#Calms the thought in my head
amerasdreams · 2 years
I mean. Constant blaring noise is what they use in prison to brainwash you. You need some silence in order to think. Be an independent being.
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thegreatgeodo · 7 months
Alright let's do this
At 10 notes i'll Say something Nice to a random mutual (Not posting the proof sorry y'all)
At 20 notes i'll say something very nice to all of my mutuals
At 50 notes i'll start studying what is a dual person and how it affects me
At 70 i'll clean up my office (gonna do it tomorrow cuz it's late as i write this)
At 120 notes i'll post a random pic from my phone
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(early art for Geodo!)
At 150 notes i'll study some more for school (Fiiine i'll be more responsible, goddamn)
At 200 notes i'll read the picture of Dorian gray as much as possible in 2 hours (i read it 8 times)
At 300 notes i'll take one of those gender tests (it called me gay and i'm unsure what to think of it)
At 350 notes i'll post the very much unfinished alpha of my videogame (still cant find the fucking thing)
At 1k notes i'll tell my psychologist about Cassidy (IT WAS ALL FINE YIPEE!!)
At 5k notes i'll drink battery acid (Sour strips candies + monster)
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fatedroses · 7 days
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Two former military elites taking merc jobs perform absolutely hellish battle tactics together.
#ffxiv#digital art#zenos yae galvus#estinien wyrmblood#adventurer zenos#I will always adore this duo conceptually#because like- socially theyre that aragorn-geralt brooding in a corner of a tavern meme#but in combat they are absolutely terrifying#the azure dragoon and the super soldier legatus are here to fuck up a poachers day#aka zenos is about to crossmap someone's airship cause he knows estinien cant make himself jump that far#why have him try to jump when he can just Olympic-level javelin toss this man#also guys#my dudes#all this time I've been working on adven!zenos being a tank#I... have realized I just write him like a warrior who isnt carrying a weapon- sturdy unkillableness and countering and all#I am only a little bit of a dumbass but orogeny just seems to live in my head rent free#it also gave me the terrifying concept of- after spending time with the scions and after the ultimatum-#of him trying to learn more about dynamis- and zenos being zenos starts learning eventually how to harness it#local calm apathetic man can berserk on command because he's a lot angrier/more expressive inwardly than most people expect#depending on how I look into it- it might be how he fuels most of his shinryu transformations but I'll have to work on it more#but ANYWAYS#I love the thought of these two hunting and working together#and estinien being tossed being turned into a tactic#especially with proper form#this is something ive wanted to draw for a very long time and im very happy I actually have the skill to do so now
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ginniesfangirllife · 3 months
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No. I refuse to view these two as the same person.
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thebitchesterbrothers · 7 months
I thought a lot about Hob meeting Death for the first time and of course they’re hitting it off straight away … but what if instead of Dream it’s Hob who accompanies Death while she’s working? Just because he’s a curious brother-in-law and none of the Endless can say no to his pleading cow eyes.
He witnesses how calm and peaceful it can be to leave the living world behind with someone as gentle as Dreams sister to guide someone’s soul.
It scares Dream; what if Hob decides he wants to end his life after all?
But in reality it heals a part of Hob that he never was able to piece back together before.
Eleanor. Robyn. The baby that never got the chance to take its first breath. His memories are still painful, still make him tear up.
But seeing Death do her job makes him feel … grateful. Knowing that she was with them at the end of their days, smiling at them, taking their hands, holding them in her arms.
It also makes him appreciate life even more and he promises to enjoy every single day as much as humanly possible.
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demegodd · 2 months
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Idk how big the market for drawfee reference blinkies is but the chance of me making more is high. Free to use, no credit needed :3
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
I know this isn’t a particularly common characterization of them (at least not what I’ve seen) but I personally think of the two;
Shanks rarely gets restless, he’s the one more content to just bask in a moment, it may not be in silence but he’s comfortable just doing nothing with his crew. As long as there’s alcohol, a hammock and the people he loves, Shanks is straight.
Contrary to that Mihawk is always itching to do something, entertain himself in some way. If he’s not dueling/training, he’s gardening if it’s not that then he’s cooking or he’s reading and if nothing else will do then he naps. but he’s always trying to occupy his time with something.
I think a lot of people don’t notice it because it’s not the jittery hyperactivity that people associate with it. But Mihawk is restless, endlessly so. He’s in a never ending fight with his boredom but it’s all internal.(except when he decides to make it someone else’s problem ala Don Krieg)
Mihawk’s the type of dude to implode instead of explode so it makes sense that things like restlessness don’t really show themselves in an outwardly physical way. Instead it’s more of an internal pressure and incessant need to stave off boredom. But because of his preference for being alone and the fact that the activities he chooses aren’t ones usually associated with restlessness. It goes unnoticed.
Except by Shanks who’s always going out of his way to make the life of a pretty little birdie a litte more interesting.
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finncakes · 2 years
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"I'd be up shit's creek by myself. I was by myself. It's not great."
"Yeah. No, it's not."
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quirkedupkicks · 3 months
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preview of my latest comic ... ive been reading too many 3rd year tddk fanfics lately -////-
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alora-mae · 4 months
// personal practice thoughts incoming !!
maybe it’s silly to compare the personality of a god with that of another, but I find it really interesting how quiet Hades seems to be compared to Zeus.
Zeus, when I worshipped him, was always very talkative. it often felt like the moment I tuned in, he was there, and always had something to say or remark, or had some advice to give. and I loved it!
but Hades feels like the opposite, almost. I haven’t sensed him around that much so far, but when I do, he feels safe and secure. he doesn’t seem to have anything to tell me, or to say, all while I do feel guided by him through calm and steady encouragement.
with Hades, it’s just comfortable quiet in which we both acknowledge each other with warmth, and exist together in our shared space for a short while before he leaves.
and I’m liking it a lot. 💌
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alexturne · 11 months
I'm having a lot of thoughts and idk if I've fully thought it all out, but I needed to get it down and try to work out how I feel about it all..
I genuinely don't think this whole "discourse" is what's happening. I'm sure they just really wanted to do the whole bit with the strings and that's all.
Nothing to do with Alex and Miles being less close than they once were. Nothing to do with their relationship being less profound than it has always been. They're super important people in each other's lives and there comes a point when you've been that for someone for so long that it no longer requires constant reconfirmation. Their friendship is so solid, so deeply rooted within them both, that they don't need to perform together to assure themselves that they're good. There's no question. They're friends, and they always will be, no matter how much time passes, they'll always be there for each other. I have no doubt about that.
And they asked Miles to come along, they knew they could count on him to make it and do an amazing show, even on short notice. And Miles was there watching, having fun, riding the high of his own show, and I bet it doesn't hurt him the slightest bit not playing 505 with them. And neither does Alex not joining him for a tlsp track. And it's just very fun to watch Miles do such a great job on such a massive stage and to watch Alex (maybe) send some inside jokes his way, and definitely acknowledge his presence more than he has for any other opening act.
Miles has enjoyed playing a couple of the more Miles centric tlsp tunes during the last year at his own shows, and he probably just took them off the setlist when they figured out they wouldn't have the time/energy to rehearse and work it all out. And to not lead anyone on and create false hope that Alex might show up. It's been a long time since they've done it. And Alex is the sort of guy who has probably forgotten his own lyrics, and would require more time and brain capacity to practice to get it in order. Or something else that is perfectly reasonable.
Like, I'm all for delusions but I guess I'm just saying that I don't think it's that deep. They're friends. Close friends. Very important to each other. (Maybe more if that's how you choose to view it). And I bet they don't even think about the shows in the same terms as we do, every little thing doesn't matter as much to them as it does to us. Not everything is a "sign" and there are so many pragmatic and logistical reasons that play into a tour like this that we know nothing about.
I bet Alex is exhausted, excited for the tour to be over and to get to go home and rest, I know I would be! Even if he has loved every bit of it, I would be completely worn out and just ready to go home. But I bet they were also so excited to have the strings and they wanted to really have them shine during the set. It was their show. The Monkey's show, and they finally had the chance to let the vision they had for the album come to life. What an amazing end of the tour.
I won't get too much into why they haven't utilized the strings sooner, because they obviously could've and I don't get why they didn't, and maybe they could've skipped the strings on 505 and had Miles up for it instead. It would've been incredible. So much potential. A lot of fans would've been pleased bout that, and I know they'd enjoy it and have fun playing together too.
But they didn't, and even if I would love to know the actual reason, I'm choosing to let it go and assume there is a very logical and reasonable explanation, and not some big dramatic fallout going on. I can be disappointed about not seeing them, but I don't think it "means" anything in the grander scheme of things.
Miles could've played with them (assuming he doesn't for the last one either), and I won't get into that discussion too much either, because ofc they could have done it together, but so many things had to work out and maybe Miles just wanted to do his own thing. Maybe they never got around to having the conversation, maybe something entirely different happened. We don't know.
And yes ofc I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see them together, I won't deny it. I would've loved it, both as a fan of their music and performances and as a tiny little happy milex lover, my shipper and fic writer heart would've been so so pleased about it. But we didn't get it this time around, and that doesn't mean that their friendship is over or that they hate each other or that they're not close anymore or that they don't love each other anymore. And it doesn't mean that we won't ever see them play together again.
I think they would love to perform together again, but I would assume they also have so many other things they love to do too. So many other things that require their energy. Even together, but also just their personal dreams and wants in life.
They're both into the idea of tlsp being back someday, but as it has always been with them, tlsp will return when the time is right, when it happens naturally. That's the beauty of it. It's something that just happens and that's why they both love and enjoy it so much, I think. It's about freedom and spontaneity, it's without boundaries, it can't be planned or controlled, it's a beautiful chaos between two close friends who love to make music together, and who are incredibly talented at it. But they're also artists who have other ambitions. Other projects they love.
And their friendship doesn't depend on tlsp releasing new music. It is a product of their beautiful friendship, but the friendship came first. Them not writing together right now actually says absolutely nothing about the current state of their friendship. Which we have seen signs of being as healthy and strong as ever, if a bit more private than it used to be. And that's fine. They're super private people, and honestly I would have much more reason to worry for their friendship if they suddenly started posting about it all the time and parading each other around. They're not like that and they never will be and that's fine.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Yes, they're being dumbasses - both the band and our dear milex boys, throughout the whole tour - with not utilizing the strings earlier on the tour, not playing more of The Car on the setlist, not skipping more of AM, not taking advantage of ALL THAT POTENTIAL. They could've done the strings for Glastonbury, it would've been perfect. They could've easily included Miles in a few more gigs (it was sooooo lovely when they did), these last ones in particular, and it would've been so beautiful and meaningful and they would've had so much fun with it - they could've made so many better decisions than they did. The whole tour came with some question marks. We can all agree on that. They're being stupid and they seem to not always think very far ahead, and sometimes forget to use their brains, and I assume that's why they end up not having time to rehearse and work things out sooner, and that is honestly just so dumb of them. They could be doing so much more and I hope some things will improve next time.
But either way - the tour is over and I've loved every second of it.
The new album is super gorgeous and it finally got the string section it deserved. What an amazing finish to the tour. I sincerely hope they will be bringing a lot of The Car back next time around.
Deeply in my own heart I wish we would see Alex and Miles on stage together again soon, but at the same time, I wish Miles the very best with his own work, he truly deserves all the success in the world. And I hope Alex will get some well-earned rest and time off. I hope he will go free of paparazzi and find peace and quiet after this insanely taxing year, and I hope he finds bunches and bunches of inspiration for new songs. I hope tlsp will be back sooner rather than later and I hope they're happy.
I've loved getting to follow the tour, I've loved being on here freaking out with you guys, and I will miss getting to see their little faces everyday. Truly.
But I think it's so well deserved for them to take a break and I hope they will be back soon.
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sunshiline-writes · 1 year
Whumpee's who don't know how to give up. They just keep fighting, they keep talking back. They scream that they'll never be broken.
Why? Because they have nothing to lose. They've lost everything already, home, family, friends. All they have is the fight. It's a type of control. They fight because it is all they know how to do. The gentle words and touches from Caretaker isn't enough to stop them from fighting even them. They kick and scream and snarl. Caretaker tries to convince them they don't have to fight anymore.
The only response is a plate being thrown at their head.
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beckkii · 11 months
actually i’m still not over the fact that spamton’s voice becomes normal after defeating him. like why. it’s not as if he became “free.” and it’s not as if he’s not insane anymore, either. so like ????
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vanillaflowerstuff · 1 year
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i am losing my mind!! help
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moonilit · 1 year
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Aww the side story of the barbie (not date) but from Shouta’s POV, this is the cutest by @cyanoscarlet
Alliance in Pink - Side Stories, First art
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hiddenworldofmary · 11 months
it’s quiet in my head
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