#Chapter: [An Apprentice Appointed]
umbralsound-xiv · 10 days
Prompt #11 - Surrogate
Character: Zhav
Age: 44
Location: The Black Shroud, Present Day
Warnings: None
She was awake far earlier than she'd usually found herself to be, but that didn't mean Zhav would allow that time to go to waste. The light still spilled from the upper branches of the canopy causing her to narrow her single eye upwards, glancing back down to the task at hand.
An array of weapons laid before her. Daggers, axes, a polearm and more laid in a neat row, all newly tended. Others newly forged weapons themselves, either by her hand or that of her apprentice, Zihre.
It was no secret to herself nor any other the affection she held for her. One could have mistaken Zihre to be her daughter, though the reality was a far sadder affair, for the both of them.
No one could ever replace the child she'd lost, that fateful sun. Yehn's life was cut far shorter than it should have been even for a Warmaiden in the making. Though, that hadn't stopped Zhav from lending her motherly instincts to anyone who saught her.
It was difficult not to see Zihre as a daughter, even if she was not born a Karahli, she was as much of one as any other, now.
And if the girl would see Zhav as a mother...
Who would she be, to correct them?
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poledancingdinos · 13 days
Hostile Territory - Chapter 29
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Leah Coleman)
Word count: 3.7K
Warnings: None for this chapter
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @athenepromachos @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81 @summersong69 @identity2212 @liecastillo @lena-banena @mrsevans90 @confessionbrain-writings @eclecticfashionbookszipper @happydistraction @hannah9921 @valacircareads @toooldforobsessions @kingliam2019 @rosecentury @wa-ni @secretdream2 @missemrose @shellyshellshell @winter2112rose
Day 671
It felt strange to be in Denver without Leah. Despite having moved to Colorado over a year prior, Sy hadn’t spent much time in her hometown. When he found out he was going to have a few days of leave, Sy decided he would use the first hours of it visiting Ash.
He’d reached out over social media, hoping that the man would remember him as he asked for an appointment. Ash had grumbled good-naturedly at Sy’s request but he immediately rearranged his schedule to make time for Sy. Luckily, it would require very little modification to make the reference image into a well fitting tattoo and he had more than enough time to finish the full design in one eight-hour session as long as Sy didn’t need too many breaks.
The shop was just how Sy remembered it, down to the receptionist who now sported neon green waves. Ash didn’t immediately recognize him but that was to be expected when his entire face had gone from a full beard to baby smooth.
After shaving and prepping Sy’s skin, Ash gave him a quick rundown on the dos and don’ts of sitting for a tattoo. Having chosen to get the tattoo on his thigh, Sy was comfortably seated upright on the chair. The pain was more of a scratch really which meant he was easily able to maintain a conversation as Ash worked.
“Sometimes I regret having pushed Leah to go to art school instead of immediately having her apprentice with me.”
The abrupt switch to such a personal topic took Sy by surprise. He had expected Ash to stick to small talk but it seemed that, just like all of Leah’s friends, Ash had immediately accepted him as one of his own.
“Why is that?”
Ash wiped away excess ink, looking up at the reference image he had set up across from him with a fond smile pulling at his lips. 
“She had insane talent for someone with no formal training but I wanted to push her outside of her comfort zone. I wanted her to gain a little bit more versatility to make her first years easier.” He shook his head at himself as he went back to outlining. “I just didn’t want her to be a one trick pony so that she could get more clients. After everything she’s been through, I didn’t want her to have to suffer through a starving artist phase, you know?”
His eyebrows drew together in a frown, making the beginning of crows feet at the corner of his eyes stand out.
“Leah has a unique ability to make everyone want to take care of her,” Sy remarked.
To Sy, it was both endearing and frustrating in equal measure. He was glad she had such a great support system but a part of him secretly wished she didn’t have so many men buzzing around her. At least, he hadn’t noticed any of them so much as glance at her with any obvious interest which somewhat helped settle his caveman brain.
“No kidding.” There was a pause while Ash seemed to mull something over before shaking his head with a sigh. “In the end though, my actions pushed her towards the military and like the little pain in the ass that she is, she had to go and decide that risking her life wasn’t enough. She also needed to fall out of airplanes and do all this other extra dangerous shit.”
Though he’d meant it with a hint of levity, Sy could tell Ash had likely been holding on to his guilt for some time now. It was uncanny how similar he sounded to Sy’s mama when she’d brought up the same subject.
“The worst part,” Ash continued, “is that I was wrong. Whenever I post a picture of her tattoos I get an extra influx of people asking for similar styles. With that amount of exposure, she could have had her own client base in no time.”
Sy was pretty sure she’d have a dozen willing bodies amongst the guys from Warhorse alone. Himself included.
“If there’s one thing I learned about Leah is that ya can’t make her change her mind when she’s gotten hold of an idea. I don’t think enlistin’ was that much of a backup plan for her. I think a part of her always wanted to be like her dad.”
“I guess you’re right. When she first started working here—and I use the term ‘work’ very loosely, it was mostly her hanging out and watching us tattoo—I got the feeling that this was the one place that didn’t remind her of Gage.”
It hadn’t escaped Sy’s notice that everyone referred to Leah’s father by his name. It always took him a second to make the connection, having never heard of his parents referred to as anything other than Mr. and Mrs. Syverson. Though he knew that Leah had only met Ash after the death of her dad, Sy thought he detected a hint of familiarity in his tone.
“Did ya know him?”
“I did, actually.” Ash shut off his machine, switching out the metal tip that held the needles for another one on his tray table. “She doesn’t know this but he was friends with my older brother growing up. I knew her mother too.”
Sy’s eyebrows flew up. “No shit?” Aside from Caleb he’d never met anyone who had known the woman who disappeared over two decades prior.
Nodding, Ash set down his machine to spray water on a paper towel and wiped down Sy’s thigh.
“My brother and I got the lecture of a lifetime from our parents when they heard she got knocked up.” He tossed the blackened paper towel in the bin. “Gage was a fucking saint though. Entirely committed to taking care of both her and the baby. I didn’t know what had happened to either of them until I realized Leah’s relation to Gage. By then I’d gotten the sense that parents were a sore subject so I decided it wasn’t worth reopening old wounds by telling her I knew them.”
Parents were miles beyond simply being a sore subject with Leah. Perhaps one day the pain of her loss will have dulled enough that she could pick Ash’s brain. He hoped it would anyway, because Sy was pretty sure Leah would enjoy hearing about what kind of man her dad was back in high school even if it was likely to also involve a few breadcrumbs about her mother.
“Did ya ever have any kids of your own? Or was that lecture so traumatic that ya decided it wasn’t for you?”
If Sy had been the one to watch a family friend be confronted with the reality of fatherhood straight out of high school, he would probably have been scared away from women for a few years. Hell, a shiver had run down his spine when he’d heard his then twenty-year-old brother Jax was expecting with his fiance. They’d planned on having kids as soon as they got married anyway so both of them had rolled with the punches, simply delaying the wedding until a few months after their son was born.
“I never found the right girl. Even if I do, I don’t really want to be seeing my kid off to college in my sixties. Plus, I’m stuck in my bachelor ways, I’m not giving up my late mornings for anyone.”
“I get that,” Sy admitted, wincing as Ash started shading the tattoo. Now that all the lining was done, every pass of the machine was like sandpaper rubbing against his already irritated skin. He was definitely of the opinion that if he had kids one day he would like to be fit enough to enjoy his time with them as much as possible.
“What about you?”
“Well, I might have found the right girl but it’s kinda hard to picture havin’ kids with her when she’s busy fallin’ out of planes and doin’ extra dangerous shit.”
Ash hummed knowingly. “I figured that might be what was going on when you were here last time. It’s a good thing you didn’t tell me this earlier. If you had, I’d have felt obligated to try and talk you out of getting this piece. Couple’s tattoos are a big no no.”
“What makes ya think this is supposed to be a couple’s tattoo?”
The look Ash shot him could only be interpreted to mean ‘do I look like a fucking idiot’.
“The fact that your girlfriend drew it, the fact that she also has a wolf on one of her thighs, the potential symbolism behind the Fenrir imagery, the symbolism that wolves mate for life. Do you need me to continue or have I gotten one or multiple right so far?”
Okay, maybe Ash had a point seeing that he was right on all accounts, but he was still missing the most important.
“She was drawin’ it on my back when I woke up in bed with her.” And had given him a hand drawn print of it as a parting gift the last time he’d seen her. “It wasn’t until a while later that I looked up the story and realized how fittin’ it was.”
“Damn. I’m glad you didn’t ask for a back piece, that would have been one hell of a project for your first tattoo.”
If Sy was honest, he’d considered it but something told him that his chest and back were canvases that belonged to Leah.
“But anyway, what part of the Fenrir mythology appealed to you? There’s a couple different themes in there.”
The answer was all of them. Sy could swear Leah had him turning into a fucking poet, looking for the smallest of things he could relate to her.
Overcoming adversity? Their relationship was literally against the law.
Destruction and rebirth? If anyone found out about said relationship they could both lose everything but they would then finally be free to date out in the open.
Prophecy? Other than her being assigned to his team out of all the others in the US military? They both resisted the pull they felt towards one another for months before accepting it was more than just a fleeting emotion born from forced proximity.
Chaos? How his insides felt knowing he shouldn’t be falling in love with his subordinate but being powerless to stop it.
Strength? Leah.
“Man, you really are fucked,” Ash laughed, spotting the goofy grin on Sy’s face as he failed to answer the question.
Yes, he was, but he didn’t care one bit.
Day 213
When Sy had decided to go out for a run, he hadn’t expected that it would be so damn hard. Granted he hadn’t gone for a long distance run in a long time but he hadn’t expected his breathing to be so labored after the first mile. He’d gotten a taste of the higher elevation when they were out hiking but their speed had been significantly slower in comparison.
In the end, he’d settled on running for time rather than distance and slowed down to a pace that didn’t make his heart feel like it was about to spontaneously combust. It was no wonder Leah was in such great shape if this was how she trained.
After a long cool-down, Sy went back inside, making a beeline for the fridge to grab a sports’ drink. As he passed by Leah sitting at the dining table, he leaned over her shoulder and placed a quick kiss to her cheek.
“Lookin’ at baby clothes?” he commented, noticing the website on her computer screen.
“Yeah, I’m trying to find a gift for V before I leave since I’m going to miss her shower.” Leah had one foot on the seat of her chair and the other leg folded under her. Her elbow rested on her bent knee and her chin on her hand as she scrolled through page after page of tiny outfits. “Vic said they haven’t actually planned it yet so there’s no registry and I have no idea what makes a good baby gift.”
Sy sat beside Leah and angled the laptop to see the screen. He’d done his fair share of online shopping for baby gifts so he might actually have something useful to add to the conversation.
“Do you want to give them something fun or useful?”
Leah moved her chair to face Sy, shifting to sit cross-legged. “What’s the point of giving them something that won’t be useful?”
That seemed like a complete waste of money and the best way for whatever it was to spend its life taking up space in a junk drawer until they eventually put it out of its suffering by throwing it out.
Taking a sip of his drink, Sy scooted closer and used the trackpad to click on one of the outfits.
“This is a good example. Babies outgrow their outfits in a matter of months, sometimes even weeks. Sure, a tiny lion is cute as hell but they’ll probably have the baby wear it once for a picture and never use it again.”
“Okay, that makes sense.” That didn’t mean that said tiny lion outfit was not tempting her to say ‘fuck it’ and order one in every available size so that it would last as long as possible. “So, what kind of gift is useful without being boring?”
“That’s usually where the registry comes in but off the top of my head? Toys, books, one of those ‘baby’s first’ memory albums where they can add pictures of the baby as they pass different milestones.”
“Ooh, I like that.”
Leah took the computer back and began looking through the different options available online. She was annoyed to see that a lot of them were specifically designed for either a boy or a girl.
“Do they know what they’re havin’?” Sy couldn’t remember anyone mentioning it the other night but that didn’t mean Leah hadn’t asked since then.
“No, their parents are a little intense so to avoid getting all pink or all blue gifts they’ve decided to keep it a surprise. They don’t care either way since they’re hoping to have at least one of each down the line.”
It was sweet that they already knew they wanted a big family at such a young age. They were only a year older than Leah after all but they were also high school sweethearts. She was pretty sure V used to scribble baby names in the backs of all her notebooks.
“How do you know anything about baby gifts, anyway?”
“I’ve got six nieces and nephews.” He’d had to have all six of their baby shower gifts shipped but at least he’d had his mother as a guide.
Leah hummed, picturing Sy with an ice hockey team of kids. “Are you hoping to add your own to the mix one day?”
Her eyes stayed firmly fixed on the screen, attempting to pass off the question as casual conversation.
“That depends.”
Okay, maybe she’d made it seem a bit too casual. Finding an album that she liked, she glanced around until she spotted her bag.
“What does it depend on?” Leah pressed, missing the way Sy’s eyes studied her as she stood and moved across the room.
“I guess I always knew that if I had kids I would want to be in their lives as much as possible. If I got stationed overseas and my girl decided that she wanted to stay in the States, then I would hold off on having kids until I was back for good to avoid all the responsibility falling to their mama.”
Leah was tempted to tell him that babies, just like the army, didn’t exactly care about best-laid plans but she decided to keep her pessimism to herself.
“I definitely wouldn’t leave a wife and kids behind while I’m on active duty,” Sy continued as she eventually found her wallet at the bottom of her bag. “The last thing I would want would be for them to go through the pain of findin’ out I ain’t ever comin’ home.”
Sy regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, seeing Leah’s face drop as she returned to his side.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” Swallowing the lump in her throat, she quickly finished typing her credit card information and shut the laptop screen before allowing herself to look at Sy. “As someone who was abandoned by one parent and subsequently suffered through losing the other in high school, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I sure as hell would never want to put my own kids through that.”
Since he was still sweaty from his run, Sy ignored his desire to pull Leah against him, instead setting a hand on her thigh and rubbing small circles over her knee.
“You ever wonder where she is?”
“I try not to think about her at all, actually,” she spat, the venom evident in her words.
It helped that she had no memories of her mother. Leah had refused to ever look at pictures of her so she wouldn’t even be able to describe a single one of her features. Whenever her mind drifted to thinking about where the woman might have ended up, she promptly shut those thoughts down by telling herself that if she wasn’t wanted then neither was her mother.
“You’ve never thought of tryin’ to find her? Even just to sit down and talk.”
Leah scoffed, running both hands through her hair and pulling it over her shoulder. “And why would I want to hear anything she has to say?”
The muscles in her jaw ticked as she began running the strands through her fingers.
Leaning forward, Sy used his free hand to brush a stray lock away from her face.“Maybe it would help ya understand—”
“Understand?” Leah interjected incredulously, pulling away from his touch. “Understand what? Why she abandoned her kids?”
It quickly became apparent that Sy had fucked up. Treading carefully, he explained the reasoning behind his words and hoped he was not going to say anything to make matters worse.
“I’m not defendin’ her actions but…” He gave a small shrug. “I don’t know, she was young, scared, alone. Maybe she thought you guys would be better taken care of by someone else. I just thought meetin’ her might be an opportunity to get closure. Whether that looks like you forgivin’ her or cussin’ her out is up to you.”
The chair screeched as Leah pushed away from the table with a huff, stomping to the kitchen. Sy hadn’t meant to start a fight but it seemed he’d inadvertently done so all the same. 
“Not a single one of her actions can be misconstrued as having been for unselfish reasons and nothing she can say will make me have any sympathy for her.”
Leah reached up on the tips of her toes to pull a mug off the top shelf of the cupboard then let the door slam shut. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she kept her back turned as she continued ranting.
“If she didn’t want to be a mom, she could have put Caleb up for adoption. If she thought he would be better off with someone else, she could have at least planned for someone to pick him up from school the day she left. If she wanted him to have a better life after she was gone, she could have left money under the fucking mattress rather than running off with every dime dad ever sent home.”
Okay, so maybe Leah had good reasons for resenting her mother and not wanting to hear any of her excuses but, in all fairness, Leah hadn’t mentioned any of those details the first time the subject of her had come up. Sy would never have suggested finding her had he known.
Leah released a frustrated groan, setting her mug down so hard the hot liquid spilled over her hands but she didn’t register the pain. “The only reason she even stuck around as long as she did was because she wanted dad. Us kids were just the stupid, disgusting barnacles that came with him.”
As Leah wiped down the mess she had made with more force than strictly necessary, Sy desperately tried to bite back a smile, not wanting Leah to think he was making light of the situation, but he couldn’t help himself.
“You did not just call yourself a barnacle.”
With an audible sigh, Leah finally turned, her death glare softening only slightly as her voice returned to a more normal volume.
“Would you prefer I use the word parasite? Because that’s what we were to her.”
Carefully, Sy approached her, cupping her face with both hands and drawing her gaze up to his.
“You’re not a parasite,” he reassured, placing a chaste kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to upset you.”
Deflating, Leah dropped her forehead on his chest. “I’m sorry I snapped,” she mumbled, fisting her hands in his shirt while he wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug.
“Tell me something.” He waited for Leah to give him a grunt of acknowledgement before continuing. “All those things you said… You said none of ‘em were done for Caleb’s well-bein’… not yours and Caleb’s.”
“She made me to be used as a weapon against dad. I was never wanted and my well-being was never a factor.”
Sy pulled back just enough to catch her gaze. 
“You can’t seriously believe that.”
Yes, she most definitely could believe it. “I’m done talking about this,” she stated, slipping out of his hold and taking her coffee over to the living room.
Giving her the space she obviously wanted, Sy went upstairs without another word. As he stood in the shower, going over their conversation in his head, he realized she hadn’t mentioned feeling either way about the idea of having kids.
She probably hadn’t ever given it serious thought and therefore didn’t actually know what she wanted. It wasn’t a deal breaker for him either way. He’d meant it when he’d said that wanting a family in the future would depend on circumstance.
But Sy did know one thing for certain. If Leah ever did have kids, she would be a loving and fiercely protective mother and it would be his privilege to be there by her side.
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
Last Will and Testament of Edna Lloyd
*** Please note that the writing below is purely fictional and serves as an addendum to the most recent chapter of A Taste of Honey; Wistfulness. It's long, but I hope you'll read it anyway, as many things written here will be relevant as the story continues.***
This is the last will of me, Edna Lloyd, of 362 Dandywood Lane, Appaloosa Plains. I declare that at the time of writing this last will, I am of sound mind and body.
I appoint my son, Oliver Lloyd, to be the executor and trustee of this will.
In the event of my passing, I declare my assets to be divided as stated below.
A) To be transferred to my son, Oliver Lloyd and his wife, Claire Lloyd; my house and the grounds on which it stands.
B) To divide equally among my grandchildren, Eva Adams-Wyler, James Wyler, Sarah Wyler and Daniel Lloyd; all my monetary assets. At the current time of writing, it is estimated to be around §1.500.000. Anything that’s added to that amount between the time of writing and my passing shall also be divided among the persons stated above.
C)To deliver to my apprentice and dear friend, Dante Moretti; all my paintings unsold at the time of my death. Both finished and unfinished.
I would like to conclude this will by writing some personal messages to my family and loved ones.
Ollie, my boy, I left my dear old house to you because it’s a beautiful place to grow old in. However, I know you and Claire are happy where you are, so I leave it to your good judgment what will happen to it. If you wish to sell it, that’s quite alright. I wish you a long and healthy life, my dear. May love live long.
Sweet Eva, my beautiful first grandchild, I will be forever proud of the woman you have become. I feel blessed to have known my great-grandchildren in my lifetime and I thank you for bringing them into my world. I’m sure you’ll use the money I left you wisely and for good. I hope luck will be forever on your side.
My lovely James, I know living in duty of your art can be a tough life. But my darling, you have such a talent; please don’t let it go to waste. Let your music be your home forever more. I hope that my inheritance will help you to do that. I shall forever be your number-one fan.
My dear Sarah, I know you have big dreams, and I have every faith you’ll make each one of them a reality. You’ve always been strong and determined, and I hope you’ll stay that way for many years to come.
Danny, my sweetheart, I sometimes worry your heart is too big for this world. I know taking care of others brings you joy, but honey, I hope you’ll use the money I left you to take care of you, too. You deserve every bit of happiness, my sweet boy.
Patty, you are my daughter, and therefore I want to say a few words to you, too. I can imagine you might feel left out because I didn’t include you in the official part of my will. I do want to leave you something; valuable advice. During your lifetime, you’ve always found it difficult to consider that not every person experiences everything the same way. I’ve tried, as your mother, to broaden your perspective but haven’t succeeded. I hope, for the sake of your children and your grandchildren, you’ll take my advice to sometimes swallow your words and try to look at things from another perspective. Trust me, it will widen your view of the world, and that can be a beautiful thing.
And finally, to Dante, my unexpected friend during the final stage of my life, I thank you for your kind attention to this old woman. You’re a lovely and very talented young man. I do hope you spread your wings and find some friends your own age, my dear. Never give up on your authenticity. It’s a great thing.
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In loving memory of Edna Lloyd
16 September 1924 - 22 March 2008
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ladamedusoif · 1 year
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Header - and slogan - by @agentjackdaniels
Hi there! I’m Rose (she/her/they), I’m 40 and I write fics - described with complete accuracy as “ethical porn for nerdy types” - for Pedro Pascal characters.
This is an 18+ blog so, for safety’s sake, minors should not access the content below.
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I do block empty/untitled/ageless blogs so, if that’s you and you’re a real person, just drop me a message - or, better still, populate your blog (you don’t need to be totally specific about your age) with a few things. If you’re not sure how, just ask! I’m happy to help and I’m sure others will be too!
Thank you so much for reading!
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Visiting (Professor!Ben College AU - in progress)
Pairing: Professor!Ben x OFC Lydia (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, European art historian Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in the small New England college town of Barrow. She’s planning to spend a year there on leave of absence from her permanent job at home, expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor at Barrow College, a small liberal arts institution. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic Literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the main Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Tempered in the Fire (Blacksmith!Din Djarin AU short series - in progress)
Pairing: Blacksmith!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Ireland, almost a decade after the rebellion of 1798. You are an unusual woman: married, but alone; a widow, with no certainty her husband is dead. When your local blacksmith is badly injured in an accident and unable to work, you have no choice but to travel to the next forge, run by a man of few words whose uncertain origins and dark complexion make him stand out among the locals. You are immediately intrigued by this mysterious, taciturn figure - and the striking little boy he’s taken as his apprentice.
Rating: Mature (series); Explicit (18+, later chapters)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Gentleman Thief - The Heritage Crimes Universe (The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) - in progress)
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x F!Museum Professional Reader
Summary: He stole a priceless ruby after your first date. You reunited after the museum's winter ball. And now? Something keeps pulling you into the orbit of the world's greatest (ethical) gentleman thief.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and notes.
A Merry Fic-Mas - a Pedro Boys Holiday Fic Calendar
31 days. 31 stories (hopefully). 12 Pedro characters.
Inspired by this set of December/holiday themed prompts.
Rating: Teen/Mature/Explicit (see individual chapters for warnings and content notes).
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20/20 - no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Optometrist F!Reader
Summary: After months of pestering from Sarah, Joel finally concedes that he might to get his eyesight checked and makes an appointment at your optometrist practice. He really doesn’t want glasses, though.
Rating: 18+; not explicit as such but implied; see the warnings on the original story
Café Crème - Javier Peña x f!reader
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Javier likes mornings at your place for more than just coffee.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original post)
A Cup of Kindness, Yet - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Part of the brilliant @pickled-pena writing challenge - check out the blog for the whole masterlist.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Summary: Another Auld Lang Syne in Laredo, twenty years after your first with Javi.
Rating: Teen (see notes and warnings on the original)
My Kiss, Only For You - The Thief x Museum Guide f!reader
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x Museum Guide F!Reader
Summary: You’ve noticed a regular attendee on the guided tours you offer as part of your job at the museum - and one day, he decides to ask you for more information on his favourite exhibit.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original)
For the Night - Special Agent Ortega x F!Sex Worker Reader
Pairing: Agent Ortega (The Sixth Gun) x F!Sex Worker Reader
Summary: You might not be one of the “sweet young things” in the whorehouse any more, but a seemingly reluctant special agent helps remind you of your worth.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ (see specific warnings on the post).
Silvered - Detective Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Pairing: Tim Rockford x f!reader
Word count: ~ 800 words
Rating: Explicit (18+; MDNI; see specific warnings on the story)
Summary: Tim Rockford’s talented silver tongue has a reputation, in more ways than one.
Gentleman Cowboy - Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Agent Whiskey x F!Reader
Word count: 3500 words
Rating: Explicit, 18+ MDNI; see specific warnings on the story
Summary: A solo getaway, a whiskey for one, and a very charming cowboy in the big city.
Able - Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Pairing: Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Summary: "I just don't think she'll be able for patrol". But then it's just you, Joel, and your trusty walking stick in the middle of nowhere...
Rating: Mature; 18+ MDNI; reader is disabled; see more specific warnings on the story.
Word Count: ~3.7k
Room Service - Dave York x F! Reader
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Summary: You’re at one of those generic conference hotels to meet a man you know only as Dave.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; more specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~2.3k
Coup de Foudre - Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Summary: Caught in a sudden storm on a break in Paris, you and Lucien race back to the hotel room.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~1.1k
Part of the April Showers Challenge organised by @undercoverpena
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fan-clan-fun · 5 months
So you want to Build a clan? Chapter 8- Ranks : Leadership
Alternative titles: Monarch, King/Queen, Matriarch/Patriarch, Chief, Commander, Ruler, Chieftain, Captain, Boss, etc
The Canon explanation of the leadership of the clans is fairly simple and easily explainable. You have a leader, and a deputy, and when the leader dies the deputy becomes leader. The only requirements when it comes to choosing a deputy (which are often not even kept to anyway) are that a deputy must be chosen by moonhigh if the clan has need of a new one, and the one chosen to be deputy must have mentored at least one apprentice. The thing is, this approach to leadership is honestly a bit shallow. Even the books on occasion will mention what might happen if the rules are broken or twisted or confused (like when Tallstar gives Onestar leadership rather than Mudclaw) or when different deputies are appointed despite not having mentored any apprentices, but there are barely any lasting consequences.
So now the question is, what can we do in our own clans to give the leadership system more depth and solidity? You can stick with the Canon approach and just add more detail, or consider other approaches when it comes to the type of leadership, how it is implemented, and how long it lasts. Let's take a look at some of the options.
Leadership Duties
First, it's wise to consider what your leaders do. Are they just there to order cats around, or do they have their own tasks, expectations and responsibilities? 
In canon, it seems that leaders are the top of the piramid, making general decisions for the entire clan, and running some things such as patrols, training for apprentices, choosing mentors, etc. Some leaders seem more involved in day to day than others, going on patrols or staying back at camp. Of those who do remain at camp, some are more invested in their clanmates lives directly, either by interfacing with various different members of the ranks, or assisting with tasks within and without camp.
So when you are building your clan, consider what purpose the leader serves, what their day to day looks like, what the clan would expect of them and what work they do. That will help guide you when you consider what type of leadership you want.
Types of Leadership
Specifically for the top position of leadership in the clan, deputy/equivalent will come later. 
Canon Leadership
This was discussed above, so I'll be brief. Canon leadership involves one leader, one deputy, the deputy chosen by the leader to succeed them upon death. This system relies on the leader having almost absolute power, as is evidenced by the code which says the leaders word is law. There could be many discussions about the pros and cons of this system, how it encourages nepotism and authoritarianism. While on the flip side it is simple and should, hopefully, not cause any issues with succession (except when a leader changes his mind last minute or both leader and deputy die at the same time). In any case, most people know this way of leadership, so let's look at others.
Inherited Leadership
This type of leadership is different, the premise being that the leadership is inherited through some sort of specific criteria. The most common one would be by blood, similar to a monarchy, where an heir to leadership is chosen among family members as closely to the current leader/monarch as possible. The next leader can inherit through other criteria as well, such as being chosen by a religious sign, or by some criteria of skill or personality. The important part is that these heirs are usually chosen young, and raised to be placed in their role, giving them time to be taught how to lead. At least that's the idea, it doesn't always work in practice. But the point of this is that the heir is not chosen based on skill or experience. In some ways it could be good to choose leaders young, give them the time and training to take on their role, though it would also be a heavy burden to bear. A smart clan would train multiple heirs to be safe, in case one were to not make it to adulthood or the chance to take on leadership.
Elected Leadership
This would be most in line with the way leadership is decided in modern times, though the way it works in a clan would be different. Elected Leadership would be a clan, or part of the clan, casting votes to choose the next leader or deputy, through casting stones, or spoken votes, or another method. This method would hopefully choose a leader which a majority of the clan agreed with. Either through casting votes in some sort of voting system, or gathering in a meeting to agree to the best option. This system would ideally allow for leaders to be replaced if they did not do their job correctly, as the leadership is chosen by the clan itself, and thus beholden to the well being and support of the clan.
Group Leadership
This one goes somewhat hand in hand with the previous one. Group Leadership would be a different set up, in which more than one cat held power. Perhaps the clan has two leaders, or three, or a council with one senior member from each rank. How they are chosen could be from any of the other methods, but it's different in how it's set up, because power is more evenly shared.
Earned Leadership
Earned leadership in this case is a situation in which a leader of a clan has to overcome a set of challenges or hurdles, or fulfill certain criteria. Perhaps the clan warriors all have a battle royale and the winner takes the leadership. Perhaps only cats with a certain age, skills, or renown can become a leader. This type of leadership could encourage a lot of competition, and mean the clan is unstable for a bit until a leader is chosen and establishes themselves. Either way, it's much more individual, and about the cat who becomes leader having enough ambition or at least reason to pursue the leadership, than about the broader clan and it's needs and ideals. It would work best in a more independent clan, than a more community driven one.
Religious Symbolism
Leaders chosen based on the religious symbolism/rites of the clan. This could mean they are directly chosen by Starclan, or through prophecy, or through the word of the religious figure within the clan. It would be the kind of situation with a lot of pomp and ritual and meaning, surrounding their religious beliefs. Perhaps the leader is even considered a religious figure, or the religious authority within the clan. I would give examples, but this one is as varied as the different expressions of religious belief and symbolism. Clans who use this would likely have a more predetermined view of life based on their beliefs, and try to curry favor with whatever religious authority would give them such a privilege. 
Some questions to help you get an idea of the type of leadership that would work best for your clan:
How religious is your clan? Does your religion affect how a leader is chosen? What sort of ritual or ceremony surrounds the naming or choosing of a new leader?
Is it expected that a leader have certain skills? Be a good fighter or something else? Are there specific criteria to be eligible, like mentoring at least one apprentice? Or is it a case by case scenario?
What is the average age that a leader is chosen? Are they chosen young and trained for the role? Or generally older and experienced? How long do leaders remain in their position? A certain period of time? Until retirement? Until death? 
Do they actually get nine lives? If so, how do those function? Where do they come from, how easy is it to lose one? Do they combat old age?
What function does a leader serve? Are they a mere figurehead, or do they have more direct control over day to day life? What aspects of day to day life do they control? Is leadership considered authoritarian, or more egalitarian? Does your leadership follow Canon's guidelines of the leaders word is law? Are leaders generally respected, or disdained in the clan?
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yunarim · 1 year
ಇ. broken melodies | chapter 3
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⇢ ⁺ GENEALOGY OF RED, WHITE AND BLACK ˖ Neige reveals his true self.
— PREVIEW (read for tags and synopsis) — MASTERLIST (open to read previous chapters) — AO3
⁺ w.c : 19.5k+ this chapter contains major usage of obscene language ! also not proofread and might be edited later with an addition of some major details !
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A light reflecting through the windows slid across Yuu’s converging features and prevented her from falling asleep, even taking into account the fact she wasn’t sleepy in the first place, but in all honesty, the slight blue glow was helpful and served as a desk lamp. 
She let out a small sigh followed by an almost transparent cloud of steam. Hm, is it getting colder these nights? She shrugged the feeling off, massaging her shoulders, and continued writing, a tight grip on the fountain pen. Yuu wasn’t sure what time it was, but judging by the way the air felt and how the temperature dropped, it might be right in the middle of the night. 
Neat notes done in a cursive small handwriting were flowing before her sight, indicating nothing by now, and Yuu sighed again, closing her eyes. 
“Why,” she whispered to herself. “Did I last meet Snow White so unacceptably long ago?..” 
A pink butterfly appeared without Yuu asking it to do that, but she didn’t seem to mind, waving her hand so the butterfly landed on her little finger. 
“Little one…” Yuu opened her leaded eyelids and lowered her gaze to the notes. “I can’t remember anything but the bright red apple filled with poison.”
Yuu thought of herself as an imprudent, unheeding person when a scene of Neige making a parallel between red apple and the color of her eyes replayed in her mind. She should have at least made an assumption back then, it was some sort of a loophole, and yet…She was so dumbfounded by the sudden correlation that there was no way of thinking about anything else but his creative mind.
“Snow White lived with seven dwarfs, like Neige does,” Yuu frowned. “And also… She was also poisoned… And that happened because she took a bite of a red apple. But what else? I’m missing something.”
The butterfly flew slowly, demonstrating its confused emotions, to which Yuu nodded. The only one who could remember something else was none other than she herself. And she already spent half of a night trying to fish out at least one more detail.
Yuu, of course, remembered her visits to Snow White’s realm, but her dimension was the very first one she ever entered after being officially appointed as Fairy Godmother’s apprentice. She couldn’t be trusted with major tasks, given she hadn’t even reached fae average children's age—was she 17 or 18 then?—so there was no way she would play a huge role in rescuing Snow White. The only things she did were to help with cleaning or cooking, sometimes Fairy Godmother could give her permission to protect dwarfs, but other than that… 
Was she really helpful? Snow White told her countless times she considered Yuu her dearest friend and put her on one line with the dwarfs, but was she ever genuine in that intention, or was she demonstrating deliberate politeness? 
Yuu shook her head. She has no right to doubt princesses’ decisions and judgements. And if she really was Snow White’s friend, then she also must help Neige and figure out how exactly he is connected with the princess. 
Yuu and Neige weren’t classmates, making it difficult for her to attend lessons diligently and look after Neige at the same time, preventing all potential threats. It was also unknown if she could ask for help from one of his classmates. Asking dwarfs could be useful, but Yuu wasn’t completely sure, maybe they already were playing the roles with which they’re conjoined. Was this all happening according to the original story she once encountered? It couldn’t be trusted, considering Neige isn’t Snow White herself.
The only option remaining was to try accompanying him everywhere. She, indeed, can’t enter his lessons, but there must be teachers, right? If they’re not the ones plotting something, then it should be the safest path to take. 
“Alright…” She exhaled. “Let’s try it this way then.”
She scribbled something on the paper and the pink butterfly followed her way of thinking, flying around gracefully, to which Yuu smiled, feeling slightly better that her idea was supported soundlessly.
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“You most probably expected you’ll be introduced to magic studies only during your second year, right?” Emery glanced to the seat where Yuu was, noticing how her movements slowed down and how her eyes looked more glassy and empty than before, and then shifted his gaze to Luan, holding something in his hand under the desk and cheerfully grinning. “Let me assure you, no magic can be performed without thinking beforehand. Even if you first encountered spell casting ability in your childhood, you might have not realized your brain made some extraordinary calculations.”
Luan yawned, his eyes automatically glueling to Yuu’s downcast appearance. 
“Oi,” he whispered, poking her arm and managing to attract her attention. “Take this.”
Yuu tilted her head rather slowly, when Luan took her hand and made it rest laid open the inside of palm up, and put something resembling small jelly candy in her hand.
“Hm?..” She wondered what he gave to her, examining the jelly with lidded eyes.
“It’s a gummy bear, you dummy,” he smiled. “You look so down, cheer up or somethin’!”
“Oh,” Yuu realized his intentions and reciprocated the smile, putting the jelly in her mouth and meeting teacher Emery’s condemning eyes, immediately perceiving that she stopped listening to him. 
“... In any case,” Emery continued after a short pause. “Magic spells require incantations in cases they’re complicated, but if we’re speaking about elemental types, good old physics will help.”
“...Thank you,” Yuu whispered to Luan and earned a soft giggle in return. 
“Combining two or more elemental types together does wonders. We’re not going to discuss the specifics of every combination during your first year, but will dwell on more on the basics. Well then…”
Yuu frowned, thinking how far she could go. Truthfully speaking, she did enjoy the happiness of being able to study magic so freely, sometimes her curiosity overlapping Fairy Godmother’s reprimands for even trying to learn something that could have been considered harmful and ‘useless to such a young fae as her’, but still—was there the end, a not so imaginary edge of all those magic aspects she could internalize? In fact, it was, and the answer to the question was time. 
She still doubted if it was alright for her to devour new information with such eagerness. Yuu couldn’t lie, but she had one defense point in case Fairy Godmother asked her why Yuu crossed the boundary she drew, and that was to help Neige and to fulfill her duty. 
Yuu sighed. She needed to figure out how to cover her butterflies with the way everyone performed magic here. Would her desire to learn eagerly and quickly things that are taught during second and third years be encouraged or raise suspicions instead? Yuu didn’t know, letting another soft sigh escape her throat and causing Luan to tilt his head, questioning her sudden disarray. 
“Right,” Emery said, turning to the class and stopping writing as the bell rang, notifying students of the end of the lesson. “Don’t forget that for the next lesson you need to go to the classroom next to the one we’re currently in! You’ll meet another teacher, who is far stricter than me.”
Yuu gulped, while Luan casually giggled, meeting Emery’s scolding expression. She suddenly startled, realizing she has no time to sit here doing nothing, and after Emery gave hometasks to do, Yuu rushed to the cafeteria to try finding Neige. 
According to her plan, she would follow him everywhere she could during the day and activities happening on campus territory, except for the lessons. Thus, she hurried over, carrying a hope of meeting Neige.
The way her heels cluttered was heard in the whole hall, causing other students to stop and observe Yuu’s small figure almost levitating, due to how fast she ran, and look at her in confusion. Her usual firm and calm composure fell miserably, creating a peculiar sight to witness.
Yuu also mentally apologized to Luan for breaking the promise of eating together during the lunch and quickly opened cafeteria doors, nearly smashing down Lavont, who was about to serve the tea.
“I am extremely sorry!!” Yuu said, performing a 90 degree bow. 
“Be careful next time,” Lavont replied, wondering what was with a sudden change of acting Yuu usually demonstrated with her exceeding politeness. 
She scanned the place for Neige, concentrating her vision as much as possible, but failed to find him on the first floor. 
“Ugh, well then…”
She enhanced her hearing while making her way to the second floor and—finally!!—hearing a soft yet constrained giggle, resembling a nightingale’s song, and recognized its owner instantly. 
This time making her way rather carefully and not touching other students even the slightest, she stood up on toes, trying to peek out of the crowd of tall students and fish out Neige from them. And indeed, she succeeded in the way she didn’t want to.
The bright scarlet blaze in the light of the lamps grabbed all of her attention, as if depriving her of the ground under her feet, and knocked out her sense of control over the situation, forcing Yuu to scream in fear and start acting impulsively. 
An apple. A blindingly dazzling red color shone in Neige’s delicate fingers.
The blood pounded in her ears with booming beats, and she, now ignoring all the boundaries of decency, briskly slipped through the crowd, approaching Neige’s table.
He noticed her hurried coming, smiling to her out of the habit, almost robotically well-trained, and caught the glimpses of genuine worry on her face only the second after, but decided to not follow, continuing smiling, and nodded to her.
“Good morning, Yuu. Is something the matter— Huh?”
She shouted, grabbing the apple he was holding, and almost crumpled it down, losing control of the perfectly balanced way of maintaining the power she possessed, and caused Neige and his, apparently, classmates to stare at her in shock.
She ignored them, observing an apple she was holding, and before she could scan it for the poison traces, someone randomly grabbed it, and Yuu turned in horror, recognizing Luan cheerfully grinning next to her.
“Woah, is this for me?!” He laughed, sneakily jumping and taking a seat next to Neige, raising his hand in a greeting gesture, and took a bite.
Yuu looked like the end of the world just upfolded before her very eyes, her knees going weak and eyelids leaded. Her fingers twitched, as she was ready to summon the magic wand and cast a spell—she didn’t even know which one exactly, just something that would help to save a dying person from poisoning—but Luan, on the other hand, didn’t look even slightly weakened and, well, dying.
He was quite the opposite of the person who would be suffering and dying, enjoying the freshness of the fruit and chewing it with the brightest expression Yuu ever saw humans demonstrating, Luan’s tail wagging joyfully. 
“I thought there was something strange!” He suddenly said, pointing at her with his tale, causing Yuu to question his action, staring at him blankly. “You hurried to the cafeteria so fast, even tho you said we promised to eat together from now on! I thought like damn, you’re so unfair.”
She continued staring at him with an absolutely blank, absent expression, mind full of void and emptiness, at the same time blinking and slowly parting her lips.
“But look at you, saving such a fresh apple for me! Thanks, Yuu!~”
Neige was smiling graciously at them, instantly forgetting what was the deal in the first place, and was enjoying the scene looming before him. 
“Oi wait,” Luan said, licking the tips of his fingers as he finished eating, and looked at Neige. “Was it yours?..”
Neige closed his eyes for a mere second before raising his gaze and returning it to Yuu, then smiled at her conspiratorially, tilting his head and blinking away all the confusion from before, radiating glimmering shine instead.
“No, please don’t worry.”
Yuu wondered what he could have meant by his reaction but decided not to question, periodically glancing at Luan and subconsciously checking if he was okay, and, to her surprise, he couldn’t have been any better—his health was in the state it always was, perfectly normal and okay. 
Was she… exaggerating? Or did she hurry for nothing, and he wasn’t connected with Snow White at any rate possible? Yuu felt her muscles going tense, and at the moment all the sounds in the cafeteria—people talking and discussing her oddness, Neige having a light ordinary conversation with typically sunny and bright Luan, trays cluttering, humans consuming food—turned to an irritating tinkling sputter. 
Think, Yuu demanded to herself voicelessly, and frowned. Was there a breach in her way of thinking and analysis? But it couldn’t be, even considering all the loopholes and things she couldn’t register yet, Neige still resembled Snow White so much it was absurd to brush aside all the similarities and call it a day. His appearance and the way animals acted almost enchanted around him, and, most importantly, dwarfs — Yuu was sure enough to make assumptions she came up with.
“Oi,” Luan suddenly dragged her out of the marsh of her thoughts and hypotheses. “You ok?”
“Ah,” she shrugged. “I’m sorry. Yes, I am.”
“Alright,” Luan smiled at her, a scent of apple freshness lingered around him. “Relax, Yuu. You looked so tense a second ago. You worry about the teacher Emery mentioned?”
“Oh, right, the teacher…” 
The urge to say it wasn’t what kept her so alarmed arose within, but she barely managed to remain silent. She, indeed, couldn’t lie, and she was miserably bad in deceiving in other ways, like other faes could, according to Fairy Godmother’s words. 
Yuu returned a smile to Luan, knowing that even though she couldn’t lie, she knew the best when it was the time to keep her mouth shut. 
After having a lunch with Luan and Neige, Yuu bowed to the last one, promising to see him soon, to which Neige curved his lips in a soft reassuring smile, impressing Yuu with how easily he could put under a shell what was hidden underneath his own heart, creating a persona of absolutely unbothered individual. 
She then made her way back to the classroom with Luan, chuckling softly at him for almost forgetting that he went the wrong way and caught teacher Emery’s sigh.
“Geez, I forgot the classroom’s changed,” Luan yawned, following Yuu and entering another one auditorium, which looked pretty similar to the previous. “I forgot what we’re going to study rn.”
Yuu blinked at his wording—what does ‘rn’ mean in the first place?—and made her way to the seat.
“An introduction to the cultural foundations of Twisted Wonderland,” she answered, causing Luan to stare at her with a look she couldn’t yet decipher.
“I wonder what’s that even about,” he sighed in return. “Sounds so boring.”
Yuu, on the other hand, would love to dwell further, but with her mind being preoccupied with Neige and his rescue she couldn’t concentrate to the max. Something crawled under her skin, an unpleasant feeling of shame and blame conjoining altogether, caused her to bite her lip. 
Fairy Godmother would be so disappointed in her actions. Yuu could easily imagine the scoldings she would receive, head lowering more and more under the pressure of being reprimanded for such an ungraceful way of following her responsibilities. Fairy Godmother’s work was flawless to the bone—her way of speaking and an excellent, essential and indispensable ability to put one’s mind at ease, not mentioning her vast knowledge and ingenuity, impeccable mindset. 
Moreover, she never was harsh and rude. Her indignation was absolutely justified, and Yuu understood that she was not scolded — she was given instructions clearly and straight to the point, not hiding any empty flattery behind. Still, Yuu was ashamed and embarrassed due to her firstly being not so helpful in Snow White’s realm, then letting Sprites turn into Imps and cause an unimaginable damage to princesses. Even rescuing them after that and returning everything to how it was, she punished herself by taking extra work, by renovating the whole garden and studying (only materials she was allowed to use, naturally).  
And now, after so many years passing, has she changed after all? She was panicking for nothing, making misjudgments here and there, and not even making any progress in magic. She was different here, a foreign, alien variable and—
“Yuu,” Luan whispered, noticing how far her thoughts traveled, making Yuu fall silent to the point it was concerning. “The teacher’s came.”
She blinked away her thoughts, standing up with everyone, and finally taking a look at the teacher who just came, carrying a strong, luxurious, though not overly concentrated aroma of an expensive perfume around him. 
Yuu instantly pointed out his graceful stance and even posture. He seemed to have descended from the pages of a romantic saga of royal intrigues and grandiose balls. His hair fell in elegant waves over his right shoulder in a loose ponytail tied with a purple satin bow. A dark purple cardigan with fur inserts was thrown over a luxuriously expensive-looking blouse tucked into high dark trousers, and despite the obvious expensiveness of the image, it did not exude an aura of pomposity and eccentricity.
His chiseled, sharp-featured face wore a thin, unobtrusive layer of make-up, and if it weren't for Yuu's sensitive vision, she wouldn't have noticed the faint lines of wrinkles at the corners of his lips, which betrayed him as a man of advanced age or approaching it. A pair of obsidian eyes peered out from under long lush lashes. Wavy strands of hair, close to gray but still retaining the old wheaten hue of his youth, neatly framed his cheeks. A tired sigh escaped his cherry-colored lips, and he turned to the blackboard on his heels, picking up the chalk with a slight movement and writing his name on the blackboard, then turned back to the class. 
“Good afternoon, dear students,” he bowed slightly. “My name is Amédée Bonsagacité. I will be your teacher of art and ancient history. Very pleased to meet you.”
Yuu found herself spellbound with the purity and depth of his soft voice, flowing with a graceful stream of soulfulness, and suddenly caught someone's light line thrown from the back rows.
“It’s that Amédée?? My grandmother’s his absolute fan!!”
“Yeah same, my grandfather treasures his autograph till today.”
Luan turned to them, completely ignoring Amédée’s lingering stare. 
“What’s that about him?” He asked sneakily.
“He was a famous opera singer.”
Yuu nodded to herself, realizing his voice sounded well-trained and naturally pleasant to hear. 
“Dear students, we haven’t got all day,” he snapped his fingers, taking a pointer, and tapped on the blackboard, where Yuu noticed that the topic of today’s lesson appeared, written in chalk. “Since it’s our very first meeting, and the lesson itself is carrying more introductory purposes, you may think it’s easy to skip. But it doesn’t mean I allowed that in the first place. Now, let me get straight to the point.”
Despite how soft and weightless his voice was, teacher Amédée was indeed strict and quite outrite. In any case, Yuu followed his words, making notes and nodding eagerly, much to Luan’s bright giggles.
“You’re surely familiar with admirable figures in our history, am I being correct? The Venerable Seven, whose principles and personality traits are of great importance here in the RSA, as well as the Great Seven, whose life path is considered highly respected in the NRC.”
Yuu knitted her brows together, making sure she wrote it right. How very interesting, why Seven figures? Moreover, what was NRC? Apparently, another school, if teacher Amédée has compared RSA to another unknown to Yuu facility. 
“We must dwell on the respectable figures our academy follows,” he said, drawing with chalk a table of seven columns on the blackboard. “As for the Great Seven, we’ll start studying their traits after taking a test regarding the Venerable Seven.”
A few annoyed ‘tsk’ were heard among the class after one word ‘test’ escaped the teacher’s lips. 
“First, I believe the dorm leaders of each dorm based on a particular figure already introduced you to the basics. But knowing only one representative is not enough. Not to mention… You, miss.”
Yuu, who was writing after him, raised her gaze and met his, unreadable and showing an emotion Yuu couldn’t understand, but no hate was shown. 
“How very peculiar you have been sorted to Sidhery,” he chuckled. “Due to lack of any information regarding your dormitory, it will be fairly hard to explain, but I’ll try my best. We usually just don’t mention Sidhery when teaching this course.”
“Thank you and I’m sorry for causing trouble,” Yuu stood up and bowed, making Amédée widen his eyes in surprise and wave his hand, suggesting Yuu take her seat. 
“No need. Now, let’s continue. First, Pandora Charm dormitory, how many of you do we have here in the class?” Amédée glanced over the auditorium, nodding to a bunch of students raising their hands. “Quite a lot, I see. Well then, as many of you know, Pandora Charm is founded on Inquisitive Daydreamer’s curiosity.”
Yuu took a note of it, humming to herself with a slight nod. If students were sorted to the dorms, was it done according to the personality traits of the Venerable Seven, and did it mean Pandora Charm’s students possessed extra curiosity? Yuu was eager to know.
“We’ll dwell on the Venerable Seven’s figures further as we briefly discuss the basics. Now, to the Kifurijua dormitory. I see many of you are beastmen, correct?” Luan cheerfully waved his tail, making Yuu smile softly at his playfulness. “I see. Your dormitory’s founded on King of the Pride Lands’ Fearlessness.”
“Yep, I’ve been told that a lot before enrolling,” Luan nodded to himself, grinning proudly. 
“Are you happy being in this dorm?” Yuu whispered to him. 
“Very much! Would be fun if you were here,” his ears twitched. “Not sure tho if you’d be sorted here, it kinda doesn’t fit your vibe.”
“I see… I think,” Yuu tried to comprehend with his peculiar wordings and decided to politely agree.
“Speaking about non-human races,” Amédée took a look over the class. “Merheronelle dormitory’s student contingent mainly consists of merfolk. I see the tendency is as firm as ever.”
Some of the students nodded cheerfully, and Yuu silently gasped. So the boy she saw during the PE class belonged to merfolk as she thought, but the fact they were quite common here in this world was new to her. 
“Great then, your dormitory’s founded on Princess of the Atlantica Kingdom’s Vivacity.”
Yuu took a note, feeling a sudden urge to draw seashells and little sea waves doodles on the margins in her notebook.
“Not much to my surprise, the number of Huriirada dormitory’s students is quite low. Though as long as I remember, it was always like that.”
Before Yuu could wonder about his age and how long does he teach here in RSA, some students already whispered the same question she beared in her mind, gossiping and making assumptions, some of them Yuu found extremely ridiculous—how could such a beautiful young-looking individual work here for 50 years, after all? 
“Anyhow, Huriirada dormitory is based on The Rebellious Princess’ Strong Will.”
What a memorable title, Yuu thought. Previous dorms’ respectable figures created an impression of kind, gentle people—creatures?—while Huriirada’s one possessed such an unexpected name, carrying an image of someone seditious. 
“The next one dorm is quite popular, I presume, contradictory to Huriirada,” Amédée concluded. “Edelwiese dormitory is founded on The Fairest Princess’ Gentleness.”
The pen Yuu held in her fingers suddenly dropped with a slight thud on the desk before almost falling on the floor, which Luan prevented with his tail, grabbing it midair and passing to her. She thanked him absolutely absentmindedly, drowning in her thoughts.
The Fairest Princess. Was it a coincidence? No, it was absurd to deny it by now. She glanced at the color of the chalk the teacher used to depict dormitories’ colors, and the bright red was erasing any doubts and hesitance. Yuu added ‘Dorm leader — Neige’ to the dorm’s name written in pencil, and sighed, knitting her brows together. 
So Neige was connected to Snow White, after all. But still she couldn’t be any sure, considering no names were pronounced. Yuu knew her title, but as far as she remembered, people were referring to the princesses by their names preferably. However, could it be that those figures on which dorms are based weren’t the princesses and princes she knew? Yet still—
“Miss Yuu,” Amédée looked at her with a strict gaze, piercing through her and bringing Yuu’s mind back. “Is something the matter?”
“No, I am really sorry for the disturbance…”
“Hm,” the teacher said, relaxing just a little at her polite apology. “Alright, let’s continue. As for Dýnamieisos dormitory’s students, your dorm’s founded on the Prince of the Gods’ Valor.”
Yuu’s mind was still too preoccupied with the potential connection between Snow White, Neige and his dormitory to the point she was writing down the notes without giving any thought. 
“And last, but not least… Florevel dormitory is founded on Briar Rose’s Gracefulness.”
Yuu took a deep breath before trying to combine all the gathered information together and put it on the right shelves of her mind. Neige, Snow White, other dormitory figures… Oh, and the other school—was it NRC?—have got their own representatives, Yuu should have included them in her research and brainstorming, too. But how could she—
“And, as I’ve promised,” Amédée said, breaking a little silence lingered for a moment. “About Sidhery…”
Yuu raised her head, looking straight into his eyes.
“I believe the headmaster already explained to you that there’s no information regarding this dormitory. Moreover, the building itself isn’t being used for dormitory purposes, with a clock tower operating an only option remaining,” Yuu nodded to his words, confirming it. “Not to mention Sidhery building belongs to the type of non-pocket dimension one.”
Yuu wondered what ‘pocket dimension’ did mean and glanced at Luan, who only parted his lips slightly in surprise, then quickly erased the emotion and changed it into his signature cheeky grin, and wagged his tail.
“Although… During my academic years, when I was a student here myself, there were tittle-tattles emanating around saying that Sidhery was the very reason why RSA became so popular and earned its status as one of the best schools for young magicians,” Amédée said, going deeper into his thoughts. “Ah, I must also say that there were no dorms at first. Moreover, RSA was a co-ed school average to its max when it was established.”
“Co-ed?!” Someone gasped from the class. 
“Maybe that’s why Yuu-chan managed to enroll?” 
Yuu felt her cheeks growing redder, despite an obvious teasing way of saying, and lowered her gaze, feeling strange. Was it so simple for humans to call someone in an endearing manner? 
“But I’m afraid that is all I have to say,” Amédée turned to Yuu. “There might be some additional information in the library, though I am not sure if it’ll be much. Sidhery dormitory is a mystery shrouded in darkness, you may say.” 
“Thank you so much, professor,” Yuu stood up and bowed to Amédée, causing him to curve his lips in a weightless smile and nod to her. 
“Don’t mention it. Now, let us continue…”
Despite carrying a huge interest towards the dorm she was appointed to, Yuu’s very first task was to help Neige. Writing the notes down rather absentmindedly, she was focusing on her further plan regarding Neige, and decided to check him after the lessons.
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Apparently, after school ends, Neige is no longer to be seen. 
Yuu made sure of that when she came to his class as fast as she could and stumbled upon his classmates who witnessed the embarrassing scene in the cafeteria earlier in the morning, and told her that he already left. They also mentioned he always leaves early, sometimes even when everyone in their classes, studying, but he’s got permission from the headmaster.
Having no idea where he went, Yuu felt uneasy, worrying probably for too much. Neige was a public figure, very much engaged with the media sphere. In spite of having no idea how it felt to be popular, Yuu still could understand that he was fairly used to all of the attention aimed at him, so she decided to do her own research. Remembering how Fairy Godmother told her to always remain calm and collected, Yuu took a deep breath and opened the doors to the library.
She was rather strong and composed when it came to battles or sudden situations, but as a substitute she turned into a ball of worries when the intuition was telling her that something would happen soon.
“Good evening, sir Aell… Huh?”
Yuu went to the counter where Aell could be found, but she witnessed only an empty place and dust particles flowing around the turned on lamp.
“Miss Yuu?”
She heard a voice coming from above, and raised her head, noticing Aell, standing on a stepladder and holding several books. 
“You’re quick to spot me,” he noticed. “Wait a moment, I shall come down.”
Yuu waited for him to get off the stepladder, and took some of the books he was carrying without asking.
“You don’t have to, miss Yuu,” he said as Yuu noticed a sweat drop rolling down his sharp cheekbone. 
“It is alright,” she declined. “Where should I put it?”
“Row seven, you’ll see empty shelves there.”
Yuu nodded and followed the direction he mentioned, then returned to the counter when she finished. 
“I presume you go here quite often, given how fast you orient yourself in here,” Aell said, snapping his fingers and magically cleaning off the dust on the counter. 
“You can say so,” she nodded. “I enjoy reading.”
“That’s nice to hear,” he replied. “So, how can I help you today?” 
“Professor Amédée mentioned I can find books about RSA dormitories here…”
“Oh, it’s rare for someone to dwell on it,” Aell noticed, nodding to himself. “Very well, you can find some in rows 19 and 20 on the second floor to your left.”
“Thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it. Enjoy your time.”
Yuu went straight to the spot she grew familiar with, noticing she started occupying it quite often, to which she chuckled, placing books she took. 
Pretty colors of an upfolding evening radiated through the window near her, and after some time of reading and making notes she realized that it always was either Neige or that copper-haired boy, or even Che’nya wandering around here or studying. Or sleeping, in the case of Neige and another boy Yuu saw only once.
Even if Aell and Amédée both confirmed she can find some additional information in the library, nothing out of sorts was found. Amédée was fairly consistent in the way he explained things, hence Yuu could not really grasp something new from books. Although, symbolic features emphasizing Snow White’s aesthetics helped Yuu to make sure she was right in her judgment. Apparently, Edelwiese dormitory used a bright red apple as an unofficial yet incredibly recognizable symbol among students of RSA, distinguishing their dorm among others not only by its color choice. 
Then there were researches made for fun only, but appeared to be great material for Yuu. According to the school survey held several years ago, Edelwiese students attracted animals, were very kind to others, and were always compared to the students of NRC’s Pomefiore… 
“Pomefiore, huh?..” Yuu tilted her head, writing the name down in her notebook, and decided to put it aside for some time. 
After analyzing all the information she gathered before Aell went upstairs to tell her that the library was closing, she gasped, noticing how warm colors turned into dark cold ones, indicating that the night was close. 
She bid goodbye to Aell and summoned a butterfly on her way back to the dormitory.
“Good evening, little one,” she smiled, letting the butterfly land on her nose to tickle it with its wings. “Ha-ha, feeling playful today?”
Something tangled in her stomach at the very thought of falling asleep tonight. A malicious, viscous feeling covered her in its dark shades, but she shook her head when the butterfly danced around, as if asking what happened.
“Sorry for worrying you,” Yuu sighed. “I just… Do you think Fairy Godmother would be satisfied with my way of thinking if she was here? I think… I’m missing something.”
An image of the red apple Neige was holding suddenly appeared before her, making Yuu drown deep in worry.
“Though now I am certain I must help. I must finish my job and finally come back home, right?”
The butterfly made a graceful pirouette, approving Yuu’s words, and she smiled once again, though not very determined and sure if she really wanted to come back.
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One day when the queen asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
It answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Snow-White is a thousand times fairer than you.
Yuu shivered. It was excruciatingly cold, her bare legs were turning violet out of the blizzard she felt with her very skin. Fair, dispassionate woman’s gaze was piercing and sharp, to which Yuu jolted, not seeing her own reflection in the mirror. 
The queen took fright and turned yellow and green with envy. From that hour on whenever she looked at Snow-White her heart turned over inside her body, so great was her hatred for the girl. The envy and pride grew ever greater, like a weed in her heart, until she had no peace day and night.
Then she summoned a huntsman and said to him, "Take Snow-White out into the woods. I never want to see her again. Kill her, and as proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me."
Yuu felt her heart clenching in her chest, a heartrending feeling gripped her heart, entwining it with tenacious thorny vines, and Yuu collapsed to her knees. Pierced by memories, she felt the events of past years rush through her vessels, causing her blood to freeze in her veins.
The huntsman obeyed and took Snow-White into the woods. He took out his hunting knife and was about to stab it into her innocent heart when she began to cry, saying, "Oh, dear huntsman, let me live. I will run into the wild woods and never come back."
Because she was so beautiful the huntsman took pity on her, and he said, "Run away, you poor child."
Yuu remembered that scene. She was helping dwarfs at the moment, when Fairy Godmother told her to not go anywhere without her asking, and the woeful look on her face indicated nothing good. 
She stared at the young beautiful girl who called Yuu her dearest friend, and wanted to help her get up, to envelop her in a warm comforting embrace, to tell her that everything will be alright, and even knowing it’ll really become fine ��� Yuu wasn’t fine at all.
"Child," said the old woman, "how you look! Come, let me lace you up properly."
The unsuspecting Snow-White stood before her and let her do up the new lace, but the old woman pulled so quickly and so hard that Snow-White could not breathe.
"You used to be the most beautiful one," said the old woman, and hurried away.
Yuu opened her eyes at once, desperately eagering for air to breathe in. She touched her neck, then embraced her own shoulders and stared at one spot before her, trembling miserably, and swallowed nervously.
“The red apple was just an omen,” Yuu said to herself, feeling how blood pounded in her head. “I must… I must protect Neige no matter what.”
The rest of the night went without any glimpse of sleep. Yuu put the memories she saw in her notebook, trying to make a timeline of events, presuming two more impingements will take place soon. 
In the morning she hurried straight to Neige’s classroom, not carrying any memory of how she changed the clothes. Nor did she possess any idea about how disheveled her hair looked, and how her face was swollen.
“Hm… Oi, Yuu!!”
She caught the voice owner rather quickly, turning around and seeing Luan waving at her. She stopped reluctantly, knowing that everything was probably fine, but she was too deep in her worries and concerns to let go of them so easily.
“G-good morning, Luan.”
“Huh?” He approached her, noticing how out of character she seemed. “You ok?”
A fae can’t lie, and Yuu really couldn’t. She gave him a small soft smile to lessen suspicions arising around her, and waited for Luan to speak.
“I guess it’s a yes?” He looked at her, approaching a little more and looking straight into her eyes. “Damn, never noticed they were so huge before.”
“Yes?..” She asked him in confusion.
“Yours eyes,” he explained. “They’re huge. I think they were brighter tho.”
“You’re very attentive to details, Luan,” she complimented him, seeing his tail wagging slightly. “Didn’t think I could see you so early in the morning, though.”
“Ugh,” he grimaced. “I just had to get up early today… Nevermind. Well, there's not much time left before the classes start. C’mon, don’t wanna hear you nagging at me for being late.”
He grabbed her hand, leading her to the classroom, much to Yuu’s concern. He was right, and it really was the only logical and rational thing to do, but the anxiety enveloping her made her heart twitch in worry.
Yuu tried to regain her composure. Luan’s presence caused a rather calming effect on her, making heart settle and mind put at peace at least slightly. During the lesson she diligently tried focusing on Emery’s words, even if still flowing somewhere in her thoughts about Neige. 
She nervously grabbed a strand of her hair, twisting it around her finger, and decided to braid her hair, realizing how disheveled and uncombed it was. 
I’m such a failure, Yuu thought silently, being exceedingly ashamed of her unkempt appearance, knowing exactly well that Fairy Godmother would be unsatisfied with her approach to herself. 
After the class ended, Yuu stood up at once, attracting Luan’s attention to her, and turned to him, meeting with his concerned gaze.
“You ok buddy?” He asked, confusing her again with that ‘buddy’ nickname, to which Yuu smiled gently.
“Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I just… need to be somewhere right at the moment, please excuse me. I’ll join you for lunch.”
“No probs,” Luan’s bright smile managed to reassure Yuu that he was fine with her strange behavior. 
Despite him possessing a youthful, almost reckless appearance, he was no fool, giving her the space and time she needed, to which she was really grateful and hoped for the day she could repay him for his kindness.
Yuu rushed to Neige’s classroom, nimbly passing through students due to her tiny figure, and enhanced her hearing ability, concentrating on flowing around sounds and current of different voices combining all together. For a second stopping before the bulletin board, to which the curriculum was attached with a magical sticker, Yuu found the auditorium where Neige should be now, and hurried away in that direction.
Despite Neige’s voice being distinguishably sweet from others, she couldn’t grasp at least a glimpse of it, indicating he was silent right at the moment. When Yuu found his class, she jumped on the spot, fishing out Neige’s beret in the crowd of tall students, smiling to herself and rushing to him.
He was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the class, not noticing Yuu at all at first. Corners of his soft, bright red lips were curved upward, yet didn’t radiate a feeling of comfort and genuine warmth he usually seemed to possess, reminding Yuu more of a feigned consolation.
She approached him slowly, glimpses of voices reaching her ears, to which she turned her head to the classroom, where the origin of strange statements was found.
“He’s pissing me off.”
“Such a brat.”
“Have you heard rumors?”
“Which exactly? There's a lot floating around him.”
“That he’s probably sells his bod—”
“Good morning, Yuu.”
She turned, recognizing familiar sweetness, and noticed Neige waving at her. 
“It is quite unusual seeing you here. I thought first years don’t have practical magic lessons to be near these auditoriums…” He gave her a smile and then gasped suddenly. “Ah, forgive me if I sound as if I don’t want to see you! It is quite the opposite, I’m very happy I was able to see you early in the morning.”
“You are?..” Yuu asked in bewilderment. Why would he though?
“Of course,” his answer seemed lifeless, yet still genuine enough to believe he was saying the truth. 
“Thank you. I’m glad to see you too…”
“I’m flattered, but… Is everything alright, Yuu? You look a bit confused, if I dare to say. Can I help you?”
How funny is that I am the one who should be helping you, Yuu thought and realized she couldn’t really express why she rushed here. It was unwise to tell Neige about her dreams, her relation to princesses and such — she simply was no one to him. 
“I am fine, please don’t worry. I am just… observing the school.”
Which actually was a truth of sorts, and even if it may appear suspicious, she couldn’t come up with something more witty at the moment. And Neige, being either considerate of her or having no eagerness to interrogate her regarding this matter, only smiled, staring at her.
She looked at him with an uncovered concern splashing in her eyes, and felt something strange growing in her body.
Neige’s eyes were aimed right at her own, huge and filled with confusion. A weightless feeling blossomed in every cell of her body, filling it with unprecedented lightness. Warmth surrounded her heart, exuding gentle thrill, yet calmness prevailed. A mixture of different, but surely positive emotions combined into a holistic picture of serenity.
She looked at Neige with more clearance in her gaze, blinking away all the confusion, and subconsciously drew a hand to where her heart was, not realizing what happened. 
“Ah,” she gasped when Neige approached her just ever so slightly, gazing straight at her, and noticed a shadow of something heavy and mournful in his eyes. “Neige?”
He quickly regained composure, smiling at her in the way he always did, much to Yuu’s concern. Just what in the world happened?
“Are you perhaps feeling unwell?” She asked him, noticing how his delicate thin fingers trembled when he raised his hand to fix a strand of her hair. 
“Hm…” His eyes averted, and he blinked, spotting out the dwarfs, who came closer to him. “Probably. I’ll go visit a nurse. Thank you for expressing your genuine concern, yet also I’m deeply sorry for making you worry. See you later, Yuu.”
Absentmindedly greeting the dwarfs and bidding goodbye to the company, she watched Neige’s figure distancing from where she was, still not quite thinking straight, but a sudden malicious laugh reached her ears.
“HAHAH, it was SOOO pathetic. He really has no idea how to woo a girl.”
Yuu turned to Neige’s classmate, a peaceful and delightful feeling in her chest slowly disappearing, leaving a place for annoyance. 
“They say they’ll include more romance scenes in the movie,” someone said. “It’ll be so painful to watch.”
“For real, he’s so lame. Smiling here ‘n there won’t help. Can’t believe he’s starring in an R-rated movie.”
“Now now, don’t be so harsh,” someone added. “He’s just a child. He plays just fine in stuff for kids commercials!”
“Yeah, pathetic shit.”
“And you are?”
No one noticed when Yuu entered an unfamiliar auditorium, materializing before other students’ very eyes, making them stare at her in confusion. 
“Oho, isn’t it a lovely Yuu-chan?”
“Lovely?” She asked, a vague smile blossoming on her face, making it completely unreadable. 
“You must be dead tired after seeing that pathetic piece of shit.”
Yuu knew she had no authority in this school, being a small girl surrounded by tall and lean men wasn’t helpful at all, too, but she was pissed off enough to act harshly.
“Yuu-chan, if you’re hanging out with him because of his fame, forget it. With your looks you might as well seduce that Schoenheit guy. By the way, I know the guy who knows the guy who…”
“Ha…” She sighed, pressing her palm to her forehead and closing her eyes. 
“Come on, you’re scaring her,” another student said, standing up and getting closer to Yuu, placing his hand on her shoulder. “He’s right tho. Unless you prefer young innocent-looking boys over someone more manly?”
She looked at the hand resting on top of her shoulder, and then shifted her gaze straight into the guy’s eyes, her heart possessing no warmth anymore. 
“I’m rather tired. Tired of hearing you spreading all this nonsense.”
“Hanging out because of Neige’s fame?” She smiled slightly. “Seducing someone I don’t even know? You’re making me laugh! All of you… I despise people like you.”
“What did you just say?”
“Oh please, cute little girl playing protective? What are you, Neige’s mommy?”
The air turned cold and difficult to breathe when Yuu’s smile widened. 
“Dude,” someone whispered to the student who was arrogantly smiling at Yuu. “Don’t jinx it, she’s a fuckin’ fae!..”
But neither Yuu nor the student really cared.
“What can you possibly do?” The student came closer to her. “Tell the headmaster about us? Go on, it’s you, not us being in a predicament.”
“That is the only cover you could come up with? The headmaster? Dear little child,” she remained even, her back straight and the gaze certain and strict. “Next time you see Neige, thank him for not telling the headmaster about your behavior. Thanks to him, your dirty souls are being safe and not expelled. Have you ever thought about it?”
“Sweetie, we just genuinely don’t care whether he tells the headmaster about us or not.”
“Great then,” Yuu clapped her hands, and a little electricity spark flashed in front of everyone, making them flinch slightly. “Then if you don’t mind Neige, you won’t mind me as well, am I being correct? Wait a moment, I’ll go inform the headmaster about this issue real quick.”
“You little shit,” the student grabbed her hand, but Yuu glanced at him with malice spreading in her eyes. “Drop your act. Yeah, you’re a greater actor than him, we got it. Now stop pissing us off ‘till we get serious.”
“So you’re not being serious right now? How disappointing. I thought your act could serve as a comedy for me to keep myself entertained for some time, but now knowing that such people like you even dared to say something about Neige… A~ah, truly unfortunate.”
“Neige’s sure got some crazy bitches among his fans.”
Yuu was feeling strange. Unknown rage was filling her to the bone, making it difficult to remain calm and collected. It never happened before, not even once, she was strictly prohibited from performing acts like that. Fairy Godmother taught her that all the problems could be resolved with little verbal tricks and light magic if needed. 
But what was that malicious, dark and dirty sensation vibrating in her vessels?
She once more felt how her body trembled for a moment, and with a gentle feeling all the emotions disappeared, being replaced with happiness and joy that was quite out of blue.
“Ah, dear little children,” she murmured. “It seems the lesson starts soon. I have no time to continue playing kindergarten here.”
“Kinder— YOU!!—”
“Shh,” Yuu smiled, pressing her finger to the guy's cheek, feeling absolutely disgusted. “I’m genuinely warning you that you’re getting expelled if you don’t apologize to Neige. Well then, farewell. Hope we’ll never meet again.”
She went out of the auditorium, turning around at the exit for a moment, and casually dropped another smile.
“Ah, one more thing. Neige is the most kind, hard-working and genuine person that I’ve ever known in my whole life. It is quite disappointing to see that you’re not following none of your Venerable Seven’s behest.”
After that she ran away, clenching the shirt in her hand, breathing heavily and trying to realize what came into her, causing to say such cruel, unpleasant and absolutely not graceful things. 
It was as if another person shifted into her, changing her personality at once.
And what was that sudden feeling of happiness and joy filling her already twice this morning?
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The classes ended, and Yuu realized it would be unwise to try finding Neige in the classroom, given how unpleasant the meeting with his classmates went. 
The day was bright and flourishing in all its glory, bestowing a gentle serenity with hot yet soft sun rays. Yuu closed her eyes for a mere moment, letting herself stop to appreciate the cordial tender feeling spreading in her chest. 
With a snap of fingers she summoned a pink butterfly that greeted her in a playful dance around her head.
“I’m so immature,” Yuu mumbled to herself. “Mother… will be disappointed.”
The butterfly landed on her closed eyelid, fluttering its wing, to which Yuu chuckled.
“Thank you for your reassurance, little one. I—”
“Whatchnya doin’?”
Yuu gasped, opening her eyes abruptly, and saw Che’nya’s face levitating in the air.
“That’s mya,” The boy materialized with all his body, casually crossing his legs midair, and landed successfully, jumping on his foot and looking like he weighed nothing at all, demonstrating his graceful and flexible moves. “How’s your day?”
“Uhm, I am… a bit confused, so to say,” Yuu forced a smile, watching the butterfly fly around Che’nya, who seemed to be enjoying the moment and chuckling softly. 
“Little confusion won’t hurt one,” Che’nya replied vaguely. “On the contrary, wouldn’t our lives be fairly borin’ without any confusion put in them?”
“Yes?.. I believe you’re right…” Yuu tilted her head, questioning what exactly was that he meant by that, but shrugged it off, clapping her hands. “Ah, right! Have you seen Neige?”
“I may have,” Che’nya jumped on the spot, his body disappearing in the air, and only his upside-down head turned to Yuu, much to her growing bewilderment. “Or I may have not.”
“It seems I’m free to allegorize your words as I please?”
“Nya-uh,” he smiled at her, his face looking silly yet cute being turned upside-down. “I know a road which can take you to someone who definitely knows where Neige is~”
“You do?!” Yuu’s face glowed in joy. 
“Nyap,” Che’nya nodded… Or so it seemed? “The one who also helps Neige. You might find him somewhere or nowhere in that direction~”
“Somewhere or… I’m afraid I don’t follow?”
“You do~ Follow my directions. I’m the best at giving them.”
Che’nya’s arm appeared in the air, his index finger pointing on the road which led to the clocktower, and glanced back at the cat-looking boy, but he’s probably long gone by now.
“And remember,” his voice was heard. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road can take you there.”
And with that Che’nya’s voice died out, leaving Yuu all alone with her grown confusion.
“Well…” She sighed, letting the butterfly, that also seemed flummoxed at Che’nya’s behavior, rest on her shoulder. “Let’s try following the direction he pointed.”
The one who also helps Neige, huh. 
Yuu swam deeper in her thoughts, trying to recollect the memories and rearrange the succession of events. Today’s not so pleasant meeting with Neige’s classmates almost overshadowed previous encounters of other people Yuu thought were at least neutral.
By the way, why would the road correlate with the clocktower? Was someone who could help her find Neige in the building right at the moment? Other than her, she could meet Prospero there. 
Ah, wait! Did Che’nya mean Emery who was following— Wait.
Yuu felt another presence nearby. Hiding behind the tree, she listened closely, hearing two people talking.
“Another shenanigans of yours…”
The peaceful, melodious voice bewitched Yuu. The words formed rather not into speech, but into a series of musical notes, charming with their tenderness.
“C’mon, no one will know!”
Another voice, the one that Yuu was able to recognize almost instantly due to the youthful, joyful sound vibrating in the air. 
That was him. The copper-haired boy she met on her first day here, and also the one who seemed to be genuinely worried about Neige.
Yuu peeked out from behind the tree, spotting two students standing with their backs to her, so she wasn’t able to see their faces. The boy she saw appeared to be smaller in height than his friend. Come to think of it, his blonde-haired friend was so tall and magnificent that Yuu gasped, parting her lips, realizing she has never seen people of such height. An extraterrestrial aura flew around him, radiating light and calming feeling.
He was the one sleeping in the library!
“Emery knows though, doesn’t he?” Taller boy replied, to which his friend jolted on the spot. 
“N-nah, what are you saying!~”
“You said that he followed you when you tried to flee miserably.”
“And that he lectured you for three hours straight.”
“And that you are also prohibited from entering the clocktower for a time being.”
“Argh, enough!! Besides, we’re not entering the building itself, okay?! Let’s hurry up! It’s not like you’re not going anyway, right?”
“Right,” the blond-haired boy answered. “It’s always you who gets scolded anyway.”
“That’s what friends are for. To always remind you that you’re saving their asses and they’re watching you getting scolded for lulz.”
“It’s me saving your restless ass though.”
“Ah shut up~”
“Cast your magic already.”
“Alright, two premium tickets coming right up!”
Yuu came out from behind the tree before the boy started whispering, and listened closely, focusing on the words he was pronouncing in an enchanting way.
“No matter which way I’m going, it gets curiouser and curiouser. Down the Rabbit Hole!”
The familiar hole appeared before two boys, and they, exchanging another joke or two, both jumped down there. 
Yuu, immediately running towards the hole, watched it closing with a rapid speed, and realized that it was now or never — there was no time to try guessing what could happen down there, she’ll definitely figure it out once she jumps. So she did, stepping into an unknown space, and letting the wind current take her somewhere.
She opened her eyes, which had been closed before the jump, and a blindingly bright light shone in front of her. A space that looked more like the Milky Way with glittering stars of cold colors unfolded in front of her. A scattering of sparkling stars decorated the walls of this “hole,” but Yuu’s gaze was riveted by something else.
Objects of various purposes danced freely in the air, as if they lived their own lives. A chair with gold-plated armrests flew past Yuu and moved behind her, forcing her to take a seat. She levitated in the air, sitting on a luxurious velvet chair!!
“W-what is happening?!”
Ignoring her question, the table with a patterned tablecloth joined the company, appearing in front of Yuu. The treats did not take long to arrive — a plate with buoyantly dancing cookies was jumping over the table. A teapot rushed past, drawing strange patterns with flowing tea in the air, and as soon as a cup with a fancy handle joined the feast, the teapot splashed hot tea into the cup.
“T-thank you?..” Yuu mumbled, when the cup drew closer to her, suggesting to grab it.
The aroma of melted chocolate and tea with bergamot filled the space. The tartness of the drink seemed quite interesting to Yuu, but the next sweets that arrived at the table overwhelmed the persistent smell of infused tea leaves, giving way to the aroma of cinnamon and powdered sugar.
“Thank you for the cordial welcome… whoever you are?”
The kitchen utensils danced approvingly around her, and only Yuu had time to finish her tea, when space turned everything upside down (if what was happening could even be interpreted in this way, given all its absurdity). Yuu screamed in surprise, mentally thanking herself for braiding her hair earlier in the morning, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to see anything.
She spotted a bright light at the end of the hole, and turned around to witness no utensils dancing here and there. She was left all alone, heading towards the light and worrying about the closing exit. 
“No no no, wait for me!!” She cried, trying to make a move similar to one when people swim in the water, but to no avail.
She managed to get closer to the exit in the last second, before the space basically spat her out of itself.
She landed successfully, rising from her knees, and turned around to take a look. 
And realized she had no idea where she was.
An unfamiliar infrastructure appeared before Yuu. The coldness of the stone walls around her made her feel slightly uncomfortable, and she hurried to get out of her current situation. Proceeding to the side where the passage stood out, she found herself in the middle of a narrow street where people were scurrying about.
She looked around in fascination, marveling at the local infrastructure and how different it was from RSA. Small houses with small courtyards, the stonework of this alley, fancy street lamps…
She was brought out of her thoughts by familiar voices heard somewhere very far away, and Yuu turned to the source of the sound. She found those same two students at the end of the alley, hurried after them, but at the turn she discovered that there was already no trace of them.
Meanwhile, she herself found herself on a wider and busier street, which completely confused her.
The number of people walking here and there scared her out. She never considered herself a person who could easily interact with people, and now, being left completely all alone in the—apparently—town of unfamiliar faces has helped her worries to grow.
She decided to start walking where there weren’t so many people, glancing at the store windows, at people taking a stroll, at a stray cat jumping on the rooftop, at the way gilded foliage indicated summer lost its rights, giving way to autumn, and the leaves slowly falling down. 
Get yourself together, Yuu commanded herself. 
First, the copper-haired boy probably took her here (even if he didn’t know it himself), hence Neige could be possibly found somewhere near this place. Second, was this ‘hole’ he created something that Emery explained as a unique magic? And was it not the hole, but the portal? Alright, then if anything, Yuu could possibly find a spot where no one would see her, and just fly into the sky to see where RSA is located.
And now, how could she possibly fish out Neige out of ALL those people?
Yuu possessed greater abilities than humans did. Enhanced hearing, vision, smelling and other perception options, she could have tried remembering Neige’s voice, or smell, or his appearance to detect his location. However, Fairy Godmother never told her how far she could go with her abilities, explaining only the simplest ways of their work. Due to that reason, Yuu is most likely to fail. 
She decided to give it a go even still, leaning on the tree in the park she went to look less suspicious, and looked around, concentrating her vision on certain spots, but all in vain. Trying to hear Neige’s voice also didn’t work, giving her a slight migraine instead.
“Should I just observe as far as I can now…”
With the confusion on her heart, Yuu slowly started walking around, deciding to at least observe the place she arrived at, so she wouldn’t get lost in the town in case there will be another chance to visit it. 
She was walking around the city in a casual manner, fascinated by absolutely everything around her. The flow of people amazed her with how harmoniously it moved, as if it were one integral organism. People were going in all directions: some were in a hurry somewhere, quickly avoiding obstacles, pressing a box to their ear, which Yuu could now identify as a mobile phone; someone, on the contrary, was walking very leisurely, just like her, enjoying the moment.
Small buildings were replaced by some much larger in height. Such buildings reflected light with their glass walls, forcing Yuu to stop in front of them, looking at her reflection in bewilderment.
The variety on the store windows was amazing in its assortment, and Yuu smiled sadly, examining a winter scarf with the predominant red yarn in it and running her fingers over the embroidered birds. For the second time during her stay here in this world made her heart sink with regret for not earning money or at least trying to find a job. First of all, she wanted to repay Ambrose for being so kind to her and providing accommodation. And the second time was right now.
“It would look so nice on him…”
“What a thoughtful girlfriend you are!”
Yuu raised her head, looking at the shopkeeper with incomprehension in her eyes.
“You’re choosing a gift for your boyfriend, no?”
“Oh, no, nothing of sorts! I just thought this would look good on someone I know.”
“Your friend then?”
“My friend…”
Was Neige really her friend?
None of their encounters resembled something that friends would do or discuss, and every meeting ended with Yuu blaming herself for being not so helpful, while Neige only tried to distance her off himself with a reassuring smile.
They weren’t friends, she was sure of it, and they most probably would not be ones ever. After she finds a way to finally release him from his worries, she’ll get back home, with all the students forgetting her very existence in a short period of time.
Yet, something tangled in her stomach at this thought, and she decided to shrug it off before she got too emotional and unstable of thinking straight.
“Oh, maybe I’m overstepping, but did you sew these clothes yourself?”
“My clothes?” Yuu echoed and gasped right when she realized.
She was still wearing her RSA uniform, while not even trying to cover the fact that she was a female.
Yuu laughed rather awkwardly, realizing she needs to rush over somewhere to cast a set of casual clothes to walk here without any worries, and waited for the shopkeeper to start making assumptions so to Yuu could confirm any guess and not to lie.
“No, it wasn’t me…”
“Aah, then have you perhaps taken it from your brother? My daughter likes to wear an RSA uniform, too. What’s so pretty about it, though? NRC’s dark colors are more stylish to me. Ah, forgive my nagging.”
“This is alright!” Yuu smiled. “I like light colors more… Come to think of it, you’re right. It’s about time I return them to their owner, ha-ha…”
“Okay, see you then!”
“Have a nice day!”
Yuu casually walked out of the shop and, before rushing to the corner where no one was found, took a look at girls outfits, choosing a combination of elements of the garments they were wearing, so as to be not so different from other people. Summoning her magic wand, she decided to go with a simple choice due to the lack of time.
“I hope this will do…”
A wave of sparkles surrounded her, and with a little flash her clothes changed into a black long straight dress and a gray top, the boots with satin ribbons she used to wear as a part of her RSA uniform being replaced with patent leather lace-up boots. 
She went out to the streets, noticing that the day was cooling from the midday heat, and grew colder, giving way to pinkish evening colors.
Yuu reached a large building right in the centre of the city, raising her head up and regretting she couldn’t fly over the top right at the moment to see the name of the, apparently, company that was located here. 
She wasn’t really familiar with modern concepts and settings, transmigrating to the worlds of medieval times. Being completely oblivious to the way strange-looking carriages were rushing on the streets, Yuu felt her head turning dizzy, and decided to take a moment to rest in the park and continue her observation.
Right when she sat, a sweet scent lingered in the air, making her shudder and focus on its origin. 
“Neige!” She exclaimed to herself, concentrating her ears and feeling them twitch slightly. 
She heard his voice somewhere far away, and not wasting any more time, rushed over there. Almost reaching his location, the sweet and gentle fragrance growing easier to feel, Yuu suddenly stopped, her heart piercing with a strange uncomfortable sensation.
A malicious aura was spreading nearby, and right when she noticed Neige in the distance with a dark hat and a mask on him, she was hit by someone. Yuu turned and saw a little figure of a girl watching Neige. 
“Excuse me!..” Yuu exclaimed, but the girl couldn’t care less, her eyes strongly fixated on Neige’s silhouette. 
That was her. The girl radiated that spiteful, ill-disposed manner around her, and Yuu decided to follow. The girl was basically running towards Neige, her eyes glowing with an obsessive, possessive light in them, scaring Yuu and making her realize that she needed to act fast.
A sudden appearance of a modern-looking carriage right before Yuu’s very eyes was an unplanned and rather disappointing event, the girl being long gone by now. 
“Little one,” Yuu said, standing near the road where a column of many carriages was, and summoned a pink butterfly. “Go after Neige.”
Right now she needed to act as a young normal woman possessing no magic powers. There was no way she could do something reckless such as to fly towards Neige or the girl. People were crowding around a pillar with three windows, one of them glowing with red light. They weren’t surprised at how the carriages were moving, and decided to join them. Right when she got closer, the light changed from red to yellow, then green, and people started crossing the road with Yuu following their example.
Fantastic system, she thought to herself, deciding to investigate it more when—or rather if—she’ll have the time to do so. 
Finally escaping the obstacle, she followed the butterfly’s direction, and almost stumbled upon Neige talking to the girl.
The last one being fairly noisy and annoying, so to say. Neige, who looked even more tired and exhausted than he did in the morning, much to Yuu’s concern, lowered the mask, so his lips could be seen, and forced an apologetic smile to the girl.
Yuu was approaching them with a rapid speed, trying to control her moves, so she won’t come off as an extraordinary creature with inhuman powers, and concentrated on their conversation, catching more and more glimpses of it.
“I’m sorry I’m not—”
“But I love you!!”
“As I’ve mentioned, I—”
“I’ll kill myself if you!—”
“Please calm down—”
Kill herself?! Yuu’s blood froze in her vessels, as she rushed without any thinking, but then a bright flash of something metallic cold flew before Neige. 
Yuu accumulated magic in her legs, ready to just jump into them, but then another flash of light sparkled before Neige, covering the space with fire spurts of flame. 
What just happened?..
“And what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Yuu recognized the voice, despite it losing its cheerful notes. The copper-haired boy’s eyes glew with an intense, almost malevolent blue fire of rage. 
Stationery knife the girl was about to use fell on the ground, ashes melting in the air. 
“You okay?” The boy asked Neige, who appeared to be in oppressive stupor. 
“Ah, yes, thank you…” Neige finally replied, clenching the shirt in his hand, and swallowed.
The girl fell on her knees, and Neige, enveloped in pure guilt, outstretched his hand to the girl, so she could stand up, but the boy quickly brushed it off.
“Dude, I understand, Edelwiese is founded on kindness and things, but you could have been, like… Killed. Or… I don’t know!!”
“He’s right,” a now familiar Yuu blonde boy also appeared, still standing with his back turned to Yuu. “We should report to the police.”
“Thank you for your concern,” Neige smiled at the boys. “But everything is okay.”
“Okay?! OKAY?!” The blue-eyed boy cried, grabbing Neige’s hands and looking at him with a genuine worry in his eyes, while the blonde one monitored the girl who was still sitting on the ground. 
“Yes,” Neige nodded, distancing himself from the boy and loosening the grip on his hands. “Everything’s alright, there’s nothing to worry about…”
He then whispered something with his lips only, and the boy who appeared to be extremely tense now became absolutely relaxed and slightly perplexed with his own feelings. 
“I…” Yuu whispered to the butterfly that returned to her. “Sense magic.”
“Alright…” The boy replied. “I believe you if you say so. But we should still report to the police!”
“We will,” Neige reassured, taking out a phone out of his pocket. “I’ll let my manager know about it. I also won’t tell anyone that you used magic in the town.”
“Young lady,” Neige turned to the girl who was still looking at him adoringly, joyful due to him paying her attention she wanted. “Please promise me you… won’t ever… do something like that. Ever. This is my last warning.”
“If you desire so!!”
Neige blinked, forcing a smile so artificial it hurt. The police finally arrived, taking the girl with them and, after asking Neige some questions, let him be with the two students.
Yuu decided to follow them and make sure they’ll get home safe and sound.
“Dude, it’s not even funny. How are you so nice to her after THAT happened?!”
“I agree,” the blonde one said, shaking his head. “This is absolutely abnormal.”
“She was trying to KILL you, hello?!”
“Or herself,” the blonde added. “Both possibilities are NOT okay.”
“What he said,” the copper-haired boy sighed. “Neige, really, you need a guard or somethin’..”
“It’s not like I can afford—” Neige’s voice suddenly rose up, but then he cleared his throat and shook his head. “There’s no need. I can handle it.”
After twenty minutes of small arguing about Neige’s safety, the conversation changed into a more casual flow.
“By the way, what were you doing here in the first place? I always thought you’re getting a ride to the company.”
“It’s just… It was an unplanned meeting, so I was basically dragged out of the lesson today. We were discussing an upcoming project. Apparently… Now I have much more lines to play than expected.”
“Even more?! Hello, your eyebags will soon reach the point of that energy drink addict.”
“Oi,” the blonde answered with a clear annoyance in his voice. 
“Ha-ha,” Neige laughed gently. “I’m already considered a coffee addict though.”
“You two are complete fools… I can’t believe it.”
“I’m very sorry to disappoint you…” Neige mumbled.
“Oh please,” the blue-eyed boy sighed. “Don’t apologize. And disappoint? What again? Why would you disappoint me out of all people?”
“You’re right…” Neige nodded. “I’m sorry.”
Yuu followed them, noticing that the rest of the conversation was held by the two students, while Neige remained silent until they made it to the RSA entrance, much to Yuu’s surprise. 
After they bid goodbye to each other, Neige went to the main building, while the two boys followed an opposite direction, heading to somewhere unbeknown to Yuu. She waited for a moment until their silhouettes were gone, and headed to the clocktower. 
The pink butterfly that followed her till the end started flying in a strange way, its activity raising to the max, with the butterfly's wings fluttering very fast. 
“Is something the matter, little one?”
In spite of asking, she already knew that something was exceedingly wrong. The butterfly landed on her head, as if trying to grab her hair, then went to her clavicles, arching her waist, then flying off to the clocktower’s highest spot, finally making a comeback to Yuu after that.
“Little one, I’m afraid I don’t understand…”
The butterfly went to her ear, its wings tickling Yuu’s skin. She nodded to its movements, furrowing her brows and sighing heavily.
“I know he’s in danger!” Yuu cried, feeling totally exhausted and drenched out. “I know I must help!”
This is my duty, after all, she thought, falling on her knees before the entrance to the clocktower, expressing no desire to enter. 
“Fine,” she said, when the butterfly started acting slightly annoyingly, but Yuu didn’t want to blame it for the worries it possessed. Her own mental state reminded of a vase, starting to crumble with little cracks. 
“Give me some time. I’ll gather the information I have and try to arrange everything. We will rescue him.”
The butterfly seemed to calm down a little, and Yuu, still sitting on the grass, summoned her magic wand and changed the clothes back to the school uniform. 
“Á lelya,” the dilapidated notebook appeared in a wave of sparkles, landing right in her hands. 
Her fingers flipped the pages at a fast speed, and when Yuu found what she needed the most right now, she nodded to herself, opening a new page and writing down her thoughts.
Her thoughts and magic combinations, which she hoped she wouldn’t have an opportunity to use. She never tried those incantations she came up with just now, and was very afraid of it going the wrong way to the point of no return. 
An hour has passed since Yuu started practicing magic spells on her own. The deep evening had fallen on the streets, warm pinkish and orange colors changing into cold dark ones, and Yuu was ready to head back to the building, feeling absolutely exhausted.
“Let’s go, little one,” Yuu said, making the notebook disappear in the air, and grabbed her magic wand. “I hope I’ll settle everything tomorrow and—”
Yuu recognized Che’nya’s voice, but couldn’t really manage to find his mischievous figure. Looking around, she noticed him slowly appearing in the woods, and came closer to him, at the same time realizing she was still holding her magic wand. 
Withdrawing it now would only raise Che’nya’s suspicions, so she carefully tucked it in her sleeve and greeted him.
“Good evening, Che’nya-san.”
“Good evenyan~” How strange. Yuu thought he sounded quite concerned a little ago. 
“May I help you?”
“Not me,” Che’nya smiled at her, but something mysterious and unreadable slid down his iris. 
“Ah!” Yuu gasped. “Did perhaps something happen to Neige?!”
“Hmm,” Che’nya’s brows slightly twitched, an unfamiliar look appeared on his face. “Not at the moment.”
“I, uhm,” Yuu hesitated. She was fairly obvious with all those questions about Neige’s location and the cafeteria event. But if something could happen, she would like to prevent it as fast as possible. “I actually followed your advice and went after that boy you’ve mentioned. Even if I couldn’t help Neige in the town, he looked very… How should I put it…”
“Like the world is about to end, nya?”
“Oh,” Yuu cleared her throat. “In a way, yes…”
“Right, right, he’s a very hard-working boy, nya. Maybe too much…”
“Che’nya-san,” Yuu’s voice sounded strict and concerned. “I know it might be too much to ask, but you also came not just for a small talk like that, am I being correct?”
“Uh-nya,” he nodded.
“Do you by any chance know where Neige is right now?”
“Drama club building,” Che’nya answered immediately, showing a slight glimpse of relief that Yuu caught his way of thinking. 
“Show me the way.”
Che’nya, without further ado, went straight into the woods, and Yuu had nothing to do but follow him. 
Their path passed in absolute oppressive silence, due to the fact that everyone understood that something wrong could happen in the coming minutes. The butterfly next to Yuu was spinning in a frantic dance, as if reflecting a gloomy omen.
A small dome-shaped building appeared in front of them, resembling an indoor amphitheater.
“Normally the building is open at this hour for Neige only,” Che’nya commented. 
“What are we going to do then?..”
Neige smirked, making his body disappear, and reappeared on the opposite side of the wall, right in the building.
“Che’nya-san, is it okay for us to—”
“Don’t worry, nya. We’ve got other things to do.”
He was right. Yuu should have prioritize Neige’s safety first, so she nodded to Che’nya when he opened the window and gave his hand to Yuu to help her get inside.
The building seemed smaller inside than outside. Several rooms along the long corridor served as utility rooms and small auditoriums with technical equipment, the purpose of which Yuu could not determine at the moment.
When they reached the last door, Che’nya pressed a finger to his lips, followed by Yuu’s nod and confirmation to remain silent. Neige’s voice was heard ever so slightly.
He opened the door, and Yuu immediately bent down, glancing at Che’nya who followed her example and nodded to the side, silently whispering ‘this way’ with his lips only.
Indeed, the building turned out to be an amphitheater. An unsettling moonlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, illuminating the main stage at the very bottom. Yuu and Che’nya found themselves in the upper rows, hiding behind the raised seats, and walked closer to the middle.
Yuu's heart was pounding wildly in his chest. Everything that was happening seemed like some kind of feverish dream, a fictional delirium, moreover, absolutely unsightly and wrong. But all her regrets and fears disappeared once she heard Neige’s loud voice.
“Me? Oh I’m… Not scared of death.”
Neige was probably following the script, and Yuu peeped out to make sure she understood it right. 
He held a paper sheet with a text on it, a strong trembling ran through his tender, weakened hands. Yuu knitted her brows together, when Che’nya tagged her on the sleeve, reminding that they still needed some time to observe. 
“Argh!” Neige groaned. “That’s not it. Ahem… Me?! Oh I am!.. No, should I put more pressure? More sneer?”
He was pacing back and forth on the stage, loud thuds of his heels echoing in the building. 
“Me… Hahaha! I’m not scared of death,” Neige exclaimed after a long pause. “Urgh, no… This is all wrong.”
Yuu wasn’t sure how much more they should wait, and was about to peep out once more, but a sudden vibrating in the air caused her muscles to tense. Che’nya couldn’t resist his interest any longer, too, and looked where Yuu was staring at, noticing a giant hole opening in the floor.
“That is!..” Yuu whispered, feeling Che’nya nodding beside her.
“But why?..”
A familiar figure of the copper-haired boy appeared in the auditorium, and right when he was about to open his mouth to say something, he noticed Neige on the stage, looking mournful and gloomy.
“I am… I am not… scared of death.”
The blue-eyed boy gasped, drawing his hand to his mouth to cover it. 
“How exactly must I say that, given the character IS scared of death!?”
Neige tore the paper in his hands, collapsing on the stage, and right when Yuu and others were ready to act on their instincts, Neige laughed hysterically, standing up, tears running down his sunken cheeks.
“Haaa… I should have given this role to Vi-kun instead.”
Yuu felt a cold wave run through her body. Her heart felt like it was encased in icy, rusty chains, and she hugged herself tightly, trying to prevent herself from trembling. Che’nya turned to look at her, but Yuu only stared in fear in response. Neige went backstage. 
“Yuu?! Calm down, hey, look, Neige’s back—”
Yuu shook her head, afraid of looking at the stage. 
“It would be highly unwise of you.”
The voice, usually gentle and smooth, giving peace and tranquility, sounded sharp and blatantly insolent. Yuu sharply raised her head and felt something inside her break with a crash.
Neige stood on the stage, dressed in luxurious robes. A satin white blouse with wide sleeves and a wavy collar was neatly tucked into black leather trousers that hugged his thin legs. The knee-high boots were entwined with apple flowers. Behind him flowed a long cloak with gilded patterns, attached to the blouse with aiguillettes with bright scarlet stones, reflecting the moonlight so brightly that the blood-red hue hurt the eyes, light radiating through a porcelain mask on his face. On his slender, gloved fingers, were many massive rings.
However, the strangest detail was his hair. Half was the usual jet black, and the other was painted lifeless white.
“Neige?..” The copper-haired boy whispered.
“No…” Yuu mumbled, biting her lip. “It’s not him…”
“What do you mean?” Che’nya asked concerningly. 
“Look at his eyes.”
Che’nya did as she told, and gasped when he saw strange swirls in his eyes glowing bright crimson, pupils dissolving in the depth of its scarlet hue.
Time seemed to slow down, allowing everyone to clearly hear the creaking of floorboards and nervous chuckles.
Neige’s voice was heard, and he turned around to witness someone looking exactly like him, but also different. Intimidating… creature stood in front of real Neige, smiling with his lips, but his eyes carried a horrendous consternation in them.
“Who are you?!” Neige screamed, summoning his magic pen immediately. 
“Now now,” the other Neige laughed, taking a step closer. “Do you really want to fight with me? With yourself?”
“... The fuck is happening,” the blue-eyed boy said, raising up. 
“With myself?.. What do you…”
The scarlet-Neige burst into laughter, grabbing a piece of the paper the original Neige tore, and snapped his fingers. Ashes accumulated in the air, making it hard to breathe, and the paper was restored.
“My script…” Neige mumbled, furrowing his brows. “What are you going to—”
Yuu bit her lip to the point a few drops of blood were shed.
“Hahaha… I… To think that you would assume!! That I…” The counterpart bent down to Neige, grabbing his chin and staring at his eyes, smiling.
Until his body suddenly shuddered, and a loud cry was heard.
“Would be scared of death?!”
Neige gulped, falling down on his knees.
“... or this is how you should act.”
Everyone went silent when the scarlet-Neige took a chair and sat down gracefully, his whole figure radiating royal, expensive and elegant attitude. 
Unlike Neige, who was trembling, his huge eyes with dark eyebags staring in disbelief. 
“I can help you,” the counterpart whispered enchantingly. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
“W-what do you mean?..”
“You got used to the main roles,” the counterpart cupped Neige’s face, his thin fingers with protruding sharp nails slid down Neige’s cheeks, wiping away his tears. “Playing sweet, naive heroes. Always gifting everyone with those smiles of yours. I know you’re deadly tired of wearing them.”
“But I!”
“You thought you could reach Vil Schoenheit’s level,” the other Neige said, as if sentencing his origin to death. “You know yourself you’re not capable of playing villains.”
“I… that is…”
“Admit it yourself.”
“I… agree…”
Yuu stood up at once, releasing her magic wand and wanting to cast a spell, but she was abruptly interrupted.
“Great then!” The counterpart laughed hysterically, grabbing Neige’s hand and leading him into a waltz. “Let the rehearsal continue!”
“As if I’m allowing it!!”
Yuu ran through the rows, startling Neige and his replica on stage, the blue-eyed boy turning his head to the sound of Yuu’s heels echoing in the amphitheater, and Che’nya quickly reappearing near the stage to prevent Yuu from performing something reckless.
“Yuu?” Neige’s eyes followed her precipitous moves. “And everyone… Were you watching me all this time?”
Admitting such a nefarious act was fairly painful to Yuu, and she lowered her gaze, ashamed of her actions. Least she wanted him to feel as if he’s being offered unwanted help by someone he barely knew. 
She averted her eyes, glancing at Neige’s replica, studying his nature. Blood was running down in his vessels, indicating he was a living being—she wasn’t sure of his humanic entity though—which meant that he needed to be observed more for further actions.
“I presume some audience won’t hurt,” the counterpart concluded, performing hover corte while waltzing, and let Neige turn to the ‘public’. 
“What are they doing…” The copper-haired boy mumbled, trying to analyze their actions.
“I don’t knyaw as for Neige, but that one is preparing for somethin’.” Che’nya said, the usual mischievous sparkles in his eyes disappearing as he went to Yuu, covering her with his body. “This is dangerous.”
“With all my respect to you, Che’nya-san,” Yuu tapped on his shoulder, making him turn to her and look at the vermilion of her eyes with pupils trembling in a rising anxiety underneath. “I know! This is precisely why I’m going to fix this unfortunate state.”
“Girlie, I don’t believe this is the right time for your sophisticated speech patterns!” The blue-eyed boy blurted out, withdrawing his magic pen and fixing a stance, ready to fight.
“Wait!! Don’t fight him yet!”
“This is the happiness you dream of?”
The replica made Neige enterwine in outside swivel, exposing him to everyone. 
Yuu didn’t know what to do. Blood was boiling in her vessels, fright accumulating within her heart. 
The counterpart wasn’t attacking them, much to Yuu’s surprise, but she was feeling with her whole body how a cold wind of worry chained Neige up, making him lose his calm. The replica was basically draining him out, hurting not physically, but verbally.
“What are you in the first place?” Che’nya asked, his magic pen appearing in the air. 
“I am Neige,” he answered with a grin on his face. “And Neige is me.”
“I’m tired of this shit,” the blue-eyed boy spitted. 
“As I’ve mentioned, don’t fight him yet—”
“And what? Are we going to simply watch Neige getting hurt mentally? He’s my friend, I can’t just let it be like that!”
“Friend?..” Neige’s eyes glowed in a soft light hue. 
“That’s right, you dummy, and I’m rescuing your ass right now, please bear with it!” He pointed the tip of his magic pen at the replica, ignoring his suspicious grin and Yuu’s scream.
The boy accumulated burning flames, and Yuu started panicking rather obviously.
Fairy Godmother, what do I do?! She questioned herself, knowing she was lacking the knowledge of performing battles. She didn’t need it in the first place, her main occupation was intelligence work of mind and brains, not attacking spells or whatsoever!!
Che’nya jumped in front of her, his moves resembling those of a cat, and grabbed the boy’s hand, but it was too late—a fire spell flew out of the tip of his magic pen, heading straight to the counterpart.
Yuu was ready to throw herself at the spell to prevent the scarlet-Neige from burning to ashes, but Neige himself interfered, casting a water shot, which led to flames die out and burst in a steam cloud.
“Don’t fight,” Neige said, realizing how weak his body turned, hands shuddering and head spinning. “Ugh… I hate to see people being so unhappy…”
“Dude, are you out of your mind?!” The boy threw out his pen, getting closer to Neige and grabbing his shoulders. “I could have burnt you!.. I!..”
“This is why,” Neige forced a smile. “I told you to not fight.”
“But that thing…”
“He’s not causing any harm, is he?”
Everyone remained silent, when Neige felt the boy’s grip on his shoulder loose, and raised up, turning to his replica.
“You too… Please calm down. I don’t want my friends to get hurt.”
“Friends?” The replica chuckled. “You know yourself you have no friends at all.”
Neige hissed at a pain blossoming in his chest due to the words he said so easily.
The words which appeared to be the bitter truth.
“You bastard! Neige is our friend!” The boy threw himself straight to the counterpart, grabbing his collar.
“Do you know his pain?” 
“Do you know his struggles? What he truly feels? What lies on the depths of his heart when he—”
Neige gathered his last powers, drawing his magic pen right to where his heart was, and lowered his gaze. 
“I hate seeing you all screaming, shouting, assuming things about me!!” He blurted out, shutting his eyes closed. “Why would all of you know when I’m the one who doesn’t know a thing about myself!!”
Yuu has had enough. The blood in her head was pounding with a force she wished to begone. Neige’s tears dropping on the wooden floor of the stage were startling, she couldn’t think straight, not knowing what to do.
The counterpart wasn’t fighting at all, watching all this exciting drama unfolding before him, yet something concerning flashed in his eyes whenever Neige was talking on the wedge of bursting into cries and screams. 
So he did care about his… origin vessel? 
But why would he tantalize him verbally, throwing right at the edge of his mental stability, and then drag him out of it just ever so slightly? 
“A-ah…” Neige looked up at everyone, staring at the pure fear and confusion on their faces, and a shadow of insanity covered his eyes. “I-I’m scaring you out… No… Please don’t be upset with me.”
“We won’t!!” The boy screamed. “Why would you even think like that?!”
Everything turned into a mess. 
“Right…” Neige smiled. “If you’re unhappy, then I shall just bestow happiness for you.”
“You— What?”
“Don’t you dare!”
Neige laughed and parted his lips.
“Your sorrow is a crime, pay for it in the form I call salvation. With a smile and a song.”
The world has gone blank white. Yuu’s heart was bursting with strange sensations she had never experienced before, and when she finally dared to open her eyes, an indescribable picture upfolded before her.
The blue-eyed boy was giggling and crying out of joy, or so it seemed, and Che’nya was grinning cheerfully, while Neige’s counterpart stood with his mouth shut, but the mask on his face crumbled, revealing a soft gaze of his still swirled and pupils depraved eyes.
“W-what is that feeling?!”
“Neige, you…” Che’nya mumbled. 
“What happened?!”
“Ah,” Neige sighed. “Now you are all happy. I’m so glad no one is suffering… No one is upset…”
“Che’nya-san…” Yuu whispered, touching her chest and feeling unwell. “What is that?”
“His unique magic,” Che’nya explained. “Though I’m not entirely sure of how exactly it works.”
“What have you done? What for? Did you want to exhaust yourself to death? Do you want to die out of fear and misery they all have been carrying?!”
They all have been carrying?..
Yuu stood up, closing her eyes for a moment. Wait.
“Neige…” Yuu mumbled, getting slightly closer to Neige and his counterpart. “Don’t tell me you deprived us of our negative emotions and took them to yourself.”
A forced artificial smile served as his answer before he collapsed on the floor.
“Are you disappointed too, Yuu?” He asked her, chuckling. “I knew it. It’s not enough to make you happy, I don’t know you enough… But my acting was flawless, yet you always looked at me with such a strong remorse in your eyes. I’m not good enough, I—”
“Ah really, in the name of Snow White, shut up!”
Yuu felt her emotions mixing altogether, happiness and woe submerging into one holistic entity, and couldn’t stand this drama any longer.
The slap that landed on Neige’s cheek rang like a tinkling whip throughout the entire amphitheater, forcing everyone into a frantic silence.
“Did you just…”
“Happy this, happy that!” Yuu exclaimed, rage burning in her eyes. “Can you please be a little more honest with yourself?!”
“You little…” His counterpart rose up, clapping his hands, and threads of fishing lines appeared behind Yuu's back.
“Want me to be happy?” Yuu chuckled. “Great, then become happy yourself first! I don’t need your feigned trickery!”
The threads twitched behind her back, stretching and becoming noticeably sharper, glinting with a metallic sheen in the moonlight, and rushed straight to Yuu’s back.
“Yuu!” Che’nya shouted, throwing himself straight to her, but she outstretched her hand, signaling him to stop that instant. “You idiot, if you think first years magic is strong enough to stop him, then you’re—”
“I don’t know a thing about your magic. Á ettula, wilwarin.”
It was as if a storm had reigned in the amphitheater. A golden whirlwind swallowed Yuu, emitting a dazzlingly bright, somewhat painful light for the eyes. The voices were drowned in the flutter of the wings, and a moment later the whirlwind dissipated, revealing an unharmed Yuu.
“What the hell…” The blue-eyed boy muttered. 
“I don’t know either,” Che’nya added. “But it’s indeed not our magic at all.”
“What did you…”
“How peculiar,” Yuu said, the tip of her magic wand glowing in gold, butterflies glueling to her body. “Why all this one-man theatre when you had no intention of harming me in the first place?”
“What do you mean?!” Che’nya ran toward her, but she looked at him strictly, condescending with her look. 
Yuu pointed to the stage decorations being cut in half, floating around with the butterflies’ help, preventing the stage from destroying completely.
“I wasn’t his target,” she concluded. “Neither of us were. He did it to scare us.”
“... Hahaha,” the counterpart laughed. “You little woman. How very interesting.”
“I don’t care if you won’t hurt us anymore. Doesn’t matter if you care about Neige or not, when you’re clearly not letting him go for some reason. And for that you’ll perish.”
“Perish?! Yuu, are you out of your mind?!”
“I might be with all that mess I’ve had enough witnessing for quite a time by now.”
“... She’s right,” the blue-eyed boy agreed, standing up and getting closer to her. “Let’s beat the shit out of this bastard!”
“You guys…” Che’nya sighed. “Alright, but I’m not covering your asses in case we’re doomed when the headmaster knows about this~”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Yuu said. “Please be careful. I don’t your spells, and you don’t mine. I’ll cover you in case you can’t dodge the attack.”
“Hmmm, is that so? Great then, amuse me.”
“Forest strike!” Che’nya shouted, a tangle of thorny vines formed at the tip of his magic pen, and he then shot it at the replica. 
The copper-haired boy nodded, accumulating flames and sending it straight to the tangle.
“Flame blast!” He exclaimed, and after the flames were released, he added a wind to accelerate the spell. “Wind shot!”
Yuu watched their work, and threw a quick glance at the scarlet-Neige, gasping at once. He was dragging Neige out of the spell range, and spread out his arms towards the spell, smiling maliciously. 
“WE CAN’T?!”
Yuu shuddered, using her inhuman speed, and materialized before the spell, golden butterflies breaking in bright sparkling fragments.
She fell straight on the counterpart, jumping on her foot and witnessing blood on his chest and her shoulders. 
“Yuu?!” Che’nya shouted. “Why did you?!..”
“Are you freaking nuts?!” The boy blurted. “And what’s with those butterflies anyway?!”
“He wasn’t even protecting himself!!” Yuu screamed, twirling the magic wand between her fingers. “He’s only protecting Neige!”
“I don’t care about you all, pathetic humans,” he laughed. “You, on the other hand, are not even slightly concerned about your so-called friend.”
“What do you mean by that?!”
“S-stop… fighting…” Neige, who regained consciousness, coughed into his fist. 
“Neige!” Yuu exclaimed, raising her wand, but the counterpart casted a spell she never knew about before.
Myriads of puppets materialized in the air, and Neige, gasping, outstretched his hand to protect everyone, but the counterpart enveloped him in a tight embrace.
“I am thou,” he whispered, but Yuu managed to hear him. “Thou art I. I won’t allow anyone to hurt you.”
“By hurting us you’re hurting Neige himself!” 
After saying that, Yuu dodged some of the puppets' attacks and waved her magic wand, summoning swarms of ice blue butterflies surrounding her, and four walls of ice appeared, countering the attack and making puppets break.
“Don’t. You even dare.” Yuu reappeared right before Neige and his counterpart, grabbing the last one’s collar and gazing straight in his eyes. “To ruin my rescue of Neige.”
“You said you’re Neige, and Neige is you.” Ice blue butterflies disappeared, leaving a blizzard after them. “Then how in the world didn’t you manage to reach consensus?” 
“She’s right, you little shit,” The blue-eyed boy went to them, welcoming Neige in his comforting embrace, to which the exhausted boy only released a sigh. “We don’t want to harm Neige, you don’t want to harm Neige. We consider us his friends, you consider yourself his friend. Now what the hell is happening now?”
“Do we really need to fight in the first place?” Che’nya added. “From what I see, emotions are what actually messed all this up.”
“I am…” The replica took a deep breath before speaking. “His other side. The side he desired the most, but what was actually sleeping underneath.”
“What…” Neige furrowed his brows. “But it can’t be… I’m Edelwiese’s dorm leader, following  The Fairest Princess’ Gentleness. No way you are being a part of me.”
“Think about the times where you were pissed off to the point you wouldn’t even remember the gentleness you’re so fond of. That crazy girl was following you for what, a year or two by now? You really think I wouldn’t form from those wicked feelings in your heart?”
“Oh, and the times people always compare you to Vil Schoenheit.”
“But Vi-kun—”
“He’s amazing, cool, dignified, and blah-blah-blah, do you really think you can conceal all those from me?”
“Neige,” Yuu interfered. “You… should accept that all of those things he’s saying are a part of you. All of those—this replica, your feelings, your hidden thoughts and sorrows—are all you.”
“She’s right,” the counterpart nodded. “I took a physical form only because you went to the very edge.”
Yuu felt how her magic flow tingled, but decided to remain silent at the moment. 
“So you are really him,” the blue-eyed boy smiled.
“No,” Neige giggled softly. “He is really me.”
“Indeed,” the scarlet-Neige nodded. “Don’t forget about it ever again.”
A cluster of bright stars began to surround his silhouette, emitting a gentle, calm light. And right before Neige outstretched his hand to bid a farewell, Yuu’s scream cut through the idyll.
A whirlwind of pink butterflies glued to the replica’s body, consuming it, as if devouring a supper, and the next second Yuu widened her eyes, all trembling in Che’nya’s embrace.
“M-my butterflies,” she shuddered. “T-they are… T-they are scarlet!!”
The counterpart smiled at Neige, finally finding peace, and both Neige and Yuu fell unconscious, the screams of the boy and Che’nya distancing further and further with every second.
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“I expect nothing else than perfect the next time. You have disappointed me.”
Yuu opened her eyes slowly, witnessing a boy with golden eyes sitting under a tree in the woods and crying.
“I’m scared.”
Yuu approached the boy, recognizing young Neige in him, and tried touching his shoulder, but her hand went through him.
“I don’t want to do anything.”
“I don’t want to act anymore.”
“Will people acknowledge me if I smile?”
“Or should I win an award?”
“But there are so many…”
“I don’t want to—...”
“I’m scared of death.”
“Why is there an aching hole in my chest? Why do I feel so lonely? I wanted nothing but everyone's happiness… Now why… Why do all the people demand impossible things from me?”
“And with everyone neglecting me… Did I not make them happy enough?”
“Tell me, please.”
“At least someone.”
“Is there a way to make
Yuu closed her eyes, feeling how the brightness hurt, and slowly opened them to see Neige standing near the entrance to an auditorium, and almost rushed over to him, but then his classmates' words were heard.
“He’s pathetic.”
“Yeah, good for nothing.”
“Honestly, how are there so many girls stanning him?”
“For real, Vil’s more sexy and mature, he knows how fuckable he is.”
“Can’t believe there are people who like innocent naive guys lmao.”
“Right, did you hear that he got the exam answer sheets because he paid for them?!”
“Actually I thought about it long ago, I know the guy who saw him bribing Aell.”
“I know right??”
“He’s a total shit.”
Yuu approached Neige who apparently couldn’t see her, and a tear ran down his cheek.
“They’re unhappy,” he whispered to himself before pronouncing an incantation.
“Wait, I suddenly feel so light…”
“Me too… Damn I feel like I can do anything right now!!”
“Good morning, everyone.”
Neige entered the classroom, people quick to pull on smiles on their faces and greet him cheerfully.
“Good morning, buddy! How’s the movie? I heard you won another award!”
“Ha-ha, yes, but…”
“Dude you’re AMAZING!! Be proud of yourself!”
“T-thank you…”
His reply was a bitter smile.
…But I never wanted to win it in the first place.
I want to cry.
I want to run away.
I don’t want anything.
The world’s crumbling.
Then why am I… Myself not being happy at all?
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“Ah, my little Sprites!!”
Neige slowly opened his eyes, finding himself on a… flower bed?
Many beautiful flowers he has never seen surrounded him, a bright and melodic voice was heard nearby.
He stood up, noticing a lady in a beautiful dress and a dark cape.
Anthracite dark starry sky upfolded above his head, and Neige gasped at the extraterrestrial beauty of the place.
He shouted her name, and the girl turned to where he was, but appeared to be completely confused.
“I think I heard someone,” she said, funny creatures following her. “Mother is back?! Mother!..”
Neige wondered what Yuu’s mother would look like, but the girl frowned.
“Fairy Godmother?..”
Fairy… Godmother? 
Neige noticed Yuu wasn’t a human in the first place, but he surely knew nothing about her in general, other than the fact that her eyes were insanely enchanting, and the shade of red glowed beautifully. 
“Well… It appears it’s not the right time!” She smiled to herself, grabbing her magic wand and casting a whirl of sapphire butterflies.
“Now, little ones, please help me water the flowers. Hm-hm-hmmm~ What a nice evening it is! Or is it morning? I do wonder…”
Nothing was happening after that. 
Yuu was watering the flowers, then gracefully dancing around, singing a little in her tender voice, or just staring at the night sky, which never really changed, even the way stars were glowing remained absolutely static.
“I wonder… I really do wonder when you will come back, Mother.”
Neige parted his lips to pronounce an incantation and let her be free out of her worries at least for a moment, but she suddenly outstretched her hand, a pink butterfly landing on it, and Yuu smiled so bright that Neige went aghast.
“And until then I promise to become a better version of myself. No… I’ll become perfect, Fairy Godmother.
I’ll be waiting for you.”
And then the world went dark.
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The distant sound of familiar voices, the hasty clicking of heels and the blatant smell of alcohol forced Yuu to wince and slowly close her eyes.
Yuu blinked a few times before she saw Che’nya’s face bending over her, a familiar playful grin blossoming on it. 
“You idiot,” the copper-haired boy’s voice was heard on her left. “No, you’re insane. Absolutely crazy.” 
“Excuse me?..”
“Now now, don’t push it,” Che’nya giggled softly. 
“What happened? Where’s Neige?”
“In my arms.”
Yuu turned her head, finding Neige cradled in the boy’s arms, though seeing something dark on his chest, while being held by Che’nya herself.
“U-uhm!!” She exclaimed. “I can walk!—”
“Hmm… Nyah,” he smiled. “Enjoy the moment. By the way, we’ve arrived.”
The boy knocked thrice before hearing an almost weightless ‘Come in’, and opened the door, letting Che’nya with Yuu in his hands enter first.
“Who even thought it would be a good idea to injure themselves at this hour— Oh.”
Yuu stood up slightly and gasped when she saw a man who appeared to be a nurse.
His frosty white hair was neatly tied up, and despite the short length, Yuu noticed how several strands of blue were woven into a braid that went behind his ear.
He calmly observed the company with his deep blue eyes, reminiscent of two ice floes, and the gaze from under his snow-white long eyelashes turned into a frosty, piercing, condemning and dissatisfied one.
“What happened? Those are not common injuries.” He put on a medical gown over his turquoise shirt and stood up from his chair.
“You are…” The nurse looked at Yuu, nodding to himself. “Yuu-san, right?”
“Y-yes,” she answered awkwardly, her throat aching as if after crying for some time. Why would it though? 
“Put her down here,” he commanded to Che’nya. “Oh, and you. Be extra careful with LeBlanche, his injuries look much worse.”
Yuu’s mind was covered with haze and incomprehension, so his words reached her ears with a slight delay.
“Injuries?!” She rose up on her elbows after Che’nya gently put her down. “But I made sure he—”
“Silence in the infirmary.”
“Yes sir.”
“Name’s Wyn,” the nurse replied before turning to Neige first. “Tell me what happened.”
Wyn started examining Neige’s body with torn pieces of his school jacket on it, putting it off and making Yuu turn away from the sight, even if the boy still was clothed enough to not reveal anything. 
The boys hesitated, making a summary of the events rather reluctantly, anticipating Wyn to scold them or even punish them for their reckless behavior—no one suggested calling for a teacher, after all. But to their surprise he was just nodding to all the things they said, and after completing the examination, he pulled the chair he was sitting on to Yuu’s side.
“Turn away, you two,” he demanded of Che’nya and the other boy. “Pull your shirt up to chest level.”
Yuu bit her lip in embarrassment, but followed his instructions. Wyn’s touches wasn’t uncomfortable, if Yuu could trust her own body, given she hadn’t an experience like this before.
“How are you feeling?” Wyn asked Yuu, starting to palpate her stomach after she lowered her shirt. The cold of his fingers sent shivers down her spine. “They say you’ve fainted.”
“I am alright,” Yuu said. “How’s Neige?”
“How should I put it…” He lowered his voice. “I haven’t seen it happening since…”
“Nevermind, we’ll have a talk about this tomorrow,” he shook his head. “You said he was never injured in the first place, but…You see, his chest is burnt slightly. Could have been worse if Yuu-san didn’t throw herself under the attack.”
“Does it mean,” Che’nya assumed. “That he was connected with his counterpart in a physical way, too?”
“Correct,” Wyn nodded. “Any harm caused to the replica is transferred to LeBlanche himself, though only after the counterpart is gone.”
“S-so,” Yuu exhaled sharply. “When we threw a fire spell right into the replica…”
“Yes, Neige fainted because of the pain being delivered abruptly and at once. I’m not sure about mental damage, given he was mentally unstable before,” Wyn sighed. “I wonder if he visited Prospero at least once…”
“Will he be okay?” Yuu asked.
“Physically, yes, he’s under my watch now, after all. As for his mental state, it will be a long long process of making him at least more stable. But he will get better.”
“I’m so glad…”
“Listen, Yuu-san,” Wyn turned to her, placing pills in her hands and providing her with a cup of warm water. “Drink it. You will recover in no time, but as for Neige, I need to take some ingredients from storage in the alchemy room. I’ll go get the pills I need and come back shortly, understood?”
“Yes sir,” she nodded.
“You two,” he said to the copper-haired boy and Che’nya. “Stay here until I come back.”
“Okay, nya.”
Wyn went out of the infirmary, leaving the company. 
Yuu looked down, not knowing what to say. Her job was done, Neige was saved, and despite a ton of unresolved issues, she did feel some relief, and yet something pricked her heart.
“Uhm, so…” The blue-eyed boy cleared his throat and looked straight at Yuu.
She was finally able to get a closer look at him after only seeing him in the distance. A scattering of cinnamon freckles adorned his cheeks and his smooth, straight nose. Plump lips were bitten from worry and covered with cracks. His huge blue eyes looked into hers without any embarrassment, as if trying to absorb every detail of her face, and burned with undisguised interest.
“R-right!” She encouraged him to continue. “I’m really sorry I don’t know your name…”
“It’s Elias!” He announced cheerfully. “Second year student.”
“I’m Yuu,” she smiled at him. “Very pleased to meet you.”
“What a rhyme,” he giggled. “Thank you for rescuing Neige, Yuu!”
“You helped me a lot… Che’nya-san, too!”
“You’re my dear underclassmen, nya~ I did only what I should have.”
“Right,” Yuu said. “Che’nya-san showed me the way, but Elias, what were you doing there?”
“Ah, ahaha, well…” He smiled sheepishly. “I was busy rescuing myself from Emery~”
“H-how come?..”
“Y’know, I don’t like sitting around doing nothing,” he chirped. “I’m pretty restless, hence constant exploring. I thought that I’ve never really transported to the amphitheater before, so the thought randomly popped up in my mind, and I decided to give it a go. And you know what happened after.”
Yuu and the guys talked for a total of half an hour until Vin arrived and began preparing medicine for Neige. After all the treatment procedures were completed, he sent Che’nya and Elias to their dormitories, giving them official leave for the next day.
Yuu was asked to stay at the first aid station until the morning.
For a couple of hours she stared at the ceiling, listening to Neige’s steady breathing on the next bed, and tried to reconstruct the chain of events.
She was almost tuned in to the higher train of thought, but sudden rustles forced her to turn her head to the left, noticing how Neige sleepily rubbed his eyes.
“Good morning,” she greeted him.
“Uh?.. Uhm… Yuu?”
“Yes, this is me. Hello, Neige.”
“Yes, hello… Where are we?”
“In the infirmary,” Yuu tucked the blanket closer to her face. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” He concluded, chuckling. “Deadly tired. But also better than before.”
“Neige, I… I am very sorry I haven’t noticed anything before. I could have prevented all this…”
“Ha-ha,” he laughed and coughed out ashes, much to his surprise, but shrugged it off, despite Yuu’s concerned noise. “We’re quite alike.”
“Just as I’ve mentioned it before… You’re very kind, Yuu.”
“No, I was just doing my—”
“Yuu… thank you.”
Yuu went silent, waiting for Neige to continue.
“I don’t really like to talk about myself, but…”
“You don’t have to. It is okay.”
“No,I really want to do it now,” he smiled. “I should let people know how I feel at least once. I want to be egoistic at least for one minute.”
“Alright then,” Yuu turned to him slowly, feeling her damaged shoulder aching, which she ignored. “I’ll gladly listen.”
“I’m very grateful… Well… I’m not really fond of expressing my emotions in real life due to acting. I must maintain the theatrical character, the role of someone who’s never bothered, never angry. I must be perfect.”
Yuu was familiar with his words, knowing exactly how it felt when you wanted to be perfect, but was experiencing reversed emotions in your heart.
“But it all started way before I became an actor. In my childhood, people always craved for more. I was quite… convenient as a child.” 
“You’re saying that as if you weren’t a human being…”
He only smiled coldly at her statement.
“First it all started with little tasks in the village I grew up in. I was quite handy, always helping here and there. But then small tasks slowly grew into bigger ones, and in the end I was afraid of disappointing people with my immaturity. I thought, what if I don’t accomplish the task right in time? But I had ten other tasks like that. It was accumulating somewhere in my heart, but I still thought that maybe… It was my destiny — to make people happy with my achievements.”
“But Neige,” Yuu interrupted. “Why did you decide that they were happy with your deeds?”
“You know how my unique magic works by now, right? I can transfer joyful feelings in return for their sorrows. It awakened back then, when I realized that when people smile at me, they’re happy with me. And if they’re happy with me, then I’m valid. If they don’t smile, then I’m disappointing them.”
“I understand your point, but… How is that your fault? Moreover, you do realize people can’t always smile and be happy every second of their lives, right?”
Yuu found herself at awe about her own words. How funny it must be—for her to say that.
She never knew the feeling of realizing the purpose of her own life. Other than saving princesses—and now Neige, too—she had no other aim.
“Yuu…” Neige whispered after a short pause. “Do you think I can be a little more egoistic from now on?”
She looked at him straight into his eyes, a gentle smile forming on her face.
“Ah, what am I saying!!” He gasped suddenly. “I must follow The Fairest Princess’ Gentleness and—”
“Of course you can,” she interrupted. “You’re a human. And well, I’m not the one who can decide that anyway, right?”
“Ha-ha, I guess that is true… Thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Mhm… Also, your magic is so cool!!” He tried leaning on his elbows and rising up a little, but the pain pierced him through, making him fall on the bed and Yuu gasp in fear. “I’m ok! But really, how did you do that?”
“Those butterflies were amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it! I mean, magic is all about visualization, but this is the first time I’m seeing someone operating their thoughts in such a creative way.”
“I think…” Yuu exhaled. “Since you’ve been honest to me, I must reciprocate. It’s because my magic isn’t like yours. In fact, I don’t know a thing about it.”
Neige remained silent for a moment before chuckling softly.
“Could you please summon a butterfly for me?”
“Oh, sure. Á ettula, wilwarin.”
A pink butterfly formed from sparkling light, and flew straight to Neige, fluttering its wings on his nose.
“It’s beautiful,” he said. “Does it have a name?”
“Name?.. Not really…” Yuu replied, staring at the butterfly dancing around. “There are many of them. It was hundreds last time I checked, maybe there are thousands or so. To be honest… I don’t even know why I am summoning butterflies.”
“Summoning,” he echoed. “Not creating.”
“They are living beings. They’re my friends.”
“Friends…” Neige repeated with a slight sadness in his voice before gazing at Yuu. “Yuu. Please answer me.”
“Are we… friends?”
Friends was a strange concept to Yuu, who heard this word not once, yet it felt so incredibly far away from where her mind could reach. 
Snow White also called Yuu her friend, but there was something natural, genuine and warm in the way that Neige asked.
“Yes, we’re friends.”
“Then I’m glad.”
His eyes gradually closed, and soon a soft sniffling sound was heard, signaling that he had fallen back into a restful sleep.
Yuu watched the dawn penetrate through the windows with its caring, enveloping rays, healing wounds both physical and mental.
She rescued the ‘Princess’, made a friend…
And now it was time for her to turn back home.
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✧˖ The Venerable Seven — an allusion to the Great Seven.
✧˖ Á ettula, wilwarin — 'Come forth, butterfly' in quenya language.
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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wandafiction · 7 months
Lunch Date - Just Us Chapter 17
Warnings: Fluff, Humour.
Word Count: 2860
Series List | Chapter 16 | Chapter 18
I had my head buried in piles of paperwork that had accumulated on my desk from the previous day because I had decided to spend the day with Carol instead of coming to work, but I'm the boss so I can do that every once in a while. I was sort of hoping maybe one of my associates would have been able to sign a few of these things off. Unfortunately, that is not how this was going to work because we were going to be signing on a group of new scientists who had just finished school, apprentices as you will and I am going over their applications with a fine tooth comb. Tony also emailed me about 3 of the 100 candidates and how they are the best of the best. Top grades can just get on with their work, give them something to fiddle with and they fiddle. Give them one of our gadgets and tell them to fix it, they can fix it. So that's who's profile I am currently looking at. 
Peter Parker
Ned Leeds 
Michelle Jones
They all went to the same school, all got into trouble here and there for working on science projects not condoned by the school board but proved they were willing to take risks. I like them! My search is put on pause when my office phone rings, the name on the screen showing my assistant.
"Good afternoon, Boss." The cheery voice echoes through the phone.
"Good afternoon Mantis."
"I have a Miss Maximoff waiting downstairs for you, reception thought they best phone up before sending her up. She says she has an appointment but I don't see one in your schedule." 
"It's not on the books Mantis because it's lunch. Get them to send her up, get Drax to escort her to my office, tell him not to pretend to be camouflage this time." I hear Mantis laugh down the line.
"Of course Boss I will get them to send her up right away." 
A few minutes later there is a light knock at the door, before it opens slightly and Mantis pops her head in the gap. I simply nod at her and she opens up the door, and in enters Drax and Wanda. When I see Wanda I have a large smile on my face that actually hurts my face muscles. 
"You're free to go Drax, just close the door behind you." Drax's eyes go wide.
"How did you know I was here?"
"Just because you stand still and silent doesn't mean you're camouflaged."
"But it works on everyone."
"I'm not everyone though Drax." 
"Hah! No you're not. Right, I will leave you to it boss." 
"Thank you Drax, don't slam the door on your way o...too late." I let out a small laugh as the door slams and I hear Drax's voice through the door as he lets out a small sorry. I turn to Wanda who has a matching smile on her face. "Good afternoon princess."
"Afternoon dorogoy." She lets her accent slip out, god I love that accent. "Should I be offended that I was not in your calendar?" 
"Well maybe I want to keep you as my dirty little secret for a while."
"Oh yeah?" She quirks an eyebrow as she sits on the chair on the other side of my desk laying a few containers on the desk.
"Yeah. You know, sneaking you in and out of the building these super secret meetings." 
"Hmm, and what would these super secret meetings consist of?" She grabs some plastic plates from her bag, wow this woman is prepared.
"Well today's meeting is about food, what do you want the meetings to be about princess?" I see a blush grow on her face and I give her a sly smirk. "Oh, do you like the idea of being a dirty secret? Sneaking around maybe allowing me to bend you over the desk and taking you right here in my office, or you under the desk between my legs." 
"You keep talking like that and we are skipping food." I laugh out loud.
"Unfortunately not today princess, I mean you have to be able to walk back into work without limping." She bites her lip at the thought before pushing my food in front of me. "So what have you made for me princess?" 
"Nothing special unfortunately, just some leftovers from last night with fruit and salad. I am used to cooking for 3 people so I cooked way to much last night." 
"Well whatever it is looks lovely." I scoop some of the food put onto my plate, ready to eat but waiting for Wanda to dish her food up. "Do we need to heat it up at all? I have a microwave in the mini kitchen."
"You have a kitchen in your office?" She looks around, not being able to see it so I point to one of the few doors in the room. "And yeah it's better hot "
"Okay, well follow me to the kitchen then. I only have it because I sometimes work here for days on end, so instead of starving to death I can at least cook. Cooking is a nice break from the work as well so it's a win win. Don't die of starvation, and get to relax."
I lead Wanda into a small kitchen, it literally has a couple of cupboards, an oven and microwave, but also a coffee machine for when I really need to stay awake and a fridge freezer of course. I grab Wanda's plate first by placing it into the microwave and setting it for about 4 minutes. I can see it has chicken in it so it needs to be piping hot. No food poisoning for us. No thank you. I turn to the coffee machine adding in a pod of my choice, caramel latte because you cannot go wrong with one of them...and they are my favourite. 
The beautiful aroma of the food being cooked, well reheated, spreads around the room. I recognise the smell, but will have to taste it to be sure but with Wanda being sokovian it wouldn't surprise me if she has cooked chicken paprikash. As the coffee machine is finishing off my drink, the microwave beeps so I take out Wanda's food, give it a stir and put it back in for 2 minutes then head back to my coffee which is now ready.
"What would you like?" I realise we have been stood in silence, as once again Wanda just observed me like she is in some sort of trance.
"Sorry, what?" She blinks a couple times coming back to reality.
"What coffee would you like?"
"Does that thing make iced lattes?"
"It does. Any flavours?" She nods and points to the caramel. "Good because it was that or nothing." 
The microwave beeps once again as I start the coffee machine to make Wanda's drink, I shuffle over to the microwave using a tea towel to take it out and place it on the counter. I grab a proper plate from one of the cupboards and transfer Wanda's food onto it. I slide the plate over to where Wanda is standing while pouring my food into a microwaveable dish and putting it in for four minutes, just like I did for Wanda's.
"That smells really good princess, can't wait to try it." She covers her mouth with her hand when she goes to speak.
"Well it's my favourite, so I really hope you like it. It's something special from Sokovia." 
"I believe it's Chicken Paprikash, right?" Wanda smiles at me as she takes another bite.
"It is. How did you know?" 
"Don't forget I've travelled to Sokovia." The coffee machine finishes off her drink and I hand it over. "There's a nice place there where the Old Sokovian witches, well that's what they call themselves, make the meal from scratch. I believe the place is called the coven."
"You've been to the coven? Wow, normally they don't let anyone who is Sokovian inside." I shrug at her with a small smile. "What did you do?" 
"I may or may not have saved the head 'witches' grandson after he got shot by one of ultrons men. Let's just say I was made an honorary Sokovian after that as I then took down the guy, saved the child's life and paid for anything the child needed afterwards. No child should go through that." 
"And here I thought you just travelled there for business to add more to your account." Okay ouch, but I guess from many stories of millionaires who don't share their wealth or do good by their wealth paint this picture for the rest of us. "Sorry not that you don't help, and give money. I just guess, I don't. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." 
"It's okay Wanda." The microwave pings, as I think of what to say next I stir my food, placing it back in for a bit longer. "What's your take on my wealth? Like does it bother you?" 
"I thought it would, but I guess with how much you help with your money I can't really judge you for being a good business woman. I'm also not in this for the money if that's also what you want to ask. I have no interest in using you as my sugar daddy, well sugar mama I guess. I mean of course I would love to be spoiled but I'm not after your money." 
"That's not what I expected to hear, but also it was." Wanda gives me the 'that makes no sense' look but before I can explain myself the microwave interrupts.
Damn microwave. I hold up my finger to let Wanda know all will be explained in a moment as I walk to the microwave taking my food out, giving it a small smell and letting out a happy sigh. This shit smells good, looks good and made by a Sokovian so it's going to taste so fucking good, my mouth is watering just at the sight of it my taste buds very excited to be having this once again. I usher Wanda out of the kitchen, both of us with drinks and food in our hands, placing it down on the desk. I clear off the paperwork by putting it in one of my filing boxes and sticking it on top of the filing cabinet and close the lid of my laptop, and turn off my computer screens so there are no distractions on this lunch date.
I stab my fork into my chicken, I can feel Wanda's eyes on me waiting for my reaction. I bring it slowly to my mouth, leaning over my ate looking at Wanda through my eyelashes as I bring my fork mouth slowly biting off the chicken. I chew a few times and fling my head onto the back of my chair and moan at the taste as it almost devolves in my mouth. The chicken is cooked perfectly, I can taste all the herbs and flavours in the sauce. This is fucking amazing! I look back to Wanda after swallowing to see her blushing heavily, I point my fork at her then at the food.
"Speechless." I take another bite as a big grin covers Wanda's face, her eyes almost closing her nose scrunched. HOLY SHIT, SHE SCRUNCHED HER NOSE! Cute!
"Good speechless? Or bad speechless?" 
"This is fucking delicious Wanda. It's fucking amazing. I mean it literally melted in my mouth. This is on par if not better than when I went to the coven." Her jaw drops at my admission.
"I knew it was good. But now you're just lying, nothing is better than the coven."
"Well this is." I take a bite, then another. "You have to cook this on Saturday, please." I give her my best puppy dog eyes and pout.
"I can't say no to those eyes." She leans across the desk to peck my lips a couple of times till my pout turns into a smile.
"Pouting gets me kisses. Noted." 
"You're a cute dorogoy." 
"I know." I swing in my chair like a child as she laughs at my reply. "You're cute too princess." 
"Good save." She winks at me as she continues to eat her food moaning herself as she eats it. "You're right this is so good. It doesn't matter how many times I eat and cook this, it seems to get better every time." 
"Well I mean maybe it's because I'm not actually Sokovian, but mine never tastes this good." Wanda hums in thought as I take another bite.
"But you're an honorary Sokovian so I'm sure it tastes just as good." I twist my lips thinking about it. No mine will never be this good.
"Nope. You add a secret ingredient and I can't put my finger on it." A take another bite, taking my time to chew to see if I can figure it out.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Who knows." I look up at her through squinted eyes and point my fork, that has a bit of chicken on it, towards her.
"What's your secret?" Wanda rolls her eyes, leaning forward to steal the chicken off my fork smirking at me as she swallows my mouth agape in shock. So I lean over the desk, stab my fork into a piece of her chicken and eat it. 
"That secret is for me to know and for you, well, it's for me to know." 
"Har har, so funny using my words against me. Really you're hilarious." I state sarcastically as I take another bite of my chicken.
"You will get to know my secret ingredient when I know your secret ingredient." 
"So if I was to say my secret ingredient is my love for making them, what would you say?" She tilts her head giving me an unamused look.
"I would say, I'm not dumb and you're not getting the answer from me."
"Fine, keep your secrets. I like this mysterious thing you've got going on." Wanda laughs out loud as she shakes her head at me through her laughs.
"You're such an idiot, if I'm mysterious you're just as mysterious miss secret keeper." 
I gently place my fork on my plate, wiping my mouth with a bit of kitchen towel and lean back into my desk chair letting out a satisfied sigh. Wanda does the same a few moments later, both of us just basking in the silence and each other's company. Every now and again we catch each other staring and we send a smile to each other as we both end up blushing. It's kind of cute and relaxing. Not going to lie. 
We are brought out of our quiet bubble by a knock at the door. I look at the clock on the wall, Holy shit it's just turned 2! Wanda is late getting back. I clear my throat before telling the person behind the door to come in.
"Sorry to interrupt Boss, Miss Maximoff. But your 2 o'clock has just turned up." Wanda looks up at the clock herself and stands to start packing away.
"Who's my 2 o'clock again, Mantis?" I say as I smooth out my suit and help Wanda to pack up her stuff.
"Your meeting is with Nebula." 
"About the security stuff right?" Without my laptop I'm not always the best at remembering who I have a meeting with and when because I have so many meetings.
"Yes Boss it is."
"Thank you Mantis. Can you show Miss Maximoff out once she leaves."
"Of course Boss. I will be outside." With that she leaves, closing the door gently behind her.
"Sorry that our date has to end like this, I completely lost track of time." I say as I wipe down my desk now Wanda has packed everything back up. She makes her way over to me cupping my face with her hands.
"Don't be, I lost track of time too. I had a really good time." She stands on her tiptoes pecking my lips a couple of times, but I end up deeping it, capturing her lips between mine.
 As I pull away I bring her bottom lip with me realising it with a pop. Rubs her lips together licking slightly with her tongue, her eyes shiny with an emotion I can't quite read.
"I will see you on Saturday dorogoy. I'm home all day, so come over whenever." She pecks my lips again.
"I will see you Saturday princess. Now off you go." I peck her lips a couple of times until she smiles which makes me smile. 
She kisses me one last time before turning towards the door. Wanda opens the door but turns around to face me and sends me a kiss so I send one right back. Her smile widens and she practically bounces out of the room, closing the door behind her. 
I'm really falling for this woman, and I can't stop. I just hope she feels the same.
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twilights-800-cats · 3 months
<< Chapter 28 || Chapter 29 || From the Beginning || Patreon & Ko-Fi >>
Chapter 29 
Shadepool emerged from the elder's den and stretched, working the aches from her back and legs. Even three days after the battle with WindClan, she still felt pain from the stray scratches she'd received from being on the outskirts of the fighting - some of her Clanmates, however, had a longer way to go.
The sheer amount of injuries meant that the medicine cat cave couldn't contain them all - the more severe cases, like Mousefur, Ferncloud, and Longtail, had been moved to the elder's den to keep them from being disturbed by the constant flow of warriors coming in and out for changes to their dressings or general checkups, and to give Brackenfur and Shadepool some peace. 
She wondered, though, whether or not cats like Mousefur and Longtail, two of the eldest cats in the Clan, would leave the elder's den once they were healed. Longtail had been in a funk since the battle, disappointed with his inability to defend himself as well as he used to, while Mousefur seemed to finally feel her age. Shadepool just hoped they would be comfortable, whatever they chose. 
Shadepool glanced to her side. The nursery was tucked beneath the shelter of the fallen tree and had suffered the least amount of damage from the attack. She couldn't see inside but knew Sorreltail was there, as she had been for the past three days. The strain of the battle and losing Sootfur had hurt her in a way that no herb could heal, and Shadepool worried not just for her friend but for the kits she carried. A premature birth caused by the trauma was a huge concern, though thankfully, there were no signs of such a thing yet. 
She had already checked on Sorreltail today, and with the cats in the elder's den taken care of, Shadepool could finally take a moment to herself. She stepped into the clearing. Even as the sun slid into the evening, bathing the world in pale orange, the cats of ThunderClan were still hard at work repairing the damage from the battle. 
Dustpelt had managed to fix the gorse barrier and entrance, and now he was working on the apprentice's den, which had collapsed during the fighting. Shadepool saw him bark orders at Larchpaw and Spiderpaw, and made a note to clear him for hunting so that he didn't go stir-crazy in camp and take it out on everyone else. 
Shadepool headed around the fallen tree to the fresh-kill pile. It was full of fresh prey, and her belly growled as she selected a pair of mice for herself and Brackenfur. Mistyfoot's first act as deputy had been to restock the fresh-kill pile to bolster every cat's strength, and Shadepool couldn't have agreed more. Borders meant little if no one was strong enough to fight for them. 
The energy in camp felt different since Mistyfoot had been appointed. She had some doubters amongst the older warriors - some thought that perhaps ThunderClan shouldn't elect a cat deputy who hadn't fully trained the only apprentice she'd ever had - but no one could argue with Mistyfoot's work ethic and determination in the position, not with all she had done to earn it. 
She spotted Mistyfoot on the top of the Highledge, sitting with Tinystar. The two were murmuring about something Shadepool couldn't hear. She lifted her tail to say hello, and Mistyfoot dipped her head in response. Tinystar, however, was too absorbed in the conversation to acknowledge her. 
Shadepool's tail twitched just a little. Her father seemed different since the battle, but she just couldn't put her paw on what had changed in him. His energy just felt off, somehow. Perhaps it was because of his bruised pride and the sorrow he wore like a second pelt. 
Shadepool took her mice across the clearing, ducking around the lichen wall and into the medicine cat cave. 
It was quiet and cool inside, with water slowly dripping in the back from the stream above. Brackenfur was washing himself beside the shallow pool. Shadepool pricked her ears - Brackenfur had barely left his nest since he'd been allowed to rest after the battle. The swelling in his leg must have finally begun to ease. 
She laid the mice between them and sniffed her mentor to make sure. His leg was still hot, but it was nowhere near as angry and inflamed as yesterday. Shadepool sighed in relief. 
Brackenfur twitched his whiskers. “I'm not out of the woods yet, Shadepool,” he warned softly. “My leg aches in a way it hasn't before.” 
Shadepool looked up at him, worried. “You can still use it, right?” 
Brackenfur nodded, and Shadepool felt a little relief - she wasn't sure what they could do if he'd developed some infection beneath his skin. It did bother her that Brackenfur’s gaze seemed unfocused and far-off, though, like he was staring at a world that wasn’t there. 
“I think it's age,” Brackenfur told her after a moment. He bent down and took a bite of the mouse. “How are the others?” 
“Longtail's wounds are healing, but he keeps rubbing off his poultices,” Shadepool reported, deciding to leave it for now. She crouched down beside her dinner, mouth watering. “I tried cobwebs, but he just seems to tear right through it.” 
“His nest is too brittle, then,” Brackenfur mused. “That will soon be taken care of with new growth. But so long as he's not reopening the wounds and there isn't any infection, he should still heal - just slowly.” 
“Ferncloud's paws are still tender, too,” Shadepool went on. The gray she-cat had pulled out three of her claws during the fighting. “She should be fine in a day or so.” 
“And Mousefur?” 
“She complains about her back but little else,” Shadepool answered. “I think she might've pulled a muscle, but she refuses to sit still, even in a nest. I told Ferncloud to keep an eye on her.” 
Brackenfur nodded along, chewing on a bite of mouse. “Good, good,” he mumbled before swallowing. “I'm sorry that I haven't been more help.” 
“You can barely move!” Shadepool pointed out. “Don't worry about it.” Brackenfur had done all he could from within his nest, but Shadepool had done her best to tend the Clan the past three days. 
Brackenfur's eyes softened. “You've made a wonderful medicine cat, Shadepool. ThunderClan is lucky to have you.” 
Shadepool's stomach churned. “Is it, though?” she murmured. 
Brackenfur sighed. “It is,” he said, lifting his chin. “I wish that I could make you reconsider what you're doing, but you aren't an apprentice anymore.” He stared at her impassively. “Ultimately, I am not the one who will judge you for your actions. If StarClan still deems you worthy, then it must be part of their plan.” 
“But you're still disappointed in me,” Shadepool mumbled. 
Brackenfur did not respond to that, not directly: “In the end, what matters is that we use our skills to protect ThunderClan.” 
Shadepool stared down at her mouse. A moment ago, she had been hungry enough to eat it in one gulp - now, though, she wasn't sure she could even take a bite. In her heart, she knew that the only reason she was still a medicine cat was because of that Omen and the danger it posed to ThunderClan, and Brackenfur was likely never to be proud of her again. 
Brackenfur's paw reached out and pushed the mouse toward her. “Eat,” he ordered. 
Shadepool ducked her muzzle and finished the mouse within a few moments. It tasted like newleaf by the lake, fresh and full, and Shadepool swiped her tongue across her muzzle to savor the new flavor. 
“You should go and get some fresh air,” Brackenfur suggested, bending his head to lick his chest. “You haven't left camp for three days.” 
Shadepool blinked at her mentor. She didn't necessarily need his permission to leave camp for any reason, but she had a strange inkling that he was giving her an out to see Crowflight tonight. She hadn't seen him at all since the battle, and for a moment, she wasn't sure if she should agree. 
“Go,” Brackenfur told her firmly. 
“I'll try to bring back some herbs,” Shadepool promised. “With how warm it's been, something ought to be growing out there.” 
Brackenfur didn't respond to that, returning to his washing. Shadepool got to her paws and left the cave. It was a strange feeling, knowing that Brackenfur was allowing her to get away with breaking the medicine cat code - it was like waiting for a dark, heavy cloud to open up on top of her head. His disapproval stung even more when she deserved it, and his acknowledgment of her skills - the thing she had craved from the beginning - had come with a price she hadn't ever imagined. 
But this was the world she lived in now. Shadepool slipped through the gorse tunnel, and, out in the woods, she took in a deep breath of the heady forest air. The trees that grew around her were not the trees of her birth, but they were her home, and even if it meant losing her life as a medicine cat, she would do it to protect the lives of those who lived beneath their branches. 
“Shade? You okay?” 
Shadepool's ears pricked. She was surprised to see Nightfrost padding along one of the hunting trails. She should have sensed him, especially when he was so close, but the past three days had been draining - perhaps she had instinctively pulled away to keep some of that energy for herself. 
His question flooded her mind now. To him, she looked like she was staring out at nothing and standing in the way of any outgoing patrols to boot. Shadepool's pelt flushed with embarrassment. 
“I'm fine,” she told him. She let him in, let him feel that it was as close to the truth as it could be. 
Nightfrost's gaze softened. In the orange light streamed through the budding trees, something about his pale eyes caught Shadepool's attention. There was a pair of stars floating in those icy blue waters - something that had never been there before. 
He must've felt her intrigue. “What is it?” he asked, tilting his head. 
“I don't know,” Shadepool murmured. Nightfrost wasn't a Clan leader whose nine lives were represented by the stars in their eyes to the cats with the knowledge to see them - he was just an ordinary warrior. 
So what were they doing there? 
Shadepool shook her head. Nightfrost was getting worried, and Shadepool didn't have a proper answer for him right now. 
“It's nothing, I'm sure,” she insisted. “I've got to get going.” 
Nightfrost didn't bother to question what she was up to - he knew because of course he did. “Want me to come with you?”  
“Go and rest,” Shadepool told him. “You've been working your paws off since the battle - you might not have seen any of the fighting, but you'll work yourself to death if you don't take a break.” Her brother had volunteered for every hunting patrol he could since the battle ended. “Maybe eat something with Mistyfoot?” 
Nightfrost twitched his whiskers. “Is she busy?” 
“Always,” Shadepool chuckled, “but I'm sure she'll make time for you.” 
Nightfrost's eyes sparkled, and he brushed his muzzle against Shadepool's cheek. She breathed in the smell of her littermate, so warm and comforting. Not long ago, she had nearly lost his friendship forever. 
Never again, she told herself. 
Nightfrost purred. Never, he whispered. 
He left a moment later, slipping by her and disappearing into the gorse tunnel. Shadepool sighed, contented, and turned to head on her way. 
As she walked through the forest, the sun heading for the horizon, she knew she wasn't alone. Out of the corner of her eye she saw it - the white cat was walking alongside her. Their stride would have matched if the white cat's legs weren't longer, but it ensured never to pull ahead. 
“I don't know what you are,” Shadepool admitted as she walked. “Maybe you're my punishment for seeing Crowflight. Maybe you're part of the Omen.” She frowned. “Maybe you are the Omen.” 
Shadepool halted, and she turned her muzzle to face the white cat. It had copied her, looking at her with those night-sky eyes and no expression, with no way of knowing if it could hear her at all. Its form was unnatural amid the dark browns and greens of the forest. 
“You've helped me,” Shadepool meowed on. “You showed me the shadow-cats, even though they terrified me, and you helped mend my relationship with Nightfrost.” She blinked and saw Emberstep's shocked expression, the last face she had made before her death. “You saved my life.” 
The white cat stared blankly, as it always did. 
"Yellowfang said that you were something ancient,” Shadepool recalled. “If you can't tell me what you want with me, and I can't guess it, I just wish I knew your name. It feels strange not knowing what to call you. Especially if you’re going to be following me around.” 
The white cat blinked. 
Shadepool's mind was filled with images - she was running, running beneath a clear, open sky. Hills and stone. Grass turning to black rock turning to jagged boulders. A darkness, a mystery - but a light, a little flitting creature, pale and glowing. A pale moth, a guide, leading the way down into the depths... 
Shadepool gasped, and she knew the white cat's name. 
Twilight had settled on the world when Shadepool made it to the tree-bridge. 
She had thought about coming to the stepping-stones, but something about the place felt tainted now that Emberstep had died there. If her spirit hadn't made it to StarClan, perhaps she would haunt it, and Shadepool didn't want to find out. 
She had hoped that Crowflight would feel the same way, and she was right. 
He was there, and she supposed he had been there for some time already. He was perched on the middle of the tree-bridge, staring upstream towards the Moonpool, the fading light of the sun soaking into his night-dark pelt.  
She didn't know what he was thinking about, but it was something so deep that he didn't notice her until she joined him on the tree-bridge. It was an awkward place to sit until she found her balance. When her pelt brushed against him, she felt his breathing quicken. 
“Hi,” she mewed. 
“H-Hi,” he returned. 
They stared, not at one another, but at the Divide. It wasn't so long ago, it felt, that Shadepool had seen the sparkling pawprints that had led her to the Moonpool scattering over its surface. With Crowflight by her side, she had never been so sure of herself and delighted - but that event, she realized now, had been the catalyst for the tragedies that followed. 
Now, it was as if the land itself was saying something. 
Crowflight seemed to think the same. His voice was heavy, and he asked, “Are we making a mistake?” 
She knew what he was talking about. “Maybe,” she murmured, her heart fluttering. “But I love you, Crowflight. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop.” 
Crowflight sighed. “Same for me,” he admitted. Softly, he mewed, “You walk in my dreams, Shadepool.” 
Shadepool leaned against him. “Where do we go?” she asked. “In your dreams?” 
“Sometimes we're walking along the lake,” he said, his voice gentle and wistful. “And then maybe we're in the forest, the old one, and the Twolegs never touched it, but it's all ours. Then... Then, sometimes, we're on our own journey, side by side, going somewhere new. But it's just us, and that's all we need.” 
Shadepool closed her eyes, and she could see it all. It warmed her heart, and she wished it were real. “That sounds nice,” she decided. 
“But that's not the world we live in,” Crowflight pointed out softly. 
“No,” Shadepool agreed, “it's not.” 
She felt his head turn, and Shadepool pulled away just enough to meet his gaze. His eyes were such a dark, deep blue, and she felt as if she were drowning in their sorrowful depths - yet there was something there, something new: 
There were two of them, like the ones in Nightfrost's eyes. Shadepool blinked in surprise. Seeing the stars once before might've been a trick of the light, but here they were in Crowflight's eyes, too, like the first StarClan warriors to appear in Silverpelt in the evening. That had to mean something. 
And then she heard it in her mind - Spottedleaf's voice, whispering fanatically: “There will be Four, kin of your kin, blood of your blood - Four of Thunder and Water and Wind and Shadow, Four who hold the power of the Stars in their paws. There will be Four, and they will fulfill the Promise, the Omen of the Stars!” 
Two stars in Nightfrost's eyes and two in Crowflight's - four. 
Shadepool was filled with some emotion she could not name, something like terror and certainty and hope, all at the same time. She dug her claws into the tree-bridge, feeling like this thing might fizzle out of her pelt if she let it. She wanted to hold onto it and feel the manic energy it gave her, even if it burned her out and turned her into Spottedleaf. 
“Shade?” Crowflight wondered. His gaze searched hers, confused. “What is it?” 
Shadepool blinked. The stars did not disappear, but that feeling did, leaving her hollow. She unclenched her claws and found herself panting, her heart rate slowing as she struggled for something to say now that she knew what she knew. 
“You said that we don't live in a world where we can be together,” Shadepool managed, finally. Her chest felt tight, yet lingering exhilaration filled her from head to toe. She lifted her muzzle, looking up at Crowflight. “And you're right - we don't. Our codes forbid it, and our Clans hate one another.” 
She touched her nose to his and spoke before he could: “But we were brought together for a reason, Crowflight,” she whispered swiftly, the words tumbling out of her, “and I think that reason was so we could make that world - one where love and duty can exist together, whether we’re medicine cats or warriors, or ThunderClan and WindClan.” 
Crowflight's eyes glittered, and so did the stars in them. “Do you think so?” he asked. “Because I would follow you anywhere, Shadepool. Anywhere.” 
She knew it was true, and it was a tremendous responsibility, that statement - but she was sure she was right. Through all the wrongs, this was right. 
It had to be, or it would all be for nothing. 
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turtleations · 15 days
KUMA: Never Ending Bond, Chapter 2, Part 3 & 4 (Translation)
Preface & Prologue Chapter 1, Part 1 & 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 Chapter 2, Part 1 & 2
The days of flying around the country to meet the band members
I am from Kumamoto.
Therefore, I was called “Kumamoto” by the members of X.
The first who started out by calling me “Kumamoto-kun” were YOSHIKI-san and HIDE-san, although YOSHIKI-san would say, “Eh, was it Akita-kun? Aomori-kun?” and I would laugh and say, “No, it’s Kumamoto.”
Before long, HIDE-san would say things like, “Kumamoto, when are you next coming?” and “Kumamoto, come to Tokyo soon!” to me, someone he knew, and having a member of the band I loved say something like that to me naturally made me extremely happy.
So even though I was a high-school student without money, I saved all my money from New Year’s gifts and such and jobbed hard for the travel expenses; I looked for the cheapest way to go and see the members of X, so wherever I could go, I would go.
If there was time, I went from one slow train to the next. I also took the night bus. Only when there was no time would I go by plane… Fully taking advantage of “Skymate”, a fare discount intended for young people.
Obviously, saving money and going to the countryside was hard for a high-school student like me.
But still, I wanted to meet everyone with X anyway.
I used to have an older brother not related to me by blood.
Even though there was a significant age difference between us, he was very kind and showed affection to little me.
But after my parents divorced, I hardly ever saw him anymore…
For this reason, I considered myself very lucky to meet the members of X.
My mother was working, and I was a brat. And I was lovely at that time.
“Kumamoto, when are you next coming?”
Starting with HIDE-san, who said that to me, all the members became like “older brothers” to me, and I would go however far I had to in order to meet them.
And wherever I went, the members always met me with kindness.
Even now I can’t forget the happiness I felt at that time.
The days when I helped X, as staff and as an adored fan
It had been quite a while since I had come to know X. When there was no school, I was following them around like an apprentice of the staff.
From the start, they would give me the schedule whenever I showed my face at one concert location after the other saying, “When are you coming this time? We are entering (location) at __o’clock,” so I wouldn’t forget about them.
When I went to meet them at that location at the appointed time, they’d call out, “Hey, Kumamoto! How’ve you been?”
From that, it gradually came that I did things like transporting their musical instruments and luggage.
But at that point, X were still amateurs and their concerts were held at little livehouses. The dressing rooms were just as small, and I would just have been in the way had I been in there. Therefore, I was sitting in the seats with the audience when the show began.
Thinking about it now, at that time I held the position of both staff in charge of the location and a fan who loved the members of the band.
For that reason, I understand both the perspective of the bands and the perspective of the fans very well now that I am a producer.
Like that, I did whatever I could to help when I went to meet X.
At that time, X was visiting local livehouses, where the venue was inside. What I could do was transport the drum parts and the guitar amps. Occasionally, I also helped other staff set things up, and in the free time that came with the party after a performance, I also did the laundry. I collected the members’ dirty clothes from stage costumes to underwear and took them to a coin laundry.
Even so… come to think of it, there was this one thing that happened.
It happened when the members were drinking at an isakaya in Tokyo: We were drinking together, and when buddies who were in a band with ex-X members and friends from way back saw me, they asked,
“HIDE-chan, who’s that kid? New roadie?”
And HIDE-san said,
“No, this is an amazing treasure we found on tour,” and giggled in that way of his in front of everyone.
Those words should have made me extremely happy, but… I was so desperate to be around the band back then, that the meaning of HIDE-san’s words did not even register with me.
Because it was generally assumed that any roadie that followed them quit right away because all the members of X were so strict.
Therefore, the people at the livehouses we went to often told me, “We’re not gonna meet again, anyway.”
For that reason… when HIDE-san called me “a treasure they found”, I, who was desperate just to be with X, didn’t really understand what he meant and only managed an embarrassed grin.
Afterwards, on 8 October 1988, the “BURN OUT TOUR 88” started from [the venue] Omiya Freaks, but since X had signed their major contract with Sony three months earlier in July, this time we went everywhere in Sony’s equipment van.
In August ’88, all the band members went to a studio in Kawaguchiko for the creation of their debut album “BLUE BLOOD”.
The recording of “BLUE BLOOD” was finished in February ’89, and after that they went on the “BLUE BLOOD TOUR” and to various other campaigns… Their activities expanded at a nice speed. YOSHIKI-san and TAIJI-san participated in a local quiz show and things like that.
I, for my part, followed them around everywhere during that campaign season.
Chapter 2, Part 5
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talonslockau · 27 days
Forest of Secrets - Chapter 36
Chapter 35 || Index || Chapter 37
Fireheart blinked awake to a darkened den, feeling rested even as his wounds stung bitterly beneath the cobwebs. He sat up with a yawn, glancing outside to see the sunlight had long since faded. Peppermask hadn’t come to get him, so it couldn’t yet be moonhigh. Part of him was tempted to remain in his nest, but Yellowfang had ordered him to return to her den by sunset for fresh bandages; he didn’t dare keep her any longer now that he was awake.
He stumbled to his paws, his head momentarily spinning as he did so. He would likely be feeling the effects of his fight with Tigerclaw for at least a half-moon, he reasoned, and so he would have to get used to moving slowly for the time being. With a gentle shake of his head, he made his way out of the den and into the camp clearing.
The ginger tom paused in the entrance as he heard loud murmuring all around him. He glanced around briefly, confused as to why his presence would have caused such a stir, but no cat seemed to be looking at him; instead, they were all staring at the empty Highrock.
Peppermask came out of the shadows near the den to stand by his side. “Fireheart. I was going to wake you at moonhigh, but…” She cast her eyes away, and he followed his friend’s gaze to where Lionheart and Whitestorm were sitting outside the nursery, discussing something with each other. “Bluestar is refusing to move. Whitestorm went in to tell her it was time to name a new deputy, and she sent him away!”
He bristled in shock as he glanced up to the sky above. The moon had well passed the highest point of its arc in the sky, and was now reaching towards the edges of the treeline. “But the code says-”
“I know. We all do.” The gray tabby shook her head in bewilderment. “No one knows what to do. Everyone’s listening to Whitestorm, at least for now, but he can’t succeed Bluestar if- if something else-”
She broke off with a shiver, and Fireheart quickly pressed comfortingly into her side. Even though they both had known that Tigerclaw was a code-breaker and killer, never would they have expected him to boldly allow a pack of bloodthirsty rogues into the heart of their camp so he could kill Bluestar. He couldn’t fault her for feeling the same loss of security that they all were. “Has this ever happened before? Perhaps there’s something in the code…” He trailed off, not sure what he was hoping for her to answer. Surely a deputy betraying their own leader was unprecedented.
They sat there in silence for a moment as she considered it. “Sometimes Starclan sends a sign for who the next deputy should be.” Peppermask mewed slowly, her eyes narrowed in heavy concentration. “It would be a healer that interprets their will, of course. If something were to happen to Bluestar with no deputy announced, then it’s possible Yellowfang or Dewpaw could appoint a deputy in her stead. Whether the Clan would accept that…”
He knew what she meant, even though neither said it aloud. Yellowfang was an outsider, a former Shadowclanner, and though no cat knew it besides him and Dewpaw she could no longer speak to Starclan. If she announced the new deputy - the new leader, if Bluestar died without a replacement - then there would be those that saw it as Shadowclan interference, even though he doubted it would mean a revolt. Meanwhile, Dewpaw was still only an apprentice, and while she had trained faithfully the elders would likely claim she was too young to be interpreting such an important sign, and their word held great weight within the Clan. 
He glanced at the healer’s den, wondering if either were inside, or if they were in the nursery trying to coax out Bluestar. He couldn’t see inside the dark rocky entrance to tell if any cats were moving within the den, and instead turned his gaze back to camp. He could see and hear cats all around camp discussing the same thing he and Peppermask were; the elders, in particular, looked nearly mutinous as they glared angrily at Lionheart and Whitestorm guarding the nursery entrance.
Even as they talked, no cat moved to try and challenge the two toms to access Bluestar. Every cat knew that she trusted the weight of Whitestorm’s word the most; if he hadn’t been able to get her to name a deputy, no cat could. As much as it pained Fireheart to sit by and watch, he knew there was nothing he could do but speculate. He didn’t control Bluestar; only Starclan could do that, now.
“What about Tigerclaw?” He asked at last, turning his attention to things he could control. “I know every cat did their best to teach the rogues a lesson, but if they come back now, while we’re still recovering…”
“Whitestorm already sent a patrol after him, a little while before sunset. He left across the Thunderpath with the rest of the rogues.” She curled her lip and looked away into the bramble wall surrounding camp, as though she could see all the way to the dark stone border. “We didn’t try to follow him beyond that.”
Though it troubled him to hear that they had so readily absorbed the traitor, he was glad to hear that they had at least departed the territory. Hopefully Tigerclaw wouldn’t return until they’d had a chance to strengthen their defenses. “I hope they stay gone.” He muttered as he surveyed the camp, taking stock of each cat. His eyes narrowed as he realized that one warrior in particular was missing. “I don’t see your brother.” He hissed quietly.
The molly’s green eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled at the mention of the gray tom. “I haven’t seen him since sunhigh. He told Tigerclaw he was going ‘hunting’.” They shared a glance, knowing full well what Graystripe had really meant by that. “I doubt he even knows that-”
There was a flurry of commotion by the nursery, and Peppermask cut herself off as the two of them turned to see Bluestar emerge from the well-defended brambles. The silver leader looked thin and gaunt, like a frail skeleton of a cat, as she shambled over to the Highrock. Around the clearing, cats slowly padded out to sit beneath its shadow, all eyes on their leader. There was no need to call them together, and she made no attempt to as she turned to face them.
Her eyes briefly swept over the crowd, but she seemed almost as though she was looking through everyone, like they were mere shadows in her path. “I will only say this once, so listen well.” Bluestar rasped, her voice barely audible even as a chilling hush had fallen over the clearing.
“I say these words before Starclan, so they may hear and approve of my choice.” Fireheart briefly glanced to the sky; though he could not see the stars through the foliage concealing camp, he knew that they were looking down on Thunderclan at that very moment. He looked back at Bluestar as she paused, wondering if he had missed her next words, but she was looking at her paws as though lost in thought. Had she forgotten who she was going to name?
The crowd began glancing uneasily at each other, the silence growing painfully tense as they waited for her to speak. Just as Whitestorm was stepping forward to stand by her side, she raised her head and he stilled.
“Fireheart will be the new deputy of Thunderclan.”
He blinked in confusion at the sound of his name. That couldn’t be right. He knew the code just as well as any warrior here; a warrior had to have at least one apprentice before becoming deputy. That automatically exempted him, as well as Willowbranch and her kits. “Bluestar, I-”
As he raised his head to meet the leader’s gaze, he realized that she was already gone, stumbling across camp with Whitestorm gently guiding her. He realized with a jolt that most of the cats were staring at him, and a great cacophony had started up while he was in his thoughts.
“Don’t lead her away!” It was Patchpelt snarling after Whitestorm, who didn’t seem to be listening to what was going on behind them. “Make her come back here and name a real deputy!”
“Fireheart is a real deputy!” Cinderspark snapped at the elder, her thick fur bristling angrily. “I’m sure he’ll do better than Tigerclaw!”
“But the code says that a deputy must have had at least one apprentice. Fireheart hasn’t mentored any cat before.” Willowbranch fretted, turning her eyes up to the sky. “And that a deputy must be named before moonhigh. Bluestar has broken the code today; Starclan will be angry with us now.”
“Willowbranch is right.” One-eye pointed out softly, even as her good eye turned on the ginger tom in question. “It doesn’t matter if Fireheart would do a fine job. In Starclan’s eyes, he is not deputy.”
“Would you drag her back out here?” Mistspring spoke up from beside her former apprentice, her voice raspy and straining from her injury only moons prior. “You all saw the state that she was in. She doesn’t have the strength to do a proper ceremony. Whether we like it or not, Fireheart’s the deputy we have right now. We can worry about what Starclan thinks later, when she’s recovered.”
“Starclan was supposed to give her the strength to recover when they brought her back to life!” Smallear yowled from the other side of the crowd. “How do we know that her condition isn’t a punishment for being late with the ceremony?”
Fireheart flinched as he felt a cat come up on his other side, looking to see that Lionheart had approached him. “Do you remember when you first came here?” The golden tabby asked him softly, only loud enough for him and Peppermask to hear.
He blinked, and suddenly it felt as though he was transported back to that early newleaf day. The crowd had hissed and jeered at him then, with Dustleap being the loudest of all. “Do you back down from a challenge?” He wasn’t sure if it was the memory speaking, or Lionheart beside him now.
“Everyone.” Fireheart stepped forward to stand where Bluestar had been, turning to face the angry crowd. They quieted instinctually as he stood there. He felt small and weak under their eyes, like he was once again a scrawny kittypet asking for their acceptance. He glanced at Lionheart, who seemed to be almost smiling as he watched. Had he been smiling that day as well?
He took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves jittering in the pit of his stomach. “I know the warrior code just as well as each of you. I know I’m not the deputy that any of you wanted, or even that Starclan wanted.” He glanced down at his paws, his mouth suddenly feeling as though he had just licked the dirt beneath them. “I didn’t ask Bluestar for this, either. There are- Thunderclan deserves a much better deputy than me.”
He raised his gaze to look out at the crowd, several brimming with hostility as they glared at him. He tried not to let them get to him as he took another deep breath. “But fighting about what Starclan would want and what Bluestar should do is pointless. This fighting - this is what Tigerclaw wants us to do. He wants us to turn against each other, to turn our backs on the code just like he did. If he can’t lead this Clan, then he’ll do his best to tear it down.” He met each gaze in the crowd as he spoke. “Are we going to let him do that?”
Several heartbeats passed in silence, and he worried that for some, the answer might very well be yes. Then Cinderspark stepped forward, her long tail lashing as she raised her head high. “Fireheart’s right. We’re not gonna back down just because that foxheart thinks he’s better than us. We’re Thunderclan, the best Clan in the forest, and Tigerclaw can eat our dirt!” She yowled, loud enough that Starclan above could hear her words.
“Fireheart is a good cat.” He blinked in surprise as Dappleshine stepped forward next, her green eyes soft as she looked upon him. “He’s the one that saved Bluestar from Tigerclaw, after all. He knew more than many of us ever did, walking alongside that-” She paused, her lip curling as she considered many choice words for the exiled deputy, “adder-tongue for many moons. He may be young, but we should trust in his judgement, at least for now.”
“We’ve always trusted Bluestar before. That shouldn’t change now.” Rosetail pointed out from near the back. “We don’t know her reasoning for picking him as deputy. Perhaps she was waiting for Starclan to show her a sign, and they did. It’s not up to us to decide what Starclan’s will is or isn’t.”
Several elders grumbled beside her, but they didn’t seem interested in voicing their complaints. “Thank you. All of you.” He did his best to bow to them without pulling apart his bandages. “I - I will do my best to be worthy of your trust.”
“Now that that’s settled, deputy.” He blinked as he realized Whitestorm had come up beside him while the others had been speaking. “What would you like me to do now?”
He felt himself freezing up in fear at the thought of actually leading these cats. He had only been a warrior for two seasons! He tried to stay on his paws as he thought of what a deputy should do. “Dawn patrols.” He said slowly to himself. “Tigerclaw and his rogues escaped across the Shadowclan border, so we’ll want to guard that one well. Lionheart - you’ll be in charge of that patrol, along with-” He glanced out among the crowd, trying to find warriors he knew would fight Tigerclaw with all their fury. “Tinyfrost, Cinderspark, and Dappleshine.”
Lionheart nodded readily, sweeping his large golden tail towards the other three. “We’ll start along the Twolegplace border, then, since that’s where he was last scented.” The great warrior replied steadily. “Come then, all of you. Dawn isn’t that far away, and we’ll want to get some rest before going out.”
He watched the warriors depart, taking a deep breath and trying to steady himself. He could do this. “That leaves the Riverclan border. Mousefur, why don’t you take Cherrypaw, along with Willowbranch and Mistspring?”
The dusky brown molly stared at him as though he’d asked her to grow wings. “Tigerclaw didn’t want us taking apprentices along the Riverclan border with their recent aggression.” She pointed out to him.
“That was because they’d just been apprenticed and had no battle training. It’s been a moon now - surely they’ve had enough practice to handle themselves in a small skirmish?” He asked in response, even as panic welled up within him. In truth, he’d forgotten about it. He hadn’t heard of anything from Riverclan during the last Gathering, aside from their typical posturing over land rights. “Besides, you should try to avoid a fight, anyways. Yellowfang’s herbs are stretched thin as it is. Not that you should let them get away with hunting on our land if it comes to that, but-”
“I understand.” He was grateful for her interruption as she laid her tail on Cherrypaw beside her. “Besides, it will do her good to see the other border. I’ve heard enough complaining about the Thunderpath and Monsters for a lifetime!”
There were a few chuckles as she nudged her apprentice off, the other two warriors following her. “Peppermask, I hope you don’t mind being on hunting duty again. Take Longtail and Cedarpaw with you; try to stay somewhere close to camp, just in case.” He glanced at Whitestorm, considering the tom, but he had been one of the first defenders during the rogue attack. He could see that while the white warrior had not been wounded as badly as him, there were still several long patches of cobweb that hid a surely painful wound beneath. “Whitestorm and I will guard the camp.” He finished with a nod. That would at least get them through to sunhigh, he hoped.
“What about us?” He blinked and turned his head to see Sandstorm limp forward, Dustleap and their apprentices behind her. “Surely you haven’t forgotten us?” She added with narrowed eyes.
The thought of Tigerclaw’s children briefly sent a bolt of panic striking at his heart, but he did his best to conceal it. “You both have an apprentice, don’t you? Surely you can take them to the training hollow and figure something out.” He snapped back at her, refraining from lashing his tail as he spoke. He didn’t need to get into a fight with her, not now.
She shrank back as though he’d attacked her. “Er… right. Yeah, we can do that.” He stared at her in shock as she turned away, her tail low. He glanced at Whitestorm beside him, who was only looking at his former apprentice in worry. “We’ll see you at sunhigh, then.”
He watched them begin to walk away, guilt suddenly filling his mind. He wasn’t sure what he’d said to provoke such a reaction, but as he thought about it, he wondered if perhaps his face had shown the anger he’d tried to hide. After all, Tinyfrost had always said he showed his emotions too easily. “Er, Sandstorm, Dustleap, wait!” He called, the two tabbies turning to meet his gaze. “Can you take Thornpaw as well? He was Tigerclaw’s apprentice, and until Bluestar can assign him a new mentor, perhaps he’d do best training with his siblings.”
The cream molly studied him warily, as though suspecting some sort of trick from the change in attitude. At last, she dipped her head. “Of course we can.” She replied flatly, but he could see her head lift a little higher as she turned back to her den.
Now that the camp was devoid of warriors, everyone departing back to their dens, he heaved a sigh of relief. “You did well.” He looked up to Whitestorm, still standing next to him. “The Clan is skittish, like a frightened rabbit staring into a coyote’s gaze. They will find it difficult to trust, after everything that has happened. Do not take it to heart; it would be the same for any cat in your position, Starclan-appointed or not.” 
“Thank you, Whitestorm.” From all the warriors in camp, it meant the most to hear it from him. “I feel like they can all see that I have no idea what I’m doing. Quickflash and Tigerclaw took to it so easily, and-”
“They also had many moons of experience raising kits and training apprentices that you don’t.” The mighty warrior pointed out evenly, his golden eyes seeming almost amused as he looked down on the new deputy. “Though I am sure the Clan will silently measure you to him, do not feel you have to follow Tigerclaw’s paws. After all,” He muttered darkly, casting a glance towards the tunnel entrance, “that is how we got into this mess in the first place.”
Fireheart tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean?” He asked curiously. Whitestorm, having been apprenticed alongside Tigerclaw, was perhaps the only remaining cat that knew him best. Had he reason to suspect the exiled deputy’s motive?
His heart sank as Whitestorm shook his head. “Nevermind that. I hope you don’t mind if I continue to guard the nursery? My aunt…” The great warrior looked away with a sigh. “You saw how she is.”
“She will recover. If not thanks to Starclan, then thanks to Yellowfang.” Fireheart replied gently, doing his best to comfort the older warrior. For a moment, Whitestorm seemed weak and vulnerable, rather than the mighty and wise warrior he had always known. “But of course you can guard her, at least until your wounds heal. If you can, ask Frostfur and Goldenflower to rotate with you. If you trust them, of course.”
Whitestorm nodded once at his last words. “Frostfur may be vicious at times, but she has a good heart. I’m told you’ve seen that yourself.” Fireheart glanced up at the larger tom, trying to read what he meant, but he’d already looked away towards the nursery. “As for Goldenflower, she wouldn’t hurt a flea - unless it was threatening the nursery, that is. I don’t envy Tigerclaw if he tries to find that out.” He glanced at the leader’s den behind him. “If it’s alright, I’ll have Speckleflight and Snowkit do their best to clean that out when dawn comes, so that Bluestar can return to it.”
He winced slightly as he realized the bloody trails out of it were still there, a painfully visible reminder of the treachery that had transpired earlier that day. “Of course. When Cherrypaw returns from patrol, have her help, too.” 
“I will.” With that, Whitestorm departed, gently padding across camp and nosing into the nursery to check on Bluestar. Upon making sure that the leader was resting, he took a seat in front of the entrance, eyes flicking around camp for any sign of movement.
Fireheart was just about to take a seat near the elders’ den when he saw another cat approach out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see it was Peppermask, having remained while every other cat had left. “If it’s alright, I’d like to join you on guard duty tonight.” She mewed softly to him, her green gaze indecipherable.
He hesitated to agree. “Shouldn’t you be resting for your hunting patrol?” Fireheart asked gently in return. He knew she wasn’t challenging his authority; she was the only one he would expect to support him, given everything that had happened. Still, it did feel strange that she wasn’t taking the opportunity to sleep before the patrol.
“I’m not tired.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked away from him briefly, before taking a seat next to him. “Besides, you’re injured. If Tigerclaw comes back tonight, you won’t exactly be able to take him on.”
“I suppose that’s true.” He glanced up at the sky, imagining for a brief moment the stars above. “Fine, then. We can sit guard together - at least until it’s time for your patrol.”
“That’s all I ask.” She purred, settling in next to him. He had to admit he didn’t mind the extra warmth in the chilly leafbare night - and, in any case, it would help to quell his anxieties to have an extra cat beside him tonight. Fireheart turned his gaze out onto the shadows, fur prickling as he remembered Tigerclaw’s dire warning. 
It would take a long time for him to feel comfortable in Thunderclan’s camp again.
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vintagegirl01 · 6 months
Lizards and Pumpkins (Part 2)
AU Young Leto Atreides x fem reader
Summary: After the events of the ball and the old, Leto is appointed the newly appointed Duke of Caladan and has finally found the maiden who has won his heart. Will he accept you as you are?
A/N: Though this story was intended to be similar to Disney’s Live Action Cinderella (2015), it will start to go a bit off of that storyline.
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As you are being brought to face the newly appointed Duke Leto by Captain Duncan Idaho , you have a lot of thoughts running through your mind. Some of these thoughts consist of: What will the kingdom think of me if I stand by him? Does he feel for me the way that I do for him? Will this relationship last if it goes further?
Going down the steps, you take in your appearance. A light blue dress with a brown petticoat and a white headpiece covering your hair.
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Leto looks at you with a smile on his face, happy to finally be in your presence after weeks of searching for you. “Who are you?”
In response, you answer, “I am (y/n). Your grace, I am no duchess. I have no carriage, no parents, no dowry. I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am? A good honest country girl who loves you?”
“Of course, I would. But only if you'll take me as I am, an apprentice still learning his trade. Please…” , he looks at you pleading. You nod.
Leto invites you to sit on a nearby chair as the Captain looks on with a smile as he places the slipper on your foot. To the surprise of neither of you, it fits perfectly.
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You then take his hand and walk out with him out to the palace.
*This was a very short story. Wondering if I should write a chapter about their wedding and honeymoon.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Prompt #12 - Dowdy
Character: Zhav Gridania, Present Day
She didn't care. Not in the negative way, where a lack of care to all things was given, or indifference to whatever matter had crossed her, no. Zhav's lack of care manifested in many ways, physical and otherwise; and only those who did not know her saught to judge her.
In the way her hair grew out, bedraggled and the colour of a particularly rich grape, combed through only with her fingers, and currently adorned with a small blue bow one of the children had plaited and tied into it on her blind side. She pretended not to notice, to be heralded with grins and laughter from her people and otherwise, keeping it for the joy it gave them. Cut haphazardly with a knife when it got too long to keep from her face, there was never any real neatness to it.
Not a lick of makeup adorns her face. Zhav wouldn't have too much idea what to do with it anyway. Instead, thick black facepaint adorns her features in long, wide swathes reminiscent of a bearclaw, sticking to skin even after the most rigorous bathing regimes. It was possible to remove it, of course. But Zhav had worn hers for so long in the same place that it had stained the skin beneath.
Muscle and marred flesh long burned and healed bulges beneath well worn leather, repaired and replaced for cycles. No frills, no unneccesary adornments. Zhav liked her clothes simple, and although she adored them, she never got too attatched.
She caught many eyes travelling through the markets of Gridania, though it wasn't often she went, most of the time making her own things, gathering her own spices. Whispers of the fearsome looking woman with a battleaxe, and too-sharp teeth wrapped in scars and leather and facepaint was enough to send anyone running.
But Zhav only asked for flowers, in her usual rowdy accent. A smile through black lips coloured with facepaint; she would make cookies with them, and press the blooms into the pastry for effect.
She didn't care. What they said about her, or what they thought of the dowdy looking woman who so rarely frequented these stalls. She didn't care at all.
She saved that care for the things that mattered most to her.
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snowyfrostshadows · 5 months
Wind Spoilers under the cut
That was certainly a book.
The prologue was kinda funny with Splashtail deciding to reject the nine lives from Starclan and using Curlfeather's choice to receive them as one of his reasons to kill her making him one of the stupidest villains in the series.
They can do as they always have and give a leader their nine lives regardless of that cat's actual morality or actually do something interesting for once and refuse to enable an antagonist.
He gets ahold of all this power but one good hit or sickness and he's dead. Alright. Great planning skills there bud.
But then I realized that Splashtail's decision frees Starclan from having to make that choice.
This way they can stay the wise (yet somewhat powerless) spirit cats the clans can turn to for guidance.
Speaking of Starclan giving out lives, I hate how everyone knows Nightpelt's story despite it never actually being public knowledge. Hell I don't think Fireheart found out and he figured out everyone's secrets.
But no. Since readers know every single trivia bit and history of the clans, the cats get to as well which is so....boring.
It takes out some of the awe and way histories can be changed and retold to fit certain narratives or having characters actually do some digging and discovering things out for themselves.
I know this is primarily a series for children but Erins I am begging you, give your target audience some credit. Kids are smarter than most people give them credit for and actually you know. Enjoy a good mystery here and there.
Another thing that was frustrating to read was having cats ask permission to move the plot along or sit around in a circle discussing stuff and judging each other for it. I. Can kinda see what the Erins are trying to do; make things more of a group decision and have older characters/past povs part of the story but man. In actuality, it just makes things drag on and characters flatter.
I miss the days when cats could sneak out and move the plot on their own and show off their own initiative. With Nightheart and Sunbeam waiting around for permission it just. Makes them feel...... incompetent? Like they literally can't do anything with being told to?? And this makes their chapters a slight pain to go through because nothing really important happens in them or they're just there to observe Frostpaw 's plot and comment on it I guess.
On another tangent, I. have no idea what they're doing with this arc's villains.
The first few books set them up as cunning and clever cats whose strengths are in being subtle but now... they're kinda all over the place.
Curlfeather was the mastermind but apparently just. Did this all on a whim because her mate died and picked a random apprentice to share her plans with but couldn't bother keeping up a pretense of even pretend respect around him and just. Spoke down to him. Okay
Berryheart wasn't happy over the new rule allowing cats to swap clans and was willing to start up a evil book club and set up a sort of rebellion of sorts but then....they just...don't really follow through with that? She gets exiled, curses out the clans, and then....joins a clan she hated to the point of accepting a co-leader ship position from an unstable teenager openly stating his plans to attack her former clan and she's just okay with it because I guess she's just.......an unreasonable woman...
And then there's Splashtail.
On one hand, I'm a lil disappointed on how far off the deep end he's gone but absolutely fascinated at the decline in his mental state.
He got his power.
He exiled Frostpaw.
Managed to convince nearly every cat around the lake she's the insane liar and then.
He just. Loses it.
Makes his clan fight each other with claws out, doesn't bother to allow the camp to be cleaned, kills his own deputy and appoints a cat who by all logic, would maybe be the first to kill him given the opportunity as deputy and he's portrayed as the biggest threat to the clans.
Him. One, singular cat that the leaders of the other clans know only has one life.
That any one of them could kill proving to Riverclan that Splashtail wasn't approved by Starclan and was actually lying about Frostpaw.
But no. We get yet another book with everyone sitting around talking about what should be done and why they can't and basically holding Tigerheart back by his tail to keep him from cutting this arc's runtime in half.
The poor man sees the problem, has a solution, wants to end problems before they impact literally everyone in yet another clan wide war but gets called the Real Villain for most the arc by everyone.
Frostpaw and Tigerheart are the real MVPs of this arc in terms of story and literally keeping me invested in this thing.
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princess-leaorgana · 14 days
What Tieflings Do Chpt. 12
Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, mostly fluff for the sake of fluff with a dash of smut.
Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven
Or Read all chapters on AO3
‘I killed him.’
After chaos, a fight that almost wiped her and her crew out, including a very angry aasimar, Zelphie heard the smallest voice. She was perched up high with Gale and someone else. Rolan. Zelphie and Gale looked up from Lorroakan’s corpse to see Rolan staring at his hands. Rolan had given the final blow. He gave Lorroakan a real run for his money. Zelphie had always known Rolan to be talented enough, she had seen him fight before, but this was absolutely something different. She had never seen magic like that before. It was unpredictable, like hers was, and incredibly powerful. Why the hell was Rolan here? Surely, Lorroakan hadn’t taught him all that. Such a simple spell, Thunderwave. Rolan had gloated about his Thunderwave before, Gale thought it was precious and Zelphie assumed Rolan was just egotistical. But he had ended a man’s life with it. 
‘I’ve never killed anyone before,’ Rolan continued, his voice soft, almost cracking. Not like Zelphie had ever heard him speak before. Rolan always stood behind every syllable he uttered, ego was always dripping in his words. Not now. For a good reason, to kill a person was not like any other experience one could have. Zelphie hated that this was her life, constantly bargaining and killing. But she realized, hearing Rolan whimper, it made her realize how desensitized she had become. 
‘Is he dead?’ Zelphie heard Astarion call loudly, irritation in his voice. Gale walked over to the bannister and nodded. Lorroakan of Baldur’s Gate was dead, murdered in his own home. By his apprentice, Rolan. It had been quite the fight, Lorroakan wasn’t alone, but Rolan had defeated his master in one hit. Rolan who had gone on and on for months about this appointment, his apprenticeship with his idol, his hero. A man who had a reputation in Baldur’s Gate for being powerful, yes, but cruel and self-serving. Zelphie knew very well all about Lorroakan, she knew first hand his cruelty. When the group had entered the shop, it seemed Rolan did too, as his face and hands were covered in bruises and cuts. Zelphie had been worried about him. She was more worried about him now. She walked over to the other tiefling and laid her hand gently on his arm. Rolan looked from his hands to her face and he cracked.
’I’m sorry,’ he said and he broke down sobbing. Zelphie acted quickly and hugged Rolan tight. He hugged her back, holding her as if she was every security in the world for him. She rubbed his back, just letting him sob into her hair and shoulder. ‘I’m the monster they always say I am….’ He sobbed and Zelphie shook her head.
’You killed the monster, Rolan. He’ll never hurt anyone again,’ she whispered over his tears. Lorroakan would never be able to hurt Rolan, Zelphie, or anyone else ever again. She wanted to reassure him more, but there was nothing that could be said in a few short words that would make Rolan calm down and accept this. ‘Thank you,’ she added in a whisper and Rolan lifted his head, still crying, but quickly calming down.
’He hurt you too, I didn’t listen before…I-‘
’Rolan, he’s gone. You’re my hero,’ she interrupted him. Rolan stiffened a little and stood up, letting Zelphie go. She looked up at him and he sniffed, giving his nose a rub with his wrist.
’What do I do now?’ He asked her and she smirked.
’Call for Cal and Lia, and get ready for your new title. Rolan, Master of Ramizeth’s Tower,’ she said and Rolan’s face softened. His golden eyes bore into her orange ones. Two things she knew Rolan wanted more than anything, prestige and renown, and the safety it would bring his family. 
‘I do….really like the sound of that,’ he said, a little cocky, a little guilty. He looked up at the high ceilings of the tower. ‘Yes….I do indeed,’ he said with another sniff and Zelphie smiled at him. Rolan would be alright.
‘You look….’
‘Please shut up.’
Lia stood in the middle of her bedroom in the beautifully magnificent wizard’s tower of Waterdeep, Gale’s home. Now Lia’s home. Lia looked beautiful, a red and gold skirt, a gold veil and a red tailored shirt that showed off her midriff. She looked wonderful, and the strangest part of Lia standing around her room in this beautiful outfit was that Lia chose it herself. 
‘You want to borrow my stockings again?’ Zelphie asked her sister and Lia rolled her eyes.
Lia was getting married that day. She was playfully annoyed, and that was to mask her nerves. Zelphie was the only one allowed in the room, because Zelphie knew how to deal with Lia and multitask getting the other tiefling dressed. Zelphie had crafted new horn clasps and jewelry just for Lia, along with a matching diadem for Gale. Yes, Gale had officially stolen Lia from her family in Baldur’s Gate. As stolen as Lia would allow herself to be. Zelphie clasped a gold chain around Lia’s horns and she sighed, satisfied with her work. She stood back and gave Lia a little once over. 
‘Can I please compliment you?’ Zelphie asked and Lia sighed.
‘Sure,’ she answered softly.
‘You look beautiful, Lia,’ she said and smiled and Lia chewed on her bottom lip.
‘Thank you, Zelphie,’ she said and Zelphie’s grin grew. The door opened and in walked Astarion and Ayla. Little Ayla was toddling behind her statuesque father, holding onto his pant leg. He walked as if a tiny toddler was not latched onto him. Zelphie smiled at Astarion, he was invited into the room for final touches on Lia’s outfit. He hadn’t been the designer, but Lia trusted him to be there on the day to make sure everything was perfect. Zelphie picked up her niece.
‘Doesn’t your auntie look so magnificent?’ She asked the little one. Ayla smiled and reached up for Lia’s hemmed horns. Lia smiled at her niece. Ayla babbled a little and hit a dangling gem and giggled happily at the glittering movement. Zelphie bounced her and the tot looked at Astarion.
‘Dadadadada,’ she said and pointed at the gem. Astarion smiled at his little one, a needle in his mouth.
‘You’re more precious,’ he told her carefully and his long finger pulled at Lia’s skirt, to see how much give it had. A little much. ‘Just a pin, Lia,’ he said and he began to work.
The ceremony was beautiful, Waterdevians certainly did things as grand as they came. Everything was elegant and over the top, the ceremony and reception were full of life. Just joy and food and drink and dancing. Gale had an enormous family, but not big enough to have any tieflings in it besides Lia’s family. The Dekarios clan was lively and open minded, so the tieflings did not feel out of place.
Zelphie was very happy to be out, dancing with her family. Family was still very new to her. When she married Rolan, she didn’t bring anyone but herself. When Astarion married Cal, he brought no one but himself. When Gale married Lia, he brought a whole city. Zelphie loved watching her little ones run around with their new human family members. Meil and Dayryn were chasing each other, tails hitting adults around them as the newest little tiefling of the tower, Sorax, was passed around by old and new family members. Ayla could barely go a few moments before someone complimented her. No one would have guessed she wasn’t Astarion’s biological child. She was a beauty like her father, but incredibly patient and sweet like her other father. The world was better for that little one.
‘Come, sneak away with me for a moment.’
Zelphie was catching her breath, a glass of some fruity alcohol in her hand, watching her little imps cause havoc and make new friends. She smiled, so glad to see them so happy. Sorax was in the arms of someone Lia was speaking to. She should return to the duties of a mother. She watched Cal take Sorax from the stranger and she raised an eyebrow. Where was he off to? Then she heard Rolan behind her and she flinched a little.
‘Oh gods, you scared me,’ she said and smirked at him. He gave her a wide toothed grin and took her hand. The wedding was outside; some vast park in Waterdeep. It smelled like the heavens out here. Rolan led her through a garden and she followed him happily. ‘Are we going to commit a crime?’ She asked and he laughed.
‘Well, not hopefully,’ he told her with a smirk. ‘I don’t plan on getting caught, anyway,’ he added and she giggled.
‘Rolan, I’m not fucking you in the bushes,’ she told him, a little spring in her heeled step.
‘That’s fine, because I’m going to fuck you in the bushes,’ he told her playfully and she snorted. There was a small clearing with a statue of some harvest god and Rolan stopped walking and looked up at the night sky. Zelphie let go of his hand so she could place it on his back. She looked at him for a moment and then looked at the stars with him. He lifted his hand and conjured a large golden blast of light into the sky, letting it fizzle like a firework. Zelphie leaned on him. It was the least powerful thing he ever did, but light shows and illusions were Rolan’s signature. He conjured pink, purple, red, blue, green, yellow, white sparks and smoke, a beautiful canvas of a night sky all with a thought and a flick of his wrist. He was an artist, truly. A light show for his sister and new brother-in-law. After quite the show, Rolan let his hand fall slowly back to his side and looked down at Zelphie, who was smiling up at him. She lifted her hands from his arm and gave him a little applause. He gave her a bow. ‘Oh my dear, you are too kind,’ he said dramatically and she laughed.
‘I’m sure Lia loved that,’ she said and Rolan smiled.
‘Two weddings under our belt, gods be praised no more until…one of the children grows up. To be forty and ready for it,’ he said and she laughed.
‘Are you saying you’re not ready for it?’ She asked and he grinned. Rolan was shy of forty yet. He laughed back at her and shrugged.
‘Not at all, but to be married to you? I forget sometimes…’ he said and looked down at his hands. She took them gently. ‘I think about Lia and Gale and then Astarion and Cal and I wonder, what now for them? Is life different after a big to-do? I just…I never felt as if my life…changed, no that’s not it. We just kept going, you and I. Everything was normal, natural.’
‘Nothing was normal, I was pregnant when we got married,’ she told him and he chuckled.
‘You know what I mean. Just. One day you were my wife, when the day before you were my lover.’ This made Zelphie laugh hard.
‘That is because you called me your wife the day after our first kiss,’ she said and nudged him playfully. ‘I went from being your friend to your wife,’ she teased and he grinned and nodded.
‘Ah yes, well…I’ve never been known to teeter about. When I set my mind to something, that’s it. Why wait? The day I genuinely asked you to be my wife, properly, that was the day I wanted you to be my wife. I didn’t want to wait for all of this to be planned,’ he said and waved his hand and Zelphie smiled. ‘I had waited long enough to ask you. As you and I know, time is incredibly fleeting and precious. Especially back then. I just hope you don’t regret never having this,’ he said and waved his hand towards where the party was. Zelphie just smiled up at him and shook her head.
‘The balls and galas and other weddings and hooplas we have been to these past few years, I don’t need anything like that. No no, Baldur’s Gate is very much aware that the Archmage Rolan is my husband. No audience needed,’ she said with a grin and Rolan leaned down to kiss her. Zelphie kissed him back sweetly and a little sound in the distance pricked her ears. She opened her eyes and looked around. Giggling. She could hear giggling from the bushes. Rolan heard it too, but the couple were very acquainted with their little hellspawn spying on them.
‘I don’t think we’ll ever go without an audience again, my dear,’ he said and leaned back down, kissing her temple. ‘Though, I had been hoping,’ he said, raising his voice a little and Zelphie looked back at him. ‘That we could go to bed soon, we should find Meil and Dayryn so that we can all go to sleep,’ he said and Zelphie smirked. Another fit of giggles and rustling from the bushes and the two small children took off. Rolan looked off to the sound of his children scurrying and cast little light bombs at their feet. The two were screaming with laughter and running as quickly as they could. Zelphie hit his chest and he laughed.
‘They are just going to come back to play with daddy’s magic,’ Zelphie told him and he hummed and looked back down at her.
‘Are you jealous? Do you want to play with daddy’s magic?’ He asked her softly and her stomach did a flip.
‘Rolan!’ She squeaked and he bared his fangs in a cocky grin. ‘I’m not fucking you in the bushes,’ she whispered and he dipped his head down and kissed her neck delicately.
‘You don’t have to do a thing, like I said, I’ll fuck you in the bushes,’ he said playfully and Zelphie gasped as his touch, the feeling of his breath against her neck. Rolan wouldn’t have sex in such a public place, especially a place their children could obviously easily access, but he was no longer above playing with Zelphie where they could get caught. Her arms wrapped around his neck, coiling her fingers into his hair. This was such a comfort to her, holding him like this while he ravaged her. Rolan and Zelphie had known each other for years now, sex wasn’t the exhilarating act it was when they first coupled, but that didn’t slow them down at all. No longer an adrenaline rush, but an act of comfort. They simply loved each other, they loved being with each other.
‘Come inside and treat me like a lady,’ Zelphie muttered and Rolan chuckled against her neck. The couple left their little hideout to go inside the tower they were luckily invited to stay in for the weekend. An entire weekend to celebrate Lia and Gale. Zelphie and Rolan could be selfish for an hour, couldn’t they? They would return to the party and give Astarion and Cal their turn. They weren’t completely alone in Gale’s tower, other people certainly had the same idea as them. Rolan pulled Zelphie quickly to bring them to their room. Their room that they shared with their three children. Zelphie hated that for a moment she thought about what time it was and how Sorax needed to be in bed. That was, until the door was shut behind them and she felt both of Rolan’s hands and his tail on her all at once. She wasn’t really treated like a lady that night. She didn’t really want to be.
They didn’t have very long. Rolan had promised His brother and brother-in-law some time alone with no children if he could be given a little with Zelphie. He couldn’t help himself. The children would be sleeping in their room that night, and he was going to take what he could after seeing his wife dolled up in formal wear. She always dressed so nicely, Zelphie, but the jewels in her hair, horns and ears, the ones dripping down her neck, her exposed collarbone with emerald satin, exposing the ridges around her chest, he couldn’t bear it. To him, she was the stereotypical sorceress, seducing everyone she allowed to lay eyes on her. Rolan’s hand possessively took hold of the side on her neck and head and kissed her. Zelphie sighed against his lips, holding the velvet of his tailored jacket in her hands, as if he would float away.
’You are so beautiful tonight,’ Rolan muttered and Zelphie’s tail wrapped around Rolan’s ankle. Not a day went by that Zelphie did not hear him say that to her. She still loved it and never expected it.
’Only for you, my love, my whole heart,’ she whispered and kissed him again. Rolan kissed her back and stood up straighter and looked at her, holding her face in his hands. Her eyelashes fluttered a little and she smiled at him. He was just looking at her, examining her face, she wasn’t sure. She would enjoy looking back at him. ‘Call me beautiful, but look at you,’ she whispered and Rolan made eye contact with her and smirked. ‘Gods you’re handsome,’ she said and he wrinkled his nose playfully, as he always did. ‘Handsome devil, cheekbones that could cut a diamond and those golden eyes. I’m the luckiest person in all of Baldur’s Gate, to have been able to steal your heart.’ Rolan’s face softened and he shook his head.
‘I gave that to you very willingly years ago,’ he told her and dipped back down to kiss her again. They would be quick, as Rolan didn’t need much more persuading. The man’s ego didn’t need much feeding, not from Zelphie. Any compliment she paid him in the last four years hit him in the back of the head like a Storm Sphere. Even when they had first met, she had complimented a simple light spell he had conjured and it nearly knocked him off his feet. She pulled at his lapels again, sighing against him. Rolan pushed against her gently, urging her to sit on the bed. Zelphie did not need to be persuaded. She walked back until her legs touched the side of their temporary bed. Rolan stepped back a little. ‘Turn around,’ he ordered gently and Zelphie gave him one last peck before she obeyed. She turned and leaned over the bed, bending over. She felt Rolan’s hands immediately on her backside and he pressed up against her. She moaned softly and he grinned, rubbing himself up against her backside for a moment, just playing with her. Her tail slithered up his chest, the pronged tip caressing Rolan’s neck and cheek posessively. Rolan lifted her dress, revealing her underwear and he hissed. Thin purple lace against her red skin. She gasped when she felt his fingers slip under the fabric to touch her wet slit. He had been so quick with it, brushing her underwear to the side to touch her, he knew her curves like the back of his hand. ‘Oh, my sweet love,’ he muttered.
’Oh Rolan,’ she muttered as he stroked her from her whole to her clit slowly. She would be very sensitive for a moment. She arched her back and swayed her hips gently. He gave a satisfied little sighed and began to untie her underwear from the back, freeing her tail completely. Once her underwear was gone, Rolan’s hands returned to her backside and she looked back at him. He was admiring his view, but glanced at her face when he noticed her move. He smirked at her and gave her right cheek a playful little slap. She squeaked and flinched, Rolan didn’t really give way to that sort of thing, spanking, hair pulling, no, just one little quirk of his. So she was a little shocked when he gave her what would have been considered a little pat. Rolan’s grin grew and he moved his top layer and pushed down his trousers, pulling himself out. Zelphie felt his tail wrap around her thigh and she looked away, bracing herself. Her hands were firmly on the mattress and her claws dug into the bedding as she felt the pressure of his cock push into her slowly. She moaned loudly and Rolan grunted, placing a hand over Zelphie’s mouth.
‘Shhhhh…’ he muttered as he thrust into her slowly. ‘I didn’t…put a silence spell…up,’ he whimpered. Zelphie tried to be quiet, moaning still, but muffled by Rolan’s hand. ‘Oh…gods,’ he moaned, his claws digging into her backside. Zelphie panted, knowing Rolan was going to try and be quick. She reached under her dress and began to rub her clit. If she came, he would right after. Rolan leaned over her, pumping into her furiously, like a feral animal. He knew he was being loud, so he put his mouth to better use. Zelphie felt his breath behind her ear. He kissed her skin desperately. She closed her eyes, her mouth still covered by his hand and gave a whimper. She knew what was next. Over four years, Rolan’s biting never ceased. She loved it, but even with four years of practice and very thick tiefling skin, she still needed to brace herself for her husband’s fangs. He pierced her skin after one more kiss and she cried out softly.
The neediness, the desperate rutting was driving Zelphie mad. The way he just fucked her selfishly made her unravel quickly under her own fingers. Rolan was always so put together, so poised, so proper, but when he was having sex with Zelphie he lost every ounce of decorum and decency. His desperation did everything for her, she felt powerful, irresistible. She felt her neck get hot. She focused on that thought, how feral Rolan got over her. It didn’t take much at all. His teeth in her skin, his hands on her mouth and hip, so desperate, his cock thrusting in and out her in quick succession. She went limp and howled. She pulsed around her husband and with a loud grunt and a tightening of his jaw, Rolan came inside of her, whimpering loudly with a high pitched voice.
‘Fuck.’ She heard him mutter, letting her neck go. He kissed behind her ear. Zelphie whimpered and took in a deep breath. Rolan stood up and she followed suit. He wrapped his arms around her waist as her satin dress settled back down around her skin. He kissed the back of her head and she turned around to kiss him properly on the lips.
‘Nice magic trick,’ she said softly and he chuckled.
Still clothed and mostly put together, Rolan and Zelphie returned to the party, searching for their children. Meil could be heard cackling and Dayryn was dancing with Ayla and another little girl from Gale’s side of the family. Zelphie smiled when she found Astarion sitting at a table with Sorax on his chest, chatting to the baby, who was very obviously asleep. Zelphie walked over to Astarion while Rolan went to check up on Meil.
‘Best uncle in the world,’ Zelphie said and Astarion grinned at her.
‘I know, but never not for a price,’ he said and Zelphie took the deadweight off Astarion and cuddled her little one. Astarion stood up and stretched.
‘I’m envious he can sleep through all of this, we’re going to need a silencing spell around Ayla tonight,’ he said and Zelphie smirked.
‘I think Ayla is going to crash very, very soon,’ she said and turned her head to look at the girls losing their minds to the joyful music. Astarion smirked but Zelphie felt his cold fingertip on her neck and she hissed. That hurt. She looked back at Astarion who was smirking.
‘Mmmmm…I didn’t think Rolan and I would have such similarities, you do have a taste in men, don’t you?’ He teased, a little blood on his fingertips. Zelphie’s stomach churned and she placed a hand on her neck. Like usual, Rolan’s possessive instinct kicked in during sex and he had bitten her while her clothes were on. She hadn’t even thought about it, as Rolan always got her in a place she could cover up. Astarion laughed loudly and shook his head as Zelphie felt the burn of embarrassment and she slapped him.
‘Shut up! You have no place to even talk!’ She said but Astarion kept laughing, dodging her slaps.
‘Dada!’ Little Ayla had caught her father and aunt’s little fight, and she had run over squealing. Neither Cal or Astarion were very physical in front of each other and Astarion was hellbent on raising his daughter with decorum and grace. Zelphie was not a great influence. Astarion pointed his finger at Zelphie and sighed, looking down at his daughter.
‘My little sapphire, you are to play with your auntie Zelphie for the rest of the night, and she just told me she wanted to have a special dance just with you,’ he said, his voice dripping with annoyance, but he had a flashing smile for his darling girl. Ayla’s smile grew and Zelphie had her hand over Rolan’s bite mark, muttering a healing spell under her breath. ‘And! You are going to have a sleepover with Dayryn, won’t that be fun my love?’ He asked and Zelphie smirked at him. What was another toddler in their room? Ayla squealed and nodded.
‘Go tell Dayryn, I’ll be right there,’ Zelphie said and Ayla took right off to tell her cousin they would have a sleepover. Zelphie looked at Astarion, who was looking very proud of himself.
‘Go on, go have fun,’ she told him and nudged his arm. Astarion kissed her cheek and walked off to go find Cal. What a funny little game the four of them were playing. Zelphie patted Sorax’s little back, still very jealous that the baby could sleep through all of this. She swayed to the music and watched the dancing and laughing going on around her. She couldn’t help the big smile on her face. She mused about what Rolan had said to her, about their lack of a wedding celebration. Maybe they should have had one. Who the hells would have even been invited? Astarion? Jaheira, Wyll, maybe. Their social circles were very narrow back then. They still were. As powerful as Rolan was now, that didn’t earn him friends. Though, maybe an anniversary could be celebrated with their loved ones, once their children were grown enough. Yes, that would be lovely.
Rolan returned to her side with a very sleepy Meil on his hip. Zelphie pouted at her little boy when she saw his grumpy face. Yes, it was time for bed. Zelphie collected the girls, who were not happy about going to bed. They were promised a dance, now they would go to bed? What a horror. They complained all the way up to the family’s little bedroom. Zelphie got the girls ready for bed while Rolan changed and laid Sorax down. Meil was already passed out in his cot. Rolan attempted to undress him.
‘Oh look at you two! Oh I could eat you right up!’ Zelphie said happily and pretended to bite at Dayryn who squealed happily. Zelphie tickled Ayla with her tail and the two girls rolled away from Zelphie, having a fit. Their mood certainly lightened. The girls were terribly cute, all of the children at Ramizeth’s Tower were, in Zelphie’s eyes at least. They drove her up a wall, but she loved them terribly. Especially like now, right before bed. All fresh and clean and giggly before they knocked out for the night. 
The girls crawled into Dayryn’s cot and Zelphie tucked them into bed. She kissed them both goodnight and they giggled a little more while cuddling each other. It was going to be a long night. She hoped Astarion and Cal were having fun. Zelphie stood up and walked over to her bed, Rolan was stretching, just about to climb into the bed.
‘Daddy!’ Dayryn called and Ayla giggled. Rolan shook his head and walked over to his little one. Zelphie watched him kiss Dayryn goodnight.
‘Be good,’ he said and gave her another kiss. Ayla got one on the forehead. The girls giggled some more and he sighed, standing back up straight. ‘I love you,’ he said and Dayryn giggled.
‘I love you too daddy,’ she said and Zelphie heard Rolan sigh. I love you too daddy was Rolan’s weakness. Especially from Dayryn’s mouth. He was a feared, respected Archmage. He was a minister of magic to the council of Baldur’s Gate and was heralded across Faerun. He always kept himself collected and composed and was quite the imposing figure. But around his family, from Cal and Lia to little Sorax, even Astarion, he was an adoring patriarch. Maybe a hex, curse, or spell could not defeat him, but his son’s laughter or a kiss on the cheek from his daughter could stop his whole world.
Rolan crawled into bed and waved the lights in the room off. Sleeping in the dark was still not his favorite, but the lights would stay off until those girls fell asleep. Zelphie cuddled up close to him, placing her cheek gently on his shoulder and lifted her hand just above his chest. A golden glow appeared from her hand, not fire, just light and Rolan smiled at her and kissed her gently. A stifled giggle from the other side of the room made Rolan sigh and leaned back. Zelphie giggled at him and kissed his cheek.
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horrorfilmlesbian · 1 month
So, recently I have completed my self appointed mission to watch all the Saw movies, and now I present to you my currently definitive ranking:
Saw II
Saw VI
Saw X
Saw V
Saw IV
Saw 3D (/The Final Chapter)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw*
*tbh I DO wish it was possible to leave Spiral off the list entirely bc it's so far below the quality of the other movies. But. It is technically a Saw movie so I have to I guess .
Other definitive Opinions per below (spoilers included) -
Personally, Amanda is my favourite Apprentice, and obviously I don't like Hoffman but at least he actually was half interesting, unlike that other guy from Jigsaw who's name has escaped me. Logan? Liam? Idk. He's a loser. To me.
Like, ultimately Amanda was the Real One. She survived her trap and dedicated herself to her mission. Hoffman didn't get tested, not really, and I really don't get why John didn't attempt to do that first before he brought Hoffman on. I can't quite see the appeal.
Also. I have soooo much beef with Jigsaw's place in the chronology. The twist of it being an old game was genuinely mid, and tbh it would have actually been good had it engaged with the true crime elements it teased. I think if it had been some freaky true crime fan desperately trying to recreate Jigsaw traps using information compiled from various freaky corners of the internet, it would've worked.
Instead, it was extremely mid and goes too hard on shock value with its plot twist for it to say or do anything meaningful.
Although genuinely I will give it to them for Saw X as a late addition prequel bc it really fit into the canon. I know people think the kid was corny and maybe it was but. I genuinely had a great time and having my best friend Amanda there really did it. I did get excited about the plot twist bc it was once again such a classic Saw movie move.
I could also talk about Spiral but actually I don't think it did anything. At first I got excited bc it seemed like we'd get a fun modern Saw movie but it genuinely was extremely bad. Nothing it did made any particular sense and it felt like a waste of 90 minutes.
Anyway. Saw movies, overall, rule and I love that silly little riff they do when the plot twist gets revealed at the end of the movie. The joy they have in revealing these things. Unparalleled.
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 30
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Well, this sure is the summer that keeps on giving. I didn’t think this chapter would get delayed at all, I was pretty sure it would be up at the usual time and date. Unfortunately, I chose to do the play session for this chapter during a particularly eventful weekend (note that I did not know it was going to be so hectic), and then I had another dentist appointment during the week. So yeah, several delays I wasn’t expecting, but…well, here we are anyways. 
So, my physical health aside- yeah…once again, there wasn’t a ton that happened in the last chapter, largely due to a certain someone having a very mean team of Pokémon. But to explain the context behind that, let’s get into the recap:
Having explored all of Apophyll Academy, Xera travels down south to the Training Grounds and sits in on a lecture given by Kiki, which is about the concept of void.
Though she expresses interest in becoming a student of the Academy, there are more important matters at hand, and Xera brings news of the threat of Team Meteor as well as the need for Strength to rescue the kidnapped children. Kiki is disturbed by this information, and takes Xera to her room to speak more privately.
In Kiki’s quarters, Victoria is called in, and she too learns about the PULSE issue and the children. While Victoria takes measures to inform the student body to look out for suspicious activity, Kiki explains she cannot simply give Xera the Strength Machine, as it is reserved only for those who properly graduate the Academy’s program.
Kiki comes up with a compromise: if Xera can defeat her own apprentice, Victoria, or the Academy’s newest ace student, Cal, that would prove her discipline and thus qualify her to take the graduation exam. Due to the urgency of the situation, Xera can only choose one Trainer to battle: Victoria in the Academy’s courtyard, or Cal atop Pyrous Mountain.
Xera chooses to battle Victoria, and is able to defeat her- there were no complications in this matter whatsoever. 
Having defeated Victoria, the two girls return to Kiki with the news, who announces that she will personally administer the graduation exam, which concerns Victoria. Kiki reassures her however, and heads out into the courtyard to await Xera.
After Kiki leaves, Victoria confides something in Xera: Kiki is dying of an incurable illness. She has kept this information under close wraps and has been training Victoria to take her place as the Academy’s sensei, but Victoria is frustrated by Kiki’s dishonesty about the whole affair and insecure about her own ability to fill Kiki’s shoes.
So, the final challenge before getting the Strength TMX is battling Kiki herself, which I was expecting. After all that time I spent trying to beat Victoria, I can't lie- I'm a bit concerned about where this next battle is going to go...
But no matter what, this chapter is going to largely revolve around prepping for that battle and then...well, doing that fight. Although, I might do other stuff afterwards too, depends on how many tries it takes me to beat Kiki. So much turmoil for a glorified HM…but it’ll all come to an end this time, and then we can finally keep going with the rest of the plot! So let’s get this going!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
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