#Cetera Financial Group
rexsecuritieslaw · 1 year
Centaurus Broker Atul Makharia Subject of Regulatory Sanctions/ Customer Complaints Over Sale of Variable Interest Rate Structured Products- Lexington, SC
Atul Makharia Investigation Sold Variable Interest Rate Structured Products July 2023-Lexington, SC The FINRA records of Atul Makharia, currently employed by Centaurus Financial, disclose a  regulatory event, 9 prior customer disputes and 2 pending customer disputes. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the agency that licenses and regulates stockbrokers and brokerage firms.…
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kiefbowl · 4 months
you know, it's okay that different women have different goals within feminism. like, we're diverse and have different skills, resources, and life experiences. a group of politically minded mothers organizing for a oh idk a free baby formula bill or something and then a group of financially able child free women creating a self-sufficient co-opt are, like, both cool. literally no reason to ask one group to drop everything for the other cause like what help would they be. sometimes I think a lot of people like that they can go on social media and puff a lot of hot air using highly divisive terms like "prioritize" and what not bc it makes them feel smart but it's just caterwauling sometimes. why is it necessary for everyone to be in complete lock step for a movement to be considered successful? and just bc I know ppl like bad faith reads they love them they eat them up yum yum yum slurp slorp slop I am NOT saying women can't criticize any women or that "everything is feminism" or w/e. I'm just saying that feminist goals can be diverse, and I just don't understand the impulse of needing unifying discourse over every single issue. lest we miss out on things like art archivists bc it isn't "as important," when some people are really really good and in a great position to be very successful feminist art archivists. extrapolate any other feminist issue close to your heart et cetera
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aromancy · 7 months
You know, a lot of companies have made HUGE changes lately; foolish changes, leading to long-term damage to their brands for short-term financial gains. Just this year, Warner Bros canceled multiple upcoming films already mostly finished just for tax breaks; Unity tried to take a cut of the profits from every person who downloaded their games; the Escapist fired the head of their video team; Wizards of the Coast had the Pinkertons scandal, the 5e OGL scandal, the controversies around One D&D...
This is unusual, right? For one company to shoot themselves in the foot is an accident; for several to do so in rapid succession seems to me like a strange new pattern.
But why? Why prioritize a short-term paycheck over long-term profits? The people in charge of these companies may be stupid, but they're not that stupid; they've been in charge of these companies for years (well, most of them; the Escapist was bought out by Gamurz last year, but Gamurz hasn't stepped it's foot in it this bad before, so my point still stands) and not done stupid shit on this level before.
I've seen others who recognize this pattern postulate that it's for investment purposes. Investors dom't care about what's best for the long-term survivability of a company; they care only for the signs of quarter-to quarter growth, and will pull their investments if they don't see a quarterly return. This does make some measure of sense, but I don't understand how it's only recently gotten this bad if this was always standard operating procedure? Have these businesses always been doing this, and only recently has it been noticed?
I have another potential explanation. In 2017, Douglas Rushkoff was invited to deliver a keynote speech to a huge group of exhorbitantly wealthy individuals. The purpose? To explore the future of technology. While he thought it would be a lighthearted exploration of exciting new technologies and what they could mean for society going forward, it quickly became clear that most of the attendees were more concerned with the threats technology posed.
Several of them referenced "The Event," a nonspecific apocalypse that might occur as a result of societal unrest, environmental destruction, nuclear war, et cetera. This seemed to be quite a pressing issue; the attendees grilled Rushkoff for over an hour on how one might thrive in a post-apocalyptic setting.
I think the wealthy elite of this world expect The Event to come soon. And I think that several wealthy people are trying to make a whole lot of money right now so that they'll be ready when The Event arrives.
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ratboomerang · 5 months
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kit dekarios
I just finished Baldur's Gate III for the first time. Yeah I'm in my emotions 😭 If there's anywhere to do the necessary gushing about my tav(and the game in general)(mostly the game in general), I figured this is probably the place to do it. cue the recipe blog exposition:
So here they are, in all their glory. I feel like getting sappy so here we go. Before Baldur's Gate, the only PC game I ever really played was the Sims 4. Even then, I only ever really build, as that's the fun part for me. I didn't realize how much I actually enjoy games that have more concrete depth and plot progression.
I didn't even know Baldur's Gate was a thing until I started seeing the flood of posts about a flamboyant vampire I'd never seen before. My first thought, deadass, was "alright, who's this cunt then?" because boy, had this caught my interest. Of course then I dove in. I've been blessed with multiple weekly D&D 5e games for a few years now, which I'm so thankful for. Fantasy vibes are absolutely a special interest of mine and D&D is an amazing resource to get consistent delicious content for it. Unfortunately, I didn't have any way to play this game. At the time, I was unemployed and facing the monster that is student loans. I didn't have a gaming laptop—just a macbook air from 2017 with a shitty battery life due to my 1000+ hours on the sims over four years. I was feeling MAJOR fomo as my friends all played, having fun conversations about what their unique experiences were like. I got so self-conscious, fearful that it would be blatantly obvious that I wasn't as "in-the-know" as everyone else participating. Fake fan, and all that. Of course, this was not a rational thought, but it was definitely a worry of mine at the time.
Cut to me finally getting a job—at my alma mater, no less. Almost immediately, I felt the weight of financial instability decrease significantly. To celebrate this accomplishment, I treated myself to a gaming laptop and Baldur's Gate. As a D&D player, to say this game is impressive is an understatement. I will continue to recommend it to folks who don't have as much luck when it comes to finding D&D groups. To actually SEE a fantasy world and my character in it is incredible. Theatre of the Mind is fantastic, but getting to see my characters in front of me, realistically animated, is something so special.
That's where Kit (they/he) comes in. For my first play through, I didn't want to use a character I already had. I wanted him to be my Baldur's Gate Character TM. I had finished a mini campaign as a monk a few months prior, and was sincerely missing him. Thus another trans monk was born.
When it came to romance, all I knew going into the game was what I had learned through assimilation. With that, I had come to the conclusion that if I had to guess, Gale or Wyll would win me over. Proud to say I was absolutely correct in my prediction. Wyll is charming as hell, and I am looking forward to the day where I start a run with the intention of romancing him. Something about this LOSER of a wizard though... (something something relatable trauma about self-worth, et cetera.) I'm currently working on a Gale cosplay, so wish me luck as I try to navigate constructing and sewing a costume from scratch for the first time.
I'm so happy with the way my game ended. Karlach lived. Gale proposed. Our party is tadpole-less. I accomplished things that, despite taking a few reloads, seemed impossible for a while (looking at you Raphael and the Boss Battle to End All Boss Battles). I've grown to love these characters so much, and Kit will always have such a special place in my heart as my first hero of Baldur's Gate as well as my first to romance Gale, hehe.
Anyway—this ended up being not SO much about Kit and more about my emotions finishing the game, but maybe I'll end up posting more about them. Shoutout to me for thinking to record the final blow of that last battle as well as the epilogue, and to my computer for swallowing the hour+ video like a champ. Now I have this little token of a gif to celebrate, and I'm so happy with it. I decided to combine that with a photo of Kit super early on at camp, versus him toasting at Withers's party. He went through no actual magic mirror changes, but he LOOKS older. LOOKS accomplished. I love it.
I think that's all I really have to say for now, I do indeed have work tomorrow (today) and it's past midnight. Just,,,,,,,, wanted to write out a sincere love letter to the game, as I'm feeling so lifted and satisfied right now. This is far from the end though—I've got two other active campaigns running, one multiplayer, and where I decided to pursue Astarion, which proved to be a challenge at first as someone who was having a hard time not being the most good-aligned hero. I'm excited though! There's so much more to explore! My heart is full.
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shrimpmandan · 1 year
do you mean you feel alienated around self diagnosed autistic people? (aka 99% of the online autistic community) because if so I completely agree. I'm not sure if you have access to it but I go to public therapy for disabled adulta (if you're over 18) and in my group there is a bunch of autistic/adhd people. we usually talk about medication, funny stories about therapy and experiences with growing up autistic and such. it's pretty relieving, and completely different from speaking to autistic people online, which just feels like talking to neurotypicals
No I feel alienated around autistic people. And people in general. It's for a lot of reasons tbh, not JUST being autistic, but I've definitely have had grievances with the autistic community online for some time now. This is because there's this prevalent idea that what does or doesn't work for one autistic person must be true for every autistic person, which inevitably leads to alienation. I'm considered weird and offputting even by the standards of other autistic people. This isn't an uncommon experience for me.
Also, part of my alienation comes from the general politics of the online autistic community. I call myself Asperger's and high-functioning, which while I totally get why other people don't call themselves that, it's just kinda what I grew up with and what works for me. Also being trans on top of that, and hearing so many autistic people talk about how they personally don't understand gender, whereas I didn't have much of an issue with it (I view it through a strictly neuroscientific lens; I don't do well with metaphors and vague feelings). Being told I can't say "retarded" even though I've been CALLED retarded, not to mention directly threatened (I was nearly shot lmao) over being autistic. A mixture of oppression olympics among autists, and also 'higher-functioning' autistic people speaking over 'lower-functioning' autistic people. My stims also don't get represented much (I don't really flap, I've always been more of a rocker/bouncer/vocal stimmer) and I don't fit into the "good autist" role that a lot of people-- both neurodivergent and neurotypical-- want out of me. All this to not even mention how I get alienated for my other forms of neurodivergence, with people in general being extremely ableist towards those with OCD and dissociative disorders.
All I'm saying is it's not self-diagnosed autists who make my life harder. Not when me and most of my family has had to resort to self-diagnosis due to doctors not listening to us or just a simple inability to even see a doctor due to a lack of money and time. Actually, most of the people I click with are the self-diagnosed "I think I might be neurodivergent" people-- whether that's autism, ADHD, or some other various neurodivergence. The self-diagnosed people are my immediate family, as well as my friends who had to figure out they're neurodivergent because nobody else told them, or gaslit them over it. We're pro-selfdx here, and honestly therapy is the least of my concerns right now, at least when it comes to autism. I don't need therapy for being autistic. I don't need therapy to teach me how to be normal. I need therapy to teach me how to live. Y'know, tackling my ACTUALLY problematic disorders, like my severe OCD and CPTSD and what I believe to be some form of OSDD. ADHD... yeah I just need meds for that, it is what it is. But I've been in therapy SEVERAL times for my autism, with people who were supposedly specialized in it, and even they didn't really know what to do with me. So shrug lmao.
For the record I am professionally diagnosed with autism. I'm actually self-diagnosed with most of the other mental health issues I occasionally talk about here (ADHD, OCD, OSDD, et cetera). I'd LOVE to get diagnosed but we're just not in a financial situation where we can rn. I don't like throwing self-diagnosed people under the bus-- more often than not they're just trying to understand themselves and genuinely don't have the ability to access proper resources. I don't really think of the cringe "faking disorders for attention and spreading misinformation" people when I hear about self-diagnosis, personally. I think about people who have been gaslit and told either that they're weird/bad children their whole lives, or even the reverse where they're told they're gifted, before they begin to struggle and then are promptly abandoned. I went through the latter more than the former.
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mariacallous · 2 years
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Over the pandemic, historic levels of government transfers boosted household income while household spending was severely curtailed by social distancing. This led the personal saving rate to soar (Figure 1), and we estimate that U.S. households accumulated about $2.3 trillion in savings in 2020 and through the summer of 2021, above and beyond what they would have saved if income and spending components had grown at recent, pre-pandemic trends. Since late last year, households have decumulated about one-quarter of these excess savings, as the saving rate has dropped below its pre-pandemic trend.
The amount and distribution of these excess savings have received a lot of attention by policymakers, because forecasts of economic growth and inflation as well as our understanding of household welfare depend heavily on who holds the excess savings and how long they are expected to bolster household balance sheets and demand. In general, by contributing significantly to high levels of liquidity, excess savings have enabled more households to smooth their consumption through negative income shocks, making the economy more resilient to adverse shocks. Accordingly, excess savings may help to damp a feedback loop—where a negative shock to income leads to a cut to spending, which then leads to an additional cut to income, et cetera—that, at its worst, could lead to a recession. At the same time, excess savings have fueled high levels of spending for some households, which may have contributed to persistently high inflation amid constrained supply.
These effects may be amplified or reduced by the extent to which the excess savings are held by lower-income households, many of whom typically hold very little liquid wealth, as an increase in liquidity may lead to notable changes in their spending behavior. For this reason, we also consider how excess savings are distributed across the population. We estimate that households in the lower half of the income distribution were still holding about $350 billion in excess savings as of mid-2022—mostly stemming from the boost to income induced by fiscal stimulus in 2020 and 2021. It is important to note that many of these households have used some of their excess savings to pay down debts, or possibly to invest in equity and other financial assets or as a down payment for buying a home, instead of keeping them as liquid assets, thus shifting where the savings appear on their balance sheets. Regardless of their allocation, excess savings resulted in higher net wealth and stronger balance sheets for these households, which have continued to support spending and credit performance.
In contrast, even though households in the top half of the distribution hold the large majority of excess savings (about $1.35 trillion as of mid-2022), this increase in their savings likely had only a modest effect on their spending behavior through 2021. During the first two years of the pandemic, and especially earlier on, their spending was instead much more driven by social distancing. Now that this group is able to travel and spend again, their excess savings are likely contributing to their high levels of spending. However, the recent demand by these households has likely been boosted more by earlier gains in equity and housing prices than by their excess savings. As of mid-2022, household wealth had increased by nearly $25 trillion since 2019, even after accounting for the large equity price declines in the first half of this year, most of which accrued to the top half of the income distribution.
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An essay I had to write about a global issue (I chose access to education for women)
Did you know that only 49% of countries in the world have achieved gender parity in primary education? This means that over half the world does not have gender equality in their schools. Not only is education for girls obviously a very important thing for their minds and bodies, it is proven that gender-equitable school systems reduce school-related & gender-based violence, including child marriage, et cetera, et cetera. Boys can also be affected by non-gender-equal schooling systems, as the norms of “masculinity” can encourage boys to drop out of school and/or join gangs or armed groups. The need or desire to make money can also cause boys to drop out of secondary school as many of them believe the school curriculum does not relate to money-making opportunities or jobs. Every person on this planet has a right to education, as protected in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Despite this, many of the world’s poorest children, especially girls, continue to be denied this basic human right. It should not matter how much money you have, where you live or who you are. Around the world, there are about 263 million children out of school, and approximately 130 million of those are girls. Some of the reasons that keep girls out of school are: poverty, including famine, drought & sanitation, cultural norms & practices, child marriage, and of course just good-old (or rather, bad-old) sexism and what’s considered normal and/or accepted. An organization that is doing something about this is UNICEF. On their website they have a list of things they are doing to help. Here is the list: 
They advocate for a girl’s right to education.
They remove financial barriers, such as school uniforms, books, or transport to school.
They “tackle socio-cultural barriers to adolescent girls’ education”, like developing menstrual hygiene management (MHM) guidelines in schools. 
And last but not least, they support girls to learn and to transition from education to decent work.
The best thing you can do (as a student) is be informed. Also if you can, donate to UNICEF or other organizations that would help.
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bitcoincables · 4 months
Cetera Financial Group Approves Bitcoin ETFs for Investment Portfolio
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The Cetera Financial Group has recently approved the listing of four Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on its platform, signaling a significant step towards mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency investment options. This decision allows Cetera's advisors to offer their clients access to diversified exposure to Bitcoin through these ETFs. The move reflects the growing interest in digital assets among traditional financial institutions and showcases a willingness to embrace the potential benefits of blockchain technology in investment portfolios. With the inclusion of Bitcoin ETFs, Cetera aims to cater to the evolving needs and preferences of investors seeking alternative ways to diversify their wealth.
By incorporating Bitcoin ETFs into its offerings, Cetera aims to provide its clients with a convenient and regulated channel to invest in the cryptocurrency market, minimizing the barriers to entry and simplifying the investment process. This strategic decision underscores Cetera's commitment to staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving financial landscape and meeting the demands of customers looking to explore new asset classes. The approval of Bitcoin ETFs on Cetera's platform opens up avenues for retail investors to participate in the digital currency space through trusted and established channels, bridging the gap between traditional financial services and the emerging decentralized economy.
The inclusion of Bitcoin ETFs on Cetera's platform represents a significant milestone in the integration of cryptocurrency assets within mainstream financial services, signaling a shift towards greater acceptance and integration of digital currencies in investment portfolios. This move not only broadens the investment opportunities available to Cetera's clients but also highlights the growing recognition of Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class with the potential to deliver long-term returns. As the adoption of digital assets continues to gain momentum, Cetera's approval of Bitcoin ETFs reflects a strategic alignment with the evolving preferences of investors seeking exposure to the dynamic and innovative world of blockchain technology.
Read the original article #CeteraFinancialGroup #BitcoinETFs #CryptocurrencyInvestment #FinancialInnovation
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christinaaa-grasyaaa · 7 months
Entrepreneurial Blog #4
On November 9, we were tasked with creating a 3- to 5-minute start-up video explaining how our service works. So we gathered up and started to brainstorm for ideas, and we came up with the idea of a regular CMU student having financial problems. So we recorded our first scene in a classmate's house, where our main subject wakes up from his mother's call, saying they don't have any money left. After the landlord asks for his monthly rent, at the same time, his professors ask him to buy a book required for his schoolwork. Then he arrives at school and walks to a friend, where his friend introduces Kassanga Funds, where he can borrow money. Then after that, in the video, it explains how to avail of our services and how they work, like the process, fees, et cetera. Good thing the editing process went well and no scenes were changed. And we were able to do all the scenes in 2 days and the editing in 2 days as well. During the shooting of our 30- to 60-second promotional video, we first plan our concept and how we will be able to promote our startup in a way that will capture the audience's attention. We enjoyed the whole shooting, even when we were under the scorching sun. However, we faced a certain difficulty when it came to the editing of the video and how to make it look better. Nevertheless, we were able to conquer that difficulty, and the video turned out to be good and funny. Thankfully, we were able to pass it on time and then proceeded to the preparation for our final pitching.
On the final week of our entrepreneurial journey, together with our groupmates, we created our final PowerPoint presentation on our final pitching. It was tough, we admit, but it doesn't mean we give up. Upon gathering the necessary information, we created our PPT smoothly. Two days before we defend our venture, we practice and practice the things we do and speak in front of the panelist. Sometimes there is misunderstanding, thinking and focusing on our goal that is to have a better grades, we choose to lower our pride and respect each other. On the day of our final pitching, we can't hide the fact that even though we are already prepared on that day we can't still hide our nervousness. Furthermore, upon presenting our venture, we just focused, concentrated and do what we practiced just to run through our venture smoothly. Then there were questions need to be synthesized, but the panelist gave us a big congratulations because we defended our final pitching confidently. And that concludes our entrepreneurial journey.
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Conclusion After our final pitching, our group was chosen to present our entrepreneurial startup "Kasangga Funds" for the GEE16 - The Entrepreneurial Mind Demo Day and Pitching event to be held on December 7, 2023 at COE Atrium. It was really unexpected since I, myself have low expectation on our venture. Honestly, this startup idea has its potential to integrate innovative technological aspects yet we chose the safest option possible. But overall, I'm still happy and proud for my group as being chosen out of all startup venture from our section. Initially, I was so excited to go on this entrepreneurial journey. I was filled with a lot of hope with regard to my group members as I've always look up to them as the striving and hard-working students. However, that determination gradually decreased as I've encountered disappointments on our journey. The simultaneous rejection and discouragement on our startup together with the some certain group member's least contribution and weighing leadership burden, really brought me down. This has taught me how distressing it is to set high expectations on someone. Especially since, I have not known them yet as a person and I have no idea about what they can attribute. Other than that I've also discovered that I have not firmly established my optimism which is why I get so easily discouraged when facing a lot of rejections. Other than that, the situation also made me realize how hard it is to lead an already established group. They are already friends, so they've known each other well enough even the dynamics of their group in accomplishing an endeavor. I was not fit to be the leader in that circumstance, so I've decided to step down and let other member take over. Which really worked wonderfully and resulted to the group's succession in this entrepreneurial journey.
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rexsecuritieslaw · 1 year
Centaurus Broker Ricky Alan Mantei Subject of Numerous Customer Complaints Ordered to Cease and Desist- Lexington, SC
Ricky Alan Mantei Investigation Former JP Turner & Centaurus Customers Have Sued for Damages July 2023-Lexington, SC The FINRA records of Ricky Alan Mantei, currently employed by Centaurus Financial and formerly a broker with now defunct JP Turner, disclose a 3 regulatory events, 35 prior customer disputes and 2 pending customer disputes. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the…
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tomvonreckersus · 10 months
The Path to a Secure Retirement- The Crucial Role of Timing and Financial Preparation
As the sun sets on a well-lived career, the prospect of retirement emerges on the horizon. For many, it's a time eagerly anticipated, signalling the culmination of years of hard work and the beginning of a new chapter. Yet, the decision of when to retire and how financially prepared one should be can be as intricate as a tapestry woven with threads of personal goals, economic landscapes, and life's uncertainties.
Tom Von Reckers
Tom Von Reckers, an adept Wealth Manager with a distinguished background in the financial services sector, knows all too well the complexities that come with helping individuals navigate this pivotal phase. Armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Central Washington University and seasoned by his experiences as a US Navy Veteran, Von Reckers has honed his skills in Portfolio Management, Business Relationship Management, Banking, Financial Planning, and Asset Management.
Von Reckers' firm, aptly named VON RECKERS WEALTH MANAGEMENT, stands as an autonomous entity that operates with the commitment to empower its clients with informed financial decisions. The firm operates under the umbrella of Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC, offering securities, while also providing advisory services through Summit Financial Group, Inc., a registered investment advisor. This affiliation, while distinct, ensures a holistic approach to financial management and retirement planning.
The question of when to retire is a conundrum that most working individuals ponder as they approach their golden years. It's a decision that requires careful consideration of both personal aspirations and financial realities. The right timing can ensure that you have ample time to enjoy the fruits of your labour without jeopardizing your financial stability.
Wealth managers like Von Reckers play a pivotal role in helping individuals determine this crucial timing. Through a comprehensive analysis of one's financial portfolio, current obligations, and future objectives, wealth managers offer a nuanced perspective on when retirement can be comfortably pursued. Factors such as existing savings, anticipated social security benefits, and potential healthcare expenses are all weighed in the balance.
However, the timeline to retirement is only one piece of the puzzle. Equally vital is the question of how much of a financial cushion, or nest egg, one should have accumulated by the time they bid adieu to the workforce. The concept of a nest egg is akin to a secure cocoon that shields you from the financial storms that may arise during your retirement years. It encompasses not only the funds needed to cover day-to-day expenses but also the resources to indulge in the activities and experiences that bring joy and fulfillment.
Wealth managers excel in providing guidance on building and nurturing this nest egg. Drawing on their expertise in portfolio management and asset allocation, they create tailored investment strategies that align with your risk tolerance and long-term objectives. Whether it's through diversified investments, tax-efficient strategies, or optimizing returns, these professionals sculpt a financial landscape that strengthens your financial security.
A critical facet of wealth management lies in the ability to adapt strategies as life unfolds. This is especially true as you inch closer to retirement. Your financial situation may evolve, market conditions might shift, and unexpected events could alter your plans. Von Reckers, drawing from his deep experience, stresses the importance of regular reviews and adjustments. A well-crafted retirement plan is not static; it's a living, breathing strategy that needs to be refined over time to ensure it remains aligned with your aspirations.
As you embark on this financial journey, finding the right wealth manager is akin to discovering a trusted guide for uncharted terrain. It's essential to seek professionals like Von Reckers who possess a track record of excellence and a comprehensive skill set. A skilled wealth manager is more than a number cruncher; they are a confidant who understands your unique circumstances, aspirations, and concerns.
To locate a wealth manager that resonates with your needs, consider factors such as experience, credentials, and approach. Tom Von Reckers, with his background in economics, years of experience, and military discipline, exemplifies the type of well-rounded professional who can cater to a range of financial requirements. His mastery in portfolio management ensures that your investments are poised for growth while mitigating risks.
The path to a secure retirement is paved with two fundamental stones: the timing of your retirement and the size of your financial cushion. These elements are interconnected, woven together by the threads of sound financial planning and prudent decision-making. The expertise of wealth managers, like Tom Von Reckers, proves invaluable in deciphering this intricate tapestry.
Remember, retirement is not a symphony that plays out in isolation; it's a harmonious ensemble of preparation, timing, and diligent management. As you contemplate your retirement plans, seek out professionals who can guide you through the financial orchestration necessary to ensure your retirement years are a resounding success.
With the right strategy, under the guidance of a proficient wealth manager, you can confidently step into this new chapter of life, knowing that your financial future is orchestrated to perfection.
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stormzyismyson · 1 year
Visual Intelligence
Describing what you see in a painting of a woman wearing a foot-long, four-layered starched collar uses the same skill set as describing what you see in a foreign market or international airport. “Rushing leads to mistakes, and mistakes slow you down far more than slowing down does.” Slowing down doesn’t mean being slow, it just means taking a few minutes to absorb what we are seeing. Details, patterns, and relationships take time to register. Nuances and new information can be missed if we rush past them. I’m always confounded when I see people taking pictures.of iconic paintings in museums, especially when they jostle for space, snap the shot and walk away.
Whenever observing a picture or situation, think Am I being influenced by :
my own experiences or the experiences of those close to me?
my geographic history, affinity, or present location?
my values, morals, culture, or religious beliefs?
my upbringing or education?
my professional desires, ambitions, or failures?
my personal desires, ambitions, or failures?
my inherent likes and dislikes?
my financial experience or outlook?
my political beliefs?
my physical state (illness, height, weight, et cetera)?
my current mood?
groups I identify with and organizations I belong to?
media that I’ve consumed: books, television, websites?
information or impressions passed on to me by a friend or colleague.
This very common filter goes by many different names, including cognitive bias, confirmation bias, myside bias, wishful seeing, and tunnel vision. It puts us at risk of gathering information selectively, subconsciously seeking data that support our expectations and ignoring those that don’t. It’s a common trap in many fields. You can see it when police officers engage in racial profiling. For instance, when you buy a new car and then see that same car everywhere. More of that particular vehicle didn’t just flood the roads, you just didn’t notice them before.
In New York, subjects were shown a water bottle and asked how close it was to them; thirsty participants reported that the beverage was closer than others did. To make sure you aren’t mistaking your desires for facts, ask yourself two questions: “Is this information consistent with what I initially thought?” and “Does this information benefit me personally or professionally?”
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crazily-lost · 1 year
Cetera Financial Parent Company Names Former Fidelity Executive Mike Durbin CEO
Adam Antoniades will remain CEO at Cetera Financial Group. from Wealth Management https://ift.tt/ajXFoBy
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signitt · 1 year
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gingerhotelsindia · 1 year
Things to do in Goregaon, Mumbai
Mumbai, the largest and busiest city in India, is a hub for business, culture, entertainment, and education. Its exciting intensity overpowers everyone. It is the second-most populous metropolis in India and the seventh-most populous city in the world. It serves as the state capital of Maharashtra. With the Arabian Sea to its right, the Western Ghats to its left, Goa to its south, and Gujarat to its north, Mumbai is situated on India's western coast.
Technically speaking, Mumbai is an island in the state of Maharashtra. It used to be a group of seven historic islands where local fishermen lived.
Although the dates of the islands' early settlement are unknown, there are signs of the South Asian Stone Age and ancient Indian civilizations. The Portuguese and British East India Companies colonized Mumbai (formerly Bombay) throughout the majority of its history, which significantly influenced the city's cultural, economic, and social history.
Mumbai is known for having several historically and culturally significant locations. Bollywood, the largest entertainment sector in the nation and the fifth largest in the world, is based there. The Elephanta Caves, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (previously Victoria Terminus), and the unusual collection of Victorian and Art Deco buildings constructed in the 19th and 20th centuries are three UNESCO World Heritage Sites that are located there. The main tourist attractions in this area are these recognisable buildings. In addition to this, the city has the largest public transportation system in the nation, numerous well-known beaches, a long-standing literary and artistic community, and a bustling nightlife that drives the majority of Mumbai tourists.
In India's Mumbai Suburban Region, Goregaon is a suburb of Mumbai. It has a station on the Western Line of the Mumbai Suburban Railway. Due to an extension that was finished in 2018, the Harbour Line now regularly runs trains to CSMT.
A financial hub is Mumbai, the largest metropolitan area in India. On the Mumbai port waterfront is the magnificent Gateway of India stone gateway, which was constructed by the British in 1924. The Hindu deity Shiva is honoured in the Elephanta cave sanctuaries, which are close to Elephanta Island on the offshore side.
As a result, you will need the best hotels in Goregaon West to stay in if you want to travel across India's contemporary and financially successful centre. What could be more satisfying, especially in a premium city like Mumbai, than finding good rooms at Goregaon within your own budget?
Have you ever been able to find affordable rooms at Goregaon close to the train station?
You can, without a doubt.
But where might you possibly find this kind of financially leisurely lodging?
Simply relax by taking a seat.
The greatest in the city is Ginger Goregaon. The Bombay Natural History Society's Conservation Education Centre (CEC) is located in Goregaon, which is surrounded on its south-western side by Sanjay Gandhi National Park. There are many different types of flora and animals there.
The hotel offers 102 luxurious Luxe rooms in a range of Queen and Twin Bed arrangements. Every hotel has several conveniences like packaged drinking water, a tea/coffee maker, a mini refrigerator, free seamless Wi-Fi, a smart LED TV with satellite channels, and in-room dining.
Without ever leaving the luxury of your hotel, place an order and have your favourite food delivered.
Along with other amenities, the hotel offers all-day dining at Café Et Cetera and Qmin Coffee, a fitness centre, a lobby, laundry service, a doctor on call, free parking, and more.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport is 12 kilometres from the Ginger Goregaon Hotel in Mumbai. The Nirlon Knowledge Park, the Nesco Exibition Center (formerly known as the Bombay Exibition Center), Oracle, and Film City are just a few of the prominent corporate parks that are conveniently close to the hotel.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Goregaon Railway Station, and the Goregaon New Proposed Metro Station Near Hub Mall in Mumbai are all close to Ginger Goregaon. It is just four minutes from the Western Express Highway and situated in Goregaon's commercial district.
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caseprepzone · 2 years
Get Ready For Consulting Interviews with these Consulting Case Researches
Are you preparing for consulting interviews? This blog post will assist you with a detailed checklist of consulting case prep product that you can use to crack the consulting case interviews if indeed. This checklist has been curated after several discussions with IIM graduates that got ready for McKinsey, BCG as well as Bain case interviews.
Whether you're somebody who has prepared for consulting cases before or you're somebody that has never ever had an exposure to consulting case prep work, this post is definitely going to assist you. The list of resources for case preparation has actually been shared starting with one of the most fundamental ones including the most innovative ones.
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To Plan For A Case Study Interview Familiar With Various Frameworks
There are a couple of common case structures that you can make use of or may be asked to use during a study interview. One of the most often seen structures to acquaint on your own with consist of:
Market-entry structure: Professional frequently utilize this sort of framework when making a decision whether to consult an organization to move into a brand-new market. Components of the market-entry framework consist of the vital attributes of the specific market, the business's abilities in regard to that market, the financial scenario of the business and also the method that would certainly be made use of to get in the market.
Profitability structure: This sort of framework is one that specialists frequently utilize in almost any kind of business analysis situation. The success framework focuses on breaking down profits right into revenue as well as expense elements and also identifying the main reason for any kind of concerns related to a company's profitability. Parts to think about when making use of the success structure include earnings, expenses, volume, repaired costs, variable expenses, volume as well as beneficial earnings division.
Merging and purchase framework: Businesses as well as specialists use this type of framework when determining to acquire or merge with an additional company or competitor. While this is not a frequently made use of structure as mergers and purchases are relatively rare, it is one that will often occur in a case study interview. Parts of this framework consist of the merger firm's market, the prospective target to be obtained, the reason behind making the acquisition or combine and any dangers or synergies that might emerge throughout and also after the purchase or merge. Case Study Practice
It is always suggested that you prepare for consulting meeting situations in a group (of 3-4) in which one members serves as the interviewee, one participant acts as the job interviewer et cetera are onlookers (making note of what all can be enhanced). You can keep altering functions in each practice meeting.
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