#Chapters 19-21
jtl-fics · 8 days
TBD please and thank you I’m in love - @neilimfinejosten
6/19/24 WIP Wednesday (OPEN) | TBD
He doesn’t comment on that, letting Josten sit in silence. He follows behind Smith and it is the singular most painful experience in his entire life as a car owner to go behind the person who drives 5 under the speed limit.
“He’s a very careful driver.” Josten says with a bit of a laugh.
“He’s acting like he’s driving the expensive car.” Andrew watches as Smith comes to a total and complete stop at the sign. He can almost see his teammate looking both ways through the back window but it’s just his imagination.
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hyacinthuuss · 7 months
I'm in love with this artstyle
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orcelito · 1 month
God I rly went hard with ITNL chapter 16 huh. All the action heavy chapters are so fun omfg. Makes me excited for the coming chapters for Sure
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banannabethchase · 11 months
Puppet History is a really weird background experience for cranking out the high school AU, but it somehow really works.
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bebebisous33 · 4 months
Jinx: Dawn's 🌅 Enigmatic Message ☎️ 📞 (second version)
#Jinxmanhwa #jinxchapter47 #JINX #Jinx #징크스 #kimdan @_MinGwa The essay "Dawn's Enigmatic Message ☎️📞" is finished. I hope you‘ll like it. Feel free to comment. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. It‘s a mixture of analysis and theories. Later I received the message in Korean, hence I could compare it to the Spanish and English translation. Furthermore, I could gather new intel.
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites. I am also using doctor Frost as reference again. This is where you can read the manhwas: Jinx and Doctor Frost. But be aware that the first Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find…
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
I love deathly weapons and live for your writing updates. On that note, I do love Wally but I’m very excited to see him get what’s coming to him after messing with Danny.
(writing updates for WIP Chapter 19 of Deathly Weapons)
Awww thank you! 💜
I actually really really like Wally as well. He's a super expressive and responsive character, and it makes him very fun to write. I find the way he talks, thinks and engages with his environment and other characters to be inherently entertaining and charming. He's definitely produced some of my favourite bits of incidental prose/dialogue comedy in the story so far.
He's been coming off as a bit antagonistic and mean for the last few chapters but I promise it's not meant to bash him or make him look bad. He's just a flawed character - I like the complexity it gives him - and this is a situation where he's going to have to face some of those flaws. Speaking of which...
I am so excited to finally be on this chapter, you have no idea. I've been planning this one for ages - the bones of some of these scenes and conversations were plotted out while walking between classes back in the final year of my degree (i.e. yonks ago). I think I've come up with a pretty unique or at least, not very common way of solving this particular character problem and I am so keen to share and talk about it with everyone!
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teruthecreator · 6 months
oh yeah im officially halfway done w tfs 👍
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suddencolds · 6 months
some recent asks! (going to respond to these all in one in an attempt to not crowd everyone's dashboards haha)
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Thank you, anon!! Sometimes I feel like I've cemented the impression of myself as someone who will jump at every chance to write contagion, which is usually true, but... probably not this time, sorry to disappoint 🙇‍♀️
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You guys are so ruthless omg! I'm taking note ✍️ (I was a little worried that I was being too mean to him already haha, but seeing that people feel otherwise...)
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I don't think I can give a concrete estimate, but I promise the next chapter is in the works! I am a very slow writer (each installment takes me probably like... 15-30 hours of writing/editing 💔) + work has been very busy, so it'll probably take awhile... 😭
In the meantime, I'm happy to answer any asks about these two if there's anything you want to know!
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
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ganurath · 9 months
Multi-Chapter Chum Binge
Long story short, taking the time to actually write out my thoughts as I read has been slowing me down in terms of actually reading Chum, so I'm going to cut things down to afterthoughts.
18. Decent technique for the most part, although I prefer using the momentum of pulling back the previous punch to counterbalance the new punch, rather than pushing off a specific leg. Almost, the secondhand embarrassment was intense.
19. Rampart has Grue-tier social skills, Dad Rock probably would've hit me like a truck if I'd listened to any of those bands, I'm confused as to why Gale got a dollar twelve change when she paid with (a ten and) multiple ones, and HOLY SHIT PUP.
20. Jordan continues to be an influence on Sam, for both better and worse. They're definitely right about Puppeteer's mental health not being Sam's responsibility. Not keen on stopping this binge on a cliffhanger. Therefore!
21. Aaron's a horrific sociopath, and I'm amazed that he wasn't already on the radar of someone just from the sheer violence he inflicts. Also, Jordan continues to remain morally neutral by ping-ponging between good and bad. Heroes will probably be quicker to take note of the biting and link it to Sam, I suspect.
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jtl-fics · 4 months
pretty boy <3
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Pretty Boy
They sit in silence there parked in their secluded spot. He can almost hear Neil's brain working at a million miles a minute, somehow running faster than he can physically run. Even if he can almost heart it, he's sure that it would be an incomprehensible mess.
Finally the silence breaks, "Do you agree with what they say?" Neil asks finally.
Andrew pauses and thinks about all of the things that he has heard people say about Neil. About his eyes, about his dimples, about his hair, and about his ass. He thinks about what it would cost him to admit that he does agree.
"I do." Andrew says but doesn't look at Neil, it feels too vulnerable.
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starmagnets · 1 year
this guy will literally fist fight his probably definitely sister, almost implode from a weird magic connection, have his ship speak to him for the first time (or perhaps it's just the first time he's heard her), find out the thing he believed to be destroyed was NOT destroyed and that he's likely going to be stuck with this painful magical pull forever, and then just act like everything's fine while his entire worldview collapses in on itself
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
Vash with his hair down for two whole chapters of Trigun Maximum ;-; I'm truly blessed
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distortedclouds · 1 year
Yelp! That's another "arc" of Black Water concluded, just gotta top it off with some thematically-relevant smut for Annie's birthday next month (that should give me plenty of time to get it done to standard)
I know the story might feel like it's over, but there are a couple of really important points that I wanna cover in the upcoming chapters, mainly 19-21. Important conversation will be had, emotions will be felt instead of ignored, and understandings reached, both comforting and frustrating
This is the lowest the fic is gonna take Armin and Annie, though I still have one more trick up my sleeve to shake more honesty out of the two of them :3
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bebebisous33 · 5 months
Jinx / Doctor Frost: Harmony's clash⚡: Prince S 👸 and Emperor 🤴 - part 1
#Jinxmanhwa #jinxchapter46 #JINX #Jinx #joojaekyung #징크스 #kimdan @_MinGwa The essay "Harmony' Clash⚡: Prince S 👸and Emperor🤴"- part 1 is finished. I divided the analysis, as it is already long. Feel free to comment. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks.
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites. I am also using doctor Frost as reference again. This is where you can read the manhwas: Jinx and Doctor Frost. But be aware that the first Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find…
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safyresky · 1 year
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So,,, Microsoft Word,,, can't speak. Canadian english????????
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