#Captain Sternn
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ungoliantschilde · 11 months ago
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paintings by Bernie Wrightson.
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tomoleary · 1 month ago
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Bernie Wrightson Captain Sternn: Running Out of Time #5 (1994) Source
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balu8 · 3 months ago
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Captain Sternn
by Bernie Wrightson
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buckrogersinthe20thcentury · 7 months ago
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3lix13 · 1 year ago
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#cartoonist #kayfabetober Day 12 prompt: Roid Rage - took the opportunity to analyze some Bernie Wrightson behavior... #RoidRage #kayfabetober2023 #kayfabetober #HeavyMetalMagazine #Dreadstar #CaptainSternn #HanoverFiste #RoidRage #KitchenSinkPress #CopicMultiliner #PenandInk #inking #study #sketch #inkdrawing #berniewrightson #RunningOutofTime @jimruggart @ed_piskor @cartoonist.kayfabe
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mogkiompmovieguide · 2 years ago
MĂ©tal Hurlant (1981)
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Réalisé par Gerald Potterton, Canada, 90 min
Métal Hurlant est une parodie de science-fiction robotique, déjantée et Rock n' Roll.
Une orbe verte luisante, incarne le mal ultime et terrorise une jeune fille avec une anthologie d’histoires bizarres et fantastiques de dark fantasy, d’érotisme et d’horreur.
L''un des premiers films d'animation pour adultes Ă  ĂȘtre distribuĂ© dans les circuits du CinĂ©ma de masse, la violence graphique, une nuditĂ© et une sexualitĂ© explicites, dans une ambiance de Space OpĂ©ra MĂ©tal et Punk, en ont fait un objet culte et intemporel malgrĂ© la spĂ©cificitĂ© de ses rĂ©fĂ©rences. Il a ouvert la voie Ă  d'autres films d'animation, on pense notamment Ă  "Akira" sorti quelques annĂ©es plus tard en 88.
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MĂ©tal Hurlant Ă©tait un cĂ©lĂšbre magazine de science-fiction, prĂ©mices du style Cyber et steampunk et autres dĂ©lires post nuclĂ©aires. Le film Ă©ponyme est une adaptation plus ou moins libre de la bande dessinĂ©e française originale, crĂ©Ă©e en 1974. oĂč l'on pouvait trouver les styles de dessin de certains des plus grands artistes de bandes dessinĂ©es de l'Ă©poque, tels que Moebius, Philippe Druillet et Enki Bilal. Le film a Ă©galement incorporĂ© de la musique rock et mĂ©tal de groupes tels que Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult et Devo, ce qui a contribuĂ© Ă  Ă©tablir le genre de la bande dessinĂ©e mĂ©tal. . Quatre ans plus tard, le rĂ©alisateur Gerald Potterton et les Ă©crivains Daniel Goldberg et Len Blum s’associent pour en faire une adaptation cinĂ©matographique.
Ce film canadien met en vedette les talents d’une distribution au combien canadienne, d'Ă©minents acteurs, dont le producteur Ivan Reitman et les interprĂštes John Candy, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy et Hard Ramus. A l’ñge d’or des films d’anthologie comique, quatre ans aprĂšs Kentucky Fried Movie et quelques annĂ©es avant Amazon Women on the Moon.
Le film compte neuf segments, sans compter son Ă©pilogue. Ils sont marquĂ©s par une animation grossiĂšre, mĂȘme aux normes de 1981, et une nuditĂ© surprenante. Il y avait aussi beaucoup de musique, bien que tout ne corresponde pas nĂ©cessairement dans le genre musical titulaire; en plus de la chanson-titre de Sammy Hagar, le film prĂ©sente des styles musicaux de Blue Oyster Cult, Journey, Don Felder, Nazareth, et Cheap Trick.
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La ligne dans tout cela est Loc-Nar, une petite sphĂšre extraterrestre qui refait surface sous diffĂ©rentes formes tout au long du film, et sur des siĂšcles d’histoire humaine, un peu comme les monolithes en 2001 : A Space Odyssey.
Le film « Harry Canyon », un hommage à Taxi Driver et à la tradition du film noir, met en vedette un chauffeur de taxi et une femme fatale improbable. Un autre était le segment « Den », mettant en vedette le personnage créé par le célÚbre dessinateur de bandes dessinées Richard Corben.
« Captain Sternn » (exprimĂ© par Eugene Levy), qui joue dans un drame de salle d’audience. AccusĂ© d’une litanie de crimes, y compris « 12 chefs de meurtre au premier degrĂ©, 14 chefs de vol Ă  main armĂ©e de biens de la FĂ©dĂ©ration, 22 chefs de piraterie dans l’espace, 18 chefs de fraude, 37 chefs de viol — et une infraction en mouvement ». Il plaide non coupable, ayant soudoyĂ© un tĂ©moin, bien que le tĂ©moin soit dĂ©passĂ© par une version humaine musclĂ©e de Loc-Nar.
Ensuite, il y a le fameux segment « So Beautiful & So Dangerous », qui culmine avec un robot (exprimĂ© par John Candy) ayant des relations sexuelles avec une femme humaine, bien qu’à l’écran jusqu’à ce qu’ils argumentent avec humour sur la question de savoir s’il est possible pour eux de se marier. Il se termine par la dĂ©faite finale de Loc-Nar, par (qui d’autre?) une jolie femme chevauchant une crĂ©ature.
Le message du film, qui explore les thĂšmes de la violence, de la technologie, de la sexualitĂ© et de la nature humaine, est toujours pertinent aujourd'hui. Le film montre comment la technologie peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e Ă  des fins destructrices et comment les ĂȘtres humains peuvent se perdre Ă  travers la guerre, la cupiditĂ© et la violence.
En termes d'esthĂ©tique, le film est absolument fantastique de par la qualitĂ© de son ambiance steam-spatio-trash et surrĂ©aliste, qui combine les styles de dessin de plusieurs grands artistes de la bande dessinĂ©e. Bien que certains aspects de l'animation puissent sembler un peu dĂ©passĂ©s, l'utilisation de la rotoscopie. Une technique bien connue des fans de la premiĂšre du jeu Mortal Kombat, et/ou encore du film Tron, dans laquelle les animateurs dessinaient sur des images en mouvement rĂ©elles pour crĂ©er une animation plus fluide et plus rĂ©aliste. Cette technique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e avec succĂšs dans le film, crĂ©ant des sĂ©quences animĂ©es qui semblaient plus cinĂ©matiques et plus rĂ©alistes que celles des films d'animation traditionnels, lui donnant une identitĂ© visuelle en parfaite harmonie avec l'aspect dĂ©calĂ© et psychĂ©dĂ©lique de l'Ɠuvre.
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"Métal Hurlant" est toujours considéré comme LE film d'animation à avoir influencé et marqué les esprits à jamais dans le genre de la science-fiction fantaisiste. Bien que certains aspects de son esthétique puissent sembler retro, la qualité de l'animation n'a pas pris une ride, son message et son impact culturel ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps.
Bonne séance. Le film ICI \m/
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monsters-conquer-the-world · 1 year ago
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eyeballtank · 27 days ago
Some art ideas I had
Before working on Nortubel, I used to draw art and some of it was crossover based, other was based on my characters. But then I focused more on gamedev and later art I posted online was mostly stuff made for my game. A lot of it looks ugly but if you can tell I still wanted to focus on stuff I liked and not care about drawing popular stuff. I still had some ideas for art, which may not ever be done but they were pretty much the following:
Guts from Berserk as a Rankin Bass Hobbit.
Dhomochevsky and Iko from Blame but Iko is a balloon.
Sucy from LWA and En from Dorohedoro interacting.
Ranking Bass Eowyn x Casca Berserk.
Blame's Silicon life x Quake 2 Strogg.
Captain Sternn (Heavy Metal) and General Sturnn (Warhammer 40K).
Fritz the Cat/Zootopia crossover.
Mensab Seu X Farnese Serpico.
Turok and Yakari.
Gravity Rush Raven X Fuuma Kotaro of Tenkaichi.
Dragon's Crown Amazon and Hexen Fighter/Baratus
Mostly more anime/manga stuff (Berserk, Big O, LWA, Dorohedoro, Lupin the 3rd at the time).
Some characters I like doing that lunch in the lunch in the construction beam photo
Marvel vs Capcom joke with Elena from SF and Barracuda from Punisher.
Maybe a Totally Spies/Aeon Flux crossover
The Boys (Comic/Ennis version) and The Ripping Friends crossover
Doom Eternal Tyrant x D64 cut Cyberdemon.
And a bunch of other OC related art, which probably doesn't have to be done because I've made it for the game.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months ago
Captain Sternn's Trial | Heavy Metal | Creature Features
It really is what's happening and you actually see the characters and what they're playing and there is a ball like the dreaded locknar and it is not a crystal absorbs radiation and he is at this point he was inserted into a hulk and they did regret doing it aha quite often. He's like our son in a few ways they bought him a lot he has skill he has knowledge a lot more about killing and doesn't have the temperament for this massive idiotic show the more like a putting on and says it's stupid and it really is so his private already and this idiot starts saying stupid s*** while he's on the stand and Trump in the end he turns back and it gives him the money anyways but he's injects him and it comes back to him he's on the moon right here and he gets ejected he doesn't do it but he helps that's because of this incident but the money is very important.
If somebody coming out of nowhere the the seemingly comes out of nowhere this video but it's not Donald Trump has a plan for money just like his wife and she says it too this is going to come out and then you're f***** and she's waiting around for him to have money because he's planning on getting him some and controlling the situation so he's screwing around social security all the time and he has all this money in the bank and money is social security owes but he wants to put him through hell before he gets him anything and he's avoiding that and that's what he wants to do and this guy is a freaking nutcase next door and keeps on bothering and attacking him to run his assimine and I'm plan. So when he tried to hire Todd as a lawyer Todd figured it out. He said he won't let him get extra money or work for anyone for the price of tea in China or allow his money to go to him now people are figured out outside of here and a lot of them because they're not letting him have any money at all and they try and send it and they're killing these trumpsters and it's a ridiculous thing to do but the max had him do it and it's not really that profound it's just that the guy never was going to end up doing it yeah that's right he wants to hold him in the mental hospital and then prison and threatened for a ton of stuff and then running through a meaningless period But really it just does not work that way. And that means that he has most of our son's money and everyone knows it there it's in the banks investments and he's controlling those and people want them out of those investment firms and items that were his and control over social security there's a couple more things that he is in possession of that would have give him control over the money and it would be parts of the military where's the nuclear weapons are and he has control over part of the food distribution and water and supplies and grocery stores and some other items like that but police and the hospitals all the time for a sudden not to have anything but really the max did it to society to threaten society and to scapego Trump who's dying that is his entire clan permanently. Soon people will figure out is true no someone figured it out but just lawyer issue his really opened it up and people found him to be a moron and he just try to do it backwards so the max are trying to fight over control of the money and found these people to be everywhere and there's too many of them and they're far too arrogant for their blood so they're cutting them down to ribbons and we're going to post this stupid son of a b**** is going to get it now
Thor Freya
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leam1983 · 2 years ago
Aw, fuck.
My Brain: "Hey dumbass."
Me: "Qué?"
My Brain: "Don't think about the two stoner aliens in Heavy Metal's transitional segment between the Harry Canyon storyline and Bernie Wrightson's Captain Sternn. Don't think about their deck-spanning double lines of Space Cocaine. Definitely don't remember how the pink one made you feel funny as a kid."
Me: "Goddamnit, I'm still at work, you dumbass!"
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texasthrillbilly · 2 years ago
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year ago
Agreed. No other segment stands out as being so thoroughly enjoyable the whole way thru. It has the exact right mixture of horror, violence, and humor. And the music is great.
It’s been long enough, and I’ve seen the movie enough times that I feel like I can honestly say it’s kind of a mediocre movie. The animation is great, but the stories are a jumbled mess. Seeing the segments broken up into music video format honestly works a lot better.
“Captain Sternn and Hanover Fiste”, from the movie entitled ‘Heavy Metal’.
Characters and artwork designed by Bernie Wrightson.
Music by Cheap Trick.
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tomoleary · 1 month ago
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Bernie Wrightson Captain Sternn Issue 1 Unused Front and Back Cover Colour Guide (1992) Source, source
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balu8 · 5 months ago
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Captain Sternn
by Bernie Wrightson
Heavy Metal Special: One Step Beyond
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the-gershomite · 4 years ago
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Captain Sternn by Berni Wrightson, Heavy Metal Magazine
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gootie · 7 years ago
First Saturday in May
Today, the first Saturday in May, is Free Comic Book Day. Comic shops get some special comics to be give away, for free, as a ceIebration of the medium and encourage collectors to come out and get some comics. I joined some local comic creators at my neighborhood comic shop and we did sketches for tips from open to close. I don’t know if we had an impact on the business today. People mostly showed up for free comic books but we did well. Given my share of the days tips, I made more money than I did at the last convention I worked. I may never get enough money to make comics my day job but a day like today almost gives me hope.
The best part of today was spending time with my friends, doing what we love most: drawing comics and talking about comics. Comic fans all have an opinion on their favorites as well as their least favorites. Reading comics is a singular experience. It’s the perfect passtime for introverts. When you go to a movie or a sporting event you share the experience with a large group of people. When you read a comic or a book that experience is yours alone. When you have an opportunity to share your thoughts on comics with like minded individuals it suddenly broadens that experience. You realize you’re not alone.
These days it’s hard to talk about comic books without talking about comic book movies. I love the MCU movies as much as anybody. As a kid I used to wonder what a film adaptation of my favorite comics would look like. My only gripe is that the movies haven’t really brought the masses to to comic shops to get a look at the source material. Part of the trouble is that in many ways the source material is unrecognizable from the film adaptations. That’s a topic for another long discussion. Another issue is the personal nature of comics isn’t always what people who need that event experience they get from a movie.
Comics have an inherent cinematic quality that implies a connection to film but comics can do things differently, even better, than film can. In a movie, time moves from scene to scene, just like a comic moves from panel to panel. Normally, time is pretty much linear. Sometimes a director plays with the timing by giving you events out of sequence like Quentin Tarantino did in Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Many directors use a sequence of scenes in a montage to show progress, a little pocket inside a film to mark the passage of time outside of the main plot of the film. In a comic you can do all of those things easily but one thing that comics do that film doesn’t really do is manipulate time.
I know that films can have slow motion sequences. I’m talking about how comics can add panels to slow time down and then take them away to speed things up. Check out this example from a classic issue of the sci-if/fantasy anthology, Heavy Metal.
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Above is Captain Sternn by Bernie Wrightson. Wrightson played with time like a master in this one. This whole story really only takes a couple minutes to read through but Wrightson slows things down to draw out a scene and then speeds it up to create urgency and suspense, all just by varying the panel size and number per page. It’s just nine pages but it feels like so much more, in the best possible way. Smarter people than me have touted the merits of comic storytelling far better than I can. Go out there and read some good comics. I’ll see you next May.
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