#Car servicing and mechanic service
wuxian-vs-wangji · 1 month
Alright, let's break this down:
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According to The Google:
Boiler (Heating Core) Replacement: ~$1,500
Starter Dynamo Replacement: ~$750
Battery: ~$400
Full tire replacement: ~$500
What Rain's ass is worth to Payu at this point: ~$3,150
** Before taxes and based on average parts/labor cost in the US, and without knowing the exact model and year of Rain's BMW.
Babe, don't be mad, he may be calling you a ho, but he's calling you an EXPENSIVE, GRADE-A HO.
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iammorethananame · 11 months
Me: *financially independent and uncomfortable accepting monetary help*
Also me: *fiercely anti-captalist and anti-rich people*
Still me: *staring wistfully at @theidiotwhowritesthings's sugar daddy!Joel Miller AU* I want one
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dreamlogic · 11 days
finally got a job & then my car's engine immediately started smoking on the way home from meeting my supervisors & filling out tax paperwork. 🫠
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chrissy-kaos · 11 months
Can u really fix cars baby face
No. I just like jacking up my car up and squeezing my fat ass under it getting dirty and shit just for a picture... smh.
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deathtodickens · 1 year
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Helena: (whispering in myka's ear) You just say the word, my love.
Myka: (whispering back) Is this your idea of sweet talk?
Helena: (still whispering) I'm certainly excited about the prospect of avenging Leena's unjust murder.
Myka: (sighing) Just... play nice.
Helena: Nice was Leena's job. Abigail's taken it on just fine. Let's hope Artie doesn't murder her, too.
Myka: The Regents agreed, it wasn't him. They agreed that he wasn't himself. They've accepted that.
Helena: And I'm not a Regent. Nor are you. He wasn't himself? He wasn't anybody else either. Leena died by his hand for whatever decisions he made leading to the moment he... did what he did. How can you just..
Myka: (glaring)
Helena: (takes in a deep breath)
Myka: This is the warehouse, Helena. Artifacts do things to people. They play with your mind. We all know that risk. We all take it, every single day. It could have been any one of us. It could be. It has been.
Helena: If he had hurt you...
Myka: I know.
Helena: If he ever does.
Myka: I know.
Myka: But I think, for now, we have reached our warehouse homicides quota. Right?
Helena: It doesn't have to be in the warehouse.
Myka: Helena.
Helena: Fine. I won't murder him.
Myka: That's all I'm asking.
Helena: For now.
Myka: I... okay, sure. I'll accept that.
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thereisnofood · 20 days
i hate my welding teacher and theres soo much tine between my morning hvac class and the welding class at 1:30 cuz my first class is basically like. if your group finishes with a car early and theres no other cars to look at you can just leave so my group got out like an hour and a half early so im just sitting around dreading going to welding cuz the teacher is a huge dick. i understand why hes a dick and welding is very serious and if you dont take the equipment seriously and understand what you're doing it could have major consequences. but hes an asshole about it though
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autoscandia · 2 months
The Benefits Of Staying On Top Of Audi’s ‘Service Due’ Alert & How To Do It From Experts in Herndon, VA
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Of late, the high-end cars are coming equipped with many advanced features that not only help in the smooth running of the vehicle but also warn you about impending issues. That is why it is often opined that one should always stay on top of the ‘Service Due’ warning message displayed on the screen of your Audi.
There are several advantages associated with staying ahead of the ‘Service Due’ warning message and here in this article, we will discuss the benefits of staying on top of Audi’s ‘Service Due’ shared with us by the expert mechanics in Herndon, VA.
Economize Your Maintenance Cost
Ensures Safety
Increases Reliability
Expert Recommendations
Economize Your Maintenance Cost
Now, when you are driving a high-end car like Audi no doubt the cost of repairs and maintenance is going to be pretty high in comparison to general cars. Most of the time it is seen that drivers don’t pay any heed to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for their Audi & this is why they get an inflated repair bill when encountered with issues.
However, when you are pro-active in maintaining your high-end car then you will able to avoid many serious issues before they strike your car by addressing the underlying problem before it takes a turn for the worse. That is why staying ahead of the ‘Service Due’ message is very important.
This is because whenever you get to see this message appear on the screen of your Audi, then there is a high probability of encountering challenging issues when you take your Audi to a certified repair shop for its due service. For example, when you are apt in replacing the engine oil of your car, then you won’t have to face serious engine failure issues.
Ensures Safety
The biggest benefit of staying on top of the ‘Service Due’ warning message is that you will be reducing the risk of encountering safety-related problems in your high-end car significantly. There are many parts in your car that play a significant role in ensuring that you drive safely on the road.
Especially, the brakes of your car that not only help in stopping your car when you press the brake pedal but also help in proper handling of the car. Generally, it is seen that with due course of time, the components of the brake system like the brake pads and rotors start to wear out.
When you are giving priority to regular maintenance and service then you can avoid a lot of brake-related issues before they pop up in the form of the ‘Service Due’ warning message on the screen of your luxury car. In addition to that, most of the time it is seen that Audi drivers encounter brake fluid leaks that adversely affect the functioning of the brakes.
Now, when you are sticking to the service schedule recommended in your owner’s manual then you can rest assured that before the brake fluid leaks out the underlying problem can be taken care of in the maintenance schedule.
Increases Reliability
One of the best things about sticking to the regular maintenance schedule is that it increases the reliability of your Audi massively. Nobody wants to get stuck in the middle of the road with a stalling engine or starting issues when going on a road trip.
Besides that, when you are not driving your car for a long time problems start to buildup and then when you suddenly try to start your car or drive, you face problems. The best way to avoid this type of problem is by resorting to preventive maintenance before you get to see the warning message.
Expert Recommendations
Now, apart from all those above-discussed benefits that you get when you resort to regular service and maintenance of your luxury car, the most valuable thing is that at times, the certified mechanics looking after your Audi can suggest taking up some maintenance tasks.
These suggestions are worth their weight in gold because they not only save your car from an impending problem but also go a long way in ensuring that the performance of your Audi gets a boost.
The above-discussed factors are some of the benefits associated with maintaining your luxury car regularly rather than waiting for the ‘Service Due’ warning message to pop up on the screen. You should get in touch with a certified mechanic to book your service schedule before it is too late and you get to see the warning message.
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ifixxstuff · 3 months
The fork = paid actor.
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mnmautorepair · 4 months
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Revitalize your BMW's performance with our top-notch clutch maintenance services in Fords, New Jersey. Our skilled technicians employ cutting-edge diagnostics, genuine BMW parts, and tailored solutions for a swift and precise turnaround. Experience unparalleled expertise, transparent pricing, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Unleash your ultimate drive with confidence.
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dionysus-complex · 4 months
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absoluteautocareinc · 5 months
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Embark on a journey of automotive excellence with our guide to BMW car oil change service in Newton, HI. Expert technicians, high-performance oils, and state-of-the-art facilities converge for unparalleled service. Transparent pricing, genuine BMW parts, and eco-friendly practices ensure a seamless experience, making this guide indispensable for BMW enthusiasts in Newton.
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momentummotorworks · 1 year
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In general, the most worrisome situation on the road is your car producing a rattling noise suddenly when you accelerate. Moreover, the rattling noise produced by the Audi engine is affecting the drivability of your car in a long run. Due to numerous reasons, your Audi is producing a rattling noise under acceleration that needs proper diagnosis and repair. The following infographics defines the reason behind the engine of your Audi making a rattling noise when you accelerate.
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markdouglasmotorwork · 7 months
Preserving Excellence: The Importance of Regular Ferrari Car Services
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In the realm of automotive excellence, Ferrari stands as an embodiment of unparalleled engineering prowess, boasting not just incredible performance and power but also an aesthetic allure that captures the hearts of enthusiasts worldwide. Yet, behind this automotive marvel lies a crucial element often overlooked: the necessity for meticulous and regular maintenance. The allure of owning and driving a Ferrari is undeniable, but its upkeep is equally pivotal to sustain its brilliance and ensure an enduring driving experience.
Ferrari, with its meticulously engineered components and exceptional quality, demands a maintenance regimen that aligns with its manufacturer's prescribed schedule. This Italian icon, revered for its longevity, thrives when cared for conscientiously. Skipping or delaying maintenance, an unfortunate tendency among some Ferrari owners, can lead to dire consequences, overshadowing the initial attempt to economize. Herein lies the significance of regular maintenance for these exceptional vehicles.
Preserving Value and Appeal
Maintaining the value of a Ferrari extends beyond mere monetary considerations. A well-maintained Ferrari not only holds its visual appeal but also upholds its intrinsic value. When the time comes to part ways with your beloved Prancing Horse, meticulous maintenance will reflect in its condition, fetching a superior price in the market. Service records serve as testaments to diligent upkeep, instilling confidence in potential buyers regarding the car's mechanical health.
Enhanced Efficiency and Economy
Proper maintenance isn't just about aesthetics; it directly influences the vehicle's efficiency. Neglecting maintenance compromises the engine's performance, leading to increased fuel consumption as the vehicle compensates for power loss. By adhering to maintenance schedules, you optimize fuel economy, ensuring that your Ferrari runs as efficiently as it was designed to.
Safety and Reliability
Beyond aesthetics and performance, maintenance profoundly impacts safety and reliability. A well-maintained Ferrari is not only a joy to drive but also a safer vehicle. Regular maintenance prevents wear and tear, ensuring the internal systems operate optimally. This guarantees a smooth and reliable driving experience, mitigating potential risks and ensuring the vehicle behaves predictably on the road.
Furthermore, meticulous maintenance enhances the performance of critical safety systems like brakes, suspension, and steering. Failure in these areas could lead to catastrophic accidents. Preventing such risks necessitates unwavering attention to maintenance protocols.
Avoiding Costly Repairs
Neglecting maintenance is akin to inviting avoidable expenses. Ferrari service issues can result in exorbitant repair costs due to the high price of replacement parts and labor. Regular maintenance is not just a preventive measure but a prudent financial decision, sparing owners from the burden of unexpected and expensive repairs.
In essence, while the allure of owning a Ferrari is undeniable, it comes with the responsibility of dedicated care and maintenance. To preserve its value, performance, and safety, regular servicing at reputable service centers is imperative. Owners must recognize that neglecting maintenance jeopardizes not just the vehicle's performance but also their investment.
In conclusion, the importance of regular maintenance for a Ferrari cannot be overstated. It's not just a luxury but a responsibility—one that ensures the continued excellence and longevity of these remarkable machines. By honoring the prescribed maintenance schedule and entrusting your Ferrari to expert care, you safeguard its legacy, ensuring that the Prancing Horse gallops gracefully for generations to come.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 7 months
Had to use a butter knife to open the hood of my car 😐
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Garage Beaugrand
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lightkrets312 · 11 months
me: I'm going to take you to the therapist's office, they're going to be nice and helpful.
brain cat: (we're going to go to the vet and get a billion trillion shots and a quadrillion dollar medical bill. death is imminent.)
me: gamer.
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