#Champion of Dala
Ive recently been obsessing over this world and it's story again and well... I am working on a rework of it in english :3
In the meantime enjoy this attempt to get back into my favourite medium of traditional art: markers and pencils.
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thedalatribune · 1 year
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© Paolo Dala
The US Open Champion
Congratulations to the new US Open Champion, Coco Gauff… I’m so happy I was able to see you play live.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The Oppenheimer Festival at SALA Event Center has surpassed all expectations, becoming a monumental success thanks to the unwavering support of our sponsors and the incredible efforts of our community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nuclear Care Partners, Compa, and CenturyBanks for their generous contributions, without which this event would not have been possible.
Over the course of this momentous 10-day festival, SALA Event Center has transformed into a vibrant hub of cultural celebration and community engagement. The event has garnered attention from not just local, but also state and national media, highlighting the significance of Los Alamos and the essential role SALA plays in our town’s development.
As the owner of SALA Event Center, I am deeply humbled and honored by the overwhelming response from our community and visitors alike. It’s a testament to the dedication and passion of our team and the outstanding support we have received from our volunteers, partners, and performers.
The Oppenheimer Festival showcased a diverse range of talent, including captivating musical performances by the Los Alamos Big Band, Caitlin Chello, LABB, Swing Dancer, DALA, Xander Mancino, Jazz Project, Barber Shop Quartet, Hill Stomper, Ragtime Kitties, and many others.
Moreover, we owe a special thank you to Senor Tortas for their delectable food offerings, which added to the overall experience of the festival.
Beyond entertainment, the festival has also drawn attention to SALA’s ongoing initiative to convert an old movie theater into a versatile event center, serving as a valuable community space for Los Alamos. Over the past 7 months, SALA has become an integral part of our town’s cultural landscape, recently earning the distinguished title of “Best Business of the Year”.
We take pride in providing Los Alamos residents with a local theater where they can enjoy new movies without having to drive to Santa Fe or beyond. SALA Event Center offers an immersive experience, giving the community an opportunity to not only watch Christopher Nolan’s exceptional film “Oppenheimer” but also learn from extras, lectures, and other engaging events during the festival.
This success has only been possible through the support of our dedicated members, who continue to champion our mission of providing cultural events and entertainment to our community for years to come. By becoming a SALA member, not only do they support our vision but also gain access to unlimited passes to all movies, free popcorn, free soda, advanced tickets, and special events.
We invite everyone to invest in Los Alamos and SALA, ensuring that we can maintain our commitment to the arts and the enrichment of our community.'
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jakofotbalovl · 2 years
FC Bayern München opět proti týmu Lionela Messiho
16. kolo Ligy mistrů UEFA v této sezóně dokončilo seskupení a mnoho týmů předvedlo uspokojivé soupeře. Vážným rivalům čelí pouze Liverpool a FC Bayern München, Real Madrid a Paris Saint-Germain. FC Bayern Mnichov se v Lize mistrů UEFA znovu utkal s týmem Lionela Messiho, tentokrát v dres Paris Saint-Germain.
Lionel Messi v současné době ve své kariéře hraje pouze za dva týmy kromě argentinské fotbalové reprezentace. Jedním je bývalý tým Lionela Messiho FC Barcelona a druhým je Paris Saint-Germain. Lionel Messi a FC Bayern München se znovu setkávají, tentokrát reprezentují hráče Paris Saint-Germain. FC Bayern München porazil FC Barcelona ve skupinové fázi Ligy mistrů UEFA a podařilo se mu přimět druhý jmenovaný hrát v Evropské lize UEFA. Nicméně, knokaut UEFA Champions League FC Bayern München proti Paris Saint-Germain, jejich štěstí opravdu nemůže říct příliš dobré. Kromě boje mezi Lionelem Messim a FC Bayern München, Paris Saint-Germain jednou prohrál s FC Bayern München ve finále. V této sezóně dala Liga mistrů UEFA Paris Saint-Germain šanci na odvetu, kde se oba týmy znovu střetnou ve finále. Mrzí jen to, že do čtvrtfinále postoupil pouze jeden ze dvou týmů a vzájemný duel přišel příliš brzy.
FC Bayern München přišel o konzistentního střelce Roberta Lewandowského a tým se postupně přizpůsobil současnému taktickému systému. Dokud biskup Julian Nagelsmann nezkusí novou taktiku, má FC Bayern Mnichov šanci vyhrát proti Paris Saint-Germain. Thomas Müller už věděl, že jeho soupeřem je Paris Saint-Germain a po vítězství toužil políbit dres FC Bayern Mnichov. FC Bayern Mnichov se ale tentokrát střetne s Paris Saint-Germain Lionela Messiho a oba týmy svedou velmi napínavou bitvu.
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arjuna-vallabha · 3 years
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In the years leading upto the Battle of Plassey , Bengal was going through some extremely tough times . Accounts by contemporary writers describes vividly the problems faced by the common man .  This was a period when the East India company was gaining more political power . The true ruling class , the Nawab of Bengal and his aides immersed themselves in luxury and debauchery . On the other hand infamous zamindaars such as Devi Singha made life miserable for the common folk . And then there was famines , epidemics , droughts and inability to pay taxes . But still the people fought on with a smile on their lips . But even that seemed to disappear with the onset of Maratha raids into Bengal in mid 18th century . The “bargee” attacks , as they became popularly known , was so devastating and horrifying that they have been permanently etched in Bengali memory in form of lullaby songs . Even today bengali mothers lull their babies to sleep singing “ Sleep fast my child , for the bargees are coming ! The bulbul birds have eaten all crops , how are we going to pay taxes ? “But who were these ‘bargees’ ?The word bargee is thought to derive from Persian ‘Baargee’ which denoted a cavalry soldier . The other type of  cavalry men used to be called Shiledaars . The government used to provide horses and weaponry to the baargees . The shiledaars on the other hand had to source these themselves . In those times , the sultans of Ahmednagar developed the art of sudden stealth attacks , which came to be known as ‘baargeer-giri’ . This mode of guerrilla warfare was effective and gained massive popularity all throughout the Deccan , including Maharashtra . In the year 1740 Alivardi Khan defeated and killed his master and the then Nawab of Bengal , Sarafaraz Khan and himself sat on the throne of Bengal . But the brother in law of Sarfaraz , Naib Nazeem of Orissa Rustam Jung turned against Alivardi to avenge the wrong done to his brother . Alivardi defeated Rustam Jung and dethroned him from his Orissa office . In retaliation , Rustam Jung went to Nagpur  and sought the help of Raghuji Bhonsle , the then ruler of the region . Raghuji Bhonsle’s Diwan , Bhaskar Kolhatkar AKA Bhaskar Pandit launched an attack on Bengal with all his might . The raids continued for a period spanning 9 years and according to contemporary Dutch estimates , four lakh people died in the bloodbath . It devastated the economy of Bengal and created a period of anarchy and terror . The bargees gradually approached uptill the capital at Murshidabad and sacked the city and plundered the houses of the rich . The Britishers of East India Company on the other hand became anxious about a possible attack on the emerging prosperous city of Calcutta , their main hub . To deter any attack , they began digging a giant moat around the entire town . Luckily the bargees did not attack Calcutta and the work on the moat was discarded midway . The moat was eventually filled up in 1890s and made into upper and lower circular roads ( Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose road & Acharya Prafulla Chandra road presently ) A certain poet named Gangaram composed a poetry describing the affairs of the bargee raids in his book called “Maharashtra Puran” . Parts of it describe the horrors faced by civilians in those times – “ They round up everyone and loot their gold and silver . They cut off the hands of some . To others they cut off the nose and the ears . For the rest they simply chop off their heads . The pretty ladies they take away and tie them up . Then they take turns to rape until they start crying to be spared . The set the homes of the rich on fire and destroy all the temples of Vishnu . They tie up their captives , fold up their hands and kick on their chest with their heavy boots . Those who have money give it to them and escape death . Those who don’t have money have no other option other than to surrender to death . The Brahmins flee with their sacred books under their arms ! The goldsmiths flee with their measuring insruments . The shopkeepers flee with their wares . The metal workers flee with their copper and brass . The blaksmiths flee along with earthen pot makers . The fishermen flee with their nets . Rich men’s wives unaccustomed to walking flee with loads over their heads ! The khetris and the rajputs also flee in fear dropping their swords . The gosais and the mohants of temples flee on palanquins . The Mughals , sayeds and sheikhs also flee in terror hearing of the bargees . The pregnant women are forced to deliver their child along roadways . “None managed to escape the wrath of the bargees. Numerous temples of Bengal were looted and plundered . Fables narrate how the iconic neem wood deity of Dhameshwar Gouranga ( Chaitanya mahaprabhu ) , worshipped by Bishnupriya ( Consort of Mahaprabhu himself ) also had to be buried for quite a few years to save him from the bargee raids! Such lawlessness continued for almost 9 years . In the end , the nawab of Bengal entered into a pact of truce with the bargees conceding Orissa to them on the condition that they would never return to Bengal . During such tumultuous times , the bargees reached upto the capital of the Malla dynasty kings – Bishnupur . Mallas have been a dominant power in that part of the state for more than a 1000 years ! When the bargees approached , the people panicked and started praying to the presiding deity of the town , Madanmohan . It is said that during this time people saw Madanmohan manifest and rush into battlefield ! He lifted up a giant iron cannon and started firing into the bargee hordes that were trying to enter the city . The cannon would later get the name ‘Dala-mardana’ or “destroyer of hordes” and can still be seen in Bishnupur . Madanmohan successfully defeated the bargees and protected his devotees . This tale has been narrated for centuries in Bishnupur and has become one of the popular religious folklores of Bengal .  But this Madanmohan is not originally a deity of Bishnupur . He is said to have been brought to Bishnupur from elsewhere by Malla king Bir Hambir .One source opines that Madanmohan originally resided at the ShriPaat Chaatraa of Srirampore . This was the residence of Kashishwar Pandita , one of the associates of Chaitanya . Bir Hambir brought Madanmohan to his kingdom and after installing a new deity of Radharani beside him , honoured him with the status of ‘Nagar devata’ of Bishnupur . The entire story raises some fundamental questions and doubts – The first question is , if the marathas are considered the champions of Hinduism and viewed largely as upholders of indian valour , why did they plunder and loot the Bengali temples  ?! The second question that may arise is , did Madanmohan indeed manifest and do this impossible act ? In order to answer this , one must understand that history is never unidimensional and one pointed as we tend to think . History has many complex layers . As the saying goes – “ history is written by victors “ . If we twist it slightly it would be safe to say that history is written by the privileged . Or perhaps , History is most often written with an agenda ! Therefore history , by its very nature , can never be complete nor foolproof . We tend to overlook the fact that in history two opposing ideas can also be true simultaneously . Therefore , every Brahmin need not be a tyrant evil oppressor nor every low caste an oppressed . Every deity taken away from a temple may not amount to a sacrilege and dishonour of hinduism . Taj mahal is not a name changed hindu shaivite temple . Gyan Vapi is not a mosque built on virgin soil . A thousand such historical over simplifications or agenda driven narratives have done more damage to true history than good . It is very necessary to have an open mind while discussing such a tricky subject as ‘bargee attack’ . I will lay down some points which will provide the readers with food for thought . But it is upto them to interpret why the bargees did what they did .1 – Bhaskar pandit organised a full fledged Bengali styled Durgotsav in Dainhaat of Bardhaman district . New pratima was built , new chandi mandap temple constructed and  thousands of sacrificial animals were brought in and grand preparations were begun . But in the night of MahaNavami , Alivardi Khan sent a message of truce and took Bhaskar Pandit into confidence and had him killed . The puja remained  unfinished . Even today ruins of the chandi mandap can be seen at Dainhaat . Understandably , Bhaskar pandit was not anti bengali or anti hindu per se and he embraced Bengali customs and culture . In this context it is worth remembering that the cult deity of Marathas , Tulja Bhawani ( from whom legend says Chatrapati Shivaji received his sword ) is also an image of Mahishamardini . Presumably , the marathas quickly saw the sameness in the rituals and ideas and were glad to adapt . 2- Just like the Mughal army had hindus in their ranks or the british indian army was largely constituted of the Indian soldiers , in the same way the bargees also had men of all castes and religions in their ranks . They even had large battalions of muslim men . It would be unfair to expect that the Islamic bargees would be respectful towards bengali idolators and their practices . 3- human ethics and moral values have underwent massive changes in recent times .  In ancient times , we did not have human rights commission , supreme court or the like . Survival of the fittest was the mantra for the times . In an event of attack it was normal for the army to indulge in plunder and loot . The rulers unofficially allowed their men to have a free hand in ‘exploits of war’ after a hard earned victory . This was a sort of incentive for the men ! Remember in those days warfare had more to do with brute strength and direct combat than with intelligence as it has become nowadays after advent of computer controlled war machinery ! During such post war plunders , rape , looting , rampage and selling humans into slavery became the norm .This was true for the entire world throught history !4 – The temples in Bengal which harbour tales of bargee attacks are mostly vaishnavaite shrines , namely Radha Krishna or Gouranga ( Chaitanya ) temples . Both these divinities would have been unknown to the Marathas whose own brand of Vaishnavism were centered around Vithhal , Rukmini and Satyabhama  . It is possible that unknown gods attracted more wrath .5- But interestingly the marathas were also one of the chief patrons of the Puri Jagannath temple . The hati vesha or Gaja vesha of Jagannath was directly due to Maratha influence over Jagannatha cult .  The  form of Jagannatha too would have been largely unknown to the marathas . That being said , they would have definitely been aqquianted with the tirtha mahatmya of Puri and the name of Jagannath from the puranas and scriptures . 6- In all probabilities Bhaskar Pandit did receive some support from the local hindu populace . The records of his durgotsav mentions throngs of villagers coming to participate in his puja . Presumably , there was both an element of fear and awe working amongst the masses . 7- It is hard to answer whether Madanmohan manifested in form or not , from a point of view of history . Such things are matters of faith and are best left untouched by history ( or even historians ) . However if we introspect purely from a historical perspective some hypothetical probabilities may be suggested . In hindu society when a man narrowly escapes a danger , he often attributes his miraculous escape to the mercy and compassion of his cherished deity . Its common for such a bhakta to say – “ I got saved due to intervention or madanmohan “ . It is very much possible that the Malla dynasty kings who ruled over a jungle infested tricky terrain and whose subjects largely comprised of martial races and tribes , overrun the bargees by their military strength and the pious king attributed the win to the mercy of Madanmohan . In due course of time this popular way of saying aqquired more realistic and literal connotations and became etched in collective memory as madanmohan manifesting in person ! Just a “what if” …. but worth a thought nonetheless !8 – It is also possible that the bargees themselves chose not to attack the malla kings , who in any case had been famous as champions of Hinduism for the last 1000 years . I have laid out the points to contemplate on . It is upto you to draw the final conclusion . History is never straightforward . All we can do is record and mention the loose ends . If the ends meet , well and fine . If they do not , it is best to be honest and admit that history is unclear thereafter  , rather than to try make them meet by force and end up projecting a personal political or sociological agenda unto history . But even after so much , the people of Bishnupur could not keep their beloved Madanmohan in their town . Malla Raja Chaitanya Singha got into a financial debacle and had to take a loan of a thefty sum of money from rich zamindar businessman Gokul Mitra of Calcutta . By this time , the sun had already began to set on the glories of Malla dynasty and Calcutta had begun to emerge as the next economic and political capital of India . In exchange of the money , Chaitanya Singha mortgaged his nagar devata Madanmohan to Gokul Mitra . When Malla king was unable to return the money back in due time ,  Madanmohan was left back at disposal of Gokul who went to build him a grand new temple . Even today visitors to Kumartuli in Calcutta can see the grand temple of madanmohan built in typical greaco roman neoclassical colonial style . At Bishnupur a replica deity was installed which also got stolen a few decades back . A second replica of Madanmohan is presently housed in the original temple back at bishnupur . So did Madanmohan really manifest ? Well, the eyes of a rationalist seek out different things from the eyes of an artist . To an artist , his divine manifestation is of much more importance because it has ‘rasa’ . It has the power to soothe the mind and senses from the drudgery of daily monotonous existence . To the artist , the supernatural is more appealing than the natural . But then again it is the ‘natural’ that gives birth to the ‘supernatural’ .  In this painting I have strived to bridge the gap between the two with the string of bhakti . Jay Madanmohan .
Text an art by Halley Goswami
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theolddalatribune · 3 years
Art Or Vandalism
Art Or Vandalism by Paolo Dala
Spray-painted subway cars, tagged bridges, mural covered walls, graffiti pops up boldly throughout our cities. It can make statements about identity, art, empowerment, and politics while simultaneously being associated with destruction. And it turns out, it’s nothing new. Graffiti, or the act of writing or scribbling on public property, has been around for thousands of years. And across that span of time, it’s raised the same questions we debate now: Is it art? Is it vandalism?
In the 1st Century BC, Romans regularly inscribed messages on public walls, while oceans away Mayans were prolifically scratching drawings onto their surfaces and it was always a subversive act. In Pompeii, ordinary citizens regularly marked public walls with magic spells, prose about unrequited love, political campaign slogans, and even messages to champion their favorite gladiators. Some, including the Greek Philosopher Plutarch, pushed back, deeming graffiti “ridiculous and pointless”.
It wasn’t until the 5th Century that the roots of the modern concept of vandalism were planted. At that time, a barbaric tribe known as the Vandals swept through Rome, pillaging and destroying the city. But it wasn’t until centuries later that the term “vandalism” was actually coined in an outcry against the defacing art during the French Revolution. And, as graffiti became increasingly associated with deliberate rebellion and provocativeness, it took on its “vandalist” label. That’s part of the reason why, today, many graffiti artists stay underground. Some assume alternate identities to avoid retribution, while others do so to establish camaraderie and make claim to territory... the very illegality of graffiti-making that forced it into the shadows also added to its intrigue and growing base of followers. 
Its contemporary evolution has gone hand in hand with counterculture scenes. While these movements raised their anti-establishment voices, graffiti artists likewise challenged established boundaries of public property... Political movements too have used wall writing to visually spread their messages. During World War II, both the Nazi Party and resistance groups covered walls with propaganda. And the Berlin Wall’s one-side graffiti can be seen as a striking symbol of oppression versus relatively unrestrictive public access.
As the counterculture movements associated with graffiti become mainstream, does graffiti, too become accepted?
Since the creation of so-called graffiti unions in the 1970s and the admission of select graffiti artists into art galleries a decade later, graffiti has straddled the line between being outside and inside the mainstream... Although graffiti is linked to destruction, it’s also a medium of unrestricted artistic expression. Today, the debate about the boundary between defacing and beautifying continues. Meanwhile, graffiti artists challenge common consensus about the value of art and the degree to which any space can be owned. Whether spraying, scrawling or scratching, graffiti brings these questions of ownership, art, and acceptability to the surface.
Kelly Wall
Is Graffiti Art? Or Vandalism?
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pluagemask042 · 4 years
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(OC) Mika D. Azarala
-BIO- Age: 16 Height: 198 cm (6′ 6″) Weight: 95.2 kg (210 lbs) Species/Race: Muman - Standard Native Harian Birthplace: Kakou, Hari-naim Aura Type : Hydronic
-History- Mikalulama (Mika for short) Dala Azarala was born on 58th day of Calorer (Harian for Summer) 3969 in the Talola Memorial Hosital, located in the coastal city Kakou, and has been living there since. Born to the world renown Harian Women's' Fighting Circuit champion Lilama Z. Azarala and now retired Harian Warrior Dezma A. Azarala, and is the younger sister of locally known musician Pyran A. Azarla (goes by the nickname "Flare"). Mika always got into trouble during her younger years (ages 5- 10) for getting into fights, though to be fair the fights where to protect other kids who where getting bullied, Her mother enrolled her to take Marital Art classes . After a few years Mika managed to get a Grey belt in most major levels, so still yearning to master her fighting style. he decied to train with her grandfather Master Del'aka. She still gets into fights from time to time. -Personality- Often acting Childlike and Bubbly, Mika is a heavily emotional and innocent person but can back up that emotion with strong physical strength and a nearly unbreakable will. Mika is kind and happy-go-lucky, often seen having a wide smile on her face and is always making friends, but is rather blunt and loud when she talks. She is not exactly the smartest person, in fact she is rather slow when it comes to academic studies, and is down right incompetent at times, though she does tries her best to reverse any damage she does. -Powers, Skills, and Abilities- Hydro-Aurakenetic Enhancement - Mika can Manipulate life energy to enhance her attacks and her physical form, it take the appearance of water Hydrokenisis- Mika can Manipulate Water though she is inexperienced. Peak Physiology- Her physical body is the equivalent of a peek human, and can preform feats at that level Experienced Marital Artist - Mika is very skilled in the Aurora Kulkaka style of Marital Arts. Aurora Kulkaka relies a lot on quickly overwhelming the with quick jabs, joint locks, and kicks, then throwing your opponent to further disorient them. Mika has also trained in Boxing, Kick Boxing, and Wrestling, and can (and will) integrate this with her Aurora Kulkaka training. -Fun facts- -Mikalulama is an very old name that has been past down her family and has been given to those who are Hydronic. It means "Gods' Hurricane Warrior" -Mika can deadlift over 600 lbs -her favorite food is Baked Eurperstor(Basically a Sea scorpion-tastes like shrimp but spicy) with a bit of squeezed Sour Berries(Blueberry sized citrus fruit- tastes like lemons ) -Her Favorite drink is Amber-Fruit Soda (a balloon like fruit that is filled with sap -the sap tastes like vanilla)
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Antelope headed goddess of magic, peace, wisdom and romantic love.
With her power Dala set the world in motion and thus created day and night. She’s mother to all barbaric folks and had to watch helplessly how her children never experienced the love they deserved, while the humans  ruined the creations of the other gods. 
Thus she gave her children the gift of magic, the power to make the humans listen and so bring back peace to the world. 
She is the sworn enemy of Tisara. When ever they fight, they bring the world out of balance and huge natural disasters happen. But in times of great misery they took each others hand and so defeated the gods of darkness
Xianestra Gyaadia Bathera val Dynastrie is her champion in this cycle.
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thedalatribune · 3 years
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© Paolo Dala
It’s [FALLING] key to everything. If you aren’t falling, you aren’t learning. You have to hit the ground to progress.
Ryan Sheckler World-champion Skateboarder/ Eight-time X Games Medalist
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ursulalasorciere · 4 years
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Sa Muling Paglipad ng Pupugayo
Bunso ako sa apat na magkakapatid. Tatlong babae ang nauna sa akin, pagkatapos ay ako, ang bunso at nag-iisang lalaki. Medyo malalaki ang pagitan ng mga edad namin kung kaya’t bata pa lang ay hindi na ako malapit sa mga kapatid ko. May kani-kaniya na silang lakad sa buhay ng ako ay magkahuwisyo. Si Nanay lamang ang siya kong madalas kausap, si nanay lamang ang madalas kong kabiruan.
Maliit lamang ang aming barrio kaya’t halos ang lahat ng tao ay magkakakilala. Lima kaming magkakaibigan, madalas sila ang kasama ko sa paglalaro. Magkakasama kami sa paghabi ng aming kamusmusan sa malawak na kabukiran, sa mga dayami at pilapil at sa mga hitik na hitik sa bunga na mga punong mangga. Hindi na ako mapakali sa tuwing sasapit ang buwan ng Abril. Maghapon na namang makakapagbilad sa ilalim ng araw at makakaligo sa de-motor na patubig sa bukid.
Tila yata kaybagal ng pagsulong ng araw.Ilang tulog na nga lang ba at magpapasahan na sa paaralan? Hindi ko na talaga mahintay ang pagsapit ng tag-araw. Makakapagpalipad na naman kasi kami ng pupugayo. Kaysarap pagmasdan ng aking Mariposa sa bughaw na kalangitan. Ito ang pinakamaganda, pinakamakulay sa lahat ng pupugayo, bata man o matanda ang nagpapalipad. Ito ang pinakamasaya kong araw, kapag nakikita kong namumukod tangi ang ganda ng aking Mariposa. Madalas ay nakakaligtaan namin ang oras ng tanghalian na siyang nagpapagalit sa aking ina. Sa aming grupo, ako ang pinakamaraming lisa at kuto, kung kaya madalas, tuwing bakasyon ay kinakalbo ako, na s’ya ko namang pinaka hindi naiibigan. Nagiging kahawig ko kasi ang bata sa pabalat ng garapon ng isang peanut butter.
Hindi ko maintindihan ang disenyo ng pupugayo ni Samboy. Puti lamang ito at may bilog na pula sa gitna. Pero tuwang- tuwa ang tatay n’ya, na balikbayan galing Japan.
Agila naman ang kay Bert. Meron pa itong tuka at matatalas na kuko… Si Bert ay sadyang malikot at s’yang mahilig makipagtalo sa amin.
Nakakatakot ang kay Tammy. Paniki ito, ngunit sa tingin ko ay mas kahawig ng manananggal lalo na kung pagmamasdan sa malayo.
Hugis medalya naman ang kay Andoy. Champion ang tawag n’ya dito… Ano kaya ang champion doon? Sa lahat, ang pupugayo n’ya ang pinakamababa ang lipad. Ngunit sangang-dikit kami ni Andoy at ako pa ang nauunang mapikon kapag pinupuna ang lipad ng pupugayo n’ya.
Iba talaga ang angking rikit ni Mariposa… Napakarami nitong kulay at tila may sariling buhay sa kalangitan. Para itong sumasayaw at hindi nababahala sa paglakas ng hangin. Tinitiis ko ang pagdilim ng aking paningin, likha ng matagal na pagtitig sa kalangitan. Hindi ako nagsasawa sa pagtingin sa mga lumilipad na, lalo na ang pagmasdan ang pagsasayaw ni Mariposa. Mapalad ako na magaling si lolo Sendong. Tiyuhin s’ya ng aking ina na isang matandang binata. S’ya ang lumikha kay Mariposa. Tinanong n’ya ako kung ano ang gusto kong disenyo. Sa hindi ko mawaring kadahilanan, bigla kong nasambit na minsan, iniisip ko na ako’y nakalilipad, tulad ng isang paru-paro.
Dalawang buwan ko lamang nakikita sa loob ng isang taon ang aking ama. Ito ay sa tuwing dadaong pabalik sa Pilipinas ang kanyang barko na kadalasan ay tuwing buwan ng bakasyon sa paaralan.
Madalas ay sa sabungan siya nagpapalipas ng araw. Komite rin s’ya at isponsor sa taunang palaro ng softball sa aming lugar. Sinasama n’ya ako sa mga laro, ngunit hindi ko kailanman nagustuhan ang softball, kaya’t lagi lamang akong katabi n’ya kapag s’ya ang nakatoka na mag-commentator.
Lumilipad ang diwa ko kahit pa maingay si tatay sa tabi ko. Naka-mic kasi s’ya at malalaki ang speakers sa paligid ng softball field. Iniisip ko palagi na hindi kumpleto ang tropa, baka tinutukso na naman si Andoy dahil kay Champion at matamlay ang kalangitan dahil wala ang kanilang bida— si Mariposa. Naisip ko tuloy na aayain ko minsan si tatay sa bukid upang maipagmalaki ko ang aking natatanging pupugayo.
Kaiga-igaya ang ihip ng hangin noong araw ng Sabado na iyon. Sabik na akong ipakita sa tatay ko ang aking pupugayo. Tiyak na matutuwa s’ya dito. Balita ko ay nakahiligan din ng tatay ko ang magpalipad ng pupugayo noong kabataan n’ya.
Tinatawag na ako ni Andoy, dala na n’ya si Champion. Nagpaalam ang tatay ko na mauna na ako sa bukid at dadaan lamang s’ya sa softball upang iabot ang mga bago n’yang bili na bola. Nawika ko sa sarili ko na mas mainam nga iyon. Lumilipad na si Mariposa at banayad na sumasayaw sa langit kapag nakita ito ni tatay.
Maliksi kaming kumilos ni Andoy at kanya-kanya naming pinalipad ang aming pupugayo. Naabutan namin ang iba pa naming kaibigan na nakapagpa-alagwa na. Hayun! Napakagaling talaga ni Mariposa! Lipad agad, at gusto pang kumawala sa aking kamay. Sanay na ako sa pagpapa-alagwa at paghihigpit ng pisi nito. Ako at si Mariposa ay tila ba iisa.
Ilang saglit pa, sa di kalayuan, nakita ko si tatay.
“Mariposa, magpakitang gilas ka”, nawika ko sa aking sarili.
Saglit s’yang huminto at kinausap ang tatay ni Samboy. Kapwa sila patingin-tingin sa langit. Siguro’y napansin na n’ya si Mariposa. Kaya’t lalo ko pang pinagbuti ang pagpapalipad nito.
Hindi ko inaasahan ang sumunod na kilos ng aking ama.
Hinablot n’ya sa akin ang bungkos ng pisi at pinakawalan si Mariposa. Dahil sa pagkabigla at pagkalito, saglit akong natigilan, ngunit ng ako’y nakabawi na at akmang hahabulin ang tuluy-tuloy na pag-alagwa ng pisi, kagyat n’ya naman akong pinigilan. Pinagmasdan ko ang kanyang mukha na may pagtatanong, ngunit galit ang nabanaag kong sagot mula sa kanya.
Nawala na sa aking paningin si Mariposa. Tuluyan na itong nilipad ng hangin sa kawalan. Kinaladkad akong pauwi ni tatay. Mahigpit ang kapit niya sa aking braso at leeg. Sinubukan kong kumawala, ngunit sadyang malakas si tatay.
Pinapasok ako ni tatay sa aking silid at pinagbihis ng damit. Sila naman ni nanay ay nag-usap. Galit si tatay. Ngunit batid ko na mas masidhi ang galit ko, kasabay din ng pagkalito. Iyon ang unang pagkakataon na hindi ako umiyak kahit pa ako ay nasaktan.
Doon ko lamang napagtanto, na iba pala ako. Hindi pala ako ang inaasahan ng tatay ko. Ayaw n’ya kay Mariposa. Ngunit si Mariposa at ako ay iisa. Mali pala ang inakala ko sa mundo. Ang akala ko kahit ano ka pa, malaya kang mabuhay ng ayun sa iyong kagustuhan. Hindi pala palaging makulay, maganda at masaya. Hindi pala tanggap na may mas malalim kang pagtangi sa kabaro mong kaibigan. Doon ko nabatid ang pait ng panunukso. Ang akala ko, ang mundo ay tulad ng isang Mariposa - masaya, maganda, at makulay.
Noong tag-araw din na iyon, kapansin-pansin ang pagtamlay ng pakikitungo sa akin ng aking ama. Hindi na rin ako malimit biruin at paglaruan ng aking ina. Namatay si lolo noong sumunod na tag-araw kaya’t wala ng gaganyak sa akin na magpalipad pa.
Dinaanan ako ni Andoy, gabi matapos ang hapunan noong tag-araw na iyon bitbit si Mariposa,. Sumabit pala ito sa isang punong mangga. Nasira na ito. Wala na ang dati nitong ganda. Nawasak na si Mariposa, ngunit hindi ang pagkakaibigan namin ni Andoy.
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honoredsage · 4 years
Quarantine (Part 26)
Day 182 ng quarantine.
Sa mga sandali na tinatype ko ‘to, mayroong nang naitalang 261,216 na kaso ng COVID-19 sa Pilipinas, kung saan 3,372 ang mga bagong naitalang kaso. 4,371 na ang mga namatay at 207,568 ang mga gumaling.
Kagaya nung ibang linggo, wala akong masyadong maalala na sobrang big time na balita ngayon na nakita ko (at habang tinatype ko to, may naalala ako na bigla na malaki palang balita, pero di sya COVID related). Siguro isa na yung balik-pasukan na yung mga nag-aaral pa na sa mga kaibigan at ka-edad ko, at kita ko ang mga balakid na dala ng online classes. Balita rin ngayon ang plano ng IATF na dahan-dahan na pagpapa-ikli ng distansya sa mga pampublikong sasakyan sa mga susunod na linggo. Iniisip ko na lang na cinocompute ng virus yung distansya kung may dadapuan ba sila o hindi. Nakakabobo lang kasi ang alam ko, 1 meter pa rin naman yung gusto ng WHO.
Ang malaking balita pala ngayong linggo ay ang pagpapalaya kay Pemberton, isang US soldier na pinatay si Jennifer Laude noong 2014. Nakakahiya, nakakagalit, at nakakalungkot dahil isa itong dagok sa ipinaglalaban na karapatan ng sektor ng LGBTQ+.
Malungot ako ngayon (at mas malungkot ako kanina) dahil out na ang Houston Rockets sa NBA. Nilampaso sila ng Lakers pagkatapos lumamang ng 1-0 ng Rockets. Kung dahil man ito dahil sa kabobohan na ginawa ni House kaya sya napatalsik sa NBA bubble, o kaya naman dahil hindi 100% si Westbrook pagkatapos ng quad injury nya, malungkot pa rin. Pero kumpara sa 2018 at 2019, eto na yung pinaka-hindi masakit. Nag-over sleep lang ako kanina kasi nga malungkot ako pero ngayon medyo okay na naman. Ang problema lang, di ko alam kung paano sila mag-iimprove ng roster or coach next season, lalo na sa roster dahil ng cap space situation nila.
Kahapon pala ay officially 1 year anniversary ng pagbubuhat ko hahahaha. Di ko alam kung may pinagbago, pero iniisip ko na lang na dapat maging masaya ako kasi nakakapag-ehersisyo ako.
Sa trabaho naman, meron pa ring pinapagawa na ipinagpapaliban ko pang tapusin, pero at least nasimulan ko na this week. Wala kasing hard deadline kaya nakakatamad. Ni-require na rin kami mag-log in at log out sa Viber group chat kaya medyo hassle, pero masaya naman yung may log out dahil kahit papaano, di na magmemessage si boss ng after work hours.
Hayy, wala na Rockets sa NBA. Heat na lang siguro gusto ko mag-champion.
Muli, dasal ko na sana ay matapos na ito sa pinakamadaling panahon.
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pluagemask042 · 4 years
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[OC] - Mika D. Azarala, updated art
-BIO- Age: 16 Height: 198 cm (6′ 6″) Weight: 95.2 kg (210 lbs) Species/Race: Muman - Standard Native Harian Birthplace: Kakou, Hari-naim Aura Type : Hydronic
-History- Mikalulama (Mika for short) Dala Azarala was born on 58th day of Calorer (Harian for Summer) 3969 in the Talola Memorial Hosital, located in the coastal city Kakou, and has been living there since. Born to the world renown Harian Women's' Fighting Circuit champion Lilama Z. Azarala and now retired Harian Warrior Dezma A. Azarala, and is the younger sister of locally known musician Pyran A. Azarla (goes by the nickname "Flare"). Mika always got into trouble during her younger years (ages 5- 10) for getting into fights, though to be fair the fights where to protect other kids who where getting bullied, Her mother enrolled her to take Marital Art classes . After a few years Mika managed to get a Grey belt in most major levels, so still yearning to master her fighting style. he decied to train with her grandfather Master Del'aka. She still gets into fights from time to time. -Personality- Often acting Childlike and Bubbly, Mika is a heavily emotional and innocent person but can back up that emotion with strong physical strength and a nearly unbreakable will. Mika is kind and happy-go-lucky, often seen having a wide smile on her face and is always making friends, but is rather blunt and loud when she talks. She is not exactly the smartest person, in fact she is rather slow when it comes to academic studies, and is down right incompetent at times, though she does tries her best to reverse any damage she does. -Powers, Skills, and Abilities- Hydro-Aurakenetic Enhancement - Mika can Manipulate life energy to enhance her attacks and her physical form, it take the appearance of water Hydrokenisis- Mika can Manipulate Water though she is inexperienced. Peak Physiology- Her physical body is the equivalent of a peek human, and can preform feats at that level Experienced Marital Artist - Mika is very skilled in the Aurora Kulkaka style of Marital Arts. Aurora Kulkaka relies a lot on quickly overwhelming the with quick jabs, joint locks, and kicks, then throwing your opponent to further disorient them. Mika has also trained in Boxing, Kick Boxing, and Wrestling, and can (and will) integrate this with her Aurora Kulkaka training. -Fun facts- -Mikalulama is an very old name that has been past down her family and has been given to those who are Hydronic. It means "Gods' Hurricane Warrior" -Mika can deadlift over 600 lbs -her favorite food is Baked Eurperstor(Basically a Sea scorpion-tastes like shrimp but spicy) with a bit of squeezed Sour Berries(Blueberry sized citrus fruit- tastes like lemons ) -Her Favorite drink is Amber-Fruit Soda (a balloon like fruit that is filled with sap -the sap tastes like vanilla)
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thedalatribune · 3 years
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© Paolo Dala
graffiti unknown (n. d.) Madera Hollywood Hotel (Hong Kong)
Art Or Vandalism
Spray-painted subway cars, tagged bridges, mural covered walls, graffiti pops up boldly throughout our cities. It can make statements about identity, art, empowerment, and politics while simultaneously being associated with destruction. And it turns out, it’s nothing new. Graffiti, or the act of writing or scribbling on public property, has been around for thousands of years. And across that span of time, it’s raised the same questions we debate now: Is it art? Is it vandalism?
In the 1st Century BC, Romans regularly inscribed messages on public walls, while oceans away Mayans were prolifically scratching drawings onto their surfaces and it was always a subversive act. In Pompeii, ordinary citizens regularly marked public walls with magic spells, prose about unrequited love, political campaign slogans, and even messages to champion their favorite gladiators. Some, including the Greek Philosopher Plutarch, pushed back, deeming graffiti “ridiculous and pointless”.
It wasn’t until the 5th Century that the roots of the modern concept of vandalism were planted. At that time, a barbaric tribe known as the Vandals swept through Rome, pillaging and destroying the city. But it wasn’t until centuries later that the term “vandalism” was actually coined in an outcry against the defacing art during the French Revolution. And, as graffiti became increasingly associated with deliberate rebellion and provocativeness, it took on its “vandalist” label. That’s part of the reason why, today, many graffiti artists stay underground. Some assume alternate identities to avoid retribution, while others do so to establish camaraderie and make claim to territory… the very illegality of graffiti-making that forced it into the shadows also added to its intrigue and growing base of followers.
Its contemporary evolution has gone hand in hand with counterculture scenes. While these movements raised their anti-establishment voices, graffiti artists likewise challenged established boundaries of public property… Political movements too have used wall writing to visually spread their messages. During World War II, both the Nazi Party and resistance groups covered walls with propaganda. And the Berlin Wall’s one-side graffiti can be seen as a striking symbol of oppression versus relatively unrestrictive public access.
As the counterculture movements associated with graffiti become mainstream, does graffiti, too become accepted?
Since the creation of so-called graffiti unions in the 1970s and the admission of select graffiti artists into art galleries a decade later, graffiti has straddled the line between being outside and inside the mainstream… Although graffiti is linked to destruction, it’s also a medium of unrestricted artistic expression. Today, the debate about the boundary between defacing and beautifying continues. Meanwhile, graffiti artists challenge common consensus about the value of art and the degree to which any space can be owned. Whether spraying, scrawling or scratching, graffiti brings these questions of ownership, art, and acceptability to the surface.
Kelly Wall Is Graffiti Art? Or Vandalism?
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hugoterongmakata · 5 years
So lately Wala akong gana kumain, Hindi dahil sa diet but I was tired of life. But I can't feel my mom na concern or what. Parang never ko narinig si mama na kinamusta ako, kamusta Yung school? may problema ka ba? Bat di ka nag kakain? Nung may training di nya man Lang tinatanong, may dala ka bang tubig? Dala kabang damit? Nag champion kami sa volleyball, di man Lang ako niflex ng ni mama or nicongratulate Wala malan Lang Mag ingat ka. Wala pero nung kamali ako when I failed 2 subjects.
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morska-vjestica · 6 years
Croatian song lessons
Hello people! Today's song of the day is Samo je jedno (Only one thing). It's one of the cheer songs we sing when the nt is playing to hype the atmospher up and get us into the game mood. Hope you will like it😊
Note: In the last lyric "Pjeva se sa Tvrđe, Trga i sa Rive", Tvrđa represents the city of Osijek cause that's how they call their castle, Trg refers to main Ban Jelačić square in Zagreb and Riva is refering to Split (or any other town by the sea, but mainly it's about splitska riva cause it's the biggest and most famous). This represents how all parts of Croatia unite when our NT is playing, no matter the differences and usual division between us. When Croatia is playing we are all one despite every day situation. It was brought to my attention that maybe this part was not clear enough and should be explained better cause it shows our unity really well. That's all.
Enjoy the song😄
Samo je jedno u mom životu vrijedno - Only one thing in my life is worth
Da pustim suzu s oka jer tebe volim ja - To shed a tear for cause I love you
Život mi dala, baš kao da je znala - She gave me life, just like she knew
Da nikad neće nestat' sa mojih usana - That she will never fade from my lips
Hrvatska - Croatia
S ponosom narodu svom - With the pride for your people
Ljubi grb na dresu tom - Kiss the crest on your jersey
Na Jadranu i Savi, na Dunavu i Dravi - On Adriatic and Sava, on Dunav and Drava
Nek se slavi cijeli dan i noć - Lets celebrate the whole day and night
Svi skupa nek vide da nas ima - All together, lets show them what we got
Ruke na srce kada krene himna - Hands on heart when you hear the anthem
I onda se pjeva u istom trenu - And everyone sings at the same time
Dok naši lete po terenu - While our team runs on the field
Imamo ponos, srce i inat - We have pride, heart and spite
Podršku uvijek punih tribina - Support always from the full stadium
Iz Zagreba gledam najljepšu sliku - I see the most beautiful image from Zagreb
Slavoniju, Istru, Dalmaciju, Liku - Slavonia, Istria, Dalmatia and Lika
Kad se igra, neka nas zaustave - When we play, let them try to stop us
Crven, bijeli, plavi boje zastave - Red, white and blue, colours of our flag
Neka cijeli svijet čuje našu pjesmu - Let the whole world hear our song
I vide sav taj naš sjaj na dresu - And see how we shine in those jerseys
Ovdje kod nas je ponos repka - Here our national team is our pride
Željno se čeka svaka tekma - We are anxiously waiting for every game
Nek se ori pjesma, neka zvono zvoni - Hear the song, hear the bells ring
Znamo da bit ćemo šampioni - We know we are gonna be the champions
Svi jedni uz druge - All together as one
Kad se igra, nema tuge - When we play the sadness is gone
Sad smo u rodu i pjevamo odu - We are all family singing the ode
Za svoje ljude, ej - For our team, hey
Jer opet tradicija se nastavlja - Cause some traditions need to be preserved
S rukama u zraku Hrvatsku pozdravljam - With hands in the air I greet Croatia
Bili zadnji ili prvi - First or last, it doesn't matter
Samo neka naš glas grmi - Just let our voice be heard
Mi, Hrvati - We, Croats
Još jednom, al' ovaj puta jače - One more time, but now louder
Cijeli svijet zna naše navijače - The whole world knows our fans
Cijeli svijet sad gleda i prati - The whole world is now watching
Da vidi kako igraju Hrvati - To see how Croats are playing
A sve zbog vatrenog srca - And all that because of our firey heart
Koje ispod svetog dresa kuca - That beats under the holy jersey
Nek svi čuju kako slavimo - Let everyone hear us celebrate
Ajmo, cijeli stadion - Come on, lets go, the whole stadium
Sjever, istok, zapad, svi se bude - North, east, west, everyone is awakening
Ako boli, stisni zube - If it hurts, squeeze your teeth
Neka se ljute oni što gube - Leave the anger to those who lose
Tu danas sviraju naše trube - Today you can only hear our victory trumpets
I zato se pomakni - Move
Zrak duboko udahni - Breath deeply
Pa digni ruke i napuni čašu - Raise your hands and fill your glass
Ovdje se igra za Lijepu našu - Here we play for our beautiful homeland
Ej, ko kaže da smo pali - Hey, who says we have fallen
Taj mora da se šali - They must be joking
I najveći su mali kad vijori - Even the greatest are small when
Crven, bijeli, plavi - Red, white and blue wave
Domovini zahvali i pokaži ljubav - Thank your homeland and show your love
Nema nikog da se pravi grbav - There is no one not to be proud
Ulice su žive - Streets came to life
Pjeva se sa Tvrđe, Trga i sa Rive - You can hear people sing from the Castle, the Square and the Seafront
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theraspberry-girl · 6 years
Tawag Ng Tanghalan Audition Experience
Matagal ko na gusto mag audition sa Tawag Ng Tanghalan pero I don’t have enough courage and time since matagal na di ako nakakakanta. I think I auditioned 2 months ago. Sorry hindi ko na alam yung exact date sa sobrang dami ko na ganap lately which is the reason kung bakit hindi ako updated here.
I woke up really early (5am) kasi ayaw mahuli sa pila. Nagpasama ako sa tatay ko papunta ng ABS-CBN audience entrance para di hassle for me. Nakakatuwa kasi pati yung nanay at kapatid ko sumama na sa akin papunta ng ABS-CBN, todo ang support ng family ko. Huhu. So umalis na kami dala ko lahat ng mga dapat dalhin. Nakakatawa kasi dinala ko yung CD set ko na lumang luma na para masabi lang na prepared ako. Hindi naman kasi talaga ako handa, ayaw ko kasi magprepare pagdating sa mga auditions kasi feel ko pag naghanda ako magiging epic fail pag kumanta na ako. 
Dumating kami ng ABS-CBN audience entrance around 7am, nakita ko ang haba na ng pila sa labas. Tapos andun rin yung mga manunuod ng ASAP Live, akala ko sila kasama rin kasi crowded yung place. Pumila na ako tapos may mga nakausap ako na mga nag-audition. Yung isa resbaker siya, naging defending champion siya pero nabawi kasi may mas magaling sa kanya. Yung isa naman first time lang mag audition, tiga Navotas siya and kasama niya yung ate niya na mag audition kasi yung ate niya ang nag push sa kanya para mag audition sa TNT. Ang awkward kasi some ppl are calling me Aubrey tapos tingin rin naman ako, parang tanga diba. HAHAHAHA! Inaasar din nila ako kasi bakit daw nasa ABS-CBN daw ako, tiga GMA daw kasi ako. Ako naman tinatawanan ko lang sila. Ang tagal din namin nag-antay pero hindi ko nafeel yung boredom kasi aliw na aliw ako sa mga mag-audition. May iba kasi nagppractice gamit yung mga cellphones and earphones nila... May isang senior citizen dala niya yung bluetooth microphone niya para magpractice. May iba naman may group na sila and feel ko parang magkakasama na sila sa mga dating auditions ng TNT.
Pinaakyat na kami sa isang room kung saan lahat kami mag audition like around 11am na (ganun katagal ako nag-antay pero keri lang). I remember pang 30 ako sa line over 300 something ang mag audition. So ang dami talaga namin and feel ko aabutin na ng gabi ang audition since may Level 1 and 2 siya. Let me explain about Level 1 and 2:
LEVEL 1 - Kakanta kayo na acapella dun sa mag aaudition sa inyo. Dalawa ang kanta na dapat kakantahin niyo (english and tagalog songs) pero you have to prepare 20 songs (10 english and 10 tagalog) in case na may iba pa ipakanta sa inyo ng It’s Showtime staffs.
LEVEL 2 - Pag pumasa ka na sa Level 1 syempre nasa Level 2 ka na. Yung Level 2 dun ka na kakanta na may instrumental kaya dapat prepared ka sa 10 songs na may instrumental. Pag pumasa ka dito sa Level 3 ka na.
LEVEL 3 - It usually takes 1 or more months bago mo malaman na nasa Level 3. Kasi Level 3 is yung magpperform ka na sa TNT stage.
Ako naman I ended up in Level 1 kasi kinabahan ako as in. Narealize na dapat naging handa pala ako kasi kung hindi lalamunin ka nung mga kasabayan mo. Ang daming magagaling kumanta and usually yung mga nakukuha yung mga talagang nag practice. Ako kasi parang mema lang, char. But I know I did well, may mas magaling lang sa akin. I am willing to audition next time rin and it was a great experience kasi the next time na mag audition ako, alam ko na yung gagawin ko. Kaya yung mga gusto mag audition diyan, wag na kayo magdalawang isip kasi sayang din ang opportunity.
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