#Cashmere Cloth
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3-aem · 29 days ago
egg situation in california is so fked up i havent seen one since mid December of last year and like ya i know i can go find them at like fricking—wholefoods for an entire $15 but also, i don’t want to.
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flufangora · 5 months ago
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Fluffy vest🔥
More on my Patreon
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 year ago
how does antiquing work in Star Trek?
like, okay, there's no scarcity Because Replicators. great! except you can't replicate an antique, not the real thing. probably some AMAZING reproductions- 24th-century historical costumers must be having the time of their lives, because as great as modern synthetic baleen is, imagine what you could do with a machine that literally replicates the exact molecular structure of the same! or that extinct flax that made medieval linen so great! -but I know antique collectors. there's nothing like the feeling of something you know so many other people have loved for centuries
is it like a barter system? do you go to the antique "shop" with things passed down in your family or found in the equivalent of a Facebook buy-nothing group, and trade what you have for what the history nerd running the place has based on your respective interests?
is Brimfield like a giant swap meet? could I go with, say...a big bag full of my grandmother's chunky 1950s costume jewelry and trade it for 1880s blouse waists because the stall owner wants the former and I want the latter? equivalent value wouldn't matter- what's value, beyond how much you treasure something? nobody's got rent to make or bills to pay, after all
do people become antiques "dealers" just for the thrill of the hunt and the pleasure of matching an object to someone who will love it? you don't have to work, after all; you can spend your whole life searching the world for rare treasures if that brings you joy
this is a nice thought
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bdsmsub67 · 24 days ago
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The high-quality feather cashmere yarn underlines the versatile style of the down jacket. The characteristic high collar in a wide rib knit highlights the natural texture of the yarn. The flat padding made of high-quality down and feathers perfects the warmth and comfort.
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senatortedcruz · 1 month ago
Most oldhead shit I’ve ever said was “I’ve been getting really into dry cleaning recently”
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thisloveforyourmom · 4 months ago
anyway if u feel like all ur clothes r shit quality u need to learn about fabric blends and, this is important, go to a thrift store and learn to identify them by feel. there is so much cashmere in thrift stores it's unreal
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lovecoredeity · 2 months ago
so I’ve decided that Lanturn has at least three personas/alias’. There’s him as his actual self, Divinity Angel Fell, a peasant commoner who managed to get into a very very reclaimed upper class wizard university that seldom allows those who aren’t nobles to attend (he is 100% hiding his origins somehow.), he takes his studies very seriously as he is passionate about learning magic and wants to be taken seriously himself! His bartending person where he goes by “Angelus Opera” (he just elongated his middle name and choose a pretty last name), he also takes this job seriously, he can be flirty and playful but isn’t going to do anything at could risk him his job! And lastly his gold digging/sugar baby/what have you alias, Lanturn Howlite Lustre in which he seduces mostly rich nobles because shit is expensive and he needs to pay his bills <3
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chialattea · 4 months ago
getting into fashion/clothing as a hobby slash past manic months where it was the only thing I could think about means having to explain to everyone around you that, actually, no, more than 30 bucks for a sweater isn’t outrageous. In fact. Clothing SHOULDNT be so cheap. In fact in fact. SOMETIMES clothes can very well cost more than 100 bucks— and for a good reason!!!! Like, no, your 25 bucks fast fashion sweater shouldn’t be the standard, both because of its lackluster quality and the exploitation/wage theft it implies!!!
Yes, clothing should be accesible yes there is a wealth distribution problem in our society but people have gotten accustomed to buying new clothes every month and saying they’d rather buy fifty ten dollars sweaters than one fifty dollar sweater— but if what you want is quality clothing that will last while not contributing towards sweatshops maybe. Maybe you don’t need that many sweaters!! Maybe we don’t need that many clothes!! Maybe we should try to reduce our consumption?
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shoppinghauer · 8 months ago
My fashion sense has been elevated to unknown degrees since i found a community of online vintage sellers in my city
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battle-subway-ghost · 1 year ago
oh yeah by the way I forgot to mention but the lab assistant guy did in fact give me those clothes they wanted to get rid of. Huge hit with Cashmere.
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flufangora · 1 year ago
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Cashmere 🥰
It's a Christmas time!
Time to make people happy.
You can make me happy by buying something in my etsy shop 💋
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onewomancitadel · 8 months ago
I have discovered that the other day when I was playing around with purple glitter gel that said purple glitter gel migrated rather ambitiously onto my favourite blue vintage cashmere jumper. I didn't notice because it's oversized and folds such that it ripples and can't really be seen so I'm not considering calling it quits yet. Rather than use a stain remover (will never ever work with purple glitter gel) I could try embroidering over it if it really bothers me. Calm and tolerant. Calm and tolerant.
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bdsmsub67 · 1 year ago
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Stephan Boya Cashmere Knitwear
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chromoluminary · 1 year ago
walked 6ish miles today and words do not describe how much joy my new (to me) wool coat brought me every single step of the way
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trans-yllz · 2 years ago
I don't think that ppl who insist plus sized clothing should be more expensive because it's """so much more fabric""" have ever been to a fabric store in their life
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indynerdgirl · 1 year ago
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Torrid is selling a whole line of "vegan cashmere" cardigans and sweaters this season [fall 2023].
How about instead of calling it "vegan cashmere", they just call it what it really is: PLASTIC.
Which is a thousand times worse for the environment than actual cashmere because every time you wash one of those sweaters and cardigans you'll just be putting even more microplastics into the environment.
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