#Chastain triplets
daylightrays · 5 years
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Screenshot done by @galynekh who healed for us in totorak!
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averydixon · 3 years
I'm so NOT sorry about the abuse of No Way Home post lately. I just physically cannot get over Tobey Maguire back in a Spidey costume. I'm a teen again and y'all can't take that away from me. I mean there was already the HP reunion that got me on a rereading/rewatching frenzie. I swear to Thor if Elijah Wood as a cameo in the new LOTR I'm gonna be too far gone to come back.
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smokehqs · 4 years
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Occupation: Employee at Black Alley Divination Age: 20 Gender: Female (Transgender) Pronouns: She/her Blood status: Halfblood Allegiance: Neutral Faceclaim: Hunter Schafer
Everything was in sets of three. Three beds in matching pastel colors, three uniforms in pale blue, three sets of textbooks. So why, then, were Sylvanie and Victoire given skirts, and you trousers and a tie? It’s taken a long time, but you’ve finally figured out who you are and what you want to do: to make your mark on the world. You put learning above all else for so long and you’re finally starting to see the results, finally you stand out from your sisters in a way that you chose instead of the way the world said you did, but for what? Your sisters are gone, six feet away from you no matter how closely you press yourself to the ground, and you wonder if it’s your fault.
Juliette Fortescue was born as the (technical) middle child to her parents along with her two siblings Sylvanie and Victoire. Their parents had raised all three of their children the same, so it was no wonder that Juliette had never noticed a difference between herself and her sisters. Their outlook on it was that they wanted the three of their children to grow up to express themselves however they wanted, and since Juliette had expressed a similar interest for things that her sisters were gravitating toward from an early age, they saw no reason to shun their child from exploring such things. This all changed drastically however when they entered school age.
At Beauxbatons, Juliette was given a uniform that did not resemble her sisters’ at all. When questioned, she was met with negative backlash that she had received the proper uniform for her gender, though deep down she had known that this was not correct. For the first year, Juliette tried desperately to hide the fact that she was bothered by the uniform, even going as far as modifying it to spite professors, and giving it a more feminine flair. There were many other students in her classes who were just as confused as she was on why she had been given a boys uniform when clearly she was a girl. Despite Juliette’s own inability to come to definitive terms on her gender identity, it was clear to others, her parents, and her sisters that Juliette was supposed to be a girl.
Through years of self discovery —growing her hair out, seeing how far she could get away with modifying uniforms, and trying out different hobbies and interests— Juliette had come to the conclusion she always knew deep down that she indeed was supposed to be a girl. Toward the final years of her education at Beauxbatons, Juliette had finally convinced her headmaster to allow her to wear a woman’s uniform as she identified and always had, as a young woman just like her two sisters. Ever since, her road to self discovery had only gotten longer and more traveled by.
Her days in powder blue were not entirely painted in sunshine and rainbows, as Juleitte was quite a young troublemaker from time to time. She would often bend the rules and sneak around the campus of her school with her sisters. Whilst she couldn’t use the identical excuse to her advantage as Sylvanie and Victoire could, she still often managed to get away with her own mischief. Especially considering how her best subject in school had been Divination. Juliette would spend long hours in her common room with her fellow classmates performing tarot card readings and fortune telling for those who asked, which was how she made most of her friends throughout her time spent there. Of course, while she tended to read accurately for the most part, it wasn’t fun without the occasional exaggeration or playful misguidance. In her darker times, she had been the subject —not victim— of idiotic hate commentary spewed by people who didn’t understand that she was really no different than any of them on the inside.
Juliette had been teased and ridiculed before, though through it all, she had built up an armor so strong that nothing could knock her down. Her attitude toward the derogatory comments became indifference, the best form of revenge she could think of. They had wanted her to get angry. To react negatively, or even maybe cry. That just hadn’t ever been something that she was capable of. Though she described herself as an empath, Juliette had always been able to control her own emotions, for the most part. It was similar to the saying that you can’t take other people’s problems home with you, in the sense that she never let the struggles or insecurities of someone else affect how she saw herself as a person. Even when she had gone through her own phase of confusing self discovery, asking questions that she wasn’t sure she would get answers to, Juliette had always been calm minded and open to understanding, but avoided letting other people’s negative opinions affect her as often as she could.
After graduating from Beauxbatons, Juliette moved to London with her sisters to be closer to them. Since then, she had become quite a successful young witch at Divination, and got a job at Black Alley Divination as part of her insistence on attempting to live a normal life in the middle of a war. She was always determined to stay neutral, while her sisters both joined the group known as The Order of the Phoenix. Revolutionary stuff, as far as she was concerned. While Juliette had never gone so far as to say that her sisters had no part in joining this war, it had always been on the back of her mind, more so when she had to face the fact that both of them had been killed. What were two lives lost to a war that had killed dozens, maybe even hundreds, already? What were two lives to a war that spared not even children? Sylvanie and Victoire were gone, and yet somehow, someway, through all of the hardship and struggle that she had faced in her past, Juliette was still standing.
Losing her sisters had never been something that Juliette thought she could prepare herself for, but at the same time, she had seen it coming from the moment they agreed to join this war. The first few months without her sisters had left Juliette numb, in a state of limbo that could only be described as an out of body experience. For a while, every day she would wake up, her sole focus would be to just go through the motions. Talk about it, don’t talk about it, you need to talk about it, I don’t want to talk about it. After a while, it all became so painful that her last resort was repression. Since the passing, she has refused to talk about either of their deaths in detail with anyone other than family, and intends to keep it this way.
Sylvanie (Deceased) and Victoire Fortescue (Deceased): Triplets
Alice Fortescue: Cousins
Emmeline Vance: Looks up to
Felix Moore: Has a crush on her
Narcissa Malfoy: Irritates
Kara Marie Kirkness: Annoyed by
Nathan Chastain: Old friends
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upinsmokepromo · 4 years
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Occupation: Up to player Age: 18 Blood status: Halfblood Allegiance: Neutral Faceclaim: Andreja Pejić, Gigi Gorgeous, Hunter Schafer
Everything was in sets of three. Three beds in matching pastel colors, three uniforms in pale blue, three sets of textbooks. So why, then, were Sylvanie and Victoire given skirts, and you trousers and a tie? It’s taken a long time, but you’ve finally figured out who you are and what you want to do: to make your mark on the world. You put learning above all else for so long, but you’re finally starting to see the results. The world might not be able to tell you apart, but they’ll remember your name.
Up to player.
Sylvanie (deceased) and Victorie Fortescue (deceased): Triplets
Alice Fortescue: Cousins
Emmeline Vance: Looks up to
Delilah Rosier, Narcissa Malfoy: Good friends
Regulus Black (deceased): Annoyed by
Blair Wood (deceased): Admired by
Nathan Chastain: Old friends
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lastbuckshot · 7 years
oc list
so @underbree did a lot of asking abt my ocs so i’ve been typing up a (very small) synopsis of them for a few hrs (small bc there’re So Many)
if ur curious abt them or wanna know more abt a few pls feel free to ask me about them i love my kids
some notes:
fc = face claim
some fcs repeat bc I can’t leave well enough alone and some different looks from the same actor give off completely different vibes (I’m the guiltiest of this with cm punk lmao)
 sometimes my fandoms/obsessions and my fcs go hand in hand so when u see a bunch of actors from the same show that’s usually not a coincidence
speaking of fandoms, a lot of these ocs and fcs are years and years old (I’m talking like some of them are 6 years old) so a lot of them are gonna have fcs from ppl I used to fuck w/ heavy way back when but I don’t anymore, I just can’t bring myself to change the fc (like with all the cm punks)
you’d expect me to have a pj and a milo oc and I’d expect it too but I don’t, Freddie (@miloventisoylatte) has both and we collab like every day
all the assassins aren’t assassins for fun, and they’re not hitmen either; there’s an entire company/organization that they’re a part of, which doles out missions and payouts. they only really kill scummy people so think of it as a massive trained vigilante operative organization
The Oloros
 Zemorah (Zee; FC: Janelle Monae) – she’s probably my fave oc atm, I grouped her with her family but she’s also an assassin. she’s the seed that planted the whole family, bc she was a standalone oc first. she’s a bi girl, and she has a history of past relationship abuse, but she’s growing and recovering and actually engaged (to one of freddie’s ocs as a matter of fact; a big werewolf boi named Aaron who has Milo Ventimiglia as a FC)!!! she’s a bonefide flower girl sis loves flowers and gardening but she’s Not the one to play with. Very independent and self-sufficient bc she doesn’t see the point in having anyone take care of her when she can take care of herself and do it better. Prefers hand-to-hand combat to guns on missions. Frequently goes on missions with Liam (mentioned later), but is off from missions indefinitely because she’s with child (triplets!!!)
Halina (Hal; FC: Yetide Badaki) – the oldest of the oloro sisters (but not the oldest sibling). Tendaji’s twin sister. She’s reserved and on the quiet side compared to a lot of her family; she’s on almost the same plane as rashid. she can also be a workaholic, getting stuff done and making progress (on work or in life) is one of the most fulfilling things in the world for her
Malkia (Mal; FC: Danielle Brooks) – the youngest of the oloro sisters and she loves to give love. She has a big ol’ heart and a loud infectious laugh. If you wanna have a good time and feel good about yourself and come out feeling like a Rockstar you hang out with mal
Hodari (FC: Aldis Hodge) – one of the younger oloro brothers. he’s like, the class clown of the siblings. he’s always making fun of something or someone he’s goofy as hell
Rashid (FC: Mike Colter) – oldest child and oldest brother, probably the most stoic and “put together” sibling. married with kids and very, very, very protective of his family. a “you’d be better off fucking with him than fucking with his family” type
Kaivon (Kai; FC: Ricky Whittle) – second youngest brother, and adopted. bi, and a flirt (ofc he is). Someone you can ask to fuck you one time out of the gate and he’ll have no problem w/ doing it. He could talk a priest into becoming a satanist
Jamal (FC: Trevante Rhodes) – jamal is the youngest brother and youngest sibling and he’s such a sweet heart oh my god,,, he’s pan and he’s like a giant teddy bear he really just wants to make everyone he meets happy. truly a people pleaser and a “I’ll give someone in need the clothes off my back” type. Lover of cuddles
Tendaji (‘Daji; FC: Michael James Shaw) – Halina’s twin brother. ‘Daji is the sibling you get when you mix rashid’s protectiveness and hodari’s goofiness. He’ll make you laugh and loves to laugh but you Cannot cross him or his family he won’t let it happen
Shani (FC: Viola Davis) – the mom of this gaggle of kids. she’s a really sweet and loving mom and provider for her kids, so much so that she adopted one and pushed out 7
Andwele (FC: Lance Reddick) – dad of this gaggle of kids. Very stoic and gets a kick out of being overly stoic toward people he’s meeting for the first time and seeing how they react when rly deep down he loves a good time
  The Northcutts (Werecats)
 Alexander (Alex; CM Punk [this version]) – levi’s older brother. alex is a werecat, yes, as a northcutt, yes, but he’s also a demon (his dad was one). Ego the size of texas. Still exploring and discovering his sexuality, and isn’t completely comfortable with any labels, but he’s a lover of sex in general. So much so that he has 4 kids (he’s a single dad). there’s a good heart in there somewhere but he’s still a force of chaotic evil. Chaotic neutral on a good day. Chaotic good on a better one. But always chaotic
Levi (FC: Adam Levine) – alex’s younger brother. He’s the good brother. He’s not a demon, because he and alex have different dads. Lover of sushi (yes, because he’s a cat)
Grant (FC: Jake Gyllenhaal) – charlie’s older brother. He’s a really chilled out and laid back single dad of one, but his brother is a bad influence
Charles (Charlie; FC: Ryan Reynolds) – grant’s younger brother. Getting called Charles upsets him spiritually, please spare him the pain. One of the pettiest, dumbest, most extracurricular ocs. He’s an assassin and when jay (an oc I talk abt later) gets ready to give him his payouts (which can be huge lump sums of money, I’m telling you right now), he’ll tell jay he wants something stupid instead, like pocket lint or a finger nail clipping. Like, he doesn’t want any of the money, he’ll tell jay to donate it or give it to someone else or do whatever he wants with it, and just ask for a shoestring. It drives jay up the fucking wall
Jackson (Jax; FC: Chris Evans) – rebecca’s older brother. He’s in the same boat as alex with exploring his sexuality, figuring himself out. It’s summer, he’s got his hat on backwards, and he’s ready to fucking party. has dabbled in drugs and is a patron of the one night stand
Rebecca (FC: Megan Fox) – jax’s younger sister. bi. she used to be a party animal just like jax, until she had her first son. She’s cooled way down now, and she’s the mom everyone wants. She’s the mom that takes everyone to Disney and buys everyone souvenirs on a whim bc she just feels like it
Nadia (FC: Jessica Chastain) – tara’s older sister. mother of twins. Very loving, and the type of person you go to if you need life coaching.
Tara (FC: Amber Heard) – nadia’s younger sister. bi. she’s a mom with a very big, soft heart. Her instinct is to nurture everyone around her (not necessarily coach them like her sister does; just take care of them emotionally)
Anastasia (Annie; FC: Alicia Coppola) – alex’s and levi’s mom; bi, and the youngest sibling out of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Just like all the northcutt matriarchs and patriarchs, she’s a fun-loving parent. Teases her kids in as loving a way possible (like asking alex if he’s done slinging his junk around and impregnating the city)
Katrina (FC: Julianna Margulies) – charlie’s and grant’s mom; bi, and the oldest sibling out of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Very similar to annie, but her ambiance is different. If annie is a chill mom, katrina’s more of a cool mom.
Anthony (Ant; FC: Live Schreiber) – nadia’s and tara’s dad, and the second oldest of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Looks scary, but is actually only scary 49% of the time. Probably the most serious of the northcutt parents (which isn’t saying much, bc the whole family is doofy)
Logan (FC: Hugh Jackman) – jax’s and rebecca’s dad, and the second youngest of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Prankster and a jokester, and very close to annie
  The Assassins
 Aiden (FC: Richard Armitage) – eva’s fiancé and a lover of red wine. aiden was the start of a long line of assassins. He’s a father of one, with another on the way, with his fiancee. There’s some years old drama between him and ian, that ultimately ended in the death of his (aiden’s) daughter’s mother’s death, because of the assassination of the wrong person on ian’s part (it’s resulted in an inside joke about bad aim). He’s semi-retired now, in that he doesn’t go on missions himself much, but he still works with the company.
James (FC: Andrew Lincoln) – dani’s husband. aiden’s best friend. Father of two (one with dani, one from a previous marriage). Also semi-retired, in the same way as aiden. He’s got a big fucking mouth and almost everything he has is some type of joke or innuendo
Dominic (FC: Luke Evans) – jay’s older brother (half-brother, different dads). Pan. Loves to cook (entrees more than desserts), hopeless romantic, and a single father of one. Still takes assassin work often, usually sniping.
Ian (FC: Michael Fassbender) – mr. bad aim. Still carries a lot of guilt about what happened to aiden’s daughter’s mother (should he is up to viewer discretion), but he’s still very loving, and he’s been trying to make up for it for years (despite being told it’s a buried and forgiven issue). Doesn’t handle guns much on missions anymore; he’s more in charge of extraction now (whether that be via car, bus, motorcycle, heli, etc.)
Jacob (Jay; FC: Ian Bohen [usually this version]) – dominic’s younger brother (half-brother, different dads), and a father of two. Also loves to cook (desserts more than entrees), and used to work as an actual assassin, for a very short time, but stopped, because that part of the job wasn’t for him. Nowadays, he’s more like the accountant/money man in the company, giving everyone what they’re owed, determining how much, helping decide which jobs get what pay. The object of charlie’s endless torment
Liam (FC: Dan Stevens) – liam’s a werecat as well as an assassin, as WELL as a demon (on his mom’s side). he’s adopted (his adoptive parents and biological mom r mentioned later), which he found out relatively early in life, when his abilities started manifesting on accident. He was never mad about it, and didn’t take a particular interest in finding his real parents until recently (and luckily he’s found his mom; the deal with his dad hasn’t been completely settled yet). Sniper/generally most comfortable with guns as opposed to hand-to-hand. Zee’s frequent partner and mission husband (but not her real fiancé, even if they had a fling for a while). Gets clowned for eating baked beans for breakfast (especially by zee)
Danielle (Dani; FC: Danai Gurira) – james’s wife. A jack of all trades in the company, with her hand in accounting, assassinations, mission planning, and training. She thinks her husband is endearingly dumb (she doesn’t look down on him, she just knows he’s a dumbass), but she places a high value on how much he makes her laugh.
Evalyn (Eva; FC: Rutina Wesley) – aiden’s fiancée, and a doctor within the company. You could probably tell from her job she genuinely loves taking care of people, and enjoys the pressure. She can do surgeries and the like, but poison recognition and treatment (if possible) is her preferred practice.
 Jonathan (Nate; CM Punk [this version]) – one of my first ocs, and honestly, a pure, good soul. He has a history of abuse (not from relationships like with zee; his abuse came from his father and his peers [I don’t mean school here, even though that’s true too]), and struggles a lot with depressive episodes, but he still has the biggest, warmest heart in the world. He knows forgiving isn’t for everyone, but it’s what makes him feel better, given some time and space. Christmas is his favorite holiday and he has a collection of santa hats that he makes his friends wear to get into the spirit. He’s still figuring out his own gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction, but he considers himself a bi ace often (he’s not sex repulsed and he’s had sex, but not often and it’s not important to him), and fluctuates between considering himself male and nonbinary (but he’s more comfortable with he/him pronouns in both cases)
David (FC: Ian Bohen [usually this version]) – cocky and full of himself and comes off as arrogant. He sort of is all of those things, sort of not. I’m just gonna say this honestly: thot. 5 kids, but all from the same mom. he’s not with her, not formally; they’re more like…….. kid partners? Mates? It’s a weird arrangement. But he a hoe
Ryan (FC: CM Punk [this version]) – one of nate’s past abusers. Repentant, very repentant, and nate’s forgiven him, but whether anyone else does (or should) is discretionary.
*Tom (FC: Tom Hiddleston) – (*name subject to change bc I don’t usually like fcs and ocs to have the same first name) the second of nate’s main abusers, alongside ryan. Has also repented and earned nate’s forgiveness, but again, whether anyone else can forgive him is discretionary.
  Demons and Fallen Angels
I’m gonna save some breath here: all the fallens are pansexual and panromantic, unless stated otherwise (god’s not included here)
 God (FC: Idris Elba) – okay, obviously god isn’t a fallen angel or a demon, but he’s still in this equation. Not much to say bc god is……… god.
Lucifer (Lucy; FC: Colin O’Donoghue) – yes, Thee lucifer, the fallen angel. Big ego, as you can imagine, and very, very bitter at god, not just for casting him out, but for keeping people he was close to before the fall from following him, including his girlfriend (and now wife) at the time, ariel. Extreme lover of red wine and makes his own in hell bc mortal wine isn’t strong enough or good enough for him. Father of twin daughters in the official sense, but has fathered literal devil spawns in the past So I Mean
Ariel (FC: Jennifer Morrison) – lucy’s wife and long time (millions/billions of years long) girlfriend. Did not follow lucifer in the fall, half because god convinced her not to, and half because she thought his betrayal of god was a betrayal of her, since it’d put their relationship at risk (whether she’s right or not is a matter of personal opinion). She’d visit lucy as an angel to talk to him, because she was upset that they were apart, but still missed him. Eventually, she made the decision to put her love for lucy over her angelhood and fell. She’s still an angel at heart, though.
Jonah (Ares; FC: Sean Maguire) – lucy’s best friend. Fell with him, and was his right hand man during the rebellion. He got his nickname from lucy, because he reminded him of the god of war. Despite lucy seeing them as equals (minus lucy being king, and ares not), ares has a tendency to refer to lucy as “my lord” and “king” (though he’s cut down recently). Honestly a workaholic, and loves being occupied (which in hell means a fair amount of soul torturing, but he also makes lucy’s wine)
Adam (FC: Josh Dallas) – another fallen angel. Didn’t fall with lucy, but fell well before ariel. If a frat boy were a fallen angel, they’d be adam.
Sabrina (FC: Rebecca Mader) – o shit bois, another fallen!!! Before lucy met/fell in love with ariel, sabrina was his main squeeze. she fell shortly after lucy and ares did, and she and lucy did some fooling around in the years before ariel fell. She and lucy are probably more alike than ariel and lucy as far as attitudes and mannerisms go (both of them are promiscuous [not a bad thing], sarcastic, and flirtatious), but doesn’t hold any (or much) ill will toward lucy or ariel.
Malachi (FC: Liam Garrigan) - yet another fallen!!! fell after lucifer, and stayed in hell, not causing trouble, for a little bit. then he started plotting to overthrow lucy, and eventually tried, by threatening to kill ariel if he didn’t give him the thrown. got punished with torture and stripped of the privileges being a fallen got him before. lucy’s pulled him out of punishment now tho. second chances and all that.
Paul (El Demonio, Victoria; CM Punk [this version]) – genderfluid/bigender (hence the two nicknames), and currently married to haedes with a daughter (biologically theirs) after some turbulent times of denial and teasing from both of them. Sarcastic and a little bit holier than thou (but so is haedes). Would lay down his life for any and all forms of red velvet.
Desmond (Haedes; Richard Armitage [mostly any version of RA with long(er) hair is Haedes]) – paul’s husband. A little arrogant, but not usually so much that you wanna punch him in the throat. Just about as arrogant as you’d expect a demon to be.
Joseph (Joe; FC: Joe Manganiello) – alex’s dad. Estranged from his son and alex’s mom both bc of the grimy shit he did. Not born a demon, and not possessed, but filled (literally, not figuratively) with demonic energy by a demon.
Athena (FC: Jill Wagner) – Liam’s biological mother (who he only met very recently; he does openly call her “mom”)
 Violetta (Dee; FC: Ruth Negga) – calling her Violetta or Violet will probably get your shit pushed in so please leave her be. Bi. She has tulip o’hare’s accent (as opposed to ruth’s irish one), and part of a female biker “gang” (yes, she wears plenty of leather jackets). Loves teaching herself tinkering/handy type things, like taking apart and fixing computers, building computers, fixing cars, sewing, and fixing appliances. Really, she’ll pick up and learn just about anything if you give her the time.
Abaddon (Abby; FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan) – no, not That Abaddon. Abby’s just a country boy with strong opinions on how peach cobbler should look, taste, and be served. Master griller. Father of two (co-custody).
Wade (FC: Wade Barrett/Stu Bennett) – my very first oc, so we’re talking like, 6 years. Which you think would mean I have a lot to say here, but I don’t!!!!!! his character’s been doing a lot of changing and evolving with my tastes and perceptions, with me trying to decide what’s too far and what’s not. and I might do an entire revamp. For now, I’ll leave it at: he has a really sketchy fucking past, but he’s doing better now.
Cassandra (Cassie; FC: Emma Thompson) – liam’s adoptive mother. A+ sense of humor. Jokes about liam and zee still being together.
Denton (FC: Hugh Laurie) – liam’s adoptive father. The more reserved between him and his wife, but he has an endearing dry/subtle humor that suits him.
Killian (FC: Matt Ryan [the welsh actor not the football player]) – I’d be lying if I said killian wasn’t very inspired by john Constantine lmao, bc he is. He is a demon hunter/exorcist/jack of all trades in the supernatural. He knows lucy, and lucy knows him, and there’s a petty war between them. Lucy isn’t killing him, killian isn’t actively trying to take down lucy, but they know each other exist, and killian brags to him about trapping and destroying all his demons.
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daylightrays · 5 years
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“We, The Future of Ishgard, shall be the philosophers this wretched country needs. To these ends, together with the shards of myself, I shall drag the lay the truth of this world out for all to see. Should it need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light? So be it.”
- Etienne De Chastain
I made a new alt yesterday. Mine is the middle triplet (the one in the eyeliner).
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daylightrays · 4 years
Looking For ... Things?
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Looking for a (balmung) FC &RP for Etienne
Etienne Chastain: This Ishgardian man is the middle triplet of the Chastain family. Honestly he’s a little crazy and a bit of a Walking Mistake. He has a love of philosophy and debate. No topic is off the table, even ones that by all rights should be in conservative Ishgard. If you like having your thoughts and beliefs ripped apart and laid bare for all too see how foolish they are, then by all means, talk to him.He also has a murderous carbuncle that seems to be an aside to the rest of this nightmare.
Have a noble that likes to stay ‘in the know’? They have probably heard of The Chastain’s and their hellish triplets. (”The oldest is a good man. It’s a shame about the other two.”)
Studied in the Scholasticate? Cool! Etienne did, too. They could be classmates, rivals, or maybe your character had their ankles bitten a weirdly aggressive carbuncle? Who knows. School is weird man.
Etienne briefly worked as a healer towards the end of the war. If you’re keen on healers that have terrible bed-side manners, then by all means.
Possibly heretical evils done by a particular black and red miqo’te has been keeping Etienne’s younger brother up at night. With Etienne’s new job as an Apprentice Inquisitor has given him the perfect reason to look into this and soothe his brother’s weird obsession.
He has a Carrd in the works, but honestly you best bet is just messaging me on Discord at yamagami#6717
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upinsmokepromo · 5 years
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Occupation: Up to player Age: 18 Blood status: Halfblood Allegiance: Neutral FC: Andreja Peji?, Gigi Gorgeous, Hunter Schafer
Everything was in sets of three. Three beds in matching pastel colors, three uniforms in pale blue, three sets of textbooks. So why, then, were Sylvanie and Victoire given skirts, and you trousers and a tie? It’s taken a long time, but you’ve finally figured out who you are and what you want to do: to make your mark on the world. You put learning above all else for so long, but you’re finally starting to see the results. The world might not be able to tell you apart, but they’ll remember your name.
Up to player
Sylvanie (deceased) and Victorie Fortescue (deceased): Triplets Alice Fortescue: Cousins Emmeline Vance: Looks up to Delilah Rosier, Narcissa Malfoy: Good friends Regulus Black (deceased): Annoyed by Blair Wood (deceased): Admired by Nathan Chastain: Old friends
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