#Cerejeira Elron
reignsan · 1 year
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Cerejeira FGO's concept art, posted by ReDrop on their twitter.
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Oh no this is cute TAT
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typemoonsmashorpass · 8 months
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typemoonconfessions · 7 months
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Mictlanmas: Saving Christmas.
Mari, Kuku and Ququ, along with a nutcracker Cerejeira, were facing down who seemed to be the Maya hero twins. The twins wielded a magic ball that somehow allowed them to just teleport anyone who's hit by it.
“There's no use trying to avoid what's coming.” Said Xbalanque.
“But please try! Makes it all the more fun.” Added in Hunahpu.
And as one of the gods sent the ball towards the group, a wall of fire raised up in-between them all. Actually forcing the ball to blast back towards the twin who threw it.
“What the hell?!” Xbalanque exclaimed.
“Where'd this come from?!” Mari asked.
Then suddenly a huge dog jumped to the group's side.
“Hey guys!” Xolotl said.
“Tia Xolotl!?” Mari yelled
“Xolo!” Ququ said.
“Let's get out of here!” Xolotl said as she picked up Mari, and the others hopped on.
Xolotl ran off away from the twins.
“Dammit dog! Get back here!” One of them yelled.
The group eventually stopped and sat
down by a large tree.
“Xolotl! When's you get here?!” Kuku asked.
“Sorry, I came in late. I just happened to see what was happening as I joined.” She explained.
“Well it's nice to have someone else on board!” Ququ said.
“Where's Rex and Quetzal tho? I was told they were here too.” Xolotl questioned.
“Mama went off to search the area, but Papa was like teleported or something by those two bastards!” Mari said.
“Aye no!” Xolotl yelled out. “Well since Quetzal hasn't shown up yet, maybe they got to her too.”
“I do not like that possibility.” Mari said.
Then suddenly the earth around them started shaking.
“Oh great! What's that?!” Ququ asked.
Walking through the snow, a giant reindeer looking monster stomped towards the group. Riding atop the beast, was Molay in her own Santa gear.
“There you are! I've been looking for you!” Molay said to Maria.
“Oh yeah, figured you'd show up eventually.” Mari answered back.
“GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN BODY!” Cerejeira yelled out to Molay.
“No can do, little one. I need a good reindeer and your body is doing the perfect job!” Molay responds to the angry nutcracker. “Now then! I'll be taking my rightful place as Santa now!”
“Not happening!” Mari said.
As she said that, Kuku flew towards the beast and sent it flying, also causing Molay to fall onto the ground. Mari then came flying towards Molay with her hammer. Molay just barely dodged it, before whipping out a candy-cane sword!
“Why do you even want to be Santa?” Mari asked.
“So I could spread the gift of my God to anyone and everyone!” Molay said back.
“That's a terrible reason!” Mari said.
“Well why do you want to?!” Molay questioned.
“Because I wanted to prove I could do it like my mother did!” Mari answered.
“....ah, that's actually a much better reason.” Molay said before being immediately smacked by the hammer.
“Ok… I give.” Molay said from the ground.
As that happened, the eldritch reindeer was sent flying back to the area by Kuku, which was then recieved by Ququ, knocking it into the ground.
“Can I get my body back!?” Cerejeira asked.
“Oh! I got this!” Xolotl said.
Suddenly Xolo's eyes glowed blue, and she plunged her hand into the monster's body and pulled out it's body, dismissing it. She then pulled Cere's out of the nutcracker and back into her own body.
Afterwards, Cerejeira turned back to normal.
“Yes! And it's freezing!” She said once in her body again.
Mari pulled a coat out of her Santa sack and draped it over Cerejeira. “There we go.”
“Thank you.” Cere said to Mari.
Then suddenly they heard a “There you are!” From the distance.
The twins had caught up to them. Already they sent their ball flying towards them. It misses the main group, but hits Molay, then bounces to hit Cerejeira. But on it's way back to them, someone acted.
“Not this time!” Xolotl jumped while transformed in her dog form, and caught the ball in her mouth.
“Hey! Give that ba-” but before Hunahpu could finish, his head is slammed by Mari's hammer. Followed by Kuku blasting Xbalanque sky-high. After both hit the ground, Ququmatz grabbed them both. “Now let's have some fun!” She said, with the signature Quetzalcoatl smile. And while holding them, she flew up into the air and blew them both up.
The two fall to the ground, now scorched and knocked out.
“phew! That takes care of them.” Mari said.
Then flapping is heard in the air. The twins are suddenly warped away, and a new being enters the scene. Camazotz finally comes to Santa, after having caused this huge snowy singularity.
“Yoooouuuu. Santaaaa!” He said as he saw Mari. “Finally with your defeat, I will have ruined Christmas for everyone!” He exclaims as he laughs. But then suddenly he falls unconscious and slams onto the ground.
“w-what happened?” Mari asked.
“He outlasted his usefulness.” an unseen voice said.
“is that who I think it is?” Mari questioned.
“you're quite perceptive, aren't you?” Nexoxcho said as she comes out of the shadows, holding the grail.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it's so damn late, but finally feeling better from being sick for a while. The final chapter should be out very soon after this!
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gust4v0o · 9 months
Cerejeira Elron FGO
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reignsan · 1 year
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New* Chaldea staff member, Cerejeira Elron
*She's one of the ones Goredolf occasionally mentions by last name as being offscreen but her first name and design are new
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Redrop drew Bhima and Cerejeira for ordeal call one's anniversary!
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reignsan · 1 year
The Paper Moon Grail War teams from what I’ve gathered so far:
Saber: Sakura and Medusa
Lancer: Cerejeira (the new Chaldea staff lady) and Bhima
Archer: Rani and Durga
Rider: Lainur Guison and Prince of Lan Ling
Caster: Makiri Zolgen(?!) and Gilles de Rais
Assassin: Fujimaru, Sion, and Kama
Berserker: That Indian girl and Duryodhana
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Mictlanmas: Cold and Cruel Chaos.
The Gods had gotten started making presents for Christmas. With Maria and her official “reindeer” watching over them. They still had to make sure nothing deadly was included, but otherwise things were going well.
Maria also had her newly made Santa outfit! A fun outfit, with a mix of red, black and purple. With her large tentacles also sprouting out.
“People still play with balls, right?” Xquic pondered. “I'm sure a big solid rubber ball would be a great gift!”
Camazotz of PHH was making what was essentially an army of small toy bats!
“Try to be more careful with the fucking figures, dammit!” Zipacna yelled at Cabrakan.
“It's not my fault they're made of such flimsy materials!” Cabrakan argued.
Suddenly an alarmed blared!
“Oh hell, here's the shitshow!” Mari said.
“What do you mean?” Mictecacihuatl questioned.
“Something always goes wrong around Christmas time.” Q'uq'umatz answered.
Mari and her mothers ran off to the command room. There, they met with Rex and Quetzalcoatl.
“Papa! Mama! What's going on?” Mari asked.
“There's a new snowy singularity that's popped up!” Rex explained to Maria.
“Here we go! Here comes the shitshow!” Maria exclaimed.
“You're very excited for this, mija.” Kuku commented.
“I wanna go to town on the enemies!” Mari answered.
The group was rayshifted into the singularity. They found themselves in a freezing field, covered in snow and a few trees spotted around.
Mari noticed that Quetz in her Santa form, had a different look to her.
“Hey wait, Mama you have a different outfit! Where'd you get that Christmas-y top and cape?” She questioned.
“Oh, tu Papa made it for me!” She said. “some people were getting worried with how exposed my outfit was. So he made this!” She stated, as she did a cute twirl.
“Aw, it looks really nice!” Kuku commented.
“Oh hey, what's that?” Rex commented, as he saw a small figure running towards them.
“Heeeeeelp!” The figure said.
“They need help!” Mari commented.
Mari grabbed the small figure, which would seem to be a nutcracker, with purple hair, a small jacket and a skirt.
“Heeey, Cerejeira?!” Mari exclaimed.
“Yes!” The Nutcracker exclaimed.
“What happened to you?” Ququ asked.
“That stupid Templar, Molay put my soul into this stupid body and turned my real body into a demonic reindeer!” She explained.
“Welp, guess we know what's going on.” Quetz said. “I'll fly ahead and try to find Molay, you guys try to find her elsewhere too.”
She flew off, heading northwest.
“You stay on my shoulder, Cere. I'll keep you safe.” Mari assured her, as she placed her on her shoulder.
“God, I'm never gonna forget the Christmas where I was turned into a nutcracker…” she commented.
“That memory thing does not sound worth it” Rex said.
Suddenly the group heard very loud singing.
“What the hell is that?” Kuku asked?
“I think I know.” Mari said. “We should head go the source”
As they traveled forward, they found the source of the caroling.
“That's Eli!” Ququ said.
Skating around on a frozen lake, was Elizabeth Bathory. Singing a hyper loud Christmas Carol, while dressed as a sugar plum fairy.
“So how should we handle this?” Maria asked.
“Hey Eli!” Rex yelled out. “What are you doing?”
Suddenly Eli noticed the gang, her eyes oddly a glow of red. “Oh finally! An audience!” She said, before turning up the volume even more, and more pointing the sound towards them.
“Ah hell, now what?!” Mari asked.
“I don't know if my little body can't take much more!” Cere said.
Kuku noticed the frozen lake. “Wait! What if we broke the ice she's skating on? The freezing water should help chill her out!” She suggested.
“Good idea!” Rex told her.
“Oh! I got a good idea to help make it happen!” Mari said.
“Oh?” Ququ wondered. “What exactly?”
Mari stood up “Hey Eli!” Mari exclaimed.
Eli looked up, tho keeping up with the songs.
“Your performance is great! Here's a gift to show my appreciation!” Mari exclaimed, as she threw a huge and heavy present box with one of her tentacles.
Eli's eyes opened wide, and she leaped to catch the gift, only to be overwhelmed by the weight and crashing through the ice.
She then popped back out of the water. “AAAAH! It's freezing!” Eli yelled out.
“Gotcha” Mari said, as she picked Eli up with one of her tentacles.
“Sorry about that, Elizabeth. But the volume was a bit too high.” Rex said.
“I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!” Cere yelled.
“Did you at least still like it otherwise?” Eli asked, as she shivered.
“It was great, Elizabeth.” Kuku said, as she gave Eli a blanket to warm up.
“Thanks!” Elizabeth said.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a solid ball flew through the air, actually sending Rex flying, before he disappeared in a flash of light.
“AMOR!?” Ququ and Kuku yelled out loud.
Then the same ball flew and did the same to Eli.
“Who the hell is doing that?!” Mari bellowed.
Then an unknown feminine voice answered back. “Wouldn't you like to know, Underworld goddess.”
“Who the hell are you?” Kuku asked.
Two people cake into view from the snow. A guy with a red and yellow color scheme and a girl with a purple and blue one.
“Hunahpu and Xbalanque.” The red one answered.
Then suddenly their eyes glowed red.
“We're here to fix Christmas.” Xbalanque followed with.
Things have started getting bad. Now what could the hero twins possibly mean by that? I mean, I know what. But what do yall think? Otherwise, hope you guys like how it's been going so far!
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reignsan · 1 year
i don't speak Portuguese so I just looked up the meaning of Cerejeira
god damn it Minase
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