guelyury · 6 days
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Pedro Pascal as Marcus Acacius
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ienjoywritingfilth · 2 months
teach me, general
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hi: i wrote this because general acacius is still making me feel hornee things®. I don't know shit about roman gladiator times, about the language, about a n y t h i n g this is just a debauched excuse to think of this man naked and fucking.
You've been promised to another man to save Rome, but you have no desire to become his wife. Marcus Acacius has been assigned to ensure you do not flee before your wedding. Things happen.
trope: enemies to lovers
pedro character: Marcus Acacius x female reader (you)
warnings: innocence kink, age gap (not specified, but he an old peepaw just how we like him) , Marcus tries to be good but we like him bad, AU as fuck because i have no idea what happens in the movie, virgin bullshit, eating out, allusions (are what whores do for money or candy) to other sex, , i think that's everything.
wanna see my other stuff?
"I will not play nursemaid to a spoiled child."
Marcus sweeps the scroll from the desk angrily, standing and stalking to the window, his cape fluttering behind him. 
Commander Cassius, an older man and one of The emperor's most trusted advisors stands in the corner, his gnarled hands folded in front of him. 
"She has not been a child for quite some time, General Acacius," the commander replies, a smirk crossing his lined mouth. 
Marcus only makes a scoffing noise at that, refusing to turn around and give the older man the respect he thinks he deserves. 
"She is desperate." the commander adds, walking in Marcus direction. "She is to be wed tomorrow."
"The city talks of nothing else." 
Marcus is sick to death with talk of your marriage to a neighbouring royal family. The marriage means bountiful coin and harvest for Rome. It's a step towards unification and the future. 
But for the last several months it's all he's heard of between battles. The dress, the food, the entertainment. It's all so grating to hear about when he throws himself into daily combats. 
"She has made her feelings on the matter quite clear," the commander says with a gentle exhalation. "There is concern she will flee in the night."
"She has no desire to marry. No interest in continuing the bloodline."
There are rumors of course. That the Prince you've been promised to is dim, that he drinks too much, that he has an eye only for men. It's no wonder you don't look forward to such a union.
"She says she will study at the universities instead," Cassius chuckles. "A silly fantasy. She is a woman after all." 
Marcus is quiet with contemplation. He'd just returned from battle days ago. He was still weary, his patience thin. The poor reception home from his family adds to his bitter mood. 
"But she is wise beyond her years," the commander says. "She has managed escape more than once, as you well know. It was you yourself who retrieved her the night of her eighteenth birthday in the olive grove was it not?" 
Marcus rolls his eyes recalling how you screamed and punched his armour as he dragged you down from the branches, throwing you over his shoulder. You screamed until your voice was hoarse as he carried you home that evening, shouting obscenities in his ear the entire way. 
All because you'd wanted a chance to see the Gladiators. You'd begged your parents and they'd been quite clear that it was no place for you. You'd snuck out anyway, caught by Marcus before you could even get to the Coliseum. 
When he does not reply the older commander stepped forward, placing a hand on the younger man's shoulder. 
"You have your orders from the Emperor."
Marcus shrugs off the older man's touch, his dark eyes sharp. 
"And why must it be me?'
'"Because, General Acacius, you are the one man that cannot be fooled by her."
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The slave is at the door when Marcus knocks at your bedroom. Their face is covered; their stance cowered when they open the door widely. 
"General Acacius," the quiet voice observes eyes on the ground. Marcus is grim-faced, entering into the room.
"I have been instructed by the Emperor to keep watch tonight."
"I see," the woman nods, her face still tilted respectfully to the floor. "I was just about to fetch her dinner."
Marcus steps further into the lavish room with its bright, white walls and smooth marble floors. 
"Where is she?" 
"She is in her bed," the slave replies bowing even more lowly. 
Marcus' dark eyes move to the bed, seeing the sleeping figure's chest rise and fall through the gauzy curtains that hang on all sides. 
"The sun is not yet set."
"She is overcome. Her wishes for the marriage to be called off have been ignored."
Marcus nods, watching as the slave goes to move past him. Her feet slap the floor slowly, everything in her body suggesting an unhurried dedication to her position. 
She brushes Marcus' sleeve and he sniffs the air, a familiar scent wafting over him. Roses. 
Without warning his large hand darts out, grabbing the slave by the arm and dragging her back into the room before she can leave. The door is slammed shut, her exit blocked. 
Marcus says nothing; he simply rips the veil from the woman's face, shaking his head in frustration as your uncovered visage stares unblinking back at him. 
He watches as you sneer, your irritation clear. 
"How did you know?" 
"Rosewater," he replies in a husky murmur. "No slave could afford to bathe in such luxury." 
You pull your elbow from his grasp, furious at being caught. You call out to the girl in your bed. 
"Amilius you are released." 
A taller woman a haggard face and wild hair rolls out of the bed. She is clearly a slave but wears an embroidered toga meant for royalty. 
"You will still be paid," you assure her as she approaches you both, her eyes on the floor. You retrieve the pouch of clattering coin from your locked cabinet, placing its heavy bundle into her shocked hands. 
"It is too much."
"Not at all," you insist. "I thank you for trying. You may keep the clothing as well." 
"You are most welcome." 
The smile the two of you exchange is sweet and Marcus is furious at the sight of it. How dare you think up this scheme and how dare this slave go along with it? 
"You are bold," he says, stepping towards her. "To defy the word of your Emperor and not expect retaliation." 
"She did it only to defend me," you break in, stepping between Marcus and the girl. "To give me a chance at escape."
"Treason," Marcus snarls, his eyes still on the girl behind you. "You will be put on trial."
Amilius shrinks back, her eyes wide. The thought of punishment like this never occurred to her. She simply follows what you tell her, as she always has. 
"I will say I drugged her," you shoot back. "I will be put on trial. I will be sentenced to death. I choose that. Anything is better than a marriage to that self important caenum!"
Your chest heaves with untapped anger. Marcus knows that this is true. You are just stubborn enough to choose death but it would mean only calamity for Rome. 
"Leave us."
Amilius nods and shuffles from the room, closing the door behind her. You watch as Marcus locks it before coming back to you. 
"So they sent the General," you say with a laugh as you remove the slave’s cloak you were wearing. You drop it into a chair before looking at him. "How fearsome a creature I must be if the strongest General in the army is sent to watch me."
"Fearsome I think not. An annoyance to be sure." 
You roll your eyes, going to the table that holds the wine and other spirits. Several chalices are there, empty and ready to be filled. 
"Some wine, General?"
Marcus shakes his head. He would never drink when on such a job. He doesn't trust you. You shrug, pouring two glasses anyway. 
Marcus is surveying your room, quietly taking in all the personal touches. He notices you position your writing desk to the east, to enjoy the midday sun. Your bed is soft and layered with furs to keep away the chill. 
You walk back over to him, holding out the larger chalice to your guest.
You watch as Marcus takes both chalices in hand, swapping the one you poured for him with yours. You go to deny him this but he's already taken a deep pull from his glass, smiling at you when you make no move to do the same.  
"None for you?"
You try to keep your voice even, not wishing to show your hand. 
"I find my thirst rather quenched." 
"Is that so? Or is it that I caught onto your pathetic ploy to drug my wine?" Marcus smirks, taking a deep sip.
You say nothing; you bite the inside of your cheek instead. Marcus digs the blade in a little deeper. 
 "The vial made a rather obvious noise when it hit the rim of the chalice." 
You bite so harshly you draw blood. 
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Its hours later and the fire has been cracking for the better part of the evening since the sun went down. 
Marcus sits on an ornate chair before the fire, his body stoic and broad and strangely intimidating despite his continued silence. He has the chair facing you, not letting you out of his sight for even a moment. 
You sit at your writing desk, hunched over parchment as you write hurriedly. The scratch of the stylus is the only sound in the bedroom. 
Marcus exhales slowly, irritated at needing to be here at all. Knowing his luck, he'll also be forced to be at the royal wedding as well. 
You stand and take a stretch, cracking your back as you arch your spine. The flowing fabric drifts over your body pooling at your feet. Marcus takes note of your head tilted back, eyes closed. He doesn't remember your profile being this striking. He muses it is one that should be etched onto roman coins, remembered by those to come forever after. 
You walk over to him with a tired look in your eyes. 
"It is late," you tell Marcus. 
Marcus doesn't reply. He simply sits there, waiting for you to tire of whatever game you've begun. 
"I thank you for the fire, General." 
"You are most welcome."
He isn't expecting you to walk behind him pretending to stoke the fire. And he can only blame his lack of focus on his extreme lack of sleep. He'd managed none during battle and at home it seemed he was more than a little restless. 
He feels your hand slide the dagger from his hip, realizing too late. You go streaming across the room, your eyes wild when he races after you. 
"Impudice fur!"
"I have stolen nothing," you shoot back at the insult. 
The two of you circle what another in the room like your own miniaturized version of the Gladiator pit. 
"You have stolen years off my life," Marcus growls. "You have turned my hair silver."
You look at the dark hair threaded with grey in parts. 
"You have done that yourself, General, thanks to your love of bloodshed and the battlefield."
Marcus rolls his eyes. "Only a stulte would think my strategy anything other than necessary."
"If you insist," you say rolling your eyes, clearly disbelieving. 
"Return the weapon."
Marcus is strong, he is quick and you will have to submit to him. There is little else to do, aside from throwing yourself out the window behind you. The thought of that horrible childish man being your husband makes you seriously consider it.
You can't help it, thoughts of being his wife, of being tethered to such a man disgusts you. You would more readily marry Marcus Acacius if you had to. At least the man had honour and dignity.
And then all at once the answer is clear to you. You drop the knife onto the floor, hearing it clatter as you spin and throw yourself towards the large open window. 
Your feet slap against the stone floor as you fling yourself towards the open air. The realization that before you die you will know what it is to fly. 
Marcus is on you almost immediately, grabbing you around the middle before you can tumble to outside. He yanks you back, tackling your unwilling body to the ground. He pins your hands to the ground. You attempt to wrench from his grip, squirming under him. 
"Stop these foolish games."
"It is no game," you shout. "It is my life! I will choose if I live or die!" 
All at once Marcus is very aware that you are not the child he once saw in the halls or at events. The child and then teenager he found so grating with her questions that he took to ignoring her. 
"Still yourself."
You wriggle in his grip like a worm. As you do your hips graze his cock and he's shocked to find a stab of arousal hit him. 
It's as if for the first time he sees that you've become a woman. A beautiful one at that, all soft curves and kissable mouth. He stares at the damp plump of your lips and realizes that he's growing hard under his toga. 
He throws himself off of you, hunched over until he gets to the window. You're rubbing your wrists, completely unaware of what happened as you stand, glaring at him. 
"It is what is fated," Marcus barks at you. 
"How easy for you to say!" You scoff disgusted. "Tomorrow I will be the wife of a childish boor who would rather chase cock than spend a moment with me. Rome will be safe for a time, yes, but at the cost of my entire being. And you, General Acacius, will go on living your life free of restraint." 
"I come with my own shackles, believe me."
"And what is that? Too much coin for wine? Too many prostrating followers who blindly obey you?"
"A wife who married me for my title. Two stepsons with the combined intelligence of a pomegranate seed.” Marcus shakes his head. "You act as if everyone may rule their destiny but true freedom is granted to only the few." 
He can see the fight leave your body. 
But he knows you’re still upset. He moves over to your desk, needing a break from your smoldering glare. The parchment you were working on earlier sits there, writing unfinished. Marcus takes a scroll in hand, squinting down at it. 
"What are these?" 
You rush over, your face red as you rip the scroll from his hands. 
Seeing your weakness Marcus holds it up out of reach, a childish grin on his face as you leap up, trying to grasp them. But it's no use, he's taller, stronger and you fall back, defeated. 
“Tell me and I will return it to you.”
"They are poems," you mutter exasperatedly, feeling shy.
"Your own?"
"I wonder what about," Marcus says and he reaches into the desk to find several more scrolls. "What dress to wear to the market? How best to complain about having everything?" 
Marcus takes them in hand, a sneer evident in his face as you reach for them again.
“You promised!”
“As you promised your fidelity to the prince.”
“My father promised him. I promised him nothing.”
Marcus lets out a small huff before turning his back to you. You can see him unrolling the scroll, beginning to read.  You watch him, feeling both furious and anxious. These are some of your innermost thoughts that he’s reading.
There is a long bout of silence. You watch his broad shoulders sag, his hand flipping the page over and continuing to read. He does this through several sheets until you can't stand it anymore. 
"Give it here!"
You pause with your hand on his elbow. He's solemn, but that's not what shocks you. It's the tears that he wipes quickly away with his free hand. 
"Are you---"
You step backwards, your hands falling to your sides. You have known the general since you were a child of thirteen. Over ten years you have been in his company and only now have you seen him lose his composure. 
As a child you were convinced he didn't feel true emotions. He was always this tall, impressively stoic figure. You never spoke to him outside of your father's company. You only heard everyone talk of his skills on the battlefield, of his keen mind. The only time he truly emoted in front of you was when he ripped you from the warm embrace of the olive tree, forcing you back to your boring life. Hissing at you that you were ungrateful for all you'd been given. 
"This is very beautiful," he admits in a voice dragged over sand. "The way you describe death is very," he searches for the word. "Vivid." 
"Thank you," you reply dumbstruck. 
You've never received praise for you writing outside your friends. So to receive it in the form of your current enemy is more than a little shocking. Marcus has no allegiance to you, in fact, his response is so genuine because you know he's fighting against his inner desire to chastise or condemn. 
Seeing this hulk of a man with tears still damp along his waterline has you softening everywhere. He's looking at the pages and then back at you. 
"Have you any others?"
"Yes," you nod.
"All on the same theme?"
"A variety."
"May I see?" 
You walk to your writing table, pulling out the parchment you hide from prying eyes and pass them into his outstretched hands. You wait with your lower lip lodged under your top teeth, your fingers twisting together. You don't know why but you crave to know what he's thinking. 
You don't need to wait very long. 
"It is clear there are limitations to your skills."
He has the familiar arrogant expression on his face as he says this. You bristle sharply at his words and he notices. 
"You write of death, you write of jealousy, you write of fear,"' he says. "All of these you compose with obvious talent, with a voice I feel here." 
He taps the centre of his chest before he holds up some of the pages you laboured on. 
"But these? The poems of love, of desire? They feel false."
You take a moment to digest what he's saying. He's treating you like an equal, as if you're someone who can take the criticism. It propels you to explain instead of running away in embarrassment. 
"People want poetry to transcend them, to deliver them somewhere beautiful. How else to do that other than with poems on such topics?"
He holds up the pages. 
"It clearly does not come naturally."
"It is a challenge at times."
"You write of loss with such acuity," Marcus explains. "Why then do you describe the action between a man and woman so stiffly?"
"I have experience with loss."
Marcus stares at you, surprised.
As the daughter of the emperor he'd just assumed you'd have your fair share of romances. You're a beautiful woman and if you were anyone else but the Emperor's daughter he might have pursued you himself. 
You feel his gaze trained on you and you walk to the fire. The flames reflect in your eyes as Marcus continues to watch you. You swallow your embarrassment and look over your shoulder at him. 
"Will you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"What I am to expect on my wedding night." 
Marcus lets the scroll fall from his hand onto the stone floor. At the sound of its contact he shakes himself, retrieving them and placing them on your desk. 
"You have not known the touch of a man?"
With cheeks stained in embarrassment you shake your head. 
"I have not. The life of the privileged daughter isn't one that allows for entanglements," you sigh. "I fear for what awaits me."
Marcus thinks of your future husband, a man who doesn't want any part of you. You'll wither on the vine, ripened and juicy and waiting. 
What a waste. 
"I cannot," Marcus says. "I am simply here to ensure you do not flee."
"Perhaps I will not flee if I know what is to occur."
Marcus sighs and strides towards you. You watch as he pulls over one of the chairs you had at the window, placing it across from the chair you sit in before the fire. 
"You will be wed; there will be the wedding celebration with most of Rome at your unity. Then he will take you to his chamber." 
You lick your suddenly dry lips. 
"I am no fool. I know what the day’s events will be, General. I want to know what happens in consummation."
Marcus inhales deeply. He can feel himself growing stiff. You are a delectable thing, forbidden in so many ways. He itches to touch your skin and taste your cunt. 
"He will, he will press his mouth to yours."  
"Show me."
"Please," you beg, coming to stand closer to him. "Once I know what is to come I will feel more able to conquer this fear I feel."
Marcus debates this as he stares at you. And it's his cock that does the thinking for him when he steps closer to you. 
Marcus sighs heavily through his aquiline nose. You hold your breath as he grips the back of your neck, like you're a bothersome kitten. Holding you there he lowers his face to yours, grazing your lips with his. 
You coo gently at the sensation, your nipples hardening as he wraps his arms around you. He's so broad, so muscular, you feel so vulnerable and yet safe in his arms. 
You cling to him, body immediately wrapping around his, pressing so tightly to him that you feel everything. Your hips roll against his and you shudder pleasantly when you feel his breathing hitch. 
"More," you beg. Marcus groans, his large hands coming to cup and knead your breasts as his tongue invades your mouth. 
He's murdered men, he's plotted army overtaking, and he’s attacked the unarmed, but touching and kissing the virgin daughter of the emperor? This is the most corrupt thing he's ever done. 
And you're so desperate for him, no hesitation in any part of you. You just allow him to plunder your body, his mouth moving down your jaw to your neck and then the barely concealed valley of your breasts. 
His hands move around your body, pressing and caressing and skimming until they land at your backside. You kiss him fervently, feeling his palms tug you against his hard cock.
You whimper, eyes rolling back as the two of you grind against one another. It feels so sinfully good to do such a thing. 
"That is enough," Marcus says stiffly, pulling back from you when you make that sound. He looks at your swollen lips and dazed expression. 
"Please, show me everything," you whisper. "Teach me." 
Marcus has a fairly good idea that your wedding night is going to be brief and awful. The least he could do is give you some pleasure before you're thrust into a lifetime of timid touches and non-existent intimacy. 
Just once, a sinful voice whispers. Fuck her just once to see how it feels. 
"I cannot." 
You feel insecurity wind its way around your ribs before tugging brutally. Its clear Marcus does not find you handsome enough to tempt him or he still sees you as a child. In humiliation you turn from him and take a seat before the fire once more. Your shoulder sag as you gaze down at your clasped fingers on your lap. 
You hear Marcus sigh from the window before you sense his approach. He comes to sit in the chair opposite you, his gaze so serious. 
"It would be wrong."
"But I desire it."
"It would be dishonourable." 
"Please," you beg him again, finally raising your head. "My entire life you have been there for me, coming to my aid. And now I turn to you for the final time, General. Please help me." 
"I cannot do it."
"But why?" You demand now, knowing that your patience is wearing thin. "Give me one true reason." 
He lifts his muscular frame out of the chair, crossing until he gets to you. You gaze up the length of him, not flinching when he drops to his knees between your parted thighs. 
Marcus tilts forward until his body nears yours, his hands on either side of your chair arms. His body is so warm, so broad. You fight the urge to touch his chest as his swollen mouth brushes your ear. 
"Because if I were to start, it would take the entirety of the Emperor's army to stop." 
You blink slowly, your eyes trailing over his face and body. Your entire body is fizzy, like lightning is coursing through your veins instead of blood. 
"I would pull you apart," Marcus hums against your skin. "I would draw noises from you that you cannot begin to imagine. I would have you shaking and begging for more and I would continue."
You can't breathe. 
“I would fill you with my seed, marking your womb as mine. I would do it over and over until I was spent, only to do it all again at dawn." 
Marcus groans softly, his dark eyes scanning down your toga to the swell of your breasts. 
"And even then I would not be able to cease," Marcus says as he squeezes your breasts through your toga. "I would train your mouth, your cunt, every hole you possess in the ways of pleasure. All would be mine, nothing left for another." 
You stare at him, unblinking.
"And so you see why I must refrain," he finishes huskily. "Why I cannot give you what you believe you desire."
When did he go from the scowling general to a real man with such a filthy mouth? You’re quivering all over, desperate for him to be even closer. Your eyes drop to his full mouth, aching to feel it again.
"What if that is what I crave? What if I have no desire for you to cease?"
Your fingers go to his, pulling one hand under your toga, leading him up between your silken thighs. Marcus allows it, eyes on you but his hand inching towards your centre. 
"You do not know what you ask."
"Show me, Marcus," you whisper, your mouth nearing his. "Make me yours if only for tonight."
Your lips slot between his, kissing with uncertainty as your hands go to the buttons at his shoulder. His fingers are slowly teasing your entrance as he stares at you. 
You arch as his thumb begins to circle your clit, his long fingers starting to nudge your liquid heat. 
Marcus knows that every inch of you he touches is another year in the pit if he's discovered. You are the most forbidden fruit in Rome. Yet he continues to slide two fingers to the knuckle into your core, curling them as you cry out for him. 
At the sharp sound of your cry he withdraws his fingers, glossy with slick. He stands, needing to clear his head. He feels your confused gaze on his back. 
"I cannot defile you before your wedding," he explains. "Your chastity is of the utmost importance." 
"The slaves tell me of ways to circumvent such an issue," you tell him as the cape he wears falls to the ground. 
He watches you untie his toga, urging it from his body until he stands there in nothing but his gladiator sandals. 
He is truly a sight to behold. Golden, muscled, captivating in the same way blood along knuckles shine in sunlight. You take your time to walk around him, admiring the tight taut of his ass, the breadth of his wide shoulders littered with scars and the curls that tease the bottom of his neck. 
You save his front for last, taking your time to watch the trail of hair move from his navel downward. 
His cock is hard, thick and heavy. It weeps at the tip, already so eager. It hangs there; too large for you to imagine entering you as you reach out and touch it. He hisses at the first point of contact. 
He watches as you carefully touch him, marvelling at the iron of his cock until the silk of his skin. You trace the vein on the underside, trailing it from the base to just below the mushroom head. 
You slide down to your knees, fascinated. Amilius has spoken to you of men when you’ve asked.  She has been married and has a child. You know a bit of what men like but only in theory. You lift your eyes up to see Marcus staring down at you with a heated gaze. Your hands go to his thighs, gently resting there. 
You grin before leaning forward and placing the sweetest peck to the tip of his manhood.  
Marcus growls softly in the back of his throat. His eyes close briefly before opening, looking darker than before. You watch as he takes his cock in hand, gripping it by the base and pulling it towards you. 
You part your lips, ready to take him on your tongue and are surprised when instead he drags the tip along your bottom lip, leaving a trail off pre-cum there. You lick the remnants, curious at the salty taste. He watches you with increasing interest. 
"Irrumabo," Marcus murmurs, his cock tapping against the full of your bottom lip. "Yes?"
You nod, opening your jaw. Marcus smiles, thumb tracing the curve of your mouth. 
"Not tonight," Marcus says as he shakes his head, bringing you to a gentle stand. "Tonight is your pleasure." 
He tugs the gown from your body, letting the silk pool on the ground beside you. You shiver under his gaze, noticing his length which twitches. 
Marcus feels his breath leave him as your nude body is bared to him. You look so innocent there, waiting for him, gazing nervously at him through your lashes. 
"Goddess," Marcus hisses, his hands coming to cup your breasts. "I am a condemned man for even looking at you."
He lowers his head eagerly, nipping and licking your nipples as you cling to him, urging him to take more as you arch your spine. 
"Marcus, please more," you moan. 
Unceremoniously he pushes you back to sit in your chair, your legs splayed in surprise. He drops to his knees, moving your legs to hook over his wide shoulders. You allow this, your body limp and eager to be posed by his strong arms and hands.
He looks up to see you panting, staring down the length of your body at his face between your legs. Without breaking eye contact Marcus dips forward and licks a stripe up the centre of your sex. 
Your eyes immediately shut as pleasure ripples through you. His wide hands grip your creamy thighs, holding them in place as he continues to probe his tongue deeper into your channel. 
Your hands grope the air around you fruitlessly. You don't know what to do with them. Marcus notices and he takes your wrists between his grips, forcing them to card through his hair. 
He goes back to sucking your clit and you feel your hips buck. Your fingers dig into his skull, holding the curls and you understand why he placed them there. 
"Harder," he tells you sharply as he peppers your inner thighs with sweet kisses. You tug harder on his curls and he groans softly in approval. 
You make a shuddering noise of pleasure and it dies in your throat as he pulls back from you. His eyes are stormy as he looks up the length of you to give you a disapproving shake of his head. 
"Silence, cherub. We do not need the guards coming to investigate your shrieks." 
You nod breathlessly, clapping a hand over your mouth as he continues. The sounds are muffled against your palm as he brings his hands to slide under your ass, pulling your sex deeper into his mouth as he consumes you, groaning into your cunt when you cum. 
"Quiet," he reminds you between licks. 
As you sit there in the chair he brings you to a second steady orgasm, revelling in the muffled yips you make when you begin to writhe against his face, coating him in your essence. When your shuddering ends Marcus slowly withdraws his tongue from your cunt, gazing up at you with a dazed look.
"My husband will do this to me?" You pant; your body shiny with perspiration. "It was so pleasant. I felt the sun within my body." 
Marcus remains on his knees, his mouth glistening with your arousal. He gives you a pitying look, knowing full well that your husband to be likely won't see you past your wedding night. 
The thought enrages him as he sits there, cheek against your thigh as you give him that hopeful expression.
"No," Marcus finally admits. "I believe his actions will be more perfunctory." 
You frown.
"How? Show me."
"You ask too much."
"Yes, I do," you admit with no hesitation or embarrassment. 
Marcus gives you a calculating look before standing. You sigh, waiting for him to leave when he crouches down beside your chair, sliding his hands behind your back and under your knees and hoists you into his arms. 
"I will give you what you desire," he tells you gently. "I can deny you nothing." 
"You have denied me much over the years," you remind him with mirth. "When I tried to see the Gladiators fight and you pulled me from that olive tree?"
"And I never heard the end of it. Imagine denying this request? You'd have me hanged."
You give a shy giggle before lacing your fingers behind his neck, your mouth finding his with ease as he carries you to the bed. 
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The two of you lay in the twisted blankets of the bed, bodies gleaming with sweat. Marcus did exactly as he promised. For hours he took you apart, forcing you to come on his fingers, his mouth, his cock. You took him at every turn, eyes shut and your mouth covered by his palm or his lips. 
And now that the dreamy haze bleeds into reality you find yourself frowning. Marcus, with his arms holding your body to his notices immediately. 
"What troubles you?" 
“Tomorrow I will be another man's wife," you say with tears in your eyes. "Rome will be saved for a time but at what cost? I'll never feel pleasure like this again. I'll never have you in my bed again."
Marcus feels a pull behind his ribs, and he leans forward to kiss you gently. You respond, your tears damp on his cheeks.
"Your lessons will continue," Marcus promises, kissing behind your ear. "I will make sure of it." 
"My husband--"
"Will be thankful when you are with child," Marcus tells you in a hush, his hand curving over your stomach. "My child."
Your eyes are luminous. 
"After your wedding night he will not come to your chambers," he promises. "But I will. I will drink the nectar between your legs and I will spill myself down your throat. I will have you everywhere and when we pass in public although there are no words to be uttered you will know I think only of you. That I am yours and you are mine."
He wipes away your tears with his large thumbs before pulling your mouth to his. You fall asleep in his arms, the sensation of his body there to protect you through the night. 
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Marcus stirs the next morning to the sound of birds outside the window; it's cheerful and bright as the sun that hangs high in the sky. 
It feels right that your wedding day should be beautiful when you yourself are so exquisite. 
Marcus feels his cock hardening immediately at memories of last night. Of the sounds you made and the way you felt. He looks forward to a life with you, even if it must be in secret. You are something special, something like freedom.
He cracks open his eye to take in your sleeping face, but your side of the bed is empty. A scroll is there beside him in the empty bed instead, his name written. With a panic in his heart he unrolls it, finding a lock of your hair tied with a ribbon inside. He takes it, pressing his lips against it as he reads the words from your hand. 
Carissamus General. I know that as you read this you will think me a villain, but I promise that my words were true and my body forever yours. Please understand why I could not possibly allow another to touch me. Freedom is for those who take it. I leave you a piece of me in exchange for the piece of you I will carry in my heart. I owe you everything and perhaps in the next life we will have the future you dream of. Until then I wish you the same joy and pleasure you gave me. With all my love, and all that I am. 
Marcus reads the beautiful words over and over. They spin around his skull as he dresses, pulling on his toga and cloak. But instead of anger in his expression he smiles serenely. 
He's always enjoys a good chase. 
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pascalxp · 3 months
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Ps. I am not okay
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meep-meep-richie · 3 months
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Paul Mescal as Lucius Verus || Gladiator II trailer
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xxhypersomnia · 5 days
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Lockscreen and Desktops
link to HQ all marcus desktops here:
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hiscrimsonangel · 3 months
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Oh my my my….
A Roman God has been unleashed….
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rockchick94 · 4 months
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Gladiator II reshoots are happening currently in Sussex
Videos were posted by The massage man
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I hope the studios do the right thing soon so the actors and all the crew can get back to it.
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frankieslady · 3 days
⚔️🔥Marcus Acacius🗡️💫
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jessicafangirl · 3 months
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#EddieMunson finally has taken his final form of game master. #Gladiator2 #JosephQuinn.
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pascalypse · 10 months
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Pedro Pascal and the Air Malta flight attendants. 🛫
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guelyury · 5 days
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New stills of Pedro as Marcus Acacius
(📸 Entertainment Weekly)
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pascalxp · 5 days
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Gladiator II (New trailer) - Pedro Pascal as Marcus Acacius
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deansimpalagirl · 3 months
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It's here you guys! 🥵🥵🥵
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clickbaitspoilers · 6 months
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The official title of Gladiator 2 is Gladiator II
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hiscrimsonangel · 3 months
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*bows* The Emperor has arrived….
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