#Castiel Novak x male reader
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Dean Winchester
Head canons
Castiel Novak
Head canons
Head canons
Sam Winchester
Head canons
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angelsberrymilk · 8 months
Does anybody know any fanfics where Castiel learns abt human culture? sarcasm? unwritten rules and expectations and dumb random rules?? I need him exploring humans so bad. idc what ship it is. as long as he's learning new stuff and being silly.
probably fluff and some crack. but he makes me laugh regardless so anything with him exploring the human world will do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
give me any usernames, any links either on tumblr or ao3 I don't mind at all.
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ultimateissuessimp · 1 year
Lost and Found
Chapter 1 - Time for a hunt
Word count: 1,491
Warnings: descriptions of gore (will be marked with = at the moment it starts and with = when it ends), mentioned death of a character, trauma, bad writing
Genre: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Notes: All dividers that I use are made by me (If you see art that I have used, but not credited - please notify me), you might notice that even though it says "featuring Team Free Will" there's not a lot of them there as one would think. In fact they are not even mentioned by their names which was intentional ince the sotry does not focus on them but the reader and Morpheus, they're the ones that matter the most after all.
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The young man was pacing around in his living room. Thoughts running tons of kilometers a second as he tried to think through everything that was said to him a minute ago. He couldn't believe what he just heard, in fact he thought that he has misheard what he was told, but the truth was that his hearing was working perfectly, it was just the fact that the information was so shocking it was hard to believe. He never would've thought that THIS might happen. Yet here he was, finally stopping his frantic walking in front of the raven haired man. He wanted to make sure one last time.
-So you want to tell me that Valgrat is wandering around somewhere here in The Waking? - the hunter asked looking with bewilderment at the powerful being standing before him. The information still not really coding in his brain. That is so not what he expected to hear first thing in the morning, not before even having his first cup of coffee to start the day.
-Yes, Y/N, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't urgent and I didn't need your help with bringing him back to The Dreaming - said the anthropomorphic personification of dreams as he looked ahead through the window in the hunter's apartment. He had no other choice but to come and ask the man for help. He was desperate. His creation wandered into the human realm and caused a bunch of chaos, not to even mention his decision of having some humans as a late night snack. He had to bring him back, but he couldn't find him. He was hiding very well, his ability to shape and take face of anyone he wanted making everything harder. So who else if not a certain Nightmare Hunter with whom he had shared some history could help him in finding his lost Nightmare?
The immortal started pacing once more, furthermore annoying the Endless. Dream grabbed Y/N by his arm making him stop in his tracks and pulled him to himself, so they were face to face. The hunter's eyes widened as he stood so close to the Dream Lord, swallowing hard the saliva that gathered in his mouth, feeling his dry throat finally get some lubrication. He wasn't used to being so close to someone, even though both him and Morpheus shared some past together. But that's what their situationdhip was - a past, so standing so close to him now was sending his heart into a cardiac arrest. Clearly he couldn't still feel something after so long? But oh god, what if he was? This simple thought made a blush appear on the man's cheeks. The Endless raised an eyebrow wlhen he saw it, but said nothing, making a mental note to ask about it after all of this is over.
-Please, help me find him and I won't bother you again - said Morpheus. His heart had a different opinion on this matter than his brain. It was screaming at him to never leave again. To fix what was between them, because surely something was still there. He could feel it, yet he didn't know what to do in this situation. Morpheus didn't want to appear as if he was in need of the hunter's affection and attention, his ego oh so ever present. He was an Endless for the sake of all that is present. He had his duties, he was a King, he was as old as the need to sleep and dream was. So why did he feel helpless and his "soul" feel like it was yearning and longing to reach the man's in front of him? Why did it feel so freeing and good to be in his presence? As if his whole body was singing.
-Okay... I'll help you - Y/N nearly added that Dream didn't have to feel like he was bothering him. That he doesn't have to leave, that he could stay and he wouldn't mind. He wanted him to stay. He felt the need to plead Morpheus not to leave him again. But he didn't say it. His own pride blinding him and not letting him say those words to not appear as if he was begging and craving for the raiven haired man's love. Begging was not "in his style". So he stayed silent. Words caught in his throat.
-Thank you, lo-Y/N - Morpheus quickly stopped himiself from making, in his perspective, a mistake. He coughed and took a step back.
He couldn't do it. Not again. Not after what happened last time. He couldn't repeat his mistakes, no matter how tempting it was. Y/N's eyes widened visibly, shocked at the Endless's little slip up, his heart skipping a beat. This couldn't be happening. Not now. Not after so many years. Why now? After he fially made peace with all of it? Or at least he thought he did. A thousand questions swirling around in his mind. A thousand questions that want to spill out of his mouth and engulf Morpheus, suffocate him wanting to get answers. But he didn't let them. He kept his lips tightly shut as he slowly nodded and turned around, his back now facing Morpheus.
-Yeah, uh... No problem, after all that's what I do, isn't it? - He said, still slightly flusttered. - So, do you have any idea where Valgrat might be? Just a general area? I can start digging from there on - the hunter announced, a shiver going through his whole body as he felt the gust of cold wind slip through the cracked open window of his apartment. He didn't even remember when he had opened it. But it didn't matter as Morpheus went up to it and closed it, seeing Y/N's reaction. He thanked Dream quietly, bashful because of the Endless's action.
-Indeed, I do. It appears that he wandered to an American state called Kansas. I don't know the name of the city he might be in now, but I know the name of one that he was in when he first showed up there - Morpheus said, walking over to the big world map displayed on one of the hunter's walls. He got close to it, searching for a certain name and when he found it, he pointed to it and said its name out loud. - Beloit.
-Then I guess I need to pack my bags and catch a last minute flight to America - Y/N said. - Kansas, here we come! - he exclaimed with mock excitement as he moved from his spot to walk to his bedroom and take out his bags.
He started throwing some different types of clothes into the bag, not really knowing what weather to prepare for, so he just put in a bit of everything. When he was done, he put the bag filled with clothes on the floor, close to the doors and reached of the second one. This one is gonna be so much more fun to fill. Y/N went up to his closet and pushed aside some of the clothing hangers, revealing a wooden wall behind them. He tapped the right upper corner two times with his fingers and the left lower corner three times, performing something like out of Harry Potter. Which wouldn't be far from the thruth because the wooden wall started to push back further into the wall and splitting in the middle, two side going into different directions to finally reveal something that shouldn't be seen by normal people. A hunter-worthy arsenal of weapons. Y/N's little heaven. He had all kind of weaponery in there. From different types and sizes of knifes, machetes and swords to multiple guns. Bigger or smaller, heavier or lighter, small damage or big damage. Take your pick. Hell, even a whip. He packed everything he thought of as needed and closed the bag, taking it into his hand and walking up to the door to pick up the second bag into his other hand.
-Alright. I'm done packing. Do you want to meet already on the spot or...? - a question about having some company with him on the journey to America appearing in his mind, but he stopped himself from asking it.
He thought it would be weird and that surely Morpheus would politely decline, saying that he has business of his to take care of, so it would mean that they would meet on spot. He didn't expect Morpheus's answer in the slightest though.
-No, I can take us there now - the Endless said before walking up to the hunter, pulling out his bag of sand and throwing some around them, then wrapping his arms around the man as if to protect him from any danger while traveling.
Both of them knowing that it was unnecessary, yet neither of them saying or doing anything about it. And then they dissapeared in the small tornado of sand. Direction: Kansas, Beloit!
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c1eepypas1a · 5 months
C1eepypas1a's masterlist №¹:
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(a/n: my first ever masterlist!!!, fluff/smut/angst/dark, I do it all just ask ❤️❤️❤️)
Dean Winchester:
Sam Winchester:
None yet xo
None yet xo
Charlie Bradbury:
None yet xo
Jo harvelle:
None yet xo
Claire Novak:
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
The vampire diaries:
Elena Gilbert:
None yet xo
Jeremy Gilbert:
None yet xo
Damon Salvatore:
None yet xo
Teen wolf:
Scott McCall:
None yet xo
Stiles stillinski:
None yet xo
Jackson Whittemore:
None yet xo
Lydia Martin:
None yet xo
Kira Yukimura:
None yet xo
Liam Dunbar:
None yet xo
Theo raeken:
None yet xo
YouTube people/influencers?
(a/n: I write for male/female, I could try non-binary and I do write for trans people!!!, also I will be posting all my fanfics on Wattpad!!)
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babythe67 · 1 year
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Meet the writer !
I’m Chevy or Colton, you can call me Cole, Colby, Chev, or Chevs. Please don’t call me impala or baby I know my name is similar to the car but please it makes me insane 🙏 Colt is fine too, just use it sparingly. 
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IM 19 
3. Guys. Let’s have a talk. 18 and over to interact. Listen. I was 16 once sobbing ab my Sam Winchester x readers and I know I physically cannot stop you, it’s the internet. Fuck can I do, reach through and smack your hand? No. But for my sake at least try to stay incognito or at least try to pretend good. I will be checkin accounts, if you’re under 18 I’ll straight up block you 💀 idgaf ab views or notes or reshares Im in it for just having a visual diary to put my writing. 
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5. LISTEN listen guys. My list is long but this is just for spn atm. You want my other writing check out my other accs THELTGHOST or Calahansdrabbles
Cals has a mix writing. It’s like. Everything.  Ltghost is mainly cod.  Here you Can find; Sam Winchester  Dean Winchester  Castiel Novak  G A R T H  Charlie Bradburry  Crowley Lucifer  Etc etc  Dick Roman if you ask nicely. 
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6. HI. It’s Colby here. Im a tall nerdy Mexican, probably on the chubby side. I wear glasses and have black shaggy hair. I cosplay ghost and konig and castiel- some other mfs too.  No I DONT wanna show my face bruh then you’ll find my TIKTOK and HARASS ME FOR THE FOUL THINGS I WRITE. Uh. Im pretty cool I’d say. And I love interacting and taking requests. Like yes baby let me write you your slow burn destiel fic you’ve been itching for. 
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7. MEXICOOO BABY. VIVA MEXICO HUEVONES. uhhh no but fr I’m from Jalisco Mexico but now live in California bordering TJ. 
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8. UHHHH This acc is mainly spn cause I want Dean to suck my dick. Uhhhh though I do enjoy a lot of different shit. This includes good omens, cod, overwatch, greys anatomy, adventure time, yadda yadda
Uh that’s kinda all I guess. Stream vampire by Olivia Rodrigo. And Stay with me by Ghost.  
That’s all folks. ♡
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asgardianhusband · 2 years
|Supernatural|Guys reacting to you Coming out as Trans(FTM);
A/N; This one was one of my Favorite Requests ngl c: I Hope you enjoy it! [I didn’t include John bc #Johnwinchestersucks sry but not sry] as a Trans guy this hit me like harder then i expected. also sorry for any spelling errors :) <3
CW: Mentioned Dysphoria, mentioned violence ?
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“Hey Dean? I need to talk to you, it’s important.” You walked towards him, your eyes were pointed at the Floor and your Hands started to shake.
“What is it?” He turned around and gave you a knowing look, Dean always knew when something was up.
You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes “Dean, I’m not a girl. I’ve known for some time now but I was to afraid to say something, I want to be a boy!” Your eyes immediately looked away, you were to scared to see the look on his face.
Before you knew it, Two strong arms were wrapped around you Hugging you tightly. “I’m so happy for you, My dude.” He gave you a kiss on the forehead and smiled, It was a genuine smile and felt so good to see on his face. “So What should we call you now? Something like Dean jr?” He laughed and laid a hand on your shoulder, a smile formed on your face when you told him your name.
“Y/N, that’s my name.” He patted your shoulder softly while giving you up and down look. “Well Y/N seems like we need to go shopping for you, but for now-“ he paused and walked up to his bag with clothes, he searched for a bit and then threw a shirt and flannel your way. “Here, it’s gonna suit you just fine boy.” He turned around to give you a big smile. “Thanks, Dean.” You said before leaving the room to change in your new clothes.
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When Sammy first started to notice how uncomfortable you looked in your clothes, He gave you a shirt of his and said that you might grow into it someday. He wasn’t really shocked when you cut your hair or started to change your appearance to look more masculine, He was actually the one to come up to you and ask:
“Hey, You? Uhm Do you want to tell me something?” Sam asked while he looked at his Laptop, you were sitting across the table playing with you hoodie. “What would I want to tell you?” you haven’t had the courage to come out not because you didn’t trust him but more because it would be difficult to be seen as a Hunter by some people.
“Maybe a new name? A day when you want to get some fitting clothes for yourself?” He looked up and smiled softly, your eyes widened as you looked at him. “N-name?” You weren’t aware that he knew what was going on, you thought if Dean didn’t notice why would He?.
“Come on, I see how you’re struggling. Do you really think I’m that blind? You can always trust me, I’ll always be here for you.” Your eyes were tearing up at that assurance coming from Sam, he stood up and went over to squat down before you. “Hey hey, look at me. It’s all gonna be okay.” He laid his hand on you cheek and wiped away a tear.
“My name is Y/N and I want to be a guy.” You said proudly, Sam’s face showed pure happiness. “I’m so proud of you Y/N, that was very brave of you dude.” Sam stood up and held his arms open, you immediately stood up and hugged him. He patted your back and for the first time in a long time you felt very good in your own skin.
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“Hey Kiddo, give me the wrench will yah?” Bobby asked while he Worked on the motor of his current car, you gave him the wrench he asked for and continued to stare at the blue-grey sky. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked concerned as he looked at you while closing the engine hood, He had that worried father look on his face that you knew way to well by now. You didn’t know if he would accept you, he was born into the older generation so he might not support it? Maybe he would abandon you for being different? Maybe he would think you were just as bad as the other monsters that you had to face everyday.
“I have to tell you something but I’m scared you won’t accept it or you will hate me.” You said while looking down at the ground trying to keep your tears from spilling, He put the wrench down and laid his hand on your head. “Nothing that you could tell me would ever change my opinion about you, Idjit.” He removed his hand as your head lifted up to look at him, now was the time. “I want to be a boy, I spent so much time convincing myself that it was a phase but I’m absolutely sure.” You said with confidence before your feelings boiled up and your eyes started to tear up.
“Hey hey, don’t start crying now! You know I can’t see you cry, boy.” He hugged you and held you in his arms, The way he said boy made you feel Butterfly’s in your stomach, it just felt so right to hear that. “Tell me son, what’s your name?” Your smile was genuine when you heard him say son. “Y/N, that’s my name.” He slowly ended the embrace and gave you a big smile, He was so proud of you for telling him. He doesn’t quiet understand it yet but he will make sure to learn and adapt to your situation. “Alright Y/N, I think it’s time for you to learn some important men stuff.” He chuckled and gave you a pat on the back.
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When you first approached Castiel you worried about his judgement, since you did Love him a lot and didn’t want him to hate you. Your nervousness could be seen all over your body, Shaky hands, No eye contact, not standing still, these were all signs that cas knew way to well. „Is there something wrong?“ His soft voice echoed through your mind as you came back from your thoughts, You nodded and took a deep breath.
„Castiel, there is something that I need you to know. I‘ve been struggling with this for a long time now but I didn’t know if you would still accept me or if you even understand what I mean but-„ He stopped your ramble by Laying his hand on the side of your Face. „It’s okay, You don’t have to explain right away. Just tell me, there will never be something that will change my View of you.“ those words felt so good in your mind, He always knew how to calm you down when you were about to go loco.
„I‘m a Boy, cass. I want to be who I truely am, I don’t want to be The person you were introduced to.“ Cas tilted his head as if he was confused but then gave you the most genuine smile you‘ve ever saw. „Of course you are a boy, I knew that already. I‘ve been waiting for you to announce a new name, what will it be?“ You smiled and tears of joy rolled down your face, Cas used his thumb to rub away one of the tears. „It’s Y/N.“ he nodded approvingly and gave you a kiss on the forehead. „Welcome Home Y/N, I’ve been waiting for you.“ he opened his arms and you embraced him tightly. You never expected him to be this accepting but you hoped for it, He was way to important to you and you just didn’t want to loose what you two had.
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If there was an Angel That you genuine liked then it was Balthazar, he might be a sarcastic and mean one but he was very fun and chill to hang out with. He never judged you not even once, You killed a lot of his brothers and sisters before but it was necessary most of the time. You‘ve felt like it couldn’t go wrong when you out yourself to him and well that feeling turned out to be right.
Just as you walked into his ‚Secret Hideout‘ aka a mansion somewhere in nowhere when He appeared in front of you smiling like he knows something that you don’t. „Look before you start, I know you don’t like surprises but-„ you stopped him by giving him a ‚what did you do‘ glare, He sighed and smiled again. „Look i know what you want to tell me, I may or may not have catched you practice your lines last night.“
He took your hands and gave them a squeeze „Y/N was it?“ this right there was the moment you realized you aren’t strong enough to stop your feelings from embarrassing you, your eyes started to tear up quickly. Tears of pure joy and relief ran down your face as Balthazar pulled out a tissue out of his pocket to give to you. „Don’t cry Darling, there is no need for that.“ after you wiped your tears away, He looked at you concerned. „There might be something that could help you.“ he snapped and a Binder appeared in his hand, he held it out to you and smiled. „This will make your everyday a little more comfier, but take it off after 8 hours max if not I will.“ He said serious before a chuckle left his mouth, You hugged him as a thanks and went to the bathroom to test your new binder out.
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„Huh?“ you entered your motel room just to find A package on your table and you didn’t put it there before you left. „Hello?“ you shouted to make sure that no one was there and when there was no answer, you approached the package with care and tried to read a name but there was only a Small piece of paper on top. You picked the paper up and unfolded it just to read „Miss me?“ you were confused but then you heard wings move and before you knew it someone shouted „Surprise!“ which startled you into a fight position, you turned around just to relax after you saw the Archangels face.
„Hey baby, did you miss me?“ he said mockingly before taking your hand, His expression went from happy to serious. „Something is different, What happened to your Hair? And is that a Stubble?“ you haven’t seen Gabriel after his ‚Death‘ And before that you weren’t able to come out since you had other things that troubled you, you started your transition about 2 months afterwards and since then you‘ve been changing into your true self. „Gabe, there has happened so much. The only thing that matters is that I found my true self and I’m happy with that!“ you said in defense, you‘re so used to defending your choices against others but there was no need for it this time.
„Hey hey Pumpkin pie, no need to get defensive.“ he smirked as he placed his hands on your shoulders. „You might change but your feelings are the same, aren’t they?“ He said in a soft tone while giving you puppy eyes „Yes, They are. I‘m Y/N by the way.“ you said smiling, The trickster cupped your face in his hands and kissed you quick before letting go. „Y/N, this is how I greet my Boys.“ he laughed mockingly before throwing himself onto the bed „come on open the box, it’s a big surprise!“ You did what he asked for and we’re quite surprised that it was full of Food and goodies, he knew exactly how grateful you were even if you just let a „thanks“ out.
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„Hello L/N, Nice to see you again.“ He said charming as ever, You stood in front of him with Teary eyes. „Hello Crowley, I want to make a deal.“ His expression changed into a serious one, he approached you to stand closer to your face. „What happened?“ He asked as he looked at your Black eye, You put your hand in front of your eye. „Nothing, it’s not important let’s just get this over with!“ you said demanding, He didn’t move at all while starring at you. „Alright, What is your wish?“ „I want to be a Men, Like beard and testosterone and everything!“ He raised his eyebrows in Surprise, he did all kind of jokes on you when he first met you like ‚Are you supposed to be a man?‘ ‚Oh look it’s my favorite boy‘ but he didn’t expect you to ask him that neither that you would be willing to make a deal with him for less then what your soul is worth. „A men? Listen here this is not happening okay? Your soul is worth so much more then To appear masculine for others.“ His voice was As low and gravely as ever „Tell me who did this to you, now!“ He put his hand against your cheek to hold your face in place, The worried and yet angry lokk on his face made you feel sad. "Look i can fight my own fights against others crowley, Just please help me with this one. i can´t fight this anymore. Everyday is getting harder and i´m just suffering more and more." You let out a sigh, You tried to get on hormone therapy in a legal way but they denied it after two appointments. " I Will make a Deal with you but you can keep your Soul for now." He said in a calming way that made you relax for once. "I don´t understand, Why would pass up this opportunity?" he gave you a soft smile "Because i want you to be happy, we will do this together alright? no going off alone anymore." you nodded and he came closer before you gave him the sealing kiss. Suddendly your body changed and everything felt so right, after you thought it stopped you walked to the nearest Mirror/Glass to see your true self standing infront of you, the boy that you´ve alway been. "So how about a new name, hm?" You turned around with happy tears running down your face "Y/N.. that´s my name.." You hugged him tightly "Alright Y/N, i´m happy you can finally be happy as yourself." and before you released him out of the hug you whispered a soft "Thank you.." it made the demons heart melt...
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Masterlist Round Two
@spnquotebingo round 1 masterlist
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Supernatural & Actors
x Female!Reader
Love Among Tragedies Crowely x Reader
Some say the feeling of love was like your stomach is full of butterflies,but why does it sting?
Light To His Darkness Lucifer x Winchester!R
Something about the girl made the darkness within his be driven away by her light. It made him soft damn you Winchesters!
x Male!Reader
You Are Were Mine S. Winchesters x Reader
Sacrifices are often made for the ones we love....even if it might hurt.
Platonic Relationship
Just You And Me prequel to wwtt
Sam and Dean are on there second hunt to find John. They need help from the one person who hates Wendigos the most Y/n Winchester
What's Worse Then Tuesday pt.1
What's worse then watching your big brother die on repeat? Your baby sister following shortly after in a worse way.
Thank God It's Friday pt.2
Three days on repeat to save their sister before it's too late, but they need to realize sooner or later you can't save everybody. And maybe everybody doesn't want to be saved.
Life Without A Script Rob Benedict x Daughter!reader
Everyone knows a typical runaway story right? A big fight field by built up anger leading to honest yet misunderstand words. But this story doesn’t go by the script its life after all with no cameras around.
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Super-unnatral(Alternate Universe)
We're Batshit Crazy Jason Todd x Clown!R
Love is crazy at times especially when the Hero falls for said crazy.
Angel With A Shotgun Michael!Dean x M!R
Novak's are a powerful Mafia and the L/n's are a unstoppable gang. United in marriage are the two eldest sons.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Bad Deal
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Title: Bad Deal
Written for @spnabobingo​ ​: Slutty Omega
Summary: You’re more than a slutty omega to John.
Rating: Explicit
Ship: Alpha!John Winchester x Omega!Reader
Characters: Pimp!Benny Lafitte, Castiel Novak
Warnings: angst, language, John is a douche for a moment, prostitution, reader needs the money, but she likes to fuck, so it’s okay, slutty omega, dirty talk, orgasm denial (kinda), I’ll label this one lightly dub-con, oral (fem rec), implied oral (male rec), mentions of fingering, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, John likes to trick people to get what he wants, daddy kink, age gap (John is 50+, the reader 22-30), a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, collars, slut-shaming
Words: 1,7 k
Divider by @firefly-graphics
2021 SPN A/B/O BINGO masterlist
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“That’s the one I want,” the man points at you, smirking. He runs his tongue over pearl-white teeth, showing off dominance when he cups the back of your neck roughly. “I want to fuck that omega tonight, Benny.”
“She’s all yours,” Benny, your pimp snickers. “Be aware, she’s new to the job. It’s her first rodeo tonight, John. If you want someone more experienced…”
“Fuck,” you find yourself thrown over the alpha’s shoulder, squeaking as he carries you toward the door. “Benny?”
“John always takes the girls home, sweetie. He pays well, does not hurt the girls and likes to go all night. You better give him that slutty pussy tonight, or you are out. He’s one of my best clients.”
“Yes, boss,” you mumble mindlessly. The scent of the alpha carrying you out of the house has you on the edge once again.
“I can smell your slick, omega. You’re a slutty little thing, huh?” the alpha chuckles darkly as you hang over his shoulder, sighing deeply. “That’s no shame, doll. An omega can be as slutty as she wants to. I like me a wet little hole ready to take my knot.”
“Yes, Sir…” he groans at the title, cock twitching in his pants. “Or do you want me to call you John? Sir?” John thinks about your offer for a moment. He stops right in front of the limousine, looking at his driver.
“Call me daddy when I fuck you, little slut. I only want you to moan, take cock and call me daddy. If you do so, you’ll get a lot of money tonight.”
“Good girl,” your pussy clenches around nothing at his praise. “I can barely wait to fuck you…”
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You barely made it into his mansion before you found yourself naked, on your knees, choking on his cock. You eagerly sucked him off, bathing in his praises.
But this wasn’t enough for John. No, he bent you over his desk, fingerfucking you, teasing you, until you were a begging mess. He told you about rules and money, his life, and anything in between, but you were too far gone to understand the meaning of his words.
You moaned and agreed to anything he asked you to do only to feel his cock inside of your needy hole. And to hear more praises falling from his lips.
Now you are spread out on his bed, wrists restrained to his bedpost, legs spread wide, and the alpha so deep inside of you it almost hurts.
"Oh, doll. You are much too into getting fucked by me. Do you love getting railed by daddy?" he’s taunting you, not only with his voice going straight to your core but his perfect cock too.
"Please," it’s an unheard plea. This is a job. You are here to satisfy his needs, not yours. Even though, you would sell your soul to cum for John Winchester.
"Baby doll, if you cum, I won't pay for the sex," he threatens, making you whimper and whine. "You better not choke my cock, doll. You agreed to not cum in return for the money you owe Benny.”
He smirks darkly as his hands push your knees up to your chest. "Oh, GOD! HE will fire me if you do not pay. Please. I need this John!” you choke out, pleading the alpha to not force an orgasm on your body.
"Well, then you shouldn't come at the first job you got from Benny," you love and hate his smirk all at once. Wishing you could tell him to go and fuck himself. But the job must be done. And this doesn’t include an orgasm for you…sadly…
"I-I can’t stop it. You're so-“ your head is spinning and you are so painfully close to your orgasm that you cry out in frustration as you are forced to hold it back.
"Good at fucking?" he sneers, eyes glued to his rigid cock sliding in and out of your leaking pussy. "I only pay for omegas not wanting anything in return but money. I love you are a slutty little thing, ready to explode around me. But this wasn’t the deal."
"Please stop making me cum!" it's too late. Tears run down your face when your cunt convulses around his thick cock. You whimper and babble, eyes wide and fearful. “No, please. I didn’t want to cum. I tried so hard, please…daddy!”
"Aw, this means a free fuck for me, doll," he grins smugly. John would never give away you look pretty, face contorted in pleasure but a hint of fear in your eyes. "Gotta make the best out of it and cum inside."
"NO! You said you'll come all over me!" you cry, wiggling your hips. “Please! Don’t! No knotting. This wasn’t included!”
"You said you wouldn't cum all over me," he retorts, pushing even harder into your spent pussy. "That’s it, take my cum and my knot, whore."
"You- no!" to your shame you cum again when he mutters slut and best pussy. 
John empties himself inside of you, groaning deeply at the sight of your tears and your parted lips. He shoves himself as deep as possible into your channel, smirking as his knot stretches your walls out, making you cry out in pleasure for the third time.
"You can tell Benny the fuck was great. But girls don't get to cum if I pay them to make me happy. Tight cunt or not, you won’t get away with having an orgasm for free..."
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“Y/N, are you fucking kidding me?” Benny glares at you. He yells at you in front of all the other girls, making sure everyone knows you fucked up big time. “I gave you a place to sleep and a job. I told you to not fuck your first job up and you didn’t get a single buck from John Winchester?”
“He made me cum and said that—” you sniffle as Benny throws your bags at you. “Please, I tried anything. John said he doesn’t pay if the girl has fun too…”
“That’s one of his rules, Y/N. Did you even listen to him or was your slutty pussy in your way? How many times do you want to fuck up your life?”
“Benny, please. I can do better,” you plea, holding out your hand. 
“Go,” he points at the door. “If we lost John tonight, you’ll wish you never met me. Go and sleep on the street. Fuck the next job up…”
You pick your bags up, nodding silently. “I’m sorry,” you sniffle. “I can’t control my body. No one can.” You angrily stomp toward the door, slamming it shut. “Fuck’s sake.”
“Aw, a pretty girl shouldn’t curse, doll,” John Winchester dares to smirk at you. “Did he already kick you out?” you nod, glancing at the collar dangling from John’s index finger. It’s a black leather collar, decorated with diamonds which form his initials, JW.
“Good, give my driver the bags. I want your panties gone and you in the backseat of my car. I’ll have a serious conversation with Benny. Here—” he shows you the collar, smirking darkly, “put this on. You are mine from now on. Everyone needs to know you are…”
“What?” your heart does somersaults, and you feel your pussy slick as the alpha steps closer to hold the collar in front of your face.
“You’re mine. Now get in the fucking limousine. I want your ass up, and your pussy on full display when I’m back. Got it, doll?”
You snatch the collar out of his hands, smiling dopily. “Yes, daddy,” you choke out. 
“Good girl…”
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“Fuck, tastes so good. Nothing better than a leaking pussy,” John purrs against your flesh. He greedily laps at your pussy, groaning as he drinks your juices. “I bet you were drenched all day, waiting for daddy to come back.”
“I got fired,” you whine into the soft leather of his jacket he placed onto the backseat for you. “Benny fired me. I need to find a new job.”
“Your only job is to keep me happy from now on. Or rather, my knot,” he grips your ass tighter, spreads your cheeks to lick a long strip from your clit to your opening. “You keep your pussy wet for me, and I’ll pay for everything you need.”
“You will?” humming against your heated flesh John wraps his lips around your clit, suckling hard. “Can I cum? Please, daddy?”
“Just cum all over my face, soak my beard…” he smirks against you, feeling his cock swell as you chant his name. “You’re mine. Sweet omega...mine.”
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“John, did you even listen?” the alpha sniffs at his fingers, inhales the scent of your cunt deeply. “John, can you stop thinking about the new girl in your bed? We need you to focus on business, not your knot.”
“I heard every word, Crowley,” John grits his teeth. “If you ever talk about my new girl again, you will not like my answer. She’s not yours to think about.”
“Possessive much,” Crowley just loves to rile other alphas up. He smirks, drinking John’s angry features in. “Aw, that omega makes you all tingly, huh? Is she sweet and young? Is it love this time?”
“Last warning,” this time John slowly gets up from his seat to stalk toward his business partner. “If you ever mention my girl again, we are done.”
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“Would you just look at that?” John purrs when he enters the bedroom. “Such good girl waiting for me. Ready to take my knot again.” He admires you on his bed, wearing only the collar and a sweet smile. “Is my good girl wet again?”
“Yes, daddy,” you crawl toward the edge of the bed, eyes dropping to the prominent bulge in his pants. “I have missed your cock. Will you give it to me?”
“Oh, doll. You will always get my cock…always,” he cups your cheek, thumb brushing over your lower lip. “You are mine after all and daddy loves to spoil his princess...”
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Six months later. One of Benny’s clubs…
“That fucker planned all of this, didn’t he?” Benny grumbles as he must watch John bring you onto his lap, hands palming your ass. You and your alpha entered the club moments ago, and now, your former boss can barely tame his anger. “He knew I got a fresh face and made sure he gets his hands on her.”
“Well, buddy. That’s your fault, isn’t it,” Castiel smirks as you giggle at something John said. “Come on. You know the girl didn’t belong. She never was meant to be one of your girls. She’s a little slut, but only for John Winchester.”
“She would’ve made a lot of money for me. A shame I let her go…”
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Tags in reblog.
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alleiradayne · 3 years
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Fic Facer$ 2021 Bidding Is Open!
Fic Facer$ is a charity auction group featuring artists and authors in the (primarily) Supernatural fandom. Above is an excerpt from my 2020 series Long Jacket, featuring Destiel, Sam x F!Reader, and Castiel wearing different clothes for once.
The way it works: You can bid on my lot using the link above to request a custom piece of Supernatural fanfiction. I'll write just about anything (no w*ncest, a\b\o, or underage). My minimum bid starts at $10 dollars and I'll write at least 1000 words (I will probably end up writing over 10k words because these prompts run away with my imagination).
Here are the previous stories I wrote for past auctions:
Fic Facer$ 2019:
- Cowboys and Angels: Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love. (Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins RPF, reader insert.)
- Stuck in the Middle With You: While out investigating a string of murders committed by a tulpa, you and your wife end up in the middle of your fantasy with Dean and Castiel. (Dean/Castiel/Reader's Wife/Male Reader).
Fic Facer$ 2018
- Rx: Physical Therapy: Physical therapist Dean Winchester is a month into his new job at a local hospital when he literally runs into the surgeon responsible for his client list, Dr. Castiel Novak. (Doctor Castiel AU)
- Flight: Sam follows a trail of golden feathers to Gabriel's room in the Bunker. (Sabriel fluff, wing kink).
Go forth and donate!
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bisexualcrowley · 4 years
 ⁂ - Smut/NSFW    ♥ - Fluff    ★  - Angst    ☾ - Platonic pairing   
♀ - Female reader   ♂ - Male reader   ⚧ - Gender neutral reader
  ↠ notes + fandom list  ↞
↠ Join/leave my Taglist! ↞   
Dance with the devil   ★ ♀
A Drinking Game ⁂  ♀
Family doesn’t end with blood   ♥ ♀
Dirty Thoughts ⁂ ♀
SFW HC Alphabet ♥ ⚧
Nightmares ★ ⚧
NSFW HC Alphabet  ⁂ ♀
New Worlds chapter previews (Series, coming soon!)   ♀ ♥
Cuddles   ♥ ♀
SFW HC alphabet   ♥ ⚧
Heart and Soul   ♥  ⚧
Sweet like Honey   ♥  ⚧
Tease ♀ ⁂
Camping ♀ ⁂
Fairytale of New York ♥ ⚧
Stay   ★ ♥ ⚧
Desire ♀ ⁂
SFW HC alphabet
Stressed ⁂ ♀
Untitled Destiel Ficlet   // Dean x Cas
Sonny Carisi 
Stole the show (Series)  ♀
In from the cold    ♀ ♥ ☾
Amanda Rollins 
Drunk Dialed   ♥ ♀
Casey Novak 
Always and Forever   ♥ ♀
Rafael Barba 
Home ♀ ♥ ★
Frederick Chilton 
 Breathe   ★ ♥ ♀
 Don’t Stop ⁂ ♀
The Desk  ⁂ ♀
Kent Davison
NSFW headcanon alphabet  ⚧ ⁂
The Office
Holly Flax - Fooled around and fell in love   ★ ♥ ♀
Mamma Mia 
Donna Sheridan (Lily James) - Girls do it better  ⁂ ♀
Harry Hart - Undercover ⁂  ♀
Star Trek
Khan - 200 Years pt 1, 200 years pt 2 ♀
The X Files
Derwood Spinks - NSFW HCs
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Give you what you like  ★ ♀ ⁂
Girl next door writes bingo masterlist
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thewnchstrs · 5 years
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it’s that time of the month again!
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Dean X Reader
The Witness(part 1): you’re witness to a murder committed by a flying broomstick. the police don’t believe you, but two handsome FBI agents that show up to your door seem to be more open-minded | @thewhitejournal
Wildest Dreams: she works in diner and he’s constantly traveling. After meeting he can’t seem to stay away away from her. | @spidey-babe-parker
Professional Environment: you’ve had the hots for your boss, Dean Winchester, since day one. You always do your very best to please him in any way possible. What happens when one day, you don’t? | @teddybeardoctorr
Trust: you are in need of help and your first choice is two people who don’t like you. | @lonelyandlovelorn
Rescue You: my name is Y/N. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me. | @jay-and-dean
Fighting For a Future: Y/N help Dean contain Michael in his head. they now share a soul, but Y/N has pushed Dean away. Can Dean fight her stubborn streak? or will they lose their fight before they can even begin? | @flamencodiva​
Deal. | @bad268
Don’t Go Changing: it was never supposed to end up like this. You find out the truth about Dean Winchester. | @sunlightdances
Hurricane: with one of the most dangerous serial killers on the loose and in your tracks you have no choice but to rely on the help of the police to ensure your safety. It doesn’t hurt that the detective in charge is the one of the most skilled there is and probably, well, definitely the most charming one you have ever seen. Or that his flirting with you takes your mind off the danger waiting for you right around the corner. | @angelkurenai​
Abandoned: Dean is forced to be a single father after the reader left them. Three years later she shows up out of no where.| @i-write-about-anything​
Supernatural Series Rewrites | @adorable-dean-winchester
Ride With Me: alternate universe (AU) in which the reader is a horse rider who goes to a ranch in Arizona, owned by Bobby Singer and his wife Ellen, to gain work experience. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family. | @katehuntington
When Your Past Comes Knocking: a demon hunt goes bad and the boys learn something about your past. | @vicmc624
Cheater, Cheater: Y/N and the boys go on an unusual hunt. | @okayhowmuchforthearm
Old Love, New Love: it’s been four years since Dean Winchester broke her heart, now that he has to work with her, how will old feelings resurface? | @mypassionsarenysins
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Sam X Reader
Please... | @georgialouisea​
Stay With Me: Sam wants you to stay and of course you agree, but with Dean and hunting, can you really? | @multifandomaestheticsblog​
Good: Sam’s having a hard day. Reader makes it better. | @slytherkins
Life: The Game | @missmarrinette
Secrets: a drunken night with your boyfriend, his brother and your best friend ends in a lot of your secrets getting out | @supernotnaturalcas
Adjustments: hiding an illness isn’t easy, especially when you’re still learning about it. | @kittenofdoomage
Crossing Parallel Lines: after searching through hundreds of lore books and wanting to go on an a new adventure, the reader accidentally ends up somewhere she never expected and with people she never expected to meet! | @swiftlymoniquesblog
Lean on Me | @deansmyapplepie
Nightmare: after waking up from a nightmare, you and the Winchesters head out to help another hunter. | @crispychrissy
Sleepy Confessions | @team-free-will-oneshots
Three’s a Crowd: you are the girl Sam lives with between s7 and 8 and you are happy together until Dean shows up and forces you to leave. | @supernatural---imagines
In the Studio | @spn-and-daddy-issues
Marriage Mishaps: the Reader and Sam find out about some shocking news that could affect their relationship. | @syven-siren​
Thunderstruck: what happens when the reader comes into contact with Amara? | @fandomoneshots-imagines
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Cas X Reader
Winter’s Eye: season 13 canon tells you how AU!Castiel’s story ends, this is how it begins. The deranged and damaged iteration of Castiel we met in the apocalypse universe - an obedient soldier to Michael’s cause barely in control of his vessel’s frayed and erratically firing nerves whose inherent kindness toward humankind appeared entirely obliterated - wasn’t always an unfeeling angelic weapon of interrogation. Once, he sympathized with the plight of humans; one, he loved. | @webcricket​
The Memory Remains: Y/N’s memory had been erased, but a car crash brings more pain than just the physical. | @iwantthedean​
Sharing a Bed | @spilledkauffie​
Cat Got Your Tongue?: Castiel x male reader headcanon for each of them bringing an animal home w/o the other one knowing? Reader brings a corgi, Cas brings a cat? | @just--another--daydreamer 
Paint Cans | @sauntered-vaguely-downward​
Small One: Cas takes care of his newborn Nephilim daughter. | @alexwritessupernatural​
Roman Holiday: Sam and Dean have been making you feel small and unimportant lately, like more of a hindrance than a help. When you leave to spend some time on your own and nurse your wounded feelings, your favorite angel shows up to ease your mind and heart by accompanying you on an off-the-cuff vacation. | @shittyelfwriter​
Alone Time: when the boys head out on a hunt, you decide to have some relaxation time. | @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams​
You Okay? | @fictionalabyss​
Snap Crackle Pop: Introducing Cas to pop rocks | @swlbarnes​
Lebanon: After bringing your dad back with the pearl, many things were changed in the timeline. You find your husband, Cas, but he doesn’t remember you. Based on 14x13. | @supervengerslock​
Beautiful: An insecure Castiel shows reader his wings for the first time | @dabakook101​
Sharing is Caring: You and Castiel share a bed…and a little more. | @fanfic-scribbles​
Other Pairings
One and One Make Three: Friends are always there for you. Through the good times and the bad. After a night out with two of your best friends, catching up and celebrating the end of a chapter, you can’t help but wondering what lies ahead for you in the next. Start a family like Jared? Find another acting job like Jensen would? Little do you know, your best friend is harboring a huge secret and one decision was about to change your life forever. |  Jensen X Reader | @supernatural-jackles
Piercings: Sam and Dean let their younger sister get another piercing, and are a little surprised by her choice. | Winchester!Sister | @to-write-ornah
Chuck Tailors: Chuck is a custom tailor and is making the suits for the groomsmen in cousin Castiel’s wedding. When two strapping men walk into his shop, he can’t help but hope he might make more than just a suit for one of them | Dean X Chuck | @atc74
Fade Into You | Jensen X Reader | @sinatrababyy
Back To Sleep: Jared arrives home after filming and the only thing on his mind is you. | Jared X Reader | @princessmisery666​
Delirium: After one too many sleepless nights, a certain Nephilim begins to grow concerned for Y/N. | Jack X Reader | @just-imagine-1​
Demon Dean: The Mark of Cain has turned Dean into a demon and Sam and the reader try to save him. | Winchester!Sister | @winchestergirl23​
Dying of a Broken Heart: Jensen says something to hurt the woman he loves and he will do anything to fix his mistake. | Jensen X Reader | @pecanpieandgreeneyes85
No Second Chances: Y/N and Sam try to save Dean from the Mark of Cain, and Dean is not too happy about it | @winchester-books​
Fandom Letter From Castiel, School Struggles | @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
Sibling Jealousy: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house | @no-te-lo-voy-a-dar
Death Isn’t The End | @foreverwayward
Imagine being best friends with Jared, Jensen and Misha | @thwiso​
Imagine you’re Sam’s lover and you’re standing face to face with Lucifer who possessed him a long time ago | @istigatorawrites
Imagine stargazing with Rowena | @multifandomfix​
Imagine being in love with Dean but being told Cas is your soulmate | @writing-of-an-angel​
Imagine meeting Sam at a book store | @writtenwinchester
SPN headcanons | @dolly-face03
Being Lucifer’s child and meeting Sam and Dean Winchester would include... | @lotsoffandomimagines
Imagine playing with Sam’s hair when you’re bored | @dumbbitchenergy17
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@spnbaby-67 | @octo-cow52 | @luciferslucille | @anti-social-club | @search-bar | @mellorine-paprika | @thepocketshoelace | @jaremish | @the-salty-asian | @the-hufflepuff-hunter | @robynannemackenzie-blog | @mersuperwholocked-lowlife | @lilreethi | @find-sammys-shoe |  @caswinchester2000 | @damnedimpala | @thelittlestwinchestersister | @lauren-novak | @adeanmon | @tmiships4life | @spnficgirl
@mccartneywinchester | @resanoona
@resanoona | @mccartneywinchester | @bunnyandy12 | @breereadsthings | @slytherinrising
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Lost and Found
Chapter 7 - Angelic 1o1
Word count: 1,182
Warnings: descriptions of gore (will be marked with = at the moment it starts and = when it ends), mentioned death of a character, trauma, bad writing
Genre: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Notes: All dividers that I use are made by me (If you see art that I have used, but not credited - please notify me), you might notice that even though it says "featuring Team Free Will" there's not a lot of them there as one would think. In fact they are not even mentioned by their names which was intentional ince the sotry does not focus on them but the reader and Morpheus, they're the ones that matter the most after all.
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-Well, excuse me Mr. All-And-Mighty Angel that I prefer my trusty car more than flying with you - The blonde one grumbled out in annoyance, rolling his eyes in addition to his words, putting his hands on his hips before adding. - The last time I flew with you I had a damn diarrhoea for two freaking days! - he huffed out before walking over to the window that was right next to the bed.
-So, you want to tell us what exactly are those two guys? I doubt either of them are human since they got here before us so quick, Dean was even driving a bit faster than normal. We also drove on the only road that led to this hospital and we didn't see any other car behind us nor in front of us, how is that possible? - the tallest of the three asked, looking first at the man in the trench coat then to his brother with a raised eyebrow.
-I'm not sure, I haven't felt such power in one being, even in God… I tried reading the other one's mind but he managed to keep me locked away which shouldn't be possible for a normal human or a supernatural being yet he did, so I can only suspect that he's not really human either - The angel explained his thoughts, taking in the sand on the floor again, collecting some grains onto his palm and bringing them up against the sun that was hitting through the window. The sand started shining and shimmering, some in shades of gold, some in light and gentle white.
From that moment he knew that they not only had a monster to deal with, but also something much weirder and tangled than their ordinary hunts in their not so ordinary lives. This was bigger. Bigger than anything before.
Shortly after that, the angel told the two brothers to go back to the hotel in the car while he flies. He wanted to be there faster so he could confirm his suspicions, but he couldn't endanger the hunters for this since they don't know what they're up against.
He appeared in their hotel room, quickly walked up to the doors and walked out already coming face to face once again that day with only of them this time. Y/N stood in front of the angel with raised eyebrows as he hasn't expected for someone to be in such close proximity to him at the moment. He tried to simply turn away and go on his way, but was quickly stopped by a hand grabbing his arm and dragging him off into another room, doors closing behind them.
Y/N got pushed against the wall, the angel's forearm pressed against his chest, keeping his back to it, not letting him move even though he was trying to push him away quite hard, clearly showcasing the strength of the abilitiss said angel possessed.
-What the fuck? The hell do you want? - Y/N grunted out angrily as pain throbbed through his spine and the back of his head. He pushed once more against the man but a force held him back that was neither visible or really physically there. It just surrounded him, unabling him from moving or fighting back.
-I want to know who you and your companion are. You are not humans, what are you? - he asked aggressively, his gruff voice sounding out with a bit of an echo because of the quite empty looking room.
-The fuck? What are you even talking about? "Not humans"? Are you fucking crazy?! - Y/N asked, still trashing and struggling against the angel to the best of his abilities, trying to get away from him, putting on an act of a confused and scared man. Yet the angel kept on being persistent.
-Cut the act! I know you're a supernatural being alongside that entity that you're with! Now tell me what you are and what your intentions are before I make you wish you told me the moment I first asked! - the man in the trench coat barked out his orders, not giving up on his search for answers. What he forgot about was the fact that he was only speaking with one of them, without the knowledge of the whereabouts of the other being. The same being that was currently standing behind him with a seemingly passive, cold face yet there was a raging fire burning deep in his eyes as he looked at what the angel was doing to his past lover.
-I don't really think it matters if I'm going to answer your questions since you won't even get a chance to hear them - the Y/HC haired man said with a smirk that suddenly appeared on his face as he stopped struggling, simply looking the angel straight into his eyes with a smug expression before looking at the Endless standing behind him.
-What do you mea-… - he started, trying to get a sentence out, but the moment that he tried to turn his head to the side to look behind himself, his world turned black and his body collapsed onto the floor.
-Are you alright, Y/N? Are you hurt? - Morpheus asked, a look of worry flashed on his face for a quick second before it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. He put his hands on either of Y/N's arms and leaned in a tiny bit to have a better look at him, checking for any injuries that he might have gotten because of the encounter with the angel.
-Awh, are you worrying about me? - Y/N asked in a slight baby voice, trying to tease the personification of dreams like he always did in the old times. He really did miss those moments, even wished to have them back, but no matter how much he wanted to talk and explain everything to Morpheus, at the same time he dreaded the thought of doing that. It also wasn't the right time, not when they were on an important hunt.
-Always. I never stopped - Morpheus confessed without any shame or feeling of regret, looking deeply into Y/N's eyes, making the younger male shiver at the intensity of the air between them before ducking out of the slightly boxed in position that Morpheus held him in. The slightest of blushes on his cheeks.
-Well… I am fine, so… You don't have to worry anymore - He countered, still quite flustered at the Endless' remark, taking a few steps away from him, trying to calm down his racing heart. - We should really leave, we don't know when the other two are going to be back. We should find another place to stay - he added, clearing his throat slightly before walking over to Morpheus, taking his wrist into his hand and dragging him gently to their own room. Well, he tried, he truly did. Until the moment he was face to face with the one they were so diligently looking for and he was snatched away once again with only 'Not this again' in his mind.
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blushingjared · 5 years
Cherry Flavored Whiskey
We Get What We Deserve CH. 1: Cherry Flavored Whiskey (Rockstar! Dean Winchester x Reporter! Reader) 
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Square(s) Filled: Tattoos for @spnkinkbingo , Lust for @spndeanbingo , and Growling/Whining for @spnabobingo Ship: Rockstar! Alpha! Dean x Reporter! Omega! Reader Characters: Lead Singer! Dean, Reporter! Reader, OMC, Manager! Crowley, Bass Player! Sam (mentioned), Drummer! Castiel (mentioned) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Tattoo Kink, A/B/O Dynamics, drinking, drugs, Oral (male receiving), Dom! Dean, Also Bon Jovi (in case you don’t like the music) Word Count: 7.7k words (oof I know...) Beta’d by: @impandagrl
Summary: Dean Winchester has been compared to the Rock Gods of old. He’s rebellious, gorgeous as hell, and an amazing musician. Times have become tough for his band though and with no one else to turn to, he decides to go solo. His manager wants to spread the word, so he offers Common Measure, the magazine you work at, an exclusive interview with Dean. Knowing you need to prove yourself, you offer to perform it. 
We Get What We Deserve Masterlist
A/N: This is heavily inspired by the movie Rock of Ages and Tom Cruise’s character (I save heavily when really most of this is lifted straight from it). I absolutely love the tattoos from it (reference in the upper right hand corner of the banner) and so this Fic was born. I am in love with the song Wanted Dead or Alive and I hope y’all enjoy my longest fic to date. Let me Know if you want to be tagged in this series!
“Y/N! Get in here!” A voice screamed out for you as you picked your head up. You’d had your nose buried in your work, but being yelled at seemed to refocus you to the present. You quickly collected the few stacks of paper on your desk and rushed towards your boss's office.
Your boss, Thomas Gallagher, ran Common Measure, a pop culture and music industry magazine centered in the hub of it all, LA. Being his assistant wasn’t easy, he was constantly looking over your shoulder, making you scramble to reach the deadlines he set and  had you attempting to get exclusive interviews for the good of the magazine. All the while, you were trying to learn how to be a better reporter.
It was your dream after all. Working for a publication like Common Measure. You’d ached to be in the center of gossip and learn what was really going on behind the people that everyone always looked up to. Most would call what you wanted to do harmful. All you wanted to do was get to the bottom of a story. That’s what mattered, the story.
“Yes, sir?” You squeaked as the man swiveled around to face you in the giant chair behind his desk. The weight of the paper stacks that you had grabbed making your arms ache with exertion. This job was harder than you had initially expected and you half wished you had listened to your mother’s warnings more closely.
She hated that you wanted to escape the boring life that was planned for you as an Omega. You needed more, you needed to be able to choose your own path, and right now, that didn’t include an Alpha.
Thomas reached forwards and opened his desk drawer to slide a CD towards you. You recognized the artist, Dean Winchester;rockstar, playboy, and public rebel. “I need you to get an interview for me.” Your eyes went wide as he spoke. “Dean’s decided to go solo.” The news shocked you.
Team Free Will, a band made up of Dean Winchester, his brother Sam, and Castiel Novak had been formed almost a decade ago. While the group wasn’t nearly as popular as it had been in recent years, the more pressing issue was the fact that your boss was asking you to handle such an important assignment on your own- and as your first interview for the company.
“Sir? Are-are you sure? I mean this-“ Thomas’s voice cut you off.
“If I had any other option besides you, I’d be sending them in there, but none of my other reporters will go. He’s got a reputation for uh…sleeping around with the press.” He cleared his throat and looked up at you. “And the other half complain he’s too hard to work with, which is why I’m sending you.” He smirked, standing up and stepping towards you.
“I understand, sir, but still…I’d need time to research and- and..” You trailed off as your boss sat on the edge of his desk. Never in your life would you have dreamed of giving up a story. This was the opportunity of a lifetime
“You’ll have time. Team Free Will is performing at The Roadhouse next week as the start of the band’s farewell tour. You’ll go then. If you can get a good interview out of him, I’ll promote you to a real journalist Y/N..”
Words formed in your mouth but none left. It’s impossible. He was dangling the golden apple right in your face; giving you everything you wanted. All you have to do is complete an impossible task.
“Okay sir. I’ll do it.”
After a week of research on Dean Winchester, you’d come to the conclusion that the man had to be going insane. Despite having sold out shows, none of his current work had been doing any chart topping. And to make matters worse, the band hadn’t released a full album in at least two years. You could only assume it was because Dean had been growing ever increasingly harder to work with. Story after story came up with how Dean would show up to sessions drunk, high, or with the random guy or girl of the day. He would spend thousands of dollars a day on his life philosophy about “knowing yourself” as he would say it.
Born and raised in Kansas, he had a rough home life growing up. An absent mother and a more than likely abusive father, Dean seemed to have only one family member that he still kept in touch with, his baby brother. He had left home when Sam turned 18 and brought along his high school sweetheart, Lisa Braden.
Dean began playing covers of classic rock bands with Sam in his mid 20’s before adding Castiel Novak to the group four years later. Not only was Dean able to play the guitar, but he also played piano, drums, bass and sang (although when the group performed he stuck to guitar and vocals). Sam played bass and back up vocals, while Castiel rounded them out with drums.
At some point after the band’s first original album, that high school sweetheart seemed to disappear, only to be replaced by an endless string of lovers that couldn’t resist a Rock God Alpha, alcohol and drugs. While there was a period of 5 good years, the other half of the band’s decade had been filled with mediocre hit after mediocre hit.
It was obvious Dean had grown out of favor with the public, but Dean couldn’t let that stand, even to the point of going solo and picking fights with his bandmates, Sam included. He needed to be in the spotlight, otherwise he’d have to actually think about what he’d done in his life. While you’d known some of those details already, no one had put them together in a way you had.
Now, standing in line outside the Roadhouse, you felt fully prepared for this interview. You'd had your concerns that being here, where Team Free Will had played their first concert would be daunting. Instead, you had a focused drive to rip the man's life story from him.
What had to be thousands of fans had lined up around the outside of the small bar. Bulky security guards stood around them, holding back hoards of screaming fans. Mostly Omegas by the smell. You crinkled your nose at the scents of sweat and slick. It almost made you want to vomit.
A large security guard opened the door and asked to see your pass. You raised the Press Pass that was dangling around your neck and tilted it towards him. He grunted and nodded his head, indicating she could enter. A second guard walked up to you soon after. “I’m here to take you to the green room, Miss Y/L/N.” You gave the man a soft nod before falling behind him.
Crowley MacLeod stood outside the double doors that must have been the entrance to the greenroom. He offered you a smile, though it felt ice cold. You knew the man was Dean’s Manager. A harsh and ruthless individual and though he was always ahead of the curve on what the music industry was looking for, never really cared about what it actually meant to be a musician.
“Miss Y/L/N I presume.” He extended his hand towards you and after a moment, you took his hand in a firm grasp and shook.  While most accents seemed to put people at ease, Crowley’s only made you shiver. “It’s always a pleasure to work with Common Measure.” The man held your hand a little too long for your liking, but eventually he let go. Turning around, he pushed open the doors and walked into the room.
A wave of sex hit you, the smell was so bad that it physically made you stumble. Once you’d straightened up, you tugged your bag closer to your chest, hoping it would ground you. Not long after that, the tell tale odor of weed hit you next. Your eyes lingered on the  pool table in the center of the room, where Dean Winchester lay.
An omega woman up on the table with him, lying legs extended, legs extended for Dean to place his head on, a  cowboy hat placed over his face. Four Omegas, two women and two men, stood by the bar, huddled around another man making them all drinks. It took every last cell in your body not to roll your eyes, but you manage to control yourself for the moment. Bottles of empty booze, food trash and a comical amount of drugs litter the room as well. It feels so damn cliche for Dean to really be as bad as what you’d been reading.
Crowley ushered you closer,  and you’re able to get a better look at his body. He’s wearing what had to be the tightest leather pants that you’d seen on a man, a matching leather jacket lays fanned out so that anyone can see his chest- seeing as he was bare underneath.
While you’d seen what his looked like before, seeing them in person was a whole other ordeal.
They were enough to make you swoon. You had to quickly check yourself before unconsciously tugging the pencil skirt you wore further down your legs. An indisputable sense of connection hit you out of nowhere. You could smell his scent from here and while the weed and smell of sex is definitely there, underneath there’s a layer of whiskey and something sweet, cherries if you had to pick something.
The most eye catching of his tattoos were the dual pistols drawn over his v-line. To onlookers, it seemed like the guns were being holstered around his belt. Over his left pec an intricate heart was drawn, the word Mary written in cursive. The first thoughts that popped into your head were something to the affect of, sexy.
You averted your eyes, while Crowley leaned forward and spoke into Dean’s ear. “Hey Dean, there’s someone here to meet you.” He turned around to look back at you, making you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. The information didn’t seem to be too important to the Rock God as he continued to lounge on the table. Crowley gave you an awkward laugh before turning back to Dean.
“It’s Y/N Y/L/N from Common Measure. She’s got a couple questions for you to answer.” You held back a laugh as Dean continued to lay there. Of course. One of the male Omega’s behind you giggled, the other three of the pack leaned in and whispered to each other as they stared at you. You forced yourself to remember that you didn’t care what they thought, you were here to do a job.
Crowley must have finally said something that got Dean’s attention as he began to sit up. “Common Measure...” He trailed off as he moved the hat off of his face and set it aside. Dean dropped his feet to the floor and looked around before turning to face you, the sunglasses on his face, hiding his eyes. “Where’s Thomas?” His voice was gruff and full of sleep, he looked around again before looking back at Crowley.
“Thomas is a little busy, so he sent his newest reporter, Y/N. She’s here to do a report on your new solo career, Dean.” A groan fell through Dean’s lips as he turned away from you both, Crowley gripped his arm, whispering something once more that convinced Dean to do what Crowley wanted. 
After a pause, Dean slowly turned back to you; that cold, heartless smile spread across Crowley’s face. He stepped back from and clapped his hands together. “You know what? I’m gonna leave you two alone.” He began to back out from the room. “Gotta return some phone calls.” With one last wink he was gone. “Play nice!” He called out behind him.
Finally alone, well sort of, Dean gave you a proper once over. The attention made you once again lower your gaze the floor. Your tongue peeked out and ran over your bottom lip. Seconds ticked by before you  extended your hand to Dean. “Pleasure to finally meet you.”
Something about you must have bored him, because he didn’t even look at you. Your hand still stuck out, waiting for a hand shake. Before you could say something else, a high pitched scream rang out and made your head turn.
A blonde haired girl ran past the still-open doors, past the distracted security guards and right up to Dean. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I love you Dean!” The guards finally reacted to the runaway fan, but stilled as she opened up her shirt and proudly showed off the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. 
Your eyes widened as you watched the small omega unashamedly show off her tits. Dean held up a hand to hold her off from coming any closer. Once more he looked towards you and stepped in close. He grinned as he slid his hand along your waist and into the bag hanging at your side. An almost inaudible gasp left your lips as he touched you. Warmth began to blossom through your body as he did. Dean must have found what he was looking for as he pulled out your sharpie and bit down on the cap to pull it off.
The girl began to pant heavily as Dean reached down and began to sign his name on the girl’s chest. You and the fan made eye contact for a split second, but she didn’t seem to mind the fact that another woman was watching this happen.
When you turned away, you noticed Dean’s face was turned towards you. Though you couldn’t actually tell, you were certain he had been staring right back at you the whole time. Once his name was proudly written on the womans tits, he leaned forwards and kissed the girls cheek, making the omega moan and release a distinct scent of slick. Only then did the two security guards decide to pick her up and drag her back out.
She continued to call out for Dean, though. “I love you. Love you...” Her voice echoed out. Dean spitting the cap from his mouth brought your attention back to him. You offered your hand out for the sharpie and he moved to hand it back. At the last second, he dropped it to the floor on purpose and brushed past you to sit down on one of the couches provided for him.
Wrinkling your nose in disgust, you picked up both the pen and cap, wiping away the saliva from the later before setting the /used/ item back into your bag. “Okay...you get five minutes.” Dean slumped back, arms stretched out. A sense of panic flooded your systems.
Though it wasn’t nearly enough time to get what you needed, it was the best you were going to get from him. You scrambled to pull out your voice recorder to set  on the table then grabbed a pen and your notebook filled with the list of questions you had prepared. Once sitting, you shouldered your jacket off and looked back at Dean.
“Five minutes.” He slurred as he looked at his watch. “Anndddddddddddddd…” He trailed off for a second as you waited eagerly for your time to start. “Go.”
“Okay, Dean Winchester, back at the Road-“ Dean cut you off with his voice, still looking at his watch. Confused, you waited.
“No, no, no.” He paused yet again as he looked at his watch. “Now go.” Dean gave you a soft smirk before settling back into the couch.
“A-at the Road House where it all started.” The pause had made you stumble for a moment, but you were eager to get back on track. “Your first album gave birth to some of rock’s greatest anthems and now a solo career. Why now?” You tilted your head as you waited for a response.
Dean’s eyes lingered on your voice recorder, leaning forwards to pick it up and bring it closer to his mouth. He looked relatively serious as he answered. “Well, due to the changing nature of the music industry. The changing uh...” he stuck his hand out and gave a small wave as he thought. “Cultural trends. And uh… when you think of blah, blah, blah..”
Unable to contain his smile, Dean grinned at you and started laughing as he continued. “Especially once you take in blah, blah, blah.” You sighed and sat back, unamused by his joke. Dean laughed so hard that he even let out a snort, although it was much more likely that he simply didn’t care about this interview. You’d have to push back and not be afraid to be mean to him. While daunting, yes, he was still just a man…
“Four Minutes.” Dean still laughed every so often, but extend the recorder to you, holding on to it. Giving your question list a once over, you leaned forwards to ask him your next question.
“You know,” you started, eyes narrowing at him. “Some people say that you’ve become quite difficult to work with. That you’re constantly late, reclusive, sometimes even nonsensical.” Dean pulled the recorder back towards his mouth and tilted his head as he looked at you.
“And I ask you this, have these /people/ even met themselves?” Yet, again he extended the recorder back to you. A part of you wondered if he’s doing this to try and keep control of the interview and that he’s afraid to let go of his control of every situation.
Pursing your lips together, you decided to hit him with the answer. “Well, I’m talking about your band.” A silence fell between you  before he scooted closer and looked over at you. He seemed to not believe you, perhaps because his own brother is included in that. Perhaps he couldn’t believe his brother would say that about him.
Dean pulled the recorder away and whispered. “Let me tell you something. I know me better than anyone else.” To you, he sounded more than a little defensive. “Because I live in here.” He pointed to his head, before reaching down to grab one of the bottles of scotch on the table.
He used the top of it to push the sides of his sunglasses up. Tipping his bottle to you, he looked back down at his watch. “Eight minutes.” He spoke into the recorder. It throws you because even the man's own timeline is being fucked up. Is he so drunk that he can’t keep five minutes straight in his head?
“You just said four.” You leaned forward, your anger so great it seeps into your words; the need to call him out is so overwhelming, you don't even consider taking advantage of his slip up. You had gotten absolutely nowhere with him.. You needed something about Dean Winchester to bring back.
Realizing his mistake, Dean brought the recorder back to his mouth. “Three.”
“But you..” Dean dropped the thing back down onto the table, making a loud THUD noise.
“Do you think that it’s possible that you shut out and alienated so many people in your life that you had no other option, but to go solo?” Of course, Dean wasn’t paying attention. Instead his focus is on the bottle of booze in his hand. He has it completely tipped over and poured the last drop into his mouth, giving it a little shake even, to make sure that nothing else would come out. He held it above his head for a couple more seconds before swallowing and bringing it back down.
“Gotta stay true to the music. Hey dude! Can I get some more Scotch?” He leaned to the side to catch eyes with the bartender. The man smirked and pushed a small trolley towards the both of  you, filled with what must be the most expensive alcohol you’ve ever seen.
It sits closer to you, so that Dean had to walk towards you to get it. His crotch now eye level with you and the tight leather left nothing to imagination. You could clearly see the outline of his cock and that made your face burn red. It’s more than a little hard to focus on asking him another question. He leaned forward to reach out for a bottle planting his hips squarely in front of your face and pressing forward. You had to lean away for his body not to mash into your face. Dean didn’t even seem to notice what he’s done. 
“Who is you're mu-muse?” You stumbled again as Dean popped open the top of the bottle and resumed drinking. When Dean didn’t answer, you cursed under your breath and resituated yourself in the chair. You needed to glance down at your notes to figure out where you left off in your list of questions.
“One Dean Winchester, raised in Lebanon Kansas, raised by a Mother who died when you were four and your Father who died almost 12 years ago now. You dropped out of High School in 11th grade. Your first concert was Aerosmith. And you were 22 when you hitchhiked with your little brother all the way to L.A., along with your High School Sweetheart.” All of this was information you already knew but there was a point you were trying to make. “Remember her?”
Dean’s face grew somber, his eyes focused on the bottle of scotch in his hand and he didn’t answer. “No comment?” You let a teasing tone bleed through, it was enjoyable to watch him have nothing to say. He inhaled and glanced at his watch.
“Two minutes.” His voice was soft, his teasing smile from earlier completely gone.
“Did I hit a nerve?” You smiled and sat back, enjoying the look on his face. He was close to cracking, you could tell. “Was it Aerosmith? Lebanon?” You paused as you leaned forwards to whisper to him. “High School Sweetheart?”
Dean continued to say nothing as he dropped his head, matching your gaze. You kept pushing. “Lisa Braden. Your first love. And your last hit single, it was written about her.”
His jaw clenches as the anger in him  builds before sadness hits him instead. “Record sold a hundred million copies.” He mumbles, before brings the now empty bottle to his lip. He’d sipped through it all during your talk and his eyes focused on it instead of you.
“And that record was released about eight years ago. Some people say you’ve sold out since then.” Dean growled in anger. It caught you off guard and you had to fight back the natural instinct to whine, submit to his anger and shut up. You find a way to suppress it.
“I’ve sold out, alright; every seat, every stadium I ever played.” Behind the anger, his previous untold sadness still lingered. You felt desperate to be real with him. Nothing he’d said to you so far has been true.
“And yet, creatively you’ve come to a stand still. You’ve been in and out of the studio for the past two years? And no results. Nothing.”
The two of you locked in a harsh gaze as you wondered what his eyes looked like. What color they were, what emotion he’s truly feeling behind all the makeup, leather and tattoos. You had grown to genuinely enjoy the man’s early music. A part of you could feel something you had never felt when listening to other bands music. You desperately wished that Dean would stop acting so surface deep.
Dean shrugged his shoulders and set the bottle on the table. After a glance at his watch, he stood up. “Time’s up.”
“You know, you’re not so special. You’re just a lonely man with a lot of regrets.” You fired back. Dean, instead of replying,  reached down to the recorder on the table and pressed the Stop recording button.
“I said time.” Dean sighed as he moved away from you and over to the bar. Huffing in frustration, you began to pack up your things, sliding the notebook and pen into the bag. You stared at the tape recorder for a second before standing up and pressing the record button.
“Final question. What happens when you realize you can’t get rid of Dean Winchester?” He stilled for a moment, back to you, before turning around and narrowing his eyes at you.
“You have no idea what it’s like to be me.” A calloused hand came up to his face and rubbed at his jaw. You stepped purposefully towards him.
“Well now’s your chance to tell me. What’s it like to be /the/ Dean Winchester.” Finally, as if the words resonated with him, Dean slid his sunglasses off to reveal deep forest green eyes. They’re weary and older but a hint of playfulness was still in them. A determined look filled them too, as he stepped in front of you and crooked his finger.
“I’ll show you.” He leaned in to whisper, his beard scratching along your jaw. The small pain made you jump a bit and he stepped back and motioned towards his security guards. Each man took one of your arms and carried you out to the stage where he would be performing later that night. It seemed the Technicians needed Dean for a mic check.
You are forcibly plopped into a seat near the edge. It irked you that you’d been manhandled, but if Dean was willing to talk about himself truthfully, then you were there to listen. He stepped up on the stage and narrowed his eyes as he began to sing.
“It’s all the same, only the names will change. Everyday, it seems we're wastin' away. Another place where the faces are so cold. I drive all night just to get back home.” You recognized the song. One that Dean had always been fond of and had even recorded a cover for one of their more recent albums. “I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive, wanted dead or alive.”
Even though Dean was looking at you, one of the omegas from the green room moved to the stage and began to touch across his chest, even going so far as to kiss along his chest. Soon a second and third one joined in. One of the male omegas dropped to his knees and kissed the inside of Dean’s leather clad thighs.
“Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days. The people I meet always go their separate ways. Sometimes you tell the day. By the bottle that you drink, and times when you're all alone all you do is think.” Dean grabbed a bottle of scotch from the floor of the stage and took a shot of whatever was in it. He grinned as one of the girls tugged him by his belt over to her instead.
“I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive, wanted dead or alive.” Four pairs of hands yanked off Dean’s jacket, revealing his torso completely to you. A surprised gasp left your lips as he turned around- only to reveal more of his tattoos. Shit. You groaned as you let your mind wander for a split second, imagining yourself on your knees for him, dragging your tongue along the pattern of each and every one of his tattoos.
You brought your thoughts back though, knowing you had to stay focused. No matter how desperately your omega side wanted to give in and let him really show you what it’s like to be a cowboy.
“I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.I play for keeps 'cause I might not make it back. I been everywhere, still, I'm standing tall. I’ve seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all.” Dean finally seemed to get lost in the song. His eyes were wide as he picked up his guitar and strummed the lead guitar portion of the song. He seemed to have transported his mind somewhere else. He no longer looked in your direction, but at an undetermined spot in the distance, like he was imagining a sea of people there watching him.
In that moment, he’s relaxed. Despite the sweat gathering on his body, he seemed completely calm. Once more, you could practically feel the energy from him, but in your own skin. Pain hit you deep in your core, followed by a unmistakable sense of longing.
“I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. I’m wanted dead or alive. I’m a cowboy, I got the night on my side. I’m wanted dead or alive, and I ride, dead or alive. I still drive. Dead or alive. Dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive, dead or alive.” But then, just as Dean’s concentration and beautiful form is created. It’s broken by something. He’s snapped out of it and looked around as the song finished. He swallowed thickly and set down the guitar.
Dean stepped down and headed towards you once again. “Does that answer your question?” He asked and headed off, shouldering his jacket back onto his body. The security guards picked you up once more and dragged you into the green room again. You managed to shove them off and follow behind Dean on your own, feet stomping loudly as you did.
Once there, you found Dean back on the couch, beer in hand. Only this time, Crowley was there. He raised his hand and frowned when he sees how pissed off you are. “A great interview, love. Hope you got everything.”
You ignored him , stepping up right in front of Dean, anger building inside you. Where was the passion that he had on stage? Dean was nothing more than a blob of sex, drugs, and booze now. He was lifeless, dull. No wonder his albums stunk. None of his albums in recent years had come anything close to the level of passion that you had seen on that stage.
“You’re not cowboy. You’re a man child, stuck in a rut.” Dean only laughed and closed his eyes, He tipped his head back.
“Love it when you talk dirty.” Crowley stepped towards you, not liking the comments you were hurling at his star.
“You know Dean, you were great, but whatever made you that way is gone.” You don’t even have the anger to yell at him. Instead you spoke with a broken whisper.
“That’s right, just give it to me.” You realized his sunglasses aren’t there to hide the emotions that he’s really feeling at the moment. He was vulnerable to you but he doesn’t hide. He knew you’re right too.
“Now you’re just another rocker asleep at the wheel, singing the same songs you wrote ten years ago.” Crowley let out a tense laugh as you spoke.
“Okay lady. Why don’t-” But you’re not about to start caring what some dick in a suit thought about you.
“And as long as you’ve got this manager keeping you on the road and doping you up with girls and booze and-and..” You point to the bar, where the omegas have come back and are huddled against it. They all smile over at Dean.  “And million dollar record deals. He’s gonna keep you asleep and drive your career right off a cliff.”
As soon as you said it, you know you’ve gone too far. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ve become personally invested now that you know what Dean used to perform like. Something inside of you needed it to come out, even if it meant having to  bruise Dean and his manager’s ego.
“Alright, lined crossed. Let’s go.” Crowley reached forwards for your arm, but you force it out of his grip and snarl at the Beta.
“Don’t touch me.” Crowley only scoffs, but Dean looked to actually be listening to you now. No jokes, just listening. Maybe what you’d said was getting to him. “You used to write great music. Where are they now?” You plead with him for an answer. For something. This has become so much more than your editorial piece now. No, now it’s about you, asking Dean where he went. “Where’s the real Dean?”
“You know what? I’m gonna have to get your editor on the phone. You’re out of here.” Crowley pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a number. “Thomas Gallagher’s office please.”
“Get out.” Dean whispered. Your heart ached as he says that and you nodded as you backed away
“My feelings exactly. This interview is over.” With a snap of his fingers, the guards moved in and began to surround you. Dean raised a finger and moved it from you over to Crowley.
“Not her. You.” Dean’s eyes stayed locked with yours, a small squeak of happiness left your lips. It made a soft smirk fall on the rock stars lips. “Everyone but her.” He replied. A confused Crowley hangs up the phone and sighed as he left, along with the omegas, bartender, and guards. Once the door’s shut, you realized. You two are alone, more than you were comfortable with at the moment.
“You know, I think you have this sense of entitlement. Due to the fact that you’re a rock god.” It takes a second to register the fact that Dean has started to move towards you. Once he’s close enough to break your personal space bubble, you began to step back. “But it’s not real. It’s not…love.”
Dean shook his head. “It isn’t love.” He repeated. The two of you continued the dance, when Dean took one step forward, you took one step back.
“Off the record?” He breathed. Warmth from his words fanned across your face and your steps faltered before you regain yourself. You nodded yes, sparing a look down to his lips. “Sex,” he drawled the word out and you slipped down onto the couch after the back of your thighs hit against it. “And other people’s projections of what they want me to be."
You clear your throat, having to scoot away as Dean began to slide down beside you. Heat made its way through your lower belly. He purposefully tried to get close to you and while your head screamed Don’t let him. He just wanted into your pants. Another part, the omega in you, said that Dean thought you were special. You understood him like no one else had. “Of what you want me to be.”
Every part of you ached to turn your head and look at him. You stole a glance, but forced yourself to turn  away from Dean, having to further shift away from him on the couch.
“Sex. It keeps me from going out and getting the one thing that could save me.” Dean grinned as you once again half turn to face him, but will yourself to face forward. “But I can’t have that now. I’m a slave to rock and roll.” Again and again, Dean crawled towards you but again and again you slid away. “Like I said, I know me better than anyone, because I live in here and no one else can.”
It got you, the pain that Dean had. The anger was all because of the burden he was carrying. He once had someone to love but she left and then Dean was on his own. He didn’t know how to share himself with another person.
“I can.” You whispered and turned your head to face Dean. Eyes wide as he looked at you with a primal need you’ve never seen in someone’s eyes before. It’s because he believed that. He needed that.
And yet, he’s slow and gentle as he leant forward and pressed your lips together. One hand moved up to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. A soft sigh left your lips as you tried and pull back for a second, only to dive in deeper the moment his tongue swiped across your bottom lip. “Open for me Omega.” He growled into your lips and you answered back with a high and needy whine.
You do as he asked and you let your lips part in the kiss. His hand moved down and began to press you further into the couch. One of his hands moved up to your face to pull your glasses off. You decided to reach up and pull your hair out of the tight ponytail that you had it in.
Dean moved up to really look at you, a hand moving through your hair and fanned it out. “Is this really what you want, omega?” He asked as a hand moved up to squeeze at your breast. His large hands gripped onto you tightly and pulled at the soft flesh under his grasp. A soft breath fanned over your neck as he drug his lips across your skin.
You jumped at the way his beard brushed against the skin of your neck, you let out a desperate whine for more. “Dean.” You breathed his name out in pleasure and tried your best not to sound too desperate. A breathless chuckle left the man’s lips as he spread apart your thighs.
“You..you’re different, aren’t you Y/N?” Dean tilted his head and you’re a bit surprised he remembered your name. “You don’t expect something from me. Do you?” You shook your head at his question. Part of you wondered if he’s guessing what you want, his truth. You expect nothing, but honesty from him.
“I’ve been looking for you ‘mega.” Dean sat up on his knees and looked down at you. He shouldered off the jacket that hid those beautiful tattoo’s of his.
“I’ve been look for you, Alpha.” Heat begins to rise to your cheeks. Now tinged pink due to the fact that you’ve never called someone alpha before. It felt perfect. Dean’s eyes rolled back a bit and he let out a low growl.
“Say it again.” Dean placed his hand over your throat. He forced  your head back to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what I am.” He demanded.
“My alpha.” You whined as he looked down at you with lust blown eyes. He looked down at his hand on your throat and pulled it away only to push up the pencil skirt you wore. The itchy fabric dragged along the smooth skin of your thighs. Dean's eyes zeroed in on your panties, but you snapped your thighs shut.
You placed the tip of your index finger on Dean’s skin to draw a shudder  from him. The touch shocked you and the both of you sat in silence as you traced the pattern of the pistol along Dean’s adonis line.
“Mmmm, you like them?” He questioned and brushed his thumb along your lower lip, pulling it down for a split second. Eagerly, you nod your head yes for him. It’s hard to deny the look Dean’s replicated. An eighties rock god was definitely befitting of Dean Winchester.
“I love them. Can I..?” You start to question, but you don’t even have to finish. Dean moved off the couch and stood on his feet in front of you. The Alpha’s right hand moved through your hair as he guided you forward, letting you do whatever you want.
You purse your lips and kissed his hip bone before you dragged your tongue over to where Deans tattoo was.  You outlined the design with your tongue. Not wanting to leave the other one unattended, you moved over to the matching design and gave it the same amount of attention as the other one. You brought your hand up and started to unbuckle his belt. The leather pants he wore, pushed far enough down his body to get to his cock. It came  as a bit of surprise as his cock sprung right into your face.
Dean didn’t order you to do anything. Once you pressed your mouth to the side of his cock, you could feel his grip tighten on your hair. Every time he let out a growl, your body reacted before you can. Slick began to collect inside your folds, but you pushed past it. Eager to please Dean and get him off.
A few gentle kisses and kitten licks have the Alpha’s cock hard and aching for the attention that you planned to give. “You ever suck a cock before sweetheart?” While it wasn’t your first, you wouldn’t say you were an expert. So, you gave him a tentative nod.
“Relax okay? You’ll get used to it.” Dean offered you a reassuring smile as he let you take the first part of his cock into your mouth. A few movements and you realized that his whole cock wasn’t going to fit inside your mouth, not like this anyway.
Dean bucks his hips into your mouth and the tip of his dick rams past your gag reflexes and makes your eyes widen. It burns your throat but you can handle it. So, you pull away, a small string of saliva connect dick and lips, how romantic.
“Use me Alpha. Wanna..” You struggle to catch your breath as you speak. “Wanna make you feel good.” It’s all he needs to hear as he really grips onto your hair with one hand, the other on the back of your head.
“Tap out if you gotta.” He whispered before he moved his cock back into your mouth. His dick slipped past every barrier and slipped into the back of your throat. It stung and you’re certain your throat will be sore tomorrow. Only when he sees you handle the depth he’s reaching does he pull out and slam your face against his pelvis. Your nose squished against his skin.
You didn’t notice it at first but you feel tears stream down your cheeks. Dean’s head is tipped back and his eyes closed, full lips parted in pleasure. Even though your face is being fucked, you realized that you enjoy the way Dean looked in this moment more than anything. The concentration that he had on stage is back and you love the way he looked in this moment.
Just as you think you can’t last much longer, Dean stilled, his cock completely buried in your mouth and comes. You don’t know if you should swallow or not. So you let instinct guide you as you swallow what he gave you. There’s a moment of silence as you lingered on the floor.
Dean stepped back and eased his cock back into his leather pants and guided you back up onto your feet. He tilted his head before he smashed your lips together in a bruising kiss. Teeth banged each other as he held onto you.
Once you feel the need for air, you pulled away and looked up at Dean, wondering what he’ll do next. “I..I think I’m ready to give you that story you were looking for.” He breathed out and pressed his forehead to yours.
Dean’s eyes opened up to gaze at the familiar ceiling of his bedroom in the bunker. Moments tick by and he turned his head to glance at the cheap clock on the opposite side of the room. It displayed the time- 3:16 am. 
Despite the time, Dean felt wide awake. He hissed as he tried to move around, feeling a sick pain/pleasure course from his cock. The seasoned Hunter was unbearably hard, to the point where it was a struggle to get out of his bed.
He’d had the dream the night before and last night when he’d woken up, Dean had to fight with himself to jack off to it. Sure, dreaming about getting sucked off was always nice, but the other stuff weirded him out. He didn’t understand what Alpha’s and Omega’s were, but he didn’t think he wanted to know. Everything worked a bit too much like a bad romance novel.
Now, he laid in bed and tried his best not to think about his dick or the way Y/N had the prettiest mouth he'd ever seen. Dean had wracked his brain, unable to figure out why he dreamt of this you in particular. Dean grabbed his laptop and looked up your name. Unable to find any in any database that matched your description, Dean set his laptop back down. 
Dean hesitated before he grabbed the laptop again. His eyes lingered on the search bar as he typed in Alpha and Omega. God. I'm already regretting this.
Tags: @tarot--thot @cuddly-cat-in-a-trench-coat @timeless-crow @musiclovinchic93
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welldonebeca · 6 years
Castiel Smut Masterlist
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Shh (NSFW) (Drabble)
Summary: Castiel drops in your room by surprise.  Pairing: Castiel x Winchester!Reader Word Counting: 600 and something words Warnings: Fingering, oral sex, smut, cussing, Drabble
Hold It (NSFW)
Summary: This is an entrance to Kinktober, day 10, Edgeplay. Pairing: Castiel x Reader  Word Counting: 180 words Warnings: Edging, Sub Castiel, Drabble.
Hot, Wet, Tight
Summary: You and Castiel enjoy a very dirty moment in his office Pairing: Castiel Novak x Reader Word Counting: 900 words Warnings: Smut, mentions of fisting, dirty talk, Dom Castiel, AU. Semi-public sex. Office sex.
The Substitute
You couldn’t concentrate. You simply couldn’t. Professor Castiel could be saying the most intelligent stuff or the biggest bullshit now, but you honestly had no idea. All you could see was how hot he was.
Dammit. People like him weren’t supposed to be teaching, they were supposed to be on TV or something.
Pairing: Future Castiel x Reader, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (Female Reader version) / Part 3 (Male Reader Version)
Minutes To Spare (NSFW)
Title: Five minutes Square Filled: Handjobs Ship: Castiel x Reader Rating: Explicit Tags: Handjob, some oral sex. AU (Cas works in… something. I didn’t specify it.) Summary: Castiel has an important reunion in less than an hour, but he can for sure spare five minutes if you give him something good enough back.  Word Counting: 430 words Created for @spnkinkbingo 2018 edition.
You Were Saying? (NSFW)
Square Filled: Object Insertion (Kink Bingo); A/B/O (Fluff Bingo), New Years (Genre Bingo) Ship: Alpha!Castiel x omega!Female!Reader Rating: Explict Tags: Object insertion, ABO, smut. Summary: Heats always made you extremely moody and impatient. You couldn’t take any teasing and Castiel didn’t seem to remember that much, or maybe it pleased him to see you begging.  Word Counting: 440 words Created for @spnkinkbingo @spngenrebingo and @spnfluffbingo2018 editions.
First (F!R)
Squared Filled: First Time ( @spnabobingo); Fallen Castiel ( @castiel-bingo) Summary: You’ve always desired Castiel from afar when he was an Angel. Now that he’s a human Alpha, you can finally get a taste of what you’ve been craving. Pairing: Alpha!Human!Castiel x Omega!Female!Reader Other Characters: None. WC: 1.3k words Warnings: ABO Dynamics, smut (oral sex on female, p in v sex), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, guys, this is a fanfic, no one gets STDs in fanfics.), loss of virginity – also… That’s an incredibly good first time and I’m pretty sure that’s very surreal. Don’t expect real life do be so good. A/N: I wrote this at 4 am and it wasn’t proofread. Don’t kill me.
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Dean and Cas Masterlist
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Dean x Castiel One Shots - Smut
Charlie’s Angels Closed for Business  Angry Exhausted Mornin’ Cas Squishy Dean’s Birthday Present Doctor Sexy - smut adjacent Dean’s Mate Pretty Panties Fresh Tense Trickster’s in Trouble (smangst) Indulge Months Every Night Owe You One In Dean’s Head Gold Bands Nightcap Grace-to-Soul Connection All Figured Out Pie and More Living in Kansas Three Bells Totally Normal
Dean x Castiel One Shots - Fluff/Angst/Other
Hiccup - fluff Sweaters - fluff (Holiday) True Gift of the Holidays - no Destiel (Holiday) Tulips - fluff Oh, Sweetheart - fluff Nobody Cares - Drabble What’s That Smell? - MPreg, angst/fluff Meeting Mary - ABO, fluff Mine or No One’s - ABO, angst Beautiful Car, Beautiful Man - fluff Hammock - fluff Hangout - fluff Lumber - angst Happy - fluff Noise Complaint - flangst Bee and Chevy Part 1 & Part 2 A Human - fluff Beautiful, Isn’t It? - fluff I Hate Halloween - gen From Nurse to Chauffer - fluff
Dean x Castiel Series
Double Take - written for Destiel Harlequin Challenge 2017   Getting under his skin…When his research about male orgasms goes viral, sex therapist Castiel Novak needs a place to lie low.  Substitute teaching on the Les Cheneaux Islands, Michigan promises not only privacy, but an opportunity to not think about sex.  Which, thanks to the town’s too-tasty police chief, lasts exactly one second.  After the dangerous streets of Chicago, Dean Winchester figured the islands were a safe, sane place to settle down.  Getting hot for the new teacher wasn’t in the plan.  Especially when he discovers that Castiel is more than he claims to be.  Dean decides to pursue Castiel, stripping him of his defenses and revealing all of his secrets.  
Bi-Line - written for DCBB 2017    Dean and Cas are co-editors of their school newspaper their senior year. When Dean begins an anonymous column in the paper, Bi-Line, discussing his life as a bisexual teen, will Cas figure out it’s him? Will he come out to his friends and family? When his feelings about Cas change, will he be brave enough to show Cas the real him?
Dean x Castiel x Jimmy
Sloppy Seconds - implied Dean x Castiel x Jimmy - One Shot, smut-adjacent Let Him Come - DCJ - One Shot, smut Art - One Shot, A/B/O, fluff Stretched - Sequel to Sloppy Seconds, Smut Frying Pan - One Shot, A/B/O, Fairytale AU, fluff The Blogger - Drabble, Super Villain AU, general
Dean x Castiel x Other
Stockings - Dean x Castiel x Reader - One Shot, Smut, (Holiday) Changed for the Better - Dean x Castiel x Anna - One Shot, smut For Castiel - Dean x Castiel x Meg - drabble, smut
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Angel With A Shotgun
Summary: The Novak family was big talk,but not nearly as famous as the L/n’s. Togther they can be unstoppable,so what say family ties like guns,drugs,money,and murder?
Paring: Michael!Dean x Male!Reader
1900's Mafia/Gangsters AU
A/N: this is a Micheal fic,but its him in Dean's body so like...idk its the same snake different skin. Also Chuck is referred as Charles
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Warning:Blood,guns,knives,gore,torture,swearing. Homophobic comments like just a few. No proof reading
The Novak's that a family that was one of the most feared yet respected. The way people talk about them down south you'd think they were inspiration for the Bible itself. A man by Charles or Chuck Novak is the head honcho with five sons to help him run is kingdom.
The youngest is Castiel he was probably the nicest of all his siblings,but also the most protected with three other brothers, Gabriel is the definition of trouble and if he slipped up head could easily get lynched good thing he puts that silver tongue to work. Raphael was one of the more head strong,but sadly he was shot when several rivals attacked at on of their bars. Lucifer is the second oldest and the most hot headed with a temper to match the black sheep in his family if you will, then last,but not least Michael he was something else entirely the play boy,a demon is a flat cap and tailored suit.Now that the Novak's have been introduced the world's most feared gang the L/n's is one family not to be fucked with.
(Father's name) leading his kingdom no...empire with his wife (Mother's name) and togther they had only two sons. The second born William and the oldest M/n. William wasn't much involved with the criminal side of the business,but his big brother was the prime example of a gangster. No one besides the L/n gang has seen him he stays out of newspaper coverage and that only allows his terror to run ramped. A man with no face and a title of Satan himself made the oldest Novak just a little timid when he found out. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" Michael threw the newspaper on his fathers desk in anger the older man looked up after glancing at the paper. "I'm due to be wed to a L/n and none the less a man! I can be hanged for so much as saying I do and it IN THE FUCKING BULLETIN!!!" He was seething with hatred in every word. Michael will admit it hurt a lot finding out he was to be wed by the slight disgust look he got while grabbing the paper before getting coffee. "I wanted to tell you sooner,but you were handling something. There's no way out of this a deal was made before you were born me and (Father's name) have been waiting for his wife to bare a girl or your mother to do the same,but your mother's untimely passing and (Mother's name) having gone unfertial our oldest are due to wed." Chuck sighed taking off his thin wired glasses.
"You two were once friends,but I guess time got rid of those memories." Chuck sat down his spectacles down looking at his son. Michael turned to father with shock evident in his eyes. He was friends with M/n L/n the man with no face. Everything was too foggy. The shorter male stood up to a shelf in the office and grabbed a small match box opening it looking around before pulling out a picture. Handing it over to his son he sat back down. "He was one of the only people you'd go to when you were a baby. Heavens he was probably the only person you liked,but when he was five and you were three the fact that our business was centered around blood and there's on bonds it became a fight,mafia versus a gang, and you guys saw eachother less and less till around the time Luci was born not at all." Chuck sighed. The young man was in shock a little boy maybe two or three was cuddled up to a baby in a pale blanket that he remembered was blue fully awake and if the picture could come to life he's sure the boy was humming all while rubbing the infants back.
"No ones seen a picture of him in twenty six years and he was on his fathers hip with a match box car. He's in town and should be coming for dinner here by himself in three days time. So til then keep your brothers in check we don't need them to shoot the young man with a stray bullet." With that Charles dismissed his eldest son as the green eyed boy stormed off in a huff. Michael started to do digging. M/n L/n was in headlines weekly in every post known to man from shootings,assassination,and gangbanding to rumors of his love-life,what he wears,and people claiming to have met him. One thing caught his eye that made him falter. "Gangsters M/n L/n Captures Murderer" that when he started reading the full paper that crumbled a bit due to age. Maybe he's not so bad the guy he caught never saw a courtroom,but met a far worse end all because he caused problems with his people. It was admirable the brunette knew he'd do the same,but not just for anybody. Marriage wasn't settling well with him that didn't mean it felt completely wrong.
One day later
Looking in the mirror Michael watched as his maid adjusted his tie while another smoothed the wrinking in his white button up and vest of his three piece suit. As the oldest he had business to handle people to keep in line. When their hands left his body they scurried out of the room rushing to be down stairs before him. His dress shoes met the floor as he grew closer to the door his youngest sibling ran up next to him. "Can I come,please!" His raven head of hair and doe blue eyes almost made him cave,but with a firm look he gazed down at him. "Sorry little raven,but I have things to handle another time." The pout on Castiel lip didn't move as he held up his hand his pinky out. "Promise?" Interlocking with the ten year olds pinky. "Promise." With that he happily skipped away to play in the garden.
Out the door he went. His flat came on his head and coat thrown over his shoulder his effects tucked in his waistband. Screams caused him to smile as he stood before the butcher on payroll. He wore the man's leather apron having abandoned his tailored suit jacket in the front of the deil. "Were is my money?" He cut the man some more as he continued to scream in pain the white fire from the rusted meat hook in his shoulder flaring with each jerked motion. "Help please!" He yelled all of a sudden in the past hour he hasn't called for assistance. "No can do." A deep voice said behind the oldest Novak turning around sharply his green eyes clashed with e/c. The man looked like anyone off the street his shoes tattered and clothing dirty form labor no bet. "I came for my five notes." The didn't seem fazed at the torture. "Fuck you gypsy scum!!" The pig of a man responded as the tall s/c man crept closer gripping a knife Michael was using. "I just unloaded a load of meat in the summer heat that would give the devil a sweat and all I asked for my effort was five notes nothing more nor less so cough of the money that you clearly owe both of us or I'll carve it out of you and make you squeal like the piggy bank you are." His tone dropped further the blade under the man's fat chin and the Novak felt aroused at the threat. This guy meant every word when the hanging man spat in his face the off color of snuff and blood made the normally clear liquid seen and thick. Let's just say Michael sat back crossing his legs in a attempt to compose himself as the man hit pitches not even the girls in the church choir could master. The heavy weight man forked over the money then some I got my full and he ended up giving the mystery man a hundred notes if he made the pain stop after pocketing the money he shot the man.
He turned around and began to leave when the brunette stopped him. "Wait! I give you my thanks friend he was stubborn for a hour almost" The h/c man turned looking at him giving a smile tilting his head for the Novak to follow as he stepped out the deli. Scrambling he walked down the street next to the man their attire clashing a well tailored suit next to rags that looked more like a potato sack then cloth. "Glad I could help a fine looking fella like yourself." His flirtatious grin caused butterflies to run ramped in Michael's guts. As they walked down the street they slowly moved from the good side of the town to the slums. No cars drove on the gravel a fire hydrine spat out water for all the children playing around it,women hung up clothes on wire between tenements and men looked more like the mysterious gypsy next to the Novak. Speaking of the mystery man he went to each crowded tenements door and knocked the women or young men of the families came to the door and he handed over twenty notes each. The women cried and clung to his tall figure and the boys almost men looked at him in wonder like a hero before running off to tell the adults of the place. "Why did you do that?" Michael asked as they walked out of the town. "You worked for that money and gave it all away." He was confused he's never seen a man work for a family that wasn't his own.
"They need it more. Schools out the children don't get meals and the men work hard to feed them at least a meal a day. I'm alone here no lover or children with the energy and muscle to work." Novak wasn't sure before,but he was sure now this was love and it felt better then any harlot he could spend the night with. "Thats very admirable of you." Michael complmented which was not a normal accuracy. "It was truly nothing to admire,handsome. I'm not saying I'm amazing,but sometimes I'm decently above average. That's what people need someone decent enough go care."
Before he knew it they were back on his side of town and getting closer to the business. "It's been a pleasure,Mr. Novak." The man dripped his head as he turned to leave somewhere. "You know who I am and I don't even get a name." He turned back around and got closer to him his chest pushed up against his till he was pinned to the wall he leaned down his lips so close to his face just out of reach. "I'm N/n,but you can call me the man of your dreams." Michael almost leaned up to peak his lips when the warm body pulled away taking with it the lust filled tension. N/n turned and left out of sight that night was full of the man tossing and turning dreaming of the e/c man that made him feel high as the clouds above. N/n smiled as his men drank around him he finally saw his baby boy all grown up and he's taking what's his this time.
Two days later=Six Hours Before Family Dinner
The buzz of the New Yorker coming to Kansas was the rage. Any man that was new in town was watched like a hawk by commoners and the Novak's. Michael was no longer looking forward to this marriage he didn't want this man no matter who he was. N/n stole his heart like a petty thief and ran away from him. No one in Kansas knew who he was a s/c skinned,h/c haired,e/c eyed gypsy was all he had to go on no last name just a image that burned bright in his mind. Michael sighed as he left his office and went down to the bank he needed enough cash on hand to throw away on booze and maybe angel dust. People parted for him like the red sea and he easily got money when gun shots went off. The teller in front of him fell to the ground wounds ridding his body and Novak turned to see men...no boys with guns.
"Everyone get down on the ground. We've come only for the money we won't hesitate for blood as well." The group chuckled as the leader smirked people shook as they easied to the ground all except Michael who stood tall. "Ah! If it isn't Michael Novak no men to protect you now." A man he didn't realize came behind him hit him over the head with his gun causing him to fall to his knees. "Pathetic." The band of thugs leader grabbed the Mafia bosses chin looking and the blood coming from his brow. Someone stood from on their knees a flat cap covering their hair and a long trench coat that was only slightly open. "It would be in your best interest to leave,boys." They all train their guns at the man. "Why's that,you motherless bastered?" The man turned his gaze upward deadly sharp e/c orbs looked at him and Michael was in shock it was N/n. "Cause I have twelve guns ready to blow holes in you and your men." After his words ten men stood up all wearing the same clothing flat caps,overcoats,and suspenders with a Tommy on every man except the leader. The cowardly man looked frightened looking around keeping his gun on the s/c man. "I only count ten I still have the upper hand." N/n gave a devilish smile that made Michelle gaze on love struck and excited for what's to come. His gray trench coat hit the floor and two sawed-off shotguns in each hand. "Upper hand you say?" He pulled both triggers the left one killing the man sending himself flying back and the right killing the man behind Michael blowing his brains painting the tan walls this made the others fire as well. The bodies of the criminals and one civilian litter the floor.
N/n sent the men off to get the people out as he walked up to the bleeding Novak. "Thank you." His green eyes gleamed making the standing man give a grin as he held his hand out to help him up. "Consider it a gift from M/n L/n." The gleam disappeared from his eyes his soon to be husband was in town has been in town and set his men up to keep him safe. "Now if I'm not mistaken you have a dinner to get ready for,pretty boy." He takes the handkerchief out of his waist coat dabbing the blood away. "Will you be there?" Michael voice sounded weak so full of hope. "You can count on it. We'll be seeing eachother alot more." The man stood up and quickly left and not a moment later Mafia men came in running tending to the boss. Looking longingly at the piece of cloth (Your Initials) were sowed into the reddend white square of fabric.
Family Dinner was about to start the Novak's sat at the table Charles sitting at the end his three eldest sons to his right while his youngest sat to the left two spots were available one across from Michael and the other on the opposite end of Charles. A maid came in the dinning hall and cleared her throat. "The L/n's are here." Two young men came through the door one taller then the other the shorter of the two sat across from Michael while the other sat at the other end of the table closest to Michael and the other man. Charles smiled at them both and Michael was in a state of shock. "M/n been a long while hasn't it?" The oldest Novak looked at the man infront of him waiting for a response when the man he thought to be just a gangster working under the L/n's answered. "That it has Chuck. Sorry father couldn't come he had some other business to handle." N/n or M/n now to Michael's knowledge said before placing a hand on the man beside him. "This is Benjamin or Benny my right hand man don't mind him." The man gave a nod of acknowledgment his blue eyes piercing. "Heard about the blood bath at the bank quite impressive from what Michael has told me." A side smile and a teasing look was turned the mentioned Novak's way. "Saw low life scum trying to rob the place and touching what's mine,their little toys they call guns were child's play compared to my men." M/n sent a wink addressing the men hitting Michael from behind.
"Are you a knight that saves people?" The youngest asked his blue eyes wide in wonder. The s/c males eyes turned to the child a warm smile gracing his lips. "Sometimes when I want to be." A bubbly giggle rang out. "You saved Mikey making him your prince." Those words caused different reactions from all the men. Gabe covered his mouth trying not to laugh at his older brother,Lucifer grinned leaning over to his brother. "Did he have to kiss you sleeping beauty?" He chuckled lowly making kissing noises in his ear,Micheal was beet red as he couldn't bear to face any of them,Chuck smiled looking at his son and son-in-law,Benny nudged his boss sliding something to him while everyone was distracted. "Yeah and I'm gonna make him my king and take him to my castle." M/n leaned towards the boy and whispered in his ear. "We'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after." Castiel was gobsmacked as he gazed at his brother all giddy he was gonna live a fairy tale like in all the books their mother use to read. "Um if you'll excess me. I need some air." Micheal stood up and not long after M/n followed when given a reassuring nod from Charles.
The garden of the estate was beautiful in the moonlight and it wasn't hard to spot the oldest Novak on a bench on looking the pond that reflected the night sky. "You knew the whole time who I was." Micheal didn't look up at the man as he sighed. "Yes I knew who you were...we were once closer then the stars and the skies itself." The L/n sat next to him on the bench looking forward. "Chuck knew as well." Michelle turned in shock at that statement a goose chase for nothing. "He didn't know what I looked like now,but letters everyday asking about you seemed to do the trick." Those e/c eyes turned to look into those apple green ones. "Learning from a young age that in you grasp was the person you were due to wed was shocking I almost hated you,but the moment you grabbed my finger as if I'd slip away made me realize it can't be so bad." M/n held out his hand palm up so the younger male rested his hand in his grasp. "I was afraid at first you'd hate me. So I swore to protect you always. Some of my men live here with their families and they keep me posted. Just last year a rat was found on you door step admitting his faults."
Micheal remembered that the maids came rushing to get the family and a man bloody and beaten spilled his guts about planning to cross the family having been hired by a rival Mafia to get information to attack them at a weak state. "I know this won't mean munch to you know,but maybe at some point you'll be happy to carry my last name and call yourself my husband." In M/n hand that wasn't interlocked with Micheal's he opened a box revealing two wedding bands both were silver while one had a gold trim and the other had a f/c trim. "No matter what,Novak,I'll be there when yiu need me through it all most of the times guns blazing." M/n chuckled lightly taking in a deep breath. "Just ponder on it,pretty boy,I'llbe here waiting." as he slipped the ring on the silent man's finger before doing the same with himself he gently kissed the top of his head as he stood up and left wanting to give him space. Micheal smiled at the ring that perfectly fit his finger. The one man he felt attracted to was his guardian angel always there no matter what.
Lifting his hand up he kissed the metal band as a laugh left his lips. "My angel with a shotgun."
A/n: Second Male reader and I had to spell check for almost 50 she/her in her so I think I got them all lol.
Quote: "I'm not saying I'm amazing,but I'm decently above average."-Blacklist @spnquotebingo
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