#Canon Extender RF 2x
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sigalrm · 1 day ago
La Luna - 2025-02-10 4:56 pm
La Luna - 2025-02-10 4:56 pm by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (97% of Full)
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your-store91 · 3 months ago
Reasons Why the Canon RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM
The Canon RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM is a professional lens for mirrorless cameras, offering exceptional range and versatility for wildlife, sports, and action photography.
Its build quality, size, weight, and optical performance are top-tier, aligning with Canon's professional standards.
The lens features a fluorine coating for additional protection against dust and moisture, a rubberized grip surface, and a focus limiter switch.
It weighs 2.35kg when mounted on the EOS R5, and is compatible with Canon's RF 1.4x and RF 2x extenders.
The lens delivers sharp images throughout its zoom range, with minimal lateral chromatic aberration and low field curvature.
It also employs Dual Nano USM motors for exceptional autofocus performance, offering up to 5 stops of stabilization against camera shake.
The lens's versatility and real-world use make it a top choice among professionals, with its close focusing capabilities and extender compatibility expanding creative possibilities beyond traditional super-telephoto applications.
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guncelkal · 2 years ago
Canon EXT. RF2X(N) (4114C002)
Canon EXT. RF2X(N) (4114C002)
Expand your versatility with Canon’s Extender RF2x. An ideal complement to sports and wildlife photographers, this dust- and water-resistant extender features a smart-connect design that attaches effortlessly to select RF series lenses , increasing the focal length by a factor of 2x. Engineered with a combination of advanced optics, optimized coatings and high-quality construction ― including a…
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wiadomosciprasowe · 5 years ago
Canon lanserer fire nye RF-objektiver som utvider objektivutvalget med supertele og to RF-telekonvertere
Canon lanserer fire nye RF-objektiver som utvider objektivutvalget med supertele og to RF-telekonvertere
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Dato: 09-07-2020 14:36 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Canon lanserer fire nye RF-objektiver som utvider objektivutvalget med supertele og to RF-telekonvertere Kategori: , Livsstil, mote, fritid Vitenskap, teknikk Data, telekom, IT Media, kommunikasjon Hjemmeelektronikk Sammen med dagens lansering av speilløseEOS R5 og EOS R6 – to nyheter som inngår i Canon nyskapende EOS R-system – presenterer Canon også fire nye RF-objektiver og to RF-telekonvertere. Med de nye objektivene introduseres telefotomuligheter i den innovative RF-serien samt flere kreative muligheter for portrett- og makrofotografering for både profesjonelle og entusiaster.
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Sammen med dagens lansering av speilløseEOS R5 og EOS R6 – to nyheter som inngår i Canon nyskapende EOS R-system – presenterer Canon også fire nye RF-objektiver og to RF-telekonvertere. Med de nye objektivene introduseres telefotomuligheter i den innovative RF-serien samt flere kreative muligheter for portrett- og makrofotografering for både profesjonelle og entusiaster.
Dagens lanseringer viser Canons kontinuerlige satsing på EOS R-systemet og RF-fatningen. De nye tilskuddene i RF-serien har R-systemets fordeler og gir fotografer mulighet til å oppleve nye nivåer av kvalitet, ytelse og kreativitet.
Dagens nye RF-tilskudd er:
RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM – et kompakt og allsidig telezoomobjektiv i L-serien med stort brennviddeområde, imponerende bildekvalitet, 5-trinns bildestabilisator, to raske Nano USM-motorer, værforsegling og kontrollring på objektivet for forbedret betjening.
RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM – verdens letteste autofokusobjektiver har brennvidde på henholdsvis 600 mm[i] og 800 mm[ii].Med supertelebrennvidder, full autofokus[iii] og bildestabilisator kan fotoentusiaster ta imponerende skarpe og flotte bilder på lang avstand. Brukt sammen med de nye RF-telekonverterne – EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x – får objektivene en optisk brennvidde på imponerende 1200 mm for RF 600 mm F11 IS STM og ekstreme 1600 mm for RF 800 mm F11 IS STM. Dette gir fotoentusiaster enda større fleksibilitet og flere kreative muligheter samtidig som autofokus opprettholdes. Funksjoner som dette gjør objektivene til et ideelt valg til en rekke typer opptak – fra natur- og flyfoto til månefoto.
RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM – et uunnværlig objektiv for entusiaster som tar steget inn i EOS R-verdenen og ønsker å ta flotte portretter og detaljerte nærbilder. Dette portrettobjektivet med stor blenderåpning har 5-trinns bildestabilisator (eller 8 trinn når det brukes på EOS R5/EOS R6) og makrofunksjoner – to unike og enestående funksjoner du ikke finner på konkurrentenes objektiver av denne typen på markedet.
EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x – to solide telekonvertere med høy ytelse og redesignet optikk utviklet for å gi utvidede muligheter med dagens objektivlanseringer av RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM, RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM. Telekonverterne gir profesjonelle fotografer mulighet til å utvide brennvidden på kompatible objektiver og samtidig beholde RF-fatningens bildekvalitet og hastighet.
RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM – en kompakt og allsidig telezoom
RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM fører an blant telezoomobjektivene i L-serien og er et utmerket valg for entusiaster og profesjonelle som driver med sports-, natur- og flytoto og trenger et pålitelig, solid og kompakt objektiv. For de som vil nå lenger enn 100–500mm brennvidde, er RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM kompatibel med de nye telekonverterne EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x – som gir fotografer enda større rekkevidde og kreativ frihet.
Objektivet har én Super UD-linse og seks UD-linser som effektivt demper kromatisk avvik og skygger/gjenskinn i hele zoomområdet, og sikrer høy oppløsning og bildekvalitet med høy kontrast med maksimal blenderåpning. RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM har i tillegg 5-trinns bildestabilisator, eller 6 trinn når det brukes på EOS R5 og EOS R6[iv], og gir forbedrede bilder uten uønsket bevegelsesuskarphet – et ypperlig verktøy til opptak med håndholdt kamera med lange brennvidder eller lang lukkertid.
Med to Nano USM AF-motorer fokuserer telezoomobjektivet stille, raskt og presist – perfekt til naturfotografering og uavbrutt filming. I tillegg gir Canons innovative flytende fokussystem forbedret fokus med nærgrense på 0,9 m.
Som standard for RF-objektivene har RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM også en programmerbar kontrollring på objektivet som gir deg mulighet til å endre innstillinger uten å ta øyet fra søkeren. Zoomringens motstand kan strammes eller løsnes slik at den er skreddersydd til den enkeltes behov – noe som er praktisk for fotografer på farten. Som L-serieobjektiv har RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS også Canons anerkjente værforsegling som gjør det mulig å bruke objektivet i alle værforhold.
RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM – imponerende lette superteleobjektiver
RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM er to rimelige objektiver med lav vekt som passer utmerket til entusiaster. De to nye konseptobjektivene har supertele-brennvidder som gjør det mulig å fotografere motiver på lang avstand i imponerende detalj. Med minste fokusavstand på 4,5 meter på RF 600mm F11 IS STM og 6 meter på RF 800mm F11 IS STM kan entusiaster komme tett på motivet og samtidig beholde fokus. Objektivene kan fange action på lang avstand med autofokus- og bildestabilisatorfunksjoner som utvides ved bruk av telekonverterne EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x. Med disse er det mulig å oppnå imponerende brennvidder[v] – hvorav den lengste er 1600mm når RF 800mm F11 IS STM brukes med EXTENDER RF 2x.
Begge objektivene er utstyrt med optisk bildestabilisator[vi] og støtter også Dual Pixel CMOS AF når de brukes sammen med et speilløst kamera i Canon EOS R-systemet. Med denne kombinasjonen av funksjoner leverer superteleobjektivene sylskarpe bilder – også ved opptak uten stativ – siden uskarphet som skyldes kamerarystelser, reduseres drastisk.
Disse lette[vii] og kompakte objektivene er lysende eksempler på RF-fatningens muligheter. Med diffraktiv optikk kombinert med RF-fatningen og fast f/11 blenderåpning er begge objektivene et bevis på Canons innovasjonsevne innen optisk teknologi. Canon har tenkt nytt og redesignet, og resultatet er to objektiver som er betydelig mindre og lettere enn eksisterende superteleobjektiver i EF-serien. Objektivet er konstruert slik at det skyves ut ved bruk og enkelt trekkes sammen når det ikke er i bruk[viii] – perfekt for fotografer på reise med begrenset plass i fotobagen.
Begge objektivene har STM-teknologi som gir ekstremt stille og jevn fokusering, noe som er perfekt til videoopptak. RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM har begge brukervennlig kontrollring på objektivet som gir enkel og rask kontroll over Tv/eksponeringskompensasjon/ISO/AF-innstillingerx. Objektivenes faste blenderåpning gir også helt sirkulær bokeh, og den store brennvidden gir fotografer mulighet til å gjøre bakgrunnen uskarp når de fotograferer motiver på avstand – noe som for eksempel er godt egnet til dyreportretter.
RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM – flotte portrettbilder
Med brennvidde på 85mm er lette[ix] RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM et utmerket verktøy for portrettentusiaster, og gir flotte bilder med fint perspektiv og myk bakgrunn. Kombinasjonen av blender f/2 og fullformat gir liten dybdeskarphet for utsøkt resultat – også i lite lys.
RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM har 5-trinns bildestabilisator (eller 8 trinn når det brukes med EOS R5/EOS R6) og gir entusiaster mulighet til å forevige motiver i imponerende 50 prosent av naturlig størrelse med makroopptak i 1:2. Begge funksjonene, som ikke finnes på konkurrerende modeller, gir entusiaster imponerende stillbilde- og videokvalitet og suveren fleksibilitet. Takket være STM-autofokus oppnår RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM også rask og jevn fokus både i stillbilder og video – noe som gjør objektivet til et godt valg for entusiaster som tar steget inn i den speilløse verdenen og ønsker seg både kvalitetsvideo og flotte stillbilder.
EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x – nå enda lenger uten kompromiss
EXTENDER RF 1,4x og EXTENDER RF 2x er myntet på presse-, natur- og sportsfotografer som ønsker å fotografere på lang avstand. Disse pålitelige og solide telekonverterne matcher ytelsen til Canons RF-objektiver når de brukes med kompatible objektiver, og gir bilder i upåklagelig kvalitet.
Begge telekonverterne har glass med høy brytning og lav spredning som motvirker bildekrumning og kromatisk avvik ved forstørrelse for å sikre høyest mulig bildekvalitet. De har også optimalisert linsebelegg og trelags linse som reduserer skygger. Begge modellene har også belegg som beskytter mot varme og hindrer at ytelsen svekkes i høye temperaturer. Videre har de værforsegling når de brukes med kompatible RF-objektiver i L-serien. Når telekonverterne brukes sammen med RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS, begrenses zoomområdet fra 300 til 500 mm med påmontert telekonverter, for å hindre at objektivets bakre elementer treffer linseelementene i telekonverteren.
Nøkkelfunksjoner for RF 100-500mm F4-6.3 IS USM:
100–500mm zoomområde
Én Super UD-linse og seks UD-linser
5-trinns bildestabilisator (CIPA-standard)
To Nano USM-motorer
Kontrollring på objektivet som kan programmeres
L-seriens værforsegling
Kompatibel med EXTENDER RF 1,4x / EXTENDER RF 2x (brennvidder fra 300 til 500mm)
Nøkkelfunksjoner for RF 600mm F11 IS STM og RF 800mm F11 IS STM:
600mm (RF 600mm F11 IS STM) og 800mm (RF 800mm F11 IS STM) brennvidde
Bildestabilisator opptil (RF 600mm F11 IS STM: 5 trinn, RF 800mm F11 IS STM: 4 trinn)
Veier lite (RF 600mm F11 IS STM veier ca. 930 g og RF 800mm F11 IS STM veier ca. 1260 g)
Kompakt – objektivkonstruksjon som skyves ut ved bruk og er sammentrukket ved oppbevaring
Kontrollring på objektivet – gir direkte kontroll over TV/eksponeringskopensasjon/ISO-innstillinger
Objektiv med blender f/11 og bildestabilisator med full AF når objektivet brukes med et Canon EOS R-kamera
Nøkkelfunksjoner for RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM:
85mm brennvidde
Største blenderåpning på f/2
Lav vekt på 500 g
Opptil 5-trinns bildestabilisator (CIPA-standard)
1:2 makrofunksjon
Nøkkelfunksjoner EXTENDER RF 1.4x og EXTENDER RF 2x:
Avansert glass med høy brytning og lav spredning
Linsebelegg og trelags linse som reduserer skygger
Varmebeskyttende belegg
Motstandsdyktig mot vibrasjonsstøt, støv og vann
RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM
Anbefalt pris 37499,- NOK og salgsttart er september 2020
RF 600mm F11 IS STM
Anbefalt pris 9599,- NOK og salgsstart er august 2020
RF 800mm F11 IS STM
Anbefalt pris 12599,- NOK og salgsstart er august 2020
Anbefalt pris 8499,- NOK og salgsstart er oktober 2020
Anbefalt pris 7299,- NOK og salgsstart er august 2020
Anbefalt pris 9199,- NOK og salgsstart er august 2020
[i] Blant utskriftbare autofokusobjektiver inkludert brennvidde på 600 mm til kameraer med utskriftbare objektiver. Per juni 2020. Basert på undersøkelse utført av Canon.
[ii] Blant utskriftbare autofokusobjektiver inkludert brennvidde på 800mm til kameraer med utskriftbare objektiver. Per juni 2020. Basert på undersøkelse utført av Canon.
[iii] Når dette objektivet brukes med eller uten telekonverterne blir kameraets AF-område redusert til om lag 40 % horisontal og 60 % loddrett dekning av bildefeltet.
[iv] Drar nytte av EOS R5- og EOS R6-kameraenes kombinerte optiske og bildestabiliserende systemer.
[v] 840mm (RF 600mm F11 IS STM + EXTENDER RF 1,4x), 1200mm (RF 600mm F11 IS STM + EXTENDER RF 2x), 1120mm (RF 800mm F11 IS STM + EXTENDER RF 1,4x) og 1600mm (RF 800mm F11 IS STM + EXTENDER RF 2x)
[vi] RF 600mm F11 IS STM: 5,0 trinn, RF 800mm F11 IS STM: 4,0 trinn
[vii] RF 600mm F11 IS STM: ca. 930 g, RF 800mm F11 IS STM: ca. 1260 g
[viii] Når sammentrukket RF 600mm F11 IS STM: ca. 199,5 mm, RF 800mm F11 IS STM: ca. 281,8 mm
[ix] RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM er ca. 500 g
X AF kun med EOS R5 og EOS R6
Kilde: Pressekontor Canon Norge AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Canon Norge
Canon Norge har rundt 320 medarbeidere og er representert ved 9 regionale Canon Business Center (CBC) som tilbyr lokale salgs- og supporttjenester. Hovedkontoret ligger på Holmlia i Oslo.
Canon er den ubestridte lederen innen både bildekommunikasjon og dokumentbehandling for både konsument- og bedriftsmarkedet. Vår produkt- og løsningsportefølje omfatter alt fra foto, video, skrivere, skanner og faks til multifunksjonsprodukter med tilhørende løsninger og tjenester. Mer informasjon om selskapet finnes på www.canon.no
Canon Norge en del av Canon Europa, som du kan lese mer om nedenfor.
Om Canon Europe
Canon Europe er EMEAs strategiske hovedkvarter for Canon Inc., en global leverandør av bildeteknologi og -tjenester. Canon Europe er representert i 120 land med rundt 17 000 ansatte, og bidrar til en fjerdedel av Canons globale inntekter årlig.
Ønsket om kontinuerlig innovasjon har gjort Canon ledende på utviklingen innen bildeteknologi siden etableringen i 1937. Selskapet har gjennom sin 80 år lange historie investert i de rette områdene og grepet vekstmulighetene. Fra kameraer til kommersielle skrivere, og fra konsulentvirksomhet til helseteknologi, beriker Canon liv og bedrifter med sin bildeinnovasjon.
Canons bedriftsfilosofi bygger på det japanske ordet «Kyosei»som betyr å leve og arbeide sammen for et felles gode. I EMEA følger Canon Europe en bærekraftig forretningsvekst med fokus på å redusere egen miljøpåvirkning og samtidig støtte kunder til å redusere deres miljøpåvirkning, ved å bruke Canons produkter, løsninger og tjenester.
For mer informasjon om Canon Europe, se: www.canon-europe.com
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heykav · 4 years ago
Canon RF 600mm F11 real-world samples
Canon RF 600mm F11 real-world samples
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Designed as a lightweight and affordable extreme telephoto prime for Canon RF-mount shooters, the Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM is a versatile lens for casual wildlife and general photography. If 600mm isn’t enough for you, it can be paired with Canon’s new 2X extender for RF to become a very portable (and very slow) 1200mm F22. While not up to the same optical standard as Canon’s more…
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pcv-gear · 5 years ago
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Venus Optics Laowa 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra Macro Lens for Canon RF
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Venus Optics Laowa 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra Macro Lens for Canon RF
This lens is optimized for macro shooting between 2.5X – 5X life-size. The lens is specially designed with an extended working distance (45mm at 2x & 40mm at 2.5x) and small lens barrel. This allows sufficien..
Price: $399.00
https://ift.tt/30MAq6y January 23, 2020 at 12:54PM
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editingxpert · 4 years ago
Canon RF 600mm F11 real-world samples
Canon RF 600mm F11 real-world samples
Designed as a lightweight and affordable extreme telephoto prime for Canon RF-mount shooters, the Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM is a versatile lens for casual wildlife and general photography. If 600mm isn’t enough for you, it can be paired with Canon’s new 2X extender for RF to become a very portable (and very slow) 1200mm F22. While not up to the same optical standard as Canon’s more expensive…
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photo camera canon
Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER – Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY.
Compact and capable, the Canon EOS Rebel T7 is a sleek entry-level DSLR featuring versatile imaging capabilities and a helpful feature-set. Incorporating a 24.1MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ image processor, the T7 produces high-resolution stills with notable clarity, reduced noise, and a flexible native sensitivity range from ISO 100-6400 for working in a variety of lighting conditions. The sensor and processor also afford shooting continuously at up to 3 fps for photographing moving subjects, as well as Full HD 1080/30p video recording.
Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera
EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM Lens
Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Lens
Manufacturer Accessories:
LP-E10 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
LC-E10 Battery Charger for EOS Rebel T3, T5, T6
Eyecup Eb
RF-3 Body Cap
EW-400D Wide Strap
Battery Cover
Limited 1-Year Warranty
Bundle Accessories:
ULTIMAXX 500mm Preset Lens
T-Mount to Canon EF-Mount Adapter
SanDisk Ultra 64GB SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Speed Up to 80MB/s
Extended Life LPE10 Replacement Battery (1600mAh)
Wired Remote for Canon
Water-Resistant Professional Backpack
2x 58mm Tulip Lens Hood
2x 58mm UV Filter
Wrist / Hand Grip Strap
Digital Slave Flash
4PC Close-Up HD Macro Lens Set 58mm (+1, +2, +4, +10)
Variable Neutral Density Filter – 58mm
0.43x Wide Angle Lens – 58mm
Universal Soft Flash Diffuser
Mini HDMI Cable
Lens Cap Keeper
High Speed SD/SDHC/Micro SD/Card Reader
High-Quality Memory Card Wallet
High-Quality Lens Cleaning Pen
High-Quality Dust Blower
Starter Cleaning Kit
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER – Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. 22 PC Professional Bundle Includes – ULTIMAXX 500mm Preset Lens; T-Mount to Canon EF-Mount Adapter; SanDisk Ultra 64GB SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Speed Up to 80MB/s; Extended Life LPE10 Replacement Battery (1600mAh); Wired Remote – Water-Resistant Backpack; 2x 58mm Tulip Lens Hood; 2x 58mm UV Filter; Wrist / Hand Grip Strap; Digital Slave Flash; 4PC Close-Up HD Macro Lens Set – 58mm (+1, +2, +4, +10); Variable Neutral Density Filter – 58mm; 0.43x Wide Angle Lens – 58mm; Soft Flash Diffuser + More 24.1MP APS-C CMOS Sensor – DIGIC 4+ Image Processor – 3.0″ 920k-Dot LCD Monitor – Full HD 1080/30p Video Recording – 9-Point AF with Center Cross-Type Point – ISO 100-6400, Up to 3 fps Shooting – Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC [amz_corss_sell asin=”B07PGL63LC”]
Canon EOS Rebel T7 Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm IS II (2727C00 USA), Canon EF 75-300mm Lens and 500mm PRESET Lens with T-Mount Adapter and 22PC Professional Bundle Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER - Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY.
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mealha · 5 years ago
Canon Reimagine's Mirrorless - All of our Coverage
Canon have released 10 new mirrorless products today, including two new EOS R cameras and four new RF lenses - and we've already tried them all out!
Here's a roundup of all our coverage of one of Canon's biggest product launches in years...
First Impressions
Canon EOS R5 First Impressions
Canon EOS R6 First Impressions
Canon RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1L IS USM First Impressions
Canon RF 85mm F2 MACRO IS STM First Impressions
Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM and RF 800mm F11 IS STM First Impressions
Canon Extender RF 1.4x and Extender RF 2x First Impressions
Canon EOS R5 and EOS R6 Full Frame Mirrorless Cameras
Canon Launch Four New RF Lenses and Two Extenders
Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-300 A3+ Photo Printer
from Photography Blog (en) https://ift.tt/2ZWlset
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techywild · 5 years ago
Cameras and Photos
Compact and capable, the Canon EOS 2000D (Rebel T7) is a sleek entry-level DSLR incorporating a 24.1MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ image processor. This camera produces high-resolution stills with notable clarity, reduced noise, and a flexible native sensitivity range from ISO 100-6400. The sensor and processor also afford shooting continuously at up to 3 fps for photographing moving subjects, as well as Full HD 1080/30p video recording. A 9-point AF system incorporates a single center cross-type AF point for increased accuracy and focusing speed, and a contrast-detection focusing system offers refined precision when recording video or photographing in live view. The rear 3.0″ 920k-dot LCD offers a bright, clear image for playback and review, and built-in Wi-Fi with NFC offers the ability to wirelessly share imagery.
Bundle Includes:
Canon EOS 2000D (Rebel T7) DSLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DC III Lens
Manufacturer Accessories:
LP-E10 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
LC-E10 Battery Charger
Eyecup EF
RF-3 Body Cap for Canon EOS Cameras
EW-400D Neck Strap
Battery Cover
Additional Items:
2x SanDisk Ultra 32GB SDHC Memory Card (UHS-I / Class-10)
Extended Life Replacement Battery (LP-E10)
0.43x HD Wide Angle Macro Lens Attachment
2.2x HD Telephoto Lens Attachment
3PC Multi Coated HD Filter Set (UV, CPL, FLD)
4PC Close-Up HD Macro Lenses (+1, +2, +4, +10)
Digital Slave Flash with Bracket
Wired Shutter Remote (RS-60E3)
50” Professional Tripod
Padded Hand/Wrist Strap
Tulip-Style Lens Hood
Water-Resistant Carrying Case
High Speed Memory Card Reader
Mini HDMI to HDMI Cable
Lens Cleaning Pen
Dust Blower
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
Lens Cap Keeper
Make sure this fits by entering your model number. 24.1MP APS-C CMOS Sensor; DIGIC 4+ Image Processor 3.0″ 920k-Dot LCD Monitor; Full HD 1080/30p Video Recording 9-Point AF with Center Cross-Type Point; ISO 100-6400, Up to 3 fps Shooting Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC; Creative Filters and Creative Auto Modes Scene Intelligent Auto Mode; EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DC III Lens [amz_corss_sell asin=”B07WFXNJXG”]
Canon EOS 2000D (Rebel T7) DSLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DC III Lens & Deluxe Accessory Bundle – Includes: 2x SanDisk Ultra 32GB SDHC Memory Card, Extended Life Battery, Carrying Case & MORE Compact and capable, the Canon EOS 2000D (Rebel T7) is a sleek entry-level DSLR incorporating a 24.1MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ image processor.
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mrhotmaster · 5 years ago
Canon Unveils New EOS R5 With 8K Video & More: Read All
Canon Unveils EOS R5 Production With In-Body Image Stablisation, 8K Video Support More
EOS R5 is the most powerful full frame mirrorless camera yet, according to Canon.
Standard has reported the advancement of its most recent mirrorless camera called the Canon EOS R5. As per the organization, this is the most progressive full-outline mirrorless camera that they have ever constructed. The key feature of the Canon EOS R5 is its recently structured CMOS sensor and another picture processor. Notwithstanding the EOS R5, Canon in 2020 additionally plans to discharge a sum of seven RF focal points and two RF focal point extenders which are right now a work in progress. The forthcoming Canon EOS R5, which as we referenced toward the beginning is at present being worked on, will utilize a recently planned CMOS sensor. With this, the camera will have the option to help propelled highlights, for example, nonstop shooting up to roughly 20 fps utilizing an electronic screen and up to around 12 fps utilizing a mechanical shade that will help in catching quick moving articles easily. Moreover, the camera will likewise have the option to catch 8K recordings which will empower clients to separate high-goals despite everything pictures from video film just as procedure 8K video into better 4K video.
 In addition, the Canon EOS R5 additionally sounds promising when it will come to picture adjustment, at any rate on paper. The up and coming camera will be the principal Canon camera to coordinate the camera's in-body stabilizer with the picture adjustment frameworks found in the appended RF focal points, bringing about better-settled shots.
Furthermore, to catch all the stuff, the camera will likewise highlight double media card spaces and will bolster programmed move of picture documents from the gadget to the image.canon cloud stage.
As described above, Canon plans to unload a complete focus point of nine RF in 2020, including the RF 100 to 500 millimeters F4.5-7.1 L IS USM, RF 1.4x & RF 2x extender. These focal points close by the EOS R5 mirrorless camera are set to be displayed from February 27 to March 1, at the CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging Show 2020, planned to be held at the Pacifico Yokohama show corridor in Yokohama, Japan.
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from https://ift.tt/2OQWrfT
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photocameraonline-blog · 7 years ago
Canon EOS Rebel T6 18MP Wi-Fi DSLR Camera with 18-55mm IS II Lens + EF 75-300mm III Lens + 2x SanDisk 32GB Card + Wide Angle Lens + Telephoto Lens + Flash + Grip + Tripod - 64GB Accessories Bundle
Canon EOS Rebel T6 18MP Wi-Fi DSLR Camera with 18-55mm IS II Lens + EF 75-300mm III Lens + 2x SanDisk 32GB Card + Wide Angle Lens + Telephoto Lens + Flash + Grip + Tripod – 64GB Accessories Bundle
Comprising a versatile set of imaging capabilities along with support for a connected workflow, the EOS Rebel T6 from Canon is a compact, sleek DSLR featuring an 18MP APS-C CMOS sensor and a DIGIC 4+ image processor. Combined, these two technologies avail rich image quality with reduced noise, along with a native sensitivity range of ISO 100-6400 that can be further expanded to ISO 12800 to suit working in low and difficult lighting conditions. The sensor and processor also enable the ability to shoot continuously at 3 fps for photographing moving subjects, as well as recording Full HD 1080p/30 video. Benefitting shooting with the optical viewfinder, a 9-point AF system incorporates a single center cross-type AF point for increased accuracy and focusing speed, and a contrast-detection focusing system offers refined autofocus precision for shooting movies or working in live view. The rear 3.0″ 920k-dot LCD offers a bright, clear image for playback and review, and built-in Wi-Fi with NFC also offers the ability to wirelessly share imagery from your camera to a linked mobile device for instant online sharing. Included with the camera body is the EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II lens, which provides a 28.8-88mm equivalent focal length range that covers wide-angle to short telephoto perspectives. One aspherical element is featured in the optical design, to control spherical aberrations and contribute to higher clarity, and an Optical Image Stabilizer minimizes the appearance of camera shake for sharper handheld shooting.Canon EOS Rebel T6 Full HD 1080p Video Digital SLR Camera + EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens + LP-E10 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack + LC-E10 Battery Charger + Eyecup Ef + RF-3 Body Cap + EW-400D Neck Strap + Battery Cover + IFC-130U Interface Cable + Limited 1-Year Warranty Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Lens + 58mm Wide Angle Lens + 58mm Zoom Telephoto Lens + Padded SLR Camera Case + Auto Power Flash + Sturdy Tripod + Hand Grip + Screen Protector + 58mm 3-piece Filter Kit 2x SanDisk 32 GB 320x High Speed SDHC Class 10 Memory Card + Card Reader + Memory Card Wallet + Digital Camera Cleaning Kit 18MP APS-C CMOS Sensor – DIGIC 4+ Image Processor – 3.0″ 920k-Dot LCD Monitor – Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps 9-Point AF with Center Cross-Type Point – Extended ISO 12800, 3 fps Shooting – Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC – Scene Intelligent Auto Mode – Basic+ and Creative Auto Modes
BEST PRICE RIGHT HERE: https://www.kuwiwi.com/product-search/?s=B00CW109S8
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rekomande · 8 years ago
Recomended Products
This 33Rd Street Deluxe Bundle Includes :
Canon EOS Rebel SL1 DSLR Camera with Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM Lens.
2.2x Telephoto Lens offers a 2.2x magnification to provide a narrower field of view. Multi-coated glass optics help to maintain the original lens’ quality by reducing flare and ghosting, and a steel barrel design ensures durability.
0.43x HD Wide Angle Lens – When choosing a wide angle lens, remember; the smaller the number, the wider the angle. For instance a 0.18x is considered a super fisheye lens (notorious bubble effect) and a 0.5x is considered just a wide angle lens.
Air Blower Pump Dust Cleaner LensPen Lens Cleaner – Removes fingerprints, dust, and other debris that may compromise your image.
Lens cap keeper holder – prevents your lens cap from ever getting lost again!
Camera BackPack Case – Backpack holds and protects 2 SLR camera bodies, 3-4 lenses and additional smaller accessories. Customizable padded interior. Movable dividers allow for optimal storage
Grip Strap – Cushioned camera grips fits around your hand and stabilizes your camera / camcorder while shooting / filming. One size fits all, adjustable strap.
Eyecup Ef for Digital Rebel Cameras
RF-3 Body Cap for Canon EOS Cameras
Canon Battery Charger
Canon Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
Battery Cover
IFC-130U Interface Cable
EOS Digital Solution Software
Canon Strap
This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (Image Stabilization) STM Lens, 29-88mm (35mm Equivalent), Aperture Range: f/3.5-38, One Aspherical Element, Optical Image Stabilization, Stepping Motor, Internal Focusing System, Supports Movie Servo AF Feature, Manual Focus Override in AF Mode, Constant Minimum Focus Distance: 9.8″, 58mm Filter Diameter This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (Image Stabilization) STM Lens, 29-88mm (35mm Equivalent), Aperture Range: f/3.5-38, One Aspherical Element, Optical Image Stabilization, Stepping Motor, Internal Focusing System, Supports Movie Servo AF Feature, Manual Focus Override in AF Mode, Constant Minimum Focus Distance: 9.8″, 58mm Filter Diameter 2Pcs 32GB Commander Memory Card+ Air Blower + Lens Cap Keeper + Lens Pen Cleaner This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (Image Stabilization) STM Lens, 29-88mm (35mm Equivalent), Aperture Range: f/3.5-38, One Aspherical Element, Optical Image Stabilization, Stepping Motor, Internal Focusing System, Supports Movie Servo AF Feature, Manual Focus Override in AF Mode, Constant Minimum Focus Distance: 9.8″, 58mm Filter Diameter This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: This 33Rd Street Camera Saving Kit With 1 Year Warranty and Standard Manufacturer Supplied Accessories Bundle Includes: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 – 18 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor, DIGIC 5 Image Processor, 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Clear View II Touchscreen, Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 30 fps, 9-Point AF and Hybrid CMOS AF II, Native ISO 12800, Extended to ISO 25600, 4 fps Shooting for 28 JPEG, 7 Raw Files Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (Image Stabilization) STM Lens, 29-88mm (35mm Equivalent), Aperture Range: f/3.5-38, One Aspherical Element, Optical Image Stabilization, Stepping Motor, Internal Focusing System, Supports Movie Servo AF Feature, Manual Focus Override in AF Mode, Constant Minimum Focus Distance: 9.8″, 58mm Filter Diameter 2Pcs 32GB Commander Memory Card+ Air Blower + Lens Cap Keeper + Lens Pen Cleaner 33Rd Street Cleaning Kit – Includes: Lens Cleaning Pen System + High Quality Lens Brush + Air Blower Cleaner + Handy Empty Spray Bottle + 3 Premium Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
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instapicsil1 · 6 years ago
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@charlesglatzer's #whatsinmybag: "What camera equipment do you recommend?" is always one of the first questions I receive from someone inquiring about a workshop. As I head to Yellowstone I thought I'd show you what gear I'm taking and why I chose it. My primary cameras for wildlife are the 1DX Mark II; offering me the best balance of image quality, drive speed, buffer rate, AF acquisition/tracking, weather sealing, ease of customization, functionality and ergonomics. I use two similar bodies when working a field, with different lenses attached to quickly choose the desired focal length. Most often I bring an additional full frame camera like the EOS R with higher megapixels, and less vibration for more detail oriented imagery like landscapes, star/milky way, macro, etc. Additionally, the EF EOS R converter allows me to use all of my canon lenses without any loss whatsoever of AF function. I always bring at least one extra battery per camera with me when shooting. In winter I keep the batteries readily accessible in an insulated jacket pocket. A cable release is used for static imagery, requiring slower shutter speeds. If I could only take one lens for wildlife photography it would be the new EF 600 III, with EF 1.4x and 2x III converters. When hiking a field overall weight is always a consideration, traveling on my side the tack sharp EF 100-400 II a perfect accompaniment to the 600mm. The outstanding RF 24-105 and EF 16-35 III lenses cover my wide angle needs. I typically have at least one Speedlight and Wireless Transmitter with me for supplemental lighting. Never know, eh! Full list: EOS-1D X Mark II (2) bodies EOS R with Battery Grip BG-E22 EF 600mm f/4L IS III USM EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM EF 16–35mm f/2.8L III USM Extender EF 1.4X III Extender EF 2X III RF 24–105mm F4 L IS USM Control Ring Mount Adapter EF-EOS R Battery Pack LP-E6N (3) Battery Pack LP-E19 (4) Speedlite 600EX-RT Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT Remote Switch RS-80N3 http://bit.ly/2VUOTuf
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photo camera canon
Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER – Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY.
Compact and capable, the Canon EOS Rebel T7 is a sleek entry-level DSLR featuring versatile imaging capabilities and a helpful feature-set. Incorporating a 24.1MP APS-C CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4+ image processor, the T7 produces high-resolution stills with notable clarity, reduced noise, and a flexible native sensitivity range from ISO 100-6400 for working in a variety of lighting conditions.
Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens
Manufacturer Accessories:
LP-E10 Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
LC-E10 Battery Charger for EOS Rebel T3, T5, T6
Eyecup EF
RF-3 Body Cap for Canon EOS Cameras
EW-400D Wide Strap
Battery Cover
Limited 1-Year Warranty
Bundle Accessories:
SanDisk Ultra 128GB SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Speed Up to 80MB/s
2x Extended Life LP-E10 Replacement Batteries (7.4V / 1600mAh / 11.8Wh)
Professional Camera Backpack
3 Piece Multi-Coated HD Filter Kit 58mm (UV, CPL, FLD)
12″ Flexible Gripster Tripod
Tulip-Style Lens Hood 58mm
Wrist / Hand Grip Strap
Digital Slave Flash with Bracket
Lens Cap Keeper
High Speed SD/SDHC/Micro SD/Card Reader
Memory Card Wallet
Starter Cleaning Kit
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER – Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. Product Includes: SanDisk Ultra 128GB SDXC UHS-I Memory Card Speed Up to 80MB/s – 2x Extended Life LP-E10 Replacement Batteries (7.4V / 1600mAh / 11.8Wh) – 3 Piece Multi-Coated HD Filter Kit 58mm (UV, CPL, FLD) – 12” Flexible Gripster Tripod – Tulip-Style Lens Hood 58mm – Professional Camera Carry Case – Wrist / Hand Grip Strap – Digital Slave Flash – Lens Cap Keeper – High Speed SD/SDHC/Micro SD/Card Reader – Memory Card Wallet – Starter Cleaning Kit – Microfiber Cleaning Cloth 24.1MP APS-C CMOS Sensor – DIGIC 4+ Image Processor – 3.0″ 920k-Dot LCD Monitor – Full HD 1080/30p Video Recording – 9-Point AF with Center Cross-Type Point – ISO 100-6400, Up to 3 fps Shooting – Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC – Scene Intelligent Auto Mode – Creative Filters and Creative Auto Modes [amz_corss_sell asin=”B07PGCLPRH”]
Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens Professional Bundle Package Deal – USA Warranty – SanDisk Ultra 128GB SDXC Memory Card + Water-Resistant Professional Backpack + More Wholesale Photo is a CANON AUTHORIZED DEALER - Founded in 1971. Includes FULL CANON 1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY.
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mealha · 5 years ago
Canon Extender RF 1.4x and Extender RF 2x First Impressions
We've spent a little time with the new Extender RF 1.4x and Extender RF 2x for Canon's full-frame mirrorless cameras, so ahead of our full review, check out our first impressions now...
from Photography Blog (en) https://ift.tt/3fg6TbT
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