#Care and maintenance for patched hats
anielskaaniela · 3 months
How to Sew a Patch on a Hat - Easy Sewing Tutorial
In this post, you will learn how to sew a patch on a hat in super easy way. Love what you see ? Support me by snagging some cool items from my shop! Every purchase helps me bring you more awesome content. Thank you! Shop Now Adding custom patches to a hat is a great way to personalize your accessories, whether it’s a baseball cap, trucker hat, or knit cap. This tutorial will guide you through…
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Nervous fingers tapped along the edges of the wooden mask. As you left the mountain, the weather warmed up so there was no real reason to still wear it. Snowy white paths turn to half melted slush. Dormant flowers poked through the frost patiently waiting to bloom. It felt like years since you had felt the sun shine.
You pondered if the lack of sunlight had made you grow paler. Would your parents even recognize you? It’s ridiculous to think they wouldn’t. You wished you could have sent word of your safety sooner though. How many nights did your father blame himself for letting you go up there? How many nights did your mother go hungry because she couldn’t bear the thought of eating? Did they try to go back for you? Did Giyuu send them away?
Your heart fluttered at the thought of them meeting Giyuu. Would they accept him? Would they accept you living in the mansion? Come to think of it, it’s quite inappropriate for you two to live together unmarried.
Would Giyuu want to get married?
Would he marry you…
A deep burning started in your heart. You couldn’t deny that the life you two had was domestic. You took care of each other. And Giyuu had asked you to stay. He wanted you to stay. And you wanted to stay with him. You lov-
“Woah there girl!” The old man called out. Two crows swooped down in front of the horse. You held onto the side as it thrashed wildly at the squawking birds. Out from the tree line ran three men in strange outfits. The white-haired one with a flashy headband was the tallest. He quickly approached the horse to help the old man calm her down.
“Sorry about that sir.” He spoke.
The birds landed by the feet of the other two men. The shortest one turned to you and you noticed the white scarf around him was actually a large snake. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” You replied. You tried your best not to stare but it’s not everyday you meet a peculiar trio of people.
You shakily climbed down from the wagon and thanked the driver. “I’ll find a ride back sir.” You assured him.
“You sure? I’ll be back this way in five days?” He asked.
“I’m sure,” You smiled.
With a tilt of his hat, he continued down the path. You turned to face the three strange men, the tallest of which seemed to be studying you. Before he could speak, the last one spoke up, “Sorry for startling you.”
He was the most intimidating one of the group. He didn’t wait for you to respond, he started walking down the first path and the two birds followed him. The flashy one said another apology before following him as well.
What an odd bunch.
No time to worry about them. You were home. Everything suddenly felt so melancholic. It felt like a lifetime since you had been here. You would be remiss to say you hadn’t missed it. It was nothing like the other village. The houses were patched together and spaced out from each other. Many families had moved out over the years leaving empty shells of homes. Gradually some of them fell apart without proper maintenance. What few people one the street eyes you quizzically. Maybe they thought they were seeing a ghost. Maybe it was the fine clothes you wore. Perhaps you should have worn your old clothes instead of the kimono Giyuu gave you. If you were any stronger your fingers would burst through the wood of your mask. You resisted the urge to put it on. This village was your whole life a couple months ago and yet you felt like a stranger in a ghost town.
At the very end of the road, tucked away under overgrown trees was your house. It looked exactly the same as when you left. Everything you ever knew existed right beyond this door. There was no reason to be scared. The door was stuck like always, with a little force you slid it open. It was strange looking at your parents shoes by the door. Even stranger was your parents sitting just a few feet in front of you. Startled, they stared at you. On the table sat an array of food that looked foreign in this house.
“(Y/N)?” Your father said barely above a whisper. He lightly walked up to you and reached for your arm. Then your other arm. And then your face.
“I’m home.” You smiled. And it broke him.
He engulfed you in his embrace as he broke out into sobs. Teacups hit the floor in your mother’s pursuit to reach you. She examined your face closely. Her eyes focused on every small detail. “My child…”
“I’m home mom.” You smiled.
Your heart swelled in a rush of emotions. You three cried in each other's arms on the floor of your home. They were scared to move. Terrified you would disappear if they let go.
“I thought I lost you. I should have never let you go (Y/N).” Your father pleaded. “Please forgive me.”
“Papa. You only wanted to keep us safe, I could never be mad at you. It’s okay Papa, I’m home.”
“I’ll never make that mistake (Y/N). I’ll always protect you.”
“I know Papa, I know. That’s why I’m here! On the other side of the mountain is a village, we could live there!” You rambled on about Urokodaki and his offer, Makomo and the village.
“(Y/N), have you been living in this village all these months?” Your mother was shocked at the notion.
“Well…no…” The crushing nervousness came rushing back.
What if they hate him?
What if I can't go back?
No. I promised Giyuu.
“I’ve been in the mansion…with Giyuu. He’s the Beast.”
Your mother gasped and your father's face twisted in anger. “So it was keeping you captive.” He growled. “I knew it! I knew all this food was a way of keeping us silent!”
“It’s not like that! I asked him to deliver you food and clothes, I knew you wouldn’t have survived this winter!”
“You asked him-”
“Papa please! Giyuu is so kind. He’s shy, a little awkward and sometimes says things without thinking. He’s been stuck on the mountain for years. Alone. I promise you, he wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
Your father couldn’t believe it. The same creature that threatened him? Couldn’t be. After all this time he was to believe the beast was kind?! Your father stepped back from you two and sat down. You looked over to your mother for aid but she was focused on your father.
You knew this wouldn’t be easy but you felt, somehow, more determined. Sitting next to him you slid the fox mask into his hands. “What is this?”
“He made it for me. I wear it whenever I go down to the village. That’s how I met Makomo and her grandfather.” You smiled. “Makomo told me they are supposed to keep away evil spirits. When you carve one for someone it’s your way of saying, ‘I'm with you and I’ll keep the evil away.’ That’s the kind of person Giyuu is.”
He ran his thumb over the engraved wood. He looked at you, the fancy clothes, the mask and then your mother. She looked unsure and concerned. He finally looked back at you. And he finally saw you. This was not the child that left him months ago. You looked so sure of yourself. Eyes burning with determination. How did you manage to change over just a couple of months? A part of him was scared that even if he said no you’d go back up that mountain again.
You spoke, “Papa, you don’t have to trust Giyuu but trust me. There’s nothing here for us anymore.”
“Dear, they're right.” Your mother stated. “If it wasn’t for the Beast, we’d have starved.”
He couldn’t deny that. He just wished it was his sacrifice that brought this prosperity to your family. Wouldn’t he be damning you all to deny a chance to start over. Your father lamented. “(Y/N), I trust you.”
“I promise, you two will love it there!” You cheered.
“I’m just happy, you’ve found yourself.” He smiled.
While you rambled on about the village and the mansion a thought struck your mother. She gasped as she stepped back in shock.
“Love? What's wrong?” Your father rushed to her side.
“The hunters..”
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ♡ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ♡ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
The slurry-filled roads turned to white snow. The two crows soared overhead signaling the path to the mountain. Tension had not settled between the men. The closer they got the more Uzui could hear the sounds of branches rustling and the earth moving. As the sun was setting the forest was changing its shape. The noise became louder with each step they took before it settled all at once. Uzui grabbed onto both hunters arms to stop them. They stood in total silence as the sun dipped below the horizon.
The trees parted. Out stepped a large figure that towered above them. All the noise in the area stopped in its presence. The creature slumped forward with long strands of pitch black hair cascading over its body. Every step gave way to hooved feet. The head of the creature scanned the area around itself. Its large antlers knocked against tree tops as it examined. After a moment it stopped, turned and lurched back up the mountain path.
Before the men had time to breathe the rumbling of the forest started again.
“Come on!” Shinazugawa yelled “Now before it closes completely!”
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dayurno · 8 months
recently reread ur de-aged kevin fic and in the end notes you said you were thinking of doing a sequel w neilandrew being de-aged and just wanted to throw my hat in the ring to say yes pls! you genuinely have such incredible writing and characterization and would LOVE to see your take on it!
wawawa i plan to write it!!!!! i did start a little bit after finishing de-aged kevin and had to scrap it off because i didn't like it, so it might take a little longer. nonetheless i feel like i have no reason not to share it so i'll attach under the cut the scrapped version of kevin with de-aged andreil for your enjoyment :=) if its a little wonky i ask that you bear with me theres a reason why i didnt keep this version
There is a little garden behind Fox Tower where you could fit a dead body without any real effort.
Not that Kevin would know, of course. But he is sure that he has never seen anyone besides himself tend to the ground there — perhaps once in the past there was another athlete who enjoyed gardening, but such a character has not been around for at least a few years. It took Kevin almost an entire week to entirely weed out the square of dirt between Fox Tower’s backdoors and the fence where Palmetto State University property ends and Fox Perimeter starts. 
Despite the loneliness of it, the ground is quite fertile; as patches of earth left alone by humankind often are. No one ever comes with Kevin when he gardens — Andrew finding it too soft a hobby and Neil, too pointless —, so there is no worry about someone else intervening with his flowers. Worlds apart from Evermore, Kevin quite enjoys the alone time tending to this garden provides, so he makes a habit out of it. 
He’s not sure how well he is doing. His first attempt had been to plant daylilies, because the name had amused him and they were considered beginner plants, offending as the thought is. Daylilies, Kevin’s come to find, are low-maintenance, highly resistant and pest-free — three things Kevin cannot relate to, despite them sharing a surname. Those turned out fine, but one cannot go wrong with daylilies; they’re too easy. The only way Kevin could’ve killed them is if he was an absolute moron.
His second attempt — and the one he is currently keeping a close watch on — were tulips. They’re harder to care for than their predecessors, and take up more of Kevin’s time than he had previously imagined, though he doesn’t fault them for it. He’d gotten seeds from a shop a few blocks down to where Andrew usually buys his cigarettes in Columbia, and hadn’t bothered to ask for more information; Kevin’s first mistake, he realizes.
His tulips have… multiplied. Perhaps too much — hopeless, Kevin sits amidst the rows and rows of golden ladies, dainty-looking but quite surely outnumbering him, and wonders how many more of them could cause a natural imbalance in the area. For how they spread over the garden, Kevin is not sure he wants the answer. Their yellow bulbs seem to mock him. 
Deciding this is now above him, Kevin wipes the dirt from his knees and springs up. He breaks the stem of a few tulips that have already bloomed, mindful that they must reserve their energy for a future reblooming, and checks for rotten bulbs before leaving. Surely, with time, his little garden will recover well enough so that it is not fully covered in tulips. Surely he’ll be able to plant something else, then.
If anything, Kevin is at least happy they don’t have thorns. Gathering the handful of flowers he’d cut off, he returns to his dorm, mindlessly wondering to himself if they have a vase wide enough to fit all of these tulips. When their whiny door pushes open under his weight, Kevin announces his arrival by calling out, “Do we still have that big vase from last year?”
No reply. Frowning, Kevin settles his flowers on the kitchen counter and glances over to where Andrew’s wallet and keys sit at their coffee table, even his half-finished pack of cigarettes left untouched. It is highly unlikely for Andrew to leave without at least one of those three items, creature of habit he is. How weird.
Grabbing for his phone, Kevin sees a flash of motion from the corner of his eye, and is just quick enough to sidestep a little body hiding behind the back of their sofa. The idea of something as small as this just hanging around their dorm is so baffling Kevin can hardly compute it, communication between his eyes and his brain coming to a screeching stop as he takes in the sight in front of him.
There’s a child. There’s a — there’s a child. 
He is quite small. His hair, a gentle wheat-like thing, curls softly over his forehead, leading down to big, round brown eyes and a thin mouth. The child’s face is very tender, his cheeks flushed from exertion, but he does not meet Kevin’s stare with any such feeling — instead, his eyes widen slightly, and he stumbles back like he’s been hit.
For a moment, Kevin even worries he hasn’t sidestepped as well as he thought and indeed had hit this child on accident. Taking a few steps back himself, Kevin asks, “Who are you?”
It seems like the kind of question the child should ask him, instead of the opposite. The little boy tilts his head back to look at Kevin — and he does have to tilt it very far —, before steeling himself to answer, “I’m—I think I live here now?”
“That…” Kevin hesitates, “can’t be right.” The child’s eyes water slightly. Growing more and more panicked by the minute, Kevin immediately retracts it. “But I’m sure it is, if you’re saying it.”
The tears don’t fall, but they don’t quite recede either; the little boy's face is so fair it starts to look splotchy soon enough, red dusting his nose and cheeks. “Are you my new brother?” He asks, with all the certainty of someone who’s had many new brothers before. A nagging chill runs up Kevin’s spine.
“I don’t believe I am, since I don’t have any siblings,” Kevin limits himself to replying. He crouches down to meet the child’s stare, eyeing his tulips from above his head. Kevin really needs to get that vase soon; it’s not good for them to be out in the open like this. “Can you tell me your name? Why are you here? Where are your parents?”
The little boy eyes him suspiciously. He answers none of Kevin’s questions, but he informs, “There was another little boy too.”
“Right. Well,” Kevin stumbles a bit, unsure of what to say — and what to believe in, even. Children often see things that aren’t there for adults; he does not want to see any manner of spirit today. Or any other day. “Can you go get him for me? Then I can help you figure out what you’re doing here.”
“What else… can I be doing here?” The child asks, frowning lightly. “This is a new home. They—at the last one, they didn’t want me. And I have to be somewhere.”
Recognition shivers through Kevin. “I see,” he replies past the lump in his throat. “I think I might understand. The—the little boy that you mentioned, did he have blue eyes? And, and red hair?”
Andrew crinkles his little nose. “Was orange, not red.”
Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. “I understand it now.” Kevin’s thighs tremble too much for him to hold his crouch, so he sits back on his heels, kneeling at Andrew’s height. “How old are you? If you don’t mind.”
Andrew blinks at him for a moment too long before showing Kevin his spread palm — it is unbearably small, chubby, and quite pale, too. “I’m five,” he says.
And he is. He is five years old. He is very five years old by the looks of it, which is not the age Andrew Minyard should be, because before Kevin left for his garden, he was pretty sure the Andrew he left behind was twenty-one. 
“You’re five. Okay. That makes sense. Of course,” Kevin babbles, having gone half-stupid from shock. That this could be happening to him — that it could be happening to them again, after Kevin had spent a week of last month being six years old and with no recollection of it. What kind of rotten cosmic joke is this? “I see. Okay, well, let me just—” He rubs a hand across his face. “Hello, I’m Kevin. I am a collegiate athlete. That means I play Exy for a university. Have you heard of it?”
“Exy is on the TV all the time,” Andrew counters, but it seems to be all that he knows. He looks a little hesitant before he nods; tight and anxious. “Hi. I’m Andrew Doe.”
Without a surname makes one a John Doe. Kevin’s heart squeezes. “Hello, Andrew,” he greets, trying to work his face into something gentler. “I understand what you mean now. You called it a new home, correct? It’s not like that. I think what happened here is…”
“Do you work for my father?” A small voice cuts Kevin’s sentence short. He whips his head around to meet a boy a good few inches taller than Andrew leaning against the doorway of their bedroom, his hair a light ginger. When Kevin’s eyes meet his, Neil — Nathaniel? — hunches in on himself in self-reproach, placing little hands in front of his head. “Sorry. I spoke out of turn.”
Kevin blinks. “No,” he answers, softening his voice. This is—this is not the time to doubt whether gentleness is achievable or not; this is the time to force it until it breaks, or until it gives. “I don’t work for your father. I’ve never even met him before.”
 Neil pales. Perhaps the idea that someone does not know his father seems outlandish when Neil has been raised under his dominion — Kevin is sure it feels that way, for Neil to look so stricken.  Often when you are this small and your parents are the overlords of your world, it feels strange to learn that they are not the end-all-be-all of everyone else’s.  
Like a little tour guide, Andrew steps forward to explain, “I think you might be here because your mom and dad went away and children have to live somewhere.” 
…Of course, being five years old, his understanding of the situation is about as good as Kevin had expected. Andrew’s explanation of the foster system is fairly good, all things considered, but too realistic for a child his age. He should, at least, still believe that they mean to find him a family instead of sending him from home to home because there is nowhere else for him to be.
Neil pales even further. “Is that true?”
“Is true. Is what happened to me.”
“Alright, alright,” Kevin intervenes at last, and two pairs of eyes turn to him; both hesitant in their own way. He coughs into his fist, deciding that honesty is the easiest route. “To be frank with both of you, I’m not sure why you’re here, either. But… thank you, Andrew, for trying to explain it.”
The little Andrew’s face does something unguarded and surprised before he looks away, blushing lightly.
Kevin keeps his eyes trained to his tulips. “I don’t know what happened for you to get here, but you’re welcome to stay until we can figure this out.”
He is eyed with suspicion from both sides. “I,” Neil shakily starts, the beginning of a meltdown creeping into his voice, “I want my mama. Where is she?”
“I’m sorry,” Kevin replies, and finds that he means it, “I don’t know. If I knew, I’d take you to her.”
He would do no such thing, but it is important to say it, anyway.
Springing upwards before Neil can bring out the waterworks, Kevin takes a few steps next to where he’d put aside his tulips and returns with one in each hand. “Here,” he says, kneeling to their height again. “Want a flower? I just got them from the garden.”
Andrew’s hand reaches for it, but does not bridge the distance, hesitant. Neil doesn’t even try to get it. “Flowers are for girls,” he tells Kevin. 
“Hm. Do I look like a girl to you?”
Kevin supposes that was a mistake on his part. It’s always the hair with children. “Well, I’m not,” he argues — argues! — with five-year-old Neil. “It’s very rude to not accept a gift.”
Neil eyes him, squinting quietly. He takes a few steps closer, looking more relaxed now that he’s figured Kevin is not working for his father. Coaxingly, Kevin offers one of the tulips in his direction — the bigger one, standing proud and yellow and delicate. It took a great effort for them to look this healthy. “These are called golden ladies. They’re perennials — that means they grow no matter the season. I plant them myself.”
A little hand curls around the stem of the smallest of Kevin’s tulips, catching it with all the clumsy delicacy of children who have yet to learn a finer touch. Letting Andrew take it, Kevin's mouth twitches. “Don’t worry about thorns, there’s none.”
He doesn’t mention the eco-system smasher Kevin had accidentally become in the process. Hopefully, no one notices the terrifying increase of tulips in Palmetto for the upcoming springs. 
Andrew doesn’t answer him, eyes trained to the tulip. The yellow of the inner petals matches the pale of his hair; makes him look more flower than child. Sweet, sweet boy.
Kevin turns back to Neil. “Won’t you take it even if you don’t like them? I don’t have a vase yet. I’m afraid they’ll just rot if you don’t take them.” This is a lie — but it’s a fair one. Children shouldn’t be so restrained.
The idea of imminent destruction seems to convince Neil to walk the distance between himself and Kevin to take the flower in his little hand. He says nothing. Kevin can’t tell if he likes it at all — he’s so put-upon.
A little hand flutters in the general direction of Kevin’s head. “Why is your hair…” Andrew asks. 
“What? Long?” The child nods. “What’s wrong about it?”
“It shouldn’t be like this.”
Well, that’s rude. Kevin huffs softly under his breath, absent-mindedly combing his fingers through his hair. “When I was a little over your age, I had a friend — a brother — who liked my hair like this. I think I just grew used to it.” 
It’s not the full story, of course. He can’t tell them about Riko, and how much of his preferences Kevin had taken as law out of admiration, at first, then fear, later on. He can’t explain, either, that his hair staying this way is his own way of mourning — a childhood left unfinished, a little boy abused into the insanity of Riko’s final years, brotherhood yet to be tainted by blood and jealousy. Children this young can’t tell Kevin carries all the marks of the grieving. 
“Oh,” Andrew replies. He looks like he wants to ask some more, but he doesn’t. 
“I can teach you how to braid it later, if you want,” Kevin offers. He has not even a sliver of a clue about what children should do in their free time. In his time, his mother took him all around the world during her trips, which didn’t usually leave Kevin much time for playing; then, after she died, Exy consumed most of his time between little league and Tetsuji’s endurance bootcamp. “It’s a useful skill. You can impress your future wife with it.”
He knows well enough that Andrew is never, ever going to get a wife; still, Kevin knows no other way to frame the importance — or, rather, mask the lack thereof — of this to him.  
Andrew nods politely. He, for one, is taking this much better than Neil seems to be — for good reason, Kevin imagines. Already registered in the foster system, Andrew must be used to adapting to new homes, new siblings, new adults with an eccentric knack for gardening and haircare. He’s indulging Kevin. A five-year-old!
“Well,” Kevin clears his throat, suddenly a little embarrassed. “Are you hungry? It should be almost lunchtime.”
No answer. It’s almost like dealing with the adults Andrew and Neil again.
Lunch is bland and unimaginative; Kevin follows the recipe obsessively, unwilling to make children choke down trash. It’s one thing for their adult selves to indulge Kevin in his lack of culinary talent, but children don’t yet have the taste buds for experimental food, nor the desire to put up with their caretakers’ inability to cook. More than once he resists the urge to add more spice — or even more salt. 
While he cooks, Kevin allows Andrew and Neil to get acquainted with each other. They talk quietly, eyeing the other with no less suspicion they eyed Kevin with, and seem happy to do their own thing. Skittish, for sure: but can they be blamed for it? Kevin doesn’t expect them to hit it off immediately, especially with Neil’s under-socialization. In the week or so Kevin should have them, it is likely they’ll progress on that front. 
Polite like a trained dog, Andrew waits by the kitchen doorway to help Kevin with setting the table. He’s far too small for such a task — he’ll drop any glassware Kevin gives him. Still, unwilling to let the child feel useless, Kevin asks him to set some napkins and cutlery out. Yes, that should be enough.
“Thank you, Andrew,” he says when he is done finishing up on their plates. Looking at the portions, Kevin is inclined to think they are far too much for someone of their size, but he doubts either have had access to an unrestricted meal in quite a while. At their age, Kevin knows he hadn’t. “It is very kind of you to help with the table.”
Andrew tilts his head towards his food without comment. He is almost unnervingly polite. It’s not the Andrew Kevin knows, and the contrast feels scathing.
Despite the children’s best efforts, their meal is not quiet. Kevin is not good with children, but he likes to think he is good with Andrew and Neil — as good as one can be, anyway. He prompts them into conversation by asking questions about their interests, their lives, their routines; half of it is trying to figure out how to care for these two, and the other half is emulating a chewed-out memory of how Kayleigh used to talk to him. 
She was never the kind of parent who baby-talked to Kevin. As soon as he was able to, she tried to engage him in conversation — however loose that concept can be for a five-year-old. Kayleigh, from what he remembers of her, had the ability to make anyone feel listened to; Kevin doesn’t remember ever doubting she cared for his childish babbling about toys and daycare, even if nostalgia had colored the memory a soft mouth-pink. He only wishes he would’ve gotten at least half of her social adeptness. From Kayleigh, all Kevin got was green eyes, a gaping hunger for success and an inescapable attraction to troubled men.
“I play Exy and I like books,” Kevin offers in trade for information. It’s — well, he doesn’t have many hobbies. The gardening and the cooking are a late product of much of Dr. Betsy Dobson’s insistence that Kevin must make something out of himself that isn’t Exy-related. “I like cooking but I’m not good at it. And I like gardening but it takes a lot of work so I don’t do it all the time.”
“It’s not that bad,” Andrew tells him, motioning to his food with small movements. He finished his plate in record time, inhaling Kevin’s poor attempt at a caesar salad like it’s a five stars meal. On the other hand, Neil is halfway through with his and looks done already. “Your food.”
“Not that bad?” Kevin tilts his head slightly, amused. He’ll take it, he supposes. “Thank you, Andrew.”
Hesitant, like perhaps he fears Kevin will be angry at him for it, Neil picks up the conversation where he left off to say, “I like… horses. But, um, like toys.”
 “Horses, I see,” Kevin repeats, a bit hopeless. Children’s interests are so loose. “And what else?”
Neil flicks him a suspicious glare. “What else?”
“I gave you four of my interests. A conversation has to be equal.”
Looking as if Kevin had sprouted a second head right in front of him, Neil does not do as he is asked so much as he stares at Kevin, mouth open in a little o. Has no one asked this child what he likes before? It feels out of character for the Butcher of Baltimore, sure, but Neil’s mother had seemed to care for him, at least from what little Kevin had heard about her. 
“No?” Kevin tries after a few moments of silence. “I’m just trying to be friends.” 
“Why would you be my friend?” Neil asks, putting down his fork with surprising care; as if to ensure it makes no noise. Even his voice is small and unobtrusive, despite the words. “Adults and children aren’t friends. Adults want children to be quiet.”
Kevin hides a wince. He hadn’t imagined the Butcher of Baltimore, in all his serial killer glory, would have indulged his child in conversation — and by the way Neil acts, he could’ve guessed for himself that most of Neil’s childhood had been trying to stay out of his father’s way. But no one ever wants to assume the worst out of a loved one’s suffering;  Kevin had held out hope there’d be at least a silver lining in Neil’s horror stories.
It is not unlike how Kevin and Riko were raised in the Nest, anyway. Their private tutors were stern, and despite much of their trying, there was no place for childhood in Evermore: they were told to keep quiet or else. The Master would often say that they were not to act like children — it hadn’t occurred to him up until now how cruel it is to forbid a child from being childish.
“Well, if I’m asking you, don’t you think I want to know?” Kevin argues. “Not all adults think the same thing. Do you think the same thing as every other child?”
A pause. Neil shakes his head, looking somewhat green, as if he had just realized what he said. From Kevin’s other side, Andrew stares anxiously. 
Rubbing a hand through his face, Kevin slowly puts out, trying to enunciate his words as gentle as he can make them, “I am not angry that you spoke your mind. It makes sense, what you said.” He shakes his head a little. Only a few minutes in, and he’s already ruining it — Kevin’s no good for anything that doesn’t involve a racquet. “But I would not have asked if I didn’t want to know. Do you understand?”
A small, careful nod. Kevin will take whatever he can get. 
“Good.” Kevin starts to gather the empty plates — his and Andrew’s —, and motions towards Neil’s half-finished one. “Do you not like it? I can make you something else, if you want.”
The sudden shift in conversation visibly vexes Neil, but, politely, he replies, “...Not hungry.”
From beside Kevin, Andrew flinches. Hurrying to dispel it, Kevin says, “It’ll be in the fridge in case you want it later.” Piling the plates into one of his hands, Kevin offers the other one to Andrew. “Come on, you didn’t get to tell me what you like during lunch.”
The child watches Kevin’s hand — the right one, smooth and unscarred if a little crooked from the years of gripping racquets — warily before accepting it, threading his little fingers through Kevin’s. His hand feels unimaginably small; so fragile it is a wonder it even exists. Kevin is reminded of the first time he saw a baby bird, back in Dublin: he’d told his mom he couldn’t tell if it was super ugly or super cute. She’d laughed for what felt like an eternity after.
Still sitting politely at the table, Neil watches their joined hands, frowning. Kevin can’t tell what he’s thinking — wouldn’t be able to even with an adult Neil —, but the face he makes claws at his heart. “N—” not his name,  “ah, do you want to come with?” 
Thus invited, Neil follows them into the kitchen. Kevin washes the dishes and listens as Andrew tells him, a little shyly, that he likes Sesame Street, street cats (“Really?” Kevin asks. “Aren’t their claws a little scary?” to which Andrew seems to lose some respect for him on the spot), chocolate and amusement parks, when he is allowed to go. It's a fairly common list — Kevin didn’t know what he expected a five-year-old version of Andrew to like. Something a little more unorthodox, perhaps.
But children are the same everywhere, at any point. Andrew soaks up the attention Kevin gives him, happy to answer all questions, if a little insecure on why Kevin would be asking them. Knowing where Andrew was at this age, he doesn’t doubt it’s been a while an adult has actually spoken to him with some level of care for what he has to say: when was the last time Andrew has actually felt companionship? Someone who hears what he says and asks questions about it? 
It feels sacrilegious to stop now. Already out of dishes to clean, Kevin scrubs and re-scrubs their plates until his hands ache as he asks Andrew questions, not unaware of Neil’s watching eyes.
“And how is it? California?” Kevin asks. The next thing he says is a bold-faced lie, because he’s visited Jean before, but he still says it. “I’ve never been. I heard it’s beautiful.” 
He’s heard no such thing. Jean seems to think California is where meaningful art goes to die, but he can’t tell Andrew that.
“Is okay,” Andrew tells him, propped up on a stool next to Kevin. His little legs swing mindlessly. “The traffic — there’s traffic. And Disneyland.”
“You’ve been?” He asks again.
“Oh, um, no.”
It’s expected. “I have not either,” Kevin relates, making it sound like a bigger woe than it really is. His hands are rubbed raw at this point, and the soap pricks at the skin of his palms — soon, he’ll have to stop. Just a little more. “I don’t think I’d like it, either way.”
Andrew watches him curiously. “Why?”
“I don’t like crowds.” It’s not as easy as that, but Kevin leaves it as it is. The prickling sensation of the soap starts to crawl up his wrist, and he decides it is time to stop. Drying his hands off on a nearby cloth, Kevin prompts, “How about some dessert?”
It is the first time he’s ever said those words, and they horrify him, but the quickly-hidden flash of interest in Andrew’s face is worth breaking his streak for. From the stool beside Andrew, Neil frowns lightly. This child is too serious — Kevin tries to remember if he was like this back in little league, but his memory is not the best after so many hits to the head.
He rummages through their freezer. Andrew’s adult self is fond of indulging — there are a few half-eaten ice cream cartons tucked beneath frozen peas and other such vegetables, though most of them are flavored a cherry liqueur Kevin will most certainly not feed to children. Scavenging further he is able to retain a sealed chocolate carton, the frost covering it making his fingertips tingle. 
This has to be too frozen to eat. Helpless, Kevin turns to look at the two five-year-olds as if they have a better idea. It’s weird, now, to be the person Andrew and Neil look to for answers — Kevin is used to it being the other way around. He is caught thinking that he’ll probably struggle in the coming days, without his two little shadows making life easier for him. 
“I think if I microwave it a little bit, nothing’s going to happen,” Kevin mumbles to himself, aware that he is not inspiring much respect as an authority figure. He’s no Andrew, after all: Kevin’s still himself, despite all his best efforts to be someone else. 
The ice cream loses some of its original texture in the microwave, but, if anything, Andrew seems to enjoy it as Kevin passes him a bowl. Neil does not accept one himself, politely saying he doesn't like sweets, and the lack of attitude from him is disturbing. Kevin is used to Neil being a force of nature — seeing him this quiet, this contained, is not easy. It makes him think of the iron-shaped scar on his adult self’s chest. All that dead skin. 
Unwilling to let him be left out, Kevin cuts some slices of apple for him, which Neil takes with some degree of gratefulness. The little boys settle in front of the TV while Kevin manages to find a children’s channel, looking small on their ratty dorm carpet. Kevin isn’t sure children should be this small in the first place — he’s not sure if they are little because of genetics, or neglect. How much can you hurt a child until they disappear?
Kevin sits himself with them, cross-legged. He is too old to see the appeal of children’s television, so most of it is watching them from the corner of his eye and finding out what to say to Aaron to get him to come and help. 
You 14:36
Hello. I think whatever happened to me last month just happened to Andrew and Neil. 
As in, they have turned into five-year-olds. If you’ve forgotten. 
When there is no immediate response, Kevin huffs to himself and snatches a picture of their two little heads pending towards each other, deep in conversation about the show they are watching. Kevin is, at least, relieved to see them interacting at all: Andrew might have been to kindergarten already, but Neil has always been undersocialized, all tutors and nannies. If Kevin can’t be his friend, then at least Andrew can. 
The picture gets him a quicker answer.
Aaron 14:45
what the fuck what the fuck what the ufck
why doe sthis keep fucking happening to you 
Like it’s his fault!
You 14:45
This is not the kind of thing I can control. 
They are good children. Polite. Easier to deal with than I was, I wager. But  I need you to come and help. 
Aaron 14:47
why should i
what makes you think i could help you
You 14:49
Because he is your brother. 
Before Kevin can read Aaron’s answer, something hooks on his hair. Looking down, he finds Andrew’s hand hanging a few inches away from it, alarmed and wide-eyed at being caught. Behind him, Neil looks just as queasy, as if this had been their joint effort. 
“Can I help you?” Kevin asks, raising his eyebrow a little. When he gets no response, he concedes, "You can touch. Don’t tug or pull. And keep it away from your mouth.”
No response. Kevin doubles down, “It’s really fine. Here.” He pulls his hair out of its low ponytail, letting it curtain down his shoulders and back. It’s not often he lets his hair down like this — it can be too much of a hassle. Kevin ought to cut it one day, but the thought still makes him a little sick to think of. “As long as you’re careful.”
An hesitant little hand inches closer and closer, still warily watching out for Kevin’s reaction. When Andrew finds no resistance, he combs little fingers down the length of Kevin’s hair, faint and amazed. He’s not very gentle — children are too clumsy for it, still, and there is some tugging. It doesn’t hurt, though. Kevin allows it.
Resigning himself to being played with, Kevin gives them his back, leaning his elbow against the couch. Another pair of little hands clutches at a chunk of hair, and he knows Andrew has convinced Neil to get in on their impromptu hairdresser salon. At least they’re playing, Kevin consoles himself as he feels a pull on his scalp. At least they’re getting along. 
“I have hair ribbons on my desk,” he offers, knowing what he is setting himself up to and still going through with it. “Colorful ones. Satin. Would you like to see them?”
A pause on the tugging. “Really?” That was Neil.
“Yes. But I’ll have to get up to get them.”
“I can do it,” Andrew tells him, the ever-helpful little waiter. He’s so polite — Kevin wonders if they taught him there is a higher chance of getting adopted if you treat the foster parents with subservience. Probably. “Where is it?”
“Andrew, it’s fine—”
“I’ll do it. He’s still playing, so I’ll do it.”
So kind, giving Neil time to play by himself. Kevin, helplessly charmed, would allow him anything. “Okay. Thank you.” Motioning vaguely in the direction of their desks, he says, “It’s the one with the shelves on top of it. Yes, that one, with the books. Be careful not to hit your head!” Watching Andrew narrowly duck under a shelf gives Kevin half an aneurysm, but the child seems no less interested in his quest. “First drawer. There. Did you find it?”
“Yes,” Andrew replies, shoving a chubby fist into the drawer and pulling out a handful of hair ribbons, all different colors and sizes. There was an organization system to it, and his careless pulling has clearly ruined it. A little disheartened, Kevin doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “This?”
“Yes. Please keep the drawer closed.” 
The drawer snaps shut, and Andrew makes his way back to them, freshly acquired ribbons falling over his fingers and wrist in colorful flops. Kevin doesn’t see him sit back down, but he feels Andrew’s hand on his hair again. “Why do you have shelves?” Neil asks after a few moments of silence, their hands working ribbons in his hair via extremely clumsy braiding. “Um, just you, I mean. The others are empty.”
That he’s asking anything seems like a blessing, when the child is so quiet. “My—” Kevin hesitates. How to even describe it? “My… friend built them for me. The shelves. He got annoyed at me for leaving my books everywhere.”
 It’s true. Just as Kevin loathes Andrew’s habit of leaving his cigarettes anywhere, so does Andrew loathe Kevin’s astray book piles across the living room, left half-read or unfinished in his haste to get to class or practice. The shelves had been less of a compromise and more of a surprise: one day, they were simply sitting above his desk like they’ve always been there. Kevin never asked Andrew if he built them, but he figured the wood splinters on his fingers were reason enough. It took a lot of arguing for Andrew to take them out the right way, instead of just letting the splinters break on their own.
“Oh,” Andrew says, entirely unaware of the story being about his older self and focused on tying a bow on Kevin’s hair. “Where is he?”
“There’s two of them, actually. They’re away for work.” Kevin leans his head closer when the tugging starts to get a little painful. “What are you doing back there, anyway?”
“It’s pretty,” Neil murmurs, defending his work. Kevin doubts it is, but he’s happy to even have the little Neil’s attention at all. 
“You know how to braid?” He asks, trying to steal a look and getting his head gently moved back by Andrew. “By the way, what’s your name? You haven’t said.”
Neil hesitates, hands freezing. Kevin keeps talking, “Whatever you want to be called.”
 “Um,” Neil thinks on it for a moment. He seems to be rolling Kevin’s hair nervously around his fingers now; a nervous fidget. “My—my dad calls me Junior, but my mom calls me Nat—Nathaniel.”
 He doesn’t say it like he enjoys being called either.
“Hello, Nathaniel,” Kevin tilts his head in acknowledgement, because he wasn’t raised in a barn. “I’m Kevin. It’s nice to meet you.”
Shy little thing he is, Nathaniel doesn’t answer. 
The children play with Kevin’s hair for a few more minutes before losing interest, leaving him a mess of ribbons and tangles he decides not to deal with for now. He imagines they should be put to sleep soon — children this small sleep in the afternoon, do they not? At their age, Kevin is sure he had to be made to nap one way or another, what with his mother’s hectic schedule. It’s a bit of a parenting cop-out, he is aware, but… Kevin could use a nap himself. Sure the children do, too.
He makes a show out of yawning behind his palm. Two pairs of eyes turn to him, neither particularly moved by his display. Tough crowd. 
“Maybe we can all take a nap,” Kevin suggests. Nothing.
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linksconverge · 15 days
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GAME: The Minish Cap DIRECTORY: Height ref, #character tag
A hero whose desire to save his best friend happened to include saving his world. The youngest member of the party, he's bold and curious to a fault. This can make him endearingly friendly to some — tactlessly pushy to others. As the Hero of the Minish, he places the magic of little kindnesses above all else and generally strives to echo the care he was shown on his journey as much as he can. This sometimes clashes with his fondness for mischief.
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WEAPONS: Four Sword and Decorated Shield. Admittedly not the best swordsman of the party, but he has skills learnt from his grandpa and the Blade Brothers, and such experience with fighting against all odds that it would be ill-advised to underestimate him.
GEAR: Hero must-haves. With a family lineage of metalworking that he's very proud of behind him, he always carries around a set of tools that he deems necessary for the job. Ultimately arbitrary, but useful when on-field equipment maintenance is required! Beyond that and the items he's picked up over his hero's journey, his possessions clearly reflect his sentimentalities: his Pegasus Boots and Roc's Cape are well-loved, his Kinstone Bag has been patched up over and over, and he is never without Ezlo's hat.
SKILL: Magic user. Though he has a natural well of it, the Minish were his first real introduction to magic, so he doesn't have a very concrete idea of what to do with it. He can instinctively use catalysts like the Cane of Pacci without too much instruction required, but the only spell he knows how to cast is the one that will turn him into a Minish (literally).
SKILL: Smithing. While he still has things to learn from his grandpa, he is versed enough as a smithy apprentice that he can be trusted to evaluate, fix, or create quite a few things the party needs in the way of weapons, gear, and forged utilities. He's also vaguely familiar with Minish smithing and constructs, which he's found some Zonai devices strangely reminiscent of.
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LANGUAGES & COMMUNICATION: Hearing. He only understands Hylian (Old Syllabary) while untransformed. In his Minish form — with the Jabber Nut's effects — he seems to understand all spoken language, including Minish, "animal-speak", and the more modern evolutions of Hylian. Non-speaking with limited literacy due to dyslexia, he primarily uses his era's Hylian Sign Language to communicate.
Makes an effort to stomp or clap to catch attention, but will sometimes fall back to initiating physical contact when he's tired and/or frustrated.
Will draw through any means available if his conversation partner doesn't understand HSL.
TRANSFORMATION: Without the presence of Minish Portals or Ezlo, shrinking down to Minish size comes with the side effect of turning Cori into a Minish himself. His aptitude for this spell is nowhere near refined enough to compensate for the lack of magical stability that would otherwise be offered.
PERSONAL TIMELINE: Went through the events of The Minish Cap when he was nine-years-old. It's been nearly a year since.
NICKNAME ORIGIN: Self-proposed from the word "Picori". Usually fingerspelled (syllabically, "Co-ri").
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tarzantips · 16 days
What is the Secret of Japanese White Skin?
The stunning beauty of Japanese white skin has attracted people for generations, leaving many wondering the true secret to its glowing complexion.
For a long time, people have admired Japanese women for their perfect complexion, and they are curious to know what customs, habits, and cosmetic products they use to achieve this level.
Let's explore the dietary, skincare, and cultural practices that have influenced the unique looks of Japanese skin.
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What is the Secret of Japanese White Skin?
Historical Context - The Cultural Significance of Pale Skin in Japan
Japanese people have always preferred to have fair complexion, a tradition that stretches back to the Heian period (794–1185 AD) and has deep cultural importance.
Pale skin was seen at this period by the upper class as a sign of beauty, purity, and high social standing.
Throughout the Edo era and onward, women of the court would apply white powder made from rice flour to achieve a ghostly pallor.
This cultural ideal has persisted into the present, with pale skin still seen as a standard of beauty in Japan.
Diet and Nutrition - How Japanese Cuisine Contributes to Skin Health
Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are abundance in the Japanese diet, which is essential for keeping skin healthy and glowing.
Not only are staple foods like vegetables, seafood, and seaweed nourishing, but they also help the skin. Fish, particularly those high in omega-3 fatty acids, help to maintain hydrated skin and prevent inflammation.
Vitamins A, C, and E found in seaweed support smoothness of the skin and fight aging.
Also, drinking green tea, which is well-known for its strong antioxidants, promotes a healthy complexion and shields the skin from environmental damage.
Traditional Skincare Rituals - The Art of Japanese Beauty Regimens
For generations, Japanese ladies have maintained their perfect complexions with demanding skincare routines using natural products and standard procedures.
In addition to treating the skin, a traditional Japanese skincare routine also nourishes and protects it.
An important first step is cleansing, which is typically done with mild, oil-based cleansers that remove pollutants without depleting the skin of its natural oils.
Adzuki beans or rice bran can be used as an exfoliant to maintain bright, smooth skin.
Another important factor is hydration, which is achieved by layering lotions and essences to keep the skin looking dewy and plump.
These generations-old customs highlight an entire skincare routine that puts long-term health ahead of temporary cures.
Sun Protection - The Role of Avoiding Sun Exposure in Skin Whitening
The careful application of sun protection to avoid UV damage is one of the main causes of the pale complexion of Japanese skin.
Japanese ladies are renowned for their dedication to protecting their skin from the sun; they frequently carry parasols, wear hats with large filled, and use sunscreen with a high SPF.
Reducing sun exposure lowers the chance of hyperpigmentation, dark patches, and premature aging in addition to preventing sunburn.
Over time, the cultural practice of avoiding the sun has contributed to the maintenance of a pale complexion among many Japanese women.
more >>>
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nithiyanantha · 22 days
How to Incorporate Vintage Accessories into Your Modern Outfit
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The addition of vintage accessories to a modern outfit brings forth that added edge in character and sophistication. Such accessories can make a modern outfit stand out and look unique, since it speaks to both personal flair and historical elegance. Putting vintage accessories together in your wardrobe is not only a nod to classic fashion but also an opportunity to express individuality. Whether it's adding that vintage brooch, a statement necklace, or classic sunglasses, the key lies in effortlessly incorporating such timeless items with modern garments.
 1. Understanding the Allure of Vintage Accessories
Vintage accessories are something more than just old-fashioned items; they are remnants of history with distinct charm and craftsmanship. They can be anything from intricate jewelry to classic scarves and hats; each tells a different story. That is the beauty of vintage accessories: they can make a statement while being able to complement today's fashion.
Contrast might be how vintage could work with a modern outfit: Think of a vintage brooch with a modern blazer, or a vintage belt that adds retro sophistication to a well-tailored pair of pants.
 2. Pairing Vintage Accessories with Modern Clothing
Mixing and matching goes hand in glove-vintage accessories with modern outfits require a delicate balance. Here are some tips for seamlessly working these classic elements into your look:
- Start Small: Begin incorporating smaller pieces of vintage accessories, such as a dainty vintage ring or a classic pair of earrings. These little touches can elevate a modern outfit without overwhelming it.
- Statement Pieces: These are great focal points of the look. Imagine a powerful vintage necklace being the center of attention on an outfit, like a plain white shirt and jeans.
- Mix and Match: Match vintage accessories with contemporary garments to come up with a balanced stylish ensemble. For example, a vintage scarf can add color on a modern dress or blouse.
Personalizing Modern with a Twist: Any modern outfitting gets that personal touch with personalized accessories. For example, instead of a simple best customized T-shirt in Tirupur, you can add a unique vintage pin or patch.
 3. Inclusion of Vintage Accessories to Everyday Attire
Vintages have easily been fit into our everyday attire to add a pinch of variety to wear them effortlessly. Here is the multifarious way you can do this in your everyday attire:
The vintage brooch can be pinned on a modern blazer or coat for an air of sophistication. Brooches can be worn on hats, scarves, and even handbags.
Classic sunglasses: Vintage sunglasses add that retro touch to everything from dresses to casual wear for a timeless look.
Vintage Belts: A classic belt could form an extremely good addition to high-waist trousers or skirts. When cinched around a modern dress, it creates structure and adds style.
Personalized T-Shirts: Add a vintage patch or accessory to incorporate the best customization in the vintage accessories of Tirupur T-shirts. This will incorporate freshness from modern-day customization with that of the best evergreen touch of the fashion world.
When selecting vintage accessories, consider the following:
- Authenticity: Ensure that the details of the vintage pieces you are going to select are authentic and in good condition. Patronize highly regarded sellers or shops with a concentration on quality.
- Condition: Observe the condition of your target vintage accessory. You can choose those items that are in good condition so that you will easily be able to integrate them into your wardrobe.
Personal Style: Choose accessories from vintage, keeping in mind your personal style and modern attire. In this way, it will combine to make complete sense in style and fashion.
 5. Care for Vintage Accessories
Care involves the qualities and appearance in terms of maintenance of the accessories:
Cleaning: Clean the various materials with given specific cleaning instructions. For example, vintage jewelry needs appropriate cleaners while being kept away from strong chemicals.
- Storage: Vintage accessories should be stored in cool, dry places and, while not in use, should be kept in protective casing or pouches to prevent scratching or tarnishing.
- Repairs: Immediately conduct minor repairs that one notices in the vintage piece to maintain it in a very good state. Professional repair services can help restore and preserve valuable accessories.
Adding vintage accessories to modern outfitting opens up your style to a distinctive look that celebrates the past and present of fashion. By combining classic elements with contemporary pieces, you will add flair to your wardrobe with a unique style blended with historical charm. Whether it be the pairing of vintage jewelry with a modern blazer or customizing the best customized T-shirts in Tirupur with vintage accessories, it all boils down to how well you pull the combination off with a harmonious and fashionable balance. Add a touch of class with vintage accessories and make them the focal point of your modern outfit.
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dukies333 · 29 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pottery Barn Teen HARRY POTTER House Patch Slytherin Pillow Cover - 16" square.
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masterroofers · 2 months
Easy Roof Care for Brooklyn and Queens Homes: Keeping It Simple and Safe
Hey Brooklyn and Queens! Your roof is your home's first line of defense against the weather, but it doesn't have to be a headache to keep it in shape. Let's break down some straightforward tips for maintaining your roof and when to call in the pros for a little extra help.
Why Care About Your Roof?
Just like wearing a hat on a sunny day protects your head, taking care of your roof protects your entire home. Here's why you should keep your roof in good health:
Avoid Water Damage: Little leaks can become big problems fast, leading to costly repairs inside your home.
Save on Bills: A roof in good condition helps keep your home's temperature steady, cutting down on heating and cooling costs.
Boost Your Home’s Worth: Whether selling soon or in the future, a well-maintained roof adds curb appeal and value to your home.
Keep Everyone Safe: A damaged roof can be a hazard. Regular care helps keep everyone under your roof safe and sound.
Simple Steps to Maintain Your Roof
Taking care of your roof doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some easy ways to help keep your roof in great shape:
Regular Checks: Take a walk around your house now and then, especially after big storms. Look up at your roof and check for missing shingles or other visible damage.
Clean Those Gutters: Full gutters can cause water to pool and damage your roof. Cleaning them out in the spring and fall can help keep things flowing smoothly.
Trim Overhanging Branches: Branches that hang over your roof can scrape against it and drop leaves that build up. Keeping trees trimmed back can prevent damage and reduce debris.
Keep an Eye on Moss: Moss might look quaint, but it can hold moisture against the roof, damaging materials over time. If you spot moss, it might be time for a closer look or a clean-up.
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When to Call the Professionals
Sometimes, you need to bring in the experts. Here’s when to call a professional roofing contractor:
Significant Damage: If you see multiple areas of damage or large patches of missing shingles, it’s time for a pro.
After Severe Weather: If there’s been severe weather, even if everything seems okay, a professional can make sure there’s no hidden damage.
Safe Access: Roofs can be dangerous places. If you’re unsure or it’s unsafe to check something yourself, better to call in someone with the right tools and experience.
Why Trust Us for Your Roof Repairs?
Need a hand with your roof in Brooklyn or Queens? Here's why we're the right call:
Local Knowledge: We're familiar with the weather challenges and roofing styles in Brooklyn and Queens.
Straight Talk: We explain what needs doing and why in clear, simple language.
Quick and Reliable: We’re known for being on time and thorough, so you can get back to enjoying your home without worry.
Keep Your Home Covered, Comfortably
Remember, your roof is crucial, but taking care of it doesn't have to be stressful. With a little regular maintenance and help from knowledgeable pros when needed, you can protect your home easily and effectively.
If you’re noticing signs of wear on your roof or just want peace of mind that everything’s okay up there, give us a call. We’re ready to help keep your roof strong and secure!
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Address: 7826 Parsons Blvd, Queens, NY 11366, United States
Contact Number: +17189570313
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whumpacabra · 3 months
Chapter 5. Clipped
Intentional self harm, knife wound, hand trauma, implied painful shapeshifting, whump of a minor [11], internalized fantasy racism, past abuse, past trauma
Masterpost | Previous | Next
Finn…Finn was okay. He was living in a constant state of confusion, just trying to get from one minute to the next now that he wasn’t safe in the captain’s quarters. (The trust was shaky at best, constant doubt poisoning every soft smile and gentle hand. Was it a joke? A trick? Bait to lure him to make a mistake?)
He at least expected the ship to make sense, to be predictable the way this captain wasn’t. It was, to an extent. Words and shouts and rigging he recognized and could understand. Chores and menial labor that felt safer than anything else this ship carried.
(Save for that pelt, in the cargo hold, so close - )
“Your hands start bothering you, we can find Misha. But I’m not getting down on my hands and knees to scrub the deck under the stairs - glad we have a shrimp like you around for this.”
This one was called Kell. Dark skinned with long, goldthreaded braids. Finn was proud of himself for remembering so many names and faces. The uniforms on the Lieutenant’s ship made everyone blur together, but the crew here all dressed distinctly.
Friar wore a whale leather apron. Sweet Marie her tricorn hat. The captain, his red coat. And so on. Kell wore a purple scarf, wrapped around their head. There were letters on it, embroidered in shiny green thread, but Finn couldn’t look at it long enough to read it.
This - Finn almost felt good doing this. A damp rag in hand, soft wood grain stained green with algae slowly returning to its natural brown hue. It was odd, uncomfortable not having a list hanging over his head, a time limit to finish his chores before the sun set. But, this past week or two was starting to feel…safe. Good.
He was rotating among the crew, working through different aspects of the ship in a circuit. The kitchen with Friar, the bunks with Ainim and Ishvael, the deck maintenance with Kell. He was told he would be at the helm with Marie next - reading the wind maps and current charts.
He never got to do something like that on the Lieutenant’s ship - which was…scary, but, like the sea rocking his hammock at night, didn’t feel as scary as it should have felt.
There was a rhythm as he worked, the pitch and yaw of the ship as it charged over the waves was as steady as his own hands, rinsing the rag in a bucket of clean sea water and returning to work at a particularly bad patch of -
His hands burned.
It wasn’t the burn of fire, or salted flesh - it was the burn that preceded those dreadful sensations. The skin stretching and bones shifting and -
Finn pitched forward, a sharp hiss strangled before it could leave his lips. He dropped the rag, drawing his hands to his chest to furtively look between them and where Kell stood a ways off, chatting with Marie.
His hands, tanned from his recent days in the sun, were now splotched with white, the blotches creeping up his wrists - as deep as his hands had sunk into that bucket of sea water. (How could he have forgotten - ?) If it was discoloration alone, maybe no one would notice - save for Misha, who might check them despite having removed the last of the bandages days ago -
But his hands were changed, even from just a short submergence.
Webbing had crept up from between his fingers, stretching as he flexed his hand and hanging loose between the digits as he curled his hands smaller. His nails too had changed, thick and dark and no longer bitten back to the nailbeds. It hurt - but it would hurt a lot more once someone noticed, when someone told the captain -
He needed to take care of this. Quickly.
Otherwise the captain would cut him - just as the Lieutenant always had - but maybe, just maybe if he did it himself, it wouldn’t hurt so badly. (He couldn’t stomach the thought of Captain Flint, the first soft hands he had known in so long, turning a blade on him. Finding out he was a monster - )
(“Do you really think anyone could love something like you?”)
Finn, for all his newfound confidence, hadn’t lost his skills forged on the Lieutenant’s ship. Kell didn’t even realize he had left, seal skin boots soft and his slight frame easily dipping between the sun glare and shadows to slip below deck. There it was even easier - almost no one was here during the day - and at that thought he paused, eyes drawn to the cargo hold’s door.
(He could almost still smell it, still feel it under his fingers - no. Not yet. He couldn’t get caught stealing. Not without a way to escape - and the sea was not an escape he could risk. Not here, in the open ocean.)
The kitchen was empty, last night’s stew kept at a low simmer over dying coals. The kitchen wouldn’t be empty forever; it was almost time for Friar to make his rounds with water and a midday snack of dried fruit and meat for the crew. Finn had to work quickly.
He pulled a knife from the work table, stumbling back as the ship pitched beneath his feet, but reeling forward to splay a webbed hand on the table. He suddenly realized he was panting, adrenaline rushing into his shaking hands, tears welling in his eyes. No matter how many times the Lieutenant carved away the webbing, it always came back. It always hurt. And it always would. He needed to learn to do this himself, to take care of himself. And that meant making sure no one found out what he really was.
(What was he?)
He could do this.
The first cut, run along his left index finger, bled more than he remembered. The webbing too seemed thicker, more resistant. Or maybe he was just starting to shake, nauseous and lightheaded from pain. He moved the knife to the opposite side of the webbing, along his middle finger. Black spots started to float across his vision, a strangled whine in his throat as tears fell freely. One section was almost done - he just needed to cut the base, the meeting spot between those fingers…
His world flashed white as he finally cut away the last sinews of flesh, the pain exhausting and the thought of cutting another section of webbing away was almost impossible to fathom. But he had to - he had to or else someone would see, someone else would cut him -
And he couldn’t fathom anyone on this ship hurting him the way the Lieutenant hurt him, not without shattering this fragile dream of safety.
As long as he was the one to do this, no one else had to.
He started on the opposite side of his left middle finger, vision blurry with tears and fading gray. Just - just a few more and then he could…find Misha. Tell Misha that he had been clumsy. Careless. Blisters or something. Something - a good excuse -
He was stalling. Finn pressed the blade down and bit his tongue until he tasted blood, but a sob still wracked through him as he continued to cut.
He had almost finished his left hand when footsteps clattered down the ladder, boots against the boards as someone stalked the lower deck.
Already? Friar shouldn’t have come back so soon - he thought he had more time -
“Finn? Finn are you - fucking Blackblood kid, you scared me. Thought you…” Kell’s voice trailed off, and Finn felt his hands go (blessedly) numb, even as he continued to grip the knife. “Finn. Finn, put down the knife. Now.”
He was - he was so close he just - he just needed to finish and - and somehow - somehow cut his right hand and everything would go back to the way it had been. Finn brought the knife down quickly, a flush of nausea heating his cheeks as the last chunk of webbing was severed from between his pink and ring finger. He was shaking too hard, the knife thankfully wedged into the table under his hand - he would have dropped it otherwise.
(“You got a da around?” Friar’s voice from the other day seemed to echo mockingly in his every hollow sob.)
Kell was yelling at him, walking up behind him - surely about to hit him or - or finish the other hand -
(It would be easier if someone helped with his other hand.)
Finn shuddered, knees giving out as the ship crested another wave. The table was slick with blood - his blood, and the adrenaline was still keeping his hands clumsy and numb. Finn sobbed, keeping his cut hand flat on the table and reaching his other up to splay beside it.
He didn’t care if they made it hurt more, or salted, or burned the cuts - he just needed Kell to finish it so he could - so he could stop thinking about how much his hands hurt.
The shock of Kell dropping to their knees and wrapping him in a hug, muttering panicked and desperate comforts, made even that pain far away.
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differenttouch · 5 months
Tank Tops for Men: Embracing Comfort and Style
In the realm of men's fashion, the tank top holds a unique position. It's more than just a piece of clothing; it's a statement of comfort, style, and versatility. From casual outings to intense workouts, tank tops offer men the freedom to express themselves while staying cool and comfortable. This article delves deep into the world of men's tank tops, exploring their history, styling tips, and why they're a must-have in every man's wardrobe.
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I. The Evolution of Tank Tops for Men:
Historical origins: Tracing back to athletic wear in the early 20th century.
From utilitarian to fashionable: How tank tops have transcended their athletic roots to become a fashion staple.
Influence of pop culture: Celebrities, athletes, and influencers shaping the popularity of tank tops in modern times.
II. The Anatomy of a Tank Top:
Fabric choices: Cotton, polyester blends, and performance fabrics.
Fit and cut: Classic, slim fit, and muscle fit styles cater to different body types.
Neckline variations: Crew neck, scoop neck, and racerback designs add diversity to the tank top landscape.
III. Styling Tips for Men's Tank Tops:
Casual looks: Pairing tank tops with shorts, jeans, or chinos for a laid-back vibe.
Layering options: Incorporating tank tops into layered outfits with shirts, jackets, or sweaters.
Dressing up: Elevating the tank top with tailored trousers and blazers for a smart-casual ensemble.
Accessorizing: Adding sunglasses, hats, or watches to enhance the overall look.
IV. Tank Tops for Every Occasion:
Beachwear: Lightweight and breathable tank tops perfect for a day by the water.
Gym attire: Moisture-wicking tank tops designed to keep you cool during intense workouts.
Outdoor adventures: Sleeveless shirts ideal for hiking, camping, or other outdoor activities.
Casual outings: Versatile tank tops suitable for running errands, grabbing coffee, or meeting friends.
V. Embracing Body Positivity:
Breaking stereotypes: Tank tops for men of all shapes and sizes, promoting body positivity and self-confidence.
Overcoming stigma: Encouraging men to embrace sleeveless styles without fear of judgment or scrutiny.
Celebrating diversity: Recognizing that every body is different and that all bodies deserve to feel comfortable and stylish.
VI. Trends in Men's Tank Tops:
Graphic prints: Bold designs, logos, and patterns adding flair to traditional tank tops.
Retro revival: Vintage-inspired tank tops making a comeback with nostalgic prints and colors.
Sustainable options: Eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices gaining popularity among conscious consumers.
VII. Care and Maintenance:
Washing instructions: Tips for prolonging the life of tank tops through proper laundering techniques.
Storage solutions: Storing tank tops in a cool, dry place to prevent wrinkles and maintain shape.
Repairing minor damages: Sewing loose seams or patching small holes to extend the lifespan of tank tops.
VIII. Conclusion: Tank tops for men are more than just articles of clothing; they're symbols of comfort, style, and confidence. Whether you're hitting the gym, lounging at home, or stepping out for a night on the town, there's a tank top to suit every occasion and every personality. By embracing tank tops, men can express themselves freely while staying cool, comfortable, and undeniably stylish. So why wait? Embrace the versatility of tank tops and elevate your wardrobe to new heights of fashion and comfort.
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safethaw · 6 months
Trex Decking: The Modern Deck Dream?
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Remember those lazy summer afternoons? Maybe you're sipping on lemonade, your kids are playing below, and the barbecue is sizzling away, all on a sturdy deck. Now, fast forward to today, and the concept of decking has morphed into a more evolved, eco-friendly, and aesthetically appealing version, leading us to the big question: Is Trex decking the modern deck dream we've all been waiting for? Diving Into The World Of Trex For Decks At the heart of any good backyard or sprawling balcony, the deck is more than just planks; it's where memories are made. Trex decking has risen to the challenge, offering a blend of recycled wood and plastic. These materials give Trex decks an edge – they don't warp, twist, or turn gray with time. Plus, who wouldn't love a deck that promises minimal maintenance and longevity? The Trex Decking Advantage While traditional wood decks have their charm, Trex decking pushes the envelope. With its high-definition wood grain patterns and rich, saturated colors, its aesthetics and function rolled into one. Beyond the visual appeal, Trex decks resist fading, staining, scratching, and mold – and they won’t rot, warp, crack or splinter. It's the kind of low-maintenance dream that busy homeowners tip their hats to. The Flip Side: Salt, Chemicals, And Trex For Decks Ah, but every story has its challenges. Your gorgeous Trex for decks can face adversaries, primarily in the icy grips of winter. The traditional method? Sprinkle salt or chemicals to melt away the frost. Yet, herein lies a problem. Harsh salts and chemicals can be a deck's worst nightmare, causing potential discoloration, material degradation, and surface damage. Safe Thaw: Deck’s Best Friend In Wintertide Enter Safe Thaw, the knight in shining armor for modern decks everywhere. While Trex decking offers durability, pairing it with Safe Thaw ensures a holistic approach to deck care, especially during those frosty mornings or chilly nights. Here's why: - Environmentally Conscious: Safe Thaw aligns with Trex decking's eco-friendly ethos. Say no to harsh chemicals and yes to a toxin-free solution. - Guard Against Corrosion: No one wants unsightly patches or weakened deck areas. Safe Thaw’s non-corrosive promise ensures that your Trex deck remains in pristine condition. - Year-Round Assurance: Safe Thaw's concentrated formula is the long-term buddy your Trex deck needs, ensuring consistent protection season after season. - Innovative Formula: With its patented compound, boasting a crystalline amide core and a special glycol blend, Safe Thaw isn't your ordinary ice melt. It's science meeting deck care. The Verdict: Is Trex Decking Truly A Dream? We've journeyed through the highs and navigated potential pitfalls. And while Trex decking brings a modern flair, durability, and an eco-friendly promise, it's the holistic care approach that truly makes the difference. By opting for solutions like Safe Thaw, you not only ensure the longevity of your Trex deck but also uphold the eco-conscious values that such decking stands for. So, is Trex decking the modern deck dream? In the right hands, with the right care, absolutely. It's the backdrop for summer barbecues, autumn evening chats, and snow-dusted winter mornings. With a mug of hot cocoa in hand and Safe Thaw by your side, you're all set to make countless memories on that dreamy Trex deck of yours. Read the full article
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megamobilestylesposts · 6 months
How to Style a Polo Shirt This Spring
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Hey, fashionistas! Ready to turn heads with your effortless style?
Today we're going to dive into the art of styling the classic polo shirt. Whether you're a trendsetter or just looking to step up your fashion game, these tips will have you looking chic and feeling fabulous. Let's unlock the potential of your wardrobe staple!
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Understanding Your Polo
Your polo shirt is the canvas for your sartorial masterpiece. Choose fabrics that speak to you whether it's breezy cotton or a touch of stretchy spandex. Find the perfect fit that flatters your shape, and don't be afraid to experiment with a rainbow of colors. Your polo, your rules!
P.S. Did you know that MOBILESTYLES offers beauty on demand? Book an appointment with a beauty expert who will perfect your hair and makeup, leaving you looking radiant from head to toe in polo!
Pairing with bottoms
Time to mix and match! Pair your polo with denim jeans for a casually cool look, or dress it up with tailored chinos for a touch of sophistication. Feeling sporty? Opt for shorts or track pants. Whatever your mood, your polo is the ultimate team player.
A quick tip: For a seamless look, match the color of your pants to your polo for an effortlessly chic ensemble.
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Layering Options
Wrap up in style with layering! Throw on a cozy sweater or cardigan for a laid-back look. Need a touch of professionalism? Add a blazer or jacket to take your polo from casual to chic. Layering not only adds flair but also keeps you prepared for unpredictable weather.
Pro tip: Experiment with textures and patterns to add personality to your ensemble.
Belts, watches, bracelets my! Accessories can take your polo game to the next level. Choose a belt that complements your outfit, add a watch for a touch of sophistication, or throw on a cute hat for a playful touch. It's the little details that make all the difference!
Tip: MOBILESTYLES beauty experts can help you find the perfect hairstyle to complement your accessorized look!
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Step into style with the right shoes. Sneakers, loafers, or dress shoes - pick the pair that suits your mood. Your shoe choice can enhance or understate your polo outfit, so step confidently toward your fashion goals!
Fashionista Alert: MOBILESTYLES offers beauty professionals who can give your feet a fabulous pedicure to make sure your toes are as stylish as your polo-clad upper half!
To tuck or not to tuck
To tuck or not to tuck? It's a polo dilemma. For a polished look, tuck it in; for a carefree vibe, let it hang loose. Mastering the art of tucking is the key to striking the perfect balance between casual and chic.
Style Hack: A light front tuck can offer the best of both worlds-polished yet relaxed.
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Rolling sleeves or not
Sleeves play a starring role in your polo performance. Roll them up for an easy, casual vibe, or keep them down for a polished finish. Your sleeves, your style - choose the length that speaks to your fashion soul.
Fashion forward: A subtle role can add a touch of flair to your outfit and show off your sense of style.
Care and Maintenance
Your polo deserves VIP treatment. Follow these care tips to keep it looking fresh and fabulous. Proper washing, ironing, and storage are the keys to a long-lasting love affair with your polo shirts.
Quick fix: MOBILESTYLES beauty experts can provide quick, on-the-go care tips to keep your polo looking runway-ready!
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Personalize your style
Time to release your inner designer! Add patches, embroidery, or mix-and-match patterns to create a polo that's uniquely you. Express yourself and let your style shine through in every stitch and detail.
Stylist's Note: MOBILESTYLES beauty professionals can help you perfect your hair and makeup to add the finishing touches to your personalized polo look!
Final Tips
Dress for the occasion, embrace confidence, and let comfort lead the way. Your style journey is a reflection of you - experiment, have fun, and let your polo be the canvas for your beautiful, evolving story.
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Unleash your beauty, on demand!
Now that you're a polo styling pro, remember that MOBILESTYLES is here to up your beauty game. From hair and makeup to toe pampering, our beauty experts are just a click away. Schedule a Beauty on Demand service and let your beauty shine as bright as your perfectly styled polo shirt. Your style journey starts now! ✨
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home-121 · 8 months
The Nitty Gritty of Roof Replacement
When it comes to maintaining and improving your home, roof replacement is a significant task that often garners a lot of attention. Ranked high in the hierarchy of home workouts, roofing haunts the mind of homeowners as soon as signs of damage or distress start to appear. If you’ve been searching roof replacement near me, this article will help shed some light on the subject.
1: When is a Roof Replacement Needed?
Although routine virtual repairs and upkeep can extend a roof’s lifespan, there comes a time when simply patching up leaks and replacing shingles won’t cut it anymore. You might notice missing or damaged shingles, leaks or water stains inside your house, or shingle granules in your gutters - these are all red flags hinting towards an impending roof replacement.
2: What does a Roofing Contractor Do?
Opting for roof replacement near me brings you in contact with professional roofing contractors. Touted as superheroes in hard hats, these professionals offer invaluable technical expertise and peace of mind. Their tasks include an initial survey and analysis to ascertain damages and costs, removing old roofing materials, applying new ones with precision workmanship, and cleaning up the worksite once completed. In essence, they oversee every aspect of the daunting procedure from start to finish.
3: The Key Role of Gutter Cleaning Service
One might wonder about the relevance between gutter cleaning service and roof replacement. It seems like comparing apples & oranges when viewed superficially; however, this couldn't be further from the truth when unearthing nuances that bind them together.
The proper maintenance of gutters holds essential value during both pre and post-roof replacement phase - clogged gutters can cause water back-ups damaging the roof's foundations over time while after new installation keeping them clean helps ensure smooth drainage thereby preventing any unexpected problems related to water damage.
4: Picking the Right Roof Replacement near Me
Choosing a professional and experienced roofing contractor is paramount to the success of your roof replacement task. Look beyond mere monetary considerations; the reliability, experience, accreditation, and track record should be key deciding factors. A word-of-mouth recommendation or positive reviews are heavily weighed but take everything with a grain of salt.
5: The Bottom Line
The process of roof replacement can seem daunting initially. However, trustworthy and reliable services such as "roof replacement near me" can help you tread through seamlessly. By offering comprehensive services extending from examining your roof for potential damages to finally clearing up your driveway after work completion, these experts ensure that you don't have to lift a finger throughout this crucial project.
In a sporting sense – replacing an entire roof is like organizing an entire Olympic tournament within the bounds of your home. Take care in choosing where to place your trust because when it comes down to pulling off this Herculean task effectively & efficiently - teamwork makes the dream work! Remember maintenance - whether its regular gutter check-ups or timely repairs - cannot be emphasized enough because prevention is better than cure.
Home Right Solutions, LLC
Address: 1426 Shingle Way, McDonough, GA 30252
Phone: 678-661-6778
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beautyandselfcare · 1 year
Skincare Harmony: Self-Care Practices for Different Skin Types
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Beautiful, healthy skin is the canvas of self-confidence and well-being. However, not all skin is created equal. Our skin comes in various types, each with its unique needs and concerns. To achieve optimal skin health, it's essential to tailor your self-care routine to your specific skin type. In this blog, we'll explore the various skin types and the self-care practices that can help you achieve radiant, glowing skin.
Understanding the Basics: Skin Types
Before diving into specific self-care practices, it's crucial to understand the different skin types:
Normal Skin: Normal skin is well-balanced, neither too oily nor too dry. It has a smooth texture and small pores, with few blemishes or imperfections.
Oily Skin: Oily skin tends to produce excess sebum, leading to a shiny complexion and enlarged pores. Individuals with oily skin are more prone to acne and blackheads.
Dry Skin: Dry skin lacks moisture and often feels tight and flaky. It can be sensitive and prone to redness and irritation.
Combination Skin: Combination skin is a blend of different skin types. Typically, it's oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry or normal in other areas.
Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin is prone to irritation, redness, and itching. It can react negatively to harsh ingredients or environmental factors.
Now that we've defined these skin types, let's explore self-care practices tailored to each:
Self-Care for Normal Skin
Normal skin requires maintenance to retain its balance:
Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild, pH-balanced cleanser to cleanse your skin morning and night.
Hydration: Moisturize with a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to maintain skin's hydration.
Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen daily to prevent premature aging and sun damage.
Weekly Exfoliation: Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells and keep your skin smooth.
Self-Care for Oily Skin
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Managing excess oil is key for those with oily skin:
Cleansing: Use a gentle, foaming cleanser to control oil without over-drying.
Salicylic Acid: Incorporate products containing salicylic acid to unclog pores and prevent breakouts.
Oil-Free Moisturizer: Opt for oil-free, hydrating moisturizers to balance moisture levels.
Clay Masks: Apply clay masks weekly to absorb excess oil and reduce shine.
Self-Care for Dry Skin
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Moisture is essential for dry skin:
Hydrating Cleanser: Use a creamy, hydrating cleanser to avoid stripping natural oils.
Rich Moisturizer: Invest in a rich, emollient moisturizer to lock in moisture.
Hyaluronic Acid: Apply products with hyaluronic acid to boost hydration.
Avoid Hot Water: Use lukewarm water instead of hot water for washing and bathing to prevent further dryness.
Self-Care for Combination Skin
Balancing both oil and dryness is the key:
Targeted Cleansing: Use a mild cleanser for the dry areas and a salicylic acid-based cleanser for the T-zone.
Zone-Specific Moisturizing: Apply a lightweight moisturizer on the T-zone and a richer one on the dry areas.
Spot Treatments: Use spot treatments for blemishes in the oily areas while being gentle on the dry areas.
Weekly Masks: Apply a clarifying mask to the T-zone and a hydrating mask to the dry areas.
Self-Care for Sensitive Skin
Gentle, soothing care is essential:
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Fragrance-Free Products: Choose skincare products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.
Patch Testing: Always patch-test new products to avoid potential reactions.
Minimal Ingredients: Use products with minimal ingredients to reduce the risk of irritation.
SPF and Physical Barriers: Protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen and use physical barriers like hats and scarves when exposed to harsh weather conditions.
Additional Tips for All Skin Types
Regardless of your skin type, consider these universal self-care tips:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.
Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids to support skin health.
Stress Management: Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation and yoga to maintain a calm mind, which can positively impact your skin.
Consult a Professional: If you're unsure about your skin type or have persistent issues, consult a dermatologist for personalized guidance.
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In conclusion, self-care practices tailored to your specific skin type are essential for achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Embrace these practices, listen to your skin's needs, and remember that consistency is key in the journey to beautiful, glowing skin. With a well-tailored self-care routine, you can nurture your skin and boost your confidence.
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10 Tips for Maintaining Your Hair Patch in Lucknow
Hair loss can be a challenging experience for anyone, but with a well-maintained hair patch, you can regain your confidence and youthful appearance.
In Lucknow, where the weather can be quite demanding, it's essential to take proper care of your hair patch to ensure it looks natural and lasts longer.
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In this blog post, we'll provide 10 tips to keep your hair patch in top-notch condition, allowing you to embrace life with poise and self-assurance.
1. Choose the Right Hair Patch
The first step to successful hair patch maintenance in Lucknow is selecting the right one for you.
Consult a professional hair specialist who can guide you in choosing the perfect hair patch that complements your facial features and matches your natural hair color.
2. Keep Your Scalp Clean and Healthy
A clean and healthy scalp is crucial for the longevity of your hair patch. Wash your scalp regularly with a gentle shampoo, and ensure it's free from excessive oil and dirt. Remember to use lukewarm water, as hot water can damage the adhesive of the hair patch.
3. Avoid Frequent Touching
Resist the urge to touch or scratch your hair patch frequently. Excessive touching can loosen the adhesive and cause premature wear and tear. Be gentle with your hair patch, rewarding you with a longer lifespan.
4. Use Recommended Hair Products
Consult your hair specialist for suitable products that are safe to use with your hair patch. Avoid products containing harsh chemicals or alcohol, as they can weaken the adhesive bond and affect the hair patch's appearance.
5. Protect Your Hair Patch from UV Rays
The scorching sun in Lucknow can be harsh on your hair patch. Protect it from harmful UV rays by wearing a hat or wearing a scarf outdoors for extended periods. UV protection not only preserves the color but also prevents damage.
6. Regular Maintenance Checks
Schedule periodic maintenance checks with your hair specialist. They will inspect your hair patch, clean the scalp area, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it stays secure and comfortable.
7. Proper Removal
Following the proper removal process when removing your hair patch for cleaning or replacement. Use a recommended adhesive remover and avoid tugging or pulling on the hair patch, as this can harm your natural hair.
8. Keep an Eye on Adhesive Residue
After removing your hair patch, gently clean any adhesive residue from your scalp. This will help maintain a clean and irritation-free scalp.
9. Be Mindful During Physical Activities
Participating in physical activities is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but it's crucial to be mindful of your hair patch during these moments. Secure your hair patch with a bandana or headgear to prevent it from getting displaced.
10. Seek Professional Help for Repairs
Avoid DIY fixes if you notice any damage or loosening of your hair patch. Instead, seek immediate assistance from your hair specialist. They are trained to handle repairs effectively, preventing further damage.
Maintaining your hair patch in Lucknow combines choosing the right product, regular care, and seeking professional help.
By following these 10 tips, you can extend the life of your hair patch, exuding confidence and embracing your true self with pride, regardless of hair loss.
Remember, with proper maintenance, your hair patch can be your best ally in your journey towards feeling great and looking fantastic!
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spanagpur · 1 year
Hair Wig Nagpur: Your One-Stop Shop for Natural and Synthetic Wigs
Hair wigs are a type of hairpiece that can be worn by men and women alike to cover hair loss or change their hairstyle. Hair wigs come in different styles, colors, lengths, and textures to fit the wearer's preferences and needs. For men, hair wigs are often used to cover bald spots or thinning hair. They can also be used to create a new look, whether for a theatrical performance or simply to experiment with a different hairstyle. Men's hair wigs come in a range of styles, from short and natural to longer, more dramatic styles. Many men opt for synthetic hair wigs, which are affordable and low-maintenance. However, some men prefer human hair wigs, which offer a more natural look and can be styled with heat tools. https://mossspanagpur.com/hair-wig-in-nagpur/
Women's hair wigs are more commonly used for fashion purposes or to cover hair loss due to chemotherapy, alopecia, or other medical conditions. Women's hair wigs come in a variety of lengths, colors, and textures, from curly to straight and everything in between. Women's wigs can be made of synthetic hair or human hair, with human hair wigs generally being more expensive but also more durable and natural-looking.
Both men and women can choose from a variety of wig cap styles, including full lace, front lace, and monofilament caps. Full lace caps offer the most natural look, as the hair is hand-tied to the cap, allowing for a natural-looking hairline and part. Front lace caps feature a lace front that creates a natural-looking hairline, while the rest of the cap is made of a more durable material. Monofilament caps have a thin, breathable material at the crown that allows for natural-looking movement and styling.
Benefits of Using Hair Wigs When You Go in Public – Hair Wigs Nagpur
Quick results: Hair wigs provide an instant result of hair loss problems.
Maintenance and care: Wigs require regular maintenance and care routine.
Style: - Wigs provide you with the option to get a brand-new style whenever you want!
Healthy hair: - While wearing a wig, your own hair is kept out of the way.
Some Advantages of Wearing Hair Wigs
Hair Wigs are typically used by people for medical purposes, for a temporary hair replacement and to conceal a scar. They can also be used as costumes or as fancy hats for parties. Nevertheless, wigs are definitely worn by many women for more than one reason. These are the famous methods that have been from the days of yore with many famed celebrities has been seen with the hairdo. Hair weaving and bonding are hair extensions methods which are referred to the integration of artificial hair or hair replacement system used to alter the hairstyle.
What Is A Permanent Hair Wig?
Wigs are preferable for people looking for a non-surgical treatment, especially patients undergoing medical treatments. On the other hand, you can style human hair wigs like normal hair using blow dryers and hair straighteners. https://mossspanagpur.com/hair-wig-in-nagpur/
Natural Hair Protection
Changing your look often can be liberating, and wearing a wig for fun also comes with many benefits. If you want to take better care of your natural hair, wearing a wig is an excellent way to protect your natural hair from daily damage such as heat or products with harsh chemicals.
Which Type of Hair Wig Is Best?
Human hair wigs require care and maintenance similar to normal hair. You need to wash them, condition them and style them at regular intervals. They can last for about 1 to 3 years and give a more natural appearance contrary to synthetic wigs. To decide the ideal hair wig, you must consider your requirements, daily usage, and work schedule. Call Now: - 95790 90903
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