#Casey ToV
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years ago
Casey can't even fathom the body horror medical malpractice shit both of her boyfriends went through when she died
What were the odds she'd date both of the only two dudes that were ever resurrected from the grave with fantasy magic gems and became extorted victims of their savior. Like she really found the only guys that'd go through this same specific situation and had deep romantic lives with both of them
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life-set-to-random · 1 year ago
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I don’t know what went wrong, with the animation in the last season of the 03 series, but Usagi and Gen deserve better for their last appearance in the series. And Usagi didn’t even get to talk to Leo! 🤦🏻‍♀️😭😡
Last picture, they put Usagi’s Mon (clan crests) on his shoulders instead of his pecks. What the Hell?! Did they not look at his model sheet at all?!
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lucentel · 1 year ago
returning to this site to post my magnum opus
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lifes-remedy · 1 year ago
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Bat Mitzvah Bounce
To Celebrate Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Season 2 coming tomorrow. These two are just incredible. Mazel Tov Casey!
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thechaseofspades · 2 years ago
An essay about the best Disney TVA shows today
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So Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is Disney TVA's newest hit. If you follow me, you know how much I love this show. There's so much good about it that I couldn't possibly cover all of it. But the more I think about it, the more I realize how similar it is to another relatively new DTVA show that just happens to be premiering its second season soon...
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Now, I recognize the irony here. The LES and Brighton are probably the exact opposite settings. I should know. I live in a town just like Brighton. There's lots of corn here. Please help.
But beyond that surface level contrast, these shows hit a lot of the same concepts, but take them in different directions to fit the tone and setting. Let's discuss...
Spoilers for both shows. The spoilers start out light but by the end I'm just spilling all the beans. Please watch the shows.
continues under the break
1. Regular girl meets unlikely non-human best friend and that's literally the title of the show
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Probably the most obvious comparison. Heck, you could probably boil down any Disney property ever to that description if you try hard enough.
But, the similarities between DD and Scratch might as well end there, as they bring completely different characters to the table. Still worth getting out of the way here. I promise the rest of this post has more substance. Wait where are you going come back
2. Human best friend(s)
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I've talked already about how I'm a big fan of Casey. As far as I know, she's a completely original character not found anywhere in the comics. She might be an amalgamation of other comic characters but I'm not sure. Either way, huge props for nailing it with her and making her feel like a natural fit.
So what do we know about Casey? Her biggest fixation, something we see the second we meet her, is her social media savviness. While Lunella can invent an app that warps space and time, Casey works best with the apps that already exist. Remind you of anybody?
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Now, I'm not on the Andrea bandwagon quite yet. She's definitely had her positive moments, namely the Christmas episode, but overall I don't categorize her in the "best friend" tier quite yet.
I bring her up because we can bring in another contrast between elements and how these sho was use similar concepts for different results. While Andrea's social media exploits are all about herself, Casey cares more about getting Moon Girl on the map, both helping out her best friend and doing a good deed. I'm glad we've gotten to a point where the social media savvy tween/teen can be a positive trait finally.
But I want to highlight the other side of Casey, and the part that makes it so intriguing to me that Lucase has been a central focus in this show. She may have the skills of Andrea, but she reminds me so much more of another of Molly's friends...
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Who did Molly McGee meet to become her first real friend and de facto best friend who she then spent the rest of the show developing that friendship??
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"Mazel Tov, Libby!" is my favorite episode of The Ghost and Molly McGee, and it's gonna be hard to top. Libby is my favorite character in that show and seeing her struggling and eventually breaking just hit me so hard. So when Molly and Libby came out of it better than ever, it proved how strong their bond truly was.
Casey blends Andrea's social media savviness with Libby's irl social awkwardness and difficulty at making friends. And Lunella to an even greater extent as seen in the sleepover. But together, Lucase bring out the best in each other, the same way that Molly and Libby do in their own show.
Also shoutout to Libby and Casey for being Jewish Latina DTVA girls with hyphenated last names and Bat Mitzvah centric episodes. Maybe should have led with that parallel.
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To be continued in a reblog so don't go anywhere... (link to part 2 if it's not already attached to this post)
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neverwritewhatyouknow · 2 years ago
I asked, you answered, and you shall receive!!!!!
Yesterday I said I could post something about how Casey wrote the character of Nora in the book and how she used Jewish stereotypes, but in a way that was just stereotypical to be stereotypical, and people seemed interested! So here it goes!
Let’s start with the name Nora Holleran.
Casey said that they purposely choose the name Nora because the character is Jewish. That wasn’t her original name, but it was changed when Casey made the character Jewish. Nora is in fact a Jewish name, pretty common, not as common as Rebecca, Rachel, Sarah, Hannah, or Leah. Old Testament names really transcend time if you wanna name your kid something super religious. Obviously these names aren’t just used by people who are Jewish, but if you wanted to name a character something that reflects their background, names that have that -ah sound at the end, hugely Jewish. Anyway, she picked a Jewish name because “Nora is Jewish” (said by Casey)
Next: Nora’s family. They’re known to be Jewish, rich from investing in Apple during the 90s, and from Vermont. Nora went home for Hanukkah (2019) which did shockingly overlap with Christmas and Christmas Eve, with Christmas Eve being the 3rd night and Christmas the 4th. So apparently Nora’s family REALLY celebrates if she’s gone for the full 8 nights. Nope, more like Casey needed her out of the way and figured Hanukkah was be best so let’s make her a Jew! Mazel Tov!
The biggest take away about Nora’s family, is that it really fits into that Rich Jew stereotype. It comes up because Nora said her parents would tell her to quit journalism and run away to a cabin in the woods and own a million LL Bean things and then June says the investing part. Casey purposely wrote her as a rich little Jewish girl. Because, reminder, Jews aren’t rich!!! We don’t have secret money powers!!! I (Jewish) grew up on food stamps, 3 pairs of underwear for 12 years, house taken by the bank, cried when I had my lunch tray taken away from me because I couldn’t buy it. Jews aren’t rich. Are there some who are just by happenstance? Sure. Just like how there are rich Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Black people, White people, anybody. But she makes sure to say that the Jewish character is the rich one. Also from Vermont, which is a pretty damn Jewish state, but I don’t bump on that as much because her grandpa is Vice President and most democratic candidates do tend to be Northeastern, so that doesn’t hit me as much. But it’s still another tally on the board.
Nora’s physical appearance: Curly hair “nest of curls” Brown hair.
Nora is described as having curly hair multiple times. People (antisemitic fans of RWRB in the discord) have yelled at me about this before, saying that not only Jews have curly hair and that I’m erasing anyone who’s not Jewish who has curly hair. Which is just, literally insane. Nobody is saying Jews own curly hair, but it’s is a stereotypical physical characteristic of how people describe Jews. If the character wasn’t Jewish and she had curly hair it would be like “Okay, cool, curls.” But because we know she’s Jewish, you see that in your head. You form the picture of the rich Jewish girl with curly hair. She used a common Jewish description to describe her because it’s easiest. It’s not… offensive technically, but it sorta is?
Like, do Jews have curly hair? Not all, obviously, but yeah, a lot of Jewish people do tend to have curly hair. I have curly hair, many of my Jewish friends don’t. So it’s true, but not always. It can be offensive, like saying someone has Jew-hair or saying someone is Jewish because of their hair. But a Jewish character having curly hair isn’t directly offensive.
When it becomes more of an issue, is when that curly hair description is used as the physical representation of a character’s Jewishness. Nora isn’t known to be religious (totally fine), she’s ethnically Jewish and seems to be holiday religious (depending), the flashes of her ethnicity that we get is her hair. It comes down to the curls and Casey using the stereotype to say “Hey! Look! She’s Jewish!!! CURLS!” That’s when it gets a little problematic, because then it’s being based solely on a Jewish appearance.
Casey was raised Evangelical Christian. CMQ said that their family was “less religious” even though they was still fully in that environment. Their words were “I didn’t totally drink the Kool-Aid” referring to being totally into Christianity. Casey also said there was a lot of internal conflict and absorption of what those surroundings were, “I was still marinating in that environment.” Evangelicals have strong beliefs in their religion and look down on others, there are tons of Evangelicals who spew antisemitic nonsense but as a part of common rhetoric so no one knows that it’s really hate. It’s buried under the “love for Jesus.” There was an article I read and lost that talked about how Evangelical Christians don’t realize that Jewish people are being hurt by them because of the hatred from huge Christian leaders being so widespread and accepted.
Casey was raised in that environment. It’s impossible to not be surrounded by Jew-hate whether you know it’s happening or not, it’s there. That was absorbed. The way CMQ describes Nora as the rich Jew with the dark curly hair is really telling of how they see Jews. The description isn’t even the offensive part, but the fact that you know it’s only like that because that’s how Casey thinks it is. Casey lives in New York where that stereotypical Jewish appearance came from, so it was like, clearly, Casey was doing the bare minimum in knowing anything about someone who’s Jewish and used the same tropes as always.
This became very apparent to me, not with the book, because I didn’t mind Nora when I read it. It was when the movie decided Nora’s Jewishness didn’t matter onscreen. Casey could have fought for a Jewish Nora, but didn’t. Casey fought for other stuff, like the brand of ice cream, a dyed hair color, and little things like that, but an entire ethnicity NOPE. And here’s why, I don’t think Casey knows that Jews are an ethnicity and not just a religion. It says Nora is home for Hanukkah so she’s not in the White House, so Alex can call Henry and talk to June. Since there isn’t a June anymore, he’ll need Nora there. Therefore Nora would have to be there for Christmas, and in Casey’s mind and the mind of the production… NO JEWS ALLOWED AT CHRISTMAS!!! ITS NOT YOUR RELIGION!!! So they removed her leaving, removed her Judaism, removed her Jewish ethnicity by not casting a Jewish actress. But, like, newsflash, you can be Jewish and go to a Christmas party or an Easter party, you can even walk into a church and not burn!! Crazy!! Because it’s not just a religion. But since they didn’t need her being Jewish (religiously), Casey didn’t know you can still be Jewish without religion, and the ignorance erased an entire minority from the film. And also, Jews aren’t there when you need them and easy to throw out when you don’t. If you write a Jewish character, you can’t just decide to fuck that for a paycheck, or you’re just antisemitic.
TLDR: Casey used stereotypes for Nora and when it became clear that the movie wasn’t going to ~require~ Nora to be religiously Jewish, Casey (with their limited background) didn’t know what to do
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bartholomaus · 2 days ago
De citit cu răbdare și atenție. A nu se înghiți pe nemestecate.
„Dacă aș avea aripi, aș zbura către tine, Ierusalime. Inima mea frântă și-ar găsi locul în zidurile tale frânte. Aș cădea cu fața în țărâna ta, căci îți iubesc pietrele și praful. Aerul pământului tău e însăși viața sufletului meu”, scria Yehuda HaLevi dintr-o Spanie a secolului 12.
După ce Ierusalimul a fost distrus de către romani în anul 70, Înțelepții au decretat ca tot evreul ce se găsește locuind în altă parte decât Țara Sfântă, când își văruiește pereții casei, un colț să-l lase nevăruit, ca să-i amintească în permanență că acel acasă nu este al lui acasă. Chiar și în ziua de azi, evreii ortodocși din diaspora, indiferent în ce țară s-ar afla și chiar dacă niciodată nu ar avea intenția de a emigra în Israel, când se mută într-o casă nouă și zugrăvesc pereții, lasă un colț nezugrăvit. Indiferent care este țara în care e născut evreul, indiferent că nu va păși niciodată în țara lui Israel, și indiferent că patria evreului e Tora, Țara Sfântă rămâne țara lui de suflet. Când se află la masă și mănâncă, o bucățică de mâncare rămâne neatinsă – acea bucățică e pentru Ierusalim. Când o femeie își face o bijuterie, o părticică rămâne nefinisată – acea părticică e pentru Ierusalim. Ritualul nupțial se încheie cu mirele spărgând un pahar cu piciorul – paharul spart simbolizează Ierusalimul distrus. Nicio bucurie nu rămâne neînsoțită de tânjirea după pământul sfânt și de durerea cetății distruse. Cântecul peren al sufletului evreiesc e compus mereu în cheie minoră, un prelung și inepuizabil niggun țâșnind din inimă, în căutarea unui final interminabil, a cărui pace este numai în Dumnezeu.
Numeroase ritualuri și rugăciuni sunt legate de Ierusalim, de dorul de ea, deopotrivă văduvă și mireasă. De trei ori pe zi ne rugăm pentru Ierusalim, cu fața la Ierusalim. De două mii de ani încoace. De două mii de ani încoace, un Ierusalim e reconstruit din cuvintele rugăciunilor celor care s-au rugat pentru Ierusalim, din cuvintele creatoare ale limbii ebraice înălțată spre Dumnezeu, pentru a fuziona cu cuvântul lui creator. Dumnezeu nu a rostit o dată și gata, spune Qabbalah, cuvântul lui Dumnezeu glăsuiește în permanență pentru a menține creația în manifestare. Dacă cuvântul lui Dumnezeu ar tăcea și pentru o clipă, lumea s-ar întoarce în non-manifestat. Așadar, Dumnezeu creează lumea în permanență. Rugăciunile evreiești creează Ierusalimul în permanență. Pentru evreul credincios, chiar dacă nu s-a născut acolo și nu a pus niciodată piciorul acolo, iubirea de Ierusalim și de acel pământ nu e un sentiment, e un imperativ. Un imperativ al inimii, ce transcende sentimentul. Cei care plâng după Ierusalim se vor îmbucura de el. Ierusalim e o poveste sub forma unui oraș; o poveste de dragoste dintre Dumnezeu și om, ce ia forma unui oraș. Ierusalimul e orașul lui David și al profeților – nu a fost niciodată orașul împăratului roman Titus, chiar dacă l-a cucerit, nici al cruciatului Godfrey de Bouillon, chiar dacă l-a cucerit, nici al kurdului Salah al Din, chiar dacă l-a cucerit. Niciunul dintre acești cuceritori ai Ierusalimului nu a postit pentru el, nu a ținut doliu pentru el, nu s-a rugat pentru el. Ierusalimul nu a fost răspunsul unui dor adânc al inimii niciunuia dintre ei.
Însă, deopotrivă trebuie spus că nimeni nu e în Ierusalim decât un musafir al lui Dumnezeu. Musafir. Nu valet al lui Dumnezeu preumblându-se mândru prin palatul Lui sfânt. Ierusalimul nu e o miză într-un pariu al orgoliului și vanității. Pentru acel parior, Ierusalimul e pierdut.
Cei care au întemeiat statul modern Israel nu au fost oameni care au crezut în Dumnezeul lui Israel și în Tora lui Israel. Nu au fost oameni care să recite de două ori pe zi Sim shalom tova u-vracha chen ve-chesed ve-rachamim aleinu ve-al kol Yisrael amecha. (...) Ve-tov be-einecha le-varech et amecha Yisrael bekol-et u-vekol-shaah bishlomecha, și o dată, seara, Shalom rav al-Yisrael amecha tasim le-olam. Ki atah hu Melech Adon le-kol ha-shalom. Ve-tov be-einecha le-varech et amecha Yisrael bekol-et u-vekol-shaah bishlomecha. Sunt cuvinte ce imploră îndurarea lui Dumnezeu pentru poporul său Israel, pentru pacea și binecuvântarea lui. Nu cred că Ben-Gurion le-a rostit vreodată. Nici Moshe Dayan. Nici Menachem Begin. Nici Ariel Sharon. Nici Netanyahu, chiar dacă mai nou îi place să apară în poze purtând tallit și tefillin. Iar cei care, ca Ben-Gvir și alți extremiști din politică, cât și blocul settlerilor pe care îl reprezintă, deși rostesc aceleași cuvinte, cu siguranță nu sunt de aceeași simțire și gândire cu cei ce recită aceste rugăciuni având lucidă conștiința exilului impus de Dumnezeu și însemnătatea lui.
Înainte de a-și asuma rolul de lider hasidic al comunității sale, Rebbe Nachman din Brațlav (Ucraina) a făcut o călătorie, unica, în Palestina/Israel. În niște condiții teribil de periculoase, pe mare, în timpul războaielor Lui Napoleon în Siria și Egipt. Doar a pus piciorul pe pământul sfânt și s-a întors, zicând că e tot ce a avut nevoie: să pășească patru coți pe pământul sfânt. Talmudul are o vorbă: „Atât are în lumea asta Cel Sfânt, binecuvântat fie El, cei patru coți de halakha.” (Dalet amot shel halakha). Cu sensul că întreaga Lui Prezență este concentrată în Lege. De-atunci, Rebbe Nachman, Na Nach Nachmu Nachman Me-Uman, spunea: „Oriunde mă duc, mă duc la Ierusalim.”
În lumea aceasta, orice evreu este și nu este acasă. E simultan într-un acasă al neacasă-ului și într-un neacasă al acasă-ului, simultana „sfâșiere și beatitudine” a fiecărei clipe. A clipei unice.
Nu știu cum puteau fi lucrurile pe acel pământ, istoric și politic. Nu le avem decât pe acelea care sunt. Iar acelea care sunt au ceva teribil de rău. Și ar trebui să doară orice evreu onest cu sine și conștient în fața Cui stă. Cum spune inscripția deasupra Arcei Torei: Da lifnei mi atah omed (Cunoaște în fața Cui stai).
Semnat, un fiu/o fiică a Ierusalimului.
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hopeisour4letteredword · 4 years ago
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mustve been a regular fucking party in the Knights back in the day
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tales-of-sweets · 3 years ago
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Just did the little side quest where Raven takes the flowers to Casey. Naturally it got me thinking about whether or not Yeager ever came to visit, I certainly think he must have.
I'd like to imagine him making the occasional trip up there to sit with her and tell her everything that's happened since his last visits, all his hopes and fears, joys and sorrows. He'd ask her for guidance because she was always so smart and never held back, even if he couldn't hear it he'd feel it and it would set him back on track. Maybe he'd even sit there in silence until the sun fully set, just enjoying her presence in the air around him. A bittersweet experience, wanting to hear her voice but feeling comforted by the idea that she's still there waiting for him, listening to every word.
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leafykayo · 4 years ago
Realised I didn’t post this but I wrote a thing about how Casey hits different to other dead wives in games. Idk if this is interesting to people other than me but! Here ya go!
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sparklysharkly · 6 years ago
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you're dead in the water
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sakuraswordly · 2 years ago
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Knowledge 15
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Botanical illustration of Crytanthus ventricosus, Paul Little © Board of Trustees RBG Kew. Read more Fire lily at this link
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Growing Cyrtanthus (Source: Link)
Cyrtanthus is grown mainly for its striking, sometimes sweetly scented flowers, and certain species have interesting, spirally twisted leaves, or exposed bulbs, covered with papery tunics. The genus comprises two main growth forms, evergreen and deciduous members, and within the latter group there are both summer- and winter-growing species. The evergreen members are usually of easier culture than the deciduous ones, and many of the latter are challenging to grow, and suited only to the specialist grower.
Introduce characters:  
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Source: skoegul.tumblr.com
Casey is a supporting character in Tales of Vesperia( the empty mask ) who plays a pivotal role in Raven's backstory.
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robotarmsapts · 3 years ago
Yoo~, Yustelle, Fluristelle, Fluri and Raven and Damuron x Casey, and more folks! Tales of Shop has a sweet batch of doujin in stock with a lovely variety to pick from! Doujin are 20$ + shipping each, and the seller makes the buying and shipping easy and non-stressful to handle.  Same shop I ordered from a recent bit back and made the post on. Worth your time and money to check out! They also have a lot of other great Tales of merch, this post is just for the doujin. Doujin post.
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thechaseofspades · 2 years ago
3 characters that inspire you?
Did that thing again where I turned a fun little ask into a whole essay. Whoops haha.
1. Libby Stein-Torres
I love "Mazel Tov, Libby!" so much. Everything about it was great, but it really felt like a coming out party for the Libster. How anxious she was when the party started going against her plans, especially at the Hora scene. Her moment with Molly at the end where she admits all she wanted to do was spend time with her best friend. The freaking turtle races!!! Such a great episode.
Libby gors through the "first friend" arc as I call it. We all know how it goes. Shy character meets somebody and becomes friends but they don't really know how to be friends with somebody yet so they have to figure it out as they go but it all works out because they're perfect for each other and 100% supportive of one another. And now she's in the title sequence too! Go Libby!
(Honorable mentions for this category: Webby Vanderquack and Casey Goldberg-Calderon, who both also went through the "first friend" arc and I just couldn't go without mentioning them. Libby gets the edge because Mazel Tov was so good)
2. Luz Noceda
I think I made a post about how sometimes I don't understand the blatant messaging of media until I see an hour long video essay about it. That was in reference to Luz. I had the pleasure of finding a lengthy video taking about her as ADHD/neurodivergent rep and had that in mind watching S3 and wow yeah it's definitely there.
In many ways, I'm not like Luz. We have different diagnoses and different traits. So obviously it's not 1:1. But in my time watching The Owl House, I've had my own (unrelated) journey about learning to accept myself and embrace who I am. Seeing it all culminate for Luz these past six months made me feel really good. Too good to describe because I wouldn't be able to do it justice.
3. Huey Duck
Oh hey what's this how'd my favorite show end up on this list that's crazy.
I talked about this during Huey hours earlier this week but I'll repeat it here. I really appreciated how Ducktales handled Huey's autistic traits for the most part. Astro-B.O.Y.D.! being the obvious example, but I want to focus on examples like the Terra-firmians episode or Timephoon!, times where Huey was "wrong". Sure, his reliance on order and structure and his strict adherence to the JWG led him to inaccurate conclusions, but he was never *wrong* for doing it that way. The lesson was never "stop being who you are and doing what you're doing".
Compare that to the seemingly countless examples where Huey bailed the family out of a situation because of his knowledge in certain subjects or recalling rules from the guidebook. With a success rate like that, it's great that the show let him flex that strength whenever it could.
The lesson of this whole thing seems to just be to never stop being who you are. Even though sometimes it might set you apart and make you different, or might be difficult to navigate, or might send you in the wrong direction on occasion, it's still worth it to be true to yourself and do what you love. Do what works. Do what makes you you.
That's the lesson I've learned in the past few years. And maybe it's not a coincidence that I learned that lesson at the same time that I watched these shows. Whether I noticed it or not, I might have been inspired by them more than I think.
Thanks for the ask!
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theguineapig3 · 4 years ago
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"What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm drawing illustrations for the first two chapters of my fic." "Yes, but shouldn't you write the fic fir-" "I'VE WRITTEN THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS; LEAVE ME ALONE!!"
Anyway. I hope you’ll read Metamorphoses when I finish it in, like, a year.
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desfraisespartout · 4 years ago
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“No, it can't be. No no no this can't be her.”
Inspired from @polwigle‘s AU in which Casey has survived her fateful encounter against that enraged Entelexeia in Raven’s backstory.
She and @skyblxssom have roleplayed on Discord Raven meeting Casey by chance in Nordopolica, years later. But in his mind, that can’t be right. She must be a eerily look-alike. A ghost, whispers his mind. 
I love that AU so much already. 😭💖
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