sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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+2 biceps
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Who is this pretty lady? 😏 @crankgameplays
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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either time is a great time (x)
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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42K notes · View notes
sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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3K notes · View notes
sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Maltese is a popular item in my shop.  
3.5 inches tall, acrylic fiber, wool, leather leash, plastic eyes, polymer clay nose.
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Just a Wiishu making sure her Jack grows big and strong. 
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Take a minute. Think about what your favorite YouTuber has done for you. Think about how they have helped you, or how they have changed your life. 
Three communities, and I can name so many people who have told me amazing stories about what Mark, Jack, and Ethan have done for them. 
Allowed them to escape toxic households, find freedom from bad relationships, helped them become clean from smoking, self harming, or drinking, kept them going through the loss of a loved one or a friend, been their friend when they had no others, or kept them afloat. 
Time and time again, these stories come back. They do so, so much. The three of them are such incredible forces of change and meaning and strength. 
For many of us, we can proudly say that one of the boys – or all three of them – have saved our lives. So what can we do? 
Let’s give back. Let’s come together, three communities and a whole lot of people, to say thank you for everything they have done. 
Did you know that: 
Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year.
The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population.
On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world.
1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides.
Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.
We can give back by working together against suicide, because for many of us, that is what Mark, Jack, and Ethan did for us. 
Our goal is to raise $2,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention by the end of 2017. 
To do this, we need to get the word out. 
Tweet Mark, Jack, and Ethan! Tag them in this post ! Reblog this post ! Send them asks and submissions to let them know! Tell your friends! Even if you can’t participate financially, your help is needed in other ways. 
So let’s start today. Let’s say thank you to our heroes. 
Donate here: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=1247892
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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I swear I didn't do this on purpose.
3 notes · View notes
sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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6K notes · View notes
sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Jack is Gregg confirmed
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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he’s being sacrificed
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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When you can’t decide if you like a song or not
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Rebel mouth
(from “WILL YOU KEEP YOUR GREEN HAIR | Reading Your Comments #73″)
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
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Soo I did a thing 😂 @therealjacksepticeye
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sepdieplier-blog · 7 years
Oh god
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“Oh, you..!”
(from “DON’T GO IN THE BASEMENT   What Remains Of Edith Finch - Part 2″)
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