#Castle Blackspire
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eliotqueliot · 28 days ago
Sailing to Blackspire returns!
Chapter 6 has been written for the @magiciansfanworksextravaganza challenge Welcome Home!, WEEK 4: Feb. 17-23, Magical creature!
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Sailing to Blackspire - Chapter 6 - EliotQueliot - The Magicians (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Eliot would never miss a party. But the festive decor at Castle Blackspire might leave something to be desired. In which Eliot's mixology skills come in handy. And Niffin!Charlie is the life of the party. Welcome to Castle Blackspire: Honeymoon destination to the (former) kings of Fillory.
Sailing to Blackspire (54666 words) by EliotQueliot Chapters: 6/8 Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson & Eliot Waugh, All of the friends together Characters: Quentin Coldwater, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Kady Orloff-Diaz, 23rd Timeline William "Penny" Adiyodi, Alice Quinn (The Magicians), Josh Hoberman, Prometheus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Calypso (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Julia Wicker, Ora (The Magicians), The Monster (The Magicians) Additional Tags: The Muntjac (The Magicians) - Freeform, Episode: s03e13 Will You Play With Me?, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, True Love, queliot, The Quest of the Seven Keys (The Magicians), Two-Masted Schooners, Boats and Ships, Depression, References to Depression, Physical Kids Cottage (The Magicians), prisons, Jailers - Freeform, Magic, Flying Ships, Fillorian Deer Class sea vessels, Castle Blackspire (The Magicians), Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Cuddling & Snuggling, Men Crying, Eliot Waugh's Canonically Huge Dick, References to Drugs Series: Part 1 of Sailing to Blackspire Summary: Quentin says he's staying with a Monster for all Eternity. Eliot says, "Hell, no. Not without me." ----- In which Eliot and Quentin use their time aboard the Muntjac on the way to Castle Blackspire more wisely.
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violetsarepurple-fuckyou · 2 months ago
MFEWelcomeHome Week One: Home Submission #2
So, this one is the first chapter of something I have been working on for a long while! If any of yall took my poll of which fic I should work on next literal ages ago, this was one of the winners 😂 I really got to that quick! I've got a lot partially written for it that I will hopefully get out to guys over the course of the year :) Hope you enjoy!
So, Can We Pretend? Sweetly (3340 words) by violetsarefuckingpurple Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh Characters: Quentin Coldwater, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Kady Orloff-Diaz, Julia Wicker, Alice Quinn (The Magicians), pretty much the whole gang is here but I don't know if they will show up often enough to tag Additional Tags: Season/Series 04, Memory Magic, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Kinda, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Misunderstandings Summary: "How about I find you, and I don't tell you magic is real, but I do seduce you…" Dean Fogg arrives in Castle Blackspire to wipe everyone's minds but -- unaware of the Mosaic Timeline -- fails to adjust the circumstances of his spell work as needed. Eliot and Quentin both set out to make good on Eliot's season 1 promise, seduce each other, and save the day. Only problem is, they BOTH remember everything, and neither of them knows it. A Shakespearean comedy of errors as Quentin and Eliot each fumble each other's plans, tempered with grief and danger as they try to rescue their friends.
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duckprintspress · 1 year ago
February 2024 Created Works Round-Up!
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Duck Prints Press’s monthly “created works round-ups” are our opportunity to spotlight some of the amazing work that people working with us have done that ISN’T linked to their work with Duck Prints Press. We include fanworks, outside publications, and anything else that creators feel like sharing with y’all. Inclusion is voluntary and includes anything that they decided “hey, I want to put this on the created work’s round-up!”
Check out what they’ve shared with us this month…
Eliot Rocks the Memory Palace, Chapter Four: Art by EliotQueliot / @eliotqueliot
art || the magicians (tv) || m/m || quentin coldwater/eliot waugh || teen & up || creator choses not to use warnings || complete
summary: After dinner, Monster!Eliot takes Quentin sightseeing in New York City by moonlight.
There's a lovely view from the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building.
And the Monster set a nice cheery fire blazing in the bay.
Heights are fun.
other tags: falling, heights, possession
All We Need Is One Good Day (Any Day That You're Alive), Chapter 1 by EliotQueliot / @eliotqueliot
fiction || the magicians (tv) || m/m || quentin coldwater/eliot waugh || mature || creator choses not to use warnings || 2,097 || work in progress
summary: A fluffy fic mixing the books by Lev Grossman with the show from SyFy, in which Quentin and Eliot do get to spend that summer together, but build on their immediate friendship to get together from day one of Q's classes.
Mosaic Haiku, Chapter 10 by EliotQueliot / @eliotqueliot
fiction || the magicians (tv) || m/m || quentin coldwater/eliot waugh || general audiences || creator choses not to use warnings || 124 || ongoing series
summary: I'm writing a series of haiku about Eliot and Quentin's lives together at the Mosaic (the timeloop lifetime in which they loved each other for 50 years). Just like the patterns they build there, I'll forever be adding new haiku, but yet the story is also always complete. My hope is to reflect the beauty of all life, just like they did.
Sailing to Blackspire, Chapter 5 by EliotQueliot / @eliotqueliot
fiction || the magicians (tv) || m/m || quentin coldwater/eliot waugh || explicit || creator choses not to use warnings || 11,539 || work in progress
summary: Quentin says he's staying with a Monster for all Eternity.
Eliot says, "Hell, no. Not without me."
In which Eliot and Quentin use their time aboard the Muntjac on the way to Castle Blackspire more wisely.
In this chapter, the friends continue to do their best to find alternate ways to turn magic back on, without Quentin and Eliot getting stuck in Castle Blackspire.
other tags: Canon-typical danger. Also, regarding the fic as a whole, please heed the rating. This is AU, but jumps off from canon at a specific point within 3x13. The characters don't know what I'm trying to fix because for them it hasn't happened (and in this fic, it never will). But Eliot (his POV) clearly knows that Quentin's life is ultimately in danger.
never a god by ilgaksu / @ilgaksu
fiction || mysterious lotus casebook || m/m, poly (one gender: male) || li lianhua/fang duobing/di feisheng, di feisheng/fang duobing || teen & up || creator choses not to use warnings || 1,077 || ongoing series
summary: The evening shift at the House of Scarlet Delights starts out just like any other.
other tags: Post Canon, Sex Work, Genderfluid Li Lianhua
bringing a gun to chekhov's house by ilgaksu / @ilgaksu
fiction || dune (2021), dune - frank herbert || f/m || paul atreides/chani kynes || explicit || creator choses not to use warnings || 1,895 || work in progress
summary: Chani sees him first in lectures. This is because he can’t stop staring at her. It’s unsubtle. It’s derivative. It’s the start of every novel written by a white man drowning in his own midlife crisis. Chani is wise to it; to him.
After a while, she realises she’s still looking right back.
other tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Academia, Postcolonialism, Breakup
On Writing Combat and Sex Scenes by Tris Lawrence / @tryslora
writing craft blog post || original work || no ships || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 1,523 || complete
summary: This post talks about writing sex and combat (and no, I do not mean combative sex). It is primarily SFW.
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elektricheartz · 5 years ago
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Margo in every episode → 3x13 “Will You Play With Me?”
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margothecreator · 2 years ago
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The Magicians [S3:E13] ---Will You Play With Me?
Blackspire; The Castle at the End of the World.
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leguin · 3 years ago
quentin being who he is makes his castle blackspire plan unsurprising, but the context of the post-mosaic confession makes it exponentially more unsurprising. i’d be planning to move into a castle with a monster on the flipside of the world too if i’d had to go through that.
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ofthedirewolves · 4 years ago
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Stocking gift for the wonderful @rubickk7
A Klaroline Magicians AU
It all started with an exam, her mysterious guide taking her to an exam to see if she could get into magical grad school. Maybe it started earlier than that — with the interview gone wrong. When she and Bonnie had stumbled on a dead body in what was supposed to be Caroline’s Yale interview.
That was the moment right? When everything changed.
If she hadn’t followed the page for Fillory book 6 would any of this have happened?
The craziest part is that Caroline isn’t sure she’d change it? She’d change some of the circumstances and the consequences but she loves her weird coven.
Yes maybe they were brought together by blood and a maniacal bastard but she loves them. They're  her  people.
Bonnie, her lifelong best friend, they drifted apart for a bit when they got into Brakebills, when Bonnie was a knowledge and Caroline was undeclared (but assigned to the cottage). They had some of their worst fights but Caroline knows they’re closer now than ever before.  
Her roommate Kat, a psychic traveler who didn’t know how not to run away. Who pretended like she didn’t care about anyone.
(Who saved her life multiple times despite claiming not to care about Caroline).
Caroline is still going to bother her with Taylor Swift though
There’s Enzo St John who became her best friend outside of Bonnie.    Who is one of the most brilliant magicians Caroline has ever met and literally sneaked into Brakebills because he wasn’t invited… all to find out what happened to his sister.
And of course  the Mikaelsons.
Kol with his hedge stars, knowledge of battle magic and heart eyes for her best friend.
Rebekah who ruled the Cottage, was obsessed with Welters and yet was as much of a Fillory nerd as Caroline was. Who put up an Ice Queen front but was one of the softest people
And Klaus.
Her mysterious exam guide, who comforted her with one of his darkest secrets when she was worried about being expelled and ending back in the hospital. The same person who brought her into his inner circle that had previously just been him and his sister.
(The one she’d slept with when feeling the effects of emotion magic) (They don’t talk about that night)
She remembers the cliffside where she crowned him High King, then he’d crowned Rebekah as High Queen, then had crowned Enzo and herself.
(Neither Kol or Bonnie hadn’t wanted it but they had technically been ambassadors.. Caroline had joked that the alone time brought them closer.. and it did).
They had almost lost Enzo in the fight against Silas but he’d they’d managed to defeat him and then had to save a fairytale land where magic was failing. They’d had to fight a political game that had ended with magic being shut off and they had been overrun by fairies.
And then the quest for the seven keys. Which had brought new challenges. Kat had almost died and been taken by the Library. Thankfully Bonnie had found a loophole. Enzo had lost his father and then he and Rebekah had finally gotten their shit together.
Caroline had known joy and grief like no other. She’d grown old and had children and grandchildren.
(Their daughter Lizzie was never far from her thoughts)
She and Klaus had come back and things had been weird. They hadn’t really talked since then. Caroline had come face to face with the worst version of herself and came out victorious. She and Klaus were still avoiding each other, Caroline’s focus was on the quest and his on the election.
It all leads to right now.
They were en route to Castle Blackspire to bring back magic. They’re so close she can almost  taste it — maybe afterward they can talk right?
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the-dark-kings · 5 years ago
In light of the show’s cancelation, to spread some love and happiness, we’re doing @highkingfen’s The Magicians meme too!
1. Favorite Main Character
M: I refuse to choose between Eliot and Margo. I picked them as my faves years ago when I watched season 1 and I never changed my mind. I could never get bored of these two.
N: Penny Adiyodi, Margo Hanson, and Eliot Waugh. As much as this question is asking for only one character, I will not pick just one. These characters have been my top 3 from the start, and that hasn’t changed.
2. Favorite Side Character
M: There’s so many good ones. Jane, Fen, Zelda, Harriet, Fogg… I guess I’ll go with Fogg this time. There’s so much more to him than meets the eye, and Rick Worthy’s dry delivery never fails to crack me up. I’m gonna miss him.
N: Watching Dean Fogg has been a wild ride, and he never fails to entertain me. I also absolutely adore Fen, and am so pleased that she got to be her own person while never losing her kind and bubbly side.
3. TV Trope Showed In The Show
M: No Budget: Any time they make a joke about not having money for something, like with the invisible castle, or both Blackspire and the Fairy Castle just being the Whitespire set. Love it when the show gets self-aware.
N: Hard questions. There’s so much I love, there’s so much that makes the show fun and unique. But the tropes I love the most are related to genre de/construction, because it demonstrates how self-aware the tv-show is. An example of this is the subversion of “the chosen one” trope in 1x13 or the call-out of (fantasy) books having only one kind of protagonist, emphasizing the importance of other kinds of representation in 4x06.
4. Favorite Bunny News
M: “Eat my ass.”
N: “Eat my ass.”
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gif by @highkingfen
5. Favorite Plot Twist
M: I still vividly remember watching 4x05 with my darling co-host of this blog and having to pause the episode because we wanted to speculate on what Eliot’s worst memory might be. We got it wrong, but it was some of the most fun I’ve had watching an episode. And 4x13 was one hell of a twist, though I’m not sure I’d classify that one as ‘favorite’.
N: Alice being the chosen one. There might be better or more fun ones, but this one was meaningful to me because I kept wondering throughout the season “why Quentin?” So when it wasn’t him, it made me think that this show could be different from other fantasy shows. It was compelling.
6. Favorite Quote
M: Alice: Being an adult doesn’t mean that you have to throw away what you used to love. Quentin: Then what does it mean? Alice: Seeing the world through new eyes.
N: I suppose I’ll pick a poignant one to highlight this show’s depth instead of a silly one. Quentin: "The Madness Maker didn't play for the joy of winning, just the fear of losing. The real curse was, he only played when he could win, which cut him off from the surprise, horror, sadness, and wonder of life. Jane saw only one way out for him: Stop playing. Start living."
7. Funniest Pun Or Geek Related Joke
M: Margo and Eliot’s undercover pop culture dialogue scene. “Whatever your Marsden would XOXO, Cersei XOXO’s, so we have to keep it very best episode of Buffy.” Did I mention I love El and Margo?
N: The whole conversation my wonderful co-host mentioned above. I felt so close to Margo and Eliot in that moment (pop culture as a secret language), and I also love that it revealed how often Eliot scans wiki-pages to keep up with his Bambi. If that ain’t love.
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gif by @magiciansladies
8. Favorite Outfit
M: Everything created for the Fillory royals. The costume department are geniuses, truly.
N: Definitely the Fillorian costumes for Margo and Eliot for creativity and beauty. Penny’s low-cut tops for ridiculousness, beauty (good cleavage), and the link to his culture.
9. Favorite Music
M: Take On Me. I didn’t appreciate it when I first watched the episode because it kinda got buried underneath… everything else, but it is such a gorgeous cover and I’ve found myself returning to it often.
N: I don’t know what it’s called, but there’s an instrumental melody that’s often used during emotional or tense scenes in the show. I really love it. That, to me, stands for The Magicians on an auditory level. Besides that, “Beautiful Dreamer” sang by Summer Bishil.
10. Underrated Moment
M: From season 1, The Writing Room, that scene after they get out of the Plover house and Alice wants to go back inside to save the ghost children, and Eliot is so cruel to her. Not because Eliot is a dick, but because it was the first glimpse I got as a fan of what this show could be at its best. Layered, emotional, and asking the tough questions.
N: I wouldn’t necessarily call it my favorite, but it’s underrated and definitely something I’ll never forget. In season 2, Cheat Day, when Quentin and Emily sleep together donning the visual representation of their respective ex(/dead) lovers... that was the type of fucked up shit I live for in fiction. So messy, so ugly, so painful—I’m pleased The Magicians never shied away from any of it.
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agendercas · 6 years ago
so when quentin said he was going to stay in castle blackspire all hell broke loose, but when he died, everyone rolled over and accepted it...
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eliotqueliot · 1 year ago
Quentin looking at Eliot in Castle Blackspire
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This happens. After El shoots the Monster and hurries Q off into the room with the fountain to turn magic back on. This occurs after this moment (first quoted post below) where El seems to be wiping away a tear, which is following the sequence that @yourtinseltinkerbell made it possible to see the emotional depth of that moment between them as Eliot hurried him down the hallway (second quoted post below), in which Eliot has his hand on Q's shoulder until Q looks at him, and then El drops his hand, looking heartbroken. Maybe I'm reading too much into this? But I don't think so. It's also part of the last time they're themselves, together, except for 4x05. So. It's kinda getting to me.
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sumcvivus · 5 years ago
starter for @remnants-scattered-through-time | julia & any naboo muse
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julia had to hand it to whoever (or whatever) had created this place - naboo was beautiful. the architecture alone was unlike anything she had ever seen, and that included the castle blackspire. but as with most things in strange places, she was trying to be careful; just like naboo, fillory was beautiful, but full of dangers. “do you know if any of this is safe to eat?” she asked a passerby, gesturing vaguely towards the food she had gotten. “i’ve heard conflicting reports on what’s for humans and what’s for - anything else that’s here.”
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ao3feed-queliot · 5 years ago
Let Me Say--
by ProofOfConcept, wilddragonflying
After it's all over, after Castle Blackspire and Alice's not-betrayal and Quentin's misguided attempt to damn himself forever, after Julia and her goddess powers saved the day and Eliot left the Monster and yet another innocent host dead on the floor, after magic is back and they're all safely ensconced in Castle Whitespire without a scratch on them, after... after, Eliot goes to Quentin.
Words: 8579, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 86 of Collaborations
Fandoms: The Magicians (TV), The Magicians - Lev Grossman
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Quentin Coldwater, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Original Characters
Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh
Additional Tags: Fuckbuddies, Friends With Benefits, Miscommunication, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Frottage, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fillorian STD, making shit up as plot devices
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/25425220
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twyllodrus · 6 years ago
i still can't believe that, in the foursome of librarians turned gods, the one braincell they all possessed died with heka (and tbh it’s only because heka had the audacity to die before facing all of this mess)
just consider:
one of them helps send out some peeps on a quest which will inevitably endanger them all (bacchus, my dude, c’mon);
the other one, calmly sips tea while letting julia wicker return to the castle blackspire – y’know, the one where the very creature they fear is captured;
and then there’s the final straw – you obtain the power of a literal god AND YET your memory is shit enough not to remember a fcking password???????
i’m usually in solidarity w/ one-braincelled ones, but these four kinda had it coming
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medusasgays · 6 years ago
Today on Characters and Plot lines The Magicians forgot about: 
Did she come back to Fillory empty concerning Fen that everybody died?
Is she a free boat sailing around Fillory now that she isn’t relevant to the plot?
Was she docked and is now trapped at Castle Blackspire? 
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leguin · 4 years ago
quentin, trying to commence the ‘quentin stays at castle blackspire forever’ plan: i get it, you guys think i’m dumb and i make bad decisions. but this isn’t that!
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fillorysuggest · 6 years ago
I mean. Not to be That Person. But you know what fuck it I’m still pissed and convinced this is shitty writing. It would make a fuckton more sense for Iris, one of the four original librarians to imprison the monster, not to ask Julia to turn away from the Blackspire castle. It would have made more sense for her to tellJulia they need to keep what’s in that castle from getting out. It makes more sense for Julia to have gone with them. It makes more sense for Julia to have seen that Alice was lying and stop her before she did it as well as not having been too weak to stop the librarians when they came to siphon the magic for themselves. It even makes sense that Julia could have convinced Eliot to leave Quentin in the castle because one of the literal first acts Iris wanted her to do was to create a new world, so why couldn’t she change the inside of Blackspire so it was a nice little pocketworld where Quentin could be happy AND keep a childlike monster contained.
Like. I’m just so upset because I look back on that arc and what happened in that episode and Iris’s actions (one of the FOUR fucking people that would have been hunted down if they failed to keep him contained who logically should have been invested in making sure they got magic back without releasing the monster) and it makes no sense and I’m angry and bitter at the terrible writing. Eliot’s actions??? Like I can see why he did it. Because he wanted Quentin to be safe and free!!! But the absolute anger I feel when I remember that SMILE Q had on his face when he got to meet the monster itself??? He looked fucking hopeful???? This man who was fucking happy to be a father???? Is just looking forward to taking care of someone???? And it freaking infuriates me that they made Eliot of all people take that away from him. He looked hopeful. He wanted to show the monster a card trick. He was looking forward to bonding with a childlike creature that he could have grown to love as he cared for him.
Not only that, but the entire storyline of the Monster is that he’s literally traumatized and confused without his sister. Y’all think the best fix it fic would be one where the monster dies, I disagree. I think the best fix it fic would be one where his sister comes to live in the castle with him, but I’m logical and know that killing three gods is a little hard to do and it’ll take a whole season to achieve, but even if Quentin was happy to stay with him and willing to give him love and coddling???? Why would that be the worst???? He wasn’t upset to do it. He just wanted to show the Monster a card trick. He wanted to bond with him...
I’m still angry.
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