#Capriate san gervasio
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Leolandia si accende di magia: luci e atmosfere natalizie per una festa incantata… fino alla Befana
a cura della redazione Nel parco a tema più amato dai bambini è già Natale. Tra giostre, spettacoli a tema e personaggi dei cartoni animati, da quest’anno si pattina su ghiaccio in una cornice medievale, sotto lo sguardo del drago Argo. Un imponente albero di Natale alto 30 metri, addobbi colorati, luci scintillanti, neve e tanti angoli suggestivi per vivere lo spirito delle feste e…
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Today the Church remembers St. Alexander of Bergammo.
Ora pro nobis.
Before the commencement of the Diocletianic Persecution in 303 AD, both Galerius and Maximian in the West inaugurated, on their own responsibility, a crusade against Christianity and sought particularly to remove all Christians from the armies. St. Alexander was one of the victims of this persecution. He was a survivor of the decimation (the killing of every tenth man) ordered by Maximian against the Theban Legion. After the decimation, he escaped to Milan. (St. Maurice and the largely Christian Theban Legion refused orders to kill local Christians and Maximian commanded the decimation of the Legion. After refusing a second command to kill local Christians after the decimation, a second decimation was ordered by Maximian. When St. Maurice refused, ha and the entire legion were executed.)
At Milan, Alexander was recognized and imprisoned, and it was demanded that he renounce his Christian faith. However, he was visited in jail by Saint Fidelis and Bishop Saint Maternus. With the help of Fidelis, Alexander managed to escape. Alexander fled to Como but was captured again.
Brought back to Milan, he was once more condemned to death by decapitation. However, the executioner's arms went stiff during the execution. He was imprisoned again, but Alexander once again managed to escape and ended up in Bergamo after passing through Fara Gera d'Adda and Capriate San Gervasio. At Bergamo, he was the guest of the lord Crotacius, who bid him to hide from his persecutors. However, Alexander decided to become a preacher instead and converted many natives of Bergamo, including Firmus and Rusticus, who were later martyred. Alexander was once again captured, tortured to induce him to renounce Jesus, and was finally decapitated on August 26, 303 AD, on the spot now occupied by the church of San Alessandro in Colonna.
Almighty God, who gave to your servant Alexander boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
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#father troy beecham#christianity#jesus#saints#god#salvation#peace#martyrs#faith#early church#Christian persecution
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Vimercate: smantellato un sodalizio criminale di truffe online, 4 arrestati
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Vimercate (Monza e Brianza): smantellato un sodalizio criminale di truffe online, 4 arrestati Il 07 maggio 2024, la Compagnia Carabinieri di Vimercate, coadiuvata dai Comandi Arma competenti sui rispettivi luoghi di residenza, ha eseguito un’ordinanza applicativa di misure cautelari personali emessa dal GI.P. del Tribunale di Monza su richiesta della Procura della Repubblica di Monza nei confronti di 4 persone di nazionalità italiana, tutte già note alle Forze dell’ordine, domiciliate rispettivamente in Brianza e nella provincia di Bergamo e gravemente indiziate dei reati di associazione per delinquere, truffa, sostituzione di persona ed indebito utilizzo di strumenti di pagamento. Il provvedimento si basa sulle risultanze di un’indagine espletata dalla Stazione Carabinieri di Vimercate, a partire dal mese di novembre 2022, nell’ambito di un procedimento coordinato dalla Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Monza, che ha richiesto ed ottenuto rispettivamente l’applicazione della custodia cautelare in carcere nei confronti di un 54enne e un 34enne, domiciliati nei comuni di Dalmine (BG) e Bergamo, e dell’obbligo di dimora nei comuni di Burago di Molgora (MB) e Capriate San Gervasio (BG) nei confronti di un 50enne e di una donna 49enne. A carico di ulteriori 8 soggetti, indagati per le medesime fattispecie di reato quali presunti complici, si procede contestualmente in stato di libertà. L’attività investigativa, scaturita dalla denuncia del titolare di una carta PostePay che aveva notato sul proprio estratto conto alcuni movimenti anomali, ha consentito inizialmente di individuare nel figlio del denunciante l’autore delle operazioni non riconosciute, e di verificare che esse erano correlate ad accrediti operati da persone risultate vittime di truffe online poste in essere mediante la pubblicazione di finti annunci “esca” su note piattaforme virtuali dedicate alla compravendita di autoveicoli. In particolare, secondo la prospettazione accusatoria ritenuta valida dal Giudice cautelare, le vittime, interessate all’acquisto di un veicolo il cui annuncio di vendita era spesso corredato anche di fotografie e informazioni di dettaglio, contattavano il finto venditore al recapito indicato e versavano una somma di denaro a titolo di anticipo in attesa di perfezionare l’operazione, riservandosi di corrispondere il saldo all’atto della consegna del bene. Tuttavia, l’affare non si concretizzava mai poiché gli autori delle presunte truffe, dopo aver incassato l’anticipo concordato, si rendevano definitivamente irreperibili. All’individuazione di tale modus operandi e, con esso, di altri presunti complici dell’attività illecita ipotizzata, seguivano meticolosi approfondimenti investigativi finalizzati alla cognizione del fenomeno delittuoso in tutta la sua ampiezza e consistiti nella raccolta ed analisi delle denunce delle vittime, in servizi di osservazione e pedinamento, in perquisizioni e conseguenti sequestri di dispositivi informatici, carte di debito e altre cose nella disponibilità degli indagati ritenute pertinenti ai reati. All’esito di tali complessi approfondimenti investigativi, è emersa, secondo l’impianto indiziario confluito nell’odierno provvedimento, l’esistenza di un vero e proprio sodalizio criminale, i cui principali esponenti, individuati nei destinatari delle misure cautelari eseguite, si servivano di altri affiliati che ponevano a disposizione dell’organizzazione le carte di debito utilizzate per ricevere gli indebiti accrediti, intascando, a titolo di compenso per tale prestazione illecita, una percentuale sulle operazioni fraudolente. Nel corso dell’attività d’indagine, gli operanti hanno individuato in un noto locale di ristorazione di Agrate Brianza (i cui titolari e il relativo personale sono risultati del tutto ignari ed estranei alla vicenda) il luogo di incontro dei partecipanti al sodalizio, dove venivano concordate le fasi e le modalità di ciascuna truffa, nonché la spartizione dei proventi. Le risultanze investigative riguardano, allo stato, 25 presunte truffe effettuate con le modalità descritte ai danni di vittime residenti rispettivamente nelle province di Monza e Brianza, Vicenza, Udine, Torino, Arezzo, Napoli, Lecce, Siena, Padova, Mantova e Prato, che hanno fruttato, tra l’agosto 2022 e giugno 2023, proventi illeciti stimati complessivamente in oltre 50.000 Euro. Nel corso dell’esecuzione del provvedimento cautelare, sono stati rinvenuti e sottoposti a sequestro beni e documenti di varia natura, ritenuti pertinenti ai reati per cui si procede. Le indagini proseguono anche ai fini dell’individuazione di possibili ulteriori episodi delittuosi sviluppatisi secondo il medesimo schema operativo emerso. Gli arrestati da sottoporre a custodia cautelare in carcere sono stati tradotti presso le Case circondariali di riferimento, a disposizione dell’Autorità giudiziaria che ha emesso la misura. ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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08 Works, Today, July 10th, is Saint Alexander of Bergamo’s day, his story in art #191 Saint Alexander of Bergamo (died c. 303) is the patron saint of Bergamo, as well as Capriate San Gervasio and Cervignano d’Adda.
#Ancient#Art#Bernardino Luini#Biography#Enea Salmeggia#Fine Art#footnotes#History#mythology#Paintings#Pontormo#Ponziano Loverini#religion#Religious Art#Saint Alexander of Bergamo#Zaidan
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Lingue Senza Frontiere - A Guide
When I first auditioned to work with this company, there was little information on the roles and responsibilities, or even what to expect and bring. So, I have decided to make a post based off of my experience to help guide those who are considering working for this company.
For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, Lingue Senza Frontiere (or LSF as I will call them from now on) are an Italian Educational Theatre Company that gets groups of actors to tour the north of Italy. The actors perform a variety of plays to a variety of schools as well as running workshops after shows. They also run summer camps. If you want to check them out, I’ll link their website but it is in Italian so you might wanna get google translate on it:- https://www.linguesenzafrontiere.com/
Tip 1:- Check your journey price and time frame LSF offer 100 euros for your first travel over to Italy. They will not pay you for any other trips in and out of the country you may make during your contract with them. So look at how much it’s going to cost you to get from where you live to the Sanremo station in Italy, as that is where the company picks you up to take you to the accommodation. The nearest airport is Nice and there’s normally buses and trains that can take you from there. But also be aware of how long the journey will take. There may not be a direct flight from your local airport to the Nice airport, or your arrival time may not work out for getting a train to Sanremo. The company will want you to be at Sanremo station by 6pm European Time at the latest, since they close their office at 6pm and might not offer to collect you should you need to arrive later than that. But also think about your own health in the journey. You don’t want to be taking two planes, a train and a bus all in one day just so you don’t have to pay to sleep overnight somewhere. Consider what’s going to be the best route, work out the cost including luggage and if it comes to over 100 euros see if you can speak with LSF about covering the extra charges so you can meet their required arrival time.
Tip 2:- Don’t over pack So you’re going to another country for possibly 8 months without returning home. You’re not sure what weather you could be facing, so you should probably bring a lot of stuff, right? Wrong. You’re only staying in Sanremo during your rehearsal period so when you go off to act you need to fit your suitcase, as well as the suitcases of the other actors and all of the props and costumes for the shows into a Peugeot car, maybe a small Peugeot van at best. You won’t have time to wear your beautiful summer clothes or fashionable winter jeans. Pack black trousers, leggings and jeans. You have to wear black for the shows, so make sure you have a few pairs in case any get damaged during performances. It does get cold at winter and we all heard how hot Europe was this summer so yeah make sure you have a variety, just a variety of black, with a few bits for weekends and potential evening meals out. Maybe pack one of them thingies for checking the weight of your case for your journey back. There are launderettes at both flats, both of which don’t require washing powder. And as someone who uses non-bio washing powder, I never had an issue with itchy clothes.
Tip 3:- Take a rucksack and a microwaveable food box Speaking of keeping things light, take a rucksack. After you move from Sanremo, you settle in a flat in Capriate San Gervasio where you’ll spend most of your weekends. You can leave your suitcase there. Most of your accommodation during the week will be in hotels, flats and airbnb’s. Not all of them will have lifts. Not all of them will have cooking facilities. Trust me, you don’t want to be lugging an entire suitcase into a hotel you are staying in for one night. Take a rucksack with a weeks worth of essential clothes and toiletries. Make yourself some pasta for lunch and store it for the car journey.
Tip 4:- Bring an Italian adaptor Yeah, that title’s right. Not a European adaptor, an Italian adaptor. One with three, thin prongs rather than the two fat ones European adaptors have. Both company accommodations only use Italian adaptors and most flats also use the same plug system. Here’s one for reference:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/ADAPTOO-ADV-12-ADAPTOR-UK-ITALY/dp/B002YKNTUM/ref=asc_df_B002YKNTUM/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=311075391090&hvpos=1o8&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13891911048839537870&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006679&hvtargid=pla-562449714173&psc=1
Tip 5:- Learn some basic Italian LSF will tell you that you don’t need to know Italian to do your job. They’re lying. Not only does most of the accommodation not understand basic English (which, let’s face it some little town that never gets tourists aren’t going to bother learning a language they’ll never use in day-to-day life) but sometimes the teachers who had requested the performance didn’t understand English. Part of the job is calling accommodation to confirm the time you will arrive, and calling the teachers to confirm what they’ve paid for. So here’s a bit of Italian that will save your skin:- Ciao, siamo LSF. Abbiamo una prenotazione/ un spettacolo con te domani. Posso parlare Inglese? This means:- Hello, we are LSF. We have a reservation/ a show with you tomorrow. Can I speak English? A good way to learn is through Duolingo, though you’re bound to pick up things the longer you’re in the country and practising the language.
Tip 6:- Learn the scripts and songs before you arrive You have two weeks to block out and rehearse like, 5 plays as well as learn how to run the workshops and practice driving. You don’t want to shove learning lines and songs on top of that too. Though be prepared for the company to add in audience interaction into the script.
Tip 7:- Make sure to read the contract in detail before signing The company will try to guilt you into doing more for the company, such as working over the weekend to learn new workshop styles. They will state that it is in the contract for you to do these things. Whilst this is kind of true, sometimes the company will try to spring things on you last minute such as last minute bookings. Make sure to communicate your concerns with the company about any issues that may rise with their expectations from you in the role.
Tip 8:- Have a phone plan that provides lots of data The company provides a WiFi router for the Capriate flat, but it only has 30G of data per month for the 10 people who are living in the flat. That’s 3G of data per month per person. Plus the SatNav the company provides tends to take you down narrow roads and dead ends so it is always good to make sure you can use your own google maps to look for a safer route.
Tip 9:- Look after the company car and your locations The company will provide you with a car to get from place to place, as well as funds for petrol and emergency funds for washing costumes, cleaning facilities for flats etc. The company base your potential bonus at the end of the contract on the maintenance of the car and the flats. If you receive a speeding ticket, it is taken off of your bonus. Even if you weren’t the one driving, as the company states that everyone in the group is responsible for the car regardless of if they drive or not. If you do damage the car, make sure to contact the company immediately to ask them what to do. Little scratches and bumps are inevitable but communication is key when making sure you are covered for any damage caused. The same with the flats. If you do not recycle your waste correctly, the flat could be fined. If the flat is unclean or the toilets and drains become blocked, the company may need to pay for these fixing and thus your bonus deducting for said fixes.
Tip 10:- Make the most of your free time Be aware of how long it will take you to journey from one accommodation to the next. Ask the accommodation owners when the earliest and latest times are to arrive. Look at how many shows you will be performing and take time to enjoy your surroundings. If you are performing near to Verona and you have 3 hours free before you need to leave, take some time to go and sight-see. Italy is a beautiful country and there’s lots to experience. So enjoy the time you have out there. Treat yourself to a Michelin star restaurant. Stuff your face at an all-you-can-eat Chinese. Experience the towns people pay hundreds of pounds to visit for a weekend and you get to see simply by performing to a school nearby. Visit the neighbour at the Capriate flat and learn to play a card game in Italian.
In conclusion, working for LSF was an experience I was proud to obtain. Sure, sometimes the other actors drove me a little crazy. But that is inevitable when you’re basically spending 24/7 with the same people. Sharing rooms and sometimes even beds wasn’t exactly what I expected but it wasn’t too bad. Most stuff you learn as you go, growing stronger with each new challenge the role brings your way. You’ll learn how to be smart with both the company’s money and your own money. You’ll learn when and where the best place to wash and dry your clothes is. You’ll learn to balance your work relationship with your friendships with your fellow actors, and when sometimes you just need a few minutes to yourself. You’ll learn to balance the company’s duties amongst the group and work together to bring joy to the children you perform to.
If you have any more questions about what to expect, don’t be afraid to ask the company, or even ask me.
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"Company lunch" at Crespi Cotton Mill, Capriate San Gervasio (Lombardy), Italy, early 1900s [1296 x 1296] Check this blog!
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Calunnia locale, breve storia dell'infamia
Calunnia locale, breve storia dell’infamia
Il pettegolezzo è la letteratura più frequentata dai paesi, anche quando diventano città. Brevi storie contro la calunnia, arte lunga dalla lingua biforcuta: le rime in difesa dello zio, “le malelingue delle donacce”, la storia dell’asino, l’assalto delle donne alla canonica e il maestro chiacchierato, che gestì il convitto Mariani di Caprite San Gervasio (oggi municipio) prima della cessione a…
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#ambrogio alberio#Andrea Pozzone#angelo carminati#archimede albertazzi#archivio famiglia bassi#azione cattolica#azione cattolica e fascismo#Bambina Minelli#bugia#calunnia#Capriate san gervasio#collegio convitto mariani#Concesa#convitto crespi#don basilio grazioli#don ernesto caccia#è un venticello#giuseppe minella#Giuseppe Pozzone#infamia#ingiuria#lingua biforcuta#maestro giuseppe mariani#maldicenza#massimo piccinini#milizia territoriale#pettegolezzo#teresita morali#Trezzo sull&039;Adda#vita di paese
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La Corda d'Oro and its Saints Part 2: July to December
Here’s the second part of some of the characters from La Corda d'Oro, and here they are!
July 5th - Mari Tsuzuki
St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria: Italian confessor who was an early leader of the Counter Reformation, promoter of the devotion to the Passion of Christ, the Eucharist and the renewal of the religious life among the lay people, and is the founder of the Clerics Regular of St. Paul aka the Barnabites. Canonized as a saint by Pope Leo XIII in 1897, his major shrine can be found at San Paolo convent in Milan.
July 8th - Shiro Hozumi
St. Grimbald (Grimwald): Abbot and confessor from the Benedictine order. Although of dubious historical accuracy, the life of Grimbald was recorded in several volumes, of which the main source is referred to as the Vita Prima of St. Grimbaldi. King Alfred met Grimbald before his reign, and after his coronation invited Grimbald to England around 892. After he died in 901, he was venerated as a saint and confessor, and some altars were dedicated to him. He also figures in a number of legendary tales of Oxford.
July 25th - Ryoutaro Tsuchiura
St. James the Greater: One of the twelve apostles of Christ and is described as one of the first disciples to join Jesus. The Synoptic Gospels state that James and his brother John, were with their father Zebedee, by the seashore when Jesus called them to follow him. He is the first apostle to be martyred at the hands of King Herod Agrippa according to the Acts of the Apostles. The traditional pilgrimage to the grave of the saint, known as the ’Way of St. James’, has been the most popular pilgrimage for Western European Catholics from the Early Middle Ages onwards. An even later tradition states that he miraculously appeared to fight for the Christian army during the legendary battle of Clavijo, and was henceforth called Santiago Matamoros (James the Moor-slayer).
August 21st - Housei Toki
Pope St. Pius X: 257th bishop of Rome who reigned for 11 years, and is known for vigorously opposing modernist interpretations of Catholic doctrine, promoting liturgical reforms and orthodox theology. He directed the production of the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the first comprehensive and systemic work of its kind. He was devoted to the Marian title of Our Lady of Confidence; while his papal encyclical Ad diem illum took on a sense of renewal that was reflected in the motto of his pontificate and he was also advanced the Liturgical Movement as the only Pope to favor the use of the vernacular language in teaching catechesis, he encouraged the frequent reception of holy communion, and he lowered the age for First Communion, which became a lasting innovation of his papacy. After his death, a strong cult of devotion followed his reputation of piety and holiness.
August 26th - Keiichi Shimizu
St. Alexander of Bergamo: He is the patron of Bergamo, North Italy, as well as Capriate San Gervasio and Cervignano d'Adda. He may simply have been a Roman soldier or resident of Bergamo who was tortured and killed for not renouncing his Christian faith. Details of his life are uncertain, but subsequent Christian stories consider him a centurion of the Theban Legion commanded by St. Maurice.
September 3rd - Yukihiro Yagisawa
Pope St. Gregory the Great: 64th bishop of Rome who reigned for 13 years and is the last imperial Roman Pope. He is the first formally to employ the titles Servus servorum Dei (‘Servant of the servants of God’) and Pontifex Maximus ('greatest priest’). He is also establish the Gregorian chant and is known as 'the Father of Christian Worship’.
October 1st - Chiaki Tougane
St. Thérèse of Lisieux: French virgin, mystic, and nun from the Discalced Carmelites and is known for the monicker, ’The Little Flower’. She has been a highly influential model of sanctity for Catholics and for others because of the simplicity and practicality of her approach to the spiritual life. Together with Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular saints in the history of the church and she is called her 'the greatest saint of modern times’ by Pope Pius X. She is well-known throughout the world, with the Basilica of Lisieux being the second most popular place of pilgrimage in France after Lourdes. According to the Apostolic Letter, Divini Amoris Scientia (The Science of Divine Love), Pope St. John Paul II declared her the Doctor of the Church on October 19th, 1997.
October 17th - Shinobu Ousaki
St. Ignatius of Antioch: Early Christian writer, bishop of Antioch, martyr and one of the Church Fathers alongside St. Clement and St. Polycarp. He may have known the apostle John directly, and his thought is certainly influenced by the tradition associated with this apostle. En route to his martyrdom in Rome, Ignatius wrote a series of letters which have been preserved as an example of the theology of the earliest Christians. He is the second after Clement to mention the Pauline epistles.
November 3rd - Shoko Fuyuumi
St. Martin de Porres: Known for his monicker, ’Saint of the Broom’, he is a Dominican lay brother from Peru and is noted for his work on behalf of the poor, establishing an orphanage and a children’s hospital. He maintained an austere lifestyle, which included fasting and abstaining from meat. Among the many miracles attributed to him were those of levitation, bilocation, miraculous knowledge, instantaneous cures, and an ability to communicate with animals, hence his attributes that is saw in his holy card. He is the patron of hairstylists, mixed-race people, innkeepers, public health workers, and all those seeking racial harmony.
November 12th - Aoi Kaji
St. Josaphat Kuntsevych: Archeparch of Polotsk who martyred by an angry mob in Vitebsk Voivodeship in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (now in Belarus). Beatified by Pope Urban VIII and canonized as a saint by Pope Pius IX. He is known as the patron saint of Ukraine.
November 14th - Leiji Myoga
St. Lorcán Ua Tuathail (Laurence O'Toole): Irish archbishop at the time of Ireland’s Norman invasion, and is played a prominent role in the Irish Church Reform Movement of the 12th century and mediated between the parties during and after the invasion. In 1225, Pope Honorius III canonized him as a saint.
December 3rd - Arata Mizushima
St. Francis Xavier: Along with Ignatius of Loyola, he is the co-founder of the Society of Jesus (aka Jesuits). Known as the ’Apostle to the Far East’, he is one of the first seven Jesuits who took vows of poverty and chastity at Montmartre, Paris, in 1534, and led an extensive mission into Asia, mainly in the Portuguese Empire of the time and was influential in evangelization work, most notably in India. He also was the first Christian missionary to venture into Japan, Borneo, the Maluku Islands, and other areas. In those areas, struggling to learn the local languages and in the face of opposition, he had less success than he had enjoyed in India. Canonized as a saint by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, he is the patron saint of foreign missions. Pope Pius XI published the decree ’Apostolicorum in Missionibus’, naming Francis Xavier, along with Thérèse of Lisieux as co-patrons of all foreign missions.
December 12th - Kazuki Hihara
Our Lady of Guadalupe (Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe): A Marian title that is associated with a venerated image (in the form of a tilma by St. Juan Diego) enshrined within the Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. On October 1895, Pope Leo XIII granted the image a Canonical Coronation. Since then the Virgin of Guadalupe has been proclaimed ’Queen of Mexico’, ’Patroness of the Americas’, ‘Empress of Latin America’, and ’Protectress of Unborn Children’. On July 16th 1935, she was also proclaimed ’Heavenly Patroness of the Philippines’ by Pope Pius XI both witnessed and signed by Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, a designation he later rescinded in 1942 upon becoming Pius XII.
December 29th - Daichi Sakaki
St. Thomas Becket: English Archbishop and martyr who was well educated and quickly became an agent to Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, who sent him on several missions to Rome. Becket’s talents were noticed by Henry II, who made him his chancellor and the two became close friends. When Theobald died in 1161, Henry made Becket archbishop. Becket transformed himself from a pleasure-loving courtier into a serious, simply-dressed cleric. In 1170, four knights, believing the king wanted Becket out of the way, confronted and murdered Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.
#random stuff#catholic#catholic saints#la corda d'oro#mari tsuzuki#shiro hozumi#ryoutaro tsuchiura#housei toki#keiichi shimizu#yukihiro yagisawa#chiaki tougane#shinobu ousaki#shoko fuyuumi#aoi kaji#leiji myoga#arata mizushima#kazuki hihara#daichi sakaki
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Padre Amos Aldeghi, un anziano Padre Camilliano di quasi 88 anni, è morto presso la RSA di Capriate San Gervasio (BG) sabato sera 20 marzo 2021, alle 18,30 circa. Era nato nel marzo 1933 a Rovagnate (Comune che oggi si chiama “La Valletta Brianza”) in provincia di Lecco. Nella sua lunga carriera sacerdotale ha frequentato la “Visconta” (Villa Visconti) di Besana Brianza, la “Casa Alpina don…
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Saint of the Day – 26 August – St Alexander of Bergamo (Died c 301) Martyr, Confessor
Saint of the Day – 26 August – St Alexander of Bergamo (Died c 301) Martyr, Confessor
Saint of the Day – 26 August – St Alexander of Bergamo (Died c 301) Martyr, Confessor, Imperial Roman Centurion Died by being beheaded c 287. Patronages – Bergamo, Italy, City of, Diocese of Bergamo, Capriate San Gervasio, Italy, Cervignano d’Adda, Italy. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Also known as – Alessandro da Bergamo. The Roman Martyrology reads: “At Bergamo in Lombardy, St Alexander,…
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Morto dipendente, l'azienda paga il viaggio a mamma e fratelli dalla Costa D'Avorio
Morto dipendente, l’azienda paga il viaggio a mamma e fratelli dalla Costa D’Avorio
La tragedia mentre tornava a casa dal lavoro Un gesto di umanità dopo una tragedia che ha scosso un’intera famiglia. Il parco divertimenti di Leolandia, a Capriate San Gervasio, nel bergamasco, l’azienda presso cui lavorava un giovane di 18 anni di origini ivoriane, Moctar… Read MoreStorieToday
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Crespi d’Adda è una frazione nel comune italiano Capriate San Gervasio, in provincia di Bergamo. Il paese sorge tra il fiume Adda a Ovest, passo Bergamasco a Nord, il fiume Brembo a Est, e la confluenza di due fiumi a Sud. Partendo da Milano, occorre prendere l’autostrada Milano-Bergamo: uscite al casello di Capriate, che dista da Crespi 2,5 km. Dal casello è sufficiente seguire le indicazioni per Crespi d'Adda. Si tratta di un villaggio operaio, per le sue maestranze operanti nel settore tessile cotoniero. Fu annoverato tra i patrimoni dell’umanità dell’Unesco perché eccezionale esempio dei villaggi operai che nacquero tra il XIX e il XX secolo in Europa e nel Nord America, come espressione della filosofia degli industriali desiderosi di soddisfare le necessità dei propri lavoratori. Per visitare il villaggio occorre pagare un biglietto dal costo di 15€ per gli adulti e di 11€ per i bambini dai 6 ai 13 anni. Si possono trovare un ristorante e un bar di nome rispettivamente “Osteria da Mualdo” e “Al Dopolavoro”. Sono visitabili le varie fabbriche nel villaggio: la centrale idroelettrica, la fabbrica cotoniera.
4 curiosità su Crespi d’Adda:
Fu costruito appositamente per i dipendenti e le loro famiglie
Nel villaggio è presente qualsiasi tipo di struttura necessari alla buona permanenza
Il cimitero è costruito in maniera simmetrica, con al centro il mausoleo dei Crespi e tutt’attorno le tombe dei dipendenti
La Chiesa è stata costruita in maniera esattamente identica alla Chiesa di Santa Maria in Piazza di Busto-Arsizio, città natale dei fondatori
Crespi d'Adda is a hamlet in the Italian municipality Capriate San Gervasio, in the province of Bergamo. The village rises between the Adda River in the West, the Bergamasco Pass in the North, the Brembo River in the East, and the confluence of two rivers in the South. Starting from Milan, take the Milan-Bergamo motorway: exit at Capriate, which is 2.5 km from Crespi. From the tollgate, just follow the signs for Crespi d'Adda. It is a working-class village, for its workers operating in the cotton textile sector. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it was an exceptional example of the workers' villages that were born between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Europe and North America, as an expression of the philosophy of industrialists eager to meet the needs of their workers. To visit the village you have to pay a ticket from the cost of 15€ for adults and 11€ for children from 6 to 13 years. You can find a restaurant and a bar named respectively "Osteria da Mualdo" and "Al Dopolavoro". You can visit the various factories in the village: the hydroelectric plant, the cotton factory.
4 curiosities about Crespi d'Adda:
Built specifically for employees and their families
In the village there is any type of structure necessary for a good stay
The cemetery is built symmetrically, with the Crespi mausoleum in the centre and the tombs of the employees all around
The Church was built in exactly the same way as the Church of Santa Maria in Piazza di Busto-Arsizio, birthplace of the founders
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presso Capriate San Gervasio https://www.instagram.com/p/CZM1PbLsYyg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pizza Club No Limits Capriate, i gusti dalla Calabria trovate a pochi minuti da Milano.
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Nel 2020 l’anno più difficile che abbiamo passato tutto il mondo, l’emergenza sanitaria, a luglio due ragazzi compaesani di Samo (RC) Giuseppe Pizzati e Rocco Carneli, che vivono a Milano da molti anni, conoscendo questo posto è decidendo di fare una società insieme.
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Giuseppe che pizza si prepara da voi?
Da noi trovate 200 gusti salati e 60 dolci.
Quale è il segreto del impasto?
Impasto ha una levitazione di 72 ore.
Ingredienti gourmet si basa su materia prime eccezionali,scopri combinare con ricette semplici.
Rocco mi poi dire qualcosa di buona della tua pizzeria?
Qui trovato i sapori della nostra terra Calabria (nduja , salame piccante, peperoni, bergamotto e tanti altri produttori doc ). Prezzo fisso e mangia a volontà. Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Un bellissimo locale con parcheggio, adattato anche per le feste private/compleanni.
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Articolo @likarotarufashion instagram elenarodicarotarufficial_79
Facebook : PizzaClub No Limits Capriate
Pizza Club No Limits Capriate, via Bergamo ,106 ,24042 Capriate ,San Gervasio (BG)
☎️ 02 62067477 -
Pizza /birra/dolci /festa.
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Oggi sono tornato a Capriate San Gervaso......perché abbiamo #venduto con i colleghi di #quicasa #crippaluciano l’appartamento che avevamo acquisito #tre #mesi fa’ ...... #prospettivecasanovara #iltuopuntodincontro per #venderecasa e #per #comprarecasa a #novara & #dintorni (presso Capriate San Gervasio) https://www.instagram.com/p/COnLlUSFpTn/?igshid=xya3qnqq4ul9
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