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ilcontephotography · 9 months ago
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Tomba Brion, by Carlo Scarpa (1969-1978).
San Vito d'Altivole (Treviso), Italy.
© Roberto Conte (2022) Follow me on Instagram.
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 months ago
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L'avventura del design : Gavina
Davide Vercelloni, prefazione di Vittorio Sgarbi
Jaca Book, Milano 1987, Saggi di Architettura/Design, 256 pagine, 185 illustrazioni b/n, 15x23cm, ISBN 88-16-40 309-8
euro 100,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
L’avventura straordinaria di Dino Gavina (1922 – 2007) ha inizio con l’apertura di un laboratorio di tappezzeria in Via Castiglione a Bologna. Qui nel dopoguerra si ritrova ad utilizzare materiali di recupero per forniture militari e ferroviarie e inizia a produrre e commercializzare i primi mobili.
Interessato ed appassionato di letteratura, arti visive e teatro; diremmo oggi, “viaggia ed incontra gente”, ma coglie in ciò il genio e l’opportunità di creare cose e personaggi: è questa la miscela creativa di Dino Gavina. Instancabile regista di persone, cose, fatti scaturiti dal suo immaginario, un vortice in continuo movimento che corona tutta la sua vita. Incontri con personaggi, che crea talvolta egli stesso. Con Lucio Fontana stringe una bellissima amicizia. Frequenta Milano e alla X Triennale conosce i fratelli Castiglioni; alla XI nel 1957 l’incontro con Kazuhide Takahama, che ha realizzato il Padiglione del Giappone; a Venezia incrocia Carlo Scarpa, che nel 1960 diventerà presidente della Gavina spa, dove verranno prodotti i primi pezzi di suo figlio Tobia… Una vita costellata da personaggi straordinari.
Il negozio Gavina realizzato da Carlo Scarpa in Via Altabella a Bologna, lo straordinario padiglione espositivo di San Lazzaro di Savena dei Castiglioni, moderne architetture che possiamo ancora ammirare, dove si svolsero le memorabili serate di Man Ray e Marcel Duchamp. Proprio a San Lazzaro nasce nel 1967 il Centro Duchamp, in suo omaggio, dove lavoreranno futuri artisti cinetici al fianco di grandi maestri, un progetto di arte fatta in serie per nuovi fruitori.
Lunghissima è la lista di artisti con cui ha collaborato, occupandosi di una miriade di mondi, questo è infatti il lato sfaccettato e poliedrico di Dino Gavina. Note le sue aziende Gavina, Flos, Simon, Sirrah, Paradisoterrestre: la passione di realizzare mobili, lampade, arredo per interno ed esterno, nella linea rigorosa del disegno industriale, che in parte deve a lui l’apertura di nuovi orizzonti.
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heretoinspire · 2 years ago
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1920’s stunning apartment in Milan. Via: @tmagazine 📸: @anthonycotsifas . . . #jacopoventurini #timeless #italiandesign #italianarchitecture #interior-design #interiorarchitecture #carloscarpa #pierrejeanneret #modernistdesign #stylishinteriors #minimalistinteriors #homedecor #inspiration #modernclassic #ad100 #interiors #instahome #homedesign #decoratingwithart #midcenturymodern #midcenturydesign #homedecor #decoration #charlotteperriand #nordicdesign #livingwithart #inspiration #minimalistdecor #minimalistmodern #modernclassic #chicinteriors (en Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1_qtWIVxT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livincrans · 1 year ago
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Crans-Montana. Souvenirs. Lindner Golf & Ski Hotel Rhodania, mars 2013, après la présentation de Mario Botta. Avec le maestro, l'ami Ferenc Till et notre regretté Jean-Pierre Emery. Le projet du Lindner Golf & Ski Hotel Rhodania a avorté 3 ans plus tard à la suite de 58 oppositions. Crans-Montana a ainsi laissé s'échapper un splendide projet qui aurait rayonné dans le monde entier. Vox populi, vox Dei.
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danielscrepanti · 2 years ago
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Peter Eisenman 🇺🇸 (1932)
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normally0 · 8 months ago
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Discovering Scarpa: A Journey in Venice
As an architecture student at Portsmouth I was inspired to visit the 1985 Venice Architecture Biennale directed by Aldo Rossi. A group of my tutors had been accepted to the show. I also caught wind of Three Lessons in Architecture, by Daniel Libeskind. It was my first time in Venice, hitchhiking through Europe, and survived frugally. I was with a crowd that slept on the steps outside Venice train station. Venice was like a labyrinth and in my journey came across a strange looking gate. I was all alone bar 20 or so cats sitting all over and around this entrance. I took a photo. It may take some time to find the negative. I was later to learn this was the entrance to the architecture school made by Carlo Scarpa. It only happened when another student, Vicky Balham, at Portsmouth, used it as an image and then I understood how important it was. It has taken quite a considerable time to see the importance of this situation and the value of the cat; of schooling and architecture. I hope one day this vision can be shared.
Main Gate of the Tolentini building headquarters of Università Iuav di Venezia, designed by Carlo Scarpa
#VeniceArchitecture #CarloScarpa #IuavUniversity #ArchitectureStudent #VeniceBiennale #AldoRossi #DanielLibeskind #ArchitectureJourney #LabyrinthOfVenice #ArchitectureInspiration #PortsmouthSchoolOfArchitecture
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sixteensaltines · 3 years ago
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Negozio Gavina a Bologna, allestito da Carlo Scarpa
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danielgianfranceschi · 2 years ago
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Favorite place on earth #carloscarpa #tombabrion #carolchristianpoell (at Tomba Brion) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0wfexDh8T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hononbear-cub · 3 years ago
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Brion’s Monumental Grave, by Carlo Scarpa (1968-1978), at San Vito d’Altivole Cemetery. . . . #architecture #modernism #carloscarpa #monumental #grave #cemetery #modernistarchitecture #italy #veneto #design #masterpiece #brion #aesthetic #art #japanesestyle #concrete #burial #pool #water #meditation #vesicapiscis #contemporaryarchitecture #cypress #funerary #chapel #pond #moderndesign #designer #architect (at Tomba Brion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRsVWHtind/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilcontephotography · 11 months ago
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Tomba Brion, by Carlo Scarpa (1972).
San Vito d'Altivole (Treviso), Italy.
© Roberto Conte (2018)
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hiddenarchitecture · 4 years ago
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Carlo Scarpa - Museo di Castelvechio - Verona, Italy - 1957
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heretoinspire · 2 years ago
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Home in Turin. Vía @benediktjosef .
. . #nydesign #nyinterior #interiordesign #prouvé #pierrejeanneret #jeanneret #lecorbusier #miesvanderohe #kellywearstler #carloscarpa #jeanroyere #mouille #noguchi #calder #barragan #jacquesgrange #carlomollino #casamollino (en Turin Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkadcaHKkRu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orientaltribe · 2 years ago
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Reposted • @benediktjosef Surrender to the scale, articulate with a light touch. The Sicilian home and studio of Sergio Fiorentino. .
. . #nydesign #nyinterior #interiordesign #prouvé #pierrejeanneret #jeanneret #lecorbusier #miesvanderohe #kellywearstler #carloscarpa #jeanroyere #mouille #noguchi #calder #barragan #jacquesgrange @sergiofiorentino https://www.instagram.com/p/CisKyS7PdoS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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remoteforms · 4 years ago
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TOMBA BRION / 1969 - 1978 / San Vito d’ Altivole / Italy - This was to be a construction destined to remain, and a place where one might be stimulated to reflect upon the human condition. I consider this work, if you permit me, to be rather good and which will get better over time. I have tried to put some poetic imagination into it, though not in order to create poetic architecture but to make a certain kind of architecture that could emanate a sense of formal poetry .... The place for the dead is a garden .... - Carlo Scarpa / 1906 – 1978 / Italian architect best known for his instinctive approach to materials, combining time-honored crafts with modern manufacturing processes.
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partof-shan · 4 years ago
one afternoon in Venice sitting with Carlo Scarpa. #2017 . . . #venice #veniceartbiennale2017 #shortfilm #architecture #italy #afternoon #beauty of #sound #water #carloscarpa (at Giardini della Biennale Venice) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBsaJol-Zb/?igshid=tzciwxgkxda7
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yatzer · 4 years ago
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When you’re back to square one, create more squares. . Featured: Detail from The Brion Cemetery in San Vito d'Altivole near #Treviso, #Italy, designed by #CarloScarpa. Photo by @genevievelutkin. . #yatzer_inspiration #architecture #architecturedetails (at Treviso, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOr34pKQK8/?igshid=5og5rikrttzv
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