#Cannabis Influencers
wwweedfairy · 7 months
I need an “investor” who only wants to watch videos of me being pretty and baked out of my gourd is that too much to ask
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kannabia · 2 years
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When, how and why to wash roots
In the world of self-cultivation, there seems to be a debate on cannabis root washing. Opponents believe that doing so before harvest will deprive roots of vital nutrients. On the other side of the divide, proponents claim that it releases plants from excess of contaminants, producing higher quality marijuana. In this article, we will explore the truth: what is it exactly, why it is so important and how best to do it for maximum benefit.
Before we get into the reasons why it is important to wash the roots of marijuana plants, we must understand exactly what it is. This consists of watering the plants with water without any added nutrient for a period of time before harvest, from one or two days to a week or more, depending on the growing medium and the purpose we seek.
Read more here (Kannabia Seeds Blog)
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Cuándo, cómo y por qué hacer un lavado de raíces
Dentro del mundo del autocultivo, parece existir un debate sobre el tema del lavado de las raíces de las plantas de cannabis. Quienes se oponen creen que hacerlo antes de la cosecha les robará nutrientes vitales. Del otro lado de la línea divisoria, los defensores proclaman que libera a las plantas del exceso de contaminantes, produciendo una marihuana de mayor calidad. En este artículo, exploraremos la verdad: exactamente qué es, por qué es tan importante y la mejor manera de hacerlo para obtener el máximo beneficio.
Antes de entrar en las razones por las que es importante lavar las raíces de las plantas de marihuana, debemos entender exactamente qué es. Este acto implica regar las plantas con agua sin ningún nutriente agregado durante un período de tiempo antes de la cosecha, desde uno o dos días hasta una semana o más, dependiendo del medio de cultivo y la finalidad que busquemos.
Leer el artículo completo aquí, en el BLOG de Kannabia Seeds
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dgspeaks · 5 months
Celebrating 420: A Cultural Exploration of Marijuana’s Journey
Come with me on a journey into the heart of 420, where the air is thick with excitement and the scent of possibility. While I’ve never been one for smoking marijuana—it smells like death to me—I’ve found my own path within the realm of cannabis, exploring its therapeutic benefits through CBD and low-dose Delta-9. As we delve into the rich tapestry of marijuana’s influence, from its culinary…
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eighthrevolution1 · 1 year
People relate to people, and if your brand feels like people, they’ll relate to you. Brands ignite ethos. But how? Why do we gravitate towards certain names, bypassing others? It’s that gut tug. Learn about the 90s-influenced Cannabis Brand from Oliver Higgins.
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farmabarn · 1 year
Few actors have the A-list credentials and talent of Matthew McConaughey. But did you know that Matthew McConaughey is a cannabis legend?
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samaraxmorgan · 8 days
Your Roommate Sukuna
“That Time We Got High And Almost Kissed”
Modern no curse AU, Sukuna X Reader
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Synopsis: This housing crisis sure is no joke huh? Rent is just too expensive to live alone, so you put out a listing for a roommate and ended up living with none other than the tattooed bad boy Ryomen Sukuna! This is part of a series of drabbles and oneshots showing glimpses into you and Sukuna’s living situation!!
Contains: brothers au, fluff, frenemies dynamic, use of illegal substances (cannabis)
Word Count: 2.63k
Series Masterlist - My Full Masterlist
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Sukuna always finds a way to surprise you, he’s definitely got that going for him. However, that’s not exactly a good thing the vast majority of the time, and today is no exception.
You turn the corner as you come up the stairs and find his bedroom door wide open. He’s hunched over on his bed using his pocket knife to slice open a cheap gas station cigar, spilling the tobacco onto a paper plate. He pulls a small plastic bag out of his back pocket and carefully pinches its contents out, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger before sprinkling it inside of the shell of the cigar. His eyes glance over into the hallway and he immediately does a double take after spotting you watching him, for a brief moment he looked like a deer in headlights.
You squint your eyes, your brows furrowing questionably, “Is that weed?”
He lets out a dry scoff, looking back down towards the blunt in his fingers and continuing to fill it up, “Creep.”
“You’re the one with the door wide open!” You exclaim, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
You step into his bedroom, walls littered with posters leaving no clear space in sight; even the ceilings are covered in black tapestries. You crawl onto the foot of his bed, your knees sinking into the red comforter. Sukuna’s hair is disheveled, his bottom lip caught between his teeth in focus, tired eyes narrowed down as he stuffs the flower into the dark brown paper.
“Isn’t that illegal?” You question, a little more snarky than you intended.
“What’re you, a cop?” His crimson eyes shoot a glare up at you, fingers rolling the blunt closed and his pierced tongue licking a stripe up the incision he cut into the wrapper to seal it back shut.
Did he really have to do that without breaking eye contact? He’s gonna be the death of me.
A tiny smirk creeps onto the corner of his lips, “You should try it, could really use something t’ get that stick out your ass.”
You give him an exaggerated eye roll, “I hate you so much, you know that?”
“Yeah yeah, not like y’tell me every day,” A spark flashes in his eyes, his sheepish grin turning more mischievous, “Hey tell you what, split this with me and I’ll show you my spot.”
Your head tilts in confusion, eyeing him up curiously, “Your spot?”
He leans back against the headrest of his bed, shrugging nonchalantly, “Didn’t think I smoked in the house, did you?”
It does never smell like cigarettes in the apartment, or weed, or whatever the hell else he’s smoking. You could smell it on his clothes all the time, but now that you think about it you’ve never actually seen him smoke before.
“You leave the house to smoke?”
“You could call it that, sure.” He hops off the bed, pulling on a pair of black combat boots from his closet and not bothering to tie them. He turns around to face you, looking down at you expectantly, “Gonna join me or not?”
He’s such a bad influence, you’re so aware of that. But you’re also so morbidly curious, and he’s a hard man to say no to, so you cautiously nod your head and stand up from his bed.
“Knew you had it in you.” He smirks, placing the blunt between his lips to hold it in place and snatching a disposable lighter off his nightstand, stuffing it into his pocket.
Sukuna walks across his room to the window, his back facing the glass as he slides it open behind him, and then leaning back to stick his torso outside. His strong tattooed arms reach up over his head as he grabs the edge of the roof and lifts his legs into a crouch, promptly pulling his whole body out the window, doing one hell of a pull up to lift himself up onto the roof in one fluid motion.
Your jaw nearly drops to the floor. There’s no fucking way he’s seriously expecting you to be able to do that.
You see strands of his pink hair first as he pops his head upside down to peer down into the window, reaching his arm inside and outstretching his open palm to you, “C’mon, you won’t fall.” He pauses for a moment, flashing you a mischievous grin, “… Probably.”
You give him a weary and unconfident smile, “How reassuring.”
Taking tentative steps towards the window, you see his grin grow wider. You gently place your hand in his palm and he doesn’t waste a second, wrapping his fingers around your knuckles and squeezing tight, yanking his arm towards him to pull you closer. For just a mere second, the two of you were eye level as he hung his head upside down, your surprised eyes locking with his confident ones and his breathy laughter ghosting onto your forehead.
But just as quickly, his head dipped out of view. His low voice calls down to you from the roof as his impatient hand pulls you closer, “Put your foot up on the windowsill.”
You tentatively place your foot on the ledge, squeezing his hand tight to steady yourself as you shift your weight onto your other leg and pull yourself up to stand on the windowsill. His free hand quickly wraps under your arm, pulling you up and towards him, his arms wrapping tightly around your chest and waist as he pulls you into his lap with your back flush against him.
He leans his chin down on your shoulder, his breath fanning the side of your neck as he sarcastically whispers, “Almost dropped you there.”
A deep blush paints your face red. His legs are spread with your own planted in between them, his arms wrapped protectively around you and squeezing your body against his chest as he keeps you locked in place directly on his lap. You squirm under his hold and it only makes his breathy chuckle tickle your skin, his lips just barely brushing against your neck.
He loosens his hold on you for only a moment to pick the blunt off of the shingles, placing it between your lips while mumbling “Hold this” before his arms are tight around you again. He plants his feet against the roof and slides backwards, shimmying you both up to a flat section to sit more comfortably.
As he releases you from his grasp, you’re reluctant to leave. Lifting your hips from their home on his lap, you plop down onto the flat section of the roof next to him. He wasn’t kidding about this being his spot, there’s already an ashtray up here with cigarette butts sprinkled in the bowl. And you can’t really blame him for coming up here, the sky is orange and pink with clouds stretching thinly across the horizon, the city’s silhouette faintly in the distance, tall trees forming a barrier around the back of the apartment that feels safe and protected, it’s honestly really nice, peaceful.
Sukuna pulls his lighter out of his pocket, sparks sprinkling with each flick of the wheel until it holds a steady flame. He leans in close, holding the light against the end of the blunt that you held between your teeth.
“Breathe in.” His gaze is dropped to your lips, free hand reaching up to gently hold the blunt steady against your mouth with his thumb and forefinger.
As you inhale you see orange embers form at the end of the blunt, smoke rapidly filling your lungs and stinging the back of your throat. You can’t keep the smoke down, immediately hacking up a painful burning cough that only makes him snicker.
“Hm, you’ll get it eventually.” He brings the blunt to his lips and inhales a long hit, holding his breath for a few seconds before teasingly blowing the smoke into your face.
“Ugh,” You fan your hand in front of your face to clear the smoke, “That’s terrible. It tastes so gross.”
He smirks and rolls his eyes, flicking the ash into the small tray, “So dramatic, ‘ts not that bad.”
Your eyes are glued to his fingers, holding the blunt with his pointer finger and thumb and tapping ash away with his middle, the veins on the back of his hand gently protruding out and then settling back into place with each tap of his finger. As your eyes drift to the ashtray and you realize that there are only orange cigarette butts in the bowl, no snuffed out roaches from him smoking anything else.
You pull your knees up to your chest, tilting your head to rest your cheek on your legs when you look up at him, “How come you’re getting high?”
“Needed it tonight.” His answer was quicker than you expected, his eyes locked on the city lights shining in the distance.
“How come?”
His head doesn’t move, but his eyes flick to you. Wordlessly he holds the blunt towards you, the expectant look in his eyes and quirk in his brow telling you that he’s not planning to give you an answer until you take another hit.
You let out a small huff, taking the blunt from his fingers and taking a short drag, trying to hold the smoke in your lungs and keeping your lips sealed shut to try not to cough. Your attempt was futile though, your cheeks puffing out and smoke blowing out of your nose as your throat burned again.
He let out a small snicker at your misery, letting one of his legs lay outstretched across the slant of the roof while he bent his knee on his other leg to rest his chin on, “Brat’s working his first day at his new job tonight.”
Your brows furrow in confusion, your lips dragging down into a frown, “Brat being… who?”
He scoffs, like the answer to that should be so obvious, “My brother, the one you met.”
You hum in acknowledgment, but you’re still confused what that has to do with Sukuna wanting to get high, “What’s the new job?”
He blows a raspberry, tilting his head up towards the sky while he takes another drag, smoke echoing off his lips as he speaks, “Firefighter, been his dream job since we were kids.”
Realization clicks in your brain, making a smile creep onto your lips, “You big softie, you’re worried about him!”
“Tch.” He glares down at you, but his frustrated look only makes you giggle. The look in his eyes quickly softens, shifting to a look of amusement as he leans in closer to you and peers into your eyes. You let out a little laugh, opening your eyes wide to stare goofily at him and causing a smile to crack on his face, “Are you high already?”
“No!” You counter defensively, “You’re just… cute.”
Oh fuck, I’m totally high.
He gives you a lopsided grin, “You’re a terrible fuckin’ liar.”
You giggle and flop onto your back, lying flat on the roof, “Stop changing the topic! We’re talking about you!” You reach your arm out to point in his face, “You’re worried about him! You love him!”
“Ugh,” He gives you an exaggerated eye roll, wrapping his long fingers around your wrist and pulling it down out of his face, “I absolutely do not.”
You give him a toothy smile, poorly mimicking his deep voice, “Terrible fuckin’ liar.”
A deep laugh bubbles up from his chest, his gravelly voice sounding so breathy and happy, creases forming at the outer corners of his tired eyes. He releases your wrist from his grasp, planting his open palm next to your head and resting his weight on his arm to lean the slightest bit closer to you, his free hand bringing the blunt up to his lips as he tilts his head down to look at you with an uncharacteristically sweet smile, “So stupid.”
You can’t help but giggle under his gaze, the warm orange glow of the sunset reflecting in his heavy lidded eyes, a thin ring of crimson around his blown out pupils. His lips wrapping around the dwindling blunt and taking a long hit as the embers come alight. He leans down and gently blows the smoke into your face, making you squeeze your eyes shut.
He gently knocks his knuckle against your cheek to get you to open your eyes, gesturing the blunt to you, “Give me one more.”
You let out an over dramatic groan, covering your face with your hands, “No I’ll choke! I need you to baby bird it to me.”
He quirks his brow, a mischievous smirk curling on the corners of his lips, “Baby bird? Like spit it in your mouth?” He lets out a small chuckle. You part your hands away from your face to peer up at him as he takes another drag, holding the smoke in his mouth as he cups your chin to tilt your head towards him and leans down close to your face, smoke on his breath fanning your lips as he whispers, “Like this?”
Your mouth opens slightly in surprise as his lips are mere millimeters away from yours, gently exhaling smoke into your parted lips. Your cheeks burn red and your wide eyes stare up into his lazily lidded ones, already trained on you. You slowly breathe in the smoke, feeling him lean closer towards you, his gaze dropping down as his lips just barely brush against yours. Your eyes flutter shut, heart pounding in your chest as you feel his fingers trace their way from your chin along your jaw, tilting your head slightly to perfectly slot your lips with his-
But the moment abruptly comes to a halt as Sukuna’s phone loudly rings in his pocket, the ring tone blaring “I like big butts and I cannot lie!” as he freezes in place and both of your eyes shoot open.
“Pfft!” You throw your head back in laughter, your chin clocking Sukuna in the jaw as he shoots up straight and mutters curses under his breath, frantically fumbling for his phone in his pocket.
The obnoxious music quickly stops as he answers the phone, rubbing the sore spot on his jaw as he spoke with a hint of panic in his voice, “Yuuji?”
Even though he wasn’t on speaker phone, you could hear Yuuji loud and clear, emphasis on loud as Sukuna flinched the phone away from his ear as Yuuji yelled out the small speakers, “Guess who saved a cat at work today!”
You could see a look of relief wash over Sukuna’s face, but he didn’t let it translate into his voice, speaking in a low and annoyed tone, “I was hoping you’d die in a fire.”
Yuuji belted out a loud laugh on the other line, “Not yet! But don’t take it off your bingo card!”
A wide smile spreads across your face, yelling loud enough for Yuuji to hear, “You had him worried sic- mmph!”
Sukuna shoved his palm over your mouth, shooting a glare down at you as he spoke to Yuuji, “Ignore them.”
You tried to bite his hand over your mouth and he whispered “Fucking brat” down to you as Yuuji rambled about his first day at work, something about a cat being stuck in a tree and how he thought that was a myth but it’s totally a real thing. It quickly became clear that the moment between you and Sukuna had fizzled out, but he was probably just teasing you anyway right? It definitely meant nothing, surely. If Yuuji hadn’t called he would have just backed away and laughed at you or something.
He wasn’t actually gonna kiss you… right?
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A/N: DONT KILL ME WE’LL GET THERE EVENTUALLY!! Anyway y’all like Yuuji’s ring tone I thought it suited him askakaka Dividers by @adornedwithlight
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!
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frankly-ludicrous · 3 months
Arguments for and against under the cut.
Basics: Now, naturally, we know that vampires feed on blood. And, of course, they will be affected by whatever is in your bloodstream.
They have some ability to filter things out (such as lead, asbestos and microplastics, of course) but things sneak through, which is how vampires can get drunk or high.
This also applies to drinking holy water. We all know that adding water to holy water spreads the divine influence, so long as the amount of holy water is larger than regular water.
Though it's an unpleasant process, consuming enough holy water that it outpaces the raw liters in your body (that is to say, drinking over 42 liters of holy water fast enough that the regular water doesn't take over the holy water) means that soon enough, your blood is holy, along with your other bodily fluids.
(This has the long-term benefit of making all further water you add to your body equally holy as well as rendering you immune to demonic posession and vampiric feedings, but I digress.)
But here is where the matter gets complicated:
While holy water is a good conductor of divinity (see His Grace Samuel Vimes' tactic of dipping candlewicks in holy water and drying them so they make holy light when lit), one must note that YHWH's official stance on consuming cannabis has never been stated.
And there's the rub: Should the Lord disapprove of weed use, it's possible that its inclusion would cancel out the divine property of the holy bong water, which means there is only cannabis in your system.
Should the Lord be neutral or even favorable to cannabis, however, it's possible that this method could be used to bless an individual's blood without them having to drink at least 42.01 liters of holy water in 30 to 60 minutes.
I open this question to the debate of experts, such as @deltoroist. Please redirect this to other experts you know, because I'm dying to know what the official stance is.
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campredwood-if · 2 months
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genres: Cosmic horror, thriller, semi-romance
We are very excited to invite you to CAMP RED WOOD! A summer home-away-from home where you'll find plenty of opportunity to learn outdoor skills and form friendships with an amazing cast of people!
Please find attached the application form to join our Camp Counselor team!
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Camp Red Wood is a Lovecraftian horror based Interactive Fiction, based upon the Delta Green TTRPG system. You will take the role of a Camp Counselor for the next two weeks, helping not only to entertain a flock of bored children, but also keeping them all sane and alive for the summer! All while keeping your own sanity too, and maybe- just maybe- you'll figure out what is really happening at Red Wood Point Park.
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Create your own Camp Counselor; customisation varies from appearance, gender, pronouns and personality; to skills, camp background and counselor role!
Interact with a cast of character, form friendships over your short summer, and maybe even fall in love!
Face the horrors!
Discover the mysteries of the bay and participate in camp activities!
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Drew Winters
19 . Sagittarius . 5'3
Drew is a young, compassionate and determined lady. With rusty brunette hair, plaited down the side and often draped over her shoulder, she give of the air of someone meant to take the lead. She works well with the campers, creating a fun and enthusiastic atmosphere that we value for a Head Counselor.
Though we've observed that she often has issue with a few of her fellow leaders to the point of conflict, this has yet to be proven detrimental to her ability as Head Counselor.
Tobias "Tobey" Oak
18 . Cancer . 5'9
Tobey is a young, enthusiastic and amenable man. With dirty blonde hair, dyed green with chlorine from his time often in the water. Frizzy and untamed. He is returning for his second year as a leader. Though this time, taking the role of our Craft-tician rather than the Water Sports counselor position he had last year. Tobey is known to be liked by the campers, creating a personal and warm environment that we expect from a Leader.
Though, the boy is known to be quite distracted, and we suspect he is often under influence of cannabis, which we do not endorse, nor encourage.
Joem Masri
17 . Virgo . 5'6
Joem is a new addition to our cast. A carefree, though quiet young man. With dark, silky hair he often has half tied back in a small pony-tail or bun. He has applied for the Hiking and Survival Specialist counselor position, with experience with rock-climbing, abseiling and quite the enthusiasm for our native flora.
For now, we'll just have to wait and see how he is with the campers.
Unfortunately this is, however, his first experience in a leadership position, and it is unclear how he will handle the role with the younger campers.
Join us for these two weeks, or one night, and experience enriching opportunities you wouldn't find anywhere else!
* The email is real, send through your application!
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chososluv · 9 months
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P L U G ! Y U K I
✎₊˚⊹♡ summary & note: a continuation of my plug series and my interpretation of what plug!yuki would be like. i really enjoyed writing this one might've been my favorite thus far. . .sortve proofread and subject to edit! it i just got rlly excited to share this ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
🏷 tags & warnings:  smut 18+, black!fem reader, black coded, weed smoking, oral sex, fingering, creaming, squirting, yuki got da strap, petnames (ma,mamas, pretty girl) top!yuki but mentions of you returning the favor
✎₊˚ word count: 3.9k
minors do not interact
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Plug!Yuki is a girl's girl.
Unlike plug!toji and plug!choso, Plug!Yuki and you developed a relationship as really good friends before she became your plug. You confided in her one evening in passing that you hadn’t smoked in so long and missed the cannabis high from your undergraduate years. She decided to let you in on a secret at your proclamation.
"You know I'm a plug.... right, mama?"
Plug!Yuki had took that time to casually drop on you that she was a lucrative supplier and that's how she was paying her student loans off. It was quite a surprise to you if you were honest. You knew she smoked, but you didn’t know she was one of the most popular dealers on campus.
Plug!Yuki would start slipping you nugs for you to try out from the new strains she would cop from a new drops. It was from the first quarter ounce she gave you for free it became unspoken that she was your plug going forward and you loved it. She wasn’t a shady nigga who only spoke to you through snapchat, but instead a gorgeous, stunning, and trustworthy woman.
Plug!Yuki's looks aside, she's a legit business woman with her craft. She packages up all her drops in pretty pink bags and sometimes throws in medicinal paper wraps fused with lavender and fancy shit. All of these things at your disposal for free because Yuki Tsukumo liked you that much. You almost had it all.
Almost because you had a sweltering crush on Plug!Yuki.
Smoking in close quarters with Plug!Yuki was truly a test of your discipline. Whether it was in the car, at her place, or at yours, the background melted away and she had your undivided attention. A gravitational pull seems to always occur because you always ended up so close to her. So close you can always see the way her soft lips pucker against the blunt and always you yearn to taste them directly and not from the blunt you share.
Plug!Yuki is a goddess when she smokes. Everything about the way she inhales, exhales, and giggles when she's under the influence of cannabis makes you feel deeply enticed by her even more. The way her eyes sink low and go red made her face fall into a seductive gleam and whenever she looks at you with it you feel so weak.
You can’t recall when you started crushing on Plug!Yuki, but you remember one night you awoke with an ache between your thighs, breath raging as you recovered from a wet dream of your best friend and plug going down on you. From that moment forward you felt different towards her, but you never entertained telling her. You didn't want to ruin the beautiful and close relationship you two have. So, you pushed yourself into thinking you would grow out of it or maybe someone would distract you from her.
But Plug!Yuki would never let that happen.
Contrarily to you, Plug!Yuki was confronted with her feelings for you when one of her best friends, Suguru, asked about you.
"Whats up with y/n? You think I got a chance with mama, Yuki?" Yuki turned her head a bit too fast at her friend, arching an eyebrow as jealousy and possessiveness began to spread through her veins like a nasty virus.
"Fallback, if you wanna keep this friendship, Suguru." Plug!Yuki answered honestly and Shoko bursted into boisterous laughter.
"You owe me!" She said before puffing off her lit cigarette. Satoru could be heard groaning, fishing money out of his pocket to slap into the woman's hand.
"Wait so is y/n completely off limits or is just Suguru because mama got a fat-" Satoru couldn't finish his sentence because Yuki promptly picked up a nearby object and hurled it at Satoru's direction. He giggled, ducking before running out the room before Yuki decided throwing shit wasn't enough and needed to shoot him. Everyone present to that moment sees Plug!Yuki has feelings for you and knew it was only a matter a time before she finally acted on them. But they saw that look in Yuki's eyes whenever you were around and knew the mental blockade she was at war with. That internal battle of fear and rejection was holding Yuki back from making a move on you.
Women weren't hard for Yuki. If she wanted a girl she always got her, but you were different. Yuki didn't want to fumble you and she knew if she did she would be devastated.
So here the both of you were, crushing on one another yet no one made a move.
Until tonight. . .
Plug!Yuki and you currently sat smoking in her bedroom. You were laying down as the woman sat up, sharing a blunt between the two of you. It is a break between semesters and you two unwind the best way you two know how. Giggles fill the air along with the fragrance of cannabis and aroma from the takeout you two ordered earlier. The evening is languid and lazy just how you two wanted after a stressful semester.
“I missed you, mamas.” Plug Yuki coons, her voice raspy from smoking but the deeper voice is sexy on her. The husky tone made you shiver yet you feel heat flush to your cheeks at the pet name. Coupled with that and how intense Yuki looks at you tonight something felt different. Her stares seem to be lingering longer and the touches seem to be far more intimate than usual. Or maybe it was the strain you guys were smoking this evening?
"I missed you more," you pout, hand coming to her thigh and you stroke it delicately, "seeing Satoru and Suguru made me realize how bad I was deprived of you." Plug!Yuki wants to focus on your sweet words but she raises a brow.
"When were you with them?" The sudden question should throw you off, but the cannabis makes you miss the slight agitation in her voice.
"Couple days ago, they offered to take me to lunch for finishing the semester." You say to her and she rolls her eyes. You only laugh, playfully smacking her thigh from where your hand rested.
“They didn’t make you feel weird or anything right?” You shook your head.
“They were respectful,” you look up at Yuki from your position from the bed, “calm down. No one is gonna take me from you, baby.” You’re teasing her and don’t realize the affect your words have on her. The pink lighting in her room hides the light blush that dusts along her cheeks and she shakes her head, trying to shake that stupid grin that wants to stretch across her lips.
“They can be weird ass muthafuckas. Just making sure they didn’t try anything.” Yuki grumbles, taking a hit from the blunt to calm her nerves and you only peer at her. You have a smile on your face as you stretch out a hand to take the blunt.
“You mean they some ho ass niggas and you making sure they didn’t holla at me.” Still wearing that lazy grin, you inhale the blunt as you see the look that flashes over her face. You realize you were right.
“Yes that exactly, mama.” Yuki said, not bothering to fix up a lie because she knows you would see right through it. You look adoringly at her and offer the blunt back. She takes a generous drag, your expression sending butterflies to her stomach before you speak.
"Don't worry. They aren't my type, babes." You softly giggle, continuing to look up at Yuki and she smiles at the pet name. She has to take another hit from the blunt, more butterflies setting lose but with those butterflies came courage sprouting within. She takes this feeling and runs with it before she let cowardice return.
"What exactly is your type, beautiful?" The pet name comes out of Yuki's mouth before she can stop herself. She just wanted to come off casual and curious but now she feels like she's revealed her angle. Her crush on you felt obvious now and time seemed to slow as she awaited your response. Yuki sees you smile wide, peering up at her through your lashes before you spoke.
"Not Geto Suguru." You soothe her, that hand that you had on her thigh earlier creeped back. Your sneaky fingers began drawing circles and you bit back a cheeky smile as you felt goosebumps erect on her strong thighs. Yuki stares at you, wondering how you caught on to her disdain towards him lately. Ever since his comment about you she felt so sensitive regarding any topic pertaining to you. It got to the point where even just his name rolling off your tongue began to make her feel jealous.
So, when you had lunch with Suguru and Satoru you just had to ask.
"Something happen between you and Yuki?" You ask, taking a sip of your drink and Satoru looks at Suguru. Suguru only furrows his thick eyebrows, confused just as much as Satoru.
"No. Why did she say something?" Suguru asks and you shook your head.
"No, but she acts funny when I mention you." Lightbulbs seem to have went off in Satoru's head because a grin spreads across his face.
"Oh she's got it bad." The comment seemed to jolt something in Suguru's head too because then he laughed, making a noise of recollection and slapping the table in excitement.
"Oh fuck yeah, you're right!," Suguru looks at you, seeing the confused expression before explaining, "Yuki got mad cause I asked to holla at you. I think ole girl crushing on you, mama." Suguru finishes and you look at Satoru to see him nodding in confirmation. You look back at Suguru, not only shocked because 1) yuki did have a crush on you 2) suguru also had a crush on you but 3) not only did suguru have a crush on you but Yuki too?
You felt like your world was a giant paradox. You felt like time was slowed down, yet it was fast. You felt like the world was spinning, yet it was at a standstill. That feeling of your crush liking you back? You felt jubilant and delirious.
"Oh and don't tell Yuki we told you, ma. She'll kill us."
"Yeah please y/n."
You fall back to present time to watch the pretty woman lick her lips, eyes falling to the bed before she spoke.
"He's got a crush on you." Yuki says.
"I know." You answer, looking at Yuki as you waited for her to spill her own feelings.
"He wants you." Yuki sneers and you rub gentle circles to attempt to soothe her. You sit up from the bed, realizing this conversation was taking a serious turn. Upon sitting up, you didn't realize how close you were to Yuki until your noses were inches apart.
None of you dare to move though.
"I don't want him." You say, fingers skating up her thighs but Yuki doesn't notice. Or at least, she pretends not to.
"Who do you want, y/n?" Yuki finally has the courage to ask. You hold a stare with the woman, heat spreading along your cheeks as the question hangs heavy. You already had the answer though, you rehearsed it a million times since lunch with Suguru and Satoru.
"You, baby." You say. You barely can get a breath in before her soft lips you've been dreaming about are finally on yours. Elated can't even begin to describe the feeling resonating through your entire beings.
Plug!Yuki is the best kisser. She's precise, romantic, yet so salacious and seductive you kept chasing after her lips for more. Her sweet taste of mango gloss mixed with her natural sweetness was destined to become one of your favorite flavor. She takes a second to pause but you only try to dive back in for more. Her thumb comes to your bottom lip to stop you, giggling as she drinks in your needy expression.
"Been wantin' you for sometime, pretty girl." She confesses. You smile against her thumb, kissing the pad before speaking.
"I'm yours, baby."
Plug!Yuki makes you wish you confess sooner with the way her tongue skates along your swollen clit. She flickers her muscle skillfully, stimulating the beating nub in explicit and lewd circles that left you mewling and panting. Her blonde locks tickle your inner thighs as she feasts on your pussy.
No amount of vivid wet dreams could prepare you for the actual experience of Yuki eating you out.
"You taste so good, mama." Plug!Yuki moans shamelessly, she's squeezing her thighs together, knowing she has her own mess in her panties but she can't care. Not with the way you smell so delightful and writhe against her tongue. She looks up, seeing your nipples pebble through the thin cami you wore.
"Aaah—Yuki!" You're whimpering as she takes your clit in her mouth. She suckles, her soft finger slipping in curiously to feel the warmth of your cunt. She moans against your clit, vibrations sending you wailing as well as the sudden pressure from her finger. Yuki slips a second finger inside, loving the way your cunt squeezes so tightly around her fingers. The soft squelching your gummy walls made whenever she curved them up was an addicting melody to her ears. She was becoming pissed at herself for not acting on her desires for you sooner.
"You're so wet, baby." Yuki comments, looking down to see her fingers drenched with your arousal and cream and she's licking her lips. She pulls her tongue off your clit, sticking her fingers in her mouth to savor the taste. She's moaning lewdly and you only whimper from the loss of her ministrations. She smiles, looking up at you before crawling up your body.
Plug!Yuki is dying to have your nipples in her mouth. Ever since she saw them peek out for the first time due to a tanktop you wore she’s been wondering what they felt like against her tongue. What they tasted like and how sensitive they were crossed her mind too and now finally she would get her questions answered. She pulls down your top, freeing your breast and her tongue is aching to be back on your body. She licks her lips before speaking.
"Been dying to have these pretty brown nipples in my mouth so bad you don't even understand, pretty girl."
Plug!Yuki sucks on your nipples, her hot tongue swirling along your areola and the sensation drives you wild. Your back arches off the bed, fingers carding in her golden strands before pushing her face deeper into your chest. You let out out whimpers as she sloppily kisses and sucks on your nipples.
"Aahaaa—Yuki!—feels so good!" You praise when she sneaks her fingers back in. That warmth and wetness around her fingers again has her wondering if you needed her to dick you down.
"So wet and tight," Yuki releases your nipple, her lips wet and shiny from her salvia, "think you can take my strap, pretty girl?"
You didn't need her to ask you twice.
Plug!Yuki fucks you from behind like you never been fucked before.
The blonde woman has you face down in a nasty ass arch as she pistons her pretty pink dildo through your tight folds. You're whimpering, pleading even for her to not stop as she continues to give you the best dick of your life. You can't recall the last time someone made you feel this good during sex and you knew damn well no man could ever slang like she could.
"Yu—ki! Fucknnnggg!" She's fucking you dumb and you go stupid hearing your own ass recoil against her harness and the soft squelching of your cunt against her silicone piece. You want to bite on your lip to keep from screaming but she felt so good bullying herself between your folds.
"Feel good? Huh, my pretty girl?" Plug!Yuki cooes, still fucking you and a strong hand strikes down on your ass. You whimper, crying out and let out a hiss when her domineering fingers find themselves in your hair. She's pulling the dense curls, forcing you to lift your head from the pillow.
"I can't fucking hear you, y/n." With a growl she strikes your ass one more time. Tears are coming from your eyes at the pain, but when your cunt twitches and lets out a soft leak, you know you're in love with the feeling of Yuki being rough with you.
"Yuki! You fuck me so goooood!" You praise, crying out as you felt a soft and tense sensation begin to form in the walls of your cunt. You knew the feeling, but knew of only yourself being able to do it. No one was able to hit those parts of you and yet . . .
You squirt all over Plug!Yuki.
"Creamy as fuck and you squirt? Fuck, I'm never letting this pussy go."
Plug!Yuki has to pull herself out to slurp up your folds. You cry, enjoying how her tongue dances from your clit to your soaking hole. Her tongue collects your arousal, slurping noisily and the sounds — along with her tongue — have you rolling your eyes back. You're huffing, moaning as her tongue continues to skate along your soaked labia. When she felt satisfied she slips herself back in you with no warning.
Plug!Yuki continues drilling into you. Your wet pussy, Yuki's groans, and your pathetic whines were the only sounds to fill the room. Yuki savored each and every moan that fell from your lips. Her ego swelled as her pussy drooled. Her cockiness resonating in her brutal strokes and a grin on her face, knowing Suguru — or any other man — couldn’t make you feel the way she was right now.
"You're so good for me, pretty girl." She hears your moans increase an octave, pants becoming more frequent as you struggle to even swear at this point. You whimper, sobbing into her pillow as she never let up her relentless thrusts. Her stamina was that of a godly one and you were loving every second of it.
"Yuki — i'm so close—” You manage to warn and Yuki grins. She leans down, her skin touching yours and her skin sets ablaze. She lets out ragged breaths in your ear that send jolts down your spine, adding more to your sensory pleasure and she kisses your cheek.
"Want you to cum all over me." Plug!Yuki coaches, throwing her hips harder against your ass. The pink tip kisses deeply in your cervix, causing you to choke out. Your body begins to tremble as you felt that familiar tingle build in the walls of your cunt. You nod, screwing your eyes shut as her strokes became more animalistic.
"I'm gonna cum—Yuki!" You scream her name when she sneaks a finger on your clit. She rubs fast, causing you to choke and clamp down on her as you prepare yourself to tumble into bliss. The white hot sensational building in your clit and she presses harder and rubs even faster. She lifts her lips to your ears before speaking, her gentle words sending you over the edge.
"I gotchu, pretty girl go ahead and cum for me."
Plug!Yuki gives you the best orgasm of your life.
Plug!Yuki peppers kisses along your spine as you came down from your orgasm high. Your thighs are shaking from the intensity of it all, goosebumps all over your body and Yuki trails affectionate and gentle caresses up and down your body to coax you through your orgasm. She finishes up her trail of kisses and you eventually make it back to Earth. You roll onto your back to look at the caring woman above you. Concern is over her eyes, but all that drifts away when you shoot her a sensual grin.
"What?" Plug!Yuki would say and you only bring a hand back to her thigh.
"You think this is over? Park that pretty pussy on my face I been dying for a taste." You say obscenely.
You don't need to tell Plug!Yuki twice and she mounts your face.
Plug!Yuki's moans were just as beautiful as herself.
Your tongue savors every last drop, her cunt was completely soaked between going down on you then her dicking you down. A buffet awaited you and you were moaning as you licked up every last drop. Yuki moans, hissing and even whimpering your name when you suckled on her clit. Her cream is all over your nose but you didn't care with the way she moaned your name.
"Fuck, y/n." Plug!Yuki sighs out, her hips starting to move back and forth on your tongue. You immediately caught on and stuck it out, letting her ride it and she moans louder. Yuki starts to ruts faster and her tits bounce, the scene making you horny yet again. You try to ignore that tingling that starts to awaken in your belly once more.
"Taste so good, baby." You praise her and she sighs, eyebrows scrunching as another moan fell from her mouth. You move your tongue back to focus on her clit, taking the swollen nub and sneaking a hand between her soaked folds. She lets a sensual croon when you shove two fingers inside her hungry cunt. The sound only makes you place a third finger in. She gasps, her cunt beating around your fingers as you stretch her with your digits.
"Tongue feels so good." Plug!Yuki praises you and you moan, curving your fingers into Yuki harder. More arousal seeps out of her, oozing onto your chin and chest.
"Oh yeah? What about my fingers?" You tease Plug!Yuki. A smile comes onto her face but she answers.
"Fucking fantastic, mama." Plug!Yuki tells you. You giggle, kitten licking her clit with the tip of your tongue causing her to shudder above you.
"Good." You tell her before kissing on her clit and going back to enjoying your meal. You curve your fingers faster, earning louder moans from Yuki above you as you continue suckling on her clit.
"Y/n, fuck—i might—” You find the strength to fuck her even faster, feeling the way Yuki's cunt sucks around you greedily. You suck harder on her clit and flicker your tongue faster. Yuki shrieks, letting out an erotic scream as a soft geyser pours out of her folds. Your mouth catches it, and what it doesn't spills along your chin and drips along your chest, soaking you completely. You're moaning at her squirting all over your face and you take your fingers out of her cunt. You place both hands on her hips, sliding yourself from under her before pushing Yuki down on her back.
Plug!Yuki watches as you take the very same strap she used earlier on you and secure it on yourself. You look down at the blonde woman who has her hair wild, legs spread, cunt glistening in the pink light. You smile as you realize you wouldn't have it any other way.
"My turn."
And Plug!Yuki knows she's in for a long ass night. . .
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©𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐯 ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST!
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undercovercameron · 2 years
so high
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summary: a little house party brings two high strangers together
notes: DRUG/SUBSTANCE USE IN THIS ONE!!! namely cannabis and cocaine and of course some alcohol. prob a choking kink and def some rough sex. enjoy! (p.s.: consent in this fic is dubious, as they are both under the influence of multiple substances, but for the purpose of this fic and mine and everyone else’s comfort they are equally as high and inebriated as each other)
tags: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 4057
The first time you see Rafe at the party is when you’re going back inside the house after a smoke break. You have a lit blunt at your lips when you step inside the threshold, and it’s only when you nearly trip on the step that you notice someone struggling past the door in a white tee shirt.
You look up, the end of the blunt glowing red, and he looks down at you. A lock of hair falls into his green eyes, and his lips part in an inhale.
You nearly catch him looking you up and down before breaching the living room and disappearing into the crowd of swaying people.
“Who was that?” Rafe asks nonchalantly, finding his seat on the outdoor sofa next to Barry and some other guys smoking, and Barry shrugs. He bumps a line from the coffee table and sits up, sucking in a breath of air. He wipes his nose and sits back.
“Don’t know. Seems like a cousin or somethin’ of Sarah’s.”
“Dude.” Rafe elbows him, lip curled slightly in a smile. “Sarah’s my sister. That girl is not my cousin.”
“I don’t fucking know, man. Go find out.”
Rafe has a thought to, out of curiosity, and courtesy of his intoxicated brain, but he stays and passes you off as just some girl.
In the kitchen, you swing open the fridge door and grab a beer bottle. It’s your alcohol of choice after getting high, and it tastes so sweet when you knock back half the bottle before finding your way upstairs for your grinder.
Rafe sees you in an upstairs window upon a glance at his surroundings, and his eyebrows furrow.
You find the grinder, throwing it onto your bed and setting down your beer on your bedside table. You rip off your tank top from the hem roughly, turning your back to the window. Rafe’s knee starts to bounce when he sees your bare shoulder blades shift.
“I need a line.”
You trade your previous shirt for a flannel, fastening only the middle few buttons. You leave your cut off Dickie’s shorts on, popping the button when the waistband feels too tight. You gather your things, slipping on some shoes, and bypass the line for the bathroom on the way to the stairs.
You smile briefly at Sarah Cameron, knowing she didn’t want to go out tonight. You also know her older brother is here, which means the sentence for getting caught ingesting the drugs that are at this party just doubled.
He’s been known as a coke head ego-maniac, but you always thought he was kind of cute.
You push the patio door out again, paraphernalia in hand, and find your spot on the ground next to a side table. Rafe stares at you for a second then looks away. He can’t. Not tonight. Way too many stimulants in his blood.
You get to grinding your weed, taking a couple swigs of beer to keep up the buzzing in your chest. You grab a rolling paper between two fingers and expertly deposit the ground (and maybe some keif) weed into it, fingers curled.
When Rafe looks over, you’re using your tongue and then he has to look away.
You stand, joint rolled, and cup a hand around your mouth before lighting the end of it. You turn, dropping the lighter onto the coffee table and turn to Rafe.
“How’re we feeling tonight, boys?” You ask, eyes heavy, and bring the joint to your lips. Rafe blinks and Barry saves him—
“Really good.” He drags out the last syllable of the first word, eyes briefly rolling back into his head. “Do you know whose house this is? Because I have to pee and I’m about to piss in that fucking pool, bro.” He laughs dumbly, gold tooth flashing, and you just shrug.
“Go right ahead.” Smoke curls out of your mouth and back into your nose, and Rafe knows he can’t resist you.
Barry throws down the baggie he’d been holding onto the coffee table and moves to stand, but Rafe beats him to it.
“It’s her fucking house. Gimme a sec.” He stands, all 6’2” of him, and fixes you with a slightly serious look before tromping back into the house and up the stairs. You hear him shout something about “getting the fuck out before I fuck you all the fuck up”.
You shake your head, an easy smile forming around the filter of your joint, and take another heavy drag. Egregious asshole.
“Don’t piss in the pool,” is all he says when he emerges with a red face, slapping Barry on the shoulder, and sitting back down. Barry whoops, sliding past you, and disappears inside.
You watch Rafe empty a line’s worth of coke onto the coffee table from a baggie, retrieving a credit card from his pocket and lining it up right. He pinches a nostril and is about to take it all until he hears your lighter flicking and his focus is broken. He looks up at you, lips parted, and looks you over with a tinge of hesitation.
“Is, uh—is it okay if I—?”
You gesture to the coffee table with your joint, pursing your lips.
“Go right ahead.” You fold your arms and take another large hit, your throat burning, and hold eye contact. He brings his head down and sniffs it all in one quick inhale, instantly throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
He pants for a second, vision going bright, and shakes his head furiously.
“You mind?” He asks, holding out a large hand, and glances at the peek of skin your unbuttoned shirt grants him. You have a freckle on your right boob.
“Not at all.” You grin, passing it to him, and pretend to look around as his lips pull hard and he closes his eyes again in euphoria.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, taking another hit before passing it back and relaxing back on the couch. His legs unconsciously spread, and his hips jerk in getting comfortable. You pretend to not notice this.
You’re nearly finished with smoking now, and perch yourself on the edge of the couch to tap it out on the ashtray on the table next to it. Rafe admires the side view of your tits when the fabric of your shirt slightly opens and a sliver of skin is bared to the moonlight. His arm finds itself on the back of the couch, fingers twiddling with the ring on his pointer finger.
“You think Barry is drowning in the toilet right now?” He asks, a lazy smile growing on his pink lips. You cough out a laugh, turning to him and sucking the life out of that roach. He turns slightly more serious, zeroing in on your lips, but then blinks furiously to clear his thoughts.
“Probably. Knowing him he’s already sprayed my mother’s wallpaper with vomit.” You snort and flick the roach onto the ashtray. You hunch in an uncomfortable looking way, sighing into the night air, and Rafe pats the spot next to him without thinking.
You slide into the offered seat and draw your legs up to your chest.
“Oh, fuck, my beer!” You exclaim and find your feet to grab the forgotten bottle from a table. Rafe shakes his head amusedly. You sit back down with a content sigh, taking a swig, and lean back into the ridge of the couch. Right on his hand, actually, and he almost moves it before you get comfortable, but he doesn’t.
It’s nearly intimate, which he hates, but still doesn’t move. You blink a couple times, trying to get him in focus, and stare lazily at his nice face.
“You having a good time?” You ask, suddenly timid and concerned, and he nearly laughs.
“Yeah,” he says, overly chipper. He winces. “I’m having a great time.”
“Good,” you sigh, and close your eyes. He reaches his other hand to scratch at his bicep, and you get a whiff of his cologne. Sweet and musky.
“What’s your cologne?” You ask, suddenly awake, and lift your head from his hand. It stays in its spot.
“I don’t know,” he mutters, chewing his lip. “Something my dad has.”
“Mmm,” is what you settle on before just looking at him for a second. His eyes rise to yours, and then to your neck. You have a necklace on, a simple heart, and your neck is pale and unmarred. He looks back up again, seeing your slightly mischievous gaze, and knows he’s in trouble.
“I think we should make out,” you say, finishing your bottle and tossing it behind you into the bushes. He laughs, obviously not opposed, and moves his arm back towards himself to run a hand through his hair.
“Oh, yeah?” He chews at his lip, suppressing a grin, and squints. “Why’s that?”
“Is that a no?” You rise to your feet, shirt falling open, and his heart thumps against his chest. You cock your head to the side, cheeks pink, and he really feels like a teenage boy. He stares at you for a second.
Then he pats his lap, and that’s that.
But you move to stand between his legs, taking his jaw in one hand. Your fingers pinch his chin and brush against the scruff that occupies it. You bend, scent filling his nose, and kiss him surprisingly gently on the mouth. He tastes like mint and tequila, and your mouth tastes like tobacco and beer.
You make a satisfied noise, finally clambering into his lap, and he grunts when your hips move over his thighs and he feels your bare skin on him.
One large hand holds you tight on your back, and the other settles on the outside of your thigh. Your tongue pushes past his lips, and he makes an embarrassingly wimpy noise into your mouth. Your head tilts so you can slot your lips perfectly into his, and he takes the chance to grab at your hair.
He pulls you down some more, fingers accidentally tugging on your hair, and your mouths part with your gasp.
“You like that?” He asks, breathless and grinning, and you roll your eyes. You take his face in your hands again and shut him up with a bite to his bottom lip. His neck is at a sharp angle, and your fingers are tight on his cheekbone, but his dick twitches in his pants.
You pull his lip between your teeth, and chase with another wet kiss that makes your thighs tense.
His hand on your back slides down, grasping the curve of your ass, and hauls you even closer to him. You make a pleased noise, hands falling around his neck loosely, and he swallows.
He pulls away slightly, eyes blown wide, and breathes, your lips an inch apart. You grin.
“You like that.”
“Shut up,” he grunts, and digs his fingers into your hip. You shift in his lap, trying to get away from his big hands, and then freeze. Oh. He stares up at you, unfaltering, and waits for you to say something. Anything. God, anything.
His eyes are filled with something you can’t quite make out but you’re sure you look just the same.
“I might have to fuck you,” you breathe, hand bracing his neck, and he nods encouragingly without thinking. Yes.
“Tell me how you want it,” he can’t help but whisper into your mouth. He kisses you again, sitting up, and holds the small of your back with one large palm.
“Not here,” you say, panting, and clamber off of his lap. You stumble but regain your balance and take his hand in yours. He rises, tall and hard at your back, and you lead him in.
Barry passes you guys leaving the stairwell, and gives Rafe a look that says “nice one”. You hold onto the railing and bring him upstairs, pausing at your bedroom to unlock it and push the door open.
A wave of sweet smacks him in the face, and he passes the threshold slowly, looking like a giant.
“This is my room,” you say, slightly out of breath, and pull him closer to you. “This is where I want it.” Your whisper dies when you pull his face down to you, bringing his mouth to yours and reveling in the groan he grants you.
Your hands drift down to his abdomen, and you’re pressing your palms to his stomach to get a feel of him before tugging the hem up and breaking away. You pull it up and with some help finally get it off, and then you dip to kiss his chest.
He stares up at the ceiling, eyes rolling back, and holds your neck in one hand, the other brushing past the collar of your flannel to feel your warm skin.
Your hands slide further down his torso, and you tuck two fingers into his belt. But you stop, gazing up at him, and wait for his eyes.
You get them, and his blood feels like fire when you start to unbuckle it and unbutton his fly. He looks past you and at the open window, having half a mind to shut them and close the curtains. But the other side of him gets hard just at the idea of everyone hearing you two.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs, and your hands stay at the waistband of his underwear. You look up, eyes unassuming, and he slides his thumb lightly across your soft lips.
He does it again, but this time you kiss it. His jaw clenches and then his thumb pushes past the seam of your lips and into your hot mouth. You take it happily.
He feels the side of your cheek with the pad of his thumb, obsessively petting it back and forth as his senses zero in on just you.
But he’s had his fun, and releases his thumb from your mouth with a pop. You step back slightly, and he follows you with hands on your hips before knowing what you’re going to do and backing off. You look up at him, unwavering, as you unbutton your flannel and shrug it off. It falls to the floor but he doesn’t need to confirm it, eyes too focused on your tits.
They’re round, smooth, and he slides a hand up your waist to test how they feel—perfect, just as he assumed. He dips his head to get his mouth on you, and he captures a nipple between his lips and sucks.
Your fingers find themselves in his hair and move through it as he has his fun making your nipples hard. He bites one and you jump, yanking on his hair. He grunts and looks up at you, nipple between his teeth and eyes wide.
“Come on, Rafe,” you pant, and jerk his head up to yours. “Fuck me already.”
“Who’s in charge here?” He asks, pulling abruptly away and staring at you. His green eyes are focused on you and only you. You straighten your shoulders, one eyebrow raised. “Oh, this’ll be fun.”
His hand grasps your shoulder and pushes you roughly onto your knees. He frees his pants of the zipper and follows you down, guiding you back on the floor with a hand on your shoulder. Your legs immediately rise and part for him, and he groans before settling between them.
He fumbles with large and clumsy fingers before sliding your shorts and panties off in one go, dipping to spit between your legs and rubbing it into your untouched clit. You huff, impatient, and grab at his pants once again. They seem to be your nemesis.
“Patience is a virtue,” he murmurs against your lips, gripping the inside of your thigh tight, and you have to roll your eyes.
“So is making me cum,” you whisper back, finally getting his dick out, and he might have just fallen in love.
He braces a hand on the wall behind you, sliding his knees to be more comfortable on the hardwood, and pushes forward. The second the tip of his dick breaches the hot pressure of your pussy you’re closing your eyes and arching your back.
He might be the biggest you’ve ever had, actually. Definitely the thickest.
And it goes straight to his head, for he’s grinning and rubbing the side of his thumb on your clit when your eyes open again. You’re sure you look wild, eyes wide and hair messy and completely gone for him, but you have a feeling he loves it. Loves the tiny reactions he gets when his thumb strums you just right, the quick gasps when he bottoms out, the pressure of your throat when he fixes a hand around your neck and noses his way into your hair.
It’s just his left arm on the floor that holds him up, and the jabbing movements of his hips rock your head back into the wall painfully. You barely care.
You two move like you’re in a dance. Noises complimenting each other, heads stretched to touch. He moves forward and you move backward. He exhales and you inhale. It’s something of a movie you can’t quite place.
The floor is sticky on your sweaty lower back, all of your senses blown out of proportion, and you’re forming a whine when his fingers experimentally squeeze around your throat. They stamp it out.
“I knew you liked that,” he pants, licking his teeth, and his lips twitch when you pulse around him. “Like to me talking to you? Yeah?” His red chest heaves.
“Yes,” you nearly cry, arm hooking around his neck, and pull him down onto you. His hand on the wall falls, slamming onto the floor next to your head, and he shudders at the noise you make when his dick slips out.
His large hands grip your hips, digging into the flesh, and he drags you up with his strong arms into a kneeling position. He mirrors you, but shifts you around until you’re back to front with him, and presses onto your lower back until you’re half bent towards the wall, face pressed to the paint.
He realigns, face shoved into your hair, and pushes back in. You shake around him.
“Fuck,” he exhales, in shock at your desperation, and feels his chest swell with pride. This position is reliant upon your core strength, which is entirely jelly at this point, and it just doesn’t feel right to him either. “Wait.”
He grabs at your bicep, jerking you back towards him, and angles the two of you towards the center of the room. He lets go and you fall face first into the rug from your knees.
“Hey,” you huff in annoyance, pushing up onto your elbows. He gets you quiet pretty quick when he slaps a hand at your asscheek, and— fuck. That’s good. You just breathe, looking back at him with half your face smushed into the carpet, and feel your whole body rock forward with the force of his thrust.
The breeze picks up outside, carrying the sounds of music and talking and laughing in from your backyard, and your skin erupts in goosebumps. Your head slightly shifts towards it and he can’t have that.
“Just me,” he grunts, jerking your gaze back to his with a hand buried in your hair, and you close your eyes in the feeling. “Only me.” His words are barely stringed together, confusing, but you somehow get it. Your limp arm underneath you spurs to life and finds your clit between its familiar fingers, and then you’re melting into the carpet. It feels like you were made for this. Rafe was made to fuck you like this.
“So sweet,” Rafe sighs, hands tight on your hips and pulling you back onto him with each thrust. You barely feel the stretch anymore, just chasing that sweet spot when he pushes in and bottoms out.
“You only fuck me like this, right?” You pant, too cocky for your own good, and Rafe shivers at your voice. He pulls you up onto your knees with his hand in your hair, and his hot breath fans over your neck and shoulders as his hips relentlessly fuck in to you.
You nearly cry out when he presses a hand tight right above your stomach, but fall quiet when it moves up to your throat.
“I don’t know if I can fuck anybody else after you,” he pants, almost a whisper, and your stomach jumps.
“I want to be on my back,” you suddenly say, nearly a whine, and Rafe grunts at your request.
“You’re gonna kill my back, honey,” he says. But he lets go and turns you delicately in his grasp until you’re flat on the rug and arms and legs reaching up for him. His knees scrape on the woven fabric and he curses, but you’re so welcoming and warm that he dismisses the feeling.
“I just wanted to see you,” you sigh, content, and curl an arm around his sweaty shoulder. His heart jumps in his chest and his face contorts, not used to the affection, and he buries his face into your neck as his hips resume their punishing pace. You jerk up further and further on the rug, moved by only his hulking body over yours, and just settle yourself to melting into the floor.
“C’mon,” he grunts, moving an arm from its position pressed into the ground to between your legs, and rubs hard circles into your clit. It’s heavenly and your head falls back as you close your eyes and make the most embarrassing noises into his skin. “There you go.” He grins. The muscles in his back and torso strain, tired from the effort, but Rafe knows that if he can get you just right—
“Fuck, Rafe,” you sob, fingernails clawing at his back, and your thighs shake where they’re at curled around his hip. Your eyes roll back into your head, the hot coil in your abdomen snapping, and you feel your orgasm ripple through your body from your toes to your head.
It’s so good you almost pass out, body limp under him, but come back to life to encourage him only seconds later.
“Please, Rafe,” you sigh into his ear, hand cupping his face and pressing your mouth to his scruffy cheek. “Please.” Your body rocks with his final efforts, and you squeeze around him tightly.
“You’re fucking—evil,” he grunts out, pushing into you one last time, and collapses on top of you with a guttural groan. You sigh in relief, liking the weight of him on top of you, and you both share a breathless pant into the cool night air. His exhales are hot on your neck. The sounds of the party fade back into existence, loud shouting and footsteps and the clinking of bottles. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, and Rafe’s huge sweaty body on top of it doesn’t help. But you don’t dare move.
You do pull him a little closer with your arm around his shoulder, pressing kisses into the side of his head. You feel his face scrunch up in shyness.
He finally moves, ripping himself away from you and turning onto his back. One of his hands snakes around your waist and carries you with him, and you cling to his side with a leg thrown over his.
“We should probably do that again,” he sighs, eyes closed, and a tiny smile lifts the corners of his mouth. You struggle onto an elbow, willing your muscles to work again, and brush a hand across his forehead to sweep his hair away from his face.
“Mhm.” You chew at your lip, content. “I think for the purpose of science, yeah.”
“Right,” he murmurs, lips pursed and nodding, and you huff out a laugh at his expression.
“You know,” you start, pushing at your elbow and clambering to crawl up onto his chest and settle your hips at his stomach. His eyes open when he feels you. “We have a hot tub in the basement.”
He jerks up into a sitting position, forcing you to fall into his lap. He catches you with a hand at your lower back.
“I think I’m in need of a jacuzzi jet.”
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — mansion parties
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aeri uchinaga's mansion, gangnam-gu, seoul, korea.
WARNINGS ; intoxication, implied coercion, peer pressure, cheating, gaslighting, driving under the influence, drugs (cannabis usage), illegal substance use (5.1k)
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yoo jimin loved parties.
she loved the faint smoke in the air, blurring the dim lights as swirls danced around above the twenty-something olds in the house. the rum, although cheap, gave her a sense of comfort that she knew all too well.
the dullness, the nausea. everything was perfectly disastrous. a concoction of all her dreams and hopes that amount to nothing but a strained knee, and years of aggravation to be overshadowed by her junior.
but most of all, she loved the smell of weed. it was almost as intoxicating as the leers girls would give her, undressing her with their eyes as she walked across the room.
she was wanted. she was loved.
jimin knew it was just for her body, for her face that she just happened to be gifted with. she knew that people would wage war just to look like her.
she was yoo jimin.
she hated it.
she hated the weight of her name, the last memory of her father dangling in front of her, mocking her like she does to herself in front of her mirror. she hated her face, the world too shallow to see the girl beneath, exhausted beyond belief. she hated her anger, volatile and quick to rise, none of which she had (nor wanted) control over.
she hated it. she hated herself. she hated everything. she hated the divorce, she hated the volleyball net that always seemed too high, she hated-
she knew that voice.
it echoed in the back of her head when she didn't run fast enough, when she didn't play hard enough, when she looked at herself in the mirror and all she saw was a washed-out athlete.
it rang through her ears and into her veins when she saw jang wonyoung... when she saw l/n y/n.
jimin heart dropped, and despite her entire body screaming - begging, she turned, the heaviness in her chest crushing the remnants of her heart.
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y/n's anxiety was at an all-time high.
although part of her was ecstatic to finally stand her ground, a bigger part was terrified.
jimin was horrifying when she was angry, and y/n refused to see the sight of a blood-splattered, fist-shaped imprint on the wall again.
her eyes darted methodically, scanning the crowd of university alumni and students every few seconds before repeating.
once to the right, where choi yena was doing a keg stand near the kitchen (or trying to despite alexandra baek's very adamant demands for her to shut up and slow down), once to the middle where a sea of people crowded the entrance to the mansion foyer embellished with intricate swirls of gold and red, and once to the left where the room extended to a greater, much bigger hall that seemed to be the dining room.
there was no sign of jimin, and y/n didn't know if that scared her or reassured her.
"you okay?" minjeong grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly.
despite the older girl's effort to reassure her, it only worsened the churning in her stomach. minjeong's icy hands were a reminder of her anxieties, and if it weren't for her iron grip, y/n would've pulled away.
"jimin's gonna kill me, unnie." y/n looked again. right, middle, left. "i shouldn't be here."
she's gonna kill me. she's really gonna kill me.
"you'll be fine." yuri grabbed her shoulder, smiling at the girl as if y/n's body wasn't screaming for her to leave the uchinaga residence. "just get drunk out of your mind and you'll forget all about her."
y/n shook her head, her palms tingling from the heightened fear.
being drunk meant lowering her guard, and that meant there was a higher chance of jimin seeing her.
y/n couldn't have a repeat of her last party at the uchinaga's.
"what if she finds me?" y/n felt like a colony of bees had overtaken her lungs.
minjeong looked at the two other girls, the worry etched on y/n's face setting waves of deja vu through them. she could feel the slight tremble of her hand, and the uncharacteristic waver of her voice.
she knew what this was. it was pure, unadulterated fear.
kim minjeong really hated yoo jimin.
"she won't." minju smiled, her eyes sincere despite the fear swirling through them. "we'll be here."
so will jimin. y/n couldn't help but think.
"yeah, unnie!" jiwon spoke up, her smile beaming past the others' dim ones. the younger girl was the only one out of all of them who hadn't truly experienced what jimin could do. "plus, i'm planning on staying sober."
y/n envied the girl, forgetting at that moment that she was dating the latter.
minju scoffed, her eyes rolling. "like i'm letting you drink."
jiwon glanced at her older sister, and that was enough for the girls' to know how the university freshman actually felt.
yuri crossed her arms, y/n scanning the right once more to hear the loud cheers chanting yena's name.
"you are such a buzz kill, kim minju."
minjeong followed the girl's eyes, grimacing at the older girl who seemed to be drowning in beer.
"the hell am i supposed to do?" minju's eyes scanned jiwon's face. "let her drink? she said she didn't want to."
jiwon looked at yuri, almost pleading with her to stop (or to continue. yuri wasn't that good at reading people).
"jiwon. baby kim." yuri squished the taller girl's cheeks. jiwon's face turned bright red, both from the proximity of yuri, and from the unsettling prescence of minju's anger. "do you want to drink?"
minju looked at her, an eyebrow-raising.
jiwon bit her tongue, not wanting to anger the older girl by commenting on how much she looked like their mom at that exact moment.
minjeong's head turned back to the three, while y/n busied herself scanning the entire visible area for jimin.
she couldn't forget about jimin again. forgetting about jimin meant letting her guard down. y/n can't let down her guard, not when jimin is high, drunk, or both.
lily morrow knew what happened when y/n did.
"you can say yes, you can say no." yuri let go of jiwon's face, patting her shoulder lightly as smoke blew behind her. "but i'm only accepting it if it's your decision."
jiwon took a glimpse at her older sister, using the same guideline as she does with her mom.
one eyebrow arched was a warning, two eyebrows furrowed meant she was safe, and a frown meant she were in trouble for a light scolding. no expression meant jiwon was fucked.
minju currently had a frown.
"but minju-unnie-"
"fuck her." yuri inturpted, as if the vice president of the student council was no where near the two. "yes or no?"
jiwon stared at minju, trying to decipher her as y/n scanned the room again.
her sister's frown deepened at jiwon's hesitance, while yuri's appeared.
jiwon glanced.
minju had no expression.
"minjeong." yuri's voice dripped with pure happiness. "take her to the booze."
minjeong looked at y/n, then at yuri.
"why me?"
she didn't want to leave y/n when she was in this state, but god, did she love pissing minju off.
"you're the only one here that doesn't drink because of your ibs."
minjeong felt y/n stiffen, and for a moment she thought that the younger girl had seen the devil herself, but when she turned, y/n was staring at her... giggling.
"it's not ibs." minjeong felt her nose go red. "it's acid reflux, you idiot."
yuri shrugged, moving jiwon towards the older girl. "it still comes out of some hole."
y/n cleared her throat, and although minju was fuming, she couldn't help but let a chuckle escape.
"i'll kill you." minjeong let go of y/n, glaring at yuri as if her eyes were lasers. "minju, please stay with y/n so the yena groupie doesn't get her blackout drunk."
yuri punched the girl's shoulder.
"i think i should go with you." minju tried to reason, minjeong rubbing her arm as yuri stuck her tongue out at her. "jiwon's my sister-"
"i'll watch her." minjeong reassured. "i'm stupid, not irresponsible."
"say bye-bye, baby kim."
jiwon grinned timidly, the dimple on her cheek not even showing. "sorry, unnie."
minjeong led the younger girl to the right, passing the keg stand that yena had absolutely failed at and making a beeline to the kitchen.
minjeong's eyes lightened as she ushered jiwon closer to what looked like spiked punch.
handing jiwon a cup, minjeong took a closer inspection at the pletohra of tiny, colorful bags with labels of THC printed on the bottom.
of course, the uchinaga family would have access to oversea's cannabis (not that minjeong minded).
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thirty minutes later, the party was finally in full swing, the three-story mansion at full capacity, the bass of the built-in speakers shaking the it lightly.
zico played through the speakers while the smoke was starting to accumulate into a thick fog. the ceiling was covered in a light mist, flowing through the airducts and out to the many vents of the house. the smell of skunk was sure to stain the furniture for a couple of days, but aeri was sure that a couple (dozen) canisters of febreze would do the trick.
gaeul managed to squeeze the door open from the outside, smog immediately exiting as the other girl's entered.
"this is why you don't drink and drive, ahn yujin."
"i know." yujin blushed, closing the door with a sheepish smile. "we got it fixed though? plus the repairs are less than six hundred thousand won, so we'll be fine."
gaeul looked at her for a moment, rei shaking her head in the back as wonyoung scanned the area from right to the left.
"are you insane?"
"the road was blurry, okay?" yujin frowned, making her way in front of the shorter girl to push past the sea of people. "how was i supposed to know it was a curb?"
gaeul heard her name, and she waved to one of the girls that she had already forgotten the name of. she looked familiar, most likely from after a game, or practice, or class. gaeul couldn't remember.
yujin looked at gaeul.
"maybe with your eyes, unnie." rei rolled her eyes. she looked at wonyoung. "i hope y/n and them are still here."
wonyoung shook her head. "they might've left already."
gaeul scanned the room once more. ryujin told her she was gonna be here, and the setter wasn't in the mood to see her right now. her focus was on wonyoung, and getting the girl moderately tispy.
yujin bit her lip, looking at the tall girl with a frown. "sorry, wonnie."
"it's okay, unnie." wonyoung sighed, rei's eyes staring at the back of her head. "i don't think she even likes me, as delusional as i am."
delusional. gaeul knows that word too well.
gaeul turned to look at yujin, expecting her bright, puppy-like smile, but familiarity was something that was ingrained in her psyche, and there was nothing more familiar than the girl who ruined her life.
"she's delusional." yujin grinned, looking at the older girl. "right, gaeul-unnie?"
hwang yeji. all she saw was hwang yeji.
yujin stopped, "gaeul-unnie?"
she shouldn't have come today.
"hey, wonnie?" gaeul eyes were dull, just like the first day she met the younger girl. "wanna get shit-faced?"
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jimin wanted to go home.
she wanted to feel the comfort of her ikea duvet, and watch the shitty drama that she'd fall asleep to on days when practice was hard. jimin wanted her laptop, where she'd rewatch her gameplay again and again, dissecting every little mistake until it eventually tore into her self worth. she wanted the glare of her phone, her heart fluttering as she texted y/n.
she wanted everything but this, everything but the reminder of yeji.
"jesus, jimin." aeri hobbled the taller girl into the living room, greeting the people she passed. "it's only one and you're already slurring your words."
"she asked me how i am." jimin laughed maniacally. "who does she think she is?"
aeri frowned, her hand patting the small of jimin's back.
"can you sit down?" aeri sighed, leaning over as jimin toppled onto her beige couch. "i swear to god, if you throw up on my carpet i will kill you."
jimin smiled.
"is that a promise?"
"stop it." aeri brushed her hair out of her face, the volleyball player's eyes trained on the dome-shaped ceiling. jimin wondered if she could play volleyball at this state. "i'm gonna get you water. you better stay put or i'll shove a vodka glass up your nostril."
jimin hummed, not hearing a response after.
she wondered if aeri had left, or if she was just staring at the girl in disappointment. it didn't matter. either way, jimin knew she was the latter.
sighing, she turned her head to the foyer, the door opening slightly as a figure managed to squeeze through.
jimin stood up.
the girl was her height. her face seemed tailored, almost too perfect to be natural but jimin knew it was. and her eyes. she knew them anywhere. the tired, unsatisfied swirl of dissatisfaction was a trait that she too, held.
it was like staring at a mirror.
"um," the girl looked innocent, and jimin couldn't help but smile. "hello?"
"you're nakamura kazuha, right?"
kazuha blinked at her. "yeah?"
"yoo jimin." jimin pointed at herself, trying hard not to slur her words more than she should. "i'm yunjin's close friend."
close friend was a stretch that jimin was willing to take if that meant she was going to get laid.
"oh?" kazuha didn't look convinced. "yunjin's never mentioned you."
"i swear, that bitch." jimin laughed as if her and the middle blocker were anywhere near speaking terms. "are you looking for her?"
"yeah." kazuha sighed, tiredly. "is she here yet?"
jimin bit her tongue. she guessed that yunjin's phone had died a while ago, seeing as the girl had been here to help yena and her stupid pack of helpers set up for today.
whatever. her loss.
"not yet." jimin shook her head, the younger girl somehow believing her. "i could wait for her with you if you want. there's some jello shots and fireballs in the sunroom."
the ballerina looked at her, scanning her face and stopping at her mouth. a hunger, jimin deduced, was what she was seeing in huh yunjin's girlfriend.
jimin couldn't help but mentally thank aeri for letting her use her lip gloss.
"i don't think i should."
jimin's dark, hazy eyes captured kazuha's.
"it wouldn't hurt." kazuha hesitated. it took everything in jimin just to push once more, to not leave the girl alone. "c'mon, you're gonna let yunjin have all the fun?"
kazuha looked around. it was wrong to entertain a drunk girl, especially when she was in a relationship. "uh, i don't-"
"kazuha-ssi." jimin smiled, her teeth never showing and neither her intentions. "i'm not taking no for an answer."
jimin watched the girl, and the party roared as kazuha came to her decision.
"just one shot."
"good." perfect, even. "now, stay close. i don't want you getting lost."
kazuha looked at the side of jimin's face, and all she saw was a ballerina's dream. perfection.
"thank you, jimin-ssi." kazuha blushed.
jimin couldn't wait to see how this played out.
"thank you."
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yuri had lost minju in the crowd earlier.
usually, the girl would've been aggravated, trying to find her vice president who seemed to like to wander the halls when she was drunk out of her mind, blabbering about her lover or something.
luckily, said lover had taken the girl away, and part of yuri finally understood why minju was so hung up on kim chaewon. the singer was always there, and so was minju. despite chaewon never saying the l word, her constant presence in minju's life was telling enough.
if only her and yena were like that.
yuri stumbled around, going through the pool entrance as a tipsy (drunk) y/n steadied her.
alex's face dropped as she talked to yena. "oh my god."
the international student turned to the very drunken girl, yena following her as if she hadn't just puked in the bushes of the uchinaga residence.
"holy fuck."
yena looked at her younger friend, wondering why she had kept this random girl away from her grasp.
she stood up, wiping the spit from her mouth as yuri approached. she needed to look at least put together if she wanted to pull, and not some alcoholic that got held back a year. behind her, yena recognized y/n, her cat-like eyes impossible to mistake for someone else.
yuri threw herself onto alex, as yena scanned y/n.
"aren't you wonnie's ex slash jimin's new plaything?"
"what?" yena shrugged. the entire team knew about y/n one way or another, considering that jimin tended to dangle the girl in front of wonyoung like a dog treat. "is she not?"
y/n tightened her jaw. "i'm jimin's girlfriend."
"yeah, okay." jimin did always like them delusional. "that's what they all say."
yuri looked at y/n, part of her sobering up and ready to fight the love of her life if it came to (perhaps it would be a great story for their future kids).
"unnie," alex nudged her. "stop it."
"what?" yena whined, tired of getting scolded by the younger girl. "she's not even jimin's type."
alex was at her limit.
"i will sew your mouth shut."
"no." y/n ushered, her brain not fully registering what was happening. jimin couldn't have been cheating on her. sure, she was an asshole, but jimin loved her, right? "let her continue."
alex closed her eyes, praying that yena would keep her mouth shut just for a moment.
"it's not my fault that jimin likes to fuck pretty things." yena muttered, her words loud enough to echo in y/n's brain.
"it's not like she's actually jimin's girlfriend."
"are you dumb?" alex closed her eyes, yuri glancing at the younger girl beside her. "she is. and you just told her that her girlfriend is cheating on her."
jimin wouldn't cheat. she loved y/n. she was the one who stayed, the one who was there when wonyoung had left her many months ago. she was the one who held her close and whispered that everything was going to be okay as long as she had her.
jimin couldn't have.
"jimin's cheating on me?"
"um..." alex scratched her cheek lightly, unsure of what to do as yena undressed yuri with her eyes. "jimin likes people... things that look like her. so she can ruin them, i guess."
yena turned to her, frowning.
"should you be airing this out?"
"fuck yoo jimin." alex rolled her eyes, her brown irises glaring at the blue water in front of her. "she ruined my life."
"yeji ruined your life."
"she is yeji."
yeji. y/n had heard that name before, but never from jimin.
she had mentioned it in passing once, and jimin made her swear to never utter the word again. y/n held the older girl for the rest of the night, her thoughts lingering about who yeji was.
jimin told her not to worry about it, because it didn't matter. because jimin loved her.
"jimin wouldn't cheat on me."
"maybe she did, maybe she didn't," alex continued, watching as an exchange student from japan jumped into the pool head first. "but parties are her playground, and she doesn't stop at just one."
yena nodded, "she's like archie in riverdale."
alex turned to the older girl. "are you high?"
"wh-" she should've stayed home and studied. "i'm going to strangle you."
y/n felt sick.
y/n turned around, leaving in a hurry to find the girl she was desperately avoiding since earlier. everything was wrong, and she needed wonyoung jimin. she needed her girlfriend.
"y/n!" yuri shouted, too tired to chase after her. she watched as the younger girl's figure disappeared into the crowd. "minju's gonna kill me."
"so," yena started, not caring that yuri's friend just had a massive breakdown in front of her. "wanna go somewhere private?"
yuri looked back at where y/n left, the sea of people erasing the girl's path without a trace.
minju was going to kill her, but she was going to kill herself for letting an opportunity like this pass.
"where the hell is aeri?"
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there was something therapeutic about being high and drunk at the same time.
it had the same feeling of a midjump, where jimin's eyes were above the net, looking down at everyone who looked down on her.
she loved it.
"kazuha-ssi." jimin asked, downing another shot. "how long have you and yunjin been together?"
"huh?" kazuha was clearly drunk, her hand placed comfortably around jimin's waist. "a couple months."
jimin hummed, leaning in slightly so the younger girl could hear her better.
"do you love her?" jimin's hot breath grazed the hairs on kazuha's neck.
"i dunno." she didn't. "maybe."
"i see." jimin pulled back, assessing the disappointment that lingered in kazuha's eyes. the opposite hitter moved her hair out of her face. "you're really pretty, by the way."
"so are you."
jimin didn't need to be reminded.
"want some eddies?" she asked, her hand feeling lighter than usual.
"weed?" kazuha's dark eyes met jimin's. "i thought you weren't supposed to take them when you're drunk."
"it's fun when you're not supposed to do things but still do them." jimin said, her hand dangerously high to the ballerina's thigh. "right, kazuha-ssi?"
kazuha looked at her for a moment.
"where are they?"
and everything fell into place.
"let's go upstairs."
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minjeong was a thousand percent high out of her mind.
she wasn't sure how much she had taken, but the way her head felt like it was going to explode was enough to say that it was too much. the colors around her seemed brighter, and she didn't know how long she had been lounging in the kitchen, but all she knew was people kept disappearing and appearing in front of her.
she didn't mind though, because jiwon was a talkative drunk, and everything that she was saying made minjeong want to pee her pants.
the girl looked at the five empty packets, wondering why they were all different colors and flavors.
"rei!" jiwon shook her, and it felt like she was getting time warped. "unnie, look it's rei!"
"yeah," minjeong couldn't stop smiling, despite seeing wonyoung. "i can see that."
"i was looking for you." rei frowned, earning a gag from yujin beside her. "it's been an hour."
"huh?" jiwon basically yelled, making minjeong giggle at her theatrics. "that's why my phone was dinging."
rei smiled. "are you drunk?"
"i think so?" jiwon grabbed minjeong by the arms, and the older girl felt them stop working. "minjeong-unnie, am i drunk?"
"yes." minjeong tried to nod, but it looked more like a bobble. "you are."
"where's y/n-unnie?" rei asked once more, wonyoung perking up despite minjeong's distaste.
"um, i dunno." jiwon shrugged. "she was with yuri-unnie and minju-unnie earlier i think."
minjeong leaned up, the weight of her head heavy on her neck.
her eyes made their way to the stairs, where she could see a faint smile on a familiar face, her hand wrapped around the waist of a stranger.
yoo jimin.
"oh." rei hummed. "so they're not here?"
"wonyoung!" minjeong could hear the taller girl getting called by yuna. still, she didn't take her eyes off jimin. "drink this, and let's go."
"i don't think-" wonyoung tried to protest, but yuna had already shoved the shot glass down her throat.
wonyoung was dragged away, presumably to the front where a huge game of cham-cham-cham was happening.
"can you watch her?" minjeong looked at rei, yujin too distracted watching gaeul make out with girl #4 of the night to respond. "i need to see something."
"minju-unnie said to not leave me." jiwon frowned, her eyes wide like a cartoon character.
"then don't tell minju."
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wonyoung entered the bathroom, both pleased and surprised that there were neither people hooking up, nor a passed-out girl in the bathtub.
she just needed to stay here until yuna had gotten tired and found another person to harrass (most likely haewon, wherever that girl was).
she closed the toilet lid, sitting on it as she grabbed her phone. wonyoung had only been here for an hour and her feet were already killing her.
the door opened.
wonyoung yelped, the stranger covering her eyes. "sorry, i didn't know that-"
y/n moved her hand out of her face.
"wonyoung?" y/n world slowed for a moment, and it was almost as if her guard broken down. she shook her head. "i can't deal with this right now. i have to find jimin."
"what?" that didn't sound right to wonyoung's ears. she stood up, pulling y/n into the washroom. "are you okay?"
"i-" y/n's face was flushed red, the hairs on the back of her neck clung to her like a koala on a tree. "where's jimin?"
"i don't know." wonyoung said slowly, ushering the girl to sit down on the closed toilet lid. "do you need water?"
"i need to find jimin."
"slow down." wonyoung guided the girl, her delusions pushed aside for a moment. "sit down. please."
"i can't." y/n shook her head, almost vomiting at how quick she did. "jimin-"
"can wait." wonyoung stated, grabbing her purse as she rummaged through it. "water? lipgloss? tissue?"
there was a moment of silence, and wonyoung was afraid she had hallucinated y/n to begin with.
"do you hold everything in your bag?"
"maybe." wonyoung smiled at the earnest chuckle y/n gave her. "so what would you like?"
wonyoung nodded, handing the girl a bottle of spring water that the volleyball player always had at least one of. y/n couldn't help but smile as the taller girl opened it for her.
wonyoung was the same, and she loved it.
she handed y/n the bottle, the older girl taking a sip before closing it. she could feel the heat from her cheeks emitting against the cold air of the newly renovated bathroom
"did you ever cheat on me?"
"what?" wonyoung's eyes buldged out almost comedically. "no, oh my god. i love you. why would i? did you think i did?"
wonyoung paused for a moment.
did she just...
"no." y/n shook her head, smiling at her in the way wonyoung remembered. "i don't think you did."
wonyoung hummed, pushing the shower curtain aside as she sat on the edge of the golden tub. "do you think jimin-sunbaenim did?"
y/n shrugged. "i don't know."
she didn't want to know, because she knew that deep down, she had hoped jimin did cheat on her.
sensing the uneasiness of the older girl, wonyoung scooted closer to her, the chattering of the other university kids muffled by the bathroom door.
it was almost surreal, if not for the scrubbing bubbles that aeri (or her many butlers and maids) had left on the counter.
"do you like the party?" wonyoung asked.
"huh?" y/n looked over to wonyoung, her eyes glossed over with thought, as if a sheen had covered its entirety. "i guess. it's loud, i'm drunk. you know."
"i do." wonyoung chuckled, her eyes falling down to y/n's hand. there was a slight fidgeting, but it was fading. wonyoung continued to talk. "have you tried yena-unnie's cotton candy shot yet?"
"it's good." wonyoung had been forced to drink it earlier that week, along with soy soju, apple cider rum and fish sauce vodka. "it tastes like that chocolate we had during first-year orientation."
"i remember!" y/n's eyes brightened in a way they hadn't before. "the one in front of the spanish club sign-up sheet."
wonyoung looked at y/n.
embarrassed, y/n began to fidget once more. "did i remember it wrong?"
"no." wonyoung shook her head. "i'm just wondering how you remembered it so clearly."
safe. y/n felt safe and warm.
the swarm of bees in her chest had morphed into butterflies, and everything felt like a 90s movie, just how she liked it.
just how wonyoung liked it.
"i miss you."
wonyoung stared at y/n.
"y/n!" minjeong burst through the door, her eyes red and her stance wobbly. "wonyoung?"
wonyoung looked at the older girl, before minjeong grabbed y/n in a rush.
wonyoung followed them closely, not trusting the inebriated kim minjeong.
"minjeong-unnie?" y/n could feel her wrist starting to hurt. "where are we going?"
"somewhere." minjeong shoved past the swarm, earning curses and complains in her wake. behind her, wonyoung apologized as she continued to tail them.
minjeong turned around. "can you leave us alone?"
"fucking bitch." minjeong's grip tightened, making y/n wince slightly. "this isn't your business."
"you're high out of your mind right now." wonyoung countered, minjeong's eyes dilated beyond belief. "i don't trust you."
"very fucking original, wonyoung." minjeong laughed, her anger getting amplified by the substance inside her. "you want a medal? or are you gonna trade y/n for that too?"
minjeong turned around, yanking y/n upstairs faster than she could keep up. "let's go."
the older girl turned the first right at the top of the staircase, the lack of people making y/n feel unsettled. she shouldn't be here, this wasn't her house.
before she could protest, minjeong let go of her arm and gestured to the door.
"open this door." y/n could hear faint moaning inside. "open it."
"i don't know-"
"open the fucking door!" minjeong shouted, making y/n flinch into wonyoung.
wonyoung shoved minjeong slightly, but not hard enough to provoke the girl.
"watch what you're saying."
"oh suck me a dick, jang wonyoung." minjeong rolled her eyes.
minjeong hated how wonyoung was trying to play the hero in the story, as if she wasn't the cause of the entire ordeal.
not wanting to anger minjeong any further, y/n creaked the door open, the occupants too lost in their own world to notice a pair of eyes watching them.
y/n had felt this before, the day that wonyoung had left her.
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kannabia · 2 years
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How does THC change your thinking process?
Something really changes in the thought creation processes when people are under the influence of marijuana. Let’s think (never better said), for example, about how humour is affected; or creativity, as many artists claim. So what happens inside the brain when we use cannabis? And how does this have an impact on the way thoughts operate? Although neuroscience is intensely complex, we will try to answer these questions.
There are many different experiences that may arise from cannabis use. But one of the most noticeable cannabis effects is how it affects our thoughts. Sometimes funny or absurd, sometimes creative or seemingly great and sometimes downright dark and frightening, these ideas can either inspire us or completely confuse us. These different thought patterns can be unpredictable in the way they manifest, but can mostly be attributed to the way THC and other cannabis compounds affect the brain.
Read more here (Kannabia Blog)
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¿Cómo cambia tu proceso de pensamiento cuando consumes THC?
Algo realmente cambia en los procesos de creación de pensamientos cuando las personas están bajo los efectos de la marihuana. Pensemos (nunca mejor dicho), por ejemplo, en cómo el humor se ve influenciado; o la creatividad, tal y como afirman numerosos artistas. Entonces, ¿qué sucede dentro del cerebro cuando consumimos cannabis? ¿Y cómo influye esto en la forma en que operan los pensamientos? Aunque la neurociencia es intensamente compleja, intentaremos responder a estas preguntas.
Existen muchas experiencias diferentes que pueden surgir del consumo de cannabis. Pero uno de los impactos más notables que puede tener es cómo afecta a nuestros pensamientos. A veces divertidos o absurdos, a veces creativos o aparentemente geniales, y a veces francamente oscuros y aterradores, estas ideas que surgen de la mente pueden dejarnos inspirados o completamente confundidos. Estos diferentes patrones de pensamiento pueden ser impredecibles en la forma en que se manifiestan, pero en su mayoría se pueden atribuir a la forma en que el thc y otros compuestos del cannabis afectan al cerebro.
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cal-flakes · 1 year
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╰┈➤ mean!rafe’s confession
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, underage drinking, drug use.
summary: this was a request, courtesy of @sublimepenguinpeach-blog. <33
the kook prince, rafe cameron, was the human epitome of a stone in your shoe. no matter how many times you think you’ve got rid of it, it just keeps coming.
living in outerbanks and growing up on an island seems like paradise to outsiders, but it wasn’t any different than living on the mainland. the social divide between pogues and kooks was the worst amongst the young adults and teenagers living there. it it was that same divide, that brought their friendship to a dramatic end.
y/f/n and rafe cameron were inseparable through childhood, true partners in crime. where one went, the other was never far behind.
they were two peas in a pod. they explored every inch of the island together, they hid their first sip of alcohol together, their first cigarette together. that was until highschool.
in tenth grade, y/n met a boy called pope heyward, who introduced her to a group of pogues. unsurprisingly, they were nothing like rafe had said they were.
but thats where things became a bit rocky between her and her bestfriend. she started hanging out with pope and his friends a lot more, she went fishing with them, got stoned with them.
she didn’t see the issue, they were good, kind people, albeit a little crazy sometimes, but it matched her own craziness completely.
little did she know, there was a deep, burning hatred growing in rafe cameron’s chest, ignited everytime he saw her with them. it wasn’t hatred for her however, but the pogues. he felt like they had stolen something that belonged to him, ripping it away from underneath his feet before he could notice.
with this, rafe threw himself into the full kook life, collecting all the traits of a typical asshole as he claimed his rightful place in the pecking order. he was the prince, without a princess.
it wasn’t until the annual bonfire that she completely snapped.
y/n and the band of pogues gathered around the edge of the bonfire, laughing amongst themselves as thick clouds of burning cannabis smothered them.
she was wrapped in a blanket, facing the fire, while she nursed a can of beer. she loved the bonfire, the one time everyone on the island came together, leaving behind their prejudice thoughts of eachother.
she never claimed to be either a pogue or a kook, she danced across the two, having friends in all corners of the outerbanks.
hoots and hollers erupted from the rocks above them as the kook trio arrived, sneering down at those situated below them.
rafe, topper and kelce were the worst of the worst, or so john b had once said to her. she didn’t believe him however. well, that being said, y/n did not like topper and kelce at all, she thought they were bad influences on rafe. although, she’s sure he’d say the same about the pogues.
she couldn’t help but feel a tug on her heart strings as she watched the three boys, eyes landing on rafe.
he didn’t seem himself, his once neatly gelled head of hair was now dishevelled as it fell into his face. and the constant furrowed brows a sign he was holding a lot of stress.
a snigger caught her ear just before pope let out a yelp, an empty beer can having hit him in the shoulder.
she glared between the can, now on the floor, and rafe. she knew exactly who’d done it, yet the reason why was unknown.
the anger inside her was passed it’s boiling point, and this was her chance.
her chance to find out what the hell happened to her rafe cameron, the boy that used to make treasure maps with her and hide sea glass around the house for her to find.
she removed the blanket around her furiously, shoving it into pope’s hands as she leapt from her crouched position.
y/n disappeared through the crowd of bodies and made her way to the top of the rocks from the back. stomping through the mess littered on the ground, she shoved rafe from behind.
an orchestra of ooh’s filled the air between them as he turned to face her, jaw clenched. “what the fuck are you doing?” he spat, looking down at her as she squared up to him. “no rafe, what the fuck are you doing? what the hell is your problem?”
as he went to answer, topper intercepted, puffing out his chest as he stood in front of the small girl.
she broke into sarcastic hysterics at his demeanour, somewhat flattered by his attempt to intimidate her. “is this supposed to scare me?” she mocked, gesticulating towards him.
toppers ego deflated slightly as rafe pushed him back towards kelce, knowing who’d come out on top if his friend was to go for her.
y/n was feisty, she had never once backed down from an altercation, no matter who it was. rafe could remember a few of the countless times he’d had to pull her away before she could lunge at the unlucky victim.
he blamed himself for that sometimes, he was the one who had taught her to defend herself. they’d play fight and wrestle in the garden all the time, not stopping until both had tapped out atleast twice.
“top, take it easy man, i got this..” rafe spoke in a chill tone, dragging her away from the large numbers of people watching the argument.
she struggled against his grip as he pulled her further into the trees, out of sight from everyone else.
“so are you going to tell me?” he sighed, a hint of cockiness on his tongue. “tell you what, asshole?” she seethed.
“tell me what the fuck your problem is!” he shouted, closing in on her. “my problem? you really wanna know why my problem is?” she shrieked, eyes crazed. “yes! please, enlighten me y/n, what the hell is your problem?”
she had reached the end of her tether with rafe, he dropped her out of thin air, leaving her behind to wonder what she had done that was so god awful, for her to deserve such horrible treatment from her bestfriend.
“my problem…” she whispered, gathering courage. her hands shook violently as she met his prying eyes. “my problem rafe, is that you, my bestfriend in the whole wide world, could treat me so awfully out of the blue, that you could cause me so much pain and heartbreak and never tell me why, that you could take out your hatred for pogues on my friends, infront if me!” she wailed, hot tears cascading down her cheeks.
his glare softened, watching as the tears on her face fell, or more specifically, fell for him. he never bothered to think about how she felt, having been blinded by such hatred for her friends, he never considered what he was doing to her.
“i-i…” rafe stumbled over his words, struggling to get them out as they rushed to the back of his throat.
“spit it out then!” she snapped, waiting impatiently to finally hear whatever crime she had committed.
“because i fucking love you!” he yelled, causing her to freeze. “i fucking adore you y/n! and i always have! and-and those pogues took you away from me, my y/n, they turned you against me when i wasn’t looking!” he rambled, the words falling out of his mouth before he could catch them.
a shaky breath escaped her as she stared at him. “ please don’t say something you don’t mean rafe..” she whispered, wiping away the tears with the back of her hand.
her heart paced rapidly, she’d never have seen this coming, yet it’s what she’d wanted to hear for so long.
“i do mean it! why would i lie? y-you think I would’ve gone out of my way to find the prettiest sea glass for you when we were 13? you think i would’ve brought you flowers in ninth grade when you broke your arm? do you think i would’ve done any of that for you if I didn’t absolutely worship the fucking ground you walk on?” he bellowed frantically.
before he could continue, she placed a soft finger to his lips, shutting him up.
“wh-what are you doing?” he pleaded, preparing himself for the final blow.
“kiss me, rafe” she sighed, tears having dried away. his brows furrowed once more, looking at her as though he’d misheard.
groaning in anticipation, she balance on the ball of her foot as she leaned up to meet his lips, pulling him down to meet her halfway.
their lips connected with such passion, it was almost forceful, each had waited so long for this, yet the other never even knew.
his hand reaches into her hair, tangling his fingers as the other roamed her waist, yearning for closeness.
she smiled breathlessly into the kiss, pushing him backwards into a tree before he grabbed her thighs, hoisting her up. she cupped his face as neither wanted to let go, the kiss so frantic and desperate.
pulling away, a string of saliva remained between them as they beamed at one another.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that..” he chuckled, out of breath.
“you’re telling me!”
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Midnight Munchies
Hannibal Lecter x plus size reader x Will Graham
Hannibal is slightly fed up with his loves, even if they are utterly adorable
Warnings: drug use (weed), implied dub-con (only because both parties were high and thus unable to properly consent), food mentions, Hannibal having to be a dad to his partners, insults against chicken nuggets, overall fluff
WC: 1.3k
Minors DNI
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Something was wrong. Hannibal shot up in bed, looking around the dark room in a panic. His amber eyes scanned the bedroom as his gut curled with anxiety. The bed was cold, much colder than it should have been considering that his two partners, both of whom ran extremely hot, should have been sleeping beside him.
Sighing, he glanced at the small clock on the bedside table, noting it was a bit past three in the morning. He gracefully slid out from between the silk sheets and grabbed his robe on the way out into the hall. He had a sneaking suspicion as to where the other two members of the large house were.
And, as always, he was right.
The lights in the kitchen were on, giggles carrying through the halls that simultaneously warmed his heart and annoyed him. They knew better than to be in the kitchen without him this late at night. He dreaded to think what they had gotten up to without his supervision. 
He creeped silently around the corner and smiled at the sight before him. Y/N was sitting on one of the ornate counters, dressed only in Will’s t-shirt as said man stood between her thick thighs, conveniently shirtless, face buried in her heavy chest as his body shook with laughter. 
A spilled bag of fries was beside them, along with what must have been a mountain of chicken nuggets and two large shakes. “Ok ok try again.” Will gasped between rounds of giggles, prompting Y/N to pick up a handful of fries and signal for the man to back up.
His back hit the counter opposite her and he unconsciously released a throaty grunt at the contact. There was a moment's pause before they were laughing hysterically. Will’s face was quickly going red with the lack of oxygen which Y/N found hilarious, making her snort and causing Will to laugh even harder. A truly vicious cycle.
Y/N was able to catch her breath first, tears still rolling down her full cheeks as she cocked back her shoulder and raised her fist while tightly clutching a handful of fries. Hannibal knew what was coming next and was already mentally preparing himself to do a full sanitisation of the kitchen in the morning. 
Will’s mouth opened as large as it could go without dislocating his jaw and readied himself.
“What do you think you’re doing, beloved?” Her entire body seized in surprise, her e/c eyes widening, exposing how bloodshot they were. 
“Nothing.” She squeaked out, shoving the hand that was full of fries behind her back, a truly noble attempt at hiding the evidence. Hannibal’s face remained stern, raising a gray eyebrow at her as if to say ‘really?’. Will slowly turned on the balls of his heels, somehow, his eyes were even more red than hers, and as Hannibal was getting a good look at the pair, both of them stank of weed and, if he wasn’t mistaken, McDonald’s.
Y/N was the one that introduced the troubled man to the effects of cannabis after a particularly rough night. Under Hannibal’s watchful eyes, they indulged and Will discovered an easy way to relax and dissociate for a while. So, it became a tradition that whenever he had nightmares or she had an awful day at her own job, they would light up and snuggle for a few hours. Evidently, they did not think to wake their third for this precise excursion.
Now that he could see Will’s bare chest, he realised how long they had been alone and high together. Huge bruises discoloured his naturally pale skin, creating a path of purple and blue all the way down to the slight pudge of his belly and going below his pajama pants. Hannibal knew from experience how frisky Y/N got when under the influence and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Did you two have sex?” Being as blunt as possible in this situation was the best way to go considering the two of them could weasel their way out of any confrontation, even if they were high out of their minds. Will’s face flushed a dark pink and Y/N glanced away, embarrassed. “I’ll take that as a yes then.”
“Noooo, we just made out a bit.” She squirmed on the counter.
“Somehow I do not believe you, my precious.” Hannibal strode into the kitchen with all the confidence in the world, his maroon robe billowing behind him like a cape. He easily took the slightly shorter man into his arms, tangling his long fingers in his curls as Will nuzzled into his neck, sighing happily. 
“It’s true!” She protested and jumped from her perch, landing quite gracefully considering her state, and launched herself at the doctor, apparently also needing to be held. Will was easily moved to his left side as he extended his right arm to accommodate her. Will nodded against Hannibal’s shoulder, trying to back up her statement.
“Even if it is true, you two know better than to smoke without my supervision, you could’ve gotten hurt.” He felt their simultaneous frowns against his skin. “And I could have cooked for you so you didn’t have to eat such horrific food.”
“Hey!” “Don’t insult chicken nuggets like that!” They shouted at the same time, making Hannibal wince at their volume. The pair attempted to pull away, greatly outraged by a slight against their beloved food. But the older man held firm, squeezing them closer to his lean body.
Y/N gave up her struggle first, her soft arms winding around his thin waist, relenting to his affection. Will, however, was far more angry and managed to wiggle away. “Chicken nuggets are the foundation of this country. Every restaurant you go to has them!”
“Yes, I know dear. You order them every time we go out together.” Hannibal conceded, earning him an approving nod from the profiler and a kiss against the juncture of his neck and shoulder from the younger woman. “Now come along, you can tell me more about how great they are in bed.”
Holding out his hand, Will took it without a fight, and dutifully followed his partner like the little duckling he was. 
It was easy enough to get the inebriated pair into bed given the promise of Hannibal ‘taking care of them’. But keeping them there was another story. He left briefly to the en suite bathroom to fetch them each a glass of water and when he came back, both were gone, having wandered off into the large walk-in closet to critique his choice of wardrobe.
By the time he got them back into bed, tucked under the thin covers this time, their shared alarm was only about 3 minutes away from turning on and forcing them to get up. Slightly exasperated, the good doctor switched off the damn thing, knowing that his troublesome partners would not function properly today, he decided that taking one day of sick leave would be appropriate.
Will and Y/N tangled together in the center of the mattress, gripping each other tightly as their eyes grew heavy with sleep. Their foreheads were connected, keeping their faces close enough together that their lips brushed. “Is there room in there for me?” Hannibal teased, sliding into bed behind Will.
“No.” Came the muffled reply from Y/N.
“And why not?” 
“Cause you were mean to the chicken nuggets.” Will continued, shuffling closer to Y/N.
“I am truly sorry for that.” He said almost sarcastically, expecting Will to retort but was met with silence. Looking over his broad shoulder, Hannibal smiled. They were fast asleep.
Wrapping a long arm around both of them, he himself settled back into the soft pillows and joined them.
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vogue · 2 years
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Erykah Badu is Vogue’s March 2023 Cover Star!  Erykah Badu has long made her ethereal personal style and signature sound—an enthralling blend of hip-hop, soul, jazz, and funk—her calling card. Now, the fashion world is finally catching up to her.
For Vogue’s March issue, friends and family of the four-time Grammy winner—including designers Thom Browne and Francesco Risso of Marni—describe Badu’s enduring and otherworldly influence. Plus, we get a sneak peek at her 2023 to-do list, which includes continuing her work as a doula, breaking into the cannabis industry, and a bevy of exciting collaborations.
Read the full story: http://vogue.cm/LtvQ3vy
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irisposts · 2 years
Kiss me.
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wrote before bed because your girl needs a fake scenario to sleep too.
“Wanna smoke some pot?”
Ellie waves a clear sandwich bag with green spectacles inside. You look up from your book, noting the grin on her face. Your face lights up with excitement.
You toss your book to the floor. “Got wraps?”
“Pft,” Ellie walks around your bed. She sits down beside you, letting out a deep sigh from the sprint she had up your stairs. “Hell yeah.” She reaches into her hoodie's front pocket and places a foil of brown wraps atop your sheets and then the bag of weed on top.
You greedily open the bag, letting yourself get a good whiff. “Holy shit,” You look up. “It smells good. Where’d you get this?”
Ellie chuckles to herself grabbing the bag and beginning the process of making a joint. “Just got it on patrol with Dina.”
You make a face, finding a tinge of jealousy taint at your heart. “Oh.” You climb out of bed, reaching down to your backpack on the floor. You unzip the front zipper to grab your lighter. Then you pad across the room to shove a towel beneath your door. The last thing you needed were your parents complaining to Joel about Ellie’s bad influence on you. You’ve had too many of those already.
“Oh?” Ellie watches as you walk over to the window. You unlatch the top and crack it open. “What's with the change in tone?” She snickers to herself as she wraps the paper and cannabis between her fingers.
You swipe your teeth. “Nothin.” You plop back down, crossing your legs together.
It was no news that you and Ellie had a flirting type of friendship. What was news to you, are the feelings you’ve grown to have for Ellie. What made it all the more painful was her obliviousness, and pinning behavior towards Dina.
Ellie’s just about to bring the blunt to her lips but you happily snatch it.
You place it between your lips, bringing your lighter up to it. You light the end, inhaling the smoke into your lungs.
Ellie smirks at you, reaching forward. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were jealous.”
You shrug. “Maybe I am.”
You’ve grown tired of the games, especially when your own feelings have become involved.
You pass the blunt to Ellie. Her eyes locked onto yours, shocked.
“What?” You cross your arms. Enjoying the satisfaction of catching Ellie off guard. “Isn’t that what you wanna hear?”
Ellie takes a hesitant drag. “I—I don’t know.” She smiles but then it quickly falls. Ellie was either really confident in flirting or extremely shy. There was no in between. You’ve seen it done in real time. Ellie lightly pulls at her collar. “Is it hot in here?” She takes a quick hit.
You roll over, swinging one leg over Ellie’s frame. You sit comfortably in her lap. You note the deep rose color of her cheeks. The way her chest rises and falls. The way her eyes search your face. You smile and take the blunt from between her lips and place it back between your own. You lean back, letting your hips roll the slightest bit.
“Oh fuck.” Ellie leans her head back, whispering profanities beneath her breath. Her hand instinctively curls around your waist.
Your lips curl into a smile. “I am jealous.” You exhale. “All the time actually.” You take another drag. Your eyes catch the way Ellie struggles to swallow, the way her eyes are dilated in lust. Your fingers tuck a loose strand behind her ear, making her lips part to intake a rushed breath. When your eyes lock, you realize there’s a mutual agreement to what’s happening here. Her fingers dig deeper into your skin.
You narrow your eyes at Ellie. “…Have you kissed her?”
Ellie adjusts herself. “N-No.”
“Do you want to?” You tilt your head and lean to the side. You take one last hit and then brush the end of the lit blunt into a mug left on your nightstand. You lean back.
“I…” Ellie looks unsure. She licks at her lips.
You lean forward now. “…Do you want to kiss me?”
Ellie closes her eyes, feeling the intensity. But all the while, wanting to be no where else.
You bring a hand up to her chin. Turning her face directed towards yours. “…Ellie.”
Her eyes flutter open, she looks at your eyes and your lips. Then back to your eyes again. To your lips. A hand tightens along your skin. The other raises up to cup at your face. You lean into the touch, loving the warmth along your cheek and the soft circles drawn onto your skin by her thumb.
Ellie sighs with contempt, “…What are you doing to me?” She softly whispers.
Ellie brings her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing softly. Her thumb rubs down to your bottom lip.
The pad of her thumb traces the outline of your bottom lip.
Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears, it’s almost too much. You lose it as her thumb drags down, bringing your bottom lip down with it.
Ellie brings her hand to your jaw, applying light pressure. She looks at you for a moment, then connects your lips together. It’s feverish, rough but so very intoxicating. You gasp as you feel the physical dominance come forward, Ellie pulls you closer towards her. She’s probably the best person you’ve kissed. She moves with an experienced flow, but she’s also unpredictable, swiping her tongue along your bottom lip, quickly nipping at the skin to make you gasp. You moan at the hand on your waist going up your shirt. Loving the way her hands roam, and take full control of what is hers and always has been.
You smile into the kiss, having to lean back to catch your breath. “…..I’ll take that as a yes.”
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