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zymzalchemy · 5 months ago
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28 Days Until Halloween: Pirate Captain Nikki—Halloween’s on the horizon, and Captain Nikki’s here to plunder more than just treasure. Who needs gold when you’ve got this kind of booty? 😏🏴‍☠️🔥
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annieshowell · 2 years ago
S: Pit a TS2 EP vs a TS3 EP
omg i never played ts3 😭 only the wii and xbox version so idk 😭😭😭
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simblrfairy · 2 months ago
captainnikki thank you for your existence 💘
@captainnikki 💚
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cait-curious · 2 years ago
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I got tagged by @sicksadsim! Thanks for tagging me and for liking my Cora's Story posts, I appreciate you!!
are you named after anyone? My middle name was my great grandmother's name, and I love that connection because she passed away before I was born.
when was the last time you cried? I can't remember, but I feel like I've cried in the past month from watching an emotional show. Or maybe it was a TikTok lol.
do you have kids? I do not. My only wish for Mother's Day is that the people at Starbucks don't wish me a Happy Mother's Day.
do you use sarcasm a lot? No never...
what sports do you play/have you played? I am not athletic at all, BUT I was in Marching Band all through high school and college. In high school we went to a lot of competitions, so it was sort of like a sport.
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? If they look friendly/approachable or not.
scary movies or happy endings? So, neither, lol. I love a twist ending, or something bittersweet.
any special talents? I'm taking sewing classes, and last month I made a dress! More a skill than a talent, but it's been really fun and different to learn. Very different than what I'm usually doing for fun, things like writing and playing the Sims lol.
where were you born? In the northeast of the US.
what are your hobbies? Sewing, playing the Sims, coloring, and planners.
do you have any pets? Yes I have two kitties, both girls.
how tall are you? 5'8"
fave subject in school? I've been out of school for a long time so I really have to think back lol. I liked English class and I was pretty good at it. Same with Computer class. I really wish I had studied more about computers in school. I also really liked Psychology class in high school, and I took several Psych classes in college too.
dream job? Running a combination used book store and cat cafe.
eye colour? Green
I'm tagging: @corruptuslocus @cindysimblr @kevinvoncrastenburg @simologista @madman-of-amargosa @simolemons @ewinkasiminka @leggsthesimmer @sixamese-simblr @strangerpxels @emperorofthedark @chrissybrown1127 @ophelianigmosz @lasudio @captainnikki
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eulaliasims · 1 year ago
Thank you for the tag, @captainnikki! I love piccrews, so much fun.
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Just a lil gal guy whatever!
Tagging @kaluxsims, @krabbysims, @mystic-hysteria, @ghostwaltzsims, @ofmdee if any of you are interested! No pressure, ofc!
i also wana start a picrew chain so just tag as manny ppl as you can and make a little guy of yourself
little guy maker|Picrew
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@sad-trash-pigeon @hyperbolic-havoc @literally-maria @willprobablychangethis @willows-woes @heartstopperstuff @sproldenlover @pessimistonsteriods @person4924 @katelyn-heartstopper @artsimmys @acuteobsession @apersononearth011 @faulty-radio
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deedee-sims · 4 years ago
Various replies :)
Under the cut!
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@leighplaysccfinds​ @eulaliasims​ I’m glad you like them! Sometimes my random ideas pay off too XD
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@nerlika-blog​ can’t wait to see it! :D
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@balkopat​ @saulenelasagne-blog​ @mikexx2​ thank you! There’s no such thing as too many cute top-only dresses!
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@captainnikki​ *pats your downloads folder reassuringly* no pain, no gain XD
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@kayleigh-83​ Hooray!
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@potentialfate-sims​ yeah! But that would be an idea for another business, I want this to be a supplies shop!
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saralynnx · 3 years ago
5, 7 and 11 :)
5. Favorite form of potato: Definitely mashed! Mashed potatoes are actually one of my all-time favorite foods.
7. What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? It has been such a long time since I have been to an aquarium! I love all forms of marine and aquatic life, so pretty much everything! But the coolest would definitely be the rays and sharks, because you typically don’t have much of an opportunity to see those types of animals up close.
11. Anything from your childhood you’ve held onto? All of my American Girl dolls and their collections. They’re all very special to me, my oldest AG doll is around 25 years old now! I also still have my original Harry Potter books at my parents house, I think. They are pretty beat up from me reading them so much and taking them with me to school, but they hold a lot of value to me as well.
Thank you! ❤️
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nigmos · 1 day ago
these are mine!! <3! thanks for the tag sweetheart!! @beadedup
tagging @lizzymp4 @captainnikki @birdietrait @muffuletadiver @socialbunny @changingplumbob @bastardtrait @helloavocadooo @holocene-sims @silverspringsimmer @spicedbush
I'm starting a tag game for songs stuck in your head.
Reply, or reblog with a song that's been stuck in your head this week, and then tag some people you might want to.
For this game I tag: @grossmuppet @coolmomvinyl @socalledmixtapelife @cr33pyspo0kytr33s @maylilithreign @xlittle-ghost @beardyoakenshield @subpixie420 @sensualkiwi aaaaand @justabitchwithunsettlingdesires
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yakumtsaki · 4 years ago
I want to play the sims 2 again but I have no idea where to even begin because most laptops now do not have s disc drive 🥺
ya ull need to dl it, u can get it here, there's also dif versions on torrent sites etc, i have the one by xp1 on piratebay. then ull have to set it up which can be a pain in the ass on windows 10, check out this guide by @captainnikki which breaks down all the steps!
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renfree · 4 years ago
Random Questions Tag
@limejellysims Thanks for the tag! My first random questions tag ^.^
Eggs: scrambled eggs with fried tomatoes (the only thing I can cook and not burn the kitchen)
Steak: I prefer fish steak. But if we take meat, then I like barbecue more
Milk: I’m allergic of cow milk. But recently I discovered oat milk. Tastes strange but good
Alcohol: Beer. And red wine for special days
Hot drink: Weak black tea without sugar. And sometimes hot chocolate with little marshmallows
I tag @yellowtotoro1 @cyazurai @captainnikki @livingdeadgal128 @cindysimblr @kat-simss @hotelfgirl @grilledcheese-aspiration
Feel free to ignore if you already did this/prefer not to :)
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yellowtotoro1 · 4 years ago
Simblr Community Challenge by @amelettes
1. How long have you been playing The Sims? 
I've been playing since 2000 when my bought The Sims. Since then its rare for me not to play and I find it helps me to deal with everything.
2. How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one? 
I've been a simblr since November 2020 and I became one simply just to give it a go and its kept me focused with all the pandemic stuff and people have actually liked my posts so that was a huge achievement.
3. What type of Simblr are you? 
I mostly have gameplay really, I'm currently focusing on my Chen family legacy, I'm notorious for not sticking to proper challenge rules but that's ok in a way cos everyone plays slightly differently.
4. Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
Mostly 4 at the moment, I haven't reinstalled 2 since I managed to bring my laptop back to life otherwise I would be alternating every few days between the two.
I'm tagging @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy @rainypurpleskies @riverblossom @captainnikki
As always there's no obligation to join in and anyone who isn't tagged but wants to join it then please do
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cozy-possum · 3 years ago
I was tagged by @captainnikki to list 10 of my favourite films!! Here they are; I went based on films I could watch over and over and never get bored of!
The Prince of Egypt
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Shrek the Musical (The costume design is great)
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Heathers both the movie and the musical (I’m a sucker for showtunes)
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Legally Blonde
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The Hunger Games series
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Van Helsing
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Watership Down
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Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind (All Ghibli Movies tbh)
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sealkitten · 3 years ago
Hello! Busy weekend of work & family commitments, but I've finally got time to sit down and reply - thank you so much to everyone who replied to my plea. I've been playing TS2 since launch and have never had such a bad scare in terms of breaking things (including the time I used the first iteration of AGS and had to manually registry edit every time I used it as my old PC would freak out).
So, the good news is - not only have I fixed things, but all I lost was placement of a few embankments, which is easily fixed. I'm 99% sure there was a conflict between Criquette's Neighbourhood Lighting Remedy and Gunmod's Radiance Lighting System, both of which I've now removed from my setup.
To fix/diagnose things, I pulled everything from my download folder, then ran the Origin 'Repair Game' feature. This broke the graphic fixes as in the original post, and despite restarting my laptop, nothing stuck - so in classic 'definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result' mode, I repeated both steps - and amazingly, the third time, it worked. Maybe Origin just got annoyed of me resetting things? Idk. Each time I reopened the game, I used Belladonna Cove as my 'testing' 'hood so I didn't lose any deco I'd placed, but I forgot this the last time I reloaded to check - more on that later.
I then carried out the time-consuming process of checking I didn't have any other errant downloads causing issues, so I added a folder of CC at a time back to the download folder, opened the game to check for any flashing, repeat. I left my mods folder and Criquette folder until last (dunno how everyone else sorts their CC, but I'm a firm 'folder for each creator, then subfolder' person. Yes, I know it slows things a little but my OCD likes it.) For these two, I removed any shader mods as they seemed top cause the biggest conflicts, then reintroduced things. As I've removed Radiance Lighting, I've also left out the 'hood lighting fix I suspect caused the issues (as I'd downloaded the version meant to work with Radiance - going to try the vanilla EA version tomorrow, so fingers crossed).
Whilst this was a long process and has left me needing to reinstall Scriptorium & associated CC like custom stairs, I have a working game again and only lost the previously mentioned embankments when I loaded a custom 'hood without adding them back into the Download folder. Hopefully this will save another person having similar issues!
Thank you to @criquette-was-here, @captainnikki, @cozy-sims, @origami-penguin , @lilythiums, @hankofthesims, and @acornsandthimbles-simblr for replying and offering help, I greatly appreciate it. One of the biggest reasons I've never quite been able to leave the TS2 community is how helpful and welcoming everyone in the community is, and 17 years hasn't dimmed it at all!
Ok, so. For the first time in my TS2 history, I Fucked Up and I don't know what i've done. Game config: Win10, Ultimate Collection (Origin), ZenBook 14 with AMD Ryzen/Radeon graphics chipset. I tried to install @criquette-was-here's STUNNING Feverfew, and very carefully made sure to get everything required - loaded to red flashing terrain. Thought, right, ok, must be a shader issue - removed shaders & radiance lighting, still flashing. Took out all CC & used the Origin game repair feature to reset, used the graphics rule fix, loaded Belladonna Cove - red flashing. Oh, and now the graphics rule fix isn't working and I'm about ready to tear my hair out. If anyone has any ideas, please - I'm all ears as I don't want to have to uninstall/reinstall!
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