#Cats of Thundergrowth
Cats of Thundergrowth: Rosetail
Name: Rose, Rosepaw, Rosetail
Identity: Cisgender Molly- She/her
Orientation: Aroromantic
Rank: Attendant
Former Rank(s): Warrior Apprentice, Warrior
A gray molly with her tail being covered with red scales. She has curled ears, like that of her Uncle Sheepear and her grandmother Squirrelwhisker and already she can feel the pains in her joints. Many suspect that she will soon retire from her position as Attendant, but not fully retire to the elders den. Many have seen her talking to Specklebee and whispers were heard about her taking lessons to become a Caretaker.
While a romantic at heart, Rosetail never felt the spark for herself. She gushed over her brother's, Thrushcloud, crush over Blizzardstorm but when thinking about a mate for herself she felt off. She tried to push it away, even as going as far as dating someone from the Hearth Coalition but realize that she felt no romantic attraction to her partner. Luckily for her, Calor, her partner understood, and they broke off on good terms and even kept in contact. When Rosetail had decied she wanted children he was the first cat she thought of and Calor was all for it. When Rosetail gave birth to five healthy kits, two of them went with their father, while she kept three, who she named, Flicker, Spotted and Brindle
Mentor: Kitespot (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Starlingthroat
Parents: Poppydawn (mother), Swirlflight (father)
Siblings: Thrushcloud, Voleclaw
Mate: Calor (seperated/good terms-Sire of kits)
Kits: Flickerpaw (Son), Spottedpaw (Daughter), Brindlepaw (Daughter), Avis (Daughter), Oriri (Son)
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Cats of Thundergrowth: Bishop Blizzardstorm
Names: Blizzard, Blizzardpaw, Blizzardstorm
Identity: Cisgender molly- she/her
Orientation: Bisexual- Tom leaning
Rank: Bishop
Former Rank(s): Crafter Apprentice, Bishop's Heir
A large blue-gray tabby molly with patches of yellow scales on her shoulders and the back of her neck. While large she is very skinny for a Thunder and has very long thin legs, making her one of the tallest cats in all of Thundergrowth, which makes her very imposing when she lectures you.
Blizzardstorm was born to Loonflower of Thundergrowth and Shreddedear of Windmoor, but she wouldn't learn of her father until he came barging into the camp all but demaning her and her sister, Snow. Her mother giving her up without a fight formed a crack in her heart, and it only got bigger when she learn that her uncle Goosefeather was the one to force Loonflower to fight for the sisters, which caused her death under the claws of Hawkheart. This also strained her relationship with her father, who the Bishop of Windmoor had exile him to Thundergrowth to be the father he wished to be. Blaming him for the death of her mother, and turning his attention to Harpyshine, a Drifter who recently joined, as if Loonflower didn't matter...as if she and Snow didn't matter. The nick in her ear was the last gift Shreddedear gave her when she tried to gain his attention. The crack grew bigger in her heart.
Of course her relationship didn't help with her relationship with Snow, the two sisters pulling apart once they were made into apprentices. While Blizzardpaw wanted to make Shreddedear proud of her and pay attention, Snowpaw wanted nothing to do with their Sire. She hated that she share the blood of someone from a different Kingdom, hated the fact that she started grew feathers along her neck. Blizzardpaw and then Blizzardstorm had tried her best to help her sister, but it didn't help with Thistleclaw of Riverglade started whispering in Snowgale's ears, saying that maybe a new start would help her. The two sisters would argue about it fiercely, but Blizzardstorm would gain claw marks as a goodbye as Snowgale went to Riverglade to join her mate. And thus the crack grew even more.
The only good thing in her life that Blizzardstorm thinks is her kit, Rosetteanthem. Born from in a litter of three from a bout of weakness between her and Haddockbounce of Riverglade, she couldn't help but love her three kits. But that winter from Chinoa's wails were fierce. She needed to bring all her attention towards her kingdom as her predecessor and uncle was slowly wasting away, she was all but ruling Thundergrowth. So with a heavy heart, she gave two of her kits to their father, while keeping her strongest daughter. She is very attached to her, but also strict, fearing for what the Gods have in store for her daughter and hoping to sway her to a new path.
She is very tired, but she stands strong for her comrades, the burden of their faith for her on her shoulders. Though she finds herself staring at the newest member of the Kingdom, and is wondering if the stars are finally giving her a break, if they will finally allow her to rest
Mentor(s): Stonethroat, Goosefeather (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Cricketleap (deceased)
Parents: Loonflower (mother/deceased) and Shreddedear (sire/deceased)
Sibling(s): Snowgale (littermate/deceased), Raven (Half-brother), Dust (Half-brother)
Mate: Haddockbounce (separated/complicated)
Kits: Rossetteanthem (daughter), Stonelull (son), Mossflower (daughter)
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Thundergrowth Bishops:
Jagged Thunder
Owl Eyes
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Thundergrowth Clowder
Bishop : Bishop Lilystrike {Bluestar/Willowbreeze}- a long furred blue/silver thick pelted molly with black horns and blue eyes. Icewillow has golden brown scales creeping up the back of her neck* Sibling: Lilystrike, Thistleclaw
Heir: None
Guardian: Sparrowsong {Halftail}- a very dark mackerel tabby tom with white horns, yellow eyes and pine green scales on his chest. Sparrowsong has a very short tail Apprentice: Raccoonpaw
Sibling: Patchbelly
Mate: Waspeye
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Soothepurr: Featherwhisker- a long furred, thick pelted smooth silver- gray tom with light yellow eyes and teal gold scale crawling across his belly. Featherwhisker has yellow horns and yellow eyes. Apprentice: Spottedpaw
Waspeye {One-Eye}- pale gray virtually blind molly with scars all over body and shredded ears along with patches of violet scales. Her left was clawed out and the wound has since healed shut- her remaining eye is a foggy yellow
Mate: Sparrowsong
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Jaygrowl {Robinwing/Dappletail}- a small brown molly with patches of orange and black scales with thick sleek fur. Dapplewing has white horns and amber eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Thrushnose
Mate: Specklescorch
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Patchbelly- a small black and white tom with green gold scales crawling on his face and shoulders. Patchbelly has white horns and yellow eyes {Patchpelt}
Sibling: Sparrowsong
Thistleclaw- a huge gray and white tabby tom with uneven patches of yellow green scales crawling on his face and spiky fur. Thistleclaw has black horns, amber eyes and spiky fur that is said to be softer than it looks Apprentice:Tigerpaw
Siblings: Icewillow, Nectarpool
Child: Sleetsong
Rosetail- a gray ticked tabby molly with a bushy tail with red rose scales at the end. Rosetail has white horns and blue eyes
Parent: Poppydawn
Children: Racoonpaw, Spottedpaw
Lionheart- a large golden tabby tom with thick fluffy mane around his neck like Leo’s mane. Lionheart has patches of black scales; brown horns and green eyes
Parents: Specklescorch, Dapplewing
Sibling: Finchdawn
Mate: Frostnip
Turtlenose- a brown and white tom with golden brown scale legs and two white toes. Turtlenose has white horns and orange eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Sablewhisker
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sablewhisker- a black spotted tabby with indigo scales crawling on her shoulders. Sablewhisker has silver horns and blue eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Turtlenose
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sharpwatcher- light gray ticked tabby with white scales going up his legs. Sharpwatcher has small ears, black horns and copper eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Frostnip
Frostnip {Frostfur}- a long furred speckle gray molly with white scales splash across her face. Frostnip has white horns, small folded ears and blue eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Sharpwhisker
Sleetsong {Whitestorm}-a snowy white tom with tufted ears and patches of silver scales crawling on his face that shimmer in the light. Sleetstorm has black horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Thistleclaw
Mate: Wisteriog
Childrem: Tulip, Fern
Fireflydawn- a chocolate brown mackerel tom with an orange scaled tail. Fireflydawn has white horns, orange eyes and small ears.
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Wisteriafog
Owlglare {Mousefur/Darkstripe}- small solid black molly with silver scales crawling up her tail. Owlglare has a pink nose, white horns and orange eyes.*
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Wildrunner
Wildrunner {Runningwind}- a lithe light brown tabby tom with black scales going across his face. Wildrunner has brown horns and green eyes.
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Mousetooth
Nightsnap {Nightkit}- sleek black molly with with darker strikes. Nightsnap has silver scales crawling up her face and neck, white horns and green eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Tigerpaw
Raccoonpaw {Redtail}- a small brown furred tortoiseshell tabby tom with pale marigold scales going across his face and shoulders. Raccoonpaw has a vibrant ginger tail, amber eyes and white horns.*
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Spottedpaw
Spottedpaw- a dark tortoiseshell molly with white splotches on her face and belly. Spottedpaw has blue-black scales crawling up her back, amber eyes and black horns.
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Racconpaw
Tigerpaw- a large dark brown tabby tom blessed with the stripes and claws of Tigris. Tigerpaw has flecks of white scales crawling up his face and belly, red scales going across his throat, white horns and amber eyes.
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Nightsnap
Blazepaw- a long-furred bright flame-ginger molly blessed with the rosetted coat of Pardus with black scales crawling up her legs and belly. Blazepaw has a white chin, tip tail, black horns and arm-webs; green eyes. Formerly of Stratovden.
Parents: Jake, Nicole
Siblings: Sean, Ruby, Sootpaw
Monarchs and Caretakers
Head caretaker: Specklescorch {Speckletail}- a cream golden classic molly with splashes of dark red scales going down her back and tail. Specklescorch has yellow horns and green eyes.
Mate: Dapplewing
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Thrushnose {Thrushpelt}- a pale grayish brown with white scales crawling up his chest and neck. Thrushnose has white flecks across his snout, brown horns and green eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Dapplewing
Mistsong {Mistkit}- a gray molly with a white locket and belly. Mistsong has sky blue scales crawling up her legs and down her spine, black horns and amber eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Nightsnap, Tigerpaw
Finchdawn {Goldenflower}-a golden tabby molly with gray torbie patches with blue scales across her shoulders and back legs. Finchdawn has a short tail, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Dapplewing, Specklescorch
Sibling: Lionheart
Children: Coyote, Jackal
Wisteriafog{Willowpelt/Brindleface}- pale gray spotted molly with white scales along her back; silver horns and blue eyes
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Fireflydawn
Mate: Sleetstorm
Children: Tulip, Fern
Coyote {Sand/Bright}- a cinnamon tabby molly with torbie patches and a white belly. Sand has red scales crawling up her back and legs, green eyes and white horns
Parent: Finchdawn
Sibling: Jackal
Jackal {Swiftpaw/Longtail}-a pale sandy furred tom with dark black stripes and white splotches. Swift has silver scales on his toes, ears and legs with white horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Finchdawn
Siblings: Coyote
Lynx- a cinnamon torbie molly with dark brown tabby patches and yellow feathers on her shoulders and throat. Lynx has green scales going across her face, yellow eyes and black horns. Under the care of Thrushnose
Tulip {Graystripe}- dark gray tom with darker gray feathers along his spine. Tulip has bright teal scales along his shoulders and legs, black horns and yellow eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Fern
Fern- pale gray molly with darker flecks and a white belly. Fern has green scales along her throat and crawling up her face, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Tulip
Mumblestep {Mumblefoot}- a small graying brown tom with thick fur that is patched. Mumblestep has orange scales on the back of his neck and chest, white horns and amber eyes. The oldest cat in Thundergrowth
Children: Dapplewing, Thrushnose
Panthershade {Leopardfoot}- a sleek raven-black molly with white splotches on her face. Leopardshade has pink scales crawling on her legs and the tip of her tail, silver horns and green eyes.
Child: Tigerpaw
Sheepear {Smallear}- a gray tom with very small folded ears, one which has a nick in it. Sheepear has black scales crawling up his throat and down his chest, black horns and orange eyes
Children: Frostnip, Sharpwhisker
Poppydawn- long haired dark red molly with an extremely bushy tail. Poppydawn has golden scales going down her back and legs, brown horns and amber eyes.
Child: Rosetail
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So I might fix this up later who knows with my brain but Thundergrowth Clowder as of right now is done
Thundergrowth Clowder
Leader: Star Icewillow- pale blue-silver molly with thick long furred and yellow scales along the back of her neck; amber eyes and black horns {Bluestar/Willowbreeze}*
Sibling: Drizzlepool
Apprentice: Blazepaw
Heir: None
Protector: Sparrowsong- dark dark tabby tom with with gray scales on his chest and a very short tail; yellow eyes and black horns {Halftail}
Sibling: Patchbelly
Mate: Waspeye
Children: Wildpaw, Mousepaw
Apprentice: Racoonpaw
Starsayer: Featherwhisker- smoothed thick silver-gray fur tom with light yellow scales on his belly; amber eyes and white horns
Apprentice: Spottedpaw
Waspeye- pale gray molly with light blue scales on her shoulders. Her right eye is a foggy yellow; yellow eyes and white horns.
Sibling: Speckleshine
Children: Wildpaw, Mousepaw
Dapplewing- brown molly with white scales on her back and orange scales on her chest; yellow eyes and brown horns {Robinwing/Dapplenose}
Sibling: Thrushchitter
Mate: Speckleshine
Children: Lionheart, Marigoldlight
Patchbelly- black tom with silver gray scales on his chest and belly; yellow eyes and silver horns
Sibling: Sparrowsong
Apprentice: Wildpaw
Rosetail- silver gray molly with red scaled tail; blue eyes and red horns*
Children: Racoonpaw, Spottedpaw
Pricklesnarl- dark ginger tom with white dorsal fins along his back; yellow eyes and white horns: Formerly a Drifter
Mate: Sablewhisker
Children: Darkstripe, Bee
Apprentice: Mousepaw
Brindleface- pale gray spotted molly with black scales along her back and legs; green eyes and silver horns
Parent: Fuzzybush
Sibling: Frosfig
Mate: Darkstripe
Lionheart- large golden tabby tom blessed with the mane of Panthera Leo and orange scales on his shoulders; green eyes and brown horns
Parents: Dapplewing, Speckleshine
Sibling: Marigoldlight
Mate: Frostfig
Darkstripe- dark gray tabby tom with black scale stripes and dorsal plates along his spine; orange eyes and silver horns
Parents: Pricklesnarl, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Bee
Mate: Brindleface
Flurrystorm-mostly white tom with black scales on his legs, tail and ears; blue eyes and black horns {Whitestorm}
Willowflame- silver gray molly with a splotch of orange scales on the base of her tail; blue eyes and white horns {Willowpelt}
Tigerclaw- large brown tabby tom with reddish brown scales and a patch of red scales on his throat; blessed with Panthera Tigris stripes and usually long front claws; amber eyes and black horns
Parent: Leopardspot
Blazepaw: dark reddish brown molly blessed with the rosetted spots of Panthera Pardus and white scales on her belly and jaw; green eyes and black horns {Fireheart}
Parents: Jake, Nicole
Siblings: Sebastian, Ruby, Ian
Racoonpaw: cream colored tortoiseshell tom with splotches of gray scales and vibrant ginger scaled tail; green eyes and black horns {Redtail/Wishkit}*
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Spottedpaw
Spottedpaw- diluted tortoiseshell molly with white scales on her chest and a bushy tail; amber eyes and black horns {Spottedleaf/Hopekit}
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Racoonpaw
Wildpaw- lithe lean brown tabby tom with black scales around his eyes; green eyes and white horns
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Mousepaw
Mousepaw- small dusky brown molly with dark brown scales on her shoulders; yellow eyes and white horns
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Wildpaw
Monarchs and Caretakers
Head Caretaker: Thrushchitter- grayish brown tom with white scales on his chest and flecks on his back; green eyes and brown horns {Thrushpelt}
Sibling: Dapplewing
Speckleshine- pale golden tabby molly with dark orange scale stripes; yellow eyes and white horns* {Speckletail}
Sibling: Waspeye
Mate: Dapplewing
Children: Lionheart, Marigoldlight
Marigoldlight- long furred pretty golden tabby molly with red brown scales on her shoulders; yellow eyes and brown horns {Goldenflower}
Parents: Speckleshine, Dapplewing
Children: Sand, Adder, Lynx
Kitecry- black long tail molly with brown scale stripes along her back and a white locket on her chest; amber eyes: Formerly a Drifter
Children: Buzzard, Raven
Sablewhisker- dark gray molly with black dorsal fins along her spine and dark scale stripes; blue eyes and silver horns: Formerly a Drifter
Mate: Pricklesnarl
Children: Darkstripe, Bee
Frostfig- white molly with gray scaled legs and gray scale around her throat; blue eyes and silver horns, half deaf {Frostfur}
Parent: Fuzzybush
Sibling: Brindleface
Mate: Lionheart
Sand- golden torbie molly with patches of orange scales; green eyes and yellow horns {Sandstorm}
Parent: Marigoldlight
Siblings: Lynx, Adder
Lynx- cinnamon torbie molly with patches of white scales; yellow eyes and white horns
Parent: Marigoldlight
Siblings: Sand, Adder
Adder- pale brown tom with with patches of black and and white scales, most notably on face and a very long tail; blue eyes {Longtail/Swiftpaw}
Parent: Marigoldlight
Siblings: Sand, Lynx
Buzzard- dark brown tabby tom with darker brown scale stripes; amber eyes and black horns {Dustpelt}
Parent: Kitecry
Sibling: Raven
Raven- small black tom with a white scale tip tail and white scales on his chest; green eyes and silver horns
Parent: Kitecry
Sibling: Buzzard
Bee- gray smoke tom with dark gray dorsal fins coming out of his spine; yellow eyes and black horns {Graystripe}
Parent: Pricklesnarl, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Darkstripe
Leopardspot- black molly with darker splotches of scales; amber eyes and black horns; oldest molly in Thundergrowth
Child: Tigerclaw
Poppydawn- dark ginger molly with gray scales along her face; orange eyes and white horns
Child: Rosetail
Sheepear- small legged dark gray tom with small ears, flecks of black scales on his back; orange eyes and black horns {Smallear}
Fuzzybush- long furred black tom with black scales stripes on his legs; blue eyes and silver horns {Fuzzypelt}
Children: Frostfig, Brindleface
Tell me what you guys think?
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Curious to hear about Scorchmelody x Rosetteanthem. Curious about Rosie in general, being a mix of Leopardfur and Mistyfoot
Rosetteanthem my baby girl… if anything she is base off of @strelles-universe Tigerclaw, believing that she is the Spark that the prophecy speaks of, nevermind that it says that the Kingdoms need to welcome the sparks. I mean who else can it be? She is bless with the markings of the sun, of Ilias so it has to be her. It also doesn’t help that she had been Chosen by the Messengers to become the next Bishop of Riverglade after her father. It’s is very rare outside Windmoor for a child of a bishop to inherit the responsibility.
But besides the big head, she is very much like Mistyfoot. Kind, caring, a great mentor to all the apprentices and even to the younger kits. She follows the code to a T, and that may lead to the problem.
Before her graduation assessment, she and her brother were told the truth about their mother. That she was not a pure River, but in fact a Divider.. someone who has parents from different Kingdoms, and that her mother was none other than Blizzardtounge, the Divider who became Thundergrowth’s Bishop… and that means that Rosetteanthem is even more unpure
After being told the truth she disowns Blizzardtounge as her mother for not only abandoning her but being the reason why her little brother Mosskit was dead, and she told Haddockbounce that he is lucky enough that she won’t do the same. She became more colder, more harsher as the moons went on, losing Sunfish and Palefang didn’t help much, especially since they lost them to battles in Thundergrowth over Sunningrocks. Not even her brother, Stonelull could pull her out of her funk, and not that he was much help anyway, he always seem to be wandering out of the camp, near the border of Thundergrowth. It seem that the Gods were punishing her for her blood, for her foolish belief that she would bring great change… no matter what her Guide told her
And then, one day, she spots two cats wandering in their territory, one heavily pregnant the other a pure white molly with red ears and tail, with the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen, asking for their help. It was at that moment she knew
Maybe she wasn’t the Spark… but maybe she was the one to guide the Spark
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Ok as you seen I posted the allegiances for Thundergrowth the reason why is… cause I’m asking for Five Truths! I’m opening them up! So chose which Thundergrowth cat you want to know about and I will tell five truths for them!
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So I decided to draw at least the headshots of the kingdoms so that way you guys can sorta get an idea
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They’re not my best… underneath their fur is scales, so the skin inside their ears matches the same colors
Riverglade (accidentally wrote riverside ugh) have neck frills and when spook they puff up. They don’t fully grow in until three moons old so at first they’re just a bunch of scales around the neck
Shadowmire looses their tusks all the time, and in two-three days new ones grow in. It’s the same with all the cats teeth if they lose one but it five-six days
Thundergrowth doesn’t really have anything special except unlike the others they can’t handle the cold too well…if they get too cold they’ll stop moving, stop eating and then slowly die, it’s call the Stilling for them
Windmoor I’m still figuring out but they’re a lot different than the other kingdoms since at the founding most of their group are the ones that originally lived at the Strath but wouldn’t allow to be chase off. They’re more bug like like the hivewings and they have a sort of hive mind with each other. It’s why they don’t like outsiders too much because it’s very hard to be welcome into it
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Take this as an opportunity to rant and rave about any blorbo of your choosing
my blorbo of course is my girl Blaze! She is my female Firestar, who i have been trying to create since my middle school days after I learn that the Hunters at first wrote fireheart as a girl but I felt most, how to say...dissapointed that they would have her with graystripe...GRAYSTRIPE? Like don't get me wrong my grayfire fellows, I do think the ship is cute...if it wasn't canon graystripe...because canon graystripe is a...well you know, not really a good friend, not a good deputy and well...yeah I mean don't get me wrong...but I like him and fire just as friends, though Ankh makes a good grayfire that is for sure (listen Flippy never forgave him for attacking Fire when Fire was trying to help and I still hold a grudge)
So, that's where Blaze came from, or her full name Blazelight. Over the last few years she became more from a copy of fireheart that's a girl to her own person. She still has fire's mischief into sticking her nose into things that people really don't want her too, and standing for what right even if it goes against the code but unlike fire she will fight. She won't have the other clans, or kingdoms say shit about who she lets in, and she won't just try to talk it out because she does like fighting, it's part of Thundergrowth's culture, they love a good fight. She and Tigerclaw are like the power couple of Thundergrowth, Blaze softens him up a bit, while Tiger...well is one of the reason why Blaze is a bit claw first ask questions later.
Honestly the most excited thing I can't wait to write about (If I ever get to it) is Blaze's relationships, with Blizzard, Tigerclaw, Flickertail and the other prophecy cats, her brother Soot, along with Smoke and Scorch (Sasha)
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You know what, I’m just… ugh! So I’m redoing the Thundergrowth family tree and is no longer afraid of making cats have parents that were outside the kingdoms but no matter what I do there are going to be some who get with their cousins. Cousins tbag they aren’t related to by blood but by a family member already having mated with someone
Example: Thistlestripe (Graystripe) is still getting with Callastream (silverstream) but he’s the son of Hailsong (whitestorm) and Drizzleshade (Brindleface/Willowpelt) they’re kinda related because hailsong’s aunt Blizzardtounge (bluestar/willowbreeze) got with Haddockbounce (crookedstar/oakheart) and Callastream is their sister as Calla is now the daughter of Rainflower or Crookedflower as she is call in this universe
They’re not realated by blood but still kinda.. related by mateship which sucks but probably normalize since the kingdoms hardly take outsiders as mates
As long as they’re not related by blood I’m ok right?
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Jagged Thunder formerly Jagged Sky
Son of Clear Sky and Bright Storm
Sibling of Fluttering Sky, Fallen Sky
Founder of Thundergrowth
Born to Clear Sky and Bright Storm, an adventures kit, he was the most keen on leaving the Wailing Den after the last White Coat stop showing up, more so when his father convinced his mother to come along with him with the group of cats that were leaving after the death of his brother Fallen Sky. Though his adventures spirit would bring him much pain as he leap into danger without thinking, one case of it causing the death of his beloved uncle Shade Sky. His father never forgave him for that and turn his attention to his sister Fluttering Sky, raising her up to be his successor of their group much to the anger of their mother
It became so much worse that, in hopes of gaining his father’s favor, he would climb a tree to catch a squirrel, a branch breaking which cause him to fall and break his leg. It never healed straight, forever more to be a twisted. His father, deem him weak and thus exile him so he wouldn’t be a burden, outraged Bright Storm went with him, breaking up with Clear Sky. His sister though, stayed with her father, having the same thought process with her father. There they would join up with Bumble Wind’s group
With Clear Sky’s thirst for more territory, it became a head on battle between the two groups. Brothers and sisters, parents and child, friends they all fought.
It all ended when the gods showed up, and in the end as Jagged Sky and Fluttering Sky saw the dead bodies of their parents they knew that things had to stop… and such three groups were form the Thundergrowth founded by the newly named Jagged Thunder, the Windmoor founded by Bumble Wind and the Skycanopy founded by Fluttering Sky
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Clowders of the Valley: Thundergrowth
Founder: Thunder Peak
Living in the valley that is primary woodland covered in undergrowth such as ferns, brambles, small trees and shrubs, this group of cats have excellent stalking techniques, creeping across the forest floor. Unfortunately, unlike the other clans they having only one section of their territory that has Heat Stones, which they fight Riverside over, so they are more prone to the Stilling than the other Clowders.
Thunderclan are T-Rex base, with massive skull balanced by a long heavy tail and the horns of an elk. They are the largest of the Clowders, only rival by Riverside. Their bite is much worse than their roar, some saying that it can break bones if bitten with the full force. Their scales can come in any color but the most favorable are brown, black, red and green. Only in Winter do those with white scales are praise.
Outside of battle Thundergrowth is peaceful, they do value strength and loyalty over everything else. The Clowder must come first is their motto and they will only butt into other Clowder business if it threatens their Clowder. Family is value as much as loyalty too. Kin or not, having Clowder blood or Outsider blood, once your in the clan you are Family, you are Kin. While other clans do take outsiders to fill up their ranks, Thundergrowth is one of the few that don’t expect you to cut ties from your past. to forget where you come from. Sure while some will eye a newly welcome member when they try to talk about their life before the clan, their own beliefs and some others will try to bonk their head, many others will stand up for the member, giving them support. Because Thundergrowth believes remembering where you come from is what makes you, you. Though many others will do this in a cruel way.
Thundergrowth is the best at making Battleclaws, weapons worn on the front paws of a Warrior, but only used in warfare, though many young are still trained in the art of using them. 
Leader: Icewillow
Heir: Wildrunner (Temporary) 
Patron: Leo
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I am really going with the allegiances this time. Voleclaw of Riverclan and Thistleclaw of thunderclan have switch places, now Voleclaw is the son of Swirlflight (Windflight) and Poppydawn, brother to Rosetail and Oakpaw while Thistleclaw is the son of Hailfall and brother to Petaldust and Beetlenose, mate to Snowgale who was formerly a Thundergrowth cat
And Haddockbounce. He now has a sister name Sweetlily, who is his Attendant
Like seriously people I’m taking inspiration from @twilights-800-cats
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