#Cassie is his drive and his passion
antvnger · 1 year
((If this doesn’t sum up Scott Lang…))
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((I don’t know what does))
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winchestergirl2 · 5 months
April Reading Recs
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This month has been quite a busy (and stressful) one, so I didn't get the chance to read as much as I would have liked too (I still have quite a few to catch up on). However, below is a list of the gems that I did get to read.
To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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Reading Recs Masterlist
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Take Me Home Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | @zepskies
Authors Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
A Good Man Is Hard To Find @zepskies
Authors Summary: When Beau starts pulling away from you and Emily during a very difficult case, will the pressure make or break your relationship?
A Crime of Passion @zepskies
Authors Summary: When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
Light My Fire (Again) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | @raised-u-fr0m-perdition
Authors Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
The Ghosts Are Coming For You Part 2 @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: When you moved to Montana, you figured you’d be in for a much quieter, more slow-paced lifestyle compared to the big city one you had left behind. Meeting Lewis and Clark County’s youngest sheriff while working a string of murders in your new position in Homicide turns out to be anything but — especially when things start to hit a little too close to home and remind you of things you thought you’d left buried long ago.   
Sam Winchester
Opportunity @saxxxology
Authors Summary: Dean’s sleeping with Cassie, and your feelings are a little more than hurt. Sam takes the opportunity to show you that he can please you better than his brother can.
Untitled Sam drabble @supernaturalfreewill
Dean Winchester
Stay With Me @impala-dreamer
Authors Summary: ~Dean is into his second bottle of whiskey, desperate to drive his problems away. But he knows deep down, the booze isn't what he truly needs...~
Dark Angel
The Road To The Good Place @glygriffe
Ben (x5 493)
Authors Summary: From the Fanfic Lounge weekly challenge prompt: Your character gets to heaven only to find that the judgment is entirely based on how many promises they've broken.
Multi Fandom
Beau Arlen | Soldier Boy
French Boys @waynes-multiverse
21 notes · View notes
totowlff · 1 year
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chapter thirteen — midas’ touch
➝ this is the first time cassie has traveled to vienna. it's also the first time she's announced that she's pregnant to her child's co-parent's family. what can go wrong?
➝ word count: 5,2k
➝ warnings: mentions of child neglect and (probably) wrong austrian german
➝ author’s note: probably the funniest chapter me and ally wrote. i recommend reading with a translator close. btw, happy mother’s day to everyone, and, if you are like cassie, i send you all my love.
Your baby is about the size of a peach and has vocal cords, teeth and even fingerprints. You might actually be able to get through the day without nausea or feeling the need to nap.
Cassie was staring out the window of the car as Toto cruised through the streets of Vienna. She was enchanted as she watched the landscape. It was a perfect day. The sun was shining, with not a cloud in the sky. She hadn’t ever been to Vienna, but seeing it for the first time was breathtaking — even better than the pictures she’d seen online.
Just the drive from the airport had her completely in love with the city already. The tree-lined streets and the elegant old buildings made the city look like something from a storybook.
— You seem to like it here — a familiar voice said to Cassie’s left. Cassie turned her head to see Toto glancing at her with a smile before he turned his attention back to the road in front of him.
— It’s so nice — she replied, a shy smile on her face — Beautiful. Very different from the UK.
— By that, I assume you mean that it’s sunnier?
Cassie laughed.
— A bit, but we have some sunny days, too.
— Is there? I can’t remember the last one — he replied, laughing.
Cassie giggled and shook her head, looking back out the window. They were driving through some sort of shopping district, and she watched people walking down the sidewalk. There were a lot of parents, some pushing strollers, some walking hand-in-hand with their children, who were mostly wearing small backpacks. Cassie figured they were leaving school. A few months ago, seeing parents with their kids made her sad, but now, seeing it filled her with hope. After all, it would be her turn soon enough.
She placed a hand on her stomach and stroked the fabric of her black shirt with her thumb. She hadn’t started showing yet, and it meant that she was still having a hard time getting used to the idea of actually being pregnant. However, she was reminded of it every morning, when “the little brat”, as Cassie put it, announced its presence by making her take a trip to the toilet every morning, but it was worth it. 
— Where is your apartment? — she asked, as Toto crossed a bridge over the Danube.
— It's in the Innere Stadt. It’s at the center of the city, and where a lot of the historic buildings and important landmarks are.
— Does your sister live there too?
— No, Liliana lives in Rossau, a neighborhood further north. It's close to where I went to school.
— That’s where we’re going tonight, right?
— Yes — Toto replied, stopping at a traffic light — We're going to have dinner at her house with her, her husband, their three children, and my mother.
Cassie hesitated for a few seconds.
— Are we going to tell your family about the baby? — she questioned.
— Yes, Cassie.
— But…what are we going to say?
— What do you mean?
— How are we going to explain… Our situation?
Toto sighed.
— Well, we have two options — he said — We can tell the truth, that we are friends, that we decided to have a child together, and that he or she will be born at the end of this year. Or we could say we got drunk, had sex without protection, and had a surprise a few weeks later.
Cassie clenched her jaw. The second scenario was pretty close to reality — they had sex without protection and had a surprise a few weeks later. It wasn’t as if it was unwelcome or unexpected, but Cassie never imagined fulfilling their plan in that particular way. Despite all of the passion of that night, and the fact that both of them enjoyed themselves, they agreed that it couldn’t happen again, even though Cassie secretly wanted it to. 
— Which option do you think is preferable?
— Personally? I think the truth is always better. My sister knows we were going through an IVF process, so I think she’d be surprised if we told her the second option happened.
She looked at him, her eyes going wide.
— You told your sister?
— I told her that I had decided to become a father and that I would be going through an IVF process with someone that I trust a lot. 
— And… What did she say?
Toto hesitated for a few seconds.
— Well, she asked a lot of questions about whether I was really committed to having a child with someone I wasn’t in a relationship with, and she asked a few questions about you. That’s all.
— That’s all? She didn't say anything else?
— No. Liliana knows that no matter what she or my mother says, it wouldn’t matter. She knows I don’t do things unless I’m completely sure about them.
Cassie swallowed hard. The idea of meeting Toto's family had always loomed in the back of her mind. It felt a bit daunting, especially considering that she was joining his family in an unconventional way. However, the situation seemed even more complex considering that he had only told his sister that they were having a child. 
And now, she was going to be meeting the entire family all at once, where they would be announcing that not only had they decided to have a baby together, but that baby was now on the way. Cassie felt her stomach lurch.
— Will… I, at least, be able to talk to any of them?
— Yeah, Lili, her husband, and the kids all speak English.
— What about… your mother?
— Only if you know any Polish or German.
“Wonderful, another problem”, she thought. She would spend the entire night depending on Toto to communicate with his mother. Her apprehension must have been plain on her face, because Toto took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
— Cassandra, don't worry — Toto said softly — It's going to be alright. They’re going to love you.
Staring at their joined hands, she felt the butterflies in her stomach grow.
— I hope so, Toto. I hope so.
He let go of her hand to shift gears, and then pointed to something on his left. It was an old brick building, with an archway decorated in some sort of mural.
— See that image of the woman, with the gold background?
— Yes.
— That's Minervabrunnen, a fountain dedicated to the Roman goddess Minerva, or…
— Athena — Cassie answered, smiling.
— Exactly.
— Can we go see it before we go back to the UK?
— Of course — he smiled. They drove for a few more minutes toward the apartment Toto stayed in while he was visiting Vienna. He turned right down a narrow street, and they passed some stores and cafes, sidewalks filled with people drinking coffees at tables with red umbrellas. They also passed an Australian-themed bar that reminded Cassie of Daniel Ricciardo. Finally, Toto turned into the entrance of an underground parking garage, finding a spot close to the elevator. 
— We're here — he smiled.
They got out of the car and took their luggage out of the trunk. Toto insisted on carrying everything, even Cassie’s backpack with her laptop. She protested, telling him that she was just pregnant, not sick, and her backpack didn’t weigh much anyway, but it didn’t matter as Toto insisted. 
They rode the elevator up to the street level and crossed a crosswalk into an elegant apartment building. The lobby was elegantly decorated, with a white marble floor. As they passed through to the elevator, Toto greeted the woman at the reception desk in German, and she returned a smile. Cassie stuck to a nod, unsure of how to say “good afternoon” in German. 
As they stood in the elevator, they glanced at each other, a little shyly. It felt to Cassie like they were doing something they shouldn’t, not just arriving at Toto’s apartment. The elevator arrived at Toto’s floor, and Cassie followed him to his door. He unlocked it and stepped inside, gesturing for Cassie to step inside. 
As she stepped inside, Cassie looked around. The apartment was spacious and well lit, with white walls and furniture. It was minimalist, with simple, clean lines. Most of the furniture was dark, with splashes of color from the large sofa and a few houseplants in simple pots. It was gorgeous, but felt a little cold and impersonal, like a hotel room or an apartment from an architectural photoshoot in a magazine. 
— What do you think?
— Honestly? It’s too big.
Toto raised an eyebrow.
— You think so?
— Considering you barely spend any time here, it seems like a waste of money to have such a big place that you’re only in a few times a year.
He gave her a little smile, dropping the bags at the entrance to the apartment.
— The funny thing is, I downsized when I moved to Oxfordshire. I sold my old place, but staying in hotels when I came back home to visit was kind of strange, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a place in Vienna, too. Plus, my plan is to spend more time here once the baby is born.
Cassie raised an eyebrow.
— You told the lawyer you don’t intend to move.
— And I don't. But I think my family will want to be able to spend time with our little one — he replied, resting his hand on her belly. She never failed to get the most delightful little chills whenever he touched her like that — And we need a place to stay when we visit.
— Are you including me in that 'we’?
— Only if you want — he smiled — Come on, I'll show you to your room.
Toto showed Cassie to one of the bedrooms in the apartment, which was also very minimalist and impersonal. “At least the bed is comfortable”, she thought, as she sat down on the mattress, while he dropped her suitcases in a corner of the room. She hadn't brought much, she wasn’t going to be there long. They would be heading back to the UK after the race on Sunday.
— I'm going to make myself some coffee, do you want something?
She shook her head.
— No thank you, I think I'll just get some rest.
— No problem. If you need me, I'll be in the living room. Make yourself comfortable.
— Thanks — Cassie replied, a shy smile on her lips.
Toto smiled back at her and closed the door. Cassie let herself collapse onto the bed, letting out a sigh. Staring at the ceiling, Her mind began to travel, imagining the most different scenarios that could happen later than evening when she met his family, and each was more catastrophic than the last. 
It would be a difficult night, to say the least.
A few hours later, they were standing in front of the door of his sister’s apartment, waiting for someone to answer. Cassie had chosen a light, summery sky-blue cotton dress with a floral print. At first, she wasn’t sure how it looked on her, even though she’d chosen it specifically because it would hide her belly, as small as it was. She changed her mind about it as soon as she saw the look on Toto’s face when she stepped into the living room. If his reaction was anything to go by, she must have looked stunning.
Cassie was pulled out of her thoughts when the door opened, revealing a small boy with light hair and dark eyes. He smiled at them as he pulled the door open.
— Gute Nacht, Onkel! Wie geht’s?
— Gute Nacht, Oskar, mir geht es gut und dir? — Toto replied, hugging the boy warmly — Du bist sehr gewachsen, seit ich dich das letzte Mal im Winter gesehen habe.
— Mir geht es gut. Mama denkt, dass ich nächstes Jahr so ​​groß wie Erik sein werde — Oskar said, smiling. The little crinkle at the top of his nose made Cassie smile. They were similar to Toto's.
— Oskar, this is Cassie, my friend — he said, finally including her in the conversation — Cassie, this is Oskar, one of my nephews.
She reached out to shake the boy's hand.
— Nice to meet you, Oskar.
— Nice to meet you too, Cassie — the boy said, in English — Come in.
Liliana's family's apartment was also large, but it felt much cozier than Toto's, as if it were actually inhabited by a large family. There were pictures on the walls, shoes in the foyer, and the smell of something delicious cooking. It was nicely decorated, but still felt lived-in. It reminded her a bit of Stansted House, her childhood home.
It was where she grew up, where she was when she wasn’t away at school. She could still picture it clearly in her mind’s eye, even though she hadn’t been there in years. The walls were covered in paintings, most of them old portraits of ancestors she never bothered learning the names of. In the few happy moments of her childhood, she remembered playing games with her siblings in their playroom, the smell of fresh biscuits being baked by one of the housekeepers, and romping around the back garden with her sister, picking flowers and looking for frogs in the nearby pond.
They stepped inside and took their shoes off, and Oskar led them into the living room, where two other boys were sitting on the couch beside an older woman, and a middle-aged man sitting in a nearby armchair. As Toto stepped into the living room, the two boys jumped off the couch and ran into their uncle’s outstretched arms.
— Onkel! Du kamst! — they repeated, as they embraced him.
— Natürlich bin ich gekommen, habe ich nicht gesagt, dass ich es tun würde?
They laughed together, and Cassie could feel her heart fluttering as she watched Toto interact with his nephews. Then, she noticed that the older woman stood up with a smile on her face. She was wearing a flowy, long cotton dress, and her long gray hair was tied into an elegant bun at the base of her neck. “This must be his mother”, Cassie thought, as the woman approached Toto.
— Gute Nacht mein Sohn. Wie schön, dich wiederzusehen! — she said, before planting a kiss on his cheek — Wie geht’s?
— Mir geht es gut, Mama, ich arbeite hart.
— Ich kann es in deinem Gesicht sehen, meine Liebe. Sie brauchen diesen Sommer einen guten Urlaub — the woman said, reaching up to pinch Toto's cheek lightly. 
— Kein Grund zur Sorge Mama, mir geht es gut — he said. 
The woman turned to Cassie and shook her hand as she said something in German.
— Cassie, this is my mother, Joanna. — Toto said. He was distracted after a moment, though, as he turned to shake hands with the man who had also come forward to greet him. "And that must be Liliana's husband", Cassie thought. 
— Guten abend, Franz.
As he greeted his brother-in-law, his sister appeared in the room, giving him a warm hug and kissing his cheek. The sight of them all together, smiling and hugging each other, made Cassie feel thrilled, but a bit sad, in a way. She had always wanted a loving family, one that would be happy to see her make a visit back home, one that treated her like someone worthy of affection and respect. When she was a child, she always imagined her parents hugging her and kissing her when she came home between school terms, telling her how much they loved her and missed her while she was gone. 
But, she never heard it, and knew she never would.
They weren’t overly affectionate or attentive as parents to any of their children, but Cassie was treated far differently than her siblings, however, and it had only gotten worse as she grew up. By the time she finished year 9, they treated her like an uninvited guest whenever she came home on the school holidays, and she usually opted to spend most of her time at Sybil’s house instead. 
Her own childhood was filled with trauma and neglect, and she was resolved to not let her own child know what that felt like. She was determined to make sure her child knew that Cassie loved them more than anything, and would do anything to make them feel that love every day. Her child would never have to run away to an aunt’s house to spend Christmas with someone who looked at her with an expression other than contempt. They would be happy. 
— Nun, da Sie alle hier sind, möchte ich Ihnen jemanden vorstellen — Toto said — Das ist Cassandra, oder besser Cassie.
Cassie noticed that the entire family was looking at her with a certain curiosity. Unsure of what else to do, she held up her hand and shyly waved. 
— Hello — she said, her voice quiet.
— Ist sie deine Freundin, Onkel? — the smaller boy, who she assumed was Bjorn, asked, making everyone laugh and Toto blush a little.
— Nein, sie ist nicht meine Freundin. Sie ist eine großartige Freundin von mir. Eine Person, der ich sehr vertraue.
Franz was the first to step forward and give her a generous handshake.
— Schön dich kennenzulernen, Cassie — he said.
— Sie spricht kein Deutsch, Franz.
— Oh, I’m sorry. Nice to meet you, Cassie. I'm Franz, I’m Liliana’s husband.
— Nice to meet you too.
Toto's nephews greeted her, and Joanna commented, through Toto, that Cassie was a beautiful woman. Finally, Liliana approached. Her expression was serious.
— Nice to meet you, Cassie — she said, in a strange, rather cold tone — Toto has told me a lot about you.
After the proper introductions were made, Liliana beckoned everyone to the dining table. Toto had asked her not to serve anything fancy, but the meal looked delicious. She prepared what Toto said was Schweinsbraten, some sort of pork roast with gravy and carrots. There were also potato dumplings, rolls, and some sort of red cabbage slaw. 
The food was incredible. It almost reminded Cassie of a Sunday roast dinner. As they ate, Toto’s mother asked Cassie questions about herself, with Toto serving as a translator. However, the mood at the table completely changed when she asked a specific question.
— Toto, Liebling, frag Cassie, ob sie Kinder hat.
Toto looked at Cassie, a flash of nervousness coming to his face before he looked back at his mother..
— Nun, zu diesem Thema, Mama — he began, setting his cutlery on his plate — Ich bin gekommen, um mit Ihnen allen, genauer gesagt mit Ihnen, darüber zu sprechen.
— Über Kinder?
— Ja — he replied, taking a deep breath — Ich habe Cassie zu Ihnen gebracht, weil wir nicht nur gute Freunde sind, sondern uns gemeinsam entschlossen haben, uns den Traum zu erfüllen, Eltern zu werden.
— Aber wie?
— Wir beschlossen, zusammenzukommen und ein Kind als Freunde zu bekommen. Wir werden ihn zusammen großziehen, aber ohne romantische Beteiligung.
— Und wie willst du ein Kind haben — Joanna said, glancing at her three grandchildren. None of the boys seemed to be interested in their food at the moment — Ohne romantische Beteiligung?
— Künstliche Befruchtung — Liliana muttered. Her mother looked at her, shocked.
— Warte, lass mich das klarstellen, Torger — Joanna said. Her voice sounded irritated — Willst du mir nur sagen, dass du eines Tages aufgewacht bist, beschlossen hast, Vater zu werden, deine Freundin gefragt hast, ob sie es akzeptieren würde, und das war's? Wirst du so ein Kind haben, ohne Beteiligung, ohne Zuneigung, nicht einmal Sex?
— Papa, was ist Sex? — she heard Bjorn ask Franz, who shushed him.
— So war es nicht, Mama. Es war eine Entscheidung, die nach langem Nachdenken von beiden Seiten und mit großer Reife und Ruhe getroffen wurde — Toto replied.
— Du musst verrückt geworden sein — Joanna muttered, shaking her head.
— An welchem ​​Punkt befinden Sie sich in der Behandlung? — Liliana asked. The look on her face was stern and serious. Toto looked at her for a few seconds, in silence. It was all it took for her to put her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide — Du…
— Ich bin mit Cassie hergekommen, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass wir später in diesem Jahr ein Kind erwarten.
— Was? — Joanna exclaimed, pointing at Cassie — Ist sie schwanger?
— Ja, Mama. Cassie ist schwanger — Toto said, taking Cassie's hand — Ich werde dir endlich einen Enkel schenken.
Joanna was too shocked to speak. She set her silverware down and got up without a word, turned on her heel and walked out of the dining room. Liliana was staring at her plate, also speechless. Franz, on the other hand, looked at Cassie with an expression that she knew well. It was the look Sybil always had when Cassie would show up on her doorstep, talking about one of Albert’s violent outbursts.
It was a look of pity.
Toto got up and followed his mother, calling out her name. 
Liliana then lifted her face and looked at Cassie.
— Are you really pregnant?
— Yes — she murmured.
— How far along are you?
— Around 13 weeks.
Cassie pursed her lips. In the next room, she could hear Toto's voice arguing with his mother in rapid German.
— Sie wurde durch die Behandlung nicht schwanger, Mama! Die Behandlung schlug nicht an, wir waren verärgert und schliefen miteinander. Wir haben nicht damit gerechnet, dass sie schwanger wird, aber sie wurde schwanger und wir sind glücklich, Mama.
— Das ist nicht das Problem, Torger!
— Und was ist dann los, Mama?
— Das Problem ist, dass Sie sich weigern, seit dem, was mit Julia passiert ist, eine Beziehung zu haben.
— Mama…
— Ich verstehe, dass du Julia geliebt hast und dass du gehofft hast, sie zu heiraten und Kinder mit ihr zu haben. Ich habe auch erwartet, dass ihr zusammen seid, aber es sollte nicht sein. Und jetzt haben Sie eine neue Gelegenheit, mit einer schönen, intelligenten und wirklich liebenswerten Frau glücklich zu sein, und Sie sagen mir, dass Sie ein Baby als Freunde bekommen werden?
— Mama, Julia ist Vergangenheit…
— Es scheint nicht so, wenn man bedenkt, dass Sie eine schwangere Frau mit zum Abendessen mitgebracht haben und sich einfach weigern, ihr einen Platz in Ihrem Herzen zu geben.
Nobody at the table said anything. Cassie’s heart pounding inside her chest, a knot forming in her throat.
— Cassie hat einen Platz in meinem Herzen, Mama — Toto said, in a careful tone.
— Es ist nicht der Platz, den sie verdient, und das weißt du. Ich sehe in ihren Augen, dass sie anders ist.
— Natürlich ist sie anders, sie wird die Mutter meines Kindes!
She heard Joanna give a sarcastic laugh.
— Du solltest deinen Gefühlen vertrauen und das Richtige tun, nur dieses eine Mal. Du erinnerst dich daran, was passiert ist, als du sie das letzte Mal ignoriert hast.
— Was ist passiert?
— Julia löste ihre Verlobung mit dir.
As moments passed, with nobody saying anything and the sound of the argument echoing through the apartment, Cassie started to feel suffocated.
— Mein Sohn, sei ehrlich zu dieser Frau. Sei ehrlich zu dir selbst. Geben Sie diesem Kind die Familie, die es verdient.
— Ich muss nicht in einer romantischen Beziehung sein, um eine Familie zu haben, Mama. Und ich gehe nicht nur wegen meines Sohnes in eine. Ich möchte ihn nicht unter Druck setzen.
— Es gibt keinen Druck, für einen Sohn zusammenzukommen, Torger.
— Weil du nicht weißt, wie es ist, die Einzige zu sein, die deine Eltern zusammenhält, oder, Mama? Aber ich weiß. Und Lili weiß es auch.
Whatever Toto had just said to his mother, it made Liliana quietly gasp and turn her head towards Cassie, her expression turning to shock.
— Excuse me — Cassie said, setting her napkin down and swiftly leaving the table. She ran toward the bathroom and closed the door. She leaned against the wall and sank down to the floor. After a few sniffles from trying not to cry, she could feel tears running down her cheeks.
She was tired, angry, and sad, all at once. It briefly occurred to her that the pregnancy hormones may have been causing her to feel everything so intensely, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to defend herself against whatever Toto's mother was saying about her, but she didn’t know what that was. She didn’t understand what was happening.
She put her hands on her stomach as the sound of her sniffles bounced off of the tiles. She felt like King Midas, only in reverse. Everything she touched was destroyed, even the happiest of families. She wondered why she seemingly wasn’t allowed to be happy. In that moment, she felt like she always left misery in her wake. She didn’t fit into her own family, why should she have expected to fit into this one? Why was she trying to have her own family, if she made everyone else miserable? Would she make her own child miserable, someone else to be unhappy with her?
She was so focused on ruminating over her own misery that she didn't notice the bathroom door open, or Toto sitting down in front of her, until he took her face in his hands.
— Cassandra — he said softly, running his thumbs over the tears trailing down her cheeks.
— I fucked everything up — she said — I'm a fucking disaster.
— No, Cassie, you didn’t…
— Your mother hates me, doesn't she? Your sister hates me. They hate me because I wanted to have a child and dragged you into it.
— Cassie, please…
— I didn’t come here to destroy your perfect family. I was so nervous about meeting them because of this. I destroyed my own family growing up, my dad always said that I was difficult and that I was a disappointment, and that I caused every problem they had. I didn’t mean to cause problems for you, I didn’t, I didn’t —
— My angel, look at me — Toto said, his voice still soft.
She looked up into his eyes as she tried to blink the tears out of hers. 
— It's okay. My mom doesn't hate you. Neither does my sister. They just thought the idea was a little crazy, but I explained everything. They're not mad, just… Surprised.
— They sounded… And looked angry.
— I think German can sound a bit… Aggressive if you don’t know the language. — he said, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb — It’s all of the short, rough sounds. Even saying “I love you”. 
She stared at him in silence for a few seconds. Uncertainty must have been clear on Cassie's face, because Toto pulled her into a hug, one hand sliding through her hair, stroking the back of her head in an effort to calm her down. With her head nestled in the crook of his neck, she felt strangely safe there. 
— Was ist passiert? Ist Cassie gut? — she heard a female voice ask through the door. Toto released Cassie from his embrace and opened the door. Cassie saw Liliana and Joanna standing in the doorway, looking at her with worried expressions on their faces.
— Ihr geht es gut, Mom, sie ist nur ein bisschen deprimiert wegen der ganzen Situation — Toto replied — Cassie hoffte, dass deine Reaktion nicht so negativ war.
Joanna came into the bathroom and stood in front of Cassie, placing her hands on Cassie’s shoulders. They didn’t have any languages in common with which to speak to each other, but the look on her face didn't need translation.
— Können Sie ihr sagen, dass wir nicht sauer auf sie sind? Dass wir eigentlich sehr glücklich über die Nachricht sind? Wir waren nur überrascht, das ist alles.
— My mother asked me to tell you that neither she nor Lili are mad at you, Cassie. They were surprised, but they are very happy.
Cassie looked at Joanna, who was smiling.
— Sorry for the inconvenience, Mrs. Wolff. It's just — Cassie hesitated for a few seconds — My family used to say I used to make things difficult for them, and your reaction to the news made me think I might have made things difficult for you, as well.
Toto pursed his lips before translating for Joanna, who brought her free hand to Cassie’s face.
— Du hast es nicht vermasselt, Cassie. Sie und dieses Kind sind die fehlenden Teile, um diese Familie zu vervollständigen. Und wir alle lieben euch beide jetzt schon.
— She said you didn't make things difficult, Cassie — Toto translated, the shadow of a smile on his face — That you and our child were the missing pieces of our family…
She looked at Toto, who seemed to be hesitating.
— Anything else? — Cassie asked.
— Yes. She said… We all love you both already.
Cassie smiled as her chest filled with warmth.
— Sagen Sie ihr, wir gehen ins Wohnzimmer, um mehr über all das zu reden. Ich möchte mehr über meinen Enkel erfahren.
— Come on, let's go to the living room. She said she wants to hear all about the baby — Toto said, taking Cassie's hand and leading her into the living room. 
Toto had her sit on the sofa, and Franz brought her a glass of water. She showed Joanna and Liliana the ultrasound photos on her phone and they talked excitedly about the new addition, Cassie started feeling much better. She felt more comfortable as the night went on, getting generous hugs and kisses on her cheek as she and Toto left to go back to his apartment. 
They didn’t say much to each other as they walked back in to Toto’s flat, which bothered Cassie a bit. It felt like there was a lot to discuss right now, especially after the situation at dinner, but she was glad that Joanna had warmed up to her by the time the night ended, and considered things settled for the time being.
— I’m going to go take a shower and get ready for bed — Cassie said, as they stepped into Toto’s living room. She turned to walk down the hallway
— Cassie — Toto said behind her
— Yes? — she turned, a little hesitantly. 
He had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his chinos, his expression serious.
— In the bathroom, you said something that bothered me a little.
— What?
— You said you didn't want to destroy my perfect family.
Cassie looked down at her feet, swallowing hard.
— I mean, I don’t… — she murmured.
— The problem is, my family isn't perfect. In fact, we are far from perfect.
— But, you all seemed so happy together today.
— Yes, today. But it wasn't always this way, Cassie — he replied, approaching her — When I was growing up, a lot of things were difficult between my mom and I, especially after my parents' divorce and with the advance of my father's illness and it strained our relationship as mother and son a lot.
Cassie felt something tighten in her throat.
— We argued, we fought, we’d go weeks without speaking to each other. In the end, we had to figure out how to get along, because we only had each other. We've done a lot of work to get this far. 
Toto gently took Cassie’s hand.
— When I say that you will not destroy my family, it is because we are already prepared for adversity and challenges. We're strong, just like you are — Toto said, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of Cassie’s hair behind her ear — And… We all love you just the way you are. You and our child. We love you.
Cassie pursed her lips, thinking about what he was saying. She couldn't even remember the last time someone had said they loved her, but hearing Toto say it, even in such an indirect way, made her feel like her heart could explode with joy at any moment.
She knew what she wanted to say in response, but she wasn’t sure if she could manage it, so she hugged him instead.
“We love you too”, Cassie thought.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
I really loved the Vtuber one it just worms my heart can i request for part 2? But this time its Johnny, Kabal, Kitana, Jade, and Cassie please?
Reader is a v tuber who regularly does charity livestreams pt.2
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Johnny cage:
Totally into it as soon as you explained what you do. When he's not busy, he tries to make surprise appearances in your videos and drop a bunch of messages he knows you'll read. No matter how annoyed you are with him, you can't admit out loud he has impeccable comedic timing.
Gives you a bunch of tips and advice for "advancing your career" he gets from his own agents. You have to tell him you do this out of passion mostly and not as a full time job.
With that said, Johnny was all over your idea of doing a charity livestream. He knew you would know right away a big anonymous donation would be him, so he got as many of his friends as he could convince to come together and bombard you with the most successful donation drive you ever had.
Johnny didn't even want to be near the spotlight, you deserved it far more. You tearing up made him tear up too when you gave a big thank you speech. Of course afterwards he gave you a big kiss ambush and asked you how it feels to be the most generous celebrity of all time.
Kabal pretends to not know about your livestream gig, but really he knew as soon as he met you. He's very supportive vocally and anonymously.
When you told him about the charity event you were doing, he wished you luck. And while you were none the wiser, he pulled a few strings here and there.
You were shocked at how much you passed the donation goal, you felt so happy you ran to tell kabal. And kabal responded by twirling you around happily. He loves to see his baby doll so happy.
Kitana still had to get used to the internet beyond the silly internet memes and Instagram. To which she used to browse beautiful works of art, poetry, and the occasional funny quotes. Kitana is fully supportive of your "v tuber" entertainer profession.
Kitana was even more supportive of your charity event, offering to even watch and donate herself (with a little difficulty of converting edenian currency, its a headache earthrealm doesn't have one universal form of currency).
Once the initial complications were settled, you went beyond the donation goal and felt so excited you ran over to kitana to hug her. Not knowing your own strength, you accidentally bowl her over. Once you both pick yourself off the ground and stop laughing for a moment, she kisses you on the forehead.
Like kitana, she had to get used to the chaotic nature of the internet. But once she could navigate, she liked how you were happy doing what you loved.
Even more so when you told her about the charity livestream event. She absolutely participated and watched you act a fool for the greater good. Jade adored that you were a good natured person, and although you could stand to have a little more dignity, she wouldn't have it any other way.
You celebrated raising enough to pass the donation goal with a little party. Even bringing a whole bowl full of those earthrealm candies jade loves to eat.
Cassie cage:
Cassie immediately begged for your username when you casually mentioned you were a v tuber. She promoted you better than her dad's PR team, you spiked in new viewers by the whole few weeks. You tried to tell her it was just a passionate hobby, but cassie wanted you to succeed so you could continue to do more of what you so clearly love to do.
Cassie essentially became your partner in more ways than one. And you both collaborated on how to do this charity livestream event you planned to do ever since you started. You wanted to be influential enough to make a difference in the world, no matter how small. Cassie admired you for that and made sure to help you just as much as you helped her.
With upmost planning and a little reluctant acceptance of help from her ever so famous dad, you broke past the donation goal so much quicker than you ever would anticipate. You were almost crying and thanked cassie for making your dreams come true, she retorted by telling you to really thank her, you should kiss her and maybe buy her dinner too. Johnny cage scolded cassie for her lack of smoothness and corrected her performance. You spent a good 15 minutes after the livestream ended with cassie arguing with her dad about romance
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
can i ask your reading for disliking emma and julian? (i feel the same way abt them hehe)
God I hate them lmao they're the only TSC ship that I actually despise. Idfk what happened because most of Cassie's romances hit a GREAT spot. But Jemma hits all the Bad Buttons.
More under the cut.
Okay well first I HATE Julian with a burning passion. Let's consider some of his most shining moments!
Drugging his disabled uncle for years
Maintaining a creepy room full of portraits of the girl that he's creepishly obsessed with
Getting off whenever Emma tells him he scared her
Sending a vampire to what will probably be his death for selling some weird pizza (no, idgaf that the vampire was revealed to have done evil later - I don't think Julian knew that and what's more think Cassie added it to make Julian more morally correct)
Actually killed some Shadowhunter kid who did admittedly deserve it
Fucked Emma while bathed in his dead sisters blood (I get comfort sex and am not bothered by that, but the BLOOD)
Emma ain't my fave either, but I don't think she's evil. I think Julian is basically the Darkling if the Darkling were younger and made pancakes. I do think that Julian makes her a more toxic person solely because of how freaking codependent they are.
"I cannot live without you" "I breathe when you breathe" "I bleed when you bleed" are NOT romantic and healthy sentiments I'm sorry! And his room of Emma paintings is stalkery. They cannot be apart and it's crazy. It's insane. I think people like this about them but it makes me physically uncomfortable. The "I'd do anything for my Emma and my family" is possessive and unbalanced, not virtuous.
Also it drives me CRAZY that he wasn't allowed to go dark at the end. Julian made a fucking terrible hero, but he'd have been a damn good villain. But I'm supposed to ignore the fact that he's an insane asshole with 0 regard for others because he's All Better Now and makes pancakes for kids? Nope, not buying it.
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pattywinchester · 1 year
Suptober 2023 Day 5 -Portrait
Their life is a portrait of simplicity these days. Gone are the chaos and the battles, the danger and the death.
They have their lake house that Dean is refurbishing with the same loving dedication he puts into everything he does.
They spend their days puttering around the house. Cas springs a new recipe on Dean every now and then, as he learns to navigate his humanity. The results meet with occasional and surprising success.
When the weather is just right, they sit on the dock, on the two Adirondack chairs that Dean rescued and refinished. They sit in quiet companionship with their hands intertwined, feeling the breeze in their hair and the sun warm on their faces.
Once a week or so they hop into Baby and drive into town, where they are greeted warmly by the locals. While there, they pick up what food items they need, and check the P.O. box. More often than not, other than household bills, they receive a letter or card from Sam and Eileen, in which they are always sure to include new pictures of the twins. Little Dean and Cassie are growing like weeds and, those pictures fill their hearts between visits. It’s become habit on these forays to always stop at the downtown café for a piece of pie and a cup of coffee. Always home in time to watch the sun set over the lake from their front porch.
In the evenings, the men open the windows to enjoy the crickets chirp and the bullfrogs croak on the edge of the backyard pond Dean dugout last spring at Cas’ request. They sit intertwined reading or laughing at each other’s stories and reminiscences.
And at night, alone in the quiet of their bedroom, they love each other passionately, yet with the care and tenderness of their unwavering bond... only to wake up each morning to the song of a heron calling across the lake to usher in a new day, a new day in which they can do it all again.
Some might look at their life and judge it wrongly to be a small or dull and simple life, but Dean and Cas know the truth. It’s a mundanity that’s been hard earned and one they have sworn to protect.
The idea for this ficlet was handed to me whole cloth by Re_Create over on Ao3. Go read her.
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godling-jesse · 3 months
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Cassie Dela Cruz is a singer at his mother's record label, and arguably one of the labels top artists. After his attempt at pop stardom more or less flopped, Jesse had fallen into an extremely dark place. It took him hitting rock bottom to finally realize who he wanted to be, a producer. Cassie was his first artist signed to him personally, and his most important. He saw a lot of himself in her, her drive, her creativity, her passion. There was a fire in her that rivaled his own, that rivaled his mother's. She reminded him what he loved about music in the first place.
He found her when she was only 16 years old after hearing her demo, and was instantly inspired. Since he's signed her, they developed a close relationship. Growing up in the music industry himself, he knew how dangerous it could be for someone who didn't have others looking out for them. He had his mother, and while he had other artists he looked after, he was the most protective of Cassie, and became an almost older brother figure to her. He got to watch her grow as an artist, even helped mold her himself. While he wouldn't call her his creation by any means, he was able to express himself as an artist through her many ways. In the media, she's notorious for being outspoken and opinionated. While other producers would try to turn her into America's Sweetheart, Jesse knew there was more to her than a wholesome teen from Tennessee, and he was more than happy let her grow into the woman she wanted.
One of the his biggest hang ups about answering the song, was leaving Cassie. She's still young, and while her career sky rocketed to the point she's more or less a household name, as far as Jesse is concerned, she still needs someone looking out for her, now more than ever. What worries him the most is that now that he's gone, his mother will look to Cassie to pin her hopes and dreams on, and without him there to be a buffer, he fears that she will drain the inspiration out of her like she did to him... or perhaps she will be exactly what Cassie needs to become the superstar she always wanted Jesse to be.
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faerune · 1 year
HI can i get uhhhhhhhh 3, 11, 21, 22 for cassie & leon 😏
If they complimented each other, what would they say? Cassie would tell Leon how good and handsome and special and amazing he is and how proud to call him hers she is. How safe he makes people feel and how much of a difference he makes!
Leon would tell how amazed he is by her, how talented, how incredible and how determined she is. How her passion shows in everything she does.
What causes them to fight? Lying and trust is a big uh...thing they have to work on with each other. So, that causes a lot of fights because it means so much to both of them. They disagree on little things and bicker like any other couple: Cassie is messy, Leon refuses to talk when he's upset or stressed which wounds Cassie, Cassie's too sunk into her work and Leon feels like he needs some more attention, etc. etc. The important thing is that they both hear each other out and most of the things they do that upset the other is never purposeful.
How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse? They've changed each other for the better, it's hard for them to not have a positive impact on each other when they care for each other so much. Their relationship ends up being a safe space for the two of them to sort out their issues. In the chaos of their lives, that they like to a certain point, coming back home to each other makes it worth it. I think Cassie also has an impact on Leon's black and white morality, broadening his horizons a bit and Leon helps temper Cassie's emotions to keep them from ruling her (which is funny because Leon can get caught up in his emotions on rare occasions).
If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love? I think they might have met or crossed paths but I don't think they would have fallen in love. They were two very different people with not a ton in common prior to RC and being recruited to STRATCOM. It sucks that they trauma-bonded first but it ended up well in the end. But without RC and STRATCOM, Cassie would have probably moved to NYC sooner and started her career instead of the "bump in the road" STRATCOM was and Leon would still be a small town cop.
What is something they have each had to forgive the other for? Besides the whole, Cassie was leaking top secret STRATCOM information so the general public knew what was going on and kept it a secret from Leon and then Leon left her...
Leon has to forgive Cassie's self-sabotage because she needs control (it all traces back to her mommy and abandonment issues). She lashes out trying to hurt him so she can know the outcome of loving him even if it drives him away.
Cassie has to forgive that Leon also tries to push her away sometimes in an effort to "protect" her. He finds it hard to share and be vulnerable even with her and I think really looks down on himself for feeling any kind of vulnerability.
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ravenspeakrp · 3 months
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Welcome to Raven's Peak, Pea, we're excited to have you! Aiden Morgan (Richard Madden, werewolf) has been accepted. Please be sure to stop by the CHECKLIST for the follow list, tags to track, and other reminders.
FULL NAME: Aiden Morgan SPECIES: Werewolf AGE: 37 DATE OF BIRTH: April 13th, 1987 GENDER IDENTITY: Male NEIGHBORHOOD: Deadman Acres OCCUPATION: Carpenter, fisherman WORKPLACE: Self-employed POSITIVE TRAITS: Resilient, steadfast, passionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: Private, tempestuous, bullheaded LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: Just moved. FACE CLAIM: Richard Madden
TRIGGER WARNING: depression, suicide (attempts, ideation), murder/death, violence, drunk driving/car accident, bullying, internalized homophobia
Laid-back farm life. Small, green town. Everyone knew everybody, and it was one of Oregon's safest places. And the Haliday's? They were a known and respected family within the area, a pillar to the community, and every bit the typical American poster-family.
Cassie and Dave met as children, were best friends throughout their youth, and married young. It was a surprise to no one! They settled on the outskirts of town and got started on the family they were so excited for. Did they want a daughter? You bet! Did they get one? Nope! Instead, three boys all within a couple of years of each other, popped out one-by-one. That was just fine, though -- they loved all three just the same, and they had no plans on stopping. They believed there was more than enough time for them to have plenty more children, and Cassie figured that at least one of them would have to be a little girl... If only to save her from being drowned by the testosterone around her!
As funny as it was to have this tiny, soft-spoken woman surrounded by men, every single one of them would drop whatever they were doing and run to her call. Cassie was small, but tough, and never one to be taken for granted. She expected her boys to behave and her husband to be a good man, and put stock in the reputation of their name among the townsfolk. Dave, of course, mirrored his wife in toughness, only his came in the form of tall stoicness. Some might even say he seemed a shy man with few words, and that may very well have been true for that soft demeanor of respect he showed others. But at home, everyone knew that calm voice wasn't to be seen as weakness or anything to take advantage of. Hard work ethic and respect were important to him, and while he wasn't the most physically affectionate, he never let any one of them go without showing that he cared. Dave was simply a man unafraid to wipe his boys' tears and say it was okay to cry, okay to be frustrated, but it was important to pick themselves back up, too.
As the youngest, Aiden idolized his father and two older brothers a great deal. He always tried to tag along with his brothers, insisting that he could keep up and they shouldn't underestimate him because he was smaller, younger... Only to be carried home by either one of them, completely exhausted and ready for bed long before the other two were ready to call it a night. And everyone often referred to him as Dave's little shadow, because Aiden followed him about whenever he could and copied his father all the time. If he was taking out trash, then Aiden would take out trash with him. If he was feeding the pigs, then Aiden was feeding the pigs, too. If he was chopping wood, then Aiden would chop with him! It was all for the reward of his father picking him up and carrying him back to the house, those short five minute walks as Dave told Aiden how good he had done and proud of him he was, some of the most poignant he can never forget.
As they got older, they all experienced a certain amount of typical teenage rebellion and troublemaking. Aiden, especially, got himself into trouble at school for seemingly no reason at all... In reality, it was because by then, he noticed differences in himself from his brothers, from his father. James and Kenneth, they were chasing skirts right and left, and Dave would chuckle over their antics. Aiden never knew what to say when his father asked who had his eye? Or if he planned to tell Mary Ann, the girl from down street with a notorious crush on him, 'yes' to the Sadie Hawkins? He did, of course. It was the nice thing to do for a nice girl, and all eyes were on him... They had a nice time, too. But that's it.
Aiden acted out to avoid the truths of what he was going through. Being different from the others, he was afraid of what they would have to say if he came to them about his feelings. At first he thought maybe it was a phase and it would run its course, he wouldn't have to say anything. But then a stable hand caught his attention and it was very mutual... He made Aiden realize this wasn't a phase at all, and that scared him enough to end things before they got too serious. As he went on trying to deny who he was, his anger and upset over this situation only grew, unsure of how to break the news. Not for lack of trying from Dave and Cassie to try and understand what was going on.
Unfortunately, the young man would never get to tell his family anything. On the day of March 24th, only a couple weeks before his 20th birthday (unbeknownst to him a surprise party was in full preparations for), Aiden was attacked by a new and strange creature deep in the woods as he was collecting some kindle. Everything happened so fast -- he couldn't even see anything but piercing blue eyes -- before he passed out. Aiden woke up to pain from a giant bite in his calf, and managed to crawl his way home through a haze of delirium. There was something else, too... Something more carnal within that kept seizing up inside, trying to take him over. As soon as he spotted the lights of their two-story home, could smell the dinner Cassie had cooking, Aiden lost whatever that fight was.
All he could remember was fear and rage, and excruciating pain. The fact he was on all fours. A gutteral howl and fierce growls.
They were all home and waiting on him that night. Dave, James, and Kenneth were just about to go out looking for Aiden because it wasn't typical for him to be gone so long. Cassie was going to have the table ready for when they came back. None of them were truly worried, why should they? Aiden knew the area and his behavior of late had been so unpredictable and moody, they all figured he was blowing off steam over-chopping wood again. Nobody had cause for concern of dangerous creatures in the area, nor that one would bash through the screen door and attack the family that night.
Least of all, that it was Aiden. And not the Aiden they knew.
Aiden himself had no idea what happened. He was startled awake from the neighbor screaming at the top of her lungs for help. He was in a pile of blood -- not his blood. He saw his mother laying there, eyes open and staring unseeing at the ceiling. But they were coming to get him, the whole damn town, to make him answer for this. The only thing he could think to do was run away as fast as he could and never look back. It changed him forever and he could never forgive himself for what he did, and for running.
From that moment on, he had to stay steps ahead of the law. Always on the move. It took a while to fully comprehend what happened, to understand what he even was now. Because he wasn't the same Aiden anymore. Not only did he have to grapple through the depression and guilt of what he had done to his own family, but he wasn't even human anymore. He was something else -- a beast, a monster. A danger to anyone and everyone. Of course he thought he deserved all of this, he deserved to suffer. He pushed others away for their own good, because he knew he was a dangerous monster, and he feared he would hurt them too. It made him mean and rough, completely closed off and utterly miserable as he let himself wallow in that despair.
There were numerous times he tried to end it. He tried to get others to do it for him. All Aiden wanted, was to be with his family again.
Things got a little better when an alpha found him. They fought the night they met, but Jason wouldn't leave Aiden be. He knew the man was dangerous and needed help, so Jason made sure to be there. Somewhere along the way, they even became best friends. This man had somehow become the single most important person to Aiden, someone he cared deeply about. But he knew it wouldn't be anything more than that. Jason was married -- happily married -- and it was his penance to witness that.
Unfortunately, life wasn't fair to either men. Aiden soon found that even Jason could break, as he lost Valerie (and their unborn child) in a drunk driving accident. It was his turn to be the pillar and keep his friend with his head above water... Literally. And this scared Aiden, too. He didn't know what he was doing and he felt any minute, he could lose this man, too. It became his mission to find a better place they could go, away from that tragedy, to try and start over and rebuild a semblance of life.
That's how he came to Hollow's Creek. While it reminded him of home, there was a certain level of supernatural attraction that drew him in, too. There was just something about it that he couldn't quite put his finger on... It felt safe, it felt right. So he convinced the alpha to come here, so they could continue to keep an eye on each other.
Aiden's past year has been a roller coaster of events. He attacked a freshly turned wolf... His older brother turned up alive. He slept with a freakin' demon! One of the biggest changes, though, was his relationship with Jason. It took a turn after he confessed how he felt and they crossed a line of being more-than-friends, which he never thought would happen. Their relationship started hot and heavy, and stayed on those coals as the two attempted to navigate themselves from friendship to more. They clearly loved one another, intensely so, and while it was all Aiden had wanted for years, their relationship wasn't able to overcome the burdens each man brought to the table, despite how hard they tried. Twice.
Ultimately, however, Jason decided to put an end to their unstable union because he couldn't give Aiden all of himself and love him the way in which he deserved (his words). All Aiden could do, was respect that decision and this time, he understood there was no other choice than to accept it now, too. Truth be told, the man hasn't allowed himself any time to grieve this loss and instead has been focused on making snap decisions-- such as the one to relocate. Not far enough away to cut ties entirely but, far enough that they both would be afforded a chance to live outside of one another. He's settled here in Raven's Peak because his brother and friend are here, too, and part of him knew he was going to need someone to lean on to make it through any of this. Aiden has intentionally kept himself busy, trying to keep ahold of that breath of life Jason had restored in him-- the one that gave him the want to be better, and do better. The omega had finally gotten to a place where he nearly believed he deserved a second chance, and so Aiden continues to make that climb.
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siiinfully · 1 year
continued from this with @retroactiive
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“ yea? that’s what you want? “ xavier asked as she lingering near him and even pulled herself closer to him, so that her body was neatly nestled up against his own. it’d been the last thing he’d expecting, for this kiss to turn into something more intense, more passionate, but he couldn’t find fault with this. as much as he wanted to pick apart how this could be a bad idea. he couldn’t find the will to resist his desire for her. her drinking, her using him as a rebound, her regret; all of it filtered through his mind in an instant, but is all ignored in favor of an urge to kiss her again. before, xavier had been focused on what would look good for a kiss, but when he leaned back in it was all about what felt good. his tongue slipping into her mouth, his right hand framing the side of her face and pulling her towards him to deepen the kiss. a moan of ecstasy that paints the perfect picture of where he hoped this drunken mistake would end up for the pair of best friends by the end of the night. his other hand slips from her midsection, slips down to her waist, resting on the small of her exposed back to hold cassie against him.
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A shudder raced up and down her body as he pulled her in, really pulled her in, and the hand on the flat of her back showed that he wasn’t going to let her pull away anytime soon. Cassie had no plans to, anyway, especially when he was reciprocating the sudden desire that flamed through her entire body the longer their lips remained connected. And she was desperate to maintain that link, her tongue curling a little over his before she resorted to sucking it when she sensed he was starting to pull back, most likely to catch his breath. She did the same a split second later, her eyes opening slowly before she smiled at him. “It’s exactly what I want,” was her breathless, delayed response, as she reached behind him to squeeze his ass playfully. The gesture made her laugh, and she kissed him on the lips, a sweet peck, hands sliding into the back pockets of his jeans. “Um. I think…do you want to get out of here?” she asked, the unsaid invitation back to her place hanging onto every uttered syllable. “I’ve had enough of drinking tonight.” He didn’t look like he was too wasted to drive, but even then, she pulled her phone out to start calling them an Uber so that they could go home safely.
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lahabanera · 1 year
A bright and sunny midday in Seville. There is a colourful, lively crowd on the square; nearby is a guardhouse and a cigarette factory. Micaela, a girl from the country, is searching for José; but he is in the next guard.
Announced by the children, the changing of the guards take place and José learns that Micaela has been there asking for him. The lunch hour begins and the female workers come sauntering out; Carmen is among them.
At the moment, she is surrounded by men, but it is fascinating for her to win the one who is not paying any attention to her - José. Before Carmen goes back into the factory she throws him a flower. Micaela returns again and reminds José of the wonderful time when they were first in love. She brings him a letter, some money and a kiss from his mother. Suddenly, a scream comes from the factory! Carmen has had a fight and has wounded another girl with a knife. José is ordered by Captain Zuniga to bring out the accused girl and after an interrogation to take her away to prison. But he quickly succumbs to her seductive charms and lets her escape.
In Lillas Pastia's inn soldiers and gypsy girls are conversing and amusing themselves. Zuniga is trying to win Carmen for himself. He tells her that José, who was sentenced because of her escape, will be released from prison today. Escamillo, the famous bullfighter, enters the inn. He greets the people, tells about his exploits, and feels that he is winning Carmen's affection. Hoping to see her soon again, the matador leaves the inn. Smugglers (contrebandiers) are trying to persuade the gypsy girls to join in their new venture.
Carmen refuses to take part because she is waiting for José, whose singing can be heard in the distance. He enters and greets Carmen with burning desire. She begins to dance for him alone.
At that moment, the sound of retreat is heard, which calls José back to the barracks. He wants to leave, but Carmen, furious, ridicules him. Not even his passionate declaration of love can appease her, and she tries to persuade José to lead a free life with the smugglers. Zuniga arrives. José resists his command, the officer is politely turned out by the smugglers, and now, José is obliged to stay.
Act 3
The smugglers are resting overnight in the mountains.
Carmen has quarreled with José. Together with two gypsy girls they are laying cards to tell the future; for her always the death-card comes up.
As José stays back to stand guard, Micaela arrives. She hides as José shoots at a figure in the dark, and barely misses Escamillo.
When the matador, ignorant of José's love for the gipsy girl, tells him he wants to ask her out, the soldier attempts to kill him with his knife. The smugglers manage to separate them at the last moment.
Escamillo invites all of them to his next bullfight. Micaela comes out of her hiding place to bring José to his mother's death bed. He heeds her plea and follows her.
At the gates of the Seville arena the crowd is watching the entry of the Toreadors. Escamillo is accompanied by Carmen. Today, he will fight for her. The gypsy girls warn Carmen about José. He blocks her way, asks her to remember the past and pleads for her love. Carmen's stubborn "no" drives him out of his mind and he stabs her to death.
fleur de cassie
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chroniclesoul · 2 years
Some info for Jaylen if you're curious to know more about him enjoy 😁
Name: Jaylen Sawyer
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Trans Male(He/Him)
Magic Type: Stealth
Height: 5'5"
Likes: Writing, window shopping, punk aesthetic, crime shows, fantasy/sci-fi, books, drawing, animals, movies, history, & fast food
Dislikes: Cooking, cleaning, plants/gardening, driving, homophobes, transphobes, & being alone
Personality: Relaxed, passionate, stubborn, can be selfish, quiet, a bit shy/anxious, loud when he wants to be, tends to accidentally take the lead on things, takes on more responsibilities than he can handle at times, compassionate, honest, & loyal
Born as a young girl in a city in Massachusetts Jay's family moved to Dahlia, California due to his father's work as an investigator for the department. Jay used to idolize his father, but unfortunately that wouldn't last long when reality would slowly set in that Jay's father was an unstable man. Often Jay's father would become violent or sometimes wouldn't be at home for weeks on end. When Jay went to school he felt out of place as he couldn't quite figure it out, but he was different and not just for his magic. He did see one light at the end of the tunnel when he began to make friends one of them being Cassie. When adolescents hit that was when Jay's mother left his father taking Jay with her, but this wouldn't make things easier for them. High school was utter hell for Jay as he began questioning various things and then landed into a toxic relationship with a fellow classmate. Jay came out to his family about being trans and bi, but it didn't go over well as he realized he had to take care of himself in that regard. Nowadays Jaylen lives on his own keeping Cassie as a close friend and is working to become an investigator mainly just so he can make decent money not because of his father.
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
Nate treating you bad or something then acting like he doesn’t care when he sees you moving on from him
also im sorry this is so long 😭
"stop being a nosy bitch, y/n!" he yelled, his hands snatching his phone from your hands.
"how am i being a nosy bitch if you're the one talking to all these hoes?!" you fought back, not letting a single tear escape your eyes. no way in hell would you let nate jacobs see you cry over him, again.
"i'm not! you're crazy!" he barked out, accusing you.
"i'm crazy? you're crazy! all you do is drive me fucking crazy! give me your fucking phone nate."
"no, why do you need it?"
"to see if you're fucking lying."
"you should just fucking trust me, y/n. it's not that damn hard."
"oh, trust me it's hard when it comes to you. if you're not lying give me your phone."
he thought about it for a moment. why should he owe you anything? especially his phone, honesty, and loyalty. he doesn't. so he wasn't about to give you his damn phone.
"nate just — please..." you pleaded, you were tipping off the peak of your cliff. god, the tears were spilling. you knew he wasn't loyal, but something in the back if your mind always told you, 'he'll change, just give him time.' and you've have him time, a whole damn year and two months.
he saw those tears stream down your pretty eyes, decorating your cheeks with smeared makeup. he admired your beauty, even in your worst you still were the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on.
taking a step forward towards you, his hand brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear. his hand slowly cupping your jaw, his lips ghosted your ear as he leaned in. "i'm sorry, forgive me. i won't do it again."
and right then and there you knew he wouldn't change. you two weeks ago would have fell for his shitty bait and trap, thinking he had empathy. but you now? not now. not ever. you'd never fall for his games again.
you felt anger, sadness; the fact that you had shown him your vulnerability, love and passion. all for this in return. it surged through your body at once, you immediately pushed him off of you.
"you fucking bitch, im gonna fucking kill you!" you cried, weakly punching his chest. all you felt was this pain, the pain he caused. and all you wished was for it to project out onto him.
"i hate you, i hate you, i hate you," those repeated like a mantra as you pounded his chest, tears streaming down your face.
"y/n, look at me — damn it just look at me!" he shook you, your eyes moving up to meet his staring down at you. it's as if you saw a sliver of empathy in his eyes, impossible.
"i fucking hate you, nate jacobs."
and that was the last time he'd see you. of course he would see you at school, but never out of it. people weren't shocked when they heard you both broke up, it was an ongoing cycle. but what shocked them is when you started talking to mcaky, he and cassie didn't work out. because she was fucking nate.
so the both of you really just had each other in the time.
you knew you'd be judged from being with nate, moving onto mckay: a homie hopper. but you didn't care.
chris was soft, loving and kind; he knew what he had when he had it. nate didn't.
"have you guys heard?" kat asked jules and maddy as they walked down the halls of the school.
"heard what, kat?" maddy asked, her usual facial expressions coming out. jules nodded her head, wanting to know as well.
"i heard y/n's with mckay now!" the dark haired girl exclaimed, her hands gripping her back pack straps.
"oh my god that whore! ugh i love her for that!" maddy laughed, head thrown back.
"no way —" jules started.
oh, yes way, jules.
and that's how it all traveled around to nate.
his fists clenched as his teeth gritted against each other, his hand slammed against the lockers in the locker room.
"alright, does anyone know where the fuck mckay is?!" he barked out, the boys in the room were silent, until a dirty blonde spoke out. "i heard he's on the football field with..."
"jesus fucking christ." the brunette exclaimed, pulling a shirt over his head before storming out.
finally he arrived at the football field, just to see you and chris laying on the grass, hands intertwined, noses touching as you both smiled like idiots.
and that about just did it.
he stormed over pulling mckay by his collar. "man, what the fuck!" the dark skin boy exclaimed, trying to push nate off.
"what about you, huh? trying to get my sloppy seconds? don't fucking touch her, mckay." the brunette growled, a hand wrapped around his neck the other punching the shit out of him.
"nate get the fuck off of him!" you yelled, hands pushing him off. "get *push* off *push* you *push* cunt!"
getting irritated of you he got off of him, "what the fuck, y/n?! mckay out of all people!"
"well, what the fuck nate, cassie out of all people!" you yelled back.
"you don't fucking know the whole story."
"oh yeah. i don't know the whole story of how you fucked her on new years, shut the fuck up." you barked out.
you immediately fell onto your knees in front of mckay, "hey, hey, it's okay. i'll get you to the —"
"get the fuck away from him." nate bit out, his breathing heavy.
you ignored him, continuing to console the boy in front of you.
"y/n don't ignore me!" he was mad.
"you're talking to nobody but yourself." you finally respond.
and you were right.
so maybe that's why he was in his room, talking to nothing but the white wall in front of him.
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ilikeoneshots · 3 years
Heat Waves
Fezco x Lexi - Euphoria
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It’s been eight years. Eight years since that New Years Eve party.
Six years since she saw Him.
On the occasional visits to her mom’s house from L.A., Lexi always seemed to keep an eye out for that familiar Cadillac.
Honestly, she thought about Him a lot. They spent a lot of time with each other after she returned that green sweater. Countless drives around town when her mom was being too much. Countless smiles and laughs.
He would always look right into her soul when she spoke. Listening whole heartedly, no matter the topic or tangent.
He told her once that he loved the way she spoke. Full of passion and earnest.
She loved that about him. How he was always focused on her. Made her feel seen, for once.
Lexi let out a huff of air and fixed her hair, coming back to reality. Her sister invited her to this new club that opened last week in downtown. So here she was, sitting in the corner of a booth while Cassie was being the social butterfly she was.
She continued sipping on the wine she had gotten earlier and people watched like she always did.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a man with a red beard. She turned to get a clearer view. Short, cropped dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard.
No way.
He was walking closer, talking to a semi taller younger man. He turned and she noticed the scar. Even through the hair he had let grow a bit, it was still visible.
She fidgeted with the dress her sister convinced her to wear out. A dark purple bodycon dress with thin straps. Nothing like what she would normally wear.
Taking a deep breath, Lexi moved from her booth.
I’ll just happen to walk past them. Yeah, that’ll work. If he notices me, he notices me. If not then I’ll just go to the bathroom. Yep. Here we go!
Lexi held her head up as she made her way by. It felt like time slowed down the moment they passed each other. Her shoulder barely grazing his in the crowded room. She noticed in the mirrored wall across the room how he had turned his head a little before continuing his conversation. When she arrived at the bathroom, time sped back up to normal. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she had held.
Taking this moment of seclusion to check her reflection. Her once brown hair now dyed into a blonde balayage and up to her chin. She adjusted the soft waves of her hair a bit.
No longer did she look like the eighteen year old Fezco last saw. Twenty-five year old Lexi was different. Mostly.
So what if he didn’t say anything to me. I’m not even here for him. I’m here to get out of the house and have some fun. I’m going to go right back out there and-
As she opened the door, Lexi froze. Leaned against the wall across from her, Fezco looked up from the floor. A grin spreading across his face.
“I thought that was you,” Lexi couldn’t say anything for a minute after he spoke.
“Fez?” She asked, trying to control her voice. He nodded before pushing off the wall.
“Look at you all grown up, little Lex,” she blushed at his words, “What are you doing here?” He asked.
Lexi fully exited the bathroom and stood closer to him, to keep out the way of others of course. No other reason.
“I came with Cassie. She wanted to show me the new club that opened,” Lexi replied, not able to look away from the blue eyes focused on her.
“How do you like it so far?” He asked. The timbre of his voice, nearly making her spiral.
“It’s nice, nicer than most other places around,” this caused Fez to smile wider, “What? What are you doing here anyways?” She asked, suddenly confused by his presence in the building that was definitely not in East Highland.
“Come with me, it’s getting a little loud,” he held a hand out to her and she let him wrap his larger hand around hers. The familiar feeling sending tingles through her.
They walked to the back of the building, leading to what seemed to be an office.
Fez led her to the couch, “Drink?” He asked as he went to the little bar cart in the corner.
“Uh, sure,” Lexi mumbled, taking in the room around her, “This is fancy.”
Fez chuckled as he returned with a glass for her and himself. He sat beside her, “Thanks. Took a lot of work but Ash and I scored a good deal with the place.”
“So this whole building is yours?” She asked, looking back to the man who lived her memories.
She then realized just how close they were. How his bright blue eyes zeroed in on her.
He hummed a reply before saying, “Enough about that, for now. Catch me up on you.”
“Well, I’m a business analyst now. I work with a few different start ups around L.A.,” Lexi informed Fez, “So if you ever need any help let me know. I’ll cut you a good deal,” she mustered the courage to give him a wink.
He smirked at that, “Little Lexi went and got that degree.”
“Yeah, well, you made sure of that,” she couldn’t help the little pang of hurt in her heart. Remembering the last day they were together.
The last few weeks before Lexi was supposed to leave for college, she felt Fezco pulling away from her. When before he would drop almost anything he was doing to go see her, now he was suddenly busy every time she texted him.
She had finally had enough of his shit and stormed into the store. Ash looked up in minor surprise.
“Where is he?” She demanded, a little shocked at her own tone.
“Look, Lexi, he’s really busy right now-“
“I’m sorry, Ash, I really just need to see him. He’s been dodging me for the last two weeks!” She was beyond frustrated.
“That’s not-” suddenly the office door opened, and Fez came out. He had a black eye and his knuckles were tore up.
“Oh my god, Fez! What happened?!” She hurried over to him, holding his face in her hands. He closed his eyes, leaning into her hand before swiftly stepping away.
“Lex, you need to go home,” he said, voice stern.
“Where have you been?” She asked, purposely ignoring his command. How could she leave when he was hurt?
“Alexis,” Lexi stopped her fretting, eyes wide. He never called her that.
“Just talk to me,” she whispered, “please?”
He sighed before looking to Ash and nodding his head to the side, a signal to leave.
“Why are you avoiding me?” Lexi asked, voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
“You need to understand,” Fez started, gently caressing her cheek, “You are going to go to great things. Gonna go to college and made something of yourself. Me? This is it for me.”
Lexi just shook her head, holding onto his forearm, just wanting to feel his touch a bit longer.
“You just need a better life than this. You need something I can never give,” He kissed her forehead, “I care too much for you to keep looking back here. Back at me. I’m just gonna hold you back from your potential.”
“That’s not true,” Lexi said through the tears that started to fall.
“It is,” he gave her a sad smile, “You’re gonna be awesome, Lex. No doubt about that. You’re fucking fearless.”
“You say something so loving, but…” she sniffled and hugging him tight to her.
“I’ve gotta let you go. You’ll be better off in something new,” he pressed a kiss into her hair, relishing in her scent.
“I don’t wanna be alone,” she mumbled into his chest.
“You know it hurts me too,” he let out a slight shudder of breath. He pulled away slightly and took a look at her tear streaked face, “You look so broken when you cry,” he wiped her tears away. He held her face in his hands, gazing into her deep brown eyes. The eyes he always got lost in.
He leaned down and kissed her, gentle and careful. Wanting to remember that feeling forever. Loving the way Lexi ran her hand over his buzzed hair and his chest.
When he finally pulled away, Lexi kept her eyes closed. Tears still fell, slowly. She finally opened her eyes and Fezco had to convince himself that, yes, this was the right thing to do. For her. Her future, that was much brighter than his.
Lexi rubbed her thumb over his scruffy beard, “One more, and then I’ll say goodbye,” she whispered.
Fezco nodded, running his hand through her brown curls, before bringing her lips to his once again.
“Where’d you go?” Fez asked, noticing Lexi spaced out, “I was starting to miss ya.”
“Oh! Sorry, just remembered something,” Lexi sheepishly giggled.
“Mmm, wonder what thoughts are going on in that pretty head,” he leaned back against the couch.
Lexi hummed in response before also leaning back against the couch.
They just looked at each other before Lexi said, “This feels familiar.” Fez chuckled and nudged her with his elbow. Lexi smiled, just taking him in, “You’ve aged well.”
He just shrugged, “I did alright.”
“What made you pick this spot?”
“East Highland got a little… small. And I got tired of the bullshit. Ash got really into the whole investment thing and we ended up being able to buy this place,” he finally explained. Fez noticed her questionable expression, causing him to chuckle again, “It’s all legal now. Got our licenses and everything.”
“I’m so proud of you, Fezco,” Lexi reached over and caressed his chin, “I always knew you would do great things.”
Fezco reached over and played with a strand of her hair, twisting it around his finger, “I missed you a shit ton, Lex. I wanted to be better. You made me want to be better.”
Lexi couldn’t keep the smile off her face, stray tears finding their way free, “Sometimes, all I think about is you.”
Fez wiped the loose tears away, “Don’t wanna mess up that pretty face, now.”
“Shut up,” she giggled. A few memories popped up from all the times he said that exact sentence whenever she was dealing with bullshit at home.
“I think about you, too, Lex. Every damn day. Thinking back on if I made the right decision. Pulling away from your life like I did. Seeing you now… makes me glad I did. You’ve done great for yourself, it seems,” Fez gave her that look that always made her stomach flip flop.
Lexi took a sharp inhale when she noticed they somehow managed to get closer without realizing, like they were still drawn to each other. She watched with bated breath as his eyes flicked between her own eyes and her lips, the action causing her pull on her bottom lip slightly with her teeth. This caused a soft groan in Fez’s throat before he held her head in his hands and pulled her to him the rest of the way.
The quick action made her gasp, leading him to slide his tongue into her mouth and elicit a soft moan from her.
Next thing she knew, she was straddling Fez on the lush couch. Her dress tight enough to rise to her upper thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting on his shoulders as she combed her fingers in his hair. Something she was never able to really do before.
Fez moved a hand to the back of her head, fisting a handful of hair only rough enough to cause her to moan once more. His other hand traveled to her lower back, making her arch toward him. He tilted her head back and began leaving a trail of kisses and small nips down her neck to her now prominent chest.
Fez noted from the moment he first saw her how much she matured in the last six years, filling out more than she was before. And he loved every bit of it.
A sudden knock on the door caused Lexi and Fez to freeze. Lexi scrambling from his lap. She readjusted her dress and hair as Fez went to check who interrupted them.
“What the fuck do you want?” He asked, Lexi noticed it was the young man from earlier that Fez had been talking to. Only now realizing that it was Ash, all grown up.
Ash looked behind Fez and saw her, “Holy shit, is that Lexi?”
“I asked, what the fuck do you want?” Fez reiterated, growing impatient. Wanting to get back to the girl he once let go, but now she was just within reach.
“Some dickheads started fighting in the lot,” Ash informed him.
“Fuck,” Fez turned back to Lexi. She looked so beautiful. Her kiss swollen lips and mussed up hair, “Give me a second. Go handle it until I get there,” Ash nodded, giving a quick glance to Lexi before leaving.
Fez came back to where Lexi was sat, squatting down in front of her, running a hand up and down her calf, “I gotta go deal with some assholes. You gonna stay for a bit or do you have to go?”
Lexi glanced at her phone.
12:30 a.m.
“I can stay for a little while longer,” she said softly. She watched as his blue eyes crinkled with his smile.
“I’ll be back in fifteen,” he gave her a quick kiss before rushing out the door.
When the door shut, Lexi threw herself back on the couch before squealing.
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fruitytrollroll · 3 years
something interesting we learn in psychonauts 2, which imo wasnt entirely apparent in the first game, is that people don't only have one mindscape.
the best example of this is loboto: in RoR, his mindscape is a sailing vessel in a treacherous ocean (bath tub). then in psychonauts 2, it's dental horror all the way down (plus sasha's mental construct).
and, i dunno, whenever I've considered writing fic about loboto's mind, it was always along the lines of, "how would the sailing vessel have changed after loboto finds his moral compass?" it never would have occurred to me to diverge so drastically from what canon establishes, and recognizing that made me realize i was limiting myself to my preconceived notions of psychic power based on their depiction in the first game. as a consequence, i was laboring under the assumption that the mindscape is a relatively static metaphor for the mental wellness of a person's mind.
but psychonauts 2 is adamant on driving home the point that nobody is just one thing. cassie says as much, and her world is another great example: she's at once a money launderer, a writer, and a teacher, all with their own distinct mindscape habitats. cassie has the compartmentalizing librarian and her library as a framework within which these different parts of her mind can exist in a relatively organized fashion, but i think a lot of people maybe aren't that organized about it.
bob's mind comes to mind here, and his mindscape isn't just one thing either! none of us would claim that he defines himself by the haunted greenhouse where his mother died, or the wedding cake tower where he married the love of his life. neither is the barren island, a representation of his loneliness and tendency to push others away, the sum of all that bob is. and this muddier mix of brainspaces is depicted aptly by entering each area via over-sized glass bottles (since alcohol is a psychoactive substance, which can induce -- hah -- different mind states).
and sure, some minds raz returns to stay the same on his second visit. i think this is partially a system limitation, because if you could FULLY CHART the infinitude of the human psyche, the game would just go on forever. but i also think, maybe, we're just returning to that PART of the mindscape, and the rest of the mind goes on being a million things where we can't see it.
it's a little like inception -- every dream within a dream is a different scenario: a heist, a street chase, a death-defying race down a snowy mountain -- BUT, in psychonauts, these scenarios aren't nested neatly inside each other like babushka dolls. they're more like a wide variety of toys big and small, plush and plastic, shoved into a toybox together and competing for space.
(another marked difference between inception and psychonauts is that inception's mindscapes are almost all foreign mental constructs, whereas psychonauts' mindscapes are largely native to the mind in which they're encountered)
so basically it kind of blew my mind when i realized the minds in the first game might not even resemble raz's memory of them, if he were to visit them again. gloria could be more about gardening now so it's all plants, or maybe she could get into soap operas or reality tv, or start training sled dogs, idk. suffice to say her mental landscape would be completely different because of her current interests, passions, motivations, mood, etc!
maybe going into my head when I'm worried about homework drops you into Academia Canyon, but when I'm on a road trip, maybe my mindscape is a campground, or a rainbow road, or a winding tunnel. do you see what I'm saying? i think it's possible that even a simple shift in one's focus from one subject to another would deliver a psychic interloper to a different part of the mind.
i think that was the point i wanted to make an hour ago! I'd say something here about ford, but tbf that bit kind of writes itself lol
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rudext · 2 years
Backing pt. 2
Since Eddie Munson begged Cassie to come to his house to help him with English, the relationship between them was improving, now they saw each other almost every day and Cassie decided to help him in more subjects...
Eddie and Cassie realized little by little that they had more and more things in common, like their tastes in music, like they hate all the popular ones and especially Jason, also that they like to be total geeks... And this is how a beautiful friendship was formed.
Though Cassie was confused by her true feelings for him. Eddie used to flirt with her sometimes, the problem is that Cassie thinks it's a joke, that it's just her words and actions to make her laugh or directly annoy her. What she doesn't know is that these flirtations are Eddie's actions to see if she is really interested in him.
2 months later
Cassie perspective, Eddie Trailer.
-It's raining a lot... Baby I think you should stay here tonight- he watched carefully through the window as the rain fell and stuck to the window glass.
-Maybe it's the best option, nobody can drive in this rain- he turned to look at me.
-Even more so if you're the one driving- I sentenced, he frowned which caused me a small laugh.
-be thankful I didn't kick you out of here" he smirked and I just glared at him on purpose.
-I can leave you some clothes- he immediately began to walk towards his room, I just went to follow him.
-Actually I'm fine as I go, surely your shirts only smell of grass- I arrived and leaned on the door frame.
-Baby- he turned and we looked at each other.
-Don't be so mean to me- I laughed and looked at an object on his nightstand.
-Hey hey hey- I entered the room and went very quickly to grab that thing that had captured all my attention.
-Hey hey hey what, honey, what are you doing? - At this time I had my back to him.
-What i do? Get my pen back once and for all- I turned and showed him my pen, that pen that was the beginning of our friendship. The one who changed my life.
-Oh no- in a blink of an eye the one holding the pen was no longer me, but Eddie.
-Hey, it's mine- I got closer and he walked away.
"Are you going to fight over this little pen?" He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly.
Now yes, I jumped on him and all he did was raise his arm so he couldn't grab it.
-Baby now it's mine, give up like that time
-Never- I jumped, something unexpected for him, because I was able to grab the pen and run away to the dining room, the only thing I could do is throw myself on the sofa and hug the pen tight.
It didn't take long to see how Eddie approached me and carefully jumped on top of me.
-Move away! You know this pen was mine!
"But it's very important to me!" He was trying to push my arms away.
"Why would a pen be important?" I laughed because the poor man was putting all his effort into getting it back.
-Because with him I met you- I stopped hugging the pen and he immediately grabbed it and separated a little from me.
"That's very sweet of you, Munson," I laughed and stared to look at him like a fool.
We were still very close, my nose was barely touching his. We had fallen into a silence that I couldn't tell if it was uncomfortable or comfortable. Only the rain was heard.
And more rain.
-Shut up Cass- he got closer to me and his hand reached my cheek, his gaze still didn't leave mine and now my body acted by itself. Our lips collided in a sweet kiss.
We parted shortly after and I put my forehead to his. Still with eyes closed.
"I'll let you keep the pen," Eddie laughed, and then I laughed.
"Can I have another one?" I asked awkwardly.
-Of course baby- and he brought our lips together again in a kiss that was now more passionate.
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Desde que Eddie Munson le suplicó a Cassie que fuera a su casa a ayudarle con el inglés, la relación entre ellos fue mejorando, ahora se veían casi todos los días y Cassie decidió ayudarlo en más materias...
Eddie y Cassie se dieron cuenta poco a poco de que tenían cada vez más cosas en común, como los gustos de la música, como que odian a todos los populares y sobretodo a Jason, también que les gusta ser unos frikis totales... Y así es como se formó una bonita amistad.
Aunque Cassie estaba confusa por sus verdaderos sentimientos hacia él. Eddie solía coquetear con ella algunas veces, el problema es que Cassie se piensa que es de broma, que solo són palabras y acciones para hacerla reír o directamente molestarla. Lo que ella no sabe es que esos coqueteos són acciones de Eddie para ver si ella realmente está interesada por el.
2 meses después
Cassie perspectiva, remolque de Eddie.
-Está lloviendo mucho... Nena creo que deberías quedarte esta noche aquí- él observaba detenidamente por medio de la ventana como caía la lluvia que se pegaba en el cristal de la ventana.
-Tal vez sea la mejor opción, no se puede conducir con esta lluvia- se giró para mirarme.
-Y más si eres tú él que conduce- sentencié, él frunció el ceño lo que me causó una risa pequeña.
-Da gracias a que no te hecho a patadas de aquí- sonrió burlonamente y yo solo lo miré mal aposta.
-Te puedo dejar algo de ropa- enseguida se puso a caminar hacia su habitación, yo solo fui a seguirlo.
-En realidad estoy bien como voy, de seguro tus camisetas solo huelen a hierba- llegué y me apoyé en el marco de la puerta.
-Nena- se giró y nos miramos mutuamente.
-No seas tan mala conmigo- me reí y me fijé en un objeto de su mesita.
-Oye oye oye- me adentré a la habitación y fuí muy rápido a coger esa cosa que había captado toda mi atención.
-Oye oye oye digo yo, muñeca ¿que haces?- en este entonces yo estaba de espaldas a él.
-¿Que que hago? Recuperar mi bolígrafo de una vez por todas- me giré y le enseñe mi bolígrafo, aquel bolígrafo que fué el comienzo de nuestra amistad. Aquel que cambió mi vida.
-Oh no- en un abrir y cerrar de ojos el que sostenía el bolígrafo ya no era yo, si no Eddie.
-Oye que es mío- me acerqué un poco y el se alejó.
-¿Vas a pelear por este pequeño bolígrafo?- alzó las cejas y inclinó un poco la cabeza.
Ahora sí, me abalancé sobre él y lo único que hizo es levantar el brazo para que no pudiera agarrarlo.
-Nena ahora es mío, rindete como aquella vez
-Nunca- salté, algo inesperado para él, por que pude agarrar el bolígrafo y salir huyendo hacia el comedor, lo único que pude hacer es tirarme al sofá y abrazar fuerte al bolígrafo.
No tarde en ver como Eddie se acercaba a mi y se tiraba encima mia cuidadosamente.
-Aparta! Sabes que este bolígrafo era y es mío
-Pero es muy importante para mí!- intentaba apartarme los brazos.
-¿Por qué iba un bolígrafo a ser importante?- me reí porque el pobre hombre estaba poniendo todo su esfuerzo en recuperarlo.
-Por qué con el te conocí a tí- dejé de abrazar al bolígrafo y él enseguida lo agarró y se separó un poco de mí.
-Eso es muy lindo de tú parte Munson- me reí y me quedé mirándolo como una tonta.
Aún estabamos muy juntos, mí nariz estaba a poco de rozar la suya. Nos habíamos quedado en un silencio qué no podría decir si es incómodo o cómodo. Solo se oía la lluvia.
Y más lluvia.
-cállate Cass- se acercó más a mí y su mano llegó a mí mejilla, su mirada aún no se apartaba de la mía y ahora mí cuerpo actuó por si solo. Nuestros labios se chocaron en un beso dulce.
Nos separamos al poco y junté mí frente con la de él. Aún con los ojos cerrados.
-Dejaré que te quedes con el bolígrafo- Eddie se río y después yo.
-¿Puedo otro?- pregunté torpemente.
-Pues claro nena- y volvió a juntar nuestros labios en un beso que ahora era más apasionado.
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