#Castoff has really been such a great experience
the-mighty-q · 9 months
so for the first time ever I have made fanart.
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Never drew fanart before this, never drew human’s either. But the rush of serotonin I got with a simple sketch was AMAZING. 10/10 will draw fanart again
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
all right i can't help myself imma overanalyze the tank engines some more
I think their backgrounds are so evident in how they act — and especially in how they relate to each other.
Like, Thomas and Duck have a lot of personality traits in common. But Thomas spent his formative decades on this smaller, tight-knit, ad-hoc, underdog, disaster-prone, crazy-mess-of-a-family railway that consists of a bunch of castoffs and misfits?
Whereas Duck spent his formative decades as one of a h u g e class that is part of a m a s s i v e fleet on the well-funded, well-managed, well-respected everything-runs-like-clockwork God's Wonderful Railway?
And doesn't it come out so obviously?
Because Duck arrives very used to functioning as a humble, happy cog a well-oiled corporate. He is in some ways better-socialized... certainly much better at yard politics ('They'll get tired of it soon... they will get tired of it soon, right? ... Well then. I know just how to put an end to this.') but there's also that really notable element of detachment in him. Unlike Thomas and in fact unlike pretty much all the other steam engines we know best, he is more a thinker than a feeler. Especially at first! He does get more and more fiery... the longer he is on Sodor. Because, I argue, he's discovering new depths!
I think he was content on the G.W.R. and proud of it and never knew what he was missing. But he was missing one thing—and I think that was the degree of imagination that is accepted and even encouraged on the North Western.
That imagination that can lead to such conflict (but also to such emotional intimacy).
And to me Duck's whole fascinating thing is the tension between his ingrained conformity vs. his strong individualism.
It's the exact same internal conflict that Thomas has! But he's been able to work it from quite a different angle. Sodor is a place where the engines are all unique, very different from each other, and it seems like it's considered quite okay for them to be such... strong characters. I mean, Thomas had to fight for his dreams early on ("I'm tired of pushing coaches. I want to see the world!") But it was possible. It happened. (You surely wouldn't get that chance on the Great Western! Not when everything is such a tightly-run ship. Fancy the Paddington stationmaster letting a pilot escape with someone else's goods train!) And Thomas has therefore had decades to become more and more of an individualist.
In fact, his natural charisma has been so encouraged that it's become part of the railway ethos. He's an attraction, and I'm sure, even before that, he was very much the "heart and soul" in the view of the railway's employees. That said, he's the last thing in the world from selfish. He embraces a strong ethic of work, loyalty, and helpfulness, and, again, his big personality has even been turned into a North Western asset.
That said, I'm sure that from Duck's point of view Thomas sometimes seemed... way too erratic and full-of-himself. And, from Thomas's point of view, Duck sometimes seemed way too... robotic and rule-following.
Then there's Percy. I think he bonds so well with both because he had a long-unmet need for a big brother protector. Duck fell into that role easily (and he could have well played it to others before Sodor). Thomas, I think, never got to properly play this role pre-Percy... but he needed it sooooo much.
The way Thomas drops that "Don't be frightened, Toby. I'll take care of you." Oh my God though??!??! This is so hilarious and telling—I MEAN—
Oh, Thomas.
Anyway, this is what I meant by Thomas needing Percy. His responsibility complex strikes again.
What I want to clarify now though is that Percy also needs Thomas?
Percy didn't have the 'small railway family' or 'well-defined collective identity' experience. He was, in the long run, very much on his own before getting a home on Sodor. So, as I've said probably too often lately, he is happy to settle into a little brother role. Despite being older and really much more worldly-wise than Thomas. Or Duck. Or Toby.
(As for dear Toby? Being 'raised' at the G.E.R./L.N.E.R.'s Yarmouth docks by a small close-knit class, he had a nice warm stable upbringing that has enabled him to keep pretty damn well-adjusted in all his adventures and trials since. Especially compared to the rest of the Ffarquhar lot!)
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—can't find any canon images of the four together smh—
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monaedroid · 7 years
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Plenty of musicians can flex a fresh fit on the ‘gram, but rare is the occasion where an artist’s sonic output matches the inventiveness of their sartorial choices. Atlanta’s St. Beauty are a diamond in the rough, or more aptly, a perfectly worn leather jacket among racks of questionable second-hand castoffs, since the duo met while working at a vintage store in College Park.
Born and raised Atlantans Alex and Isis quickly bonded over their love for songwriting and performing, and subsequently got their start at a show in the store’s basement. We’ve only been treated to a small taste of the St. Beauty sound, but what we’ve heard so far is a sublime combination of trap beats and angelic vocals, like “Borders,” which featured on the soundtrack to hit HBO show Insecure. They recently collaborated with fellow Atlantan and Highsnobiety Music favorite BOSCO on “Castles” from her recent b. EP.
Check out our exclusive editorial and interview with St. Beauty below, where they discuss growing up in Atlanta, which trap artists they’d like to collab with, and how their style has evolved over the years.
You two met a few years back as teenagers, and over the years you’ve seen each other grow and experience many things both professionally and personally. How has this journey played a part in the music you make now?
Alex: The journey has played a huge role in our music. We started off with just a guitar and our voices. It was so raw in the beginning, then as we started to record our music, percussion and more sounds came into the picture to create the signature sound that we have now.
Isis: This journey has had and still has a lot of ups and downs, break-ups, ending of friendships etc… But it’s a part of our story and all of those experiences allowed us to have something to sing about. This project was definitely a kind of therapy for us. It’s helped us heal from heartbreak and other situations, but it’s also helped us grow. We’ve seen the changes for the better in both of us. We are always growing though; we make sure we’re continuously learning and climbing to the be the best people we can be.
How would you describe your style when it comes to fashion? How has it evolved since you first met?
A: I describe my style as fun and ’70s. I love the fashion in that era and women like Audrey Hepburn and Diana Ross. I love wearing colorful things or having a pop of color somewhere in my outfit. When I just want to chill, I’ll throw on a ringer tee or a band tee. Heart sunglasses are my favorite type of shades. They complete all of my outfits.
I: Comfort is 100% important for us when it comes to our style. We met while working at a vintage store, so we love one-of-a-kind pieces with color and personality. I personally like to show my shoulders and legs. I’m inspired by the same people, from Diana Ross and Audrey Hepburn to even someone like Cher (I haven’t gotten that brave but she’s inspiring). Our style has evolved ever so slightly, but we know things will change later.
Being southern natives, your music has the elements of southern boho-charm with a tiny hint of trap at times. Do you plan on continuing to infuse trap into your music?
A: We love having the trap elements in our music, but we definitely plan to change it up in the future.
I: It isn’t something we are doing on purpose. I think it’s innate when you’ve heard a particular sound for a long time for it to seep through into your music. We know how we want to move when we perform and how we want others to feel and move while listening. We love all types of music. Honestly if you take out all of the trap elements and play our songs on the guitar it would sound like a country song, lol.
You recently did a collab with fellow Atlanta artist BOSCO, how did that come about?
A: BOSCO sent us a text and asked us if we wanted to get on a song. She sent us the private SoundCloud link and we heard it and loved it. We put down melodies and wrote to it and sent it back over to her and she loved it. It was pretty simple and easy. (Laughs) BOSCO is our girl!
I: We love BOSCO. She’s someone who has been on the Atlanta scene working really hard and she also loves to keep the artist community together and we respect her for it. She has a great eye and when she approached us to collab on “Castles,” we instantly said yes! It was a smooth collaboration and the video was more proof of her evolution and her artist’s eye.
Speaking of collabs and trap, if you could collab with a trap artist right now who would it be and why?
A: I would say Swae Lee from Rae Sremmurd. His melodies are always so dope and he’s an amazing writer.
I: I agree with Alex, I would also say 2 Chainz, Young Thug, 21 Savage or Gucci Mane… That’s a hard question for me lol.
What should we expect from your new music coming out soon?
A: You should expect to dance, to be in your feelings, to laugh, and to feel beautiful.
I: You should expect a glimpse in our personal lives and having something you can relate to.
What was the inspiration behind the new music?
A: Our experiences personally and separately really inspired this project we’re about to release. Also, the experiences of others and being two black girls growing up in Atlanta.
I: It’s also about coming up out of any darkness you may have been facing, or if you are in a dark place, this should hopefully help you see that we all go through similar things and it’s about facing them front on and continuing life. Writing this definitely helped us out of our darkness.
Visually, St. Beauty is always on point, what aesthetic ideas do you have in mind for your new project?
I: We have a lot of visual ideas we can’t wait to release and we’ve been in an experimental mode lately so prepare to see another side of us.
For more of our editorials, check out our exclusive interview and street style shoot with Ukranian DJ Nastia right here.
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kelmcdonald · 7 years
A Year in Review 2017
New Post has been published on http://sorcery101.net/news/a-year-in-review-2017/
A Year in Review 2017
Hi everyone,
So it’s the end of the year. I have been looking back over the year to make my goals for next year. Last year I posted my goals on Patreon for the highest backer level. It’s a level that no one ever backed at. I don’t know if the price was too high or just general lack of interest. But I liked writing those posts so as long as I have time, I think I’ll start posted some edited versions of them free on my site each month. Before I started doing that I thought I’d post a public behind the scenes wrap up.
2017 was rough and exhausting. That’s true for a lot of people.
I tried to stick to my professional and personal goals anyway. I also tried a few experiments to see how things would work out.
Last year, I had a few business/income related goals. I wanted to focus on building my Patreon, my newsletter, and my store. I wanted to get rid of ads and do less cons. Ads are ugly and hard to track down bad ones. Cons I want to do less of because they are exhausting to me. I don’t think I’ve ever got creative burn out but I definitely get hussle/promo burn out. It’s been taking me longer and longer to recover from cons. So anywhere that I can get money which isn’t from cons if great.
A lot of my site redesign was to push those things.
My newletter is I think the most successful of those goals. I got a good few hundred folks signing up from my website and a bunch of folks signing up after my kickstarter. Next year I’m gonna try to focus on making it better. I few people asked for highlights from the blog here as well as promo. But I’m still taking suggestions if anyone wants to leave them in the comic. Right now it’s just promo but if I don’t have promo that month I end up not knowing what to write.
The shop getting pushed more, I think it did better than last year but I haven’t crunched the numbers yet.
Patreon didn’t go very well this year. I wanted to get more patrons there to mostly get rid of ads. I ended up making less money on patreon than before. I used to charge weekly and thought switching to monthly would help get more people on board, but I never ended up attracting enough people to make up for the difference. I tired a few different things like business posts like this one, sketch requests, and streams. At first I was posting my early comics in a big PDF but then was told more frequent posts get peoples attention more. I also tried to post more art on there. None of those really enticed people to jump on. I don’t know if people just don’t like my stuff. If I’m just not cut out for promoting a long term thing rather just doing a focused push for one big project. Either way I’m feeling pretty discouraged and after last weeks debacle with the fee change is leaving me kinda sour on Patreon. In 2018 I’m gonna try to focus on other stuff that might pay off more.
I was looking for more work from publishers and companies in 2017 too. Or more working smarter not harder with companies. That didn’t pay off in 2017 but it get me some cool stuff lined up for 2018.
But for now it looks like I’m gonna still be hitting up 10 or more cons a year.
On the somewhat creative goal and somewhat personal, I spent a lot of of this year making sure I kept up with my comic reading. It can be easy to not keep up with reading new comics and know what is out there when you are busy trying to make comics. I buy most of my comics at conventions but I got an ipad pro to be a portable digital drawing tool so I’ve been reading a lot of manga on that. But here’s some high stuff I really enjoyed and will probably write about on my blog over the coarse of next year. I read them this year but they didn’t all come out this year. The webcomics I’m just gonna link cause they are free to read but I usually just read the print collections when it comes to webcomics. So when I say I read them this year I mean the print collection.
Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas 
Agents of the Realm by Mildred Louis
The Meek by Der-shing Helmer
Feywinds by Nicole Chartrand
Check Please by Ngozi Ukazu
O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti
A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Ōima which is about a guy trying to get forgiveness from the deaf girl he bullied in elementary school. It’s very intense and grips with complicated questions about who gets forgiven and who decides who gets that forgiveness.
Monstress by Marijorie liu and  Sana Takeda. It’s a fantasy epic that is set in a matriarchal setting where magical humanoid creatures and sorceresses are at war. The main character is trying to learn more about an elder god type thing that has taken over her arm. It’s gorgeous and complicated and female focused. This might be my favorite comic right now.
Fun Family by Ben Frisch. I picked this up because I went to college which Ben. Fun Family is a fictional behind the scenes of Family Circus. It kinda odd but I liked it because it explores how a simple wholesome comic like Family Circus can be comforting when your home life is falling apart.
Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. I don’t got to tell you all what Dragon Ball is about. But I read it for the first time and really liked it. I had only seen the anime before this. It was interesting to see the source material. I thought it was a lot of fun.
Parasyte by Hitoshi Iwaki. Most anime fans know about this one too but again I read it this year. For you none anime fans alien parasites take over human hosts and replace their heads. The main character gets his hand taken over instead and he has to work with the parasite to hide from both humans and parasites. It’s an interesting mix of body horror and exploring morality.
My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi. It’s about a superhero school in world where more people have superpowers and being a superhero is partly being a celebrity and partly a government job.
Space Battle Lunch Time by Natalie Riess. It’s about a cooking reality tv show in space. I was a lot of fun and very cute. It does a good job of having multiple rounds of cooking contests without getting repetitive. The main character is super charming.
Moonlighters by Katie Schenkel and Cal Moray. An all ages comic about werewolves doing magical odd jobs on their college campus.
Soupy Leave Home by Cecil Castellucci and Jose Pimenta. I picked this up because I introduced Cecil and Jose to each other. Their book is really good. It’s about a girl who disguises herself as a boy so she can run away to ride the rails as a hobo during the great depression. It’s bitter sweet and does an excellent job showing the relationship build between Soupy and her mentor on the rails.
I also liked Castoffs by MK Reed, Brain Smith, and Molly Ostertag and Letters for Lucardo by Noora Heikkilä but those both are only at volume 1 and I feel like the stuff that I’ll really want to talk about will probably happen in volume 2. My reading list is organized shortest to longest and so some have been on there for awhile. For 2018 far it’s:
As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gilman
Not Drunk Enough by Tess Stone
The Fifth Beatle by Vivek Tiwary, Kyle Baker, and Andrew C. Robinson
Vattu vol 2 by Evan Dahm
The Last Halloween by Abby Howard
East of West year 2 by Jonathan Hichman and Nick Dragotta
Drive by Dave Kellet
The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by EK Weaver
I Am Hero by Shinsuke Sato
If you all got recommendations I’m open to em. I think it’s important to read comic if you want to improve. So while I am gearing up for my next big project I wanted to make sure knew what was out there. I have been writing about them on Patreon but I’m gonna start posting them publicly. Writing about the stuff I like is just to help me articulate what I’m looking for in stories and be more deliberate in the future. I’m intentionally not reading Marvel and DC though. So if you suggest stuff from them I’ll probably pass.
And then here are more general personal goals and experiments.
I got really unhealthy while working on Misfits of Avalon because juggling two comics isn’t super smart when when has a hard deadline. There were a few months while working on it where I basically drank ALL THE REDBULL to finish on time. I also gained 20 lbs while working on it. So a lot of 2017 was me trying to undo the damage caused by overworking.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to my weight and mostly noticed because I got faced with the choice of lose weight or buy new clothes. Excising takes more work but is cheaper. So I started biking 3 times a week and used the biking version of couch to 5k to improve. I mostly stuck with it because MK Reed was my biking buddy. We fell off a few times when con season got hectic. Then because of con season I tried to think of something that is easier to do while away. So in October after all my cons were done I gave jogging a try. I wanted to die and my throat was closing up. I couldn’t finish even half of what couch to 5k tells you to do the first day. I thought maybe I’d improve. But after no improvement for a month I went to the doctor. Turns out my lungs are all fucked up and I just didn’t know it because that was how I always breathed. Doctor gave me an inhaler which helped with running so now I can completely the first day of the program, but my none running breathing is still not as good as it should be. So I just got a different inhaler that is supposed to help with that. Otherwise I might have some expensive medical tests coming up. So fingers crossed that everything is fine.
I also tried to do some push ups at the beginning of the year. I started by doing them off my counter and then moved lower to the arm rest of my couch. But I was apparently doing them wrong so I never successfully got to doing push ups off the floor. Building muscle strength might be something I need more help with than cardio.
And while running sucks honestly the hardest thing to do was fix how bad my caffeine addiction got. I mentioned above that I drank a lot of Redbull when Misfit of Avalon deadlines got tight. Well, when I went to C2E2 last year, the time it took me to wake up, go to the airport, fly to Chicago, and get to where I was staying gave me a withdrawal headache. So less than 24 hours. I still had 2-3 months of work to do on Misfits but I made a self note that this is a problem I needed to deal with once finished. So I turned in my pages that June. Then I quit caffeine cold turkey because I’m very bad at cutting back on things. It was a miserable two weeks. But by the time SDCC rolled around I could get through a con day with only one cup (as opposed to like 6 cups).
So for health stuff in 2018, I’m gonna try to keep up the jogging and biking. Figure out what is up with my lungs. And try to get help on the upper body strength that I am lacking.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Batman Gifts: Our Pick of the Best DC Collectibles
Here's our rundown of this year's coolest Batman collectibles.
80 years in and Batman is as popular as ever. Even as you read these words, work is underway on the next cinematic adventure for the Dark Knight, and Joker is still going strong in theaters -- so much so that Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips are hiding away crafting the character's next solo film. The eight decades since Batman was first introduced in the pages of Detective Comics have seen him undergo countless changes, the versatility of the Caped Crusader is a huge part of his staying power. But when it comes down to the nitty gritty, Batman is just a hero at heart -- whether he's the goofy 1960s one or the grimdark Synder take. So you really can't go wrong with giving the gift of Batman, and here's some ideas to make your holiday shopping experience a Bat-tastic one!
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Batman 4K Film Collection
Let's kick things off in a big way with some Bat-Movies, shall we? Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin get a deluxe treatment in this eight-disc set that includes 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and digital copies of each film.
Buy the Batman 4K Film Collection here
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The Dark Knight Trilogy Collection
Those who prefer their Batman to be a bit less ridiculous will likely be more interested in Christopher Nolan's take on the character with Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises -- all of which are included here in 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray. Point to ponder, why does everyone give Batman & Robin so much shit when Bale's Batman essentially causes nuclear winter over the skies of Gotham City at the end of The Dark Knight Rises. No wonder he gets the fuck out of town so quick.
Buy The Dark Knight Trilogy Collection here
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Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond
Nearly ever iteration of Batman -- from the World's Greatest Detective to the Dark Knight -- is explored in this mammoth 400-page guide to the character and how he has been portrayed in various forms of media. When a book bills itself as "the most comprehensive history of Batman ever written," it better have the content to back such a brazen statement up, and thats exactly what authors Andrew Farago and Gina McIntyre aim to do here.
Buy Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond here
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Batman Chair Cape
Earn the respect of your coworkers -- or maybe just get a quick trip to HR! -- with this Batman cape that you can connect to your office chair.
Buy the Batman Chair Cape here
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The Joker: The Bronze Age Omnibus
Long before you grew tired of Joaquin Phoenix stair memes, the Joker starred in his own short-lived solo comic in 1975 and '76. A strange affair, the title removed the character from the context of Batman -- allowing him to star in stories that were unlike anything he previously appeared him. All nine issues of that book, along with a previously unseen tenth issues and countless other iconic appearances from throughout the DC Universe's stable of comic are included in this massive omnibus. From lightweight adventures to tales that portend the dark madness to come, this is an unmissable volume.
Buy The Joker: The Bronze Age Omnibus here
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Batman: Damned
The dream team of Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo collaborated for Batman: Damned, the comic that infamously showed Bruce Wayne's penis for the first time. Yeah. Despite the controversy, the story ranks among the best in recent memory, with Batman trying to get to the bottom of the Joker's death with the unreliable assistance of John Constantine. The miniseries has now been collected into this graphic novel, featuring a behind-the-scenes gallery and afterword from Azzarello.
Buy Batman: Damned here
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Also from the team of Azzarello and Bermejo is Joker (not to be confused with the movie of the same name), which DC Black Label declares is "arguably the most terrifying Joker tale ever written." But we will leave that to you to decide. 
Buy Joker here
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Batmobile: Pursuit of the Joker Lego Set
With the holidays here, it's great that this Lego set actually allows for the Batmobile to lose a wheel, allowing the Joker to get away. At press time Batman's smell remains undocumented.
Buy the Batmobile: Pursuit of the Joker Lego Set here
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The Batman Who Laughs
What would happen if Batman and the Joker were one and the same? That's exactly what happens in this graphic novel from writer Scott Snyder and illustrator Jock that focuses on a character who is half Batman, half Joker, all terror -- and you'll never look at the Dark Knight the same again.
Buy The Batman Who Laughs here
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The Batman Who Laughs Funko Pop!
FYI: If you really want to win over the Batfan on your holiday shopping this, get them this and The Batman Who Laughs graphic novel.
Buy The Batman Who Laughs Funko Pop! here
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Batman Hallmark Christmas Tree Ornament
Tim Burton's Batman turned 30 this year, and Hallmark is celebrating the anniversary with this Keatonesque Batman ornament that will give your Christmas tree some Dark Knight realness.
Buy the Batman Hallmark Christmas Tree Ornament here
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Batman Umbrella/Rainwear Set
Rainy days just got that much cooler. This raincoat/umbrella combo would make a fantastic gift for aspiring young superheroes/vigilantes. It's a fine line, right?
Buy the Batman Umbrella/Rainwear Set here
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DC Collectibles Artists Alley: Batman by Joe Ledbetter Designer Vinyl
DC Collectibles continues to up the ante in terms of unique items through their Artists Alley line, which provides the industry's greatest creators with the opportunity to put their spin on the publisher's most iconic faces. Limited to 3,000 pieces, this 7" tall vinyl-cast interpretation of Batman by Joe Ledbetter is a re-imagining of the character that has a real bite to it.
Buy the DC Collectibles Artists Alley: Batman by Joe Ledbetter Designer Vinyl Figure here
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Batman: Exclusive Original Television Soundtrack Album
With music and dialogue from the 1960s Batman TV series, this is a gift idea that is a little retro kitsch, a whole lot of cool.
Buy Batman: Exclusive Original Television Soundtrack Album here
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Prince: Batman 
The same as the above LP, just even more so.
Buy Prince: Batman here
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Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass
One of 2019's finest graphic novel is Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass. Writer Mariko Tamaki and artist Steve Pugh have crafted a story about fractured adolescence that elevates the oft-maligned character into a true pop culture force to be reckoned with.
Buy Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass here
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Batman: 100 Greatest Moments: Highlights from the History of the Dark Knight
Another colossal book that was produced for Batman's 80th anniversary is this effort from Robert Greenberger that is sure to stir fevered debate among the faithful.
Buy Batman: 100 Greatest Moments: Highlights from the History of the Dark Knight here
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The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture
If you are looking for a brilliantly written exploration of how Batman shaped pop culture (and vice versa) look no further than this joyous effort by writer/comics historian/NPR personality Glen Weldon.
Buy The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture here
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Invicta Men's Batman Watch
Be the most fashionable Batman fan around with this handsome men's watch from Invicta that is waterproof, has automatic self-wind and comes with a black stainless steel case. What's the time? It's time to stop criminals in Gotham City, whee!
Buy the Invicta Men's Batman Watch here
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While not directly connected to Batman, 2019 best show is set in the DC Universe and therefore will has more than enough shared DNA to please fans of the character. Doom Patrol brings together a variety of largely unknown DC characters for a show that somehow manages to be both wildly entertaining and one of the greatest explorations of trauma that the medium of television has offered up. If that sounds somewhat unhinged, that is the entire point. Each of Doom Patrol's characters is severely damaged -- from the world weary Robotman (voiced by Brendan Fraser in a soulful performance) to Jane (Dianne Guerrero), a young woman whose childhood abuse caused her to splinter into 46 personalities each with their own super powers. In a season packed with mindblowing moments, perhaps the most touching involvings the Danny the Street character: A sentient qenderqueer city block that is a haven for society's castoffs. To say any more would give away some of the show's surprises, so just know this, Doom Patrol is peak TV at its best...and a show that deserves to be a much larger part of our cultural conversation.
Buy Doom Patrol: The Complete First Season here
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Chris Cummins
Nov 29, 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/34xuaka
0 notes
cirgaydian-rhythm · 7 years
VLD Season 3 babbles
under a cut to save your dashes
I appreciate that Keith very consistently balks at the idea of being the leader, and when he does decide to go through with it (at Lance’s encouragement), he’s belligerent. He simply extends his own reckless behavior to an order for the team because he wants to prove everyone wrong about how good of a leader he can be, because it’s not a position he wants. But it’s a position he has to take, a position he has to learn to be in, because when he pulls the team into his recklessness, people get hurt. There’s no other option.
This is also amazing development for Lance! Waaaaay back in the first episode of season one, Lance claims that Keith is always trying to one-up him, and while this rivalry extends even into s3, Lance finally puts his ego aside and not only concedes to Keith’s new leadership, but actively encourages Keith into it. And when Keith gets reckless, Lance doesn’t gripe about how Black chose wrong or how Keith is the Worst Leader Ever - he just tries to get Keith to calm down and listen to everybody else. Nor did Lance blame Keith or anybody but himself when Blue shut him out - he did fully and sincerely respect Black’s choice, even when it seemed to cost him his position on the team and pretty much the only thing he felt he had going for himself. Blue and his position as the blue paladin were his only points of pride. It’s heartbreaking to see just how quickly he blames himself for that lost connection, and how skeptical he is that the most temperamental lion of the bunch is actively calling for him - after all, why would Picky Red want Easygoing Blue’s castoff?
And pretty much all of Keith’s development of maturity revolves around Lance. When Lance comes to him, insecure about his position on the team now that Shiro’s returned, Keith seems to understand and even reflect his own insecurities in being the leader. I feel like this is a huge part of the reason Keith offers Black back to Shiro and opts to stay behind - he knows he gets reckless and hotheaded in the heat of battle, and of him and Lance, he feels that he’s the more expendable one now that Allura and Lance have a handle on their new lions, and Shiro has returned. Keith can still lead and support the team from the castle, but it keeps them free of his impulsive decisions. Where Lance places a huge amount of his worth on being a paladin, Keith does not, and he’s willing to relinquish that title so that Lance doesn’t feel worthless.
It’s absolutely beautiful to watch these two interact now. They were literally butting heads at every turn in the first season, and now they’re just? so soft with each other?? Keith has a particular softness in his voice when he’s teasing Lance, and while Lance can still say some things pretty bluntly, he’s generally not wrong, and Keith can see where he’s coming from, and Lance is quick to step up and be the Comforting Words Guy and even stop his jokes when he sees he’s actually upsetting Keith. Like, it was great to see the glimpses of cooperation and possible friendship in s1, and even to watch the friendly interactions begin to outnumber the antagonistic ones in s2, but seeing them just being openly friendly and supportive and kind to each other now is a fucking gift.
Look, I know everyone and their uncle is convinced that this Shiro is Not The Real Shiro, and I, too, am in that camp. “Kuron” not only is the Japanese pronunciation of “clone,” but includes the word “Kuro” which means “black,” opposite to “Shiro,” which means “white.” From here on, I’m referring to this s3 Shiro as Kuro, because there’s no way this is the Real Shiro.
The issue that I’m having, though, is that I’m not entirely convinced that the Shiro we had before was even the Real Shiro. I think the only Real Shiro we’ve seen was the one at the start of s1, and possibly the one in his flashbacks before his escape. I mean, think about it: Kuro had fever-dream-ish “hallucinations” of the Kuron process - not as he himself in the chair, but as an outsider, as somebody seeing another Shiro... Similar to the visions Shiro had of an “evil” yellow-eyed Shiro.
What if the Real Shiro is with Matt, and has been this whole time? What if, when Shiro proved himself as “Champion,” the Galra experimented with cloning him and extracting his memories and personality to put into the clone, to create this endless supply of fighters? What if the Shiro that crashed on earth was still a prototype, a work in progress, something Ulaz had freed without realizing that this Shiro was not the Real Shiro? This Shiro was still basically Shiro, something indistinguishable from the original, and therefore a poor sleeper agent for the Galra. He fought Zarkon and...what? What happened to him? Because Shiro gets “lost” in his paladin armor, but Kuro comes back in his prisoner garb...and yet they somehow still have the black paladin’s armor? Did they just happen to have another set on board, or was the armor left behind with the bayard? In that case, why did Kuro’s vision have Shiro still in the paladin armor? ARGH. Plotholes. Anyway, the point is, what if the battle “expended” the lifespan of this first clone? Or perhaps they recaptured the clone to re-clone him into a more suitable sleeper agent body because they no longer had the original...
But this also begs the question of who the fuck is funding this. And I think it’s Lotor. I think it’s been Lotor the whole fucking time. iirc, the scientist with the line about “Kuron stage 3″ had on the orangey suits of Lotor’s crew, not red-accented purple suits of Zarkon’s crew. It’s actually entirely possible that Lotor even planned for the first Shiro clone to take out Zarkon, especially seeing as he has no love for his father or his father’s way of doing things. Kuro would now be Lotor’s new sleeper agent, an unwitting weapon for Lotor to use. For what end, I can’t guess, but he seems intent on bolstering the empire via forming alliances and cutting the chaff.
Of course, that just means that if the team does find Matt and Real Shiro, shit’s gonna go dooowwwwwn.
THIRD: I actually really like Lotor?
I see a lot of people either just drooling over him or dismissing him as unengaging, so I feel like an outsider to be really impressed and interested in his actions and motivations. He’s shaping up to be a really great villain! Zarkon was your classic “search and destroy” villain, but Lotor... Lotor does mind games. Lotor is running a Xanatos Gambit wherein no matter the outcome, he wins. While Zarkon held some surprises, his basic motivation was known from the start, and you could predict his actions based on that motivation. Not Lotor. We don’t know what Lotor’s end game is, we don’t know what his motivations are, and we don’t know what he’s capable of. He’s a mystery, and he cunningly keeps himself that way. He refuses to show his hand, and he’s far more strategic than his father. He’s looking to be a nasty adversary, but I’m also hoping for a redemption arc (especially because his girls are just A+)
That is all.
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xavidotron · 7 years
On Torment
So, I finished Torment: Tides of Numenera. It was good! It was very Planescape: Torment-y, which is exactly what it said on the tin. In the manner of one who spent the whole game comparing, I have some various and sundry thoughts. These… probably end up sounding overly harsh, but it’s really just that it’s easy to nitpick and overthink stuff like this. I’m going to try to avoid major spoilers, but perhaps talk about some late-game stuff obliquely.
The turn-based Crisis system was good, on the whole. I don’t remember exactly how Planescape: Torment’s combat worked but I remember feeling like it was basically the weakest part of the game. Here, combat was interesting and tactical, and having objects to interact with in the terrain and sometimes options to talk during combat definitely added. The interface was ok but had some rough edges: it was fiddly to make sure you were making your maximal movement, and it was hard to keep track of what was a move action vs main action and mumble mumble focus. Some combats definitely used the mechanic more interestingly than others, but on the whole having every combat be meaningful instead of having random irrelevant encounters all the time was pretty classy.
The Crisis system seemed like it had cool potential for non-combat encounters, but this was really only used interesting once, in the bit with the guided tour. Otherwise, there were some encounters you could resolve by talking to people in an obvious way, and some you could skip entirely, but nothing terribly creative for non-combat.
Other than Crises, it felt very Planescape: Torment-like. You talk to people and interact with stuff by picking options from a menu, sometimes with chances based on skills. If I recall correctly, it was much more explicit about chances of success than Planescape was, and having point pools you could spend to boost your chances was cool. But on the whole, challenges were rather easy. I spent all game carrying around numenera that boosted my chances on challenges and stuff to heal my stat pools, and never ended up needing to use it. There weren’t interesting choices of “do I spend my points to succeed here at the cost of failing at something else”, because it wasn’t hard to succeed at pretty much everything.
Menu options-wise, I felt like it had less cool things like having the same dialogue line presented as a lie or a truth, but I might be over-estimating how much Planescape: Torment did that sort of thing. A lot of it boiled down to “pursue every branch of the dialogue tree until it’s exhausted”, but there were also plenty of interesting choices.
The game ended up feeling very linear. You go to an area, do as many side quests as you can, then go on to the next with no way back. I think honestly Planescape: Torment probably is more linear than I think of it as, but here it felt pretty artificial especially given no in-universe reason why you couldn’t travel more freely. This also made the artificial headcount limit on companions feel pretty weird: there was a mystical artifact you could use to summon companions, but the mechanic was telling a companion to leave, which had them walking back home despite the fact that you knew there was no route home, and then summoning another companion. The companions themselves were pretty cool, though, and I liked how they reacted to stuff that happens and each other.
The sidequests themselves were pretty good, normally including interesting decisions to make. I liked, for quests that were obviously questionable, generally having the choice to go along with it or discover a good reason to decline and geting full XP either way. (Though there was one notable one, in the Third Eye, that I didn’t find a way to do this with even though it felt like I should.)
The merecaster mechanic was very interesting, but I felt like it wasn’t capitalized on thoroughly at all. It’s made a big deal how being able to change things and not just learn things with merecasters is my unique powerful ability, and yet every change is either plot-mandated or very minor and insignificant. Having the ability to make dramatic changes in the endgame seems entirely reasonable given the build-up, so I was disappointed that that didn’t end up being a thing. (Also, the end was completely inconsistent about open- vs closed-loop time travel, which was disappointing in terms of things being solvable mysteries instead of coming out of left field.)
Plot-wise, I felt like it lacked the mystery and world-exploration of Planescape: Torment to some extent, in part because everything was so on the nose. In Planescape: Torment you’re exploring this world that has plenty of stuff that doesn’t have to do with you, and it’s a while before you find people that know anything about your deal and are honest about it, so there’s a lot of discovery about your past and situation. Here, the first people you meet are all about you being a castoff and talking about the Changing God, and also so much of the game is people talking about these things or the Endless Battle. Pretty much everything that doesn’t end up tying to the Changing God ends up feeling like random one-off numenera randomness with no impact, which I don’t find all that inspiring. I feel like the game was too direct and explicit and had insufficient twists to feel like I was discovering a whole lot about my past and the world that really mattered. (There was a  twist at the end that I thought was pretty great, but I wasn’t given a chance to explore it in the context of the game, so it felt like it had weak truth and impact.)
The endgame definitely felt too linear and unpolished. For a place called the Labyrinth, it was remarkably easy to find your way around and remarkably uninteresting to. It was unclear why some people ended up there and some didn’t (did it relate to a hidden loyalty value?), and the stuff you could interact with in the side labyrinths felt very arbitrary and pointless.
For something so central to the game’s plot, I felt like the colors of tides had very minimal truth, mechanical support, or valence. Like, they seemed sorta like an alignment meter? But an unclear one that didn’t seem to affect very much? I kept expecting them to be a big deal in the endgame, especially given that bit about aligning the tides from gamestart, but it never seemed to go anywhere.
In related things, the level cap was pretty low; so much useless experience in the end-game! Maybe I was expected to swap my companions around more? And there was definitely some lack of polish, particularly some self-contradictory stuff at the end (Errtis’s dialogue after the last choice, epilogue stuff about the Bloom).
One question I kept thinking was, what distinguishes this from a Twine game purely based on text and choices, given how much of the game hinged on text boxes and multiple choice? But I do think the exploration really added, even if it could’ve been more expansive, and the threat of combat did give meaningful weight to stuff that it wouldn’t have had otherwise. It does make me think of the possibilities of exploration-plus-Twineishness as a form of interactive fiction more generally.
All in all, I’m glad I backed it and played it. It does feel like an echo of a great thing rather than something groundbreaking in and of itself, but that’s really what it was advertised as, and I do feel like it really adds to the canon of whatever sort of thing you think it’s an example of. And it was a lot of fun.
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
Raiders kick off second Gruden era against Rams
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/09/06/raiders-kick-off-second-gruden-era-against-rams/
Raiders kick off second Gruden era against Rams
The last two teams to open the 2018 NFL season have aspirations to be the last two standing in Atlanta in February as the Los Angeles Rams and Oakland Raiders prepare to square off Monday night in Oakland.
Aug 30, 2018; Seattle, WA, USA; Oakland Raiders quarterback EJ Manuel (3) looks to pass against the Seattle Seahawks during the first quarter at CenturyLink Field. Mandatory Credit: Joe Nicholson-USA TODAY Sports
The clash of in-state rivals who haven’t met since 2014 will be the first for the reigning Offensive Player of the Year in Rams running back Todd Gurley, as well as the first in his second stint as Raiders coach for Jon Gruden.
Both teams have made significant changes since the Rams were the surprise winners of the NFC West last season at 11-5, while the Raiders were so disappointing while going 6-10 in the AFC West, they chose to dismiss coach Jack Del Rio in favor of Gruden.
Gurley led the NFC in rushing with 1,305 yards while third-year quarterback Jared Goff directed the NFL’s highest scoring offense at 29.9 points per game.
In what will be his first game in Oakland since staring at the nearby University of California, Goff will be complemented by new wideout Brandin Cooks, acquired by trade from New England, while Gurley should benefit from the addition of two free-agent signings in the offensive line — center John Sullivan and left tackle Andrew Whitworth.
Goff also should enjoy the absence of defensive standout Khalil Mack, the 2016 NFL Defensive Player of the Year, whose holdout led to a trade from the Raiders to the Chicago Bears last week.
Aug 30, 2018; New Orleans, LA, USA; New Orleans Saints quarterbacks Tom Savage (12) and Taysom Hill (7) and Drew Brees (9) and Teddy Bridgewater and J.T. Barrett IV (5) stand on the sidelines during the second half of a preseason game against the Los Angeles Rams at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. The Saints defeated the Rams 28-0. Mandatory Credit: Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
“I would say I’m not upset about that,” Rams coach Sean McVay assured shortly after hearing about the Mack trade. “But that being said, you still have a lot of respect for the guys that they will put out there. It’s going to be a great challenge for us.”
Goff threw for 3,804 yards and 28 touchdowns last season, 308 yards and six TD’s more than the Raiders’ Derek Carr, whose season was seen as a significant step backward from consecutive campaigns in which he had averaged 3,962 yards and 30 touchdowns.
The 27-year-old believes the sky’s the limit under Gruden’s tutelage.
“I expect us to be excellent,” Carr proclaimed. “I expect (everyone) to know what to do. I expect us to do it. Thankfully we have a really talented group and team of not only players but coaches as well. It’s going to be good.”
Former Green Bay Packers star wideout Jordy Nelson is now a part of that group. He will be positioned opposite of Amari Cooper, another former star expected to experience a rebirth under the offensive-minded Gruden.
While the Raiders will find themselves lining up with San Francisco 49ers castoff Tank Carradine instead of Mack along the defensive front, the Rams avoided a similar predicament when they got defensive tackle Aaron Donald to end his holdout and sign a six-year, $135 million deal.
The large contract will allow Donald to lead a new-look unit that now also features nose tackle Ndamukong Suh and cornerbacks Aqib Talib and Marcus Peters.
—Field Level Media
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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Spartagen XT - Understanding How Proper Nutrition Benefits Your State Of Health 4933
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Spartagen XT Reviews
If you find yourself lower on Electrical power, it really is time and energy to get check out what you are consuming. Thirteen natural vitamins function with foods we eat each day. They prot... The articles of this site and knowledge presented to in reaction into a request created or dilemma presented or study concluded by you (the "Information and facts") is for informational purposes only. The data will not be a substitute for professional clinical suggestions, diagnosis or treatment method. It is best to generally look for the recommendation of a professional wellness provider before making any adjustment to any medication or procedure that you are at the moment making use of, halting the usage of any medication or cure or commencing any new medication or remedy, if the subject was included the Information offered for you.
Spartagen XT Review
Spartagen XT has a variety of normal herbal ingredients meant to Raise One's body’s testosterone production. By doing this, you can easily use an extra degree of One's entire body's muscular tissue fibers, which might induce you to boost your stamina along with muscular tissue Proportions a lot a lot more effectively. Nevertheless it doesn't have for being like that. You could regain that youthful Electrical power and enthusiasm you had with your 20s using this wonderful new breakthrough from EdgeBioactives. Some reviewers have famous that a lot of comparable so-termed testosterone-boosting products consist of many of the similar pure ingredients as Spartagen XT but at a A great deal lower Price tag. Some others felt which the dosage degrees detailed on Spartagen XT’s label may be way too low to be powerful. Consumers report that Spartagen XT is equally as successful as quite a few prescription medicine for ED. Some consumers say it essentially operates better still—and without each of the awful side effects which are connected to Viagra. Spartagen XT from Edge Bioactives is definitely an herbal dietary supplement they promise will Improve your libido, raise free of charge testosterone, and cause you to feel and appear youthful to boot. They declare its ingredients are all-pure and happen to be scientifically demonstrated To place the “zing” back into your sex everyday living. 
Spartagen XT Side Effects
An exquisite illustration of the compound relocation is Spartagen XT Side Effects often a shoulder force from a squat placement, which features the legs in addition to shoulders concurrently. This can be solitary on the dissolute stand-in dietary supplements which clearly show the effects in fair several weeks. Spartagen XT when mutual with in height protein diet exhibits magical benefits and allows you getting the ripped frame more quickly. It is equally considered as one of the safest means of getting the masculine system by using a lean muscle mass. Are you currently Sick and tired of receiving known as fat and previously on the brink of offering up your initiatives on behind heaviness? You take in come to the right place in the online world as it is a Spartagen XT Review committed to give hope to Guys who wants to get rid of additional nicker. Included Spartagen XT Review selected Spartagen XT tablets as a prime offering human development health supplement that will Enhance free testosterone by as much as one hundred forty%. Yet another Spartagen XT Review also shared that the product itself proficiently raises Electricity levels around a greatest of 283%. It really is Similarly astounding to acquire from the Spartagen XT Review that it might significantly rise libido by 66%. Also imminent from included Spartagen XT Review, it had been exposed that the solution is previously getting used by a great deal of Specialist athletes and bodybuilders world wide. With so many Spartagen XT Reviews that speaks extremely from the generate, it can be somewhere around that needs to be castoff instantly by Males who wants to attain and experience the Spartagen XT results. As a man ages in his era, his system jumps to go finished key improvements and in some cases that will have a huge toll on his assurance and Moi.
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Spartagen XT - Choosing The Proper Chewable Multivitamin For Your Kids 4834
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Spartagen XT
Spartagen xt offers a ninety-day refund coverage. Based on the maker’s Web page, users obtain a refund even when they have eaten the complete bottle. They just should mail the bottle to obtain the a refund. Spartagen XT is sole of the different manly admirers out there that contains the essential steroid hormone vitamin D to aid give you the Raise you will need. They don’t especially mention how long Spartagen XT takes to get started on experience the effects, but my guess will be you'll want to wait At the very least weekly or two in advance of choosing on whether it’s Doing the job for yourself. In produced international locations, vitamin B6 deficiencies are rare. Even continue to, its imperative that you assure your acquiring more than enough. As per its conversation with testosterone, no human scientific studies are actually executed in the area, but rodent and petri-dish reports reveal exciting results:
Spartagen XT Review
Don’t Enable this one particular time risk to improve your whole overall body and life. Visit lessen to benefit entry on your Risk totally free trial of Spartagen XT Now!! Spartagen XT Ingredients XT is really an all-pure product or service. It truly is labeled as being a food item via the FDA and is on the market without a prescription. Since it contains no preservatives, it really is produced in portions equal to The buyer desire, meaning the shipment of item is of the highest top quality and purity. You could make use of Spartagen XT Anytime or you'll be able to significantly make use of it for existing cycle treatment method on Get the regular testosterone era going over again. It is definitely astonishingly crucial which you stand thoroughly when carrying out standing physical exercise routines, one example is overhead presses In combination with squats. These exercise periods call for a kind of athletic posture. Normally make particular that the eyes are trying to find onward. Vitamin D deficiency is the most typical micronutrient deficiency throughout the world (3). We merely Never commit adequate time outdoors any more.  Approaching Gals will become a breeze yet again. You end claming up in social predicaments or getting the backseat at your occupation. You obtain again to pursuits you appreciate. You endure existence feeling such as you did whenever you ended up young once again. Have you been currently tired of obtaining named Unwanted fat and currently around the brink of supplying up your attempts on at the rear of heaviness? You take in arrive at the proper spot in the net as this can be a Spartagen XT Scam XT Review dedicated to give hope to Gentlemen who wants to eliminate added nicker. Added Spartagen XT Review specified Spartagen XT tablets for a top rated offering human progress supplement that will Raise cost-free testosterone by around one hundred forty%. Yet another Spartagen XT Review also shared the solution itself effectively will increase Strength ranges as much as a maximum of 283%. It is Similarly astounding to amass from the Spartagen XT Review that it can significantly increase libido by 66%. Also imminent from extra Spartagen XT Review, it had been discovered the item is previously getting used by a great deal of Experienced athletes and bodybuilders worldwide. With a lot of Spartagen XT Reviews that speaks very with the create, it is actually close to that needs to be castoff instantly by Gentlemen who would like to attain and sense the Spartagen XT outcomes. As a man ages in his period, his entire body jumps to go completed significant modifications and sometimes that could have a large toll on his self-confidence and Moi. Not having the ability to get an erection could be crippling to a man’s self-esteem. Any time you know you'll be able to’t get it up, you're feeling like you are less of a man. You're feeling such as you are aged ahead of your time and efforts. That remaining claimed, the main component in Key Male is D-Aspartic Acid. D-AA has a lot of controversial study driving it with Every single human review displaying a totally distinctive result. ​ Male improvement hormones soars small by little as quickly as an individual receives into creating up and gradually and on a regular basis actually commences to lower right immediately after the person passes by Together with the thirty spell tag.
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Spartagen XT - Got Questions In Nutrition? The Following Tips Will Help! 136
Spartagen XT Scam
Spartagen XT Side Effects
As specified before in my results, Spartagen XT appeared to work for me for that First handful of weeks, and after that it just dropped off absolutely. Every single important fixing in Spartagen XT is effective pair with the body and alternate fixings to animate and kickstart the human body’s testosterone. Albeit able engineered hormones and pretend stimulants are ending up noticeably progressively authentic, Spartangen XT makes use of every single regular fixing to operate concordantly with usual processes in the human body that mend and empower the conceptive framework, enabling Gentlemen to return to whole usefulness. Say as a result of God I identified this testosterone supporter! Presently I’m back again to my previous, confident self once more, and my considerable other is at the end of the working day my Pretty accomplice. – Gilbert David, Abilene, Texas While the many ingredients verify Spartagen xt will help Enhance one particular’s testosterone concentrations, does Spartagen xt truly operate? The complement was formulated by a gaggle of focused researchers and researchers. Coupled with exercise, Spartagen xt brings about the event of larger muscles even though expanding the amounts of free of charge testosterone.
Spartagen XT Ingredients
A number of folks all over the world have experimented with out and seasoned some really wonderful advantages of this revolutionary health dietary supplement. Only develop into professional in regards to the Spartagen XT Reviews to view all on your own how effective it can be and just how it offers enhanced the working day-to-working day lifetime of diverse men. Increase freed from cost interior secretion steroid sex hormone bodily hormone or steroid or androgen levels and fleetly viewpoint a carry in intimate heath, electricity of bone tissue and muscle mass figure, sperm heights, and virility. The standard a sense of greater well staying on your own is rationalization satisfactory to transform to Spartagen XT. Simply because Spartagen XT The natural way improves your bodies production of testosterone, there isn't a need to cycle it. As men age, they experience decreased amounts of absolutely free testosterone for the reason that sterols responsible for the blocking of estrogen creation lessen in amount. Spartagen XT helps to restore better levels of testosterone with the inclusion of those ingredients. Upon getting labored out it really is imperative that you try to consume some small-carb healthful protein. This suggests you probably want to stay away from healthful protein bars because they sometimes have substantial carbs. Maca that's a Peruvian appreciate potion that likewise keeps the transformation of testosterone to estrogen. Squared the Spartagen XT Evaluations and cram for yourself the various welfares in functionality. Finding out nearby true Gentlemen knowledge sturdy and fresh but once again and eye-catching their representatives like these are generally of their twenty’s. In distinction to other common complements they boost your testosterone steadily and in addition all-organic indicates thus not generating imbalance within just your Unwanted fat burning potential. Give thought to authentic Spartagen XT Review to have genuine lifetime knowledge with guys who've tried then get Spartagen XT Scam XT. Have you been by now Uninterested in getting identified as Fats and now around the brink of supplying up your endeavours on behind heaviness? You consume come to the right position in the online world as this is a Spartagen XT Review focused on give hope to men who would like to drop further nicker. Extra Spartagen XT Review specified Spartagen XT tablets as being a top rated selling human advancement supplement which will Enhance absolutely free testosterone by approximately a hundred and forty%. An additional Spartagen XT Review also shared which the product or service by itself proficiently boosts Power stages approximately a highest of 283%. It is likewise astounding to amass from a Spartagen XT Review that it may possibly considerably increase libido by sixty six%. Also imminent from included Spartagen XT Review, it had been uncovered that the merchandise is by now getting used by a great deal of Expert athletes and bodybuilders worldwide. With lots of Spartagen XT Reviews that speaks extremely on the produce, it's about that ought to be castoff straight away by Adult males who wants to achieve and feel the Spartagen XT outcomes. As a man ages in his period, his human body jumps to go carried out important alterations and occasionally that may have a major toll on his assurance and Moi. Gentlemen in excess of the age of thirty who may have observed a lower in sexual stamina, intercourse push, or outright impotence might be going through the symptoms of andropause. This is principally as a consequence of reduced testosterone levels. Except the person has a significant wellness complication that needs particular medicines and food plan constraints, Spartagen XT is safe for usage. Often instances, any occasion of adverse reactions can be seriously minimized by simply sticking with a very low dose. If you desire to to complain about billing treatments or feel you’ve been scammed by this business, be sure to click "Leave A Remark" beneath and article a remark."
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Spartagen XT - Tips To Get The Nutrition Your Body Is Craving 9853
Spartagen XT Reviews
Spartagen XT
​Tribulus Terrestris is a popular herb also known for its aphrodisiac traits. I have stumble upon this ingredient often times and it seems to be among the most popular ingredients added to testosterone supplements. Here is exactly what the study has to mention about its interaction with testosterone: Give Spartagen XT time to operate. You'll want to see a number of the Original effects at once, but it takes time for Your system to regulate to larger testosterone manufacturing. If you use Spartagen XT above an prolonged time period, you will notice additional extraordinary outcomes. Spartagen XT will give you rock-tough erections, rapidly. Potential buyers also say that they're in a position to keep up their erections for longer. Several report improvements in sexual functionality in addition. In formulated countries, vitamin B6 deficiencies are rare. Even even now, its imperative that you assure your receiving ample. As per its conversation with testosterone, no human studies have been performed in the area, but rodent and petri-dish reports expose interesting outcomes:
Spartagen XT Ingredients
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
'Gorilla and The Bird': Inside New Memoir About Being Bipolar
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/gorilla-and-the-bird-inside-new-memoir-about-being-bipolar/
'Gorilla and The Bird': Inside New Memoir About Being Bipolar
Zack McDermott wrote the first words of his new memoir during his first stint in the psychiatric ward at New York City’s notorious Bellevue Hospital. “It was quite a blessing for material,” he says drily. Though he’s joking, he’s not exactly wrong. His new memoir, Gorilla and the Bird, chronicles McDermott’s bipolar disorder and the extraordinary ways his sharp, stalwart mother (aka “the Bird,” who once dubbed him “Gorilla” because of his hulky chest and excessive body hair) helped him live through it. But McDermott is at his most fascinating when he’s describing the odious routines and everyday indignities experienced during his handful of stints in locked psychiatric hospitals. As he writes, “Regaining sanity at a mental hospital is like treating a migraine at a rave.”
At the time of his first descent into mania-induced psychosis, the then-26-year-old McDermott was in his first year as a public defender at the Legal Aid Society in New York City. An ambitious, do-gooding Midwestern transplant, he’d wanted to be a lawyer since childhood, in part to help folks like “the dregs, the castoffs, the addicts, and the Uncle Eddies” he’d grown up among in “lower-middle-class” Wichita, Kansas. (“Uncle Eddie” was McDermott’s mother’s brother, who spent the final 15 years of his life institutionalized for schizophrenia.) McDermott’s mother, teacher Cindy Cisneros-McGilvrey, has no doubt that her son’s upbringing helped fuel his passion for social justice. “We’re all pretty much bleeding hearts,” she tells me from Wichita.
A sometimes-single mom who raised three kids on her own while working full-time at a grocery store, Cisneros-McGilvrey eventually got her PhD in urban education. She became a beloved local fixture in the Wichita school system and regularly worked with disadvantaged kids in her home after school. “The fact that I wouldn’t turn kids that other people called ‘bad’ away helped expose [Zack] to the philosophy that everyone deserves equitable treatment,” she says.
In his job at Legal Aid, McDermott worked with some of New York’s most disenfranchised populations, and many of the people he represented were severely mentally ill. Despite his commitment to the organization’s mission, “I was dying there,” he says. The systemic injustices McDermott witnessed each day were soul-crushing, and his grip on reality became tenuous as his job-related anxieties compounded. “This is not a fucking game, you know?” he says. “These are people’s lives.”
One day, McDermott woke up convinced that he was being filmed for a Truman Show-style TV pilot audition, with his entire East Village neighborhood – indeed, the entirety of New York City – in on the joke. “I walked out of my apartment on the corner of St. Marks and Avenue A… and I knew we were rolling,” he writes in Gorilla and the Bird‘s opening chapter. “I knew the people on the sidewalk were actors…. Even the homeless people were a little too attractive.”
After narrowly avoiding getting hit by more than one non-actor-driven cab; disrupting a soccer game by shrieking in a Scottish accent and sprinting across the field; and challenging a group of men to an impromptu corner rap battle, McDermott found himself barefoot, shirtless, and sobbing on a train platform. Two NYPD officers handcuffed him and hauled him to Bellevue, where his delusions persisted. “Is it possible that we’ve secured permission to shoot in an actual psych ward?” he recalls wondering in the book.
His mother, whom he’s referred to as “the Bird” since adolescence due to “her tendency to move her head in these choppy semicircles when her feathers were ruffled,” as he writes, flew in from Wichita to help. “He did not recognize me,” she says. “He was so emaciated, and he was wearing a mohawk. The hardest part was looking through that locked psychiatric ward door… and [seeing] a man who resembled my son, who reminds me of my son, but was so different in the throes of his episode.”
Things were never quite the same for McDermott or the Bird after that. “The pain that mental illness inflicts on the person diagnosed and [the people who] care about them – it’s extremely costly, both financially and psychically, ” he says. McDermott lost his apartment, moved home to Wichita, gained 30 pounds from the Depakote he’d been prescribed, and slipped into a months-long suicidal depression in which he did little but sleep, smoke cigarettes and pound Miller Lite as a means of escape. “I’d been flying high, and then it all [collapsed] into nothing,” he remembers. “I was in the garage smoking a pack of cigarettes and crushing six to 10 beers every night, not knowing what the fuck my life was supposed to look like.”
When asked whether it was difficult to revisit such dark days in the course of working on his memoir, McDermott demurs. “There were a million difficult things about writing this book, but recounting it wasn’t [one of them]. The hard part was living it.” Though he claims to remember most of what happened to him, even when he was drugged or psychotic (“just because you’re psychotic doesn’t mean you have amnesia,” he notes), he enlisted his mom’s help in remembering specific details from his manic episodes. “Every time I went to see him I took notes,” says Cisneros-McGilvrey. “So he used me a lot for dates, names, locations, things like that.”
After a period of months, McDermott stabilized and returned to his job in New York. (After experiencing two subsequent psychotic breaks and hospitalizations, he eventually left Legal Aid to pursue writing.) He found ways to manage his bipolar with the help of a compassionate psychiatrist who altered McDermott’s meds and convinced him to give up marijuana, which had exacerbated his mania. “This disease, my condition, it’s not a mystery to me,” McDermott says. “It’s actually pretty simple. My maintenance procedure is to get enough sleep; don’t party too hard. If you feel like you’re going to an unsafe or dangerous place, take the proper medication and get some rest.”
McDermott with his mother, Cindy Cisneros-McGilvrey, a.k.a. the Bird. Courtesy of Zack McDermott
But it took him years of trial, error and painfully lived experience to fully absorb that knowledge, and he accepts that his illness isn’t going anywhere: “Bipolar is something I have, not something I had,” he says. Though he’s thrilled at his writing success and says he feels “great” most days, he acknowledges the uncomfortable truth that there’s no absolute remission with a condition like his. And that lesson hit home again recently when McDermott experienced his first manic episode in six years. At the time, he was in Wichita with family, shooting footage for a forthcoming documentary project to complement the book. “A great deal of [my manic episode] was caught on tape,” he says. “I thought I was auditioning for the role of myself, in the TV series based on the book. That’s psychosis. It took me a couple of months until I felt totally safe, sane and straight again.”
But the episode also served to remind him how critical mental health care really is – and how woefully misunderstood most mental illnesses are by the bulk of the population. “I think it’s absolutely insane, so to speak, that we are not as familiar with the symptoms of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia as we are with the common cold,” McDermott says. “We too easily look past or step around homeless people who have severe untreated mental illness. For some reason, that’s [considered] OK, it’s just kind of what we do.”
To help counter that, McDermott is in the preliminary stages of launching a nonprofit called the Gorilla Bird Foundation. “It’s going to be a mental health reform and advocacy organization with a huge educational component,” he explains. “My grandma sold her farm and has pledged $99,000 to be our first donor.”
McDermott’s ultimate aim, with both the book and the foundation, is to help normalize the conditions that a whopping 18 percent of Americans grapple with every day. “I hope we can erase the distinction between normal and crazy,” he explains. “I’m normal in some ways. I have friends, I have a really cool job. But I’m also quite literally a raving lunatic sometimes. And that’s kind of okay.”
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Who Is the Next 'Bachelor'? Experts Debate Best Picks
Who Is the Next 'Bachelor'? Experts Debate Best Picks
The Bachelorette hasn’t even picked her winner yet, and already Bachelor Nation is abuzz with questions about who the next Bachelor will be.
Though the ABC reality franchise traditionally selects a runner-up or fan-favorite from its sister show — meaning one of the four Bachelorette finalists (pictured above) would be the frontrunners — the long-running dating series has also been known to have more than a few tricks up its sleeve. Case in point: When two-time runner-up Nick Viall was chosen as last year’s Bachelor over fan-favorite Bachelorette castoff Luke Pell in a last-minute twist. If memories go further back, Brad Womack was even the Bachelor twice.
Though the audience might be expecting an official announcement during the live After the Final Rose special, which airs after Monday’s Bachelorette finale, Chris Harrison says they are taking their time with the decision.
“More than likely the next Bachelor will come out of the final three because that’s what history tells us,” the franchise host told The Hollywood Reporter at the recent taping for the Men Tell All reunion special. “But we’re also going wait to see what happens with Bachelor in Paradise, because that’s where Nick came from last year.”
So, will the next Bachelor be the one who Lindsay dumps? Will he follow in her heels and be historic? Or could he come out of left field? THR‘s resident Bachelor franchise experts Jackie Strause and Christina Schoellkopf debate the best options below.
Jackie Strause: I think we can safely say that of Rachel’s three finalists, Bryan Abasolo is out of the running for the Bachelor. Even though we don’t know who Rachel picks on Monday night, Bryan has long been the frontrunner and, at this point, seems like the obvious winner. He will also be continuing the trend of the first-impression rose getter going on to win the season. (Other examples: Jordan Rodgers, Shawn Booth, Roberto Martinez.) But even if Bryan doesn’t win, the fans really don’t seem to like him. A quick search of his name on social media proves it, so I’d say he’s out of this debate. Do you agree?
Christina Schoellkopf: I agree about Bryan’s slim chances. Even on night one he turned fans off with his slobbery first kiss, the first smooch of the season. Typically, ABC cares strongly about the likability factor in casting their Bachelor or Bachelorette. Remember when they unofficially chose Caila Quinn as the Bachelorette and began filming her season promo, before abruptly choosing the more likable JoJo Fletcher instead?
Strause: Yes, you bring up a good point. Even Luke Pell had his bags packed and was told the night before he was flying to the Bachelor Mansion that they went with Nick Viall instead.
Schoellkopf: Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, like Juan Pablo — who even Chris Harrison admitted that he didn’t like. But even in casting Nick for The Bachelor season 21, they waited until he was more likable following his admirable behavior on that summer’s Bachelor in Paradise before giving him his own show.
Strause: Since Chris said they plan to wait to see how Paradise shakes out before announcing the next Bachelor, they could be looking to cast someone from Paradise. There is one likable contestant who fits both of those bills: Dean Unglert.
Schoellkopf: Dean Unglert has scored major points. For one, he took the high road when producers reunited him with his estranged father. He took to his social media to encourage viewers to be tolerant of his dad’s Sikh faith and after the episode aired during the Men Tell All, he had no ill will towards ABC for how the whole thing was portrayed. Ahead of the season, Rachel told me she asked the Bachelorette team to avoid casting “babies in their twenties.” Yet, she gave him a chance. That says something.
Strause: But Dean himself also told us at the Men Tell All taping that he wasn’t quite ready to be the Bachelor. By that point, he’d already filmed Paradise, so that experience hadn’t changed his mind. Would an overwhelming fan response this summer do the trick? The thing is, I agree with him. I don’t think that he is mature enough to handle an entire season. I would not tune in for more date questions about, “What is your favorite dinosaur?” I can tell you that.
Schoellkopf: Don’t forget his pickup line the night he met Rachel…
Strause: Oh, I haven’t, and neither has Rachel. He told her, “I’m ready to go black and never go back.” Recently, a fan posted a photo with him and wrote, “Went black, but came back.” Rachel actually commented on the photo with a correction: “Sent back… He didn’t come back lol.” Now, thanks to Lee Garrett, Chris Harrison said social media checks will be par for the course moving forward. That line living on could knock Dean down a peg.
Schoellkopf: That comment is insensitive. Period. But I applaud Dean for approaching other conversations about race on the show respectfully; he denounced Lee’s ignorance and he considerately expressed his thoughts on interracial dating while he was on the show. He’s 26, but he conveyed his old soul early on, opening up about his troubled past and the loss of his mother. As Rachel put it, he kept it real — and it doesn’t get more likable than that in a reality TV setting. Plus, #DeanForBachelor was trending after he was dumped. This season has addressed race in ways the franchise never has before. Do you think they will want to keep the heavy dialogue going by casting Eric as ABC’s first black Bachelor?
Strause: Eric is an interesting one because he’s a bit of a dark horse, both for Rachel and for the Bachelor race. He’s also inexperienced in the relationship department, but Bachelor Nation completely fell in love with him after his hometown date and seeing his family. His charm undeniably has rubbed off on Rachel, who is the happiest whenever she’s around him. That doesn’t mean she is in love with him, but she certainly enjoys their time together and you know he would be an entertaining lead. But something tells me ABC isn’t ready to name the first black Bachelor. They took a big step in the diversity department, but I don’t think they’re going to leap. The Bachelor in Paradise cast is still majority white contestants.
Schoellkopf: Paradise’s diversity has slightly improved from the last season: three nonwhite men this year compared to only one in 2016. The franchise is obviously obsessed with historic firsts (“the most dramatic episode ever!”). The casting director, Lacey Pemberton, Harrison and Lindsay have all told me that they are open to it, but emphasized that it’s less about the race of the person and more about their character and personality. But will Eric’s character still hold strong if we see him exiting on Monday?
And that brings me to Peter. By week two on Rachel’s season, he was one of the top three most-tweeted about contestants on the show, according to Twitter analytics. So we know he has been a fan favorite from the beginning — what’s not to like about a salt and pepper-haired gentleman with adorable gap teeth? But I think the problem with Peter is that he doubts the process too much to lead his own season. He obviously freaked out during his hometown date and voiced his concerns about getting down on one knee so quickly in a relationship. Viewers are not going to sign up for a 10-week journey with a guy that doesn’t plan on proposing at the end. That’s a hard sell. But Peter does fall into the perfect age range. He’s 31, the average age of Bachelors at the time of their season premiere, and I think he has a better chance compared to Eric.  Something tells me they wouldn’t cast the first black Bachelor directly after the first black Bachelorette.
Strause: I agree. I think Peter is a great, great catch — but is he great TV? I truly don’t know. He certainly has Bachelor Nation on his side, but my hesitations now have me wandering over to the cast of this summer’s Paradise, and also to some blasts from seasons past. We’ve mentioned another great catch Luke Pell, but he recently went on the Almost Famous podcast and said he is dating someone. Wait… what about the newly single Ben Higgins!
Schoellkopf: It’s possible! It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve brought a Bachelor back from the dead. (Brad Womack, seasons 11 and 15.)  His Almost Famous podcast with Ashley I. proves he isn’t shying away from staying connected to the Bachelor world, and that he still has a following. But if we’re going with wild cards, I have my bets on Robby Hayes or Wells Adams making the best impressions on Paradise. 
Strause: Is that your strongest case? Then I pick Ben as my wildcard, but Peter as my safe bet.
Schoellkopf: Well, if we’re going with wild cards… I say Chris Harrison!
Now that we’ve presented all of the options, who do you vote for?
#BachelorNation: @c_schoellkopf and I are debating the best picks for the next @BachelorABC. Tell us your vote!
— Jackie Strause (@jackiedstrause) August 3, 2017
Who should be the next @BachelorABC? @JackieDStrause and I are debating the best picks for @THR. Tell us your vote! #TheBachelor
— ChristinaSchoellkopf (@c_schoellkopf) August 3, 2017
The Bachelor Bachelor Nation The Bachelorette
#Bachelor #Debate #Experts #Picks
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derkastellan · 7 years
Observations: Torment - Tides of Numenera #2
Well, honeymoon’s over. After taking a break during a two week vacation the game started to feel a bit like a drudge. I mean, gameplay is very clear now:
Go to a new location.
Talk to all named NPCs.
Do some quests.
Do the main quest.
Change of location.
From hereon, spoilers!
At first I welcome the idea of going into another person’s memory by the use of Mercasters. Seemed very interesting. The game sometimes makes you pay really hard for laying your hands on one. And by now I wonder why... 
You waste pool points on exploring it. 
If the Mercaster moves the story forward (like the one helping to find Mazzof) that’s okay...
In all other cases, the best you can get is some permanent pool upgrade.
The worst you can get is that your tides change. Yippie-ka-yay. Super-lame.
You can only visit them once. So you can at least sell them.
Some of them seem to offer no clear benefit.
Almost all of them make it unclear how it can have been constructed in the first place since the person involved is dead.
The promise of it being able to change the course of somebody’s past seems to be only true for Matkina and else is just talk.
It’s one of those gameplay features that seem cool and innovative and then turn out to be only a gimmick. I hate it when games promise one thing and do another.
So, I guess, all it does is give you more information on someone. Made into a gameplay element instead of a text. A little interaction required to make it more interesting than read all of that stuff out.
Then there is the thing about the Changing God trying to take you over. So, the Specter was him all the time. Then he suddenly disappears - to where? Then he kills a believer/prophet - how?
It was not a great twist. I kind of assumed you were the Changing God and forgot. The longer you think about the basic premise of the game you start to experience fridge logic - that it doesn’t make sense. 
Castoffs can’t die. 
And then they do, but never under circumstances quite clear. 
Why does the Changing God leave his undying bodies? Apparently to make a differently configured body. 
And how does he do it? 
Where does the new body come from? How is it constructed? 
And how does it never share the same danger the Changing God just was in?
The whole premise is a lot of weaker than the one from “Planescape: Torment”. Mind you, while I love that game, it also had a lot of limitations.
I also complained that T:ToN gives out combat rewards. In fact, it usually doesn’t. The start was apparently done by a different level designer who didn’t read the level design guidelines or something like that. I mean, both the Reef of Fallen... Stars (?) and the Anechoic (?) Lazaret have this “bug” that you get something like 25XP for peaceful resolution and 100XP for kicking ass, IIRC. Thank goodness this is not repeated in other locations.
By the way, a lot of the current frustration I feel with the game is that it consistently dies while I try to do the Anchorage quest. Every single time. I stopped playing until I get some feedback from the tech support. Thimbleweed Park is where it’s at now for me. ;)
Anyway, another observation I made: By default everybody in the Ninth World seems to live in a slum. Like the district with the falling houses in Sagus Cliffs. The people squatting in the memorial ruins (the Necropolis?). Everybody in the Bloom, really. Everybody is being bullied by street thugs or having some sort of blase or shrug-it-off or bitter personality really. Optimists seem like stupid dreamers. Everybody is haunted by their past. It starts to grate on my nerves, really. And almost everybody has a bone to pick with you because you’re either seen as the castoff remnant of an asshat god or because other castoffs barely behave better. You’re constantly playing cleaning staff either convincing people that you’re not as bad or you’re proving them right. It truly grates on me. There’s never a clear, new impression in the game (almost). It becomes especially evident when you have the “Scan Thoughts” power, really, because you read their reaction, and it’s almost always something hostile, paranoid, or suspicious. Why castoffs don’t commit suicide in a particle accelerator as soon as they wake up is anybody’s guess.
Now, T:ToN is leagues better than InXile’s “other remake” - Wasteland 2 was an unmitigated disaster of bad level design, bad game design, and bad everything. It started to drain my will of playing on within hours. Torment is much better. I would still play it had I not become so frustrated with its shortcomings... I mean, for the little visual candy it offers it half kills my aged computer. Gameplay is very predictable. At some point you don’t even read the walls of text anymore, given that this game has more text than any text adventure out there. And unlike Planescape: Torment, development of intra-party story is as slow as a glacier. 
But at least it’s more fair. You are not punished by the engine for your original character build decisions by closing whole areas of the game off. In fact, by spending mental pool points most things in the game stay accessible. Making, btw, the nano with high intellect edge the best build in the game, auto-succeeding all over the place. But that was a choice I understood (and made) within two hours of starting my first game. So, fair enough.
The value of sneaking is lost on me in this game. Maybe it’s just me. There seem to be a lot of half-baked ideas in the game, and it cannot be for having to rush the game. Maybe too many ideas still to properly execute them? Or maybe, in spite of some big ticket names, not enough experienced talent to execute on the ideas?
Torment: Tides of Numenera is okay. It surpasses many other games. But it gets repetitive, the story seems to drag on, and I am getting disenchanted with it. Maybe less sidequests? Hard pill to swallow for old optimizer me. I wanted to savor every bit out of it, but it’s too much the same, too many meaningless forays into Meres, too much text, and too little “WTF do I care about this?” Why am I playing endlessly goody-two-shoes for my ancestor’s sins? Some lesson about karma? If so, poorly done. The game lacks variety. It made some great locations but that’s it. The world in Torment felt deeper with all its factions and the enormous background the D&D stuff built before there ever was a PC game. This time... the thread tying it all together is too tight. I’m getting tired of epic plots where you are the center of the world anyway.
I guess I’m still pissed. Oh well.
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