hellfire--cult · 5 months
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The eye technique of looking into your eyes, to then drift to your lips and back up again.
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trulyumai · 2 months
rhinos and men
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—request: could you do a story where geta and his family are watching the games and his son see the rhino and gets all excited. Thank you for your time and stories.
pairing : emperor Geta / empress! reader
—warnings: talk of violence, fighting. y’all’s son is a little cutie patootie fr
“—come on little one, don’t let go okay?” esocorting your son to the stands, his little hand gripped against yours.
He was ever so distracted, with big eyes glancing at the people around him, trying to get view of the pit below.
You hated bringing him to a place so early… not even his sixth name day has occurred. But your husband allowed it—demanded of it.
“He’ll need to grow up fast.” He had whispered to you, nearly everyone was asleep, as it was a late hour, rain prodded at the walls of the keep and thunder boomed. After a particularly rough session with you the man was caressing your face gently, discussing his future plans of war, how it would be good to open the coliseum again for the people.
You remembered feeling so tired— but such a statement brought out fear upon you, waking you up instantly. He was just a child. Your son. You didn’t want for him to endure the horrors of the world. The horrors of Geta.
But now you’re here, coaxing the child to your husband who stands upon your arrival.
With open arms, his child came running to him. Geta tried not to smile; to keep the facade of a benevolent leader, but such a sight was so… lovely.
“Hello little man, excited for the show?” Brushing his son’s matching hair back, he lifted his gaze to his wife. Already you sat beside them, lightly fanning at your reddened cheeks.
Sometimes he forgot you weren’t yet to such weather conditions just yet.
“Mhm mhm! Momma said there would be big— big animals!” Gesturing with wide little hands. geta hummed in agreement, leaning forward his cheek touched his sons.
“See there? Those beasts are dutiful in the field. They show no mercy upon the fool who chooses to be their foe.”
Geta laughed. “Yes, a rhino.”
Caracalla, ever the prodding man, interrupted such a sweet sight. “Brother, shouldn’t the woman being tending to the child? Not the fearless emperor.”
Meeting said man’s gaze, you scoffed. “How would you know, Caracalla. Sending your wife away and all?”
Caracalla snarled in response, his teeth crooked and yellow. Not removing your heavy gaze, you waited for the man’s chipped response.
“How dare you even—”
“Enough!” The emperor interrupted. Setting the child down, the little boy made his way to you, gesturing towards your lap for comfort.
Geta squinted at Caracalla, until the crowds roars distracted him so.
It was time to act, wasn’t it?
Turning towards the citizens, Geta let out a deep cry. His hands lifted, signaling for the guards to start the game.
With a call of a horn, the show began.
“Momma, look!”
“Careful honey, don’t lean too far.”
The only response was a pouting look, one that made your heart clench in regret. “Just be careful— I worry for you little star.” Pinching at his face, the boy let out a giggle. Geta wanted to pay attention to the mayhem. He really, really did.
Afterall, he went through so much trouble putting together for the act. Finding the resources for such an opportunity was getting harder and harder, the war made too big of an impact on supplies and men. But his people needed a distraction, especially in times like this.
But to see you there coddling and mulling over your little one—who looked like an exact copy of Geta himself, made him soft. Too soft to watch a man be stabbed repeatedly upon the ground floor and left to rot.
He was so glad you agreed to be a mother. Maybe he could convince you a second time tonight.
“Son,” the emperor called out, instantly gaining the boys attention.
“How about we visit the bayside after this?”
A confused look graced the child’s features and you had to lean in closer to geta to whisper gently. “He doesn’t know that word, darling. Say big blue water.”
Geta’s hands moved nervously beside the arm rest. Embarrassed to say such low leveled words. “Ahm, you know the.. big..blue water.”
Your son squeezed your hand in delight, already nodding his head up and down at such a statement. “Can we now— please?”
“Not until the shows over, my love,” setting him back down in your lap you smiled at Geta, amused by the child’s complete wonderment.
The man’s arm came into contact with your shoulder, pulling you into his side snuggly while the fight resumed on with loud cries and clashes. “You haven’t even seen the rhinos yet, son.”
A blank look appeared on the boy. “Oh yeah.”
The two of you sat side by side, geta touching you ever so often with calloused fingers. Your son not being able to sit still, wobbling in your lap carelessly as his balance flayed with every cry he let out for an animal that entered his vision.
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“Did you see his horn? And the feet!” Being escorted out, Geta kept a hand around your waist as your son perched into your lap, his hands pinching and prodding as your cheeks.
Not being able to respond, you nodded laughing with a closed lip smile.
“Careful with your mother, boy, she’s delicate.”
The boys fingers stopped there pushing and a yawn escaped his lips. “Big water now?” A tired voice asked.
“Big water.” You agreed, lightly rocking him, your son soon found sleep, allowing a nap to take hold.
“I wish I could fall asleep like that.” With a guiding hand, Geta helped you upon the chariot, lifting you easily upon the wooden and steel frame.
“You do sleep like that, darling. Especially after dealing with your brother.”
A chuckle escaped the emperor as his body leaned back, both arms gracing the back of the seat. “He is inssufersble sometimes, isn’t he.”
Humming, your eyes suddenly felt tired. The heat was encapsulating your being and having your son splayed out onto your lap didn’t help.
Seeing you from the corner of his eyes, Geta noted the droopy lids and tucked down chin.
Usually he would forbid such a show of weakness in public. Say how reckless it is and cuss you out.
But something was differ today; he couldn’t quite place it.
“sleep, wife. I will awake you when we’ve arrived.” The promise escaped his lips before he could even think to push it back.
With a tired nod, you agreed. A slumber fell upon you before you could open your eyes once more.
Geta only scooted closer, pressing his shoulder to your slumped head with careful brushes.
The emperor couldn’t help but lean down, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead as your son’s snores reverberated through the small space.
Today was good to you.
Minus Caracalla’s presence, of course.
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howamidrivinginlimbo · 10 months
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The Baths of Caracalla in Rome, Italy
The thermae were probably constructed during the reigns of the emperors Septimius Severus and his son Caracalla. This was between 211 and 216/217 AD.
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jens-holland · 2 months
Ridley Scott wants the emperors in Gladiator II to be Caligula so bad. The aesthetic is very Julio-Claudian coded. The wide-eyed insanity is soooo Caligula. And that camp little giggle we hear in the trailer? Peak Caligula vibes. The only reason why it can’t be Caligula is because the Colosseum wasn’t built until several decades later, but that hasn’t stopped Scott before.
Caracalla was definitely crazy, but he was a very different type of crazy. Caracalla was terrifying because he was cold and brutal. He had his brother Geta assassinated in the presence of their mother, and when he heard Geta’s name spoken in Alexandria, he had the entire city massacred. But what gets me most is that he wasn’t like genuinely insane — the army LOVED him! And not only because he paid them a ton of cash, but he also marched and ate with them like any other soldier. He was just a brutal and angry man who would lash out unpredictably, and I find that far more terrifying than the classic Caligula crazy because he had a group of men who were deeply loyal to him, and Caligula did not. (Caracalla did have a pet lion named after a style of Persian dagger, though, and I REALLY hope it’s in the movie, but it probably won’t be lol)
This is not to say that I won’t be absolutely losing my mind over the twin emperor performances, but Caligula is who you want, Ridley 😂😂
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xplore-the-unknwn · 5 months
Commodus in Gold ⚜️
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His microexpressions are everything!!!
Hyped for Gladiator 2 coming out. I have trust Joseph Quinn is gonna deliver an out of this world performance as the new “antagonist” emperor but let’s pay tribute to our OG Sassy emperor that paved the way- Commodus the Merciful!
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
excuse me WHITE face paint?!?!?!
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yes, confirmed. blonde hair, white face paint.
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kassy-munson · 5 months
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les Thermes de Caracalla à Rome, Italie ����🇹
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hellfire--cult · 5 months
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I swear... I need him to look at me like that and hold my chin while mocking me for blushing.
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NSFW/Minors DNI/18+ only. Don't make me come back there.
Gladiator II
Burn - Caracalla's wife Fulvia makes a fateful choice.
Catacomb - is he Caracalla or Geta? He's sin incarnate.
C.B. Strike
The White Horse - Billy Knight smut, fic prompt
Stranger Things
Cul De Sac - Middle aged Eddie Munson AU fluffy one shot
Small Axe
Black & White - PC Dixon falls in love in Swinging London
Magnolia Moon - Grunauer loses his virginity, smut
The Hoist
18 Bramah Road - Hash finds a girlfriend
Real Person Fiction
Lady Luck
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trulyumai · 2 months
how does getas brother feel about his wife? is he nice to her? is he an ass?
Seeing how caracalla acts in the trailer and putting real life personality traits together; man would DESPISE her.
Not only because she’s gotten so close to Geta, but she overrides him entirely. She can also provide a new heir; deeming his existence for the throne futile in the long run
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grayjoy15 · 21 days
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Roman Emperors: Augustus – Gordian I
27 BC – 238 AD
Excited to be working on these again! The series is nearing completion! Pride edition will follow shortly…
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Baths of Caracalla by Lawrence Alma-Tadema
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ancientrome · 1 year
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Marble portrait of the emperor Caracalla. 212–217 CE. x
Caracalla took the official name of M. Aurelius Antoninus Pius as part of the Severan dynasty’s attempt to appear as the legitimate and worthy successors of the secondcentury Antonine emperors. Despite this, in his official portraiture, he abandoned the luxuriant hair and beard of his predecessors for a military style characterized by closely cropped curls and a stubble beard. An ancient source records that on his deathbed, his father Septimius Severus advised Caracalla to “enrich the soldiers and despise everyone else.” This finely carved head is a powerful rendering of the official portrait and was probably produced at an imperial workshop, since the statue fragments are said to have been found in Rome. It is from a statue, the legs of which also survive and are displayed in the Study Collection on the Mezzanine Floor.
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alba-longa · 6 months
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Emperor Caracalla as sole ruler, 212-17, white marble, h. 57 cm, Altes Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin. 
Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus, given the nickname Caracalla (after a hooded Gallic cloak) even during his lifetime, came to power with his younger brother Geta after the death of their father Septimius Severus (r. 193–211). Their coregency suddenly ended when Caracalla ordered the death of Geta and many of his supporters in 212… In Mesopotamia on April 8, 217, after five years as sole ruler, Caracalla too was murdered. Caracalla looked to Alexander the Great as a role model and sought to imitate him in both conduct and appearance. “He was such a passionate devotee of Alexander’s that he used certain weapons and drinking cups that he thought had once belonged to Alexander. He also set up many portraits of Alexander…” (Cassius Dio, Roman History 78, 7, 1). Caracalla supposedly modelled himself on the Macedonian ruler even in his gestures and facial expressions. The Berlin portrait depicts Caracalla’s head and entire upper body, as was popular among portrait busts from the second century AD onward. Except for the general’s cloak draped over his left shoulder and the sword belt across his chest, the emperor is nude. The nudity combined with the military trappings elevates him above the realm of the everyday into a heroic sphere. His head is stocky and compact, and turned strongly towards his left shoulder. His hair, rendered in knotlike tufts, lies close to his skull. The tufts at the center of his forehead are clustered together and point upwards, perhaps a play on Alexander the Great’s hairstyle (anastole). A short moustache and beard complete the coiffure. The facial features are full of energy: numerous horizontal and vertical creases on the forehead and bridge of the nose accentuate the powerful movement and drama of the whole physiognomy. The effect is heightened by the partially shaved chin and the small, slightly open mouth. The portrait follows not only images of Alexander but also those of athletes. In AD 212 this portrait type, the so-called “sole ruler” type, replaced the portrait of Caracalla as the young successor to the throne. It remained in use until AD 217. In presenting himself as a vigorous autocrat living up to athletic and military ideals, the emperor represented himself in a manner very different to that of his predecessors. — text via Google Arts & Culture (© Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).  
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Caracalla was Roman emperor from 211 to 217 CE. Born Lucius Septimius Bassianus, son of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, he became co-ruler with his father in 198 CE and sole ruler after the death of his father in 211 CE and of his brother Geta later that same year. In his Edict of 212 CE, the Antonine Constitution, he granted Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the empire. This worked well as propaganda but at the same time also increased tax revenue for the state. Following his father's advice, he sought the support of the Roman army above all, sharing hardship with his soldiers on campaign. His campaigns in the western part of the Roman Empire secured the frontiers and made him popular with the army, but his campaign against Parthia in the east was less successful. He was assassinated by his praetorian prefect, Macrinus (r. 217-218 CE).
Early Life
Caracalla was born Lucius Septimius Bassianus on 4 April 188 CE in Lugdunum (Lyon) where his father Septimius Severus (r. 193-211 CE) was serving as the governor of Gallia Lugdunensis during the last years of Emperor Commodus (r. 180-192 CE). When Caracalla was seven, his name was changed to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. This was done because of the wish of his father, now emperor, to link the new Severan dynasty with the previous Antonine one. The name 'Caracalla' was considered a nickname and referred to a type of cloak that the emperor wore (the nickname was originally used pejoratively and was never an official name of the emperor). At the time his name was changed, Caracalla became the official heir of his father, and in 198 CE at the age of ten, he was designated co-ruler with Severus (albeit a very junior co-ruler!).
From an early age, Caracalla was constantly in conflict with his brother Geta who was only 11 months younger than he. At the age of 14, Caracalla was married to the daughter of Severus' close friend Plautianus, Fulvia Plautilla, but this arranged marriage was not a happy one, and Caracalla despised his new wife (Dio 77.3.1 states that she was a 'shameless creature'). While the marriage produced a single daughter, it came to an abrupt end when in 205 CE Plautianus was accused and convicted of treason and executed. Plautilla was exiled and later put to death upon Caracalla's accession (Dio 77.5.3).
In the year 208 CE, Septimius Severus, upon hearing of troubles in Britain, thought it a good opportunity to not only campaign there but to take both of his sons with him as they were living libertine lifestyles in the city of Rome. Campaigning, Severus thought, would give both boys exposure to the realities of rule, thus providing experience for them which they could use upon succeeding their father. While in Britain, Geta was supposedly put in charge of civil administration there, while Caracalla and his father campaigned in Scotland. Although Caracalla did acquire some valuable experience in military matters, he seems to have revealed an even darker side of his personality and, according to Dio, tried on at least one occasion to kill his father so that he could become emperor. Although it was unsuccessful, Severus admonished his son, leaving a sword within his son's reach challenging him to finish the job that he botched earlier (Dio 77.14.1-7). Caracalla backed down, but according to Herodian, he was constantly trying to convince Severus' doctors to hasten the dying emperor's demise (3.15.2). In any case, the emperor died at Eboracum (modern York) in February 211 CE. Severus' last advice to both Caracalla and Geta was to "Be good to each other, enrich the army, and damn the rest" (Dio 77.15.2).
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