#Carolus Magnus
thesongthesoulsings · 5 months
Demented In History
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@gufu-vire, a dear friend of ours and I wrote some crack fics about historical crushes for each other. I hope to be able to collect them all in the "Demented In History"-Collection. If you´re into Crack fics that somehow are still well written, give it a go!
[Bolivar - Riv´s Crush, Mozart - Gufu´s Crush, Charlemagne - my Crush]
Link to Ao3 Collection
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months
In the 750s the pope in Rome sought their protection against local bullies, and on Christmas morning, 800, the Frankish king Charlemagne* was even able to get Pope Leo III to kneel before him in St. Peter's and crown him Roman emperor.
*Charlemagne's actual name was Carolus; Charlemagne is a Gallicized version of Carolus Magnus, "Charles the Great."
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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azael93 · 5 months
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In Memorium, St. +Carolus Magnus
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prokopetz · 1 year
I think we should start referring to historical figures with absurdly grand titles by the most prosaically literal translations we can come up with. Like, "Charlemagne"? "Carolus Magnus"? Fuck you, your name is "Big Chuck".
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tgrailwar-zero · 5 months
Rider, is there anything you can tell us about Historia and what they might be doing?
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CONSTANTINE: "We didn't exactly have much time to talk personally. Historia remained closely to Saber's side, and seemed to have the most tactical rationale of the group. I don't see how this applies to this specific situation, though..."
As he spoke, you all jumped into action yourselves with your code casts.
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There's a decisive burst of magical energy as you used the Destruction Declaration, magical circles and symbols manifesting around the white shadow before it shattered, one final pulse of magical energy echoing outwards.
The Valkyrie dropped to the ground, unconscious, though most of the color and vibrancy seemed to be returning to their bodies.
That, and you quickly healed BRYNHILDR too- just enough for her to get into fighting shape. The signal jammed, and her body healed enough, her arms flexed and the binds holding her snapped.
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With immense speed, BRYNHILDR whipped her spear upwards, placing it threateningly against the neck of the White Attack program. In a careful series of moves, it seemed as if the entire situation had flipped on its head. As the White Attack Program stood at nervous spearpoint, the Saber seemed amused, letting out a hearty laugh at his misfortune.
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HISTORIA: "Ah, there goes the signal. I'm sure you're not happy about that, and neither will His Majesty. Still, silencing the anguish of those Valkyrie before engaging in battle is a truly admirable feat, you have my respect."
You could feel a sense of… displeasure emanating from the White Attack Program that didn't seem to be shared with the Saber-facet, who continued to speak out into the open air. To whoever was attacking- it wasn't directed, but he was clearly aware that you were here.
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HISTORIA: "Regardless, this means I'll have to do my knightly duty and fight. How many Servants? I can sense two, maybe three others? Some Extra-classes, perhaps? This body might be borrowed, but overall that seems unfair. Maybe I should reveal my True Name to even the odds? Tie one hand behind my back? What say you?"
His tone was playful, but you couldn't sense much malice or sarcasm behind it. He simply spoke brightly and candidly, same as he did back at the Hamlet. Though now you could tell he was absolutely oozing with magical energy, even if his physical stance hadn't changed at all.
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HISTORIA: "The Solar Cell as a concept is doomed, but my King insists on ruling it, you see. Though his motives have twisted slightly. Nonetheless, I-- the first Phantom summoned by his Noble Phantasm-- stand ready for battle."
Before he could continue, you heard the sound of something speeding past him.
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AVENGER: "Sa… ber…! Saber! SABER!"
Like a flash of lightning, the Avenger-class Servant surged forward with a deafening roar, clashing with the Saber. With almost no effort, the Saber had deflected the attack.
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HISTORIA: "Hello, Avenger. You're doing well? Since we've skipped the preamble, shall we get straight to the main course?"
He used the blunt edge of his sword to knock the AVENGER away, throwing his arms out wide as his magical presence began to surge- as something mighty, holy, and powerful. The fog drew in around him as he spoke, his voice clear as church bells.
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HISTORIA: "The mind is a tool of the body. The body is a plaything of the mind. This body represents the legend of Charlemagne, and this mind represents the one who wrote it down and saw everything to the end. A way for the 'legend' and the 'reality' to coexist without conflict."
He raised a hand, throwing his cloak to the side, his Spirit Origin solidifying.
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HISTORIA: "The glory of Rex Magnus Carolus, humbly maintained by his Archbishop. There is no greater honor. There is no greater gift. For how swiftly you destroyed this machination, I will have to treat you as a real threat. Rejoice."
With one swing of his sword, he blew away the fog surrounding the lake.
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CAROLUS-TURPIN: "In other words… ah, what's something His Majesty would say in a situation like this? Something like, 'cool, right'?"
You could tell this Servant was pure power, yet a mere fraction of the true SABER... and yet, he was a Holy Knight of the highest caliber. In a stroke of luck, you had made it past anything that would have made this even more difficult.
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fac-romam-iterum-magna · 10 months
Headcanon: francis has natural light/medium brown hair like how hima recently draw him.
Listen, i live in the region with the most blonde and even there they are almost non-existent most go brown after 13 yo. Blond hair are very rare in france and it is more the dirty/dark golden color.
Instead, Francis would have had blonde hair during his childhood, turning brown in his teenage years (around carolus magnus era).
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tunesinthetaberna · 1 month
Copiae Horribilium Historiarum - Carolus Secundus, Rex Gemmae [2010 CE]
Meus nomen est, Meus nomen est, Meus nomen est, Carolus secundus!
Amo civitatem Et amant civitatis me, Tantum ut restituerunt regnum Britannici!
Partim Caledonius Galliusque Italiusque Paulum Danius Sed plane celebratio-fera, Vinum?
Spaniels amavi Qui nomini sunt quod me Quasi ego, ludi fuerunt Cum insano capillo!
Hodiene meus natus dies est? Revocare non possum, Celebrationem porro habeamus, Quod amo rem-personam-indutam!
Omnes salutete, rex, Divitiarum! Canemus! Tintinnantes, ding ding, Rex sum, qui celebrationes rettuli!
Rex Carolus, meus pater, Solium amisit, et reges interdicti sunt, Caput eius detruncaverunt, Tum Ollius Cromwellus terram regnavit
Senex Ollius non laetus, Deiectus superbusque Tristis ut nefas, Modo nefas non licet!
Cum Ollius periit, civitatis dixit "Carole, meum cor! Desine senes leges, Reveni, celebrationem habere mallemus!"
Res quam vocaverunt Reductio-regni, Quam plane secuta est Magna celebratione!
Rex Britannici (Terra dixit!) Ne nefas! Canere! (Ita vero!) Aut aliquid, (omnes dicete!) Rex sum, qui celebrationes rettuli!
Magnus ignis Londinii vastus est! In meo regno, Londinium in periculo, Ut hic rex egit quod iustus idoneusque, Pugnavit ignem, et probo me melius quam salatator! Ignem-prohibens sum!
Iunxi cum Catharina Braganza Amor verissimus fuit, Numquam alia sit, Tamen una aut duae!
Lucy Walter, Nell Gwynne, Moll Davies, Barbara Villiers, Malum cogitis, Sed nomen eius non fatuius est ut Hortense Mancini!
Cum rex, admittam frangere leges-nupti, Sed qui curant cum gemmas-coronae rettuli? Rettuli Navitatem, offuciam et etiam fabulas, Laetus rex fui, boni senesque dies sunt!
Cum dictus et effectus, Rex Carolus administravit Britannicum ludo! Rex fuit quem omnes amavit, Cantus effectus est!
Celebratio, aliqui?
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blogawaybartlett · 3 months
One of the goals I've set for myself for this new phase of my life was to do some research on the history of my family and to build a family tree which shows my ancestry.
When I started working on this I was in for the double suprise.
Firstly, how quickly it can be done these days with all the Internet resources available, eg apps like geni.com and Geneanet. Before I started I thought it was going to be a tediously long and frustrating process - visiting archives, searching through baptismal registers, corresponding with distant relations, going down rabbitholes and reaching deadends.
Great was my surprise when I realised that I could draw my patrilineal line from the first Bartlett to settle in South Africa (the missionary of the London Missionary Society, John Bartlett, born in 1788 and died in 1849) to my own immediate in about 3 hours time.
The "Bartlett Church" at Campbell in the Northern Cape:
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The station at Campbell drawn by Charles Bell in 1835, with the church at the left:
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In the process I discovered mothers and grandmothers with surnames like Haarhof, Maartens, De Beer and Ludik (wich happens to be my middle name) and also a generous sprinkling of Huguenot surnames like Viljoen, Joubert, Le Febré, De Grave, Cronjé and Taillefer.
My second surprise was when I came across an article about the origin of the Bartlett surname. The article starts by stating very generally:
"BARTLETT is an ancient Norman name that arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name BARTLETT comes from the personal name Bartholomew."
I was further intrigued when I read the following:
"The first of the family was Adam Barttelot, an esquire in the retinue of Brian, a Knight, and they came into England with William, the Conqueror, and fought at Hastings."
Scene from the Battle of Hastings, 1066, Bayeux Tapestry:
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But what truly blew my mind was the next bit of information:
"The Bartlett family owes it's beginning to King Pepin and Queen Bertha of France. The parents of King Charles I (aka Charlemagne) and his sister Bertha. Now Bertha married Milo, Duke of Aigiant and they are the parents of the Bartlett line. Their son, christened by the name of Berthaelot, a diminutive of Bertha became the favorite of his uncle (Charlemagne) who watched over him."
King Pepin The Short, first king of the Franks and father of Charlemagne and Bertha, and grandfather of the first of the Bartlett line:
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Charlemagne/Carolus Magnus, Holy Roman Emperor:
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Oh, my goodness! This is mind-boggling and will take me some time for me to come to terms with.
But, ok. Calm down. Carry on as always.
You can walk with kings. But just remember to keep the common touch, my boy (with a clear nod at Rudyard Kipling).
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wonderjourneys · 1 year
A tour of the city of Aachen: the throne of the Holy Roman Empire is here, in the Cathedral. The Byzantine style cathedral was later decorated with the rich patterns we see now. In the days of Charlemagne those weren't there.
Aachen is a fascinating city with a rich history, and there are many interesting facts that most people don't know about.
First of all, Aachen is located in western Germany, near the border with Belgium and the Netherlands. It was once the capital of the Frankish Empire, and later the Holy Roman Empire. The city is known for its historic architecture, including the impressive Aachen Cathedral, which was built in the ninth century and served as the coronation church for German kings and queens for centuries.
One of the most interesting facts about Aachen is that it was the favorite city of Charlemagne, the famous Frankish king who ruled from 768 to 814. Charlemagne spent a great deal of time in Aachen, and it was here that he built his palace, which became the center of his empire. The palace was known as the Palatium Aquisgranum, and it was one of the most impressive buildings of its time. Unfortunately, very little of it remains today, but you can still see some of the original walls and foundations if you visit the city.
Another little-known fact about Aachen is that it was once one of the most important centers of learning in Europe. Charlemagne was a great patron of the arts and sciences, and he brought many scholars to his court in Aachen. The city was home to one of the first schools of music in Europe, and it was also a center for the study of theology and law. Today, you can visit the Carolus Magnus Center, which is dedicated to the life and legacy of Charlemagne and includes a museum and a library.
Aachen was also the site of one of the most important treaties in European history. In 843, the Treaty of Verdun was signed in Aachen, which divided the Frankish Empire into three parts and laid the foundation for the modern states of France, Germany, and Italy. The treaty was negotiated by Charlemagne's grandsons, who had been fighting for control of the empire for several years. The Treaty of Verdun is considered one of the most significant events in European history, and it marked the end of the Carolingian dynasty.
#aachen #germany #deutschland #allemagne #charlemagne #history #cathedral #citytrip #city #architecture #tourism #travel #wanderlust #wonderjourneys #aken #carlomagno #byzantine #roman #rome #mittelalter #middleages #medieval #altstadt
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sebeth · 6 months
Who's Who In The DC Universe #1: Arak, Arcane, Arion
Arak, Son of Thunder by Ernie Colon
Arak Red-Hand (Bright-Sky-Alter-Storm) was a shaman of the Quontauka tribe.
He was taken by the Vikings to medieval Europe (8th Century) where he journeyed with his captors until settling out on his own
Arak battled in the defense of the court of Carolus Magnus (aka Charlemagne) in central Europe
He was slain in battle and his spirit rose to meet He-No, the Quontauka’s God of Thunder, a spirit-being who is also his father
Resurrected on earth, Arak is now a “mystical shaman surviving in a world only beginning to understand science.
I have not read any appearances of Arak. A quick google search indicates the Quontauka tribe is a creation of DC Comics. Hé-no is a thunder spirit of the Iroquois and Seneca people. The Iroquois and Seneca tribes were in New York and Pennsylvania so it would make sense for the fictional Quontauka to be in the same area.
Arak is an example of the differences between pre-Crisis DC and Marvel. Marvel remained firmly in the “superhero/villain” lanes with a small subset of horror and comics. DC went all over the place with their creations and concepts. Marvel sold more but DC was the true “House of Ideas”.
Arcane by Steve Bissette & John Tottleben
Scientist/Alchemist Anton Arcane discovered the secret of immortality.
His body had grown too old to take advantage of immortality so he sought to create an artificial body to house his spirit.
The Un-Men were the result of these experiments, “misshapen but incredibly loyal creatures, who would assist their master in his quest for an alternate body.
The quest resulted in a confrontation with Swamp Thing that ended with Arcane falling to his death.
The Un-Men “repaired” Arcane’s broken body, transforming him into a hulking monstrosity.
Arcane went Round 2 with Swamp Thing and was left a disassembled corpse, buried in the Louisiana Bayou
The Un-Men resurrected Arcane as a half-human/half-insect cyborg.
Round 3 with Swamp Thing ended with Arcane’s physical form destroyed.
Arcane is now a disembodied spirit, imprisoned in the darkest reaches of Hell.
Anton Arcane is the uncle of Abigail Arcane, the love interest of Swamp Thing.
Arcane is a prime example of why you shouldn’t search for immortality. He’s one of the creepiest characters in the DC Universe. Body horror for everyone! Alan Moore began his run on Swamp Thing in 1983 (if you haven’t read Moore’s run, you should, it’s fantastic). Arcane makes his return in Moore’s run. I’m not sure if his return has happened before or after Who’s Who #1 was published. If it was before, DC could have omitted the details as Arcane’s return storyline was rather horrific for an all-ages publication. Poor, poor Abby.
I’m not sure if Arcane has made any non-Swamp Thing appearances but he’s guaranteed to play a role in the various Swamp Thing series and adaptations.
Arion, Lord of Atlantis by Jan Duursema
Arion’s base of operations is noted as “Civilization of Atlantis – 45,000 years ago
100,000 years “before the story of Arion began”, Calculha and Majistra had two children: Ari’ahn and Garn
Calculha followed the Light (magic) and raised Ari’ahn
Majistra, mistress of the Dark (magic), raised Garn
The brothers became mortal enemies
Majistra obtained the Twelve Crystals of the Zodiac
Majistra attempted to kill Calculha but Ari’ahn sacrificed himself to prevent his father’s death
Ari’ahn was turned into pure energy, becoming one with the crystals
Calculha sent what remained of his son to the stars
Garn was stripped of all color and learned to hate with all his soul (I’m guessing this a reference to magical abilities but it’s possible Garn became an albino in this confrontation)
Garn studied sorcery and became a master of it over the centuries (are the Light/Dark abilities different from magic?)
Garn threatened Atlantis as the great Ice Age began.
Calculha, from his self-imposed exile in the Darkworld dimension, brought his son, now called Arion, back from the heavens
Arion became the protector of Atlantis and battled his brother many times
When Frostfire, the Ice Queen, was held the captive of the Light, Arion sacrificed most of his magic to save her
He is now a mortal man with limited magical abilities
The only Arion appearances I’ve read were during the post-Crisis era when DC tried to connect Power Girl to Atlantis. DC wanted Superman to be the sole remaining Kryptonian in the aftermath of the Crisis of Infinite Earths. Supergirl was killed during the Crisis while Earth-2 Superman, Earth-2 Superman was exiled to a hidden dimension, etc. Both were erased from continuity and forgotten by the residents of the DC Universe. Power Girl remained in the continuity but needed a new origin. Instead of the obvious solution of making Power Girl a Daxamite, DC attached Karen to Atlantis, descended from Arion. I don’t remember the explanation for how Karen, now descended from a magical Atlantean bloodline, still had the Kryptonian power set. If I remember correctly, Arion reappeared when Kara mysteriously became pregnant by an unknown baby daddy. I don’t remember the details for that either. I do know there was fan speculation the father would be Hal Jordan and that would have been much more enjoyable than the garbage that was dished out. The early to mid 90’s were a tough time for Power Girl.
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jloisse · 11 months
« Roi de France, roi d’Italie, empereur d’un immense empire, Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus), grâce à un talent militaire exceptionnel, à un sens aigu de l’histoire, à une grande passion pour l’art, à un amour profond pour ses peuples, est considéré à juste titre d’ailleurs comme un des pères de l’Europe.
Petit-fils de Charles Martel, fils de Pépin le Bref, roi des Francs à 21 ans, il s’impose très rapidement comme un grand guerrier.
Roi chrétien, il se veut un farouche défenseur de la foi tant sur les champs de bataille que dans les débats théologiques.
Autoritaire et consciencieux, il n’entend gouverner que par lui-même, selon ses principes.
Homme d’esprit, il stimule la création d’écoles, fait appel aux meilleurs conseillers de son temps, locaux ou étrangers, fait adopter l’écriture caroline, multiplie les initiatives artistiques dans tous les domaines. »
Reynald Secher, « Charlemagne Empereur d’Occident - 742-814 »
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 1.28
Christa McAuliffe Day
Daisy Day
Data Privacy Day
Global Community Engagement Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Mental Health Day (UK)
International Lego Day
International Make Your Point Day
International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day
Jackhammer Day
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
José Marti Memorial Day (Cuba)
King’s Name Day (Sweden)
Love Among the Nations Day
Make Your Point Day
National Amy Day
National Army Day (Armenia)
National Film Day (Argentina)
National Gift of the Ladybug Day
National Kazoo Day
National Pediatrician Day
National Serendipity Day
National Spieling Day
National Tina Day
Number Please Day
Paul Jackson Pollock Day
Pop Art Day
Rattlesnake Roundup Day
Telephone Exchange Day
Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Welcome Home the Heroes from Iraq Day (St. Louis, Missouri)
World Day for the Abolition of Meat Day
Youth Climate Action Day (Indiana)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pancake Day
4th & Last Saturday in January
Big Garden Birdwatch (UK) [begins 4th Saturday]
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
Local Quilt Shop Day [4th Saturday]
National Seed Swap Day [Last Saturday]
Yay Day (Sam & Cat TV Show) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Roschfallen (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agnes (Christian; Saint)
Alan Funt Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Black Pepper with Everything Day (Pastafarian)
Charlemagne (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Ernie (Muppetism)
Glastian of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
John of Reomay (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Freinademetz (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Cuenca (Christian; Saint)
Margaret, Princess of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Muhammad (Positivist; Saint)
Paulinus (Christian; Saint)
Thaipoosam (India)
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Thaipusam (Malaysia)
Thomas Aquinas (Christian; Saint)
Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinions (Christian; Martyrs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [5 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 5 of 60)
Blue Valentine (Film; 2011)
The Duck Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
How to Be a Sailor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
The Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild (Animated Film; 2020)
I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover, by Jean Goldkette (Song; 1927)
La Vie Commence Demain (Film; 1951) [1st X-Rated Film]
The Mechanic (Film; 2011)
My Cherie Amour, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1969)
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1813) [#2]
Red Rock West (Film; 1994)
The Shining, by Stephen King (Novel; 1977)
Sullivan’s Travels (Film; 1942)
We Are the World, recorded by Supergroup USA for Africa (Song; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Caroline, Karoline, Manfred, Thomas (Austria)
Toma, Tomislav (Croatia)
Otýlie (Czech Republic)
Carolus, Karl, Magnus (Denmark)
Kaarel, Kaarli, Kaaro, Kalle, Karel, Karl, Karli, Karro (Estonia)
Kaarle, Kaarlo, Kalle, Mies (Finland)
Manfred, Thomas (France)
Karl, Karolina, Manfred, Thomas (Germany)
Haris, Palladios (Greece)
Karola, Károly (Hungary)
Tommaso, Valerio (Italy)
Kārlis, Spodris (Latvia)
Gedautas, Leonidas, Nijolė (Lithuania)
Karl, Karoline (Norway)
Agnieszka, Augustyn, Flawian, Ildefons, Julian, Karol, Leonidas, Piotr, Radomir, Roger, Waleriusz (Poland)
Efrem, Iacob, Paladie (Romania)
Alfonz (Slovakia)
Tomás (Spain)
Karl, Karla (Sweden)
Edward (Ukraine)
Carlotta, Charleen, Charlene, Charlotta, Charlotte, Charmaine, Manfred (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 28 of 2023; 337 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 4 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 7 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 6 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 28 Aer; Sunday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 January 2023
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 28 Moses (1st Month) [Muhammad)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 39 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 8 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 1.28
Christa McAuliffe Day
Daisy Day
Data Privacy Day
Global Community Engagement Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Mental Health Day (UK)
International Lego Day
International Make Your Point Day
International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day
Jackhammer Day
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
José Marti Memorial Day (Cuba)
King’s Name Day (Sweden)
Love Among the Nations Day
Make Your Point Day
National Amy Day
National Army Day (Armenia)
National Film Day (Argentina)
National Gift of the Ladybug Day
National Kazoo Day
National Pediatrician Day
National Serendipity Day
National Spieling Day
National Tina Day
Number Please Day
Paul Jackson Pollock Day
Pop Art Day
Rattlesnake Roundup Day
Telephone Exchange Day
Thank a Plugin Developer Day
Welcome Home the Heroes from Iraq Day (St. Louis, Missouri)
World Day for the Abolition of Meat Day
Youth Climate Action Day (Indiana)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pancake Day
4th & Last Saturday in January
Big Garden Birdwatch (UK) [begins 4th Saturday]
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
Local Quilt Shop Day [4th Saturday]
National Seed Swap Day [Last Saturday]
Yay Day (Sam & Cat TV Show) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Roschfallen (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Agnes (Christian; Saint)
Alan Funt Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Black Pepper with Everything Day (Pastafarian)
Charlemagne (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Ernie (Muppetism)
Glastian of Scotland (Christian; Saint)
John of Reomay (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Freinademetz (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Cuenca (Christian; Saint)
Margaret, Princess of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Muhammad (Positivist; Saint)
Paulinus (Christian; Saint)
Thaipoosam (India)
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Thaipusam (Malaysia)
Thomas Aquinas (Christian; Saint)
Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinions (Christian; Martyrs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [5 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 5 of 60)
Blue Valentine (Film; 2011)
The Duck Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
How to Be a Sailor (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
The Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild (Animated Film; 2020)
I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover, by Jean Goldkette (Song; 1927)
La Vie Commence Demain (Film; 1951) [1st X-Rated Film]
The Mechanic (Film; 2011)
My Cherie Amour, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1969)
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1813) [#2]
Red Rock West (Film; 1994)
The Shining, by Stephen King (Novel; 1977)
Sullivan’s Travels (Film; 1942)
We Are the World, recorded by Supergroup USA for Africa (Song; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Caroline, Karoline, Manfred, Thomas (Austria)
Toma, Tomislav (Croatia)
Otýlie (Czech Republic)
Carolus, Karl, Magnus (Denmark)
Kaarel, Kaarli, Kaaro, Kalle, Karel, Karl, Karli, Karro (Estonia)
Kaarle, Kaarlo, Kalle, Mies (Finland)
Manfred, Thomas (France)
Karl, Karolina, Manfred, Thomas (Germany)
Haris, Palladios (Greece)
Karola, Károly (Hungary)
Tommaso, Valerio (Italy)
Kārlis, Spodris (Latvia)
Gedautas, Leonidas, Nijolė (Lithuania)
Karl, Karoline (Norway)
Agnieszka, Augustyn, Flawian, Ildefons, Julian, Karol, Leonidas, Piotr, Radomir, Roger, Waleriusz (Poland)
Efrem, Iacob, Paladie (Romania)
Alfonz (Slovakia)
Tomás (Spain)
Karl, Karla (Sweden)
Edward (Ukraine)
Carlotta, Charleen, Charlene, Charlotta, Charlotte, Charmaine, Manfred (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 28 of 2023; 337 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 4 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 7 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 6 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 28 Aer; Sunday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 January 2023
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 28 Moses (1st Month) [Muhammad)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 39 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 8 of 30)
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Καρλομάγνος – Ο «Πατέρας της Ευρώπης» (pater Europae)
O Καρλομάγνος (Charlemagne, 2 Απριλίου 747 ή 748 – 28 Ιανουαρίου 814), γνωστός και ως Κάρολος ο Μέγας (Carolus ή Karolus Magnus) αριθμημένος ως Κάρολος Α΄, ήταν βασιλιάς των Φράγκων. Ήταν επίσης βασιλιάς της Ιταλίας από το 774 και από το 800 ο πρώτος αυτοκράτορας στη Δυτική Ευρώπη μετά την ��ατάλυση της Δυτικής Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας, […] Καρλομάγνος – Ο «Πατέρας της Ευρώπης» (pater Europae) –…
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fac-romam-iterum-magna · 11 months
I still dont know what to do about nation made of differents peoples who played a huge part of their history and as which one they started.
For exemple france
Roman gaul is what you could consider as france: latinized celts
Except there is a important part of our history: the franks, a germanic people from northern europe. They are considered the foundator of the nation and basically for all of the middle age we were called franks (thats why the country is named like that btw). French people consider themselves as latin and heir of the gaulics
BUT the franks are the one who created the state. All of our dynasty originate from them and our most important rulers were germanic (ex: carolus magnus). Despite assimilating themselves to locals, it was said nobility was frank unlike the peasantry.
Or a another exemple: north african/levantine nations
The pre-islamic history is there. Rome had a role in the determination of their border, like ifriqia for tunisia. There is also the contribution of indigenous population, in algeria a berber queen fought the arab, egypt was copt majority until the 10/11th century, syria was a craddle of early christianism...etc
BUT arab identity and islam is a huge part of the peoples identities too. Big enough so almost everyone speak arabic, is muslim (more or less practicant) and identify as arab. These countries, without arabs conquest would not exist as we know them.
So does they start as the formative one or the one who shaped their history ?
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polifema32 · 2 years
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Carlomagno (en latín, Carolus [Karolus] Magnus; 2 de abril de 742, 747 o 748-Aquisgrán, 28 de enero de 814), de nombre personal Carlos, como Carlos I el Grande fue rey de los francos desde 768, rey nominal de los lombardos desde 774 e Imperator Romanum gubernans IImperiu desde 800 hasta su muerte. #carlomagno 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🍂🍂🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁🍁🌰 Envíos y entregas 📦🚚📪📤 Te invitamos a visitar nuestra tienda en línea https://linktr.ee/Loslibrosdepolifema Entregas personales todos los sábados en estación revolución (línea 2 del STCM) #libros #bookstagram #books #librosrecomendados #literatura #leer #frases #lectura #book #libro #booklover #lectores #escritos #poesia #instabook #amoleer #bookstagrammer (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWw3wWve78/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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