#Carlos Almaraz
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theaskew · 9 months ago
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Carlos Almaraz (Mexican-American 1941–1989, lived and worked in Los Angeles), Secrets of the Past, 1985. Pastel on paper, 44½ × 30 in. | 113 × 76 cm. 
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contemporaryartla · 2 months ago
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Tales from the Barrio, 2001
Comic Book
Size: 7.5" x 10" in
Price: $1,200
Artists: Frank Romero, George Yepes, Juan Geyer, Carlos Almaraz, Ricarco Navarrette, Leo Limon, Olivia Sanchez, Judithe Hernandez & Luis Valdez
Eastern Projects Gallery Los Angeles
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kelloggsenthusiast · 10 months ago
can you do another carlos almaraz smut plsss 😭
Te odio mas
minors dni. I'll show your parents your search history. don't play w me.
(not beta read)
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He was mildly destabilized when he took in the sight before him. He was partially upset that you were here, but at the same time, he was halfway expecting it. this had been the way you acted towards each other for as long as you both could remember.
you managed to corner him during a bathroom nreak for a match he was playing. he was dangerously behind so you thoight you give him a helping hand. or mouth.
"you suck," you say, arms crossed.
"so do you," he sneered childishly. you rolled your eyes.
"i see the excitement you have because im here. i bet you cant help but wonder what it is im gonna do to you," you say cockily.
he was at a loss for words, flustered by what you said.
you got onto your knees, staring up at him. your hand ghosted over the bulge in his pants, putting just enough pressure to make him groan in appreciation.
"you like that?" you ask, teasing him. he loved it when your playful side came out, during moments like these.
you pull his pants down, along with his boxers, and you begin to stroke his length, getting another throaty groan.
"you'll have to make this quick, muñeca, I need to go back on court," he says as his hands come to cup your face.
you bring the head of his cock to you lips and give him a little lick, teasing him.
"y/n," he says warningly. you roll your eyes before taking him into your mouth completely, or as much as you can. you begin to suck him off, still looking up into his eyes. he's struggling to make his moans as quiet as possible, but you're extremely talented at what you're doing.
"y/n, fuck-" he groans before releasing his load into your mouth. you swallow the soothing liquid, not letting even a drop go to waste.
as he regains himself, you wipe the corners of your mouth to get rid of evidence of your activities.
"there. that's enough incentive. now go and win and I wight give you more later," you say, jokingly.
"I hate you so much, y/n," he says with a smile on his face before going back out to win the match.
Win the match he did, not letting more than a few go past him (for the plot of course). as promised, you sent him a message saying you'd be in his room, waiting for him.
immediately he entered the suite, he made a beeline to you he kissed you deep and passionately, hid hands going g under your short yellow dress to caress your soft body.
you let out a small, soft moan when he cupped your breasts underneath the top, making him press his body unto you, and pushing you deeprwe into the mattress.
"I wanna taste you muñeca," he rasps ad his hands pull down your thong. you barely have time to respond before his middle finger delves into your wet folds, rubbing against your g-spot, only to come out and repeat the process. your back arched upwards as he continued to finger you and kiss your neck.
"carlitos- fuck..." you moan, all hazy and disoriented.
"shhh... just take it... take it like a good girl" he said before adding a finger. he continued to finger you with his middle and ring finger before pulling away. looking deep into your eyes, he shocked your arousal off his fingers, k owing exactly what he was doing to you. your face was hot, and you felt the heat crawl all over your body.
carlos knelt between your leg, putting your thighs on his shoulders for better access to your sex.
"fuck, you're utterly gorgeous," he said before giving you a long lick over your slit. your body shuddered as the knot in your stomach became heavier.
"fuck, carlos..." you moan, tears gathered in your eyes at the stimulation he was giving you from his tongue pushing into your folds and his thumb rubbing your clit.
you let out an airy moan, legs shaking as he continued to touch you lole this. you wanted more.
"carlos, please-" you moan. once your pleas reach his ear, he moved to sick your clit and his fingers come down to finger your tight pussy like he was before. it doesn't take you long to feel your orgasm shoot through your body as you coat his fingers in your juices. he laps everything away, not willing to let anything go to waste.
he got up while you were still reeling I'm from your organic transcendence, coming to kiss your lips. you felt his cock press against your pussy, unsure of when exactly he had taken off his clothes. before you could form another thought, he pushed himself deep into you, claiming your body as his. your body clenched and shuddered as he did this. it always felt like your first, no matter how many times the two of you had done it.
he began to thrust into you slowly, watching how your lips brought him in with every thrust. he watched in awe as your face twisted in pleasure, wanting to keep the image in his mind forever, not understanding why you two can't just be together like he wanted. like he knew you wanted.
with this thought, he began to thrust deep into you, hitting your g-spt and massaging it as he rutted into your pussy. your heady moans made him feel om top of the world- screw the match he just won. he wa Ted to be here with you forever... not just when you hated yourself enough to let his see you.
his hand reached down to hold your face still, so he could look into your eyes as he fucked you. that was another thing: your eyes. how could they be so cold one second and the next, so expressive? right now, they were hazy with equal doses of list and love. or hate.
"let go for me, muñeca," he said. the words made your eyes toll back as you came the second time that day. as your warm wetness clenched and unbleached around him, he came as well, filling you up with his white hot come.
you moaned out one more time and he kissed you. he wondered what you were thinking.
you pulled away slightly and whispered to him; "te odio. mas."
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chicanoartmovement · 9 months ago
CHICANO ART MOVEMENT visits: Downtown LA Central Library 2024
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(View of entrance to “East Los Streetscapers: Hacia Al Norte at Downtown Los Angeles Public Library Central branch)
We traveled to Los Angeles Public Library Downtown Central location to view the vintage “Hacia Al Norte” mural on exhibition created by the East Los Streetscapers: David Botello, Wayne Healy, and Rich Raya.
(Video view of “Hacia Al Norte” mural)
We read that “‘Hacia Al Norte’ which translates roughly to Northward was commissioned in 1991 by The Outdoor Recreation Group, better known now as Outdoor Products, a manufacturer of backpacks and other hiking gear founded in Los Angeles in the 1970's by the Altshule Family.”
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(Detailed view of “Hacia Al Norte” mural)
“In planning the mural, the East Los Streetscapers [Botello, Healy, and Raya] met with company employees about what themes they'd like to see in the mural. Learning that many of the employees were recent immigrants, or the children of immigrants, the artists aimed to capture the spirit of the journey to California.”
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(Drafting for the “Hacia Al Norte” mural)
Elements of the “Hacia Al Norte” display that intrigued us were the historical background and the insight to planning processes by the East Los Streetscapers of brining this creation to fruition. 
The archive included photographs, letters, artistic sketches & renderings, mural execution plans, and other research materials such as: an internal diversity census of the employees and their cultural backgrounds for inspiration.
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(View of rotunda entrance to “Layered Lands” exhibit)
Adjacent to “Hacia Al Norte” was “Layered Lands: Synchronous Stories of Greater Los Angeles” curated by Marissa López, UCLA professor & first scholar-in-residence at the LAPL. The exhibit is a historical timeline focusing on “three significant Los Angeles movements: when it was ruled by Spain, governed by Mexico, and as it transitioned to US rule.”
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(Detailed view “Land of Sunshine” periodical)
Via their mission statement: “In this exhibition we try to capture the networked layers of story that comprise our city, to give a sense of the land’s movement through various colonial and national frames. We represent these moments primarily with material from the collections of UCLA and the Los Angeles Public Library, two public institutions with a shared mission of collecting and preserving the city’s cultural heritage and making it accessible to all.”
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(View of Dean Cornwell rotunda murals at LosAnges Public Central Library)
At the top of the L.W. Cook Rotunda, we look at the massive murals by Dean Cornwell depicting historical California scenes. The pieces are painted in oils on linen canvas and each are forty feet wide.
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(View of selected titles of the Los Angeles Public Library Central location)
Within the art history book collection, we found some interesting titles that deserve a proper read: (top to bottom)  “Estampas de la Raza: Contemporary Prints from the Romo Collection”
“¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now”
“Moonlight Theater: Prints and Related Works by Carlos Almaraz”
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worldsandemanations · 8 months ago
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Carlos Almaraz (Mexican-American 1941–1989), Secrets of the Past, 1985
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daisyherrera · 10 months ago
Luis Torre derrumba a Óscar Almaraz Clemente Zapata M.   Mientras tanto en Reynosa… La población de este municipio fronterizo ubica al candidato de “Sigamos Haciendo Historia”, CARLOS PE��A ORTIZ, como virtual ganador de elección a la presidencia municipal. El último trabajo realizado el 28 de abril del actual, por la empresa encuestadora Massive Caller, ubica a PEÑA ORTIZ con el 49.2 por ciento…
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nightmaretist · 1 year ago
[pm] Antoine Louis-Barye did a fair few jaguars. I also very much like Europe and the Jaguar by Carlos Almaraz! There's probably more out there.
Oh, hey! That's good news. I am happy for her and you. Any idea on how she managed to get out of that gooey sticky situation?
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[pm] [user considers this for a moment] Don't know if this is... a google type question But you like talking about Know if there's ever been... jaguar shifte like spirits painted?
Ah, in that case. [...] Know you weren't waiting for an update on this shit but... my friend's no longer a statue, and she's alive. Shit doesn't kill you, I guess. In case something happens to
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poavellaneda · 2 years ago
Avellaneda: Jorge Ferraresi y el agujero negro de la obra pública
Vecinos y vecinas del barrio 4 de Febrero de Avellaneda denuncian el incumplimiento de obras de pavimentación licitadas por el municipio. Se ponen los carteles, se hacen las presentaciones y poco tiempo después todo queda abandonado y a medio hacer. Ajuste del oficialismo (Frente de Todos – PJ) y complicidad de la oposición (Juntos por el Cambio).
Según suscribe el cartel de obra se debía realizar carpetas de pavimento articulado. El mismo está compuesto de rodadura de adoquines de concreto en su capa base y sub base, sobre calles que desde nunca fueron asfaltadas.
La licitación del trabajo, con fecha noviembre de 2022, tiene como tiempo de ejecución 90 días “no aceptándose propuestas que establezcan otro plazo” y un presupuesto cercano a los 31 millones de pesos ($30.971.231,88). A siete meses, el asfalto brilla por su ausencia en las calles Almirante Cordero, San Carlos, Soler y Esteban Echeverría, de Wilde.
Griselda Almaraz, habitante del 4 de Febrero, en una entrevista brindada a FM Secla 106.1, denuncia como y porque la obra se encuentra paralizada. “Almaraz contó que comenzaron a hacer los pasajes hace casi dos meses y la semana pasada fueron los de obras públicas a mirar. Comentaron que los muchachos están lentos, pero resulta que no les pagan. Ahora dicen que no hay presupuesto o sea no tienen plata. Pero este proyecto fue aprobado en noviembre del año pasado con 30 millones de pesos para realizar los pasajes. Los vecinos se preguntan qué pasó con la plata” (En La Mira, 7/6).
Que no se les pague a los obreros que vienen desarrollando tareas para el municipio no es novedad. El propio Ejecutivo local mantiene en la informalidad y a cambio de los poco más de $40.000 del Potenciar Trabajo, a trabajadores y trabajadoras que ejercen tareas de limpieza y refacciones en calles y edificios del Estado.
Nuevamente el Ejecutivo municipal da una gran demostración de cómo la cartera de infraestructura es una gran caja negra del Estado, para ser utilizado a su antojo. La ausencia de la obras en el barrio 4 de Febrero hunde en la precarización a sus vecinos., oligándolos a caminar y transitar en calles de tierra, transformadas en lodales con cada lluvia, desde hace décadas.
¿Es casual que el propio intendente pejotistas, Jorge Ferraresi, sea propietario de una inmobiliaria (Prociv SA) y de la constructora Saek SRL? Ninguna de las dos declaradas a la Inspecciòn General de Justicia (IGJ). En política no existen las casualidad, pero si las causalidades.
En diciembre pasado, pocas semanas después de firmarse la licitación de obra de pavimentación, el Concejo Deliberante de Avellaneda votaba el presupuesto municipal 2023. El mismo estipula que “el área que tendrá más fondos es la Secretaria de Obras Públicas, que contará con unos 24 mil millones de pesos, casi la mitad del total” (El Termómetro, 25/11/2022).
Si nos retrotraemos a 2021 el balance presupuestario dio un superávit fiscal. La municipalidad recaudó (mediante tarifazos al pueblo trabajador) más de lo que gastó, con un sobrante de ocho mil millones de pesos. De los cuales al momento no se sabe su destino. Tampoco existe pedido de informe por parte de los concejales.
Es urgente el cumplimiento de las obras de pavimentación en el barrio 4 de Febrero, como así también el diseño y realización de labores de infraestructura y viviendas populares en las barriadas, bajo control de sus habitantes. Pago en tiempo y forma, y bajo convenio, a todos aquellos trabajadores que desarrollan tareas para el municipio.
Es hora de terminar con las cajas negras de la obra pública. Para ello es tiempo de terminar con los políticos capitalistas que las desarrollan y fomentan. Vamos por ello con la izquierda que se planta. Por concejales obreros y socialistas que defiendan las reivindicaciones básicas del pueblo trabajador.
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manifiestotamaulipas · 5 months ago
Realizan caminata lucha contra el cáncer
Realizan caminata lucha contra el cáncer
Río Bravo, Tamaulipas.-La Sra. Blanca Arizpe de Almaraz, Presidenta del DIF Río Bravo estuvo presente en la caminata del día acompañada también de su Hija Alejandra Almaraz. Agradeciendo las atenciones a nuestro amigo el Dr. Francisco Sánchez Director General del ISSSTE Río Bravo, así como también al Dr. Carlos Alberto Ricario Cantú Director de Servicios Médicos Municipales. La caminata inició…
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psikonauti · 3 years ago
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Carlos Almaraz (Mexican, 1941–1989)
After The Conjuror's Power of Suggestion, 1974
Oil on canvas
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butch-of-the-blades · 2 years ago
just so you all know, it’s called “carlos almaraz: playing with fire”!
Watching the Carlos Almaraz documentary on Netflix and I am absolutely in love with this man's art
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theaskew · 9 months ago
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Carlos Almaraz (Mexican-American 1941-1989, lived and worked in Los Angeles), Night Magic (Blue Jester), 1988. Oil on canvas, 54 x 54 in. | 137.2 x 137.2 cm. (Source: SAAM, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington)
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terminusantequem · 3 years ago
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Carlos Almaraz (American/Mexican, 1941-1989), Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit go to Town, 1982. Pastel on paper, 75.6 x 111.8 cm
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reverdece · 4 years ago
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Carlos Almaraz (October 5, 1941 – December 11, 1989) was a Mexican-American artist. Arguably the first of the many Chicano artists whose artistic, cultural, and political motivations catalyzed the Chicano art movement in the 1970s, Almaraz began his career with political works for the farm workers’ causa and co-founded the important artist collective Los Four. Although he saw himself as a cultural activist, Almaraz straddled multiple—and often contradictory—identities that drew from divergent cultures and mores, and his art became less political in focus and more personal, psychological, dreamlike, even mythic and mystical as he evolved artistically.
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co-corps · 4 years ago
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yourdailyqueer · 6 years ago
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Carlos Almaraz (deceased)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 5 October 1941  
RIP: 11 December 1989
Ethnicity: Mexican (Chicano)
Occupation: Artist, writer
Note: Had HIV
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