollar per kilogram -- a small fraction of nickel and cobalt, which are indispensable in current high-energy lithium-ion batteries -- the cost of our batteries is potentially much lower."
Read more.
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dosesofcommonsense · 5 months
This is a Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car.
To manufacture it you need:
--12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also be
extracted from sea water)
-- 5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is made
as a byproduct of the processing of copper
and nickel ores. It is the most difficult material
to obtain for a battery and the most
-- 3 tons nickel ore
-- 12 tons of copper ore
You must move 250 tons of soil to obtain:
-- 26.5 pounds of Lithium
-- 30 pounds of nickel
-- 48.5 pounds of manganese
-- 15 pounds of cobalt
To manufacture the battery also requires:
-- 441 pounds of aluminum, steel and/or plastic
-- 112 pounds of graphite
The Caterpillar 994A is used for the earthmoving to obtain the essential minerals. It consumes 264 gallons of diesel in 12 hours.
Finally you get a “zero emissions” car.
Presently, the bulk of the necessary minerals for manufacturing the batteries come from China or Africa. Much of the labor for getting the minerals in Africa is done by children! If we buy electric cars, it's China who profits most!
BTW, this 2021 Tesla Model Y OEM battery (the cheapest Tesla battery) is currently for sale on the Internet for $4,999 not including shipping or installation. The battery weighs 1,000 pounds (you can imagine the shipping cost). The cost of Tesla batteries is:
Model 3 -- $14,000+ (Car MSRP $38,990)
Model Y -- $5,000–$5,500 (Car MSRP $47,740)
Model S -- $13,000–$20,000 (Car MSRP $74,990)
Model X -- $13,000+ (Car MSRP $79,990)
It takes SEVEN years for an electric car to reach net-zero CO2. The life expectancy of the batteries is 10 years (average). Only in the last three years do you begin to reduce your carbon footprint. Then the batteries have to be replaced and you lose all the gains you made in those three years.
The truth is far better than the fiction we are all being told !
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