#Can someone explain to me how to use the gif thing please? It takes forever for me to find anything I want
quill-pen · 2 years
A Christmas Confession pt. 1 (Married!ScroogeXReader)
I know, I know! I said I wouldn't post up much more for the story and that I'd only do some requests and headcannon stuff, but since listening to that gorgeous cover of 'Come What May' by Luke, my brain has been fraught with inspiration. And when I followed through with it, it turned into something just a little bit bigger because I've been dying to write Ebenezer being a loving Uncle figure to children. So here we are!
Part two will come along in a bit and bring with it quite a bit more romance. *wink* Right now, enjoy sweet Uncle Ebby with some adorable little girls plus YOU!
Note: Remember, the main idea of the story is you are Marley's estranged daughter raised in America but returned to England to live (for many complicated reasons) in your early to mid-20s (younger half-siblings now included because I want to write father-figure Scrooge and the Cratchit kids and street urchins can't always be around). For the many complicated reasons previously mentioned, you have married Ebenezer--a dear friend--and are struggling with the situation because you truly have feelings for the man, but are convinced he couldn't possibly feel the same.
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Also, too late for Christmas stuff? NOT WHEN IT COMES TO 'A CHRISTMAS CAROL'. If Ebenezer can keep Christmas in his heart alive all the year, then why can't I?!
Pairing: Ebenezer Scrooge x F!Reader (married)
Warnings: None, unless you count pining and seriously adorable Uncle Ebenezer with cute kids.
Summary: Christmas time has come again! This time, (probably at the behest of the children) you and Scrooge have invited the Cratchits and the Huffmans to stay with you for Christmas Eve so that you may all enjoy a Christmas morning together. You and Ebenezer agree to put the children to bed so that the Cratchits might have a break. For once!
A/N: Don't worry--we will get Prudence in the next part! And as always, insanely soft Scrooge.
And if anyone has any idea what the other Cratchit girls besides Kathy (who by all rights would probably be Belinda IDK why so many names got changed in this thing) are, let me know. Because right now, I'm just naming them things that sound right.
Part 2
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A Christmas Confession pt. 1
Arms crossed over your chest, you leaned against the doorpost and watched with a small smile on your face as Millie and the young Cratchit girls knelt at the side of the bed, heads bowed and hands clasped in the nightly prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep….”  Once they’d finished the recitation, they went around the bed, each thanking or praying to God individually about something or someone in turn.  Millie started off the round: “I thank you, God, for sending us the baby Jesus.  And I also pray that my friend Betty in Cincinnati has a nice Christmas this year.  She told me in her letters she was wanting a new doll and a dress--I hope she gets them.  I would just like a pony, with Christmas ribbons in its mane and tail.  Thank you, God.”
You fought back the urge to laugh at that, successfully turning it into a quiet snort.  Oh, you’re adorable but highly tenacious baby sister!  Even at six years old, you could already tell you were in for a whirlwind of a time raising her up.  God help you when the teenage years came! 
A large, warm hand enclosed over your shoulder, drawing your attention away from the children to see Ebenezer standing just behind you.  “How are we coming?” he murmured, eyes on the girls.
“We’re just finishing up our prayers,” you whispered back.  “How are the boys?”
“Tucked in, waiting for you to come say goodnight.”
You gave him a look of disbelief.  “What?!  You mean to tell me you have that rowdy lot in bed already?  How on earth did you beat me?”
The silver-haired man flashed you one of his divinely roguish smirks, making your knees feel the slightest bit wobbly.  “I, my fine lady, am a man of many talents,” he whispered mysteriously.
Raising an eyebrow you smirked back.  “Hmm, bribed them with sovereigns.  I see.”  You tsked your tongue and shook your head at him.  “Cheater.”
Ebenezer didn’t even try to deny it, just merely burred that beautiful chuckle of his that stirred your soul.
The two of you fell silent and watched on as the girls continued on around their individual prayers.  Ebenezer’s hand stayed on your shoulder, a wonderful, gentle, steady, and warm weight that conversely sent shivers tingling along your nerves.  Oh, how you wished he’d put that hand around your waist and pull you into him, as close as a real wife should be.  Or at least take one of your own hands into it and twine your delicate fingers together with his attractively large ones.  There was no hope for it--you wanted to be completely and utterly possessed by him.  Not merely carnally (though that in itself was a major appeal) but in the soft, devoted, domestic way too; the way you’d see the Cratchits and Huffmans behave towards each other; the way you’d see couples walking the street act; the way you’d grown up watching your mother and step-father interact.  What you would have given to be totally and completely the woman of the house--to be Ebenezer’s woman.
But there was no point in pining for things that wouldn’t come to pass, so you forced your mind away from the concept and put it back on the girls, who were coming to the end of their personal prayers.  Millie added in one last time: “Also, God, I know I’m still just a little girl, but I’d take really good care of a pony if I had one.  I promise--cross my heart.  Honest.  Amen.”
Again you snorted, and you heard the man beside you rumble out another amused chuckle as well.  “She certainly knows how to work the system,” he remarked.
“Oh, she’s completely incorrigible,” you told him.  With that, you moved back into the room (regretfully slipping out from Ebenezer’s touch as you did) and approached the children.  “All right, girls, very good.  Now let’s get into bed.”  You pulled back the thick covers and watched as they all filed between them one by one.  
“We’re not sleepy yet,” Tilda and Maggie protested, despite snuggling in next to Millie.
“We want to stay up and try to catch Father Christmas!” Alice added enthusiastically.
An entire chorus of excited agreement went up from the girls
“But he won’t come unless you’re all sound asleep,” you countered, smiling the slightest bit.  Oh, to be a child on Christmas Eve again!
“Why?” sweet little Judith asked.
All five sets of eyes shined brightly up at you in innocence and wonderment, awaiting an answer.  An answer that you, admittedly, were a little bit stumped over.  “Um… well… that’s just always been the way it is.”
“But why?” Millie pressed further.
“Because that’s how Father Christmas’ magic works!”
You and the girls turned to see Ebenezer coming into the room, slate-blue eyes as bright and shining as the children’s.  He smiled and winked at you as he moved towards the bed.  You felt your heart flutter just a bit, the slightest warmth of a blush color your cheeks.  Thank God the flickering firelight would help conceal it.  
The tall man went around the bed and sat on the side opposite you, beaming down at the snuggled-up little girls in a way that made your heart positively melt.  “You see, girls, Father Christmas has a very special kind of magic that can only work when you are all asleep,” Ebenezer twisted up his face in a comically sneaky way and peered around conspiratorially as if he were about to relay a very important secret that only they were supposed to hear and then whispered, “because the magic is fueled by your Christmas dreams!”
You made saucer-wide eyes along with the girls and exclaimed, “Ooooh!” 
“Yes,” Ebenezer continued.  “That’s why you must all sleep tonight so that you may dream and give Father Christmas all the power he needs for his magic to work.  Why without your dreams to help him, he would never be able to travel the world and deliver presents to all the little boys and girls!  And we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
“No!” Judith exclaimed, her eyes twice the size they normally were and so full of sweet innocence it broke your heart.  She clutched her dolly preciously to her.  
“No,” Ebenezer agreed with a serious shake of his silvery head.  “I didn’t think so.  So off to sleep for each of you.”
“How come we have to go to bed, but the grown-ups don’t have to?” Maggie asked.
“Yeah, shouldn’t they be sleeping so their dreams can help the magic too?” Tilda added.
That time it was Ebenezer’s turn to look stumped.  Clearly, he hadn’t thought that far ahead in his story.  “Um… w-well-”
“Grown-ups’ dreams aren’t as powerful as children’s dreams,” you came to his rescue.  “But we make up for it by helping Santa in making sure that all of the children go to bed on time so that he has enough magic when he needs it.”
“Precisely!” Ebenezer brightened, smiling gratefully at you.  Then he became very serious and stern as he turned to the girls again.  “Which is why you must all go to bed at once,” he ordered, poking a ticklish finger into each little girl's tummy, causing them to squeal with laughter.  “Because if you do not go to sleep, we will be failing in our duty to Father Christmas!  Understood?”
Still giggling, the girls all sounded off: “Yes, sir!”
“Very good!” Scrooge said, voice still gruff like a Sergeant Major General’s.  “Now, good night!”  With a devilish gleam in his eyes, the man loomed down over the girls and gave them each a good hard nuzzle on the face with his cheeks, evilly chuckling ‘good night’ over and over.  The girls laughed harder and tried to push him away, shrieking and squealing about his “whisker tickles”.  That only made him continue with more vigor.
You couldn’t help but laugh right along with them.  “Ebenezer, at this rate you’ll get them so stirred up again they’ll never be able to sleep for Santa!”
Laughing as well, Ebenezer pulled back to give you an acquiescent smile.  “I suppose you are right, my dear.  Without these little ones’ dreams, Father Christmas may never get his sleigh off the ground!”  With that, he turned back to the girls and leaned back in, only this time to administer gentle kisses to their brows.  Each girl gave him a return kiss on the cheek; Millie went a bit further to reach up and hold his face in place as she blew a wet raspberry into his muttonchop.  (The man grimaced but judging how he still smiled, he didn’t seem to mind too much.)  “Good night, my lovies,” Ebenezer murmured softly, an adoring gentleness in his blue eyes.  “Sweet dreams and happy Christmas.”
“Good night, Uncle Ebby!” the girls chorused as he stood to leave.
“Right to sleep now,” you told the girls as you too stood up and began to leave.  “No talking.  Remember Santa’s counting on you to help him work tonight.”
“Yes, Y/N/Auntie Y/N!”
There was still the faint noise of giggling and whispered chatter as you closed the door, but it was quickly beginning to die down.  Ebenezer’s magic had worked.
A mildly disgusted groan caused you to turn and find the man in question wiping at his spittle-slicked cheek with his handkerchief.  
You giggled and pulled out your own handkerchief from your sleeve.  “Here, let me.  Your silky thing won’t do the job.” 
With a grateful smile, Ebenezer gentlemanly bowed his face towards you.  "That girl is going to be a menace to society, I tell you," he said, only half-jokingly.
You hummed in agreement as you cleaned him up, still having to stand a bit on tiptoe to do so (lovely, tall man…).  "Don't I know it?  She is her father's daughter--George was a… character.  But I adored him.”  You gave him a knowing smile.  “Just as you adore Millie."
Ebenezer gave you a playful scowl, the softness in his eyes saying you were right.  “You’d better go see the boys now,” he said, once you’d finished drying him off.  “And then we’d better check on the older children to make sure they got themselves to bed.”
You nodded and put your kerchief away.  As you followed him down the hall, you were still thinking about Ebenezer’s story.  You’d never heard anything like it before.  “Where’d you come up with that?” you asked, looking up at him.
The man raised a bushy brow quizzically.  “Beg pardon?”
“The story about Santa’s magic fueled by children’s dreams.  Did you hear that somewhere or did you just make it up on the spot?”
Ebenezer smiled.  “Oh, that.”  He chuckled.  “Well, yes, I did come up with it, as a matter of fact, when my sister and I were children.”  A sort of sad haze came into the man’s beautiful eyes to mix with the happiness of the memory as he reminisced.  “You see, Jen was like any other child on Christmas Eve--well so was I, rather, for a while at least.  Apparently, our parents couldn’t give her a satisfactory answer as to why she should go to bed rather than stay up and wait for Father Christmas.”
“So you came up with the reason for why.”
“Did it work?”
“It did.  And Jen would ask me about it every Christmas after, even beyond the point where we stopped believing.”
You smiled and gently nudged the tall man with your shoulder.  “She liked the story,” you said.  “It is a good story, I must say.  Certainly much more fun than what we were given: Mama and George told us if we didn’t go to bed, Santa would simply pass right over our house.  It seemed to do the trick for us.  Although my final year of believing, I did sneak out of bed and stayed up.”  You laughed at the memory.  “Sakes alive, did I give poor old George a fright when he came down early to put the presents out!  He just about took me over his knee to tan my hide!”
“And I take it catching your stepfather was what caused your belief to fade,” Ebenezer surmised, looking a little amused by your story.
“Yes,” you admitted a little forlornly.  “It was sad.  I think it’s always sad when you stop believing in that sort of magic.”
“Yes,” Ebenezer agreed, also looking just a bit sad.  But then he quickly gave you a bright smile.  “But then you discover a new magic in making the old magic for others, and then you begin to believe again.”
“Just in a different way,” you said, understanding his meaning.
The man only beamed in agreement.  “That was a very nice addition to the story, I must say,” he said after a moment.  “The bit about adult dreams not being as powerful as those of children.”
You raised your chin a bit haughtily and flipped a curl of your hair with a smug smile.  “Why thank you, kind sir,” you purred.  “I thought it was inspired.”
Ebenezer chuckled at that.  “You know, I’d forgotten that story,” he remarked as you both pulled up in front of the door to the boys’ room.  “Until now.”  He had a distant, contemplative look in his eyes.
Feeling a bit bold, you reached out and grabbed his hand, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze.  You smiled genuinely at him.  “I’m glad you remembered it, Ebenezer,” you told him.  “The girls enjoyed it and… and so did I.  Truly.”
Ebenezer had looked a bit surprised when you’d taken his hand so suddenly.  Now the surprise was fading back into warmth and affection.  He squeezed your hand back.  “Then I shall strive never to forget it again, Y/N.”  
There was something in his manner; something extremely soft and unknown to you in his voice and gaze; something that warmed your being from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.  For the umpteenth time, your heart fluttered--your breath caught in your throat.  You may not have known what it was, but you knew you never wanted him to stop looking at or talking to you like that.  Could… could he possibly- the thought was dismissed from your mind before it even had time to fully process.  No.  No, it wasn’t that; it wasn’t possible.  Ebenezer saw you as his very dear friend and that was all; he would never look at you or speak to you in a way other than that.  It was just fanciful thinking on your part that that warmth in his manner could be something more.  Merely wishes.  It was simply the merriment of the evening and the excess joy of the children rubbing off on everyone, enhancing every emotion.  It was the spirit of Christmas--that was all.
You shook your head, clearing off the daze.  “Well,” you said, clearing your throat before adding significant volume to your tone so you would be heard through the door, “we’d better go make sure these boys are asleep!”  With that, you, rather reluctantly, let go of Ebenezer’s hand.  And if you weren’t so deadset on Ebenezer seeing you as nothing more than a friend, you could have sworn his release was reluctant as well.
@the-house-of-auditore-frye @oldmanlusting
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dunnerlars · 2 months
always attract - matthew tkachuk
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pairing: matthew tkachuk x fem!reader summary: matthew mistakenly tells your brother that you're his date to his wedding. word count: 5.7k warnings: none? i don't think a/n: this is my fic for @sc0tters for the #the summer fic exchange 2k24 hosted by the wonderful @wyattjohnston! i haven't written in forever so this was fun to dive into- and it's not beta'd because i'm terrified to ask someone to look it over so all mistakes are my own 😅
Matthew 🐀: I know its 5am for you but i think fucked up
Matthew 🐀: Will you be my date to your brothers wedding
The text has you blinking rapidly as you check the time, your phone bright in the dark of the room. Why the fuck is he up right now? Squinting, you see it’s just past 5am and groan, falling back into bed and wondering what the fuck Matthew’s even talking about. It takes a second for you to put everything together, mind failing to keep up with the words date, wedding, and brother.
Me: Sorry what??? What are you talking about
Matthew 🐀: we’re at connor’s bach party and leon asked if i had a date yet and i might’ve told connor you were going to be my date
Me: It’s 5AM 
Matthew 🐀: i know we’re heading back to the hotel now but Please b my date
Me: What did connor say?
You huff and roll over, sitting up to turn the light on your nightstand on. Matthew hadn’t responded back yet and you quick to type:
Me: Is he pissed??
Matthew 🐀: its hard to tell w him you know? So what do you say? Date? To the wedding? pleaseeeeeeee
Suddenly a knot forms in your stomach at the thought and despite it not being your fault you feel guilty for Connor thinking you were hiding something from him. Matthew is your friend….He wouldn’t be the worst date. Might as well get something out of it.
Me: What’s in it for me?
Matthew 🐀: literally whatever
Having a favor from Matthew could come in handy at some point, you think. And it could be worth all of this fucking nonsense he’s putting you through at now 5:22am. 
Me: Fine, but you owe me a no-barred favor. I can ask for whatever, whenever I want no matter what.
You pause-
Me: How did this even happen?
Matthew 🐀: i’ll explain tomorrow and we can figure out details!!! Thnks babe 😘
Rolling your eyes, you set your phone back down on the nightstand and sigh. It’s almost too much to think about how quickly Connor and Matthew had become close over the last couple of weeks. You’d thought for sure there would be some residual hate from the Panthers Cup win but then Matthew had invited Connor out to his day with the Cup and it was love at first bro hug or whatever excuse they used. And despite the invites going out months ago, Connor had finagled an invite for Matthew and now here you were.
Ever since your move to southern Florida last year, your growing friendship with Matthew had always bugged Connor so it was funny to you now, seeing the tables turned. 
The vibration of your phone breaks you from your thoughts and you prepare yourself for another text from Matthew only to be surprised to see it’s a text from your brother.
Connor 👼🏻: So Tkachuk huh?
Deciding it was far too early to deal with this anymore, you turn the phone over and will yourself back to sleep.
It’s the next day when Matthew requests to FaceTime you, your phone ringing with a video call as you step outside to your backyard and get settled on a patio chair.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Matthew greets, his grin the most endearingly annoying thing about him.
“You don’t have to use lines on me, Matthew. I’ve already said yes,” you remind him, eyebrows raised as you try your best to glare at him. You take stock of his surroundings and frown. “Are you back in St. Louis already?”
“Yeah, I had a charity thing scheduled with my dad for tonight so I flew back late yesterday.”
“Oh.. Hope you’re not too hungover.” 
He shrugs and regroups, sliding his sunglasses up into his curls. “I’m alright. So-,” he starts but you cut him off.
“I need you to explain to me what happened last night before we figure out everything else.” It’s something you’ve tried to piece together and you still haven’t texted Connor back, afraid you might break Matthew’s cover.
“Alright, that’s fair,” he nods, “We were walking back from a bar and Leon asked if I had a date to the wedding, since it was short notice that I was going. And the way he asked- it just really bugged me. Like his tone? I dunno. It just rubbed me wrong. And the guys were making shitty comments. Whatever.”
You know the tone Matthew’s referring to, grateful you’ve never been on the receiving end. Leon was a hard one to crack and it’d taken you at least a year to wear him down. Nodding at him to continue, he shifts his eyes and you can tell he’s embarrassed. 
“So obviously I told them I had a date and they stopped and it was fine- until your brother pulled me back from the group and asked who I was bringing, so he could tell Lauren, and I panicked and said you,” he mumbles the next part, your ears straining to pick up the words, “And I might've mentioned we’ve been dating.”
You pause, wondering if Matthew just said what you think he did and yeah- he did. He at least has the nerve to look sheepish, apologetic. “Dating? Are you… What? Matthew!”
“Look, I was on the spot okay! And drunk! And it’s not like it’s out of the question. You’re one of my best friends. My mom loves you, I swear you talk to my sister more than I do. I can go on,” he shoots you a pleading look.
“Well when you put it that way, sure. I guess.”
“You guess? You know I’m right.”
Sighing, you nod. “Fine. Whatever. Did you give him any details? I can’t imagine Connor didn’t have a million questions, I tell him everything.”
“What do you mean everything?”
“Matthew, that’s not the point. Did he question you at all?” 
“No. Just patted me on the shoulder and we caught up with everyone else.”
That’s…. Weird. And out of character for your brother, who’s nosy as fuck when it comes to your personal life. Maybe he already thinks it’s all a lie. Or is just actually super pissed, which isn’t any better. Would this even be worth it? How often would a favor from Mattew come in handy? Okay, actually pretty handy. He’s got money, connections. Could be good to have for things you don’t wanna ask Connor for… Ugh.
Glancing up, you catch Matthew waiting for you to say something and his curls catch the back light of the St. Louis sun from behind him, casting an almost halo glow around his head. His eyes are bright, sunglasses still tucked up on the top of his head. Two front teeth catching his bottom lip and biting and God, he’s pretty. 
Maybe this wasn’t the worst idea. What could go wrong? 
“Alright, let’s figure this out…”
It’s hours later when you finally work up the nerve to call Connor, lying in bed after a long day. Since he hadn’t questioned Matthew for details, it was easy enough to make up a backstory for you and Matthew: it’s only been a couple of months, things aren’t serious but they’re fun and easy and you both like each other enough that it’s exclusive. Which was all real except that when you hung out, it just wasn’t a date. Because you weren’t dating. Nope.
The call finally connects, sure you were almost going to get his voicemail, and Connor greets you with, “Thanks for letting me know you’re alive.”
It’s easy to tell by the tone of his voice, short, quick and void of any emotion, that he’s disappointed because it’s the voice you know he uses when he loses a game he felt they should’ve won.
“You’re mad.”
“And why am I mad?”
“Because I found out you’ve been secretly dating Tkachuk behind my back, from him? Why did I have to find out from him and not you, my own sister? Was this going on throughout our entire Cup series? Or has it been longer?”
“Matthew lying to me is- It’s whatever. You’re my sister. Why didn’t you tell me? What about telling me made you straight up lie when I’ve asked you about your trips up to wherever the fuck the Panthers play? Or when he’s down there with you?”
Fort Lauderdale your mind supplies but you know it won’t do any good to say so.
“You always made it seem like it was just buddies when you told me you were meeting with him for lunch or whatever, someone that reminded you of home, but I guess that’s what made it so easy, huh?” The heat in Connor’s voice has petered out, like he’s figuring it all out and he sighs. “Fuck. I’m sorry. This is probably why you didn’t want to say anything to me.”
“It really was just friends, Con. I promise,” you tell him. “Then… I dunno. Things just got more real. I didn’t want to see anyone else and he didn’t either. It’s only been a couple of months, I swear.”
“So, through the series, huh?”
Connor lets out a long breath, like he’s deciding his next words carefully. “I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me. I get it. It wasn’t the best reaction.”
“No shit,” you laugh.
“But you’re coming to the wedding together?” You hear someone shout in the background and grin when you recognize Lauren’s voice. “Lauren wants to know if she should switch your escort down the aisle to Chucky.”
“I mean,” you pause, thinking. It would be nice to know who was walking down with you, one of Lauren’s second cousins or something was supposed to be your escort but having Matthew on your arm would be nice. “Yeah, sure. As long as it doesn’t fuck anything up on her end.”
Connor grunts, “As if Lauren would let anything fuck that day up. It’s fine. Let Chucky know for us, yeah? She’s making the calls already.”
“Alright. Thanks, Con. And tell Lauren thank you too.”
“Will do. Love ya, kiddo. Sorry I freaked out.”
You roll your eyes. Brothers. 
“Love you too. I’ll text you once I talk to him.”
Lauren and Connor both shouted their goodbyes as you hung up.
Me: So you’re gonna be my escort down the aisle next week in the wedding 🙂
Matthew 🐀: Fuck you
Me: You wish
Matthew 🐀: well yeah
Of course he didn’t mean it like that- Matthew always down for a joke, and you calm your racing heart, gulping down some water.
So now you not only have a fake boyfriend but also said (fake) boyfriend was going to walk you down the aisle at your brother’s wedding. In a week. Great.
You fly into St. Louis. The plan was to meet up with Matthew on the Saturday before the wedding and then you’d fly up to Toronto and drive up to Muskoka together on Wednesday. Trying to keep up appearances, Matthew had said. Thankfully the flight from Miami to Missouri wasn’t too terrible, even if the lady that was sat next to you had a perfume on that made you nauseous. 
Matthew had texted you that he was idling on the curb, waiting, and once you had your bags, you headed outside into the muggy heat. The loud honk of a horn coming from a giant black SUV startles you and Matthew rolls down the window with a laugh, “Come on, they’re gonna make me move again.”
It was tempting to make him squirm but you caught the eye of one of the traffic guards and scurry forward, dumping your bags into the backseat before jumping into the passenger’s side. 
“Hey,” he grins, turning on his blinker before merging onto the road. “Seatbelt please.”
The quietness of the truck surprises you as you buckle your seatbelt, having expected some kind of rap music or sports podcast to be playing through the speakers. Or at least that’s what he normally was listening to when you’d meet up in Miami, and he’d pick you up at your apartment. The silence was comfortable though, the quiet hum of the AC and the tapping of Matthew’s fingers against the steering wheel filling the cab. His posture was relaxed, slouched in the driver’s seat.
Matthew swats lightly at your thigh, pulling your attention away from the window, “You should let Connor know you’re here.”
Digging through your bag, you search for your phone and fire off a quick text to the group chat with your brother and parents that you’d made it safely to St. Louis and were with Matthew, heading back to his house.
“So, how was the flight?”
Well it was fine in the sense that nothing went wrong and there weren’t any screaming babies and you managed to fall asleep since you’d been up at the ass crack of dawn to make sure you got to the airport in time but- Well. Your dreams had been filled with flashes of Matthew’s smile and his laugh and how he always managed to make you feel better after a bad day at work and he’d called just to say he was bored and was wondering what you were doing and, and and-. 
Where was this even coming from?
You obviously couldn’t say all of that so you shrug, “It was okay. The lady next to me must’ve bathed in perfume because I almost gagged but I pulled a mask on and managed to fall asleep against the window.”
Matthew whistles in sympathy, “God that’s always the worst.”
Nodding, you chew on your bottom lip and turn to face him in your seat and get a good look at him. “You look nice.”
And he did. There was something different about him and you weren’t sure if it was the glowing tan that covered his neck and arms, the blonde that was starting to weave its way into the curls that sat neatly on his head, or just the ease at which he was holding himself but he looked different. Maybe part of it was the fact that the last time you’d seen Matthew in person was right after the Panthers victory and he’d been dog tired and worn out, bushy beard and clothes hanging off his frame. This Matthew was refreshed and had a Stanley Cup under his belt, carefree and like nothing could bring him down. 
Matthew glances at you quickly, a sly smile overtaking his face. “Yeah? Well, gotta look good for my girlfriend ya know? Figured I’d shower, at the very least.”
“Your parents don’t think we’re dating, right?”
Matthew’s quick to shake his head with a honking laugh, “Nah, I explained to them what happened. My mom’s excited to see you again though. And Taryn.”
“Not your dad?”
Pulling off the highway, he chuckles and shrugs. “Big Walt’s not home. He’s on some golf trip for the week.”
It’s hard not to let your relief show. Keith wasn’t your favorite person and taking him out of the equation of this short trip was a small victory you were willing to celebrate. To yourself.
“Cool cool cool.”
“It’s okay that you don’t like him,” Matthew assures you as he pulls up to what you can only assume is his parents home. It wasn’t familiar to you in the way Matthew’s St. Louis home was becoming from all of the play-by-play videos he’s sent during his off time, describing the day he’s had while grabbing his mail, or going for a walk around the neighborhood while telling you about the latest update on Brady’s incoming baby or what he was going to have for dinner.
“I don’t like how he treats you,” you remind him, voice quiet.
It was no secret to Matthew how you felt about his father. You couldn’t even begin to count how many times you’d heard Keith put him down through solo interviews or in passing comments from Matthew or even Tayrn, when she’d call to tell you about another argument the two of them had that she’d overheard.
Matthew nods, grimacing. “Well, we don’t have to deal with him while we’re here. Come on, let’s head in before my mom wonders why we’re sitting out here instead.”
The rest of the day was uneventful. You and Taryn hang out in the backyard with White Claws while she tells you horror stories from her last semester at college and Matthew flits in and out, helping his mom with dinner while also trying to get the juicy gossip. It was comfortable, even if the St. Louis air was sticky with humidity and dinner went by quickly and soon enough, you were back in Matthew’s car heading to his place.
“Well this is nice. Not as nice as the one in Florida but- nice,” you whistle, taking in the coziness of Matthew’s home. There was an overstuffed couch in the center of the living room, a coffee table littered with sports magazines, and further back you could see the kitchen with deep brown cabinets and hardwood floors to match. “Very cozy.”
“Yeah, my mom took care of most of it during the season. I just sent a bunch of pictures of things for her to copy,” Matthew shrugs, nodding up the stairs. “Uh, guest rooms are up there. You tired?”
“Really fucking tired.”
“Come on then, up we go.”
Matthew led the way up the stairs, carrying your suitcase. The temptation to smack his ass was a hard one to quell but you just barely managed when you hit the landing. 
“So,” he points to the left. “That room I use as an office but it’s got an en suite. Bed’s kinda small though.” Pointing to the right, he glances at you before speaking. “That one’s closest to my room. Bigger bed. No bathroom though.”
“Well obviously I’m taking the bigger bed.” You nudge his arm with yours, taking the suitcase and heading towards the room. “So, plans for tomorrow: Taryn said something about getting lunch? I don’t know if you’re invited. Also you’ve gotta take me to that bakery here you’ve been talking about for months so I can judge the almond croissant you’ve deemed better than the ones from True Loaf. Which are the best. Obviously.”
As you dig through your suitcase in search of pajamas, you glance up to see Matthew leaning against the doorway with a weird smile on his face as he looks at you. “You good?”
“Yeah, just-,” he pauses, crossing his arms over his chest. “Glad to have you here. It’s been a while.”
“Happy to be here. Boyfriend.” You shoot him a wide grin, hoping it covers up the clear nervousness you’re feeling now that you’re settling in. Sleeping in his house.
Matthew snorts, shaking his head. “See you in the morning.”
The rest of your time in St. Louis was kind of great, all things considered. Matthew was an attentive host and Taryn and Chantal were eager to fill your time- from gossiping about the league, to things you needed to check out the next time you were in town. And Chantal had made you promise that you would- come back, that is, on your last night in St. Louis with the four of you crowded around the table in the backyard of Matthew’s house, sharing a bottle of wine and embarrassing stories.
You’d had to double, and triple check, with Matthew to make sure his mom or sister didn’t think the two of you were actually dating, especially when promises were being made to come back.
He’d just shrugged and said, “They just like you. I like you. Jeez, do people not tell you they like you?”
You were kind of bummed to be leaving as you packed your bag the morning of the flight up to Toronto, Matthew’s obnoxious singing ringing loudly throughout the house. After combing through the room a third time, you deemed it free and clear of your belongings and headed down the stairs, rolling your suitcase next to Matthew’s and chuckled at the sight before you as you turned towards the kitchen.
Singing horribly out of tune with Dancing Queen blasting on his phone’s speaker, was Matthew dancing like an idiot around the island in the center of his kitchen, eyes closed and belting the lyrics.
The live concert comes to an end, Matthew scrambling to pause the music. “Sorry,” he replies, ears tinged red in embarrassment. 
“Hey no complaints from me, but Taryn’s gonna be here in a minute,” you remind him, the fond smile on your face giving away far too much.
Matthew pockets his phone, nodding. He holds your gaze for a second before asking, “Come here?”
As soon as you’re a couple of steps away, Matthew pulls you into his chest and you go with a surprised oof.
“Thank you. For doing this.”
You turn your head into his chest, ear pressed against where his heart was and find comfort in the timed beating while you nod. “You’re welcome,” you mumble, turning your chin up and glancing at him.
Your gazes lock, his blue eyes searching yours. For what, you’re unsure but he seems to find the answers he’s looking for a short minute later, because he gives you another squeeze and steps back, letting out a breath. 
“I’ll grab the bags if you can shut the lights off?”
You’re already on it as Matthew walks away, flipping the switch in the kitchen and checking the backdoor to make sure it’s locked. The living room lights are next, and you meet him at the front door, catching Taryn’s car parked on the curb waiting. 
The drive to the airport is short, the early morning hours more forgiving with traffic and after giving Taryn a quick hug and a promise to text her when you both landed, you stepped away to give her and Matthew some privacy while dropping your bags at the kiosk outside. 
“Ready?” He asks, as you both wave goodbye to Taryn as she pulls away from the curb. 
“Let’s do this.”
The flight is smooth for how short it is, 2 hours passing by quickly. Arriving in Toronto is a nightmare, as usual, and Matthew spends over 30 minutes at the rental car desk trying to figure out where your reservation went. Eventually it gets sorted out and you’re on the road, tucked into the passenger seat of a sports car that you didn’t ask for. 
“If I fall asleep, don’t get mad at me please,” you yawn, pulling your feet up under you to get comfortable and leaning on the center console.
“Want me to turn the radio down?” Matthew doesn’t wait for your answer, his hand going for the volume knob but you stop him, your fingers wrapping around his wrist.
“No, it’s good. I know it helps keep you awake.” Pulling your hand away from his slowly you tuck it underneath your head and nudge your forehead against his arm. “Thank you for driving, by the way.”
“Happy to, honestly. Driving helps me clear my head,” he tells you, glancing down and shooting you a grin.
You’re tempted to ask what’s going on with him- he’s been acting a little out of character since this morning but sense that he’s not ready to talk about it, so you just hum in acknowledgement and turn into your arms, willing for sleep to find you.
Thankfully you manage to fall asleep on the ride up, a small 2 hour nap doing the trick because you wake up feeling rested.
The cottages were set on the lake in Muskoka where everyone would be staying for the wedding and you and Matthew were set to share one with your parents with Connor and Lauren next door in the one they own and spend his off season in. 
Your mom and dad are sat on the front porch in a set of rocking chairs as Matthew pulls up and  you’re quick to jump out of the car once it stops, calling out to them as they wave to you in greeting while he grabs the bags out of the trunk, “Long time, no see!”
Once hellos and introductions are done, with your dad and Matthew bonding what feels like instantly and your mom hugs you so hard you almost can’t breathe, the four of you make the small trek over to Connor and Lauren’s for dinner after dropping your bags off.
Dinner is comfortable, Matthew sat on your right with his arm draped across the back of your chair the whole time. Connor doesn’t give you two any weird looks and you count it as a win as you settle down for the night, avoiding talking about the fact that there’s only one bed in the room while you both brush your teeth. 
“I forget how involved these things are,” Matthew says, leaning against the counter watching while you finish washing your face.
“Weddings? Yeah, I mean. I think this is a little different, though,” you laugh, pat drying your face. “Lauren’s dialed everything up to a thousand for it.”
Matthew nods, thinking about it. “I’ve noticed,” he finally answers with, nudging you out of the bathroom. 
“And there was one bed,” you dramatically announce, sweeping your arms around the room and Matthew honest to god giggles which causes you to start giggling, both of you falling into a heap on the bed, trying to catch your breath.
Clearing his throat, Matthew grunts, “We’re adults, we can share a bed. Right?” His head turns towards yours and you swallow, realizing how close the two of you are. 
If you scooted an inch closer, you’d be able to tilt your head up and press your lips to his and- No.
“Right,” you finally manage to mumble out.
The air is stilted while you both turn down the bed, shuffling under the covers once the light is out and you make sure to stay tucked to your side of the bed, legs curled under you and knees almost hanging off the bed.
This was going to be a long weekend.
From morning yoga to late night barbecues, swimming and then rehearsals, you were exhausted. Not to mention keeping up appearances with Matthew: hand holding, arms wrapped around waists, and too many forehead kisses to count were wearing on you. It was starting to feel real and thinking about what was to come when the weekend was over and you’d go your separate ways was overwhelming.
If you were being completely honest with yourself, which was hard enough, was that the last week or so with Matthew had been nothing short of amazing. You didn’t date, really ever. It was hard enough being Connor McDavid’s sister and trying to figure out if someone actually wanted to be with you vs. wanting to know your brother and the perks it comes with but, with Matthew that didn’t exist. You didn’t have to question why he wanted to be around, and while yes, you know each other because of Connor, you were friends in your own right.
The morning of the wedding came quickly, finally managing to get a solid amount of sleep and it was easy to figure out why when you accounted for the fact Matthew’s chest was beneath your cheek when you woke up. So far you’d both managed to keep separate throughout the night, at least as far as you could tell since he was up before you most mornings so this was surprising. 
Matthew shifts beneath you and you peer up as he blinks his eyes open, gaze catching yours. “Sorry,” you mumble, about to roll away when he catches you by the waist to hold you tight to him.
He groans deep in his chest as he stretches out and settles back against the pillows, content with a smile. “Mmm, don’t apologize. This is nice,” he tells you, thumb rubbing against the bare skin of your arm.
You hum in agreement before catching the time on the alarm clock opposite of you and sigh. “It is, but I’ve gotta get up. Bridesmaids duties call and if I’m late, Lauren will murder me and I’ve been having a nice time so I’d like to not ruin that.”
“I have too,” Matthew agrees, “I was nervous at first but it’s been kind of- fun? And having you around hasn’t been too terrible either.”
You pinch him in the side at that and he squawks, shuffling away. “Alright, alright. Damn,” he laughs, jumping out of bed. “I ruined the mood, I get it.”
A knock sounds on the door, your mother’s voice ringing out on the other side. “Sweetie, Lauren just called to make sure you’re awake. We’ve gotta head over soon.”
“I’ll be down in five,” you call back, throwing the covers off and shooting Matthew a glare. 
His hands come up in surrender and you laugh, closing the bathroom door behind you.
You don’t have to do much before leaving, since the ladies are getting ready over at Connor and Lauren’s cottage and the guys are coming here. Washing up and grabbing your bag, you blow a sarcastic kiss to Matthew on your way out and he rolls his eyes and catches it before you leave and your mother just laughs, teasing you for how cute the both of you are. 
The wedding is beautiful, as expected. The guest list is full of people who you’ve known most of your life, who have supported Connor throughout his career, and you’re immensely proud of the person he’s become.
You stand at the altar among Lauren’s best friends and watch your brother get married, near tears, seeing how happy he is. How happy they both are- you’re gaining a sister in her and it’s all kinds of crazy magical, how everything’s come together and that includes having Matthew as your date because he’s been kind of the best. 
Once dinner is done, the cake is cut and the happy couple has come through and been announced and their first dance out of the way, the dance floor opens up and everyone lets loose. The DJ is fun and plays throwback after throwback and Matthew keeps close to you, offering to refill your drink or ask if you need a break when slow songs come on. Eventually you do, toeing off your shoes and hiding them under your chair before slumping into the table. 
“I am pooped,” you whine, blowing your hair out of your face and groaning into your arms. 
“It’s a little early to be tapping out, babe,” Matthew chuckles, finishing off his beer. 
“God, I know. Lauren will kill me if I leave early,” you glance around the dance floor for her and see Celeste behind her, arms wrapped around each other's necks and you smile. “Are you having fun? I’m not keeping you from anything? I know the guys are around here somewhere.”
Matthew’s quick to shake his head, nudging his knee with yours. “Nope, nowhere else I wanna be.” He licks his lips and you track the movement, mesmerized. “And yeah, lots of fun. You’re not too bad of a date.”
You snort, “Thanks. Really appreciate that.”
A few songs later and a discussion of the rest of your summer plans gone, you both join the dance floor again when a slow song hits. Matthew’s hands slide low on your waist and your hands clasp behind his neck, swaying to the beat. The music is soft and you can hear the nighttime noises from the woods behind you, the lapping of the lake against the dock that’s not too far away. It’s calming and Matthew pulls you a little closer, your head just close enough to rest against his chest.
“Have you thought about the favor you want when this is all done?” He wonders, keeping his voice low so only you can hear.
Honestly you’d forgotten all about the deal you’d made- it wasn’t exactly a hardship to play fake girlfriend to Matthew because it wasn’t all that different to how you normally interacted with him. But now that you’re thinking about it, maybe there was something you wanted. More time.
You tell him honestly, “Yeah. Later though,” and tuck your face back into his chest and will for the moment to never end.
It does come to an end. The wedding dies down a couple of hours later, Connor and Lauren waving everyone off and thanking the guests for coming. You and Matthew are both sober enough to make the small trek back to the cottage next door and he holds your hand the entire way back, using the excuse of not wanting to lose you in the dark. It’s tempting to call him on it but you don’t want him to let go either.
Your parents are already settled in bed when you both tiptoe up the stairs and you sigh in relief when you’re finally back in the bedroom, closing the door and immediately chucking your heels across the room.
Settling in for the last night, you turn over and feel brave, scooting closer to Matthew in the dark. 
“I don’t think I wanna fly back to Miami tomorrow,” you whisper, heart hammering. “I’ve still got the next week off and I was going to use it to catch up on some things around my apartment but I just. Don’t want to. You’re going back to St. Louis right?”
Matthew turns on his side to face you and you feel warmth spreading through your chest at the way he’s taking you in- like you’re something special, something to be taken care of. 
“Yeah, I was planning on it,” he tells you. “What are you thinking?”
“That I’m ready to cash in my favor.”
“Alright, hit me. What’ve you got?”
The look Matthew’s giving you is encouraging and you suddenly feel brave and steadily say, “Go somewhere with me.”
Matthew reaches across the short distance and his hand catches yours, twining your fingers together and asks, “Where are we going?”
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Meadema x Child!Reader
Summary: Viv comes to your house and you tell her about sharks
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Viv's been at your house more often now.
It's a little strange.
Viv never used to come to the house by herself.
Always with your aunties and the other Arsenal girls.
Never alone.
But now, she's always at the house by herself. She comes home with Mummy from training and they sometimes have sleepovers in Mummy's Big Bed. Sometimes, she cooks you breakfast in the morning or helps pick you up from nursery.
It's weird.
The only person that's been around this much is Daan but she's gone now. It's not that Viv's taking her place but it's just a little weird to have someone around all the time again.
"Mummy!" You call," Need help, please!"
You're trying to get your favourite crayon set out but it's trapped by all the clutter in your toy box. You tug again but can't quite seem to get it.
"Hey, liefje." It's Viv instead of Mummy and you stop to look at her.
"Where's Mummy?"
"Beth's on a phone call. Can I help?"
You think for a moment before nodding. "My crayons," You say," Can't-Can't get them."
Viv peers into your toy box, seeing the way that your crayon pack is at the very bottom. Beth warned her about this, about the fact that you had a habit of drawing on everything you could (even the walls) so your crayons had been placed at the very bottom, buried under everything so you couldn't get at them as easily.
"Here, liefje," She says, pulling them out. She hands them to you.
"Thank you, Viv," You reply. You dump them onto the coffee table with your colouring books.
You've got more than one so you look back at Viv, who doesn't quite seem to know what to do with herself now that she's left completely alone with you with no Beth to act as a buffer.
You scamper back to her side, sliding your hand against hers. "Colour with me?" You don't wait for an answer, pulling her with you to sit cross-legged at the coffee table.
You shove a colouring book at her before flicking through your other one to decide which one you want to do. It takes a little while to choose, looking between the shark and the jellyfish.
You end up choosing the shark.
"D'you know that sharks have a lot of teeth?" You ask Viv as you colour," They lose 'em a lot so they need to have a lot more to make up for it."
"Wow," Viv says as she colours too, although she's mostly just watching you," You're very smart. Do you know any more shark facts?"
"Uh-huh. Baby sharks are born with all their teeth," You change your grey crayon to silver," Mummy says it's good I wasn't born with teeth because I used to try to bite things."
"Really?" Viv sounds amused.
"Yeah but I don't anymore."
You grab green to colour in some kelp. "Baby sharks are called pups," You continue," And baby sharks don't stay with their mothers. That's sad. I want to stay with Mummy forever."
"You're very smart," Viv says again.
"Sharks are my favourite animals!" You reply before shooting to your feet. You rummage through your toy chest before returning with arms full of stuffed sharks.
You lay them all out on the table, pushing off all your crayons. You sit extremely close to Viv, closer to her than ever before.
"This is a hammerhead," You say, holding one of your toys," 'Cause their head looks like a hammer. And this is tiger shark 'cause it's got tiger stripes. And this is a whale shark. It's like a whale but it's really a shark."
Viv's pretty happy to sit with you and listen to your explanation of sharks. In all honesty, it's pretty impressive how much you know and you're clearly so happy to tell her so she's content to just listen.
Which is how Beth finds you both later, when she's finished her phone call.
You're practically in Viv's lap, excitedly explaining the new shark added to your collection.
"Hey, y/n," Beth says and you immediately stop talking.
You hurry to her side and hug her tight.
"Hey," She says again, a hand running over your head," Did you tell Viv all about your toys?"
"My sharks!" You nod and let Mummy pick you up, balancing you on her hip.
"Your sharks," She laughs, bouncing you slightly," Come on, Viv. Didn't you say that you knew some nice restaurant near here? Let's order dinner."
Slowly but surely, Viv's things begin to appear in the house.
It starts small, some of her clothes and a phone charger. Next it's some of her books and then her trophies and medals. It happens so gradually that you don't even realise it happens until suddenly Viv's taking care of you on her own and never going back to her own house.
"Mummy," You say one evening as you lay on Mummy's chest while Viv does the dishes," Does Viv have a house?"
You bounce a bit from the force of Mummy's laughs. "What kind of question is that?"
You look at her. "Viv's always at our house. Does that mean she's not got a house?"
"Where have you gotten that idea?"
"You said that Daan didn't have a house anymore when she came to live with us."
Mummy sits up and you know this is going to be one of her serious talks.
"Well...Do you remember when I told you about dating?"
"When two people want to be romantic so they hang out and do stuff together."
"Yeah, that's right. Well, after people date for a bit, they move in together."
You think about that for a moment, trying to translate that into something you understand. Sharks don't do that.
"So they can spend more time together."
Sharks don't move in with each other. Sharks don't date. It must be a human thing.
Mummy takes your silence as an invitation to continue. "And Mummy and Viv are dating so she's moving in with us."
You think about that too, finally putting together that Mummy and Daan must have dated as well but don't anymore because Mummy and Viv date now.
"Viv...lives with us?"
"She does," Mummy says," Is that okay?"
"Viv gave me a new shark," You say to Mummy instead," It's a basking shark. It's cool. Viv's cool. She can stay."
Mummy releases a long breath and affectionately rubs your cheek. "I'm glad. I like Viv a lot."
"I'm glad too," Viv says as she approaches," Otherwise I'd have to give this to some other little girl."
You don't know where she's gotten this new shark but you're very happy.
Mummy shrieks though. "Viv! That's disgusting!"
"Goblin shark!" You look between Mummy and Viv. "They're my favourite!"
It's horrifically ugly and you love it so much.
"Thank you, Viv!" You say, giving her a hug as you take it, hurrying over to what Mummy calls your 'shark shrine' to introduce your new friend to all of your old ones.
"It's so ugly, Viv," Beth complains as they both watch you play," It's going to give me nightmares."
Viv chuckles. "Just wait until you google what the real thing looks like."
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rottingworship · 3 months
Beg and Bargain
The Proxies x Fem!Reader | Chapter One
A/N: QUICK NOTE! MY BLOG IS 18+! This is just a silly idea I had, and after reading some fics here and on ao3, I wanted to post it! So, as stated this is a silly idea. While I'm writing this very seriously, it started out silly in my head. I don't know how to explain it. Also, this is my first ever creepypasta AND marble hornets fic. SO, please go easy on me. I used to be the biggest fan of both, but never wrote fics for either as I was like... 15.
Warnings: blood, reader has... a power(?), eventual smut, sorta kidnapping, the operator gets your ass, semi-brief mentions of vomit (nothing too in detail!), reader wishing for death, mentions of murder, not really proofread, me taking my own artistic liberties...
word count: 2.7k
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The woods are ever expanding. You feel like you’ve been running forever. Barefoot and barely breathing. You reach a field and run towards the middle of it. Every inch of you aches and your lungs burn. Your head begins to pound. You freeze when the moonlight hits some tall silhouette standing what feels like miles away.
It’s faceless.
You want to puke. You look behind you, wondering if you could book it back out of the woods. You already saved yourself once, you do not want to need to do it again. You know you can not do it again.
As you turn to look over your shoulder you see one of the men who were chasing you earlier. A hatchet in his hand. You look to both sides of you and see a man in a mask on each side. You drop to your knees, and let out a loud scream. Maybe someone will hear you? You doubt it. Your hands go to your head and a loud whimper escapes you.
“Please,” You cry quietly. You know that thing can hear you though. “I wanna go home.”
“N–No can do.” A voice comes from behind you.
The men are closing in on you.
“You killed our target!” The masked man on your right growls out loudly.
Your eyes widen. “There is no blood on my hands!” You cry, folding into yourself. A sob racks your body.
Your brain starts to feel fuzzy. Your nails dig into your scalp and a scream rips from your throat.
Join me.
What you can only assume is the silhouette across the field is in your head. You shake violently. “No!” You scream aloud, your voice ripping through the cold, night air. You have a feeling you don’t have a choice though. You killed the target. The voice reverberates through your head. “Please!” You hope maybe one of the men will save you. Your eyes are on the dirt in front of you. A static sound is stuck in your mind.
Your hands move from your head and to the dead grass below you. You dig into the dry soil and scream again. “Stop!” You shake your head again, trying to make the noise come to an end. “Make it stop!”
There is no choice to be made. The voice booms. You yelp. You look back at the man with the hatchet and begin to plead. “Kill me…” You whisper to him. “Kill me!” You scream this time. Hoping and praying he complies. His hand twitches, and for a moment, you are sure he is listening. He stops though. He stiffens and straightens up.
“It won’t work on us.” The man on your left sounds so matter of fact. “The Operator makes sure of it.”
The Operator… That must be the thing across the field. Your eyes shoot up to him and you think about bargaining. “I won’t tell anyone about this!” You grovel. “I’ll go home and go to bed, and then wake up tomorrow like nothing happened!”
You are useful.
His only response. The sick feeling is getting worse. “Okay!” You shout at him. “Please, I’ll do it! Just… Stop! Make it stop!” You muster up all the power you can in that last sentence. Another scream rips from your throat, one sending chills down the spines of the men around you.
Most excellent.
The static grows louder momentarily, and your hands move back to your head. Your spine snaps back, your back arching and one last scream pulling from your lungs. Once the static stops, you lurch forward, vomit, and fall to your side. Your head is still pounding, and you shut your eyes. You are out almost immediately.
You wake up to rummaging around you. You do not open your eyes immediately. Your head is spinning, and you are sure any source of light will cause you pain. So, you lie there. As you begin to fully wake up, you remember everything that happened. You are most likely not in your own home.
Your eyes squint open and the movement around you gets closer. Eyes are staring back at you. His mouth is covered. You gasp and move back, a sick feeling settling in your stomach again. You are going to puke. You sit up fast, making the nausea worse. You look around the room and spot a trash can in what seems to be the kitchen. You stand up, cover your mouth, and sprint towards it. As soon as you reach it, you drop to your knees and begin to dry heave. There is nothing on your stomach.
Your eyes shut tightly and you whine. You rest your head on the side of the trash can.
“Co–come on!” A voice comes from behind you. “I’m n–not ugly!” He's frustrated.
You peek over your shoulder and realize the man is standing right behind you. “Don't look at me!” You hiss. Swatting him away to no avail, you lean back over the trash can let out another, softer whine.
“Dude!” Another man walks into the room. “Were you waiting for her to wake up, Toby?”
“Sh-shut up, Brian!”
You stand up from the trash can when you realize you aren't going to be sick, and you turn around. The look on who you only assume is Brian’s face is shocked none the less. He quickly gives you a soft smile, acting as if he did not just make a horrified expression at you. You pout at him. Your hand goes not your stomach, and you want to cry.
Then you catch it. A glimpse of your hand. It is dirty and blood is caked under your nails. Your blood. You settle in the fact you are just going to feel sick from now on. While looking down at your hands, you notice your feet are bandaged. You hear chattering in front of you but you're too focused on yourself to realize what's being said.
“Who fixed up my feet?”
“Tim.” Toby and Brian say in unison.
“I wasn't about to to–touch feet. And yours were b–bloody!” Toby announces it so matter of fact.
Tim seems to have made his way into the room, or you hope he's Tim and there are no other men hanging around. “You make it sound like you don't deal with blood regularly.”
Toby scowls. “It–it’s different!”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Whatever.” He looks at you. Saying your name. Your stomach flips. You never had said your name. “Looks like you're part of the team now–”
“The team!?” Your voice is hoarse from screaming the night before. Your mind is boggled. “I was just fucking chased down… by you three I think–” you try to shout, “–had some... thing speak into my mind, and now– Now I'm part of some fucking team?” You want to explode.
“Well, yuh–yeah.” Toby says it so matter of fact. Your fists ball. They all notice. “You accepted this.”
You can easily fly off the handle. Maybe it is best you do… You rush Toby, ready to throttle him. You do not even get to touch him. You are intercepted immediately, and your arms are restrained. You struggle against strong arms as they wrap around your biceps and torso, keeping you from reaching Toby. Your legs kick out and you are quickly maneuvered backwards. Your back hits the wall and you let out a frustrated cry. Your wrists are held at your sides and Brian is almost on top of you.
“We do not want to hurt you.”
“You tried to kill me last night.” You hiss at him, your voice low and venomous. His grip on you tightens and you try to move your wrists. You struggle fruitlessly. “Let me go.”
You watch Brian's eye glaze over momentarily. His grip loosens and suddenly your head gets tingly. Before you get out of his grasp he tightens back up “Stop.” His voice… Your legs buckle, eyes widening for just a second.
You let out a steady breath. Your eyes lock with his, he doesn't look away. Thank God for unknowing men. Your eyes darken, pupils blown wide. “Let. Me. Go.” His hands fall to his sides and his eyes glaze over again. Suddenly, you don't feel so well. You fall back against the wall with a groan, and you grab your head.
“Your nose–” Tim says as you realize it's bleeding. “What the fuck?”
You slide down the wall and cover your nose. Blood is steadily dripping. What the fuck is right. You look up at the three men in fear.
“Hey! Do not look at us th–that way!”
“What way?” You snap back.
“Like you didn't just mind control Brian!” Tim looks concerned to say the least.
You look up at Brian with fear filled eyes. Maybe he will kill you for that outburst. After a moment of pure silence, you stand up to rush to the bathroom. They let you go. You eventually find the bathroom and shut the door tight, locking it. When you look in the mirror you want to scream. You understand why Brian seemed startled when he saw you.
Your face is dirt covered and tear stained. Blood, that is most definitely not yours, is splattered against your clothes. Which leads you to remembering what happened before you were being hunted in the middle of the woods. You outwardly cringe, a chill running down your spine at the memories. You decide to rinse your face with water and as you stand there, you realize how sore you are. You have time to process how much pain you are in. You want to cry again.
You finish rinsing your face and walk from the bathroom. You make your way back to the living area and the three men stop talking. Their voices were hushed anyway, but you pinpoint the exact moment they shut up. You are ready to go ballistic. You hold it together.
“You–You’re really pretty without all th–that dirt on y–your face.”
“Toby.” Your tone is a warning. You shut your eyes and inhale sharply. You hear someone hit Toby and then he groans. He apologizes. “I have questions for you guys.”
“We have questions for you.” Brian shifts.
“Okay,” You don’t want to answer their questions at all, “how about: I ask a question, you answer, then you ask a question, and I answer. That way all questions are answered.” The three look at each other and then nod. “Okay, first question, what the fuck happened last night?”
“You killed our target.” Tim shrugs, as if it’s obvious.
“What does that mean?” You want to scream.
“Not your turn,” Brian shushes you. “How did you do that to me?”
“Your ‘operator’ didn’t tell you?” You scoff at them. When they all seem unamused, you sigh. “I don’t know, I just… I can control people. Always have been able to, since I can remember. I mean,” You pause, eyes looking off, gathering your thoughts, “Not all people. Like, babies and animals I cannot control. Their brains are different. But! Most people are controllable.”
“Is th–that what happened last night?”
You scowl at Toby. “Not your turn,” You mimic Brian’s earlier tone. “Where’s my phone?”
Toby pulls it from his pocket and shakes at you. Like it’s some enrichment for you. You narrow your eyes. “My tuh–turn.” You can tell he’s smirking; he sounds smug. “H–How did you kill our target?”
You really do not want to answer that. Your stomach begins to growl. The sick feeling has subsided for now, and you haven’t eaten in… a while. You are starving. You place your hands on your stomach and sigh. “Is there anything to eat?” They all look at you with confusion. “I’m not avoiding the question, but if I don’t get to eat… I will be avoiding the question.” You smile at the three of them. Brian groans. He motions for you to follow him, and you do so, willingly. No questions asked.
They all make note of that.
“Here is the kitchen. Feel free to look around.” Brian sighs. You nod. “Now, answer the question.”
You open the cabinet and find some cereal. “Okay,” as you pour a bowl you answer the previous question. “What happened last night–” you grab the milk out. As you pour it into the bowl, the scent hits you. It is spoiled. You gag.
“You gotta stop doing that–” Tim scrunches his face up. “The gagging–”
“Who the hell let this spoil!?” You look at the date and reel back. “Well, I’m no longer hungry.” You get rid of cereal and notice the men are on the edge of their seats. Waiting for your answer. “Anyway,” You nervously rub your hands on the outside of your thighs. You do not want to recount the night. “I just, I’m on vacation, last night was the beginning of it–”
“Where are y–you from?”
“Not your turn, but I’ll be nice–” You shoot a look at Toby. “Here. I’m on vacation from work. Not everyone has the luxury to leave and go somewhere amazing. But I am– I was going to make the most of it!” You are growing anxious. “My ex–” You close your eyes.
“He’s the one you killed?”
You immediately snap. “I haven’t killed a single goddamn person! As I’ve said before, there is no blood on my hands.” You growl out. They sense you’re on edge. “He came to town; he moved away a while back. Moved onto greener pastures, or whatever–” You roll your eyes, “–but he wanted to pay me a visit…” Your stomach is turning. You shut your eyes gathering your thoughts and grip the hem of your sweater. “He decided to, uh–” You cut to the chase. “He had a gun. He did not come to just visit me. And apparently,” You let out a nervous laugh, “pastures are not always greener when you move away.”
Toby, Tim, and Brian are all listening. Very well.
“My turn!” You try to shift your mood. “Can I have my phone back?” You place your hand out at Toby and bat your eyelashes at him. “Please.” You are staring at him through your lashes.
Toby laughs at you. “S-sexy, but no.”
Your face drops. You ignore the ‘sexy’ part. “Did you forget I can mind control people?”
“Did you forget your nose just exploded with blood?” Brian scoffs. “You are not mind controlling any of us without consequences.”
He’s right. You sigh. “Scratch that last question, when can I get my phone back?”
“When we can trust you.” Tim is blunt.
Your eyes darken. “Fine.” You cross your arms. “Whatever, I don’t need that anyway. But–” You pause. “I will need, like, I don’t know– My fucking essentials?” You want to shout again. “Like face wash, deodorant,” You pause, humming, “tampons. Oh yeah, and clothes.” Because they really have you fucked up if they think you aren’t getting those things.
The three look at each other and then back at you. Tim is the first to speak up. “I’ll take you to get some stuff.” They are not about to let you leave alone. “You said you live in this town, right?”
“Well,” You look around you and out of a window, “I couldn’t tell you where I was right now, so I don’t know.”
Toby huffs. “We’re in m–my cabin.”
Oh, how dare I not know that, you think to yourself. “That gives me nothing to go off of. But, if we’re still in the same town, yes, I'm from here.” You deadpan. “If you get me out of these woods, I’m sure I could show you where my apartment is.”
“Hold on,” Brian speaks up. “Tim, Toby, come here.” He motions for them to follow them out, and they all motion for you to stay put. Once again, you listen. And once again, they all note how obedient you are.
You hear them mumbling. You can’t make out what Brian is saying, but he’s the most concerned it would seem. You wait patiently for them to get back to you. You look around the kitchen and examine everything. The place doesn’t look too lived in. The table is… not very used but definitely looks older. The sink only has your dirty dish in it, nothing else. This may be Toby’s place, but he or his friends definitely are not here often.
“Come on,” Tim walks back over to you, “we’re gonna go to your place.”
Thank God, you sigh. You want to shower more than anything. Getting away from whatever the fuck is going on is a close second though.
“Wait a minute,” You look down at your bandaged feet. “I don’t have shoes.”
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sukunasbow · 1 year
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childhood friends, daryl dixon.
summary: in which you reunite with your childhood friend, only for him to underestimate your value in the current state of the world.
warnings: fem!reader, surgeon!reader, typical twd violence, and not proof read atm.
notes: request from anon! i put a small twist on this request so i hope you enjoy! also i really need to start proof reading my work right away cause i feel like there might be tons of little embarrassing mistakes i haven’t noticed so let me know if that’s a common thing on all my ‘not yet proof read’ fics because if so i’m going to go back and fix them, ty bbies!
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One thing Daryl Dixon still remembers about his life before the dead started walking, is his childhood best friend. The girl that he always went to when he was upset, the girl that always knew how to cheer him up, and that same girl that eventually moved away before the two of them started high school, leaving him heartbroken as her and her family drove off to go live in a small community far away from him, not looking back.
Whenever the memories of that girl cloud his mind, he feels pathetic, quickly reminding himself that she’s probably a walker now, having absolutely no memory of him or her own childhood.
However, the one possibility that sounded insane to him, happens to be the reality. That girl is you, who’s younger self hated her parents for ripping her away from everything and everyone she’s known since birth to move to Alexandria, but now is extremely grateful for them, as she has a safe place to stay in during the world going to shit.
“(Y/N).” A loud voice calls you from outside your house, causing you to walk downstairs and open the door. “Deanna, what’s up? It’s like three in the morning.” You sigh, leaning on the door frame, wearing fluffy slippers and a pair of shorts with a tank top. “We have a group that just arrived, some of them need medical attention and check ups.” The older lady explains, bring your attention to the group of people standing in the middle of the road with Aaron. “Alright, one second.” You nod, grabbing your jacket off of the coat rack and quickly putting it on, then following Deanna towards the group.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is (Y/N) (L/N), she’s our nurse and she’s going to do routine check ups on everyone.” The leader of your community explains to the new residents, causing everyone to turn to face you. “Um, I’m gonna check the children first.” You say, a warm smile on your face, hoping to relieve the tension between everyone. “(Y/N)?” Someone says, causing your eyes to follow their voice, being greeted by the sight of someone you recognize. “Daryl?” You gasp. His eyes are wide as you run up to him and hug him, “Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in forever! I didn’t even know if you were…” You don’t finish your sentence, assuming he knows what you were going to say. “Yeah, same.” He breathes out, warming up to the hug and wrapping his arms around you. “You know her?” Another man cuts in, causing you to pull away from Daryl. “She was my friend way back, before high school.” He explains to the other man, “Sorry, who are you?” You ask. “Rick, Rick Grimes.” The man, who you now know as Rick, hesitantly replies. “Oh, nice to meet you. These are your children, yes?” You glance at the young girl he’s holding and the older boy that’s next to him. “Yes.” He nods. “Okay, Do you mind if I take them to the infirmary and check for bites or injuries? It’s a typical procedure here.” You explain. He doesn’t respond. “You can of course come with us.” You add, hoping it convinced him, “Yeah, sure.” He agrees this time. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” You softly smile at Daryl before turning around, “Come with me, please.” You instruct Rick and his family. “(Y/N), let me know if there’s any issues.” Deanna stops you before you start walking, a concerned look in her eyes. You raise an eyebrow, slightly confused at her worried state, “Of course.” You continue walking.
“Okay, Daryl, your turn.” You walk out of the infirmary room, gesturing to the man that’s sitting on the porch of the building, waiting for the other member’s of his group do get done with their checkups. “Mk.” He gets up, following you back into the room, closing the door behind him. “So, just sit here.” You tap on the chair in the middle of the room, “I’m basically just asking you questions about how you feel and checking your temperature, things like that.” You say your usually ‘speech’, something you usually do in hopes of comforting new group members. “Alright.” He sits down, watching as you shuffle around the room, grabbing a pen and clipboard off of one of the counters. “First question, do you have any bites or scratches?” You ask him. “That’s a stupid question. That’s why these people got you askin’?” He scoffs. You bluntly stare at him, “It’s procedure.” The man shakes his head, “Naw.” You check the ‘no’ box on the paperwork. “Okay, common symptoms of being turned include a fever, so I’m going to check your temperature now.” You plsce your clipboard to the side, getting off of the small stool and walking towards a cabinet filled with medical equipment. “Ya even a real nurse?” Daryl asks. “I went to university, then graduated, then became a top surgeon, so yeah, I have most of the skills to help people.” You roll your eyes, turning around and sitting back down on the stool in front of him. “Ahh, big shot.” He hums as you check his temperature. “No fever, you’re hopefully, not infected.” You sarcastically smile. “Now, you and your friend Rick are coming on a supply run with me tomorrow morning, so go get some sleep.” You stand up and gesture for him to leave the infirmary. “Your coming on a supply run? I don’t think you should, it’s dangerous.” He gives you a weird look. “I think I can handle it.” You laugh his comment off. “Based off the rest of these people, y’all don’t stand a chance if these walks come down, not without my group.” He adds. “I can handle myself. Some of the other residents might not have as much skill as your group, but I assure you, I got just as much experience as you. I’ll be a great addition to the supply runs. Anyways, I usually do them, at least before you guys got here.” You glare at him, roughly closing the medical cabinet. He doesn’t say anything, worry and doubt in his mind as he leaves the room, shutting the door and leaving you alone to clean up.
“Morning.” You walk up to the two men that are standing just outside of the gate, talking to each other in low whispers.“Good morning.” Rick turns around when he hears your voice. You nod, not bothering to make any more conversation, considering your last conversation involved Daryl undermining your capability of navigating the state of the world outside of Alexandria. “Close the gates.” You yell back to the lady on watch, you think her name’s Rosita. “Got it.” She starts closing the gate as the three of you walk away from the safe haven, heading towards a nearby town.
“We need more baby food, for, uh, Judith.” You mumble, reading the list on the small crumpled paper you’re holding. “Daryl.” Rick’s panicked voice sends shivers down you spine, causing you to look up with a concerned look on your face, greeted by the sight of a small group of walkers inching closer to you and the two men. “Shit.” You huff. The three of you quickly get your knives ready, moving away from each other and towards the walkers. While Rick and Daryl deal with the rest of the dead, you deal with about five of your own. Plunging your knife into each of their skulls, you quickly kill all of them, leaving blood splatters all over your clothes. “Am I capable of going on supply runs, now?” You turn to face Daryl, opening your mouth to continue, but quickly running towards him when you notice a walker push him over and fall on top of his body. “Rick!” You call the other man’s name, who just finished dealing with another walker, to get his attention. He turns around and is quick to follow you towards the other man. However, you get there before him, standing over the Walker and jamming your knife into the back of it’s head. Letting out a tired sigh, you wipe some more blood off of your forehead, then shoving the body of the walker off of Daryl. “Thanks.” He manages to breathe out. “Mhm.” You nod. You know it’s stubborn to still be pissed about what he said to you when he almost got eaten alive, but considering you saved his life despite his lack of faith in your survival skills, it felt too ironic.
Walking up and down the aisles of the small and abandoned grocery store, Daryl follows you around like a small puppy. “Why are you following me around? Go follow Rick.” You shake your head, tossing another box of old pasta into your bag. “Rick’s in the other store, I wanted to shop in this store.” Daryl scratches the back of his neck, attempting to create an excuse to walk with you, or really, follow behind you. “Sure.” You roll your eyes. “Hold this.” You abruptly stop and pass your bag to Daryl, the man taking it from you and watching as you stand up on your toes to reach a different box of pasta that’s on the highest shelf. “Here.” You drop the pasta box down, Daryl managing to catch it with your bag. Standing back down, you take the bag back from him, before moving to walk down the next aisle. “I’m sorry, alright? I know you’re capable of handling yourself, I just hadn’t seen you in so long and all those other residents have barely even seen the outside world since moving to that place.” He huffs, grabbing your arm before you can continue to sulk around the store. “I haven’t seen you in, I don’t even know how long at this point, and one of the first real conversations we had, involved you making a snap judgement and regarding me as useless aside from being a nurse.” You look at him, your tone harsh. “I’m sorry, how many times I gotta say it?” Daryl scoffs. “I want you to admit that you were wrong.” You cross your arms, holding them up your chest, your mouth pressed into a firm line. “Fine.” He pauses, “I was wrong, you’re not useless, I never even meant to say that.” He continues. His voice is low like usual, but his facial expression tells a different story, a soft look in his eyes with a small but genuine smile forming. “You’re forgiven.” You hold yourself back from smiling, “I guess.” You shrug. “You’re more stubborn than me, huh?” He laughs. “Always been that way, remember when I didn’t talk to you for a full day because you took my ice cream?” You playfully bump his arm with your arm, “Oh, I remember.” He says.
Daryl never thought he’d see you again, but now that he’s standing right in front of you, the two of you laughing and making jokes, he can start to feel those certain butterflies he felt in his stomach from when he was younger. The butterflies that only showed up whenever he was near you.
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Can I request headcanons for Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn s/o admitting that they have suicidal thoughts?
A/N: Oh, nonnie! *Hugs* This ask was perfect timing because I was struggling with suicidal ideation last week- big time. Me and the kitchen floor were very well acquainted last week. So trust me, I know it’s not easy, but please try and hang in there. These feelings and thoughts, as awful and all-consuming as they are, are still temporary. They will pass. Everything passes eventually. It can’t stay the same forever. So if it’s bad now, just know it won’t always be this way. And in the meantime, I hope these headcanons bring you some comfort. 
TW: Suicidal Thoughts, Mentions of Suicide, Suicidal Ideation 
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The BG3 Tiefling Boys Reacting to Their S/O Admiting They Have Suicidal Thoughts 
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Dammon’s taken aback when you tell him. The two of you being a couple has made him so happy, and he’s told you as much. In his enthusiasm, Dammon simply assumed you always felt the same level of elation he did. The fact that you have these sorts of thoughts is all news to him. 
He’s immediately concerned for your safety, worried that any second the thoughts may become too much to bear, and you’ll feel no other choice than to act on them. He contemplates speaking to someone older, someone wiser for advice on what he should do to be a supportive partner. He just wants to get this right. He doesn’t want to add any stress or difficulty to what you’re already going through with any of his reactions or fears. 
Dammon starts checking up on you more often, at random times throughout the day. He’ll take a break from his forging and pop his head inside to find you, wherever you are. Some days he sits with you and talks about the current projects he’s making. Other days the two of you sit in silence, sipping cool glasses of water. Dammon wants to ensure you don’t ever feel as if you’re going through this alone. He wants to show you that he’ll always be nearby, should you need him. 
Dammon will also make you random presents whenever he has a little extra time. It’s not much- a pendant here, or a broach there, a bunch of little things to remind you of him when he can’t be there. 
Dammon suggests you try writing your feelings out in a diary of sorts. And he promises not to peek- it's for your benefit only. His sketchbook helps him so much in trying to overcome a design flaw or difficulty. He thinks, perhaps, if you had more space to expand your feelings and thoughts onto paper, they wouldn't feel as oppressive in your mind.
You find his tail always wrapping around your ankle, or even your waist, when you're at his side. It’s like his tail is telling you what echoes in the subconscious of his mind: Dammon can’t lose you. He’s been through so much already. You have brought so much light and joy into his life. He couldn’t bear to let you go. 
He begs you, to please come to him if you should ever get to a point where you don’t know what else to do. He doesn’t want to lose you. You mean so much to him. Please, let him in. The two of you can weather this together. 
Essentially, Dammon becomes all the more attentive and upfront/vocal about his affection for you. He hopes to shower you in so much love, that the little voice in your head has no chance to bring you down. 
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Rolan is sickened, and just a teensy bit angry. Not at you, but at himself. Hearing you confess to having such thoughts makes him all the more concerned about you. But of course, being the stubborn tiefling he is, Rolan doesn’t know how to say it without sounding like a dick. 
Rolan first considers looking into a spell or enchantment that can do away with such feelings, before you explain to him that, even if that were possible, in the long run, that’s not how these things work. These kinds of things can’t be fixed by magic. And even if there was a spell that might work, it’s not the kind of thing magic should be used to interfere with. This makes Rolan more irritable about the whole thing because he’s spent so long studying, building up his skills to be a wizard. But he hasn’t spent the time working on his emotional intelligence or intimacy prowess. And now, he fears that lack of proficiency may cost him you. 
But he tries! Oh boy, does he try! He’s constantly sending either Lia or Cal to check up on you when he’s too busy to come see you himself. It becomes a bit of an inside joke between the three of you, how large that one vein in Rolan’s forehead becomes whenever Cal or Lia report back to him about you. 
Once Rolan comes to understand you didn’t tell him so he’d be responsible for keeping you under watch, but because you just wanted him to ‘get it’, he becomes much less overbearing in his instructions. Instead of ordering you to go outside for some sun, he’ll offer to take a stroll with you around Sorcerous Sundries. Rather than forcing you to eat every couple of hours, Rolan will show up in your room some night with a select baked goods he picked up from a street vendor for you to share over tea before falling asleep. 
He has difficulty talking about it most days, but he does hold your hands and tell you once, very passionately, that he cares for you, deeply, and he hates to think you were hurting all this time in silence. He asks you to please, please keep sharing your feelings with him. He knows his reactions aren’t always the most encouraging, but he swears that no matter his initial reaction, he will always be on your side. 
Deep down he does want to take care of you, he feels responsible for your well-being. It’s rather similar to how he feels responsible for providing for Lia and Cal. But with you, it’s all the more profound. There’s no point in him studying to become the greatest wizard in Baldur’s Gate if you’re not at his side. Without you, very little would seem worth it.  
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Zevlor is alarmed, and immediately all the more worried about your well-being. Zevlor was already anxious before about the two of you being together, thinking of himself as undeserving. He felt he was too old, too damaged, and too changed to be a man worthy of your affections. Becoming an official couple quieted most of those doubts but hearing you confess that you harbor such thoughts brings all his insecurities back to the forefront. 
Is it something he’s done? Is it something he didn’t do? Is it his fault? He’s already apologizing profusely before you can even get a word in edgewise. You are so incredible, he thinks you’re so brilliant. The fault must lie with him. 
Once you explain how it’s not anybody’s fault, neither his nor yours, Zevlor seems to settle a little. He still worries a great deal about you, probably the most out of all the tieflings, because he knows the exact desperation you’re feeling. He’s felt it before. He’s felt it a few times throughout his life actually. 
As a Hellrider, Zevlor saw a great deal of conflict. And when Elturel fell into Avernus, he was forced to endure even more. There’s so much pain and suffering in the world that when you’re stuck in the middle of it, it often seems like there’s no way out. 
Because Zevlor has felt such lows before, he also knows there isn’t always much you can do to stop it right away. Yes, you can meditate or talk your feelings out or perhaps write them down in a journal or log, but there’s no quick fix. It’s a heavy burden you must carry, even as you look out into the coming horizon. 
The one thing Zevlor knows he can do is help you carry the load. Zelvor reminds you that you are not alone in this fight. Granted, he may no longer be the paladin he once was, but that will not stop him from aiding you the best he can. He’ll pay you extra attention, and spend more quality time with you. He’ll sit with you and rub your back as you cry. And on the days it's all just too much to take, Zevlor will stay in bed with you, his tail curled around your leg, his claws scratching gently through your hair as you lay there hiding away from the world. 
If your feelings ever get worse, Zevlor might consider recommending you speak to someone who perhaps can help, more than he can help you alone. A cleric or a monk, a druid… Anyone. Zevlor knows from his fellow veterans- there are more people out there living with the exact same feelings as you. Perhaps being able to attend a group setting to talk, as he does on occasion with his former Hellriders from Elturel, would help strengthen you on your continued journey.  
Zevlor approaches the situation with much more wisdom and understanding. He works to comfort you the best he can, but he also possesses enough humility to let you grieve as needed. 
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 12
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for this.
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Angst (!!!), murder, blood, guns, violence, death.
(I PROMISE EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY! You've just gotta trust me.)
Word Count: 2,724
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
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He can’t take the silence any longer. You should have been home hours ago.
All his texts go unanswered and his calls go straight to voicemail. You’ve had late nights at the HYDRA base, but never this late – never an early morning kind of late.
He knows you’re capable. Knows that you’re one of the strongest people, the best agent, the best everything, but something doesn’t feel right. He can’t feel you. He knows that’s stupid – that he isn’t psychic or empathic or whatever he’d need to be to feel someone’s presence when they’re not in the room with him, but he’s always felt you. 
He can feel you down in his bones, his body unable to forget your voice, your laugh, your smell, your body beside, on, under his own. There’s no one in this universe that he knows better, that knows him better, than anyone else. 
Used to know. Until he fucked it up. Until he fucked everything up and drove you away. Drove you so far away that you weren’t even on the same continent for months, that you never picked up the phone and called him, that you didn’t send any silly texts at 2 am like you used to. He was too embarrassed and ashamed of his reaction to contact you first. He thought it’d be too impersonal to apologize over the phone and admit how scared he was when you confessed to loving him and how sorry he is for what he did afterwards.
That’s why he sent Steve and Sam to bring you home: so that he could see you again and explain himself to you and hopefully confess that, yes of course he loves you too. He was so nervous as he watched the quinjet approach, worried that you wouldn’t like his outfit, or the stubble on his jaw, or his new haircut that he got for you because he remembered how often you’d run your fingers through it and comment on how hot you thought shorter hair would look on him.
But then he cornered you in that hallway. Felt his heart break as you told him that you got over him, that you didn’t love him anymore and never did in any meaningful way. You assured him that you could be friends again if that’s what he wanted.
Of course that’s what he wanted. Of course he wanted to be friends. But he also wanted everything else – what you had before that night at the movies and what you could have had after. He wanted the date nights, and forehead kisses, and hand holding. He wanted the quick fucks, and makeout sessions, and love-making. He wanted all of it with you.
He still does. 
But you don’t.
He will forever regret the words he said to you that drove you away and dissolved the love that you felt for him. He will never forgive himself for taking away your future together. And after that disastrous conversation with you about Petre, he feels like he’s gone right back to square one. He doesn’t know what to do with his emotions and can’t express himself properly to save his life.
He knows what you said, knows the meaning behind the individual words you spoke to him last night: that you and Petre are not together in any way. But Bucky knows that isn’t what Petre wants – knows that Petre wants you in a way that Bucky used to have you, that Bucky could have had you, and more. Because Bucky sees the way that Petre looks at you, the way his eyes follow you around the room as you say hello and chat with his family when they’re around.
Knows that Petre has already asked his mother if she knew of anything else about you before he moved forward with a proposal, if there was somewhere specific he should do it, what else to bring besides his grandmother’s ring. Petre had been across the room with Tessa during this conversation, but Bucky’s serum-enhanced hearing picked it up and he knew that Petre was head-over-heels for you because how could he not be?
He’ll also never forgive himself if something happened to you at HYDRA. Your argument from last night has been lingering between the two of you, and he doesn’t know what to do to fix it – it’s just the actual process and action of initiating that conversation and exposing his squishy insides to you that causes his brain to shut down and his mouth to spew out stupid shit. He knows that you would never turn him away for being vulnerable, but just the way he’s acted when feelings have come up… it leaves a sour taste in his mouth and he’s sure it’s left one in yours as well. 
But you were supposed to call him at lunchtime and he would have said everything he’s been bottling up right then and there. Would have blurted it out because god damn him and his stupid mouth because every time he’s tried to bring it up, he’s fucked up and he hurt you. He doesn’t want to – can’t do that to you again. If you had just called when you said you would, it would have all been cleared up by now and you’d be home and hopefully in his arms and, and, and.
But you didn’t call. You’re not home. Bucky hasn’t apologized.
He’s already called Steve and requested backup – he’d rather be safe than sorry. Now all he’s waiting on is –
His phone that he’d left faceup on the countertop before him beeps and the screen flashes with a notification. Tony finally sent the link to track your location, letting him know where you’re at. Before his heart can even beat again, another message scrolls across the top of his screen.
That’s all Bucky needs before he races out the door, not even bothering to grab a coat before the door slams behind him. Tony’s second message burns behind Bucky’s eyes and makes it hard to think.
Hurry. Something’s not right…
The ATV Bucky ‘borrowed’ off one of the neighbors is perfectly capable of getting someone where they’re going, but Bucky grew frustrated with the speed as soon as he raced away with it. He’d have been happier on his souped-up motorcycle, roaring down the roads and sending gravel flying, but it’d be impractical on the freshly fallen snow and hilly terrain. 
His heart stutters in his chest every time he looks down at your tracker’s location and doesn't see it moving. There’s no way you’d be sitting idly in one spot deep in the forest, nearly 20 miles away from the HYDRA base and the house you’ve been sharing with Bucky. The home the two of you have made since arriving.
He thinks of how the two of you should be at the house now - fast asleep, maybe in the same bed if he’d found the right words to tell you what’s been going on in his head, why he was being such a asshole yesterday and how he never should have said any of the shit he did – or at least phrased it better, correctly. 
Every time Bucky remembers your fight last night, he feels the air leave his lungs and a fist form in his throat. The way your face had crumpled when he said you could be together again but then immediately shifted into a flat stare, no emotion evident when you told him that he was the reason that could never happen. Your broken voice when he tried to approach you again when he followed you home. The wrenching, muffled sobs he could hear you trying to smother across the hall as he laid there wide awake, his own tears soaking the pillow.
If Bucky could turn back time, he never would have asked you to be friends-with-benefits. His emotions were all over the place and he was still relishing his freedom, his autonomy that had been returned to him. He didn’t think he wanted any kind of committed relationship back then because he thought it would suffocate him, make him feel like he wasn’t his own person anymore, that there was someone that he had to answer to again.
He should have known that you wouldn’t have made him feel that way – that you are the exception to every rule and that you always helped build him up, never once did anything that made him feel suffocated or out of control. He’d been the one to initiate your friendship, he’d been the one that sought you out for no-strings-attached sex. You’d only ever been there for him, followed him when he needed to get away from the others, listened when he needed to talk to someone. Loved him when he didn’t want to be loved.
And what did he do with that love? He threw it away, crushed it under the sole of his boot in that alley way, let you walk away from his life when you should have worked it out together.
When he’d finally gotten his head out of his ass and realized that all the late nights, deep conversations, the comfort and warmth he felt in your presence: that was love. He didn’t recognize it at the time, but he knew that you were important to him, that you were the only one he could spend so much time with and not become overwhelmed. It took you leaving for him to realize everything that you did for him, all the support you offered. 
He spent a lot of time with his therapist after that. He used to be so angry at you and he knew it was unfair, that it wasn’t logical to be so mad at someone for falling in love, but he was. His therapist listened to his deepest, darkest, most wretched feelings about you, about himself. They helped him to realize that he wasn’t mad at you, that he was only frightened of the love you had for him and the feelings that brought up in him. He didn’t realize he found himself so unlovable and broken that he didn’t think anyone could love him like that. Could love him like you do. 
Did. Love him like you did until he ruined that love like he always knew he would, deep down. It took a lot of time and effort, but he finally understands what he feels for you. 
But now it might be too late.
Bucky is only a mile out from your location when he hears the barking of dogs and men yelling to each other. He pushes the ATV faster, dodging between trees and ducking under branches. Seconds later, Bucky sees lights bouncing off of a decrepit shack and agents wearing HYDRA uniforms scrambling around. 
He takes one hand off the handle and pulls his pistol from the waistband of his pants. He clears the treeline and jumps from the vehicle, ducking and rolling onto the ground. The ATV flies forward and knocks down one of the agents. They all turn to investigate the commotion, and Bucky starts firing.
He shoots one, two, three people off of their feet and they collapse onto the ground in pools of blood. Realizing at this point that Bucky is a threat, the others around the cabin pull their weapons out and aim for Bucky. He clears the next six with one shot each, leaving only two standing and no bullets left in his magazine. Bucky launches the empty pistol straight into one of the assailant’s temples, sending him sprawling. At the same second the pistol leaves his hand, Bucky sprints at the remaining HYDRA agent and slams his metal fist into their face, blood and bone splattering.
Grabbing the gun from this last agent, Bucky grips it in his fist and enters the building. Pivoting side to side, there’s no one immediately in his line of sight. He can see blood spatters around the room, in front of the bookshelf and desk, and a pool of it right in front of him in the archway between rooms. Bucky can hear someone just on the other side of the wall and he adjusts his hands around the gun, finger hovering over the trigger. 
Quickly rounding the open archway, Bucky finds his worst nightmare.
He sees you lying motionless on the ground, your warm, red blood steaming as it puddles around your body. A HYDRA operative stands over you, gun poised and ready. 
Without another thought, Bucky unloads the weapon. He riddles the final agent with bullet holes, ensuring that their finger will never pull the trigger on you. He doesn’t watch as they fall, instead running towards you with only one thought in his head: Please. Please be alive.
Bucky reaches your body where you lie on your side, facing away from him. He quickly rolls you onto your back and watches as your head lolls from the motion. 
“Y/N,” he calls hoarsely, placing his hands on your cheeks and patting quickly. “Y/N. Doll, wake up.” 
Your eyes remain closed and you don’t move. Heart in his throat, Bucky places his fingers on your neck.
“Oh god,” Bucky whines.
Nausea roils in his stomach as Bucky places his hands one over the other on your chest, fingers interlocked. He begins compressions, forcing your heart to circulate what little blood remains in your veins. He feels your ribcage creak and groan under the pressure, knowing he will break bones but hoping the effort will revive you.
Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. 
Bucky removes his hands from your chest and uses them to tilt your head backwards, opening up your airway. He clamps your nose shut and presses his lips over yours, forcing two breaths into your lungs. He returns immediately to chest compressions, counting up to thirty again and repeating the process.
“Come on, doll. Come back to me.”
It feels like hours that Bucky crouches over your body, working hard to manually pump your heart and keep your brain oxygenated. He doesn’t know how long you’ve been without a pulse, but he’ll do anything to give you a chance at survival.
A loud whirring sound comes from outside and Bucky can hear boots hit the ground. He panics for a second, wondering how he’s going to keep you safe while also keeping you alive, until he hears Steve’s voice.
“Buck? Y/N?!”
“In here!” Bucky yells frantically.
Multiple people come barreling into the kitchen where Bucky is administering CPR. Shock and dread wash over everyone’s faces at the sight in front of them, but Bucky doesn’t have time for them to stand around. You don’t have time.
“Help her!” he cries, lungs and muscles burning. “Please!”
Natasha tries to rush forward, but her booted leg slows her down. Steve and Sam collapse on either side of your body, Sam pushing Bucky out of the way to start his own compressions. Bucky thunks to the ground, his body exhausted from the fear and effort of the last little while.
Wanda runs in, using her powers to suspend the regeneration cradle in the air and bring it over to you. Tony and Nat help Steve and Sam lift you up off the ground and into the machine as Bucky watches your cooling blood drip, drip, drip from your body.
Wanda’s face is wet with tears as she picks the cradle back up with you inside. Using a pulse from his palm, Tony blows a hole in the kitchen wall. Scraps of paper fly off the table and land near Bucky. Wanda takes you directly outside and into the waiting quinjet, Nat and Tony running alongside her. 
A blast of cold air from the open wall slams into Bucky and chills him to his core. He looks down at himself and finds his hands and legs covered in blood. Your blood. One of the pieces of paper catches his eye as it turns red where it lays on the floor. He scoops it up gently and tries to make out what is written.
Bucky can tell instantly that it is your handwriting, but it’s nearly illegible now. He can barely make anything out, and what he can rips his heart to shreds. A wet hiccup tears out of Bucky’s throat and his hands start to quake uncontrollably as he stares at your words.
In case these are my last words,
Don’t be sad. I wish that I could  have spent the rest of my life with you. I just want you all to know that I love you. so , so much. 
“I’m too late,” he whispers. “She’s… she’s…”
Steve and Sam grab either of Bucky’s arms and drag him to his feet. 
“We’ve gotta go, pal,” Steve says. “We’ve gotta get her to Helen!” Nodding his head, Bucky allows his friends to lead him outside and onto the jet. 
He watches you lying in the cradle, not moving, the entire way home.
Part 13
Tag list: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283 @terry2227
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Don't ever scare me like that again...
Ahhhhh I'm having Floyd angst thoughts and need everyone to see them
Warning(s): mentions of drowning, reader almost dies, general angst (with a happy ending though :) )
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Of course dating Floyd Leech was hard sometimes. He has little-to-no self control, is prone to mood swings, and will straight-up not do things if he views them as boring.
But despite that, you love him. He's wonderful, even if he does sometimes ask rather... morbid... questions about humans.
He gave you the best hugs when you were sad. It was very comforting. He was the first person you'd go to when you were panicking.
One night, as the two of you were cuddling in bed, Floyd asked you something you didn't expect.
"Hey, Shrimpy... what does it feel like to drown...?"
"Huh? What brought this on all of the sudden?" You asked.
"I'm just wondering." Floyd responded. "Y'know, since I'm a merman, I can never know what that feels like... so... what does it feel like?"
"Well, I've never experienced it before, but from what I've heard it's... scary. And painful, too." You explain. "At first you try to hold your breath... and when that fails, the water rushes into your nose and mouth as you try to breathe... there's a really bad burning feeling in your chest when the water enters your lungs. Besides that, though, it's kinda peaceful." You explained.
"So... you're in pain when drowning...?"
"Yeah, apparently it hurts a lot."
Floyd suddenly tightened his grip on you. As if something was threatening to take you away from him.
"Can I tell you something...?" He whispered. "I... drowned a human once. Accidentally. When I was a child, waaaaaaay before I knew that humans can't breathe underwater." He sighed. "Life under the sea is rough. The child mortality rate is waaaaay higher than it is on land. Jade and I had a buncha other siblings when we were hatched, but by the time we were four, it was only us two left. Not to mention that the two of us weren't even given proper names until we were six years old." Floyd explained to you, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I was a bit desperate for any kind of interaction as a child... and one day, I met a human... and one day, I wanted to show him the world under the sea. Mom was horrified when she saw me dragging a dead human around with me, haha... that night we had land meat for dinner, and I never really pieced together what it was until recently."
"You... killed someone...?" You asked, unsettled.
"Please don't hate me, Shrimpy..." He buried his face in your chest. "I don't want you to hate me. The truth is, I'm scared of you disappearing. I know I was just a stupid kid who didn't know humans could drown, but... what if something happens to you? What if it slips my mind that humans can't breathe water, and you're... gone...? Forever...?"
"Aw, you really care about me, huh?" You sweetly asked. His grip on you tightened again, not enough to hurt, but noticably tighter than before. "Well don't worry. I'll never disappear, I promise."
"I'll never disappear, I promise."
You can't just break your promise like this! You can't, it's just not fair!
He could feel your grip on his shoulders loosening as he swam as fast as he possibly could towards the shore.
"Floyd... I-I'm cold..." You managed to say.
He didn't know what to say to you. What can he do to comfort you in what might be your last moments? Say everything will be fine? Just lie to you?
"Just hang on, ok? I'll get you to shore, and I'll get a nice warm blanket for you, ok Shrimpy~?"
"A-a-alright..." He could feel you trembling and shivering from how cold the water was to you. Your breathing was slowing.
When he reached the shore, you were clearly not doing well.
"Wake up, Shrimpy!" He demanded. "We're here, we made our way to the shore, ok?? So wake up! Don't you dare freeze, (Y/N)! It's not even that cold! S-so you can't freeze, you can't die!!"
You reached up, and placed your hand on his slimy wet face.
"I... l-love you..."
That's the last thing you remember from that night.
You wake up to the harsh lights and undeniable smell of a hospital.
"You're awake!"
Floyd kissed you on the lips the moment he realized you were alive.
"I'm so glad you're ok, Shrimpy..." He squeezed you tightly, but of course making sure he didn't hurt you. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, got it...?"
"Got it..." You laughed to yourself under your breath.
"Don't laugh. I was seriously worried for you, Shrimpy...!" He told you. "You could've died, you know that? You were really close to freezing to death."
"Yeah, I know." You returned his hug, your arms still slightly trembling.
The two of you sat there in silence, jusr sort of holding onto each other.
"Hey, Floyd?"
"...thanks for saving me." You whispered to him.
Floyd didn't respond, but you could tell he was content with how this all turned out.
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mollycabot · 3 months
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Alex Cabot X Reader Missing
A/N Alex’s Wife is Missing and if she not found Alex is ready to end someone. ‼️Mentions of kidnapping and assault and blood SA
Alex was working a case when her phone started ringing and when she saw it was Liv she picked up,
“Hello” Alex said “Alex you need to get down here we had a report of a woman walking in the park and being attacked and dragged into the bushes by man” Olivia said.
“Why do you need me?” Alex asked as she an Ada not a detective “I don’t know how to break this to you but the woman’s wallet was left and the ID in it says Y/N Cabot, I’m so sorry Alex” Olivia said sadly.
Alex felt her world come to a stop and Alex snapped “IF YOU SCREW UP THIS I WILL RUIN ALL YOUR JOBS”.
“Alex calm down we will find her and I know how much she means to you and I won’t give up until we find her but we need you to be calm and come and help us and also try to call her so we can try and track her phone.” Olivia stated as Alex agreed and made her way to the SVU unit once she got there she immediately went to the captains office where she saw the captain Olivia and Elliot.
“Ok Alex we need you to call Y/N and see if she picks up so we can track her phone” Alex nodded and took out her phone. It’s rings for what felt like forever and then it goes straight to voicemail and alex was becoming quite aggressive with her words.
“Son of bitch” Alex said under her breath “Alex do you have any idea if Y/N had any problems with anyone? Alex took a minute to think
“yes she had problems with her ex and her friends they would harassed her on social media and then they would show up to her old apartment and harass and assaulted her but she refused to have them arrested but once I talked her into it she agreed to get a restraining order against her” Alex explained Olivia nodded and went to scan the data base for the girls information .
Alex became quite anxious and started walking up and down the squad room think about all the possible things that could happen to Y/N, "Alex you need to relax i know its hard but we will find her and worrying yourself like like this is going to make you ill" Olivia said walking back into the room and out a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder.
Olivia handed the file of information over to Elliot so she could take Alex home. once back at Alex's place Olivia and Alex sat down on the couch and Olivia said "Alex would you like me to make you a coffee or something?".
Alex said "i'm alright thank you and i'm ok to stay here please go back liv and find Y/N she my everything" Olivia nodded "alright call me if you need anything and i will update every step of the way so you won't miss anything." Olivia said as she walked out and made her way back to the station.
as liv came back she saw Elliot getting his jacket and rushing out "we got a lead" Elliot said to liv as she followed quickly behind the others and phoned Alex, "Cabot" Alex said answering the phone "Alex we got a lead on Y/N" Oliva said "ok i'm on my way" Alex said as she walked out and got into her car.
as the squad pulled up to an old abandon house "well this can't be good" Elliot said as Olivia and Elliot walked up to the door and walked in with the weapons at the ready as they walked into the building. as they walked through the different rooms with no luck on finding Y/N as the felt like hope is lost liv hears small quite whimpers coming from the basement.
liv ran down the stairs and kicked the open old wooden door, as she enter the room she looked around and saw a small mattress on the floor with a thin blanket and chains as she walked closer she saw a young women who was beaten black and blue and half naked. "Olivia" the girl said quietly "yes honey i'm here and Alex is on her way, we going to get you out of her and to the hospital" Olivia said as removed the chains and warped the girl in her coat to keep her warm and cover up herself and helped outside and into the ambulance. as Alex pulled up.
"oh baby come her" Alex said as she climbed into the ambulance and took Y/N's hand in hers.
Once they got to the hospital Alex and Olivia waited while the doctor ran the usual routine test and stuff and not long after they where allowed to see Y/N Alex wasted no time in running into the room and pulled Y/N into a hug.
“I’m glad your ok baby I was so worried about you love” Alex said and Y/N just cried eventually once Y/N had calmed down Olivia asked what happened.
“I was on my way home when my ex and her mates jumped me and beat me up and said if I didn’t go with them they would hurt Alex and I didn’t want them to so I went and then my Ex got her mates to do things to me that I didn’t want and they hurt me really bad” Y/N started to cry and Alex hugged her close.
“Shhh your alright now my love your safe it’s going to be ok I’m here and not leaving my love” Alex said gently and once Liv got the evidence and Y/N statement she went back to work to track down the group that hurt Y/N. Given the evidence and dna they where able to track down the group that hurt Y/N Olivia wasted no time arresting them and Alex had no chill trialling them in court and make sure they never hurt Y/N or anyone else again.
But she was mostly glad to have her Y/N back. It would take time to heal but Alex was going to help Y/N through this and help her get back to as normal as possible.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Sad fic with Jack using Breathe by Lauv? Apparently I want to hurt my own feelings with this request
a/n: the way i want to cry so much right now. don't worry you're not the only one who enjoys hurting their own feelings.
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Things had been off for a while and Jack just didn’t know how to bring it up. He had figured the feeling would go away but instead it only felt heavier each week. He knew she had noticed and the fact that she noticed and still tried her best every day to make him feel better only hurt more. She didn’t deserve any of this and yet she put up with it every day. Jack stirred in the bed, partly not wanting to get up but he knew he had things he needed to get done today.
Next to him he felt his girlfriend stir and when she realized he was awake she scooted closer in the bed. His arms went around her as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Good morning.” He whispered into her hair. If he could stay like this forever he would. This was the girl who taught him how to love, who was his everything, yet right now he had never felt emptier in life and he didn’t know how to even begin explaining that.
She always noticed everything and lately she had been walking on eggshells around him and he felt like he was doing the same so they could avoid the conversation that was needed to be had. “Is everything okay?” She whispered, a tone of caution in her voice. It’s not a question she wanted to ask because if anything she was terrified of the answer. Things weren’t okay, that had become obvious. “Everything is fine.” He promised, hating himself more for lying. “I have to get some things done today but I’ll see you at the game later. You can take my car, I’ll ride with Dawson and then after I’ll ride home with you.”
The rest of the day went by fine except as more of the day passed the more Jack knew he needed to do something or say something. They couldn’t keep living the way they were. His mind was so unfocused on everything that he could barely concentrate at the game too. They won but he didn’t feel like he put up a good performance and he was sure the critics would have plenty to say on social media later about him. But right now he didn’t even care what was said about him. “I’ll meet you at the car.” He quickly texted his girlfriend.
After he got done in the locker room, he made his way out to the parking lot and slid into the drivers side of his car. He turned slightly in the car and a small painful sigh fell from his mouth. “Jack, please don’t.” The minute the words came out of her mouth Jack could feel his heart shatter. Of course she knew what was coming, she always knew what he felt and what he was thinking. He had to look away because he couldn’t see the river that was growing in her eyes. Placing his head into his hands he tried his best to hold back his own tears.
“I’m so sorry.” The words were painful to say and he meant every bit of them but sorry wasn’t going to fix this pain in either of them. “I just…I need room to breathe and really think. You deserve so much better than this and than me.” This time he looked up, knowing it would hurt to look at her but she deserved at least someone who could look her in the face while saying this. “Jack, I want you.” At her words he shook his head.
“For right now I think this is what we have to do. Maybe one day if I figure myself out we can try again but right now I really just need to breathe.” He hated himself, he hated himself too much right now but he needed this, they needed this and maybe one day they’d come back together and be even better. “I’m going to drive you back to our place, don’t worry about moving out. The place is yours for as long as you want it. I’ll stay with Luke for a bit.”
The drive back home was miserable, Jack wanted nothing more than to comfort her as she cried in the passenger seat but there was nothing he could do. Once they were back home, he went inside to grab a few things he would need for the night. “Please don’t leave.” She begged, tears still flowing from her eyes as he froze at the door. “Baby..” He walked over, knowing this wouldn’t make it better. His hand cupped the back of her head, bringing her forward until she hit his chest. “I love you okay, everything I ever said to you was true and everything we felt for each other was real. I just need to figure myself out.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head and before he could convince himself otherwise he walked out of their place.
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vivyen-qwq · 6 months
Can we please talk about Knuckles history/ past?
I just saw a tick tock video, which topping was sad history and showed pictures of Movie Sonic, Tails, Knuckles (and that fanmade movie Shadow version).
That made me think.
When I was a kid, I always saw Knuckles as my favorite character because he was cool, red, and strong. But today, he is my favorite because of his sad story. And I personally think that he has the most sadest story of all Sonic characters. Allow me to explain:
1. He has no real family. His entire race died because they wanted to use the Chaos and the Master Emerald for evil stuff. They all died, and Tikal sacrificed herself to seal Chaos. So Knuckles had to grow up by himself, hunting/ finding food, without a mother or father or anyone, all by himself, alone for 16 years. I mean, yes, the little Chaos are there to keep him company, but they can't talk or take care of him much of him.
2. His feelings: He is naive and believed Eggman several times and teamed up with him, despite knowing that Eggman was evil, but still tried to see the good in him, which was all for nothing, because Eggman used him. Then we have Rouge, the flying bat thieve who is trying to get the Master Emerald. She would fight and flirt her way through to get what she wanted and now image. This boy never had someone to love him, so he doesn't really know what love is (I guess) and now imagine how it would feel to have a girl flirting with you, but not being sure if she is serious about this or just wants the Master Emerald. This makes Knuckles even more insecure than he already is because he is constantly alarmed when someone calls out Rouges' name like we saw in the Tails tube video.
3. Angel Island: Like I mentioned in the first point, Knuckles' ancestors wanted to use the power of chaos for evil stuff, so Knuckles wants to fix his ancestor's mistakes by guarding and protecting the island without any help from others. But the problem is, if he doesn't take the other's help, then he will never be free from that burden. Everyone can be on earth and go wherever they desire, but he can't. He is trapped on the island because he knows that no one except him will guard the Master Emerald without even a "thank you". A lot of people are not seeing how much Knuckles does to protect others by staying on Angel Island and protecting that Emerald.
Also, he is the only one who can communicate with the M.E. to neutralize the Chaos Emeralds' power. He will forever be bound to that big responsibility, whether he likes it or not. He is never going to be free, and he knows it. That's why he sees no real purpose in life except for having fun and doing your best (what he said in the Twitter takeover). I mean, yes, he leaves the island to watch "One Punch Man" at Cream's and Vanilas' place, but guess who will probably use that to his advantage: Eggman.
4. His friends: Sonic seems to be the only one who really cares about Knuckle's lonelynes. When they had that short, deep talk during Frontiers, Sonic said that his friends were there to support him. But in the last Twitter takeover, when it was mentioned that Knuckles had a fan, he talked very low of himself, seeing himself as a character who doesn't or shouldn't have fans. Sonic told him to be nicer to his fans, and Amy asked him about his personality, where he replied that everything sucks. It was quite obvious that Knuckles spoke very low of himself, but Tails tried to brush him off.
Why wouldn't his friends try to be more supporting, maybe saying that it wasn't really his fault? Or trying to make him see the good things in himself?
Like, Tails got into a big group hug when they were told that Tails didn't have a home back then. Or when they talk about Maria when Shadow is there, it is a sensitive topping, and they are making sure not to hurt Shadow's feelings. Or when Sonic had that dream about him saving the city and no one noticing, they gave him therapy.
But Knuckles doesn't get that treatment?
Yes, Sonic talked to him in Frontiers, but why not in the takeover? Why not get more support for him?
So yeah, that's what I've been thinking.
Knuckles sure had some character development, but it doesn't change his history or the fact that he will forever have to stay on the floating island.
I really would like it if someone stayed by his side and visited him sometimes so Knuckle could have some rest or simply would have someone to talk to for at least once in a while.
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Is it possible I could request a sexting hc with rhea ripley x fem!reader?
Maso’s Krampus Christmas 2022
Oh yes, it is 😈 *unedited, not that anyone cares anyways. We’re here for the good stuff not for the Pulitzer 😌*
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat
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You spotted Rhea across the room beside the same redhead she had arrived with. The girl was beautiful: copper hair, bright green eyes framed by a heavy brown smokey eye, soft freckles all over her face, warm smile…she was beautiful and you knew that was the exact reason why Rhea chose to bring her.
She wanted to ignite that flamin hot burn of jealousy within you, but you already knew her game, so you just laughed when Damian leaned against the wall beside you “They’re not really together, y’know?”
“I didn’t ask anything” You shrugged before taking a sip of your champagne. His dark eyes were glued to your features, trying to look for any sign of annoyance “I felt like you needed some sort of explanation”.
A soft smile coated your lips as you looked up at him “She’s petty, immature, a mocker, completely childish, has temper issues and thinks the world revolves around her. So of course she would bring the most beautiful woman she could find to try to get a reaction from me. I know it all too well, Damian. You don’t need to explain me anything, even though I know you have good intentions”
“I tried to advise her against it, but you know how she is” He took a deep sigh “I don’t think it’s fair to you though. You deserve better”
“Better…like you?” You teased, knowing he had a crush on you ever since you met, before you started dating Rhea
“In an alternative universe, yes” Damian laughed “But not on this one”. You got closer to him and placed your hand on his chest, before leaning closer until your lips almost brushed against his chin ���Wanna bet that she’ll text me any minute now?” The confident smirk on your lips only made him chuckle “How are you so sure of it?”. And as if by coincidence, your phone beeped with a text, “Name your price, Priest” You teased as he grinned “U$100,00”
“Get ready to open your wallet then” Taking your phone from your black clutch purse, you aimed the screen on his face, letting him read it first hand.
A faint “Damn it!” left his lips when his eyes caught the glimpse of Rhea’s name on the screen. And as Damian reached for the wallet in his back pocket, you read her text:
Mami🌶🔥: What the hell are you doing with Priest?! I thought he wasn’t your type. Did you lie to me this entire time? Was this your plan from the beginning? Get both of us?
My Forever🍯🖤: Down, girl! What I do with my life does not concern you anymore since we’re not together, remember? 🤨
Mami🌶🔥: Oi! I don’t like the attitude 😠
My Forever🍯🖤: Good thing you don’t have to like shit 😝. As a matter of fact, you should worry about your new girl, Ripley. Not me 😉
Mami🌶🔥: She means nothing to me, she’s not you and she never will be.
My Forever🍯🖤: Strong choice of words for someone who was just laughing along with anything she said 🤔
Mami🌶🔥: Jealous? 😏
My Forever🍯🖤: Should I remind you who texted who first? 😌
Mami🌶🔥: You deserve a slap in your mouth for that one 👋
My Forever🍯🖤: And who’ll be brave enough to do it? You? 🤨 Please, don’t make me laugh 😒
Mami🌶🔥: Why don’t you meet me in the bathroom so I can remind you just how well I can shut your mouth 😏
My Forever🍯🖤: I don’t think copper girl would like that 🤷‍♀️
Mami🌶🔥: Idgaf about copper girl
My Forever🍯🖤: Bet she’d be upset about that 🥺
Mami🌶🔥: Are you really gonna make me remind you of every single detail in order for you to come *along and in my mouth 🤪*?
My Forever🍯🖤: 🤔🤷‍♀️
Mami🌶🔥: Come to the bathroom with me…I miss you 😢 I miss your body, your lips…your pussy 👅
My Forever🍯🖤: I know you can do better than that 😒🙄
From where you stood, you saw Rhea huff a laugh before her name flashed on your phone screen.
Mami🌶🔥: I miss your scent, the way you moan my name, the way you arch your back when I hit that sweet spot inside you, the way you cry and beg me to make you cum when I eat you out. I miss tasting that sweet pussy, miss tracing your curves with my tongue. Last night I kept replaying our last time together…you straddling my thigh, rubbing yourself against me, my hand around your throat, choking you enough to make you smile. You placed my hand on your tits and asked me to play with them and make you cum like a good little girl…is that what you want, baby? Want me to make you cum again? 😈”
My Forever🍯🖤: Yes 🤤💦
Rhea smirked and stood up from the table, her eyes locked with yours across the room and she placed a toothpick on the side of her lips.
Her gaze never looked away from yours and when she brushed her shoulder against yours, she whispered “I can’t wait to feel that tight pussy around my fingers”
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sphaxcca · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen Ep. 3 Review
Okaaaaaay so since this is my first post on here: Hi there! guess who's gonna give her unasked opinion about her Playthrough of My Candy Love New Gen? ME! ofc.
So i've finished playing the episode and honestly i'm starting to wonder how the plot is gonna develop during the story.
Until now ce can't really say that the story is growing but, I mean, it's completely fine because these are the first episode so it's pretty normal that there's basically nothing but just a presentation of the character and a little peak of their routes.
The episode was pretty chill and cute for some point of view, but my only doubt is about the speed of the storytelling, i really hope that with new episode the story's gonna grow in speed or in lenght of episodes because, for how is it now, it's gonna take forever to make a real "change" in the plot (especially for Jason's route candies like me) The idea of the welcome party was EXTREMELY cute also the "preparation" part was okay;
Amanda not partecipating at the party because Candy didn't choose the park had me turn up my nose honestly, but by the way she reacted the all time, i could have guessed it. She gives me a little bit of snooty vibes but i guess it's just the shell of the character.
ELENDA. oh my ELENDA. I hope with my whole heart that she's gonna be the new Rosalya because i need it. I genueine need a ray of sunshine like her in my candy's life when she's gonna sleep with the rival agency's boss :PPPPPP (The truth or dare part XD had me DEAD, i mean come on guys, you're almost 30 and you need a TRUTH or DARE game to break the ice? LMAO. )
ROY. Can someone explain to me? Please don't tell me that the dare that he should have done was to kiss Candy and, because is dating Brune, he turned candy's head to kiss her on the check. Please don't tell me or imma GASP. At first i thought he was going to be the gym bro not interested in any dating or in date many girls at the same time, BUT THIS. BRUH unexpected. So i guess Candy in thi s case have to be Eric 2.0 of new gen. Love it. Let's sleep with another taken man!
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DEVON. So I Honestly don't know what to say about him for now because i can't really say what's gonna be the issue with him. I Just really hope is not gonna be like Hyun route ( a full of nothing) because the character seems really cute, so please beemoov give us some tea or a plot twist. Something that happened in the episode that made me actually turn my head the screen was Candy saying (if you go to him at the Mall) "It seems that he doesn't want to be the Ceo" Maybe this is going to be the route?
THOMAS. I honestly love him and i feel like his entire route is gonna be Candy tries to make him understand what is to date someone. I also have a feeling (which would make totally sense) that Thomas is either authistic or he's part of that percentual of the populations that has an IQ higher that the others. L O V E I T TBH and it's a shame that i hvae to play two time the episodes because the outfit it's not the same for jason's route.
AMANDA Snooty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside, i'm so sure of this. My guess here is that, girl's rich ass didn't say anything to her family that she likes girls. I just really hope is not the sme thing that happened with Priya because players dont wanna play things two times.
JASON. At last but not least, the enemies to lovers we didn't know we needed. what can I say? I have a huge love for Men who are so incure of themselfs that they put up this gigantic EGO (and not Confidence) to try to hide their real self. This going to be and Astarion (Bg3) route 2.0, I'M HERE FOR IT. Btw i'm pretty sure he seduced Danica to make her leave Devenementiel, this B, love him. At least he's not taken Candies....
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what do you think? <3
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imagineanime2022 · 15 days
Illumi and Kianna's Kid
Illumi Zoldyck X Son!Reader Kianna (OC) X Illumi Zoldyck (mentioned)
Word Count: 864
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
Request: Random request but can I please ask for illumi with kianna
But how would he react to having a son with her that looks exactly like him but acts like her and has her personality
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Illumi is very protective of his little family, while he still teaches his son everything that his father taught him but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t worry in his own way. Illumi never outwardly worried having been told that those kinds of behaviours were disrespectful to the person they were aimed at especially if that person was part of the Zoldyck family and had the same training as he had.
His son was slightly different from him though, he was a lot more like his mother in the way that he dealt with a problem or feeling. His son didn’t give away too much but there were small ticks that he had picked up from his mother, the initial reach to help someone before reevaluating the situation, the distance from anyone that wasn’t Kianna or himself and his little hands twisting at his trouser leg whenever he was nervous.
That was how he knew that right now his son ws not okay, he stood tall hands hidden behind his back as he looked at his Grandfather. His hands gave him away, fiddling with his sleeves Illumi stepped forward, his presence felt by his son as he did, he saw him start to relax “how is his training coming along?” Silva asked. “It’s going well.” Illumi answered “he still has not shown a nen ability but that will come with time.” “Mmm.” Silva hummed. “And Kianna, where is she?” “On a mission.” Illumi asked “her skills were better suited for the task.” “You didn’t think the boy was ready to go with her?” Silva asked. “Not yet, but it wasn’t just my choice.” Illumi answered as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder “with so many of us around we have time to properly train him before sending him out.” “Kianna does not want him out there yet?” Silva asked. “She’s reluctant without a nen ability.” Illumi answered, he had spoken to her before with everything that happened as a result of her own parents she was careful with her son, to make sure that he didn’t have the same issues that she had when he got older. “I understand that she has been through a lot but she must learn to let him stand on his own two feet, people target our family and if they ever set their site on him he will be in danger.” Silva explained. “He knows how to defend himself.” Illumi argued, he’d never felt this protective but he had noticed that he had even moved closer to his son as if someone was attempting to take his son from him already. “There are other things that we have to take into account for him.” “You can not shelter him forever.” Silva shifted in his seat “he will have to learn.” “We must go, we have to meet Kianna.” Illumi answered not really acknowledging what his father had said, steering his son to turn away from his grandfather to leave.
When they had finally left the room, Illumi was acutely aware of how quiet his son was, he hadn’t even reached over to grab at trousers leg. “What’s wrong little assassin?” He asked, nicknames were something that had wicked up from Kianna after he saw the way that your son seemed to like his personalised name. “I got you in trouble.” he said after a second. “You didn’t get me into trouble.” Illumi crouched so that he was level with his son, he didn’t really know what to say to make him feel better, he thought back to what Kianna would often do when he needed comfort. He carefully placed his hand on his shoulder. “Do you work hard when you're training?” “Yes.” The little boy nodded determination on his face. “Then you have done nothing wrong, let’s go meet mum and forget about all this, like we said before you tell us when you are ready.” Illumi easily lifted the boy off the floor as he started towards the front of the house. It was in that moment that he remembered that there was a reason that he rarely came home anymore, after his son was born his family was unbelievably pushy about his training and taking on missions but Illumi was reluctant to send him on any mission chosen by his family. He had noticed that he was very protective of his little family; it was nothing like he had ever felt for anyone else, even the protectiveness for Killua was different then this. Illumi hadn’t thought much of his younger brother or what he was doing lately but he figured that was why his parents were so interested in his son, Killua had likely stopped contacting them again but that was none of his business anymore. As he looked down at his son resting his head on his shoulder he decided that he probably wouldn’t be back for a little while, he wanted his son o be happy, something he couldn’t ever remember being before meeting his new family and he was sure that it was his parents fault, he wouldn’t let them ruin his son the way they ruined him and his brothers.
Request Here!!
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cookiewriting · 1 year
Hiii 🥰🍪,
So firstly, no pressure at all to write this 💖
Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader (or GN! What you like x) -
Reader almost always teases Yelena about how she only ever cooks Mac n cheese so one night when Reader is a little late home from work, Yelena is trying her best to cook something different because she knows how busy reader as been recently and she wants to do something nice for them.
Reader comes home to the dinner table set and food waiting for them. They enjoy dinner together and reader is shocked that Yelena was able to make something other than mac n cheese. Later that night, reader gets up from the sofa to put some rubbish in the bin and discovers that dinner was actually just fancy take out and asks Yelena about it & Yelena just embarrassing explains how she was trying to cook but it just didn’t work out?
If it’s lame, you don’t have to write it 🥰💖
Mac’n cheese forever
Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN! reader
Warnings: Language, a tiny bit of angst if you squint. Let me know if I missed any!
A/N: This is my first official post here, my first request and my first time writing Yelena. I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m open to critics as long as they are respectful.
1,3k words
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To say work had been kicking your ass lately would be an understatement. You tried to keep count of how many nights you almost just stayed at the office but after a month there w as just too many. You loved your work, how else would you put on with those insane hours? You just wished you could go home earlier and spend more time with your amazing girlfriend.
Yelena had been a great help recently and her support sometimes surprised you. She never blamed you for coming home late and always made sure you had food on the table the moment you stepped foot inside the house. She was so understanding you were starting to feel guilty for all the times you had to send her the damn message.
I think I’m going to be late again. I’m really sorry Baby… Yelena: Don’t worry moya lyubov', I’ll have diner ready for you Please, no more Mac’n Cheese. I can pick up something on the way home Yelena: HEY! I can cook! I don’t always make Mac’n Cheese!
You’re right, sometimes it’s Cheese’n Mac
Yelena: This doesn’t even exist! I’ll make something good you’ll see
You chuckled while grabbing your things for the next meeting. You knew you shouldn’t tease Yelena about her cooking skills. After all she never got to learn how to make herself a real meal and later she was too busy to learn. But after almost two weeks of eating Mac’n Cheese every night, you just could help it. You actually spent most of the meeting trying to picture your girlfriend cooking with actual ingredients but after almost laughing at the image of her using the oven, you decided to focus a little more on your work.
Two hours. It took two hours for your team to figure out you wouldn’t be able to finish the project tonight. You waited a little before rushing to your car so that your boss wouldn’t think you were eager to go home, even though you were. During the 10 minutes drive to your house, you kept wondering if you should stop to buy a few snacks for the night. Deep down you knew Yelena wouldn’t let you starve and if she didn’t succeed in her attempt to cook something, she would improvise. Maybe you could negotiate a sandwich or some grilled cheese instead of her go-to meal.
As you closed the front door behind you, you could hear the sound of some TV show in the living room and someone getting busy in the kitchen. You let your bag fall on the floor, deciding this would be a future-you problem and took off your shoes. You made about two steps forwards before your girlfriend came into view. Her blonde hair in a high ponytail, she had that focused look you loved about her. Knowing she heard you coming in, you took the last steps needed to hug her. Your arms snaked around her torso, making sure not to disturb any of her movements. Your head resting on her shoulder you watched carefully as she finished dressing the two plates in front of her. “So you do know how to cook something else…” You just couldn’t resist teasing her again but in all honesty you were a bit impressed to actually see vegetables instead of macaronis.
You heard a huff and suddenly you were left holding thin air as the woman used her skills to get out of your arms. Still holding the two plates, she walked to the sofa and put them on your coffee table. You joined her as she took her first bite and gave you a falsely angry look. “Don’t sound so surprised, I told you I’ll make diner!” she waved her fork in your direction, using it to somehow make her point but making you chuckle instead. “I know Baby” you answered with a soft smile, “I just didn’t expect that much effort.”
You leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, thanking her for everything she does for you. A small smile finally appeared on the blonde lips and you curled up against her, holding your plate on your knees. You were truly amazed by the work she put in making dinner tonight. Everything tasted perfect, nothing seemed burnt or under-cooked. You caught Yelena’s eyes staring at you as she tried to see if she did a good enough job. When you nodded with a full mouth, relief washed over her and she went back to eating.
You never were into small talk and neither was your girlfriend. The evening went on, dinner finished a few minutes ago and you both were now cuddling in silence. After years of living together there was no such thing as awkward silence, you just enjoyed being with each other. Well you did until you moved and knocked over the bottle of wine you’d forgotten to put away.
You got up in a flash while your blonde assassin started to laugh uncontrollably. It was no surprise who the clumsy one would be in this relationship though being a highly trained spy should be considered as cheating. Using paper napkins and some tissues, you did your best to clean the spilled wine before it’d ruin the floor. Your girlfriend still laughing, you shook your head and went to throw the mess you made in the bin when you noticed something else already in it. You looked over to the sofa were you met the eyes of a suddenly serious Yelena and tilted your head. “Lena?” you asked slowly “Why is there burnt food and Florentino boxes in there?”
If someone could become invisible, you’re sure the spy would have done it in a second. Instead, she kept staring at you like a deer caught in headlights. You raised an eyebrow waiting for her answer. “I’m sorry!” Tears built up in her eyes as embarrassment and frustration took over. “I really tried to cook something but it was like the kitchen wouldn’t cooperate.” The usually fierce woman looked like a child being scolded by an adult. Sighing you closed the bin and walked back to sit in front of her.
“Why not just tell me?” You asked. “You don’t have to hide this from me love.” Yelena took your hand and began to play with your fingers, a way to distract her mind when she let herself be vulnerable. “I just didn’t want you to be disappointed,” she whispered. “I thought if I could make you something other than Mac’n Cheese you wouldn’t get tired of me.” Your mouth fell open at her last words. You never thought your teasing would get to her in that way but looking back at it you suddenly wanted to slap yourself.
“Baby? Look at me?” You waited a bit for her eyes to meet yours but when she didn’t move you gently cupped her face and made her look your way. “Hi,” you smiled “I’m not disappointed love. And I could never get tired of you. I want to spend all my life by your side baby, even if it means eating your Mac’n Cheese every night.” A smile returned on your girlfriend face as you spoke and you wiped a tear before it rolled on her cheek. “Really?” You nodded “Of course.” Her smile reached her eyes and she leaned in your touch. This was her way of saying she loves you without any words needed and you stroked her skin softly in response. “Marry me.” She asked, closing her eyes. “What?” Your own eyes widened, this evening was definitely far from what you expected a few hours ago. “Marry me?” Yelena asked again a little louder, her voice full of the same determination she had when she offered you your first coffee.
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thebunniesgrim · 1 year
Can they please put someone else in charge of announcing eps for helluva boss or Hazbin?  
Please the suspense is literary killing me I not joking  
is this criticism? i wanna tag this properly
I'm not gonna complain too much I'm very grateful for everything that gets put out, but I just want to understand what going on  
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I can't believe there are people who find edging sexually appealing I can't even do this and it's not even sexual  
Stop putting out teasers please! I can't take this anymore  
“Hazbin Hotel is coming out this summer!” 
Babes it’s September! its spooky season eve  
Even like for Helluva episodes like a week or 2 in advance start the sneak peaks and announcing the episodes please stop waiting a month or two to start giving people sneak peaks  
I'm losing it!  
I mean hell even for like the month the episodes are going to come out start the sneak peeks on the 1st of the month and release it later that month.  
Hell, surprise us don’t do any sneak peeks just drop the ep cold turkey  
Have a laugh with it  
I'm not telling them to get on a schedule, they’re an indie production, that’s not fair. But take your time making episodes. answer questions on twitter or whatever but don’t tell me it's coming soon if “soon” is 3 years from now that’s not soon that eventually  
Like yall remember when andrealphus was first announced?  
Like what back in 2022 right?  
The earliest thing I can find is March 2022 then the episode he was in didn’t release till May 20, 2023, a year and some change later.  
Why do they do this? Am I missing something?  
I'm not a marking major and I have no clue but as the consumer it feels like I'm being stringed along for no reason  
Am I the one who is not understanding?  
Are they making multiple episodes at once and just releasing them when they get done? It would explain some of the inconsistencies and jumps in the show.  
What is happening someone anyone please I'm dying!  
Am I in the wrong? I don’t think so
So please someone dumb down how this works for me you’ll be my sexy little knight in shining armor forever  
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