herpsandbirds · 1 day
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Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), family Charadriidae, order Charadriiformes, SE Coast of the U.S.
The male (L) takes a big steppy as part of a courtship dance/display.
photograph by Michael Milicia
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birdblues · 5 months
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Piping Plover
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alonglistofbirds · 7 months
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[2560/11080] Collared plover - Charadrius collaris
Note: Clements places this bird in the genus Anarhynchus.
Order: Charadriiformes Suborder: Charadrii Family: Charadriidae Subfamily: Charadriinae (plovers)
Photo credit: Carlos Rossello via Macaulay Library
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lichenaday · 1 year
Some of the baby birds I met on this recent round of field work:
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1. Limosa limosa, black-tailed godwit
2. Haematopus ostralegus, oystercatcher
3. & 4. Numenius phaeopus, Eurasian whimbrel
5. Tringa totanus, redshank
6. Charadrius hiaticula, common ringed plover
7. Pluvialis apricaria, European golden plover
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sugiichi · 5 months
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Charadrius alexandrinus [シロチドリ,Kentish plover]
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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A killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) chick on sand dunes in Pacific Grove, California, US. The killdeer gets its name from its shrill, loud call
Photograph: Rory Merry/Zuma/Shutterstock
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na-bird-of-the-day · 8 months
BOTD: Wilson's Plover
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Photo: Shanthanu Bhardwaj
"Several of our plovers are small birds with single dark neck rings. Wilson's Plover is slightly larger than the others, and has a more southerly distribution, living on beaches along the southern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Its oversized bill is not only its best field mark, but also a clue to its feeding behavior: some studies have shown that it tends to capture and eat slightly larger creatures than the other plovers on the beach."
- Audubon Field Guide
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geopsych · 1 year
Went for a bunch of blood tests (don’t ask) and some killdeers were yelling and running along the edges of the parking lot. They must have a nest on the ground somewhere. No wonder their species name is ‘vociferus’!
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birdblues · 1 year
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alonglistofbirds · 10 months
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[2220/11080] Chestnut-banded plover - Charadrius pallidus
Note: Clements places this bird in the genus Anarhynchus.
Order: Charadriiformes Suborder: Charadrii Family: Charadriidae Subfamily: Charadriinae (plovers)
Photo credit: Yeray Seminario via Macaulay Library
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jurinova · 8 months
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My bird watching hobby has now fully grown into a bird hobby. Drawing birds, thinking about birds... You know, the usual. 🦆
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fatchance · 2 years
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Recent birds: Killdeer / chorlo tildío (Charadrius vociferus), at Whitewater Draw, Cochise County, Arizona.
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sugiichi · 5 months
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Charadrius alexandrinus [シロチドリ,Kentish plover]
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triruntu · 1 year
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#521, a killdeer.
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