#Celestial Visions
musicrelax78 · 1 year
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Stellar Haven: Nexus of Cosmic Realms
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yangjeongin · 9 days
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warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular.
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notbecauseofvictories · 10 months
I know my experience is not universal, but I biked 5+ miles to do my errands today and I genuinely think we'd be much happier as a human collective if we increased residential density and switched to largely alternative modes of transportation.
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artemx746 · 15 days
post reading celestial monsters and I’m thinking about Quetzal calling him Suerte in the first book a very normal amount
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 months
Something something Starweaver spiders being connected to the Star primal and having venom that’s essential to a ritual for healing a soul from dark magic use something something the Celestial elves wearing blindfolds made of their silk out of reverence for the stars and Startouch elves something something Aaravos covering one of Viren’s eyes with silk from their dark magic-Star magic hybrid child in order to influence him more and lead him further down his path of darkness something something dark magic making your eyes glow bright purplish white, just like Star magic possession by Aaravos, and then fade to black
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1000sunnygo · 3 days
Ok so sometimes I see people claiming Oda originally planned for Law to be evil. Did he actually say that? I can't find much on it
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This and "Law is Oda's wife's favorite character" ROFL
Videos like this might've been the culprit behind this rumor. Law being 'named after a brutal pirate and allegedly had terrible rumors about him', doesn't equate to "Law was meant to be evil." No matter how canon-coded it seems, something can't be called a "fact" unless there's a legitimate reference. So far, Oda has made no such statement about Law.
The video used a draft image to back the point that Law was depicted as "scheming and manipulative" during Punk Hazard, taken from OP magazine vol. 8:
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Sanji's dialogue, roughly: "Your strategy is to go head on against Doflamingo and Kaido, and to weaken Kaido's military strength, isn't it? And we're *in it together* because we believe the outcome benefits us, as well.
What are you planning?
I don't mind going ahead (to Zou), but I won't leave my friends in danger."
Law: Sharp at bargaining, aren't you...
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It's not from Punk Hazard, it was Dressrosa.
Not to mention in both draft and finalized versions, it was Sanji cornering Law, not the other way around. IMHO it didn't add or subtract much from law's character as we already know him.
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It's very likely that Law was planned to be (more) morally grey and manipulative. But inflating it as Oda's statement makes it a misinformation. This fandom sadly has a lot of these, thanks to engagement farming content creators.
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hellverse · 8 months
cas goes to sit on the rooftops of really tall buildings when he’s offended by something btw
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whatudottu · 1 year
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Do y'all think object heads have a peculiar vision? Well I certainly do!
If DJSS is actually a supernova then assumption probably brings with it the idea they were a star, and being a star where it sends light in every direction and vision is directly correlated to light, what if that means omnidirectional vision?
#dj subatomic supernova#djss#no straight roads#nsr#fanart#a lot of notes i have in the image itself but i'll talk about them in the tags#i like to headcanon nova in youth was an o-class main sequence star aka big blue star that is bound to supernova#that shit is BRIGHT like 800000ish times our sun bright so even at a portable head size it's like a literal eyesore#kid to adult nova probably had to wear a helmet for others safety (an inconvenience to be sure)#but that would inherently condition them to have a more eye-based narrowed vision with a more frontal view of the world#which was helped a long way by being blinded by their own luminosity at the back and sides of that helmet#even if their vision was kinda dimmed and muted thanks to the visor being as shaded as it was#which is why when nova's a- well- supernova the interior of their hoodie not only is white but emits light#practically speaking it would be an inconvenience as the dj of a lowlit club but what if it was a habit that was a layover from being a sta#and to that: vision as a star and vision as a supernova are like two completely different logics#if a star is one celestial object that can view everything in every direction- a hot cloud of space dust is just trillions of staring eyes#compound eye having ass#from 20 or so years being blinded by their own light it does mean that not EVERYTHING has sight#let alone the 'used to be internal' contents of nova's head that kinda swirl in no particular direction#but whenever those blind spots happen to swirl their way up to the glass nova may get spotty vision#probably more a visual snow rather than any cataracts just because of the shear number of space dust particles#which means poor nova the dark gets littered with static and stargazing has a little more stars than they were used to#though it might also be because they aren't perpetually wearing sunglasses anymore but then again shades are different than visual snow#i have no idea where i learnt this (i think it was a humans are space orcs thing) that spacewalks can be utterly TERRIFYING#so i don't know if this was a nasa (or other space organisation documented) observation or general fear of space moment#but if folk are terrified with their binocular vision to float around in an ever endless void of stars and systems- how would nova feel?#i mean sure they utterly revel in space (they're an astrophysicist and ex-professor for it for god's sake) but they're now IN space#and it was just after bunkbed junction crashed their concert and took apparently their helmet and headphones as a trophy#bestie having omnidirectional vision in space is one thing it's another to literally have the place your vision comes from spread out!#i mean being the object that is their head it's not going to run completely away from them
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visualcontinuum · 5 months
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.309. Solar eclipse with seven planets
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evercelle · 1 year
So you do a whole lot of cool AU stuff, and have a good amount of variations of Saiouma. Is there any AU that's your favorite, or any interesting ones you think sound cool but haven't explored yet? Just curious!
ohh anon... the sheer quantity of AUs me and my v3pilled friends have rotated. something about saiou is just extremely AUable.
it's only sort of AU, but i like thinking about despair disease for v3! it's usually played light-hearted with ouma spilling his feelings for saihara, but i like 'truth serum' fics that are about how fucked up and scary it is to lose agency over one's secrets. for someone as controlled as ouma, it's a total nightmare situation...! saihara would help ouma without seizing the opportunity to question him, because saihara's past means he understands how terrifying the process of telling the truth is. that's the fic i started writing, but don't think i'll finish, alas... a truth disease story about understanding each other in spite of monokuma forcing a trope, rather than because of it ✨
for an actual AU: i recently read the summer hikaru died and not to make everything saiou (bc that manga is an INCREDIBLE piece of romantic horror storytelling and i highly recommend it!!) but the same premise would be sooo fun with saiou. 'ouma' as an entity that's quite literally a living lie...! struggling with which feelings are truth and lies! questions about personhood!! knife romance!!! yahoo
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
Can you imagine if Tang isnt related to Tripitaka at all. Like in no real way. They’re not the same person, they’re not familiar, tang isn’t a reincarnation of him.
But instead Tang is just some dude that kinda got pulled into the mess because he was friends with the Noodle family.
If he hadn’t met pigsy he’d be a totally regular guy, but since he did the celestials kinda had to give him a stat boost or else he’d die too quickly.
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ehnrat · 1 year
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Omir's step siblings concepts, the ones who we're born in the Celestial Plane
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thebibliomancer · 5 months
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Earth X #11
We’re getting really close to the end. Let’s wrap up some subplots while we can.
Before this series began, Black Bolt blinded Uatu the Watcher to conceal his actions and then set off a Terrigen Bomb that mutated all humanity into Inhumanity. He had his reasons.
Uatu recruited Aaron Stack, Machine Man, to be his seeing eye robot. Aaron discovered that Uatu was hiding a dark secret - that inside Earth there is a Celestial egg which will one day hatch and destroy the world.
Humanity has long been manipulated by the Celestials to serve as guardians for the egg. In fact, Uatu claims that everything that makes humans human was just a beneficial trait to make humans evolve the power to protect the world from outsiders and themselves.
A terrible psychic teen known as the Skull has risen up and brought thousands under his control. He shoved President Osborn out a window and plans to take control of everything.
The Skull, too, was part of the Celestial plan. Not that he knew it. Meant to bring the chaotic mutated population under control so in-fighting wouldn’t threaten the planet and the Celestial egg.
Cap raised an army to fight the Skull but failed because he tried a full frontal assault on the guy with mind control powers.
Now the world is basically the Skull’s.
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Aaron has flipped Uatu the bird and gone to recruit Reed Richards, telling him all the horrible cosmic egg stuff.
Reed asked Black Bolt for a favor and then went to confront Uatu on the Moon.
He has a lot to talk to him about. Like how Alicia Masters is so cool that she proves humanity would still have worth even if they hadn’t been altered by the Celestial seeds.
Then, Reed realizes that Galactus was the natural balance against the Celestials but whoops, Reed turned him into a star.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Add a tally to the counter. Other stuff would borrow Earth X’s idea that Galactus’ role was to balance out the Celestials.
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Peter Parker has suited back up as Peter Parker Spider-Man after seeing his daughter May/Venom in the Skull’s creepy clutches.
Fat Spider-Man is one of the things most known about Earth X.
In all honesty, Peter just has the middle-aged out of shape look. But deciding to wear a Halloween costume that’s many sizes too small isn’t a great look for him.
I don’t even know why he did it. His identity is public. A Halloween costume doesn’t offer any more protection than his civilian clothes they actually fit him do. I feel like this is in here because it was one of the concept sketches. So whether it makes sense or not, Peter has to wear a costume that doesn’t fit.
Honestly, maybe it was to psyche himself up. Let’s just say that’s the case.
Between issues, he has rescued Captain America from the Skull’s forces.
Now that he got his ass kicked again, Steve has an actual plan and goes to visit Thing to borrow Alicia’s living clay sculptures.
The Skull can’t control something that doesn’t have a mind.
And it’s not going to be several issues of globe-trotting to gather forces for a counterattack. Steve already burned through those resources!
On the Moon, Black Bolt attacks the Celestials.
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They blow him the hell up.
But his real goal, the favor Reed asked of him, was to use the most powerful voice in the universe to send an SOS from the Moon. Shouted into space.
To who? Dunno. Another mystery for later.
But we learned what favor Reed wanted and that Black Bolt’s face is kinda messed up from his body adapting to the rigors of space so that’s why he started wearing a mask.
Hope that SOS plot thread also gets a prompt resolution. We only have so many issues to go.
And there’s still dangling plot stuff like Mar-Vell or why Loki decided to help Aaron.
Cap vs the Skull gets a round three. The clay sculptures work great since the Skull can’t control them.
But they work best as camouflage.
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Disguised as one of the clay statues, Captain America sneaks up on the Skull and breaks his neck.
Bye, the Skull. You were horrible but you were funny.
His particular brand of bratty menace has been stopped but the day is not saved. Actually, the day got worse.
When the Skull dies, the Celestials head towards Earth.
As Uatu explains in the appendix, the Skull was a fail safe to keep the people of Earth from threatening the planet. With him dead, the Celestials are going to wipe out all life on Earth so nobody down there causes more trouble.
(The appendices in this issue are particularly good. Uatu desperately wants to know what’s happening and Reed agrees to tell him if they trade questions and answers. Uatu reveals that the Celestial seed germination comes in different stages. Earth is mostly at stage 1 - just a chaos of different powers being triggered. Mutants, Hulks, Spider-Men, Fantastic Four. And so on. Stage 2 is where the Skrulls are. Homogenization of people and power. Interestingly, Uatu claims Reed himself represents what a stage 2 human would be. Given time, all of humanity would become Mr Fantastics. There’s a stage 3 but Uatu tells Reed to ask Aaron about it.)
Anyway, the Celestials are coming to wipe out all life because Cap broke a kid’s neck.
Luckily, Iron Man has a giant robot he got from Osborn and has been building an army of Iron Men for years to usurp the dude.
He never did it because Tony didn’t want to be in charge but it’s sure handy now that Tony has continued to be Tony. Ridiculously prepared.
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Tony fighting Celestials in a giant robot? Another tally for Earth X.
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salparadiselost · 6 months
If I was an artist, I’d draw a picture of Bruce and Clark kissing with celestial motifs to celebrate Eclipse Day.
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gifti3 · 5 months
The way they have asmos fits in the 5th boxes
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commedessgarcons · 2 years
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Celeste for Found and Vision Magazine, Photographed by Sammy King
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