#Callum Anderson x y/n
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asphodelsandpomegranates · 3 months ago
The Rebels Across the Street (Callum Anderson x Reader x Finlay Anderson):
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You’d noticed them a couple of days after moving in. With a day of not doing much except emptying boxes of your things, you slumped at your window, just glancing out and the endless almost made like back streets when you saw them. Two, tall males with unkempt brown hair, both dressed in the same clothes, a large stereo in hand among other things. You watched them as they both stepped out from their garden and over to a makeshift table with an assortment of…who knows what. One of the males sat the stereo down on the wall and pressed a button. Loud, bass music broke the quiet. 
You found yourself leaning against the window sill of your bedroom, intrigued by the scene before you. You continued to watch the two at work. It seemed as though they were doing some sort of gardening shenanigans. Makeshift potted plants and bundles of compost, fertiliser, seeds and who knows what else. 
You couldn’t help but wonder what this was all in aid of. 
As though sensing being watched, one of the males turned as though looking for something or keeping an eye out. He then caught sight of you watching and tapped his companion and gestured your way. The other male followed his line of vision and it was then that your breath hitched. 
They were twins. Two handsome twins come to that. You felt yourself shrink back a little from the window…but did not tear your eyes away from them. 
The first male said..something to his twin, also not taking their eyes from you. The second and seemed to be chuckling at his brother’s words before giving you a small wave. You felt slightly taken aback by this. You’d expected a rude gesture for your ‘voyeurism’ but not this. 
You gave a hesitant wave back making them both grin and turning back to their work.
Feeling embarrassed, you stepped back from the window and curled up in your bed. 
A couple of days passed before you saw your mysterious twins. You had managed to get a job as a waitress in a small quaint cafe a couple of miles from your home and one of the routes you liked to take started out from the back of your home where you would sometimes see your twins hanging around with their flora. You said goodbye to your family as you left through the back door and out to the garden. You opened the back gate and turned to see the twins from the other day, leaning over the same table that was assorted with gardening wares and some plastic tankers. This time round there was no loud, bass thrumming music adding to the din. You could hear them muttering as they worked. 
Your fingers began to fiddle with the strap of your handbag as you slowly made your way in their direction. The sound of your footsteps must have caught their ears because they both looked up and turned. 
Holy shit, they were even more gorgeous up close! 
“Well, well, well.” one of them said. 
“Our little fan has come to greet us,” said the other. This twin was the one who had noticed you first. 
You came to a stop as you drew level with them. “Didn’t know curiosity was sin.” you countered, tilting your head a little to the side. 
They glanced at each other as they sniggered in sync. Fuck, you could get use to that. 
“So, what are you working on?” You asked, casting a glance to the table next to them. 
“This and that.” 
“That and this.” 
You stared at the twins, the small smile in your face grew into a beam at their strange talk - a twin thing, maybe? 
“Well, if you're gonna be so secretive about it.” you shrugged and walked by them. 
“Be at the construction site for that new supermarket.” one of them called, making you stop and turn to them. 
“At three if you’re still curious.” finished  the other. 
You stared at them, glancing between their faces, waiting for them to give the punchline. When one didn't crop up, you smiled.
“Sure. If I make it in time.” 
Turns out, work today was quiet. The unsure weather had seemed to put people off coming to the middle of town and slipping into the cosy confines of the cafe. So, the small tasks of cleaning, stock check, delivery, cooking and baking became..mundane and dragged on. At around two, you glanced at the time and the memory of the twins’ invitation popped back into your head. 
Three o’clock…at the construction site for that new supermarket. 
Would you make it in time for the twins’ secret…whatever it was? But there was a possibility of this thing being a hoax, a little punishment for spying on them. Though, it was hardly spying, especially when they wouldn’t tell you what they were up to. In fact, you didn’t even know who they were. Why would they want to bother so much with someone they just met? Maybe…they did want you to be there. 
Fuck it, you’d already wasted five minutes just staring at the clock, trying to make up your mind. You collected the dirty cups and plates and headed into the back where the owner was sitting in her office, checking the next days’ delivery. 
“Um, am I okay to go for my break?” you asked her. 
She turned with a smile. “Of course, you can, dearie. Just be careful out there.” 
“Will do, Ruth. See you soon.” 
You quietly put the dirty dishes by the sink and hurried to grab your coat and handbag before hurrying out and off to the construction yard. 
You tracked down a taxi that took you at least a few yards from the site, then you walked the rest of the way. You glanced around to see any signs of the twins but the only thing you could see was the workers hovering round one of their vehicles and looking at numerous blue prints. 
You stayed a good few feet from the entrance and looked round to the main road for any signs of a car or a truck or glimpse of the boys. You were starting to feel a little foolish, standing out here on your own. You tried to make yourself less conspicuous so that the builders wouldn't take any notice of you. 
You looked at your watch. Ten minutes since you’d got here and still no sign of the twins. They’d said three and it was a little after three now. 
Had you been royally stitched up? 
Sighing, you figured you could walk back to the nearest little cul-de-sac and find a telephone to ring for a taxi back to the town. As you took the first few steps, music - blaring loud and bass like - reached your ears. You turned to see a crazy, dark blue and white car speeding its way over in your direction. Your eyes widened and you caught sight of the twins in the car. The car swerved and spun hard as it came to a stop. The moment the car stopped, the doors flung open and the twins stepped out, holding what looked like foil trays. 
Then all hell broke loose.
The two of them ran up to the entrance and began pelting the workers with what looked like balls of compost, along with shouts of profanity with whoops and hollers. The builders tried to duck and make a getaway but the twins were just too quick for them, leaving them no choice but to hide behind their vehicles. You couldn’t help the smile or bouts of laughter as you watched the two at work. Causing a little bit of mayhem to others. 
Suddenly, a man in a suit came with a small compact mobile to his ear. He looked furious. 
“If you lot don’t fucking leave right now, I’m calling the police!” 
“Do your worst, PC Plod!” 
“Have some of this!”
The suited man flinched and recoiled as more rounds of dirt were thrown his way. “Clear off, you unnatural little brats!” 
You have no idea why you got involved but you did. The comment just did not sit right with you. You leapt at the opportunity, running over to the twins’ side as you threw your bag on the roof of the car. You grabbed a handful of the dirt, feeling the dull sting of seeds against your skin and lobbed it. It hit the businessman squarely in the face. 
“Fuck you, you land pinching prick!” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the twins staring at you in awe as if seeing you for the first time. 
“Stupid bitch!” 
“Oi! Watch your mouth around a woman--.” 
“--Or you’ll have us to answer to.” 
Feeling a surge of adrenaline, you grabbed the one of trays and hurled it like a frisbee at the workers. 
“That’s it!” 
You felt a hand grab your arm and turned to look into the face of one of the twins. 
“Come on, we’ve done our part.” and pulled you to their car. You grabbed your purse as the other twin let you hop in the front. 
“Hang on tight.” said the twin in the driver’s seat. 
Slipping on your belt, you reached up for the door handle and soon you were thrown a little into your seat as the car sped off away and onto the main road.
Your heart was racing. You were panting, your head reeling. You could feel dirt under your fingernails. you weren’t too sure what had come over you but it had felt good and you wanted to do it again. 
“Name’s Callum.” said the twin in the back seat as he leaned forward and held out a slim, lanky hand to you. “And this is Finlay.” 
You glanced between the two of them, easily noticed the same devilish grins on their faces. You couldn’t help but give one of your own and took Callum’s in yours. “(Y/N).” you said, shaking your hand with his and then taking Finlay’s. “So…you’re eco-warriors, then?” 
“In manner of speaking.” said Finlay as he turned the car onto a dual carriageway. “Do you have any where you need to be?” 
You glance between them both as they watched and waited for your answer. You really had to stop second guessing yourself. “Not for another twenty minutes.” 
(The end.)
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databass3 · 4 years ago
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