#Cenarion Crew
julesvalebright · 5 years
Verdancy: Prologue
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They were sixteen in all; the product of Thoridath Greenstorm’s vendetta against stinging air and oil-slick waters. The druid order called them his Green Knights, but in reality they were always hers. Creeping vines transplanted in a ruined desert. They had joined the others within earshot of her staggering heartbeat only after their leader had given his blessing, when trials and training had cross-bred their abilities into something wholly new. They were saplings, stirring, and while Julrien Valebright wasn’t the first, he had grown into their finest. How to explain them without sounding insane? Thoridath was used to being called an extremist, and worse, for his ideas. But as the shrewd Kaldorei would tell it, something had long ago sliced up the land, their loyalties, and longings. Azeroth was made up of walls and warfare, where even belief, and the way you wielded your undeserved gifts, were cause for conflict. By this point, it was as if there was some great evil in meddling between the barriers. Schools and sources of magic, especially, were meant to be separate. Inviolate. Thoridath knew this was a lie, just as he knew that his student was born for this. He’d seen the fragile and devastating forces of Nature leap to Julrien’s call, with one undeniable truth: that even the most quivering, tenuous life, with leaves unfurled, was safe in his hands. But Julrien would never be a druid under Cenarion’s care. The boy’s adolescence had seethed into early adulthood, where he was forged into a vessel for the Light. His talents were honed in exacting retribution from their enemies- ‘they’ being the ‘Blood Elven’ order who made him. The Light was a blazing greatsword used to desolate those who stood against the ones he loved. Small wonder he’d struggled in the beginning. Thoridath had stumbled upon him in the cultured oases of the Netherstorm, those flashes of paradise illuminated beneath a crackling sky. That the boy had a gift for knowing was obvious; his volunteering with their land crew was a boon to them all that season. But there was more at work there, something primal and poised, like a summer storm taunting the rolling waves that surrounded his beloved Darnassus. Darnassus. Thoridath’s lungs ached to think of it, though the elder druid had not been present when the city died. In his weaker moments he imagined he had been, that he had roared at Mother Moon and leapt upon the flames. His arrogance told him there may have been a way to save what his people had built. But he had been sworn to Cenarion, and it was not his place to mourn for a city, so much as the living earth on which it stood. Nor could he look upon his Tauren sisters and brothers as though they were anything else. He would not build another wall. They were sixteen in all, then, wading into the thick lifeblood still seeping from Azeroth’s wound. The desolation was deep, and it pained him to see it on his students’ faces. The steely-eyed Laures, hard as the cracked earth, looked on in silence while her brother, Lucan, wept openly at the sight. Nothing they had seen in their Westfall home or beyond could have prepared them for this. Behind them, the Laughing Sister, Daphra, was propped up under Ather’s arm- Ather, whose secret kept him at a distance from the others, but who closed his eyes rather than watch them collapse. And then there was Julrien, without the luxury of impassive guise, whose white knuckles soon gave way to empty hands. Months passed, in dread and disarray. In quartet crews with a dedicated healer each, his Green Knights- hers, now, more than ever- fought to stem the bleeding. Nature was in their nature, tempered by a golden Light and primal order such as the paladins preached. But as they gained, they lost… at once sixteen, then fourteen, even before the Whisperer came. And now...
This was not the Nightmare. Their foe subsisted on sanity and shadows, its believers moving like oil on water as they gathered. Black clouds that blotted out the sun. It was time for his saplings to leave, to take to the forefront where the intersection of Light and Life manifested most. It had been some time since Thoridath had visited the Vale- not since he’d last taken a team of novices to share in the regrowth. And as he pulled back the heavy canvas door, ducking under stretching vines that sighed at the effort, he held fast to the image of fresh water, dappled gold.
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trixcuomo · 3 years
Daily Writing Challenge - Day 3, 4, 5, 6
Keywords: Accomplish/macabre, savage, ruins, charity
Vandalstrasz: "This fills me with... hopetred."
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Goblin Camera Man: "Nope, sorry Mr. Dragonblight. That don't really work too good. Betta stay with the original line."
Vandalstrasz: "What does that accomplish??! You want me to give that witch Trixany Cuomo more royalties? Just because she caught me on camera in my dragon form, saying her stupid catchphrase! NEVER!!"
Goblin Camera Man: "Look! Time is money, pal. Hopetred ain't catchy! It ain't even a thing, right? So stop sayin' it."
Vandalatrasz: "But this is a commercial for the Cenarion Circle, to save the baby dragons. How can I read lines that support that vile, baby dragon-hoarding, washed up Horde B celebrity Trixany? It's disgusting and unethical, let alone macabre. Please, mortal. Think of Alexstrasza and all the rest. How much have we red dragons already sacrificed and suffered?"
Goblin Camera Man: "Read the script and do the line!"
Vandalstrasz: "You selfish, selfish mortals..." *fumes, black smoke starting to part his lips, and an evil fanged smile forms* "No. I don't think so."
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Camera Crew: "AAAAAAAAAAhhhh!" *Vandal morphs into a red dragon and burns them all alive, set explodes*
Vandalstrasz: *puts on his shades, walks away from the explosion in his finely tailored red suit like a badass*
Trixany: *seated on her red couch in the Daily Mail Dalaran studio, watching the commercial end on the big screen* "He shoulda just used the line. How many lives could have been saved?" *the camera closes in, she dons a sympathetic look* "Are you a fellow Horde B celebrity suffering from when rando normies refuse to take up your cool catchphrases, your fashion trends, or reblog your awesome social media posts, simply because they don't respect your massive popularity?" *she tears up* "It's okay. So many of us semi-famous people suffer in silence. But you are not alone."
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*she turns and faces a fresh new camera angle, now with a smile on her face* "And, there's something you can do. Call the number on your screen now to donate money and save the e-life of your favorite Horde B celebrity today like me, Trixany Cuomo. Look, this isn't charity. When mean, selfish people refuse to follow me and be a true fan, like by refusing to use my cool catchphrase "Hate my hope" after I graciously let them come on my talk show, they deprive celebrities like me of the royalties I deserve. Oh, and Vandal burned the audience or whatever, it's a ruin. But my point is, your donation today can actually save my e-life. Adorable, innocent celebrities like me need and deserve all your attention and financial support. So please, call today."
*the camera pans out to show Trixany seated alone in the DMD studio, the stage half burnt and the audience seats still smoldering. She cries, literally suffering in silence*
Announcer Voice: "This... is not fine. Please call. Show Trixany you really care." *big yellow 1-800-YOU-OWE-ME flashes on the screen*
🔥 🔥 🔥
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gale-heart · 3 years
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Dear Eoselle,
It’s been a while since I touched base, and I apologize for the wait. How are things back at the sanctum? Are you and Lesaine and the cats well? How has your work been going lately? I have another shore leave coming up soon, and I’ve been picking up some new cooking tips from Ashanti on our voyages. Maybe I can make us dinner the next time I come back home to visit, and we can all catch each other up on what’s been going on. 
Sailing with Fiona and the crew has been wonderful. They’ve all been so welcoming and kind, and patient with me as I learn the ropes of seafaring. We just returned from rescuing a stranded hunter, and her wounded companions. I’ll spare you the graphic details--it involves trawling a living island’s insides, and gratuitous sludge and decay--but happily we made it out none the worse for wear, if a bit smelly and with little appetite. It was...actually kind of fun, all things considered. Maybe the Maw isn’t a fair standard for comparison, but it was so much easier having my magic this time, and friends at my side to swap tales and drinks with afterwards. I don’t plan to make it a habit of doing dangerous things like this (I know I promised you I’d take it easy and focus on my own healing for a while, and I still intend to keep that my priority.) But I do also enjoy the occasional reminder than I’ll still be capable of helping other people someday, once I’ve got my own mess sorted out. (Well, that, and I think I also just missed being able to blow things up. There’s still such a thrill that I get out of holding that kind of power in my twiggy little hands.)
I wish I could say my squallshaper training was going so well. I’ve been doing my best to study every day and practice when I can, but I still struggle conjuring more than some frost or lightning spells, or some weak healing; calling storms are still beyond my grasp. Maybe it’s because my prior mage training still has me stuck in the old mindset of arcane spellwork, or maybe it’s that I still can’t learn things or focus on books as easily as I did before the portal collapsed--hell, it could easily be both. An acquaintance of mine from the Cenarion Circle enlightened me some time ago that devotees of Avianna often specialize in storm spells, and the idea has been stuck with me since then. I’d like to try asking some of the Talon druids for their input when I get an opportunity--I hope that getting a fresh perspective might also bring some kind of revelation that’ll make progress easier. 
Unrelated to work, I’m planning on attending that gala coming up soon--the Fanged Masquerade or whatever it’s called. I’ve got connections with a friend who works in acquisitions and couture design, and Light knows I’ve got more than enough gold to live comfortably by now. I might as well take advantage of my resources to spend an evening looking fabulous and smuggling home free food, right? 
Hope to hear from you soon, stay safe,
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veridianora · 4 years
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“Beyond the Veil,” a short story explaining how most of my characters get to Shadowlands.
Thyria trudged into a cabin in the Argent Tournament grounds, flicking snow off shoulders. With a relieved sigh, she pulled off her boots, the cold and wet just starting to seep through. Her black tiger and hunting companion, Veridiana, softly padded over to the fireplace and laid down. As she slung off her bow and quiver, a knock at the door made her pause.
“Miss Wildward?” A young Argent squire stood stiffly at the entrance.
“Yes, that is I.” 
“I have a letter from King Greymane. I was told it was urgent.”
Thyria frowned slightly. She had been fighting against the Scourge in Icecrown for weeks now, trying to keep them from spreading throughout Azeroth. She wondered what could be more urgent.
She raised a graceful arm and took the plain letter. “Thank you. Stay safe.”
The squire left with a bow. Thyria closed the cabin door and sat at her desk, intent on opening the letter as soon as possible.
Dear Thyria,
I have heard of your service in Northrend, and I commend you for it. I fear, however, there may be a more dangerous mission for which we need you. We, being the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde left on this plane. You have shown dedication to protecting Azeroth, and not just within faction lines. We have selected you to rebalance the world in this moment; by entering the rift to the Shadowlands, and bringing back our leaders.
You will not do this alone. We have been in communications with the Ebon Blade, who are already able to cross the veil. Additionally, we ask you to name more heroes you feel will be suited to this task. Ideally, individuals who have faction neutrality, yet still have an interest in rescuing the world leaders. 
Should you accept, write back or take the portal to see me in Stormwind. We are preparing to leave within a fortnight.
Genn Greymane
Thyria sat and stared at the fire. To cross the veil… into the realm of death. She had adventured to countless dangerous lands before, but this… It could be a point of no return. But, she reminded herself, it already may be for Anduin, Baine. And Elune knows Tyrande isn’t likely to let the Banshee Queen run and hide. Thyria wouldn’t let her High Priestess go alone.
She took out some parchment and a simple quill, penning back a letter. The least she could do was identify strong heroes to come with her, so that they’d have each others’ backs.
I would feel better about venturing into the realm of death with these individuals by my side.
Mituka Prairiecall. My colleague on various ecological expeditions. A tauren druid of the Cenarion Circle, Mituka puts faction lines secondary to preserving life. Her ideals align with Baine, meaning she would want to rescue him for the good of the tauren people, as well as to facilitate peace between the factions.
Sartruenne of Vashj’ir. A selfless, bright gilgoblin who has consistently gone out of her way to help the downtrodden. Sartruenne is a capable fighter and survivalist, wielding spears and tridents to down her quarry. Belonging to no faction, she would seek to defend Azeroth from this new threat.
Lyreae Sirendawn. I fought with her to liberate Suramar. Since then, she has travelled the world and grown into a powerful astromancer. For her role in freeing the Nightborne, I believe she would want to help Tyrande as much as any night elf.
All three are currently fighting the Scourge, in Icecrown or otherwise. I will wait for you to contact them in the spirit of discretion. I believe my contacts in the Ebon Blade, Cora Ka’an and Periael Driftkeen, have already been called to their duties, but I vouch for them as well.
I will see you soon.
Thyria Wildward
“No way. This wasn’t an invitation.” 
“Ma, you think we’re going to let you go by yourself into another world? When we just found each other again?” Tess asked with some exasperation, her grey eyes pleading. The harvest witch was seated comfortably on a couch, next to her younger sister Solyssa. 
“It’s dangerous. No one knows what we’ll find. The Ebon Blade are the most equipped to handle this.” Cora’s voice was razor sharp as she looked at her daughters who now surrounded her.
“Then why is Thyria going?” Jay piped up, leaning casually against the wall of the Boralus shack that they had made their family base of operations.
“She and her team have centuries more experience than you. She knows the risks. The living are not supposed to walk that realm.”
“Hey, you’re not supposed to walk this realm either. Yet here you are.” Nettie said with a smirk, her flowing robes spilled around her on the carpeted floor.
Cora gave her a look, and then let out a barking laugh. “I guess there’s no convincing you kids.”
Cora sighed and rubbed her temples. Jay’s golden eyes glistened with excitement, while Tess and Solyssa looked more concerned. Nettie’s steady glowing gaze, typical of the Forsaken, reminded her that she wasn’t the only one with experience of going beyond the Veil.
“Fine. I want you preparing immediately. Don’t rely on any one source of power. Settle your affairs.”
“At least let me finish my tea first,” Tess said.
Cora smiled. “You know, sometimes I think about what a miracle it is that we are all here.” She looked over to Sol and Tess. “You all could have never made it out of Gilneas, or you could’ve been shot by that fool Godfrey even if you did.”
Tess reached over to hold Solyssa’s hand at that. Solyssa nodded solemnly.
Cora examined her eldest daughter, the spitting image of a competent captain. “Jay built her own crew, gave us a foothold in Kul’Tiras when I was returning as a wanted woman. Even so, never thought I’d get better treatment than Lady Jaina!” Jay chuckled.
Her youngest daughter exuded calm, but she knew there were deep, swirling currents underneath. “And Nettie… Perhaps there is a reason that two of us experienced undeath. So that we could be the guides in this new realm.”
“So it is settled. We’ll go on this adventure together.”
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denerims-archive · 6 years
tell us a bit abt ur wow ocs!! pls?
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I have…a bunch so under the cut.
I have a main group of OCs that are members of a guild that includes some of @johnconstantlne‘s wow kids as well. They call themselves the Shield of the Dawn and they’re the main heroes in TBC + onward for the most part. 
Fiona is a human mage and member of the Kirin Tor. She’s level-headed, pragmatic, and incredibly smart. Fiona was born and raised on a small, failing farm in Hillsbrad. When she began to show talent in magic, she was shipped off to the Kirin Tor by her parents without much thought besides her being able to send her wages to them. She serves as one of the leaders and voices of reason in the Dawn. She eventually becomes an archmage and marries her fellow guild member Jack with whom she has a daughter with.
Ahma is a draenei paladin. She takes a position of leadership alongside Fiona and tends to temper her more pragmatic ideas. She’s emotionally mature, tempered and selfless. Her parents were some of those killed when Shattrath was first destroyed by the fel orcs when Ahma was young. She was taken under Prophet Velen’s wing and put her rage and anger towards becoming a vindicator to offer protection to her people. At the moment, Ahma just had her first son - Kure with her lover and guildmate Larek.
Lanayla is a night elf and archdruid of the Cenarion Circle. She’s very kind, empathetic and always eager to learn/explore. She was raised by her loving father - a druid who left Darnassus as they refused to allow Lanayla’s mother to train in druidism. He was killed by Lanayla when he succumbed to Nightmare. She’s one of the two members of the Dawn that isn’t present for TBC/WOTLK and joins during the Cataclysm when her home in Auberdine is destroyed. She’s currently engaged to her fellow guild member Victor. 
Whyzz is a gnome warlock and a bit of a wild card. She’s very intelligent, adventurous and reckless. Raised by two loving (read: overbearing) parents, she was eager to get out into the world and explore what it had to offer. She signed up to travel to Outland in TBC and was saved by the Dawn who she joined in their adventures. 
Moran is a dwarf hunter and a flightmaster. He’s closed off, a bit grumpy but very knowledgeable. He was part of the guild responsible for the events in Vanilla, including the death of C’Thun which killed most of his guild. He’s a bit reluctant to get close to the rest of the Dawn kids but he’s currently the godfather of Fiona and Jack’s daughter and he loves them all dearly.
The rest of my ocs are mostly miscellaneous or neutral characters that are tied to the Dawn in some way. 
Triss is a human priestess and member of Northshire Abbey. She’s sweet, temperamental and driven. She was raised in Elwynn Forest on a farm with her four siblings. When her eldest brother was killed in the Third War, Triss joined Northshire Abbey to aid the war effort in anyway she could though she didn’t see any fighting till the Northrend conflict in WOTLK. In Northrend, she met her lover and traveling companion Kestrasz - a dragon of the Red Flight. They’re currently traveling the world together. The two are acquaintances of the Dawn and have occasionally crossed their path.
Valeesa is a high elf death knight and second in command to Darion Mograine in the Ebon Blade. She’d cold, inhuman but eager to gain atonement for the things she did as a servant of the Lich King. She was a skilled warrior and member of the Silvermoon guard in her previous life. She died in its defense when the Scourge attacked and was raised as a death knight in Arthas’ service. Valeesa has aided the Dawn in many occasions, mostly in Northrend. She considers herself a neutral party though she frequents Alliance capitals. At the moment, she is traveling with her sister Anise, helping those who need it along the way. 
Anise is a blood elf rogue and was previously an assassin and spy in service of Lor’Themar Theron. She is calculating, fun-loving and vain. She was the younger sister of Valeesa and was a socialite in her youth. After the attack on Silvermoon, she put her skills to use as an assassin. Though she has other lovers, Anise is frequently rumored to have a relationship with Lor’Themar as well as Tharn Ironmaul (Larek, Ahma’s lover’s older brother). She has left the Horde after the burning of Teldrassil and is traveling with her elder sister. Though she hasn’t had much interaction with the Dawn as a whole, she once had a one night stand with Jack.
Odelia is a Kul Tiran shaman and tidesage. Wise, mischievous and bookish. Odelia grew up in a Boralus orphanage alongside Flynn Fairwind. The pair were quick friends but were separated when Odelia had the opportunity to train with the tidesages. She served on many Kul Tiran ships, aiding in navigation and travel through her 20s. She was one of the Dawn’s contacts in Stormsong Valley when dealing with the threats there. Recently, she’s reconnected with Flynn and is aiding the Alliance in Zandalar.
Mara is a night elf huntress and Sentinel Captain. She is serious, strategic and very loyal. Born to a seamstress before the War of the Ancients, she’s had a long time to get very good at what she does. She had a star-crossed romance with Taldren, a mage who was determined to join the Highborne to give him and Mara a better life. Though his ambitions brought him working towards what was unknowingly a catastrophic disaster. Too late to stop anything, Taldren realized his error and joined Mara and the rebels in fighting back in the War of the Ancients. After, Taldren banished himself from night elf society, leaving Mara as well. They recently reconnected in Cataclysm. Mara sent Lanayla and Victor in search of Taldren to make sure he survived. Currently, they’re serving the Alliance in Zandalar.
Del is a human monk and an ex-pirate. He is tranquil, witty and motivated to do good. Sold into slavery onto a ship as a young boy, he spent much of his time on the seas. Eventually, he was able to buy his freedom and was a pirate for much of his young adulthood, not knowing much else but that life. He and his crew were shipwrecked on Pandaria. Taken in by pandarens, he was nursed to life and was convinced to reconsider his path in life. He became an apprentice to the Shado-Pan. At the moment, he is trying to undo the corruption in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. 
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jaegertango · 7 years
TrueAU stuff
I don’t really have a legit name for this AU beyond just “typical” AU scene in which a random event in an OC’s life is changed drastically. No “evil” AU, no “sci-fi” AU, just something different applied to their lifestyle that really changes a lot about them. Mostly done for my own reading later on, because I don’t wanna forget about whatever detail I got right now.
Alastair Pentarus does not meet his fated end in Lordaeron. Managing to escape with his fiancée and his best friend, he survives the siege and starts a new life in Ironforge acting as the front gun man and bounty hunter for Enfinite Arms. The real Zolfos Enfini creates impressive new weapons and does not meet depression without the death of his father and best friend. Faerina, having not needed to remarry with her own fiancé still alive, stays at Alastair’s side faithfully and happily. Together, the three create a capable mercenary band tighter-knit than any net, and spend their years taking whichever missions they please. As Pentarus does not die – and therefore does not meet the Death Knight destined to brand him with Blood Runes – the art of Bloodhunting is lost to him. Instead, he sticks to his roots and simply uses as much gunpowder as possible, relying more on various arrays of bullets, as well as enhanced metal armors to improve his physical capabilities. What else more could he want in his blessed life?
Pentarus (as he still lives and does not feel the need to become Rasputen Tarsalai) is about equal in power as his undead self. What he lacks in magical power, he instead surpasses with technological might and an array of different tools for the job. His rifle, Songstorm, is even more finely tuned than his Kitten is, as now it has Zolfos’ expert touch improving it. The rifle has a heightened rate of fire, holds a clip instead of a bolt-action mechanism, and he can modify his bullets based on the desired effect he needs – such as explosive rounds, sniper shots, or crowd-control zaps. He also has several different weapons hidden in his armor, such as hidden blades and bombs. While he might not have the raw explosive (and portable) might of his Elementium Deathcannon, there is enough sheer firepower strapped to Alastair to obtain the same result if need be.
Haarithur Yed’elryn does not betray his Prince when he is branded a traitor. Sticking wholeheartedly to Kael’thas’ demands, the enfeebled Blood Elf drinks deeper into the Fel, his body eagerly absorbing the energy he so desperately needed. His enhanced prowess and savagery attracts the attention of the Illidari, and he in turn happily joins their ranks thanks to his addicted thirst for the Fel. When Kael’thas falls, Haarithur sheds no tears for his once-great Prince, his only thoughts dedicated towards feeding on demons and the most primal of his desires. After the fall of the Illidari (and the subsequent reawakening), the Sin’dorei begins to regret how wracked his body has become with corruption, and how his only reasons to live were either long since gone, or simple necessities of life. Attempting to find some other reason to give himself to this world, Haarithur now walks as a stain upon Azeroth, a fel-infused monster brought forth solely to slaughter demons or fuck the life out of them. With his normally calm temperament now blazing with demonic energy, the Demon Hunter takes his fire prowess to a whole new level, setting everything around him ablaze as he takes very vigorously to his Infernal demon within. If he can’t find his reason to live anymore, he’ll survive simply to spite whatever gods seem to want him dead.
Bound to the Infernal soul Immolus, Haarithur took his fiery crowd-control prowess to a much more aggressive height, and is also about equal in power to his original self. While the demon soul is simple-minded, its sheer rage and emotional value is in constant struggle with the Demon Hunter, making the Blood Elf much more hostile in combat. His skin seems to split with fel-green fires, and his Metamorphosis nearly sets him fully ablaze. Complete with his slow, thundering attacks and ground-shattering leaps, Haarithur terraforms the very battlefield with his actions, leaving nothing but a craggy waste of scorched earth in his wake. This also makes him much harder to control, as he turns from a stalwart vanguard bringing the fight to himself to instead chasing the slightest foe down with eager bloodthirst. The Demon Hunter in the excitement of a fight is unstoppable, but also impossible to lead without casualty. Such recklessness also keeps him wide open to attacks, forcing him to simply tank through blows he could otherwise dodge or block with ease.
Soren Sigmaine is not the sole survivor of the Vermillion Verdict. He instead perishes at the Enclave, killed by the Scourge as he protected his High Priestess Luxford. He is later raised at Acherus, and though his connection to the Light is strong, his inability to channel it into physical form also reflects in undeath – there is no way he can form death magic. Deeming the raised knight a failure, they condemn him to die by the other Death Knights who were able to prove their magical abilities. Yet, the knight never is killed once again; in a fit of supernatural defiance and zealous fury, Sigmaine slaughters every Death Knight seeking their title, tearing into them like paper and even ripping them apart with his bare hands when his blade was taken away. Deciding that it was too great a waste of resources to keep sending capable Death Knights to their violent ends by a “failure,” Rasuvious instead demands they arm up Soren and instead give him a fitting title – The Doomslayer, a stolen honorary of a disgraced Paladin sent on perilous missions bordering on suicide. As he lacks any ability to cast the death magics of the Ebon Blade, many believe him to be killed very quickly, but his inhuman rage and fanaticism drives the silent, seething knight into many bloody victories. While his memories have been blurred and corrupted, Sigmaine’s faith in a cause has not dwindled in any sense. There is no foe too mighty nor too numerous for the Doomslayer to kill.
Soren Sigmaine and the Doomslayer are not much different in fighting prowess. They both lack the magical might of their peers, and both prefer the aggressive, overwhelming might of their claymores in a storm of steel. However, the Doomslayer is much more wrathful in a fight, and is not against using every ounce of his extreme strength to utterly rip apart anyone and anything he fights. Sigmaine’s zealotry is the same, but his inner morality usually does not have him savagely tearing his foes to pieces so brutally. Either way, the knights prefer a fast paced style of attack, seeking to overwhelm their enemies and beat them back with obscene strength and body checks alone.
Shenvol Stormshade turns towards envy and corruption as many of his brothers had done before. Sickened by his constant rejection and worthless patrols of Malorne, he is wiled over by the temptations of the Flame. Entirely tossing away the ideals of zen the White Stag once enlightened him with, Shenvol reverts to his old passions of hasty and emotional fire, taking quite acutely to the teachings of the Firelord and Majordomo Staghelm. His compassion to fight and his eagerness to be noticed for his strength quickly give him the infamous name “Ashen Dragon” for the sheer amount of scorched earth and life usually seen in his presence. When the Firelands are besieged, he greedily fights back against the forces, preying especially on the members of the Cenarion Circle or the Sentinels themselves whilst ignoring everyone else. Though he fights hard, the effort is for naught, and he is forced to go into hiding as a result. Rumors of the Dragon’s whereabouts seem to skirt everywhere around Azeroth, though reports have now placed him against the Legion’s forces. Whether he is trying to rectify for his past actions or simply belying to his baser nature, it is much harder to tell. As his powers are amplified as a Master of the Flame, Shenvol takes a much more aggressive and flamboyant style of fighting, usually setting everything around him on fire with explosive palm strikes and burning kicks. He may have once been Nature’s warden, but now he walks as its betrayer.
Shenvol the Waywatcher prefers a precise, but fast-hitting form of martial arts that involves several blows to pinpoint areas where they will matter most. These barrage of attacks do not do much by themselves, but when combined into a flurry, the final hit always multiplies the attacks together into one mighty finale, destroying the target before they even have a chance to realize the damage they’ve taken. His Master of the Flame self, however, relies on simply using extreme amounts of explosive damage, including long-winded kicks and punches to simply smack through defenses through sheer (literal) firepower. He is much easier to block, but blocking also causes a gout of flame to burst from his fists with every punch. This style of martial arts, unlike his Way of the Hundred Blows mentality, is violent and puts more emphasis on singular attacks that chain together, rather than long combos that always end on a particular blow.
Rex tries to instead follow the orders of his people by sacrificing his Raiders to hold off the ensuing Orc masses on their march to Shattrath. In the end, it is inevitably for naught as the Orcs regardless pillage and slaughter the majority of the Draenei people through sheer numbers. While the Prophet personally tries to consult him that the Reaver had done the correct thing, Rex is heartbroken and disillusioned by his crew’s senseless sacrifice. Despite the many honors and praises attempting to cheer him up, the Draenei eventually goes on a suicidal quest to slaughter as many of the greenskins as possible, seeking repentance for his failure as a leader. Upon a lone hill in Hellfire Peninsula, he stacks the corpses up high, stomping above the mountain of dead as Rex keeps killing more and more of the corrupted Orcs. It is only through the intervention of a powerful Fel presence (possibly that of Kil’jaeden himself) that the Draenei’s mind is fully turned – and with it, his body. Twisting himself into a mighty Eredar, Rex’s thirst for blood and sex is tripled as he becomes one of the Legion’s most powerful and capable juggernauts. Some even claim him to be as demanding and strong as Broxigar himself – to which he gains the name Rexarath the Red. With huge amounts of Fel energy coursing through him, Rexarath now commands both indomitable magic as well as his unrivaled strength. Woe betide any who see Rexarath the Red looming in the distance…
Already the most powerful of the characters naturally, becoming an Eredar only boosts Rex's strength to even greater levels. He does not lose any of his extreme skill with a weapon, and now he also boasts powerful (albeit amateur-trained) prowess with Fel magic, simply hurling colossal balls of demonic flame at targets. Combined with his further-enhanced vitality, as well as the destruction of his personality to only desire destruction, and Rexarath is made into a being that would take armies to defeat.
Erendiir Ravenlight does not fall for the temptations of the Legion. Rather than lustfully seek more power, he instead turns against his Queen in a snide and prideful attempt to keep the Highborne people “at the top where they belong.” Being the powerful mage he is, he manages to escape even with his roaring betrayal against Azshara, and he takes several of the Highborne caste with him into the hands of Malfurion and the like. Because of his self-centered betrayal, Erendiir is on the winning side when the Legion is repealed, which only fuels his xenophobic ego even more greatly. For thousands of years, he absorbs the praise he receives as a hero of the War of the Ancients, gaining even greater power as a Gran Magister. His influence amidst the Highborne makes him a tremendous ally or a dreadful foe – but an asshole all the same. Regardless, there is no doubt that he stands as one of the most powerful and spellcasters to walk Azeroth, seeming to blur the very strands of time around him. All Night Elves are welcome under him – and everyone else are but paving stones for the Kaldorei empire to rise once more.
Erendiir loses out on the Fel-enhancement of his Satyr being, but spending ten-thousand years honing his magical craft and devouring magical rarities have made him an extremely powerful Mage that would actually surpass his demonic form. His magical content is so condensed with mana that the very fabric of time wilts around him at his will. This means that while his Satyr form was a definite upgrade, now he is a supercharged version of everything that already made him powerful. Ironically, this also makes him more mentally unstable than his demonic form does as well – so much magic coursing through his veins has made him even more hostile and xenophobic than ever before, and there are few people even among his own kind that he inherently trusts or likes. What he has in paranoia though, he also possesses in raw power – it's hard to find someone or something strong enough to keep their form after meeting Erendiir on the fields.
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wowcustodian · 7 years
History of the Black Dragonflight Part 2
Part 1: https://wowcustodian.tumblr.com/post/158604089586/history-of-the-black-dragonflight-part-1
The silence was only the quiet before the storm evidently as since his retreat into Deepholm Deathwing had not been idle. He had rested within the Stonecore, weakened from his wounds at the Battle of Grim Batol until the Twilight Hammer cult came to him and began working on forging Elementium armor plates from ore Deathwing had commanded the gyreworm Coroborus to dig up. The plates were hammered and fused into the Dragon’s flesh to sear his wounds closed and hold his slowly rupturing body apart. His madness taking physical form as the power of the Old Gods had steadily increased within him with the awakening of C’thun and Yogg-Saron. His power increased to greater then ever before and his body ready for war Deathwing burst from the Stonecore, shattering the World Pillar and destabilizing the connection between the Elemental Plane and Azeroth, erupting back into the world and causing the cataclysm known as the Shattering. The world itself heaved causing floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, the Elemental spirits were sent into a frenzy as Deathwing made his way east until he crashed down upon Stormwind, scorching the park and the stone towers before leaving, having reclaimed the heads of his children Nerafian and Onyxia. His madness now completely overtaking him his goal was to usher in the Hour of Twilight and see the eradication of all life from Azeroth.
Deathwing’s message had been clear, he had returned to see the world eclipsed in fire and shadow. Heroes from the Horde and Alliance began their work, hunting down the newly realised Twilight’s Hammer and quelling the unrest caused across the planet. In the Badlands a lone Red Dragon, Rheastrasza had begun research into the Black Dragonflight to see if there was some way to purify them of the Old Gods corruption. With the help of players and a gnome scientist, Dr Hieronymus Blam, she collects eggs from the captured Black Dragon Nyxondra and experiments on them, ultimately being able to purify a single egg. She calls players to a cave and to wait while she collects the egg only to be found by Deathwing who has learned of her plan. She begs that the egg be spared by Deathwing refuses and burns them both before leaving. Upon the player investigating it is revealed that the purified Black egg is long gone and the egg Deathwing thought was the purified one was one of Rhea’s own. (Also this quest is fucking heartbreaking. No matter how high level I get I can never bring myself to get rid of the Trinket you get from it.)
As his plans began to take motion Deathwing went to Mount Hyjal, just as Ysera’s Green Dragonflight arrived to witness Deathwing summon Ragnaros the Firelord back into Azeroth from the Firelands to see Nordrassil burn. Al’akir the Windlord also allies himself with the Old Gods and Deathwing as his minions seek to take control of a Titan machine in Uldum that could wipe out all life on Azeroth and in the Twilight Highlands the Twilight Dragons battle the Reds for control of the area as the Twilight Hammer, led by Cho’gall, claim the Bastion of Twilight as a stronghold to continue their experiments. Alextrasza and her son Calen lure Deathwing to the Highlands to try and end him once and for all and while both Dragons badly wound the other ultimately Deathwing survives. Calen has the player leave with his mother while he stays to hold Deathwing back, claiming later that the Black Dragon was more hurt then he let on and was forced to retreat to recover.
As further fuel for his experiments Deathwing, using the power of the Old Gods, revived his dead son Nefarian as an undead dragon and set him to work in Blackrock Spire once more. His experiments more gruesome then ever, resulting in his final “greatest” creation; a revived Onyxia supposedly capable of being a new Brood mother for their flight.
Another plan of Deathwing’s that ended in failure was the Blue Dragon Arygos, son of Malygos. After Malygos’ death the Blue Dragonflight were discussing who to choose as the new Aspect of magic and in secret Arygos had stuck a bargain with Deathwing that would see him as his father’s successor and the Blues to survive the coming destruction in exchange for loyalty to the Black Aspect. The plan ended when the Blue Dragonflight voted Kalecgos as their new Aspect of Magic. Arygos ran from Coldarra and was soon after killed by the Twilight Hammer for his blood to be the catalyst to bring Chromatus to life. (I did say it was years later.)
As Deathwing and his forces ravaged the lands Kalecgos as the newest Aspect, as well as Ysera, Nozdormu and Alextrasza began meeting at Mount Hyjal to discuss possible ways to defeat the Destroyer. Ysera also took time to train Thrall to better connect to the earth, allowing him to see for hundreds of miles around until he felt some kind of “gap” in his perception beneath Hyjal. Delving down Thrall constructed a stone copy of himself as he reached the empty space and found it to be a chamber hidden under the mountain, blocking anything from seeing inside. As he entered the Orc found himself face to face with the Black Aspect who proceeded to beat and claw the stone Thrall, the pain of his wounds reaching his flesh and blood self. Deathwing saw it as a mockery that the other Aspects dared to try and “replace” him as Earth Warder with a mortal shaman. It was only by the Aspects, Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle that Thrall survived and the Aspects themselves came to the conclusion that the only chance to defeat Deathwing was with his own creation; The Dragon Soul.
Nozdormu opened a time portal to send heroes back to the Well of Eternity, before the Sundering to allow the disc to be stolen before it was sent away. Bringing the item back to the present and ferrying it to Wyrmrest Temple, Thrall and his Hero escorts (*coughfuckthisdungeoncough*) are accosted by the Twilight’s Hammer, desperate to prevent the Dragon Soul from being used.
At some point before the Dragon Soul was brought to Wyrmrest the Red Dragons employ a Rogue to recover a Decoder ring from Hagara the Stormbinder and deliver it to Corastrasza in the Twilight Highlands, claiming it could act as a cipher for a hidden message. Upon arriving the Rogue discovers a dead thief at the Dragon’s feet and she explains the purified Black Dragon Egg Rheastrasza sent off from the Badlands was being kept at the Vermillion Redoubt for safe keeping until a band of these thieves snuck in and stole it. The cipher is needed to decode the message in the pocket of the dead man. The message is revealed to be instructions mentioning to meet up at Ravenholdt Manor in Hillsbrad with the egg and the Rogue is sent there to retrieve it.
Upon reaching the basement where the egg is kept it’s revealed the egg has hatched into the Black Prince, Wrathion. Pure of the Old God corruption but no less merciless than the rest of his kin. He employs the Rogue to hunt down other Black Dragons, claiming that they are a threat to Azeroth and to himself.
The first is Hiram Creed, a Black Drakonid who, disguised as a Gilnean has gathered a motley crew together on promises of retaking their city. He has infected them with his Draconic blood to heighten their senses and abilities while slowly corrupting them into being his slaves.
The second is Nalice, the Black Dragonflight representative from Wyrmrest Temple. Now she’s hiding out in the caves underneath Karazhan and digging up arcane secrets.
Thirdly is Deathwing himself. Wrathion tasks the Rogue with being one of the Raid that sees Deathwing destroyed. So it finally comes to the battle of Wyrmrest. Deathwing and his forces attack Dragonblight in full force. The ground ripped open as colossal maws of leviathan tentacle covered beasts spew the minions of the Old God N’Zoth out to swarm the temple. The Black Dragonflight battle their cousins, filling the sky as the Horde and Alliance airships try to defend the temple as best they can. All of the combined efforts trying to buy the Aspects enough time to use the Dragon Soul, or rather for them to empower the Soul so Thrall can use it since it’s still unable to be wielded by a Dragon.
It was here Deathwing unveiled his “ultimate” creation; the Twilight Dragon Ultraxion. Having consumed the energies from Nether Dragons, Ultraxion radiates crackling purple lightning and attempts to bring down the Aspects as they work on the Dragon Soul. Ultraxion, like all of Deathwing’s plans, failed due to the Heroes of Azeroth defending the Aspects and slaying the Twilight Dragon. Finally prepared, Thrall releases the power of the Dragon Soul on Deathwing, badly wounding him. In his rage the Black Aspect destroyed the Horde airship and began making his way back to the Maelstrom to flee into Deepholm as he had done before. The Aspects, Thrall and Heroes of the Horde and Alliance all boarded the Alliance airship, the Skyfire, and gave chase.
After fending off Warmaster Blackhorn and his Twilight Drakes the Heroes dove out of the Skyfire and landed on the back of Deathwing himself and proceeded to forcefully tear away the Elementium plates holding the Dragon’s body together. The damage done to him and another blast from the Dragon Soul by Thrall pierced a hole through Deathwing’s chest, causing him to crash into the Maelstrom.
Believing him finally dead, the group met up with Thrall and the Aspects on the shores of the Maelstrom only to have their celebrations cut short as Deathwing, now little more then a writhing insane mass of fire and tendrils, rose from the waters for one latch ditch effort to snuff them out and cause a second Cataclysm. With the immense power of the Aspects Deathwing was finally slain and his body utterly destroyed save for his jaw which was carried back to Stormwind and Orgrimmar as a trophy just as had happened to his children.
With the plans of the Black Dragonflight finally stopped Wrathion’s agent returns to him to find the Black Prince standing at the corpse of a Red Dragon, claiming the “Treacherous” Red Dragonflight attempted to kill him off. It is then Wrathion informs the Rogue of one final Black Dragon that he wishes to see dead. His bodyguard Fahrad. Wrathion goads Fahrad, pointing out that as a Black Dragon he too shares the visions and whispers of the Old Gods every one of his brothers and sisters has. Becoming agitated Fahrad takes on his Dragon form and attacks but at the last second the Rogue lunges from the shadows and deals a killing blow.
Relieved Wrathion claims he is, as far as he is aware, the last Black Dragon in existence. He takes on his Whelpling form and flies off.
Later in Pandaria strange agents working for an unknown master pop up here and there, scouting the lands. As it turns out they serve Wrathion who calls heroes he deems worthy to the Tavern in the Mists where he explains that he has foreseen the return of the Burning Legion and that Azeroth has no hope to survive should the Horde and Alliance continue their war. As his only interest is in Azeroth itself and not the mortal races, he pledges his loyalty to each faction without the other knowing. He tasks these heroes with proving their faction deserves with win the war and thus be the vanguard to stand against the Legion. He judges Varian and Garrosh, asking the Heroes to see for themselves what the Alliance and Horde truly stand for.
During his stay in Pandaria Wrathion becomes friend with Prince Anduin. The two debate on the merits of harsh leadership versus compassion as Anduin recovers from an attack by Garrosh.
After gathering requested resources for Wrathion he leads Heroes to the Isle of Thunder, to the Thunder Forges. His plan being to use the power of Lei Shen against him. Acknowledging the brilliance of the Thunder King as well as the Titanic machinery he uses, Wrathion manages to craft the Lightning Lance which he claims can harness the very power the Thunder King himself wields, however the weapon must be tempered by using the Lance on the Cloud Serpent Nalak just as it dies, to absorb the power Lei Shen imbued into the creature. With what the Heroes gatheres Wrathion creates the Crown of Heaven to empower the Heroes armor and declares them the “spark” that with ignite and unlock Azeroth’s true potential.
Next he requests the Heroes to return to the Isle of Thunder to gather Titan Runestones to learn about the history of the Mogu race, their Titanic origin and their servitude to the Titan Keeper, Ra. Their purpose of protecting the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and its power. Their eventual rebellion and founding of the different clans and eventually the rise of the Thunder King and his Empire.
After learning of the power Lei Shen holds Wrathion commands the Heroes to go to the Isle one last time and return with the Heart of the Thunder King. The campaign is long and difficult but they do return victorious and present the Heart to Wrathion who, despite Anduin’s obvious disgust, eats the heart to gain the Titan knowledge Lei Shen possessed. After devouring the heart he receives a vision of millions of worlds presumably all the planets the Titans visited and a voice speaks through him of having to “Rebuild the final Titan.” Afterward he claims to’ve forgotten everything the Heart showed him and that all the Mogu too also forgot their purpose.
The next task the Prince has is to talk to all four August Celestials and complete a trial from one of them. Each of the Celestials asks Wrathion of his opinion of each trait they stand for; Strength, Hope, Fortitude and Wisdom. Each Celestial disputes Wrathion’s thoughts, such as him believing strength to mean having the power to crush your enemies or that he does not truly believe Azeroth can withstand the Legion.
Yu’lon and Xuen both have the Hero duel a blindfolded Wrathion. Chi’ji and Niuzao summon a vision of Deathwing’s humanoid form and ask the Hero to heal and protect Wrathion as he fights it. From this we learn that beneath all of Wrathion’s cold arrogance he is terrified of Deathwing. Despite the attempts to offer advice Wrathion dismisses the words of the Celestials, interested only in the power they offer. Taking their blessings Wrathion creates a Cloak of Virtue, another token of power gifted to us as a reward for our aid.
The Black Prince has one last mission for us, to allow us to earn his Draconic power to be augmented into the cloak to increase its power and so sends us to the newly discovered Timeless Isle. At the Isle Wrathion introduces the Heroes to Kairozdormu, a Bronze Dragon studying the anomaly that is the Timeless Isle. Gathering the reagents from the Timeless Isle Wrathion requests he asks us to meet him at the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. With Lorewalker Cho transcribing the tale of your exploits the two begin to argue about what kind of “Hero” the story is about, one who seeks to benefit the world or destroy their enemies. Nevertheless Wrathion forged the Cloak with the power of his own magic, creating the Legendary Cloak. With its immense power Wrathion gives the Hero the task he apparently had been preparing them for all along; Garrosh Hellscream’s assassination. To take part in the Siege of Orgrimmar and end Garrosh, leading to the Alliance taking the chance to destroy the Horde in their weakened state.
As this is not the outcome, the Hero returns to Wrathion to find him storming about the Tavern in the Mists, throwing glasses about and breathing fire, insulting Varian Wrynn for throwing away his opportunity. His plan had been to aid the Horde in conquering Azeroth until Garrosh alienated himself from the other Horde Leaders at which point Wrathion’s allegiance changed to the Alliance. In his anger he claims he should have do what “Auntie Onyxia” did and assume direct control of the Alliance himself.
His bartender Tong grows infuriated at Wrathion’s rambling and finally talks back to the Black Prince, trying to convince him that the Horde and Alliance are at their strongest because of the conflict between them pushing them both, however Wrathion dismisses Tong’s words as he did the Celestials and flies off after proclaiming that he will stop at nothing to prepare Azeroth for the coming war and that “next time” he will leave nothing to chance.
Wrathion is not one to sit and do nothing and so as the world prepared for the trial of Garrosh Hellscream he began planning. As the trial went on he met regularly with Anduin Wrynn as the two grew to become good friends yet Wrathion also ventured to meet with Warlord Zaela, leader of the Black Dragon clan and engineering her clan as well as several allies, attacking the Temple of the White Tiger to disrupt the trial long enough for Wrathion’s other ally, Kairoz, to free Garrosh and together the two lept across time and space to Alternate Draenor. His belief was that a new more powerful Horde could sweep across Azeroth and remove the Alliance and the old Horde from the world so that an Azeroth of united Orcs would stand ready to fight the Legion when they inevitably return.
Wrathion himself travelled to Draenor and ended up at Admiral Taylor’s garrison claiming to have angered the local Ogres and sought somewhere to stay. While there he grew to distrust Taylor aswell as one of his followers, Ephial. Wrathion eventually left the garrison, taking several of Taylor’s men with him. Beyond being briefly seen in his Whelp form sat outside Khadgar’s tower in Talador the Dragon has not been seen since.
Since the Legion’s invasion and the campaign across the Broken Isle Wrathion himself has not been seen however as this is the very conflict he was so obsessed about I’d be surprised if we didn’t see him at some point. We were introduced to a new Black Dragon, minor spoilers if you haven’t completed the questing experience in the new zones.
It is discovered that when Huln Highmountain banished Deathwing to Deepholm he used the Hammer of Khaz’goroth to attempt to purify some of the remaining Black Dragon eggs of their corruption. While most were destroyed a single Whelpling remained, Ebyssian or as Huln names him, Ebonhorn. Ebyssian had remained in Highmountain across the centuries having taken on the form of a Tauren and serving as an advisor to every High Chieftan to follow in Huln’s hoofprints. After completing the Nelthation’s Lair Dungeon Ebyssian says he has “Family matters” to attend to which seems to hint at a confrontation between himself and Wrathion but we have yet to see anything from the two since then.
Wrathion gives us our best depiction of how Black Dragons were before the Old Gods corrupted them as Xuen calls him “A Black Dragon through and through.” From him we can determine the Black Dragons are rather disconnected from the mortal races, focused on the wellbeing of Azeroth as a whole. Focused, arrogant and seemingly unwilling to listen to the advice of others, they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and are unrepentant about doing so. Many Black Dragons have shown a preference for manipulating mortals, humans more then any other, to carry out tasks for them rather then get their hands dirty themselves.
Ebyssian is the exception to this being compassionate and loyal to the Highmountain Tauren however as he was raised with zero contact with any other Dragon, living in hiding it is understandable how he grew so attached to the people.
Male Black Dragons tend to end with the suffix “an” while females usually end with “ia” though as with all Dragonflights there are exceptions such as Razormaw, Nalice, Nyxondra and Neltharion himself. Like many Dragons they choose to live in caves however Black Dragons generally choose somewhere deep underground with molten lava running about their lair. They can breathe lava and the symbol of the Black Dragonflight is a volcano.
PHEW Jeez this one took a while. I thought the other posts were long. This one ended up taking a lot more effort then I realised, hopefully I won’t make that mistake again. If you made it through the entire thing congratulations! Apologies if my rambling was boring, any feedback is welcome as always.
P.S. WrathionxAnduin OTP!
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julesvalebright · 5 years
👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend.
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Jules tends to make friends easily, and routinely surrounds himself with people, but lately he probably doesn’t really consider anyone his ‘best’ friend. Since his relationship moved out of his reach- a loss that continues to be a process in healing- there probably hasn’t been much room for someone else to get near as close. 
That said, he has developed good friendships with Melisande and now her brother Mathias, as well as reconnecting with Inerris and others. There’s also Vesperas Shademyst, a local Ren’dorei woman who hangs around his shop sometimes, often wanting him to share stories/a smoke. His mentor with the Cenarion crew, Thoridath, is an important figure too, while Lynesse has long since been a sort of Mom to him, and that’s certainly special. 
In the end he’s slowly getting closer to people again, though he’s still a bit of a disaster!
Thanks, @kharrisdawndancer! @melisandemeadowshine, @mathias-meadowshine, @inerris-ianthine, @gloamingdawn for mentions! Also @sleeping-seer for Vespie.
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julesvalebright · 7 years
Julrien Valebright
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Appearance -
Gender: Male
Race: Sin’dorei
Height: 5′10″
Eye Color: Blue-green
Hair Color: Darkest brown/black
The Facts -
Birthday: March 23rd.
Occupation: Former Blood Knight, presently affiliated with the Cenarion crew and specifically the Expedition; florist.
Sexual identification:  Homosexual.
Romantic identification: Homoromantic.
Alignment: Lawfulish Good.
Criminal History: Minor bar brawls/fist fights.
Documented: None since schoolyard fights!
Undocumented: A handful of times, spread out here and there. None really recent.
Relationship Status: Single.
Favorites –
Favorite food: Juicy steaks, kebabs, fresh apples, greasy Faire food, the lemon bars at Fancy Cakes.
Favorite drink:  Coffee.
Favorite artist: Do poets count as ‘artists’? He does love those. Traditional art-wise, he enjoys pastel watercolour scenes, especially featuring sunsets and the like… or else crazy, loud and even obnoxious ‘pop art’. 
Favorite scents:  Lilac, fresh coffee, cinnamon, the forge.
Favorite person: (Lore), Thoridath Greenstorm, his Kaldorei mentor, @gloamingdawn, @melisandemeadowshine, @inerris-ianthine. 
Randoms –
Ten facts about your muse:
⚫  He has a half-sister less than a year younger than himself. @feywren  is head of House Evenlight, based in Eversong.
⚫  He has never had a pet, not even when he was little. He and his best friend Saerie, the little girl who lived next door, used to rescue birds and the like, but that was as close as it ever got. 
⚫ He regularly sings in the shower. It’s probably nothing to write home about, but he can carry a tune well enough!
⚫  His mother’s family has always tended gardens/worked with plant-life, for generations before he came along, and even generations before that, in the earliest recorded days of their people. He would probably have gone on to do so at the Evenlight estates as well, had he been raised there and circumstances been different.
⚫ Julrien’s hair is super thick, and he undercuts it so he can keep it long, the way he likes it, without the literal headaches that can result.
⚫  His mother claimed she always knew he was gay, even if he mostly rolled his eyes at that. Her acceptance and support were unwavering and very welcome, however, as he figured himself out.
⚫ The news of Ysera’s death struck him oddly hard. He had perhaps revered her, but her presence was never a part of his life outside of where the Aspect’s dealings intersected with the Blood Knights’ work during events of the Cataclysm, and since. All the same, he was oddly preoccupied with it for a good few weeks when it happened.
⚫ He likely had a bit of a ‘reputation’ for getting around as a new recruit among the Blood Knights. It was probably well-earned, at the time.
⚫ His first ‘real relationship’, if one could call it that, was with a very abusive, wealthy noble whose family owned a textiles company. It lasted right up until the Scourge invasion, and when their holdings were destroyed, he disappeared. Presumed dead.
⚫  He has slept in his greenhouse a few times since the spring weather rolled back into town. The glass ceiling makes for a really gorgeous sight as he’s settling in for the night.
Five Things -
Things they like: - Flowers - Running - Sunset - Sex - Writing
Things they dislike:
- ‘Stuck-up’ noble-types - Cooking for himself - Snow/cold weather - Being pitied - Judgmental people
Good traits/habits:
- Loyal - Protective - Open-minded - Quick-witted - Nurturing
Bad traits/habits:
- Impulsive - Short-tempered - Outspoken - Reckless - A little disorganized in his living space
Personalities they gravitate toward:
- Passionate - Clever - Playful - Honest - Open
Personality types they avoid:
- Elitist - Judgmental - Manipulative - Cruel - Apathetic
- Abandonment - Failing those he loves  - Betrayal - Being physically tied up/bound- a work in progress. - Doomguards aren’t great either.
Tagged by: @inerris-ianthine
Tagging: You, and you... also you. 
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