moviereviews101web · 25 days
Centigrade (2020) Movie Review
Centigrade – ABC Film Challenge – Thriller – C – Centigrade – Movie Review Director: Brendan Walsh Writer: Daley Nixon, Brandan Walsh (Screenplay) Cast Genesis Rodriguez (Big Hero 6) Vincent Piazza (Boardwalk Empire) Plot: A married couple find themselves trapped in their frozen vehicle after a blizzard and struggle to survive amid plunging temperatures and unforeseen obstacles. Runtime: 1…
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toroid-earth · 2 years
I’m a native Texan. I spent 4 years overseas and now have to check weather in C to plan my day.
Tyler Cowen and others have argued that Fahrenheit gives you finer grained measurements since the degrees are smaller. But every centigrade weather report/thermostat/etc. does 0.5 increments, which is 0.9F, so they are in fact more precise.
C is easy:
20=room temperature
20-25=getting warm
25-30=definitely warm
30-35=getting hot
35-40=definitely hot
40+=oh geez why
15-20=getting cool
10-15=definitely cool
5-10=getting cold
1-5=cold. your wife says “it’s freezing”
0=literally freezing. This is easy to remember.
-5–1=even more freezing, check your pipes
<-5=oh geez why
BTW average human body temperature is 37. Not some decimal, just 37. 38+=you have a fever
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whosname · 7 months
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Mostly cloudy my ass, it's HOOOOT
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4denthusiast · 2 months
So, the Celsius vs. Farenheit thing is obviously silly, in that people are just going to find whichever they're used to more intuitive, but that said...
I disagree with the "Farenheit uses digits more efficiently for everyday discussions about the weather" thing. A single degree Farenheit seems to me imperceptibly small. A single degree Celsius is roughly the limit of what I find perceptible, but is still a pretty small, insignificant difference. People who say Farenheit uses its digits more effectively seem to be basically just ignoring the 10^0 digit and just using the 10^1 digit instead. That's not efficient. I'm not sure I'd say Celsius is significantly better. "20"/"low 20s"/"mid 20s"/"high 20s" (in Celsius) seems to be about the level of precision people normally use.
This suggests that a temperature scale that's actually optimised for using its digits effectively for everyday use would be roughly a few times the size of Celsius. There happens to be just such a scale, one that pre-dates both Celsius and Farenheit even: degrees Newton. 0°N=0°C=32°F, so we keep the freezing point of water as a nice landmark, very relevant to discussing the weather. A difference of 1°N is roughly 3°C or 5.5°F. A large proportion of normal weather is in the range 0°Q to 9°N, necessitating only a single digit (how's that for efficiency?). A single degree is a small but clear difference, around the level of precision people normally use. If you want to go to fractional degrees, that's fine, but it's marked as something unusually precise. Maybe they'd do that in weather forecasts. 10°N, a clear milestone, is about 30°C or 87°F, which is distincly hot weather. 20°N is roughly the maximum recorded temperature the weather on Earth has reached. The next big milestone, 100°N, doesn't really correspond to anything important I can think of. It's pretty high even for cooking, just slightly higher than the melting point of lead.
Newton's scale does have a major disadvantage that it's not actually clearly defined, since Newton only gave a single reference point, but that's not relevant to the current discussion. Maybe something slightly more fine-grained than degrees Newton would be a little better. I was originally going to use my own made-up scale with units of 2.5°C for this post before learning that the Newton scale already exists.
Anyway. Obviously I'm not actually proposing that people adopt Newton's temperature scale. Pretty much any temperature scale vaguely around the range of Celcius/Farenheit/Newton/Rømer/whatever would do fine for everyday use (even Kelvin wouldn't be that bad, just so long as you're not using something like joules (≅7.25*10^22 K)). I just wanted to make the point that the "Farenheit uses its digits efficiently." thing isn't actually right, it's just that Farenheit uses its digits in the way that Farenheit users are used to.
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slicedblackolives · 10 months
my controversial opinion is that India doesn’t have the coat off inside culture or infrastructure so public spaces in Delhi should not be fucking heated unless it’s like, 2 degrees. everyone here is sweating to death in their sweaters and jackets that they cannot hang anywhere and that are not designed to be taken off easily.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
Little Every Day Blessings || Accepting
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I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m intimidated by you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re a handsome man // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re funny // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re compassionate // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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Wrong #670
Didn’t follow the appropriate safety protocols and got heat stroke
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dilfcherricola · 1 year
i know we all hate america here but every time i see a canadian or god forbid a european talking about how gross our food is i reach my hand a little closer to my red white and blue trucker hat
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amicusbubo · 2 years
would that winter was
as distant a memory
as summer is now
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tachvintlogic · 2 years
I’ve seen a molecule of salt water heat up at the surface, sink into the depths, reach maximum density at -2 degrees centigrade, then cool off, grow lighter, and rise again.
This struck me as wrong because I always heard the maximum density of water was reached at 4°C. That's the answer for fresh water at normal atmospheric pressure. So I looked up the maximum density point of salt water at the bottom of the Arctic, which was harder to find than it should've been.
I determined from calculation and research that the pressure at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is about 100 bar (gauge). Salinity is about 28 - 34‰.
Then I found this paper called "The maximum density points of pure and saline water" from 1978 in the journal Deep Sea Research.
Link to it on ScienceDirect: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/014662917890005X
Link to it on sci-hub: https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/0146-6291(78)90005-x
In Table 2 on page 5, the maximum density temperature for 30‰ salinity and gauge pressure 100 bar is -5.02°C. So sea water reaches maximum density somewhere around -4 to -6°C and not -2°C like Captain Nemo claims.
However, for all I know -2°C that was the most accurate answer at the time the book was published, and it is pretty close.
Correction: Captain Nemo is actually correct. In the wikipedia article about the arctic climate, it says this:
"The Arctic consists of ocean that is largely surrounded by land. As such, the climate of much of the Arctic is moderated by the ocean water, which can never have a temperature below −2 °C (28 °F)."
So ocean water and salt water with the same salinity are probably not the most accurate comparison. Still interesting though.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
hey. turtle body tempture is 56 degrees fahrenheit. okay?
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My mum bought me a heated propagator last year so I’m getting a jump on my peas this year, both edible and sweet, and I am so determined to get a good crop this year!
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Gallant ft. Nao - Centigrade.
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captainjunglegym · 1 month
i feel like we should start calling celsius centigrade again
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crimson--freak · 3 months
It feels more like autumn than winter I genuinely feel like I haven’t seen the sun in a week
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piccolotiranno · 3 months
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