#Celeste Sector
at-liberty-news · 4 months
Territory Status: Day 15
Super Earth forces have reclaimed Cirrus before the bugs could use it as a staging ground to assault Moradesh, and Acamar IV is nearly liberated as well. Well done, troopers! Overall, the Helldivers' efforts to contain the Terminid threat exceed expectations. This comes at a cost, however, as the Automaton front remains in disarray, with all contested planets except Vernen Wells remaining in critical condition, and Vernen is dropping ever so slightly by the day. Without reinforcements, the stalwart soldiers already on the surface will never push back.
In a surprising twist, Terminid reproduction rates have slowed to a crawl across all systems, so low in fact that they can only hold existing ground. Any ground taken by the SEAF will be easy to hold.
That should be all for today. Apologies for the delay! Most of the Super Destroyer staff we relied on as informants were undergoing maintenance, forcing us to take longer corroborating claims by ourselves. This is Michael Adams, signing off for the time being. Give 'em Hell, DIvers!
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lichqueenlibrarian · 2 months
Decided to start reading Triangle by Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath and BOY are we off to a good start.
The prologue alone has:
A sector of space the Humans call “The Marie Celeste Sector” because of all the small ships that disappear there.
Starfleet’s Chief of Staff assigning the Enterprise to a diplomatic mission: “And it is still old fashioned love among solitary beings which keeps my ships going. I will give you the Enterprise, where you may learn something extraordinary about that. Then tell me whether love, or Oneness, will keep us in the stars.”
THE AMBASSADOR QUOTES FROM JOB “have you considered my servant Job?”
Then the ambassador accepts passage under “the usual terms and conditions…That I may take his soul.”
Spooky space, and basically a guarantee that the Enterprise is going to be tested unto destruction/despair, given the Job reference.
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ophernelia · 6 months
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'Cause maybe you wanna just jump in at Season 3 and that's okay too. So, here's a quick synopsis of seasons one and two for each major character. Spoilers below!
Lykaia is a dark fantasy series that stems from one of my gameplay saves. Content warnings can be found here. Season 1 was just meant as a means for me to practice filmmaking. It wasn't too lore heavy or thought out. Somehow it's developed into this. I've made everything up as I've gone. Only taking a real shot at writing a script during season 2.
IMOGEN SUMNER: Quiet and somewhat psychic Imogen moves to Copperdale after her eccentric grandmother dies. She finds out her childhood best friend, Lou, is a lycan. The girl Lou was pursuing prior to Imogen moving to Copperdale, Eloise Tinsley, comes from a family of hunters who take over the town with the help of the mayor. Imogen and Lou develop romantic feelings for one another. The two begin dating the following summer. Lou marks Imogen claiming her as his mate. Imogen helps Lou and his friends (who are also his pack mates) move out of Copperdale to San Francisco once the former becomes too unsafe for them to live in. Season 2 Imogen struggles with fully integrating into the friend group, but ultimately does so successfully. Lou and Imogen quietly get engaged. She aids Lou in helping him find his dad. Upon helping Lou meet his father, Imogen meets her great aunt, the oracle Dodona. Imogen finds out Hattie died after passing her abilities onto Imogen.
LOU HOWELL: Lou is the only child of a physically abusive and neglectful single mother. He was often left to roam outside on his on. This habit is what led to him meeting Imogen. Lou had no knowledge of him being a lycan prior to the first time he shifted as his mother hid it from him. The summer he turned was the same summer that Imogen's grandmother Hattie died. After his first shift his mother kicked him out. With no guidance and no where to go his friends brought him to Rory. Rory took him in and trained him to control his shift. Lou had feelings for Imogen prior to her moving to Copperdale and quickly became enamored with her after her move. In season 2, Lou becomes extremely attached to Imogen and begins to neglect his other friendships. This causes a rift between him and Owen specifically. Lou also decides to search for his father during this time. At the end of season 2, Lou's relationships are mended and he finally meets his father and older sister.
RORY OAKLOW: Rory runs and lives on a campsite in Copperdale that's home to several in-need lycans. She reluctantly decides to take Lou in after he's brought to her by Savannah, William, and Owen. Eventually she comes to think of him as her younger brother. Ultimately, she's pushed out by Eloise Tinsley's family business, Aconitum, as they bulldoze the campsite in order to erect a warehouse for their company. Imogen's family provides Rory with a place to stay. She refuses to be pushed out of Copperdale and bolsters her strength by having her mate, Ceres, join her pack. Pissed off by the events that transpired, Rory digs into Aconitum's dealings by breaking into the mayor's office and stealing sensitive documents. This event ultimately leads to this sector of Aconitum's downfall in season 2. After Ceres' pack is killed, Rory and Ceres get injured during a night out, Rory decides it's too unsafe to stay in Copperdale and moves to SF. The two decide to marry upon moving to SF. In season 2, Rory and Ceres' relationship is turbulent due to his meddlesome sister, Celeste. Rory moves in with Imogen's cousin and Savannah's current girlfriend, Kaila. Ceres and Rory break up briefly but ultimately get back together. Rory steals Kaila from Savannah and enters into a polyamorous relationship with the two. Rory's family comes to visit for the holidays and her mom decides to move to California to be closer to her and her father, whom she has a horrible relationship, does as well. By S2's end, Ceres and Rory marry. The pair are still with Kaila.
OWEN ELLISON: Owen is a background character for the better part of season 1. He plays the role of Lou's loud best friend who will sleep with anything in a mini skirt. He's also the reason Lou shifted early after playfully knocking him off the pier during a full moon. In S1 Owen joins Rory's pack and she takes him through ritual so he is fully able to shift. In season 2, Owen and Lou's friendships becomes strained after Owen develops on a crush on Imogen. He also becomes angry with Lou for the amount of time he spends with Imogen. Mistaking his jealousy as a genuine dislike for the new Lou. Ultimately, Owen comes to terms his feelings and recognizes he in fact is attracted to Lou and not Imogen. He's able to mend his friendship with Lou and Imogen after the realization and begins exploring his sexuality. At the end of S2, Imogen introduces Owen to her new friend, Grey.
SAVANNAH ROBINSON: Savannah also plays a background character for the better part of season 1. She becomes significant when she starts dating Eloise Tinsley as a means to get information out of her. However, Savannah does have genuine feelings for Eloise as they briefly dated prior to Eloise pursuing Lou. Savannah is the catalyst in Eloise's decision to disrupt Aconitum. In S2, Savannah discovers that Eloise tried to rekindle a relationship with Lou while they were together and the pair break up for good. In an attempt to cheer her up, Imogen hooks Savannah up with her cousin, Kaila. Still hurt by the events that transpired, she briefly has a squabble with Imogen after becoming annoyed with her relationship with Lou. The two make up quickly. After Rory moves in with Kaila, Rory tells Savannah of her interest in Kaila. The two briefly compete for Kaila's affection, leading to Kaila cheating on Savannah, but the two split amicably as Savannah decides Kaila isn't worth the effort. By S2's end, Savannah and Eloise mend their friendship and she tricks her friend group into going to visit her. Upon her arrival in Redwater, Savannah meets Eloise's current fling Savannah. Sensing chemistry between each other they decide to remain in contact without Eloise's knowledge.
WILLIAM ROBINSON: William also plays a background character in season 1 and most of season 2. He is the most unproblematic of the group, only getting involved to mediate Owen and Lou's squabble and to support his twin sister, Savannah. In season 1, Will joins Rory's pack and she also takes him through ritual so he is able to shift. (Though Savannah is his twin, female lycans mature faster than males. They're usually able to shift by age 13 while males cannot shift until 20 or so.) In season 2, William is busy happily living in SF. He begins seriously dating another lycan, Indiyah Atwood, while his sister and friends are busy with their drama. By S2's end, William decides to take his relationship a step further with Indiyah and take her as a mate.
ELOISE TINSLEY: In season 1, Eloise attempts to date Lou and is ultimately turned down and dropped when Imogen comes to town. Out of disdain for her and Lou, she doesn't tell him about her father's plans to take over the campsite. Shunned by the friend group for this, Eloise decides she wants to ruin her father's business. By S1's end, Eloise becomes a full fledged hunter and joins her father on his endeavor to alleviate Copperdale of it's lycan problem. Though Eloise has ulterior motives the entire time and only wishes to see how the company works in order to sabotage it later. In season 2, with most of the lycans gone from Copperdale, Aconitum begins to fail. This causes a severe rift between her father and Mayor Tarentino. Eloise influences her father to question her grandfather's capabilities in deciding how profitable a sector is going to be. After going away to college and dating a new guy, Eloise decides it's time to report her father and Tarentino to the feds. Eventually an investigation transpires which forces Copperdale's mayor to step down and Eloise's father to shut down his sector. Eloise's grandfather, Arenthal, joins them in Copperdale to help fix the situation. After pissing off the mayor, Eloise's family is forced into hiding and they move to Redwater, Texas. By S2's end, Eloise has to rescue her father and her mother from Mayor Tarentino and his partner, Vasily. Eloise is only able to save her father in time and her mother is killed. She develops a close friendship with AJ, Lou's sister, and the two move in together. Though their friendship is disrupted when Lou and Imogen come to town.
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1indigoisles · 3 months
Chapter 6 - Excerpt 3
Author's note: *evil laughing*
Tyler James
It was chaos. Everywhere.
Celeste Grainge stood at the stage and surveyed the situation before her keenly as Hunters jumped up, and, roguish creatures that they were, crowded over the back exit to chase after the real rogues.
I turned in my seat to see what it was they were doing; there was a lot of pushing and struggling, I could make out that much, but nothing besides. They didn’t even need orders to make chase after the escapees, I noticed with some discomfort.
It was the red of the walls, I decided. Red was a very triggering colour, and could instill an end number of things in people. Bravery, passion, love. War, violence, hate. Two sides of the same coin. The impact things like these could have was often looked over, and some people would scoff at those who thought that way.
The same ones that were currently and rather unfortunately trying to break down the walls trying to get after their precious ‘Rogues’.
I hope they get away, I thought.
They won’t get away, I remembered.
I remembered Desiree as well, how frightened she’d been as she’d followed her company out. Understandable really, considering the friends she kept. But who was I to judge? She was my friend too, and I could somehow never seem to do more for her.
I got up then and resolved to assist in the infirmaries. Hunters would be needing their shots, I reminded myself, and I’d best be useful. Useful was the only thing that let you make a place for yourself in the Chambers. And that was the only thing that mattered, if you didn’t want to starve. Have a little patch of yourself on the red tapestry that was Knightville’s Chambers. You could be brilliant, you could be better than the rest, but if you weren’t useful, you were deadweight.
Now, that wasn’t to say I didn’t love my job here, as a Healer, in the Chambers. It was one of the better job oppurtunities anyone could get really, healing. You had to study extremely hard for it, sure, and very few actually made it to the Healing sector (there are only hundreds of us), but if you did, you were set for life. And so what if the Seconds were terrible, and you could never get many friends amongst the Thirds? It was a question of adaptation, really. Adaptation was a requirement for all species of life, and not even Diaforians were above that, much as they’d like to believe otherwise.
My step quickened as the shouts grew louder, even as I left the warfield and arrived at the sanatorium.
It was a lovely place; the receptionist area was wide and high like the auditorium, but mostly blue, quiet and always smelling clean. The windows were wide and tall and touched both floor and ceiling, so as to better recieve the little light we could never seem to get. It was a place where you could wait for something to happen to you.
At least, that’s what the dreamer part of me thought.
The practical Healer part of me, on the other hand, was wondering if my eyes were functioning correctly, or if Adam Forrest of all people was standing in front of the receptionist’s desk of the Healers’ sanatorium.
“Mr. Forrest? What are you doing here?” I blurted, forgetting my manners in my obvious surprise.
“Thorne,” Adam regarded, turning to see me.
I prefer Tyler James, I almost said. Almost. No one cared about what you preferred in the Chambers.
I nodded.
Adam evaded my question. “Come to make yourself useful?” He asked instead.
Have you? I thought. “Quite,” I said.
“Going to the same place then,” Adam said lightly.
So good at pretending, I thought, but didn’t say. There were so many things that I thought of but never said. External restraint was never a problem, however, and in my mind, I could do whatever I liked. There were no mind-readers in Knightville, anyway, and in Adam’s case, his power was oral manipulation, the ability to have anyone do what he said with his voice alone, so it was hardly a problem. And if there was ever any danger of getting any truth out of me if he was authoritarian enough—well, there wasn’t, because Adam was powerful, both in his position at the Chambers and his own magic, and when you were that powerful, you inevitably became at least somewhat arrogant.
And when you’re arrogant, you think you know everything.
I raised an eyebrow. “The same place?”
His eyes were full of meaning. “Yes,” he said.
Oh, I realised. He wants to go there.
I stopped the smile before it could tug on my lips.
People walked around us. Some even stopped in their tracks for a moment to stare at our interaction. What was the famous, handsome, successful Adam Forrest doing here? they thought. Moreover, what was he doing talking to that what’s-his-name nobody from Third? Surely Adam was having him run an errand. He didn’t keep company like that, ever.
Oh, yes, I meant what I thought. Adam Forrest was tall and good-looking in the way that had all the women sighing in absolute mourning that they could never have him, because he was already married—to his job. He had gleaming black hair and eyes that struck ferociously with his pale skin, and his face structure only made it pop more. He was neat and sharp and always smelt clean. He And it wasn’t just his looks either. He was young success. He was hard, no, he was impossible to get. He was everything a lady could ever want and thirst for, and while I had a great deal of respect for the female species, I couldn’t help but think that some of them had absolutely nothing better to do with their time, judging from all the gossip I heard.
But at the end of the day, it didn’t matter how worthy a woman was, or how much she may have fitted Adam’s taste, or how much she may have loved him. It didn’t matter, and it probably never would.
The door was locked and we were alone. We’d checked and double-checked for good measure. My back was against the wall and Adam had pushed me there. Our hands were on each other and we were kissing.
Have you ever had a secret so well hidden, so in the dark, that when you walked back into the light you almost believed it had all been a dream?
“Someone’s impatient,” I commented idly when Adam finally let go of me, both of us out of breath.
“No one was here,” Adam explained. “I probably wouldn’t get to do this all week by the looks of things, so now seemed like a pretty good time to do it.”
“Practical as always,” I huffed into his ear, shaking my head a little.
He frowned at that a little, but then seemed to decide he’d gotten enough oxygen in his system to go right back to kissing me, and did precisely that.
Make no mistake, there were no feelings lost on us, romantic or otherwise. The only thing that brought us together was the secret that we shared, a necessity of sorts. One secret was all it took to keep coming back to this, to the dark room where we left our reality and responsibilities outside the door, only to reclaim them again when we came back out.
That said, I had no illusions that this—this lover affair of ours—would last in any way. It would probably only make the year, tops. Secrets could do a lot of things, but they couldn’t sustain. Secrets ruined, and this relationship of ours was built to be secret, and that secret would one day die, like everything ultimately did.
Still. Didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it while it lasted, and Adam was, actually, not the worst kisser.
“Why now, though?” I asked, like I always did.
“Can’t I want to?” he answered, like he always did.
And we went back to kissing again, like we always did.
Adam left first, because he had more pressing issues to deal with, and because we needed to be inconspicuous. I didn’t mind staying in the dark room for a little while longer; that way I could hold onto the remembrance of what we had but would never get to keep.
It didn’t hurt—it just took the comfort away, and most people didn’t get to have that.
On the outside, I immediately heard someone bumping into Adam. There was a lot of loud panting, and Adam was waiting patiently for the other person to speak.
“Slow down, Third,” Adam was saying. “What is it? Any update on the Rogues?”
What the person replied was both dread and comfort.
“They got away.”
Taglist: @jeahreading, @damn-this-transgirl-hella-gay, @mayaheronthorn, @cherryblossempearl
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valkariel · 1 year
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I am trying so hard to make this top look somewhat reasonable… ;u;
The leggings and shoes are optional, but I particularly like those shoes because the bottom and heel section dyes, so you get a flash of green/blue when running that matches the glowing sash.
Head: Augmented Ironworks Hood of Casting - dark purple Body: Ascension Robe of Casting - dark purple Hands: Prestige High Allagan Gloves of Casting - dark purple Legs: Shadowless Bottoms of Casting - default Feet: Makai Priestess's Longboots - celeste green
Alt Head: Flame Elite's Hood | Yafaemi Hat of Casting Alt Body Dye: soot black Alt Gloves: Appointed Gloves Alt Legs: Ktiseos Bottoms of Casting
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Earring: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Rod of Divine Light Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: The Puppets' Bunker - Sector B
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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downbadreading · 2 years
Ateez fic recs
some of this is mature themed so MDNI!
first of all, there's a lot more and i will edit it time by time! thanks for the authors for writing such a great fic that make me enjoy reading so muchh
my main fic recs is here!
-i've been dying to do this i always think whenever i do my own fic recs this fic MUST be on the very top because it's insane i'm telling you who never heard of moc???
OT8 / ateez x reader
please read this. I am begging. the heartbreak i feel for each chapter??? INSANE. MUST READ AND REREAD.
the answer by @berryunho (m)
into the aurora by @honeyhotteoks (m)
this is so cute. super cute. i'm having emotional attach. btw part 2 is coming soon so if you're done with the first part, stay tuned! it's a poly ateez fics!
like the moon by @sunmoonjune
poly ateez x female oc. i love this. i love bug. i want to protect her so badly i will kill for her. what i really like about this fic is it's so wholesome. read this and you will understand, I SWEAR.
love is gone by @ateezmakemeweep (m)
i have no words. it's not yet done, but i really love this story. there's another must read story SO PLEASE CHECK THE MASTERLIST
read for me by @pirateprincessblog (m)
(fem reader x best friend's father) this one heheheh it's so fucking hot like you don't get it it's just another tier i'm kicking the ceiling jaw on the floor while reading it.
Wallflower by @tenelkadjowrites
This is not just a sexual thing between an officemate okay it's more than that because i'm so invested on this story. mc and nerdy hwa is so cute and sexy when it come to the time there's four part of this fic!
Accidental Destiny by @hoonieversed (crying throwing up because this blog has been deactivated)
based on how to train your dragon and YEAH IT'S TOOTHLESS HWA (shifter) with healer reader i love the concept
paradise lost by @setsugekka (m)
i will cry. this fic is so special to me because it changes my reading style and that's how good it is. i remember all the reread session i did before this because I AM OBSESSED.
bla bla bla by @yoongiseesawmp3 (m)
Stylist reader x idol hongjoong their relationship make me wanna cry it's sooooooo good
game of thrones au by @wordstro (m) eventually i think
I'm a sucker for got. even for hod. a fic starring my favourite group with my favourite series? i'm super duper in. there's one part leave from this fic, it contains four part! (and i'm not ready for the ending yet actually)
the meaning of 'jeong' by @hwaightme
laces by @ttalgiwooyu (M)
This makes me blush for soooo long i wanna die. and read it again.
ginger and cinnamon tea by @cheollipop (m)
THIS ONE IS SUPER CUTE. AND HOT sick san and caring partner (along with woo's nonsense idea) this is a must read!
2 a.m. || Choi San by @mingigoo (m)
where do i start? idol san with make up artis reader is so hot.
in this place, full of lies: series masterlist by @wordstro (m)
i'm on my knees. the impact this series have on me. the fact i read it on one sitting and it takes hours. YET SO WORTH IT. I LOVE IT. SO MUCH. TO THE CORE. this one is post-apocalyptic world, and i love it.
Say what you want,be my people pleaser by @chokchokk
Still ongoing but the writer can have my kidney for this story I'm so invested you don't understand this is the falling with your fwb when he doesn't (yet idk it's my wild guess) and conflict here and there my I love this way tooooo much
series 2: sector one of itpfol by @wordstro
-this one is still ongoing and not yet started but it's on a same masterlist as the s1 with different y/n BUT IT'S ON ITPFOL UNIVERSE SO FIGHT ME
i wish you would by @multiland (M)
THIS? so good. so fucking cute and wholesome and hot and bother me so much. reader here is like frustrated with woo because he keep flirting that lead to a situation (NOT GONNA SPOIL IT BUT HOLY SHIT)
° good lil boy by @sorryimananti-romantic
I read this fic at 3 in the morning. By the time I'm finished with it, it's nearly 4 (or past already) and I can't sleep because this fic is so super duper good. Prince wooyoung and princess y/n (different continent they're not related!!!) And I love their banter so much
multi member
starring roles by @nonclassyparty (san and mingi) (m)
BIG CLAP FOR THIS ONE. you know this is more y/n centered like i couldn't care less with who she ended up with i want her to be happy and be her. i root for her and i will kick anyone who mess with her on their ass. (i do care ofc but you know what i mean y/n is everything for me!)
not all that glitter is gold by @the7thcrow (seonghwa, san, wooyoung and reader) (m)
a great storyline. a super duper great one. i can go on days about this fic and the backstory of each of them. IT'S INSANE! eventually poly!
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photobombingcryptid · 2 years
“Can you repeat the whole thing again.”
The library is a mix of modern, Cybertronian design with elements typically found in organic culture with its ornamental features. Darker colors, like browns and red, dominate the palette. The light that lits up the room is akin to candles with warmer, orange tones making for a relaxed atmosphere. The middle of the room has various seating areas, with a few pressed right against the tall windows which provide additonal natural light.
The sun on planet Salus is just setting down, painting the room in hazy, autumn overlay.
Celeste covers his mouth with servo to cover up an amused chuckle, bringing his legs up onto the couch. Formalities how one should and should not sit were thrown out the window. Separated by a coffee table with plenty of energon cubes and drinks to indulge in, Meme is sat at the couch across. With him sitting at the edge of the seat, it’s as if he wanted to jump out from the sofa and strangle Celeste.
He really wants to act upon his more violent impulses.
But he knows better with the security standing just outside the library.
“My apologies,” Celeste sighs with a smile on his face, “but if you insist, I will go through the whole thing again. I can imagine taking it all in on the first go must have been quite overwhelming, er... What was the name? You run by so many nicknames, it’s hard to keep track of...”
“We agreed you’d call me Blaze.”
“Right, Blaze. Let’s start from the beginning, before the incident. You were a pivotal courier supplying Ether-2 with valuable supplies — everything from importing and exporting resources to supplying us with Ether-2 would struggle to secure due to the location of the solar system and its neighbors. In your words: it’s smack-dab beyond the dead-end zone where one wrong mis-step will have you swarmed by space pirates and much worse. You were among the few mechs skilled and willing enough to put your life at risk just to complete a job.”
“It was worth the money.” Meme— Blaze — nods, still at the edge of the seat, “it was all fine and dandy until you guys decided it was a ripe time to drive a dagger in my backside. Real smooth.” Heavy tones of sarcasm detected. “How did you know I was an outlier the entire time? When I killed those fraggers in that church — you are very much welcome, by the way — I secured some documents that would have only been able to be secured only if someone had worked at the Jhiaxus Academy.”
“That was me. I worked there.”
Blaze’s vents hitch for a second before quickly finding the right words. “... And you are a Functionalist. You worked at a place that was a safe space for outliers: a group of people ostracized for existing. Functionalists hated them. Us. Me.”
“I understand your outrage, but believe me when I tell you that I have different beliefs of what Funtionalism should have always been like. There was nothing I could do about that at that time and I kept my beliefs to myself so I could work in peace.”
“How come I don’t recognize you from the academy? What was your position there?”
“I was in the IT sector. Server maintenance, security, data storage. Only a very few people have seen me; most of the time, I’ve spent crawling in the underbelly of the academy where all the servers were installed. Word about the students would still reach us since my fellow collegues were professors teaching students sometimes. This is how I got to learn about you and I became quite infatuated by your powers.”
“Not the first or last one. Go on.”
“Being in the IT sector, I did have an unrestricted access to your...” A cheeky shrug. “Everything. Everything about your powers. Unfortunately, the day the academy burnt down destroyed a lot of data, including yours. What I’ve managed to salvage was heavily corrupted and restoring that data took me years.”
“So, all this time, I’ve had a secret admirer. Lovely. Let’s move back onto the more recent history. You told me you’ve started to work in the politics on Salus and other surrounding colonies, you’ve risen to power to get to the very top and you are, in a surprising twist, very happy I killed those people at Ether-2. Why?”
“It should be obvious Salus, Ether-2 and the rest of the colonies have heavy influence in their religious beliefs, especially in Primus and other original Cybertronian gods. Functionalism could be considered the core of our politics, albeit with a different message than the predecessor. The colonies have always been more independent but in recent years we’ve started the process of unifying them under a singular system.”
“Something like a federation?”
“Yes. Ether-2 had been growing out of Salus’ control for quite a while. Their practises were getting out of hand and something needed to be done about those individuals. That’s where you come in.”
“Yea, right. I did the dirty job for you. I’ll repeat myself again: you are very welcome.”
“And I am very grateful for that. And I also agree that the near-death experience was absolutely uncalled when the overly-ambituous sadists took away your outlier abilities. However, people still want justice; after all, what you did was a crime, wasn’t it? Here, instead of putting you through months and years of prolonged trials, consider my offer — your verdict — as a better alternative. Community service, if you will.”
“You want me to use my outlier powers.”
“To help you with the population crisis.”
“You are insane.”
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yo-sostenible · 3 days
Te leemos las noticias 🗣️ aquí  © UNMISS/Nektarios Markogiannis | Vacas conducidas por una carretera inundada en Sudán del Sur Un informe en el que participa la agencia meteorológica de la ONU advierte que los niveles de gases de efecto invernadero y las temperaturas mundiales siguen batiendo récords. La responsable del organismo pide a los Estados aprovechar la “oportunidad excepcional” que supone la Cumbre del Futuro y tomar medidas “urgentes y ambiciosas”. Los gases de efecto invernadero y las temperaturas mundiales siguen batiendo récords. Con las políticas y los compromisos actuales, se estima que el calentamiento global será de hasta 3 °C a lo largo del siglo, apunta el informe Unidos en la ciencia, publicado este miércoles por la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) en colaboración con otras instituciones. “La ciencia es clara: estamos muy lejos de alcanzar los objetivos climáticos mundiales. 2023 fue el año más cálido registrado por un enorme margen. Los principales conjuntos de datos internacionales afirman que los ocho primeros meses de 2024 son también los más cálidos jamás registrados”, dijo a este respecto la secretaria general de la agencia, Celeste Saulo. Saulo hizo un llamamiento para que se tomen “medidas urgentes y ambiciosas” en apoyo del desarrollo sostenible, la acción por el clima y la reducción del riesgo de catástrofes, ya que “las decisiones que tomemos hoy podrían marcar la diferencia entre un futuro colapso o un avance hacia un mundo mejor”. También pidió aprovechar la “oportunidad excepcional” que supone la Cumbre del Futuro, en la que se reunirán jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de más de 130 países, para “reactivar y revitalizar” los compromisos. Sus comentarios se produjeron en un contexto de incendios forestales mortales en América Latina y Portugal, junto con inundaciones catastróficas en Europa central relacionadas con la tormenta Boris que ha inundado partes de Austria, la República Checa, Hungría, Polonia, Rumanía y Eslovaquia, e inundaciones y corrimientos de tierra provocados por el tifón Yagi que han asolado Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos y Tailandia. Los satélites y la IA ofrecen esperanza Por otra parte, Saulo subrayó el potencial sin explotar de las ciencias naturales y sociales, las nuevas tecnologías y la innovación para ayudar a los países a desarrollarse, reducir su vulnerabilidad a los desastres y adaptarse al cambio climático. La IA y el aprendizaje automático ya están revolucionando la ciencia de la predicción meteorológica al hacerla “más rápida, barata y accesible”, señaló, añadiendo que las tecnologías satelitales de vanguardia y las simulaciones de realidad virtual están “abriendo nuevas fronteras” en sectores clave ya amenazados por el cambio climático y las condiciones meteorológicas peligrosas, como la gestión del suelo y el agua. Destacando el valor de la tecnología satelital para la climatología, la secretaria general explicó que las innovaciones en las observaciones de la Tierra desde el espacio han ayudado a mejorar la vigilancia de las fuentes de gases de efecto invernadero y los sumideros de carbono. También señaló el potencial de nuevas tecnologías como el “gemelo digital”, que crea una réplica virtual de un objeto físico, como la Tierra, y la realidad virtual, que ofrece entornos simulados inmersivos, para ayudar a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) acordados universalmente y mejorar la preparación ante catástrofes. Objetivos mundiales Saulo insistió en que la tecnología por sí sola no bastará para resolver el cambio climático, e instó a todos los países a compartir sus conocimientos y experiencias en la Cumbre del Futuro, que se celebrará en Nueva York los días 22 y 23 de septiembre, “para garantizar que los beneficios de la ciencia y la tecnología sean accesibles a todos si queremos alcanzar los objetivos mundiales”. Estos objetivos incluyen el Acuerdo de París, el Marco de Sendai ...
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Clean Beauty Market Size To Reach $21.29 Billion By 2030
The global clean beauty market size is anticipated to reach USD 21.29 billion by 2030 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market growth is driven by a rising consumer focus on the safety of skincare and beauty products, its environmental consequences, and the potential presence of harmful ingredients in beauty products. With a growing demand for natural alternatives, companies are shifting toward embracing "clean beauty" as the emerging standard in the beauty and personal care industry.
Social media platforms and beauty influencers play a significant role in promoting clean beauty products. The influence of beauty influencers is growing, with consumers increasingly relying on their expertise when making beauty product purchase decisions. Some notable clean beauty influencers include Justine Jenkins, Maison Pur, Celeste Thomas, Bare Beauty Blog by Jessica Morse, and Kabukirune.
The surge in environmental awareness leads to a rise in demand for sustainable beauty products, prompting bloggers to create niche channels focused on ethical, natural, and sustainable products. Sustainable beauty bloggers emphasize eco-friendly choices and feature non-toxic products in their content. Brands such as R.E.M Beauty, Ofra Cosmetics, Tata Harper, and Liz Earle Beauty Co are gaining popularity for their commitment to clean beauty. As consumers prioritize eco-friendly lifestyles, the market for clean beauty products will continue growing, offering diverse and ethical options.
The market for clean beauty products is expanding due to consumer perception that they are safer, of higher quality, and contain non-toxic ingredients compared to traditional ones. However, the lack of standardized definitions for terms like "clean," "natural," and "green" has triggered controversy, emphasizing the need for improved regulation and education in the industry.
The beauty sector has witnessed a significant shift toward sustainability in response to increased consumer awareness of the environmental impact of conventional products. This change is driven by many conscious consumers seeking transparency, ethical practices, and eco-friendly options. To meet this demand, companies are reevaluating formulations, incorporating natural and ethically sourced ingredients, and leveraging innovative technologies to create high-performance, environmentally friendly beauty products.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Clean Beauty Market Report
Clean Beauty Market Report Highlights
In 2023, clean skincare product sales dominated with a 41.70% market share. The growth of clean beauty trend on platforms like TikTok and Instagram and growing consumer awareness of sustainable skincare is driving the demand for clean skincare products featuring natural and non-toxic components
Men's demand for clean beauty products is projected to grow the most during the forecast period
Online sales are projected to grow fastest during the forecast period. The rapid growth in online sales of clean beauty products is driven by mass-market retailers, such as Walmart and Target, strategically expanding their product offerings in the clean beauty segment
North America dominated the market owing to factors such as increasing demand for natural skincare solutions, a shift towards sustainability, and the growing awareness regarding the impact of toxic compounds on skin and hair health
In September 2023, Estée Lauder invested in a Chinese clean beauty brand, Code Mint, founded by Grace Chow. Code Mint aims to popularize clean beauty in China and has gained significant traction, selling out on Weibo within a day of its launch. Estée Lauder's investment, facilitated by its New Incubation Ventures arm, highlights the growing market interest in China. The brand will leverage Estée Lauder's R&D capabilities to become a leader in the category
Clean Beauty Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the clean beauty market based on product, end user, distribution channel, and region:
Clean Beauty Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Face care
Body care
Color cosmetics
Clean Beauty End User Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Clean Beauty Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Hypermarkets & Supermarkets
Specialty Stores
Clean Beauty Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Clean Beauty Market
ILIA Beauty
The Estée Lauder Companies
L'Oreal Paris
Olaplex, Inc.
Grown Alchemist
John Paul Mitchell Systems
RMS Beauty
e.l.f. Cosmetics, Inc.
The Honest Company, Inc.
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recentlyheardcom · 15 days
All About Travoise, Ricky, Felicia and Celeste
Throughout Kansas Metropolis Chiefs video games, Isiah Pacheco leaves all of it on the sector in honor of his household, together with his siblings: Travoise, Ricky, Felicia and Celeste. Since he was drafted to the NFL in 2022, the New Jersey native has gained the Tremendous Bowl in every of his first two seasons, even scoring a landing at his debut. Because the operating again celebrated his…
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Major Order Victory: Day 19
Greetings, viewers. Michael Adams here. Today marks a momentous but solemn victory as the Helldivers have succeeded in deploying enough dark fluid onto Meridia in order to transform it and the supercolony of Terminids upon it into a deadly singularity.
While originally the Meridian hive consisted of ten times the number of bugs on a planet such as Erata Prime, SEAF forces and microbubble pockets of dark fluid accretion have cut down their numbers multiple times throughout the operation. As the final hours dragged on since our last update, when the Terminids were at only 24% strength, they fell yet again to 16%, then 9%. In the planet's final moments, resistance dropped to 0% as it succumbed to the overwhelming gravity of the accumulated dark fluid.
All nearby Super Destroyers were forced to make emergency jumps to Super Earth in order to avoid being consumed. Medals and congratulations have been awarded to all involved, including the Moradesh scientists who have received the Super Citizenship Medal of Freedom. Super Earth has decomissioned the Moradesh facility and claims all dark fluid reserves are exhausted. In our opinion, they've likely simply moved efforts and stores to another, more discrete location.
Even as we celebrate the destruction of one of humanity's biggest threats, we must also mourn the loss of Meridia, a home many citizens can never return to again. Where untold billions of years of natural history and thousands of unique species have been wiped from existence in a singular moment, we'll always wonder...was it truly necessary?
With Operation "Enduring Peace" complete, napalm reserves for Eagle-1 strikes have been exhausted to regular levels and Helldivers are now standing by for their next major order. Stay tuned for more.
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austeridadholistica · 2 months
la rueda celeste? Pq lo llamaron asi
Supongo que es raro para mi leer cosas de ficción, usualmente solo leo comics a veces, pero en su mayoría teoría y análisis, pq soy la autentica piroba nerda o algo. Siempre que pienso en eso, recuerdo ese clip que vi de cosmos donde Sagan dice que no importa la cantidad de libros que uno lea, que a la final es limitada, sino la calidad. Es importante para mí, antes de hablar de la historia que se acaba de hacer una de mis favoritas, anotar que me encuentro en una epoca rara de mi vida, en la que siento un profundo descontento con los medios, no solo la televisión, sino las redes sociales, los periodicos y bueno, aunque me duele admitirlo youtube, que es donde suelo pasar mas tiempo. Constantemente pienso en el concepto de la infoesfera, no logro recordar en donde lo leí, pero si recuerdo como han y fusaro lo utilizan para decribir a la sociedad hiperconectada y las implicaciones en una sociedad capitalista.
Las películas últimamente ya no me gustan, me sigo preguntando cuantas veces van a abusar de los clichés, cuantas veces van a acomodar la misma narrativa y supongo que tampoco paro de pensar en esas canciones de viejos deprimidos
"Aprendí que en esta vida hay que llorar si otros lloran, y si la murga se ríe, ji uno se debe reír; no pensar, ni equivocado, para qué?, si igual se vive, y además corres el riesgo que te bauticen gil"
-Las cuarenta
"Que el mundo fue y será una porquería, ya lo sé En el quinientos diez, y en el dos mil también Que siempre ha habido chorros, maquiavelos y estafaos Contentos y amargaos, valores y dobles
Pero que el siglo veinte es un despliegue De maldad insolente, ya no hay quien lo niegue Vivimos revolcaos en un merengue Y en el mismo lodo, hmm, todos manoseaos
Hoy resulta que es lo mismo ser derecho que traidor Ignorante, sabio o chorro, pretencioso o estafador Todo es igual, nada es mejor ¡Lo mismo un burro que un gran profesor! No hay aplazaos, qué va a haber, ni escalafón Los inmorales nos han igualao"
No se en que creer porque todo pareciera ubicarse en extremos, todo parece construir una historia en la que no siento que quepa, donde la respuesta es siempre referente a los amigos que hicimos en el camino. Las cosas son rapidamente descartadas, rapidamente expuestas, analizadas y dejadas a un lado, todo es igual nada es mejor.
De nuevo pienso en la televisión como medio netamente informativo, pienso en el flujo frenético de las noticias que provoca de manera similar el efecto que provoca tiktok y por el cual todos parecen estar aterrados porque tal vez detrás de todo yace un enemigo abstracto difícil de atajar, el mundo parece ir muy rapido, cambiando y reiterandose cada semana. Pero tal vez esa es la narrativa dominante, que no requiere nisiquiera de grandes conspiraciones y pactos por debajo de cuerda, porque parece estar en la superficie.
Me siento perdida, me siento incapaz de vivir en la sociedad porque creo que todo parece ir muy rapido mientras yo siento mantenerme en el mismo punto.
Cada vez las historias que me daban emocion y me permitian imaginar mundos de infinitas posiblidades comienzan a causarme desagrado, un profundo desasociego, que es respondido por los sectores mas ruidosos de internet, como si pudieran instrumentalizar mi descontento para mostrarme que este sistema de creencias que he constituido desde mi mundo vivido fuera una falsedad que quiere destruir el todo poderoso continuum que inevitablemente se forma, se deforma y se reforma.
Y no se, honestamente no se nada y entre mas aprendo mas puedo ver que el mundo es un sistema indescifrable cuya complejidad me aplasta. pero quienes pueden hablar mas fuerte parecen tenerlo muy claro.
Creo que nada me gusta y me estoy volviendo loca mientras me peleo con gigantes invisibles. Le temo a terminar como Mark Fisher...
Pero bueno, afortunadamente estos dias alice capelle una vez mas llego a hablar desde su contexto de preocupaciones similares. eso y tambien descubri que francois dubet tambien esta hablando sobre esto, quizá me siento un poco mas tranquilo.
Eso y que leí por fin una novela de ursula k le guin, pq me andaba debiendo eso desde hace casi un año creo xd.
1970 The Lathe of Heaven lathe es torno al parecer pero lo tradujeron como rueda, creo que ya entendi xd
El punto es que hacia mucho una historia no me enganchaba tanto, desde el mundo extraño de orr como su pasado, su presente y su futuro. Tanto orr como Lelache, como haber parecen personas de verdad, con un mundo interno complejo y la mejor de las intenciones. Sin embargo parece que eso no es suficiente para lograr construir un mundo mejor, aún incluso con todo el poder que parece habitar en Orr.
supongo que lo que encuentro detrás de esa gran historia es la compañía y no como que la rueda celeste son los amigos que hicimos en el camino, sino como cada forma en la que encontramos compañía en los otros deforma la manera en que percibimos actuamos y habitamos la realidad ehrrperenne.
With a little help from my friends
En cuanto a la historia sin embargo me imagino que Orr habia intentado hacer un mundo mejor varias veces, lo que a la larga le llevo a tener esa posición menos voluntarista e ilustrada de hacer porque eso es lo que los humanos "DEBEMOS" si se nos es entregado un don. Por esa razon ahora unicamente intentaba no alterar el curso de las cosas.
Por otro lado Haber es un hijo del destino manifesto y siente que Orr es un idiota, que desaprovecha el don que le fue dado. Curiosamente la historia, incluyendo el tercer y tal vez mas importante pilar Lelache, se encarga de narrar y mostrar como ambos puntos son mucho mas complejos que el estar o no equivocados.
Orr no puede imaginar un mundo sin guerra y tal vez inconcientemente rogó en las sesiones por ayuda, la ayuda de sus amigos y entonces el peso que tuvo que cargar no fue mas grande. Orr nunca dejo de tener sueños efectivos, sencillamente alijeró la carga con la ayuda de otros.
Y haber que estaba creando un mundo a su imagen termino positivistamente loquito en un manicomio. Mientras tanto, lelache en su complejidad dejo de existir y reexistio varias veces como un recordatorio de la complejidad histórica en la que habitamos.
No puedo alinearme con ninguno, bueno quiza con los aliens, pero aun no termino de entender toda la historia
lo bueno es que al fin entendí que puedo encontrar calidad de historias fuera del cine
creo que lis se basó en este libro
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slyshyfoxy · 5 months
4 May 2024
Hello its mee, recently i have been meeting up with my friends, but i realised that i am quite lost in my career aspects on what i should do continuing for my career, and my school life i dont enjoy that is gonna start. I think its just environment and i feel like very isolated from my school friends? I think because in the past of the things, but i believe i have the power to change my present, so i just gonna continue to attend classes, and not getting affected by people so much, and really care more about my studies. Try to ace finish my studies, actually left 3 more months, it will fly in an eye bah. I just need to really focus on my classes and lessons. I think there are many things to be grateful for especially like my friends all they are here, like my gf jojo is being supportive, marcus, xavier, bobby, sufi, jj, weeping, celeste, shankar. I think is more than enough true friends that i have in my life that i need. And i dont have to doubt and just be myself from now on, i will just say whatever is on my mind and all. And then continue to go gym. Walk the trackmill and continue to lose some weight and also recently jojo bought me a pink gaming chair which i do feel grateful and happy about it. The present is actually making me much more happier than before. So i dont have to think so much and really live in the present.
And my school is starting soon, which is on monday i hope everythings good. Need to charge my ipad.
Then need to start doing my capstone soon. And i will try to get my driving license by this year, tomorrow i am going to driving circuit too, honestly tomorrow is like $116 per lesson quite expensive looool. But i will pass it. And i think for my career, i think i should not stress myself out and by july i will try to have an answer for myself in the career sector. I will put a deadline to it. Because i do not want myself to slack off too much for 1 year or smtg, i want it to be ok. Like at least rest for 2months+? then i will get back to work, because i scare i will drop back into being depresso. And what the fuck? My father say he will give each of us 300k? I dunno if it will happen anot, dunno he's lying or what by October 2024 we will know. And then the legal issue with AIA i think i will craft out a paragraph about it right now before anything happens. The next thing is, probably trying to earn some pocket money, as xavier also teached the options trading. Think can give it a go and try. For now my goal is to attend classes and score high for my studies at all times no matter what. Jiayous jenny. Hope u got friends that can support you too. - 4 May 2024
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thxnews · 5 months
Ukraine Receives $95 Billion US Defense Aid
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As the world marks two years of sustained support for Ukraine, the Pentagon's latest commitment underscores a stronger, more resilient defense strategy for the besieged nation. At the two-year anniversary of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the U.S. solidifies its support with a historic $95 billion aid package, aiming to strengthen Ukraine's defenses against prolonged aggression.  
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Warcrimes in Russia Ukraine War. Photo by Maria Flores-Jeuregui. Flickr.  
Ukrainian War: Background and Context
In April 2022, the Ukraine Defense Contact Group was formed in response to the escalating conflict in Eastern Europe. Comprising around 50 nations, this coalition has met monthly to coordinate and boost Ukraine’s defense capabilities in the face of Russian hostilities. Moreover, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, at the recent 21st meeting, emphasized the group's crucial role in rallying international support and streamlining the delivery of military aid. "I'm ... pleased to announce today an additional commitment of $6 billion through our Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative that will allow us to procure new capabilities for Ukraine from U.S. industry," Austin said during a briefing at the Pentagon. "This is the largest security assistance package that we've committed to date."   Details of the New Security Assistance The new $95 billion package, signed into law this Wednesday, is the largest single assistance package to Ukraine to date. According to Secretary Austin, it includes advanced counter-drone systems, artillery ammunition, and air-to-ground munitions. Additionally, the package will provide maintenance, sustainment support, and crucial interceptors for Ukraine's Patriot and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS).   Additional Security Measures and Support Alongside the USAI package, the Pentagon also unveiled a $1 billion security assistance initiative provided through presidential drawdown authority. This includes RIM-7 and AIM-9M missiles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, TOW missiles, and a variety of artillery shells and combat vehicles. This immediate aid comes directly from U.S. military inventories, ensuring rapid deployment to the Ukrainian front lines.  
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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Celeste A. Wallander. Photo by DOD.  
Impact on Ukraine's Defense Posture
The combined efforts of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group have significantly bolstered Ukraine's military posture. Contributions from various countries have included not only the provision of military hardware but also support for rebuilding Ukraine's defense industry. This assistance has been instrumental in preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty and deterring further aggression.   Future Objectives As the conflict enters its third year, the focus remains on not just immediate defense needs but also long-term stability and resilience. Special capability coalitions within the contact group are working to enhance Ukraine's defense sectors, including air defense, artillery, and unmanned aerial systems. These efforts are aligned with the broader goal of helping Ukraine build a robust, efficient, and self-reliant defense industry.  
Brief Summary
The ongoing commitment of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, reinforced by America's substantial financial and military support, reflects a strong international stand for democracy and sovereignty. The continued support ensures Ukraine not only survives the current conflict but emerges stronger, ready to defend itself and deter future threats.   Sources: THX News & US Department of Defense. Read the full article
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mnacocontrareims · 6 months
¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos entre Aek Larnaca y West Ham en competiciones europeas?
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¿Cuál es el historial de enfrentamientos entre Aek Larnaca y West Ham en competiciones europeas?
Historial de enfrentamientos
En el mundo del entretenimiento para adultos, el historial de enfrentamientos es un tema que despierta curiosidad y fascinación entre los seguidores. Estas batallas verbales, físicas o simplemente de egos, suelen ocurrir entre actores, actrices, directores o cualquier otra figura destacada de la industria.
Los enfrentamientos en la industria del entretenimiento para adultos pueden deberse a diversos motivos, como celos profesionales, rivalidades personales o simples malentendidos. A lo largo de los años, se han conocido casos de peleas públicas en eventos, discusiones en redes sociales e incluso agresiones físicas en sets de filmación.
Estos enfrentamientos pueden generar una gran expectación entre los seguidores, quienes a menudo toman partido por una de las partes involucradas. Algunos enfrentamientos se resuelven con el tiempo, mientras que otros pueden mantenerse vigentes durante años, alimentando así la controversia y el interés del público.
A pesar de la intensidad de estos enfrentamientos, muchos profesionales de la industria han sabido manejar la situación de forma madura y profesional, dejando de lado las rencillas personales en aras de un buen ambiente de trabajo y un producto final de calidad.
En resumen, el historial de enfrentamientos en la industria del entretenimiento para adultos forma parte de la historia y la cultura de este sector, añadiendo un toque de drama y emoción que no deja indiferente a nadie.
Aek Larnaca
El Aek Larnaca es un club de fútbol profesional con sede en Lárnaca, Chipre. Fundado en 1994, el equipo ha logrado un gran éxito en la liga chipriota y también ha tenido destacadas actuaciones en competiciones europeas.
El club juega sus partidos como local en el Estadio AEK Arena - Georgios Karapatakis, un estadio moderno con capacidad para albergar a más de 7,000 espectadores. Los colores tradicionales del equipo son el amarillo y el azul, que también reflejan los colores de la bandera de Chipre.
El Aek Larnaca ha ganado varios títulos a lo largo de su historia, incluyendo la Copa de Chipre y la Supercopa de Chipre. Estos logros han consolidado al equipo como uno de los más exitosos del país y han generado una gran base de seguidores apasionados.
Además de su éxito nacional, el Aek Larnaca ha participado en varias ediciones de la Liga Europa de la UEFA, compitiendo contra algunos de los mejores equipos de Europa. Estas participaciones han ayudado a aumentar la reputación del club a nivel internacional y a ganar seguidores en todo el mundo.
En resumen, el Aek Larnaca es un club de fútbol con una rica historia de éxito y un futuro prometedor en el mundo del fútbol chipriota y europeo.
West Ham
El West Ham United Football Club es un club de fútbol inglés con sede en el este de Londres. Fundado en 1895, el equipo ha tenido una larga historia en el fútbol inglés y ha sido un miembro constante de la Premier League, la máxima categoría del fútbol inglés.
Los colores tradicionales del West Ham son el burdeos y el celeste, y su himno oficial es "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles". El club juega sus partidos como local en el Estadio Olímpico de Londres, que ha sido su casa desde 2016.
El West Ham ha tenido varios momentos destacados a lo largo de su historia, incluyendo la victoria en la FA Cup en tres ocasiones y la Recopa de la UEFA en 1965. El club también ha tenido una serie de jugadores destacados a lo largo de los años, como Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst y Paolo Di Canio.
En la actualidad, el West Ham es considerado un equipo sólido de la Premier League, compitiendo regularmente por puestos europeos en la tabla de clasificación. Con una base de seguidores apasionados y un estilo de juego atractivo, el West Ham sigue siendo un club respetado en el fútbol inglés.
En resumen, el West Ham United es un club con una rica historia y una base de seguidores leales que continúan apoyando al equipo en cada partido. Con su presencia en la Premier League y su enfoque en el desarrollo de futbolistas talentosos, el futuro del West Ham parece prometedor en el mundo del fútbol inglés.
Competiciones europeas
En el mundo del fútbol, las competiciones europeas ocupan un lugar destacado. Estos torneos atraen la atención de millones de seguidores en todo el continente y más allá. La UEFA Champions League es, sin duda, el campeonato más prestigioso a nivel de clubes en Europa. Equipos de élite de diferentes ligas nacionales compiten entre sí con el objetivo de levantar la codiciada "Orejona".
Además de la Champions League, la UEFA Europa League también ofrece emoción y competencia de alto nivel. Equipos de diversos países compiten en este torneo que brinda oportunidades para equipos más modestos de demostrar su valía en un escenario internacional.
Las competiciones europeas no se limitan al fútbol, también encontramos competiciones destacadas en deportes como baloncesto, rugby, tenis y más. La Euroleague de baloncesto, por ejemplo, reúne a los mejores equipos del continente para disputar intensos partidos y coronar a un campeón europeo.
En resumen, las competiciones europeas son un reflejo del talento, la pasión y la competitividad que caracterizan al deporte en el continente. Desde estadios llenos hasta momentos emocionantes en cada encuentro, estas competiciones brindan entretenimiento de clase mundial para los amantes del deporte en Europa y en todo el mundo.
Resultados anteriores
Los resultados anteriores son datos o información sobre eventos, competencias o investigaciones que han ocurrido en el pasado. En diferentes contextos, estos resultados anteriores pueden ser de gran utilidad para evaluar el progreso, identificar patrones y tomar decisiones informadas sobre el futuro.
En el ámbito deportivo, los resultados anteriores son fundamentales para analizar el rendimiento de un equipo o un jugador a lo largo del tiempo. Estos datos permiten identificar fortalezas, debilidades y tendencias que pueden ser clave para diseñar estrategias efectivas en competencias futuras.
En el campo académico, los resultados anteriores de investigaciones y estudios son la base sobre la cual se construye el conocimiento nuevo. Revisar los resultados anteriores ayuda a situar un estudio en el contexto adecuado, evitar repeticiones innecesarias y contribuir al avance del campo de estudio en cuestión.
En el ámbito laboral, los resultados anteriores de un empleado pueden ser determinantes a la hora de evaluar su desempeño y tomar decisiones sobre ascensos, bonificaciones o entrenamientos adicionales.
En resumen, los resultados anteriores son una fuente valiosa de información que puede ser aprovechada en diversos ámbitos de la vida para mejorar el rendimiento, tomar decisiones fundamentadas y avanzar hacia metas establecidas.
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¿Cuál fue la alineación de España Sub-21 en el partido contra Ucrania Sub-21?
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¿Cuál fue la alineación de España Sub-21 en el partido contra Ucrania Sub-21?
La alineación es un concepto fundamental en diversos aspectos de la vida, desde la mecánica automotriz hasta la astronomía. En el ámbito de la mecánica de vehículos, la alineación se refiere a la correcta ubicación de las ruedas para garantizar un desplazamiento seguro y eficiente. Cuando las ruedas no están alineadas adecuadamente, se pueden producir desgastes irregulares en los neumáticos, lo que a su vez puede provocar problemas de manejo y consumo excesivo de combustible.
En el campo de la astronomía, la alineación cobra especial importancia en la observación de cuerpos celestes a través de telescopios. Una alineación precisa permite una visualización clara y detallada de planetas, estrellas y otros fenómenos astronómicos, facilitando la investigación y el estudio del universo.
Además, en un sentido más figurado, la alineación también puede referirse a la coordinación y armonía entre distintos elementos o individuos. En el ámbito laboral, por ejemplo, la alineación de objetivos y estrategias entre los miembros de un equipo es fundamental para alcanzar el éxito en proyectos y metas comunes.
En resumen, la alineación es un concepto clave que se aplica en diferentes contextos para asegurar un funcionamiento adecuado, ya sea en el mantenimiento de vehículos, la observación astronómica o la coordinación de equipos de trabajo. Es importante prestar atención a la alineación en todas sus formas para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo y una mayor eficacia en nuestras actividades diarias.
España Sub-21
La selección de fútbol Sub-21 de España, conocida como España Sub-21, es uno de los equipos juveniles más exitosos y reconocidos en el ámbito internacional. Este equipo representa el futuro del fútbol español y ha sido una cantera de talento para la selección absoluta en muchos casos.
España Sub-21 ha logrado importantes triunfos a lo largo de los años, destacando especialmente sus victorias en el Campeonato Europeo Sub-21 de la UEFA. Han conquistado el título en cinco ocasiones, en 1986, 1998, 2011, 2013 y 2019, lo que demuestra la constante calidad y competitividad de este equipo.
Muchos jugadores destacados han pasado por las filas de España Sub-21, demostrando su valía en las competiciones internacionales y ganando renombre a nivel mundial. Estos jugadores han sido clave en el desarrollo y la evolución del fútbol español, contribuyendo al éxito tanto a nivel de clubes como de selecciones.
La selección Sub-21 de España es un referente en el fútbol juvenil y continúa formando talento para el futuro. Su estilo de juego técnico, combinado con una gran disciplina táctica, los ha llevado a obtener importantes logros y a mantenerse en la élite del fútbol mundial. Sin duda, España Sub-21 seguirá siendo un equipo a tener en cuenta en las competiciones venideras.
Un partido puede referirse a diferentes situaciones dependiendo del contexto en el que se utilice. En el ámbito deportivo, un partido es un enfrentamiento entre dos equipos o jugadores que compiten en un determinado deporte, ya sea fútbol, baloncesto, tenis, entre otros. Estos encuentros suelen generar gran expectación entre los aficionados y pueden ser disputados en diferentes modalidades, como partidos amistosos, de liga, eliminatorias, finales, entre otros.
Por otro lado, el término partido también se utiliza en política para hacer referencia a una agrupación de personas que comparten una misma ideología o conjunto de ideas y que buscan alcanzar el poder político para implementar sus propuestas. En este sentido, los partidos políticos juegan un papel fundamental en el sistema democrático, ya que representan los intereses de diferentes sectores de la sociedad y participan en la toma de decisiones públicas.
Además, en el ámbito social, un partido es una reunión o celebración en la que un grupo de personas se junta para divertirse, socializar y compartir momentos agradables. Estas fiestas pueden ser de diferente índole, como fiestas de cumpleaños, bodas, graduaciones, entre otras, y suelen estar acompañadas de comida, bebida, música y baile.
En resumen, el término partido puede hacer referencia a diferentes situaciones dependiendo del contexto en el que se utilice, ya sea en el ámbito deportivo, político o social, pero en todos los casos implica un encuentro, enfrentamiento o celebración entre individuos que comparten un objetivo en común.
Ucrania Sub-21
La selección nacional de fútbol Sub-21 de Ucrania es un equipo prometedor que representa el futuro del fútbol ucraniano. Formando parte de la Federación Ucraniana de Fútbol, esta selección ha logrado destacarse en competiciones tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
El equipo Sub-21 de Ucrania ha participado en varios torneos importantes, como el Campeonato Europeo Sub-21 de la UEFA, donde ha demostrado su talento y habilidades en el terreno de juego. Los jugadores jóvenes de Ucrania han capturado la atención de los aficionados al fútbol de todo el mundo con su juego emocionante y su determinación en cada encuentro.
Muchos de los jugadores que han pasado por la selección Sub-21 de Ucrania han logrado dar el salto al primer equipo nacional, demostrando la importancia de esta etapa en el desarrollo de futuros talentos del fútbol. Gracias al arduo trabajo de los entrenadores y al compromiso de los jugadores, Ucrania Sub-21 continúa cosechando éxitos y ganando experiencia en cada torneo en el que participa.
El futuro del fútbol ucraniano es prometedor, y el equipo Sub-21 de Ucrania juega un papel crucial en la formación de los futuros líderes del deporte rey en el país. Con dedicación, talento y pasión por el juego, los jóvenes jugadores de Ucrania seguirán representando con orgullo a su país en la escena internacional y dejando su huella en el mundo del fútbol.
Los jugadores son elementos fundamentales en cualquier equipo deportivo, ya que son quienes ejecutan las estrategias y tácticas diseñadas por los entrenadores. En el fútbol, por ejemplo, los jugadores son responsables de marcar goles, realizar pases precisos, despejar balones y defender la portería. Cada jugador tiene un rol específico en el campo de juego, ya sea delantero, centrocampista, defensa o portero.
Además de sus habilidades técnicas y físicas, los jugadores también deben contar con cualidades como la disciplina, la determinación, la concentración y el trabajo en equipo. La mentalidad ganadora y la capacidad de sobreponerse a la presión son clave para destacar en competiciones exigentes.
Los jugadores también se enfrentan a desafíos fuera del campo, como lesiones, críticas de la prensa y la presión de cumplir con las expectativas de los aficionados. La gestión del éxito y del fracaso, así como el mantener la motivación y la pasión por el deporte, son aspectos igualmente importantes en la vida de un jugador.
En resumen, los jugadores son piezas clave en el mundo del deporte, siendo admirados por su talento, dedicación y sacrificio. Su impacto trasciende las fronteras del campo de juego, inspirando a millones de personas en todo el mundo a través de su pasión por el juego limpio y la excelencia deportiva.
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