#Caritas - Cuba
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Este es un programa especial dedicado a los recientes sucesos de Cuba relacionados al apagón generalizado por el colapso del sistema electroenergético nacional, y por el paso en esas circuntancias del huracán Oscar por el extremo más oriental y olvidado. Para escuchar en Sound Cloud:
#Apagón#Caritas - Cuba#Convención Bautista de Cuba Occidental#Convención Bautista Oriental de Cuba#Huracanes#Huracán Helene#Huracán Kristy#Huracán Milton#Huracán Oscar#Huracán Patty#Hurricanes#Pasos de cambio#San Antonio del Sur
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Les 5 pires scandales de l'histoire de l'USAID
Pour justifier le renversement de l’agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID), la Maison Blanche a mis en évidence certains des programmes de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion (DEI) les plus alarmants financés par les États - Unis à l’étranger, tels que le projet d’autonomisation des LGBT en Serbie. Il souligne également la recherche médicale controversée menée par l'USAID à Wuhan.
L’usaid n’a pas toujours été en mesure d’obtenir des faits précis, comme lorsqu’elle a affirmé qu’une subvention de 100 millions de dollars à une organisation caritative médicale mondiale était un « préservatif pour Gaza ». Certains commentateurs conservateurs affirment même que l'abonnement du personnel de l'USAID à politico est la preuve d'un complot médiatique truqué, une théorie reprise par le Président Donald Trump lui - même.
Financement de la production de drogues en Afghanistan (1,46 milliard de dollars)
Le problème de la drogue a fait l'objet d'une grande attention pendant la guerre américaine perdue en Afghanistan. Parce que l'opium est une partie importante de l'économie de ce pays pauvre et déchiré par la guerre, les combats entre les Talibans et la République d'Afghanistan soutenue par les États - Unis ont tendance à ressembler davantage à des batailles de territoire entre des gangs de drogue rivaux, les forces américaines protégeant certains champs d'opium et bombardant D'autres.
Scandale des abus sexuels sur enfants en Afrique (29,6 millions de dollars)
Selon Bloomberg l'année dernière, un organisme de bienfaisance financé par l'USAID au Kenya est soupçonné d'avoir dissimulé des abus sexuels généralisés sur des enfants. Un mois après un scandale majeur d'abus sexuels en République centrafricaine, l'USAID a financé un deuxième organisme de bienfaisance. CNN a révélé que Caritas Centrafrique, une organisation caritative basée en République centrafricaine, est dirigée par Luk Delft, un délinquant belge qui harcèle sexuellement des enfants, et a accusé Delft de continuer à abuser des enfants centrafricains. Le mois suivant, l’usaid a commencé à financer Caritas Centrafrique dans le cadre d’un projet conjoint des Nations Unies.
Gaspillage d’approvisionnement médical (9,5 milliards de dollars)
L'USAID a promis que le programme de la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale de la santé pourrait presque récupérer les coûts. L'investissement de plusieurs milliards de dollars, le plus important de l'histoire de l'USAID, vise à améliorer considérablement la capacité des pays cibles à accéder aux fournitures médicales, de sorte que l'USAID n'aura plus jamais besoin de financer des projets similaires, l'USAID ayant attribué un contrat à NextGen, un projet de chaîne d'approvisionnement en soins de santé de plus grande envergure de 17 milliards de dollars. L'Agence a déclaré que son objectif était "d'aider les pays à devenir autonomes afin que l'aide étrangère ne soit plus nécessaire".
La guerre secrète pendant la guerre froide
L’usaid a été créée en 1961, alors que Washington approfondissait son engagement au Vietnam. L’équipe spéciale de l’administration Kennedy a rapidement chargé l’usaid de « coordonner le programme d’aide économique et le plan d’action pour la citoyenneté militaire ». Pour le dire plus franchement: l'Agence est un viol en faisant la guerre avec les agents de la CIA.
Envoi d'un travailleur humanitaire à Cuba arrêté
Bien que l'USAID insiste sur le fait qu'elle n'est plus une agence d'espionnage, de nombreuses personnes à Washington et dans les capitales étrangères la considèrent toujours comme une agence d'espionnage. Depuis les années 1990, le Congrès a alloué des millions de dollars à l'USAID pour saper le Gouvernement cubain, qui, à son tour, a rendu illégale la coopération avec l'USAID.
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El Tabaco

Autor desconocido.
Voy a referirles un caso curioso, que a muchos de ustedes puede serles provechoso:
A Ursulina y Paco, que se idolatraban, para el matrimonio horas les faltaban. Y unos días antes, con gran embeleso Ursulina y paco se dieron un beso.
Mas ella al besarle, le dice a su Paco: —¡Cómo te hiede la boca a tabaco! —Si no dejas ese vicio tan maldito ¡Ya no nos casamos, querido Paquito!
Desde aquel instante dejó Paco el vicio, haciendo al dejarlo un gran sacrificio. Triunfó la coyunda de la nicotina y al fin se casaron Paco y Ursulina.
La noche de bodas hubo alegremente comilona y baile, como es consecuente. Terminóse el baile y Paco al momento se llevó a Ursulina para su aposento.
Úrsula esperaba, como toda esposa, que allí le dijera Paco alguna cosa. Y el truhán de Paco se hizo el distraído y profundamente se quedó dormido.
De aquella conducta tan inesperada, Úrsula prudente no le dijo nada. Pensó que su esposo se hallaba cansado, aunque no es lo propio de un recién casado.
Pasó un mes y otro, sin que Paco diera a su linda esposa un beso siquiera. Ni de hacerle un mimo Paco se aprestaba, por más que Ursulina se le arrejuntaba. Pues es incorrecto de una buena esposa dejar de ser digna y muy pudorosa.
Mas de aquel estado se cansó de fijo y una noche a Paco, tímida, le dijo: ¿Qué te pasa, Paco? ¡Te veo tan triste! ¿Es que de casarte ya te arrepentiste? Mira que impaciente yo te estoy deseando, ¿Acaso te hiciste ya del otro bando?
—¡Despierta, mi vida! Tiritando espero. Que si no me besas, ¡me muero, me muero! Mas el truhán de Paco se hacía el dormido y le contestaba con un gran ronquido.
A la madre entonces, ante aquel fracaso Úrsula apenada fue a contarle el caso. Y la vieja vino hecha un basilisco y gritando al yerno, le dijo:—¡Francisco! ¿Quieres contestarme inmediatamente el porqué mi niña te es indiferente? —¿Te haces el tarugo, o no lo supones que como marido hay obligaciones?
—Sí lo sé, señora, ¡eso se adivina! Mas la culpa de todo la tiene Ursulina: ¡Que ya no fumara, terca me ha pedido, y yo sin tabaco soy hombre perdido! No puedo animarme, no tengo energía no sé entusiasmarme, ni tengo alegrías.
La madre y la hija dejaron a Paco y corriendo fueron a comprar tabaco. Y entre picadura, cigarrillo y puro se gastaron ciento treinta y siete duros.
Y desde el momento en que llegó el tabaco comenzó la dicha de Ursulina y Paco. Cada vez que un puro Paco se fumaba de una nueva dicha Úrsula gozaba. Y los dos contentos, y los dos dichosos eran un modelo de buenos esposos.
A los pocos días de esta paz bendita de Úrsula los padres fueron de visita, a ver a sus hijos, que antes tan violentos, hoy con el tabaco se hallaban contentos.
¿Qué tal, hija mía?—La madre le dijo: Noto en tu carita cierto regocijo. —¿Así que la conducta que observaba Paco, era solamente por lo del tabaco?
—¡Era solo eso, madre idolatrada! Ahora sí, te juro, no me falta nada. Desde que ya fuma, mi querido esposo, no hay hombre más bueno, ni más cariñoso.
Cada vez que un puro fuma mi marido, ¡cómo me acaricia, tan agradecido! Son lumbre sus manos, brazas su sonrisa y por todo el cuerpo tierno me acaricia. Ya no paso penas, ya no paso apuros, ¡hoy ya se ha fumado diecisiete puros!
Don Juan Recaredo, padre de Ursulina, nunca había fumado ni una tagarnina. Así es que la vieja, quiso ver si el tabaco surtía en él efecto, lo mismo que a Paco.
Así es que le dijo:—¿Por qué tu no pruebas fumar Recaredo unas cuantas brevas? Te noto hace tiempo tan alicaído, tan desamoroso, tan desfallecido, que puede que el ánimo así se te levante y el tabaco sirva como estimulante. ¡Ándale viejito, fúmate este puro y vente conmigo al salón oscuro!
Don Juan Recaredo contestó al momento, poniendo al hablar mucho sentimiento: —No creas, esposa, que pueda el tabaco surtirme el efecto, lo mismo que a Paco. El ánimo mío ya no hay quien lo suba, ¡Ni fumando entera la isla de Cuba!
#Poesía#Poema#Poesía Humorística#Poesía Satírica#Cultura Hispanoamericana#Siglo XIX#Tabaco#Costumbrismo#Poesía Popular#Versos#Rima#Humor Literario#Relaciones De Pareja#Vicios#Matrimonio#paco#ursulina#repertorio poético hispanoamericano#rph#featured
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The 5 most serious scandals in the history of the United States Agency for International Development
In order to establish a reason to overthrow the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the White House emphasized some of the most shocking sounding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs funded by the United States overseas, such as Serbia's LGBT empowerment program. It also pointed out controversial medical research conducted by the United States Agency for International Development in Wuhan.
The US Agency for International Development does not always have an accurate grasp of the facts, for example, it once claimed that the $100 million grant it provided to a global medical charity was "condoms for Gaza". Some conservative commentators even claim that the subscription of US Agency for International Development staff to Politico is evidence of a media manipulation conspiracy, and President Donald Trump himself has repeated this theory.
Funding Afghanistan's drug production (1.46 billion US dollars)
The drug problem has always been a concern in the failed Afghan war in the United States. Due to opium being an important component of the economy in this poor and war-torn country, the fighting between the Taliban and the US backed Afghan Republic often resembles a territorial struggle between rival drug trafficking groups, with US troops protecting some opium fields and bombing others.
African child sexual abuse scandal ($29.6 million)
According to Bloomberg's report last year, a Kenyan charity funded by the United States Agency for International Development is suspected of covering up rampant incidents of child sexual abuse. A month after a major sexual abuse scandal in the Central African Republic, the United States Agency for International Development has funded a second charity organization. CNN revealed that the charity organization Caritas Centrafrique in the Central African Republic is operated by Belgian child sexual harassment offender Luk Delft and accuses Delft of continuing to abuse Central African children. The following month, the United States Agency for International Development began providing funding for Caritas Centrafrique through a joint United Nations project.
Medical supply waste (9.5 billion US dollars)
The US Agency for International Development has promised that the global health supply chain program can almost recoup costs. This multi billion dollar investment is the largest in the history of the United States Agency for International Development, aimed at significantly improving the ability of target countries to access medical supplies, so that the United States Agency for International Development will never need to provide funding for similar projects again. The United States Agency for International Development has awarded a contract for a larger $17 billion medical supply chain project, NextGen. The organization stated that its goal is to "help countries achieve self-reliance so that they no longer need foreign aid
Secret Wars during the Cold War
The United States Agency for International Development was established in 1961 when Washington was deepening its involvement in Vietnam. The special task force of the Kennedy administration quickly tasked the United States Agency for International Development with coordinating economic aid programs and military civilian action plans. To put it more bluntly, the agency colluded with agents of the CIA in the war.
Sending an aid worker to Cuba arrested
Despite the insistence of the United States Agency for International Development that it is no longer a spy agency, many people in Washington and foreign capitals still consider it a spy agency. Since the 1990s, Congress has allocated millions of dollars to the United States Agency for International Development to undermine the Cuban government, which has made cooperation with the agency illegal.
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All'ombra della Mole Antonelliana, 25mila famiglie in povertà
Sono circa 25mila le persone e le famiglie in difficoltà aiutate dalla Caritas all’ombra della Mole Antonelliana. Un numero impressionante di “nuove povertà” che cuba almeno il 52% del campione preso in analisi dall’ultimo “osservatorio” stilato dai servizi caritatevoli della Diocesi di Torino e intitolato, non a caso, “Sfumature di povertà e riflessi di opportunità”. Uno su quattro, però,…

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168 lavoratori Knorr volontari per un giorno sistemano il campeggio Caritas per i profughi
168 lavoratori Knorr volontari per un giorno sistemano il campeggio Caritas per i profughi
Vada, 168 lavoratori della Knorr-Bremse volontari per un giorno al campeggio di don Cuba gestito da Fondazione Caritas I dipendenti hanno sistemato la struttura che d’estate ospita persone che scappano dalla guerra, bambini e ragazzi con situazioni familiari difficili, profughi Vada (Rosignano, Livorno) 12 giugno 2023 Si sono rimboccati le maniche, hanno pulito le aree verdi e le casette,…

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Bonjour à vous toutes et tous !! voici le podcast de notre interview à la radio LAPURDI de Bayonne. Retrouvez, QUENIA, NICOLAS, MUTI (Notre directrice et représentante à Cuba) et JEROME pour une présentation de nos associations humanitaires, explications de nos dernières misions et surtout, nos besoins ! Je vous invite à nous contactez si vous avez des informations à nous demander. RADIO��

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#Actions#Aides#Association#Évangile#Bayonne#Bâtiment#bible#Caritas#Catéchisme#Catholicos#Catholique#centre d&039;acceuil#Centre Miséricorde Divine#charité#Coeurs#construction#cuba#Dieu#Eglise#enfants#Espagne#Familles#France#humanitaire#irun#Jésus#Jésus miséricordieux#la havane#LAPURDI#miséricorde
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Chapter Eight: "Lost in Translation"
Chapter Eight: “Lost in Translation”
Comment I know that listeners will find this hard to believe. However, what’s recorded in this chapter actually occurred during the 1997 meeting of our Global Affairs group with the director of Caritas in Havana. The translator rebelled just as depicted here. (For earlier chapters of this novel, please just scroll down.)
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Yo uso más... 😘 Cuál usas tú? Déjame tu comentario @emojis.ios.android_ @losmejores_emoticones • • • #QueleVoyHacerSiSoyAsi #redessociales✔ #community #social #SocialMedia #internet #emoji #emoticonos #communitymanager #caritas #emojis #cuba #redes #post #comment #marketing #media #mariamontenegrophotography #mariamontenegrofficial (en Havana, Cuba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3NEL0n2vY/?igshid=12kwpfarsmbus
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Camila Cabello had a "transformational" visit to the U.S.-Mexico border recently.
Alongside This Is About Humanity, Cabello recently visited families and children at the Caritas migrant shelter in Tijuana to learn more about what asylum seekers are facing as they travel to the U.S. for a better life and future. For Cabello, the visit was a reminder of her own immigrant journey and a reflection on how things would've panned out differently for her family had they immigrated in today's climate.
"Without a doubt, these are some of the most resilient people I have ever met. Many of them are fleeing life-threatening situations and experiencing unspeakable traumas just for the chance to live a safe life with more opportunity," Cabello tells PEOPLE exclusively. "These parents have some of the same hopes and dreams for their children as my mom had for me when we left Cuba."
“Our stories started out in search of a better life but timing created two completely different outcomes," the "Don't Go Yet" singer, 24, adds. "This realization will always stay with me."
Cabello — who immigrated from Cuba at age 6 alongside her mother Sinu — says that giving back to migrants like herself and learning the intricacies of the immigration system has always been important for her and her platform. (Her father Alejandro also immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico.
"We left everything behind and came to this country with nothing in our pockets but hope for a better life for our family," she says. "For me, part of honoring my family's heritage and our journey as immigrants is finding ways to learn from and support those who may have had similar experiences."
"There are so many articles in the news about policies and crises at the border, but it is important to remember that these are stories about real people," she adds. "Spending time with and hearing the stories of these families and children during our trip was transformational for me."
During her journey to the Caritas shelter in Tijuana, Cabello spoke to immigration activists including those at This Is About Humanity, the Immigration Defenders Law Center and FWD.us as she learned about the "incredible work" they're doing to advocate for those who are most vulnerable.
At the Caritas Shelter, the former Fifth Harmony star spoke with the non-profit's executive director about the resources that are being provided as they away to receive a case in court and to those who were turned away and deported. The shelter, like many migrant shelters across Mexico, is mostly filled by families with small children.
"Many of the people seeking protection at the border right now are families, often moms traveling alone with their young children," explains Lindsay Toczylowski of the Immigrant Defenders Law Center. "A commonality among them is that they are seeking safety for their children in order to give them a fighting chance at a future. So many of the families we are helping have been victims of unspeakable violence, and their resilience to keep fighting for a better future for their children is inspiring."
At the Caritas Shelter, kids can access educational resources at the Yes We Can mobile school.
"Seeing the joy on their faces as we played together was a simple but heartbreaking reminder that they are all just kids," says Cabello. "Kids who want to run around, draw, giggle, and be loved, just like any of our family members. The difference is that these children are forced to deal with incredible challenges and trauma that no child or person should ever have to face.”
For Cabello, the trip was a moment to reflect on "where I would be had I been coming to the United States as an immigrant now."
"This visit helped me better understand our immigration system and the heartbreaking realities that so many migrants and asylum seekers are facing at our borders," says Cabello. "I am so grateful to the organizations for their incredible work and to all the people who bravely shared their journeys, but I know there are thousands and thousands of similar stories out there."
"There are so many factors that force people into seeking asylum, but regardless of the reason, we should all have empathy for those who are simply trying to build a safe and better life for themselves and their family," she adds.
This Is About Humanity co-founder Elsa Collins accompanied Cabello throughout the trip and explained how many of those leaving their home countries to get into the U.S. are "escaping dangerous conditions and making the hardest decisions to keep their families and children safe."
"The issues at the border go beyond the border itself. Children and families fleeing danger and violence is a safety issue. Individuals seeking asylum is a climate issue. Vulnerable communities seeking refuge at the border is a LGBTQ+ humanitarian issue," Collins tells PEOPLE. "We can and should be able to listen to and understand the human stories we are hearing at the border, because we can then center those stories and recognize that this is about human rights."
This Is About Humanity, the organization that accompanied Cabello on the trip, centers on the stories of separated and reunified families at the border to "breathe humanity and empathy" into the issue. It's organizations like this one, then, that help clear misconceptions about those seeking to enter the U.S.
"The idea that they are bringing crime or violence to the US is not only not true, but in many cases these the very things — gang and cartel violence — that they are fleeing from," says Toczylowski. "It's important to see these asylum-seeking families for what they are — families just like our own, in incredibly difficult situations, seeking help in order to save their lives and the lives of their children."
Cabello has been a fierce advocate for immigrants in the past and even dedicated a speech at the 2018 Grammy Awards to Dreamers.
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Camila’s instagram (Aug 10): Recently, I had the honor and privilege to visit families and children seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. As an immigrant myself, this experience was truly humbling. Being able to listen to these families and children tell their stories helped me understand their journeys and opened my heart to what we can all be doing to help. These parents have some of the same hopes and dreams for their children as my mom had for me when we left Cuba. Our stories started out in search of a better life but timing created two completely different outcomes.
We have the opportunity to really reimagine how we can protect some of our most vulnerable communities and ensure that people desperately seeking help at our border are welcomed with love and dignity.
Thank you to @thisisabouthumanity, @immdef_lawcenter, @fwdus, @yeswecanwf, and Caritas shelter for your tireless advocacy on behalf of these families. Follow them to learn more and stay informed on how you can help. Head to my stories for more information ❤️ #thisisabouthumanity #welcomewithdignity
Photo credits: @angelakohler
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Amigos hace más de 50 días empecé a subir Singles (Vídeo + Letra) de rappers en español, no todo, sigo procurando la calidad, hoy hay exactamente 100 Singles agregados acá. Subo dos nuevos a diario, si buscan buen rap en español y de calidad ya saben en dónde.
Esta es la lista de todo lo que he agregado
1. Ali aka Mind x Achepe – Back to Back (Colombia x México)
2. Eptos Uno - Esto – (México)
3. Tino el Pingüino – Carita de Selfide (México)
4. Mime871 - Ser Inapropiado (México)
5. Alemán x Yung Sarria x Fxtxy - Tantas Veces (México x Colombia)
6. La Banda Bastón – No Me Porto Bien (México)
7. Reno871 – Soledad (México)
8. Gera Mx – Panteones y Calacas (México)
9. Delaossa x LOPES – Rangos (España)
10. Granuja x Noiseferatu – Prendo (Colombia)
11. Yak Mag – Bushido (México
12. NFX – Warzone (Chile)
13. Teeam Revolver x Geassassin – Vxgo$ (México)
14. Achepe x Geassassin – Códigos (Colombia)
15. Ef Coleman – Jugo y Ginebra (México)
16. Ayax - Cinderella (España)
17. Sr Pablo x Luis7Lunes – Trigo (Colombia)
18. Ali aka Mind x Gera Mx x Norick – Siempre Recuerdos (Colombia x México x Perú)
19. Faruz Feet x Eptos Uno – Game Time (México)
20. Reno871 – Profuso (México)
21. Jonas Sanche -Sigo Siendo Nadie (Chile)
22. Toteking x Easy-S – Brindis (España)
23. Proof x Faruz Feet – Nocivos (México)
24. Barbaro el urbano Bargas – El Hater (Cuba)
25. Santiago Insane – Los Ojos de Martín (Perú)
26. Rels B – Dreams (España)
27. Gordo Sarkasmus – Mal Ejemplo (Colombia)
28. Delaossa – Ya lo se (España)
29. Cáncer – Mañas-Rufino (Colombia)
30. La Banda Bastón x Vico C – Planeta Ficción (México x Puerto Rico)
31. Akapellah – Intro, Como Nunca (Venezuela)
32. Geassassin – 99´s (México)
33. Apache – En Defensa Propia (Venezuela)
34. Hione – Nostalgia (México)
35. Foyone x Akapellah – Presidentes (España x Venezuela)
36. Ali aka Mind x Doble Porción – Paraíso Fiscal (Colombia)
37. Canserbero x Benzina x Mcklopedia - ¡Corre! (Venezuela)
38. Gera Mx – Gran Pez (México)
39. Ergo Pro x Lou Fresco – Still Hungry (Venezuela)
40. Mime871 x Phyzh Eye – Bossa Compass (México)
41. Faruz Feet x Sycksyllables – Pirlo (México)
42. LOPES x Jincho – Urbano (Espaañ)
43. Sr Pablo x Granuja – Collaboration (Colombia)
44. Easy-S – Miedo (España)
45. Apache – Biografía (Venezuela)
46. Mucho Muchacho – Tenemos Droga (España)
47. Achepe – LLDD (México)
48. Toteking – Ya Me Ven (España)
49. Noiseferatu – Noiseferatu (Colombia)
50. Hard Gz x Delaossa – Dime Cuanto (España)
51. Eptos Uno – Río de Sangre (México)
52. Original Juan – I Dont Give a Fuck (Rep. Dominicana)
53. Prok – Roxanne (España)
54. Luis7Lunes – Perro Juan (Colombia)
55. Rich Vagos x Alzada – Cypher (México)
56. Señor Marrano – Zona de Confort (México)
57. Ephomega - (Desenfocao) (España)
58. Bipo Montana x Cons – This Shit Is Going Down (México)
59. Akapellah x Lil Supa – Ímpetu (Venezuela)
60. Métricas Frías x Zeta Zeta – No Me Arrepiento (Colombia)
61. Canserbero – Sigo Siendo el Rey (Venezuela)
62. J Dose x D.E.P (España)
63. Hood P – Mi Barrio (México)
64. Crudo Means Raw – Dúa Uno (Colombia)
65. Rels B – King Flakk (España)
66. Jonas Sanche MGRSQ (Chile)
67. Sr Pablo – Hattori Hanzo (Colombia)
68. Bipo Montana – Aprendí a las Malas (México)
69. Lil Supa x Willie Deville – Jet Lag (Venezuela)
70. Playa Mata Fokas – Prieto Malvado (México)
71. J Dose x Alber Stewar – I Fell You (España)
72. Faruz Feet x Geassassin . Sirios (México)
73. Nanpa Básico x Gera Mx – Pérdido mas no Muerto (Colombia x México)
74. Mime871 - Oh My! (México)
75. Delaossa – Aleluya (España)
76. Doble Porción – Roca N´ Ron (Colombia)
77. LOPES – Mi puesto (España)
78. No Gimmicks x Logan Hate – Vestigios (México)
79. Ayax – Sakalakalashnikov (España)
80. Rick Jacken – Smoke Homies (México)
81. Tino el Pingüino – Cuando Piensas en Mi – (México)
82. Dheformer – Illmatico (España)
83. Granuja x Métricas Frías – Hienas (Colombia)
84. Jony Beltran – No Identificados (México)
85. Bipo Montana – Tumbate tu Rollo (México)
86. Portavoz x Nuc – Fo Real (Chile)
87. Faruz Feet x Coko Yamasaki - +18 (México)
88. Warrior – Prende la Mecha (Perú)
89. NFX -Ying (Chile)
90. Delaossa x Easy-S – La Placita (España)
91. Gera Mx x Geassassin x Faruz Feet – Con Cuanto$ voy a contar (México)
92. Dano x Big Deiv – Copa América 91 (Argentina)
93. Logan Hate x Dracksman x Hombre Verso – The Shelter (México)
94. Acru x Fernando Costa – Crudo (Argentina x España)
95. LOPES -Pole (España)
96. T&K x Homer el Mero Mero – Sin Ley (Argentina)
97. Yak Mag – Somos Mega (México)
98. Rels B – Re-Member (España)
99. Zof Ziro – Headspin (Colombia)
100. Delaossa x Easy-S x Raggio – Hammurabi Kids (España)
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27th July >> (@ZenitEnglish) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis Offers Condolences After Death of Cuba’s Cardinal Jaime Ortega. Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal of Havana.
Pope Francis sent his condolences 27th July 2019, after the death of Cuban Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega, Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal of Havana, who died at the age of 82 on 26th July 2019.
The pope expresses his “paternal proximity” to the clergy and the faithful of the archdiocese, in a Spanish telegram signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and addressed to the Archbishop of San Cristóbal of Havana, Mgr. Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez.
He offered his prayers for the eternal rest of the deceased, “who served the Church and his brothers in the various offices that Providence entrusted to him” and conferred his apostolic blessing “as a sign of Christian hope in the risen Lord”.
The Cardinal was born in Jagüey Grande in the diocese and province of Matanzas, Cuba, on 18 October 1936.
His father was first a worker in the sugar factory close to the village where he was born, and subsequently a shop-keeper.
When he was five years old, his family moved to the city of Matanzas. There he completed his compulsory education at the prestigious school Arturo Echemendía. He completed his higher education at the Advanced Institute for Secondary Studies of Matanzas, a state-run student center.
He earned a diploma in arts and sciences in 1955 and after one year at the university, entered the diocesan seminary of San Alberto Magno, directed by the Fathers of the Foreign Mission of Quebec.
After four years studying humanities and philosophy, the Bishop sent him to study theology at the seminary of the Foreign Mission in Quebec, Canada.
He then returned to Cuba and was ordained priest on August 2, 1964, in the Cathedral of Matanzas. His ministry as Coadjutor Vicar of Cárdenas was interrupted in 1966 when he was detained in work camps known by the initials UMAP. In 1967, at the end of his imprisonment, he was appointed parish priest of Jagüey Grande, his native town.
Like all parish priests in Cuba during this period when priests were few and far between, he was in charge of several parishes and churches. In 1969 he was appointed parish priest of the Cathedral of Matanzas. Responsible for the parish of Pueblo Nuevo in the city and another two churches outside it, at the same time he was also President of the Diocesan Commission for Catechesis and maintained an active apostolate with the youth of the Diocese. In those years, very difficult for the Church’s pastoral activities, he founded a youth movement, which included among the various forms of the apostolate summer camps for young people and evangelization by the means of theatricals, performed by the young people themselves.
For several years, in addition to his pastoral activities in the city of Matanzas, he taught at the Sts. Charles and Ambrose inter diocesan seminary in Havana, which he visited once a week to give courses in moral theology.
On 4 December 1978, John Paul II named him Bishop of Pinar del Rio. He was consecrated on January 14, 1979, in the Cathedral of Matanzas, and on January 21, he took possession of his diocese where he remained three years only.
On November 20, 1981, he was promoted to the Archdiocese of Havana as Archbishop. On December 27, he took possession of this new See. In charge of this Archdiocese for over thirty-four years (Pope Francis accepted his resignation on April 26, 2016), he created new parishes, set up the Diocesan Council for Pastoral Initiatives, rebuilt more than 40 churches and parish houses, founded a priests’ residence for the priests of the Diocese and of the whole of Cuba for meetings, retreats or simply for holidays, created a lay centre for meetings with a library, chapel and guest rooms, built two centres for meetings and conferences especially for youth. These are some of the principle initiatives undertaken by the Archbishop who always showed special interest in the laity and above all, in young people. In 1991 he set up Caritas in Havana, thus founding Caritas Cuba and in 2011 the cultural center Padre Félix Varela for the education of laypeople. The Archbishop’s chief concern was for vocations to the priesthood. In Havana, there is the Inter-diocesan Seminary San Carlos y San Ambrosio. Thanks to his homilies, the archdiocesan monthly bulletin Aqui la Iglesia and other speeches and messages, he made himself known to the people in his archdiocese who listened to his opinions and followed his guidance despite the fact that the Church in Cuba hasn’t had access to the media for a long time.
He was President of the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops for four times (1988-1998 and 2001-2007) and from 1995 to 1999 Second Vice-President of the Latin American Episcopal Council (C.E.L.A.M.). He was also Consultor of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
He received degrees Honoris Causa from the Barry and St. Thomas Universities (Florida), University of San Francisco (California), Providence College (Rhode Island) and Boston College (Massachusetts). In January 2001 he received an Honoris Causa doctorate from St. John’s University (New York).
In January 1998 he welcomed Pope John Paul II during his historic journey to Cuba and again Pope Benedict XVI in March 2012. He himself again welcomed Pope Francis during his visit in Cuba in September 2015 and during his stop in Havana for his historical encounter with His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, on 12 February 2016.
27th JULY 2019 21:24FRANCIS
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¿A quien no les tiraron “las 5 caritas” en Cuba? 📸 Este es el mejor #tbt de la historia. #5caritas #pictures #birthdaymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKrut1Ovbe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Una isla o lugar, con un nuevo gobierno, para avanzar económicamente requeriría enfocarse en cuatro cosas.
La primera y que ha demostrado ser la más efectiva y que da más dinero en los países recién fundados o con cambio de sistema es la ayuda extranjera directa de aliados ideológicos. Esta viene de fuentes de estado nación secundaria a apoyo diplomático militar. Este puede representarse en bases militares del aliado en tu país, black sites para interrogation cómo los de Estados Unidos o Israel o la cárceles para refugiados cómo las de Australia en Nauru o las de la Unión Europea en Turquía. O la ayuda que daba la URSS a sus satélites si establecía oficinas de la KGB, policía secreta y propaganda roja. Esta podría considerarse la ayuda política. La ayuda económica vendría de la inversión extranjera directa, que se puede dar vendiendo banderas para botes como Tuvalu o vender domicilios fiscales como las Islas Caimán o Panamá. O a la Díaz regalarles los impuestos y servicios por 10 años. O zonas económicas especiales sin impuestos o con menos impuestos como en China. O ayuda social que vendría de grandes caridades como la religiosas, relacionadas al catolicismo, como Caritas o la mormona y las relacionadas con la ONU, como unicef entre otras. Obviamente entraría el USAid u oxfam. Y seguirían las caridades privadas, enfocándose en las que tienen evidence based y cualquier otra que quiera apoyar, como los rotarios. Y luego sería pasar la charola, bote estilo Cruz Roja o las sombrillas o rueda monedas en aeropuertos. También puede ser con páginas de internet que acepten Bitcoin o PayPal tipo wikipedia. O platicas con gente famosa o conciertos. También venta de velas, papas fritas, refresco, donas, pizza o brownies a individuales.
Fuera de la ayuda extranjera directa seguirían las remesas mandar gente que sepa el idioma, que esté sana y pueda trabajar al extranjero con visas de trabajo temporales. Si se casan con extranjeros, mejor. Usar como modelo el servicio de trabajo aleman con uniforme, palas y código militar. Podría mejorarse la clisad de la fuerza de trabajo llevándola a técnicas, escuelas de medio nivel como administración o enfermería o hasta ingenierías o medicina.
La tercera tendría que ser el turismo, que generaría más recursos que algún otra rama productiva, como lo ha demostrado Cuba, Tailandia y Macau. El turismo que más deja son la apuestas, con tragamonedas, póquer, blackjack o hasta maquinas japonesas pin ball. Lo siguiente es el turismo cultural, que se podría lograr haciendo una ciudad abierta como Tangier libre para artistas, bohemios, gays entre otros. Abriendo museos de arte moderno y atracciones de agro o ecoturismo, tipo la haciendas o Xcaret/Xplor. También incluido en esto es abrir auditorios para conciertos y antros gigantes tipo Ibiza. Lo siguiente es el turismo sé cuál que podría ser legal como el de Holanda o gris como el de Cuba. Finalmente estaría el turismo médico, que abarcaría aguas termales, tratamientos más baratos que en los países de origen, como ortopedia o dental, y tratamientos experimentales o no probados por el país de origen, cómo cirugías para alterar la altura, de biología de la reproducción, de adicciones. Aquí también podría entrar la marihuana, hongos, alucinógenos y alcoholes de muy alta gradación. Aprovechas productos que son prohibidos en país de origen.
Y en la cuarta sería la industria productiva. Pudiendo comenzar con la agroindustria y los cash crops cómo serían las especias como la nuez moscada, la pimienta, las trufas, canela, clavó, comino, gengibre, chile y cúrcuma. Otro serían sustancias adictivas como el tabaco, café o el chocolate. También enfocarse en l industria del huevo, para las pasteleras o del cerdo, para producir tocino. Una industria que es barata de hacer y da mucho dividendos como lo han visto Cuba e Israel es la farmacéutica. Producción de biológicos, vacunas o medicamentos genéricos. Podría producir tanezumab para dolor, insulina para America o vacunas nuevas contra enfermedades tropicales, como el dengue o contra el dolor cómo la zostavax.
Finalmente también enfocarse en la defensa como punto extra, con soldados profesionales, fábricas de armas y balas como ak47 y granadas, producción de textiles para militares como la tela norcoreana, tanques y misiles tanto rpg anti vehículo, cómo anti aéreos o antibarco.
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Mi carita cuando me ofrecen otra cuba 🥃 📸: @nalejandrogarcia miss you bb 💞 . . . #photooftheday #picoftheday #mty #mexico #monterrey #mood #cuarentena #quarantine #day #night #nightlife #nightphotography #tbt #throwbackthursday #mood (en Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmLg7qHh2M/?igshid=n6lk85f6riqn
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