science2048-abandoned · 11 months
fuck you
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science2048 · 1 month
Speaking of my DELTARUNE take... here's the first of its SECRET BOSSES!
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(art by @l1zardart1stre, check out her stuff! Seriously, she's an incredible artist!)
- The first of TWO Shadow Crystal holders for Chapter 3!
- Text gimmick is that his words are ALL-CONNECTED,-LIKE-THIS. (If anyone else has a better speech gimmick idea for a sitcom-based character, PLEASE TELL ME)
- Is NOT DEVICE_FRIEND. He doesn't know who that is. (Spamton does confuse him for FRIEND, though...)
- Still hasn't accepted that it's over between him and Chairiel, referencing Asgore's own denial. Thinks everything will go back to normal, sitcom-style.
- A nice guy (most of the time), and also a stammering, nervous wreck, despite his surprising strength.
- Blames Toriel for his breakup with Chairiel, believing her breakup with Asgore (shown to him by the man's Crystal) caused it to happen. Doesn't understand that sometimes, relationships don't work out.
- Speaking of Toriel, he gets pissed when he sees her (not that he would ever say that word; he's family-friendly). When his rage boils over, the fight against him starts.
- Being based on old sitcoms, he literally can't curse. Somehow gets more nervous when Susie curses, even if it's a simple "crap" or "hell".
- Uses the BRAVERY SOUL Mode. Used to reference his lack of bravery in accepting that things would never go back to how they were.
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mrchaosman · 8 days
100 followers special.
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Since I reached 100 followers (which is something I expected to happen) I decided to thank everyone who supported me all the way.
Really, thanks, guys. Without any of you, I wouldn't be here.
So, let's see what I've cooked for you today.
Drifter by @glitch-the-artist (they really dope as hell).
Jukdyne by @roxroxtbm (They are REAL).
A Puppet Pipeline self-insert fella by @jart-ist (I'll eat your sprites later).
Outdraw by @ralk-is-peeved (SQUIRREL!?!?!?!?).
Roti by @followerex (She Will, Tell Me, A Horror, Story).
Belliar by @dinosaurstirfry (She spinning, Boy).
Boneslick The Wicked by @mercair (he and Freed Trying to Steal a crystal but they'll eventually caught).
Wooden by @uwacat (He's FRIEND my INSIDE ME).
Angel is by @marshiemonarch (They are so Silly).
Chairgore by @science2048
Lavvy the lion by @pobthesecond
A demon guy by @overgrowth-king
Chapter 6 secret boss by @yetetispaghetti (they look neat).
Garby by @sadpurpleblood (YEE-HAW).
Shark-E by @deltaswapjevil (LEEET'S CATTTTTTCH TTTHE WAVES, BABY)
Finley by @sbtorms (CHALK)
Sam by @thestaticshow (ORANGE)
Polly by @theshiningcrusader (why do I hear "Your Best Nightmare" rn?!?!?!?!).
Rodei Waves by @Bamthefox (she can't handle the others).
Dr. Pox by @indiemedley (he's about to lose his medical licence).
Xirsk by @creepa-b0t-inc (We Doomed).
Terro by @retropobor (they just Chill).
Rob N. Coppers by @scrunchtumbug (finally meeting a fellow outlaw).
Turbo The Anything by @right-brain-left-brain (GOTTA GO FAST).
Grimpula by @imaginary-regret-608 (looks like someone still stuck in 2019).
Veratus by @petra-creat0r (He has no idea what the hell is happening, but still getting along).
Pinoniette by @murksthemime (Hello Murk, I wanna play a game).
Flowey by @denetnim (He chilling with Flowlezz).
Hajinx by @leewayslounge (SHE SO SILLY).
Budly by @b-bear06 (STEAMBOAT FLOWEY).
And Junkil vs. Flowlezz for @volksvulpis (sorry).
And that's all for now, I'll draw more of these for other people later, but for now, thanks for everything.
And I hope you like it
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l1zardart1stre · 1 year
To Shuebert:
*(Also, thanks for the follow! I'm new here admittedly (only been in this community since early R.V Pine, and only lately on Tumblr), but I can't wait to add to this community!)
*(Mike, Tenna, Chairgor, Buqet... I've waited so long to show off them and many others!)
*(Mainly because I can't draw. AT ALL. Won't let that stop me, though!)
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I, also, have only gotten back into deltarune cuz’ of pine lol.
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*(I've had so many SECRET BOSSES waiting... it feels nice to give them and their world's life.)
*(Here's teasers for some of them:)
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*(And that's not even all of them!)
*(Edit from the future: Just ignore this one. Only four of these guys made it unchanged (save changing names), and Stacy was HEAVILY redesigned.)
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*(You can hear Buqet mumbling...?)
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*(... seems like Buqet knows some other people...)
*(... maybe you should try asking her about them?)
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science2048 · 1 month
Just realized I forgot to post Chairgore's theme names! They might change in the future, but these are his current ones!
♪ ~ Chairgore (Normal theme)
♪ ~ Cancelled Memories (Theme for Chairgore's now abandoned set, his "Dialtone" (note: not a shop, this is where his fight takes place))
♪ ~ Up-Next: Regret and Rage (Pre-fight theme, would have a hit of Heartache due to his intense hatred of Toriel causing the fight)
♪ ~ LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE (Fight theme, would be reminiscent of sitcoms, and have an air of both sadness and anger. Would also feature parts of ASGORE)
♪ ~ Concluded (Post-fight theme (used for ACT ending), after calming Chairgore down)
Update (8/21/2024): Changed Acceptance to Concluded, to avoid confusion with R.V. Pine's post-fight theme of the same name (also functions as a callback to TV, as "concluded" shows are those that have finished their run, rather than being cancelled).
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science2048 · 30 days
Chairgore's Definition of FREEDOM
I'll probably make a master post for this stuff in the future. For organization purposes! Anyway, every SECRET BOSS has their own idea of FREEDOM... this is his.
Chairgore has always loved the world of sitcoms. In a sitcom, everything’s perfect, and anything bad that happens is always played for laughs and undone the next episode. A “RESET”, every day. A paradise. That was part of why he chose to play the role of the typical sitcom father, his wife by his side. Of course, nothing lasts forever, and eventually the era of monochrome sitcoms passed. Back then, he was fine with that. But then everything started falling apart. Even after the show was canceled, he still had the mentality that everything would always resolve itself. A damaging one, as it meant he would let problems grow and ignore them, foolishly believing it would resolve itself with time, like a sitcom. The problems, of course, eventually grew too large to ignore. And it ended with his wife’s divorce. Chairiel has never looked back. She still hopes the best for him, but has long since accepted it was over. Chairgore, however, just couldn’t understand. Why was nothing going back to normal? Why was nothing the same? Why was Chairiel not being won over like her character? Nothing made sense anymore… And then came a man. A man without form, who could be looked at, but never seen. He carried crystals that showed the truth… and he gave the confused actor one. Things made less sense than ever before, even though he understood what DELTARUNE is. What he was. Why the program exists. He couldn’t wrap his head around it! The divorce WAS meant to happen? Change IS a permanent factor? He couldn’t understand. He doesn’t understand. All he understood is that Chairiel’s divorce reflected Toriel’s, starting a personal vendetta against her. He didn’t understand… so he retreated to a world where things made sense. His old set, rebuilt from the pieces left behind, hidden in MT-TV Studios. He dressed up mannequins with the costumes his old cast wore, and now pretends he’s still on the show. That things never changed. Of course, that also didn't last… specifically when he layed eyes on a certain goat he despised, and a purple lizard who protected her, all from his old friend Kris. A betrayal.
Chairgore’s definition of FREEDOM is a separation from reality. A way to live in his make-believe world, and never confront what happened. A way to be in DENIAL.
(Fun fact: Chairgore was supposed to represent RAGE along with the other Chapter 3 SECRET BOSS, to reference the 5 stages of grief. His was repressed anger. As I was writing this, however... DENIAL came to me as his stage. Not sure what stage Jevil is now (I always saw him as DENIAL, due to not accepting he's caged), but maybe it'll be ACCEPTANCE?? I need to figure some stuff out...)
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*(... there is no man on the TV.)
*(Edit from the future: Yes this is still canon. Chairgor and Buqet are the only SECRET BOSSES that stayed pretty much the exact same.)
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