#Chad linberg
castee-yel · 4 years
deancas wedding
heres a very quick/messy scrap i made for the occasion, i'll be posting my usual realism stuff again this week after my exams. in the meantime enjoy the fact that they are now officially hunter husbands!
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dedicated to @joharvele, @rambleoncas and @heller-jensen, aka fellow heller in-laws. (sorry this is so messy i literally had like 40 mins)
[reblog to support! not repost] | more art: #dee's art
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ildemonio · 4 years
blatant homophobia aside I just need to know what was the reasoning. chad and samantha threw themselves into twitter spn roleplay without ANYONE asking them to, heavily implied a deancas wedding, and now they're like 'all the things we typed with our own two hands are not true you guys are insane actually'. like???? did they not witness the post-finale climate?????? was the temporary clout worth it??????? was it?????? is your etsy necklace business booming chad ???????
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allypacino · 4 years
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supernatur-ally · 4 years
oh my god we’re so fucking far gone that we find it hilarious that we got queerbaited one last time 3 months after the show ended. why are we so desensitized LMFAO 
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strangernatural · 4 years
can’t believe we’re all fawning over a post canon fix it fic wedding between two characters from a ghost-hunting show that were victims of the bury your gays trope... smh my head
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googledocsdyke · 3 years
what if i joined fandom twitter but i kept posting the way that i do on here so i just tweet like "something about. The Burger. as the centre of food and consumption in supernatural like the ultimate symbol of that which can be eaten. (thread, 1/339) #deancaswedding"
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biceratops7 · 4 years
All the destihellers (affectionate): *trying to guess what’s gonna happen at the destiel wedding* ok guys would it be a small or big wedding? I’ll bake a cake! Wow I can’t believe they’re finally getting married ☺️
Chad linberg: *drafting a fist fight with Elvis and researching enochian* hold my fucking beer
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castielraejepsen · 4 years
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Ash is still one of my favorite SPN characters simpy because Chad Linberg’s performance is an utter delight
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destieldailynews · 4 years
Valentine's Day at the Roadhouse - A Recap
February 14-16, 2021 
By @desperately-human​​
Actors Chad Linberg (Ash) and Samantha Ferris (Ellen) made tweets to role play a Valentine’s Day celebration at the Roadhouse. Several of their comments seemed to be suggesting that they would celebrate the wedding of Dean and Cas, and fans took this idea and ran with it. On the fourteenth, fans held their own celebration across social media platforms by joyfully sharing writing, art, headcanons, and memes, getting #DeanCasWedding trending in the process. Ferris and Lindburg did not roleplay a wedding, and both actors became defensive when the subject was brought up, stating that holding a gay wedding would fail to “uphold the integrity & spirit of the show” and that they had never suggested anything else. Fans were hurt and frustrated by these responses, as well as Lindburg’s liking of a post that claimed Destiel supporters have been “gaslighting the rest of the fandom for 10+ years.” Other people associated with the Supernatural community including actor Kat Ramdeen, writer Eric Charmelo, and the official account for Stands merchandising, responded to fans in a more positive way. 
A more detailed account of events, including source links, is located below the cut.
Our post on the Roadhouse reopening
link to Chad Lindburg's twitter
link to Samantha Ferris's twitter
If you want to join us in commemorating Dean and Castiel’s wedding, submit fanworks using the guidelines provided here. (Deadline extended to February 28th, 2021)
Follow @destieldailynews and turn on our notifications for more SPN updates
Last week, actors Chad Linberg (Ash) and Samantha Ferris (Ellen) announced their decision to roleplay a Valentine’s day celebration at the Roadhouse. Lindburg and Ferris had already successfully liveblogged a birthday party for Dean Winchester on January 24 and the reopening of the Roadhouse bar on February 10 (Kat Ramdeen also rp-d this event.) (1)
Both Ferris and Lindburg mentioned “wedding season” in their posts, which piqued fan interest, and fans latched on to the idea that they might be planning a Deancas wedding. This theory was further supported by Lindburg’s own interactions with fans: [this one might be too confusing: at one point, he failed to like--or possibly liked and then quickly unliked, a tweet that read “don't like this reply if a deancas wedding is gonna happen at the roadhouse” (2). He directed fans with ‘questions’ to an account who was a public destiel shipper (3) He also responded to a tweet reading “people think you guys are celebrating a Destiel wedding, that isn’t the case of course.”  with “Um no sorry...you did NOT get the memo” (4)
On February 14 #DeanCasWedding trended on twitter as fans across the world staged their own, fan-created celebration by joyfully sharing writing, art, headcanons, and memes. Ferris and Lindburg wrote innocuous Roadhouse update tweets all day long, including a sequence where Lindburg got in a fight with Elvis, and concluding with the partial destruction of the Roadhouse by unknown forces. No mention was made of the wedding by either actor. 
However, partway through Monday February 15, Ferris and Lindburg began addressing questions as to why they had hinted they would hold a wedding and then not followed through.  
Chad Lindburg responded that he never intended to imply that he would hold a Deancas wedding, and issued this statement.  
“Yes, among other things, the Roadhouse does “weddings.” I had NO idea this would be taken out of context..If you thought you were sold something else, you weren't...this was a way to bring people together and have fun. State your views, however, I’ll be blocking any rude or nastiness today.”(5) 
Lindburg did go on to block multiple twitter users who tried to engage with him on this topic. Over the next few days, Lindburg’s tweets ranged from attempts to validate fan’s feelings, such as “No one is delusional. You're all validated. Remember, we're all just having fun with our imaginations. And actually, the Fandom has just as much weight as the actors. It goes both ways. We can't have one without the other. We're grateful for all of you.” (6) to hostile, such as replying “Thank you [hands clasped emoji]” to a tweet that read “Ironically the ones complaining about being gaslit by you are the ones that have been gaslighting the rest of the fandom for 10+ years.” (7) 
Samantha Ferris responded that they would never hold a DeanCas wedding because Supernatural is “a story about family, bonds, and supernatural power struggles. The direction has never included sexuality or romance” and that she believed that her and Lindburg’s “role is to uphold the integrity & spirit of the show” and that “it would be disrespectful to all the people who tried to tell this tale if we validated it [the Deancas relationship]” (8) Her full tweets on the matter read, 
“Ima say this once then move on. @ChadLindberg & I can’t follow you down that road. As part of the storyline, our role is to uphold the integrity & spirit of the show: it’s a story about family, bonds, and supernatural power struggles. The direction never included sexuality or romance. That was never what it was supposed to be about. So to honour the cast, crew, and creators, we respect their intentions. You wanna create your side story? Go for it. But it would be disrespectful to all the people who tried to tell this tale if we validated it…” 
Ferris and Lindburg have continued to roleplay their Roadhouse updates, although they have both lost followers in fan interest after the events of this week. 
Other people associated with the spn community responded more positively: Writer Eric Charmelo responded to the wedding posting by liking #DeancasWedding fanart (9). Actor Kat Ramdeen (Alex) tweeted on Valentine’s day 
“I love you #SPNFamily I see you” 
accompanied by a rainbow heart and a Social justice Pride Flag made up of hearts (10).  Stands, a company that sells fandom merchandise made in collaboration with the actors and gives a portion of proceeds to charity, sent out these two supportive tweets in response to the drama in the Supernatural community 
“I’ve just caught up and I’m sorry y’all are having a rough go. I love you. <3”  (11) 
“It’s so rare I’m actually mad but to be clear- absolutely no one gets to define how you experience something you love.  Just go on with your bad selves and enjoy the things that make you happy.  As if the last two years haven’t been shit enough. Seize your moments, ignore the rest” (12)
our post on roadhouse reopening
link to Chad Lindburg's twitter
link to Samantha Ferris's twitter
If you want to join us in commemorating Dean and Castiel’s wedding, submit fanworks using the guidelines provided here. (Deadline extended to February 28th, 2021)
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angeltiddies · 4 years
i went to download twitter and accidentally typed “chad linberg” into the apple store search bar and was genuinely confused when the twitter app didn’t immediately show up
sjfhdh STOP
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castee-yel · 4 years
chad linberg let me kiss you on the mouth (appreciative)
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criticlog · 4 years
I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we are having a Roadhouse Destiel wedding roleplay by ex-spn actor Chad Linberg for a show that has been over since November of last year like wtf is going onnnn????
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allypacino · 4 years
why oh the turntables??? what happened??
basically. as most of us know, chad linberg of ash supernatural fame celebrated dean’s birthday in character on twitter on january 24th, which got him a lot of clout. he then partnered with samantha ferris of ellen supernatural fame and started tweeting cryptic stuff about the roadhouse reopening on valentine’s day, emphasising on how this was wedding season. started interacting with destiel shippers implying that they’re gonna celebrate a destiel wedding, tweeted about trenchcoats and pies etc. 
then a day or two before valentine’s day he dropped a gemstone jewellery line and we kinda realised he did this to promote it. feb 14th rolled around and they made no mention of a wedding, and today they started saying that all they did was host a party in heaven. understandably fans realised that they once again got queerbaited for money, and chad is now acting like they never implied otherwise.
long story short, rainbow capitalism pierced through the veil of a d-list actor’s income and canonised destiel being husbands only to somehow still maintain plausible deniability. nobody will ever do it like the spn 8D experience.
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supernatur-ally · 4 years
rewatching tombstone give me brain worms yum
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bloodsvcker · 4 years
Again i'm angry because they killed off the best characters for nothing. Chad Linberg and Ash dr badass kings you deserved better
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