camixxlopez · 2 months
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open starter: plot drop #001 location: n/a @inaducursehqstarters
"Did you hear what I said? People are missing. Grabbed in the middle of the night and taken to god knows where. I'll be damned if I let someone take me out that way." Camilla spoke flipping through the news on her phone. "First all these random people starting show up in town, now this? What's next the seven deadly sins?" she joked unaware of the supernatural around her.
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taintedbloodlines · 8 months
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Click the heart for a one liner to mid length starter from Cami O'Connell. Multi-muses please indicate which muse you would like Cami to visit.
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lcngliive · 9 months
cami & rebekah ( @mastcrmiind )
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"what can I get for you?" cami asked, smiling at the other. things had been quiet in the bar, which she was glad for - it had been a wild few nights recently where she'd had to throw out several people each night.
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infcinity · 2 years
my bloody valentine mini event || cami o’connell && alaric saltzman (( @wvsteria​ ))
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“and here I thought that new orleans was chaotic,” she muttered, pushing the human away who’d tried to attack her - she’d compelled them to go away from her and hopefully they would listen - she didn’t want to kill anyone. 
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recklesseeker-x · 2 years
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Starter from Cian to Cami - @antiiromanticx​
                               The confused look on his face must have been seen from a mile away considering Cami deemed it necessary to come and check on him upon finishing rehearsal, the wolf staring blankly at the empty cups in hand while talking to himself a little too openly. “But if I catch it in this hand..” gaze travelled to his other hand. “What do I do with this hand?” A quick shrug of his shoulders was given before promptly throwing both cups up into the air and failing to catch them, ending the ordeal in style by simply jutting hands out to either side of him to do the classic jazz hands. “Tada - world’s greatest bartender, everyo-- Oh, hey Cami Cam. Wanna test some of the Cian special’s I’ve been making?”
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casualscx · 1 month
status: open to m / nb / mutuals & non mutuals
character: camila castillo ( early to mid twenties )
connection: based off this! the next day on the bus part! age gap def encourage!
Her eyes grew wide the moment her ass was meeting their thighs, her arms wrapping around her middle instinctively. Squirming, Cami attempted to protest, not wanting to spend the remainder of the bus ride making them uncomfortable by sitting in their lap. "No, no, you can't-" even though the word compromise fell through the air, she shook her head, not wanting to give in. "This is absolutely not a compromise, you're not going to be comfortable at all and we have like three hours left." Cami huffed, her hips shifting to the left, as if trying to get out of their hold, but rather rubbing her ass against their... Oh. "Just let me stand, it's fine!"
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sagexwilliams · 2 months
Closed starter: @ithinkitscami
Where: grocery store
“We should sneak snacks into the movies. You think they’d be curious about a mini backpack or should we do that thing I’ve see on TikTok where someone get a bowl, fills it with snacks and put it under their shirt and it makes them look pregnant.” Sage laughed at the idea.
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saltedair · 2 months
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was that [LEAH PIPES]? Oh no no, that was just [CAMILLE "CAMI" O'CONNELL], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THE ORIGINALS]. they are [THIRTY-TWO, but APPEARS TWENTY-FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
cami is back to, mostly, her old ways, as she's working as a bartender & also as a part time counsellor at a volunteer clinic.
she's been here for half a year but has been keeping to herself, because of everything she's been through and her own thoughts -- she wouldn't want to burden anyone with anything that's going on in her own mind.
cami is the person who will listen to everyone else's problems and give you advice before even considering leaning on your shoulder with her own issues. heaven forbid this woman open's up about her own problems.
her final memories are dying in the created dreamscape, and she's kind of haunted by everything she didn't get to do and say and be in her life. but she doesn't feel like this is a second chance or anything. in fact this seems almost like it's just a bit of a ... thing to worry about. like she's passing time.
cami is completely aware of everything that happened in her life, but she's not sure what happened to bring here here or how everything is possible.
she's on edge ever since getting here, she's not used to being in a place like this -- misses her own space and her own home. but she's not yet even looked for anyone who she might know because she's worried this is some sort of limbo she could possibly be in.
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fatescattered · 3 months
while bianca had jumped in at the opportunity to investigate a haunting, she wasn't entirely sure how to go about it. she didn't deal in the supernatural. even when she first read detailed retellings from former tennants, she'd been certain there was a perfectly logical explanation behind it – an old house creeking, animal infestations, someone living behind the walls... surely not a ghost.
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the detective paces around the living room, eyeing the ouija board she'd gotten from a local occult shop earlier. "do i actually need this thing to communicate with you?" bianca picks it up, wiggling it for emphasis as if the so-called ghost could see. "just seems like a very specific hassle..."
she sets it back down with a low thump and turns around to face the wall. "if anyone – or anything," the detective begrudgingly adds, "is in the room with me, please give me a sign."
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fairyysoup · 3 months
matters of taste part two (repost)
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pairing(s): steve harrington x fem!reader x eddie munson
summary: Stuck between Steve and Eddie, you start to learn the things they have in common, and a few of the things they don't.
content warnings: explicit (18+ MINORS DNI) smut, polyamorous relationship, semi-public sex, car sex, cunnilingus, nipple play, spit kink, forced orgasms, workplace sex, unprotected sex, creampie, exhibitionism, daddy kink, size kink, praise, smoking, marijuana, discussions and appreciation of scars, canon-typical violence toward the end, like one verbatim line from the show as a wink wink nudge nudge, not edited (we die like the demobat)
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“I feel kinda bad,” you admit glumly, blinking at Eddie through the fog in the back of his van. “Steve’s not here.”
Eddie shrugs a shoulder, his eyes sparkling at you even though they’ve gone just a little bit watery and bloodshot. You both stink like weed, the cramped quarters filling up with the smoke from the joint you pass between you. The speakers from the radio in the dash are playing the local rock station, maybe a bit too loud, but Eddie’s slightly gravelly voice still goes into your ears and plants itself right between your legs. “Yeah. Why d’you feel bad about it?”
“Well… aren’t we sort of going behind his back?”
Eddie snorts, shaking his head slowly. “Only if we don’t tell him. And trust me, I plan on telling him. Harrington and I are a lot closer than you might think, sugarplum.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” Your head fills with the image of him biting Steve’s ear, tugging his hair- Steve’s hand fisted in Eddie’s shirt while you go down on him. “Are you guys together?”
“Ah… sort of. We haven’t exactly had the ‘what are we’ talk, but we fool around.” Eddie offers you the burning joint in his hand, and winks as you take it. “Doesn’t mean we don’t want to include you, though. Treat you nice, take you out on dates. The both of us.”
“Is that what this is?” You splutter a kind of half-cough, half giggle, the smoke starting to make your reflexes a little fuzzy. “R’we on a date right now?”
“If you wanna be.”
You should have known that his oddly sweet offer to pick you up and drive you to work today wasn’t exactly coming from a place of wholesome intentions. For starters, he did pose the offer while letting you recover from the first time he fucked you, while Steve was busy with a customer out on the bakery floor. His hand had been stroking a little too close to your aching cunt and your head was a little too full of endorphins for you to think it through before you said okay. 
So, when he picked you up about two hours early, you were a little shocked, to say the least. You were still wearing your pajamas- an ugly pair of sweats, and a cami that absolutely did not cover everything it needed to for you to be technically decent. Your hair a complete mess, a half eaten sandwich in hand as you answered the door. 
Eddie’s eyes did a complete once-over of your body, and then laser-focused in on your pebbled nipples raised through the fabric of your cami, before he cracked a smug smile. “Get all dressed up just for me?” 
You’d asked Eddie to wait for you to put on that itchy fucking uniform dress and apron, at least, but he just waved his hand like it was beyond pointless. “Just grab it and get dressed in the car. I won’t peek at you. Scouts honor.”
Well, now the uniform dress is wadded up in a plastic shopping bag beside you, and you’re parked outside of the Radio Shack across the street and down a ways from Mimi’s Bakery. And he’s not looking at you like any fucking boy scout. 
“Okay,” you say quietly, feeling really hot and sort of uncomfortably confined in your tight cami. He’s been staring at your tits. Not trying to hide that he is in the slightest, either. And your eyes have been lingering on his tattoos. “This can be a date.”
“Good to know,” he hums, checking his watch. “But don’t you need to be getting into that little dress pretty soon?”
“You just want to look at my tits,” you grumble as you shove the joint back into his hand. 
“I do. But I won’t, if you don’t want me to.”
You gnaw on your lip. Your eyes fall to his forearm again, the cluster of bats so dark on his skin. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Eddie laughs, genuinely, his chest heaving. “Tit for tat, huh? All right, sweetheart. You asked for it.”
His hands move to the hem of his shirt. He’s not wearing his uniform either, actually- instead he’s in a weather beaten metallica shirt and dark jeans. You don’t know if he just generally waits until the last second to change into his uniform, or if he was planning on not having any clothes on by the end of this anyways. Maybe a bit of both, but you’re hesitant to ask. 
He rips his shirt over his head, wads it into a ball and throws it somewhere in the vicinity of the front seat. You’re not looking at where it lands, though. You’re looking at his scars. 
Eddie’s covered in them. Large red patches on his skin that look… sort of like they could be burn scars, but more like he got dragged under an eighteen wheeler on a paved highway and lived to tell the tale. You stare, because you have genuinely no idea what to do or say. 
“Has anyone told you, you have a really good poker face?”
You huff a laugh and rip your eyes away, although you don’t really want to. The scars don’t take away from the look of him, or from the tattoos- of which there are a lot. They even help to increase the air of danger and mystery about him that you find so alluring, and you’re more entranced by the combination of the two than anything. Your face burns furiously. “Am I that obvious?”
He grunts, but it doesn’t come off as dismissive as he usually makes it. It sounds almost shy. “You’re no actress, sweetheart. But it’s okay. I know it’s bad.”
“It’s… I mean, maybe it’s alarming. Didn’t expect it,” you tell him honestly, and you sort of reach forward to touch his chest, only stopping your hand at the last second. “But it’s not bad, babe.”
Eddie makes a soft noise in the back of his throat, like he doesn’t entirely believe you, but he reaches up and grabs your hand to pull it against his chest. His skin is hot under your touch. “Don’t bullshit me- I don’t think I could handle it if you were.”
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Eddie,” you whisper to him, moving to straddle his lap while your hand presses into his skin. “Why would I lie about that?”
“Well,” he starts, his eyes turning up toward the roof of the van, “you did say you thought my tattoos were ‘fucking dumb.’”
“That’s… okay, yeah. Fair enough.” Your fingers dig into his chest, dragging along the outline of a spider. He’s riddled with them- zombie heads and spiders and a puppet on a string. You’re absorbed in a fantasy of tracing every one of them with your tongue instead of your fingers. Sucking in a sharp breath through your nose, you take them in slowly and try to content yourself with just touching them instead of tasting them. “I didn’t really think they were dumb, though. They’re not. They’re really, really hot. I think about them all the time, I was just too chicken shit to admit it.” 
Eddie’s wide eyes bore into yours. “Hm. So I fuck you once and you change your tune?”
“Yeah. That’s usually the best way to get me to fess up, anyways. I mean, I also didn’t want to admit that I have a big ol’ crush on you, but… here we are.” Your face heats up, and your eyes fall to his hand on yours so that you can avoid his stare. “And these are really fucking hot. Believe me.” You drag your hand down his chest, and his follows. Your touch lingers over a bit of scar tissue on his lower ribs. His breath hitches when you ghost your fingers across it. 
“Between you and me,” he murmurs quietly, his voice just a little bit shaky as you lace your fingers between his, “you’re the only one besides Harrington who’s seen them.”
Your eyes snap up to his. You open your mouth to say something heartfelt, to thank him or tell him how much it means that he would trust you with something he’s obviously a bit shy about- as shy as Eddie Munson can be. But all that comes out is, “Do they hurt?”
“Not anymore.”
“How did… how…” You struggle to ask him what happened to scar him this much. Somehow, it seems so invasive. “You don’t have to tell me if it’s not-”
“I was attacked by a swarm of bats,” Eddie says flatly. “Fuckers almost ate me alive.”
You can’t tell if he’s joking or not. His tone is serious, but his nose crinkles just a bit and his lips curl up just at the edges, and his eyes glint in a way that says, ‘I know something you don’t.’ So you bite your lip and scrape your nails lightly along his skin. “Between you and your bats, and Steve and his KGB agents, I’m starting to think you guys are just having fun tripping me up.”
He grins. “Oh, we are. How else are we supposed to keep you coming back for more?”
“Dunno. You have some really good weed.”
“Oof. Ouch. You’re only here for the drugs, babe?” He clicks his tongue and puffs the joint before handing it to you. “Should’a known. Pretty things like you are always so hard to get.”
You smirk, tucking the joint between your lips. One last puff and it’ll be too small to be useful anymore. “Not so hard. I think you got me pretty good last night.”
Eddie hums, and his hand pets up the curve of your arm. “Yeah, I did. I could still feel you squeezing me while I was trying to get to sleep.” 
“Christ, Eddie,” you breathe. Your fingers slip down low enough to skim over the trail of hair below his navel that disappears beneath his belt. “I’m still feeling you. You fucked me hard.”
“Mm. I know.”
You feel fucking insatiable. Maybe it’s the weed, or maybe it’s the way you can’t be in the same room with him, let alone in his lap, without wanting him to just… take advantage. Arousal tickles under your skin and between your legs like an ever-present demon. 
He plucks the little stub of a joint out of your fingers and tosses it into an ashtray by the console. “I showed you mine.”
You don’t really know what to say. You can’t come up with anything, so you just… lift your arms. Straight up in the air. Staring at him, saying nothing.
Eddie looks up at you with an unreadable expression, and his eyes dip to your lips. Just for a moment, long enough for you to think that he might lean in to finally kiss you, but then as soon as the thought is there, the moment is gone and he tugs the hem of your camisole up over your head. 
All that you can think is that Eddie’s really good with his hands. Of course he is- you’d know better than anyone, after what he did last night, but somehow it still gets the better of you when he slides his palms down your vertical arms after pulling your camisole off of them, and letting his thumbs press along the curve of your cleavage to tease over your nipples. His fingertips dig into the sides of your breasts, squeezing them almost reverently. 
“Jesus.” Eddie swallows audibly over the sound of the car radio, shaking his head slowly. His eyes droop as he pets your skin and leans forward to kiss just over the sensitive peak of your breast. “You shouldn’t have hid these from me, sweetheart. Pretty baby, with her pretty little nipples teasing me all morning.”
You hum, feeling a little lightheaded at him toying with you like this. His tongue juts out to wet his lips, and you feel so exposed, trembling on top of him. His eyes are just so big and black, shining in the broad afternoon light coming in from the window behind you. 
You’re in a fucking car. Where anyone passing by could see you, parked just down the sidewalk from your job, where you have to be in… thirty minutes? Twenty? You don’t even fucking know anymore. You think you can probably deal with Mimi Callaghan’s wrath if Eddie just keeps touching you like this-
Your breath hiccups in your chest when he lets his tongue flick gently over your nipple. You feel a wreck with just the slightest touch of his hot mouth to your skin, and you’re overcome with the need to kiss him again. To just allow yourself to taste him for hours. 
He switches over, going for the other one with pursed lips and enough suction to make your toes curl in your shoes. “Question for you,” he says, much too chipper and unaffected when he pulls away almost immediately. He leaves your nipples wet and cold in the atmosphere of the van, achingly hard for him as he drags the rough pads of his thumbs over them. 
You whine petulantly at him, your nails ripping at the wall of the car behind his head. You know Eddie hears it with how he mockingly pouts his lower lip at you, tilting his head just slightly as he draws circles around the sensitive buds. “What’s the quickest you’ve ever made yourself come?”
The question takes you aback. “What?”
“On your own. No assistance,” Eddie clarifies, as if that makes the inquiry any less odd. “Start to finish. Approximate time.”
“Um. I…” You suck a breath through your teeth when he pinches one of your nipples gently, and you blurt, “Six minutes and twenty-five seconds.”
Eddie blinks, pausing the movement of his fingers. You squirm, pushing your chest into his touch, and he unconsciously resumes. “That is… so weirdly specific. How do you know that?”
“Uh.” You press your lips together tightly and hear your heartbeat in your ears. Your face feels hot for all the wrong reasons, and he’s just squinting at you like he’s trying to read your mind. “It’s uhhh… because that’s how long it takes to get halfway through the guitar solo in Stairway to Heaven?”
His face remains blank for half a second. Then, slowly, a smile stretches across his face until he’s grinning from ear to ear. “You got off to Stairway?”
You make a weak noise in the back of your throat. “You haven’t?”
“I didn’t say that.” Eddie leans forward and presses a soft kiss between your breasts, just over your heart. His hands keep up their careful flexing, his thumbs rolling gently around your nipples until you lurch your hips forward against his for some kind of relief. He smirks. “I do think it’s cute that you knew the timestamp, though. What did you do? Go through it afterwards while looking at the clock? Count the seconds?”
“It was a stopwatch,” you snarl at him. 
Eddie makes a silent ‘O’ with his mouth, winking at you as he does. “Pardon me. A stopwatch.” He sighs dramatically and releases his hold on your breasts. Your skin feels oddly chilly without the soothing warmth of his hands there, but you swallow thickly as you watch him fiddle with the electronic watch on his wrist. Under the din of the car radio, he mutters to you, “Well, I’m no Page, but I like to think I’m a pretty good guitarist. Let’s see if I can’t break his record, hm?”
“What- Eddie!” A gasp leaves your mouth as his hand wiggles under the elastic waistband of your sweats. 
“No panties today? Naughty girl,” He tuts, letting his fingers roam through your curls and trace over the wet seam of your pussy, just barely a graze but it’s enough to set you on fire. 
“You destroyed one pair already,” you point out, biting your lip as his fingers gently drag through your folds, parting them teasingly. You don’t have the heart to tell him you do have a pair in the bag with your uniform. “Didn’t feel like losing another.”
Eddie hums in acknowledgement, but he doesn’t sound too terribly interested in your reasoning. “Six minutes and twenty-five seconds, sweetheart. Better be quick, or you’re going into work feeling really needy.” The tip of his finger dips just between your folds and finds the bead of your clit, and your heart drops into your stomach. He leans forward to whisper into your ear conspiratorially, “And I’m not working today.”
The sound that leaves you is maybe less than dignified. “You’d really do that to Steve?”
“Oh, you know that I would,” Eddie murmurs darkly. His fingers curl forward, and he buries them to the knuckle in your cunt, his palm rocking against your clit with it. “And I know he’d take really good care of you, too. But I might feel a little jealous if he gets to feel you come and I don’t.”
You feel like you’ve dug your own grave, and now you have to lie in it. Eddie’s fingers are deadly quick and more precise than you could have imagined. Stroking in down to the third knuckle and then hollowing back out to trace small circles around your clit. Teasing his two fingertips just into your entrance before pulling out to tug on your clit again.  
“So wet for me already,” Eddie coos sweetly, swirling his fingers and spreading the slick around to coat your puffy outer lips. Like he’s just having fun fucking with you, and you’re eating it up all the same. “Yeah… sweet baby. Must be doing something right if you’re this soaked.”
Your fingers ache with the grip you have on the wall. The van isn’t very decked out- you’d almost chance to say it looks like he was gutting it out for a remodeling and then stopped halfway through at some point. With nowhere to comfortably put your hands, you’re holding onto a metal support beam with one, the nails of your other hand scratching into the ridge of a windowsill just above his head. 
“Eddie, please,” you whisper, your voice breathier already than you want it to be. Your hips rock against his hand, whimpering when he pushes his middle and ring into you again. He curls them forward so slowly that you feel pulled closer toward his bare chest. “Please, I’m- shit, I want you to fuck me. Right now.”
But Eddie’s not listening. Or maybe he is, but he doesn’t make it known to you- he’s too busy humming along to the fucking song playing on the radio. An anguished cry leaves you when his fingers flex unexpectedly, and it takes you a moment to recognize that he’s following the guitar riff of the song. Scissoring his fingers inside your cunt to mimic the chords, and brushing up against your g-spot as he does.
You recognize the song. It’s on one of your best friend’s mixtapes- you listened to it some months ago in the car on the way to the drive-in. It’s not a difficult tune to follow, or particularly fast, but it’s incongruous and switches up at the oddest moments. So, just when you think there’s a rhythm to his fingers, they throw you for a loop. Your face screws up, because you can’t fucking remember the name of the song while he’s acting like you’re the neck of his goddamn guitar.
Then Eddie stops humming, and starts singing. And if you weren’t already overwhelmed with everything that’s happening, the sound of his rough voice quietly following the tune would put you on fucking cloud nine. “I’m a wild child, come and love me, I want you…”
You gasp for air, and your hand plants itself on the back of his head, fingers digging into the roots of his fluffy hair and tugging excitedly. Fucking- “W.A.S.P. Wild Child. That’s it.”
Eddie snickers, tilting head as he looks up at you with an endearing smile. His free hand lifts from your hip to grip your chin. “Were you trying to place it?”
You give him a high-pitched whimper in lieu of an answer, nodding your head furiously with your eyes screwed shut. You hear him laugh, and can only imagine the cheeky grin on his face. 
“You’re so fuckin’ cute.” Eddie squeezes your cheeks, pulling on your jaw slightly. “Open.”
You let your jaw slacken, mouth wide open for him so that he can spit into it. Moaning loudly into his face, you swallow and you realize that you… really liked that. Enough that it might give you a complex if you think about it for too long. 
You can feel how wet his skin is, because of you- because of him. The soft, slick glide of his thumb against your clit, the two deep inside you sliding in and out without resistance. Your hips grind forward onto his thrusting fingers, and you come onto his hand, making that wetness even worse. A string of moans leave your mouth, unrestrained and just barely louder than the music. 
Eddie’s nose bumps yours, and then he finally kisses you. For the first time all fucking morning, after two hours of screwing around in the back of his van, he finally kisses you while you’re riding out an orgasm on his fingers. You could smack him. But instead, you just open your mouth and let him take what you’ve wanted to give him since he knocked on your door. 
“You sound so fucking sexy when you do that,” he murmurs between kisses, and he sucks on your lower lip as he pulls away. “Like a cute little pornstar.”
You sigh quietly as he shifts, letting his fingers stroke one last time through your folds as he retracts his hand and lifts his fingers to his lips. It doesn’t surprise you when he sucks your cum from them, unabashed in his hedonism. “Is that a good thing?”
“The best.” He grins at you, then lifts his watch and presses a little button on the side. “Five minutes and fifty-two seconds. Beat that, Jimmy Page.”
“Oh, I think you’re much better than Jimmy Page,” you coo at him, tiredly wrapping your arms around his neck. You peck the tip of his nose. “But the next time you get me back here with the sole intention of fucking me, you might try kissing me first?”
Eddie blushes. “I wasn’t… ah… I didn’t know if that was, um. On the table or not.”
You frown at him. “Baby, I let you fuck me in the back room of the bakery. I kissed you last night- Why the hell wouldn’t I let you kiss me now?”
“I dunno, I’ve been with a couple girls who just… didn’t want to kiss me? You didn’t make a move, and I didn’t want to assume-”
You cut him off with a long, wet kiss that makes him grunt in surprise. You don’t know who the hell wouldn’t want to kiss Eddie, but you’ve always been a romantic at heart. You stare into his eyes, holding his face and stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “You kiss me any time, any where you want, Eddie Munson. In front of whoever you want. You have carte blanche.”
“Sounds… sounds good.” Eddie’s round, dark eyes blink up at you, adoration brimming in them. “I’ll kiss you all the time, then. You’ll get sick of me.”
“I’m already sick of you,” you grumble, rubbing his shoulder. “Imagine what would happen if I got really fucking annoyed with you.”
“I can’t wait.” He presses a featherlight kiss to the corner of your mouth, and then smacks your ass so hard it makes you yelp. “C’mon, you gotta get to work.”
��Yeah, about that.” You crawl off of his lap to grab your bag of clothes. “You mean to tell me you went out of your way to drive me to work, pick me up two hours early, and you’re not even scheduled today?”
“What can I say?” Eddie shrugs. “I couldn’t go twenty-four hours without seeing you. You’ve bewitched me- OW!”
You giggle as he rubs the spot on his leg that you kicked as you were tugging your sweats off. “Oops.”
Eddie grabs your ankle and yanks you toward him so that you slip down onto your back, still giggling as he clambers on top of you and starts planting kisses across your bare chest. “Oops.”
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Mimi Callaghan is a friendly woman in her mid-sixties, with bright red hair that she likes to pile on top of her head like frosting on a cupcake. It makes extreme sense that she’d surround herself with baked goods as a career move. 
She’s also sharp as a tack, which is why you turn on your heels and crush up against Eddie trying to walk back out of the door when you see that she’s in the building. 
“We gotta go, Mimi’s here,” you whisper, frantically struggling to push him back. You jam your chest up against his and wiggle your arms, grasping at the cool outside air like you can grab onto the afternoon sunlight and pull yourself out of the bakery lobby. 
Eddie’s weight solidly presses you forward. “It’s fine, sweetheart-”
“She’s gonna know we were smoking,” you retort, still pushing yourself weakly against him. You’re making a scene; you can feel your coworkers’ eyes burning into the back of your skull. 
“It’s fine, you’re fine. Je-sus, would you stop.” Eddie plants his hands on your sides and physically drags you into the bakery as you hit at his back. “Hi, Mimi!” 
“Mister Munson! What are you doing here?” Mimi’s jovial voice can be heard loud and clear all the way from the kitchen. She smacks her hands on her apron, covering the green fabric in powdered sugar. “Not that I don’t like seeing your lovely face.” 
Eddie beams at your boss, and it’s like the sunlight from outside begins and ends on his face. “Just dropping this one off.” He turns you around by the shoulders, walking you around the counter and into the kitchen. Eddie kisses the crown of your head and shoves you forward so that you stop across a decorating counter from Steve. 
Steve looks up at you from under his long lashes, a knowing smirk on his pink lips. Caramel colored hair falls over his forehead, and the contrast of the bright pink uniform shirt to his tan skin is more than tempting. 
You nearly vibrate with nerves as Steve does a slow and deliberate once-over of your entire body. “Have a good morning?”
You clear your throat, but something still grates at your voice when you say, “Something like that.”
Steve simply nods, clearly trying to swallow down his smile, and then holds up a flat disc of bread. “What is this?”
“That’s our spinach and feta focaccia,” you say, watching as he roughly shakes open a bag and drops the bread into it. The bread tears through the bottom of the bag and plops loudly onto the ground. You and Steve both stare at the fallen focaccia in silent grief. 
“Wellp. Ashes to ashes,” Eddie quips, brushing a hand through your hair. His mouth touches your ear like he means to kiss you again, but he whispers, “How do you feel?”
“Like I’m gonna kick you again.” Your eyes follow the line of Steve’s body as he bends to pick up the focaccia and toss it into a nearby bin. Saliva pools on your tongue, and you try to swallow the rogue feeling of desire as quickly as it manifests. 
Eddie follows your gaze. “Looking good today, Harrington,” he says suggestively, squeezing the back of your neck as he does. “Got some new chapstick or something?”
Steve scoffs good-naturedly, picking up another focaccia and gingerly tucking it into its bag this time. He shoots Eddie a side eye. “Yeah, actually. Wanna try it?”
“You know what, I sure do-”
Steve’s hand whips into the pocket of his apron, and a tube of cherry flavored chapstick hits Eddie right between the eyes. Eddie fumbles to catch it and glares at Steve. “I was fuckin’ kidding.”
“I wasn’t.” Steve goes back to packaging bread, while Eddie grumbles under his breath and pops open the tube to apply some.
You watch him run the chapstick over his plush lips, and he catches you staring out of the corner of his eye. “Want some?”
“Yeah, sure.” You hold out your hand for him to give you the tube. 
Eddie grabs you by the chin and tilts your head up to crash his lips against yours. Saccharine cherry flavored balm bleeds into your mouth, and you falter, your hand coming up to grip the neckline of his Metallica shirt. Your face heats up, both surprised and sort of pleased that he took what you told him in the car to heart. When he pulls back, his mouth is smudged with a translucent pink shine. 
“Hm. So you guys had a really good morning,” Steve observes as you reach up to wipe the mess from around Eddie’s mouth with your thumbs. 
“Only the best for our girl,” Eddie purrs, winking at Steve once you finally let him go and very pointedly tucking Steve’s chapstick into his back pocket. “Take good care of her today?”
Steve grins, first at Eddie, and then at you. “Oh, I will.”
Eddie pats your back and turns to leave, waving at Mimi as he does. He makes it halfway out of the kitchen before her cheery voice stops him. “Before you go, Eddie, there’s free food in the back room.”
You see the baker, Andy, poke his head out of the back room, his mouth full of food. “We got hot dogs!”
“Really?” Eddie turns on his heels and makes his way toward the back room. You jump to follow closely behind, your stomach feeling suddenly hollow. You hear Steve drop what he’s doing, trailing on your heels. 
The setup in the back room isn’t what you thought it would be; some lukewarm franks under a little heat lamp, one bag of buns, miniscule toppings of pickled relish, ketchup, and mustard. Despite the miserable presentation, you’re surprised to find that almost every employee you know at the bakery is crammed in the small back room. Joey and Miranda from the morning team, obviously already clocked out, the cake decorators Clara and Bridgit, and Andy off in the corner. You and Eddie both muscle your way past Joey and go for the food with more fervor than necessary. Steve hangs back, leaning against the towers of backstock icing.
Mimi appears at the doorway with an unsettlingly bright smile on her face. “Good. Now that you’re all here, I want to have a little team meeting-”
Eddie grunts in surprise, his mouth half stuffed with food. His hot dog is already falling apart around his fingers, heaps of relish plopping messily onto a styrofoam plate. He fixes Mimi with a wide-eyed stare, and then looks at Steve with an equally helpless expression. Steve shrugs at him as if to say, ‘What do you want me to do?’
“I thought it would be nice to have a little free lunch for everybody,” Mimi says kindly. “Since we’ve also recently gotten a few new members on the team, I’m sure you’d all like to get to know each other.” She gestures at Steve and Eddie, and then looks pointedly at you beside them. “It’s… lovely to see that our closing team is already getting along so well.”
Eddie coughs, nearly choking on his food and turning away from the room with a bright crimson blush on his cheeks. 
“Eddie and I are both really happy to be here. We’re lucky to have such an… understanding trainer. We know we can be a lot to handle,” Steve says with the phoniest smile you’ve ever seen on his face. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie sort of side-stepping, cramming himself between Steve and the frosting buckets to get to the door. “Hey Eddie, where ya goin’?”
Eddie freezes. “I have… uh… a thing across town.”
“A thing?” Steve says incredulously.
“Really important thing,” Eddie supplements. “Have to pick up my… cat from the… vet?”
“Stay just a moment, Eddie,” Mimi says, still blocking the door to prevent him from leaving. “It’s important that I touch on a few things before you go.”
Eddie shuffles back over beside you, elbowing Steve in the side on the way. Steve whacks him on the back of the head. 
“We have a health inspection coming up, so I want everyone doing their level best to clean as much as possible,” Mimi begins. Still engrossed in your food, you take a look around the group and can tell that everyone is only really half-listening. “If the morning team can focus on cleaning their stations- Andy, the baker’s table needs to be scoured- and the evening team can focus on machinery and displays, that would be ideal. That means you as well, Steve.”
Steve holds up his hands with a confused expression. “I clean!”
“Knocking all the crumbs off of the front counter and onto the floor doesn’t count,” Mimi says flatly. “I want to see your hands looking as chapped as mine by the end of the week.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Steve nods, dropping his eyes to the floor. 
“And if you closers can do something about the pastry display,” Mimi adds, looking out of the door toward the offending display case at the front of the shop. “There’s a sort of… black grease that’s built up on the back of it. Not sure how, but I need one of you to get in there and scrub that down as soon as possible.”
“Of course, Mimi,” you say around a mouthful of hot dog bun. “We’ll get on that tonight.”
“Excellent.” Mimi sighs, “Well, that’s really all. Everyone, enjoy the rest of your days. Eddie, you’re free to… pick up your cat.”
“Thank go- you, Mimi.” Eddie bats his eyelashes as he approaches the door, chucking his styrofoam plate into a bin. “You’re an absolute goddess.”
“Don’t push your luck,” Mimi chides, but steps away from the door to let him pass. As always, sharp as a tack, she adds passively, “You sure you don’t want to kiss your girl again?”
“Hm?” Eddie pauses at the door, turning to glance at you over his shoulder, like he forgot that he planted one on you right where your boss had a front row seat to see it happen. He considers it for a moment, and then cracks a smirk that makes your heart rate kick up a notch, knowing what’s about to come. “Nah. Harrington’s got her. Don’t ya, big boy?”
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He’s… listen.
Steve is so fucking distracting, okay? It’s not like you’re trying to fuck up all your packaging, or… or put the wrong frosting on the macarons. It’s not your fault that Eddie stole your extra pair of panties before you could put them on this afternoon, so you have to feel how sticky the skin is between your thighs, and it’s fucking obnoxious. It’s not your fault that every time Steve gets close enough, he’s brushing his hand across your arm or grabbing your hips to scoot past you. Getting into your personal space, making it a goddamn nightmare to concentrate on anything.
Crouched down beside you, his shoulder nudges your leg as he digs around for a plastic top for a cake box. You know that it’s in the next cabinet over, but you don’t have the heart to tell him. You press your thighs together, trying hard to still your shaking hands as you carefully ice a macaron with the correct frosting this time. 
Steve sighs and pulls back. His hand brushes your knee as he does, and it nearly buckles out from under you. You whimper slightly in the back of your throat, clutching onto the counter for support. 
Jesus Christ. Get a fucking grip.  
“You okay?” Steve asks lightly, peering up at you from his place by your hips. He’s kind of oblivious, but also kind of not. You don’t think he’s aware of how badly his closeness is affecting you, but he is doing it in the hopes of drawing a response from you. Good plan, poor ability to assess the actual damage.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” It sounds unconvincing, high and tight in your throat, but you pick up the bright pink frosting bag again and get back to work. “The lids are in the other cabinet.”
He’s such an idiot. You want to jump his bones.
You can’t stop thinking about Steve’s dick in your mouth, and how unfortunate it is that it isn’t there right now. It’s 7:30, getting dark out, and there’s just you, and him, and your fucking monstrous libido alone in the bakery. You should have known it would be like this- it seemed like Eddie was almost certain that it would be, even though he’d given you plenty of attention already.
“So,” Steve starts, his voice lilting as he leans over to grab the lids from the correct cabinet. “You and Eddie?”
He doesn’t have to go into detail for you to know what he’s asking about. The shaking in your hand subsides, for now. “Yeah. You and Eddie?” 
“Mhm, yeah, for a while now.” A pause. A breath of air, suspended over a precipice. “You and me?” 
“Okay.” You look down at him, and he’s smiling to himself. “Okay. Good. So, we’re all on the same page?”
“Eddie laid it out for me pretty well this morning, yeah. You already talked about it?” You grin when he nods, blinking up at you through his lashes. You reach down and stroke his cheek with the knuckle of your finger. “Guess we’re both pretty crazy about you.”
Steve blushes. It’s pretty on him, you think. The pink tinge on his cheeks, his cute little eye roll as he shifts on his heels. “Eddie’s, uh… yeah, when he likes you, he goes all in. He can be pretty handsy, huh?”
“Yeah, it sort of surprised me.” You find yourself smiling too, as you look down at your work. “I like it, though. I like handsy guys.”
Steve is quiet for so long that you wonder if you’ve scared him; but then you feel the warmth of his hand wrap around your ankle. His palm slowly starts to slide up your leg, until his arm nudges your skirt out of the way. 
Your hand slips, painting your thumbnail in violent bright magenta frosting. “Steve…”
“Relax,” Steve murmurs, and his voice grounds you in your place so that you don’t have a way to run from it. His hand turns, fingers brushing up the soft skin of your inner thigh, and you fight not to spread your legs automatically. “I just want to check something.”
“Check what?” you ask, as if it isn’t painfully obvious when his hand stops, fingertips finding the sticky, wet mess at the tops of your thighs. Steve’s breath audibly hitches, and you freeze, your eyes snapping forward to the front of the bakery. 
You should really lock the door.
Steve presses his hand further upwards, and you don’t think he’s expecting to find you without any underwear- his finger dips quite suddenly between your wet folds and you both startle, you fumbling your frosting bag with a quiet gasp and him dropping his forehead to rest against your hip. 
You grind down onto his fingers without thinking, making his fingertip slip just slightly into your hot entrance. Steve groans and digs a white knuckled grip with his free hand into the edge of the counter beside you. 
“We’re gonna take a break,” Steve blurts loudly, without warning, his voice sounding hoarse and strained. 
“Uh-huh, yeah,” you agree shakily, dropping everything in your hands immediately. “We’re closing early tonight.”
“We are?”
You mean to stroke Steve’s hair when he pulls his hand away from you, but in your rush you sort of just bonk him on the head with the flat of your palm and then fucking bolt. You sprint to the front door, turn the latch on the handle and flip the cardboard sign to ‘closed.’
As you turn to make your way back to the kitchen, you glimpse the pastry case and it’s enough to almost make you pause. That’s… okay, that looks like shit. Black grease shining all over the wall behind the shelves, like someone unloaded the oil cache from the donut fryer down the back of it. Your eyes drift back to the kitchen, and find Steve leisurely untying his apron as he walks toward the back room. 
Yeah, no. Dick first. Pastry case later.
Your hands hover over the tie of your apron as you blaze through the kitchen after him. To undress, or not to undress? You’re not totally sure what the vibe is yet, but you can always-
Broad hands grab you as soon as you step through the door into the back room. You yelp as you’re pulled suddenly into a warm embrace, Steve’s arms wrapping around you and his body pressing you up against the book keeper’s desk. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” Steve whispers, his breath touching your neck before his lips do. He grabs your thighs and hoists you up onto the desk, crowding between your knees before you can think to close them. 
His hands are everywhere. Untying your apron, answering your question for you. In your hair, tugging your head back so he can mouth at your neck without obstructions. Undoing the front of your dress so that he can grope at your bare chest. 
Handsy guys. You fucking love handsy guys. And now you have two of them. 
“Mind if I ask,” Steve mutters softly, palms sliding under your skirt, “no underwear…?”
“Eddie stole them.”
“Of fucking course.” He huffs a laugh in your ear; you can hear his eye roll with it. “Can’t say I blame him, though. I kept the ones from last night.”
You whimper high in your throat as he latches onto your lower lip, sucking it between his teeth. There’s a moment when you consider how different he is compared to Eddie; Eddie’s a little rough around the edges in just about every way, and that includes how he handles you. Not that you don’t like it, but Steve is just… gentle. Almost soft, in a way. 
Your breath hitches as his fingers coax your skirt up your legs and your wet cunt hits the cool air. Hips squirming toward him impatiently, trying to meet him in the middle, and Steve’s too busy tasting you to care. “Little needy, are we?”
“Cut the crap, Harrington, I want to fuck you so bad-” You gasp when he bites down on your lip a little bit harder.
“Such a romantic.” Steve doesn’t sound as miffed as he tries to appear, as he reaches to undo his belt. “Wanted to warm you up first, make sure it wouldn’t hurt. Guess not.”
“It won’t.” 
Steve lifts his eyes, staring levelly at you with an amused expression. The twinkling sound of his belt buckle fills the quiet air. “If you say so.”
He’s quick about it, to your relief. Which isn’t to say that he isn’t still infernally gentle, even though you wish he’d just grab you by the throat and slam into you at this point. That’s just not Steve Harrington’s style, apparently. No, his hands grab your hips and rub soothing little circles into the skin as his cock splits you open, and your nails scratch over his collar and up into his hair. 
“Fuck, Steve.” It does hurt, just a bit. That raw aching when he fills you, because you weren’t ready for it and he’s so fucking big that parts of you have to be moved out of the way to accommodate him. Your toes curl, and your mary janes pop off and scitter to the floor behind him when you wrap your legs around his waist. 
His voice low and quiet, right up against your ear, Steve gives you a small groan that tells you more about how desperate he is than his words do. “Told you. You’re so tight- think it’s too much for this little pussy.”
“N-no, it’s no-OT-” You writhe against him when he hollows out just slightly and pushes back in, getting half an inch deeper. Your hands tear at his clothes and his hair, looking for something to hold onto.  “Shitshitshit- Steve, Jesus Christ.”
Steve shushes you, cradling your body against him like he’s trying to console you while he keeps rocking himself into you. “You’re working yourself up, honey, you gotta just relax. Take a deep breath for me, baby. Deep breath, c’mon now-” 
You take a gasping breath that sort of stalls in your lungs because he’s still moving, and it hurts but it also feels so fucking good and cathartic that you’d kill him if he stopped. Steve’s arm is around your back to hold you by the neck, and his other hand has one of yours trapped in a crushing grip between your chests. He squeezes it softly with every slow push and pull he makes inside you. 
“Oh fuck oh fuck.” You’re hissing through your teeth, clawing at his back to urge him deeper and at the same time ground yourself. Each breath leaves you with a shallow, anguished moan attached, which would be embarrassing, except you’re not thinking clearly enough to sort through the muck of your emotions right now. “Don’t- don’t you dare fucking stop.”
“I’m not gonna stop,” Steve assures you, inching forward just enough to sink his cock a little further into you before drawing slowly out, giving it to you in small doses. You whine as he pushes in, and he coos with a bit of gravel in his voice, “I know, it’s a lot. You’re taking it so well.”
“Love your cock,” you mutter weakly, surprising both Steve and yourself. Where the fuck did that come from?
“I hope so,” Steve chuckles. He squeezes your hand in his comfortingly. “I’m gonna make you take all of it, I promise.”
That sounds… kind of threatening, when he puts it like that. Like a backhanded slap and then a swift kiss to the cheek. 
You like it so much. 
“Hear that?” he murmurs lightly, way too soft for the way his hand tightens on your neck. In the back of your mind you register what he’s talking about- the obnoxiously slick sound of him driving in and out of you, your cunt absolutely drowning him in your need. “You’re getting my cock all wet, babygirl. Being so good for da- me.”
Steve finally slams into you just then, and you loudly cry out his name at the feeling of him reaching the end of you. It disrupts your train of thought so thoroughly that you almost miss his little slip-up. Almost. 
As you recover you manage to reach up and take his chin in your hand. “Daddy?” 
His eyes are so dark, but he looks a little shy as you stare into his face. He blinks rapidly, cheeks flushing a deep pink. Gotcha. 
“Fuck,” Steve groans, his forehead falling to rest against yours. “Shit, don’t- you don’t have to call me that-”
“Maybe I want to,” you breathe, gasping when his hips lurch forward into yours. “I wanna be good for you, daddy.”
He growls under his breath, blunt nails scraping down your thighs. “Sounds so sweet when you say it.”
“Mm. Harder.”
Steve’s enthusiasm gives you a sort of perverse satisfaction. He hikes your knee up to his waist and buries himself inside you, his skin impacting yours and the desk thudding against the wall behind you. You whimper when he starts up a pace that has him panting against your ear. 
Your head rolls back on your shoulders, and Steve wastes no time tracing the line of it with his tongue. Half aware of what you’re doing, your hand shoots down and around his hip to grab a fistful of his ass, urging him on. He nearly snarls against your throat, hot air bursting across your skin as the arm holding you to him leaves your back and his hand slams loudly against the wall behind you. 
Steve really is a sight to behold when he loses his composure. He’s always gorgeous, of course- infuriatingly so, at times. But now your gaze is clouded with lust and your mind is stumbling while you blink your eyes open at him, and he’s so close to you with his hair falling across his brow and his lips parted as he stares directly into your face. His deep brown eyes are blown wide and black, heavy lidded, and you feel like you might burst.
“I’m gonna come,” you blurt suddenly, hands frantically scrambling up to his shoulders and clutching onto him tightly and trying to lock yourself down at the feeling. It bubbles up out of nowhere, like Steve managed to conjure it up just by looking at you.
You see a smirk break across his face just before your eyes fall shut. “So soon?”
“Yeah,” you whimper. “S’too good. You feel so good, daddy.”
“Oh my god,” he groans, but there’s a little bit of a snicker there in it. His hand skims your thigh and then you feel his thumb touch your clit, and everything whites out of existence. “You’re too perfect. Come for me.”
You don’t answer him. You just do, and it sweeps through you before you’re able to brace yourself for it. Fingers digging into the muscle of his shoulders, you cry out, louder than you mean to be but beyond the point of caring. Your legs shake, tense and release with each wave because Steve just keeps going- not speeding up or slowing down, but just remaining the steady constant in the ebb and flow. 
Steve curses lowly, his lips dragging gently over yours but not quite going all the way in for a kiss. “Just like that- get my cock nice and creamy, baby.”
Your face burns. The rest of your skin feels hot and clammy, sticking to him wherever you touch his body. There’s a whirlwind of sound going on in your head; from Steve’s deep grunts, your moans, the desk banging against the wall and his skin impacting yours, you don’t know what’s what anymore. 
You almost don’t even notice it when the phone on the wall above your head starts ringing. 
“Fuck.” Steve rears back, pissed off and rutting his hips into yours so hard that you cry out. He glances at the clock on the far wall and scoffs, “Who the hell calls this late?” before snatching the phone off the hook. 
His free hand finds your throat, pinning you back against the wall. You whimper, defenseless as Steve presses the phone to his ear. “Thank you for calling Mimi’s Bakery, this is Steve.”
For fuck’s sake.  
You feel like you’re going to combust. You’re still too sensitive from your orgasm and Steve’s hand on your throat locks you in place to hold you still while he starts fucking into you harder. Skin on skin on skin, bent backwards over the desk as his hips slam into yours and the messy patch of hair at the base of his cock grinds up against your clit. You whine loudly, and Steve’s hand just tightens that much more to silence you. 
He’s not even looking at you. Steve’s eyes have drifted off to the side, focused on whatever the person on the phone is saying. He tilts his head, gnawing on his lip and humming low in his throat while he considers whatever the question is. 
“Mmm… dunno, let me check on that for you.” Steve finally looks you directly in the eye. “Do we have cream pies tonight?”
Your brain short circuits. What the… what? He… he fucking put the selection of cream pies out himself earlier? Why would he ask you?
Then he nods downward, his eyes flickering to where he pulls back and drives his cock into you. Steve looks back up at you questioningly. 
Oh. Oh fuck.  
You nod your head quickly, your nails biting into the skin of his forearm. You don’t even second guess it. You’re so close to your second orgasm that you can taste it on the back of your tongue, and you don’t think you could handle it if he pulled out now. 
Steve grins, and you think it’s probably the prettiest thing you’ve seen all night. “Yes sir, we do. However the bakery is closed tonight, so those will be available tomorrow. Would you like me to set those aside for you? Mhm, how many?”
He goes on like that for another minute, but you’re barely listening anymore. Your cunt pulses, so wet that you can hear every slow drag of his cock before he reaches the end of you again. All your muscles lock down, your head digs back against the wall, and you come again. Hard.  
“Thank you for calling sir have a good night bye,” Steve chokes out in one long breath, and then his hand slams the phone down onto the receiver. He buckles forward over you and gasps loudly. “Holy shit, oh my god. Good girl, good fucking girl-”
And his mouth is on yours, sucking at your bottom lip as his thrusts turn sloppy. His hand leaves your throat to skim around your waist and pull your chest flush to his. He cradles you close and plants his hips against yours, stealing your breath with kisses and moaning sweetly as he comes. 
Afterwards, the room is way too fucking still and quiet. Your skin tingles, your cunt still pulsing with aftershocks as it milks his cock, but the silence makes your ears ring. You card your fingers through his hair, letting Steve sweep his tongue against yours as many times as he wants as long as it means he’ll stay this close to you for a little while. 
“That wasn’t how I thought it would be.”
He grunts, his teeth grazing your lip. “What did you have in mind?”
“Dunno.” You pause as he presses a chaste kiss to your closed lips, your eyes fluttering. “Maybe we could do it in a bed next time?”
Steve laughs at that. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers to you, his voice touched with something so genuine that it rattles you, nearly making tears prick at your eyes. You just cling to him, squeezing your eyes shut and trying not to sniffle about it. 
“Thank you,” you mumble wetly into his neck. 
Steve sighs when he pulls back. His hand comes up to softly smooth your hair back as he takes in your face. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head, swallowing back the lump in your throat. “Nothing. You’re just… you’re so sweet.”
He hums softly, catching a stray tear on his thumb as it falls down your cheek. To your relief, he doesn’t mock you or seem disturbed by it, he just takes it in stride. “Do you want me to… not be?”
“No, it’s- it’s a good thing, I swear-” You lean your cheek into his hand, letting him hold your face as you reel yourself in. “I’m just getting used to it, that's all.”
“Good. ‘Cuz it’s only gonna get worse from here,” Steve whispers with a gentle smile. He pets your thigh. “Feel better now?”
You grumble in the back of your throat. “The fuck’s that s’posed to mean?”
He shrugs. “You’ve been looking like you wanted to rip my clothes off since you got here.” Steve chuckles a bit when you whack him on the arm, “Only an observation, you’re not good at hiding it.”
Serves you right for thinking he was oblivious. “You guys have me fucking figured out and I’ve been with you for, like, a day.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He hisses when he takes your hip in his hand and slowly pulls out of you, leaving you whining from the emptiness. “I know, honey. Did I hurt you?”
“No,” you mutter, biting your lip when he adjusts the front of your dress and buttons it back up for you carefully. “No, you’re really wonderful. Daddy.”
Steve tilts his head and purses his lips, trying to hide the smile on his cheeks. “Wasn’t expecting you to pick up on that.”
“You’re not good at hiding it.”
Steve snickers, pulling you close to rest his forehead against yours again. He presses a few slow kisses to your lips, lingering over them like he’s trying to decide whether he really wants to go back to work or not. You’re not about to tell him to stop. 
You both instantly freeze, listening to the ungodly loud clatter of a million pastry boxes hitting the ground. Steve’s brows dig into a deep frown very quickly, while you put the front of his pants to rights and push yourself forward off the desk. 
“The fuck was that?”
“Why are you asking me, hot shot?” You smack him on the back, making him lurch toward the door. “If we’re being burgled, I’m the only one here not wearing pants.”
Still, you grip onto his belt and creep behind him through the door to the kitchen, peering cautiously over his shoulder. You don’t immediately see anything amiss in the bakery, except that half a display of muffins and cinnamon rolls has been knocked halfway to hell. Things are eerily quiet for a few more seconds, before something leaps up off the ground and starts flapping around the bakery lobby, snarling and snapping. 
You scream, clutching onto Steve’s middle and nearly hauling him back into the back room again. It looks like a giant flying… stingray? No, stingrays don’t have teeth. It’s like a weird, disgustingly large bat with no actual head. Like a leech with long teeth and wings. 
You vaguely hear Steve saying something, but you’re too busy trying to battle the bat in a game of who-can-screech-the-loudest. It’s only when Steve finally turns, grabbing you by the shoulders so that you can look at him, that you stop to consider what he’s saying. 
“-fire, get me something with fire, okay?”
“Fire?” You try to maintain a steady balance, keeping an eye on the thing in the bakery lobby and his face. 
“Yes, babe, fire. That hot shit that burns stuff, remember? Get me some of that.”
You nod mutely, starting to shake from adrenaline. You watch Steve pick up a giant metal rolling pin off the baker’s table, twirling the pin in his hand in a way that should not be as attractive as it is. 
You try to think of something in the bakery that creates fire- something handheld, you assume, because the only thing coming to mind is the little stove in the corner used primarily to melt chocolate and different icings. For a kitchen, not too many things in it conjure up flames at a moment's notice. 
But then you remember, on Saturdays the morning team makes crème brûlée for the brunch crowd. 
You dive for the decorators table, but you honestly have no idea where they keep the blow torches. It’s a long shot in the dark, but you just start hauling shit out of the cupboards like your life depends on it. 
It might, you think wearily. 
Over the counter, you can hear Steve scuffling with the screeching bat, and you pause long enough to glance up at what’s going on in the lobby. You manage to catch him at the exact moment that he cracks the bat with the rolling pin, knocking it across the bakery like a baseball and making it slam into the wall beside the pastry case. 
You blink down at the half empty cupboard in front of you and see the emerald green can of a blow torch, shining up at you like the light at the end of the tunnel. Your shaking hands fumble with it as you yank it out. “STEVE!” 
He turns just in time to see you hurl the blowtorch across the front counter at him. Which is probably not great in the grand scheme of safety measures, but y’know. 
He snatches the blowtorch out of the air right as the fucking bat starts writhing around again. Steve flicks it on and lights the damn thing up without a second thought, creating a blazing inferno on the bakery floor. 
It takes a second for the fire to die down, and in that time you kind of army crawl around the counter to sit and stare at the bat with wide, unblinking eyes. 
Steve says your name. You don’t respond. 
He takes a couple steps toward you, but then stops short. When you snap your eyes to him, he’s running his hand frustratedly through his hair, staring at the pastry case. 
You hesitantly inch forward on your knees and look around the side of it at what he’s fussing over. The case itself is intact, a few of the pastries themselves gone askew when, you presume, the giant ass demon bat flew out of it. But the back of it… that’s a whole other story. 
Where before there was what appeared to be just a giant, slick grease stain, now there’s a gaping hole with a glowing membrane across it. You don’t know what it is, but Steve seems to as he swears like a sailor and drops to sit on the ground next to you. 
“Bats,” you blurt out, catching Steve's attention. He turns to gaze at you, holding his head in his hands. You look at him apprehensively. “Eddie said he was attacked by bats.”
Steve is quiet for way too long, blinking at you like he’s trying to figure out what to say. Then, he nods slowly. “We need to call Eddie.”
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gamma-gal-24 · 2 months
I was confusing myself trying to split one S/I between two F/Os, so I made a second Goofsona!☺️💕
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This is Cami!! (Short for Camilla).
After getting into a bad accident while hiking, Cami was left unable to walk. While trying to navigate life with her new obstacles, she's determined to let nothing get in her way of continuing to live to the fullest. Now she's attending the university and working towards majors in Photography and Art so that one day she can achieve her dream of being a wildlife photographer!
Tank and Cami met at the skatepark. She was parked by a ramp, watching her buddies flying up and down as though they had wings, when the bit lug spots her. "You takin' the next turn, Hot-rod?" He had joked, a sorry excuse for a conversation starter if Cami had ever heard one... And yet, it did its job at breaking the ice. While most would have run over his foot for making such an insensitive joke, Cami just laughed. That was one thing she had learned over the last couple years- how to laugh at herself. And after seeing her unbothered, sunny attitude, the two kinda clicked after that!.... Minus the wheelchair jokes. He learned quickly not to overuse those....💕
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dittolicous · 7 months
Saw some takes on One Piece x Pokemon so I thought I'd throw in my own two cents, seeing as giving characters Pokemon is my FAVORITE thing (just look at my fucking Submas fic, so many Pokeymans.... ehem).
First, to note that I'm working under the idea of 'One Piece where everything is exactly the same as Canon except Pokemon are also there'. How? Eh, its anime, baby, we don't need too much logic! They're just like a split off from regular animals - perhaps animals naturally enfused with Devil Fruit-like powers or something? IDK.
(That said, Pokemon cannot gain Devil Fruit powers like a regular animal can. There are many studies why but no 100% conclusive answer.)
1) Tangela ♀️ -> Tangrowth
Met on/at: Dawn Island
Background: Met when Luffy was young, in the mountain forest after befriending Ace and Sabo. They bonded over both having stretchy limbs. Constantly got tangled up in each other.
Evolved: During Marineford while trying to save Ace.
Reasoning: Stretchy limbs, a little goofy looking, but can become a strong fighter.
2) Mudkip ♂️ -> Marshtomp -> Swampert
Met on/at: Alabasta.
Background: Often hung out with the Kung-Fu Dugong for a fun brawl and was impressed by Luffy. Followed the Strawhats by sneaking into their luggage afterwards. Helped Luffy against Crocodile.
Evolved: First at Enies Lobby then finally over the timeskip while training with Luffy. Was supplied with a Megastone by Boa. First use was during Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Mega evolution similar to Luffy's Gear 3-4 appearances. Also completes the starter trio with Zoro and Sanji.
3) Aipom ♀️ -> Ambipom
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Liked Luffy's singing, followed him around and snuck on board the Merry when it went to leave Skypiea.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark, trying to protect Luffy from Kuma.
Reasoning: Goofy monkey. “It uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze, that's proof it really likes you.”
4) Drampa ♂️
Met on/at: Sabaody, pre-timeskip.
Background: Was entertaining kids at the theme-park when Luffy's group bumped into them. Became distraught that Camie was kidnapped and tried to help them find her. Was upset they couldn't protect Luffy or the Strawhats when the navy showed up, thus watching over Sunny during the two years to make up for it. Officially joined when they reunited.
Reasoning: Goofy. Fluffy white hair, similar to Gear 5. Kind to children, will become violent to protect or avenge them - think Momo, Tama, and Bonnie.
5) Lombre ♂️ -> Ludicolo
Met on/at: Dressrossa.
Background: Often snuck in to watch Colosseum fights. Didn't really understand why everyone always got so mad (mostly at Rebecca) but thought the fights seemed fun. Was inspired by Luffy's battles and defeating Doflamingo and really liked the party thrown afterwards.
Evolved: Accidentally, on the way to WCI, after touching a waterstone while playing around in Nami's treasure (with Gholdengo).
Reasoning: “Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.” Festive music makes it stronger, comparable to Drums of Liberation. Also goofy, likes to party.
6) Egg -> Riolu ♂️ -> Lucario
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was accidentally grabbed when the egg got packed with their supplies during the rush to WCI. Was nearly eaten by Luffy but Chopper recognized it as a viable Pokemon egg. Hatched aboard the Sunny when Luffy cried out to Sanji, feeling his emotions despite the distance. Intensely attached to Luffy as a result.
Evolved: At Wano during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Use of aura similar to Ryuo Haki.
And, lol whoops, since this is gunna be LONG the rest of the Strawhats are going under the cut!
1) Scyther ♂️ -> Kleavor
Met on/at: Shimotsuki Village.
Background: Often fought each other while Zoro trained to beat Kuina. Was thrown off when Zoro came after him viciously one day, until he broke down mid fight and told him about Kuina, her death, and their promise. Joined Zoro when he eventually left the village.
Evolved: Found Black Augurite way back at Little Garden but was not aware of its use nor cared to evolve until Wano, after seeing Tonoyasu's execution.
Reasoning: Knife arms. Kleavor chosen over Scizor because Scizor is more claw or clamp-like while Kleavor keeps the sharp weaponry arms (just axes instead of swords). Kleavor also more old-fashioned, less fancy than Scizor, mirroring Zoro's simple ideology. Big, scary looking.
2) Magikarp ♂️ -> Gyarados
Met on/at: East Blue sea.
Background: Came across Zoro while he was lost at Sea. Helped lead him to land but was stunned by how he kept getting immediately lost and stuck with him to keep him from dying at sea. Likes to meditate with him. Dreams of swimming up a giant water. Love at first sight with Sanji's Feebas. Get clumsy and shy under her attention. Nearly went belly up when she evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Zoro or Sanji are aware.
Evolved: To help them escape Enies Lobby whirlpools. Was given a Mega-stone much later at Wano, by Hiyori.
Reasoning: Unexpected powerhouse. Connects to Wano via ‘koi that climbs a waterfall’ and becomes a dragon. Mirrors Sanji's Feebas/Milotic.
3) Zangoose ♀️
Met on/at: Random East Blue island.
Background: Caught while roaming as a bounty hunter. Was terrorizing a local town until Zoro beat them. Has an explosive temper and can be difficult to control at times. More controlled after the timeskip but can still be egged into fits.
Reasoning: Sharp, mean-looking face. Has a long-term rivalry with another Pokemon (Seviper). Mark over left eye.
4) Treecko ♂️ -> Grovyle -> Sceptile
Met on/at: Long Ring Long Land Island.
Background: Watched their Davy Back fight. Thought they were kinda stupid ultimately liked their vibes and forced their way onto Zoro's team afterwards. Chose Zoro on a whim but it worked as they often nap together. Very chill, go-with-the-flow type.
Evolved: First at Sabaody while protecting Zoro from Kuma then finally over the timeskip. Was sneakily given a Mega-stone by Mihawk when the two years were up.
Reasoning: Green. Cutting attacks. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Sanji.
5) Charcadet ♂️ -> Ceruledge
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Was helping them from the shadows as they were too weak to take on Moria straight on. Saw the confrontation with Kuma and was greatly moved. Wants to be trained by Zoro.
Evolved: Over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Sword arms. Got stronger via cursed artifacts like Zoro's swords.
6) Applin ♀️ -> Dipplin -> Hydrapple
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Saw Zoro as he pretended to be a traveling ronin in the capital. Became completely enamored by him. Kept following him and randomly popping out to give him food or lead him places. Young powerhouse. Really wants to protect and impress him.
Evolved: First when Toko gave Zoro a candied apple which Zoro then gave to them (since he doesn't like sweets). Had no idea it could evolve them. Then finally during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Multi-headed dragon similar to three-sword style. Also funny for him to have a sweets-based Pokemon despite disliking sweets. Draws parallel to his friendship with Chopper.
1) Meowth ♂️ -> Persian
Met on/at: Random East Blue Island.
Background: Caught in an attempt to abuse Pay Day. Wasn't efficient, only upsetting both of them, and gave them a rough start. Eventually grew to understand and trust each other. Becomes very spoiled later on, as Nami wants to give them a good life.
Evolved: While fighting Baroque Works in the final Alabasta battle.
Reasoning: Money cat.
2) Absol ♀️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Random pirate ship in the East Blue.
Background: Freed them from a poacher while working for Arlong. Bonded over being considered bad omens (or so they believed). Helps her recognize warning signs of oncoming natural disasters.
Evolved: Found a Mega-stone in treasure at Thriller Bark. Only achieved it after the timeskip.
Reasoning: Ability to sense on-coming disasters similar to Nami being able to spot storms and her navigation capabilities. Shiny to match her hair.
3) Gimmighoul ⚧️ -> Gholdengo
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Found roaming form in treasure from Skypiea. Freaked out before taking up residence in Nami's treasure. Very good at keeping it organized and safe for her. Not much of a fighter but focuses on keeping the ship safe when the crew is on land. Likes to watch her draw maps.
Evolved: Entirely by accident while trying to protect their treasure at Thriller Bark. Was not looking forward to having Nami find out some of the treasure was now part of their body.
Reasoning: Treasure, gold.
4) Castform ♂️
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Lived with the Weather Wizards to aid them in their studies. Was moved by Nami's drive to help Luffy and then by her bountiful knowledge and skill. Helps her improve Clima-Tact range. Chose to go with her so they could become stronger together as well as see her achieve her dream. Later becomes BFFs with Zeus.
Reasoning: Weather-based abilities.
5) Wattrel ♀️ -> Kilowattrel
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Befriended the entire flock while practicing lightning attacks. Chose to stay with her to keep ‘playing’. A little air-headed but well-meaning. Also BFFs with Zeus.
Evolved: At Dressrossa, while fighting Giolla. Not good at remembering their much bigger now and keeps trying to sit on Nami's shoulder.
Reasoning: Electric bird. Comparable to Nami's favorite attack with Thunder Tempo.
6) Dratini ♂️ -> Dragonair -> Dragonite
Met on/at: On the way to Fish-man Island.
Background: A scardy-cat but still tries to keep sailors safe. Got caught up in the mess with the kraken and volcano on the journey to the island. Stuck with Nami because she let them curl around her shoulders when they got scared. Officially joined at the end of the arc.
Evolved: First during the escape from WCI and then finally during the battle at Onigashima while desperately trying to protect Nami.
Reasoning: Saves sailors from storms and wrecks just like Nami navigates them to safety. Kindhearted.
Special Note: Nami is afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Spinarak ♂️ -> Ariados
Met on/at: Syrup Village.
Background: First friend, partners in crime. Helped back-up Usopp's lies however they could. Desperately wants to befriend Nami and Sanji (going slowly).
Evolved: During the timeskip. Took so long to evolve because of their personal fear they weren't going to be good enough to help Usopp achieve his dream.
Reasoning: Usopp claims to have played with spiders as a kid.
2) Remoraid ♀️ -> Octillary
Met on/at: Seas of Alabasta.
Background: Fished up on the way to Alabasta. Was too scrawny to eat, took offense to that, and made it their problem until caught by Usopp. Constantly disobeyed him, causing trouble and spitting water at them. Only grew to respect and listen to him in Enies Lobby, both out of his love for Merry and his strength to stand up for Robin.
Evolved: While protecting them at Enies Lobby, when they were stuck on the platform.
Reasoning: Gun fish for the sniper.
3) Finizin ♂️ -> Palafin
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Met while he tried to fix Merry. Usopp would talk to Merry and his voice drew in some wild sea Pokemon. Thought it was touching how much he cared for the ship. Saw him and Franky get kidnapped by CP-9, chasing after the sea train. Saw the ‘birth’ of and idolizes Sogeking.
Evolved: As they were leaving Water 7, hyped up by Usopp returning to his friends and wanting to protect them from Garp.
Reasoning: Superhero Pokemon = Sogeking.
4) Dreepy ♀️ -> Drakloak -> Dragapult
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Followed them out of curiosity. Got slingshot-ed away by Usopp by accident when he panicked thanks to the zombies. Turned out to love being launched by Usopp's slingshot, kept coming back to him and even offering to help if he kept doing it. Refused to leave.
Evolved: First during the timeskip and then again at Dressrosa, during the final battle.
Reasoning: Likes being shot around. Good for a sniper. Also funny since Usopp is scared of ghosts.
5) Toedscool ♂️ -> Toedscruel
Met on/at: Boin Archipelago.
Background: Tried to kill Usopp at first but had a change of heart when Usopp accidentally saved them both from being eaten by the island. Helped him hone his skills and ammunition, then joined after two years.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: Goofy, good at running away really fast. Draws comparisons to Usopp's use of plants and the like later.
6) Floragato ♂️ -> Meowscarada
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was particularly feisty and troublesome and thus was turned into a toy by Sugar. Witnessed the God Usopp fight. Was more baffled then moved, choosing to follow Usopp out of morbid curiosity. Respect was grudgingly won when they watched him prepare his attack to protect Luffy from Sugar later on.
Evolved: During the battle at Onigashima.
Reasoning: Uses sleight of hand, showy, like Usopp. Similar to Palafin and Sogeking.
Special Note: Afraid of Ghost Type Pokemon. Still startles around Robin's.
1) Rattata ♂️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: One of the rats he fed. Found Sanji in the dungeon and kept him company. Escaped with him, officially being caught once on the ship. Only survived the shipwreck because Sanji forced them to stay in their Pokeball, which kept them in a decent enough stasis until they were found, but only just barely. Has refused to return to their ball ever since.
Evolved: No. Refuses to evolve out of fear of becoming too big to hide on Sanji's person.
Reasoning: Sanji fed mice. Shiny to look more like his hair and play off the idea of a ‘waste of a shiny’. IE a weak or non-viable fighter Pokemon getting a shiny spawn instead of a cooler Pokemon, making the bad shiny more insulting. Sanji was a failure because he didn't mutate, Rattata was a failure because it did mutate.
2) Torchic ♀️ -> Combusken -> Blaziken
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: A gift from Zeff when he started teaching him how to fight. Sparring partners. Doesn't tolerate Sanji's nonsense with women and will drag him away if they need to. Assists him in the kitchen as well.
Evolved: First evolves at Arlong Park then finally at Enies Lobby. Gifted a Mega-stone by Iva during the timeskip.
Reasoning: Fire-type kicking Pokemon. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Zoro.
3) Feebas ♀️ -> Milotic
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: Met after opening the Baratie, trying to steal scraps from trash because they were having trouble finding food thanks to being so weak. Sanji cooked them something fresh and told them they could always come to him if they were hungry. Doted on over the years as Sanji honed his cooking. Believes in his dream of the All Blue. Becomes intensely protective of him upon evolving. Love at first sight with Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados. Thinks he's a real charmer even as a Magikarp. Was starstruck when he evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Sanji or Zoro are aware.
Evolved: To protect him when Don Kreig attacked.
Reasoning: Hard to find yet very pathetic and weak Pokemon in first stage Originally evolves by increasing beauty stat via feeding poffins/special food. Mirrors Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados.
4) Milcery ♀️ -> Alcremie (Love-Sweet, Matcha)
Met on/at: Kamabakka Kingdom.
Background: Aided him in improving his cooking and fighting skills. Let him vent about Iva and the others, eventually then about the Strawhats and his worries. Prefers cooking to fighting but doesn't shy away from a fight. Very calm and collected.
Evolved: Over the two years. Sanji picked her up while talking/venting over a long night and started gushing. Did his spinny thing.
Reasoning: Food Pokemon.
5) Type: Null ⚧️ -> Silvally
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: Found in the Germa cloning lab being experimented on during WCI. Broke them free out of rage during his fight with his siblings, telling it to run. It ran off but found him and Luffy later, tentatively joining them because it didn't know where to go. Sanji had a difficult time looking at them at first but they were able to bond over time. Treats Rattata like an older sibling.
Evolved: During the fight with Queen in Wano. Was brought to tears as Queen tried to kill them and berated them on being Judge's work, given hope when Sanji denied him. Broke their helmet to stand with him.
Reasoning: Artificially created based on a God (Arceus), comparable to the theory that the Vinsmokes were trying to recreate Devil Fruit abilities (hence the swirl brows). Also, helmet, and the symbology of destroying the helmet thanks to friendship and to become stronger. “Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.”
6) Bounsweet ♀️ -> Steenee -> Tsareena
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Lived in the flower capital of Wano. Hung out around Sanji's noodle stand after he opened it. Befriended Rattata and snuck into Sanji's pocket with them. Didn't really have a reason, very air-headed and doofy. Not a single thought in their head. Doted on by Sanji nonetheless. Surprisingly vicious in a fight upon evolving.
Evolved: First during the battle at Onigashima, then again later at Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Leggy Pokemon.
Special Note: Afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Egg -> Happiny ♀️ -> Chansey -> Blissey
Met on/at: Jaya.
Background: Found as an egg in the forest of Jaya, while they were looking for a South Bird. Hatched during the freedom party in Skypiea and imprinted on Chopper. Likes to hide under his hat or in his backpack before evolving.
Evolved: First evolved over the timeskip and then again at Wano.
Reasoning: OG healing Pokemon. Pink.
2) Audino ♀️
Met on/at: Torino Kingdom.
Background: Was learning medicine alongside Chopper. Chose to go with him after being told stories of the Strawhats’ adventures by Chopper (half out of admiration, half out of horror over the injuries gotten).
Evolved: Gifted a Mega-stone by the birds (it was in their shiny stash).
Reasoning: Another good nurse Pokemon. Mega-evolves like Chopper's forms.
3) Smoliv ♂️ -> Dolliv -> Arboliva
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was touched by the Strawhats saving the Minks. Wants to help people like Chopper does. Doesn't like fighting. Helps tend to Chopper's medicinal garden.
Evolved: For the first time at WCI and then again later while breaking Luffy out of jail in Wano.
Reasoning: Kind Pokemon. Seed Sower ability causes healing. Good support for medical care.
Special Note: Chopper isn't wholly comfortable with having Pokemon partners thanks to his own animal nature. The three he has wouldn't take no for an answer. He treats them more like students or assistants. He can understand Pokemon-speak though it's like deciphering a very thick accent.
1) Budew ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Roselia -> Roserade
Met on/at: Ohara
Background: Only friend before Saul arrived. Escaped with her when Ohara burned. Extremely protective of her, slow to trust others. Will have no mercy on those that betray or threaten Robin. Relaxes a bit after Enies Lobby, trusting the Strawhats unconditionally to have their back.
Evolved: First evolved not long after escaping Ohara, while protecting a sleeping Robin. Evolved again a couple years down the line when she started going through pirate crews.
Reasoning: Comparable to Robin's Devil Fruit. Shiny colors for darker feelings.
2) Galarian Yamask ♂️ -> Runerigus
Met on/at: Random Ruins
Background: Met in some ruins during her travels to find the Poneglyphs. Likes to people watch. Tends to accidentally creep on others without meaning too, forgetting that ghost powers frighten people.
Evolved: Before joining Crocodile.
Reasoning: Runes. History based and creepy.
3) Cofagrigus ♀️
Met on/at: Random Ruins.
Background: Similar to above. Tried to lure her to her death but was soundly defeated. Was told her goals, piquing their curiosity, and decided to join her. Likes when Robin reads to them or talks about her latest discoveries. Also likes pranking/scaring Usopp, Chopper, and Brook.
Evolved: Before meeting Robin.
Reasoning: Sarcophagus. History stuff. Lottsa hands.
4) Unown (D) ⚧️
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Met while looking through the ruins. Helped her figure out where the bell and Poneglyph were. Feels a pull towards Poneglyphs but cannot explain why. Often seems nervous for no particular reason.
Reasoning: Mysterious. D.
5) Zorua ♀️ (Hisuian) -> Zoroark
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while traveling with the Revolutionary Army. Was a rescue from an island ravaged by bad marines. Originally meant to be given to the marines in a trade before the RA showed up. Apparently was a regular dark type at that point but died in the ensuing chaos, then somehow came back. Was feral and lashing out in the RA's care but Robin was able to get through to them. Bonded over their painful histories. Wants to help see Robin's dream through.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: History of Zoroarks being hunted similar to Robin being hunted by marines. Contrast between Unovan and Hisuian, pairs well with Robin originally seeking death before the Strawhats. Illusions good for evading people.
6) Houndour ♂️
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Belonged to the Beast Pirates. Was newly hatched when it witnessed Robin fight Black Maria. Felt safe and confused Robin for their mother. Tried to protect her from Brooke when she passed out afterwards. Very cuddly. Loves kisses. Gets dressed up in little outfits.
Evolved: No. Too baby.
Reasoning: Demon dog but actually very sweet. Demonic doesn’t mean evil or bad. Similar to Robin's demon form.
1) Squirtle ♂️ -> Wartortle -> Blastoise
Met on/at: Outskirts of Water 7.
Background: Was one of the kids of the Blastoise that saved Franky after being thrown overboard. Was fascinated by him. Stuck around and help fish him out again after being hit by the train.
Evolved: First evolved while trying to pull Franky to safety after the train accident. Later evolved again while running the Franky Family.
Reasoning: Canons. Big, sturdy Pokemon.
2) Golett ⚧️ -> Golurk
Met on/at: The junk ship.
Background: Met after Franky was hit by the train. Was haunting around the scrap heap. Was inspired by how Franky rebuilt himself. Likes to have funky designs painted on their armor, like Franky's star arm tattoos.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Toy-robot like.
3) Galarian Zigzagoon ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Linoone -> Obstagoon
Met on/at: Water 7
Background: Stray that he picked up after returning to Water 7. Escaped from visiting pirates. Part of the Franky Family gang, helping steal from pirates. Loves parties and loud music. Leaps before looking.
Evolved: Evolves for the first time while infiltrating Enies Lobby to save Franky and Robin. Evolves again at Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Gang-related (via Sw/Sh), loud and unapologetic. Actually not a bad guy. Shiny as the bright colors match Frank better and stand out more. Goofy.
4) Varoom ♀️ -> Revavroom
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Picked up by the Franky Family. Helped power-up Franky's bigger inventions. Can join together with General Franky to give him a boost in strength as well as some poison abilities, and with the Sunny for an emergency boost if low on cola.
Evolved: During the timeskip.
Reasoning: Car. Gang-related (via Sc/Vi). Still not the bad guys. Mechanical.
5) Miraidon ⚧️
Met on/at: Baldimore.
Background: Met at Vegapunk's abandoned lab. Inspired many of Franky's updates and inventions. Timid around new people. Likes Franky because he smells like metal and oil. Is introduced to burgers by Franky, having an enlightening moment. Can be bribed with promises of burgers or fries. Is capable of connecting to any Vegapunk system to download or transfer data. Does not necessarily understand what it means or how to decrypt it.
Reasoning: Motorcycle. Extremely technologically advanced. No line between machine and beast/man. Sandwich gag. Relation to famous scientist.
6) Tinkatink ♀️ -> Tinkatuff -> Tinkaton
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was confused as a toy at first. Kept trying to use parts of Franky to make a hammer. Constantly following him and almost getting hurt during the big battle. He liked their spunk. Cannot be left unsupervised in the workshop or they'll keep making bigger and bigger hammers from whatever it finds.
Evolved: First by the end of Dressrosa and then again Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Goofy but strong.
1) Chatot ♂️
Met on/at: Random passing ship.
Background: Met while drifting at sea. Their old partner was killed, so they found comfort in each other. Liked Brooke's singing. Officially joined him after Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Parrot+Pirate=✅️. Musical.
2) Cubone ♂️ -> Alolan Marowak
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Lost their family and original partner. Joined Brook tentatively after seeing him mourn his crew in front of their grave.
Evolved: During the two years. One of the few Ghosts Brook isn't afraid of.
Reasoning: Dead friends. “This Pokémon sets the bone it holds on fire and dances through the night as a way to mourn its fallen allies.” Reminds me of Brook's big attack in WCI.
3) Sewaddle ♂️ -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
Met on/at: Sabaody.
Background: Fell onto Brook while they were running from Kuma, was sent with him during the split. Was comforted by Brook and eventually partnered with him. Reminds Brook of his late partner Kricketune. Likes to dance when Brook plays music. Sadly not very good at making music or playing any instrument despite practice but has fun all the same.
Evolved: Both over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Similar to a Kricketune. Agile, light, with sword arms. Similar to Brook.
4) Toxtricity ♀️
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while touring during the two years. Helped Brook explore more modern music methods. Played back-up while he toured. Tends to accidentally shock Brook when excited. Gets along very well with Franky's Obstagoon.
Evolved: Before meeting Brook.
Reasoning: Represents Brook's electric guitar.
5) Popplio ♀️ -> Brionne -> Primerina
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Originally apprenticing with the mermaid cafe/dancers. Heard Brook's music and wanted to learn from him. Thinks he's hilarious, though they don't know what panties are. Will show him random items when he asks to see someones. Gossip buddies with Sanji's Milotic.
Evolved: During the fight with Giolla and again at WCI.
Reasoning: Singer. Also mermaid related, goes well with his perv nature/gags.
6) Fuecoco ♂️ -> Crocalor -> Skeledirge
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Big Soul King Brook fan. Recognized the Strawhats at Dressrosa and followed them. Sneaks aboard to Zou to meet Brook. Was disappointed by his frazzled appearance at Zou at first but stuck around. Was won over by his dedication on WCI. Strong but prefers making music to fighting.
Evolved: First on WCI then again during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “Skeledirge’s gentle singing soothes the souls of all that hear it.” Also goes well with his electric guitar.
Special Note: He did have another team before his death but they too passed away. He also refuses to have a Wailmer/Wailord on his team as it would feel disrespectful, like trying to replace Laboon (a normal whale). Afraid of Ghost type Pokemon - takes time to adjust to Robin's team.
1) Basculin ♂️ -> Basculegion
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Childhood partner. Has always been by his side. Very honorable and willing to sacrifice for the greater good, though they're not always sure what that is exactly.
Evolved: Evolved fighting off bad human pirates, almost dying. Before Jimbe joined the royal guards.
Reasoning: Old-man fish. Can embody loss and perseverance against racism.
2) Oshawott ♂️ -> Dewott -> Hisuian Samurott
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Met when he joined the royal guards. Belonged to them in general. Was partnered up with Jimbe. Didn't get along at first but grew to understand each other. Didn't really agree with leaving the guard or trust Arlong but respected Jimbe and went with him to expand their horizons.
Evolved: First while working as the royal guards and then evolved again while sailing under Fisher-Tiger.
Reasoning: Honorable, samurai-like.
3) Poliwhirl ♂️ -> Poliwrath
Met on/at: Random sea.
Background: Met after becoming a pirate. Had anger issues and went with Jimbe after losing to him, wanting revenge. Calmed with age but will blow a fuse if pushed hard enough.
Evolved: While sailing under Fisher-Tiger. Stole a Waterstone off a marine ship.
Reasoning: Fighting. Similar rage to Jimbe in his youth.
4) Kubfu ♀️ -> Rapid-Strike Urshifu
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Joined after Jimbe became a Warlord. Met him as he traveled the lands. Tried to pick a fight but was no match. Was taught Fish-man Karate by Jimbe.
Evolved: After mastering Fish-man Karate and being gifted a Water Scroll.
Reasoning: Represents Jimbe opening himself to humanity after Fisher-Tiger and Koala. Water based fighter. Karate.
5) Herdier ♂️ -> Stoutland
Met on/at: WCI.
Background: Met during WCI. Had bumped into him in passing a couple times before and witnessed his showdown with Big Mom. Was greatly moved by his resolve. Having slowly built up resentment for Big Mom's treatment of her family and disregard for life, they defected and aided their escape. Partnered with Jimbe but was requested to go ahead with the Strawhats both as proof they'd meet again and so he'd know they're being watched over by such an honorable soul.
Evolved: After Jimbe returned, at the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains.” Similar honorable/proud nature. Dependable like Jimbe.
Special Note: Jimbe still has space for one more Pokemon to represent how new he is to the Strawhats and is still carving his place. Will fill the space in time.
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mcrcki · 8 months
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here i come with another MASSIVE event plotting / starter call (this time with over 20 characters bc who even am i) !! before i get too much into event stuff, i just wanna put up some housekeeping things so i'm not just repeating myself over and over in the discord : i will be dropping almost all of my pre-event threads. meaning, i will only be keeping the thread if it is an active plot that needs to be continued because we aren't at a place to infer the ending. i am just so utterly overwhelmed with my number of drafts that i really need to just start fresh, so i'll be using this as my chance to spam the heck out of y'all's calls and get way more threads that i actually have muse for. i'm sorry if we had a thread you really wanted to continue, i just need a fresh start. now for housekeeping for my call, as always this will be capped. i wanna write with everyone but i can't if i get a million requests from one person so!! the cap is three starters per writer!! blind date starters will not count towards that cap. otherwise, please LIKE for plotting messages, and REPLY for starters (pls specify muses unless previously discussed!!)!
in the meantime, if you wanna see what my clowns are wearing, please follow this link to my pinterest :))
alani tiure | star wars | blind date w. cami o'connell ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : imma be so for real and say that they think they're absolutely too good for this lmao, their dad is a crime lord in the city, and really they're just here to take advantage of some free drinks and maybe check in on some clients. her date is going to have to be okay with her being slightly stuck up but will absolutely be down for some dancing despite it. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sofia robbin sloan torres, ellie williams, cami o'connell
beatrice | over the garden wall | date w. wirt ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : going with her favorite boy loser, wirt. definitely here just for the free party and to do something fun, now that she's human again she's taking advantage of all the things they missed out on as a bird. will definitely be here to make friends, they're a little rude at times but i promise they're kind when you get past the kind of rude exterior !!! down for shenanigans !! potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : xiao chiye
branwen | a court of thorns and roses | blind date w. enola holmes ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : winnie LOVES THIS, she hasn't gotten to have fun in pretty dresses in ages, she was still young the last time they were able to have any kind of formal party so they're really enjoying this. she wants to see everything this party has to offer so she'll be dragging her date around everywhere, wanting to take it all in potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : he xuan
daniela dimitrescu | resident evil | blind date w. jeremy smith ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : ok tbh, daniela only came to this and signed up for a blind date to possibly grab an easy snack. they're a man-eating monster idk what anyone expected here. but tbh, once they saw the girl she's actually simping over (and will not make a move yet for one reason or another) they're going to be flirting and going so far to make her jealous, it doesn't matter with who tbh. also open to some absolute chaos if you wanna do something Bad potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for murder purposes)
starters : myri tiure, henry creel
danika fendyr | crescent city | flying solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen danika like.. just got here, she's just getting used to the city and her memories again with her friends, since so much happened back home. she's spending the majority of her time crashing her bestie's date, for various reasons, but will be out on the floor dancing and drinking as much as she wants, enjoying the hell out of a free party potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : bryce quinlan, apple caramela, hunt athalar
elain archeron | a court of thorns and roses | date w. lucien vanserra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this is elain's first ball in the city, and she's very much looking forward to a night where she can just dress up in a beautiful dress and dance with her husband. things have been... rough with her family unit so she's just happy to let loose a little bit and enjoy everyone's company and dance the night away potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lu junyi, lucien vanserra
evangeline ennar | throne of glass | blind date w. choi nam ra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : evangeline grew up in a high fantasy world, getting dressed up in fancy clothes for a ball is all she could've hoped for coming here, and now she's old enough to really enjoy it, she is going to be having the best time for real. will be helping her mom glare at her not dad, but other than that, she would love some friends so just dance around with all night potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : choi nam ra, aedion ashryver
kaya dura | star wars | blind date w. lola flemming ( 2 / 4 )
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they/she pronouns : kaya is not really in the dating and dancing mood, they are still getting over their ex after a very hard breakup, where her ex killed her and all that fun stuff. so, they're really trying to like.. get themselves out there and get over her, so they signed up for this blind date and are forcing themselves out into public again. will probably get drunk for the first time and just want to forget everything to have fun potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : kaiden monsula, kasil monsula
keelan cardulo | fourth wing | date w. mira sorrengail ( 0 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : lowkey her and mira's first public appearance as a couple, especially after everything that happened back home that resulted in keelan's death, she is very much looking forward to getting to dance with their girlfriend and just enjoy that. is a bit anti social if they don't know you, so when mira is inevitably somewhere else, find them hanging to the shadows potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters :
leia organa | star wars | date w. han solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : mom and dad night out!!! leia's a mom of six now, and while ya know four of the six are adults with some having children of their own, and the other 2 are less than six months old, she just wants to have a little fun. the past year has been.. hard. and despite being the president and having to be here for this ball, she would so much rather be home right now, avoiding all the memories that valentine's day now brings out in her mind. last year was the worst night of her life and she will in fact be drinking a lot to forget all that bastilla did a year ago. #thereturnoffloorgana potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : din djarin, ahsoka tano, winter celchu
louise vance | harry potter | date w. thea hughes ( 4 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : a party???? hell yeah lou is gonna be there, they love this whole vibe. will 100% be testing the limits of security and trying to ride the t rex skeletons and any other shenanigans they can get into. they're here with their best friend in the whole world, thea, and they're definitely just friends, if you see them slow dancing really close that's just what besties do potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : thea hughes, emmeline vance, bucky barnes, willie
marlene mckinnon | harry potter | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : marlene lowkey is working this, and will be having fun but trying to stay focused on her job. she's unaware currently so, they'll just be hanging around with whoever is kind of hiding in the outskirts of the party, could absolutely be convinced to dance/will flirt given the chance, but mostly just here to have a fun day at work potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : dora tonks, esther mckinnon
morrigan | a court of thorns and roses | date w. cassandra dimitrescu ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this thing with cassandra has been a bit of a whirlwind romance, and she's found herself really swept up in the other, and will absolutely be spending a lot of her time in their arms. but considering how her family life has been lately, she will also be checking in on family and doing what she can to make sure reporters aren't going too wild with everything going on with rhys and her family. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cassandra dimitrescu, rhysand
omega archeron | star wars | date w. kirei monsula ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : if i had a nickel for every time one of my muses is on a date with their best friend and convincing themselves it's not a date, i'd have 2 nickels-- anyways, omega will be here, fulfilling her role as senator archeron's messy as hell kid, and drunk as shit nearly getting kicked out for shenanigans around the maze, and also perhaps drunkenly making out with their best friend kirei that they've been pining after for years. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : hunter
rosemary winters | resident evil | flying solo ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : now for my girl that knows she's in love with her best friend but her best friend doesn't know her and is here with another girl!!!!! honestly rose will be in a corner getting so drunk, glaring daggers at mouse's date and wanting nothing more than to be the one dancing with them. please come try to drag them out of this slump they are sulking HARD potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lyra ayala
rowena ravenclaw | harry potter | date w. hunter ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : rowena is uneasy after the last masquerade that happened in the city, and last valentine's day, and will be spending a fair amount of time at hunter's side until she realizes that this is actually safe, that things are normal and she can cut loose a little. will be spending a lot of time dancing and mingling, happy to talk to anyone who needs some friendly conversation, even if she may just info dump at you. is VERY excited that this is at the museum and may spend more time wandering the exhibits than actually dancing. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : arnold
sella palpatine | star wars | date w. allana solo ( 4 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : oh sella is LIVING FOR THIS. valentine's day is her fucking holiday and she will be making up for how hellish the last one was. considering the fact that her and allana have yet to have a single good date on a holiday, she is going to be spending as much time as possible making her girlfriend twirl her around the dance floor. if anyone needs a dancing partner, sella will also let you spin her :)) she is just here to get a little tipsy and enjoy all the love in the air potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : rey palpatine, steve rogers, sion val palpatine, allana solo
sophie hatter | howl's moving castle | date w. howl pendragon
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she/they pronouns : once again, sophie has been dragged to one of these parties because their husband loves these things far more than she does. howl dressed them, and as long as he agreed to a babysitter, sophie agreed to come to this. they are not the biggest dancer, a bit too self conscious to put themselves out there like that, she doesn't like drawing attention to herself. which is difficult when your husband is wearing a glittery pink suit but... potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cindy moon
sorrel blackbeak | throne of glass | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : i am planning on letting sorrel get their memories back during the event so she's going to be having a little bit of a time trying to find the rest of the thirteen and reunite now that her memories are back. once that's sorted though, she will be a little anti social but if someone asked her to dance, they're not one to say no. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : asterin blackbeak, manon blackbeak
tatum riley | scream '96 | blind date w. conrad fisher ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : tatum is just trying to put herself out there, to enjoy some good things in the city, even if she's a little on edge with just throwing herself into a blind date roulette, she knows she's gotta get out of her comfort zone so she's going to make the most of this party and enjoy the heck out of it. even if that means someone's gotta drive her ass home cause she's gonna be gone potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sam carpenter, jake wheeler
vesta starkos | star wars | blind date w. riley matthews ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen vesta is unaware and super normal right now, and she wants to dance with a pretty girl. even if she's a little sus of all the people who keep staring at her like they know her, they just wanna dance and have a little fun, to cut loose instead of thinking about school. is up for some shenanigans and drunken adventures if people are down potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : ramona flowers
victoria sutherland | twilight | date w. james witherdale ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : vic will never pass up an opportunity to dress sexy and dance on her mate, she has absolutely zero shame and does not care who is watching them. she also loves to use these events as a perfect little hunting ground. vic will probably be upset that it's not turning into a nightmare but, she can make it a nightmare if she really gets that bored. until then? she will be annoyingly hanging all over her mate all night. potential plots ➛ drinking (not alcohol) || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for a drink ;) )
starters : heidi volturi, bella swan
violet sorrengail | fourth wing | date w. xaden riorson ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : did violet show up to this ball 90 minutes late, looking very flushed? yes. is she going to talk about it at all? absolutely not, her siblings are here and her friends can infer what's going on. now that she's here, vi will be happy to dance and enjoy the party with her friends and just get a few moments of normalcy considering the ticking timebomb her life has turned into, she is going to be savoring any moment of normal young adulthood with her family and friends thank you potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sgaeyl, xaden riorson
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lcngliive · 9 months
cami & elijah ( @vcndetta )
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cami couldn't help but find the other person familiar - it was as if it was a distant memory at the back of her mind- but she couldn't place it. "sorry - didn't mean to stare, you just sort of remind me of someone,"
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infcinity · 2 years
cami o’connell && hayley marshall (( @wvsteria​ ))
“hayley?” cami raised a brow at the sight of a familiar face. “hi, it’s good to see you,” she smiled, setting the tray of glasses down onto the top of the bar. “how long have you been here in the city?” she asked - she’d been here for 6 years without seeing anyone from home. 
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recklesseeker-x · 2 years
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Starter from Maddy to Cami - @antiiromanticx​
                                 Getting dressed up was all apart of the fun of going out and Maddy wasn’t one to shy away from full on glam, especially when it was as needed as it was right now - it was hard to shake off the reminders of what had happened at Lilac, but drinking and dancing the night away sure would help. “Holy shiiit, Cami - look at you, your body is fucking ridiculous.” Those words still somehow managed to get passed the martini she was knocking back at the same time, her hand quickly grabbing the other girls to pull her close and begin twirling the both of them. “I may be a few deep already, but it’s not a party without a little pre-game, is it?”
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