#Cargo graff
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mogliee · 5 months ago
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schoje · 7 months ago
(Fotos: Divulgação CBMSC e FACISC) A Secretaria de Estado da Segurança Pública de Santa Catarina (SSP-SC) e as forças de Segurança — Polícia Militar, Polícia Civil, Corpo de Bombeiros Militar e a Polícia Científica — fizeram apresentações de ações realizadas na área na reunião Plenária Regional Norte da Federação das Associações Empresariais de Santa Catarina (FACISC). O encontro dentro do Programa Voz Única da FACISC ocorreu na terça-feira, 23, no Porto de Itapoá. O Secretário de Segurança Pública designado, coronel Flávio Graff, elencou as ações desenvolvidas no Estado, em especial na região Norte. A reunião abordou demandas como efetivo, infraestrutura, equipamentos e viaturas. A SSP-SC também recebeu documentos com reivindicações das associações para os municípios e que terão o devido encaminhamento junto às forças de Segurança. “Foi uma reunião bastante produtiva, bastante prestigiada, onde estiveram representadas todas as forças de Segurança Pública de nosso Estado, tendo levado as ações do governo Jorginho Mello e mostrado porque Santa Catarina é considerado o Estado mais seguro do País, tendo inclusive na regional Norte uma das cidades mais seguras do País”, destacou o secretário de Segurança Pública. Em termos de equipamentos – computadores, microscópios, câmaras frias, videocomparadores espectrais –, armamentos – armas, coletes, capacetes balísticos, munições –, viaturas (77 para SC), especialmente as relacionadas ao FESP (Fundo Estadual de Segurança Pública), os investimentos em SC somam mais de R$ 49 milhões no primeiro semestre de 2024. Em relação ao efetivo, o secretário ressaltou que neste momento há 500 policiais militares em curso de formação; concurso em andamento na Polícia Civil com 30 vagas para o cargo de delegado e 30 vagas para o cargo de Psicólogo; e para a Polícia Científica foram recentemente empossados 36 peritos e 7 agentes de perícia Médico-Legal. Fortalecimento de laços com a classe empresarial A plenária teve o objetivo de fortalecimento de laços entre a classe empresarial e o poder público, visando influenciar positivamente as decisões governamentais em prol do bem-estar e o crescimento coletivo, informou a FACISC. Participaram presidentes, diretores e executivos das associações empresariais de Araquari, Corupá, Garuva, Guaramirim, Itapoá, Jaraguá do Sul, Joinville, Massaranduba, Schroeder e São Francisco do Sul. Pela Segurança Pública também estiveram presentes o comandante-geral do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de SC, coronel Fabiano Bastos das Neves; o comandante do 5º Comando Regional de Polícia Militar em Joinville, coronel Marcio Leandro Reisdorfer; o diretor de Polícia do Litoral da Polícia Civil, delegado Fábio Osório; o delegado Vinicius Ferreira representando a Delegacia Regional de Joinville; o Perito Criminal Iury Nunes Lopes, representando a Superintendência regional da Polícia Científica de Joinville, entre outros. Assessoria de ComunicaçãoDiogo Vargas(48) 3665-8183(48) 3665-8393E-mail: [email protected] Fonte: Governo SC
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cargobulls · 3 years ago
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RÖHRCHENS photo by @checkthisfreight
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fr8nigga · 5 years ago
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christianoernesto · 5 years ago
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gegen die langweile.
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ilragazzotralemontagne · 4 years ago
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bigdeeal · 3 years ago
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herr-bert-dortmund · 7 years ago
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years ago
Sure, the internal politics was a bit flat, but I thought you punched it up enough to make it work. But realistically, Collins would be much more politically powerful after repelling two invasions? The Protestant Ulsterites are given fair consideration. Just seems like the game mechanics got in the way, but you wove it into the story well. Also, Rose of Sharon Cassidy reminder!
Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a great companion. At first glance, she’s a callback to one of the more popular Fallout companions, John Cassidy. Both have big hearts (neither can be recruited if the player has low Karma) and a heart condition. Both are small business owners. Both have a knack for shotguns (Cass gets the Shotgun Surgeon perk and I usually end up giving her Dinner Bell) and acquit themselves well in firefights. Both are experienced. Both can have quite colorful and inventive pieces of profanity. However, Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a great character in her own right, she is not merely another character’s shadow.
Cassidy is one of two Western-themed companion characters in the game, the other being Raul. While the second act of Fallout: New Vegas is about Vegas and the power struggle within it, the first act of the game borrows a lot of Western themes and motifs, from the little town shootout ala Rio Bravo to finding a sheriff for Primm to the man rising from certain death to pursue their killer like a non-supernatural High Plains Drifter. Cassidy is a caravanner and muleskinner (or brahminskinner because it’s Fallout), a classic Western archetype, and she fits the description: rugged, colorful, and individualistic. She’s tough and violent to contend with a tough, violent Wasteland, with a love of whiskey to match any Clint Eastwood character.
Speaking of Clint Eastwood, Rose of Sharon Cassidy is firmly in the revisionist Western camp of Western characters. Classic Westerns often didn’t have many roles for women outside of love interests to damsel, doting wives, or wicked saloon girls, which in the era of the Hays Code was a codeword for prostitute, but in the 1960′s roles began to expand for women in Westerns as the Western genre itself began to revise itself. Revisionist Westerns, for those not in the know, often took the classic Western genre to task, the depth and scope of which would be too lengthy an aside for this essay. Suffice it to say, when Cassidy joins up, she makes it plain that she isn’t looking to be just a tag-along, she’s being joined because of her skills. Cass is not a worthless hanger-on, a character devoid of depth to simply enrich the Courier’s tale. She’s a Revisionist Western character, and she has her own story.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a moral person even though she has Neutral Karma herself. She does not like a Courier that commits hostile acts and will call the Courier out if their Karma begins to drop. You get two strikes with Cass, and dropping to Evil Karma means you’re out, she will up and leave. If you do not start something, she will head back West, giving up on a future for herself in the Mojave. Or contrarily, if the Courier is a shitbox as well as evil, she’ll shoot. There are things that she won’t tolerate and it’s based on Karma, not faction reputation like the other companion characters. Again, Cass has her own story, she will not content herself being a tag-along. This isn’t perfect, of course, open-world games being what they are, you can take your time accomplishing her quest, but mechanics and story are always, in some ways, at odds. A pressing deadline means lost content, which can be perfectly fine for some games, but other times, not so much.
Cassidy, however, is at her lowest point when she meets the Courier, drinking away the days at the Mojave Outpost bar after her caravan company had been roasted to ashes in an apparent raider attack. Unable to leave due to Ranger Jackson forbidding caravan travel due to giant ant attacks, Cassidy is content to spin her wheels and drown her sorrows, and will not move for any reason, not even the most silver-tongued Courier. Instead, she recommends you to one of her competitors, Alice McLafferty of the Crimson Caravan, the largest caravan company in New California, and an ironic recommendation given what will come later in Cass’s own quest.
Continuing with McLafferty’s quest line, however, gives you Cass’s companion quest Heartache By the Number, which is also a song on the New Vegas soundtrack - a mournful Guy Mitchell country song about a man who constantly has his heart broken by a lover who leaves him, comes back, leaves him again, and says that they’re coming back but never do. The song’s protagonist, despite the pain, cannot bear to end it and leave, because even though it hurts, the day he stops counting his heartaches is the day the world ends. Despite the pain, the singer can’t give his lover up, and we see that Cass, despite her caravan having been lost, can’t bear to give it up and sell it to Alice. Anyone who has ever owned a business can tell you, there’s a piece of themselves in their work, and it can be hard to give it up even if the offer is tempting (this isn’t universal sentiment, of course, plenty of business owners do wish to sell at a good price). Cassidy Caravans isn’t just a caravan company, it’s a piece of Cass. She even asks flat-out “if someone asked to give you 1,000 caps for your name, would you?” Even if all she had was nothing, nothing was still worth something because it was still hers. 
The quest to buy the caravan is one of the little things in the game that truly show Obsidian’s love for the craft and their use of dialogue for fun. You can pay extra out of your own pockets to recruit Cass, standard fare for an RPG because you don’t want to miss out on content just because you don’t have the right skill and money is usually an acceptable fix in gaming, but the other options are excellent. The two speech checks, the first to point out that she doesn’t want to be trapped here forever, and the second that points out that if she was responsible for Cassidy Caravans, the destruction of it is on her too. Both get you the same results, but require different speech levels in order to get out. Neither one provides any mechanical difference to Cass, but the accusatory stance naturally would engender hostility, and so it should be a harder speech check. The game uses the mechanics to reinforce the action in a way that the game’s limitation on programming cannot easily match. This isn’t as elegant, perhaps, as the speech check with Ulysses at the end of Lonesome Road litters the conversation tree with false answers that will catch someone who wasn’t paying attention and just clicking through the tree, but it gets the point across with much less conversational depth (and accordingly, less programming and voice acting work). The best option, however, is the drinking contest, where you pay 12 bottles of whiskey to attempt to drink Cass under the table. The actual choices all end in the same successful quest resolutions, but the paths that they take vary considerably and hilariously, from Cass smoking you and you falling off your stool (in dialogue options only, the engine wouldn’t render that), you becoming equally drunk and saying stupid drunk things like “I love you and your little hat,” to you simply obliterating Cass with your gigantic 10 Endurance, asking if you felt *what* exactly as you polish off six bottles of whiskey like they were water. There’s absolutely no point in creating that many dialogue choices other than the pure love of doing it, of putting it in there, of enjoying the craft of the RPG. It’s these little things that make me love Obsidian as a developer, and it’s something more game developers should do, to place more love into their programming and presentation.
After joining up with you, Cass still isn’t ready to simply forget her caravan, and asks if you can stop by site where it was hit. She wonders whether there’s any indication of what hit her caravan, but even if you’ve been there and seen the devastation, she asks to go anyway, to pay her respects if nothing else. Part of this is simple signposting, you need to get to the caravan so you can hit the next checkpoint of the quest to continue, but it still speaks to Cass’s character that she says that she wants to go there and does not simply take the Courier’s word and be done with it. The scene is every bit as bad as she thought, her caravan was hit by someone carrying energy weapons and looking not to rob the caravan but to destroy it completely and utterly, which is baffling. Hitting a caravan is typically supposed to be about stealing the goods and getting rich, not simply bloodsport. It’s confusing, but it’s also Fiend territory, who use energy weapons. A Fiend warband, whacked out of their brains with Psycho might look to satisfy their bloodlust, or Jet might make them so twitchy that they keep shooting until everything is ash. The hit is too professional though, Brotherhood of Steel-level military tactics, which wouldn’t match up with tweaking Fiends, but the Brotherhood doesn’t attack caravans without high-level technology.
Since there are too many inconsistencies, Cass wants to see what happened to Griffin Wares, another caravan company. The wreckage is the same, disintegrated caravan and cargo both, which means it cannot simply be a one-off, at least by video game logic anyway. Conservation of detail means that two times is enough to be strange, and three times is a confirmed pattern via the Rule of Three. Now suspicious instead of curious, Cass and the Courier investigate Durable Dunn’s Caravan. Living up to their name, however, this time there’s evidence that this was not the result of random juiced-up Fiends but a concerted assassination and murder by the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graff crime family, looking to murder their way to maximum profits by eliminating the competition and establishing a monopoly. We have the reveal and now we reach another classic hallmark of the Western genre, what is the hero supposed to choose? Kill them both in revenge for their crimes, or trust in the NCR’s justice system and bring evidence to Ranger Jackson to indict both of them. We also get a good view of a classic Western conflict, the big monied interests versus the little guy. These happened plenty of times in the west, such as in the Johnson County War where the homesteaders fought the wealthy Wyoming cattlemen’s association. 
Cassidy, hot-headed, is looking for a good brawl, and you can have two big fights at the Crimson Caravan HQ and the Silver Rush, the latter of which being a big energy weapon fight where, if successful, you can walk away with enough microfusion cells that you might qualify as a ghoul. That’s the classic Western anti-hero move, where the justice system is a tool of the powerful and both the crime syndicate and the corporation are the powerful. This form of justice is sorted on the frontier, beyond where the corrupt courts can reach. It’s immensely satisfying to Cass, and when she gives into her wrath her character receives a permanent upgrade of 15% gun damage. Combined with her Shotgun Surgeon perk, which ignores DT, Cass can become quite lethal with a 12-gauge. Yet the damage is not limited just to the Van Graff’s and the Crimson Caravan. The NCR is proven to be unable to protect caravans leading out to the Mojave on the Long 15 and so supply shipments drop off, and NCR settlements suffer. The Divide was already destroyed by the Courier before the game even started (and the Long 15 might be nuked depending on your choices in Lonesome Road) so that really stings.
The alternative though, is putting your fate in the hands of the corrupt NCR, ruled by its brahmin barons and other monied interests. Cass trusts Jackson with the evidence, but it would take a long time to prosecute the two conspirators. It means delaying the visceral satisfaction of revenge and the power that such an act can entail, and risking the chance that it fails. But if you show faith in the NCR, then that faith is rewarded. NCR uses the conspiracy to shape up their trade laws, and the Crimson Caravan and Van Graffs hurt in their bottom line. For her own part, Cass calms herself and becomes much tougher as a result, gaining max HP. Of course, this is clumsy though, since the Gun Runners can end up vaporizing both of them with no push back and your get the best of both worlds (and previously, a bug allowed you to peacefully complete the quest then go kill them and get both perks). It’s a bit clumsy perhaps, but life isn’t fair. Personally, I would have designed the quest so you had to collect a certain amount of evidence, not enough and the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty get off scot-free. Whether that would be in the quest or just an ending slide, I could go either way, but I think that would have been a better way to build that kind of quest.
Of course, you could do nothing with Cass. You can bring her to Jean-Baptiste Cutting and have him gun her down to complete Birds of a Feather, coldly escorting Cass to her own slaughter. Of course, this is an evil act and it makes perfect sense for Cass, the one who would be disgusted by an evil Courier, to be the one eliminated in an Evil Karma path. That’s a credit to Obsidian, few developers are brave enough these days to create mutually exclusive content because of the cost of production, or mutually exclusive content being binary beads on a string where you have to choose between a saving a bus full of nuns or devouring a live kitten with minor callbacks and a morality meter to note your choice. But that’s a function of the increased cost of production these days, gone are the days when a level could be produced with a couple of writers, artists, and scripters (such as it was in Fallout 2). 
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You knew it was coming. If this surprised you, you have only yourself to blame.
Cass is a supporter of the NCR, and it’s here that she shines, perhaps even unintentionally, as a revisionist Western character. She likes her country, but she’s aware of its flaws. The NCR lacks direction and cohesion, their compass is “always spinning, all the time.” The NCR is family, and you love family, but you can help but hurt as well that your family is constantly screwing up. The constant need to spread, to acquire more land and resources. It’s great press for the top, like Kimball who can give his pretty speeches at the Hoover Dam, but the common NCR grunt has to fight hostile gangs and wildlife without an established support structure to back them up. And Cass sees that if the NCR wins, it won’t change because it won’t learn. She wants the NCR to fix itself and is completely at a loss for how to do it. She far prefers NCR over the other factions, but she isn’t blind to its flaws. Like Raul she understands why some would join the Legion (provided they weren’t women, of course), because the security of their supply lines means that the threat of random violence is reduced, and that’s important in a post-apocalypse. Why pay these crushing NCR taxes if they won’t protect you? Why is NCR expanding to Hoover Dam when it can’t even stop cazadors from nesting near the power lines? They’re too thinly spread, and they won’t consolidate and reform because that doesn’t win you elections. 
The same is true of the Western genre in the revisionist Westerns. They state that the frontier was a black-and-white affair, where good guys wore the white Stetson and the desperados wore the black one. Cass’s feelings on the NCR are similar to what plenty of Western writers thought about Westerns, and what citizens of their own countries think about the nations they live in. The words that Cass speaks about the NCR could be said by any member of any nation, loving their country but wanting to fix the flaws. 
This isn’t to say that New Vegas is completely morally grey. There’s some clear moral lines that can be drawn, Caesar’s Legion is clearly an evil and cruel nation despite Caesar’s claims of Hegelian dialectical inevitability. But what about the NCR? Do its intentions for good or ill doom it or save it? Do you continue to support that family member that constantly screws up or do you stop giving them the rope to hang themselves. The answers to that question aren’t easy, but the faction system working toward the goal of what the Mojave is one of the biggest draws of the game, and so it’s clearly showing that these are types of questions worth discovering an answer to, whether it’s in the real world or the fantasy world.
Cass, as a character, gets you to start thinking about the flaws of these factions, because the grand climax of Hoover Dam has you picking which factions you want, whether one of the large ones with their own visions, or the ala carte options of the Yes Man playthrough where you pick which ones to embrace or reject. So Cass, in a nutshell, is that way a distillation of the grand Fallout: New Vegas experience; something you’d never expect from a whiskey-soaked nobody drowning her sorrows in a dingy bar in the corner of the map.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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allisnofun-blog · 7 years ago
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Zé Droguinha 👓 #nofun #train #brasil #brasilia #graffiti #graffporn #graff #graffitibrasil #graffitibrasilia #scl #graffitibr #graffitichile #cargo #worldwide #international #crew #zedroguinha #letters #colors #urban #city #citta #cidade #rua #street #strada (en Brasília, Brazil)
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santacruzuno · 4 years ago
El Intendente acompañó el acto de asunción de las nuevas autoridades del HZCO
(Caleta) Nuevas autoridades del HZCO
Mediante una conferencia de prensa, fueron anunciados oficialmente los nuevos cargos que a partir del 1 de mayo comenzaron dirigir el Hospital Zonal “Padre Pedro Tardivo”. La dirección general quedó a cargo del Dr. Gerardo Romaní; como directora asociada, continúa en el cargo la Dra. Gladys Gottardi y en la función de directora administrativa de la institución Mónica Graff. n este marco, el…
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fr8nigga · 5 years ago
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years ago
🔥Jordanian army guards cities ahead of curfew🔥
AMMAN (Reuters) – Jordan has announced a lockdown beginning on Wednesday, ordering all citizens to stay in their homes apart from emergencies and banning travel between provinces, to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
Jordanian army members stand guard outside a hotel that was transformed into a quarantine station amid concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Amman, Jordan, March 17, 2020. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed
Troops were deployed at the entrances of cities on Tuesday to help impose the measures when they take effect the following day, the army said.
The kingdom, which has already shuttered shops and closed its borders to halt the spread of coronavirus, is expected to issue a royal decree declaring a state of emergency that will give the authorities widespread power to control movement.
Jordan has closed land and sea border crossings with Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Israel, and suspended all incoming and outgoing flights. Only cargo flights and commercial overland shipments will be allowed in and out of the country.
Prime Minister Omar Razzaz visited a grain silo and said there were enough strategic stocks to feed the country for months, in an attempt to assure panicky Jordanians who have been hoarding food. Energy officials said gasoline stocks would cover 60 days’ supply in a country that imports all its fuel.
The cabinet announced the closure of all government agencies except hospitals from Wednesday and ordered private firms to also close their offices and send employees home.
All shops in malls would be shut apart from those selling food and medicine. Gatherings of more than 10 people will be banned.
The public security department said it would use force if necessary against anyone resisting these government decisions.
The kingdom had also announced a package of measures this week to cushion the economy, including debt relief for troubled businesses and monetary policy moves to inject millions of dollars of liquidity into the economy.
Central Bank governor Zaid Fariz said the measures aimed at “preserving financial and fiscal stability” by extending support for hard-hit economic sectors that were beginning to show cash-flow and liquidity problems.
Officials are worried the crisis that has hit the thriving tourism sector, which generates around $5 billion annually, will slash growth projections and deepen an economic downturn. Thousands of foreign tourists have left in the past few days.
Jordan’s government suspended trading in the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) from Tuesday until further notice, after the market plunged in recent days to levels not seen in more than 17 years.
Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Peter Graff
from Moose Gazette https://ift.tt/2x2d8is via moosegazette.net
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Art, treasure and jewel heists in Europe in recent times, listed - art and culture
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A brazen burglary Monday at a German museum holding priceless treasures is another in a long history of daring European heists over the years.German police said it was too early to estimate the value of the items stolen from Dresden’s Green Vault, one of the world’s oldest museums, and museum officials called the objects “priceless.”Here’s a look at some other spectacular thefts in Europe in recent years:Swedish smash and grabIn a daring daytime heist, thieves in Sweden smashed glass show cases inside a cathedral and snatched 17th-century royal treasures estimated to be worth 65 million kronor ($7 million) last year.They made their getaway on stolen bicycles and then fled by motorboat via the vast system of lakes west of Stockholm.The two crowns and an orb were later discovered in a garbage bin north of Stockholm.Two men were convicted and imprisoned for the theft.The Italian JobIn January 2018, thieves stole precious Indian jewels from the famed Al Thani Collection that were on show at the Doge’s Palace in Venice, including a pendant featuring a 10-carat diamond.Surveillance footage showed one of the thieves calmly opening a showcase window, pocketing the gems and sauntering off. Police say the alarm was triggered only a minute later, giving the thieves time to escape.Croatian police later arrested four suspects, one of whom was believed to be linked to several major heists in Europe and the notorious, multinational “Pink Panther” gang of thieves.Golden CoinBurglars broke into Berlin’s Bode Museum in March 2017 and made off with a 100-kilogram (221-pound) Canadian gold coin known as the “Big Maple Leaf.”The suspects are believed to have smashed a protective case and then managed to lift the coin out of a museum window before fleeing along a rail track with their haul in a wheelbarrow. After getting away with it, they are accused of later cutting up the coin, valued at about 3.75 million euros ($4.33 million), and selling the pieces.Four men are currently on trial in the case — three accused of the break-in and a fourth, a security guard at the museum, on allegations he helped with their plan. They deny the charges.A Van Gogh HomecomingTwo paintings by Vincent van Gogh went back on display in Amsterdam in 2017 — more than 14 years after thieves ripped them off the walls of the Van Gogh Museum during an audacious nighttime raid.Italian police discovered the paintings, “View of the Sea at Scheveningen,” and “Congregation leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen,” during a raid targeting Italian mobsters.Fashion week frightIn October 2016, robbers allegedly forced their way into the apartment where Kim Kardashian West was staying during Paris Fashion Week, tied her up and stole more than $10 million worth of jewelry.Ten people have been charged in the case. The alleged mastermind wrote the reality TV star an apology letter from his prison cell.She said the experience made her less materialistic.Offscreen drama at CannesCannes has a reputation not only for its film festival glamour but also for its dramatic heists.In 2015, thieves — one wearing an old-man mask — walked into the Cartier boutique on Cannes’ Croisette seaside promenade in the middle of the morning and walked out with millions of dollars’ worth of jewelry and watches.Then, in 2013, thieves stole Chopard jewelry from a hotel room safe during the festival, a crime that drew parallels to Sofia Coppola’s “The Bling Ring,” which was screening that year.And two months later, a lone gunman pulled off one of the biggest jewelry heists of all time, stealing $136 million worth of diamond jewelry from Cannes’ Carlton Hotel — a location for Alfred Hitchcock’s classic “To Catch a Thief.”Airport HeistsEuropean airports have provided a stage for some audacious jewel thefts.In a carefully planned 2013 heist, thieves cut through a fence at the Brussels airport, drove to a Switzerland-bound plane and snatched an estimated $50 million in diamonds.In 2005, thieves threatened guards and hijacked an armored car from Dutch carrier KLM’s cargo ramp at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, making off with millions in diamonds and jewelry.Posh tricksters, cross-dressing crooksIn 2009, two elegantly dressed men walked into the Graff Diamond Store in London’s high-end Mayfair district and carried away necklaces, watches, rings and bracelets worth more than 40 million pounds ($51 million, at today’s exchange rate).While Christmas shoppers strolled outside the posh Harry Winston jewelry shop near Paris’ famed Champs-Elysees in 2008, armed thieves — some dressed as women and wearing wigs — entered the store and stole gems and jeweled watches worth up to $85 million.Popular ArtIn 2008, three men wearing ski masks walked into the Buehrle museum in Zurich a half-hour before closing time on a Sunday. While one used a pistol to force museum staff to lie on the floor, the two others swiped four paintings by Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh and Monet worth $163 million. Shocked police called it one of the biggest heists in European history. The Van Gogh and Monet paintings were recovered.A year before the Zurich heist, two Picasso paintings worth nearly $66 million and a drawing were stolen from the Paris home of the artist’s granddaughter in an overnight theft.In 2004, two Edvard Munch masterpieces, “The Scream” and “Madonna,” were taken from the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, by three men wielding firearms in a daylight raid. The paintings, insured for $141 million, were recovered with little damage two years later.In 2003, a $65-million Leonardo da Vinci painting was stolen from Drumlanrig Castle in southern Scotland by two men who joined a public tour and overpowered a guide. It was recovered four years later.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Source link Read the full article
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xo2neuronal · 6 years ago
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Despues de la jornada de muralismo pasada organizada por la @asambleadeartistas de capilla del monte la cual fue una locura los dos dias con muchisimos vecinos y artistas presentes, me habia quedado muy ansioso por pintar ya que estube ocupado tras las bandejas a cargo de la musica, pero mis hermanos de la @desprolijosfamily ( @angelwelinton & @uritorcream ) me brindaron su confianza para formar parte de una remodelacion de la casa de tattos y pierciengs de capilla conocida como @alma_alairetattoo ( ubicada por la calle techada una cuadra antes de la municipalidad). Alli pude dar mi aporte con ese intento de serpiente xD aun asi me gusto mucho las tecnicas que emplee para pintarla y el resultado por como quedo! Muchas gracias por confiar en mi forma de trabajar y mas alla de que salio de freestyle y lo que se plasmo quede maravillado por el trabajo en graff que se hicieron los chicos que en el video no se vio terminado ya que me volvi antes a cba capital pero pasate por sus perfiles para ver como quedaron 🔥🔥🔥 ! Aguante el arte ! ❤ la pintura la musica y el baile como estilo de vida ✊. Aprobecho para informar ya que estamos viviendo del arte y si tenes algo que queres pintar o algun mural para tapar una pared o remodelar no duden en consultar! Todo sirve para hacer el aguante a nivel artistico! La calidad la definen tus ojos! #XO2 #XO2Neuronal #graffitiart #graffitilove #painting #mural #murales #remodelacion #tattoo #piercieng #almaalaire #tattoostyle #graffargentina #graffitistyle #muralismo (en Calle Techada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OtpQcghZX/?igshid=iblxc9xvz9lp
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jordm · 7 years ago
How close were we to having THREE woman in the finals (Allysa Beird plus Jessie Graff and Jessie LaBreck who went out at cargo)
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