lazaruspithottub · 8 years
Okay, I am usually quite ambiguous about Laurel... but for once I actually like her here. I would not be completely opposed to her bringing her back if she went over to The Flash or was more like this... or maybe I just ship her and Cisco. (Just to be clear I have always been opposed to pairing with of these with anyone so this is a HUGE step for me) 
Also see: https://youtu.be/KYvT7ygX53w
side note: The Flash writers  need to write for Arrow characters more. They write them I dare say better than the Arrow writers. They write Olicity better as well (see season 4 crossover) even though this was a sub par crossover, there were some nice Olicity and team moments.
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Imagine Cisco vibing Laurel’s death.
I can’t handle it.
Every time he touches the picture she gave him, he vibes Damian or Malcolm killing her, and it haunts his sweet little heart forever.
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Blerd Conspiracies: Predictions for Cisco & Caitlin #DatFlash
Tonight is the eve of the Flash season 1 finale. There’s been a lot of speculation about when will we ever see Vibe and Killer Frost. The appearance of both characters would be A DRAMATIC shift in their alter egos whom we are familiar with: Cisco Ramone and Caitlin Snow. So, very briefly, I wanted to provide my predictions for how Caitlin Snow becomes the villain Killer Frost, and Cisco Ramone becomes Justice Leaguer VIBE. 
1. How will we get VIBE?: In episodes such as “The Sound and the Fury”  and “Who Is Harrison Wells?” Cisco has been working with technology that is associated with sonic vibrations. Enter: Black Canary’s Canary Cry and Pier Piper’s flute that is more about destruction more so than mind-control. Recently Cisco has said, “Never let good technology go to waste.” My prediction is that with the rise of H.I.V.E. in the Arrowverse, a HIVE that will employ criminals, terrorists, and MetaHumans to try to take over the world (I presume), Cisco will take on Vibe as a persona to aid Barry Allen in the fight for JUSTICE. Writers and commentators have noted that all of the really intelligent characters in The Flash get technology based weaponery, and I think Cisco fits this arc.
When will H.I.V.E. reveal itself as a problem? I think the finale may give us some answers. 
2. How will we get KILLER FROST? In the “Revenge of the Rogues,” Heatwave asked Caitlin Snow a very interesting question, “What if we’re not the crazy ones? What if you are?” To which, Caitlin replies with an emphatic, “NOOOO!” In Captain Cold’s first appearance, we discover that Barry can be slowed down by ice, being frozen. In order for Caitlin to transform from Cisco’s almost sister, a dramatic event has to change her. I believe that sticking to some of the origin stories of Frost in the New 52, Caitlin will become a metahuman because some disaster that H.I.V.E. initiates. This will cause Caitlin to hate MetaHumans because they have ruined her life, and the KILLER part of the Frost monicker will be because she hunts down MetaHumans like the ones Cold allowed to escape from S.T.A.R. labs. Although I can see Caitlin turning to the darkside, I can also see her being an enemy of The Rogues since they made her suffer in that episode. 
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
sooo, anyone open to giving me some Cisco/Laurel fic prompts?
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
there’s going to come a day when Cisco says ‘I love you’ and Laurel’s waiting for the pause and what comes after (the way you beat up criminals, how you wrecked that guy in court, are completely amazing) and not going to hear anything after and come to realize how much he means just that alone.
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
getting it right
“We could just order out.” Laurel suggested for the umpteenth time.
“Nope, not this time, I’m going to get it right.” Cisco probably didn’t realize his tongue stuck out when he’s trying to concentrate like he is right now, it was cute and Laurel snapped a quick picture to tease him over it later but quietly let him work on his attempted meal in her kitchen.
Ever since he first asked her out, smiling and so genuine about it that Laurel had said yes without even thinking too much about it, they’d been having these dinner dates every other weekend.
It’d been nice not dealing with someone who had something to hide, Cisco was like the opposite of Oliver or Sebastian. In some ways he almost reminded her of Tommy.
He also made her laugh, getting too caught up in telling a story at times to focus on his cooking or asking her about things going in in Starling City and her life that a few minutes later they’d smell burning meat and it would back to take out.
Every time he came over though he promised that this would be the time that he got it right.
“I could try cooking too. Or at least help.”
“With that ankle?” Cisco nodded his head towards the ankle she had bruised pretty badly on her last patrol, “Not a good idea.”
“Cisco,” She grinned, with only the slightest bit of exasperation “It’s fine, I can hardly feel it with the meds Dig gave me.”
“Exactly how strong are those meds he gave you?” Cisco asked, eyeing her cautiously.
“Strong enough that I can still get around if I have to and help with a meal.”
“Hm,” For a second it looked like Cisco was considering it, “Nope, though I could hear the story again on how you got it.”
“You mean how some guy ducked just in time for me to hit a wall?” She’d been embarrassed about that one.
“No, how afterwards you still managed to take him out with your awesome moves.” There were hands flying through the air that made Laurel laugh hard enough that forgave the fact that Cisco was still holding the spoon and had gotten sauce on her cupboards in the action.
“They looked nothing like that I can tell you that much.”
“So much cooler.” Cisco sighed in awe, that dreamy look on his that he got whenever he talked about her or his work.
It was flattering she’d reached that level to him so soon.
“It was made a lot easier to kick his ass with the Canary Cry.” She pointed out, a wide smile on her face, “I’m probably the best teched out superhero in the city now all thanks to you.”
“I do my part.” That was as much modesty Cisco had when it came to his tech, pleased it was being used by someone he trusted so much.
The smell of burning meat tickled her nose and Cisco swore, scrambling to get it off the stove but by the time he did most of it looks edible.
“So, takeout?” She pulled out her phone, waving it in the air with one hand.
“Takeout.” Cisco agreed, glumly looking at his failed concoction.
“Next time you’ll get.” Laurel told him, reaching over to pat his arm and press a kiss to his cheek. “I’m sure of it.”
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
zany-brainy replied to your post “for christmas Cisco gets him and Laurel these kind of matching...”
When she gets back from vacation Sarah gets them matching coffee mugs with the pic from that time Cisco convinced Laurel to go with him to Comic Con with him in full costume and she lost the vigilante costume contest.
YES. Cisco did a lot of pleading for it the first time but after she lost Laurel insisted they go again so she could win the next year.
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
for christmas Cisco gets him and Laurel these kind of matching sweaters and hers is ‘my boyriend works at STAR Labs and is the hottest one there’ and his is ‘my girlfriend works as a DA and could kick your ass in the court and out of it’
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
the sound of admiration
For minutes nothing but the sound of grunting and the whacking of flesh filled Felicity’s ears and if she hadn’t known what the crooks were up to she might have felt bad as she listened to Laurel take them out.
Next to her Cisco sighed dreamily and she shot him an amused smile, he’d arrived in town just in time to hear Laurel over the radio kicking ass.
“Thinking on bad guy names cause I didn’t think we were naming the…what did you call them before, minions?”
“What?” Cisco jolted, blinking a few times and then shaking his head, “Yeah minions don’t get names. I mean unless they become super minions. But then they’re just like regular bad guys then.”
“Ah, right.” Felicity nodded like Cisco’s naming system made sense, “So what’s got you all doe-y eyed then. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, does doe-y eyed sound bad…”
Thankfully before she could go on Cisco cut her off with a wide grin, practically bouncing in his seat and pointing at the screen on her monitor of a camera feed she had hacked into to watch Laurel’s back from her end.
“That’s my girlfriend.”
She hadn’t thought that Cisco’s grin could get any wider but somehow he managed, looking proud and sounding in awe all at once.
Laurel must have picked up on it from her headset because on the other end she could hear an amused huff of quiet laughter between the delivering punches.
“Just look at her!” He was waving his hands towards the screen, “She’s amazing! And this is just like her second arena, have you seen her in court?” Cisco whistle low, “I have a new respect for the law.”
Now Laurel was straight up laughing with glee on the other end and Felicity herself couldn’t stop smiling in amusement as Cisco continued on.
“I don’t know how she does it but man, it is awesome.”
From the corner of her eyes Laurel had just finished taking the bad guys out and was looking up at the camera, smiling.
“Here,” Felicity passed Cisco the headset and patted him on the shoulder, “I’m going to get us some drinks.”
Cisco put it on, a bit confused but going with it.
“A new respect for the law?” Laurel’s voice came over the other end, bemused. On the screen he could see her idly twirling the sticks in her hands.
“Well.” Cisco leant back in his chair, “I’d be a poor citizen if I didn’t respect the law.”
“Yeah? Well I’d think respecting the law would mean it would get a welcoming kiss when someone arrives in town.” Laurel teased.
Even though she couldn’t see him Cisco still pouted and put a hand on his chest in mockery. “The law kisses everyone that comes to town? I’m not special?”
Laurel snorted on the other end, laughing, “You’re definitely special to me Cisco.”
His pout slide into an easy grin, satisfied with that response. “Are you done wiping the floor with bad guys? Cause I think you’re right about that welcoming kiss being overdue at least. Amongst a ton of other things.”
“I just have to call this in and then I’ll swing back.”
“Want me to do it for you? I’ll watch the camera to make sure they don’t move.” He offered.
On screen Laurel grinned, waving at the camera in thanks, and heading over to her bike; in the form fitting leather it was easy to watch her go.
“That’s my boyfriend.” Laurel said softly, a mix of gratitude and amusement that had Cisco grinning widely and she swung herself on to the bike, “Be there to see you soon.”
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
replied to your post
“if Cisco and Laurel ever did date though I could see Cisco showing up...”
Man, they were both so cute!! And I love how excited he was at Laurel's fighting, AS IT SHOULD BE.
Cisco proud voice: That’s my girlfriend.
as he takes pictures of her kicking ass and keeps freaking telling the bad guys that.
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 years
if Cisco and Laurel ever did date though I could see Cisco showing up sometimes in her courtroom and shaking random people next to them and excitedly saying that’s his girlfriend and giving her thumbs up whenever she looked his way.
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